Concierge Abu Dhabi Magazine, March 2013

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march 2013 | issue 76

M A G A Z I N E V I S I T O R F I V E - S T A R l u x u r y T H E

ABU DHABI edition march 2013 | issue 76


l u x u r y

F I V E - S T A R



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rotonde de cartier miNUtE rEPEAtEr FLYiNG toUrBiLLoN 9402 mC

CErtiFiEd WitH tHE GENEVA HALLmArK, tHE CALiBrE 9402 mC dE CArtiEr BriNGs toGEtHEr tWo oF tHE most PrEstiGioUs ANd ComPLEX HiGH ComPLiCAtioNs: tHE miNUtE rEPEAtEr ANd tHE FLYiNG toUrBiLLoN. WitH A siNGLE PrEss oF tHE LAtErAL BUttoN tHE miNUtE rEPEAtEr ACtiVAtEs tWo HAmmErs VisiBLE oN tHE WAtCH diAL tHAt CHimE, iNdiCAtiNG rEsPECtiVELY tHE HoUr, tHE QUArtEr HoUr ANd tHE miNUtEs disPLAYEd BY tHE HANds. tHE CHimiNG is rEGULAtEd BY AN iNErtiAL FLYWHEEL, VisiBLE At siX o’CLoCK, tHAt mAKEs ALmost 1000 tUrNs A miNUtE. rEFiNEd BY tHE ABsENCE oF A BridGE ACross tHE diAL, tHE FLYiNG toUrBiLLoN APPEArs to FLoAt At tHE HEArt oF tHE WAtCH, CrEAtiNG A UNiQUE VisUAL EFFECt. titANiUm CAsE, PoLisHEd CroWN sEt WitH A CABoCHoN sAPPHirE, mECHANiCAL mANUFACtUrE moVEmENt, mANUAL WiNdiNG, miNUtE rEPEAtEr FLYiNG toUrBiLLoN CALiBrE 9402 mC, GENEVA HALLmArK-CErtiFiEd, (45 JEWELs, 447 PArts, 21,600 ViBrAtioNs PEr HoUr, doUBLE-BArrEL, APProXimAtELY 50 HoUr PoWEr rEsErVE), miNUtE rEPEAtEr WitH FLYWHEEL, HAmmErs ANd GoNGs VisiBLE oN tHE diAL sidE,


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Elegance is an attitude Simon Baker

Conquest Classic

Let the wind take you places your imagination has not yet been.

Corniche – Dhow Sailing

Where the shore ends, adventure begins. Crystal shimmering waters whisper a language only the heart can interpret. A secret. A breeze. Set adrift on endless azure dreams. A liquid haven, where stories of the past write the verses to the future. And you think you’ve seen it all? Abu Dhabi. Travellers welcome.

Discover more.

MARCH 2013 / Issue 76 / abu Dhabi Edition

Pu bl isher Rob Nichol a s

edi tor i a l Grou p Edi tor fay e row e Edi tor ol i v ia cu t hbe rt fa shion Edi tor naomi chadde rton CONTRIBUTING Edi tor JACQUEL I NE C A STELLUCCI A CONTRIBUTor S R ache l Ingram Me l issa Sl e ima n C av e l l M a l l et t produc t ion Edi tor de bra fr e e ma n-t hor pe

st u dio Se n ior A rt Dir ec tor A n dr e a T e m pesta Se n ior Design er Ton y Sa n t iago Photogr a pher A dham Sn e e h Produc t ion Coor dinator Nav e e d A ziz

a dv ert isi ng GROU P a dv ert isi ng dir ec tor dav id wade A dv ert isi ng M a nager STEPHEN N I XON Hot el r e l at ionship m a nager Mia C ache ro SENIOR SALES m a nager DA R RYL W ILLEY Sa l es M a nager s madiha zou biri PAOLO A NGHI LE R I Sa nge eta Bu ta n i Speci a l proj ec ts K irat Sa bharwa l

CIRCULATION & M AR K ETING carol mil a n Christ in e H amada

welcome As a visitor and guest in Abu Dhabi, you are staying in a destination of distinction which I hope you will find so engaging and exciting that you return time and time again. We in Abu Dhabi believe our homeland is something of a welcome contradiction for travellers. It is a place where deep-rooted Arabian heritage is deftly woven into a rich destination tapestry which also boasts luxury accommodation and world-class, state-of-the-art leisure attractions. Abu Dhabi is blessed with a diverse landscape. We have 400 kilometres of pristine coastline, over 200 natural islands, vast tracts of serene desert, tranquil oasis towns and a vibrant, cosmopolitan capital city. I hope during your stay you are able to experience as much of this variety as possible. In many ways, Abu Dhabi is several destinations in one, from the rustic charm of Al Ain, the birthplace of the country’s founding father, Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, and the breathtaking vastness of the Liwa Desert in Al Gharbia, with its mountainous dunes, to the energising pace and brightness of our capital city. We all share a desire to make you feel as welcome as possible and hope you leave with a positive, lasting impression of our homeland, traditions and people. In the pages of this magazine, you will get an overview of the emirate’s diverse offering. I am sure you will find something which truly excites and entertains you. I wish you a very relaxing, enjoyable and memorable stay in Abu Dhabi.

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Mubarak Al Muhairi Director General Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority

Concierge magazine is published monthly and copies ar e dist ri bu t e d f r e e of charge i n f i v e -star a n d se l ec t fou r-star hot e ls. A lt hough e v e ry e f fort is made to e nsu r e t h e acc u rac y of i n format ion con tai n e d i n Conci e rge maga zi n e , t h e pu bl ish e r ca n n o t b e h e l d r e s p o n s i b l e f o r a n y e rro r s o r inaccuracies. Articles contained within Concierge maga zi n e ar e u n de r cop y righ t to t h e pu bl ish e r a nd ca nnot be r eproduced or tra nsmit ted in a n y form, without first obtaining written permission.

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In focus Title: Qasr al Hosn Photography: NPI archive

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More than 250 years of history is held within the walls of Qasr al Hosn. The oldest building in the capital, this majestic white fort was once the seat of power in Abu Dhabi and today serves as a valuable symbol of the country’s heritage. This month its past and present roles will be celebrated in Franco Dragone’s much-anticipated production, Story of a Fort, Legacy of a Nation, offering visitors a fascinating insight into the development of Abu Dhabi over the years.

20/02/2013 15:13

contents MARCH 2013 / Issue 76


ESSENTIALS Abu Dhabi’s top attractions and events




CELEBRATION OF CREATIVITY The Abu Dhabi festival brings a feast of arts and culture to the capital



Renowned show director Franco Dragone explores the capital’s history in his spectacular production, Story of a Fort, Legacy of a Nation





The thoroughbreds at Meydan live a life of luxury. Follow their daily routine in our photostory


Monks of the Shoalin Temple, Sutra

Concierge goes behind the scenes on a tour of Green Stables at Meydan Grandstand ahead of the Dubai World Cup

19/02/2013 18:29

contents MARCH 2013 / Issue 76





Head over to neighbouring Dubai on March 30 for a day of glamour and fast-paced action at the Dubai World Cup


WATER WORLD With the spring sunshine making the warm waters of the Arabian Gulf look more tempting than ever, Concierge selects the capital’s best aquatic attractions to make the most of it





Dress to impress at the races with these equestrian-themed looks


Dubai Duty Free race



From heady perfumes and sweet toffee-like dates to ornate shisha pipes and elegant Arabian coffee pots, there is plenty of choice when it comes to selecting a keepsake of the capital

20/02/2013 14:11

contents MARCH 2013 / Issue 76





For a memorable brunch experience try one of these venues with a difference


RISE TO THE OCCASION Pita bread has long been a cornerstone of the Arabian dinner table



The Guide

Jumeirah at Etihad Towers



My Life in Abu Dhabi

Lil Strika, director of marketing at both Abu Dhabi Golf Club and Saadiyat Beach Golf Club tells us about her life and work in the capital

19/02/2013 12:05

Brought to you in association with

essentials MARCH


Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital Falcons hold an important place in UAE heritage. Back when the country was little more than arid desert, local tribes relied heavily on their tamed falcons to help them hunt for food. Today, they are prized as pets rather than hunters, but still retain their value as representatives of UAE culture and tradition. Visitors can get up close to these majestic birds and learn more about their former role at the Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital. Guided tours take visitors round the falconry museum, the free-flight aviary and the examination room. Where: Sweihan Road, near the airport. When: Sun to Thu 10am to 2.30pm. Contact: 02 5755155.



18/02/2013 19:00



Sting live in Abu Dhabi


Another renowned name will be added to Abu Dhabi’s star-studded portfolio of international performers when English singer/songwriter Sting takes the stage at du Arena this month. The legendary rocker, who has more than earned his place in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Songwriters Hall of Fame with a bursting awards cabinet that includes an impressive 16 Grammy Awards, three Brit Awards, a Golden Globe and an Emmy, will entertain crowds in the capital with well-known hits from his solo career. He will also perform classics from his time as front man of chart-topping English rock band, The Police. Where: du Arena, Yas Island. When: March 14. How much: Tickets start at AED295. Contact: 800 35274.

Runs until March 9 Created by renowned show director, Franco Dragone, Story of a Fort, Legacy of a Nation will follow the journey of Abu Dhabi through the years in a spectacular performance, the like of which has never been seen before in the UAE capital. Visit:

ABU DHABI I N T E R N AT I O N A L T R I AT H L O N March 2 See the UAE’s athletes out in force for this hotly contested event, competed over three distances: the sprint, the short course and the long course, which comprises a gruelling three-kilometre swim, 200-kilometre cycle and 20-kilometre closing run. Visit:

A bu D habi F estival March 3 to 31 The annual music, dance and arts extravaganza is back this year with a culturepacked programme of events that includes theatre, ballet, opera and more. Visit:

D ubai W orld C u p March 30 Head over to neighbouring Dubai for a day at the races and enjoy one of the glitziest events on the UAE’s social calendar. Visit:

M etallica L ive in A bu D habi

TASTE Ess Lounge

After a busy morning at the attractions, why not take a more relaxed approach to sightseeing in the afternoon? For the ideal combination of comfort and culture, few places can outshine Ess Lounge, the new beachfront venue at Shangri-La Hotel, Qaryat al Beri. There’s an extensive food menu and a wide range of refreshing beverages to choose from, not to mention comfortable chairs that welcome weary visitors after a day on their feet. The pièce de résistance, however, is the view, which provides a stunning perspective of the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque over the water. Where: Shangri-La Hotel, Qaryat al Beri. When: Open daily from 6 to 11pm. Contact: 02 5098555.

April 19 The American heavy metal band will treat fans to a live performance in the capital at du Arena on Yas Island. Visit:

5 th A bu D habi S alsa F estival April 25 to 27 Anyone with a taste for South American dance and music will enjoy this salsa extravaganza. Visit:



19/02/2013 15:17


Ask the concierge Erhard Shmucker, c h i e f c o n c i e r g e at Ya s Viceroy offerS his advice o n w h e r e t o g o a n d w h at t o d o i n t h e c a p i ta l

Abu Dhabi is a destination rich in culture and one of the best places to begin is the Heritage Village. Here visitors can explore the exhibits, watch craftsmen engage in traditional work and pick up local arts and crafts at the shop. A desert safari is another good way to gain an insight into Bedouin culture and comes complete with camel rides, authentic Arabian cuisine and henna painting, in addition to an exhilarating drive over the dunes. After a day of history and culture, visitors can get to know the modern side of Abu Dhabi by experiencing the city’s worldclass dining scene. For contemporary Asian cuisine I would recommend Hakkasan at Emirates Palace while Angar at Yas Viceroy offers the very best in Indian fare. Finish the evening at one of the city’s many smart bars. Manhattan Lounge at The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort and Sea Lounge at Monte-Carlo Beach Club are some of the best spots for drinks with a view, while Blue Bar at Rocco Forte Hotel Abu Dhabi and Skylight at Yas Viceroy are popular with the trendy crowd. The following day admire the city from above with Seawings, which takes you on a flight over the city’s most significant sights, including the Capital Building, which is the world’s furthest leaning manmade tower and the opulent Emirates Palace hotel. Next stop is the International Yacht Club, where you can book a sunset cruise along the Corniche or go island-hopping around the coast. Then, if you still have space on your memory card, head to Ray’s Bar at Jumeirah at Etihad Towers and steal a Kodak moment with the ebbing sun and panoramic view of the city as a backdrop.

Montblanc Everything about the Star World-Time GMT Automatic has been carefully designed by Montblanc to complement the lifestyle of the modern businessman on the move. With two time zones visible on the dial and each of the world’s 24 time zones displayed on the outer ring, this watch allows the wearer to tell the time of any location on the planet. Created solely for Abu Dhabi, the Star WorldTime GMT Automatic displays the brand’s usual flair for combining form and function with an especially exclusive model that’s limited to just 40 pieces. Only available from the new Montblanc boutique in Avenue at Etihad Towers, Abu Dhabi, the Star World-Time comes with a white guilloche dial, a black alligator strap and a 42-millimetre stainless steel case, crafted to endure the conditions of a frequent traveller’s globetrotting lifestyle. The model also comes in silver with a steel bracelet. Where: Montblanc boutique, Avenue at Etihad Towers. How much: Price available on request. Contact: 02 6811480.

EXPERIENCE Ferrari World Abu Dhabi

Hurtle 62 metres through the open roof before plummeting back down to earth on G-Force (pictured) or take a deep breath and climb aboard Formula Rosso, the world’s fastest roller coaster. More speed thrills await on the Fiorano GT Challenge, where drivers take on a competing GT coaster at the drag strip and the Scuderia Challenge, which offers an exhilarating simulated racing experience. More leisurely attractions at the park include the fascinating Galleria Ferrari, where a historic tour of the brand is complemented by a display of vintage and classic cars and Fast Lane, where visitors can test their knowledge of the brand in a fast-paced, interactive game show. Where: Yas Island, Abu Dhabi. When: Open Tue to Sun (closed on Mon) from 11am to 8pm. How much: Tickets cost AED225 for visitors over 1.3 metres tall and AED185 for visitors below 1.3 metres tall. Contact: 02 4968001.



18/02/2013 19:00


Luxury boutiques Situated in the heart of the city on the Corniche, Avenue at Etihad Towers offers luxury shoppers the capital’s only exclusive environment in which to browse the latest designer collections. In the future, it will be joined by The Galleria at Sowwah Square, which is due to open in August 2013 on the up-and-coming Al Maryah Island. The new mall will offer the highest concentration of luxury retailers in Abu Dhabi with Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Prada, Gucci, Van Cleef & Arpels and Bulgari among those already setting up shop here.


Miraj Islamic Art Centre Handwoven carpets from Persia and intricately engraved vases from the east are among the displays at the Miraj Islamic Art Centre. Located in Abu Dhabi’s Marina area, the centre is dedicated to art from around the Muslim world, with silk textiles, miniature paintings, giant vases, marble work and more from Syria, Egypt, Kashmir and beyond. Where: Abu Dhabi, behind Marina Mall. When: Open daily, 9.30am to 7pm. Contact: 050 2503950.


Arabic coffee Throughout the UAE, coffee was traditionally prepared in copper pots on beds of coal in the desert. Today, aside from the cooking implements, the method remains largely the same. The beans are ground and boiled then filtered before cardamom and saffron are added to complete the distinctive flavour of the delicious brew. One small, expresso-style cupful is all most people need of this potent drink, which is often served with dates to complement the sharp taste. Available at most hotels and almost every Arabic restaurant in the city, it’s easy to enjoy this distinctive flavour of the region in Abu Dhabi.



20/02/2013 14:12

Discover Tr a i l b l a z e r s


More than 10,000 animals roam free at Arabian Wildlife Park on Sir Bani Yas Island. Among these is the critically endangered Arabian oryx, which was declared extinct in the wild in the 1960s. Today, more than 500 of them have been born on the island, which is globally recognised for its fundamental role in rehabilitating the species. Visit:



ab u dha bi FE S T I V AL / DIS COVE R

Celebration of creativity The annual Abu Dhabi Festival is all geared up for a spectacular three-week cultural extravaganza in March. Concierge takes a look at the event’s programme highlights


Heritage, arts and culture are taking centre stage this month in Abu Dhabi. Over recent years the capital has been steadily building up its cultural credentials with a series of high-profile events and projects, including the future launch of Louvre Abu Dhabi and Guggenheim Abu Dhabi on Saadiyat Island. However, it is not simply about importing culture from other countries and putting it on display in the desert emirate. Instead, Abu Dhabi is driven by a determination to open up a cultural dialogue, eager to proudly present its regional talents alongside those from other countries. Nowhere is this more apparent than at the annual Abu Dhabi Festival (ADF), organised by the Abu Dhabi Music and Arts Foundation, which will bring together performers from 12 countries in a cultural extravaganza this March.



