Club Filipina October

Page 1

THE Sexiest mag to STORM JAPAN!


Foundations TO get that Flawless Skin look

Momma How to be a sexy mom


Omise Salary System


BANZAI! Pinoy Entrepreneurs on achieving success in Japan

STRANDed in Japan

Asakusa SAMBA Festival


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Cover Girl


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For Advertising and Subscription information get in touch with us. FILIIPINA 080-3737-5278 Tel/Fax: 03-5383-1745 Email: Mobile: C LUB


5 6-7



Lenard Po / Sleekgeek Studio Publisher

Before We Start.. (a note from the Publisher)

Nathan Dy Manila Operations

Japinay of the Month Yuri Ikeda

Diana Luis Sales and Marketing

Health and Fitness Contributors:


Beauty Essentials


Turning Japanese


Pinoy Entrepreneur Nickie Eden Kawajiri


Kawaii Corner


Walang Basagan ng Trip

Akemi Kobayashi-Po, Niki Medina, Rain Lee, Florante Arcilla III, Jonny Li, Kaila Ocampo, Shunsuke Kuroki, Chris Raymund Hernandez Writers Noli Fernan Perez, Nonoy Figueroa, Totomai, Lloyd Lim, SleekGeek Studio Photographers Jason Conde Web Development Popoy Ferrer Watermelon Design Studio Lay-out and Design

14-15 STRANDed in Japan

Taglish, Inc. Japan Marketing, Distribution

16-19 PHAT momma



Ketai Beauties


Smile Philippine Snack


Technology Bits


Hunk of The Month


Sushi Cinderella Mari Nihei


Club Filipina Magazine is free publication produced and printed in Japan. The publisher accepts no responsibility for any unsolicited manuscripts, illustrations or photographs. No part of this publication may be reproduced and/or stored in any retrieval system and/or by any other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed or implied in the publication do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. Although every effort and care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of information contained in the publication, neither the publisher nor the employees of SleekGeek Studio can be held liable for any errors or omissions from any consequences or reliance on this publication. C LUB




Enter The Club About four years ago, I set foot in a foreign land with a population of more than 300,000 Filipinos, culture-shocked and unable to speak a single Japanese word. I did what most people do - find my "kababayans" who are also living in Japan. Existing magazines didn’t help me overcome my homesickness since in the first place I am not into showbiz gossips and TV actors. But I was fortunate enough to find online forums that catered to Filipinos living in Japan. I was also able to meet other photographers who shared the same passion that I have with photography. Meeting other Filipinos here in Japan made me feel at home in this new country I am now living in. Fast forward to 2012 - my Japanese vocabulary is still incomparable to a 5 year old and I still can't explain why Filipinos here in Japan have such a special obsession towards Louis Vuitton. I still wonder why we Filipinos call the ¥10,000 bill “Lapad”, simply because it is wider than the rest of its counterparts. What interests me most is how it became a standard denomination for Pinoys. Instead of saying twenty thousand yen, we say "dalawang lapad" even Filipinos back home are aware of this unique counting system which probably have existed ever since the ¥10,000 bill started its circulation. Other traditions such as giving out Cup Noodles as “pasalubong” gifts (see page 13), spraying salt at a customer’s back who is a “buena mano” if he does not pay in cash, are just a few of the customs and traditions that are uniquely Filipino. Before coming to Japan I have had a different connotation on Filipina entertainers, often times called Japayuki (see page 10) - but living here and actually being in several omise and Philippine pubs, have made me come to realize that being a Filipina entertainer is an honest and honourable job a Filipina must be proud of. The job requires most of the Pinays to serve, sing, dance and at times even do stand-up comedy. This is where their hard earned salary comes from that helped thousands of families back in the Philippines for more than 20 years now. This industry has aided the Philippine government from the overseas remittances amounting to more than US$1 Billion over the past two decades. It is about time that we give credit to the hardworking Filipinas who are the driving force behind the Filipino community here in Japan. The Filipinas who are either working in the entertainment industry as talents or have worked in the club/ omise industry. Club Filipina is the magazine that shall give recognition to all the Filipinas here in Japan, It shall raise its unique concept and shall provide its readers stories of achievers and successful leaders in the community while at the same time feature new and beautiful faces of Filipinas in Japan, share remarkable scenic photos and interesting insights. Club Filipina aims to create a venue where we can collectively promote our culture (and of course our sexiness!). Starting out this magazine I was asked: “Why Club Filipina? Aren’t you afraid that you might get a negative impression?” The truth is there is no simple answer to this question. I just wanted to create a Filipino Japanese magazine that will feature Filipino-centric issues and interesting stories while at the same time reaching out to the younger generation of Japinoys (see page 6). Over the usual mainstream media of Philippine TV stars, showbiz personalities and useless gossip articles that are irrelevant to most of us living here in Japan. Club Filipina Magazine embraces the beauty and allure of these Filipinas and seek to showcase them in our magazine. I hope you enjoy our first issue! Lenard Po Publisher










Location: Tokyo, Japan Hometown: Davao, Philippines Blood Type: B Father: Japanese Mother: Filipina Hobbies: Playing online games like dragonica and dance battle audition

What do you love about Japan? I love the food and the fashion, the Japanese people are also very respectful and very obedient.

