ATM Catalogue 2018

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Official Catalogue

Official Catalogue

YEARS Premier Partner

Arabian Travel Market 2018

25 Years of Growing Tourism Together. Responsibly.

Official Partners

22-25 April 2018

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4/12/18 11:14 AM

Discover over 4300 business and leisure destinations in 100 countries FROM LUXURY TO ECONOMY BRANDS SOFITEL DUBAI THE PALM RESORT & SPA


Prepare for a truly one-of-a-kind experience this summer, at the world’s firstever Warner Bros. branded indoor theme park. Warner Bros. World™ Abu Dhabi brings together iconic DC and whimsical Animation characters across six immersive lands complete with 29 state-of-the-art rides, unique shows and thrilling attractions.




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Immerse yourself in luxury and discover the award-winning services of our distinctive hotels – where personalised service and first class facilities enrich every experience. China • Egypt • Kenya • Maldives • Philippines • Thailand • U.A.E. • U.S.A. Upcoming destinations: Bahrain • Bhutan • Singapore • Vietnam

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4/29/18 10:31 AM


Official Catalogue 2018 April 22-25, 2018 Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre


Welcome Messages Media Partners


Exhibition Information


Wellness & Spa


Team Information


Seminar and Debate Programme


Show Highlights


Transportation Information


Floor Plans


Featured New Exhibitors


Exhibitor A-Z index


Exhibitor Profiles


Travel Technology – Exhibitor Profiles


Product Index


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4/11/18 9:01 AM

UN D E R T H E A R C H E S O F AW E A N D W O N D E R marble flowers blossom beneath your feet towards golden domes inspired by a great visionary, where you find crystal date palms and a seamless hand-woven carpet. When the moon rises to illuminate every pattern, you will finally find yourself at one with wonder.

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque #InAbuDhabi

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4/10/18 5:29 PM


‫سعادة هالل سعيد املري‬

)‫املدير العام لدائرة السياحة والتسويق التجاري بدبي (دبي للسياحة‬


،‫الضيوف الكرام‬ ً ً ‫أهـ‬ ،”‫ من "معرض سوق السفر العربي‬25 ‫وسهال بكم يف الــدورة الـ‬ ‫ـا‬ ‫امللتقى الذي أصبح على مدى السنوات املاضية احلدث األبرز واألكرث‬ ‫ والذي يجمع آالف اخلرباء من العاملني يف‬،‫تأثرياً على مستوى املنطقة‬ ‫ونتوجه بالشكر إىل‬ .‫قطاعي السياحة والسفر من جميع أنحاء العامل‬ ّ ‫ وعلى الدعم املستمر لدبي‬،‫كل من يحرص على زيارة املعرض بانتظام‬ ‫ ونأمل أن يسهم هذا احلدث يف‬.‫لتعزيز مكانتها كوجهة سياحية رائدة‬ ،‫ والتعرف على منتجات وتقنيات وخربات جديدة‬،‫حتقيق النمو ألعمالنا‬ ‫ فستشاهدون بأنفسكم‬،‫ وللز ّوار اجلدد‬.‫وتأسيس شراكات أعمال مثمرة‬ ‫مدى تأثري مدينة حيوية مثل دبي على املشهد السياحي بشكل عام‬ ‫من خالل مساعيها احلثيثة لرتسيخ مكانتها ولتصبح املدينة االكرث زيارة‬ .‫يف العامل‬ ‫ نائب رئيس‬،‫إن رؤية سيدي صاحب السمو الشيخ حممد بن راشد آل مكتوم‬ ّ ‫ واألهداف الطموحة‬،‫ رعاه اهلل‬،‫ حاكم دبي‬،‫الدولة رئيس جملس الوزراء‬ ‫ الذي نستضيف‬2020‫ مليون زائر سنوي ًا بحلول العام‬20‫ الستقبال‬،‫لدبي‬ ‫ تؤتي بثمارها اآلن من خالل تبنّي وتطبيق‬،”‫فيه أيض ًا معرض "اكسبو‬ ‫ واملشاريع املستقبلية‬،‫العديد من احللول اإلبداعية واملبتكرة املتط ّورة‬ ‫ كما تهدف دبي إىل ترسيخ مكانتها‬.‫التي نراها تتحقق من حولنا اليوم‬ ‫املفضلة‬ ّ ‫ والوجهة‬،‫كوجهة عاملية رائدة متتلك أعلى معدل تكرار للزيارة‬ .‫لزيارة العائالت‬ ً‫تقدم ًا ملحوظ ًا ومستمرا‬ ّ ‫ حقّ قنا‬،‫ويف سبيل حتقيق تلك الطموحات‬ .2017 ‫التحديات العاملية واإلقليمية التي شهدها العام‬ ‫على الرغم من‬ ّ ً ‫إشغاال من‬ ‫فيما استعاد مطار دبي الدويل مكانته كأكرث مطارات العامل‬ 88.2 ‫ مع استخدامه من قبل‬،2017 ‫حيث املسافرين الدوليني للعام‬ ً ‫ كما شهد العام‬.%5.5 ‫مسجال نسبة منو وصلت إىل‬ ،‫مليون مسافر‬ ‫ بزيادة سنوية نسبتها‬،‫ مليون زائر‬15.8 ‫ استقبال دبي لنحو‬،‫املاضي‬ ‫ وتأكيد مكانة دبي التي‬،‫ األمر الذي أسهم يف تسريع وترية النمو‬،%6.2 ‫حافظت على املركز الرابع ضمن قائمة أبرز وجهات العامل استقطاب ًا‬ .‫للمسافرين الدوليني‬

H.E. Helal Saeed Almarri, Director General, Dubai Tourism ——­ Dear travel and tourism professionals, Welcome to Dubai for the 25th anniversary of Arabian Travel Market – a forum that has over the years come to be recognised as one of the region’s most influential events, bringing together thousands of tourism industry experts from all over the world. To those that are regulars, thank you for continuing to be true advocates of Dubai’s strong destination offering. We hope, as always, you will have the opportunity to further enhance business growth as new products, technologies, experiences and partnerships present themselves through your stay with us. To all of you that are first-time attendees, you will witness for yourselves the impact that a dynamic city like Dubai yields for the tourism ecosystem, as it constantly seeks to evolve its proposition, in its quest to become the most visited in the world. Dubai’s ambitious vision set by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, with a goal to welcome 20 million annual visitors by the time we host World Expo in 2020, is brought to fruition through the many cutting-edge innovations and future-forward projects we see being realised around us today. We also aim to be the most recommended and revisited global city, and to be recognised as the ‘first choice’ for family travellers. In our journey towards delivering against these aspirations, we have made diligent and steadfast progress, undeterred by global and regional volatilities through 2017. Dubai International Airport retained its position as the world’s number one airport, with international passenger traffic totalling 88.2 million, up 5.5 per cent for 2017. Consequently, Dubai brought in a record 15.8 million overnight tourists, up 6.2 per

April 22-25, 2018 Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre

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Arabian Travel Market 2018

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‫مقدمة القطاعات من حيث التط ّور‬ ّ ‫لقد كانت السياحة دائم ًا يف‬ ‫ وذلك ملا تتسم به من طبيعة استثنائية وحيوية يف تعاملها‬،‫والتح ّول‬ ‫ كانت‬،‫التحديات‬ ‫ ويف خضم مواجهتنا لتلك‬.‫مع املتغ ّيرات املتسارعة‬ ّ ‫ الحتضان هذه‬،‫هناك دائم ًا فرصة واضحة وكامنة ومثرية لالهتمام‬ .‫التط ّورات وحتديد مستقبل صناعة السفر والسياحة العاملي مع ًا‬ ‫ جند أن حدث ًا مثل "معرض سوق السفر العربي” يلعب دوراً مهم ًا‬،‫ولذا‬ ،‫منصة كربى وعاملية لتبادل املعلومات والتواصل مع اآلخرين‬ ّ ‫يف توفري‬ .‫ وتعزيز الشراكات القائمة‬،‫وبناء شراكات أعمال جديدة‬ ‫ يستوحي احلدث شعاره من أبرز القضايا‬،‫وكما هو احلال يف كل عام‬ ‫ وينطلق هذا العام حتت شعار "السفر املسؤول‬،‫التي تواجه القطاع‬ ‫ وهــو املفهوم الــذي بــات يكتسب أهمية متنامية لدى‬،”‫واالســتــدامــة‬ ‫ فقد أصبح املسافرون يأخذون بعني االعتبار‬.‫املسافر العاملي اليوم‬ ‫ ويسعون لضمان أن‬،‫التأثريات البيئية ضمن قرارهم اخلــاص بالسفر‬ ‫يتوجب علينا‬ ‫ وهذا يعني أنّه‬.‫تساهم رحالتهم يف احلفاظ على البيئة‬ ّ ‫جميع ًا إدارة عروضنا وخدماتنا ومنتجاتنا بطريقة متتاز باملسؤولية‬ ‫اجملتمعية واالستدامة البيئية لضمان حتقيق النجاح على املدى‬ ‫ـإن املسؤولية‬ ّ ‫ فـ‬،‫ وعلى مستوى الوجهات‬،‫ وبطبيعة احلــال‬،‫الطويل‬ ‫تقع على عاتقنا جميع ًا للمساهمة بقوة يف احلفاظ على مواردنا‬ .‫ واالستمرار يف تقدمي جتربة استثنائية لز ّوار دبي‬،‫الطبيعية وجتديدها‬ ‫ قطعت دبــي شوط ًا كبرياً نحو حتقيق تلك‬،‫ومــن هــذا املنطلق‬ ً‫ التي تعترب إطارا‬،”‫ عرب إطالق "مبادرة دبي للسياحة املستدامة‬،‫األهداف‬ ً ‫ مت تصميمه لتعزيز ودعم ممارسات االستدامة الصديقة للبيئة يف‬،‫شامال‬ ‫مهمة‬ ّ )‫ وتتو ّلى (دبي للسياحة‬.‫قطاعي السياحة والضيافة يف اإلمارة‬ ‫املشجعة‬ ‫ التي تستكشف أفضل الطرق واألساليب‬،‫إدارة هذه املبادرة‬ ّ ‫ وخفض انبعاثات الكربون‬،‫للمحفاظ على املصادر البيئية الطبيعية‬ ‫ طرحت املبادرة "جائزة دبي‬،‫ ويف هذا السياق‬.‫ضمن قطاع السياحة‬ 17 ‫للسياحة املستدامة” التي تك ّرم أفضل املمارسات يف القطاع عرب‬ ‫ لتصميم‬،‫ تتعاون دبي مع هيئة األمم املتحدة‬،‫ وباإلضافة إىل ذلك‬.‫فئة‬ ً ‫مستقبال نحو‬ ‫اسرتاتيجية فريدة من نوعها حتدد طموحات املدينة‬ .2021 ‫ بحلول‬%16 ‫خفض انبعاثات الكربون بنسبة‬ ‫ ولهذا‬،‫وتعترب تلك اخلطوات األوىل على طريق ال يزال أمامنا طويل‬ ‫فنحن ملتزمون وعلى ثقة يف قوة شراكاتنا وتعاوننا يف كل ما يخص‬ ‫ كما أننا على يقني من قدرتنا مع ًا على بناء معيار ذهبي‬،‫هذه الصناعة‬ .‫ يكون له أثره اإليجابي يف املستقبل القريب‬،‫للسياحة والسفر املستدام‬ ‫ وتوسيع اخليارات اجلاذبة‬،‫ إقامة مشاريع نوعية‬2017 ‫وقد شهد عام‬ ‫ عرب افتتاح "ال‬،‫التي تل ّبي تط ّلعات وأذواق شرائح أوسع من ز ّوار دبي‬ ‫يقدم‬ ّ ‫ الــذي‬،”‫ و"متحف االحت ــاد‬،‫مــر” أحــدث وجهة شاطئية يف دبــي‬ ‫وجهة ثقافية للز ّوار الباحثني عن استكشاف تاريخ دولة اإلمارات العربية‬ ‫ أول عرض مسرحي‬،”‫ و"ال بريل‬.‫املتحدة احلديث وسرية املؤسسني األوائل‬ ‫ افتتاح عدد من املعامل‬،‫ كما شهدت دبي‬.‫لفنانني مقيمني يف دبي‬ ‫ عرب‬،‫والوجهات التي أضيفت إىل سجلها احلافل باملشاريع املم ّيزة‬ ‫يقدم لز ّوار املدينة إطاللة مزدوجة على دبي‬ ّ ‫ الذي‬،”‫تدشني "برواز دبي‬ ‫ ومن بني املواقع‬،”‫ وحديقة احليوانات "سفاري دبي‬،‫القدمية واحلديثة‬ ‫ التي‬،”‫ "منطقة دبي التاريخية‬،2018 ‫واملعامل املنتظر افتتاحها يف‬


Arabian Travel Market 2018

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cent year-on-year, accelerating the momentum from the previous year, and reaffirming our position as the fourth most visited city in the world. The tourism sector has been at the forefront of disruptive transformation, and one that’s been exceptionally dramatic in its pace and constancy of change. We have a clear and latent opportunity in these interesting times to embrace these developments and define the future of global travel together. And it is in such times that events like ATM play an even more pivotal role as a platform for information exchange, knowledge sharing, building new partnerships and strengthening existing ones. As with every year, the most pressing global issues form the core theme of the show, and for this edition, the theme revolves around Responsible Travel and Sustainability, an increasingly important consideration for today’s global traveller. Consumers in every sector are more socially conscious, and environmental impact has become an integral part of their decision-making process. They seek assurances from the brands they patronise, so that their actions and interactions may leave a positive footprint for the communities around them. This means that within our industry, it is incumbent upon tourism players to manage their offerings, experiences, products and services in a socially responsible and ecologically sustainable manner. Of course at a destination level, the onus is on all of us to contribute actively towards the conservation, preservation and renewal of our natural resources and habitat, while continuing to deliver an exceptional Dubai visitor experience at every interaction point in the city. To this end, Dubai has made considerable strides, launching the Dubai Sustainable Tourism Initiative as a comprehensive framework designed to further and support sustainability and environmentally-friendly practices within the emirate’s tourism and hospitality sectors. Managed by Dubai Tourism, the initiative explores ways of continuously fostering resource conservation and reducing the tourism industry’s carbon footprint. Additionally, to nurture innovation within this arena, the Dubai Sustainable Tourism Awards recognise and celebrate the sector’s top performers across 17 distinct categories. In collaboration with the United Nations, Dubai has also created a robust ‘Carbon Abatement’ strategy outlining the city’s agenda to achieve a 16 per cent reduction in carbon emissions by 2021. These are the first steps in the long road ahead of us, but we are committed and confident in the strength of our partnerships and collaborations with the industry, and I am certain that we

April 22-25, 2018 Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre

4/11/18 9:13 AM


ّ ‫ستمنح الز ّوار فرصة‬ ‫ والتع ّرف على‬،‫االطالع عن كثب ومالمسة تاريخ دبي‬ ،‫ باإلضافة إىل أسلوب حياة قاطني املدينة‬،‫شكل جمتمعها قدمي ًا‬ ‫ وما زالت أعمال‬.‫والعادات والتقاليد التي توارثتها األجيال حتى اليوم‬ ،‫تطوير منطقة حتّا مستمرة لتقدم وجهة للتنزّه يف أرجاء الطبيعة‬ ‫والتي بدأت فعلي ًا يف اكتساب جماهرييتها كمالذ للهروب من صخب‬ ّ ‫ ووجهة‬،‫املدينة‬ .‫لعشاق املغامرات واملشاهد الطبيعية اآلسرة‬ ‫ واالستفادة من زيارتكم‬،‫ أمتنى لكم طيب اإلقامة يف دبي‬،‫يف اخلتام‬ ً‫ ونتمنى أن نراكم جمددا‬،‫واستكشاف تلك املعامل واملواقع اجلديدة‬ ‫ حيث املزيد من املعامل التي تستحق االستكشاف‬،‫يف القريب العاجل‬ ،‫ مع خالص أمنياتي لكم جميع ًا بالنجاح خالل هذا األسبوع‬.‫والتجربة‬ .‫وقضاء أوقات ممتعة يف مدينتكم املفضلة‬

will, together, build a sustainable gold standard for travel and tourism that will leave a lasting impact for the foreseeable future. As a destination, 2017 saw further strides made in broadening Dubai’s appeal to a wide spectrum of visitors. New openings included the city’s newest beachfront district, La Mer; Etihad Museum, offering an enriching overview of the birth of the UAE and the fathers of the nation; La Perle by Dragone, the region’s first resident theatrical show; Dubai Frame, boasting far-reaching views of old and new Dubai; and Dubai Safari, bringing a unique wildlife experience to the city. 2018 has already seen the launch of the UAE’s first national park, Al Marmoum, providing an opportunity for tourists to interact, learn and appreciate

.‫شكراً لكم‬

the flora and fauna of the emirate. And there is more in store, with new destination offerings coming online in 2018 including

‫هالل سعيد املري‬

sections of Dubai Historic District, giving visitors an immersion into the rich history of the emirate, while enhancements will also continue to be made to the compelling outdoor lifestyle offering in Hatta, which is rapidly becoming a hotspot for thrillseekers and nature-lovers. I encourage you to make the most of all these new attractions during your stay in Dubai – and urge you to return again in the near future, when there will be yet more to discover and experience. I wish you all a successful week and an enjoyable stay in our city. Thank you. Helal Saeed Almarri

April 22-25, 2018 Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre

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Arabian Travel Market 2018

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ME34 40

Arabia n Trav e 2018 l Market


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LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configurations, DUPLO and LEGOLAND are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2018 The LEGO Group. LEGOLAND is a Merlin Entertainments brand.

4/10/18 5:29 PM


‫سيمون بريس‬ ‫ شركة ريد ترافل اكسيبشنز‬،‫املدير األول للمعارض‬ ——

،2018 ‫مرح ًبا بكم يف سوق السفر العربي‬ ‫شهد معرض سوق السفر العربي (امللتقى) منواً مطرداً منذ افتتاحه‬ ‫ عام ًا ليصبح املنصة الرائدة يف الشرق‬25 ‫ألول مرة يف مدينة دبي منذ‬ ‫األوسط للمتخصصني يف قطاع السياحة ونقطة اتصال لقطاع السفر‬ .‫يف املنطقة‬ ‫ تضم العديد من املدن يف منطقة الشرق األوسط وشمال‬،‫واليوم‬ ‫ وتقود دبي‬.‫أفريقيا جمموعة من أكرب املشاريع السياحية يف العامل‬ ،‫والرياض طليعة مدن املنطقة وتواصالن تطوير الكثري من املشاريع‬ ‫ مشروع ًا فندقي ًا يجري العمل عليها وتضم‬145 ‫حيث تضم مدينة دبي‬ ‫ مشروع ًا تضم‬53 ‫ فيما يتم العمل يف مدينة الرياض على‬،‫ غرفة‬40,733 ‫ يوجد لدى دولة اإلمارات العربية املتحدة‬،‫ ويف اإلجمال‬.‫ غرفة‬10,425 ‫ فيما تعمل اململكة العربية‬،‫ غرفة ضمن التطوير‬55,264‫ مشروع ًا و‬194 .‫ مشروع ًا‬198 ‫ غرفة ضمن‬60,249 ‫السعودية على‬ ‫وعلى الرغم من الفوائد االقتصادية لهذه املشاريع إال أنها تتسبب ببعض‬ ‫األضرار على البيئة من حيث االنبعاثات الكربونية وزيادة معدالت الطلب على‬ .‫املياه والطاقة وارتفاع مستويات نفايات الطعام والضوضاء والتلوث‬ ‫وتشري تقديرات منظمة السياحة العاملية التابعة لألمم املتحدة‬ ‫ من انبعاثات ثاين أكسيد‬%5 ‫إىل أن قطاع السياحة يتحمل مسؤولية‬ ‫ سرتكز الدورة اخلامسة والعشرين من‬،‫ ولهذا السبب‬.‫الكربون يف العامل‬ ‫معرض سوق السفر العربي على موضوع السياحة املسؤولة عرب تنظيم‬ ‫العديد من الفعاليات والنشاطات مبا يف ذلك جلسات نقاش خاصة لزيادة‬ ‫الوعي حول كيفية تقليل النفايات وإعادة استخدامها وتدويرها والتخفيف‬ .‫من مستويات الهدر وحماية البيئة‬ ‫وميكننا من خالل بعض التعديالت التحديثية والتغيريات التشغيلية‬ ‫ وهو أمر بالغ األهمية عندما‬،‫وأنظمة األمتتة التخفيف من تأثرينا البيئي‬ 1.8 ‫ حيث سيسافر‬.‫ننظر إىل مسار منو السياحة الدولية يف الوقت احلايل‬ .2030 ‫مليار شخص دولي ًا كل عام بحلول العام‬ ‫ سنواجه العديد من التحديات غري املسبوقة على‬،‫وعلى هذا األساس‬ ‫ وسرنكز خالل دورة‬.2030 ‫الصعيد االقتصادي والبيئي من اآلن وحتى العام‬ ‫عذا العام على تسليط الضوء على أهمية اعتماد االسرتاتيجيات الصحيحة‬ .‫لتعزيز االلتزام باملسؤولية يف قطاع السياحة‬

Simon Press Senior Exhibition Director, Reed Travel Exhibitions ——­ Welcome to Arabian Travel Market 2018, Since opening its doors for the first time in Dubai 25 years ago, Arabian Travel Market (ATM) has grown to become the Middle East’s leading platform for tourism professionals and a focal point for the region’s travel industry. Today, the cities across the MENA region are home to some of the world’s largest tourism development pipelines. Leading the way, Dubai and Riyadh continue to develop the highest number of projects, with Dubai boasting a pipeline of 145 projects with 40,733 rooms, and Riyadh, 53 projects comprising 10,425 rooms. In total, the UAE has 194 projects and 55,264 rooms in the construction pipeline and Saudi Arabia has 60,249 rooms over 198 projects. Despite the economic benefits, growth often comes at a price and, in the resource intensive hospitality and tourism sectors, the environmental impact is multi-dimensional, from carbon emissions, water and energy demand, to food waste, noise and light pollution. The UN's World Tourism Organisation estimates tourism is responsible for 5% of global CO2 emissions and accommodation accounts for approximately 20% of emissions from tourism. In recognition and response, the 25th edition of ATM has adopted ‘Responsible Tourism’ as its theme, this year. Running throughout the event, professionals from across the industry will be raising awareness of how reducing, reusing and recycling, can eliminate waste and protect our environment. Through retrofits, operational changes and automation, it is possible to reduce our environmental impact, which is crucial when we consider the growth trajectory international tourism is currently on. By 2030, 1.8 billion people will travel internationally every year.

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‫ وبهذه‬،‫ويحتفل املعرض العام القادم بنسخته اخلامسة والعشرون‬ ‫املناسبة سيتم تنظيم عدة جلسات تسلط الضوء على التطور الذي شهده‬ ‫قطاع السفر والسياحة يف منطقة الشرق األوسط وشمال أفريقيا على‬ ‫ والتوقعات املستقبلية لهذا القطاع خالل‬،‫ املاضية‬25 ‫مدى السنوات الـ‬ .‫ سنة املقبلة‬25 ‫الـ‬ ‫ويستضيف املسرح العاملي ضمن املعرض هذا العام مؤمتر االستثمار‬ ‫ وذلك بهدف إبراز خمتلف العوامل التي‬،‫) ألول مرة‬IHIF( ‫الدويل للفنادق‬ ‫تسهم بتعزيز االستثمار يف وجهات السفر عرب منطقة الشرق األوسط‬ ‫واملناطق اجملــاورة مع الرتكيز بشكل خــاص على نوعية املستثمرين‬ ‫واألصول التي يرغبون باستثمارها وكيف ميكن للوجهات السياحية جذب‬ ‫ كما سيستضيف املعرض الدورة األوىل من مؤمتر‬.‫املزيد من االستثمارات‬ ‫ وهو برنامج يستهدف الطالب واخلريجني الذين يتطلعون إىل‬،‫الطالب‬ .‫العمل يف قطاع السفر والسياحة يف املستقبل‬ ‫) بدورته‬ILTM( ‫كما سنشهد تنظيم معرض سوق السفر الدويل الفاخر‬ ‫ والذي سيوفر فرصة مثالية الجتماع‬،‫الثانية يف اليومني األولني من احلدث‬ ‫ وتشمل الفعاليات األخرى يف‬.‫املوردين العامليني واملشرتين الرئيسيني‬ ‫معرض سوق السفر العربي أيض ًا التواصل السريع مع املؤثرين يف وسائل‬ .‫ ومعرض تقنيات السفر‬،‫ وصالة العافية‬،‫ ونادي املشرتين‬،‫التواصل االجتماعي‬ ‫ويف اخلتام أود أن أغتنم هذه الفرصة ألشكر جميع العارضني واجلهات‬ ‫الراعية واملندوبني واملتحدثني والزائرين على دعمكم املستمر للمعرض‬ ‫على مدى السنوات اخلمس والعشرين املاضية وأقدر التزامكم الراسخ بتعزيز‬ .‫قطاع السياحة يف جميع أنحاء منطقة الشرق األوسط وشمال أفريقيا‬

So, between now and 2030, we face many unprecedented challenges, both economic and environmental. During ATM 2018, we will demonstrate how, with the correct strategy in place, together we can expand the tourism industry responsibly. In celebration of its 25th year, ATM 2018 will host a series of seminar sessions looking back over the last 25 years and how the hospitality industry in the MENA region is expected to flourish over the next 25. New to the Global Stage this year is the International Hotel Investment Forum (IHIF) at ATM. This session will look at what drives investment in travel destinations across the Middle East and neighbouring regions, with particular focus placed on, who is investing, what assets they are looking for, and what destinations can do to attract investment. Also new for 2018, the inaugural ATM Student Conference – a programme aimed at students and graduates who are looking to pursue a career in the travel and tourism industry. Now in its second year, the International Luxury Travel Market Arabia (ILTM) will return on the first two days of the show - providing international luxury suppliers and key luxury buyers with the opportunity to connect via one-to-one prescheduled appointments and networking opportunities. Further ATM calendar favourites returning for 2018 include

‫سيمون بريس‬

the Digital Influencer Speed Networking, Buyers’ Club, Wellness Lounge and the ultra-innovative Travel Tech Show. Finally, to you, our exhibitors, sponsors, delegates, speakers and visitors, may I take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support of the show over the last 25 years, and your unwavering commitment to tourism throughout the MENA region. I wish you all a successful and rewarding exhibition. Simon Press


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The St. Regis Dubai | W Dubai – Al Habtoor City | The Westin Dubai, Al Habtoor City



Three Distinct Hotels. One Stellar Destination Featuring three distinct luxury hotels with The St. Regis Dubai, W Dubai – Al Habtoor City and The Westin Dubai, Al Habtoor City and nestled on the banks of Dubai Water Canal, Al Habtoor City is centrally located in the Downtown and Business Bay area. The city presents almost 1600 suites and rooms, a spectrum of award-winning dining and leisure including 17 restaurants and bars, 2 spas and the spectacular theatre show, La Perle by Dragone.

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Media Partners Media Partners Media Partners Official Partners

Premium Media Media Partners Premium Partners Premium Media Partners

Media Partners

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Arabian Travel Market 2018

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22 - 25 April 2018, Dubai International Convention Centre 22 - 25 April 2018, Dubai International Convention Centre

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Exhibition Information

Admission Onsite registration fee of AED165 (inc VAT) applies. Free registration is available online before arrival at the show. Banks Emirates NBD facilities are located within the venue. Opening hours are 8am - 2pm Sunday to Thursday daily except Fridays. Various banking facilities including ATM’s can be found on Concourses 1 and 2. Business Bureau Business services are available from Spectrum Digital Printing Press, located outside Hall 3. Spectrum produces high quality, cost effective materials from large format printing solutions like roll-up banners and pop-up displays to business cards, brochures and flyers. Buyer’s Club The Buyers’ Club Lounge is located in Hall 8. The Buyers Club Lounge is exclusively accessible to VIP travel industry buyers visiting Arabian Travel Market as part of the Buyers’ Club. Canvassing Canvassing for orders by an unauthorised person is strictly prohibited. The display or distribution of printed or other promotional items, except by exhibitors from their own stands, is prohibited. Catering Outlets Located inside halls 1, 4, 6,7, and 8. First Aid First Aiders are on call throughout the show, please contact the organising office for assistance in Hall 4 entrance, Office 4.2. Alternatively you will find medical centre staff throughout the event and this can be found between Halls 4 & 5 on the Concourse. Hotels HotelMap are the official accommodation supplier for Arabian Travel Market providing the best live hotel rates in Dubai. You can find them on our website here: www.arabiantravelmarket.wtm. com/en/visit/hotelmap/


Indemnity The organisers and the publishers of the Arabian Travel Market Catalogue accept no responsibility for the statements made in this catalogue, nor for any errors or omissions that may occur, however caused. Lost Property A lost and found area is located on level 1, above Hall 8, in which items are stored for safekeeping until reasonable proof of ownership is presented at the collection point. The lost and found office operates 24 hours, 7 days a week and can be contacted on +971 4 306 4600. Organisers Offices This is situated within the offices of the entrance to Hall 4.

Exhibition Information Opening Dates and Hours

Sunday, 22 April 12.00– 18.00

Opening ceremony (11.00)

Monday, 23 April 10.00– 18.00 Tuesday, 24 April 10.00– 18.00 Wednesday, 25 April 10.00– 17.00

Prayer Rooms The men’s prayer room is located on level 2 opposite Hall 5. The women’s prayer room is located on level 2 opposite Hall 7. Public Telephones Public telephones are located in the foyers of every Hall.

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Wellness & Spa Exhibitors The Wellness & Spa Lounge is in its third year at Arabian Travel Market and brings together international Wellness & Spa Suppliers and Buyers to take part in pre-scheduled appointments over two days from Tuesday 24 – Wednesday 25 April. If you would like to take part in 2019, please contact The ATM exhibitors taking part this year include:

Aitken Spence Hotels Heritance Ayurveda Maha Gedara

Chenot Palace Health Wellness Hotel

L’Albereta Relais & Chateaux

NG Sapanca Wellness & Convention

Santani Resort and Spa

Soukya International Holistic Health Centre

The Begnas Lake Resort & Villas

Velaa Private Island Maldives

Media Partners

Travel & Tourism News Middle East

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Team Information

Sales Jonathan Hull Head of Sales  +44 (0) 208 910 7125  Wellah Ellis Middle East & Hotels Sales Manager  +971 4 3642813  Laura Vettore Eastern Europe Sales Manager  +44 (0) 208 910 7021  Lisa Hopgood North America & Caribbean Sales Manager  +44 (0) 208 910 7961  Amy Francis Africa Sales Manager  +44 (0) 208 910 7805  Jo Marshall Travel Technology Sales Manager  +44 (0) 208 910 7982  Ranju Singh Asia/Asia Pacific, Indian Ocean & Hotels Sales Manager  +44 (0) 208 910 7741  Lucie Winter Mediterranean, Scandinavia & Western Europe Sales Manager  +44 (0) 208 910 7156  Ben Dunster Digital Sponsorship Sales Manager  +44 (0) 208 910 7789 


Peter Walker Travel Technology Sales Manager  +44 (0) 208 439 5410  Rupali Narasimhan India Sales Manager  +91 (120) 434 7249  Bianca Pizzolito Brazil, Central & South America Sales Manager  +55 11 3060 4979  Claudia Delfino Brazil, Central & South America Senior Sales Executive  +55 11 3060 4995  Alla MeInychuk Global Village & Car Hire Senior Sales Executive  +44 (0) 208 910 7750  Danielle Bennett Caribbean & Eastern Europe (Inc. France) Senior Sales Executive  +44 (0) 20 8910 7967  Abigail Fletcher Asia/Pacific & Middle East Senior Sales Executive  +44 (0) 208 910 7716  James SmithTravel Technology Senior Sales Executive  +44 (0)208 439 8912  Charlotte Frost Mediterranean, Scandinavia & Western Europe Sales Executive  +44 (0) 20 8910 7987  Maria Di Pasquale Wellness & Spa Sales Executive  +4 (0) 20 8910 7031 

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Sales Support Jean Carabeo Sales Coordinator  +971 4 3642811  Sandra Diverio Sales Co-ordinator  +44 (0) 208 910 7068 

Key Accounts Shane Hannam Key Accounts Sales Director  +44 (0) 20 8910 7086  Tom Crawford Key Accounts Manager  +44 (0) 20 8910 5489  Conan Jal Key Accounts Manager  +44 (0) 20 8910 7075 

Management Nick Pilbeam Divisional Director  Simon Press Senior Exhibition Director  +44 (0) 208 910 7876  Nadège Noblet ATM Exhibition Manager  +971 4 364 2814 

Marketing Fiona Ashton Marketing Manager  +44 (0) 208 910 7915 

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Team Information

Lindsay Sutherland Marketing Manager  +44 (0) 7917 158 513  Indra Zoeller Senior Marketing Executive  +44 (0) 208 910 7196  Lucy Dyer Senior Portfolio Conference and Seminars Executive  +44 (0)20 8910 7927  Yasmin Amin Marketing Executive  +44 (0) 208 910 7781 

World Travel Market creates personal and business opportunities through its leading events and industry networks. By providing a global reach with a regional focus WTM delivers quality contacts,content and communities.