20/02/2013 14:13

DIS C O VER /a b u dha bi F EST I V A L

This will be the 10 th anniversary of the annual festival and a special edition has been planned to mark the occasion with a particular focus on classical music, theatre, performing arts, ballet and fine arts. The festivities will kick off on March 3 with a thrilling adaptation of Romeo & Juliet by UK theatre company Globe Education, followed by a variety of starstudded performances until the end of the festival on the last day of the month. “The Abu Dhabi Festival is a unique experience t hat cont ributes to Abu Dhabi’s identity as a crossroads of artistic expression and cultures. It brings creativity to the forefront of public thought, while nurturing the Emirati cultural leaders of the future,” HE Hoda Al-KhamisKanoo, founder and artistic director of ADF, tells Concierge. “Abu Dhabi Festival brings the world’s greatest artists to the UAE capital each year and also acts as a gateway to the Middle East for them,” she adds. Other highlights from the festival’s programme will include the legendary Mariinsky Ballet, one of the most famous classical ballet companies in the world – founded in St Petersburg, Russia, in 1740. The much-anticipated performance will consist of four distinctly different, but equally compelling, short ballets, all originally choreographed by the legendary Michel Fokine.




1 Nasseer Shamma (previous page) 2 Czech Philharmonic 3 Joshua Bell 4 Anoushka Shankar 5 The Royal Opera House, Beloved Friend

“Abu Dhabi Festival brings the world’s greatest artists to the UAE capital each year and also acts as a gateway to the Middle East for them”


Another major focus of the festival is opera and visitors at this year’s edition can look forward to a performance by one of the art’s most influential and famous singers, tenor Plácido Domingo. Domingo will be supported by Grammy award-winning soprano Ana Maria Martinez and accompanied by the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra and long-time friend, internationally acclaimed conductor Eugene Kohn. Opera baritone Bryn Terfel will also host an evening, presenting popular opera arias and traditional Welsh songs alongside rising star Viktoria Yastrebova and the Czech Philharmonic, conducted by Jiri Belohavek. Other world-renowned performers include violinist, Joshua Bell, who will be accompanied by the Czech Philharmonic as he performs Bruch’s Violin Concerto No 1 in G Minor and pianist Yundi Li, who will play sonatas composed by Chopin and Beethoven.

Brazilian singer, songwriter and guitarist Gilberto Gil will bring a completely different musical style to the festival, playing acoustic songs drawn upon samba and bossa nova, African music, rock, roots and reggae. While the three-week programme already attracts a host of first-time guest performers to the region, it will mark another first when it hosts the world premiere of Poème Orientale. Composed by the Franco-Lebanese poet and composer, Bechara El-Khoury, the work succeeds earlier commissions by Radio France and Orchestre Symphonique Français, among others. “The piece is a meeting of two worlds – the Orient and the Occident. It contrasts the vast areas of the desert with the mountainous regions of European countries. It’s not really a description of nature, but rather an experience, an exploration that may evoke different feelings among audience members.



18/02/2013 19:03

DIS C O VER /a b u dha bi F EST I V A L

“It’s written for 90 to 92 musicians with a very poetic, pianissimo-style beginning and a grand ending. “I am honoured that the premiere of Poème Oriental will be the first time my music is played in an Arab country other than Lebanon, where I am originally from. It’s very courageous that Abu Dhabi is including contemporary music in this festival.” When it comes to regional talent, another ground-breaking production focused on the Middle East is visual arts exhibition ‘25 years of Arab Creativity’ of the Institut du Monde Arabe, which will present over 30 artists from 13 Arab countries. “The growth of the visual arts has really been region-wide and the UAE is a pioneer in this regard,” says Hoda Al Khamis-Kanoo. “Today, the country’s art fairs, biennials, exhibitions, galleries and auction houses play an integral role not just across the region, but also across the world. What has been most interesting is the blossoming of Emirati visual arts practice, which will be heavily reflected through a variety of works by numerous artists in the Abu Dhabi Festival exhibition.” In addition, a special tribute to Emirati culture and heritage includes Bil Arabi, a blend of poetry and music directed by Dr Habib Ghuloom Al Attar, director of cultural activities at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Community Development. Currently touring Ras Al Khaimah, Abu Dhabi and Al Ain, the production features Iraqi oud




musician Khalid Saleh and Syrian vocalist Samar Nasser. Last but not least, education forms one of the core parts of the ADF programme, with competitions, workshops and debates set to engage international youth talents with local schools and guests of the event. With young and old receiving plenty of opportunities to explore their creative interest, the festival promises to be an event that will truly build mutual understanding and help establish Abu Dhabi as a capital of culture.

Performance highlights March 3 and 4 – Romeo & Juliet, Globe Education

Specifically designed for younger audiences, this thrilling adaptation of William Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo & Juliet tells the classic tale of two star-crossed lovers.

6 Monks of the Shoalin Temple, Sutra 7 Mariinsky Ballet, La Spectre de la Rose 8 Placido Domingo and Anna Maria Martinez 9 Mariinsky Ballet, Chopinaria

March 14 and 15 – Homage to Fokine, Mariinsky Ballet

One of the finest ballet companies in the world makes its debut appearance in the UAE with performances choreographed by the legendary Mikhail Fokine. March 20 – Plácido Domingo

Accompanied by The Czech Philharmonic and conducted by longtime collaborator Eugene Kohn, Domingo is joined by Ana María Martínez. March 22 – Joshua Bell and the Czech Philharmonic

The Grammy-nominated US violin virtuoso joins one of the world’s internationally acclaimed, multi-awardwinning orchestras for an unforgettable evening of classical music. March 23 – Gilberto Gil in Concert


Gilberto Gil is one of the pioneers of tropicália, with a career spanning more than 46 years. The former Brazilian Minister of Culture will perform acoustic pieces of a variety of styles, such as rock, reggae, bossa nova and more.

March 24 – Piano Passion, Yundi in Recital

China’s sensational ‘Prince of the Piano’ makes his Arab world premiere at the Abu Dhabi Festival, playing masterpieces by Chopin and Beethoven. March 25 – The Rahbani Legacy, Ghadi and Oussama Rahbani

In tribute to the hugely influential musical legacy of the Rahbani Brothers – Assi and Mansour – Abu Dhabi Festival 2013 presents ‘The Rahbani Legacy’, an exceptional event produced by the acclaimed composers Ghadi and Oussama Rahbani. March 26 – Festival Gala with Bryn Terfel

Guests will be treated to traditional Welsh song by award-winning opera virtuoso Bryn Terfel. To commemorate this 10 th anniversary year, the evening’s performance will be preceded by the world premiere of Poeme Orientale by the acclaimed Franco-Lebanese composer and poet Bechara El Khoury. Concerts start at 8pm, doors open at 7pm. For ticket information visit: or contact: 02 6510300.



18/02/2013 19:03

THE ABU DHABI STORY Concierge talks to renowned show director Franco Dragone ahead of his much-anticipated production, Story of a Fort, Legacy of a Nation

The story of Abu Dhabi is well-chronicled across the emirate. Almost every cultural and historical attraction tells part or all of the tale about the Bedouins who left a life in the desert to forge a new existence on the coast where sea beds rich in pearls offered the promise of a more prosperous future. At the centre of this history lies Qasr al Hosn, the magnificent fort that served as royal residence during the capital’s formative years. The tiny fishing village that was pre-oil Abu Dhabi grew dramatically as money and people centred around the coast. During this time the fort was both a seat of power and core of the community. This was where all major decisions were made and, as the city grew, so did the fort, undergoing numerous expansions and renovation projects, the latest of which is currently underway. Today, the fort has long since ceased to play a role in matters of state and now earns its keep




serving as a cultural icon and a symbol of the capital’s past. This month, however, it is to take centre stage once more when it becomes the focus and the location of a new production, the likes of which has never been seen in Abu Dhabi. Created by world-renowned show director Franco Dragone, Story of a Fort, Legacy of a Nation will celebrate the venerable old palace in spectacular style with a theatrical production of truly epic

proportions. Music, dance, acrobatics, theatre and more will be combined with state-of-the-art technology and, of course, the celebrated direction of Dragone who will bring Emirati history to life in a way that will leave a lasting memory. “Part of the goal of this production is to remind the younger generation where they come from and of the values that have made this civilisation strong,” Dragone says, adding that he has spent the past few months immersed in the country and its culture. “We are talking about entertainment so, of course, this has to be spectacular, but we are also talking about the people from this region so I have tried to create a sense of familiarity that will make people feel that this is really their show.” Dragone, whose well-documented career includes a long stint producing Cirque du Soleil performances, a much-acclaimed show with Céline Dion entitled A New Day and the famous Rêve production in Vegas, is known for



18/02/2013 19:03



1,2 & 5 Story of a Fort, Legacy of a Nation rehearsals 3 Al Hosn Fort taken by Prof John Wilkinson ©TCA Abu Dhabi 4 Al Hosn Fort taken by Col Edward Wilson ©TCA Abu Dhabi

“Part of the goal of this production is to remind the younger generation where they come from and of the values that have made this civilisation strong”


his highly visual narratives. “This is a history, but it is not a documentary. I told the Sheikha from the beginning that I would create a show that speaks not only to the facts, but also to the emotions,” he says. It was last October that Her Highness’ office approached Dragone and asked him to put on a production that would celebrate the emirate’s history through its oldest building, Qasr al Hosn. “They asked me to tell a story about the fort where the history of Abu Dhabi is written,” he recalls. “It was a very short space of time to pull together such a tremendous piece of work, but now I really feel like I have become part of a little moment of Abu Dhabi’s history.”

Describing the show as a visual poem, production director Nick Levitt promises a memorable performance, not just because of the wow-factor elements Dragone seamlessly weaves together in his work. “This will also be an amazing opportunity for people to hear and see the well-known story in a new way. Everything from the scenery and technology to the projection and expertise has been gathered from all over the world to create a spectacle unlike anything else. Words simply can’t do justice to it.” Where: Qasr al Hosn, Abu Dhabi When: February 28 to March 9 How much: Tickets cost AED250 Contact: 800 35274 or visit



18/02/2013 19:03

Taking the reins


Lush green gardens, spa treatments and a heated al fresco swimming pool are just some of the luxuries enjoyed by horses at Meydan stables, home of the Dubai World Cup

Q A team of horses thunder down the race track as a cloud of dust is kicked up by the passing flurry of hooves. Spectators come in their thousands to observe the majesty of these finely tuned animals as they take centre stage in this thrilling show. Yet behind the scenes, far from the excitement of race day, dedicated specialists draw on their skills and expertise to attend to the needs of each and every horse. Tailormade routines are put in place with elaborate exercise strategies and precise diets carefully considered, while soothing therapies are in place to calm and rejuvenate.


As you would expect from Meydan Grandstand, which is one of the world’s most impressive racetracks, Meydan stables are state of the art. There is, of course, a lot of money at stake in the training of thoroughbreds. The Dubai World Cup, the world’s richest day in horse racing, promises prizes of US$10 million. Yet, it is a deep love of these graceful animals that shines through when you witness first-hand the stable teams at work. One such stable, nestled in a picturesque corner of Meydan’s sprawling grounds, is run by renowned French trainer Erwan Charpy. “These thoroughbreds are exactly like athletes and they are nurtured in the same way with the best physical and psychological care,” he explains. The tree-lined drive leading to Erwin’s stables opens onto a clearing of lush foliage where his aptly named Green Stables is located. Erwin, who has been training horses in Dubai for the past 18 years, has 80 horses to keep in peak condition.



20/02/2013 14:18


“Despite millennia of domestication, horses are instinctively fearful of humans and need careful handling. “Horses like routine, they like to know what is coming and even the slightest change to a routine can cause upset. Yet the wonderful thing to remember about horses is that they are very social animals, each with their own character. They like to see what is happening around them and they like to interact with each other. That is why the horse stalls allow them to poke their heads out and have a good look around. We even take them to the track in groups as they really don’t like to feel isolated.” Erwan began his career in his native France inspired by his father and grandfather who were both prominent figures in French horse racing. He spent time in England and America before coming to the UAE where he has forged an illustrious record having won the Jebel Ali Stakes three times in five seasons and trained

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These thoroughbreds are exactly like athletes and they are nurtured in the same way with the best physical and psychological care


A curious horse on the Meydan stable tour Inside the tack room Jockey’s equipment Meeting a horse on the stable tour


horses Pacino and Golden Arrow who have both won the Listed Jebel Ali Mile. A walk around his stables gives a fascinating insight into the hard work and dedication that goes into training thoroughbreds. Behind each barn door is a surprise in state-of-the-art technology. One swings open to reveal a happy horse standing in a pair of what appear to be giant vibrating Wellington boots. They are actually spa boots filled with ice, water and glycerin to cool the legs. A small motor connected to the boots causes them to vibrate creating bubbles which add to the soothing experience. “The horses love the boots and actually anticipate the treatment, lifting their legs to get into them. It’s a little like when a footballer takes an ice bath to help condition their legs. Horses need just the same standards of care,” Erwin explains. Every day starts at 5.30am when the horses are taken out to the training track in batches of 12 to 15 for daily exercise before heading to the main track to be put through their paces. They are then brought back to the stables where they are washed and walked before returning to their stalls. It’s at this time any special treatments are carried out, should a spa boots session be required or an injury attended to. Some mornings the horses are led out to the heated

equine swimming pool for a few laps around the three-metre-deep water. “Horses swim instinctively. Not all of them enjoy it, but most seem to really have fun. It is, however, a great way to give them another type of exercise,” Erwin says. Once back in their stables, the horses are fed. Staples, such as oats and corn, are on the menu, but the horses also love honey, while fresh cuts of the plant lucerne are brought to them each day from Al Ain in Abu Dhabi. By 9am, all equipment is safely stored back in the tack room and stable life slows, allowing Erwan to attend to maintaining these wonderful facilities. Erwan’s is just one of the many first-class stables preparing horses for races such as this month’s Dubai World Cup. To gain a better understanding of horse racing and these impressive animals, Meydan Grandstand offers informative guided tours of stables similar to Erwan’s within the grounds with breakfast overlooking the racetrack. For a closer look at the daily lives of these graceful animals, turn the page to our beautiful equine photo essay. Where: Meydan Grandstand and Racecourse When: Tue and Wed, from 8am How much: Adults AED250, children AED150 Contact: 04 3813333



19/02/2013 15:38

GROOMed FOR Greatness As the sun rises over the stables at Meydan Grandstand the thorougbreds are put through their paces. A world away from enthused crowds and race day pageantry trainers prepare for the prestigious Dubai World Cup. Concierge photographer Adham Sneeh presents a collection of unique moments with racing's champions





19/02/2013 16:36

The heated equine swimming pool, which is three metres deep both soothes and conditions. The horses are gently led down a ramp into the water until they lose their footing and begin to swim



19/02/2013 18:45



19/02/2013 16:36

In groups of between 12 and 15, the horses are walked around a small track at the stables as part of their warm-up

The thoroughbreds excitedly step into their ice filled 'spa boots'. The boots (pictured left) cool the legs to treat injury or inflammation



19/02/2013 16:36

Horses have 360 degree vision, can reach speeds of up to 60 kilometres per hour and weigh around 1,200 pounds (544 kilograms). A jockey's skill lies in handling the powerful animal in the race to the finish line



19/02/2013 16:36


Riding out for a final training session as race day nears


Part of the maintenance routine is a regular set of new shoes



19/02/2013 18:44

Stretching legs on the training track in preparation for the big race



19/02/2013 18:32

EXPERIENCE On your marks


Comprising a 200-kilometre bike ride, a 20-kilometre run and a three-kilometre swim, the gruelling long-distance course at The Abu Dhabi International Triathlon is not for the faint-hearted. Head down to the Corniche public beach on March 2 to cheer on the triathletes and soak up the heated atmosphere on race day. Visit:



19/02/2013 15:46

Riding High Join racing royalty for an exhilarating day out at the richest horse race on the planet, the Dubai World Cup

Q One of the most hotly anticipated events on the UAE calendar, the Dubai World Cup attracts thousands of visitors from around the globe with the promise of high fashion, high society and a very high cash prize for the winning horses. The glittering event brings together the cream of international equestrian talent in the ultimate showcase of the sport. This is horse racing at its most elite from the finely tuned thoroughbreds and their expert trainers to the world-famous jockeys and the thousands of glamorous guests who turn out to watch them on the day. This year 272 horses will compete in the US$10 million race cheered on by an audience of around 60,000 people. The annual meet has a special place in the sport’s international calendar, offering a winning combination of the best in racing action, entertainment, five-star accommodation, fine dining and luxury hospitality experiences. Heading up this year’s field of thoroughbred nominations is defending champion, Monterosso from Dubai ruler HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s highly successful Godolphin stables. A total of 23 countries will be represented with 184 entrants from the UAE, 27 from the US, 18 from South Africa, 11 from Japan, seven from the UK, four from Hong Kong and two from Singapore. The number of entrants has grown significantly over the years. “In 2002, we had 87 horses nominated for the Dubai World Cup at the free nominations stage,” says Martin Talty, international manager at Dubai Racing Club.