What do you love about the Philippines? Filipinos are very friendly and fun to be with. I also love going to the beach whenever i visit the Philippines. Photography by Noli Fernan Perez - (kidperez photography)










STOMACH IN! Maintaining a flat stomach is mostly every woman's dream. Well dreaming alone would not make it flat but the secret is hardwork. Going to the

gym,having a healthy diet are the key ingredints to have the flat belly you have always dreamt of. But what if

Rule #6: If you don't have time to exercise or go to the

we are too busy and have no time to go to the gym? Don't worry there are still ways of burning those hard to lose fat lying around your mid section.

gym might as well walk or bike your way to and from school or work. Walking is the easiest and safest way of getting fit use stairs instead of elevators and escalators.

Rule #7: Don't eat late at night, you don't like those RULE #1: Proper posture,keep your back straight(avoid slouching) by standing or sitting with our back straight we tend to develop our ab and back muscles which can result to burning extra calories without exercising.

Rule #2:

Avoid junk food! ( chips,chocolates and candies)These food contains high amount of sodium and sugar which can lead to water retention and getting fatter,instead of bingeing on junk food might as well eat friuts high in vitamins and minerals ( by consuming these healthy fruits we tend to feel fuller and will be able to resist craving for junk. Another reason why you should avoid sweet foods is diabetes and salty foods can cause heart ailments or high blood pressure.

Rule #3: Eat small meals 5-6 times a day, buy doing this we avoid getting hungry throughout the day,and therefore we don't overeat during our meal time.

Rule #4: Stop eating processed food. These food contains preservatives and our body is not designed to digest most of unnatural foods resulting to fat storage because it these food stays longer inside our body therefore it adds up to the bulk in our stomach.

Rule #5:



is related to rule # 4: Don't eat out specially from fast food, these food are full of preservatives and high in fat. It will be better to prepare your own food, avoid fried foods,fatty meat, chicken skin,sweet and salty sauces and also starchy food as well.


extra calories at night because when you sleep your body metabolizes at the lowest rate. If you get hungry at night nibble on fruits or unsalted nuts instead.

Rule #8: Don't drink softdrinks, iced tea or any sugar filled drinks that hides too much calories, calories that you don't really need and just turns to fat storage, better to drink water or natural fruit juice, green tea, black tea are also great to drink for they have antioxidants which are good for the digestive system.

Rule #9: Eat less carbohydrates and eat more protein. Protein helps you develop muscles, more muscles helps you burn more fat (women should not be scared to gain muscle because unlike male, female have smaller muscles that don't bulk up like male body builders). Rule #10: Don't starve! Yes DON'T STARVE! Our body needs food for energy, the lesser we eat the lesser our energy will be resulting to lower metabolism. And in starvation diet our body stores more fat because of the low metabolic rate and we don't want that to happen. Balance in everything is the secret in maintaining a lean and healthy body that is thru exercise and diet. Always keep in mind that we dont only want a flat stomach or a sexy body, what we should really focus is more on health benefits, eat the right kind of food and it will do good for your whole physique. Words By Chris Raymund Hernandez Taekwondo Instructor and Crossfitter FILIIPINA



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by makeup artists’ Niki Medina & Akemi Kobayashi of Sleek Makeup Artistry

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UID LIQ 00 SS ¥2,1 ge, E L ER VER vera h. WD CO ll co r finis s, O s R P O e fu F to owd dryne ed TE m p m d . KA u i n o e t n ro ed -M liquid skin f comm seaso s nts re r all n , r 0 tu reve F2 fo P h SP wit

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TURNING JAPANESE T h e B i t t e r - S w e e t L i f e i n J a pa n


t was January, year 2000... the beginning of a new millennium when I first came to Japan. I was 20 years old then. The thought of going and working in another country far from my family and friends was so scary and sad. But just like almost all of the Filipinos who came to work here, I did it to help my family in the Philippines. I wasn't able to sleep the night before my flight. The word "Japayuki" was a word familiar to everyone that time and honestly, it bothered me a lot because during those days, when people say, "Japayuki yan!"...they usually say it with a look on their faces that expressed a mixed feeling of disgust and mockery. But inspite of that, naisip ko... even if I finish college, matutulungan ko ba family ko? As far as I can remember, the normal basic salary that time, kahit pa graduate ka, is around 6000 - 8000 pesos. How could I ever support my family with that amount kung halos isang barangay ang pamilya mo, which is normal to us Filipinos? Si nanay, si tatay, si lolo, si lola at mga kapatid kong walang trabaho at may nag-aaral pa! Minsan nandyan pa ang mga tiyuhin, tiyahin at sangkaterbang pinsan. So, I decided "bahala na, I'm doing this for my family!” This kind of story is almost the same to all the Filipinas who entered Japan as an entertainer. Parang mga feeling hero lang... kulang na lang pabaril sa Luneta. And so, after that scary night, the day finally came - It was my time to go. Papunta pa lang ng airport, maga na mata ko sa kakaiyak sa lungkot at takot. "Pano kayang magiging trabaho ko dun?" Ano nga ba yung tinatawag nilang Japayuki? My mind was full of questions that I just wanted to back-out. My manager told me we will be working at the same club in Tokyo. She told me not to worry... "Ako bahala sayo." Somehow, she comforted me as we rode the plane departing for Japan.w I should have been excited because it was my first time but still, I cried and cried like a baby until I fell asleep. When I woke-up, the plane has already landed in Narita. Umiyak na naman ako ng umiyak hanggang sa napagod na sa akin yung kasama ko. But then, nung dumating yung sundo namin and we drived from Narita to Tokyo... slowly, my tears stopped as I began to get amazed with how the city looked like. The highways, the lights, the buildings and everything... It was amazing! During those days, they call us talents or tarento. Straight from the airport, diretso agad ng trabaho, even though I only knew 2 Japanese words - Arigatou and Konbanwa. As the night

