CHRISTINE CARTER | CLUBS SA MEMBERSHIP MANAGER It has been great to get back on the road to visit our Members face to face this year. I am always struck by the dedication and community spirit I witness when visiting our Member Clubs, not to mention the sheer hard work of all involved in the running of each Club. I believe the wonderful camaraderie and positive attitudes are what make their efforts bearable, as the majority undertake this in a purely volunteer capacity. Membership numbers have remained steady this year, which is very heartening given the turmoil of these past years.
ACROSS THE STATE Our spread of Members across SA remains evenly split between Metro at 49% and Regional at 51%, offering a comprehensive assortment of interests, as seen in the below chart:
TYPES OF MEMBERS CLUBS Surf Boating 4% 4% Multisports 17%
Bowling 22%
RSL 5% Racing 2% Community 11%
Golf 10% Ethnic 2%
Football 22% 06 | CLUBLINK • DECEMBER 2023