20/02/2013 14:26

D ub a i w orl d cup/ E XPE R IE NCE



EXPE R IENCE/Dub a i wo rl d cu p

“This year, we have had 272. The large increases over the years do serve to demonstrate the status that this flagship race – and indeed all the races on the Dubai World Cup day – has attained all over the world,” he adds. This year marks the 18 th edition of the Dubai World Cup, which was born in a country steeped in equestrian tradition dating back hundreds of years to when horses were a central part of the destination’s development. The region’s earliest tamed horses are believed to have existed in Bedouin settlements where they were used in battle and for labour. It wasn’t until 1992 that horse racing formally began in the UAE. Since then, the country has become a big name in horse racing and a major stop on the sport’s international circuit. In 1996, Sheikh Mohammed inaugurated the Dubai World Cup, a testament



The Dubai World Cup was born in a country steeped in equestrian tradition dating back hundreds of years to when horses were a central part of the destination’s development


1 Golden Shaheen race (previous page) 2 World Cup Carnival 3 & 4 Jaguar Style Stakes


to the nation’s love of both breeding and racing horses. Sheikh Mohammed is himself an accomplished rider and breeder and owns one of the world’s leading stables, Godolphin. The Dubai World Cup is a thoroughbred flat race on an all-weather surface run over a distance of 2,000 metres. Organised by Dubai Racing Club, the event has gathered a host of premier international sponsors, including Jaguar, Emirates airline and Longines, further elevating its premier status. Crowned the richest day in racing, the competition has a total prize purse of US$27.25 million (AED100 million) across the day’s nine races. Three of the world’s

most valuable contests are also incorporated, the US$5 million Dubai Sheema Classic presented by Longines, the US$5 million Dubai Duty Free and the US$10 million Dubai World Cup, sponsored by Emirates. Aside from the world-class racing action, there is a packed programme of events for spectators to enjoy. Tailored hospitality packages are available to create a truly bespoke experience at top-class restaurants, private suites and lounges all of which offer exceptional racetrack views. The venue has 72 hospitality suites capable of catering for between 10 and 500 people with special private terrace



20/02/2013 14:27

EXPE R IENCE/Dub a i wo rl d cu p

seating and balconies available in some areas. Silks international buffet restaurant serves up delicious dishes while race-goers survey the course through floor-to-ceiling windows. Alternatively, there is five-star cuisine at Tiered Restaurant, which boasts a glass-fronted seating area with race track panoramas and looks out directly onto the winner’s circle. There are several ticketing options, including general admission which offers ample views of the track, food court and entertainment at The Apron between the track and the grandstand. The premium seating area is situated opposite the finish


5 Jaguar Style Stakes 6 Dubai Duty Free race 7 Winner’s circle

line and gives guests a chance to soak up all the action by the track. Near here is the parade ring lounge where visitors can enjoy privileged close-up views of the horses. Failing that there are f latscreen televisions showing all the races live should you miss a moment. The tense battle between horses thundering around the racecourse isn’t the only fierce competition to be had. Each

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year Dubai’s most stylish spectators vie for a series of coveted ‘best dressed’ crowns. The Jaguar Style Stakes sees fashion-conscious race-goers dress in designer finery and bespoke hats for the day. Categories for 2013 include Best Dressed Lady, Best Hat, Best Dressed Man, Best Dressed Couple and Most Creative Hat. Prizes include use of a brand new Jaguar XK for one year. Aside from the fashion contest, the dress code for the free admission area is relatively casual, although T-shirts, trainers, flip flops and shorts are prohibited within Meydan Grandstand. Smart attire is required in the hospitality area and women are encouraged to come along in racewear and hats. It’s also worth remembering that Meydan Grandstand is itself a major attraction as a world-class horse-racing venue. The state-of-the art structure spans 1.5 kilometres and boasts a spectacular crescent-shaped roof encased with solar panels. Other facilities include receiving barns, stables, turf and all-weather training tracks. It is also the world’s largest integrated racing facility with a 1,750metre all-weather Tapeta surface track and 2,400-metre turf track. Pay a visit to the Meydan Museum and Gallery and discover the extraordinary architectural story behind the race track and the fascinating history of horse-racing in the UAE.



20/02/2013 14:27

EXPE R IENCE/Dub a i wo rl d cu p

Hotly tipped trainers Mike de Kock


South African trainer Mike de Kock and his jockey Christophe Soumillon are a formidable force in racing. Mike runs his operation in three centres with his home base near Durban. His horses are fed a special mix developed over several years of experimentation, adapted for young horses and horses in training. The stables also makes extensive use of treadmills and swimming pools as a training aid. Of the 18 horses nominated for the Dubai World Cup from his stables, champion mare Igugu is one of the most promising. She has been nominated for the two US$5 million turf races, the Dubai Duty Free and the Dubai Sheema Classic. Aside from Igugu, dark bay Soft Falling Rain and stable-mate Emotif are another two to look out for. Mike has claimed nine Dubai World Cup Day races amounting to more than US$11 million in prize money.


8 Dubai Sheema Classic 9 Mike de Kock 10 Jaguar Style Stakes, Most Creative Hat category

Founded by HH Sheikh Mohammed, the stables takes its name from the Godolphin Arabian, from which all thoroughbreds trace their roots



Dale Romans

Established in 1992, Godolphin stables fast emerged as a major force within the sport. Owned and founded by HH Sheikh Mohammed, Godolphin has built its reputation on the racing circuit by cleaning up at meets around the world and on its home turf. To date, Godolphin horses have won the Dubai World Cup six times, including a victory last year when Monterosso stormed to vistory ridden by French jockey Mickael Barzalona. The stables takes its name from Godolphin Arabian, one of the three stallions exported to England nearly 300 years ago to which all thoroughbred race horses trace their roots. Champion Monterosso is nominated again for this year’s Dubai World Cup.

Dale is an American trainer with two excellent horses, Dullahan and 2012 Breeder’s Cup Classic winner Little Mike. A licenced trainer from the age of 18, Dale has followed in the footsteps of his father, renowned trainer Jerry Romans. Among his most successful horses is Kitten’s Joy named American Champion Male Turf Horse, while thoroughbred Roses in May yielded the biggest payday of Dale’s career when he won the Dubai World Cup in 2005 netting him US$6 million. When: Saturday March 30 Where: Meydan Grandstand, Nad Al Sheba How much: AED25 per person for general admission, packages start from AED 350 per person / Contact: 04 3272110



19/02/2013 15:48



19/02/2013 15:49


WATER WORLD Soak up the sights on the water with a series of aquatic activities from paddle boarding through the mangroves to cruising along the Corniche


With a budding reputation as a premier water sports hub, the capital’s list of international events continues to grow. The first round of the 2013 UIMX X-CAT World Series offshore powerboat racing kicked off along the Corniche earlier this year, with the finals set to take place in November. As further proof that the region’s love of fast toys isn’t reserved for the road, the UAE Jet Ski Championship has also become a firm favourite, with fans taking to the shoreline to watch the competition’s second heat earlier this month and set to return for the next round on April 12. However, if being a bystander to all the action doesn’t quite make the cut, then rest assured our round-up of aquatic activities will have you on the water in no time.



Al Forsan International Sports Resort Located in the heart of Abu Dhabi’s Khalifa City, the Al Forsan International Sports Resort has become a big draw for those seeking an action-packed day out. With activities ranging from motor sports and paintball to shooting and equestrian, there’s something for everyone. Get your fill of the resort’s wet and wild entertainment by heading over to the centre’s two freshwater lakes. Both the pro and beginner lakes are equipped with a cable park system to cater for different skill levels so grab your chosen board and hit the water for an hour or choose the all-day session of either wake boarding, water skiing or knee boarding. On the pro-lake, the cable system can reach speeds up to 38 kilometres per hour, though a series of obstacles along the way threaten to slow you down. For those new to the sport, the beginners lake provides a controlled environment to master the basics and even learn a few tricks before progressing on to the next level. Where: Khalifa City When: Week days 1 to 10pm and weekends 10am to 10pm How much: AED125 for one hour on the lakes or AED280 for a full day / Contact: 02 5568555 or

Wadi Adventure is all about fast-paced, white-knuckle thrills that will have you hooked in no time. Here, bigger is certainly better with features that include the world’s largest manmade surf wave

Wadi Adventure It wasn’t too long ago that the concept of surfing in the desert seemed somewhat farfetched but with just over a year on the entertainment map, Wadi Adventure has caused some serious waves in the region. It’s the only facility in the UAE that can cater for white water rafting, surfing and kayaking in a single destination. Situated at the foot of the majestic Jebel Hafeet mountain, the adventure park has three purposebuilt water channels to accommodate various skill levels. Forget the gentle ebb of other lazy rivers. Wadi Adventure is all about fast-paced, white-knuckle thrills that will have you hooked in no time. Here, bigger is certainly better with features that include the world’s largest manmade surf wave along with a 1.7-kilometre kayaking channel network, ranked as the longest on the planet. If that’s not enough to keep the adrenaline coursing, why not dry off at the air park, which is home to a 14-metre falling swing. Where: Al Ain When: Daily (except on Mondays) from 10am to 10pm How much: Standard all-day admission AED100 with an additional charge for activities / Contact: 03 7818422 or



19/02/2013 15:49

Enjoy Easter at the Palace Celebrate this Easter with fun activities for family and friends and be delighted by our special menus in all our restaurants from Thursday 28th to Sunday 31st March. Be amazed by our Easter chocolate eggs display and indulge yourself with our Friday special brunch in Le Vendome and Cascades. Live up the spirit of Easter at the Palace and be part of our family activities on Saturday, with an exciting kids Easter egg hunt at 11:00 am, and an adult’s treasure hunt at 2:00 pm. For more information and reservations please call +971 (0) 2 690 7999 or email at

You’ll never want to leave

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20/02/2013 18:50


Yas Waterworld The euphoric rush of a water park is something that never loses its appeal, especially when it counts a series of record-breaking rides among its attractions. Ever since it launched earlier this year, Yas Waterworld has been flooded with visitors eager to experience the venue’s impressive assortment of 43 rides, slides and attractions. It’s the latest landmark to join the Yas Island entertainment hub and has taken its place alongside two world-famous neighbours, Ferrari World Abu Dhabi and Yas Marina Circuit. Discussing the park’s concept, Rashad Al Ghadban, marketing manager of Yas Waterworld explains, “We have

Stand-Up Paddle Boarding

themed all the attractions around the adventures of our main character, Dana, a young Emirati girl who has embarked on a quest to find a legendary pearl that will bring prosperity to the people of her village.” Interactive games allow visitors to explore Abu Dhabi’s pearl harvesting heritage while thrill-seekers can step up and try Dawwama, the world’s first hydromagnetic-powered tornado slide, or dare to ride the Bubbles’ Barrel - the world’s largest surfable sheet wave. Where: Yas Island When: 10am to 7pm How much: General admission AED225 Contact: 02 4142000 or

Abu Dhabi’s tranquil waters are the perfect place to try out stand-up paddle boarding (SUP). Born in Hawaii, the new sport continues to grow in popularity as, regardless of your athletic ability, it’s generally considered pretty easy to pick up. Formed in 2009 and based in several locations around the capital, The Abu Dhabi SUP Club has built up a large community of social paddle boarders. A great spot to learn more about this budding sport, the company also organises regular tours and ‘on-board’ fitness classes. First timers could also try Noukahada Adventure Company for lessons and rentals. The company, which aims to develop eco-tourism, provides scenic tours through the Eastern Mangroves Lagoon with the chance of spotting unique wildlife along the way. As the emirate accounts for 75 percent of the UAE’s total mangrove forest, this invigorating, low-impact sport is the ideal way to explore Abu Dhabi’s waterways and gain a fresh perspective of the city. Where: Noukahada Adventure Company / When: Times vary, avdanced booking required How much: Introduction tours cost AED250 per person / Contact: 02 6503600 or

Wat e r c o o l e d U AE As the most recent addition to Abu Dhabi’s action-packed water sports scene, the five-star global operator Watercooled is generating a lot of adventure buzz. Joining the Hiltonia Beach Club at Hilton Abu Dhabi, the centre offers visitors an impressive range ofaquatic activities from scenic sailing tours to thrilling motorised

water sports. Zip along the coastline in an inflatable rib, take a heart-thumping ride on a Zipcat, or just enjoy a leisurely trip to Lulu Island. For those eager to join more specialised ranks, Watercooled, which is a Royal Yachting Association training centre, also offers yearround sailing and powerboat courses.

Sunset cruises Dusk gives a new glow to this beautiful city and one of the best ways to experience it is with a boat cruise at sunset. Take in the glittering view of Emirates Palace with a leisurely boat trip along the Corniche. The Sheraton Abu Dhabi Hotel offers a private cruise for a maximum of six passengers, while other hotels can arrange excursions with private tour companies on your behalf. New to the boating scene, Capt. Tony’s brings a little something different to cruise excursions. An eco-conscious tour operator, founder Antonio Neto prefers destinations off the beaten track, choosing to let the surrounding nature speak for itself.

The sunset cruise, he says, is one of his favourites, because “it provides stunning views to the endless mangrove islands on one side with gazelles running freely among beautiful Emirati heritage buildings, to the island on the other side and the impressive Abu Dhabi skyline in the distance ahead”. Where: Sheraton Abu Dhabi When: Daily / How much: AED250 Contact: 02 6725149 or Where: Capt. Tony’s, Yas Marina / When: Daily How much: AED250 with house beverages Contact: 02 6507175 or



19/02/2013 15:49

GET IN TOUCH WITH WILDLIFE AND NATURE AT AL AIN ZOO. Get out of Dubai’s or Abu Dhabi’s overcrowded city centers and take your family on an outdoor day trip at Al Ain Zoo. Al Ain is closer than you think and you will enjoy the journey thru the pristine red sand dunes - the adventure is just a good hour away from Dubai or Abu Dhabi. For opening times and special attractions or visit

SHOP Ve r s a c e

Fluid lines and unstructured tailoring are enhanced by delicate lacework and flowing fabrics in Versace’s Spring/Summer 2013 collection. The Italian fashion house is known for its attention to detail and this range is no exception with fringed gowns, crisscross lacing and metallic embellishments. Where: Avenue at Etihad Towers. Contact: 02 6674465.


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19/02/2013 15:50

CREAM OF THE CROP Join the stylish set in the stands at Dubai World Cup with luxurious equestrianinspired pieces


There is hardly a more chic and sophisticated event in the emirate’s calendar than the Dubai World Cup. Renowned as much for its enviable display of designer fashions as the sporting prowess on show, this is the ultimate the place to be and be seen on the Dubai social calendar. Standing out from the crowd is made all the more important by the Jaguar Style Stakes, which crowns the best-dressed race-goer. Each year the queue of smartly clad contestants gets longer, with men, women and couples eager to win their respective categories. Competition is just as stiff in the hospitality areas, where fashionistas flaunt carefully selected designer ensembles while sipping Champagne and mingling with Dubai’s elite. To help inspire a race-day look that will earn you a place in the fashion parade, Concierge has put together a selection of equestrian-themed apparel fit for the occasion.



19/02/2013 15:52

E Q UE S T RI A N S T Y L E / s hop



Sporting chic As key players in one of the world’s wealthiest sports, it’s no surprise that the jockey has become a muse for some of the world’s leading fashion houses. Among these is Gucci which has released a line of racing-inspired apparel and accessories designed specifically for jockeys as part of its Cruise 2013 collection. The luxury range, which features jackets, trousers, shirts, polo tees, boots, gloves, caps and whips, is highly technical and uses innovative fabrics such as gabardine techno wool, technical felted jersey and pique. Non-riders can also take advantage of this new range, which is as stylish as it is practical. Hermès has also embraced the

trend with a line of equestrian accessories including leather whips and saddles. The French fashion house, which has long embraced the equestrian theme and bears a horse on its logo, has also included some very elegant riding boots in the collection that look just as good off the race track as they do on it.


Crown jewels The Dubai World Cup is one of the glitziest events on the social calendar and gold jewellery is all but mandatory for those who want to come out on top in the style stakes. Why not get into the equestrian spirit with some horse-inspired jewllery from the Gucci Horsebit collection.


1 Minna at Mansion Model, Meydan Grandstand (previous page) 2 Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso Squadra Lady Duetto 3 Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso Squadra World Chronograph Polo Fields 4 Clare Milford Haven 5, 6 & 7 Gucci 8 Hermès 8




Clock watching


Make a sutble tribute to the equestrian trend by wearing a luxury timepiece created especially for riders. The Reverso model by high-end watch manufacturer, Jaeger LeCoultre is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also technically ahead of its time. The sophisticated timepiece utilises the latest horology mechanisms – the key feature being a reversible case that flips closed to protect the glass from damage during races. International polo player, Clare Milford Haven is frequently photographed wearing Jaeger-LeCoultre timepieces both on and off the race track. Another fan is Argentinean polo professional Eduardo Novillo Astrada, who wears the Reverso Squadra World Chronograph Polo Fields – a limited edition series created by Jaeger-LeCoultre and dedicated to him.



20/02/2013 14:34



9 Ermenegildo Zegna 10 Dior 11 Louis Vuitton 12 Bulgari


Suit up The race day uniform for men is suits, but that doesn’t mean there’s no room for creativity. On the contrary, Abu Dhabi’s designer outlets offer a wealth of opportunity for male shoppers. We particularly like the spring/summer 2013 range from Italian luxury fashion house, Ermenegildo Zegna, which uses silk to reinterpret the traditional suit style and create a modern sophisticated look. Available in blue, brown and black, these elegant suits will certainly stand out at the trackside.