10 OCTOBER 2012

progressed and slowly I realized... it wasn't that bad at all. The girls were wearing nice gowns and party dresses. Yes, they sit beside their Japanese customers but they were just talking with them, escorting them when they sing, try not to bore them, laugh to make them feel amusing and serve them with their drinks. Habang maga ang mata ko, lahat sila...naka-bonggang smile!! During those talento days, everything was free. House, bills, and even taxi-fares. Aside from the monthly-salary which ranges from ¥60,000- ¥100,000 a month that you would get after your contract by the time you go back to the Philippines. Aside from the basic salary we make our own monthly bonuses based on request-backs(shimei), and douhan-backs. Douhan is a japanese term for dinners and dates with customers before you bring them to the omise. Since everything is free, we send our monthly bonuses we get to our families every month. After the 6-month contract of we go back home and receive the whole 6 months worth of salary that we've agreed upon before we signed the contract. If you get requested again by the company or omise, you get to renew your contract for another 6 months. Eventually by 2005, Japan stopped giving Entertainer or Talent visas and a lot of Filipinos were not able to go back to Japan for work. By that time most of the Filipinas here (including me) were able to marry Japanese husbands and were able to get permission to stay here under a different visa. With the entertainer/talent visas gone, the Filipinos who were able to stay in Japan became "Arubaito" meaning freelancers or part-timers. The job systems changed. We were able to work anywhere we want with no long term contracts and get paid by the hour and not the same before wherein we had towait for 6 months to get our fixed salary. Most clubs gives guarantee to new girl-staffs (arubaito), for example, during your first 1-2 months of work, you will get ¥2,000 per hour during which you will have to build up your customer base and bring in clients to your new omise. This amount will increase as you get more customers and “uriage” There are different salary systems but the "uriage-system" is the most popular and common system used in Philippine pubs nowadays. This system bases your salary per hour with the proceeds you give to the omise by bringing customers. Most clubs give ¥2,000 per hour to those who get to make ¥400,000 per month worth of uriage. Most of these clubs give salary increase if you get a customer to spend a lot on food and drinks, on the other hand



salaries are decreased if you don’t make quota for that month. Almost all Philippine-pubs still gives douhan and shimei-backs (shimei is when you are requested to sit at their table for a certain period of time) some also gives bonuses for drinks and bottles consumed, even for every song requested you get your customer to pay. The second popular system is the one which is called "point-system". Now this system doesn't base their salary on proceeds but on your points. You get points depending on douhan, shimei and jonai-shimei(sub-requests). For example, 3 points for each douhan, 2 for every shimei and 1 for every jonai-shimei. Now, compared to the uriage system, this system increases and decreases your salary based on your points. Walang pakialam ang omise kahit gaano karami ang nalaklak o nakain nyo o nagastos ng oks(customer) mo. The only thing that matters is your points. Different clubs have different requirements on points to get the normal 2000¥ per hour salary. Most of them require 60 points per month. So for those who has many customers even if they don't spend much inside the omise, this system is better for them. But for those who doesn't have that much customers but their customers spend a lot, the uriage system is more recommendable. Lastly, there is this system which is best for those who have good-customers and want to work with their own time. We call this "Hanbun-hanbunsystem". The Japanese word Hanbun means half. So the system is, you bring a customer to a Philippine pub that allows this system and get half of the money your customer has paid. The advantage of this system is you can make more than a day's salary even if you only worked for a few hours for as long as your customer pays a lot. No long-times of work needed, no penalties, and you get to choose where you want to bring your customer. Well, for girls like me who doesn't want to work everyday and always get late at work, this is the best system that fits my style. So now, after 13 years of being in Japan, these are the things I've learned about working in Philippine-pubs. I hope I've given you some ideas on different club-systems and so now, if you are in Japan and want to work in an omise, these are your options. So ngayon, you can already make your own choice. So girls... PILI NA!!!

