Missouri S&T Magazine, Summer 2000

Page 6

Full Circle Campaign

Campaign surpasses goal a year early Our fi rst-ever fund-rais ing campaign was so successful , we wrapped it up a year early. But even though we 've surpassed our overall $60 million goal, there are still so me unmet needs. The Full Circle Campaign officiall y draws to a close on Jun e 30. As of April 30, the campus has rai sed $65 .6 million through the campaign, surpass ing its original $60 million goa l. More than 43 percent of UMR 's 42,000 alumni contributed to the campaign . "We presented our case for strengthening UMR 's programs to our alumn i and friends , and they responded enthusiasticall y," says UMR Chancellor John T. Park. "The overwhelming generosity of our a lumni and friends wi ll allow us to complete this campai gn much earli er than we had planned. We' re fortunate to have a strong base of private support individuals and corporations who want to be partners in UMR 's continuing success." The FuLL Circle Campaign's origi nal goals were to put new resources into five areas, with student

scholarship and support being the largest piece of the campaign pi e. The campus set an origi nal goal of $ 17 milbon for student scholarship and support, or 28 percent of the $60 million total. As of April 30, the campaign had rai sed $29 .7 million for this area. The campus has also reached its goal for unrestricted contributions. On the flip side, fu nd-raising efforts con tinue for the unmet goal s in: • Faculty, professorships and chairs, and departmental support ($ 13.1 million of the original $ 16.75 million goal). • Program enrichment ($8.8 million of the original $12.65 million goal). • Facilities and equipment ($8.5 million of the original $9 million goal). The campus will continue its efforts to meet those individual goals after the campaign concl udes.


Strong leadership The Full Circle Campaign involved the leadership of several UMR alumni and friends, including members of the UMR Board of Trustees. A campaign leadership team was led by honorary co-chairs Fred, CE'55, and June Kummer of St. Louis. Fred Kum mer is pres ident and chief executive officer of HBE Corp. , an internati ona l design and construction firm based in St. Loui s. Other members of the campaign leadership tea m included: Keith Bailey, ME'64, president and CEO of The Wi ll iams Com panies Inc. of Tu lsa, Okla.

Tom Holmes, MinE'50, retired chairman of WR . Grace and Co., and retired chairman, president and CEO of Ingersoll Rand Co. Zeb Nash , ChE'72. manager of manufacturi ng for basic chemicals for ExxonMobil Chemical Co . of Baytown, Texas. Cynthia Tang, Econ'85, founde r and CEO of Insight Ind ustri es Inc. Robert Garvey, MetE'51, former chairman and CEO of Birmin gham Steel of Birm ingham, Ala .

"This campaign was a campuswide effort that involved the work of many departments and ind ividuals," says Vice Chancellor for University Advancement Neil K. Smith . "The dea ns, department chairs and individual faculty members contributed much to ensure that this effort was a success . Many individuals and departments within University Advancement - particularly the development staff, the MSM-UMR Alumni Association staff, and the publications and public relations staffs - made certain that the campus had the support required to complete a project of th is magn itude. These dedicated staff members deserve our thanks."


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$60 Million GOAL

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MSM·UMR ALUMNUS ISunllncr 2000

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