Dress to impress The Dubai World Cup is all about highend fashion, high society and very high stakes and second-best dresses definitely won’t cut it. Dedicate an afternoon to browsing the capital’s malls in search of the perfect gown, whether it be a classic monochrome number from Chanel or a pretty, graphic print maxi from Marc Jacobs. For graceful silhouettes, it’s hard to beat French fashion doyenne, Dior. Head to the brand’s boutique in Marina Mall, where the latest line of statement dresses in every style from feminine fabrics to bold, neon prints offers a wide range of options for a sensational race-day look.

The Dubai World Cup is one of the glitziest events on the social calendar and golden accessories is all but mandatory for those who want to come out on top in the style stakes


Available at Hermès, Avenue at Etihad Towers, Abu Dhabi 02 6669720


Go for gold Gold is the colour of winners and not just where trophies are concerned. Goldembellished clutches are big this season and Abu Dhabi’s boutiques are full of styles to suit every taste. If want to add some colour to your race day outfit, then Bulgari’s beautiful white and gold Serpenti clutch is ideal, while Louis Vuitton’s Rose velours evening bag is the perfect way to add a note of understated and classic elegance to a glamorous ensemble.


Available at Gucci, Marina Mall, Abu Dhabi 02 6816844 JAEGER-LECOULTRE REVERSO

Available at JaegerLeCoultre, Avenue at Etihad Towers, Abu Dhabi 02 6812834 BULGARI CLUTCH 12

Available at Bulgari, Avenue at Etihad Towers, Abu Dhabi 02 6818828



20/02/2013 14:36

ARABIAN TREASURE Take home a piece of Abu Dhabi with one of these traditional gifts that capture the essence of old Arabia

Q The Bedouins that populated this region in it’s barren, pre-oil days had little need for posessions. Those they did have needed to be light and practical so they could be easily transported on foot or by camel as the nomadic tribes wandered from place to place. The legacy of this simple, unencumbered life lives on in the country’s well-preserved customs and traditions. Shops around the capital sell an array of souvenir items that hark back to earlier times, offering shoppers a small slice of Arabia to take home in their suitcases. Many of these items are still in use today, like the Arabian coffee pot and cups (a symbol of local hospitality), prayer beads in a multitude of colours, woodcarvings in the form of dhows, falconry equipment and canes which were traditionally used in Emirati dancing. Once valued more highly than gold, Arabian perfume (oudh) has been traded for centuries and nowadays is often sold with a small wooden chest and charcoal burner as an incense kit. In addition, ghutra headscarves, the distinctive headdresses worn traditionally by men in the Middle East, have become a popular fashion accessory worldwide and a huge range can be found in Abu Dhabi’s souks and malls. Read on for our top selection…



19/02/2013 09:16

T RA D I T I ON A L GI FT s / s hop



19/02/2013 09:16

Aromatic oudh The heady aroma of oudh has been hugely popular in the Middle East for centuries. Extracted from the dried resin found in the frankincense tree of southern Oman, oudh is considered extremely precious and visitors to Abu Dhabi cannot fail to notice its distinctive scent. It is a long-standing tradition to burn oudh as incense to welcome guests. On arrival you may notice the aroma wafting throughout the reception area, as well as in selected shops and souks. Those who want to purchase an incense kit to use at home should head to Souk Al Zafarana in Al Ain which sells a range of traditional items, including oudh. Situated just around the corner from Al Jimi Mall, the souk is open daily from 10am to 1pm and 8pm until midnight. In liquid form, oudh is a rich and long-lasting perfume that can be found in luxury fragrance houses such as Arabian Oud, which has a number of

outlets in the UAE including a shop at Marina Mall, Abu Dhabi. There, you can find everything from spray perfumes to classic oil perfumes, such as the citrus-infused Arabian Nights, which is sold in a crystal bottle. Le Labo in Paris Gallery, Marina Mall is another reputable supplier and creates bespoke blends for customers.

Chocolate made from camels’ milk is a truly luxurious treat with a smooth texture and a unique flavour that comes from blending camels’ milk with vanilla, honey and cocoa beans

Gourmet desserts In any traditional Arabic sweet shop, dozens of shiny trays are piled high with baklava and the sweet smell of freshly made kunafa (a cheese pastry soaked in sweet syrup). Other popular choices of sweets include griba, made from soft, floury dough and mammoul, filled with dates, walnuts and pistachios. Lebanese sweets, which are made mostly from pastry, honey, ground nuts and dates, are also delicious. Dates are another excellent choice and, because of their naturally sweet flavour, are often considered ‘the desert’s candy’. A classic gift choice, this distinctive fruit holds an important place in Arabian heritage as a vital source of

nutrition. Sampling one of the more modern varieties is a must, such as those dipped in chocolate, stuffed with candied orange peel, wrapped in nougat or sprinkled with coconut. Bateel, a renowned date delicatessen, stocks an astonishing selection of luxury dates and also sells sparkling date juice, date jams, preserves and even balsamic vinegar made from dates. For something out of the ordinary, chocolate made from camels’ milk is a truly luxurious treat with a smooth texture and a unique flavour that comes from blending camels’ milk with vanilla, honey and cocoa beans. Available from many souvenir shops, it retails in bars, as pralines and as camel-shaped figurines.



19/02/2013 09:16

T RA D I T I ON A L GI FT s / s hop

Ornamental coffee pots Just like burning oudh, serving coffee to guests as part of a warm welcome is an ageold ritual in the region. The UAE’s affinity for coffee is even showcased in a number of imaginative ways, from the eye-catching ‘coffee pot roundabout’ in the emirate of Fujairah, which features a large-scale sculpture of an Arabic-style coffee pot, to a dallah appearing on the one-dirham coin. A dallah is an ornate metal pot with a long spout that

is specifically designed for serving Arabic coffee. Rich in taste, local coffee is typically roasted very lightly, with a pinch of cardamom added to the blend. Visitors who want to carry on the tradition at home can purchase dallahs at souks or souvenir shops. Simply look out for establishments selling nuts and spices, as coffee is never far away. The Souk at Qaryat Al Beri carries a wide range, which can be bought along with a variety of roasts.

Shisha pipes

G R E AT F O R G I F T S Arabian Oud - Marina Mall. Contact: 02 6811155 . Le Labo - Paris Gallery, Marina Mall: Contact 02 6816662 . Souk Al ZafaranA - Al Ain. Contact: 03 7621868 . Bateel - Abu Dhabi Mall. Contact: 02 6452121. Khalidiya Mall. Contact: 02 6354977. The Souk at Qaryat Al Beri. Contact: 02 5581670 . Gold To Go - Emirates Palace. Contact: 02 6909000 .

Smoking shisha (also known as hookah or hubbly bubbly) is a popular Emirati tradition. Groups of locals and expatriates sharing a shisha pipe along the Corniche is a common sight and the different flavours and smells, from apple to grape, are synonymous with most Abu Dhabi cafés. Shisha pipes can be bought throughout the capital, in souks, specialised shops and even supermarkets. All you need to decide is whether the purchase is to be purely ornamental or actually used, as the type of shisha pipe to buy will depend on this. Shisha pipes range from the mini (which most tourists choose to purchase) through the regular metre-high size to the two-metre models that grace the cafés. Prices start from as little as AED20, although larger, more decorative pipes come with larger price tags.

Gold While gold might not be as affordable as it once was, visitors can still achieve a relatively good deal, depending on the current exchange rate and how effective your haggling skills are. Those looking for novelty value should head to Emirates Palace where the Gold To Go vending machine, itself covered in 24-carat gold, dispenses one-gramme, five-gramme and 10-gramme bars of gold, as well as one-ounce bars. Prices start from AED450. For something truly special, the Gold Souk, in the Madina Zayed area, is worth a visit. With over 100 shops that sell gold from a variety of countries, including Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Europe and India (as well as Omani silver), there’s something for all tastes. The shops base prices on the daily market rate, but it’s still worth casting around for a better deal. Nothing will get the retailer whipping out a calculator and doing a quick sum to beat the odds quicker than the sight of a customer retreating.



19/02/2013 09:16

TASTE Perfect partners


It doesn’t get much more indulgent than the sumptuous new à la Française afternoon tea at Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche. Feast on smoked salmon sandwiches, Quiche Lorraine, Belgian waffles, tea cakes, scones, madeleines, mini beignets and more before offsetting any pangs of guilt by tucking in to the mountainous fruit platter. How much: AED280 per couple. Contact: 02 8137777.


Beyond the brunch Friday brunch is rapidly becoming an Abu Dhabi institution and a weekly treat that’s an essential part of the social calendar

Q The brunch experience is fundamentally an extended lunch of unlimited gastronomic enormity where diners can enjoy sampling a variety of food over a four- or five-hour period. While the concept has been present for a while, the growing population of seasoned ‘brunchers’ demands an increasingly high standard for such experiences. Most top restaurants now offer a unique take on the traditional brunch, but with so many hotels laying on elaborate international spreads every weekend, dining establishments are now pushing creative boundaries to attract customers. Cue the Chocolate Obsession Brunch where the entire menu is flavoured with chocolate, or the Fairways Bubbalicious brunch, which features a section dedicated to superfoods. The time-honoured buffet concept is also being revamped by restaurants such as Le Deck (pictured), which serves dishes tapas-style straight to your table. Concierge has rounded up the latest and most distinctive additions to the Abu Dhabi Friday brunch circuit, each of which provides a culinary experience to remember.


brun ch/ t a s t e



19/02/2013 09:23

Monte-Carlo Beach Club Friday Brunch For those on the search for that beach-party vibe in the middle of the desert, look no further than Monte-Carlo Beach Club on Saadiyat Island. Now with a relaunched brunch and a brand new degustation menu, there’s even more to look forward to. Held at the ever-popular signature restaurant Le Deck, the brunch is based on a sharing concept with 16 different dishes served tapas-style to the table so guests can relax and let the buffet come to them. Why not while away a lazy afternoon enjoying the beautiful surroundings and chill out to the DJ’s house tunes while indulging in a creative mix of Mediterranean and Asian cuisine? “The new winter brunch concept focuses more on the fine details and flavours of this season’s ingredients,” says brunch creator chef Matthew Goodlet. “It’s a compilation of classic and new dishes presented in a modern gastronomic style which gives a burst of exquisite textures and fine flavours.” Where: Monte-Carlo Beach Club, Saadiyat Island When: Friday, noon to 4pm How much: Non-alcoholic package, AED235. bubbly package, AED365. French bubbly package, AED415 Contact: 02 6563500

Fairways Bubbalicious With views of the sprawling golf club and a buffet selection to satisfy even the largest of appetites, the Fairways Bubbalicious at The Westin Abu Dhabi Golf Resort and Spa is fast becoming the top brunch in the capital. Described as an interactive Champagne brunch with DJ Roberto Mermand

and magician Gaston Quieto, the range of live-cooking stations is second to none, with succulent seafood, fresh breads, a selection of salads, sushi and a mouthwatering roast beef, to name a few. Those with a taste for food straight from the sea can try the live oyster-shucking station and scallops pan-fried to order. The Peking duck pancakes and foie gras are also simply delicious. What sets this brunch apart, however, is its superfood philosophy. Known for being health-enhancing and rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients, the Superfoods RX brand includes fruits, vegetables, grains and proteins – perfect for those looking for that healthier brunch experience. Committed to including these foods as much as possible, this waistlinefriendly feast is pure guilt-free indulgence. Where: The Westin Abu Dhabi Golf Resort and Spa When: Friday, 12.30 to 4pm How much: Non-alcoholic package, AED270. Selected beverages, AED310. Louis Roederer package, AED490. Contact: 02 6169999



19/02/2013 09:23

brun ch/ t a s t e

Chocolate Obsession Brunch Chocoholics will find themselves in a culinary paradise at Al Raha Beach Hotel’s lavish, cocoathemed brunch. Spend Friday afternoon indulging your sweeter side at Sevilla restaurant, where the stylish yet family-friendly brunch is not to be missed. In addition to the extensive array of cuisine, guests can enjoy a creative chocolate menu with starters that include asparagus and chocolate vinaigrette and main courses such as grilled salmon with chocolate sauce. Popular live music from the in-house band serenades in the background, while for little ones, there is a special buffet and interactive activities to keep them busy while you indulge. Where: Al Raha Beach Hotel When: Friday, 12.30 to 4pm How much: AED210, plus service charge. Contact: 02 5080555

Those with a taste for food straight from the sea can try the live oyster-shucking station and scallops pan-fried to order. The Peking duck pancakes and foie gras are also simply delicious

Chill and Grill Friday Brunch Seafood aficionados will be hard-pushed to find a brunch more delicious than Jumeirah at Etihad Towers’ Chill and Grill offering. Every Friday, the hotel’s stunning Nahaam restaurant plays host to this dining extravaganza, which focuses on providing fresh gourmet experiences with interactive cooking stations, carveries, seafood and shellfish bars and grill stations, as well as a dessert and artisan cheese counter. Seafood plays a prominent role in the culinary line-up at Chill and Grill and guests can indulge in a barbeque grill of Omani and Canadian lobsters, calamari and tiger prawns as well as fresh oysters and delicacies from the live sushi and sashimi counter. For those after something a little meatier, the menu also boasts baby back American beef ribs, prime beef sirloin and salsa verde as well as an Arabic mixed grill of shish taouk, kofta, marinated lamb cutlets and baby chicken. Whatever your taste, the superstar chefs are guaranteed to please with complex flavours and a creative combination of ingredients. Where: Jumeirah at Etihad Towers When: Friday, 12.30 to 3.30pm How much: Soft drinks and juices, AED195. Selected beverages, AED285. Premium pink bubbly, AED 450. Contact: 02 8115666



19/02/2013 09:23

Sky Brunch at 18 ° One of the city’s most famous landmarks, the distinct curve of the Hyatt Capital Gate Hotel is an architectural wonder. Located on the 18th floor, on the cusp of the hotel’s record-breaking 18-degree lean, this signature restaurant offers an exciting fusion of Eastern Mediterranean f lavours. Upon entering, the first thing visitors will notice is the venue’s spectacular panoramic views. Perfect for the city’s cooler months the terrace provides a chic and relaxing spot to soak up the sun and sights, while those looking for indoor respite are still able to enjoy the view thanks to f loor-to-ceiling windows encircling the dining area.

From vibrant salads, mixed mezze and hummous to grilled meats, succulent roast lamb, king crab and even a carving station serving an enormous grilled fish, the restaurant caters to a multitude of tastes The food here is on a par with the view. Guests will discover three show kitchens where the brunch feast is freshly prepared. Drawing on influences from Italy, Greece, Turkey, Syria and Lebanon, each counter presents a new culinary experience. From vibrant salads, mixed mezze and hummous to grilled meats, succulent roast lamb, king crab and even a carving station serving an enormous grilled fish, the restaurant caters to a multitude of tastes with perfect balance. It’s definitely worth being proactive and saving room for dessert as the selection

of mini puddings, cakes and sorbets is an absolute treat. Solving the age-old dilemma of what to do following brunch, 18° invites diners to head out onto The Terrace. With a DJ on the decks to enjoy while sipping a sundowner, the inclusive cocktails package is the ideal way to end the afternoon. Where: Hyatt Capital Gate Hotel When: Friday, noon to 4pm How much: Non-alcoholic, AED250. Selected hops and sparkling grape, AED300 Contact: 02 5961440



19/02/2013 11:39











971 2 656 0700







19/02/2013 09:25

L OCA L FL A V OUR/ t a s t e

RISE TO THE OCcASION Pita bread has been a mainstay on Arabic menus for millennia and long may it continue

With a diverse dining scene that caters to an incredibly cosmopolitan society, visitors are hard-pushed to find a national cuisine that is not represented in Abu Dhabi. However, if you’re keen to experience Arabian food (a rite of passage for all UAE visitors) you won’t be disappointed by what’s on offer. Rich flavours and spicy aromas are synonymous with Arabic cuisine, as are piles and piles of fresh, fluffy, white pita bread – a staple Middle Eastern food. The background of pita has many versions in historic literature, but its exact genesis remains unknown. Various cultures claim ownership, but most accounts point towards the Middle East as the originator. What we do accept,

though, is that it is one of the oldest recipes known to mankind. The 10th century Arab cookery book Kitab al-Tabikh by Ibn Sayyar al Warraq includes six recipes for pita and experts believe the bread’s history extends back a further five thousand years. While the recipes and cooking techniques have evolved over the millennia, by and large pita has remained true to its original serving style. The bread is warmed through and used to scoop up food in place of cutlery before mopping up the juices at the end of the meal. Butter and other spreads are not part of the Arabic dining tradition and instead, a series of creamy dips, including hummous, moutabal and baba ganoush are placed on the table at meal times.

While the recipes and cooking techniques have doubtlessly evolved over the millennia, by and large pita has remained true to its original serving style

For breakfast, pita is often eaten with cheese and, in the UAE particularly, may also be sprinkled with zataar, a salty blend of Middle Eastern herbs mixed with sesame. This zesty combination is easy to come by in Abu Dhabi, where local bakeries churn out piles of fresh pita every morning with an array of toppings, including zataar, to choose from. The bread itself varies significantly from place to place with a range of recipes and methods popular in different countries across the Middle East. In the UAE, pita is generally very thin with a slightly chewy texture, but it may also be thick and crispy in the Turkish style or served the Lebanese way, warm, fluffy and puffed up. Whatever method is used to prepare it, the basic elements remain the same and include f lour, water, salt, sugar, butter and yeast. These ingredients are mixed together to form a sticky, wet dough, which is then sculpted into rounded balls and placed in the oven, where (depending on the temperature) it can be transformed in as little as three minutes into a golden brown, puffed pocket. Simple yet delicious.