Words by: Rain Lee


Nickie Kawajiri

Online Store


sa si Nickie Eden Kawajiri sa mga sikat at well trusted na online seller dito sa Japan. Aside from being one of the pioneers of the Facebook online selling community here in Japan, customers are loyal to Nickie because she is very nice to them. "Yung iba nga eh utang muna - pinapadala ko muna yung item bago yung bayad" Sumikat si Nickie sa mga online sellers dito dahil sa St. Dalfour Whitening products na kanyang binebenta. During the time the product was in demand and a lot of counterfeit were circulating Nickie was able to import the original St Dalfour here in Japan. Up to now, Ito pa rin ang best seller sa kanyang tindahan at mabilis maubos ang stock. Marami ang nagtitiwala kay Nickie dahils siguradong original at authentic ang kanyang mga binebenta. Marami ng customer si Nickie na galing sa iba’t ibang parte ng Japan tulad ng Tokyo, Saitama, Shizuoka, Nagoya, Osaka at pati na rin sa Hokkaido. At dahil si Nickie ay may “on-hand” stocks mabilis nyang napapadala at na de-deliver ang mga product nya sa mga customers. Bukod sa St. Dalfour marami pang binebenta si Nickie sa kanyang online store. Mula sa AC Anion Sanitary napkins pati na rin mga body cream at lotion. Meron syang binebentang branded bags and wallets like Louis Vuitton, Fendi, mga branded watches like Gucci, Chanel and Bulgari. Kasama rin sa online store ni Nickie ang 18k gold earrings, bracelets and other accessories. Nickie Eden Kawajiri is truly an inspiration para sa mga Filipina dito sa Japan, sya ay nagsikap upang magtayo ng kanyang sariling negosyo and at the same time nakakatulong sa mga kapwa niyang Filipina dito sa Japan upang makahanap ng original at authentic na paninda sa murang halaga. Despite her young age and living in a foreign land, Nickie was able to get past these barriers and set up a business all on her own.

To see more of her products please visit: mobile: 080 4136 1005






DIY Kawaii & Yummy Cake with Koara no Machi! 1

Do you want to surprise a friend with something you’ve designed / personally made on his or her birthday? Here’s a super quick & fun DIY suggestion by someone who doesn’t have an oven at her place.. hehe ^^

Koala Chocolate Chiffon Cake by Kaila


Quick, easy.. and fun! You need: A plain chiffon cake / cupcake, chocolate cream, whipped cream, cornflakes / cereal ..


Some m&m’s (how do you call this kind haha), maccha powder (or any coffee powder sachet), If you have some merengue (frozen icing?) at home, you can include that as well. Of course, don’t forget a pack of Koala’s March (コアラのマーチ) or a Hello Panda! I saw a 100 yen chiffon cake at LAWSON and it gave me this cake idea! You can even divide it into two! Amazing chiffon cake for DIY lovers hahaha~


First, place the chiffon cake on top of your chosen plate. It will be hard to transfer to another plate so pick the shiniest plate! : )) Spread the chocolate cream evenly. Watch out for calories.. hahaha~ Just do as shown above & design freely! Use cornflakes / cereals to add a unique taste for your cake! Place the koalas, etc. Have fun designing! If you have a maccha / caramel coffee sachet, use it to sprinkle some color on the dark chocolate cake. This is how it looks when you get a slice ^^ Enjoy eating and don’t forget to take photos of it~ Hahaha! カイラ

Kaila Ocampo loves taking photographs, getting lost, discovering new places and blogging about her life in Japan over at

12 OCTOBER 2012







Cup Noodles

isyembre nung umuwi ako ng pinas para bisitahin ang mga kabigan at mahal sa buhay, nakalapag na ako sa NAIA ng may nakita akong pilipina na kasabay kong umuwi galing japan.. sexy, naka short shorts, may kulay ang buhok, Louis Vuitton na bag at wow sa ganda! at dahil ako ay isang maginoo (na medyo bastos), sinundan ko ang babae hanggang sa conveyor ng mga bagahe.. syempre kailangan kong magpa-impress baka kailanganin niya ang tulong ko sa pagkuha ng kanyang maleta. Gumalaw na ang conveyor at isa-isang naglabasan na ang mga bagahe... dito na ako naglakas loob na magtanong.. Ms, anong kulay ba yung bagahe mo, tulungan na kita.." na sinagot naman na "naku! maraming salamat, kulay brown siya, pero ok na, kaya ko na siya.. salamat pogi.." at syempre kinilig ako, kasi tinawag niya akong pogi.. nanay ko lang kasi ang nagsasabing pogi ako..Nakailang bagahe na rin ang dumaan pero wala pa rin siyang dinadampot. pero mga ilang segundo pa, may nakita akong tatlong magkakapatong na kahon ng cup noodles, natawa nga ako at binulong ko sa magandang binibini.. "miss, tignan mo o, nag-uwi pa ng cup noodles galing japan.. at tatlong kahon pa.. hehehehe" na saktong daan sa harapan namin at biglang dinampot ni ateng sexy.. BOOM! siya pala ang mayari... sablay ako! Ang cup noodles ay isa sa mga paboritong pasalubong ng mga umuuwing pilipino na nanggagaling sa japan .. pero bakit nga ba gustong-gusto ng mga pinoy gawing pasalubong ang cup noodles? isa-isahin natin ang mga dahilan


ng Ano ba a cup noodles? 1. Ang isang kahon ay may nilalaman na 24 na pirasong cup noodles... 24 Na katao agad ang mapapaligaya kapag naabutan ng cup noodles, 'wag lang hihingi ng isa pa kundi magkukulang. 2. Napakadaling lutuin... Mainit na tubig lang at presto! Instant merienda or ulam na sa kanin. 3. Malasa at masustansya... Ang isang cup noodles ay siksik sa bitamina, enerhiya at protina na kailangan ng ating katawan... At may iba't ibang flavor pa ito... 4. Maraming flavor… merong tomato, meron light para sa mga nag d-diet, meron chili at iba pa. Pero syempre ang original cup noodle lang ang pwedeng pang pasal ubong At para sa mga kaibigan natin na hindi pa nakakakilala sa cup noodles, hayaan po ninyo akong magalay ng tutorial kung paano magluto ng cup noodles.

