Por dentro do Palácio de Versalhes - 8º ano C

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Welcome to the Palace of Versailles Curiosity Did you know that Luis XIV had six legitimate children and many bastards ennobled children?

Louis XIV is depicted aged about 15 and dressed in a military parade uniform. The artist uses a theatrical effect, opening a curtain on the scene. He also uses allegory – Fame who crowns him with laurel and the putto handing him the olive branch. But he is also careful to show topographical realism below in the detailed description of the place Dauphine and the place du Pont-Neuf in Paris.

The first salon of the King’s Grand Apartment, the Hercules salon was actually the last to be created, at the end of Louis XIV’s reign. From 1682 onwards, the chapel of the palace occupied its location over two floors and served until 1710, when it was replaced by the present chapel. To decorate this new salon, in 1712 the monumental painting by Veronese, The Meal at the House of Simon, painted for the refectory of the Servite Convent in Venice in 1570, was placed here. In 1664, the Doge had presented it to Louis XIV so that the king would support him against the Turks. Interrupted due to the death of the Sun King for ten years, the works on the Hercules salon lasted until 1736, when François Lemoyne completed the painting of the vault depicting the Apotheosis of Hercules, which was supposed to show that "Virtue raises man above himself". Ana Luiza, Carolina, Emilie, Isabella Mansi, Roberta

Welcome to the Palace of Versailles Curiosity Son of Louis XIV and Anne of Austria, Infanta of Spain, hadn’t turned 5 years old when he ascended the throne after his father's death.

Equestrian portrait of louis in front of namur during the war

The chamber is the main room of the apartment, the one where the Queen spent most of her time. She slept here, often joined by the King. In the morning, she received here during and after her Toilette, which constituted a Court event as regulated by etiquette as the Lever du Roi [Rising of the King]. It was here, too, that births took place in public: nineteen "Children of France" were born here. The décor retains the memory of the three queens who occupied the room: the compartmentalisation of the ceiling dates back to Queen Marie-Thérèse, but the monochrome paintings by Boucher were produced for Marie Leszczinska, as were the wood panels. All these elements were preserved in the time of MarieAntoinette for whom only the furniture and the fireplace were supplied new. Amanda, Gabriely, Isabela, Letícia, Luiza, Vitória

Welcome to the Palace of Versailles Curiosity Louis XIV eventually self- proclaiming " Le Roi -Soleil " ( the Sun King ) . He intended to match the star - king, one who shines for everyone and that gives life to humanity. The Sun then became the emblem of Louis XIV. One way to demonstrate to his people that his powers were unlimited and inexhaustible.

Louis XIV is depicted in this full-length portrait, three quarters view. He wears the coronation costume, the royal mantle decorated with fleur-delys and lined with ermine, and the chain of the Order of the Holy Spirit. Rigaud has taken care to include all the "regalia": the sceptre in his right hand, the sword, the crown and the ‘hand’ of justice on the cushion on the left. He stands under a red velvet canopy, behind which we can see a column whose base has a low relief symbolising justice. This painting was commissioned from Rigaud in 1700 for the grandson of Louis XIV, Philip V, King of Spain. The work received such acclaim that it was never sent to Spain.

The Opéra Royal is one of Ange-Jacques Gabriel ’s most important architectural works. When inaugurated in 1770, it constituted the largest auditorium for live performances in Europe and was a marvel of engineering and decorative refinement. A theatre under the monarchy and, later, under the republic, it has also hosted celebrations, shows and parliamentary debates.

Gabriel Martins , Gabriela, Giovana, Guilherme Marcondes , João Vitor

Welcome to the Palace of Versailles Curiosity Louis XIV was called the ``Sun King`` because he was the center of everything

The members of the royal family assembled around Luis XIV are represented in divine from.The Sun ing is given the traits and attributes of the good Apollo.

This apartment, which enjoys a splendid view of the North parterre and Marly forest, is located in the attic above the State Apartment of the King, above the Mercury and Apollo salons. It was initially occupied, in 1743-1744, by the Duchess of Chateauroux and her sister the Duchess of Lauraguais.

Giovana Estevam, Giovanna Milasseno, Flavio, Henrique, Mateus Amaral

Welcome to the Palace of Versailles Curiosity Did you know that Louis XIV was considered the Sun King because everything would spin around him?

The larger-than-life scale of the figure suggests the power of the king. This colossal statue calls up the antique model of the conquering hero: the image of the king, dressed an emperor, is associated with that of Hercules wearing the skin of the Nemean lion, and of Perseus carrying his shield decorated with the Medusa’s head.

The queen had several small rooms for her own private use and for her lady’s maids. In the 17th century, the number of the queen’s chambers increased. Marie Leszczinska took over the rooms of the main body of the building separating the Queen’s courtyard from the Dauphin’s courtyard; she would withdraw to those rooms to read, paint, meditate or entertain her closest visitors. Marie-Antoinette added mezzanines and levels, making herself a genuine little apartment.

Andres, Bianca, Gustavo, João, Matheus Persiane, Samuel

Welcome to the Palace of Versailles Curiosity The American state of Louisiana is named after Louis XIV. It was under French control between 1682 to 1763 and again from 1800 to 1803 and was known as La Louisiane (Land of Louis).

The Franche-ComtÊ region had been conquered for the first time in fifteen days during the War of Devolution, from 3 to 19 February 1668. The region had been handed over to Spain following the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. After being reconquered between February and May 1674, it remained part of France thereafter. The king is immobile in the middle of the tumult. The conquered towns are painted as grieving young women. They are dragged before the king by Mars who presents their coats of arms. The rock climbed by Hercules and Minerva in the background symbolises the citadel of Besançon. Denner, Erick, Gabriel, Guilherme, Leonardo

The Grand Gallery (La Grande Galerie in French), as it was called in the 17th century, was used daily by courtiers and visitors for passing through, waiting and for meeting people. It was only used for ceremonies on exceptional occasions, when sovereigns wanted to lend splendour to diplomatic receptions, or distractions (balls or games) on the occasion of princely weddings. For the first, the throne was installed on a podium at the end of the hall, next to the Salon de la Paix (Peace Room) with its closed arch. The show of power rarely reached such a degree of ostentation.

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