19/02/2013 09:26


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phot ogra phy/ dis cove r

the guide

discover / experience / shop / taste

art galleries / museums and cultural sites tours / family activities / adventure golf / sports / malls / souks hotel outlets and promotions



19/02/2013 09:27


discover Proud of its culture and history, Abu Dhabi has focused efforts on preserving its identity through galleries and museums

art galleries


02 6652350


Timings: Daily 10am to 1pm and

A diverse collection of more than 200 classic vehicles owned by Abu Dhabi’s Sheikh Hamad bin Hamdan Al Nahyan.

Specialises in Iraqi art, but also shows work from international, regional and local artists. Villa 3, Street 15 in Al Zaab area. 5 to 8pm


02 6669656


02 6576171

Hosts photography and art exhibitions throughout the year, as well as concerts and screenings of international films.

Timings: Sun to Thu 8am to 3pm, Fri 5 to 8pm, Sat 9am to noon and 5 to 8pm FOLKLORE GALLERY

02 6660361

Offers art, craft and gift items from the Arab world along with prints and paintings inspired by the UAE landscape. Zayed the First Street, Khalidiyah.

Timings: Sat to Thu 9am to 10pm GHAF ART GALLERY

02 6655332

Aims to be the main address for international and Middle Eastern contemporary and emerging artists. Villa 256, Khaleej Al Arabi Street, Khalidiyah.

The gallery shows original art from locally based artists. Hemisphere also organises exhibitions and events. Located next to the Russian Embassy.

Timings: Sat to Thu 9.30am to 12.45pm and 3 to 9pm


02 6814455

Timings: The gallery is currently relocating. To set up a private viewing contact: 02 6669656

Al Ain

Timings: Sat to Thu 9am to 5pm, Fri 3.30 to 9pm Guide price: Free


03 7618080

Housed in a historic fort in Al Ain’s Al Qattara Oasis, this centre specialises in local and Arab art as well as UAE heritage and culture.

Timings: Sat to Thu 9am to 1pm amd 4 to 8pm

Museums and cultural sites

1. Bani Yas Island 2. Manarat Al Saadiyat 3. Emirates National Auto Museum 4. Al Ain Oasis 5. Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque


02 6575800,

This visitor centre on Saadiyat Island houses international exhibitions with four galleries, a theatre, events' space and Fanr restaurant.

Timings: Daily 10am to 8pm


03 7843996

One of the largest forts in the UAE, Al Jahili Fort was built by Sheikh Zayed the First between 1891 and 1898 and used as a royal summer residence.

Timings: Sat to Thu 10am to 9pm

02 6768614

Timings: Daily 9am to 6pm (closed for lunch) Guide price: AED50

This tourist site on the Breakwater near Marina Mall is a recreation of Bedouin life with a museum of original artefacts and photographs and a small souk for souvenirs.

Ghaf is the oldest art gallery in the capital and features work by artists in Abu Dhabi and around the world. Khaleej Al Arabi Street, Khalidiyah.


02 6676999, 050 8293952,


Built in 1793, Al Hosn Palace was the official home of the rulers of Abu Dhabi. It is currently under renovation.

Timings: Daily 9am to 5pm, Fri 3 to 5pm. Closed Mondays Guide price: Free AL AIN NATIONAL MUSEUM

03 7641595

This museum illustrates the UAE's distant past as well as recent history through archaeological and ethnographical sections.


Timings: Sat to Thu 9am

to 7.30pm, Fri 3 to 7.30pm. Closed Mondays Guide price: AED3 adults, AED1 children under 10 years SHEIKH ZAYED PALACE MUSEUM

03 7517755

Originally a palace for the Al Nahyan family, it is now a museum that chronicles the lifestyle of the ruling family.

Timings: Sat to Thu 8.30am to 7.30pm, Fri 3 to 7pm. Closed Mondays Guide price: Free

HISTORIC BUILDINGS Sightseers are spoilt for choice as Abu Dhabi is peppered with historic landmarks. Make sure you pay a visit to Qasr Al Hosn Fort, constructed in the 18th century and symbolising the development of the emirate and its rulers. Al Jahili Fort in Al Ain is also well worth a visit. It houses a permanent exhibition devoted to the explorer and traveller Mubarak bin London (Wilfred Thesiger) who crossed the Empty Quarter twice in the 1940s, as well as a temporary exhibition space, a shop and a café.




02 8015400

Explore the remains of a Christian monastery which is believed to have been founded in the late 6th century CE on Sir Bani Yas Island. The guided tour takes one hour.

Timings: Daily at 7, 9 and 11am, 2 and 4pm Guide price: AED250


19/02/2013 11:40

T HE GUI D E / Dis cove r





800 555 or

One of the largest mosques in the world, this place of worship is open to non-Muslims.

Timings: Open 9am to 10pm (except Friday mornings). See boxout at right for free tour times Guide price: Free





For a completely different view of Abu Dhabi, board a helicopter and see the city's major landmarks from above.

Al Dhafra’s dhows can take up to 60 people. Sail to nearby islands or simply along the Corniche.

02 6211797

02 6732266

Timings: Boarding 8.30pm, cruise from 9 to 11pm Guide price: AED180 per hour for large dhows, AED150 per hour for small dhow, private hire starting at AED600 per hour

Guide price: AED1,250 per

person for a 30-minute city tour



02 6811900


Take a sightseeing cruise along the Corniche, around Abu Dhabi island or enjoy a dinner cruise.

02 6211797

Explore Abu Dhabi’s rich Arabic culture and modern architecture on this fivehour city tour that takes in all the major sites.

Guide price: Sightseeing cruise along Corniche from AED250 for half an hour (five people or less). Cruise around Abu Dhabi AED750 for two hours(five people or less). Dinner cruise AED300

Guide price: From AED150 for adults and AED100 for children ARABIAN ADVENTURES

02 6911711

Take in the Grand Mosque, Cultural Foundation, souks, Corniche and Heritage Village before driving past the presidential palace area and Emirates Palace.

Timings: Monday and

Wednesday mornings Guide price: Adults AED160, children AED95 BIG BUS COMPANY

800 244287


See Abu Dhabi's major attractions on an open-top double-decker bus at your own pace, hopping on and off where you like. Commentary is available in eight languages.

Timings: 9am to 5pm. Ticket valid 24 hours Guide price: Adults AED200, children AED100, family (two adults, two children) AED500 Emirates Adventures

02 6445117

Experience Abu Dhabi's unique culture by visiting Heritage Village, the dates market, Gold Centre and Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque on the half-day city tour.

Timings: Daily 9am to 1pm Guide price: AED180,

children AED120 NET TOURS

02 6794656

Visit Al Hosn Palace, haggle over carpets, admire the Corniche and skyline, learn about local culture at Heritage Village and visit the Grand Mosque.

Timings: Daily 9am to 1.30pm Guide price: Adults

AED150, children AED100


Al Ain National Museum The oldest museum in the UAE, Al Ain National Museum has displays dating from the Stone Age to the country’s preoil era with photography exhibits as well as jewellery, tools, pottery and other artefacts. Cultural Foundation Located in the grounds of the Old Fort, the Cultural Foundation hosts year-round exhibitions of painting, sculpture, photography, pottery and Arabic calligraphy. Heritage Village A must-see destination for traditional Emirati handicrafts, the Heritage Village features reconstructions of Bedouin tents, old fishing villages and traditional markets. Sheikh Zayed Palace Museum Built in 1937, the palace of the late Sheikh Zayed was converted to a museum and opened in 2001. Visitors won’t find a large collection of photographs or exhibits because Sheikh Zayed wanted the royal palace and residence to be a true reflection of his country’s culture prior to the discovery of oil.

050 8009495 or

Cruise along the Abu Dhabi Corniche before stopping for diving, snorkelling, fishing and other water activities.

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque One of Abu Dhabi’s most recognisable landmarks, Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is the only one in the emirate that is open to non-muslims and a must on any visitor’s itinerary. Opened to the public in 2007, it houses the world’s largest carpet and the world’s largest chandelier. Many of the columns, walls and furnishings are adorned with semi-precious stones and gold, while the main structure is made from white marble. Location: Al Khabeer Entry: Free tours are held Sunday to Thursday at 10am, 11am and 4.30pm, Fridays at 2pm, 4.30pm and 8pm and Saturdays at 10am, 11am, 2pm, 4.30pm and 8pm Contact: 800 555 or

Guide price: Adults AED120, children AED75 SHERATON ABU DHABI

02 6773333

Emirates Adventures

Emirates Adventures

Timings: On demand Guide price: Corniche cruise AED 200 for 30 minutes. Sunset cruise AED200

Discover the heritage heart of the emirate with a full-day tour of Al Ain. Learn the history of the region at the city's museums, see how Al Ain earned its reputation as the 'garden city' and go shopping for camels at the Camel Market.

Take a safari into Al Gharbia and the Rub Al Khali, see the Liwa Oasis and enjoy lunch at a local guest house.

See the city from the water along the Corniche on a private boat for up to six people.


02 6911711

Visit Al Ain’s attractions, including oases, souks, the Al Ain Museum, camel market, palaces and archaeological sites.

Guide price: From AED250 for adults and AED180 for children ARABIAN ADVENTURES

02 6911711

Head to the ‘garden city’ stopping at museums, oases and the camel market before venturing to Jebel Hafeet.

Timings: Tours on Tuesdays Guide price: Adults AED225, children AED115 PARADISE HANGING GARDENS 03 7820788 Brilliant colours and artistic floral displays await at this breathtaking garden, which holds a Guinness World Record for the greatest number of hanging flower baskets. Timings: Open daily Guide price: Entry is free

02 6445117

Timings: Saturday to Thursday (except Monday) 8.30am to 6pm Guide price: AED380 including lunch. Minimum of four people NET TOURS

02 6794656

See ancient Arabic manuscripts and royal treasures, camel market, forts, dates and Jebel Hafeet.

Timings: 8am to 5pm Guide price: Adults AED245 children AED200


02 6911711

Visit the edge of the Rub Al Khali (also known as the Empty Quarter), stopping in Liwa to see Bedouin camps and enjoy lunch. Then visit an old fort before the journey back.

Timings: On request Guide price: On request

02 6445117

Timings: Daily 8.30am to 6pm Guide price: AED550 including lunch. Minimum of four people NET TOURS

02 6794656 or

Enjoy a thrilling 4x4 bash over the sand dunes and visit the Rub Al Khali, the world’s largest sand desert, before lunch at a local hotel.

Timings: 8am to 6pm Guide price: Adults

AED290 children AED235

Know the law Consumption of alcohol must be within licensed restaurants, pubs, clubs or private venues. Do not consume alcohol if driving. Dancing is only allowed in the privacy of your hotel room or at licensed clubs. Avoid addressing Muslim women in public or taking photographs without their permission. Offensive language, spitting and hand gestures must be avoided. Married couples may hold hands in public, but not kiss or hug.



19/02/2013 09:29


experience With a vast desert, spectacular coastline and world-class sporting facilities, Abu Dhabi is made for action and adventure


Murjan Splash Park

050 8781009

This mini water park at Khalifa Park is ideal for youngsters with seven water-based activities. Chill out on the 257-metre lazy river or battle it out in a water balloon fight.

Timings: Sat to Sun 2 to 6pm


02 4415900

This village at the Armed Forces Officers’ Club & Hotel has a Jungle Garden play area for the under-eights, electronic games and a bowling centre.

Timings: Sat to Wed 9am to 8pm, Thu and Fri 9am to 10pm Guide price: Varies. Bowling AED15 per game FERRARI WORLD ABU DHABI

02 4968001 or

Ride roller coasters at top speed, race in an F1 simulator around a virtual Yas Marina Circuit and be propelled 62 metres into the air. Then feast on fine Italian cuisine before stopping in the world's largest Ferrari store.

02 5839200 or 50 6147007

02 6354316

Branches at Khalidiya Mall, Al Raha Mall, Mazyad Mall and Mushrif Mall with a modest ice rink, bowling alley and soft play area.

Timings: Sat to Sun 9am to midnight, Fri 1pm to midnight. Guide price: AED36 for ice rink, AED15 for bowling WANASA LAND

02 4437654

Wanasa Land at Al Wahda Mall boasts Strike Zone, a six-lane bowling alley and soft play area.

Timings: Sun to Thu 10am to midnight, Fri to Sat 10am to 1am. Guide price: AED40 for Strike Zone, AED35 for play area, AED15 for bowling


Hi-tech amusement centre in Marina Mall with an impressive line-up of rides, including a roller coaster, bumper cars and an area for under fives.

Timings: Sun to Thu

10am to 10pm, Fri and Sat 10am to midnight. Guide price: Varies by ride. Rollercoaster AED10 per ride.

02 5755155 or 050 6660739

Get up close to the national bird of the UAE and see it in full flight. Educational and informative tours are available in a number of languages.

Timings: Sun to Thu 10am

to 2pm. All tours must be booked in advance. Guide price: AED220 for adults and AED80 for children with a meal, or AED170 for adults and AED60 for children without a meal



Fun World at Al Muhairy Centre caters to youngsters up to eight years old with soft play areas, bumper cars and a bouncy castle.

Take the two-and-a-half-hour Twitcher's Tour, paddling past the mangroves and see a variety of birds, including herons.

02 6322255

Timings: Daily 9am to 1am Guide price: AED12 per game


Guide price: AED225 for visitors over 1.3m tall, AED185 for visitors below 1.3m. Premium tickets available 02 6815527

A state-of-the-art centre at Zayed Sports City with 40 international-standard lanes.

Camel racing



02 4034200

and 7 to 11pm. Ladies' day on Tuesdays is from 10am to 7pm. Guide price: AED40 for guests above 75cm tall and free for guests under 75cm

Timings: Tue to Sun

11am to 8pm


050 7218928 or


Call the UAE Camel Race Association for directions to the camel race track.

Timings: Fri and Sat 7 to 9am and 2.30 to 4pm Guide price: Free

Cruising & sailing 02 6424222

Take a three-hour cruise and experience sunset over the Arabian Gulf.

Guide price: From AED750 per person

050 6146931

Charter a boat for cruises along the Corniche, around Abu Dhabi island or to visit the outlying desert islands.

Guide price: Call for details ART MARINE

04 3388955 or Take a cruise along Abu Dhabi's coastline and explore the islands, or charter a yacht for a fishing adventure.

Guide price: From AED750 per hour capt. tony's

02 6507175

This new sailing company offers island-exploration trips, hotel-hopping tours and sunset cruises, which can be tailored to suit guest preferences.


Timings: 8am to 8pm. Guide price:Weekdays AED150, weekends AED185.

This huge sports complex is an active family's paradise. Test your aim at the bowling centre which has four alleys.


Timings: Sat to Wed 10am

to 10pm, Thu 10am to 11pm, Fri 2 to 11pm Guide price: AED17 for climbing wall, AED35 weekdays, AED 45 weekends for play area



02 4415900

Timings: Daily 10am to 10pm Guide price: Members and guests AED10 per game including shoe hire. Non-members AED15 per game


Guide price: Call for details


Kidoos at Abu Dhabi Mall offers arcade games, a climbing wall and a play area for younger children.



Timings: Check website for details Guide price: AED200

02 6459070

1. Camel racing 2. Ferrari World Abu Dhabi 3. Yas links Golf course 4. Diving, Abu Dhabi 5. Desert safari, Abu Dhabi


Timings: Sun to Thu 10am to 1.30pm, 4 to 10pm; Fri 3.30 to 11pm; Sat 10am to 10pm Guide price: From AED3.50 for arcade games, AED10 for bouncy castle and AED15 for soft play area




02 6811900

Charter the 31-foot, twin-engine Barracuda and enjoy sightseeing along the Corniche, island trips and snorkelling.

02 6503600 or

Learn to sail or just enjoy the sailing experience on Hobie 18 and Hobie 16 catamarans.

Guide price: Three-hour island tour AED250 for adults and AED200 for children. 4

19/02/2013 10:11

T HE GUI D E / e xpe r ie nce


02 6773333

Enjoy a sunset cruise along the Corniche to Emirates Palace, watching dolphins at play.

Guide price: AED50 per person for one hour


050 6146931

PADI dive resort with equipment sales/services, private instruction and daily dive charters.

Guide price: Call for details



Take a relaxing one-hour cruise along the Corniche or a four-hour cruise to nearby Bahraini Island.

Full range of courses available from open water to assistant instructor. Located at Beach Rotana Abu Dhabi.

02 4952000

02 6441696


02 6811900

Charter a 31-foot, twinengine boat for a fishing trip for up to six people.

Guide price: AED750 including equipment, soft drinks and water NOUKHADA ADVENTURE COMPA

02 6503600 or

Paddle out into the Arabian Sea and enjoy four hours of fishing. Noukhada promotes ‘catch and release’.

Guide price: Coastline cruise

Guide price: Call for details



Get the adrenaline pumping on an ultimate thrill ride, or take a more relaxed cruise and enjoy the scenery at a leisurely pace.

