I first met Karen in March 2021 but we’d had many a conversation in the years before this, as is often the case with our Clubbies, so it was lovely to finally put a face to a name. Although only taking on the role of Manager formally the month before, Karen’s involvement at Cadell Club goes back a long way….to 2010 actually when she began as a volunteer in the kitchen, before joining the paid staff a couple of years later. From day one, Karen displayed a love of the community and a professional attitude in all that she did. Treasurer Di has provided an overview of Karen’s efforts over the years. “In 2012, Karen began working as a bar and gaming attendant. Whilst Karen was in this role she stepped up to take on the role of manager on many occasions when managers resigned and it was difficult to find a replacement. Karen has been the one consistent employee who has made many sacrifices to enable the club to continue operating. For several years, Karen heavily supported the Club Manager with great reliance being placed on her when various managers were not competently filling their roles. The Board quickly realised that Karen was a very competent manager in her own right, with a strong commitment and a passion for the club. In February 2021, after a certain amount of persuasion, Karen officially took on the role as full time Manager and the Board and other local community members are extremely grateful that we were able encourage her into the role that she has fully embraced.
Karen's dedication has not only impacted positively on the club but also on the local community.” Karen’s professionalism, focus on compliance and good organisational skills are undoubtedly invaluable but it appears her leadership strength comes in the form of a genuine caring and friendly nature, which will go a long way to bringing the best out of staff members and volunteers. Her insight and intimate local knowledge of her community enables Karen to tailor functions specifically to the individual being celebrated / remembered. “Karen is always there for her customers. In a small country community club, the manager is not only there to serve the customers, they are there as a listening post and Karen is very empathetic to the local community.” It will come as no surprise that during Karen’s time in charge and due to her tireless efforts, the Club has grown in popularity. A few years ago the Club was in quite a poor financial position and the Board decided to introduce additional events to hopefully attract patrons and increase revenue. Vital to the success of this strategy was the additional time and effort that Karen put in outside of her paid hours to organise and manage these events. Karen’s knowledge of what would appeal to her customers and bring in their families was pivotal. “The Cadell Club is now a venue of choice in