Who is a Caregiver? Christina Henderson
I am a caregiver I hold your hand when you are in pain and hold you close when you need comfort. I am a caregiver I drive you to doctor’s appointments and celebrate each goal that you reach. I am a caregiver I make your meals; I make your bed and I make mistakes when I care too much. I am a caregiver Whether you are young or old, physically, or mentally ill, or just need support without judgment I am a caregiver
Mental health support for caregivers and youth. I offer a FREE drop-in group for caregivers as well as fee-based one on one and group coaching options for both youth and adults. Book a FREE 30 minute coaching session: https://calendly.com/christinapeerspectiveconsulting/free-coaching-session Peerspectivesconsulting.ca 32 // Community Now!