Individual hotels without marinas can also arrange fishing trips on request

Guide price: From AED150 for


Enjoy fishing off the coast of Abu Dhabi or venture out to the deep sea to try your luck.

Big game sport-fishing adventures. Twin diesel sports-fishing boats, tournament tackle and IGFA-certified captains.

Guide price: Four-hour angler cruise costs AED400, six-hour deep-sea fishing cruise costs AED650

AED180, island cruise AED300

800 4044 or

adults, AED100 for children or AED450 for a family of four


02 6212100

Go deep into the Arabian Desert, driving over the towering dunes, before heading to a camp for camel riding, belly dancing, shisha and a barbecue.

Timings: Daily 4 to 9.30pm Guide price: Adults AED300, children AED240 ARABIAN ADVENTURES

050 6146931

Guide price: Call for details BEACH ROTANA ABU DHABI

02 6443000

Hotel boat available for charter for fishing trips or sea cruises. Equipment, bait and beverages are included in the price.

Guide price: AED750 for three hours, AED1,300 for six hours


02 4448866

Charter a helicopter for business or pleasure and see the capital from a whole new perspective in air-conditioned comfort.

Guide price: AED1,250 per

person for 30-minute city tour

The weekend falls on Fridays and Saturdays. On Friday, the holy day of rest, opening hours for some shops and other attractions can change so it’s best to check before visiting.

02 6731111 or 050 5409041

Try and avoid showing the soles of your feet, if you are sitting down, for instance, as this is considered rude in local culture.

Guide price: Call for details

Taxis are usually easy to flag down in Dubai and Abu Dhabi when you are out and about in popular areas. Charges for pre-booked taxis between 7 and 10am and 4 and 8pm, Saturday to Wednesday, have a higher flag-down rate of AED10, up from AED6 at other times. Journey costs are around AED2 per kilometre.


02 6437377 or

Offers a full range of PADI courses as well as diving trips and watersports.

Guide price: Call for details

Most of the UAE’s five-star hotels, malls and attractions have wheelchair facilities, but be sure to check before you go.

Marvel at the changing colours of the desert landscape at sunrise from above the dunes with a peaceful hot air balloon ride.

Championship course providing a tough, but fair, challenge with a nine-hole putting green, floodlit driving range and golf institute. Also offers night golf on the floodlit course.



04 2854949


to Thu AED140, Fri and Sat AED190. AED60 for club hire and AED50 for buggy hire

Timings: 4.30 to 9.30pm Guide price: Half-day


02 5588990 National Course (27 holes, 7,334 yards, par 72)

Brown fees: 18 holes Sun

Go dune bashing in a 4x4 across the sand dunes as the sun sets, ride camels at a Bedouin camp and then enjoy an Arabic barbecue dinner.

Hot air ballooning

Sun to Thu AED145, Fri and Sat AED195. Rates for 18 holes on request. Includes golf cart, water and towel

Sand course near Abu Dhabi International Airport that provides free transit visas and complimentary transport for those passing through.

02 6794658 or

Timings: Private lessons 6 to 10am, group lessons 4.30 to 8pm Guide price: Group lessons AED300, 20-minute pony riding AED50

Green fees: Nine holes



The Abu Dhabi Equestrian Club offers a riding club and show jumping arena with a stable of 100 horses. There are also horse races held on Sunday evenings during the racing season.

02 4459600 (Nine holes, 6,350 yards, par 70)

18 holes Sun to Thu AED525, Fri and Sat AED675. Twilight rate weekends AED350, weekdays from 2.30pm AED275. Night golf AED275. Includes golf cart and unlimited use of practice facilities

02 5578000 or (18 holes, 7,784 yards, par 72) Designed by golfing legend Gary Player, this beachfront course offers spectacular views of the Gulf waters and golfers may even spot dolphins.

Green fees: Sun to Wed

AED525, twilight rate (after 2pm) AED275. Thu to Sat AED675, twilight rate AED350. Includes use of golf cart, water and practice facilities YAS LINKS

02 8107777 (18 holes, 7,450 yards, par 72) The region's first links-style golf course with views of the coast from every hole.

Green fees: Sun to Thu

AED550, twilight rate (after 3pm) AED450. Fri and Sat AED850, twilight rate AED650

Racing season is November to March. For more information visit

02 4455500


Green fees: National Course,

Horse racing


AED350 for one hour

02 5758040 (18 holes, 6,450 yards, par 71)

AED315, children AED290

Part of the British Club, offers BSAC-certified courses as well as dive trips to Abu Dhabi and the East Coast.

to 2pm and 3 to 7pm, Fri 2 to 7pm. Closed Tue

Guide price: From

Set in the middle of a racecourse, the club has a golf academy and floodlit driving range and offers night golf with tee-off until 8.30pm.

02 4952000

Sky-high sights

Timings: Sat to Thu 10am


Timings: Daily Guide price: Adults


Slip into the pilot's seat of a life-size Boeing 747-400 simulator and take flight.


including fishing equipment. AED50 for each additional hour

Take a four-wheel drive journey over the rolling dunes of the desert, visit camel camps, watch the stunning Arabian sunset and enjoy a traditional barbecue feast.


02 5568555

Guide price: AED400,

02 6911711

desert safari, adults AED275, children AED200. Morning safari, adults AED140

Mutahida Flight Simulator

Guide price: AED995 for adults, AED850 for 5- to 12-year-olds

Ice skating For a bird’s-eye view of the emirate try one of these aerial activities… Hot air ballooning Take to the skies in a hot air balloon and watch the sun rise over the desert. This serene, yet exhilarating experience is a wonderful way to see the emirate. Seaplane flight Fly from Yas Island to Dubai Creek on a seaplane and see some of the UAE’s most famous sights, including Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, Yas Marina Circuit, Palm Jumeirah, Burj Al Arab and Burj Khalifa.


02 4034200

Located at Zayed Sports City, the rink can accommodate up to 400 skaters. Ice skating and hockey lessons are available.

Timings: 9am to 10pm daily. Thu ladies only Guide price: AED25 per hour. MARINA MALL ICE RINK

02 681 5806

This ice-skating rink at the heart of the mall is ideal for ice skaters of all skill levels. Lessons are available.

Timings: Sat to Thu 10am to 10pm, Fri 11am to 11pm Guide price: AED40 for one hour. Includes skate hire, socks and protective pads

Helicopter tours Enjoy unrivalled views of the capital from the comfort of a helicopter and see the city’s latest developments such as Saadiyat and Sowwah islands, as well as the emirate’s coastal and desert beauty.

Island trips

Flight simulator Ever wondered what it’s like to fly a plane? Mutahida at Al Forsan International Sports Resort offers visitors the chance to fly a Boeing 747-400 simulator and choose the destination too.

Guide price: Day trips from 9.30am to 6pm cost AED250 per person


02 6666601

Futaisi island has 40 chalets and two villas, as well as other facilities such as a swimming pool, cycling, nature walks and horse riding.


02 6811900

Up to six people can spend the day relaxing at Bahraini and Futaisi islands with pick-ups, drop-offs, drinks and umbrellas included.

Guide price: AED830

per person



19/02/2013 11:44

THE CORNICHE Hire a bicycle or buggy and pedal along the wide open paths. Visit the family beach and spend the day on a sunlounger, or enjoy a coffee or meal at one of the cafés and restaurants.

Timings: 7am to 10pm Guide price: Entry to family beach AED10, sunlounger AED25, buggy hire AED20 for 30 minutes, bicycle hire AED20 per hour


02 5568555 or

Learn how to water ski, kneeboard and wake board, or perfect your technique on the obstacle course in a safe, confined environment.


Timings: Weekdays 3 to 10pm, weekends 10.30am to 10pm Guide price: AED125 for one hour or AED280 for a full day

Race track tour Wildlife parks IN THE KNOW: APPROPRIATE ATTIRE The UAE has a warm climate with year-round sun and very little rainfall. For most of the year, lightweight summer clothing is suitable, but on cooler winter evenings it can be advisable to take out a light jumper or cardigan. You may also want to have something slightly warmer to hand in the heavily air-conditioned shopping malls. Visitors are advised to show their respect for the local culture by dressing conservatively around the UAE. Swimwear may be worn on the beach and at hotel swimming pools, but take care to cover up before going into any public areas. There are no hard and fast rules that state how much skin a person may or may not display, but generally speaking it’s best to cover shoulders and thighs in public areas, particularly family attractions like shopping malls and parks.



Visit the pits, team garages and race control with a photo stop at the podium.

See cheetahs, tigers, leopards and other endangered species at this rescue and rehabilitation centre on the outskirts of the city.

800 YAS (927) or

Timings: Tue to Sat 10am and 2pm Guide price: AED120




050 7218928 or


Guide price: Two-hour

Hit 250kmh in five seconds in a drag car driven by a world champion at the Yas Drag Racing Centre, or race your friends in the Chevrolet Camaro SS

Paddle to nearby islands on this three-hour trip, stopping off to enjoy the quiet life and take photos at areas only accessible by boat. eco tour AED220, 1.5-hour mangrove tour AED150, threehour island tour AED250


02 5568555 or

Experience motorsport on a smaller scale racing around a circuit in karts for cadets, senior racers and advanced racers. Arrive and drive sessions are available.

Timings: Daily 3 to 11pm Guide price: From

AED120 for 15 minutes


800 YAS (927) or

This new go-karting centre has 40 karts for both adults and children.

Timings: Tue to Sun 3 to 11pm Guide price: Adults

AED120, children under 13 AED100 for 10 minutes


050 7218928 or

Venture into the mangroves on this one-and-a-halfhour kayak tour that is suitable for all levels.

Guide price: AED450 per person

800 YAS (927) or

Timings: See website for availability Guide price: Three-seat dragster passenger experience from AED500. Formula Yas 3000 experience AED1,200. Off-road buggies AED200 adults and AED150 children. FORMULA ONE

800 YAS (927) or

Experience the thrill of Formula One, screeching around Yas Marina Circuit at top speed as a passenger in an F1 two-seater. Alternatively, get behind the wheel of the Formula Yas 3000.

Timings: See website for availability Guide price: AED11,500. Formula Yas 3000 experience AED1,200 OFF-ROAD BUGGIES

02 5568555 or

Race buggies around the circuit with machines for all levels of experience.

Timings: Daily 3 to 11pm Guide price: From AED200 for

10km session

YAS Racing School

800 YAS (927) or

Drive race cars and sports cars or take a hot lap with a professional driver.

Timings: See website for availability Guide price: AED950 to drive, AED350 for hot lap with a driver. Private tuition starts at AED1,500


02 6503600 or

Take an all-terrain bike ride into the desert. See camels feeding, people riding horses, an Arabian sunset and a star-filled sky.

Guide price: AED250 per person


02 5568555 or

Stage a shootout in the wild west or a Pacific warzone with special effects and air-conditioning.

Timings: Weekdays 3 to 10pm, weekends 10.30am to 10pm Guide price: From AED120 for 200 balls ARMED FORCES OFFICERS’ CLUB & HOTEL

02 4415900

Test your commando skills, take aim and let off a bit of steam.

Timings: 1 to 10pm Guide price: AED 150 per person per game including gear and 100 balls

Parks & gardens SHEIKH KHALIFA PARK Situated in Al Matar near Al Bateen Airport, the park features gardens that reflect Arabic and Islamic architecture with lakes, fountains and canals.

Timings: 10am to 11pm Guide price: AED1

Choose from a variety of pistols and rifles then take aim at the 25m target shooting range. Located at the Armed Forces Officers' Club & Hotel, there is also a 10m simulation shooting range, retail outlet and a coffee shop.

Timings: Sat to Thu noon to 10pm, Fri 2 to 10pm Guide price: 22lr AED180 and 9mm AED205. AL FORSAN INTERNATIONAL SPORTS RESORT

02 5568555 or

050 6144024 or

Timings: Sat to Wed 9am to 5pm Guide price: One-hour guided tour AED45 for adults, AED35 for children under 12 years Emirates PARK Zoo

02 5633100 or

Meet, touch and help feed a variety of creatures including camels, emus, raccoons, boa constrictor and the park's newest attractions, five fur seals, which can be seen during daily shows.

Timings: Sun to Wed 9.30am

to 8pm; Thu to Sat and public holidays 9.30am to 9pm Guide price: AED20 for adults, AED15 for children, AED60 family ticket (two adults and three children). Extra AED5 for the Ocean Park


Catering for all skill levels, this expansive sports resort offers Olympic disciplines and sporting clays along with handgun and rifle ranges.

Timings: Weekdays 3 to 10pm, weekends 10.30am to 10pm Guide price: From AED150


Camel racing



Experience the thrill of a free fall without the fear of jumping from a plane at this wind tunnel located at the Abu Dhabi Country Club.

Get up early in the winter months for a unique and authentic Emirati cultural experience.

02 6577601

Guide price: Introductory ticket AED180, family package AED720

02 5839200

Timings: Fri to Sat 7 to 9am approximately Guide price: Free of charge


Family amusements

Hotels can organise watersports on request, while some have their own facilities.


Guide price:

Jetskiing AED180 for 30 minutes Wake boarding AED150 for 20 minutes Water skiing AED75 for 20 minutes Wind surfing from AED160 per hour

03 7840000

Spanning 10,000 square metres, this family entertainment centre includes a 12-lane bowling alley and Fun Ski Village.

Timings: SUN to Wed 10am to midnight, Thu and Fri 10am to 1am. Guide price: Call for details

Abu Dhabi’s golf courses are on a par with the best in the world Saadiyat Beach Golf Club, par 72 Known for its spectacular scenery, the Gary Playerdesigned course runs alongside a pristine coastline where nesting Hawksbill turtles can sometimes be spotted. Abu Dhabi Golf Club, par 72 Home to the annual HSBC Abu Dhabi Golf Championship, this immaculate course has hosted many of the world’s leading golfers and is conveniently situated just 15 minutes from the city centre. Yas Links, par 72 Designed by Kyle Philips, this is the Middle East’s first true links course and also features a nine-hole academy course that is floodlit for evening games. Abu Dhabi City Golf Club, par 70 Set in the middle of a race track, this nine-hole course presents golfers with a mixed bag and an interesting game for players of all levels Al Ghazal Golf Club, par 71 The course offers a traditional take on golf in Abu Dhabi with its sand surface and location around an ancient archaeological site.



19/02/2013 11:46

T HE GUI D E / e xpe r ie nce



03 7845542

A family-friendly destination with landscaped gardens and a fun park, with nine new rides. There are cafés and restaurants as well. The adjacent archaeological park dates to the third millennium BCE and makes an interesting day out.

Timings: Mon to Thu 4 to 10pm , Fri 10am to 10pm, Sat noon to midnight. Wed ladies only. Closed Sunday Guide price: Mon and Tue AED35, Wed to Sat AED40, including rides


03 7026400

(18 holes, 6,584 yards, par 71) Enjoy a round of golf and test out the newly opened back nine holes with lighting and 42-bay driving range, or get some tips from the professionals at the golf academy.

Green fees: Nine holes AED215 on weekdays, or AED245 on weekend; 18 holes AED300 on weekdays or AED390 on weekends. Includes use of driving range and golf cart. Ninehole academy course AED100 AL AIN GOLF CLUB

03 7686808

(Nine holes, Par 3) Sand course with a clubhouse and practice putting green. Clubs can be hired.

Green fees: Nine holes AED50 HILTON AL AIN GOLF CLUB

03 7686666

(Nine holes, par 3) Golf resort with facilities including a health club, two swimming pools and four floodlit tennis courts.

Green fees: Nine holes AED23


04 2854949

Take to the skies in a hot air balloon and marvel at the changing colours of the desert landscape at sunrise.

Guide price: AED950 for adults, AED800 for 5- to 12-year-olds


03 7845542

Enjoy an ice skating session with family and friends at this Olympic-size ice rink, which also offers ladiesand children-only days. It is located next door to Hili Fun City amusement park.

Timings: Mon to Thu 4 to 10pm, Fri 10am to 10pm, Sat noon to 10pm Guide price: Sun to Tue AED35, Wed to Sat AED35


03 7660333

The ice rink hosts regular skating sessions, monthly family ice shows and hockey tournaments.

Horse riding

Wadi Adventure

Sir Bani Yas Stables

Go kayaking, white water rafting and surfing or test your skills on the adventure course.

Enjoy a two-hour horse ride along sandy beaches or take a lesson to improve your skills and confidence. Wildlife rides will be introduced soon.

03 7818422

Timings: Sat to Wed

10am to 10pm, Thu and Fri 10am to midnight Guide price: AED25 for 1.5 hours

Timings: Sun, Tue, Wed noon to 11pm; Thu noon to midnight; Fri 9am to midnight; Sat 9am to 11pm Guide price: Entry adults AED100, children under 1.2m AED50. Surf pool, kayaking and whitewater rafting AED100


03 7840000

This artificial skating rink is suitable for metal blade and roller shoes. There is also a 12-lane bowling alley nearby.

Wildlife park

Timings: Sat to Wed 10am to

10pm, Thu 10am to midnight, Fri noon to midnight Guide price: AED25 for two hours, includes skate hire


03 7828188

A desert-themed zoo with animals from the local area and African savannahs.



Timings: Sat to Thu 10am

to 7pm; Fri 10am to 8pm Guide price: Adults AED15, children AED5, free for children under three years


03 7686662

State-of-the-art floodlit facility suitable for drivers aged eight years and upwards. Offers 'arrive and drive' sessions for individuals and small groups.