Drew Harrison Marketing Executive  +44 (0) 208 910 7162  Annabelle Arch Marketing Executive  +44 (0) 208 910 7775 

Operations Otağ Fida Operations Manager  +44 (0)208 910 7852  Chelsea Law Operations Executive  +44 (0) 208 910 7061 

Facilitated more than $7 billion in industry deals in 2017 Brought together over 100,000 travel professionals from 186 counties

Customer Services Arabian Travel Market Helpline  +44 208 271 2158  +44 208 334 0740 

Public Relations Nathalie Visele Shamal Communications  +971 4 365 2711 

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Seminar & debate programme



13.30-14.30 Future Travel Experiences The way in which we ‘travel’ is set to rapidly evolve over the next few years as technological advances bring new modes of transport and in-flight and airport experiences to market. Countries across the Gulf region are leading the way – on the ground and in the air – with the government and leading transportation entities rolling out several exciting initiatives that will transform visitor and resident journeys forever. From lightening-speed Hyperloop train systems and autonomous vehicles to ‘smart airport’ strategies and in-flight innovations that are world-class, the travel experiences of the future will be far from dull, as our high-profile panellists explain. Moderator: Richard Dean, UAE-based business broadcaster and presenter Speakers: Sir Tim Clark, KBE, President, Emirates Airline; Issam Kazim, CEO, Dubai Corporation for Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DCTCM); Harj Dhaliwal, Managing Director, Middle East and India Field Operations, Virgin Hyperloop One

11.00-11.40 Inspiring the explorers - Destination Instagram People who love to travel are always on the lookout for inspiration and ideas. Instagram is where their adventure begins. Instagram is a thriving international community and is the perfect home for people with a passion for traveling. Travel plans are made, shared, and made again on Instagram, making it the perfect place for brands to inspire key audiences. In fact, with 67% of travel lovers discovering inspiration for their next trip on Instagram (1) it helps businesses to reach the right people, at the right time during their travel planning and journey. Terry Kane, Head of Travel at Facebook and Instagram, will demonstrate the unique opportunities that Instagram has created for businesses and marketers to connect with these highly-engaged audiences. (1)“Instagram Passions” by

15.00-15.45 The Hospitality Sector-the next 25 years 25 years is a longtime in tourism and hospitality, in the 25th year of ATM we have brought together an eminent panel to share with us their views about how the hospitality sector will address the environmental challenges of carbon, water and waste, the growth of the experiential economy and the demand for a more authentic local experience with implications for employment and the destination experience. Moderator: Harold Goodwin, WTM Responsible Tourism Advisor Speakers: H.E. Maitha Saif Majid Al Mahrouqi, Undersecretary, Ministry of Tourism of Oman; Peter Stubbs, Director of HSE and Compliance, Jumeirah Group; Inge Huijbrechts, Global Vice President Responsible Business, Radisson Hotel Group, Marjan Faraidooni, Senior Vice President, Legacy Impact and Development, Expo 2020 Dubai HE. Mr. Zayed R. Alzayani, Minister of Industry, Commerce & Tourism, Kingdom of Bahrain 16.15-17.15 One to One interview with Peter Baumgartner, CEO, Etihad Airways CEO Peter Baumgarten will talk about the challenges and the opportunities that the airline has and asks questions about the business strategy. Moderator: Alan Peaford, Editor in Chief, Arabian Aerospace Speakers: Peter Baumgartner, CEO, Etihad Airways

Coherency (Facebook-commissioned study of 1662 people ages 18-65 in the US), Oct 2016.

Speakers: Terry Kane, Head of Travel, Facebook and Instagram 12.00-13.00 Aviation Panel Hear from experts in the industry talk about trends, strategies and the middle east market and what challenges and opportunities they face. Moderator: Alan Peaford, Editor in Chief, Arabian Aerospace Speakers: Mr. Sanjay Kumar, Chief Commercial Officer, IndiGo (Interglobe Aviation Ltd.); Mr. Jaan Albrecht, CEO, Saudi Arabian Airlines (SAUDIA) 13.20-14.20 The Alternative Accommodation- Driving Growth for destinations or Disruption? The hospitality industry worldwide is feeling the pressure from the vacation homes segment with companies such as Homeaway and Air BnB leading the segment. Despite hoteliers claiming that OTAs are disrupting the ability of hotel companies to drive higher margins, there is an arguments for OTAs that with their global reach, selling power and technology, they bring economic added value to the hospitality industry. The panel session will investigate the alternative accommodation segment with an in-depth discussion on the ability of OTA’s to drive added value to asset and promote new destinations. Moderator: Sasha Vakulina, Euronews’ Business Editor Speakers: Anna Trushkina, Director for Hotels, Wego; Filippo Sona, Director, Head of Hotels MENA, Colliers International; Flavio Leoni, VP Sales, Distribution & Marketing, AccorHotels Middle East & Egypt, Paula De Keijzer, Senior Director of Market Management Middle East, Africa, Greece & Turkey, The Expedia Group

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Seminar & debate programme

14.40-15.40 Hotel Landscape of the Future What will the hotel landscape of the future look like? How dominant will the new wave of hip lifestyle properties become and how will the industry adapt to the new types of tourists that are visiting the region? Our panellists discuss how the region’s hospitality industry is evolving, what new hotel brands and concepts will soon arrive in the region, and what advanced technology we could soon see adopted, including AI and robots. The panel will also discuss the importance of sustainable hotel concepts and practices as tomorrow’s guests expect their hotel to be managed responsibly and ethically. Moderator: Gemma Greenwood, Director, Content Inc Speakers: Tom Skyring, Design Director, Wilson Associates; Guido E. De Wilde, Chief Operating OfficerMiddle East, Marriott International Inc; Richard Wiegmann, Managing Director & Chief Commercial Officer EMEA Sabre Hospitality Solutions; John Rogers, SVP, Brand & Franchise Operations, EMEA, Hilton Worldwide; Olivier Harnisch, CEO, Emaar Hospitality Group 16.00-16.45 IHIF at Arabian Travel Market: What Drives Investment in Travel Destinations IHIF @ATM will look at what drives investment in travel destinations in the Middle East and neighbouring regions: who is investing, what assets are they looking for, and what can destinations do to attract investment? What are investors looking for and how to attract them? What destinations or projects are most likely to attract investment? What are the particularities of making a destination investment deal in the Middle East? Speakers: H.E. Maitha Saif Majid Al Mahrouqi, Undersecretary, Ministry of Tourism of Oman; Tariq Bsharat Strategy & Business Development Director Al Marjan Island, Antony Doucet, Brand Director, Kertern Hospitality 17.00-17.45 Airbnb for everyone How the home sharing platform that once rented airbeds is on track to host 1 billion guests a year by 2028 and what role the Middle East will play in those plans. Speakers: Hadi Moussa, General Manager-ME and Africa and Head of EMEA Business Development, Airbnb

TUESDAY 24TH APRIL 11.00-13.30 ATM Global Halal Tourism Summit The second ATM Global Halal Tourism Summit will build on the success of the inaugural summit, which took place at the 2017 show. Leading travel professionals from the halal and mainstream travel sector will come together to discuss the development of an industry that is growing at such a fast rate that it should no longer be deemed a ‘niche’. It will also encompass themes that range from inclusivity and investment opportunities to the Muslim traveller of the future. 11.00-11.40 Halal tourism – how far have we come? What is the halal travel and tourism industry now worth, what trends are defining the sector in 2018 and where is the sector heading in the future – what are the growth markets to look out for, including Muslim Millennials? How important is the sector to the Islamic economy regionally and globally and what are the major growth markets and why? What opportunities are there for investment? Our industry analysts answer these questions, providing a market overview and the latest statistics. Moderator: Gemma Greenwood, Director, Content Inc Speakers: Rafi-uddin Shikoh, Managing Director, DinarStandard; Faeez Fadlillah, Founder & CEO, Salam Standard and Tripfez; Mario Hardy, CEO, PATA 11.40-12.15 Halal travel becomes mainstream As the halal travel market blossoms, mainstream travel companies and suppliers and non-Muslim destinations around the world are adapting their business models to cater to Muslim travellers. We find out why from industry organisations and destinations that are leading the way. Moderator: Gemma Greenwood, Director, Content Inc Speakers: Maggie Bootsman, Manager UAE, Travel Counsellors; Miguel Nieto-Sandoval, Tourism Counsellor, Embassy of Spain - Gulf region; Omar Ahmed, Founder and CEO, Hadith of the Day and Sociable Earth; Tamara Tawil, Market Manager, Geneva Tourism 12.15-12.50 Marketing to the modern Muslim traveller: DinarStandard Find out the latest travel behaviors of Muslim travellers from around the world from leading industry authority, DinarStandard. DinarStandard will share the findings of their latest social media listening analysis, which includes Muslim travel sentiment and popular terminology. Our panelists will share their marketing strategies and programs in successfully reaching the Muslim travel audience. You will also hear from a digital marketer about how to use the power of inbound marketing to attract

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Seminar & debate programme

ATM Global Stage your audience to your platform/brand/product rather than having to ‘buy, bug, or beg your way in’ through interruptive ads, poorly targeted billboards etc. Moderator: Reem El Shafaki, Senior Associate, DinarStandard Speakers: Syed Irfan Ajmal, Digital marketer; Riyanto Sofyan (B.S.E.E, M.B.A), Chairman Team for Accelerated Development of Halal Tourism Ministry of Tourism of The Republic of Indonesia Mohsin Tutla, Chairman, World Hajj & Umrah Convention; Shaji Abu Salih, Area Director - Sales & Business Strategies, Shaza Hotels

cruise market trends, lines that are targeting Middle East travellers with tailored offerings and new technology that is helping agents, operators and wholesalers to sell cruise better than ever before. Moderator: Gemma Greenwood, Director, Content Inc Speakers: Sabrina Badhan, Business Improvement Manager, Imagine Cruising; Lakshmi Durai, CEO, CruiseXplore; Kenny Picken, President and CEO, Traveltek Group Ltd; Mohamed Saeed, General Manager - Middle East Royal Caribbean Int’l, Celebrity Cruises & Azamara Club Cruises; Kyriakos ( Kerry ) Anastassiadis, CEO of Celestyal Cruises and Chairman CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association) Europe

12.50-13.30 Muslim travellers of the future What will the Muslim traveller of the future look like? How will this demographic evolve from the Muslim Millennial and what will they demand? Our panellists look into the future and suggest how the industry should planning for the boom in Muslim travel, led by tech-savvy nomads. Moderator: Gemma Greenwood, Director, Content Inc Speakers: Nabeel Shariff, Founder, Serendipity Tailormade; Elena Nikolova,; Ikbal Hussain, Founder, Islamic GPS; Mario Hardy, CEO, PATA and Founder, MAP2/Ventures 13.45-14.45 Going solo: how Brexit is likely to affect tourism between the UK and the Middle East The UK is scheduled to divorce from the European Union in March 2019, but there are currently many unanswered questions about what this will mean for inbound and outbound tourism. Our panel considers how the weak pound and Brexit-related caution has already impacted tourism flows between the UK and Middle East, and discusses how the post-Brexit landscape might shape up: how could being outside the EU affect aviation into and out of the UK – including for the Middle East market? What other regulatory changes or challenges are anticipated, and how might economic factors play out? Moderator: Pippa Jacks, Group Editor, TTG Media Speakers: Lisa Mcauley, Managing Director B2B Tour Operations, DNATA Travel Europe; Deidre Wells OBE, Chief Executive, UKinbound; Dr. Abed Al Razzaq Arabiyat, Managing Director, Jordan Tourism Board 15.00-16.00 Sea of Change More cruise ships are sailing the seven seas than ever before. There has also been a meteoric rise in demand for river cruising worldwide, plus ports around the globe are growing their cruise infrastructure. There have never been so many opportunities to grow the Middle East’s outbound cruise market, so how can we help the region’s travel trade sell it better? This session looks at

16.20-17.20 Smart kids: shaping the luxury travel experience for a new generation of customers Let’s face it: kids are getting much more discerning when it comes to luxury travel. As the average age of adult guests staying at the world’s best hotels and resorts falls, more families are checking in, creating a generation of travelling tots and journeying juniors accustomed to enjoying fabulous travel experiences. The increasing numbers of well-heeled youngsters at luxury resorts and their demand for ever more sophisticated experiences means hoteliers have to rethink the way they accommodate junior travellers, from the way they plan their kids’ clubs and teen’s facilities, to the way they design their menus. We’re already seeing major changes to the kids’ club concept at some high-end resorts, with the introduction of transformative travel experiences such educational programmes, health and wellness itineraries, and activities designed to engage and inspire: think DJ lessons with state-of-the-art equipment, or life guard certification on a stretch of pristine beach in Mauritius. But how is the hotel industry preparing for the next wave of discerning junior travellers? How do hotels stay ahead of the game (and the competition) when it comes to providing unforgettable travel experiences for the sons and daughters of their most affluent consumers? In this ATM Global Stage seminar, Destinations of the World News talks to some of the trendsetters in the junior travel sphere – companies whose innovations are held up as examples of best practice across the industry – to find out what’s new in the world of luxury kids’ travel and what comes next Moderator: Joe Mortimer, Editor at large, Destinations of the World News Speakers: Philippe Zuber President and Chief Operating Officer, One&Only Resorts; Simon Casson, President, Hotel Operations, EMEA, Four Seasons; Kate Dicker, Business Development Consultant, Worldwide Kids

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Travel Tech Theatre SUNDAY 22ND APRIL 13.00-14.00 Branding and Selling on Social Media Social Media can be an important part of your marketing strategy for your brand. Learn how to create a Unique Selling Proposition on Social Media and how to integrate Social Media into a successful driver of sales for your business. Moderator: Shane Dallas, Social Media Specialist, The Travel Camel Speakers: Khaled Absi Halabi, Travel Lead, Solutions Manager, Facebook; Tom Otton, Managing Director, Create Media Group 14.20-15.20 Distribution evolution and latest industry trends The travel industry is evolving driven by high advanced technology infrastructure and high adoption of consumers technologies backed up with an increased appetite for travel. The landscape of the travel industry is transforming, thus the roles of the travel players are changing. This panel addresses the latest industry trends, distribution evolution, digital transformation, retailing and merchandising and how to achieve personalization in order to seamless travel experience. Moderator: Fatin Said, Regional Communications Manager, Sabre Travel Network Middle East Speakers: Jorge Vilches, Senior Vice President, Air Line of Business, Sabre; Muhammad Chbib, Founder & CEO, tajawal; Ross Allan Veitch, CEO and Co-Founder, Wego.

Speakers: Charlie Taylor, Digital Director, Jumeirah Group Aida Al Busaidy, Director C@C marketing and Campaigns, Dubai Tourism; Michelle Karam, @traveljunkiediary and Founder of Travel with Purpose 16.35-17.35 The most common mistakes in influencer marketing in 2018 (and how to fix them) The most successful influencer marketing campaigns can yield far better results dollar-for-dollar than any other strategy. But, on the other hand, every year a sadly large number of campaigns also fail. Well-run influencer campaigns can create tremendous when run by experienced pros, but newcomers to the field often struggle because the reality of influencer marketing is very different from the image they’ve been fed by the media and marketing hype. A few simple misconceptions about influencer marketing are responsible for the handful of mistakes that cause the vast majority of headaches for the

15.40-16.20 Inspire Action: Destination Instagram panel The global travel industry continues to grow, with people’s passion for travel more apparent than ever. And people who love to travel, love Instagram. Those in the Middle East and across the globe seek the chance to be inspired, make memories, share travel tips and uncover hidden gems. Travel plans are made, shared, and made again on Instagram with 72% of travel lovers in the KSA and UAE on Instagram purchasing a trip abroad in the last year (2). Priya Patel, Brand Development Lead at Instagram, will lead a panel discussion with leading travel marketers on how they stand out for from the crowd in this highly competitive industry. They will share best practices from their campaigns to explain how Instagram’s visual nature has given them the opportunity to drive real results, bring their brands to life and engage their audiences. (2) Global Web Index, Instagram Users, Sadi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, September 2017

Moderator: Priya Patel, Business Development Lead, Instagram

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industry year after year. In this talk we’ll dispel the myths, explain the mistakes, and give you the foundation to build a successful influencer strategy. Speakers: Matt Gibson, CEO, UpThink, Outbound President, PTBA; Nicholas Montemaggi, Chief Marketing Officer, iambassador

business who are developing services, and product to successfully attract these sophisticated travelers. Moderator: Chloe Reuter, CEO and Founder, Reuter Communications Speakers: Mark Kirby, General Manager, Armani Hotel Dubai; Zan Wu, CEO, Zanadu


14.00-14.30 The Middle East Travel Landscape In a dialogue between online and offline experts, Raymond Vrijenhoek from Sabre Travel Network, ME and Antonio Fellino from Dnata Travel will speak about the landscape of the travel industry in the Middle East including both online and offline travel. They will discuss the challenges and opportunities in both industries, the new trends affecting its landscape and what are the best marketing strategies to apply. Speakers: Raymond Vrijenhoek, Vice President, Sabre Travel Network, Middle East & Antonio Fellino, VP, B2C Retail & eCommerce, Dnata

10.30-12.30 ATM and GENESYS Digital Futures Summit Travel distribution has undergone radical change over the last few years. Traditional sales and distribution techniques are fading into obsolescence as we move further and further into a digitally connected world. At this Summit, you will hear from the experts about how distribution is set to change for our two primary products: flights and accommodation. Attend the ATM Genesys Digital Futures Summit to find out how to stay ahead of the game. Moderator: Paul Richer, Senior Partner, Genesys Digital Transformation 10:30 to 11:30 Accommodating the Future Accommodation distribution has become increasingly complex in recent years with hotels seeking to optimise their channel mix between resellers such as the OTAs and their own websites and other outlets. In this seminar you will hear about how accommodation distribution is set to develop in the future. Speakers: Frank Reeves, CEO, Avvio; Alex Morriss, Director, Affiliate Partnerships, Expedia Affiliate Network; Laurent A. Voivenel, Senior Vice President, Operations & Development for Middle East, Africa & India, SwissBelhotel International 11:30 to 12:30 The Future of Air Distribution With IATA launching its New Distribution Capability and technologically sophisticated flight aggregators competing with the GDSs, air distribution is undergoing a period of significant change. At this session, you will learn about the developments that are taking place, the concerns for the industry and how air distribution is set to shake out in the future. Speakers: David Rutnam, Manager, New Distribution Capability Regional Implementation, IATA; Rajeev Kumar, CEO, Mystifly; Jorge Vilches, Senior Vice President, Air Line of Business, Sabre Travel Network 12.45-13.45 What Middle East Businesses can do to capture the attention (and wallets) of Chinese Luxury travelers As the number of Chinese travelers to the Middle East continues to grow, this panel discussion looks at key

14.45-15.45 Mastering Your Social Media A panel of accomplished Social Media professionals who cover the major Social Media platforms in the Middle East share their tips and strategies for Social Media success. Moderator: Shane Dallas, Social Media Specialist, The Travel Camel Speakers: Sally Prosser, food and travel blogger, mycustardpie; Jessica Edwards, NEST Curator, Wyndham Dubai; Archana Singh, Brand Strategist & Travel Journalist, travelseewrite 16.00-17.30 Leveraging the Power of Content & Influencers In this session the #DTTT will be bringing together a brilliant line-up of leading players in the content marketing field. Recognising that amazing content is your biggest asset in a constantly moving digital space. We’ll be bringing together a set of speakers who are making waves with content and really showing the rest of us how to do it right. Gain perspectives on content and learn about the importance of crafting your destination or travel brand through an engaging story framework which transcends through your digital strategy. Also learn how to match the right influencers and leverage the power of their audiences to activate your brand. Moderator: Nick Hall, Founder, Digital Tourism Think Tank Speakers: Saufeeya Goodson, Fashion Blogger; Sai Mansano, Freelance Social Media Manager; Dominique Audibert, Associate Director, Whalar

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Travel Tech Theatre TUESDAY 24TH APRIL 10.30-11.30 The Speed of Change: Private Accommodation & the Middle East Trends in the Middle East travel market are simulating those in Europe, with a few years’ gap. Now an established segment in Europe, private accommodation is emerging in the Middle East. Join travel industry research leader, Phocuswright, and regional private accommodation players for a lively conversation exploring this burgeoning slice of lodging. Get answers to questions such as: Are Middle Eastern travelers asking for this kind of accommodation? How do the region’s serviced apartments perceive these new distribution opportunities? And more! Moderator: Cristina Polo, Market Specialist, Middle East, Phocuswright Inc Speakers: Joost Vermeulen, Regional Manager, Middle East & Africa; Vincent Miccolis, Regional General Manager, Middle-East, Africa & Turkey Ascott International Management, Dubai; Berthold Trenkel, CEO Fursan Travel 11.45-12.45 Smart Tourism 2020 Smart tourism is the new frontier for destinations. It describes the increasing reliance of tourism destinations, their product providers and their tourists on emerging forms of digital technology. From artificial intelligence to advanced mobile apps to the use of virtual and augmented reality, destinations are competing to use the latest digital technologies to bring in and retain tourists. What are the smart tourism trends that are going to matter over the next two to three years? Find out by attending Smart Tourism 2020. Moderator: Paul Richer, Senior Partner, Genesys Digital Transformation Speakers: Faisal Memon, Founder & CEO, Illusions Online; Mr. Ghassan Teffaha, Global Head of Sales & Partnerships, Mobile Amadeus; Karim Saad, Founder & VR Filmmaker, Giga Works

13.00-13.30 Beyond NDC – the evolution of travel retailing and distribution With IATA NDC, the next generation of airline distribution has begun. In the next few years we will see a paradigm shift in flight distribution that will significantly reshape the travel value chain and transform the way billions of consumers shop, book and experience travel. Technology has made entirely new forms of “airline retailing” possible. What will retail offers in the age of NDC look like, and how will business models and customers’ booking behavior change in the future? Find out why this topic is Sabre’s top strategic priority. Speakers: Madhavan Kasthuri, Senior Director, Customer Enablement, Sabre Travel Network, EMEA 13.45-14.15 GlocalMe - Your Best Travel Mate uCloudlink, established in Hong Kong in 2009 and with offices in China. GlocalMe is the brand of uCloudlink. GlocalMe is the World’s First SIM-Free Portable Wi-Fi hotspot. You will always have local network connection globally, with GlocalMe. Attend this session to find out more. Speakers: Mursaleen Sajid Khan, Sr. Manager and Head of MEA region, uCloudlink Technology Ltd 14.30-16.00 DxO: The Future of the Destination Brand The future DMO is a DxO. Nick Hall will be sharing a vision on how Destination Marketing Organisations are having to shift their focus and truly redefine themselves, as the macro trends which dictate change start to have a profound impact on the entire visitor funnel. Looking at how the top-of-funnel discovery process has been dramatically disrupted by an explosion of touchpoints, down to the huge importance of content from deep and immersive to short-form, native and distributed. We’ll also look at how the gig economy is disrupting the fundamental ownership and distribution of product and also at how the visitor experience is about to be turned on its head as it becomes increasingly technology driven. If you’re strategising for the future, this is a session you must attend. Moderator: Nick Hall, Founder, Digital Tourism Think Tank Speakers: Alaa Al-Hindi, Director, Digital Marketing,Visit Jordan; Vahid Jacob, Director Digital Marketing, Seychelles Tourism Board; Reza Saeedi, Manager of Business Development, CrowdRiff

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16.15-17.15 Successful Social Media Influencer Partnerships Learn from people within the travel industry how to work with influencers, including how to select the best influencers and how influencers have fitted into their online marketing strategy. This session will be filled with many practical and successful examples. Moderator: Shane Dallas, Social Media Specialist, The Travel Camel Speakers: Amit Garg, Director of Sales and Marketing, Al Nahda Hotels and Resorts; Ferry Trinidad, Cluster E-Commerce Manager, The Cove Rotana Resort and Fujairah Rotana Resort and Spa; Thuymi Do, Co-Founder, AdventureFaktory WEDNESDAY 25TH APRIL 11.00-11.30 Value of Customer Data across the Guest Journey Most hoteliers aren’t taking advantage of the data asset they already have. In this session, Revinate’s Rani Croshal will outline how hotels can benefit from guest data to drive revenue and enhance the guest journey. Through real-world examples and she will showcase how to collect, analyze and interpret data that Revinate provides for hotels to improve business and guest satisfaction results. Hoteliers walk away with actionable insights on how data can help and hurt their business. Speakers: Rani Croshal, Sr. Director Customer Success, Revinate

13.00-14.00 Rebooting Travel Industry: Driving Automation and International Growth Increasingly, travel industry players and aggregators rely on automation and managing big data to attract clients and source deals from providers in aviation and hotel space. One of the important integration points that deserve much attention is enabling an end-to-end financial and operational automation to manage FX risk and provide your clients currencies of their choice, find areas to enhance your margins and build trust into your sourcing with flexible payment options. Citi specializes in this space with solutions tailored to travel industry models delivering operational efficiency and improving working capital to give your business global scalability, rapid growth and create investor value. Speakers: Dinesh Daphale, Director and Head of Cash Management (EMEA), Citi Commercial Bank & Piotr Tyminski, Head of Digital (EMEA), Citi Commercial Bank

11.45-12.45 Vlogging And Podcasting Are Taking Over The Internet, And It’s A Great Opportunity For Your Brand Online video and podcasts are rapidly becoming the most-consumed forms of media on the Internet, but relatively few travel brands have committed to long-term video and podcast strategies. This panel of experienced creators will discuss the wild growth of audio and video consumption, why the fields are still wide open for new voices, how they’ve cultivated their success, and how your brand can get ahead of the curve by creating its own content and collaborating with professional creators. Moderator: Matt Gibson, CEO, UpThink, Outbound President, PBTA; Speakers: Reem A-Hameed,Co-Founder, CollectiveBKP; Omar Tom, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Cause Culture; Thuymi Do, Co-Founder, AdventureFaktory

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Showcase Theatre SUNDAY 22ND APRIL 13.00-14.00 How smart destinations use big data to attract ideal visitors What defines a smart destination? Come hear how Amadeus for Destinations is using big data combined with unique advertising channels to maximize the economic and social impact of the tourism industry and enabling the next generation of smart destinations. Speakers: Ramon Sanchez, Head of APAC & Reseller Sales, Amadeus 13.45-14.15 How can you capture the Attention of the Chinese Millenial There are 500 million Chinese Millennials today. Chloé Reuter, Founder of Reuter Communications, an award- winning agency in China focusing on luxury communications, shares unique insights into this demographic group and tangible examples of what brands can do to successfully engage and capture their attention. Speakers: Chloe Reuter, Founder, Reuter Communications 14.30-15.00 Service Fees: To charge or not to charge? The remarkable growth of travel e-commerce in the past decade has disrupted travel agencies’ revenues. With 0% commission model on air tickets your margins continue to shrink. Explore what could be your most optimal strategy to fill this gap. And…discover which of your services can be best monetized, and how. Speakers: Tom Kulinski, Customer Solutions Manager, Middle East and North Africa, Amadeus 15.15-18.00 ATM & Women in Travel presents Entrepreneurship In Travel 15.15-16.15 Panel: From Start Up to Grown Up: How to successfully develop and grow your enterprise The female start-up world is on fire! According to recent statistics , more than 126 million women entrepreneurs were starting or running new businesses in 67 economies in 2012. In the Middle East, female entrepreneurship is often a success story. So what does it take to thrive as a female entrepreneur in travel and tourism? Once the company is set up, how do we ensure that it will grow and succeed beyond the early steps? Finance and capital are a big factor in all of this, with women starting businesses that are undercapitalised and around 1/3 of the level of capital enjoyed by their male equivalent, as well as the right support, networking and access to market. If you are interested in entrepreneurship, have a business but want to understand

how to go about the next step, join us and our stellar panel of panellists to provide you with inspiration, tips and practical answers to your entrepreneurship questions. Moderator: Alessandra Alonso, Founder, Women In Travel CIC Speakers: Nada Badran, Founder, Wander With; Genevieve Hathaway, Founder, ArchaeoAdventures; Catherine Ridley, Founder and CEO, Sama Sama Holiday Homes 16.15-17.15 Group Mentoring Sessions For the first time we introduce mentoring to Arabian Travel Market. This year we have gathered some amazing women and men industry professionals to act as your mentors! We are offering group mentoring sessions on pre-agreed topics of relevance to today’s women in travel that you will be able to book in advance to access 2 to 3 mentors per table as well as fellow mentees. Topics may include: Entrepreneurship, Female leadership, Work and Career, Personal and Professional Development. The mentoring is on a first come and first served basis. 17.15-18.00 Networking Reception The event will conclude with some great networking. Refreshments will be available and we will continue developing the conversations, finding the inspiration and building this amazing international community of women. MONDAY 23RD APRIL 10.30-11.15 Swipe Right! Making Brilliant Connections with Your Mobile Travelers So you have a travel app, now what? From getting the download, initial onboarding and discovery to continuous nurturing and engagement, learn what it takes to keep travellers addicted to your app. The presenter will share essential practices for securing active users and creating compelling in-app, push and social media campaigns. Speakers: Ghassan Teffaha, Global Head of Sales & Partnerships, Amadeus Mobile 11.30-12.15 Taking Responsibility for Environmental Impacts-Water and Energy Since the first UN conference on the Human Environment in 1972 there has been a great deal of talk about sustainability. There are some major initiatives in the Middle East where people are taking responsibility and showing leadership in addressing the challenges of reducing water consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The UN Sustainable Development Goals are demanding the government and businesses report their successes progress - is this an opportunity for MENA countries to get credit for their achievements?

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Moderator: Harold Goodwin, WTM Responsible Tourism Advisor Speakers: Dina Mustafa, Head of Sustainability Operations, Sustainability, expo2020; Aaron McGrath, General Manager, Six Senses Zighy Bay; Iftikhar Hamdani, Cluster General Manager, Ramada Hotel and Suites Ajman, Ramada Beach Hotel Ajman and Wyndham Garden Ajman Corniche 12.45-13.15 A world without money: how the cashless revolution is turning payments into profit In November 2016, India removed 85% of all cash from circulation; Australian branches of Citibank no longer have any money in them at all. Around the world, countries are replacing coins and notes with bits and bytes, driving a revolution in payments technology. Davide Antonioli, an expert in financial technology, provides an overview of this trend and what it means for travel agencies looking to turn payments into profit. Speakers: Davide Antonioli, Senior Sales Manager, Amadeus

Warrior Monk,Maling Shaolin Kung Fu Academy; Faten Telidji, Guest Service Supervisor, Sofitel The Palm; Dr. Maria Encarnacion Ridao Alonso, Medical Director, Dubai Herbal and Treatment Centre; Zarine Dadachanji, Facilitator for Wellness, Wellbeing and Happiness, UAE; Sreela Sreeja Raveendran, Wellness Coach, The Retreat Palm Dubai; Carol Hay, Director of Marketing UK & Europe, Caribbean Tourism Organisation; Stephan Wagner, Director of Spa & Wellness, Madinat Jumeirah Dubai, UAE; Sharon Barcock, Director Spa & Fitness Operations & Development MEA Global Wellness, Hilton; Dr. Abhishek Jain, Vice President, business development and operations-SE Asia, India and ME, WTS International; Laura Kay Brown, Spa Manager, Fairmont UAE; Lorena Lustenberger, Sales Executive, Burgenstock Hotels-Switzerland

13.30-14.15 Future Trends in Hotels Industry At the era of technology explosion, and changing travelers’ interests and preferences, hotel Industry had to cope with the fast pace and be ahead of the game globally. Competition is fierce, and hospitality services are no longer limited to certain customer profile. In this presentation, speaker will focus on the future changes in the hotel industry and how it is expanding to attract more travelers, providing global exciting cases. Speakers: Engy Naguib, Consulting Manager, Euromonitor International 14.30-17.30 The Wellness Playground: Experience Wellness Travel Trends 2018 Wellness travel is now a mainstream and an increasingly competitive and creative market. In today’s world, all travelers care deeply about their wellness. So, understanding the shifting wellness travel landscape is an absolute must in order to truly understand travel in general, and the future in particular. The Global Wellness Institute (GWI) has the most up-to-date research about travel, spa and wellness – and we’re once again pleased to partner with ATM and give the industry the latest data and most eye-opening new trends. Moderator: Susie Ellis, Chairman & CEO Global Wellness Institute Speakers: Wissam Malaeb, Owner, State of One; Laura Kohlhase, Owner, State of One; Vyara Tosheva, Wellness Manager, The Retreat Palm Dubai; Dr. Grace Ravindran, Naturopathic Doctor, The Retreat Palm Dubai; Master Du,

Understanding the Latest 2018 Global Wellness Trends Tuesday 24th April – 4pm – 5pm Wellness Lounge, Hall 1 Want to know the very newest and latest trends in the world of health and wellness travel? Please join me to learn about the exciting – and in some cases surprising – opportunities that are emerging. You will not only get up-to-speed, but you will be ahead of the conversations globally. Transformative Wellness Travel The First 1,000 Days The Wellness Kitchen Getting our “Clean Air Act” Together Extreme Wellness Wellness Meets Happiness A New Feminist Wellness

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Showcase Theatre TUESDAY 24TH APRIL 10.30-11.15 Responding to the evolving regional traveler Travelers are increasingly using technology to plan their trips and navigate their destinations, 83% of travelers used technology to plan their breaks in 2017 compared to 78% in 2015. Travelers are also evolving in who they travel with, how often, and even how they want to pay. Executives from the travel industry discuss the latest trends in traveler preferences and practical ways that industry players are adapting to meet the evolving needs of the regional traveler. Visa - ATM Payments Technology Partner Moderator: Jagruti Mistry, Director, Regional Corporate Communications (CEMEA), Visa Speakers: Mohammed Ismaeel, SVP Marketing (CEMEA), Visa; Shaf Butt, Director of Marketing for Dubai & MEASA, Jumeirah Hotels and Resorts Muhammad Chbib, Founder & CEO, Tajawal 11.30-12.15 The Commercial and Socio-cultural advantages of the Experiential Economy Over the last ten year there has been substantial growth in demand for experiences, increasingly consumers are looking for experience for money. Very few hotels are destinations in their own right, leisure travellers are looking for experiences which they cannot have in their own country. Those experiences may be international sporting events, theme parks or performances but equally valuable are those experiences of the local culture, environment and way of life. It is these experiences of local culture, food and wildlife which extend the length of stay and create local economic benefits. Moderator: Harold Goodwin, WTM Responsible Tourism Advisor Speakers: Ahmed Alrayyes, Chief Commercial Officer, DXB Entertainments; Alaa AlShroogi, Director - Visitor Enhancement, Visitor Experience, Expo2020; Tamara Withers, Corporate Sustainability, Senior Manager, Emirates Wildlife Society in association with WWF (EWS-WWF); Nada Badran, Founder, Wander With 12.45-13.15 I think therefore I merchandise Let’s take a short walk down the merchandizing memory lane to figure out where we are now and how we got here. Then, let’s peek into the future. Understand how current trends in customer and supplier behaviors (and yours!) have an unparalleled potential to shape your travel agency business. Speakers: Maria Malerba, Merchandising Sales & Adoption, Amadeus

13.30-14.30 TTN Travel Agents Competition 20 slide, 20 seconds, 20 questions. Aimed at travel agents, destinations will be showcased through Pecha Kucha style presentations followed by a 20 question quiz with prizes up for grabs. Moderator: Zamir Uddin, Presentologist, Audience Alive Speakers: Tereza Matějková, Head of Trade Fairs, Czech Republic National Tourism Board; Rafael Soler, Market Manager GCC, The Bicester Village Shopping Collection

14.45-15.15 The Changing relationship between Hotels and OTAs The strength of the OTA in distribution and marketing, plus all the technology tools available to hoteliers and Expedia Powered technology. Speakers: Paula De Keijzer, Senior Director of Market Management Middle East, Africa, Greece & Turkey, the Expedia group 15.45-16.15 Next Generation- Travel Automatizations Let next level Travel Automation help your travel business get a robust kick off to save money and time, with our latest travel technology software solutions which can compete with the market and give the best return on investment. Step ahead to understand, TicketingBARCODE system benefits where barcodes eliminate the possibility of human error. Along with that, it takes you to the next level to save cost and avoid losses. Join gigantic tour suppliers within the travel industry who are already using our predefined barcode system. Be a part of our Activity Barcode Scanner launch, a proficient Barcode scanner app. It doesn’t take more than minutes to master, a simple process of installing and scanning Barcodes with much more to come including a concept like Bedallocator, Smart Tour Coordinator App which will be launched soon!. Speakers: Vinod Kumar Kelwani, CEO, Technoheaven Consultancy Pvt Ltd. 16.30-17.00 INPLASS - Solution for Hotel Guests Comfort Presenting and Demonstrating INPLASS solution. Speakers: Rafeeque Mohamed, Managing Director, INPLASS

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Seminar & debate programme

17.15-17.45 The Benefits of Digital Transformation - Control, Visibility and Compliance Travel and expenses (T&E) is often the second or third-largest area of controllable spend – yet many organisations are still using outdated tools and processes. In this session, we will discuss T&E reimagined, capture all travel itineraries and gain complete visibility into booked expenses versus actual spending by integrating every part of your travel ecosystem. Moderator: Shehab Shoukr, Managing Director, MENA, SAP Concur Speakers: Ellen Trotochaud, Vice President, Global Business Development, Travel Channel; Darren Foster, Sr. Alliance Manager EMEA, SAP Concur

WEDNESDAY 25TH APRIL 10.15-11.15 ATM Career in Travel-How to gain a career in the industry Hear from leading professionals on how to make it or break it in the industry and their individual experiences. Moderator: Sarakshi Rai, Online Editor, Middle East Hotelier Speakers: Abdo Basmaji, Travel Counsellor; Alessandro Cabella, Area General Manager, Jumeirah Group Fathuma Hamzi, Cluster Director of Human Resources, Radisson Blu 11.30-12.15 Developing Tourism Skills and Employment Opportunities in Travel & Tourism The MENA countries have growing populations and large numbers of young people looking for meaningful and well-paid employment. The travel and tourism sector offers a wide range of employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for young people. There are many opportunities in rural areas where the sector can create worthwhile employment for young people removing an incentive to move away from their communities to the cities. This panel composed of educators and trainers and employers will focus on training the next generation to make travel, tourism and hospitality their career - and how it can be made attractive to young people and their parents. Moderator: Chris Warren, ICRT Australia Speakers: Aline Barhouche, Area Director Human Resources for Middle-East, Turkey and Africa, Radisson Hotels; Koray Genckul, Senior Director Human Resources MEA & Turkey, Hilton; Heidi van der Watt, Director Better Tourism Africa; Samir Arora, General Manager, The Retreat Palm Dubai MGallery by Sofitel; 12.30-13.30 ATM Career in Travel-How to create your own job in the travel and tourism industry Hear from leading entrepreneurs within the travel industry who will inspire you with their journey to success. Moderator: Eddie Taylor, Editor, Arabian Business Speakers: Rana Dababneh, Founder, Pomalo travel; Heba Bin Redha, Co-founder of Emirati Kashtas

*correct at time of print April 22-25, 2018 Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre

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31 4/11/18 9:40 AM

Show Highlights

Spotlight on Responsible Tourism

Travel Agents’ Academy

For 2018, the official show theme will be Responsible Tourism and sustainability. Responsible Tourism is about using tourism to make better places for people to live in and better places for people to visit, in that order. We have integrated this theme across various show features and activities, including aspired seminars and panel debates. 25 years is a long time in tourism and hospitality. In the 25th year of ATM, we have brought together an eminent panel to share with us their views about how the hospitality sector will address the environmental challenges of carbon, water and waste, the growth of the experiential economy and the demand for a more authentic local experience with implications for employment and the destination experience.