• Buksan ang cup noodles at lagyan ng mainit na tubig

• Magsampay ng labada

• Maghugas ng pinggan

• Mag facial scrub.

• Mag manicure/pedicure.

3-5 After tes.. minu y to Read na! eat

Kaya kung may mga kaibigan kayo na humihingi ng pasalubong, 'wag ng magatubili.. cup noodles na ang ibigay ninyo.. hindi lang sila matutuwa, mabubusog pa sila.... PS Wala pong bayad ang Nissin Cup Noodle sa akin!






Photos and Words by: Totomai

14 OCTOBER 2012




veryone was looking forward to celebrate the end of summer. Thousands trooped to Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan to witness the flow of colors and downpour of angel-like dancers, not minding the would-be effect of the scorching sun. That natural spotlight may be relentless but the Brazilian beats, the liveliness of the performers and the applause of the spectators were enough to overpower it. I am talking about the Asakusa Samba Festival, Tokyo’s way of saying goodbye to the boiling and humid season. All I know is that samba is a dance, a bit erotic, a bit sensual. At first, I couldn’t reconcile Japan and samba and thought that there must a story behind

from spectators to dancers to staff of all ages who do not mind the heat just to be a part of the summer send-off. As expected, the crowd this year doubled as compared to previous years. Perhaps everyone missed it last year after being canceled due to the March 11 earthquake. And being a “regular” watcher, I can easily spot familiar faces from dancers to photographers, mostly Filipinos who are staying in Japan. For more than 5 hours, I stayed under the sun and from time to time, we stretched my legs to check if I am still alive or had turned into stone. During this time, uninterrupted displays of colorful and sparkling costumes, from conservative to revealing ones, were

visual feasts. The festivities seemed unending as it continuously blinded us with vibrant colors. The streets turned to carpets of rainbows. Samba, like any other dances, is poetry in motion. It doesn't need any words or syllables to convey its feelings and intent. The beat is its rhyme. The rhythm just keeps on throbbing, inviting all who are there to move their bellies. It's a one huge party. Party that you wish wouldn't stop. If you want to experience ending summer season with a bang, visit Japan around August and be a part a colorful, sexy, spectacular extravaganza called Samba! For more photos you can visit my blog at

this event. According to http://www.tokyotopia. com “In June 1908, 165 Japanese families made their way to the port of Santos near Sao Paulo, Brazil. Their aim was to make enough money to return to Japan in a few years with a better standard of living. As so often in life, their reason for going - work on the coffee plantations - was not as lucrative as hoped and return to Japan became impossible. The Asakusa Samba Festival celebrates, in part, the success of these 165 families that first made the journey to Brazil. Through difficult times they established an accepted community that continues to grow and thrive today. The very first samba festival was held last August 29, 1981. “ Since returning back to Japan last 2008, I've never missed to be a part of the festivities not as a performer of course but as a photographer trying to catch the essence of the festival. The Asakusa Samba Festival is always a hit C LUB







M 16 OCTOBER 2012



Filipinas in Japan know how fast paced and stressing life can be in The Land of The Rising Sun, so here we are with Jhayelle Schlüter to ask her how she maintains her killer body and still have time to be a mom to her 4 year old daughter. MODEL JHAYELLE SCHLÜTER PHOTOGRAPHER NONOY FIGUEROA MAKEUP HARUKA WARDROBE AIMERFEEL/JAPONISTA LOCATION INAMACHI, SAITAMA C LUB




what does it take to be...


ooking at her photos its hard to imagine that JL used to race cars back in the Philippines. Being the flower among the thorns (male racers) she got the nickname “PHAT J” which stood for Pretty Hot And Tempting. She later changed it to “Phat Momma” when she traded in her racing gloves and steering wheels for milk bottles and diapers. She has no regrets though as motherhood was the best thing that have ever happened to her and feels that its more challenging than being the heartthrob in the racing scene.

HOW DOES ONE BECOME AS SEXY AS YOU? Most mothers forget about themselves once they give birth, trading in their sexy lingeries for pajamas - just because they don’t feel the need to be sexy anymore. Just because you have kids does not mean that you have to give up on being sexy. Being sexy doesn't mean having big boobs or a slender body, its all about self confidence and how you project yourself towards other people. All it takes is a little imagination and a lot of confidence and you could be a sexy mom as well. I remember giving birth and feeling unsexy and undesirable after. I was really happy being a mom, but i wanted to be sexy and desirable once more like what I used to feel.