Timings: Mon to Wed 2.30 to 10pm, Thu and Fri 2.30 to 11pm, Sat 10.30am to 6pm. Closed Sunday Guide price: AED150 for 15 minutes, AED250 for 30 minutes, AED400 for one hour

04 2854949

Guide price: AED250 for two-hour Royal Bay Ride, lessons from AED200


02 8015400

Located 8km off Abu Dhabi’s mainland and 250km west of the capital, Sir Bani Yas Island is home to 23 species of free-roaming animals.

Guide price: Call for details


02 8015400

Explore the quiet waters of Sir Bani Yas Island and discover rare birds, fish and wild gazelle.

Guide price: AED60

Parks & gardens

Camel trekking

GREEN MUBAZZARAH HOT SPRINGS At the foot of Jebel Hafeet, Green Mubazzarah is a park of rolling grassy hills with streams, hot springs and waterfalls. It is a popular location for weekend picnics.

02 8862088

QASR AL SARAB DESERT RESORT Explore the Rub Al Khali, trekking through vast sand valleys. 6. Indoor Skydiving 7. Al Ain Wildlife Park 8. Jetski

Guide price: Free


Timings: 6am and 8am (40

minutes), 4.45pm (25 minutes), 5.45pm (50 minutes) Guide price: AED135 for 40 minutes, AED60 for 25 minutes, AED195 for 50 minutes

Cruising & sailing


03 7026500


Try your hand at skeet and trap shooting as well as range shooting from 10 to 50 metres with rifles and pistols.

02 8015400

Enjoy a relaxing sunset cruise around Sir Bani Yas Island, spotting dolphins and dugongs.

Timings: Mon to Sat 2 to 10pm Guide price: From

Guide price: Sunset

AED90 for 50 rounds

cruise AED250


Desert safari



03 7840000

Polish your snow plough technique on the artificial ski slope or slide downhill on a big rubber ring.

02 8862088

Explore the desert by four-wheel drive, either through the sand dunes or along a flat track.

Timings: Sun to Wed 10am to 10pm, Thu 10am to midnight, Fri 2pm to midnight, Sat 10am to midnight Guide price: Skiing AED60 for two hours, includes equipment

Timings: Dunes 6am, 8.30am, 5.45pm. Flat sand 10.30am, 3.30pm Guide price: AED175



Water park


02 8015400

Explore the rugged landscape of Sir Bani Yas Island with two trails suitable for all levels.


02 8862088

Start the day with an energising cycle across the desert while the sun rises from behind the dunes.

Timings: 6am Guide price: AED60


02 8015400

Explore the rich underwater world near Sir Bani Yas Island on a snorkelling tour.

Guide price: AED200


02 8015400

Taking up much of Sir Bani Yas Island, this nature reserve is home to free-roaming cheetahs, Arabian oryx, gazelles, giraffes and much more.

Guide price: Nature and wildlife drive AED100, nature walk AED60


19/02/2013 10:11


shop From haute couture to traditional souvenirs, Abu Dhabi is a shopping haven with spacious malls and atmospheric souks




Abu Dhabi's biggest mall has 480 shops, including speciality retail stores, restaurants and entertainment options.

Abu Dhabi’s newest mall with more than 200 outlets stocking fashion, accessories, jewellery, cosmetics, beauty and electronics, as well as dining and entertainment facilities.

02 5506111

Timings: Sat to Wed 10am to 10pm, Thu and Fri 10am to midnight HAMDAN CENTRE


02 6454858

02 6904422

Timings: Sun to Wed 10am to 10pm, Thu to Sat 10am to 11pm

02 6328555

Houses fashion, sports equipment, jewellery and souvenirs at reasonable prices in addition to a cinema complex.

Al Ain

Timings: Daily 10am to 1.30pm and 5 to 10.30pm

Timings: Sat to Wed 10am to 10pm, Thu 10am to 11pm, Fri 3.30 to 11pm

Spread over three levels with distinctive Islamic architecture, this mall has everything from fashion to furnishings.

Timings: Sun to Thu 10am to 10pm, Fri to Sat 10am to 11pm

Timings: Sun to Wed 10am to 10pm, Thu to Sat 10am to 11pm

03 7638883


02 5562229

Close to Abu Dhabi International Airport and Yas Island, this mall has an array of fashion outlets plus a cinema and food court.

Timings: Sat to Thu 10am to 11pm, Fri 2 to 11pm AL WAHDA MALL

02 4437000, 02 4437070

With over 150 shops covering three floors, Al Wahda Mall houses fashion, jewellery and beauty stores as well as entertainment and restaurants.

Timings: Sun to Wed 10am to

10pm, Thu to Sat 10am to 11pm Avenue at etihad towers

800 3844238

This newly opened exclusive boulevard is home to almost 40 luxury shops, showcasing designer labels and high-end brands, spread across two levels.

Timings: Call for store timings

02 6354000


02 6333311

The 400 outlets sell just about everything, while the adjacent Gold Centre is the ideal place to browse for gold, diamond and pearl jewellery.

03 7660333

Offers over 100,000 square metres of retail and entertainment space spread over three floors, with cinemas, an ice skating rink and a bowling alley.

AL JIMI MALL More than 110 shops to choose from offering a wide variety of products from fashion and jewellery to health and beauty.

Timings: Sat to Thu 10am to 10pm, Fri 2 to 10pm BAWADI MALL

03 7840000

Timings: Sat to Thu 10am to

Al Ain’s newest and largest mall offers an indoor ski slope, cinema, bowling alley, skating rink, family entertainment centre and almost 400 shops.


Timings: Sat to Wed 10am to 11pm, Thu and Fri 10am to midnight

2am, Fri 4pm to 2am. Gold Centre Sat to Thu 9am to 2pm and 4 to 11pm, Fri 4 to 11pm

02 6818300

A retail haven with a waterfront setting, Marina Mall has over 300 stores, a 100-metre-high viewing platform and an ice skating rink.



Abu Dhabi Mall is one of the main attractions on the shopping scene with over 220 retail outlets, plus entertainment options.




Souks 1. Gold Souk 2. Alesayi Textiles, Marina Mall 3. The Souk Central Market 4. Spice Souk 5. Avenue at Etihad Towers

Timings: Sat to Wed 10am to 10pm, Thu and Fri 10am to 11pm


02 8107810

Shop for traditional souvenirs, spices, jewellery, perfumes, sunglasses and electronics at this modern souk.

Timings: Sun to Thu 10am to 10pm, Fri and Sat 10am to 11pm

Go for gold Gold is paricularly popular with tourists visiting the UAE thanks to the competitive prices and lack of sales tax. The Madinat Zayed Gold Centre is a must for those looking to buy jewellery at affordable prices, however there are also many reputable regional and international retailers and brands at the city's malls.




02 5581670

Located next to the Shangri-La hotel is this classy, Arabian-themed souk with Venetian canals and a variety of shops and restaurants.

Timings: Sat to Thu 10am to 10pm, Fri 4 to 10pm


19/02/2013 11:47











2009 - 2012

Restaurant Chef of the Year 2011 & 2012


Taste Superb restaurants and glamorous cocktail bars make Abu Dhabi a stylish and sophisticated choice for fine food and drink

Hotel outlets & promotions

Al Maha Arjaan

02 6106666

Al Markaziyah City Café offers Mexican on Mondays, pasta on Tuesdays, Indian on Wednesdays and brunch on Fridays for AED95. An à la carte menu with salad, soup, main and dessert is available on Thursdays and Saturdays for AED75 and Sunday feaures a seafood buffet for AED130. City Café – International

Aloft Abu Dhabi

02 6545013

Al Safarat

Asian Tapas Nights at Relax@12, take place every Saturday and Sunday from 5.30pm for AED99 per person. Two glasses of house wine are included in the price. For international fare and lounge-pods-for-two complemented by an eclectic mix of laid-back tunes, don’t miss the evening brunch at Mai Café every Thursday from 6.30pm.

Beach Rotana Abu Dhabi

02 6979000

Tourist Club Area Grade A steak is cooked to perfection by the head chef at Rodeo Grill and his indulgent chocolate dessert is a must-try for diners with a sweet tooth. Bay View – Beach restaurant Benihana – American/Japanese Brauhaus – German Essence – International Finz – Seafood Indigo – Indian Prego’s – Italian Rodeo Grill – American steakhouse Trader Vic’s – French Polynesian

Eastern Mangroves Hotel & Spa

02 6561000

Eastern Mangroves Enjoy authentic flavours from around the world at International all-day dining restaurant, Ingredients for AED295 per person including soft drinks or pay AED495 to enjoy unlimited bubbly and wine with your meal. Alternatively, head to Pachaylen for exquisite Thai food prepared in the open kitchen.

Centro Yas Island

Mangroves Lounge – Lounge bar Ingredients – All-day international Pachaylen – Thai restaurant Impressions – Rooftop lounge

Yas Island

Emirates Palace

C.Taste has introduced theme evenings for AED89. Enjoy roasts on Mondays, burgers on Tuesdays, pasta on Wednesdays and barbecue on Thursdays.

Ras Al Akhdar

02 6564444

C.Deli – Deli C.Mondo – Lounge bar C.Taste – International buffet

Cristal Hotel Abu Dhabi

02 6520000

Madinat Zayed Visit Gems Restaurant for an Asian and international buffet throughout the week for AED95. Gems Restaurant – International

Cristal Salam Hotel

02 6597666

Tourist Club Area

02 6909000

Tuck into fresh seafood, exquisitely prepared by the talented chefs at Sayad or spend the night dining under the stars on the beach at BBQ Al Qasr. The hotel offers a huge range of cuisines. Creative Chinese dishes are served in an atmospheric setting at trendy Hakkasan while Mezlai is the capital's first restaurant to offer Emirati cuisine. There's also Italian fine dining, Spanish tapas, Lebanese food and international fare at dining outlets around the hotel.

Crowne Plaza Abu Dhabi

BBQ Al Qasr – Al fresco dining Breeze Lounge – Spanish bar Cascades – International Diwan L’Auberge – Lebanese Etoiles – European restaurant and nightclub Hakkasan – Chinese Havana Club – Wine and cigar lounge Las Brisas – International Le Café & Caviar Bar – Caviar bar Le Vendôme – International buffet Mezlai – Emirati Mezzaluna – Italian Sayad – Seafood

Al Manzil – International Azur Restaurant – Mediterranean Black Pearl – Piano bar Enigma – Nightclub Sevilla Restaurant – International Wanasah – Arabic

Al Markaziyah

Fairmont Bab Al Bahr

Bain Al Jessrain

Al Rawda Arjaan Abu Dhabi

If you fancy something quick and light then stop off for the business lunch at The Garden which offers soup and salad for AED50 from midday to 4pm on weekdays. Cho Gao – Asian Heroes Bar – Sports bar Level Lounge – Rooftop bar Spaccanapoli – Italian The Garden – International Vincent’s – Cocktail bar

Dine – International Mai Café – International Relax@12 – International WXYZ Bar - Bar

Al Raha Beach Hotel

02 5080555

Al Raha Beach This month brings Seafood Blues & Jazz night every Thursday at Sevilla where, for AED220 per person, you can pile your plate high with fresh catch of the day, including lobster, shrimp, oysters and mussels.

02 4035000

Al Wahda

Choose Continental cuisine from the à la carte menu at Al Dar or the international buffet for speciality dishes. Enjoy a light snack and coffee at Moka Cafe. Al Dar – International Moka Café – International

Armed Forces Officers’ Club & Hotel

02 4415900

Al Maqtaa

Head to Taverna for barbecue buffet nights every Wednesday with two house beverages included for AED120. Al Bathna – International Kennedy – European Taverna – Tex-Mex



All-day dining restaurant 2.35 offers Asian and international cuisine from the ‘theatre’ kitchens from 6am to 11pm daily. Prices start from AED95 to AED165. Drop in at Vertical bar during happy hour from 5 to 8pm when drinks are half price. 2.35 – International & Middle Eastern Vertical – Wine bar

02 6166122

Crowne Plaza Abu Dhabi Yas Island

02 6563000

Yas Island

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with a live DJ and a special promotion on mussels at Stills from March 14 to 17. Enjoy snacks and shisha in the garden at Barouk while listening to live oud music.


1. Rodeo Grill, Beach Rotana Abu Dhabi 2. Camel Milk soft chocolate, Pachaylen, Eastern Mangroves Hotel & Spa by Anantara 3. Sayad, Emirates Palace 4. The Yacht Club, InterContinental Abu Dhabi


02 6543000

The Friday brunch here is one of the largest in the city with 18 food stations spread across CuiScene and Frankie's Italian Restaurant & Bar. Highlights include the flambé station, dim sum trolley and a wide selection of sushi and sashimi. Prices range from AED249 to AED460 per person. Al Naba’a Lounge – Afternoon tea Cedar Lounge – Lebanese Chameleon – Champagne bar CuiScene – International buffet Frankie’s – Italian Marco Pierre White Steakhouse & Grill – Steakhouse Frankie's Italian Restaurant & Bar – Italian The Chocolate Gallery

Barouk – Lebanese Jing Asia – Asian buffet Stills Bar & Brasserie – European bar and restaurant Sundowner – Bar


19/02/2013 10:19


02 4439999

Al Wahda

Embark on a culinary journey around Italy with dishes from the country's different provinces at Porto Bello from March 15. The award-winning Italian restaurant also hosts an excellent brunch with homemade pasta, pizza and other Italian favourites for AED169 per person


Al Wahda – International buffet Porto Bello – Italian Porters – Pub Reflexions – Nightclub


02 8115555

Ras Al Akhdar Situated up on the 63rd floor, Quest serves delicious panAsian fare in a vibrant environment accompanied by a stunning panorama. An equally impressive view can be gained on the 7 4th floor where Observation Deck serves the highest high tea in Abu Dhabi. Li Beirut – Lebanese Nahaam – International Observation Deck – High tea Quest – Asian fusion Ray’s Bar – Bar Rosewater - International Scott’s – Seafood Tori No Su – Japanese Bice – Italian


02 4180000

Tourist Club Area The Gallery all-day dining restaurant offers international flavours served with flair. The Gallery – International



Ras Al Akdar

02 6570000

02 6811900

Al Khubeirah Chef Guiseppe Mosti has put together a delicious daily organic menu at Italian finedining restaurant, Bocca, a theme continued over the road at the hotel's popular Portuguese eatery, Vasco's. Different themes throughout the week keep things interesting at Cinnabar with ladies' night on Mondays, Beirut night on Tuesdays, a Madness Party every Thursday, Arabic night on Fridays and a salsa evening every Saturday. Arabic Cafe – Arabic Bocca – Italian Cinnabar – Nightclub Escape Restaurant – Beachfront restaurant Hemingway’s – American bar and restaurant Jazz Bar & Dining – Jazz bar La Terrazza – Mediterranean Mawal – Lebanese Royal Orchid – Asian Toki – Japanese Vasco’s – International


02 5961234

Al Safarat

Feast on delicious Mediterranean fare cooked in the open show kitchen at 18º, where floor-to-ceiling windows afford spectacular views of the city. This month marks the launch of the new wine and cheese night at Privé. Every Wednesday from March 6 onwards a selection of 20 artisan cheeses will be available to enjoy with premium vintages for AED130 per person. 18° – Eastern Mediterranean Lounge – Tea lounge and bar Profiterole – Pastries Privé – Bar


800 423463

Al Bateen

A sumptuous Easter brunch will be served at Selections on March 31 for AED195 per person while every Friday sees a lavish culinary display for the hotel's Marina brunch, which includes cooking stations from Chamas, Boccaccio and Belgian Cafe. Sushi night at The Yacht Club takes place every Tuesday and offers unlimited sushi and sashimi for AED125 per person, or AED145 including sake. Belgian Café – Belgian bar and restaurant Boccaccio – Italian Chamas Churrascaria & Bar – Brazilian restaurant and bar Piano Lounge – Piano bar Selections – International Fishmarket – Seafood The Yacht Club – Asian restaurant and bar


Breakfast: Essence, Beach Rotana Abu Dhabi Start the day with a buffet breakfast on the terrace and tuck in to a selection of international foods that range from French pastries to Saj stations. Where: Beach Rotana Abu Dhabi. Contact: 02 6979011 Lunch: Beach House, Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotels & Villas Order a selection of Mediterranean dishes to share and enjoy fresh, flavoursome food right on the beach. Where: Saadiyat Island. Contact: 02 4071138. Afternoon snack: Sea Lounge, MonteCarlo Beach Club A range of beverages and light snacks is served in a contemporary, beachside setting. Where: Saadiyat Island. Contact: 02 6563500. Dinner: BBQ al Qasr, Emirates Palace Soak up the atmosphere of this romantic restaurant while dining on succulent platters of grilled meats and seafood in cabanas on the beach. Where: Corniche. Contact: 02 690 7999. Nightcap: Turquoiz, The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort Round off the evening with a drink at this sophisticated new beach lounge, which also serves an array of light snacks and main dishes. Where: Saadiyat Island. Contact: 02 4988001.