Location: ATM Global Stage Date: Wednesday, 25 April 2018, morning session at 10:00, afternoon session at 13:30 Audience: FREE and open to all Travel Agents The ATM Travel Agents’ Academy is a series of 2 half-day programmes of free training and networking specifically aimed at Travel Agents who are attending ATM. The academy will include: • Free 3 hour training and networking programme • Professionally led sales training • Destination Briefings – Croatia, the Caribbean and the Dominican Republic • Plus refreshments and course completion certificate

Opening Session - Future Travel Experiences Location: ATM Global Stage Date: Sunday, 22 April 2018, 13:30 – 14:30 Audience: FREE and open to all ATM attendees Our high-profile panellists explain how travel is set to rapidly evolve over the next few years as technological advances bring new modes of transport and in-flight and airport experiences to market. From lightening-speed Hyperloop train systems and autonomous vehicles to ‘smart airport’ strategies and in-flight innovations that are world-class, the travel experiences of the future will be far from dull. Richard Dean, host of Business Breakfast will be moderating a fantastic line up including; Sir Tim Clark President of Emirates and Harj Dhaliwal, Managing Director -Middle East and India Field Operations, Virgin Hyperloop One & Issam Kazim, CEO, Dubai Corporation for Tourism and Commerce Marketing


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Travel Tech Show at ATM Location: Sheikh Saeed Halls 1 and 2 Date: 22-25 April 2018 Audience: FREE and open to all ATM attendees The Travel Tech Show is a ‘show within a show’ at ATM showcasing the latest technology products and services to the world. This year our experts in the Travel Tech Theatre are covering: mastering your social media, distribution evolution and latest industry trends, digital futures summit, value of customer data and much more.

April 22-25, 2018 Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre

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Show Highlights

Travel Agents’ Quiz Time - Pecha Kucha Style

IHIF at ATM - Destination Investment

Location: Showcase Theatre Time: Tuesday, 24 April at 13:30 – 14:30 Audience: FREE and open to all Travel Agents

Location: ATM Global Stage Time:Monday, 23 April 2018, 16:00 – 16:45 Audience: FREE and open to all ATM attendees

Aimed at travel agents this session will see 4 companies showcase their destination or company through a ‘Pecha Kucha’ style presentation. Each short presentation will follow on with a quiz with prizes for the most correct answers.

Digital Influencers’ Speed Networking

One of the brand new additions for the 2018 show is a session on ‘What Drives Destination Investment’. Taking place on the ATM Global Stage, panellists will discuss what drives investment in travel destinations across the Middle East and neighbouring regions, with particular focus placed on, who is investing, what assets they are looking for, and what destinations can do to attract investment.

Location: Hall 8 Time: Wednesday, 25 April 2018 Audience: Exhibitors only

Celebrating 25 years

Careers in Travel - Student Programme

Arabian Travel Market first opened its doors in 1994 at the Dubai World Trade Centre with 52 nations, 300 exhibitors and 7,000 trade visitors. 25 years later, ATM now facilitates $2.5 billion in industry deals and attracts more than 2,500 exhibitors from 153 countries and over 28,000 influential visitors across 4 days. Visit the café in hall 1 to see how the event, alongside tourism in the Middle East has grown over the last 25 years, recording major milestones. Share your memories and remember to tag us: #ATMDubai25

Location: Showcase Theatre Time: Wednesday, 25 April 2018 Audience: FREE and open to all students

Halal Tourism Summit

The Digital Influencer Speed Networking event will provide an opportunity for exhibitors to take part in minimeetings with over 50 travel bloggers to explore ways to work together in the future. Bloggers and Influencers will be grouped by geography and by travel sector such as luxury travel, family travel, food and more.

Another new addition to ATM 2018 is ‘Career in Travel’. This exclusive programme is designed to increase student opportunities within the travel and tourism industry. Students are invited to get involved in the conference session, where you will have the chance to listen to key travel speakers and hear their stories about building a career plus, gain expert career advice on how to launch your career in the travel industry. Spaces are allocated on a first come, first serve basis.

Location: ATM Global Stage Time: Tuesday, 24 April 2018, 11:00 – 13:30 Audience: FREE and open to all ATM attendees Leading travel professionals from the halal and mainstream travel sector will come together to discuss the development of an industry growing at a fast rate. The summit will consist of four separate sessions including, halal tourism and how far it has come; halal travel becomes mainstream; marketing to the modern Muslim traveller: DinarStandard and Muslim travellers of the future.

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Transportation Information

Car Parks – Free Parking Free Parking is available in the following DWTC car parks: Car Park C Car Park D Helipad Car Parking (All opposite Convention Gate)

Shuttle Buses Shuttle buses will run from 1 hour before the show opens until 1 hour after the show closes. The routes in operation will be: Exhibition Gate to the Taxi Rank and to the Coach Park for official Hotel Shuttle buses

Car Parks – Paid Parking* Multi-Storey Car Park: Behind Sheikh Rashid Hall (capacity: 1,160 cars) Sheikh Rashid Tower Car Park: Next to Arena Hall (capacity: 863 cars) Za’abeel Car Park: Front of Za’abeel Hall 6 (capacity: 358 cars) A nominal parking fee per hour is applicable from Saturdays to Fridays. A parking token is issued on arrival and must be submitted for payment on departure.

Metro The Dubai World Trade Centre metro station is located next to the venue. Trains run approximately 5 minutes to all major business, tourist and residential areas.


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Taxis The taxi rank is located just past the Ibis hotel. This is a short walk or a shuttle bus can be taken from the Exhibition Gate entrance to the venue.

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Floor plans — Venue plan


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April 22-25, 2018 Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre

Shuttle buses to car parks


Arabian Travel Market 2018

HC 0070

HC 0060

HC 0050

HC 0040

HC 0020

HC 0018

HC 0010

HC 0114

ME 100

Hall 1

ME 1201

ME 1200

ME ME 1110g 1110h ME ME 1110e 1110f ME ME 1110e 1110d ME ME 1110a 1110b

ME 1130

ME 1138

ME 1139

Media Pavilion

ME 1140

ME 1150

HC 0260

HC 0250

HC 0265

HC 0370

HC 0360

HC 0350

HC 0330

HC 0320

ME 1300

HC 0365

HC 0470

HC 0460

HC 0425

HC 0475

HC 0430

ME 1310

ME 1350

ME 2000

ME 1410

ME 1450

HC 0580

HC 0570

HC 0568

HC 0660

HC 0550

HC 0505

HC 0588

HC 0565

HC 0665

HC 0525

HC 0530

HC 0500

HC 0680

HC 0672

HC 0670

HC 0682

HC 0675 HC 0678

HC 0669

HC 0650

HC 0630

HC 0620

HC 0605

HC 0685

ME 2100

Hall 2

ME 2200

ME 2115

HC HC HC 0782 0780 0785

HC 0770

HC 0760

HC 0750

HC 0730

HC 0720

HC 0700

HC 0870

HC 1050

HC 0830

HC 0825

HC 1070

HC 0810

HC 0820

HC 1160

HC 1150

HC 1030

HC 1020

HC 1000

ME 2300

ME 2310

ME 2350

HC 1045

CR 2450

CR 2466

HC 1166

HC 1155

ME 2400

CR 2465

HC 1130 HC 1140

HC 1260

TT 1258

TT 1250

TT 1215

CP 2900

TT 1261

ME 3100

TT 1311

TT 1312

ME 3105

TT 1368

TT 1365

TT TT 1372 1373

TT 1360

TT 1375

TT 1364

TT 1359

TT 1356

TT 1366

TT 1353

TT 1351

TT TT 1230 1235

TT 1220

ME 3110

ME 3140

TT1 310

TT TT TT 1264 1263 1262

TT 1260

TT 1266

TT 1265

TT 1251

TT 1255

HC 1230

TT 1212

CP 2518

HC 1220

HC 1210

CP 2500

CP 2510

CP 2515

CP2522 CP2526

CP 2535

CR 2540

CP CP 2531 2533

ME CP 2530 2536

CR 2542

CR 2550

CR 2555

Travel Tech Theatre

HC 1255

HC 1125

HC 1250

HC 1128

HC 1120

HC 1110

ME 2410

CR 2440

CR 2560


Travel Tech Show at ATM

ME 2250



Sheikh Saeed Arena

ME 2110

ME 2140

ME 2150


ME ME ME ME 1400 1401 1402 1405

HC 0405

HC 0420

HC 0400

ME 1305

ME 1265

HC 0450

ME 1210

ME 1220

ME 1263

ME 1260

ME 1262

HC 0300

Sheikh Saeed Arena

HC 0110

ME 110

ATM Global Stage

(Tues / Weds)

Wellness & Spa Lounge

Showcase Theatre & Cafe

HC 0180

HC 0170

HC 0150

HC 0230

HC 0220

HC 0108


(Sun / Mon)

ME 1370

Car Rentals



Cruise Pavilion

Middle East

Sectors & Regions

TT 1468

TT 1558

TT 1555

TT 1510

TT 1571 TT 1572

TT 1570 TT 1573

TT 1574

TT 1568

TT 1569

TT TT 1560 1565

TT 1550

TT 1430

TT 1420

Hall 1

TT 1460

TT 1458

TT 1335

TT TT 1475 1470

TT 1467

TT 1465

TT 1456

TT 1450

TT 1330

TT 1320

TT 1410

Sheikh Saeed Hall 1

Information Point


Hall 3

ME 3206

ME 3310

ME 3340


TT 1670

TT 1665

TT 1660 TT 1666

ME 3400

TT 1675

TT 1667

TT TT 1610 1614

TT 1652

TT 1530

TT 1520

ME 3300

ME 3440

TT 1770

TT 1479

TT TT 1767 1766

TT 2013

TT 1725

TT 1720

TT 2070

TT 2064

AS 2075

AS 2065

AS 2080

AS 2055

AS 2054

TT 2030

TT 2025

TT 2020

ME 4110

ME 4150

TT 2015

ME 4000

TT 2066

TT 2056

TT 2050

TT 1730

TT 2010

TT TT 1762 1760

TT TT 1750 1755

TT 1630 TT 1639

TT 1621

TT 1620

TT 1710

ME 3500

ME 3510

ME 3540

Hall 4

ME 4200

ME 4201

AS 2090

AS 2085

TT 2027

TT 2026

TT 2110

AS 2150

AS 2220

AS 2210

Sheikh Saeed Hall 2

ME 4105

ME 4210

ME 4230

ME 4250

AS 2310

ME 4310

ME 4330

AS 2250

AS 2262

AS 2283

AS 2360

AS 2350

AS 2415

ME 4305

AS 3010

AS 2428

AS 2465

AS 2454

AS 2453

AS 2452

AS 2455

AS 2456

AS 2457

AS AS 2450 2451

AS 2421

AS 2422

AS2 426

ME 4405

AS 3097

AS 2550

AS 2435

AF 5110

AF 5210

AM 6120

AS 2330

AS 2338

AS AS 2333 2337

AS 2650

AS 3125

EU 6515

EU 6611

AM 6115

AM 6111

AS 3370

AS 3350

AS 3330

AS 3327

AS 3325

AS 3324

AS 3320

AS 3310

AM 6210

To Dubai Metro

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3

i Information Point

Hall 5

Hall 6


Up to Leaders Breakfast



Hall 7

Hall 8 Entrance

Shuttle buses to car parks Taxis Valet parking

First Aid Centre

AF 5105

AM 6105 AF 6050

AM 6100

AM 6200

EU 6300

EU 7100

EU 7104 EU 7102

EU 7106

EU 7108

EU 7200

EU 6709

EU 6801

EU 6800

EU 7001

EU 7101

EU 7201



AM 6211

AM 6110

EU 6511

EU 6410

EU EU 6524 6526

AM 6121

EU EU 6220 6223

EU EU 6221 6222

EU 6310

EU 6420

EU 6421

EU 6612

EU 6615

EU 6911

EU 6610

EU 6810

EU 6710

EU 6517

EU 7022

EU 7010

EU EU 7320 7310

EU 7020

EU EU 6519 6518

Media Centre

AF 5130

AF AF 5230 5235

AF AF 5335 5331 AF 5334 AF 5330

EU 6430

EU 6521

EU 6522

EU 6520

EU 6621

EU 6620

EU 6720

EU 6825

EU 6821

EU 6921

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3

AS 2335

AS AS AS 3015 3114 3118

AF 5140

AF 5240

AF AF 5345 5341 AF AF 5344 5340

EU 6230

EU 6235

EU 6330

EU 6440

EU 6441

EU 6630

EU 6730

EU 6830

EU 6935

EU 6931

EU 8025 EU 8028

EU 7035

EU 7110

EU 7030

EU 7230

EU EU EU 6530b 6530a 6530

EU EU 6635 6640

EU EU 6642 6641

EU 6740

EU 6745

EU EU 6846 6840

EU 6845

EU 6941

EU 6940

EU 7040

EU 7130

AS AS 2430 3120

AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS 2391 2392 2394 2494 2496 2497 3090 3095 3096

AS 2266

AS 2285

AS 2275

AS 2280

AS AS 2270 2281

AS 2320

ME 4300

ME 4410

ME 4440

AF 6155

EU 6155 EU 6153

EU 6455 EU 6450

EU 6456 EU 6451

EU 6655 EU 6650

EU 6658

EU 6850 EU 7350

EU 6854 EU 6852

EU 7050

EU 7151

EU 7240 EU 7245

EU 7331

Speed Networking Area Buyers' Club Lounge

Female Prayer Room

Male Prayer Room

Floor plans — All halls



4/11/18 9:44 AM

Floor plans — Halls 1 and 2

Middle East

Cruise Pavilion

Car Rentals

Cafe ME 1150


(Sun / Mon)

Wellness & Spa Lounge (Tues / Weds)

ME 1260 ME 1262

ME 1140

Media Pavilion

ME 1370

ME 1450

ME 2150

ME 2250

ME 2350

CR 2450

CR 2465

ME 1265

ME 1263

CR 2466

ME 1350 ME 1410

ME 1220

ME 2115

ME 1139

ME 2310

CR 2542

ME 2410

ME 1130

ME 110

ME 1110g ME 1110e ME 1110c ME 1110a

ME 100

ME 1201

CR 2540

ME 2110

ME 1138

ME CP 2530 2536

ME 1310

ATM Global Stage

CR 2555 CR 2550

CR 2440

ME 2140

CR 2560

ME 1210

CP2522 CP2526

ME 1110h ME 1110f ME 1110d ME 1110b

ME 1200

CP 2535

CP CP 2531 2533

CP 2515

CP 2518

CP 2510

ME 1300

ME 1305

ME ME ME ME 1400 1401 1402 1405

ME 2000

ME 2100

ME 2200

ME 2300

ME 2400

CP 2500

CP 2900

Hall 2




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Floor plans — Halls 3 and 4

Middle East

ME 3440

ME 3140

ME 3540

ME 4150

ME 4440

ME 4250

ME 4330

ME 3340

ME 4110

ME 4230 ME 4310

ME 3110

ME 3510

ME 3310

ME 3100

ME 3105

ME 3206

ME 3300

ME 3400

ME 3500

Hall 3

ME 4410

ME 4210

ME 4000

ME 4105

ME 4200

ME 4201

ME 4300

ME 4305

ME 4405

Hall 4


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Floor plans — Halls 5, 6, 7 and 8




Speed Networking Area Buyers' Club Lounge

EU 7240

EU 7331

EU 7230

EU EU 7320 7310

EU 7110

EU 7201

Hall 8 Entrance

EU 7245

EU 7151

EU 7130

EU 7101

EU 7040

EU 7050

EU 6854 EU 6852

EU 6850 EU 7350

EU 6940 EU 6941

EU 7030

EU 8025

EU 7035

EU 8028

EU 6931

EU 6921

EU 7020

EU 7010

EU 6911

EU 6935

EU 6845

EU 6800 EU 6801

EU 6830

EU EU 6846 6840

EU 6745

EU 7001

EU 7022

EU 6821 EU 6825

EU 6730

Hall 7

EU 6720

EU 6709

EU 6710

EU 7200

EU 6658 EU EU 6642 6641

EU 6630

EU 6620

EU EU 6635 6640

EU 6441

EU 6440

EU 6615

EU 6430

EU 6520

EU 6521

EU 6522

EU 6610

EU 6612

EU 6621

EU EU EU 6530b 6530a 6530

EU 6456 EU 6451

Female Prayer Room


EU 6740

EU 6655 EU 6650

Male Prayer Room

EU 6810

EU 6611

EU EU 6519 6518

EU 6517

EU 6515

EU EU 6524 6526

EU 6421

EU 7108


EU 7106

EU 7104 EU 7102 EU 7100

EU 6511

EU 6410

EU 6420

EU 6330

EU 6300

EU 6310


EU 6455 EU 6450

EU EU 6221 6222

EU 6235

AM 6211

AM 6120

EU 6155 EU 6153 AF 6155

AF AF 5345 5341 AF AF 5344 5340

AF 5240

AF 5140

AF AF 5335 5331 AF 5334 AF 5330

AF 5210

AM 6121

Hall 6

AM 6210 AM 6200

EU EU 6220 6223

EU 6230

AM 6111 AM 6115

AM 6110

AM 6100 AM 6105 AF 6050

Up to Leaders Breakfast

AF AF 5230 5235

AF 5130

AF 5110

Hall 5

Media Centre

i First Aid Centre


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Information Point


AF 5105

Shuttle buses to car parks Taxis Valet parking

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Floor plans — Sheikh Saeed Arena


Shuttle buses to car parks

Sheikh Saeed Arena HC 0300

HC 0108 HC 0010

HC 0114

Sheikh Saeed Arena HC 0400

HC 0405

HC 0500

HC 0505

HC 0700

HC 0605

HC 0810

HC 0110

HC 0220

HC 0320

HC 0420

HC 0425

HC 0525

HC 0720

HC 0620

HC 0820

HC 1000

HC 0825

HC 1110

HC 1020

HC 1120

HC 1210

HC 1125

HC 1220

HC 1128 HC 0018 HC 0020

HC 0330

HC 0230

HC 0430

HC 0830

HC 0630

HC 0530

HC 0730

HC 1030

HC 1045

HC 1150

HC 1155

HC 1130 HC 1140

HC 1230

HC 0040

HC 0150

HC 0250

HC 0350

HC 0450

HC 0550

HC 0750

HC 0650

HC 1050

HC 1250

HC 1255

HC 0050 HC 0170

HC 0060

HC 0070

HC 0180

HC 0260

HC 0265

HC 0360

Showcase Theatre & Cafe

HC 0660

HC 0460

HC 0370

HC 0568

HC 0365

HC 0470

HC 0475

HC 0665

HC 0670 HC 0672

HC 0588

HC 0680

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HC 1166

HC 1260

HC 0565

HC 0570

HC 0580

HC 1160

HC 0669

HC 0760

HC 0675 HC 0678

HC 0682

HC 0870

HC 1070

HC 0770

HC 0685

HC HC HC 0782 0780 0785

Arabian Travel Market 2018

41 4/11/18 9:44 AM

Floor plans — Sheikh Saeed Hall 1

Travel Tech Show at ATM

Sheikh Saeed Hall 1

Sheikh Saeed Hall 2

Hall 1 TT1 310

TT 1212

TT 1215

TT 1311

TT 1312

TT 1510

TT 1410

TT 1220

TT 1320

TT TT 1230 1235

TT 1330

TT TT 1610 1614

TT 1420

TT 1335

TT 1520

TT 1530

TT 1430

TT 1710

TT 2010

TT 2013

TT 1620

TT 1720

TT 1621

TT 1725

TT 1630

TT 1250

TT 1251

TT 1258

TT 1265

TT TT TT 1264 1263 1262

TT 1266 TT 1260

TT 1261

Travel Tech Theatre


TT 1351

TT 1353

TT 1356

TT 1359

TT 1366 TT 1360

TT 1550

TT 1450

TT 1456

TT 1458

TT 1364

TT 1465

TT 1460

TT 1365

TT 1467

TT 1368

TT TT 1372 1373

TT 1375

Arabian Travel Market 2018

ATM CATALOGUE 2018___Floorplans_ts.indd 42

TT 1555 TT 1558

TT TT 1560 1565 TT 1569

TT 1568

TT 1468

TT TT 1475 1470

TT 1571 TT 1572

TT 1570 TT 1573

TT 1574

TT 2020

TT 2026

TT 2025

TT 2027

TT 2030

TT TT 1750 1755

TT 1652

TT 2110

TT 1730

TT 1639

TT 1255

TT 2015

TT 2050

TT 2056

TT 1660 TT 1666

TT 1667

TT 1665

TT 1670

TT TT 1762 1760 TT TT 1767 1766

TT 1675

TT 1770

TT 1479

TT 2066 TT 2064

TT 2070

April 22-25, 2018 Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre

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Floor plans — Sheikh Saeed Halls 2 and 3


Sheikh Saeed Hall 2

AS 2210

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3

AS 2310

AS 3010

AS 2415

AS 2220

AS 2320

AS2 426

AS 2428

AS AS AS 3015 3114 3118

AS AS 2430 3120

AS 2335

AS 3310

AS 3125

AS 3320 AS 3324

AS AS 2333 2337

AS 2422 AS 2421

AS 2054

AS 2085

AS 2150

AS 2055 AS 2080 AS 2065

AS 2350

AS 2250

AS 2275

AS 2285

AS 2262

AS 2283

AS 3330

AS AS 2450 2451

AS 2550

AS 2452

AS 2457

AS 2453

AS 2456

AS 2454

AS 2455

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3

AS 2650

AS 3370

AS 2360

To Dubai Metro

AS 2465

AS 2266

AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS 2391 2392 2394 2494 2496 2497 3090 3095 3096

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AS 3350

AS 2280

AS 2075

AS 3327

AS 2330

AS AS 2270 2281

AS 2090

AS 3325

AS 2338

AS 2435

AS 3097

Arabian Travel Market 2018

43 4/11/18 9:44 AM

Featured new exhibitors



Adviser Travel & Tourism


Hall 7

Albasaer Travel & Tourism


Hall 1

Bally’s Limited


Sheikh Saeed Hall 3

Bin Haider Hospitality


Sheikh Saeed Arena



Sheikh Saeed Hall 1

Byruha Tourism


Hall 1


Sheikh Saeed Arena

Carlton Hotels & Suites Club Sports UK


Hall 7

Fantasia Villas


Sheikh Saeed Arena



Hall 4


Hall 7

Galleria Luxury Visions


Sheikh Saeed Arena

Golden Globe International


Hall 7

Haiyou Voyage (Guangzhou) Co. Limited


Sheikh Saeed Hall 2



Hall 4

Firat Development Agency


Sheikh Saeed Hall 1

Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)


Hall 7

Jakarta City Government Tourism & Culture Office


Sheikh Saeed Hall 3



Hall 7

Lux Hotels and Resorts


Sheikh Saeed Arena


Mansard Hotel


Sheikh Saeed Arena

Middle East Tourism & Travel Group


Hall 7

MT Japan Travel


Sheikh Saeed Hall 2

Nectar Sports S.L


Hall 7



Hall 4

Roda Hotels


Sheikh Saeed Arena

Safargasht Georgia


Hall 7

Saja Al Madinah


Sheikh Saeed Arena

Shanghai Municipal


Sheikh Saeed Hall 2

The Booking Expert


Sheikh Saeed Hall 1

Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau


Sheikh Saeed Hall 2


Sheikh Saeed Hall 1

Vila Vita Marburg


Hall 7

WorldHotels AG


Sheikh Saeed Arena



Sheikh Saeed Hall 1




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PR & marketing

Support services


Branding and printing

Decoration, props and design


AV and staging

Venues and catering

Event and destination management

Events & destination management | AV & STAGING | Decoration, props & design | Media | PR & marketing | Venues and catering | Entertainment | Branding & Printing | Support services | Events & destination management | AV & STAGING | Decoration, props & design | Media | PR & marketing | Venues and catering | Entertainment | Branding & Printing | Support services | Events & destination management | AV & STAGING | Decoration, props & design | Media | PR & marketing | Venues and catering | Entertainment | Branding & Printing | Support services | Events & destination management | AV & STAGING | Decoration, props & design

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MEETME_APR-MAY18_FP_Sourceme_165x235mm.indd 1

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A-Z index




HC0720 65 ME4410 65 • Al Marfa Pearl Hotels Management L.L.C. ME2115, ME2250 65 • Al Marwa Rayhaan by Rotana HC0720 65 • Al Nahda Hotels HC1128 65 • Al Rais Travel & Shipping Agencies LLC ME3100 65 • Al Rawda Arjaan by Rotana HC0720 66 • Al Salam Rotana HC0720 66 • Al Shitaiwi Travel and Tourism ME4410 66 • Al Syahi for Bookings and Tours and Events ME4410 66 • Al Tayyar Group ME1220 66 • Al Thuraya Travel and Tours ME1450 66 • Al Wefaq Rent a Car CR2450 66 • Al-Tayyar Travel Group Ltd ME1220 66 • Aladin Travel Agency EU6610 66 • Albadie Travel Agency ME2115, ME2250 66 • Albasaer Travel & Tourism ME1402 66 • Aleph Rome Hotel HC0830 66 • Aljomaih Auto Rentals CR2550 66 • ALKAMILBOOKING.COM CP2900 66 • ALL GREEK VILLAS EU6410 66 • AlMobtaker Travel and Tourism ME1410 66 • Alo Spain DMC EU6230 66 • Aloft Hotels ME2115, ME2250 67 • Alpha Destination Management ME1210 67 • Alpha Tours ME3110 67 • Alpha Travel South East Europe EU6621 67 • Alpin Rentals EU6610 67 • ALSOL HOTELS & RESORTS AM6121 67 • Alwasat Travels ME1410 67 • Amadeus IT Group TT1520 153 • AMAG Chauffeur Drive EU6730 67 • Amandatour Italy EU6455 67 • Amathus Travel Croatia EU6420 67 • Amaya Kuda Rah Maldives AS2350 67 • Amazing Tours ME4410 67 • Ambassador Group EU6810 67 • Amigo Tours LLC AM6105 67 • Amman Rotana HC0720 67 • AMSTAR DMC AM6120 68 • Amwaj Rotana HC0720 68 • Anantara Hotel Palm Jumeirah ME3110 68 • Anantara Hotels, Resorts SPAs Abu Dhabi ME2115, ME2250 68 • Andalucia Tourism Board EU6230 68 • Andaz Delhi HC0450 68 • Andaz Munich Schwabinger Tor HC0450 68 • andBeyond AF5240 68 • ANENO TOUR EU7110 68 • Angela Shanley Associates Ltd EU6830 68 • Annset Holidays, Inc. AS2320 68 • ANTARCTIC AIRWAYS AM6111 68 • AQUA SUN TOURISM L.L.C ME3110 68 • Aquagrand Exclusive Deluxe Resort-Maritour AE EU6410 68 • Arab Traveller (Magazine) ME1140-10 68 • Arabian Adventures ME3110 68 • Arabian Aerospace ME1140-2 68 • Arabian Nights Company ME4410 68 • Arabian Nights Vilage ME2115, ME2250 69 • Arabian Park Hotel HC0720 69 • Arabian Radio Network ME1401 69 • Al Manshar Rotana

• Al Maqam Travel and Tourism • 1 Box Office • 11-Infotech System Co Ltd • • 3K MANAGEMENT • A-Rosa Kitzbuehel • A.A.Al Moosa Enterprises Llc • AAA Hotels & Resorts • Abacus Tours • abba Hotels • Abbasi Turizm • Absheron Hotel Group • Abu Dhabi Airports • Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority • AC Group • Acampora Travel • AccorHotels • AccorHotels BtoB Communication • Ace Travels Maldives • Across Spain DMC & Leisure Travel • AD Hotels • Address Hotels + Resorts • Adenya Hotel • ADONIS TOURISM LLC • • Advance Chauffeurs • Adviser Travel & Tourism • Aeromexico • Afro Tourism West Africa Ltd • AG New World Manila Bay Hotel • Agencia Catalana de Turisme

ME3500 62 TT2070 153 TT1725 153 EU6801 62 EU6610 62 HC1166 62 AS2350 62 EU6420 62 EU6230 62 EU7110 62 ILTM Arabia 62 ME2115, ME2250 62 ME2115, ME2250 62 EU6830 62 AS3118 62 HC1050 62 HC1050 62 AS3118 63 EU6230 63 EU6630 63 HC0220 63 EU7110 63 ME1305 63 TT1720 153 EU6830 63 EU7106 63 AM6120 63 ME1140-1 63 AS2320 63 EU6230 63

• Airport Limos Greece The Leading Limousine

EU6410 63 AS3118 63 • Ajman Tourism Development Department ME3540 64 • Akaryn Hotel Group ILTM Arabia 64 • Akay Travel Service & Fly Istanbul EU8025 64 • Akbar Gulf Travels of India CP2515 64 • Akik Tour EU7110 64 • Al Ahram Travel and Tours ME4410 64 • Al Ain Rotana HC0720 64 • Al Areen Palace & Spa ME1410 64 • Al Bandar Rotana & Al Bandar Arjaan by Rotana HC0720 64 • Al Boraq Tour Operator ME4410 64 • AL BUSTAN CENTRE & RESIDENCE ME3110 64 • Al Dhuha Tourism ME4410 64 • AL DIAR SIJI HOTEL ME4210 64 • Al Faisaliah Hotel ME4410 64 • Al Fifa Tours ME4410 65 • Al Firdous Hotels Group ME4410 65 • Al Fokharia For Organizing Tourism Tours ME4410 65 • Al Hokair Group HC0570 65 • Al Jawlah DMC ME4410 65 • Al Jeyad Al Oula Company ME4410 65 • Al Khozama Management Co HC0250 65 • Al Maha Arjaan by Rotana HC0720 65 • Al Maha Desert Resort & Spa ME3110 65 • Al Manara, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Saraya Aqaba HC0750 65 Company Of Greece

• Aitken Spence Travels


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EU6825 69 EU6410 69 • Arjaan by Rotana HC0720 69 • ArmaConcierge EU7110 69 • Armani Hotel Dubai HC0220 69 • Armani Hotel Dubai HC0220 69 • ARMAS HOTELS EU7110 69 • Armed Forces Officers Club & Hotel ME2115, ME2250 69 • ART Rotana HC0720 69 • Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Latvia EU6801 69 • Association of Uganda Tour Operators AF5235 69 • Aston Pluit Residence AS3350 69 • Atharva Infotech TT1770 153 • Athenaeum Hotel & Residences (Mayfair/London) EU6830 69 • Athenaeum Intercontinental Athens EU6410 70 • ATLANTA TOURISM ME3110 70 • Atlantis, The Palm Limited HC0230 70 • Augustine, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Prague HC0750 70 • Austrian National Tourist Office EU6610 70 • Avantgarde Collection EU7110 70 • Avenues World FZ LLC TT1311 153 • AVIS Budget EMEA Ltd CR2540 70 • Ayla Hotels and Resorts Management LLC ME2115, ME2250 70 • Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism EU6931 70 • Arctic Travel Boutique Ltd

• Bonotel Exclusive Travel




• B.V. • BOYTAV (Bodrum Yarimadasi Tanitma Vakfi) • Bravo Air • Brienz Rothorn Railway • Bright Blue Villas • British Country Sports • BRO TRAVEL • Bulgari Hotel Milano • Bulgari Hotels & Resorts • Bulgari Resort Bali • Bulgaria, Ministry of Tourism • Bürgenstock Hotels & Resort Lake Lucerne • Burgu Arjaan by Rotana & Tango Arjaan by Rotana • Burj Al Arab Jumeirah • Burj Khalifa - At The Top • Burjuman Arjaan by Rotana • Bursa Culture & Tourism Promotion Union • Bursa Kultur Turizm ve Tanitma Birligi Baskanligi • Business Finland Oy - Visit Finland • Byblos Hotel - Fz

TT1465 153 ME3110 72 TT1620 153 EU7110 72 EU6921 73 EU6730 73 EU6519 73 EU6830 73 EU7110 73 HC0675 73 HC0675 73 HC0675 73 EU6821 73 EU6730 73 HC0720 73 HC0330 73 ME3110 73 HC0720 73 EU7030 73 EU7110 73 EU6825 73 ME3110 74

C AM6200 74 HC0750 74 • Calista Luxury Resort EU7110 74 • CANAKKALE IL KULTUR VE TURIZM MUDURLUGU EU7110 74 • Cannes Tourism Board ILTM Arabia 74 • Canopus Akquasun Maldives Pvt Ltd AS2350 74 • Capital Centre Arjaan by Rotana HC0720 74 • Capital Georgia Travel EU6921 74 • Capital Travel & Tours Pvt Ltd AS2350 74 • Caresse, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Bodrum HC0750 74 • Carfare and Lama Group CP2500 74 • Caribbean Tourism Organization AM6100 74 • Carl Hilscher Jewelry EU6720 74 • Carlson Rezidor Global Sales Office, India HC0730 75 • Carlton Hotels & Suites HC0300 75 • Carpe Diem Maldives Pvt Ltd AS2350 75 • CarVia Exclusive Car Rental Munich EU6720 75 • Casa de Campo Resort & Villas AM6121 75 • CATOD (Canakkale Turistik Otelciler Isletmeciler ve Yatirimcilar Birligi Dernegi) EU7110 75 • CCT 168 Travel and Tours Corporation AS2320 75 • Central Hotel Apart EU6720 75 • Central Hotels Management HC0810 75 • Centro Al Manhal HC0720 75 • Centro Barsha HC0720 75 • Centro Capital Centre HC0720 75 • Centro Shaheen HC0720 75 • Centro Sharjah HC0720 75 • Centro Waha HC0720 75 • Charleston Travel Rwanda AF5230 75 • Chelsea FC EU6830 75 • Chenot Palace Health Wellness Hotel Wellness & Spa 76 • China National Tourist Office in Singapore AS2080 76 • China Southern Airlines AS2075 76 • Caesars Entertainment c/o Discover the World • Cairo Marriott Hotel & Omar Khayyam Casino

• B Signature • Babylon Booking • Baccarat Hotel New York • Badrutt’s Palace Hotel • Bahamas Tourist Office • Bahia Del Duque Hotel • Bahrain International Travel • Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) • Balkan Holidays • Balkan Travel Services • Balloon Adventures • Bally’s Limited • Baltic Travel Group • Baltma Tours • Bangkok Hospital • Bangladesh Tourism Board • Baraka Travel Club • Baron Travel Corporation • Beach Rotana • Beautiful Georgia Tours • Bedir Tour • Best Day Travel Tour • Best Travel • Best Western Hotels & Resorts • Best Western Plus The olive • Bin Haider Hospitality • Bin Majid Hotels & Resorts • Bird Group • Blue Horizons Travel & Tours, Inc. • Bluebay Hotels & Resorts • BlueVillas • Bohemia Ltd.