SO HOW DID YOU GET YOUR GROOVE BACK? First and foremost is that you have to be good to yourself. Treat yourself well to reclaim your “inner babe”. Buying sexy new underwear or nighties, taking long frothy baths in the ofuro, getting massages all helped me feel like my old luscious self. Start exercising. Start eating right. Laugh a lot, have fun with your children and have some quality time with your husband. A happy mom means a happy family. If you feel good inside, you will then start to do more things and look great again. Just smile. How sexy you are depends on how sexy you feel. Self confidence is ALWAYS sexy !


18 OCTOBER 2012





doesn't mean having big boobs or a slender body, its all about Being sexy







your see o t t a n ilipin u wa F o y b f u l I h! on C touc o n t i o t to e ph otos ne , g i h z p a t Ma g bes p ina.j your d n bfilip e u S l c @ info nd a o se s l a f an ca n our h g You u / thro com sa ge ook. b r e u c mes to at f a nd a a er. a pa ge pin witt i t l i t F a unt Club a acco r ilipin e t F t b i u w T /CL com

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20 OCTOBER 2012

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aving arrived in Smile Japan more than Philippine 24 years ago as Snack a student. Ms. Smile got her Kabukicho 1-3-15 5th Floor, Katerina Building, nickname from classmates and Shinjuku, Tokyo friends since she was always smiling and always in a good スマイルフィリピンスナック mood. 東京都新宿区歌舞伎町 True to her form the name 1-3-15カテリナビール5F Smile stuck with her even after Tel: 03-3200 7552 she graduated from school, worked and eventually started her own family. Nowadays, only a few people know her real name, as most of the people in Shinjuku know her as "Mama Smile" Mama Smile ventured into her own business 6 years ago. At the heart of Central Tokyo - in Shinjuku she started a snack bar called Smile Philippine Snack. “Snack bars” are different from the usual Philippine clubs and bars as snack bars are usually smaller consisting of a bar area and only around 2-4 tables. This setup enables, Mama Smile to engage and interact with her customers in a more relaxed and comfortable manner. Most of the customers who come to Smile Philippine Snack are Japanese “salary men” and businessmen who want to enjoy and unwind after a stressing day at work. Some even conduct theirs businesses with clients as snack bars are usually smaller and not as loud and rowdy as the bigger clubs. She is always asked by friends and Mama Smile is fortunate enough to colleagues how she maintains her health have studied in a Japanese school, and figure after so many years. so aside which makes her one of the few Filipinos from the bar in Shinjuku, Mama Smile here in Japan who can speak Nihongo is now venturing into a new business fluently. She can also read and write venture, She is now importing beauty in Japanese, which proves to be very products and slimming solutions which useful specially now that she is running she sells and distributes here in Japan. her own business.



The products she will be selling here were personally tested by Mama Smile herself that is why she is confident in bringing the business here in Japan. But her number 1 advice to being healthy is to always smile. A smile can brighten up not only your day, but can bring joy to others as well.






We often ask ourselves: Which camera should I buy? or What's the best camera? A wise man once mentioned “The best camera is the camera that you have with you.”


Light Painting Folks new to light painting, it's when you literally paint in the air with light. The iPhone can sort of do this, but I would recommend you try this with a camera with full manual setting. In terms of difficulty, this is one of the more difficult techniques to try. If you have 2 iPhone (yes, thats right - 2 iPhones) then you can try playing with **Holographium** This app allows you to type out a word and us the app to print out a 3D hologram in the air.

retty much anyone carrying a phone has a camera now and has come a long way since it's debut on the Japanese Keitai. Today's camera phones, the ones on your Smartphone is truly amazing. From a tech standpoint, sure camera sensors and lens are better, but to be honest, most point and shoot cameras can still best camera phone. And in truth, even an iPhone 3g can take pretty stunning pictures too. So why is a smartphone camera so special? One word: Apps! The camera on a smartphone is not limited to the manufacturers settings. You can add new functionality just by downloading an app. Sure, you've probably have heard about Instagram and all the similar apps that apply filters to make your photos look retro. Instead, I want to take a look at a few iPhone apps that does a little more than make you photos look old.

Animated Photos GIF animations are great, but Animated photos, especially done right is simply stunning. What are these anyway. This is a photo where only one very small element or section of the picture is moving. It's kind of like the images you find in the Harry Potter movies where their magic newspaper has moving images too. there are few apps that do these well, check out **Cinemagram** and **Kinotopic**.

Camera Flash fix The flash built in to most cameras is pretty horrible, it swamps the subject with light and in most cases the results looks pretty washed out. It's also the case with your phones flash. Which is why I normally never turn the thing on. Then I learnt about **Camera Flash** an app developed by a company called ACDSEE, which used to make a really great image viewer on Windows (when I was Ahem, still and Windows user) The app is really simple, it basically tries to brighten up your image without washing out the details or the coloring on your original image. If you want to brighten up your images then this is totally worth checking out.

360 Products Ever bought something online and thought, I wish I could hold this and really see the product? Well holding is out of the question, but the next best thing is being able to view the product in true 360 degrees. It's a funny app, and ti recommends that you use a cup to hold your phone instead of a tripod. **CupChair**

High Speed Camera Ever see those really cool action sports shots where you can see the entire process of a person making a jump from start to finish in one shot? **Action Shot** takes a shot at this. You'll need to play use a tripod or something to stable your camera for the entire process as it tries to keep your background fixed. You'll also need to experiment with the timing for consecutive shots and also a to of patience. If you have a huge need to snap that awesome picture of your friend flying through the air (hopefully intentional) Then this app could be a fun way kill time in the weekend.