Contemporary seafood restaurant, The Beach has a choice of indoor or al fresco dining overlooking the pool or beach. Horizon – International buffet The Beach – Seafood Sunset Bar – Beach restaurant


02 6446666

Tourist Club Area Get into the spirit of St.Patrick's Day at the Captain's Arms with a barbeque in the garden, Irish brews and Irish music. A new menu at Le Bistrot is best experienced with the four-course set menu option for AED200 per person. Al Birkeh – Lebanese Captain’s Arms – English pub Chi Chi’s – Tex-Mex G-Club – Nightclub La Brasserie – International Le Bistrot – French/sustainable NRG Sports Bar – Sports bar Opus Bar – Bar Pappagallo – Italian Talay – Thai Wakataua Terrace – Polynesian outdoor lounge


800 101101

Al Markaziyah What better way to start off the weekend than with a delicious meal by the pool? The Friday brunch at Amalfi offers just that with its al fresco buffet, where diners can help themselves to a wide selection of dishes from around the world for AED140 to AED170 per person. Al Fanar – European Amalfi – Italian Illusions – Nightclub P.J. O’Reilly’s – Irish pub Sax Restaurant Club – International restaurant and bar The Piano Lounge – Cocktail lounge


02 6333555

Al Markaziyah Fois Gras expert, Robert Chaffanjon will share his expertise with diners at Le Beaujolais from March 24 to April 5. Le Beaujolais – Bistro Le Jardin – International buffet Le Privé – French Mood Indigo – Lounge bar Pergola – Sports bar China Restaurant – chinese

20/02/2013 18:21


Millennium Hotel Abu Dhabi

02 6262700

Al Markaziyah Authentic Italian cuisine is served in platters to the table at Sevilo's. On Thursdays, the restaurant runs its Mamma Mia Serata promotion, where guests enjoy an Italian feast of antipasti dishes, two mains and dessert for AED160. This month, a bottle of olive oil and vintage balsamic vinegar will be given to every couple having Mamma Mia. Citrus – International Cristal Cigar & Champagne Bar – Champagne bar Marakesh – Moroccan Sevilo’s – Italian

02 5098555

Soak up the creative atmosphere at Teatro and take your pick from the mouthwatering selection of fushion dishes on the menu, which hail from Thailand, Japan, Italy, India, China and beyond. On March 31 celebrate the season with a festive brunch at Ginger for AED190 per person and on St.Patrick's day, head to Cooper's to join in the fun with a performance from Irish band, Tracey Duo. Cooper's Bar & Restaurant – British gastro pub Ginger All-Day Dining – International buffet Teatro – International

Al Nahyan

Yas Island

Choose from a wide selection of fresh-caught dishes for AED85 per person at the Sennara Luncheon every Saturday. Over at Wokcano the emphasis is on Philippino dishes this month with an open buffet for AED90 per person.

Oryx Hotel

02 6810001

Al Khalidiyah Choose steak, salad and seafood from the à la carte menu and enjoy a dazzling view of the city as you dine at Horizon before heading to Blueline Bar for a nightcap. Blueline Bar – Bar Horizon Terrace – International Horizon Restaurant – International West Side – International

Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel & Villas

02 4071234

Saadiyat Island Friday brunch at The Café is a feast of Arabian and international cuisine with a large selection of seafood, including oysters, smoked salmon, marinated kingfish and prawns from AED200 per person. At Beach House delicious Mediterranean dishes are served on sharing platters and best enjoyed on the terrace or the rooftop right next to the sea. For some of the best steak in town, book at table at Park Bar & Grill, where grade A cuts of beef are complemented by premium vintages from the venue's extensive wine cellar.


Al Matar

Radisson Blu Hotel, Abu Dhabi Yas Island

18 OZ – Steakhouse Resto! – International buffet Sennara – Lebanese seafood The Village Club – International Wokcano – Asian

5. Corniche All Day Dining, Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche 6. Hakkasan, Emirates Palace 7. Nahaam, Jumeirah at Etihad Towers 8. Hoi An, Shangri-La Hotel, Quayat Al Beri

Shangri-La Hotel, Qaryat Al Beri

02 6573333

One to One Hotel The Village

02 4952000 7

Park Rotana

02 6562000

Chef Salvatore Barcellona and his team have put together a delicious new menu full of Italian favourites at Filini, while over at Assymetri a new seafood and curry buffet is available every Friday night for AED180 per person. On Friday afternoons, the Yas brunch is in full swing with food from across the world prepared at live cooking stations. Prices start at AED195 per person. Assymetri – International buffet Fast Track Lobby Bar – Cocktail lounge Filini – Italian restaurant and bar

rocco forte HOTEL ABU DHABI

02 4952000

Al Riyadiya Soak up the sultry atmosphere augmented by dramatic red lighting and the soaring atrium overhead at Rouge, where a blend of Chinese and Japanese dishes are served. Oro – Italian Oceana Grill – International Rouge – Asian Brown's Tea Lounge – light bites Noche – South American Blue – Cocktail bar

Bain Al Jessrain Pick your favourite cut of steak from the live carving station and select the sides you want with it at Sofra Bld's Rodeo Tuesday night. The evening gets underway from 7pm and costs AED190 per person including brews and house beverages. At Bord Eau put yourself in the capable hands of chef Alexandre Pernetta and sample five courses of exquisite French cuisine for AED500 per person. Al Hanah – Wine bar Bord Eau – French Hoi An – Vietnamese Pearls & Caviar – Mediterranean restaurant and bar Shang Palace – Chinese Sofra bld – International

Sheraton Abu Dhabi Hotel & Resort

02 6773333

Al Markaziyah This month kicks off with gazpacho week from March 2 to 8 at Bravo Tapas Bar & Restaurant and closes with two Easter Bubbly Brunches on March 29 and 31 at Flavours for AED250 per adult and AED95 for children. March 14 brings back the popular wine-pairing evening at La Mamma for AED210 per person followed by the the unveiling of a new dish at El Sombrero Mexican Restaurant on March 15. The quesadillas de autor platter features four different quesadillas for AED75 and is available till March 30. B-Lounge by Beachcomber – Outdoor lounge Bravo Tapas Bar & Restaurant – Spanish Cloud Nine – International El Sombrero Mexican Restaurant – Mexican Flavours – International La Mamma – Italian The Tavern – English pub The Beachcomber – Tapas Zenith – Nightclub

Beach House – Mediterranean Park Bar & Grill – Steak and seafood/bar The Café – International The Library – Tea lounge The Park Bar – Cocktail bar

Park Inn Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

02 6562222

Yas Island

Ameringo's Mexican Bar & Restaurant offers three tapas and a pint of Spanish beer for AED99 every Monday night from 6 to 11pm. Wednesday is steak night for AED105, although prices vary according to the type of steak you order. Amerigos Mexican Bar & Restaurant – Mexican Mint – International buffet

EDIBLE GOLD Gold is everywhere you look in Abu Dhabi, including on the food. At Emirates Palace five kilograms of pure edible gold is used every year for culinary decoration.



19/02/2013 12:33


Sheraton Khalidiya Hotel

02 6666220

Al Khalidiyah Downtown Restaurant has a three-course set dinner menu every night starting from AED99, which includes soup, main course and dessert. During the day, there is a business lunch from noon to 4pm for AED85.


Traders Hotel, Qaryat Al Beri

02 5108888

Bain Al Jessrain Enjoy Abu Dhabi's beautiful spring climate at the Afya Beach Lounge seaside BBQ every Friday for AED120 per person. Afya – International buffet Afya Beach Lounge – barbecue

Downtown – International La Veranda – International buffet The 3rd Avenue – Bar

Yas Island Rotana

Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche

Some of the best steaks in town are accompanied by a selection of fine wines from Argentina, America and Australia at Blue Grill. Feast on Fridays at Rangoli, which is serving an à la carte Indian brunch for AED 199 per person, including select alcholic beverages.

02 6564000

Yas Island

02 8137777

Al Markaziyah Feast on fresh Gulf seafood prepared in French style at La Mer, while Silk and Spice offers a contemporary take on Thai cuisine in a traditional setting. Jazz 'N Fizz Bar offers live music with chilled-out tunes, jazz and bossa nova.

Blue Grill – Steakhouse Choices – International buffet Rangoli – Indian Y Bar – Bar

Corniche All Day Dining – International Jazz ’N Fizz Bar – bar La Mer – French seafood Silk and Spice – Thai

Yas Viceroy ABU DHABI

02 6560600

Yas Island

The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort

02 4988888

Saadiyat Island Make the most of the cool weather while it lasts with cocktails and nibbles at Turquoiz, the hotel's chic new beach restaurant and lounge. Situated right on the beach, this venue commands a stunning view of the sea, which can also be enjoyed from the terrace at Sontaya, where guests are treated to exquisite Asian fare. 55th&5th, The Grill – Steakhouse Olea – Mediterranean Sontaya – Southeast Asian Turquoiz – Seafood

The Royal Hotel Abu Dhabi

02 8152222

Al Markaziyah This month every Wednesday is seafood night at all-day dining restaurant Optimist. Alternatively ArganaVert serves up tasty Moroccan fare made with authentic ingredients. Al Hawara offers Lebanese cuisine on the rooftop with stunning views of the sea. Al Hawara – Lebanese Basil – Indian Optimist – International

The Westin Abu Dhabi Golf Resort & Spa

02 6169999

Sas Al Nakhl From February to April Moroccan restaurant Agadir is taking a culinary journey through the country, pausing at different locations along the way. This month the focus is Casablanca and the restaurant will be serving a range of dishes inspired by the blend of European and Asian cooking influences common to that region. Agadir – Moroccan Fairways – International Lemon & Lime – Bar The Retreat – Bar

Hummous: Well known and loved even beyond the Middle East, this Arabic dip or spread is made from cooked, mashed chickpeas blended with ground sesame seeds, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and garlic. Moutabel: A delicious and spicy smoked aubergine dip that is popular in Syria, Lebanon and Palestine.

Fans of authentic Italian dishes can enjoy the menu at Amici, developed by Chef Andrea Pastore. Highlights include Lobster Risotto All’Aragosta served with a modern twist and designer pizzas with novel toppings such as mashed pumpkin and smoked duck breast. At Kazu, take a journey through ancient Asia with the six-course tasting menu, including 15 different types of sake. Served in the authentic Japanese tatami room, guests can remove their shoes and sit on cushions while dining. Amici – Italian Angar – Indian Atayeb – Arabic Kazu – Japanese Nautilus – Seafood Noodle Box – Asian Origins – International buffet Rush – Cocktail bar Skylite – Cabana lounge

Ouzi: This popular baked lamb and spiced rice dish is a favourite during Ramadan, the Islamic holy month. Umm Ali: Similar to bread and butter pudding served in the west, this favourite Arabic dessert contains milk, pastry and nuts, and is a staple dish in many buffets.

Although the UAE is a Muslim country, alcohol is permitted in several emirates including Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Alcoholic drinks are served in most five-star hotels. The UAE operates a zero-tolerance policy to drink driving and being drunk in public is a crime, both punishable with a fine and, in more serious cases, imprisonment. Tipping is at diners’ discretion, but 10 percent is customary. No eating, drinking or smoking in public places during the fasting hours (daylight) of the holy month of Ramadan and particular respect must be shown towards all religious rituals and occasions throughout this period.

Ayla Hotel

03 7610111

Al Mutaredh Ayla Restaurant hosts themed buffets throughout the week. Highlights include the seafood lovers’ night on Thursdays, which costs AED130 each, or AED159 if you'd like to include a small bottle of Champagne. Add half a kilogram of giant lobsters for AED108, or a full kilogram for AED200. Visit the restaurant on Fridays for the new Namaste night, where diners can enjoy a traditional Indian dining experience for AED100 per person.

Mercure Grand Hotel Jebel Hafeet

Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort by Anantara

Jebel Hafeet

Liwa Desert

03 7838888

Ladies receive one free cocktail on Thursday nights at Lawrence’s Lounge. Eden Rock – Arabic Le Belvedere – French-Mediterranean Lawrence's Lounge – Bar Orient Cafe – Oriental

al Gharbia

Ayla Restaurant – International Tamra Cafe – Tea lounge

Al Ain

Danat Al Ain Resort

03 7046000

The Wok has a seafood night every Tuesday for AED99. Alternatively, visit Arabesque on Thursdays for its buffet of lobster, shrimps, oysters and mussels, for AED140.

Al Ain Rotana Hotel

03 7545111

Al Muwaiji At Zest, there’s steak ‘n’ barbecue night every Monday from 6.30 to 10.30pm where guests can select their favourite cuts to be grilled before their eyes for AED168 per person. Seafood night at Zest takes place every Wednesday from 6.30 to 10.30pm and costs AED185 per person. Min Zaman – Lebanese Moodz – Lounge bar and club Trader Vic’s – French Polynesian restaurant and bar Zest – International

Al Nawafeer Terrace – Arabic snacks and shisha Arabesque – International Horse & Jockey Pub – English pub Luce – Italian restaurant and nightclub Shooters – Sports bar Tanjore – Indian The Wok – Asian

Hilton Al Ain

03 7686666

Al Surooj

Feast on Arabic food at Makani Café. Shisha is served in the gardens and there is Arabic music from 8pm to 1am. Casa Romana Restaurant – Italian Flavours – International Makani Café – Arabic Paco’s – Tex-Mex Snooker Bar – Sports bar

02 8862088

Treat the taste buds to an eclectic feast at the Al Waha buffet, which features food from countries around the world, including Arabia, Southeast Asian, Japan and the Mediterranean. Prices range from AED130 per person for breakfast to AED175 for lunch and AED200 for dinner. To really take advantage of the hotel's stunning desert location book the couple's dining by design experience and enjoy a tent to yourselves in the middle of the dunes with a private butler to wait on you. Prices start at AED520 for the four-course meal option. Al Liwan – Lobby lounge and bar Al Waha – International/Emirati Ghadeer – Mediterranean Suhail – Steakhouse

Al Nyadat East

Fattoush: This Levantine salad is made from toasted or fried pieces of pita bread and mixed with lettuce, cucumber, onion and other vegetables. Sambusek: Small, triangular pastry pies filled with cheese, meat or spinach.

In the know Non-Muslims may consume pork in licenced restaurants. Any dishes using pork ingredients will be clearly marked on the menu and are prepared separately from non-pork dishes.

Danat Jebel Dhanna Resort

02 8012222


Tides hosts a family brunch every Friday with special activities to keep the little ones entertained for AED225 with house beverages. C-View – Lobby lounge Gazebo – Shisha café L’Attitude – Cocktail bar and lounge Tides – International Zaitoun – Italian

Desert Islands Resort & Spa

02 8015400

Sir Bani Yas Island Book a table on the terrace at the newly launched Amwaj restaurant and enjoy a selection of dishes from the modern tapas style menu in a stunning, waterfront setting. Samak – Seafood The Lounge – Lounge bar Amwaj - Tapas The Palm – International

Tilal Liwa Hotel

02 8946111

Madinat Zayed Enjoy Thursday's seafood barbecue night at Al Badiya restaurant for AED160 or the Friday brunch from 12.30pm with live entertainment for AED130. Al Badiya – International Al Liwan – Snacks Layali – Bar

Bill please

As a general rule, all hotels will add a 10 percent charge to restaurant bills in addition to the six percent fee levied by the government. Most menus state whether these taxes have already been incorporated into the meal prices or not but check with the waiter if it is unclear.



19/02/2013 10:26


my LIFE IN ABU DHABI Lil Strika, director of marketing at both Abu Dhabi Golf Club and Saadiyat Beach Golf Club, tells us about her life and work in the capital



1 Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship 2 Pachaylen, Eastern Mangroves Hotel & Spa by Anantara

I lived in Australia for most of my life before moving to Abu Dhabi in 2009 as part of the Saadiyat Beach Golf Club pre-opening team with Troon Golf. It’s been an amazing experience. Obviously, working for two beautiful, world-class golf courses, I get to attend the Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship each year and I have had the good fortune to meet many of the world’s top golfers. It’s not just golf that keeps me busy. Abu Dhabi’s sunny climate allows us to enjoy a whole range of outdoor sports all year round. At the moment, stand-up paddle boarding is all the rage and the walking club on Tuesday nights at Yas Marina Circuit is popular too. After all, not many places have a Formula 1 track on their doorstep to use as an exercise venue with a twist! When I’m not exercising, or watching sport, I take advantage of the weather by topping up my tan at the pool or beach and going for dinner at one of the many excellent al fresco dining venues around the city. I absolutely love eating on the terrace at Sontaya in The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort, which overlooks the beautiful Saadiyat Beach Golf Club.

Another thing I love about life here is how multicultural the city and its people are. Dinner conversations are never dull with people discussing what brought them to Abu Dhabi and what they plan to do here in the future

For authentic Thai food, nothing beats dinner at Pachaylen at Eastern Mangroves Hotel & Spa by Anantara, followed by drinks under the stars at Impressions. My ultimate favourite, however, is a home-cooked Aussie barbecue at my brother’s house in Abu Dhabi. There’s no better way to enjoy the sun than that. Another thing I love about life here is how multicultural the city and its people are. Dinner conversations are never dull with people discussing where they are from, what brought them to Abu Dhabi and what they plan to do here in the future. This is a young city, with a lot going on, which makes it a hugely exciting place to live and work.




19/02/2013 09:27

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