EU6640 70 TT1450 153 HC0420 70 EU6630 70 AM6100 70 EU6230 70 ME1410 70 ME1410 71 EU6621 71 EU7108 71 ME3110 71 AS3097 71 EU6801 71 EU6517 71 AS2270 71 AS2430 71 EU6220 71 AS2320 71 HC0720 71 EU6921 72 EU7110 72 AM6120 72 EU6921 72 HC0870 72 ME1410 72 HC0470 72 ME3510 72 HC0660 72 AS2320 72 HC1125 72 EU6410 72 EU6821 72

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HC0460 76 AM6210 76 • Ciragan Palace Kempinski Istanbul HC1140 76 • Citra Netratama AS3350 76 • City Premiere Marina Hotel Apartments ME3110 76 • City Sightseeing Ltd ME2000 76 • Citymax Hotels HC0620 76 • CitySpeed Tours EU6840 76 • Claviger ME HC0360 77 • Cleverdis ME1140-19 77 • Clinic for rehabilitation Atomska banja EU6621 77 • Clinic Lémanic EU6730 77 • Club Sports UK EU6518 77 • Cocoon Maldives AS2350 77 • CodeGen TT1665 153 • Colliers International HC0782 77 • Cologne Tourist Board EU6710 77 • Comfort Seasons Tour Operator ME4410 77 • Comfort Seasons Travel and Tourism EU7110 77 • COMO Hotels & Resorts ILTM Arabia 77 • Con-ex LATVIA TOURS group EU6801 78 • CONCORD TRAVEL EU6921 77 • Concorde Hotel Fujairah ME4210 77 • Congress Hotel Seepark EU6630 78 • Conrad Dubai HC0830 78 • Conrad Maldives Rangali Island HC0830 78 • Coral Al Khobar Hotel HC0530 78 • Coral Beirut Al Hamra Hotel HC0530 78 • Coral Dubai Deira Hotel HC0530 78 • Coral Jubail Hotel HC0530 78 • CORAL KHARTOUM HOTEL HC0530 78 • Coral Muscat Hotel & Apartments HC0530 78 • Coral Muscat Hotel and Apartments HC0530 78 • Corp Amman Hotel HC0530 78 • Corporate International Travel & Tours, Inc. AS2320 78 • Cosmopolitan Hotel L.L.C ME3110 78 • Costa Del Sol Tourist Board EU6230 78 • Cox & Kings AS3010 78 • COX & KINGS TOURS ( L.L.C ) ME3110 78 • COZMO TRAVEL WORLD ME3110 78 • COZUMEL & RIVIERA MAYA TOURISM BOARD AM6120 78 • Crimson Hotels and Resorts AS2320 79 • Cristal Group ME2115, ME2250 79 • Croatian National Tourist Board EU6420 79 • Crossing Eagles Tour Operator ME4410 79 • Crown & Champa Resorts AS2350 79 • Crowne Plaza Hotel, Belgrade EU6621 79 • Crowne Plaza Kuwait Al Thuraya City ME1310 79 • Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland member of Swiss Education Group EU6730 79 • CVK HOTELS & RESORTS EU7310 79 • Cyprus Tourism Organisation EU6440 79 • Czech Tourism Authority - CzechTourism EU6810 79


• Choice Hotels International • CHOOSE CHICAGO


Arabian Travel Market 2018

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EU6230 79 ME2100 79 • Dakkak Tours International- DMC ME1450 80 • DAMAC Hotels & Resorts HC0350 80 • Dana Tours TT2064, AF6050 154 • Danat Hotels & Resorts ME2115, ME2250 80 • Dar Al Eiman Company ME4410 80 • Dar Al Taqwa Hotel-Madinah, Saudi Arabia ME4410 80 • Darina Holidays TT2050 154 • dcs plus TT1755 154 • Deira Tours ME4410 80 • DENTUROD EU7110 80 • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi Asia Pacific ME2115, ME2250 80 • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi Australia Overseas Office ME2115, ME2250 80 • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi France Overseas Office ME2115, ME2250 80 • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi Germany Overseas Office ME2115, ME2250 80 • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi India Overseas Office ME2115, ME2250 80 • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi Italy Overseas Office ME2115, ME2250 80 • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi KSA Overseas Office ME2115, ME2250 80 • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi Middle East & Africa Unit ME2115, ME2250 80 • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi Russia & CIS Overseas Office ME2115, ME2250 81 • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi UK Overseas Office ME2115, ME2250 81 • Department of Tourism and Resorts of Ajara AR EU6921 81 • Department of Tourism, Government of Karnataka AS2435 81 • Derag Livinghotels AG + Co. KG EU6720 81 • DESERT ADVENTURES TOURISM L.L.C ME3110 81 • Desert Gate Tourism ME2200, ME3110, ME3510 81 • Desert Palm Resort & Hotel ME3110 81 • Desert Rose Tourism LLC ME2115, ME2250 81 • Destination DC AM6211 81 • Destination Gstaad EU6730 81 • Destination Services AS3118 81 • Destination Services Singapore AS3118 81 • Destination Services Thailand AS3118 81 • DESTINATIONS OF THE WORLD TT1420 154 • Destinations of the World News HC0580 82 • Deutsche Hospitality HC1045 82 • DHISCO TT1766 154 • DidaTravel Technology Ltd., Co. TT1356 82 • Divan _stanbul Hotel EU7110 82 • DIVANI COLLECTION HOTELS EU6410 82 • DLC. TT1375 154 • DMC SOLVEX EU6821 82 • DMC-Destination Management GmbH EU6710 82 • DOGAKA EU7110 82 • Dollar Car Rental CR2440 82 • Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism AM6121 82 • Double Decker Bus Tours LLC (Big Bus Tours LLC) ME2300 82 • Dachs Limousines S.L • Dadabhai Travel

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A-Z index

• DoubleTree by Hilton Dubai - Business Bay • DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Dubai - Jumeirah Beach

HC0830 82 HC0830 82

• Emirates Grand Hotel • Emirates Tours & Safari

• DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Riyadh -

• Emissa Travel Agency

Al Muroj Business Gate HC0830 82 • Doubletree by Hilton Resort & SPA Marjan Island ME3510 82 • Doubletree by Hilton Zanzibar AF5240 83 • Downtown Rotana HC0720 83 • Dream Inn Holiday Home Rental L.L.C ME3110 83 • Dream World Travels USA AM6211 83 • DTCM Cruise Tourism Team ME3110 83 • Dubai Airports ME3340 83 • Dubai Camel Racing Club ME3110 83 • Dubai Dolphinarium ME3110 83 • Dubai Health Authority ME3110 83 • Dubai Link Travel & Tours TT1250 154 • Dubai Marine Beach Resort & Spa HC1110 83 • Dubai Municipality ME2150 83 • Dubai Opera ME3110 83 • Dubai Parks and Resorts ME3440 83 • Dubai Police ME3110 83 • Dubai Tourism ME3110, ME3140 83 • Dubrovnik & Neretva County Tourist Board EU6420 83 • Due Torri Hotel HC0525 83 • DUKES DUBAI ME3110 84 • Dumbara Hotels (Pvt) Ltd Santani Resort & Spa Wellness & Spa 84 • Dunes Hotel Apartment ME3110 84 • Dur Hospitality-Makarem Hotels ME4410 84 • Dusit Hotels & Resorts HC1030 84 • Dusit Residence Dubai Marina HC1030 84 • Dusit Thani Abu Dhabi HC1030 84 • Dusit Thani Dubai HC1030 84 • Dusit Thani Lakeview Cairo HC1030 84 • Dusit Thani Maldives HC1030 84 • dusitD2 Kenz Hotel, Dubai HC1030 84 • dusitD2 nairobi HC1030 84 • Dusseldorf Tourist Board EU6710 84 • Düsseldorf University Hospital (UKD) EU6710 84 • DWTC ME3110 84

• EMITT • ENIT - Italian State Tourist Board • Eon Resorts Group Pvt Ltd • Erbil Rotana & Erbil Arjaan by Rotana • Etihad Airways • eTurboNews (eTN) • Euronet Travel • Europamundo Vacaciones S.L • Europcar International • Europcar Switzerland • Europe Health GmbH • EWA Khartoum Hotel & Apartments • Excelsior Hotel Ernst • Excelsior Hotel Gallia, Milan • Exciting Travel Holidays Pvt Ltd • Exclusive Spain Tours • Executive Suites by Mourouj Gloria • Exotic Zanzibar • Exotour • Expedia FZ-LLC • Experience England • Experience Kissimmee • Experiences in Spain & B:VIP • Explore The Wonders • Expo 2020 • Eye of Riyadh • Ezeego1 Travel & Tours LLC

F • Facebook • Fairmont Amman Hotel • Fairmont Baku Flame Towers • Fairmont Dubai • FAIRMONT FUJAIRAH BEACH RESORT • Fairmont Grand Hotel Kyiv


• Fairmont Hotel and Resorts • Fairmont Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten

EU6710 84 • E.H.L. Holding SA EU6641 85 • EAST MARMARA DEVELOPMENT AGENCY EU7035 85 • Easy Travel Ltd - DMC in Scandinavia and Finland EU6825 85 • Economic Development Board ME1410 85 • EDITION hotels HC0760 85 • EET Global TT1750 154 • Egyptian Tourism Promotion Board AF5210 85 • El Corte Inglés Department Store, Madrid HC0825 85 • El Royale Hotel Jakarta AS3350 85 • Elegant Hideaway Pvt Ltd ILTM Arabia 85 • Elite Travel EU6921 85 • Emaar Entertainment LLC ME3110 85 • EMAAR HOSPITALITY GROUP HC0220 85 • Emerald Maldives Resort & Spa AS2350 85 • Emerald Palace Kempinski Dubai / Kempinski Hotel & Residences Palm Jumeirah HC1140 86 • Emirates ME3310 86 • E. Breuninger GmbH & Co.

• Fairmont Hotels and Resorts Kenya • Fairmont Le Montreux Palace • Fairmont Quasar Istanbul • Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I Barcelona • Fairmont The Palm • Falcon Luxury Travel DMCC • FAMOUS TRAVEL DMC EUROPE • Fantasia Villas • Farhat Travel & Tours • Fashion Arena Prague Outlet • Fast Aviation Travel and Tourism • FASTVAT LLC • Firat Development Agency • Flightroutes24 • Flora Hospitality • FLY PEGASUS • flydubai • flynas

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ME3110 86 ME2115, ME2250 86 EU6720 86 EU7110 86 EU6330, EU6310 86 AS2350 86 HC0720 86 ME2310 86 HC0682 86 EU6610 86 EU6230 86 CR2542 86 EU6730 86 EU7200 87 HC0530 87 EU6710 87 HC0750 87 AS2350 87 EU6230 87 ME2115, ME2250 87 AF5240 87 EU6921 87 TT1550 154 EU6830 87 AM6210 87 EU6230 87 AS2310 87 ME3110 87 ME1140-3 87 TT1258 154

ME1263 87 ME1450 88 HC1050 88 HC1050 88 ME4210 88 HC1050 88 ME4410 88 HC1050 88 HC1050 88 HC1050 88 ILTM Arabia 88 HC1050 88 HC1050 88 EU6850 88 EU7100 88 HC0020 88 ME1410 88 EU6810 89 ME4410 89 ME4200 89 EU7151 89 CP2531 155 HC1230 89 EU7110 89 ME2410 89 ME4410 89

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A-Z index

ME1140-4 89 ME4230 89 • Fore Representations & Travels DMCC TT1560 155 • Fortune Park Hotel L.L.C ME3110 89 • Forty Travel EU6921 89 • Four Points By Sheraton - Sheikh Zayed Road ME3110 89 • Four Seasons Hotel Abu Dhabi at Al Maryah Island HC1150 89 • Four Seasons Hotel Amman HC1150 89 • Four Seasons Hotel Bahrain Bay HC1150 89 • Four Seasons Hotel Baku HC1150 89 • Four Seasons Hotel Baltimore HC1150 90 • Four Seasons Hotel Beirut HC1150 90 • Four Seasons Hotel Cairo at Nile Plaza HC1150 90 • Four Seasons Hotel Cairo at The First Residence HC1150 90 • Four Seasons Hotel Casablanca HC1150 90 • Four Seasons Hotel Dubai International Financial Centre HC1150 90 • Four Seasons Hotel George V, Paris HC1150 90 • Four Seasons Hotel Gresham Palace Budapest HC1150 90 • Four Seasons Hotel Kuwait at Burj Alshaya HC1150 90 • Four Seasons Hotel Lion Palace St. Petersburg HC1150 90 • Four Seasons Hotel Moscow HC1150 90 • Four Seasons Hotel Prague HC1150 90 • Four Seasons Hotel Ritz Lisbon HC1150 90 • Four Seasons Hotel Riyadh at Kingdom Centre HC1150 90 • Four Seasons Hotel Tunis HC1150 90 • Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts HC1150 90 • Four Seasons Resort Bali at Jimbaran Bay HC1150 90 • Four Seasons Resort Bali at Sayan HC1150 90 • Four Seasons Resort Dubai at Jumeirah Beach HC1150 90 • Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Kuda Huraa HC1150 91 • Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru HC1150 91 • Four Seasons Resort Marrakech HC1150 91 • Four Seasons Resort Orlando at Walt Disney World Resort HC1150 91 • Four Seasons Resort Seychelles HC1150 91 • Four Seasons Resort Seychelles at Desroches Island HC1150 91 • Four Seasons Resort Sharm El Sheikh HC1150 91 • Four Seasons Travel EU6810 91 • Frankfurt Airport VIP Services EU6710 91 • Fraser Suites Seef Bahrain ME1410 91 • Frasers Hospitality HC1000 91 • Free Spirit Tours EU6921 91 • Free Spirit Tours and Future Travel Group EU6931 91 • Fujairah Rotana Resort & Spa HC0720 91 • Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority ME4210 91 • Furaveri Island Resort & Spa AS2350 91 • Fushifaru Investments Pvt Ltd AS2350 91

• Forbes Middle East

• Geo Travel Club

• Ford Middle East & Africa

• Geo4Tours • Georgia Travel RSP • Georgian Bus • Georgian Capital • Georgian National Tourism Administration • Georgian Travel Group • German National Tourist Board (GNTB) • Gevora Hotel • Gilan Hospitality Group • Gizan Life Tour Operator • glh Hotels • Global Innovations-Dubai • Go India Journeys • Golden Globe International • Golden Sands Hotel Apartments • Golden Tourist for Travel & Tourism • Golden Tulip Hotel Bahrain • Golden Tulip MENA SAS • Goranga Tech Ltd. • Gosaibi Travel • Grace Travel Mart - GTM • Graficon DMC • Grand Hills, a Luxury Collection Hotel & Spa • Grand Hotel Kempinski Riga • Grand Hotel Les Trois Rois

EU6921 92 EU6921 92 EU6921 92 EU6921 92 EU6921 92 EU6921 92 EU6921 92 EU6710 93 ME3110 93 EU6931 93 ME4410 93 EU6830 93 TT1510 155 AS3118 93 EU6852 93 HC0505 93 CP2533 93 ME1410 93 HC1020 93 TT1458 155 ME1410 93 AS3324 93 EU6810 93 HC0750 93 HC1140 93 HC0525 93

• Grand Hotel River Park, a Luxury Collection Hotel,

Bratislava • Grand Hotel Villa Castagnola • Grand Hotel Wien

HC0750 94 ILTM Arabia 94 EU6610 94

• Grand Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel &

Residences Emirates Pearl • Grand Hyatt Amman • Grand Hyatt Berlin • Grand Hyatt Dubai • Grand Hyatt Istanbul • Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur • Grand Resort Lagonissi • Grand Rotana Resort & Spa • Grand Swiss-Belresort Seef, Bahrain • Grandhotel Pupp Karlovy Vary • Grapevine Texas • Gray Line • Grecotel • Greek National Tourism Organisation • Greenwich Travel Club

HC0450 94 HC0450 94 HC0450 94 HC0450 94 HC0450 94 HC0450 94 HC0525 94 HC0720 94 HC1130 94 EU6810 94 AM6110 94 TT1475 155 EU6410 94 EU6410 94 EU6931 94

• GriwaRent AG Holiday Apartments in Grindelwald

EU6730 94 ME2115, ME2250 94 • Grosvenor House ME3110 95 • Grosvenor House Suites by Jumeirah Living HC0330 95 • Grosvenor House, A JW Marriott Hotel HC0750 95 • Gstaad Palace HC0825 95 • GT Beds TT1330 155 • GT Media ME CP2536 95 • GTA - Georgian Tour Agency EU6921 95 • Guide of Georgia EU6921 95 • GUIZHOU JUN YU KUN COMMERCE CO.,LTD AS2090 95 • Guizhou Province of China AS2090 95 • Gulf Air ME1410 95 & Interlaken

• Gromaxx Hotels Management LLC

G • Gadou Travel • Galerie Lafayette • Galleria Luxury Visions • Gartour Destination Italia • GATETOURS.COM • Gazelle Resort and Spa • Gefinor Rotana • General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) • Geneva Tourism


Arabian Travel Market 2018

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EU6230 92 EU6640 92 HC0365 92 EU6222 92 TT1351 155 EU7110 92 HC0720 92 ME4410 92 EU6730 92

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HC0700 95 HC0700 95 EU7110 95 HC0110 95

• Gulf Hotel Bahrain • Gulf Hotels Group • GUMA TRAVEL • Gural Premier Hotels & Resorts

• Hot Air Balloon • Hotel Arts Barcelona • Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow • Hotel Botánico & The Oriental Spa Garden • Hotel Bristol, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Warsaw

ME3110 99 HC0750 99 HC1140 99 EU6230 99 HC0750 99

• Hotel Cala di Volpe, a Luxury Collection Hotel,


HC0750 99 EU6710 99 • Hotel Danieli, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Venice HC0750 99 • Hôtel de Berri, A Luxury Collection Hotel HC0750 99 • Hotel de Paris Monte-Carlo HC0525 99 • Hotel Eden Roc HC0525 99 • Hotel Grande Bretagne, a Luxury Collection Hotel HC0750 99 • Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta HC1140 99 • Hotel Lugano Dante Center EU6630 99 • Hôtel Martinez HC0450 99 • Hotel N Apartment TT1263 156 • Hotel Nassauer Hof EU6710 99 • Hotel Neue Post EU6610 99 • Hotel News HC0780 100 • Hotel Palace Berlin EU6710 100 • Hotel Plaza Athenee HC0525 100 • Hotel President Wilson EU6630, ILTM Arabia 100 • Hotel Schweizerhof Zurich HC1128 100 • HOTEL SCRIBE PARIS MANAGED BY SOFITEL HC1050 100 • Hotel SOFIA EU6230 100 • Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski Munich HC1140 100 • Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Starnberg EU6720 100 • Hotelbeds TT1430 156 • hotelkit GmbH TT1251 156 • Hotelspro TT1235 156 • HQ plus TT1251 156 • Hulhule Island Hotel AS2350 100 • Huvafen Fushi Resort & Spa AS2350 100 • Hyatt Capital Gate Abu Dhabi HC0450 100 • Hyatt Centric Gran Via Madrid HC0450 100 • Hyatt City of Dreams Manila HC0450 100 • Hyatt Hotels & Resorts HC0450 100 • Hyatt International HC0450 100 • Hyatt Place Dubai/Al Rigga HC0450 100 • Hyatt Regency Addis Ababa HC0450 100 • Hyatt Regency Aqaba Ayla Resort HC0450 101 • Hyatt Regency Arusha HC0450 101 • Hyatt Regency Bangkok Sukhumvit HC0450 101 • Hyatt Regency Casablanca HC0450 101 • Hyatt Regency Dubai & Galleria HC0450 101 • Hyatt Regency Dubai Creek Heights HC0450 101 • Hyatt Regency Istanbul Atakoy HC0450 101 • Hyatt Regency Kuantan Resort HC0450 101 • Hyatt Regency Paris Etoile HC0450 101 • Hyatt Regency Riyadh HC0450 101 • Hyatt Regency Tashkent HC0450 101 • Hyatt Regency Tysons Corner Center HC0450 101 Costa Smeralda

• Hotel Chester Heidelberg

ME3110 95 EU7350 95 • Habtoor Grand Resort Autograph Collection L.L.C ME3110 95 • Hainan Provincial Tourism Development Commission AS2055 96 • Haiyou Voyage (Guangzhou) Co. Limited AS2285 96 • Hala Arjaan by Rotana HC0720 96 • Hannover Marketing & Tourismus GmbH EU6710 96 • Happy Tours DMC EU6620 96 • Happy Travel Georgia EU6921 96 • HARD ROCK HOTEL & CASINO PUNTA CANA AM6121 96 • Harry’s Home Hotels EU6720 96 • Hasan Ozgun Tourism EU7110 96 • Hasco Tour Operator ME4410 96 • Helen Holidays EU7110 96 • Helidubai ME3400 96 • Helios Kliniken Wiesbaden - DKD Helios Klinik Wiesbaden & Helios Dr Horst Schmidt Kliniken Wiesbaden EU6710 96 • helloAzerbaijan EU6931 96 • Henann Group of Resorts AS2320 96 • Hertz CR2440 97 • Heysem Tourism & Travel EU7101 97 • Hideaway Beach Resort and Spa AS2350 97 • Hili Rayhaan by Rotana HC0720 97 • Hilton HC0830 97 • Hilton Athens HC0830 97 • Hilton Baku HC0830 97 • Hilton Beirut HC0830 97 • Hilton Budapest City HC0830 97 • Hilton Colombo Residences HC0830 97 • Hilton Dubai Hotels HC0830 97 • Hilton Evian-les-Bains HC0830 97 • Hilton Hotels ME3510 97 • Hilton Hotels - Austria HC0830 97 • Hilton Hotels - Saudi Arabia HC0830 97 • Hilton Hotels in Munich HC0830 98 • Hilton Kuwait Resort ME1310 98 • Hilton London Metropole HC0830 98 • Hilton Manila HC0830 98 • Hilton Paris Opera HC0830 98 • Himalayan Nature Spa @ The Begnas Lake Resort & Villas Wellness & Spa 98 • HMH - Hospitality Management Holding HC0530 98 • Hochschwarzwald Tourismus GmbH EU6710 98 • Holiday Inn Kuwait Al Thuraya City ME1310 98 • Holiday Inn Kuwait Salmiya ME1310 98 • Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives AS2350 98 • Holidays Arabia TT1667 155 • HolidayTaxis TT1366 155 • Hong Kong uCloudlink Technology TT1372 156 • Hormuz Grand By Radisson Collection, Oman HC0730 98 • Horseracing - Sport of Kings EU6830 98 • Hospitality News Middle East Lebanon ME1140-5 98 • H. O. T. TOURISM DMCC

• H&R Holidays - Bosnia and Herzegovina

I • I Jordan Tours • IATA • IATI CO ( International Air Travel Index Company )

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ME1450 101 ME1300 101 TT2013 156

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EU6230 101 AM6121 101 • Iberotel Miramar Al Aqah Beach Resort ME4210 101 • Ibn Firnas Travel & Tourism ME1410 101 • Ice Land Waterpark ME3510 102 • Iceland Luxury ILTM Arabia 102 • IGH Geneva InterContinental & Crowne Plaza EU6730 102 • Igufa Safaris Ltd AF5235 102 • IHG - InterContinental Hotels Group HC0550 102 • iHolidays by Lamar Holidays TT1630 156 • iJET ME4201 102 • Il Borro ILTM Arabia 102 • Imperatore Travel World® Srl TT1762 156 • Imperial Hotel, Tokyo HC0525 102 • Imperial Karlovy Vary Group EU6810 102 • Impro Travels EU6801 102 • Ina Leisure AS3350 102 • India Tourism AS3125 102 • Indian Holiday Pvt. Ltd AS3114, ILTM Arabia 102 • Indoma Tours AF5240 102 • Indonesia AS2650 102 • Infinity Trips EU6921 103 • Info-Tbilisi Travel EU6921 103 • INGENIUM SOFTECH TT2066 157 • Inn & Go Kuwait Plaza Hotel ME1310 103 • Innvista Hotels Belek EU7110 103 • Inova Hospitality Management EU6425, EU6410 103 • INPLASS TT1571 157 • Intas Destination Management Inc. AS2320 103 • InterContinental Abu Dhabi hotel ME2115, ME2250 103 • InterContinental Fujairah Resort ME4210 103 • Interlaken Tourism EU6630 103 • Intertours EU6621 103 • Intour Maldives Pvt Ltd AS2350 103 • Investment and Development Agency of Latvia EU6801 103 • Island Destination Pvt Ltd AS2350 103 • Istanbul Kervansaray Grup EU7110 103 • Istanbul Marriott Hotel Asia HC0750 103 • Istanbul Marriott Hotel Sisli HC0750 103 • iSTAY by Parkhill EU6830 104 • IT4T Solutions Pvt Ltd TT1666 157 • Italcamel Travel Agency s.r.l TT1558 157 • ITP Media Group HC0680 104 • ITRIP LLC TT1255 157 • IVenture Card International ME3110 104 • IZMIR IL KULTUR VE TURIZM MUDURLUGU EU7110 104

EU6230 105 HC0720 105 • Jumeirah at Etihad Towers HC0330 105 • Jumeirah at Saadiyat Island HC0330 105 • Jumeirah Beach Hotel HC0330 105 • Jumeirah Carlton Tower and Jumeirah Lowndes Hotel HC0330 105 • Jumeirah Dubai Commercial Cluster HC0330 105 • Jumeirah Emirates Towers HC0330 105 • Jumeirah Frankfurt HC0330 105 • Jumeirah Group HC0330 105 • Jumeirah Living World Trade Centre HC0330 105 • Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa HC0330 105 • Jumeirah Royal Saray HC0330 105 • Jumeirah Vittaveli Maldives HC0330 105 • Jumeirah Zabeel Saray HC0330 105 • Jungfrau Railways EU6630 105 • Juniper Innovating Travel Technology TT2110 157 • JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel HC0750 106 • JW Marriott Dongdaemun Square Seoul HC0750 106 • JW Marriott Essex House New York HC0750 106 • JW Marriott Hotel Ankara HC0750 106 • JW Marriott Hotel Seoul HC0750 106 • JW Marriott Hotel Singapore South Beach HC0750 106 • JW Marriott Minneapolis Mall of America HC0750 106 • JW Marriott Venice Resort & Spa HC0750 106

• Iberostar Hotels & Resorts

• Julia Travel

• Iberostar Hotels&Resorts

• Jumeira Rotana

K • KAHA Tour • Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort • Kaluah Tour • Kämp Collection Hotels • Kandima Maldives • Kanoo Travel • Karbala Rayhaan by Rotana • KASTENS HOTEL LUISENHOF • KAZABLANKA TOURISME • KB Travel • Kempinski Grand Hotel des Bains • Kempinski Hotel Bahía Marbella Estepona • Kempinski Hotel Barbaros Bay Bodrum • Kempinski Hotel Mall of the Emirates • Kempinski Hotels • Khalidiya Palace Rayhaan by Rotana • Khamas Hospitality • Khasab Travel & Tours • KidZania London


• Kihaa Maldives • Kimpton Hotels

• JA Resorts & Hotels • Jaadcar • Jabal Omar Hyatt Regency Makkah • Jakarta City Government Tourism & Culture Office • JC Travel Professionals Pty Ltd • Jnan Tours Master • Jood Palace Hotel Dubai • Jordan Road Travel and Tourism • Jordan Tourism Board • Jordan Tours & Travel


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HC0400 104 EU6610 104 HC0450 104 AS3350 104 AS2210 104 ME1410 104 ME3110 104 ME1450 104 ME1450 104 ME1450 105

• Kin Plaza Arjaan by Rotana • King Abdullah Economic City • Kisiwa Collection • Kleindienst Group Limited • Komex Tours • Korea National Tourism Organization • Korea Travel Agency • KTS France • Kulm Hotel St. Moritz • Kuwait Hotel Owners Association

AS3350 106 EU6825 106 AM6211 106 EU6825 106 AS2350 106 TT1368 157 HC0720 106 EU6710 106 EU7001 106 EU6921 106 EU6630 107 HC1140 107 HC1140 107 HC1140 107 HC1140 107 HC0720 107 ME3110 107 ME3110 107 EU6830 107 AS2350 107 AM6211 107 HC0720 107 ME4410 107 AF5240 107 HC0500 107 AM6120 107 AS2085 107 AS2085 107 EU6640 108 HC0825 108 ME1310 108

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• Kuwait Ministry of Information - Tourism Sector • Kuwait Tourism Services Co

ME1310 108 ME1310 108

• Luxury Line Auto Rental

L • L’Agenzia di Viaggi • L’Albereta Relais & Chateaux • La Perle Theater

M ME1140- 6 108 Wellness & Spa 108 ME3110 108

• Laax Destination Switzerland ( and

ILTM Arabia 108 EU6730 108 • LAMAR HOLIDAYS TT1630 157 • Lamar Holidays Malaysia TT1630 157 • Lamar Holidays UK TT1630 157 • Lancaster Landmark Hotel Group EU6830 108 • Lapland Luxury DMC Arctic TreeHouse Hotel EU6825 108 • Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority AM6200 108 • Las Vegas Luxury Travel AM6200 108 • Lausanne & Montreux Riviera - Lake Geneva Region EU6630 109 • Lausanne Tourism EU6730 109 • Lavender Hotel Almuraqqabat ME3110 109 • Le Châtelain Brussels Hotel EU6522 109 • Le Meridien Al Aqah Beach Resort ME4210 109 • Le Meridien Barcelona & W Barcelona HC0750 109 • Le Meridien Beach Plaza - Monaco HC0750 109 • Le Meridien Istanbul Etiler HC0750 109 • Le Meridien Munich EU6720 109 • Le Méridien Vienna HC0750 109 • Le Mount Stephen Hotel HC0525 109 • Le Richemond HC0420 109 • Le Royal Amman Hotel ME1450 109 • Le royal Meridien ME2115, ME2250 109 • Le Royal Meridien Beach Resort & Spa ME3110 109 • Lebanon Ministry of Tourism ME1350 109 • LEMONDE HOTELS RESERVATION NETWORK AS2065 109 • Leonardo Hotels Munich EU6720 109 • Levi Destination Marketing & Sales EU6825 110 • Levon Travel EU6921 110 • LifeClass Hotels & Spa EU6620 110 • Lisav Travel EU7110 110 • Lisbon Marriott Hotel HC0750 110 • Ljubljana Tourism EU6620 110 • Loews hotels TT1465 158 • London Hilton on Park Lane HC0830 110 • London Marriott Hotel Grosvenor Square & London Marriott Hotel Marble Arch HC0750 110 • Longevity Health & Wellness HC0825 110 • Lopota Lake Resort&Spa EU6921 110 • Los Angeles Tourism Board AM6211 110 • Lo_inj Hotels & Villas EU6420 110 • Lots of Hotels TT1530 158 • Lotte New York Palace Hotel AM6200 110 • LOUVRE HOTELS GROUP-MENA HC1020 110 • Lucerne Lake Lucerne Region EU6630 110 • Lugano Tourism EU6730 110 • Lux Resort Resindences Bodrum EU7110 110 • LUX* Hotels and Resorts HC1210 111 • Luxury & Boutique Hotel Collection EU6230 111 • Luxury Alliance Pvt Ltd AS2350 111 Waldhaus Alpine Resort Hotel)