The perfect group shot. Ever taken a group shot where at least one person blinked, pulled a funny face or did something that just made you shake your head and think "what the hells wrong with you?" There's an app that can help you fix that. Take a look at **GroupShot**. This app takes multiple shots and you can basically borrow the best elements of each photo to put together the final image.

Panaoramic Camera A lot of cameras being sold these days have this feature now. Back in the old days (look at me, I sound so old) you would shave to take a few slaps and stitch them together. We called that photo stitching (geddit?). The recently announced iPhone 5 also has this function. I'm thing this is going to be pre baked into iOS6 so maybe you don't need to download this. But if you have to play within this now, you can try out **360** The app does to do something a little

more than create a stitched photo, it takes the extra step to allow you to literally do a 360degree shot of your picture. When you view it back, you can use your phones gyroscope sensor to move the picture also. Sounds difficult, try it, you'll know what I mean. Finally they have a new mode called the Stereographic mode, it's also called the small world technique and basically wraps your picture in to a ball. 22 OCTOBER 2012


Your iPhone is a pretty amazing little device, but at the end of the day, no technology can ever be a substitute for raw creativity and imagination. If you took something amazing on your phone, tell us about it. Love to hear your thoughts too. Jonny Li is a Tech Geek based just out of Tokyo. He is the founder of Simplifié, a Digital Agency that helps companies grow their business by building communities. You can stalk him at @jonnyli on twitter and download his free ebook on "how to build a community" at



Jazz Ramirez

Lo ca tio n: To ky o, Ja pa n H om et ow n: D av ao , Ph ili pp in es Bi rth da y: Fe b 23 Bl oo d Ty pe : A Fa vo rit e M us ic JP op an d cl as : H ip ho p, R& B, si c ba lla ds . M ot he r: Fi lip in a H ob bi es : Bo dy Bo ardi ng , Sn ow bo ardi ng , D ra w in g

You can often catch Jazz singing his he art out in music bars an d clubs in Tokyo. Aside f rom his singing caree r - Jazz is also produc ing and directing show s for other Filipino music ians in Japan.






“When I travel to another country, I do not go to the usual tourist spots - I try to make a spot of my own”


ASIA Photography by: Lloyd Lim

24 OCTOBER 2012







Tara na! Bakasyon tayo! Bagong attractions sa Manila! さぁ、 マニラに行こう!アジアの“ホットスポット”となりつつある国際歓迎都市


arrio Fiesta Japan ay isa sa pinakamalaking event sa Japan na ginaganap taon-taon na pinamumunuan ng malalaking grupo ng mga Filipino dito sa Japan.Para ipakilala na ang bansang Pilipinas ay may masayang samahan at magandang Kultura. Makikita din dito sa event mga iba't-ibang kasuotan ng bangsang Pilipinas at Kultura Fiesta.Dinaluhan din ito ng mga sikat na artista mula sa Pilipinas at mga kababayan natin na nagsisikap na makilala dito sa bansang hapon. Barrio Fiesta 2012 ay sinusuportahan ng mga malalaking kumpanya.Isa sa pinakamalaking kumpanya dito ay ang Resort Wolrd Manila, Genting Honkong and Star Cruise na pinagsama sa isang event. At pinamumunuan ng matataas na miyembro ng kumpanya mula sa iba't-ibang bansa at ang kumpanya ngTaglish Inc.. Kasama sa promosyon ng Resort World Manila mga bagong miyembro na magpapalista at makakatanggap ng malaking discount sa mga hotel at promo ng Resort.At nagbigay din sila ng ruffle para sa mga miyembro na 10set na manalo ng 3days stay sa Resort at 3 days Asian Cruise tour. Ang Resort World Manila ay matatagpuan sa harap ng Ninoy Aquino International AirportTerminal 3. Sa loob into ay may 3 klase ng hotel at andito din ang kauna-unahang 6 class hotel ng Pilipinas. Sa loob ng Resort ay may iba't-ibang libangan na siguradong maeenjoy ng wlahat.Tulad ng: New Performing ArtTheater, live performance tulad ng Broadway Musical Concert. Meron din Shopping Center, Casino, World class hotels & restaurants at andito din pinakasikat na Bar sa Manila ang REPUBLIQ na makikita lamang ngayon sa loob ng Resort World Manila. For further information, please visit 26 OCTOBER 2012


