Get hold of your cashflow with a user friendly financial tool Are you on top of your finance? Do you have a good overview on your cashflow? Do you know at any point in time how much you are about to cash in and how much are you due to pay? Can you afford your upcoming expenses? Do you need a loan or negotiate better payment terms with your customers and suppliers? Then this article is for you. Allevo joined forces with Bakken & Bæck,
financial data sources. And, even for a
dashboard with up to date information
a Norway based development studio,
CFO, Whizzer is a tool that allows them to
that a business person can understand.
to develop an application that offers
transact 20% of the time, and analyze data
This application is complementary to
financial operations “as a service” to SMEs.
the remaining 80% - this is what an ideal
existing accounting applications and
Convenient and with no impact on the on
CFO should be doing.
mobile or internet banking apps provided
premise infrastructure.
Almost any SME interacts with: 1/ partner
by banks. This is an application that
The application helps SME business
banks, which offer easy remote access
enriches financial information available
owners who lack an in depth financial
to accounts via mobile or internet
in banks and accounting, to show what
background, who do not have an internal
banking applications; 2/ the accountant
the business looks like at a certain point
CFO role to rely on and who cannot afford
or accounting firm, if this service is
in time.
to invest in big tech financial operations
outsourced, which usually provides
Taking into account that over the past
solutions. Such an entrepreneur usually
balance sheets on the 25th of each
40 years accounting systems have not
leads a complex enough business from
undergone significant change, it is high
an operations perspective to need
The Whizzer application is a financial
time an entrepreneur had real-time access
automation and integration of available
reporting tool which includes a
to critical information about his own