• Lake Lugano Group


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AM6211 111 TT1465 158

• Luxury Line Auto Rental

ME2115, ME2250 111 ME4210 111 • Macao Government Tourism Office AS2275 111 • Macdonald Hotels & Resorts EU6830 111 • Machefert Hotels Collection HC1128 111 • Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board AS3120 111 • Madinat Jumeirah HC0330 111 • Madrid Tourism Board EU6230 111 • Magic Village Resort AM6211, HC0420 111 • Majestic Arjaan By Rotana HC0720 111 • Majestic Hotel ME3110 111 • Makarem Hotels HC0430 112 • Malahini Kuda Bandos AS2350 112 • Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board AS2220 112 • Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation AS2350 112 • Maldives Promotion House Pvt Ltd AS2350 112 • Manazil Al Mokhtara Hotels Group ME4410 112 • Mansard Hotel & Residences HC0170 112 • Mara Engai Lodge ILTM Arabia 112 • Marco Polo Hotel Gudauri EU6921 112 • Marhaba Services ME3300 112 • Marienbad Kur & Spa Resort EU6810 112 • Marjan Island Resort & Spa Managed by Accor Hotels ME3510 112 • MarkaRize Kultur Sanat ve Turizm Dernegi EU7110 112 • Marriott Executives Apartments ME1410 112 • Marriott Hotels International Ltd HC0750 113 • Marriott International AS2054 113 • Marriott International Hotels Munich EU6720 113 • Marriott Vacation Club HC0750 113 • Marriott Vacation Club International HC0750 113 • Martin’s Hotel Belgium EU6522 113 • Martı Hotels _stanbul EU7110 113 • Mason Events Management AS2090 113 • Mathias Tourism ME1410 113 • Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority AS2428 113 • Maverick Helicopters & Airlines AM6200 113 • Mawasim Tours ME4410 113 • Maxx Royal Resorts EU7110 113 • Media India Group ME1140-7 113 • Media Performance GmbH EU6720 113 • Media Rotana HC0720 114 • Mediamost ME1140-8 114 • Medical & Spa Resort Rogaska EU6620 114 • Medical Park group of Rehabilitation Hospitals Germany EU6710 114 • Meet in Georgia EU6921 114 • Meeting Point Emirates ME3110 114 • Meili Tourism EU7110 114 • Melia Hotels International HC1160 114 • Mercan - DMC Turkey EU7010 114 • MERCURE Dubai Barsha Heights Hotel Suites and Apartments HC1050 114 • Meridian Travel EU6931 114 • Merkur - health&spa resort EU6621 114 • Metropol Hotel Moscow HC1128 114 • M & H for ships and boat cruise rental • M. Almulla Tourism & Travel

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• Mexico City Fund of Promotion • MEXICO TOURISM BOARD • MGM Resorts International • Middle East Tourism & Travel Group • Mideast Travel / The Booking Expert • Miki Travel Limited • Milan Marriott Hotel • Millennium Hotels & Resorts • Millennium Hotels and Resorts - Europe • Mimino Travel Georgia • MINI-EUROPE

AM6120 114 AM6120 114 AM6200 114 EU7240, EU7110 115 EU6410 115 TT1730 158 HC0750 115 HC0650 115 HC0650 115 EU6921 115 EU6522 115

EU6821 118 EU6640 118 ME3110 118 ME4410 118

• MUNICIPALITY OF VARNA • MUSEE DU PARFUM • My Jetski Watersports • My Trip Tours • Mystifly Global Consolidation & Technology

TT1568 158 HC0825 119 ME2400 119

Services Pte Ltd. • Mytha Hotels Anthology • myTourisma


• Ministry of Transport and Construction of the

Slovak Republic • Minor Hotels • MIRACLE TOURISM ( L.L.C) • Mondi-Holiday Hotels • Mondo Hotel Management L.L.C. • Montage Beverly Hills • Montage International • Montreux Riviera • Monument Hotel • Moodhu Holidays Maldives Pvt Ltd • Moroccan National Provincial Tourist Office • Mövenpick Hotel & Apartments Bur Dubai

EU6911 115 HC0665 115 ME3110 115 EU6610 115 ME3110 115 ILTM Arabia 115 HC0405 116 EU6630 116 HC0420 116 AS2350 116 AF5110 116 HC0630 116

• Mövenpick Hotel & Casino Geneva /

HC0630 116 HC0630 116 • Mövenpick Hotel & Residences Hajar Tower Makkah HC0630 116 • Mövenpick Hotel & Residences Nairobi HC0630 116 • Mövenpick Hotel Apartments Al Mamzar Dubai HC0630 116 • Mövenpick Hotel Bahrain HC0630 116 • Mövenpick Hotel Beirut HC0630 116 • Mövenpick Hotel City Star Jeddah HC0630 116 • Mövenpick Hotel Colombo HC0630 116 • Movenpick Hotel Ibn Battuta Gate Dubai HC0630 117 • Movenpick Hotel Istanbul HC0630 117 • Mövenpick Hotel Istanbul Golden Horn HC0630 117 • Movenpick Hotel Jumeirah Beach HC0630 117 • Mövenpick Hotel Jumeirah Lakes Towers HC0630 117 • Mövenpick Hotel Kuwait ME1310, HC0630 117 • Mövenpick Hotel Lausanne HC0630 117 • Mövenpick Hotel Mansour Eddahbi HC0630 117 • Mövenpick Hotel Riyadh HC0630 117 • Mövenpick Hotel Sukhumvit 15 Bangkok HC0630 117 • Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts HC0630 117 • Mövenpick Nile Cruisers HC0630 117 • Mövenpick Resort & Residences Aqaba HC0630 117 • Mövenpick Resort & Spa Boracay HC0630 118 • Mövenpick Resort & Spa Dead Sea HC0630 118 • Mövenpick Resort & Spa Kuredhivaru Maldives HC0630 118 • Mövenpick Resort & Spa Tala Bay Aqaba HC0630 118 • Mövenpick Resort Petra HC0630 118 • Mövenpick Resort Sharm el Sheikh HC0630 118 • Mr Marius Wolmarans HC0730 118 • MT Japan Travel AS2394 118 • MujEn Lux Kopaonik EU6621 118 • Multi Holiday AS3350 118 • Multireisen Deutschland MRD GmbH TT1574 158 • Munich Tourist Office EU6720 118 • Municipality of Bansko EU6821 118 Mövenpick Hotel Lausanne

• Movenpick Hotel & Convention Centre KLIA

ME4410 119 ME2115, ME2250 119 • National Tourism Organisation of Serbia EU6621 119 • National Tourist Union EU6941 119 • National Vacations Company Ltd. ME4410 119 • Nazeel TT1264 158 • Nectar Sports S.L EU6520 119 • Negin Parvaz Pars / Sehab Travel ME1200 119 • Nepal Tourism Board AS2451 119 • Nevsehir Valiligi Il Kultur ve Turizm Mudurlugu EU7110 119 • New Era Travel EU6931 119 • NG SAPANCA WELLNESS & CONVENTION Wellness & Spa 120 • NH COLLECTION HOTELS EU6230 120 • NH Hotel Group EU6522 120 • Nihal Hospitality ME3110 120 • Nikki Beach Resort and Spa Dubai ME3110 120 • Nine Worlds - Tailor Made Experience in Iceland & Greenland ILTM Arabia 120 • Nirvana Travel & Tourism ME2115, ME2250 120 • Nirvana Travel and Tourism LLC TT1621 158 • NJV ATHENS PLAZA EU6410 120 • Nobu Hotel Riyadh HC0525 120 • Nobu Hotels ILTM Arabia 120 • North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd EU7020 120 • Nour Arjaan by Rotana HC0720 120 • Novotel & Adagio Abu Dhabi Al Bustan ME2115, ME2250 120 • Novotel & Ibis Gate Hotels ME2115, ME2250 121 • Novotel Bahrain Al Dana Resort ME1410 121 • Novotel, Ibis & Adagio Hotels Fujairah ME4210 121 • NPI Media ME1265 121 • Nucore Software Solutions Private Limited TT1569 158 • NUO Hotel Beijing HC1140 121 • NYC & Company AM6210 121 • NZOZ AMIMED HENRYK KULINSKI EU6526 121 • Narcissus Hotel • NAS L.L.C

O • Oberoi Hotel and Resorts-Madinah • Off Road Adventure Tours • OK Tours • Oman Air • Oman Ministry of Tourism • Omniturs • ONE AND ONLY PALM DUBAI HOTEL • ORANGE TOUR • Ordu Valiligi Il Kultur ve Turizm Mudurlugu • Orient Tours L.L.C

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ME4410 121 ME2115, ME2250 121 EU6931 121 ME2140 121 ME2110 121 EU6621 121 ME3110 121 EU6821 121 EU7110 122 ME3110 122

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• ORYX International Tourism • OTRAMS by Qtech Software - TT1760 • Ottila International (HOTELRACK) • Outletcity Metzingen

ME2115, ME2250 122 TT1760 159 TT2025 159 EU6710, ILTM Arabia 122

P HC0220 122 HC0750 122 • Palazzo Venart Luxury Hotel HC0525 122 • Palazzo Versace Hotel LLC HC0150 122 • Palm Land Tours ME4410 122 • PALMA DMC & TOUR OPERATOR EU6620 122 • Paloma Hotels EU7110 122 • Pan Pacific Manila AS2320 122 • Papillon Helicopters AM6200 122 • Papillon Hotels EU7110 122 • Paramount Hotels and Resorts HC0320 122 • Parco dei Principi Grand Hotel & Spa HC0420 122 • Paris Marriott Champs Elysees Hotel HC0750 123 • Park Hotel Vitznau HC0525 123 • Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel & Villas ME2115, ME2250, HC0450 123 • PARK HYATT DUBAI HC0450 123 • Park Hyatt Guangzhou HC0450 123 • Park Hyatt Hamburg HC0450 123 • Park Hyatt Istanbul - Macka Palas HC0450 123 • Park Hyatt Jeddah - Marina, Club and Spa HC0450 123 • Park Hyatt Mallorca HC0450 123 • Park Hyatt Milan HC0450 123 • Park Hyatt New York HC0450 123 • Park Hyatt Paris - Vendôme HC0450 123 • Park Hyatt Vienna HC0450 123 • Park Hyatt Washington DC HC0450 123 • Park Hyatt Zanzibar HC0450 123 • Park Hyatt Zürich EU6630, ILTM Arabia 123 • Park Inn by Radisson Dubai Motor City HC0730 123 • Park Inn by Radisson Hotel & Apartments Dammam Industrial City HC0730 123 • Park Inn by Radisson Hotel & Residence Duqm HC0730 124 • Park Inn by Radisson Makkah Aziziah HC0730 124 • Park Inn by Radisson Muscat HC0730 124 • Park Inn by Radisson, Najran HC0730 124 • Park Plaza Hotels EU6830 124 • Park Regis Kris Kin Hotel Dubai ME3110 124 • Park Regis Lotus Hotel ME1410 124 • Park Residences HC0720 124 • Park Rotana & Park Arjaan by Rotana HC0720 124 • Paseo de Gracia Association - Barcelona EU6230 124 • Passionate Tourism ME3510 124 • Patchi LLC ME2530 124 • Patuna Travel AS3350 124 • Pearl Rotana HC0720 124 • Pearl Travel Service Pvt Ltd AS2350 124 • Penha Longa Hotel, Spa & Golf Resort HC0750 124 • Perpax Travel EU7110 124 • Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau AM6210 124 • Philippines Department of Tourism AS2320 125 • Pine Cliffs, a Luxury Collection Resort HC0750 125 • PKFARE TT1610 159 • Palace Downtown

• Palazzo Matteotti, Autograph Collection


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ME2115, ME2250 125 ME3110 125 • Plaza Tours Jordan ME1450 125 • Polish Health Centers EU6530b 125 • Preferred Hotels & Resorts HC0420 125 • Prince de Galles, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Paris HC0750 125 • Procesa AM6120 125 • Profi Travel ME1140-9 125 • Prolom and Lukovo spa EU6621 125 • Promet T&T EU6620 125 • PROVAB TECHNOSOFT TT2056 159 • PUEBLA TOURISM BOARD AM6120 125 • PULLMAN DUBAI JUMEIRAH LAKE TOWERS HC1050 125 • PULLMAN ZAMZAM MADINA HC1050 126 • Puratech Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. TT1767 159 • Pure Salt Luxury Hotels EU6230 126 • PLANET TRAVELS TOURISM L.L.C • Platinum Heritage

Q • Qasswa • QuadLabs Technologies Private Limited • Qualitrips • QUp World Inc

ME4305 126 TT1312, TT1410 159 EU6921 126 TT1572 159

R HC0425 126 HC0730 126 • Radisson Blu 1835 Hotel & Thalasso, Cannes ILTM Arabia 126 • Radisson Blu Atakoy Hotel, Istanbul HC0730 126 • Radisson Blu Beirut Verdun HC0730 126 • Radisson Blu Bosphorus Hotel HC0730 126 • Radisson Blu Edwardian Hotels, London HC0730 126 • Radisson Blu Gautrain Hotel, Sandton Johannesburg HC0730 126 • Radisson Blu Hotel & Residence, Cape Town HC0730 126 • Radisson Blu Hotel Abu Dhabi Yas Island ME2115, ME2250 126 • Radisson Blu Hotel Ajman HC0730 127 • Radisson Blu Hotel Apartments Dubai Silicon Oasis HC0730 127 • Radisson Blu Hotel Waterfront, Cape Town HC0730 127 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Abu Dhabi Yas Island HC0730 127 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Dubai Deira Creek HC0730 127 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Dubai Media City HC0730 127 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Dubai Waterfront HC0730 127 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Istanbul Sisli HC0730 127 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Kuwait HC0730 127 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Marrakech Carrè Eden HC0730 127 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Muscat HC0730 127 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Ordu HC0730 127 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Portman London HC0730 127 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Sohar HC0730 127 • Radisson Blu Hotels, London HC0730 127 • Radisson Blu Iveria Hotel, Georgia HC0730 127 • Radisson Blu Le Vendome, Cape Town HC0730 128 • Radisson Blu Martinez Hotel, Beirut HC0730 128 • Radisson Blu Residence, Dubai Marina HC0730 128 • Radisson Blu Resort & Spa, Cesme HC0730 128 • Radisson Blu Resort & Thalasso, Hammamet HC0730 128 • Radisson Blu Resort Sharjah HC0730 128 • R Hotels Group

• Radisson Blu - Radisson RED - Park Inn by Radisson

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HC0730 128 HC0730 128 • Raffles Dubai HC1050 128 • Raffles Istanbul HC1050 128 • Raffles Warsaw HC1050 128 • Ramada Bahrain ME1410 128 • Ran Tur EU6931 128 • Raouche Arjaan by Rotana HC0720 128 • Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority ME3510 128 • RATEGAIN TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED TT1675 159 • Raviz Hotels & Resorts AS3330 129 • RED APPLE TRAVEL (S) PTE LTD AS2415 129 • Reef Global Hotel ME4410 129 • Regent Palace Hotel L.L.C ME3110 129 • Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) EU6230 129 • Renaissance Bangkok Ratchaprasong Hotel HC0750 129 • Renaissance Harbour View Hotel Hong Kong HC0750 129 • Renaissance Paris La Defense Hotel HC0750 129 • Reollo Travel Pvt Ltd AS2350 129 • Reveries Diving Village AS2350 129 • ReviewPro TT1265 160 • by Travel Designer Group TT2030 160 • RIDA INTERNATIONAL TOURISM & TRAVEL L.L.C ME3110 129 • Riga Tourism Development Bureau EU6801 129 • Rixos Bab Al Bahr ME3510 129 • Riyadh Exhibitions Company ME4410 129 • Rize Valiligi Il Kultur ve Turizm Mudurlugu EU7110 129 • Robinson Club Maldives AS2350 129 • Roda Hotels HC1260 130 • Rome Cavalieri, A Waldorf Astoria Resort HC0830 130 • Roomers Munich, Autograph Collection HC0750 130 • TT1364 160 • Roomz Hotel Management EU6610 130 • Rose Rayhan by Rotana HC0720 130 • Rosewood Abu Dhabi ME2115, ME2250 130 • Rosewood Hotel Group ILTM Arabia 130 • Rosh Rayhaan by Rotana HC0720 130 • Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC HC0720 130 • Rove Hotels HC0220 130 • Royal Arabian Tours ME3110 130 • Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew EU6830 130 • Royal Caribbean Arabia - Safeen Tourism LLC. CP2518 130 • Royal Continental Hotel L.L.C ME3110 130 • Royal Jordanian Airlines - UAE Dubai Office ME1450 130 • Royal M Hotel Fujairah ME4210 131 • Royal Mirage Hotel ME3110 131 • Royal Plaza Montreux & Spa EU6730 131 • Royal Savoy Hotel & Spa EU6730 131 • RTS TT1460 160 • Rustar Tourism CP2522 131 • Rwanda Development Board AF5230 131 • RwandAir AF5230 131 • Radisson Hotel Group

• Safargasht Georgia

• Radisson Red Hotel, Capetown

• Safeen Tourism LLC.

S • Sabre • SAC Catania Airport • Sadd Al Samallaghi Tourism Co. Ltd. (SASTCO) • Safarak Tours

TT1261 160 EU6450 131 ME4410 131 ME3510 131

• Saja Al Madinah • Salalah Rotana Resort • salvea • Salzburg State Board of Tourism • San Clemente Palace Kempinski Venice • Sanctuary Hotel New York • Sandy Beach Hotel & Resort • Sani Resort • Santa Marina Resort & Villas, a Luxury Collection

HC0750 132


NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) • Saudi Exhibition and Convention Bureau (SECB) • Saudi General Investment Authority (SAGIA) • Saudi Hiking • Saudi International Travel Agency • Saudi Muslims Destination Initiatives • SAUDIA • Savoy Hotels • Savoy Westend Hotel Medical Spa Resort • sbe • Scandic Hotels Group • Schilthorn - Piz Gloria • See Seman Tours • Serbia Tour Operator • Seven Pines Resort Ibiza • Seven Tides Hospitality • Seychelles Tourism Board • Shanghai China Travel Int’l Ltd • Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration • Shanghai Tower • Shangri-La At The Shard, London

ME4410 132 ME4410 132 ME4410 132 ME4410 132 ME4410 132 ME4410 132 ME4310 132 ME3110 132 EU6810 132 ILTM Arabia 132 EU6825 133 EU6730 133 EU7110 133 EU6621 133 HC0525 133 HC0260 133 AS2465 133 AS2054 133 AS2054 133 AS2054 133 HC0820 133

• Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah & Shangri-La Al Husn

HC0820 133

Resort & Spa, Oman • Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah Resort & Spa and

Shangri-La Al Husn Resort & Spa • Shangri-La Bosphorus, Istanbul

HC0820 133 HC0820 133

• Shangri-La Hotel & Traders Hotel Qaryat

ME2115, ME2250 133 HC0820 133 • Shangri-La Hotel, Colombo HC0820 133 • Shangri-La Hotel, Dubai HC0820 133 • Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur HC0820 134 • Shangri-La Hotel, Paris HC0820 134 • Shangri-La Hotel, Ulaanbaatar HC0820 134 • Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts HC0820 134 • Shangri-La’s Hambantota Golf Resort and Spa HC0820 134 • Shangri-La’s Rasa Ria Resort & Spa, Dalit Bay Golf & Country Club HC0820 134 • Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort & Spa, Maldives HC0820 134 • Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority ME4110 134 • Sharjah Investment and Development Authority (SHUROOQ) ME4150 134 • Shaza Hotels HC1250 134 • Sheraton Abu Dhabi Hotel & Resort ME2115, ME2250 134 • Sheraton Amman Al Nabil Hotel HC0750 134 • Sheraton Jumeirah Beach Hotel ME3110 134 • Sheraton Mall of the Emirates Hotel, Dubai HC0750 134 Al Beri Abu Dhabi

• Shangri-La Hotel, Bengaluru

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EU6854 131 CP2518 131 HC0475 131 HC0720 131 EU7102 131 EU6610 131 HC1140 131 AM6210 132 ME4210 132 EU6410 132

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A-Z index

HC0750 134 HC0750 135 • Sheraton Zürich Hotel EU6630 135 • Sherazade Travel and Tourism ME1450 135 • SIGNA Luxury Collection GmbH ILTM Arabia 135 • Sirona Hotels EU6821 135 • Sirru Fen Fushi AS2350 135 • Sixt rent a car CR2465 135 • Ski Dubai - MOE ME3110 135 • SKY MAX HOLIDAYS ( L.L.C ) ME3110 135 • Sky News Arabia ME1139 135 • Sliver Sands Pvt Ltd AS2350 135 • Slovenian Tourist Board EU6620 135 • SLS Hotel, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Beverly Hills HC0750 135 • Small Luxury Hotels of the World ILTM Arabia 135 • Smyrooms TT1230 160 • SNTTA Emir Tours ME3110 136 • Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche ME2115, ME2250 136 • SOFITEL Bahrain Zallaq Thalassa Sea & Spa ME1410 136 • Sofitel Dubai Jumeirah Beach HC1050 136 • Sofitel Frankfurt Opera HC1050 136 • Sofitel Hotels Brussels EU6522 136 • Sofitel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills HC1050 136 • Sofitel Munich Bayerpost EU6720 136 • Sofitel The Palm Dubai HC1050 136 • Solar Empire Travel TT1260 160 • SOMEWHERE Hotels ME3110 136 • Sorell Hotels Switzerland EU6630 136 • Soukya International Holistic Health Centre PVT Ltd Wellness & Spa 136 • Southern Aegean Development Agency EU7245 136 • Spa Hotel Thermal EU6810 136 • Spa Resort TREE OF LIFE EU6810 136 • Spain Royal Tours (Grupo Tawy Tours) EU6230 136 • SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE EU6230 137 • Spain Travel Express EU6230 137 • SpainTOP EU6230 137 • Special Tours Wholesalers Ltd TT1335 160 • SPECMED LLC EU6524 137 • Spiceland Holidays, India AS2330 137 • Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau AS2550 137 • St. Moritz. Top of the World. EU6630 137 • Start Travel EU6921 137 • State Tourist Board SouthWest Germany EU6710 137 • STRAC Rent a Car ME4410 137 • Studiosus Reisen Munich EU6720 137 • SuitePad GmbH TT1251 160 • Sun Gardens Dubrovnik HC0525 137 • Sun Ocean Pvt Ltd AS2350 137 • Sun Siyam Resorts AS2350 137 • Sundus Rotana HC0720 137 • Superjet Group ME3110 137 • Swagatam Tours Pvt Ltd AS3327 138 • Swiss Diamond Hotel Lugano EU6730 138 • Swiss International Hotels & Resorts HC0568 138 • Swiss Luxury Apartments EU6630, ILTM Arabia 138 • Swiss Travel Bureau GmbH EU6630 138 • Swiss-Belhotel International HC1130 138 • Swiss-Belhotel Seef ME1410, HC1130 138 • Swiss-Belhotel Sharjah HC1130 138

HC1130 138 HC1050 138 • Switzerland Tourism EU6630, EU6730 138 • Symphony Style Hotel HC0730 138 • Symphony Style Kuwait, A Radisson Collection Hotel HC0730 138

• Sheraton Oman Hotel

• Swiss-Belresidences Juffair, Bahrain

• Sheraton Stockholm Hotel

• Swissotel Al Ghurair and Swissotel Living Al Ghurair


Arabian Travel Market 2018

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T • T-Cubed Consulting (PTY) Ltd • Taiba Flocks Organization of Trips • Taiwan Tourism Bureau • Tamarind Global • Tanzania • Tawy Tours • TBO Holidays • TCA - Travel Connections Arabia • Teamamerica Receptive Tour Operator • Techno Heaven & Rayna Tours • Telal Resort • Tenerife Select • Thai Airways International Pcl • The Abu Dhabi EDITION • The Arab Taveller • The Arch London • The Ascott Limited • The Bellevue Hotels & Resorts • The Bodrum EDITION • The Booking Expert • The Boulevard Arjaan by Rotana • The Cove Rotana Resort

AF5140 139 ME4410 139 AS2421 139 AS3310 139 AF5240 139 EU6230 139 TT1220 161 HC0825 139 AM6210 139 TT1467 161 ME2115, ME2250 139 EU6230 139 AS2250 139 HC0760 139 ME1140-10 139 EU6830 139 HC1220 140 AS2320 140 HC0760 140 TT2015 161 HC0720 140 HC0720 140

• The Diplomat Radisson Blu, Hotel,

ME1410, HC0730 140 HC0525 140 • The Domain Hotel and Spa ME1410 140 • The Doyle Collection EU6830 140 • The Garden Hotel Company Ltd., Guangzhou AS2266 140 • The Golden Butler Lifestyle Management ILTM Arabia 140 • The Grove Hotel W.L.L. ME1410 140 • The Heart of Europe HC0500 140 • The Indian Hotels Company Limited HC1155 141 • The Last Word Constantia HC0420 141 • The Leading Hotels of the World HC0525 141 • The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts HC0420 141 • The Lind Boracay AS2320 141 • The London and Barcelona EDITION HC0760 141 • The Mall Luxury Outlets EU6221 141 • The Meydan Brmeydan Group(L.L.C) Fr ME3110 141 • The Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia AS2650 141 • The Montcalm Luxury Hotels London EU6830 141 • The Muse Hotel, Boracay AS2320 141 • The New York EDITION HC0760 141 • The Nile Ritz-Carlton, Cairo HC0750 141 • The Oberoi Hotel ME3110 141 • The Park Tower Knightsbridge, A Luxury Collection Hotel & Sheraton Grand London Park Lane HC0750 141 • The Peninsula Shanghai AS2054 142 • The Portman Ritz-Carlton,Shanghai AS2054 142 • The Retreat at Blue Lagoon Iceland ILTM Arabia 142 • The Rezidor Hotel Group HC0730 142 Residence and Spa

• The Dolder Grand

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A-Z index

• The Ritz Carlton Dubai (Br. Of Mohd Saeed

Al Mull & Sons) (Llc) ME3110 142 • The Ritz Carlton Ras Al Khaimah Al Wadi Desert & The Ritz Carlton Ras Al Khaimah Al Hamra Beach ME3510 142 • The Ritz Carlton Shanghai Pudong HC0750 142 • The Ritz Carlton, Millenia Singapore HC0750 142 • The Ritz-Carlton Abu Dhabi, Grand Canal HC0750 142 • The Ritz-Carlton Bal Harbour, Miami HC0750 142 • The Ritz-Carlton Hotel de la Paix, Geneva HC0750 142 • The Ritz-Carlton Istanbul HC0750 142 • The Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grande Lakes HC0750 142 • The Ritz-Carlton, Almaty HC0750 142 • The Ritz-Carlton, Astana HC0750 142 • The Ritz-Carlton, Budapest HC0750 143 • The Ritz-Carlton, Moscow HC0750 143 • The Ritz-Carlton, Riyadh HC0750 143 • The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco HC0750 143 • The Ritz-Carlton, Vienna HC0750 143 • THE SAVOY HC1050 143 • The Seminyak Beach Resort & Spa ILTM Arabia 143 • The St. Regis & W Dubai, Al Habtoor City HC0750 143 • The St. Regis Istanbul HC0750 143 • The St. Regis Kuala Lumpur HC0750 143 • The St. Regis Langkawi HC0750 143 • The St. Regis Mardavall Mallorca Resort HC0750 143 • The St. Regis Mauritius Resort HC0750 143 • The St. Regis Rome HC0750 143 • The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort, Abu Dhabi ME2115, ME2250 143 • The St.Regis Cairo HC0750 143 • The Stafford London EU6830 143 • The Sunset Marquis Hotel and Villas HC0420 144 • The Travel Collection ILTM Arabia 144 • The Travel Company DMC Greece EU6410 144 • The Travelbook Group TT1456 161 • THE VIEW Lugano ILTM Arabia 144 • The Vision Destination Management ME3105 144 • The Westin Grand Frankfurt HC0750 144 • The Westin Hotel Dubai Mina Seyahi Beach Resort & Marina ME3110 144 • The Westin Palace Milan HC0750 144 • The Westin Palace, Madrid HC0750 144 • Thrifty Car Rental CR2440 144 • TI Infotech Pvt Ltd TT1710 161 • Ticino Tourism EU6630 144 • TICKets EU6830 144 • TIME Hotels HC1255 144 • Timetravels Incoming Ltd. EU6825 144 • Titanic Hotels EU8028 145 • Titlis Cableways Restaurants & Accommodation EU6630 145 • Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau AS2422 145 • Top Glory Travel EU6921 145 • TOP INTERNATIONAL Hotels & Corporate Partners TT1310 161 • TopTravel Trip (Managed by Amwaj Travel LLC ) ME4000 145 • Tourism and Travel Bank EU7110 145 • Tourism Authority of Thailand AS2150 145 • Tourismus + Congress GmbH Frankfurt EU6710 145 • Tourist Information Innsbruck EU6610 145 • Tourist organization of Belgrade EU6621 145 • Tourist Organization of the Republic of Srpska EU6621 145

TT1614 161 HC0720 145 • TPConnects Technologies TT1215 161 • Trabzon Il Kultur ve Turizm Mudurlugu EU7110 145 • Traders Hotel, Kuala Lumpur HC0820 145 • Trans Maldivian Airways AS2350 145 • Trav Maldives Pvt Ltd AS2350 146 • TRAVCO (L.L.C.) ME3110 146 • Travco Corporation Ltd. TT2020 161 • Travel & Event point EU6621 146 • Travel Compositor TT1266 161 • Travel Connection maldives Pvt Ltd AS2350 146 • Travel Daily Media ME1140-11 146 • Travel Escape Maldives Pvt Ltd AS2350 146 • TRAVEL SHOP TURKEY EU7110 146 • Travel Talk Asia ME1140-12 146 • Travel Trade Journal ME1140-16 146 • TravelClick Inc TT1262 162 • Travelers Street Pvt Ltd AS2350 146 • Travelexperts, Inc. AS2320 146 • TRAVELFLEX TT2027a 162 • Travelite Travel and Tours Co. AS2320 146 • Travellanda TT1353 162 • Travelport TT1320 162 • TravelShop Georgia EU6921 146 • TravelShop Turkey EU7110 146 • Traveltek Ltd TT2010 162 • TravTalk India ME1140-13 146 • TravTalk Middle East ME1140-14 147 • Travzilla Pro TT1479 162 • TRIPMAKERS FZ LLC TT1360 162 • TTG Asia ME1140-15 147 • TTG MENA HC0785 147 • TTG MENA Luxury HC0785 147 • TTN Travel & Tourism News ME1405 147 • Tugawe Cove Resort AS2320 147 • Turisme de Barcelona EU6230 147 • Turisti_ka zajednica Kantona Sarajevo EU6511 147 • Turkish Culture & Information Office EU7130, EU7110 147 • TURSAB (Association of Turkish Travel Agencies) EU7110 147 •

• Towers Rotana


• Uganda Wildlife Authority • UKinbound • Umbrella Travel • Uni Orient Travel • Uniline d.o.o. • United Travel Agency “UTA” • Universal Travel • Uranus Travel & Tourism • USA - Brand USA -

• Usti Region

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AF5235 147 AF5235 147 EU6830 148 EU7201 148 AS2320 148 EU6420 148 ME1450 148 AS3350 148 ME1410 148

• Uganda Tourism Board

AM6210, AM6200, AM6110, AM6211 148 EU6810 148

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• WorldHotels AG • Worldwide DMC Ltd

ME4210 148

• V Hotel Fujairah • Valero Grand Suites by Swiss-Belhotel

(Makati, Philippines) • Value Retail Management Germany GmbH • Vanilla • Via Entertainment • Victoria Jungfrau Collection • Vida Hotels and Resorts • Vienna Marriott Hotel • Vienna Tourist Board • Vila Vita Marburg • Villa Fleur De Lys Zanzibar • Villa Hotels and Resorts Pvt Ltd • Villa Rotana • VIP Tourism • Visit Bahrain • Visit California • • VisitBritain • VisitBritain Shop • VisitScotland • Vista Company & Travel Services Pvt Ltd • Vorderegger Travel • • Voyage Tours Georgia • Voyage Tours LLC • Voyager • Voyages Afriq • Vythiri Village

• Wozol Zaer Establishment • WST ( World Sightseeing Tour) Georgia

HC1130 148 EU6710 148 TT1660 162 EU7110 148 EU6730 148 HC0220 148 HC0750 149 EU6610 149 EU6521 149 AF5240 149 AS2350 149 HC0720 149 EU7110 149 ME1410 149 AM6211 149 EU6522 149 EU6830 149 EU6830 149 EU6830 149 AS2350 149 EU6610 149 TT1652 162 EU6921 149 ME3510 150 EU6921 150 ME1140-18 150 AS3320 150

• Wyndham Hotel Group Europe Ltd • Wynn Las Vegas


• Yalago • Yas Island Rotana & Centro Yas Island •

• Zaatarah & Co. Tourist and Travel Agency • Zabeel House Al Seef by Jumeirah • Zagreb Tourist Board • Zamzam Pullman Hotel -Makkah • Zamzam Pullman Hotel-Madinah • Zanzibar Commission for Tourism • Zaya Nurai Island Abu Dhabi • ZEEYARAH.COM

• Zumata • Zuri Hotels & Resorts PVT Ltd

• W Amsterdam • W Bali - Seminyak • W Barcelona & Le Meridien Barcelona • W Dubai - The Palm • W Maldives • WA International • Waldorf Astoria • Waldorf Astoria Hotel Dubai Palm Jumeirah

ME1450 150 HC0750 150 HC0750 150 HC0750 150 HC0750 150 HC0750 150 HC0588 150 ME3510 150 ME3110 150

TT2026 163 HC0720 152 TT1639 163



• W Amman Hotel

ME3110 152 TT1565 163




HC1128 151 TT1458 163 ME4410 151 EU6921 151 HC0605 151 AM6200 152

• Zurich Marriott Hotel • Zürich Tourism • Zwar Al Bait Hotel

ME1450 152 HC0330 152 EU6420 152 ME4410 152 ME4410 152 AF5240 152 ME2115, ME2250 152 TT1212 163 EU6921 152 EU7110 152 TT1470 163 AS3325 152 EU6630 152 EU6730 152 ME4410 152

• Waldorf Astoria Hotels and Resorts and

Conrad Hotels and Resorts

ILTM Arabia 150

• Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making

of Harry Potter • Warwick Hotels and Resorts • Wasel Tours • Weekend Trip Tour Operator • Welcomebeds • White Sands Tours And Travel • Widder Hotel • Wiesbaden Marketing GmbH • Win Travel DMC Bulgaria • WORLD 2 MEET SLU • World Net Hotels • World Travel • World Traveller


Arabian Travel Market 2018

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EU6830 151 HC1120 151 EU7108 151 ME4410 151 TT1468 162 ME4105 151 HC0525 151 EU6710 151 EU6821 151 TT1555 163 TT1359 163 EU6931 151 ME1140-17 151

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Exhibitor profiles


# 1 Box Office United Arab Emirates  +971 43644829  1Boxoffice Services is a leading Entertainment E-Commerce Company offering Sports and Music Fans the possibility of getting closer to their favorite teams, players and artists by watching them live from any venue in the world. 1Boxoffice Services provides guaranteed tickets to the most anticipated and sold out events. STAND ME3500

Abacus Tours Croatia  +385 16148347   STAND EU6420

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Croatian National Tourist Board abba Hotels Spain  +34933632330   STAND EU6230

Hall 3

3K MANAGEMENT Latvia  +371 29168373   STAND EU6801

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)

A A.A.Al Moosa Enterprises Llc United Arab Emirates  +971 43358400   After completing his engineering studies in the U.S. in 1971 Mr. Abdullah Ahmed Almoosa laid the foundation of the Group through an architectural engineering firm. It is now grown into a leading family owned diverse business group as one of the top ten leading family owned groups of Dubai. STAND HC1166

Sheikh Saeed Arena AAA Hotels & Resorts Maldives  +960 3317373  STAND AS2350

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE Abbasi Turizm Turkey  +90 2242518306   STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Absheron Hotel Group Azerbaijan  +994 124998998   Absheron Hotel Group is a young hotel management and development company in Azerbaijan; through establishing a world-class portfolio of hotels and resorts, it aims to become a strategic hospitality industry player with a medium-term aspiration of taking a leading position in the national and regional markets.

STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2

AC Group United Kingdom  +44 2077373414   STAND EU6830

Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound Acampora Travel Italy  +39 081 532 9723   europe/italy STAND AS3118

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Destination Services

Abu Dhabi Airports United Arab Emirates  +971 2 505 3872

AccorHotels France  +33 141337169   AccorHotels is far more than a worldwide leader. We are 250,000 hospitality experts who share the same passion. Welcoming people. We take care of millions of guests in our 4,200 addresses, 25 brands, in 95 countries. Every day, we put all our energy into spreading the most powerful promise in the hospitality profession: Feel Welcome.

STAND ME2115, ME2250



Hall 1

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation


Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority United Arab Emirates  +971 24440444  Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority conserves and promotes the heritage and culture of Abu Dhabi emirate. The authority manages the emirate’s tourism sector and markets the destination internationally through a wide range of activities aimed at attracting visitors and investment.

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Sheikh Saeed Arena AccorHotels BtoB Communication France STAND HC1050

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels

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Exhibitor profiles

Ace Travels Maldives Maldives  +960 3321059   india-indian-ocean/maldives STAND AS3118

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Destination Services Across Spain DMC & Leisure Travel Spain  +34 913605864   STAND EU6230

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE AD Hotels Switzerland  +41 22 708 16 16   STAND EU6630

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Address Hotels + Resorts United Arab Emirates  +971 44238888  STAND HC0220

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with EMAAR HOSPITALITY GROUP Adenya Hotel Turkey  +90 2425102222   STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office

ADONIS TOURISM LLC United Arab Emirates  +971 42552925   Adonis tourism L.L.C. “Dubai office” is the most recent branch of ADONIS TRAVEL & TOURISM. ADONIS TOURISM are well known DMC based in Dubai with several branches in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Yemen, & Ethiopia. Several partners have grown with us in several destinations as we always guarantee the quality. STAND ME1305

Hall 1

Advance Chauffeurs United Kingdom  +44 (0)2076253040   STAND EU6830

Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound Adviser Travel & Tourism Jordan  +962 65538325   Europamundo is ONE OF THE LARGEST TOUR OPERATORS IN THE WORLD, with 1,000 different tours and 130,000 passengers a year travelling circuits in 25 different countries. Adviser Travel & Tourism is an independent Tourism enterprise with head office located in Amman. ADVISER Travel is the appointed agent for Europamundo in the Middle east. STAND EU7106

Hall 8

Aeromexico Mexico STAND AM6120

Hall 6 Sharing stand with MEXICO


Afro Tourism West Africa Ltd Nigeria  +234 7008687476   Afro Tourism is a Travel Media and Destination marketing Company that specializes in providing dynamic travel and leisure information on Africa and its surrounding islands, while also taking them there in the same vein. STAND ME1140-1

Hall 1

AG New World Manila Bay Hotel Philippines  +63 2 252-6888  jeannemarie.marfal@newworldhotels. com  STAND AS2320

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Philippines Department of Tourism Agencia Catalana de Turisme Spain  +34 934849900  STAND EU6230

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE Airport Limos Greece The Leading Limousine Company Of Greece Greece  +30 2117106782   STAND EU6410

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Greek National Tourism Organisation Aitken Spence Travels Sri Lanka  +94 777226285   india-indian-ocean/sri-lanka STAND AS3118

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Destination Services

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Exhibitor profiles


Ajman Tourism Development Department United Arab Emirates  +971 67116644  Ajman Tourism Development Department (ATDD) is the government entity responsible for tourism development operations in the emirate of Ajman, the United Arab Emirates (UAE). ATDD lays down strategic plans for tourism promotion and regulations for organizing and developing the tourism industry in the emirate.

Akbar Gulf Travels of India United Arab Emirates  +971 43561111   Akbar Travels of India is the largest Travel Company in India in terms of number of IATA approved Branches, staff strength and business turnover. Flight bookings have been made simpler than ever after Akbar Travels launched its Travel Portal; Akbar travels, in 2007.

Al Bandar Rotana & Al Bandar Arjaan by Rotana United Arab Emirates



Hall 2


Hall 3

Akaryn Hotel Group Thailand  +66 2 514 8112   AKARYN Hotel Group is an innovative hospitality management company catering to like minded owners and developers of hotels and resorts in and around Asia. Our defining mantra is ‘rewarding lifestyles’. We go beyond simply creating resorts to fostering unique environments that exceed expectations in terms of intuitive service and luxurious ambience.

Akik Tour Turkey  +90 2122979540   STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Al Ahram Travel and Tours Saudi Arabia  +966 126681213 


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Al Boraq Tour Operator Saudi Arabia  +966 16 535 1234  STAND ME4410

AL BUSTAN CENTRE & RESIDENCE United Arab Emirates  +971 52 646 6830   STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Al Dhuha Tourism Saudi Arabia  +966 12 6628848



Akay Travel Service & Fly Istanbul Turkey  +242 -3120001  Akay Travel Service is a 44 year old DMC, which is specialized in client handling, this experience combined with professionals from hospitality sector created an idea. At Fly Istanbul you will find all you need ; Information, flights,hotels, transfers,Dynamic Packaging, tours, car rental, restaurants and theme holidays. Just one stop for Istanbul!

Al Ain Rotana United Arab Emirates  +971 37545111 

AL DIAR SIJI HOTEL United Arab Emirates  +971 9 2232000  




Hall 1

Hall 8




Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Al Areen Palace & Spa Bahrain  +973 17845000   Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA)

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Hall 4 Sharing stand with Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority Al Faisaliah Hotel Saudi Arabia  +966 11 2732000  STAND ME4410


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Exhibitor profiles

Al Fifa Tours Saudi Arabia  +966 13 8290270  

Al Jeyad Al Oula Company Saudi Arabia  +966 114655685  



Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Al Firdous Hotels Group Saudi Arabia STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Al Fokharia For Organizing Tourism Tours Saudi Arabia  +966 135 860 044   STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Al Hokair Group United Arab Emirates  +971 43794990   Al Hokair Group is a Saudi-Listed company, focusing on hospitality & entertainment business since 1965. The Group’s projects include over 80 Family Entertainment Centers &Theme Parks and more than 45 hotels throughout Saudi Arabia, Jordan and United Arab Emirates. Al Hokair Group along with its partners owns 49% of SAUDIA Catering. STAND HC0570

Sheikh Saeed Arena Al Jawlah DMC Saudi Arabia  +966 114816508  STAND ME4410


Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Al Khozama Management Co Saudi Arabia  +966 112732659  cherian.chacko@alkhozamahotels. com Al Khozama is an award-winning property investment, development and management company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It boasts a diversified business model that covers the ownership, investment and management of properties in the hospitality, retail and office sectors. In hospitality it leads the way with a star-studded portfolio in Saudi Arabia. STAND HC0250

Sheikh Saeed Arena Al Maha Arjaan by Rotana United Arab Emirates  +971 26106666  STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Al Maha Desert Resort & Spa United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Al Manara, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Saraya Aqaba Jordan  +962 3 202 1000  3104.reservations@luxurycollection. com  html?propertyID=3104 STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd


Al Manshar Rotana Kuwait  +965 23931000 STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Al Maqam Travel and Tourism Saudi Arabia  +966 126143747   STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Al Marfa Pearl Hotels Management L.L.C. United Arab Emirates STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority Al Marwa Rayhaan by Rotana Saudi Arabia STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Al Nahda Hotels Oman  +968 2450 3409   STAND HC1128

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with WorldHotels AG Al Rais Travel & Shipping Agencies LLC United Arab Emirates  +971 43933333  Al Rais Travel & Shipping Agencies LLC established in 1977, a local reputed group including Corporate Travel, Holidays, Rent A Car, Cargo & Freight Services. Al Rais Group renders services for Corporate Clients the Retail through all its branches in UAE. Al Rais Group also represents Airlines as their exclusive General Sales Agents (GSA) in the UAE. STAND ME3100

Hall 3

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Exhibitor profiles


Al Rawda Arjaan by Rotana United Arab Emirates  +971 24450111 

Al Salam Rotana Sudan  +249 187007777 

Al Wefaq Rent a Car Saudi Arabia  +966 112573030  Al Wefaq Rent a Car, has more than 70 branches across 23 cities in the KSA, one at Dubai international airport, Cairo International and also Amman, Jordan. AlWefaq also covers 18 International and Domestic Airports in KSA. We assure our clients exceptional services and easy online bookings through our website and mobile application.

Aljomaih Auto Rentals Saudi Arabia  +966 114967738  Al-Jomaih Auto Rentals holds the master franchise rights of Enterprise rent a car National car rental & Alamo rent a car across GCC and Middle East, offering car rental and leasing services in over 9900 locations worldwide, with outstanding customer service and products that address all corporate and leisure market needs.




Aladin Travel Agency Austria 

Albadie Travel Agency United Arab Emirates  +971 26322775  

ALKAMILBOOKING.COM United Arab Emirates  +971 45629555  An OTA for the next generation for B2B and B2C market, all at your finger tips. Alkamil Booking is a part of Al Kamil Group a holdings company & investment house with a significant presence in the Middle East & North Africa as well as Eastern Europe. We wish to empower the traveller and provide a great experience.

STAND ME2115, ME2250


Albasaer Travel & Tourism Bahrain  +97317595655

ALL GREEK VILLAS Greece  +30 6973044408  




Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Al Shitaiwi Travel and Tourism Saudi Arabia  +966 112160900   STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Al Syahi for Bookings and Tours and Events Saudi Arabia  +966 3-5304567   STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Al Tayyar Group United Arab Emirates  +971 42249240 Through high standards, professional services and distinguished client care, Al Tayyar Travel Group has gained the trust of more than 2000 loyal governmental and private corporations. Additionally it has the honor to serve retail customers with over 4000 employees in more than 430 branches in the world. STAND ME1220

Hall 2


Hall 7 Sharing stand with Austrian National Tourist Office

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority

Hall 1

Aleph Rome Hotel Italy  +39 6-4229001   hotels/italy/aleph-rome-hotel-curiocollection-by-hilton-FCOAHQQ/index. html STAND HC0830

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hilton

Hall 1

Al Thuraya Travel and Tours Jordan  +962 +96265535525  STAND ME1450

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Jordan Tourism Board


Hall 2

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Hall 2

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Greek National Tourism Organisation AlMobtaker Travel and Tourism Bahrain  +973 17404170   STAND ME1410

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) Alo Spain DMC Spain  +34 670010368  STAND EU6230

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE

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Aloft Hotels United Arab Emirates  +971 50-667-2821  

ALSOL HOTELS & RESORTS Dominican Republic  +1 8444132657  

Amathus Travel Croatia Croatia  +385 20437130  

STAND ME2115, ME2250



Alpha Destination Management United Arab Emirates  +971 42949888  Alpha Destination Management has sustained its leading position among UAE’s Destination Management Companies, through providing the following services to its guests and partners: -Ground Handling Services, Tours and Excursions for FIT, Leisure Groups, Cruise passengers, and MICE groups -Hotel Reservation and Accommodation Services -Alpha Golf Services.

Al-Tayyar Travel Group Ltd United Arab Emirates  +971 42249240   Through high standards, professional services and distinguished client care, Al Tayyar Travel Group has gained the trust of more than 2000 loyal governmental and private corporations. Additionally it has the honor to serve retail customers with over 4000 employees in more than 430 branches in the world.

Amaya Kuda Rah Maldives Maldives  +960 6680000



Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority


Hall 1

Alpha Tours United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Alpha Travel South East Europe Serbia  +381 638018848   STAND EU6621

Hall 7 Sharing stand with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia Alpin Rentals Austria  +43 720880222  STAND EU6610

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Austrian National Tourist Office

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism

Hall 1

Alwasat Travels Bahrain  +973 36738373  

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Croatian National Tourist Board


Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation Amazing Tours Saudi Arabia   STAND ME4410

Ambassador Group Czech Republic  



AMAG Chauffeur Drive Switzerland  +41 44 804 10 50  

Amigo Tours LLC United States  +1 7029641529   Amigo Tours is a global company with presence in Spain, Mexico, Cuba, London, USA and Brazil, we operate more than 240 trips every day with unique experiences. Our core business is B2B sales through agencies and wholesalers worldwide. We have the highest quality standards.

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA)


Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Amandatour Italy Italy  +39 0555274863  Amandatour is a leading TO/DMC based in Italy with its main office in Florence and branch offices in Venice, Rome, Milan and Los Angeles. We are focused in the luxury segment we sell only the best Hotels in Italy from art cities to beach resorts, skiing areas, lakes, spa resorts etc and provide exclusive luxury services for VIP clients. STAND EU6455

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Czech Tourism Authority - CzechTourism


Hall 6

Amman Rotana Jordan  STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC

Hall 6

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Hall 6 Sharing stand with MEXICO Amwaj Rotana United Arab Emirates  +971 44282000 STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Anantara Hotel Palm Jumeirah United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Anantara Hotels, Resorts SPAs Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates  +971 50 663 2098 STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority Andalucia Tourism Board Spain  +34 627590287   STAND EU6230

andBeyond South Africa  +27 118094300   STAND AF5240

Hall 5 Sharing stand with Tanzania ANENO TOUR Turkey  +90 5322482015 STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Angela Shanley Associates Ltd United Kingdom  +44 7730982263   STAND EU6830

Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound Annset Holidays, Inc. Philippines  +63 23544101  STAND AS2320

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Philippines Department of Tourism

Andaz Munich Schwabinger Tor Germany  +49 89 6383729128  

ANTARCTIC AIRWAYS Chile  +56 61 2 61 61 00 ,  We love these lands. Waking up to a red sky upon the cold, white snow on a deep silent Antarctic morning is something we dream about throughout the year. We want to share this passion with you. Join us in experiencing the immense silence of Antarctica, the mysteries of Navarino Island, and the majesty of overflying the 8th Wonder of the World, Torres del Paine, with a company with 35 years flying the most exotic routes from its base in Punta Arenas, Chilean Patagonia.



Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE Andaz Delhi India  +91 11 49031234   STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Hall 6

AQUA SUN TOURISM L.L.C United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism


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Aquagrand Exclusive Deluxe Resort-Maritour AE Greece  +30 2244049100   STAND EU6410

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Greek National Tourism Organisation Arab Traveller (Magazine) Bahrain  +973 17213900  Established in 1985, The Arab Traveller magazine widely circulated (Pan Arab), specialist in Travel & Tourism. Since 33 years, has been offering cost effective opportunities for business promotions. With a circulation 36,000 printed copies per issue, Arabic-language bi-monthly magazine has a long shelf life. Soft copy available in our website. STAND ME1140-10

Hall 1

Arabian Adventures United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Arabian Aerospace United Kingdom  +44 1702 530000   Arabian Aerospace provides news and features about Aviation, Defence and Space News, across the Middle East, North Africa and Turkey. Arabian Aerospace magazine is published quarterly and features a top-rate editorial team from the Middle East, Europe and the United States supported by specialist contributors worldwide. STAND ME1140-2

Hall 1

Arabian Nights Company Saudi Arabia  +966 507499855   STAND ME4410


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Arabian Nights Vilage United Arab Emirates  +971 26779988   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority

Arjaan by Rotana United Arab Emirates  STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC

Arabian Park Hotel United Arab Emirates  +971 44049888

ArmaConcierge Turkey  +90 2129890010  



Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office

Arabian Radio Network United Arab Emirates  +971 4 4555888  The Arabian Radio Network (ARN) is the region’s largest and most commercially successful radio network in the Middle East. With a listenership reaching 4.35 million listeners a week, ARN has the largest listener base in the UAE. ARN caters to all major demographic segments with Tag 91.1, Dubai 92, Radio Shoma 93.4, Hit 96.7, Al Arabiya 99, Al Khaleejiya 100.9, City 101.6, Dubai Eye 103.8 and Virgin Radio 104.4.

Armani Hotel Dubai United Arab Emirates  +971 48883121  


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with EMAAR HOSPITALITY GROUP

Hall 1

Arctic Travel Boutique Ltd Finland  +358 505237715   STAND EU6825

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Business Finland Oy Visit Finland ARGO TRAVEL GROUP-GREECE Greece  +30 2111803110   STAND EU6410

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Greek National Tourism Organisation


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with EMAAR HOSPITALITY GROUP Armani Hotel Dubai United Arab Emirates  +971 48883705  STAND HC0220

ARMAS HOTELS Turkey  +90 2427569100   STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Armed Forces Officers Club & Hotel United Arab Emirates  +971 2 4415900   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority

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A-Rosa Kitzbuehel Austria  +43 5356656600  resorts-hotels/kitzbuehel/at-a-glance. html STAND EU6610

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Austrian National Tourist Office ART Rotana Bahrain  STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Latvia Latvia  +371 67014131   STAND EU6801

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) Association of Uganda Tour Operators Uganda  +256776868666   STAND AF5235

Hall 5 Sharing stand with Uganda Tourism Board Aston Pluit Residence Indonesia  +62 21 66603377  STAND AS3350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Jakarta City Government Tourism and Culture Office Athenaeum Hotel & Residences (Mayfair/London) United Kingdom  +44 20 7640 3557   STAND EU6830

Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound

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Athenaeum Intercontinental Athens Greece  +30 2109206000  

Avantgarde Collection Turkey  +90 2122370444  


Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Greek National Tourism Organisation ATLANTA TOURISM United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Atlantis, The Palm Limited United Arab Emirates  +971 4 426 2000   Discover an extraordinary world beyond anything you’ve ever imagined. Our Atlantis property in Dubai and soon to open in Sanya, China redefine the concept of entertainment destination resorts. They are extraordinary, intriguing and unique destinations full of life, wonder and surprise. STAND HC0230

Sheikh Saeed Arena Augustine, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Prague Czech Republic  +420 266112233   STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Austrian National Tourist Office United Arab Emirates  +971 43218861  The Austrian National Tourist Office (ANTO) is Austria’s national tourism organization. Its main objective is promoting the holiday country Austria and to secure and expand Austria’s competitiveness in cooperation with all Austrian tourism partners. By doing so, ANTO contributes essentially to increasing Austria’s market share in international tour


AVIS Budget EMEA Ltd United Kingdom  +44 1344668814  licenseecommunication@avis-europe. com Avis Budget Group is a leading global provider of vehicle rental services through its Avis and Budget brands, with more than 10,000 rental locations across 175 countries around the world. It operates most of its car rental offices in North America, Europe and Australia directly, operating primarily through licensees in other parts of the world. STAND CR2540

Hall 2

Ayla Hotels and Resorts Management LLC United Arab Emirates  +971 37051151   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism Azerbaijan  +994 124928713  Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan was established on January 30, 2006, as an executive authority carrying out and regulating the state policy in the field of culture, arts, tourism, historical and cultural monuments, protection, publishing, and cinematography. STAND EU6931

Hall 7

B B Signature France  STAND EU6640

Hall 7 Sharing stand with KTS TOURISME ET VOYAGES Baccarat Hotel New York United States  +1 212 790 8826   STAND HC0420

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Preferred Hotels & Resorts Badrutt’s Palace Hotel Switzerland  +41 818371000   STAND EU6630

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Bahamas Tourist Office The Bahamas  +44 (0) 207 355 0800   STAND AM6100

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Caribbean Tourism Organization Bahia Del Duque Hotel Spain  +34 18662244234   STAND EU6230

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE Bahrain International Travel Bahrain  +973 97317223315   STAND ME1410

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA)


Hall 7


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Exhibitor profiles

Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) Bahrain  +973 17558820   Bahrain strives to position itself as a main touristic destination in the Arabian Gulf. The Kingdom of Bahrain’s longstanding past, rich cultural heritage and multicultural society are complimented with authenticity and exceptional Arabian Hospitality. STAND ME1410

Hall 1

Balkan Holidays Serbia  +381 61 639 57 24   STAND EU6621

Hall 7 Sharing stand with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia Balkan Travel Services Bosnia and Herzegovina  +971 50 945 5272   DMC for Balkan Area STAND EU7108

Hall 8

Balloon Adventures United Arab Emirates  +971 44409827   STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Bally’s Limited Sri Lanka +94 766934596   Ballys Casino provides the maximum gaming experience; poker, blackjack, baccarat, roulette, mini flush and much more with refreshing entertainment

Baltic Travel Group Latvia  +371 26199055   STAND EU6801

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) Baltma Tours Russia  +6221 6660 3377   Baltma was founded in 1991 making it the oldest company in the Baltics. We offer our guests and clients a wellrounded experience to fully appreciate the best of each destination. With 5 individual destinations in the Baltics alone, Russia, Poland as well as other locations worldwide our unique expertise, solid relationships and established partnerships allow us to plan all travel details and organize events of any purpose, any theme, any budget, any size, with the highest level of service. STAND EU6517

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Marina Drutman Bangkok Hospital Thailand  +66 23103363  Our world-renowned physicians,cutting edge technology and excellent nursing staff provide all of our patients with the highest level of medical care.Our well trained and experienced staff, take pride in their medical skills to communicate with patients. We are dedicated to providing the very best of care and ensuring that all of your needs are met. STAND AS2270

Sheikh Saeed Hall 2


Bangladesh Tourism Board Bangladesh  +880 258315954   Bangladesh is a country of Beautiful nature and diverse culture. Its tourist attractions are multifarious, which include Halal food, archaeological sites, historical mosques and monuments, stretched beaches, mangrove forest, tribal people, splashing diversity of riverine and wildlife of various species. STAND AS2430

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Baraka Travel Club Spain  +34 933 435 200  Baraka Travel Club is your travel wholesaler to organize all trips for your customers. We put to your disposal a wide range of selected trips. We have an internal policy based on constant technological innovation and processes, bringing solutions to travel agents with complete reliability and always accompanied by a professional support team. STAND EU6220

Hall 6

Baron Travel Corporation Philippines  +63 28174926   www. STAND AS2320

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Philippines Department of Tourism Beach Rotana United Arab Emirates  +971 26979000  STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC


Sheikh Saeed Hall 3

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Beautiful Georgia Tours Georgia  +995 599260510  

Bedir Tour Turkey  +90 2122373800  

Bin Haider Hospitality United Arab Emirates  +971 42821191   At MOBH, we believe in enhancing the interests of all our stakeholders; customers, staff, suppliers, investors, strategic partners and the communities in which we operate. We are committed to developing win ‚Äì win sustainable and commercially viable business opportunities with all our partners, based on trust, transparency and Integrity.




Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Best Day Travel Tour Mexico STAND AM6120

Hall 6 Sharing stand with MEXICO Best Travel Georgia  +995 595530021   STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration Best Western Hotels & Resorts Turkey  +90 2123800091  bwsupport.middleeast@bestwestern. com Celebrating 70 years of hospitality, Best Western Hotels & Resorts is an award-winning global family of hotels located in over 100 countries and territories that offers accommodations for all types of travelers. STAND HC0870

Sheikh Saeed Arena Best Western Plus The olive Bahrain  +973 17211133  

Sheikh Saeed Arena Bin Majid Hotels & Resorts United Arab Emirates  +971 72352233   STAND ME3510

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority Bird Group United Arab Emirates  +971 44456831   With over 45+ years of experience in India, Bird Group is amongst the largest and most diversified group of various entities within the industry. Today Bird Group’s core business includes Travel Technology, Aviation Services, Hospitality, Retail and Education. STAND HC0660

Sheikh Saeed Arena Blue Horizons Travel & Tours, Inc. Philippines  +63 2 5889088  STAND AS2320

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Philippines Department of Tourism

Bluebay Hotels & Resorts Spain  +34 529848774500  BlueBay Hotels currently consists of more than 60 hotels including new openings in the Caribbean, Europe and MENA. Le Royal Hotels & Resorts, Blue Diamond, BlueBay Hotels & Resorts, and BelleVue Hotels & Resorts are four distinctive and differently positioned hotel brands designed to create a delightful experience for every guest. STAND HC1125

Sheikh Saeed Arena BlueVillas Greece  +30 2104836823   STAND EU6410

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Greek National Tourism Organisation Bohemia Ltd. Bulgaria  +359 897975148   STAND EU6821

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Bulgaria, Ministry of Tourism BONTON TOURS AND TRAVELS (L.L.C) United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism BOYTAV (Bodrum Yarimadasi Tanitma Vakfi) Turkey  +90 2523165555   STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office


Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA)


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Bravo Air Georgia  +995 557 56 14 42   STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration Brienz Rothorn Railway Switzerland  +41 79 724 05 35   STAND EU6730

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Bright Blue Villas Greece  +30 6944796796

Bulgari Hotels & Resorts Italy  +39 028058051  Bulgari Hotels & Resorts aims to be the leading luxury hospitality collection in the world. Comprised of a few, selected properties in major cosmopolitan cities and luxury resorts destinations, its aim is to convey the excitement of the Bulgari brand, its timeless glamour and its heritage of magnificent Roman jeweller.

Burj Al Arab Jumeirah United Arab Emirates  +971 4 301 7777  


Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism

Bulgari Resort Bali Indonesia  +62 361 8471000   the-resort/overview

Burjuman Arjaan by Rotana United Arab Emirates 

Sheikh Saeed Arena



Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Bulgari Hotels & Resorts

British Country Sports United Kingdom  +44 (0)7513488115  

Bulgaria, Ministry of Tourism Bulgaria  +359 29335821   Ministry of Tourism of The Republic of Bulgariawas set-up as a separate ministry in the end of 2014. The tourism sector accounts for about 15% of the GDP.

Hall 7


Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound BRO TRAVEL Turkey  +90 2122312544   STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Bulgari Hotel Milano Italy  +39 02 805 805 1  the-hotel/overview STAND HC0675

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Bulgari Hotels & Resorts



Hall 7

Bürgenstock Hotels & Resort Lake Lucerne Switzerland  +41 612 60 00   STAND EU6730

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Burgu Arjaan by Rotana & Tango Arjaan by Rotana Turkey STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC

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Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Jumeirah Group Burj Khalifa - At The Top United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Bursa Culture & Tourism Promotion Union Turkey STAND EU7030

Hall 8

Bursa Kultur Turizm ve Tanitma Birligi Baskanligi Turkey  +90 2242735277 STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Business Finland Oy - Visit Finland Finland  +358 414686929   Visit Finland works to develop Finland’s travel destination brand, market Finland to travellers abroad and help companies in the travel industry go global. We cooperate with travel destination regions, businesses in the travel industry and other export promoters and embassies. Visit Finland is part of Business Finland. STAND EU6825

Hall 7

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Byblos Hotel - Fz United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism

C Caesars Entertainment c/o Discover the World United Arab Emirates  +971 50 744 6028  STAND AM6200

Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA Cairo Marriott Hotel & Omar Khayyam Casino Egypt  +20 23386386   caieg-cairo-marriott-hotel-and-omarkhayyam-casino/ STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Calista Luxury Resort Turkey  +90 2427100101   STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office CANAKKALE IL KULTUR VE TURIZM MUDURLUGU Turkey STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office

Cannes Tourism Board France  +33 492998424   Cannes, the city of the film festival,is an authentic village offering all accommodation facilities for every budget ( 2* to 5*). At 27kms from Nice, you will enjoy Cannes, with a full range of activities and top quality service. Cannes offers splendid landscapes with the Croisette, the sandy beaches, the Old City, the Cannes Islands ... ILTM ARABIA

Hall 1

Canopus Akquasun Maldives Pvt Ltd Maldives  +960 3321079  STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation Capital Centre Arjaan by Rotana United Arab Emirates  +971 28115000  


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Carfare and Lama Group United Arab Emirates  +971 46013333  Lama Tours Services. Hotel - Local - World wide Inbound - Out bound tours Sight seeing Tours & Adventures Desert Safaris Dhow Cruises Airline Tickets Reservations Meet and Greet Assistance Seminars & MeetingsVisa Assistance,Incentive Travel, Private Parties, Fishing Trips, Transfers. Car Fare Rent a Car Service. STAND CP2500

Hall 2

Capital Georgia Travel Georgia  +995 322931471  

Caribbean Tourism Organization Caribbean  +44 208 948 0057   The Caribbean Tourism Organization is the Caribbean’s tourism development agency comprising membership of the region’s finest countries and territories, as well as a myriad of private sector allied members. Whether it’s sport, adventure, luxury resorts or white sand beaches, the Caribbean offers something for everyone. Come and find out more on stand AM6100.




Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration Capital Travel & Tours Pvt Ltd Maldives  +960 3315089  STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation


Caresse, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Bodrum Turkey  +90 252 311 36 36  

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Hall 6

Carl Hilscher Jewelry Germany  +49 89 27275178   STAND EU6720

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Munich Tourist Office

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Exhibitor profiles

Carlson Rezidor Global Sales Office, India India STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Carlton Hotels & Suites United Arab Emirates  +971 5069999   Carlton Hotels & Suites are owned by the First Investor LLC. A subsidiary of the Al Fardan Group of Holdings – who have over 25 years of global investment experience. Our portfolio consists of 4-Star and 5-Star hotels in Dubai and Europe and has grown to 1,317 hotel rooms: 1,142 in Dubai, 85 in Jordan and 90 in the Czech Republic. STAND HC0300

Sheikh Saeed Arena Carpe Diem Maldives Pvt Ltd Maldives STAND AS2350

CATOD (Canakkale Turistik Otelciler Isletmeciler ve Yatirimcilar Birligi Dernegi) Turkey  +90 2862178205   STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office CCT 168 Travel and Tours Corporation Philippines  +63 26334856  STAND AS2320

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Philippines Department of Tourism Central Hotel Apart Germany  +49 89 435 49 30-0  

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation


CarVia Exclusive Car Rental Munich Germany  +49 89954573640  

Central Hotels Management United Arab Emirates  +971 44544900   Launched in 2015, Central Hotels – headquartered in Dubai, is one of the fastest growing Hospitality Management companies in the UAE was established to cater, both leisure and business travelers looking to experience the best of Arabian hospitality in the heart of the city.


Hall 7 Sharing stand with Munich Tourist Office Casa de Campo Resort & Villas Dominican Republic  +1 (866) 860-5472   STAND AM6121

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Munich Tourist Office


Sheikh Saeed Arena Centro Al Manhal United Arab Emirates  +971 28115000  STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC


Centro Barsha United Arab Emirates STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Centro Capital Centre United Arab Emirates  +971 28115000   STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Centro Shaheen Saudi Arabia STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Centro Sharjah United Arab Emirates  +971 26444412  STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Centro Waha Saudi Arabia  STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Charleston Travel Rwanda Rwanda  +250 252578560  STAND AF5230

Hall 5 Sharing stand with Rwanda Development Board Chelsea FC United Kingdom  +44 2079151926   STAND EU6830

Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound

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Chenot Palace Health Wellness Hotel Azerbaijan  +994 242054411   Surrounded by the tranquility of the magical pinewoods, and overlooking the peaceful Nohur Lake, the new Chenot Palace Hotel in Gabala represents a new concept of a health wellness retreat in the heart of the great Caucasian forest. The whole structure is entirely dedicated to promote health and wellness and is being designed to accommodate a state-of-the-art medical spa facility.

Choice Hotels International Saudi Arabia  +966 126600254   Choice Hotels International is a global hotel industry leader with more than 6,400 hotels in over 35 countries. Whether small or large, modest or luxurious, from the Comfort Inn and Comfort Suites economy brands, through the midmarket Quality Inn brand, to the upscale Clarion Hotel brand, we have the right brand to to ideally suit all guests.

City Sightseeing Ltd Spain  +44 1789299123  City Sightseeing is the world’s leading open top bus tour operator with over 100 tours across 5 continents including key locations such as Dubai, London, New York, San Francisco and Singapore. With around 14 million passengers travelling with us each year, we offer sales opportunities for Wholesalers, OTA’s, affiliates and many other agent types.