残暑の陽射しの中に涼しげな海風が流れ込む山下公園(神奈川県横浜 市) で、 9月1日 (土) ・2日 (日) の両日、 「フィリピン・フェスティバル・バリ オ・フィエスタ2012」 が開催された。 フィリピン大使館や在日フィリピン 人コミュニティが中心となり実施されたこのイベントでは、 フィリピンの文 化的・民族的な魅力を歌や音楽、料理などが一同に集まり、 日本の中の“ リトル・フィリピン”とも言える祭典となりました。 また、数々の出展ブースが立ち並ぶ中、今回、特に注目を集めていたの は、 アジア最大級&最新鋭の総合エンターテイメント複合施設「リゾー ト・ワールド・マニラ (RWM)」。RWMを運営するゲンティン香港の役員 をはじめ、 同じグループ会社で日本でもよく知られているスタークルーズ のスタッフ、 そして、PR支援会社タグリッシュからもスタッフが参加して、 フィエスタへの来場者に向けたPRを行いました。 また、 キャンペーンとし て、RWMのメンバー登録をすると、豪華客船で行くクルーズ旅行や一流 ホテル宿泊券などの豪華賞品が当たる抽選会が行われていて、 たくさん の方々がRWMのブースに立ち寄っていました。 まだまだ日本人にとっては、旅行先としてはあまり馴染みがないかもしれ ませんが、近年、 フィリピンの首都・マニラは、 アジアの経済発展の拠点の 一つとして発展を遂げながら活気があふれ出していて、観光客のほか、 ビジネスマンや留学生なども海外から多く訪れる国際歓迎都市となって きています。 中国や韓国をはじめアジア各国からはもちろん、 ヨーロッパ や中東などからも多くの観光客が訪れていて、最近になって、 フィリピンの こうした新しい魅力を体験しようと日本人観光客も徐々に増えてきてい るようです。 そして、 そんなマニラの中で、今、RWMはフィリピンで最もホットな観光 地として人気が急騰中。 フィリピンの玄関口“ニノイ・アキノ国際空港”に 隣接するこの都市型のリゾートでは、 5ツ星ホテルにレストラン、 カジノ、 エンターテイメント・シアター、 そして、 ショッピングモールなどが勢ぞろい し、 すべてがそこだけで楽しめるから、便利でお得かも!成田空港からニ ノイ・アキノ国際空港まで約4時間と近く、 ちょっとした休みに、 お出かけ してみるのもよさそうですね。一人で、家族で、 また、 カップルで行っても、 きっと、 もっとフィリピンの楽しさを感じてもらえるはずです。気になった 方は、RWMのウェブサイトをチェックしてみてくださいね。 「Resorts World Manila」 で検索!英語版) FILIIPINA











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! し おい BEst Sushi in Japan!!!


Yanagawa Sushi 東京都新宿区西早稲田 Higashi WIng 1F, Nishi Waseda Shinjuku Tokyo TEL: 03-3208-8754

28 OCTOBER 2012



Sushi Cinderella why everyone loves Mari Mayang Nihei?


f you are in Japan, chances are you have met or have heard of Mari Nihei - Mayang as her friends would call her, have been living in Japan for the past 32 years. She worked as a cultural dancer before at the very young age of 17 to help her family in her hometown of Nueva Ecija. Selfless and always willing to help, Mayang started “giving back” to the Japanese and Filipino community when her 5 year old son - Seichi survived a rare case of cancer with the help of 17 Japanese blood donors for his bone marrow transplant. Seichi is now in his 20’s and is cancer free, but still Mayang is pursuing her blood donation programs and other projects here in Japan and in the Philippines - continuously supporting her family, friends and even strangers in need - she does all of this while still working and maintaining her sushi restaurant business in Waseda. This is how she got to be called The Sushi Cinderella as she spends her breaks and day off from her business to attend to different events and charities but still makes it on time back to work without much rest or sleep.

HERO AND ROLE MODEL Mari Nihei’s never-ending support and contribution to the Philippine and Japanese community have not gone unnoticed, in 2004 she received the Lingkod sa Kapwa Pilipino Award awarded by then President Gloria Arroyo. She also received the Gawad Geny Lopez Jr. Bayaning Pilipino sa Gawing Japan in 2009 and other awards, merits and commendations for her remarkable contributions to the society

TV, FACEBOOK AND OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS As a cultural dancer - Mayang is no stranger when it comes to the performing arts. She is one of the original members and served as president for 12 years of the Teatro 30 OCTOBER 2012

"...she keeps her feet firmly planted on the ground and does not let her popularity get to her head..." Kanto Organization. For the past 30 years Mayang have been featured in several TV shows here in Japan and in the Philippines which usually features her success story, one of a kind “sushi mama” image at her restaurant and philanthropic deeds. Recently, she has been tapped by Seven Bank International Money Remittance to be their product endorser and have since helped the company gain more than 10,000 subscribers in the first year alone. She is also a regular at Nippon Television Network (Channel 4) program called Sekai Maru Mie! (世界まる見え!) where she acts as the “agent” for stories about the Philippines. C LUB


She maintains her Facebook page with 5,000 people on her friend list and hundreds more wanting to be friends with her. Mayang sees Facebook, YouTube and other social networking sites as a channel to reach out to more people all over the world. Whether it be magazines, newspapers, television and the internet, one cannot deny the talent and charisma that exudes within Mayang Nihei but despite all of these she keeps her feet firmly planted on the ground and does not let her popularity get to her head. … and that is why everbody loves Mari Mayang Nihei







32 OCTOBER 2012 / 080-3737-5278 〒175-0092 板橋区赤塚3-21-9エクセレント3F C LUB


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