Sheikh Saeed Arena

Hall 2


Hall 1

China National Tourist Office in Singapore Singapore  +65 63372220  Established since 1992, China National Tourist Office in Singapore (CNTOS) is a non-profit representative office of China National Tourism Administration (CNTA). Our main responsibility is to promote China tourism to the Southeast Asian and Middle East countries, by means of providing complimentary China tourism literatures and information. STAND AS2080

Sheikh Saeed Hall 2 China Southern Airlines United Arab Emirates  In 2016, China Southern Airlines Fleet exceeded 700 aircrafts, the fleet scale ranks first in Asia and fourth in the world, a total of 115 million passengers were transported safely last year. China Southern Airlines flies nonstop from Dubai to Guangzhou, Wuhan and Urumqi. For any further information, please visit our website. STAND AS2075

Sheikh Saeed Hall 2

CHOOSE CHICAGO United States  +1 312 567 8474   STAND AM6210

Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA Ciragan Palace Kempinski Istanbul Turkey  +90 2123264646   STAND HC1140

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Kempinski Hotels Citra Netratama Indonesia  +62 21279788  STAND AS3350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Jakarta City Government Tourism and Culture Office


Citymax Hotels United Arab Emirates  +971 45628608   Citymax Hotels, part of the hospitality division of the Landmark Group, operate three hotels in prime city locations: Al Barsha, Bur Dubai & Sharjah with upcoming hotels in Business Bay, Al Barsha & RAK. A mid-market group of hotels, it is the favoured choice of travelers looking for an award winning experience at an affordable price. STAND HC0620

Sheikh Saeed Arena CitySpeed Tours United Kingdom  +44 2074021808  CitySpeed Tours is a long established Wholesaler of Hotel & Serviced Apartment accommodation, Transfers, Tours and more, catering for Inbound Guests coming to the UK, Europe and Egypt. STAND EU6840

Hall 7

City Premiere Marina Hotel Apartments United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism


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Exhibitor profiles


Claviger ME United Arab Emirates  +971 42770852  Claviger ME is the only S&M Agency that provides a dedicated sales team operating in the region, Dubai, Riyadh,Jeddah and Bahrain. We offera consultative approach, day-to-day representation and concrete sales activities. With the Marketing partner TCIG, we offer customized marketing support and functions as an extended local marketing department.

Club Sports UK United Kingdom  +44 7872648334  With over 20 years of experience in supplying premium VIP tickets & hospitality for all major UK & European events, we have provided customers with unforgettable memories. We offer packages for Football, Rugby, Horse Racing, other sporting events, all major concerts & festivals around the world. Club Sports, Where Reliability Can Always Be Assured.

Comfort Seasons Tour Operator Saudi Arabia  +966 920005171  




Cleverdis France  +33 4 42 77 46 09   Cleverdis is the worldwide reference for publishing and consulting, in the tourism and hospitality industries, thanks to our philosophy of information intelligence. Our know-how in these fields enable us to produce the quarterly publication Hotel & Tourism SMARTreport. Through this publication and a unique professional network, we provide all market players with a powerful and adapted decision-making tool.

Cocoon Maldives Maldives  +960 3016888, 7781805

Sheikh Saeed Arena

STAND ME1140-19

Hall 1

Clinic for rehabilitation Atomska banja Serbia  +381 628071095  STAND EU6621

Hall 7 Sharing stand with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia Clinic Lémanic Switzerland  +41 213215444  

Hall 7


Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation Colliers International United Arab Emirates  +971 504743144  Colliers International is a leading global real estate services organisation defined by our spirit of enterprise. Our 15,000 professionals in over 554 offices worldwide are dedicated to creating strategic partnerships with our clients, providing customised services that transform real estate into a competitive advantage. STAND HC0782

Sheikh Saeed Arena Cologne Tourist Board Germany  +49 22134643220   STAND EU6710

Hall 7 Sharing stand with German National Tourist Board (GNTB)


Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism

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Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Comfort Seasons Travel and Tourism Turkey  +90 2122433358 Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office COMO Hotels & Resorts Singapore  +65 64130688   COMO Hotels and Resorts offers stylish escapism at city hotels, inland retreats and private islands, with a combination of smooth service, excellent food, contemporary, understated style and COMO Shambhala wellness sanctuaries. Each property is different from the other while respecting COMO’s core values. ILTM ARABIA

Hall 1

CONCORD TRAVEL Georgia  +995 599609202   STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration Concorde Hotel Fujairah United Arab Emirates  +971 92249000   STAND ME4210

Hall 4 Sharing stand with Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority

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Con-ex LATVIA TOURS group Latvia  +371 67085057  

Coral Dubai Deira Hotel United Arab Emirates  +971 4 224 8587 



Hall 7 Sharing stand with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with HMH - Hospitality Management Holding

Congress Hotel Seepark Switzerland  +41 33 226 12 12  

Coral Jubail Hotel Saudi Arabia  +966 13 362 8800  saudiarabia/aljubail/coraljubail



Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Conrad Dubai United Arab Emirates  +971 4 444 7444  com  STAND HC0830

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hilton Conrad Maldives Rangali Island Maldives  +960 6688253  STAND HC0830

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hilton Coral Al Khobar Hotel Saudi Arabia  +966 13 869 6666  saudiarabia/alkhobar/coralalkhobar STAND HC0530

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with HMH - Hospitality Management Holding Coral Beirut Al Hamra Hotel Lebanon  +961 134 3411  STAND HC0530

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with HMH - Hospitality Management Holding

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with HMH - Hospitality Management Holding CORAL KHARTOUM HOTEL Sudan  +249 183 774100  STAND HC0530

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with HMH - Hospitality Management Holding Coral Muscat Hotel & Apartments Oman  +968 24652 888  oman/muscat/coralmuscat STAND HC0530

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with HMH - Hospitality Management Holding Coral Muscat Hotel and Apartments Oman  +968 24652 888  oman/muscat/coralmuscat STAND HC0530

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with HMH - Hospitality Management Holding Corp Amman Hotel Jordan  +962 6 568 6666  jordan/amman/corpamman STAND HC0530

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with HMH - Hospitality Management Holding


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Corporate International Travel & Tours, Inc. Philippines  +63 2 635 7974   STAND AS2320

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Philippines Department of Tourism Cosmopolitan Hotel L.L.C United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Costa Del Sol Tourist Board Spain  +34 952126272   STAND EU6230

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE Cox & Kings India  +91 9920167083  Since 1758, Cox & Kings has been organising travel to destinations across the world. Over the past 253 years, we’ve invested in strong bonds and built lasting partnerships. Our passion and knowledge of travel expands with every journey we make and with every adventure you experience with us. STAND AS3010

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 COX & KINGS TOURS ( L.L.C ) United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism COZMO TRAVEL WORLD United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism COZUMEL & RIVIERA MAYA TOURISM BOARD Mexico STAND AM6120

Hall 6 Sharing stand with MEXICO

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Exhibitor profiles


Crimson Hotels and Resorts Philippines  +63 2 810 3302  

Crowne Plaza Hotel, Belgrade Serbia  +381 112204121  us/en/belgrade/begcp/hoteldetail



Cristal Group United Arab Emirates  +971 2 6520000  

Crowne Plaza Kuwait Al Thuraya City Kuwait  +965 1848111

Cyprus Tourism Organisation Cyprus  +357 22691100   Cyprus, with its year-round sunshine, combines golden sandy, beaches with the cleanest bathing waters in Europe, pine-forested mountains and fascinating historical sites. Special interest activities that can be enjoyed include golf, hiking, cycling and diving. Delicious Cypriot cuisine and genuine hospitality ensure unforgettable experiences.


Hall 1 Sharing stand with Kuwait Ministry of Information - Tourism Sector


STAND ME2115, ME2250

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Philippines Department of Tourism

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority Croatian National Tourist Board Croatia  +385 14699333  CROATIAN NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD (CNTB) is the national organization in charge of promoting Croatian tourism. Its mission includes design of national and international promotional activities, as well as raising the overall quality of the entire range of tourist services on offer in the Republic of Croatia. STAND EU6420

Hall 6

Crossing Eagles Tour Operator Saudi Arabia  +966 12 2751662  STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Crown & Champa Resorts Maldives 

Hall 7 Sharing stand with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia

Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland member of Swiss Education Group Switzerland  +41 413990000   STAND EU6730

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism CVK HOTELS & RESORTS Turkey  +90 2456173  CVK Park Bosphorus, located at Taksim Gümüşsuyu, has 385 luxury rooms&suites and 67 Park Prestige Suites ranging between studio to 4+1 suites. It has 22 event/meeting rooms, 4500 m² terrace with panoramic Bosphorus and view and 8.500 m² SPA&Fitness area. CVK Taksim Hotel, located at Taksim Square has 85 rooms & suites and offers exclusive service. STAND EU7310

Hall 8


Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation

Hall 6

Czech Tourism Authority CzechTourism Czech Republic  +420 267315585  CzechTourist Authority - CzechTourism is the official government agency responsible for promoting the Czech Republic abroad. It is in daily touch with journalists, tour operators and other specialists, for whom it organizes press trips and familiarization trips. The head office is in Prague, 21 foreign offices are located all around the world. STAND EU6810

Hall 7

D Dachs Limousines S.L Spain  +34 932314507   STAND EU6230

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE Dadabhai Travel United Arab Emirates  +973 17227716  Dadabhai Travel one of the most progressive conglomerates in the Kingdom of Bahrain has its presence in GCC covering the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates with representative offices in Far East and India. STAND ME2100

Hall 2

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Dakkak Tours International- DMC Jordan  +962 65601076  

Deira Tours Saudi Arabia  +966 12 6638491  



Hall 1 Sharing stand with Jordan Tourism Board DAMAC Hotels & Resorts United Arab Emirates  +971 43731298   DAMAC Hotels & Resorts, the hospitality arm of luxury real estate developer DAMAC Properties, provides the finest hospitality services through four brands: DAMAC Maison, DAMAC Maison Royale, DAMAC Maison de Ville, and AYKON Hotels & Resorts, each designed to deliver luxury experiences to guests. STAND HC0350

Sheikh Saeed Arena Danat Hotels & Resorts United Arab Emirates  +971 2 659 2801   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority Dar Al Eiman Company Saudi Arabia  +966 12 6685885 STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Dar Al Taqwa Hotel-Madinah, Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia  +966 14 8291111   STAND ME4410



Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi - Asia Pacific United Arab Emirates  +971 24440444   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi - Australia Overseas Office Australia  +61 292868964   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi - France Overseas Office France  +33 153250352   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority

Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi - Germany Overseas Office Germany  +49 89689063866   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi - India Overseas Office India  +91 1123737348   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi - Italy Overseas Office Italy  +39 0257378315   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi - KSA Overseas Office Saudi Arabia  +966 567679941   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi - Middle East & Africa Unit United Arab Emirates  +971 24440444   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority


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Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi - Russia & CIS Overseas Office Russian Federation  +7 9031962292  

DESERT ADVENTURES TOURISM L.L.C United Arab Emirates  +971 44504450  

Destination Gstaad Switzerland  +41 33 748 81 80  


STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi - UK Overseas Office United Kingdom  +44 2072016400   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority Department of Tourism and Resorts of Ajara AR Georgia  +995 596030808   STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration Department of Tourism, Government of Karnataka India  +91 8022352525   Karnataka is a tapestry of colours, cultures, flavours, landscapes, timelessness and heart stopping beauty. STAND AS2435

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Derag Livinghotels AG + Co. KG Germany  +49 1759547190   STAND EU6720

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Munich Tourist Office

Desert Gate Tourism United Arab Emirates  +971 4421155   com Desert Gate part of MTS Globe is a premium DMC covering UAE & Oman. At Desert Gate we believe in engaging proactively with our partners to ensure that our innovative concepts and out of the box ideas are aligned to their ethos and company culture/brand. We are committed to the human touch and the total personalization of all our premium services STAND ME2200, ME3110, ME3510

Hall 2

Desert Palm Resort & Hotel United Arab Emirates  +971 43238888  


Destination Services Spain  +34 971624504   We are the world’s leading global Destination Management Company (DMC), offering travel services and crafted experiences worldwide. We constantly aim to set leading product and service standards. We source and deliver every need in the destination, from accommodation, transfers, tours, activities, to cruise handling and MICE. STAND AS3118

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Destination Services Singapore Singapore  +65 63306863   asia-pacific/singapore STAND AS3118


Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Destination Services

Desert Rose Tourism LLC United Arab Emirates  +971 56 539 8346 

Destination Services Thailand Thailand  +66 22451551   asia-pacific/thailand

STAND ME2115, ME2250


Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Destination Services

Destination DC United States  +1 2027897078  STAND AM6211

Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA

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Destinations of the World News United Arab Emirates  +971 43910680   Destinations of the World News is the Middle East’s leading luxury travel lifestyle publication, covering everything from hotels and resorts in the world’s most breath-taking destinations to the latest supercars, private jets and superyachts. We talk directly to affluent travellers who shape new trends in the world of luxury travel. STAND HC0580

Sheikh Saeed Arena Deutsche Hospitality Germany  +971 49 69 66564   Deutsche Hospitality stands for an exceptional portfolio comprising of 130 hotels in 17 countries on 3 continents, of which 26 hotels are currently under development. The unique and varied Deutsche Hospitality portfolio includes the Steigenberger Hotels and Resorts, our lifestyle option, Jaz in the City, and IntercityHotels. STAND HC1045

Sheikh Saeed Arena Divan İstanbul Hotel Turkey  +90 2123155517   STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office DIVANI COLLECTION HOTELS Greece  +30 2107207000   STAND EU6410

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Greek National Tourism Organisation

DMC SOLVEX Bulgaria  +359 885999003   STAND EU6821

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Bulgaria, Ministry of Tourism DMC-Destination Management GmbH Germany  +49 (0)30 25460505   STAND EU6710

Double Decker Bus Tours LLC (Big Bus Tours LLC) United Arab Emirates  +971 43407709  Big Bus Tours is the largest operator of open-top sightseeing tours in the world, providing hop-on hop-off tours in 18 cities across three continents: Abu Dhabi, Budapest, Chicago, Dubai, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Las Vegas, London, Miami, Muscat, New York, Paris, Philadelphia, Rome, San Francisco, Shanghai, Vienna and Washington DC. STAND ME2300

Hall 2

DOGAKA Turkey  +90 3262251415

DoubleTree by Hilton Dubai Business Bay United Arab Emirates  +971 45511544  



Hall 7 Sharing stand with German National Tourist Board (GNTB)

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Dollar Car Rental United Kingdom  STAND CR2440

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Hertz Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism Dominican Republic  +1 8092214660  The Dominican Republic is an ideal exotic destination for FIT, VIP, groups. We offer 70000 hotel rooms, the hotels dispose of perfect meeting facilities. The mild tropical climate year round, world renowned beaches, 8 international airports, exquisite gastronomy, world historical and cultural heritage, shopping and nightlife are our highlights. STAND AM6121

Hall 6

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hilton DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Dubai - Jumeirah Beach United Arab Emirates STAND HC0830

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hilton DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Riyadh - Al Muroj Business Gate Saudi Arabia  +966 11-528 5100  saudi-arabia/doubletree-by-hilton-hotelriyadh-al-muroj-business-gate-RUHAMDI/index.html STAND HC0830

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hilton Doubletree by Hilton Resort & SPA Marjan Island United Arab Emirates  +971 569375201   uae/doubletree-by-hilton-resort-andspa-marjan-island-RKTMIDI/index.html STAND ME3510

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority


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Exhibitor profiles

Doubletree by Hilton Zanzibar Tanzania

Dubai Camel Racing Club United Arab Emirates



Downtown Rotana Bahrain 

Dubai Dolphinarium United Arab Emirates  +971 43369773  

Hall 5 Sharing stand with Tanzania


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Dream Inn Holiday Home Rental L.L.C United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Dream World Travels USA United States  +1 8034646454  STAND AM6211

Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA DTCM Cruise Tourism Team United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Dubai Airports United Arab Emirates  +971 42245555   As operator of Dubai International – the world’s number 1 international hub, and Dubai World Central, Dubai Airports delivers world-class experience for customers by providing safe, secure and environmentally responsible airports. We work with airlines and stakeholders to drive Dubai’s growth as the world’s emerging centre for leisure and business. STAND ME3340

Hall 3

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism


Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Dubai Health Authority United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Dubai Marine Beach Resort & Spa United Arab Emirates  +971 43461111  In proximity of the main major business and shopping landmarks, Dubai Marine Beach Resort & Spa is the city’s best located 5* beach resort. This boutique hotel consists of 195 recently renovated rooms and suites, a private beach, 2 swimming pools, children’s pool, SPA, business center, recreation & beach club, 13 restaurants and bars. STAND HC1110

Sheikh Saeed Arena Dubai Municipality United Arab Emirates  +971 42215555   The origin of Dubai Municipality was founded in 1954 commencing its activities with a cadre of seven employees undertaking simple tasks in cleaning the city. STAND ME2150

Hall 2

Dubai Opera United Arab Emirates  +971 44408888   STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism


Dubai Parks and Resorts United Arab Emirates  +971 48200000  khaled.mefleh@dxbentertainments. com  Dubai Parks and Resorts is home to 3 world-class theme parks and 1 water park, a uniquely themed dining and retail destination and a Polynesian themed family resort. With over 100 rides, shows and attractions from MOTIONGATE™ Dubai, BOLLYWOOD PARKS™ Dubai, LEGOLAND® Dubai and LEGOLAND® Water Park, with something to offer every member of the family. STAND ME3440

Hall 3

Dubai Police United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Dubai Tourism United Arab Emirates  +971 42821111  We are the principal authority for the planning, supervision, development and marketing of tourism in Dubai. We also market and promote the emirate’s commerce sector, and are responsible for the licensing and classification of all tourism services, including hotels establishments, tour operators, travel agents, and all other tourism services. STAND ME3110, ME3140

Hall 3

Dubrovnik & Neretva County Tourist Board Croatia  +385 20324999   STAND EU6420

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Croatian National Tourist Board Due Torri Hotel Italy  +39 045595044   STAND HC0525

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with The Leading Hotels of the World

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DUKES DUBAI United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Dumbara Hotels (Pvt) Ltd Santani Resort & Spa Sri Lanka  94112559755   Located in the cool mountains of Sri Lanka, Santani Resort and Spa is the perfect getaway to relax and rejevunate yourself for a couple of days or to immerse yourself in a holistic wellness experience with one of our signature detox, ayurveda or weight loss programs. It is ideal for those looking to escape the distractions of today’s world and to rebalance and realign yourself with nature. WELLNESS & SPA

Hall 1

Dusit Residence Dubai Marina United Arab Emirates  +971 44259999  

dusitD2 nairobi Kenya  +254 20 423 3000  


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Dusit Hotels & Resorts

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Dusit Hotels & Resorts Dusit Thani Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates  +971 2698 8888  


Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Dur Hospitality-Makarem Hotels Saudi Arabia  +966 11 4816666  STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Dusit Hotels & Resorts United Arab Emirates  +971 43329270   Dusit Hotels & Resorts are synonymous with a world-class standard of hospitality delivered through iconic touches of service and artistry of Thailand to create a personalized welcome for all guests, made distinctive with the Dusit brand promise to deliver an experience that enlivens the individual spirit no matter what the journey.

Dusseldorf Tourist Board Germany  +49 21117202855  home/ STAND EU6710


Hall 7 Sharing stand with German National Tourist Board (GNTB)

Dusit Thani Dubai United Arab Emirates  +971 4343 3333  

Düsseldorf University Hospital (UKD) Germany  +49 211 81 17130  

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Dusit Hotels & Resorts


Dunes Hotel Apartment United Arab Emirates


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Dusit Hotels & Resorts Dusit Thani Lakeview Cairo Egypt  +20 2 2614 0000   STAND HC1030

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Dusit Hotels & Resorts Dusit Thani Maldives Maldives  +960 660 8888   STAND HC1030

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Dusit Hotels & Resorts dusitD2 Kenz Hotel, Dubai United Arab Emirates  +971 4 567 2222  


Hall 7 Sharing stand with German National Tourist Board (GNTB) DWTC United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism

E E. Breuninger GmbH & Co. Germany  +49 711211 2100   STAND EU6710

Hall 7 Sharing stand with German National Tourist Board (GNTB)


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Dusit Hotels & Resorts


Sheikh Saeed Arena


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Exhibitor profiles

E.H.L. Holding SA Switzerland  +41 217851111   Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL) is an ambassador for traditional Swiss hospitality and has been a pioneer in hospitality education since 1893. It has created and inspired a unique professional community of over 25,000 hospitality managers, united by the values and the legacy of EHL. STAND EU6641

Hall 7

EAST MARMARA DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Turkey  +90 262 332 01 44   East Marmara Development Agency (MARKA) is a typical Public Institution, vested with a special legal entity, prepares regional development strategies with providing coordination and cooperation between public sector, private sector and non-governmental organizations in its comprising five provinces (Kocaeli, Sakarya, Düzce, Bolu, Yalova)

EDITION hotels United States  +1 2128965050   EDITION, conceived by Ian Schrager in a partnership with Marriott International, is a collection of individualized, customized, one-of-a-kind hotels around the world. For the first time, a global hotel brand encompasses great design, true innovation and modern 5 star service including food, beverage and entertainment offerings…”all under one roof”. STAND HC0760

Sheikh Saeed Arena Egyptian Tourism Promotion Board United Arab Emirates  +44 2074935283  Egypt enjoys a unique geographical location. It is an Arab-African country situated on the north-eastern corner of the African continent. It is also partly an Asian country, being linked to that continent by the Sinai Peninsula, which has always played a pivotal role in history as a crossing point between the continents of Asia, Africa and Europe.



Easy Travel Ltd - DMC in Scandinavia and Finland Finland  +358 447494666  

El Corte Inglés Department Store, Madrid Spain  +34 914018500 

Hall 8


Hall 7 Sharing stand with Business Finland Oy Visit Finland Economic Development Board Bahrain  +973 175899 99  STAND ME1410

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA)

Hall 5


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with TCA - Travel Connections Arabia El Royale Hotel Jakarta Indonesia  +62 21 45873355  STAND AS3350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Jakarta City Government Tourism and Culture Office

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Elegant Hideaway Pvt Ltd Maldives  +960 7776577   Elegant Hideaway Holiday Maldives was established in 2005 by a team of travel and tourism industry professional butlers who have worked in many up-market establishments. The idea of providing exclusive and highly personalized service, to our luxury travelers to Hideaway in Maldives. ILTM ARABIA

Hall 1

Elite Travel Georgia  STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration Emaar Entertainment LLC United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism EMAAR HOSPITALITY GROUP United Arab Emirates  +971 43673333   Emaar Hospitality Group is a wholly owned subsidiary of Emaar Properties PJSC, one of the world’s most valuable real estate development companies. The group owns and manages a portfolio of hospitality assets and brands including Address Hotels + Resorts, Palace Downtown, Vida Hotels and Resorts and Rove Hotels. STAND HC0220

Sheikh Saeed Arena Emerald Maldives Resort & Spa Maldives  +960 3008844   STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation

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Emerald Palace Kempinski Dubai / Kempinski Hotel & Residences Palm Jumeirah United Arab Emirates  welcome/

EMITT Turkey  +90 2122918310  


Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office

Emirates United Arab Emirates  +971 47082102   Emirates Airline flies to 159 destinations in 85 countries and operates 269 aircraft making it the world’s largest operator of the Airbus A380 and Boeing 777 family of aircraft. The airline’s luxurious amenities, gourmet cuisine, awardwinning in-flight entertainment and service have made Emirates one of the world’s most recognized airline brands.

ENIT - Italian State Tourist Board Italy  +39 0649711  ENIT is the Italian National Tourist Board. Its main purpose is the promotion of the Italian tourist offer all over the World.



Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Kempinski Hotels

Hall 3

Emirates Grand Hotel United Arab Emirates  STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Emirates Tours & Safari United Arab Emirates  +971 505326837   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority Emissa Travel Agency Germany  +49 42215848229   STAND EU6720

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Munich Tourist Office


STAND EU6330, EU6310

Hall 6

Eon Resorts Group Pvt Ltd Maldives  +960 3339992  Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation Erbil Rotana & Erbil Arjaan by Rotana Iraq  STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Etihad Airways United Arab Emirates   Etihad Aviation Group (EAG) is a diversified global aviation and travel group comprising five business divisions – Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, Etihad Airways Engineering, Etihad Airport Services, Hala Group and Airline Equity Partners. STAND ME2310

Hall 2

eTurboNews (eTN) United States  +1 808 521 2800   eTurbo News has been a veteran in travel communications for 17 years. eTN publishes hourly 24/7, reaching 230,000+ travel professionals, 17,000 journalists and 1.3 million consumers worldwide. eTN works with with the most global and regional organisations, tourism boards and travel events and is a partner with the CNN International Task Group. STAND HC0682

Sheikh Saeed Arena Euronet Travel Austria  STAND EU6610

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Austrian National Tourist Office Europamundo Vacaciones S.L Spain  +34 917589200  aspx STAND EU6230

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE Europcar International France  +33 130449440  Europcar is one of the leading mobility player in Europe. Present in over 140 countries, the group provides customers with one of the largest vehicle rental network through its own operators, franchisees and partnerships. Europcar operates worldwide its own brands Europcar® and InterRent, which is its low cost brand. STAND CR2542

Hall 2

Europcar Switzerland Switzerland  +41 448044646   STAND EU6730

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism


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Exhibitor profiles

Europe Health GmbH Germany  +49 89666768980   Europe Health is the interface between patients from all around the world and the health destination Germany, which is enjoying an excellent reputation. Because of our all-around experience and the contracts with high-profile hospitals we know exactly where to find the best medical care with the highest quality level. STAND EU7200

Hall 8

EWA Khartoum Hotel & Apartments Sudan  +249 990066666  sudan/khartoum/ewakhartoum STAND HC0530

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with HMH - Hospitality Management Holding Excelsior Hotel Ernst Germany  +49 2212701   STAND EU6710

Hall 7 Sharing stand with German National Tourist Board (GNTB) Excelsior Hotel Gallia, Milan Italy  +39 02 6785 1  excelsior.hotelgallia@luxurycollection. com  STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Exciting Travel Holidays Pvt Ltd Maldives  +960 3353536 


Exclusive Spain Tours Spain  +34 661756281  

Experiences in Spain & B:VIP Spain  +34 615049956  



Executive Suites by Mourouj Gloria United Arab Emirates  +971 26115333  

Explore The Wonders United Arab Emirates  +971 65573938  B2B Wholesaler selling worldwide hotel accommodation, tour packages and cruise vacations in the Middle East market. Head office based in United Arab Emirates and branch offices in Malaysia & Sri Lanka presently.

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE

STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority Exotic Zanzibar Tanzania STAND AF5240

Hall 5 Sharing stand with Tanzania Exotour Georgia  +995 32913191   STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration Experience England United Kingdom  +44 20 3666 5662  STAND EU6830

Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound Experience Kissimmee United States  +1 4075694800   STAND AM6210

Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA


Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation

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Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE


Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Expo 2020 United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Eye of Riyadh United Arab Emirates  +966 11 273 5522   Eye of Riyadh is a city marketing portal that provides media and marketing solutions for companies targeting Saudi Arabia mainly and other GCC countries. Eye of Riyadh offers online banners, email, SMS campaigns and social marketing to its clients looking to expend in the region. We also support events through sponsorship, marketing and organising. STAND ME1140-3

Hall 1

F Facebook United Arab Emirates STAND ME1263

Hall 1

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Fairmont Amman Hotel Jordan  +962 5106000   STAND ME1450

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Jordan Tourism Board Fairmont Baku Flame Towers Azerbaijan  +994 125654848   STAND HC1050

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels Fairmont Dubai United Arab Emirates  +971 508180153   STAND HC1050

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels FAIRMONT FUJAIRAH BEACH RESORT United Arab Emirates  +971 9 204 1111   STAND ME4210

Hall 4 Sharing stand with Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority Fairmont Grand Hotel Kyiv Ukraine  +380 674448074 STAND HC1050

Fairmont Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Germany  +49 1786996608  

Fairmont The Palm United Arab Emirates  +971 66563089  


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels Fairmont Hotels and Resorts Kenya Kenya  +254 700773483   kenya-hotels/ STAND HC1050

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels Fairmont Le Montreux Palace Switzerland  +41 797771896 STAND HC1050

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels Fairmont Quasar Istanbul Turkey  +90 2124038500  \istanbul Fairmont Quasar Istanbul rising up from the heart of Istanbul unites luxury and business with its century-long heritage of hospitality and locally connected, personalized service. At the crossroads of Istanbul with convenient access to airports, sightseeing, shopping areas, is truly in the center of Istanbul in touch with the pulse of the city.

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels


Fairmont Hotel and Resorts Saudi Arabia  +966 12 571 7777  

Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I Barcelona Spain  +34 629213257  



Hall 1


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels


Falcon Luxury Travel DMCC United Arab Emirates  +971 565599898  STAND EU6850

Hall 7

FAMOUS TRAVEL DMC EUROPE Greece  +30 6944180297   Our consistency, professionalism and our need to be worthy of customer trust are the elements that give us the stamp of our office. In our 30-year course in the tourism industry, we have always moved in this context, which is validated daily by our excellent partnerships and your reward. STAND EU7100

Hall 8

Fantasia Villas Cyprus  +357 306931369989   The most luxurious and interesting villas, in the most idyllic places in the world, comprise the property portfolio of Fantasia Villas, the leader in luxury holiday rentals. Committed to planning your dream holiday, we realize the importance of your time and aim to your total satisfaction. Working towards that end, our staff is always there for you STAND HC0020

Sheikh Saeed Arena Farhat Travel & Tours Bahrain  +973 17216411   STAND ME1410

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA)


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Fashion Arena Prague Outlet Czech Republic  +420 420234657113  

FLY PEGASUS Turkey  +90 2165607458  



Hall 7 Sharing stand with Czech Tourism Authority - CzechTourism Fast Aviation Travel and Tourism Saudi Arabia  STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) FASTVAT LLC United Arab Emirates  +971 42686310   FAST VAT is the corporation that specialized in foreign Value-Added Tax (VAT) refunds. FAST VAT is located in Dubai, UAE with more than 20 years of experience in VAT related matters offering high-value services. FAST VAT abides to the European VAT rules and offers you VAT refund services in most of the European Union member countries, including UK STAND ME4200

Hall 4

Firat Development Agency Turkey  +90 5336734039 STAND EU7151

Hall 8

Flora Hospitality United Arab Emirates  +971 42943232   Flora Hospitality is a fast growing regional hotel chain offering the ‘Art of Hospitality’ with Eleven wellappointed hotels and hotel apartments in Dubai, Sharjah & India, with more luxury and high professional touch to suit the needs of a clean place for families and business travelers alike. STAND HC1230

Sheikh Saeed Arena

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office flydubai United Arab Emirates  +971 46033638  flydubai strives to remove barriers to travel and enhance connectivity between different cultures across its ever-expanding network. Since launching its operations in 2009, flydubai has created a network of more than 100 destinations in 47 countries, opened up 71 new routes, and built up a single fleet type of 61 Boeing 737 aircraft. STAND ME2410

Hall 2

flynas Saudi Arabia  +966 11 4078190   STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Forbes Middle East United Arab Emirates  +971 4 440 89 75   Forbes Middle East is the licensed Middle Eastern version to the world renowned Forbes Magazine and extends the Forbes brand of journalism across the MENA region. Forbes Middle East’s distinctive editorial style attracts a readership community of Billionaires, Powerful Arab Men and Women, Entrepreneurs, C-Level Executives, Government Officials and Investors, united by a belief in the spirit of free enterprise and entrepreneurial values. STAND ME1140-4

Hall 1


Ford Middle East & Africa United Arab Emirates  +971 504549394 STAND ME4230

Hall 4

Fortune Park Hotel L.L.C United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Forty Travel Georgia  +995 597 911022   STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration Four Points By Sheraton - Sheikh Zayed Road United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Four Seasons Hotel Abu Dhabi at Al Maryah Island United Arab Emirates  +971 2 333 2222 STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Hotel Amman Jordan  +962 6 550 5555 STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Hotel Bahrain Bay Bahrain  +973 1711 5000 STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Hotel Baku Azerbaijan  +994 12 404 2424 STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts

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Four Seasons Hotel Baltimore United States  +1 410 576 5800 STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Hotel Beirut Lebanon  +961 1 761000 STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Hotel Cairo at Nile Plaza Egypt  +20 2 2791 7000 STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Hotel Cairo at The First Residence Egypt  +20 2 3567 1600 STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Hotel Casablanca Morocco  +212 529 073 700 STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Hotel Dubai International Financial Centre United Arab Emirates  +971 4 506 0000 STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Hotel George V, Paris France  +33 1 49 52 70 00 STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts


Four Seasons Hotel Gresham Palace Budapest Hungary  +361 268 6000

Four Seasons Hotel Tunis Tunisia  +216 3126 0000


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Hotel Kuwait at Burj Alshaya Kuwait  +965 2200 6000 STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Hotel Lion Palace St. Petersburg Russian Federation  +7 812 339 8000   STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Hotel Moscow Russian Federation  +7 499 277 71 00 STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Hotel Prague Czech Republic  +420 221 427 000 STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts


Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts United Arab Emirates  +971 45501900   Times change, but our dedication to perfecting the travel experience never will. Our highly personalized 24-hour service, combined with authentic, elegant surroundings of the highest quality, embodies a home away from home for those who know and appreciate the best. STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Resort Bali at Jimbaran Bay Indonesia  +62 361 701010  STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Resort Bali at Sayan Indonesia  +62 361 977577 STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts

Four Seasons Hotel Ritz Lisbon Portugal  +351 21 381 1400

Four Seasons Resort Dubai at Jumeirah Beach United Arab Emirates  +971 4 270 7777



Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts

Four Seasons Hotel Riyadh at Kingdom Centre Saudi Arabia  +966 11 211 5000 STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts

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Exhibitor profiles

Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Kuda Huraa Maldives  +960 66 44 888   STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru Maldives  +960 66 00 888   STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Resort Marrakech Morocco  +212 524 359 200 STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Resort Orlando at Walt Disney World Resort United States  +1 407 313 7777  STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Resort Seychelles Seychelles  +248 439 3000 STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Resort Seychelles at Desroches Island Seychelles  +248 422 9400  

Four Seasons Resort Sharm El Sheikh Egypt  +20 69 360 3555 STAND HC1150

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Travel Czech Republic  +420 222882662   STAND EU6810

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Czech Tourism Authority - CzechTourism Frankfurt Airport VIP Services Germany  +49 6969070366   STAND EU6710

Hall 7 Sharing stand with German National Tourist Board (GNTB) Fraser Suites Seef Bahrain Bahrain  +973 1616 1888  sales.diplomaticarea-bahrain@  STAND ME1410

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) Frasers Hospitality Singapore  +65 64154728   Frasers Hospitality, a member of Frasers Property Group, is a global hospitality operator with over 145 Gold-Standard serviced, hotel residences and boutique lifestyle hotels across 80 cities in Australia, Southeast Asia, North Asia, Middle East, Africa and Europe. STAND HC1000

Sheikh Saeed Arena


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts

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Free Spirit Tours Georgia STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration Free Spirit Tours and Future Travel Group Azerbaijan  +994 505491345  STAND EU6931

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism Fujairah Rotana Resort & Spa United Arab Emirates  +971 92449888 STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority United Arab Emirates  +971 92231554  Fujairah is a tourist haven that attracts discerning tourists with special taste for its spectacular beauty, dazzling coastline, majestic mountains and deep wadis embracing timeless fortresses that take the beholder. Fujairah’s beauty features lavish oasis, palm orchards, strong heritage, exquisite handicrafts and fascinating folkloric dancers that STAND ME4210

Hall 4

Furaveri Island Resort & Spa Maldives  +960 6582718  STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation Fushifaru Investments Pvt Ltd Maldives  +960 6620202  STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation

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G Gadou Travel Spain  +34 634149872   STAND EU6230

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE Galerie Lafayette France STAND EU6640

Hall 7 Sharing stand with KTS TOURISME ET VOYAGES Galleria Luxury Visions United Arab Emirates  +971 43212686  Galleria Luxury Visions provides high quality luxury linens for residential and hospitality projects. Our service extends across bedding, bath and hotel amenities for discerning hospitality clients. Our focus is to provide clients a high level of service, personalisation, discretion and the utmost care.360 Made in Italy STAND HC0365

Sheikh Saeed Arena Gartour Destination Italia Italy  +39 0648902040  Gartour, the italian travel incoming organization, enters in a new era! Now it’s part of the new born incoming “Destination Italia”. We are more than a T.O. - we strive to be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about an unforgettable, stimulating and memorable travel experience in ITALY. SAME DESTINATION A NEW BRAND EXPERIENCE STAND EU6222

Hall 6

Gefinor Rotana Lebanon 

Georgian Bus Georgia  +995 593 413481



General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) Saudi Arabia  +966 126405000 

Georgian Capital Georgia  +995 514205050  



Geneva Tourism Switzerland  +41 22 9097082  

Georgian National Tourism Administration Georgia  +995 322436999  Georgian National Tourism Administration is a government authority under the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development. GNTA is responsible for development, promotion and maintenance of unique tourism experiences.The mission of GNTA is to ensure sustainable tourism development through positioning Georgia as a unique travel destination.

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC



Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Geo Travel Club Georgia  +995 595555593  STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration Geo4Tours Georgia  +995 599 260510  STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration Georgia Travel RSP Georgia  +995 599935948  

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration


Hall 7

Georgian Travel Group Georgia  +995 322240440   STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration


Gazelle Resort and Spa Turkey  +90 3742629800  

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration


Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office


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Exhibitor profiles

German National Tourist Board (GNTB) United Arab Emirates  +971 (0) 44470587  On behalf of the German federal government, the GNTB has been working internationally to promote Germany as a travel destination for more than 60 years. It communicates the diverse appeal of the country to a worldwide market, thereby promoting a strong and attractive brand – ‘Destination Germany’. STAND EU6710

Hall 7

Gevora Hotel United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Gilan Hospitality Group Azerbaijan  +994 123103030  STAND EU6931

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism Gizan Life Tour Operator Saudi Arabia STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) glh Hotels United Kingdom  +44 7917244536   STAND EU6830

Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound Go India Journeys India  +91 1203300555   india-indian-ocean/india STAND AS3118

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Destination Services

Golden Globe International Azerbaijan  +994514411001   Golden Globe International, situated in Baku, Azerbaijan. Since the establishment of the company in 2016, our company has been crowned with success amongst Guests all around the world. Experienced teammates of Golden Globe International team provide quality work in order to achieve clients’ full satisfaction with finding optimum packages for our guests. STAND EU6852

Hall 7

Golden Sands Hotel Apartments United Arab Emirates  +971 43551133  Golden Sands Hotel Apartments is located in the heart of Dubai, close to the city’s attractions. Offering an array of facilities and services to meet and exceed guest expectations, ideal for business and pleasure travellers alike with free Wi-Fi access, which have a peaceful atmosphere combined with modern amenities, warm hospitality and service. STAND HC0505

Sheikh Saeed Arena Golden Tourist for Travel & Tourism  +971 42623355   Due to the high demand in industry, Golden Tourist For Travel And Tourism was commenced on 1990 as branch in Dubai and Tourist Travel bureua uk-London- established in 2008 Today, we are one of the strongest group of companies in Middle East.


Golden Tulip MENA SAS STAND HC1020

Sheikh Saeed Arena Gosaibi Travel  Bosnia and Herzegovina   STAND ME1410

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) Grace Travel Mart - GTM  +91 4844045188   B2B Supplier of Indian Hotels & Holidays, Special Kerala Packages, Ayurvedic / Medical Services, Arab Speaking Guide, Airport Meet & Greet STAND AS3324

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Graficon DMC  +420 222327470   STAND EU6810

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Czech Tourism Authority - CzechTourism Grand Hills, a Luxury Collection Hotel & Spa  +961 4 86 8888  STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Grand Hotel Kempinski Riga  +371 6767 1111  



Golden Tulip Hotel Bahrain  +973 17535000  

Grand Hotel Les Trois Rois  +41 61 260 50 32

Hall 2


Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA)

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Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Kempinski Hotels


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with The Leading Hotels of the World

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Grand Hotel River Park, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Bratislava  +421 32238 222  

Grand Hyatt Dubai  +971 43171234  

Grapevine Texas  +1 8174103164  


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts



Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Grand Hotel Villa Castagnola Switzerland  +41 919732555   Luxury by the lake Grand Hotel Villa Castagnola, Lugano, is a five-star property, located within a subtropical park, and member of Small Luxury Hotels. The hotel offers 74 rooms, of exceptional charm, individually styled, with stunning park and/or lake views. ILTM ARABIA

Hall 1

Grand Hotel Wien  STAND EU6610

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Austrian National Tourist Office Grand Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel & Residences Emirates Pearl  +971 25101234   STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Grand Hyatt Amman 

Grand Hyatt Istanbul 

 STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur  +60 321821234   STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Grand Resort Lagonissi  +30 22910 76000   STAND HC0525

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with The Leading Hotels of the World Grand Rotana Resort & Spa STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Grand Swiss-Belresort Seef, Bahrain  +973 66310000   STAND HC1130


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Swiss-Belhotel International

Grand Hyatt Berlin  +49 3025531734   home.html

Grandhotel Pupp Karlovy Vary  +420 353109111  


Hall 7 Sharing stand with Czech Tourism Authority - CzechTourism

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts


Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA Grecotel  +30 2107280300   STAND EU6410

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Greek National Tourism Organisation Greek National Tourism Organisation  +30 2108707000  Established in 1950, the Greek National Tourism Organisation has ever since had the leading part in coordinating and implementing State policies on the tourism sector. It is supervised by the Ministry of Tourism in fulfilling the enviable task of promoting a country as beautiful and diverse as Greece. STAND EU6410

Hall 6

Greenwich Travel Club  +994 124656062  STAND EU6931

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism GriwaRent AG Holiday Apartments in Grindelwald & Interlaken  +41 33 854 11 10   STAND EU6730

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Gromaxx Hotels Management LLC  +971 2 495 0800   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority


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Exhibitor profiles

Grosvenor House Suites by Jumeirah Living  +44 (0)20 7518 4444 

Guide of Georgia  +995 557 304 014  



Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Jumeirah Group Grosvenor House STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Grosvenor House, A JW Marriott Hotel  +44 20 7499 6363   longh-grosvenor-house-a-jw-marriotthotel/


Gural Premier Hotels & Resorts Turkey  +90 2428135555  You will feel that you are in a fairytale of past centuries when you step into Güral Premier where you will see unprecedented samples of magnificent Turkish architecture. Güral Premier, where the colors of blue and green are accompanied by friendliness, will take you to the world of dreams.



Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration

Sheikh Saeed Hall 2 Sharing stand with Mason Events Management Ltd Guizhou Province of China  +44 7801567369 



Gstaad Palace  +41 33 748 50 00 

Gulf Air  +973 17338192 



Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with TCA - Travel Connections Arabia GT Media ME  +44 2076085137   Established in 2007, GT Media ME has quickly forged a reputation for providing unrivalled business intelligence and insight into the European, Middle East & North African markets. Based in London and with a broad regional presence in key markets in the EU and the Gulf, GT Media ME publishes specialised business journals in English and Arabic. STAND CP2536

Hall 2

GTA - Georgian Tour Agency  +995 557584480   STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration


Sheikh Saeed Hall 2 Sharing stand with Mason Events Management Ltd

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) Gulf Hotel Bahrain STAND HC0700

Sheikh Saeed Arena Gulf Hotels Group Bahrain  +973 713000  Gulf Hotels Group is an exclusive collection of independent and luxurious properties that include Bahrain’s original five-star hotel, The Gulf Hotel Bahrain Convention & Spa, Gulf Executive Residence. Four-star deluxe property in Bahrain The K Hotel, Gulf Residence Amwaj, Asdal Gulf Inn & Ocean Paradise Resort in Zanzibar.

Sheikh Saeed Arena

H H&R Holidays - Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina  +387 33267306  The mission of H&R Holidays is to provide unique travel experiences for a niche market of selective guets from all Arab countries with a track record of accomplished satisfaction, evidenced by repeat bookings as well as favourable word-of-mouth comments STAND EU7350

Hall 8

H. O. T. TOURISM DMCC United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Habtoor Grand Resort Autograph Collection L.L.C United Arab Emirates ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism


Sheikh Saeed Arena GUMA TRAVEL Turkey  +90 5322314031 STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office

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Hainan Provincial Tourism Development Commission China  +86 89865373095   Hainan Island first enters written Chinese history in 110 BC, when the Han Dynasty established a military garrison there following the arrival of General Lu Bode (路博德). In 46 BC the Han court decided that the conquest was too expensive and abandoned the island. STAND AS2055

Sheikh Saeed Hall 2 Haiyou Voyage (Guangzhou) Co. Limited China  +86 2038677930  Haiyou Voyage was established in 2012. The Haiyou Voyage is a unique travel company which consists of various in-house divisions driving the groups’ growth to continue to be one of the largest, most successful and respected travel companies in China.Our company with over10 years experience specialising in China as a travel destination. STAND AS2285

Sheikh Saeed Hall 2 Hala Arjaan by Rotana United Arab Emirates  +971 26106666   STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Hannover Marketing & Tourismus GmbH Germany  +49 511 168 49792   STAND EU6710

Hall 7 Sharing stand with German National Tourist Board (GNTB)

Happy Tours DMC Slovenia  +386 5937 82 16  

Helen Holidays Turkey  +90 2122255250  



Hall 7 Sharing stand with Slovenian Tourist Board Happy Travel Georgia Georgia  +995 598 897971  


Helidubai United Arab Emirates  +971 42081205   “HeliDubai” - Dubai’s premier helicopter service - offers aerial services for the Tourism Industry - Tours, VIP Transfers, Group Charters and Filming. Operating from many helipads - Jumeirah Heliport, Atlantis, Burj Al Arab, “HeliDubai” will satisfy your tour or M.I.C.E. requirements. Write to “marketing@ “ In Dubai, call “800 FLY”



Harry’s Home Hotels Austria  +43 512 587109  

Helios Kliniken Wiesbaden DKD Helios Klinik Wiesbaden & Helios Dr Horst Schmidt Kliniken Wiesbaden Germany   wiesbaden-dkd/unser-angebot/zusaetzliche-angebote/hio/


Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism


Hall 7 Sharing stand with Munich Tourist Office Hasan Ozgun Tourism Turkey  +90 2125100660   STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Hasco Tour Operator Saudi Arabia  +966 14 4320555   STAND ME4410



Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office

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Hall 3


Hall 7 Sharing stand with German National Tourist Board (GNTB) helloAzerbaijan Azerbaijan  +994 503806737  STAND EU6931

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism Henann Group of Resorts Philippines  +63 2 523-1234   STAND AS2320

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Philippines Department of Tourism

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Exhibitor profiles

Hertz United Kingdom  +44 1895553500   Hertz is one of the largest worldwide airport general use vehicle rental companies, and operates the Hertz, Dollar and Thrifty brands in approximately 10,200 locations worldwide. Hertz was founded in Chicago in 1918 by Walter Jacobs with a mere 12 Model-T Fords. Join us at ATM 2018 to celebrate our Centenary.

Hilton United Arab Emirates  +971 43915353  Hilton is a leading global hospitality company, with a portfolio of 14 world-class brands comprising more than 4,900 properties with over 800,000 rooms in 104 countries and territories. Hilton is dedicated to fulfilling its mission to be the world’s most hospitable company by delivering exceptional experiences every hotel, every guest, every time.



Heysem Tourism & Travel Turkey  +90 2125333030  25 years of serving our guests and clients by providing a personalized, professional and bespoke service. No desire or request is too small a detail for our team of travel professionals to come up with a unique and creative solution. Every guest is a different experience to us and a new challenge to spread our creativity through the world of mouths

Hilton Athens Greece  +30 2107281000  

Hall 2


Hall 8

Hideaway Beach Resort and Spa Maldives  STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation Hili Rayhaan by Rotana United Arab Emirates  +971 37053333  STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC

Sheikh Saeed Arena


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hilton Hilton Baku Azerbaijan  +994 12-4645000   STAND HC0830

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hilton Hilton Beirut Lebanon  +961 1 500 666   hilton-beirut-habtoor-grand-BEYHGHI/ index.html# STAND HC0830

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hilton Hilton Budapest City Hungary  +36 12885500   STAND HC0830

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hilton

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Hilton Colombo Residences Sri Lanka  +94 115344644   hilton-colombo-residences STAND HC0830

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hilton Hilton Dubai Hotels United Arab Emirates  +971 4 318 2999   hilton-dubai-jumeirah-DXBJBHI/index. html STAND HC0830

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hilton Hilton Evian-les-Bains France  +33 450846000   STAND HC0830

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hilton Hilton Hotels United Arab Emirates  +971 565083842  hilton-ras-al-khaimah-resort-and-spaRKTRSHI/ STAND ME3510

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority Hilton Hotels - Austria Austria  +43 17170013426  STAND HC0830

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hilton Hilton Hotels - Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia STAND HC0830

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hilton

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Hilton Hotels in Munich Germany  +49 8938454406   STAND HC0830

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hilton Hilton Kuwait Resort Kuwait  +965 22256222, Ext: 7039  STAND ME1310

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Kuwait Ministry of Information - Tourism Sector Hilton London Metropole United Kingdom  

Himalayan Nature Spa @ The Begnas Lake Resort & Villas Nepal  +977 14112017   The resort is located in the Pokhara valley 200Km west of Kathmandu city in the foothills of the Annapurna Himalayan range. Driving time to the resort from Kathmandu is approximately 5 hours along a scenic mountain highway. Or one can take a twenty minute flight to Pokhara city and drive 30 minutes to reach the resort.

Holiday Inn Kuwait Salmiya Kuwait  +965 1847777 Ext 5450 


Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation

Hall 1

Hilton Manila Philippines  +63 29088000  

HMH - Hospitality Management Holding United Arab Emirates  +971 44230101   HMH – Hospitality Management Holding Founded in 2003 in Dubai, is a fully integrated pioneer hotel management company specialized in the dry segment across the Middle East and North Africa It provides hotel owners and developers a broad spectrum of comprehensive management solutions with five distinct, yet complementary, hotel brands.




Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hilton

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hilton Hilton Paris Opera France  +33 140084391   STAND HC0830

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hilton

Sheikh Saeed Arena Hochschwarzwald Tourismus GmbH Germany  +49 765212068150  STAND EU6710

Hall 7 Sharing stand with German National Tourist Board (GNTB) Holiday Inn Kuwait Al Thuraya City Kuwait  +965 99906033 STAND ME1310

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Kuwait Ministry of Information - Tourism Sector


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Hall 1 Sharing stand with Kuwait Ministry of Information - Tourism Sector Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives Maldives  +960 6640511  STAND AS2350

Hormuz Grand By Radisson Collection, Oman Oman STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Horseracing - Sport of Kings United Kingdom  +44 7966241061  STAND EU6830

Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound Hospitality News Middle East Lebanon Lebanon  + 961 1 4800 81   Stay on the pulse of everything happening in the hospitality and foodservice industries across the region with Hospitality News Middle East. Packed with intelligent data, it’s your go-to source for the latest news, reports, products, trends, interviews and forecasts. Available bimonthly in print and digital format, visit hospitalitynewsmag. com for daily updates. STAND ME1140-5

Hall 1

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Exhibitor profiles

Hot Air Balloon United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Hotel Arts Barcelona Spain  +34 932211000  spain/barcelona STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow Russian Federation  +7 4952872000   STAND HC1140

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Kempinski Hotels Hotel Botánico & The Oriental Spa Garden Spain  +34 922381400   STAND EU6230

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE Hotel Bristol, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Warsaw Poland  +48 225511838  monika.simmons@luxurycollection. com  STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Hotel Cala di Volpe, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Costa Smeralda Italy  +39 0789 939 415   STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd


Hotel Chester Heidelberg Germany  +49 62219983770  anna.cassagne@chester-heidelberg. de 

Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta Indonesia  +62 21 23583800  



Hall 7 Sharing stand with German National Tourist Board (GNTB) Hotel Danieli, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Venice Italy  +39 041 5226480  STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Hôtel de Berri, A Luxury Collection Hotel France  +33 176537784  nathalie.habib@dokhanluxuryhotels. com  property/overview/index.html?propertyI D=4858&language=en_US STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Hotel de Paris Monte-Carlo Monaco  +377 9806 3000 STAND HC0525

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with The Leading Hotels of the World Hotel Eden Roc Switzerland  +41 917857171

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Kempinski Hotels Hotel Lugano Dante Center Switzerland  +41 919105700   STAND EU6630

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Hôtel Martinez France  +33 493901234   STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Hotel Nassauer Hof Germany  +49 49611133576   STAND EU6710

Hall 7 Sharing stand with German National Tourist Board (GNTB) Hotel Neue Post Austria  STAND EU6610

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Austrian National Tourist Office


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with The Leading Hotels of the World Hotel Grande Bretagne, a Luxury Collection Hotel Greece  +30 210 33 30 000   STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd

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Hotel News United Arab Emirates  +971 4 420 0506   Hotel News ME is THE vital resource for hotel industry professionals seeking reliable, up to date information about the regions hospitality sector. From the latest industry news and analysis to information about new products and services, the publication is an essential tool for discerning hoteliers. STAND HC0780

Sheikh Saeed Arena Hotel Palace Berlin Germany  +49 3025020   STAND EU6710

Hall 7 Sharing stand with German National Tourist Board (GNTB) Hotel Plaza Athenee United States  +1 212 606 4635 STAND HC0525

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with The Leading Hotels of the World Hotel President Wilson Switzerland  +41 22 906 66 66  STAND EU6630, ILTM ARABIA

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism

Hotel SOFIA Spain  +34 935081000   STAND EU6230

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski Munich Germany  +49 8921250  reservation.vierjahreszeiten@  hotel-vier-jahreszeiten/

Hyatt City of Dreams Manila Philippines  +63 26911234   STAND HC0450

Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Starnberg Germany  +49 815144700   www.vier-jahreszeiten-starnberg. de/en/

Hyatt Hotels & Resorts United Arab Emirates  +966 25777828  Hyatt Hotels Corporation, headquartered in Chicago, is a leading global hospitality company with a portfolio of 12 premier brands and 679 properties in 54 countries, as of September 30, 2016.



Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Kempinski Hotels

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Munich Tourist Office Hulhule Island Hotel Maldives  +960 3024009  STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation




Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Hotel Schweizerhof Zurich Switzerland  +41 442188810




Huvafen Fushi Resort & Spa Maldives  +960 6644222 

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with WorldHotels AG

Hyatt Centric Gran Via Madrid Spain  +34 620312449   hotel/home.html

Sheikh Saeed Arena Hyatt International United States  Hyatt Hotels Corporation, headquartered in Chicago, is a leading global hospitality company with a portfolio of 12 premier brands and 679 properties in 54 countries, as of September 30, 2016. STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Hyatt Place Dubai/Al Rigga  +971 46081234  

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation


Hyatt Capital Gate Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates 

Hyatt Regency Addis Ababa 


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels


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Hyatt Regency Aqaba Ayla Resort  +962 3 209 4000  

Hyatt Regency Kuantan Resort  +60 95181234  



Hyatt Regency Arusha  +255 742888111  

Hyatt Regency Paris Etoile  +33 1 40 68 12 34  



Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Hyatt Regency Bangkok Sukhumvit  +66 2168 1234   com/en STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Hyatt Regency Casablanca  +212 665801200   STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Hyatt Regency Dubai & Galleria  +971 42091234   STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Hyatt Regency Dubai Creek Heights  +971 45531234   hotel/home.html STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Hyatt Regency Istanbul Atakoy  +90 212 4631234 

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Hyatt Regency Riyadh  +966 112881234   STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Hyatt Regency Tashkent  +998 712071234   STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Hyatt Regency Tysons Corner Center  +1 7038931234  com/en/hotel/home.html STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts


IATA Canada  +65 65062397227  IATA brings together tourism marketers and travel suppliers with our powerful network of over 120,000 validated travel agents. We help you market your country or property, boost your distribution through travel agents, collect payments more costeffectively, build your professional expertise, and more. Visit our booth to see how we can serve you. STAND ME1300

Hall 1

Iberostar Hotels & Resorts Spain   STAND EU6230

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE Iberostar Hotels&Resorts Spain  +34 971077000   STAND AM6121

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism Iberotel Miramar Al Aqah Beach Resort United Arab Emirates  +971 92449994   STAND ME4210

I l Jordan Tours Jordan  +962 65690009  STAND ME1450

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Jordan Tourism Board

Hall 4 Sharing stand with Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority Ibn Firnas Travel & Tourism Bahrain STAND ME1410

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA)


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

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Ice Land Waterpark United Arab Emirates  +971 504050049 STAND ME3510

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority Iceland Luxury Iceland  +354 6617013   Iceland Luxury is a privately funded destination marketing operation. We exclusively represent our partners of expertise, who operate on the Icelandic luxury market. Our aim is simple: To provide the most authentic experience possible in Iceland, to the standard your clients expect. We connect you to our partners in Iceland at no added cost. ILTM ARABIA

Hall 1

IGH Geneva InterContinental & Crowne Plaza Switzerland  +41 22-9193939  hotels/us/en/geneva/gvaha/hoteldetail STAND EU6730

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Igufa Safaris Ltd Uganda  +256772524787   STAND AF5235

Hall 5 Sharing stand with Uganda Tourism Board IHG - InterContinental Hotels Group United Arab Emirates  +65 97142136000   STAND HC0550

Sheikh Saeed Arena

iJET United Arab Emirates  +971 566744905  Airport Concierge and Aircraft Charter are the two brands of iJET Global DMCC providing luxury travel solutions on the ground and above the clouds. iJET Airport Concierge offers VIP Meet and Assist at almost every airport around the world, while iJET Aircraft Charter provides private and commercial charter options to meet all your travel needs. STAND ME4201

Hall 4

Il Borro Italy  +39 055977053   There are places like no other, hidden treasures where there is an atmosphere of essential beauty, and where time seems to have stopped. Il Borro Relais & Chateaux is one of these places. An estate of 700 hectares immersed in nature and in the pristine beauty of the most authentic Tuscany, between Arezzo, Cortona. Siena and Florence. ILTM ARABIA

Hall 1

Imperial Hotel, Tokyo Japan  +81 3 3504 1111 STAND HC0525

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with The Leading Hotels of the World Imperial Karlovy Vary Group Czech Republic  +420 420353206300   STAND EU6810

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Czech Tourism Authority - CzechTourism Impro Travels Latvia  +371 67507209  

Ina Leisure Indonesia  +62 21 5871155  STAND AS3350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Jakarta City Government Tourism and Culture Office India Tourism United Arab Emirates  +971 42274848  India Tourism, Dubai, the National Tourism Promotional Office of Ministry of Tourism, Government of India covers West Asia & Africa region and provides a link between the Indian & Overseas travel industry & undertakes tourism promotional activities for members of the industry & consumers to create awareness about India as a tourist destination. STAND AS3125

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Indian Holiday Pvt. Ltd India  +91 1142423100   Serving clients from Middle East for last 26 years and 02 times National Award winner, Indian Holiday has a dedicated team to offer travel solutions from Leisure tours (FIT/GIT), Luxury tours, Luxury trains, Ayurveda tourism, Beach Holidays, Medical tours, MICE - Incentive groups, Hotels, Transport services and Student groups etc. STAND AS3114, ILTM ARABIA

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3

Indoma Tours Tanzania  +255 242234797   STAND AF5240

Hall 5 Sharing stand with Tanzania Indonesia STAND AS2650

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with


Hall 7 Sharing stand with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)


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Infinity Trips Georgia  +995 555117265  

Intas Destination Management Inc. Philippines  +63 2 7723312 



Info-Tbilisi Travel Georgia  +995 599333353  

InterContinental Abu Dhabi hotel United Arab Emirates  +971 2 693 0961 


Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Philippines Department of Tourism

STAND ME2115, ME2250

Inn & Go Kuwait Plaza Hotel Kuwait  +965 2243 6686 Ext.: 941 

InterContinental Fujairah Resort United Arab Emirates  +971 9 209 9999  



Hall 1 Sharing stand with Kuwait Ministry of Information - Tourism Sector Innvista Hotels Belek Turkey  +90 2427256019  STAND EU7110

Hall 4 Sharing stand with Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority Interlaken Tourism Switzerland  +41 33 826 53 27  

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office


Inova Hospitality Management Greece  +30 2373065060  Inova is a sales organisation for luxury hotels in Greece and Spain representing:Marpunta,Aegean,P rincess,Skopelos Village,Kensho Boutique,MarBella Corfu,MarBella Nido,Daios Cove Luxury,Royal Blue,Cavo Spada Luxury Sports & Leisure,Minos Beach,Eagles Palace,Eagles Villas,Phil oxenia,Electra,Lindian,Gennadi,Lindos Imperial,Cosmopolitan,Bohemia Suites

Intertours Serbia  +381 11 2763-541 

STAND EU6425, EU6410

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation

Hall 6

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism


Hall 7 Sharing stand with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia Intour Maldives Pvt Ltd Maldives  +960 3339994  STAND AS2350

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Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) Latvia  +37129105081   LIAA facilitates tourism, helps foreign companies grow in Latvia, provides support and business opportunities to Latvian exporters. A network of foreign representatives and a cooperative set of connections with other institutions in Latvia and abroad brings LIAA close to its customers and links them to major markets, business partners, locations. STAND EU6801

Hall 7

Island Destination Pvt Ltd Maldives  STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation Istanbul Kervansaray Grup Turkey  +90 2123616090   STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Istanbul Marriott Hotel Asia Turkey  +90 2165700000  istmc-istanbul-marriott-hotel-asia STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Istanbul Marriott Hotel Sisli Turkey  +90 2123750100   istdt-istanbul-marriott-hotel-sisli/ STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd

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iSTAY by Parkhill United Kingdom  +44 1224 611606   STAND EU6830

Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound ITP Media Group United Arab Emirates  971 4 4443000   ITP Media Group operates a portfolio of more than 100 brands, catering to a Middle East audience. ITP Media Group’s portfolio includes major international and regional brands such as Time Out, Arabian Business, Harper’s Bazaar Arabia, Hotelier Middle East, ShortList Dubai, Revolution, The Rake and Condé Nast Traveller Middle East. STAND HC0680

Sheikh Saeed Arena IVenture Card International United Arab Emirates  +971 42279910   www.iventurecard,com STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism IZMIR IL KULTUR VE TURIZM MUDURLUGU Turkey  +90 2324835117 STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office

J JA Resorts & Hotels United Arab Emirates  +971 43154350  JA Resorts & Hotels is a collection of properties in Dubai, Seychelles and the Maldives offering unique and vivid experiences enriched with personalised service. Our resorts and hotels are more than just destinations of leisure or business; they represent each location’s culture and traditions with a spirit of heartfelt hospitality. STAND HC0400

Sheikh Saeed Arena Jaadcar Austria  +43 6764405335  STAND EU6610

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Austrian National Tourist Office Jabal Omar Hyatt Regency Makkah Saudi Arabia  +966 12 5771234   en/hotel/home.html STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Jakarta City Government Tourism & Culture Office Indonesia  +62 215272420   Tourism government for Jakarta manages all tourism activities in Jakarta including travel agents, hotels, MICE as well as Golf and Spas. STAND AS3350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3

JC Travel Professionals Pty Ltd Australia  +61 296347044  JC Travel Professionals is a leading & award-winning independent Inbound Tour Operator in Australia specialising in the GCC Market with offices in Sydney, Gold Coast & Auckland. Our extensive network allows us to offer excellent accommodation, flights, limousines/car rental & all types of tours across Australia & New Zealand. Visit our stand today! STAND AS2210

Sheikh Saeed Hall 2 Jnan Tours Master Bahrain  +973 17555737   STAND ME1410

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) Jood Palace Hotel Dubai United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Jordan Road Travel and Tourism Jordan  +962 64658810   STAND ME1450

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Jordan Tourism Board Jordan Tourism Board Jordan  +962 65678444  The Jordan Tourism Board was officially launched in March 1998 as an independent, public – private sector partnership committed to utilize marketing strategies to brand, position and promote the Jordan tourism product as the destination of choice in the international markets. STAND ME1450

Hall 1


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Jordan Tours & Travel Jordan  +962 65666604   STAND ME1450

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Jordan Tourism Board Julia Travel Spain  +34 934026900  STAND EU6230

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE Jumeira Rotana United Arab Emirates STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Jumeirah at Etihad Towers United Arab Emirates  +971 28115555   STAND HC0330

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Jumeirah Group Jumeirah at Saadiyat Island United Arab Emirates  +971 28115581  STAND HC0330

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Jumeirah Group Jumeirah Beach Hotel United Arab Emirates  +971 4 348 0000   STAND HC0330

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Jumeirah Group


Jumeirah Carlton Tower and Jumeirah Lowndes Hotel United Kingdom  +44 (0)2078587152   london/jumeirah-carlton-tower/

Jumeirah Living World Trade Centre United Arab Emirates  +971 4 511 0000   dubai/world-trade-centre-residences/



Jumeirah Dubai Commercial Cluster United Arab Emirates  +971 43198523 

Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa Kuwait  +965 22269600   kuwait/jumeirah-messilah-beach-hoteland-spa/

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Jumeirah Group


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Jumeirah Group Jumeirah Emirates Towers United Arab Emirates  +971 4 330 0000   STAND HC0330

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Jumeirah Group Jumeirah Frankfurt Germany  +49 692972370   STAND HC0330

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Jumeirah Group Jumeirah Group United Arab Emirates  +971 43647777  Jumeirah Hotels & Resorts are regarded at as among the most luxurious and innovative in the world and have won numerous International travel and tourism awards. The company was founded in 1997 with the aim to become a hospitality industry leader through establishing a world class portfolio of luxury hotels and resorts. STAND HC0330

Sheikh Saeed Arena

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Jumeirah Group


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Jumeirah Group Jumeirah Royal Saray Bahrain  +973 77707070   bahrain/jumeirah-royal-saray STAND HC0330

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Jumeirah Group Jumeirah Vittaveli Maldives Maldives  +960 6642020   maldives/jumeirah-vittaveli/ STAND HC0330

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Jumeirah Group Jumeirah Zabeel Saray United Arab Emirates  +971 44530000  STAND HC0330

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Jumeirah Group Jungfrau Railways Switzerland STAND EU6630

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism

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JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel Romania 

JW Marriott Hotel Singapore South Beach Singapore  +65 68181876  

Kaluah Tour United States  +1 407-2263510  



Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA

JW Marriott Dongdaemun Square Seoul South Korea  +82 2 2276 3000  seldp-jw-marriott-dongdaemun-squareseoul

JW Marriott Minneapolis Mall of America United States  +1 612 615 0100   mspjw-jw-marriott-minneapolis-mallof-america

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd JW Marriott Essex House New York United States  +1 212 247 0300  nycex-jw-marriott-essex-house-newyork STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd JW Marriott Hotel Ankara Turkey  +90 3122488888  MERVE.HICKOK@MARRIOTT.COM  esbjw-jw-marriott-hotel-ankara STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd JW Marriott Hotel Seoul South Korea  +82 262826228   seljw-jw-marriott-hotel-seoul/ STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd JW Marriott Venice Resort & Spa Italy  +39 041 8521300   vcejw-jw-marriott-venice-resort-and-spa STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd

K KAHA Tour Indonesia  +62 21 8303339  STAND AS3350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Jakarta City Government Tourism and Culture Office Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort Finland  +358 400270070   STAND EU6825

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Business Finland Oy Visit Finland

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Kämp Collection Hotels Finland  +358 504606233  STAND EU6825

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Business Finland Oy Visit Finland Kandima Maldives Maldives  STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation Karbala Rayhaan by Rotana Iraq  +964 32332993  STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC KASTENS HOTEL LUISENHOF Germany  +49 51130440   STAND EU6710

Hall 7 Sharing stand with German National Tourist Board (GNTB) KAZABLANKA TOURISME Turkey  +90 2122314544 STAND EU7001

Hall 8

KB Travel Georgia STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration

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Kempinski Grand Hotel des Bains Switzerland  +41 797740866   grand-hotel-des-bains/

Khalidiya Palace Rayhaan by Rotana United Arab Emirates  +971 26444412 

King Abdullah Economic City Saudi Arabia  +966 125106600  




Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Kempinski Hotel Bahía Marbella Estepona Spain  +34 696845503   hotel-bahia/ STAND HC1140

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Kempinski Hotels Kempinski Hotel Barbaros Bay Bodrum Turkey  +90 252 311 0303   hotel-barbaros-bay

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Khamas Hospitality United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Khasab Travel & Tours United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism KidZania London United Kingdom  +44 (0)2038153944  


Kisiwa Collection Tanzania  +255 773667711/22   STAND AF5240

Hall 5 Sharing stand with Tanzania Kleindienst Group Limited United Arab Emirates  +971 4 818 1481   STAND HC0500

Komex Tours Mexico




Kempinski Hotel Mall of the Emirates United Arab Emirates  +971 4 314 0000  reservations.malloftheemirates@ 

Kihaa Maldives Maldives  +960 3329255 

Kimpton Hotels United States  +1 1 800 KIMPTON  

Korea National Tourism Organization United Arab Emirates  +971 43312288  Korea Tourism Organization is a Govt invested organization acting as the central force in developing Korea’s tourism industry. KTO’s primary goal is to improve tourism environment and attract foreign tourists. KTO has 30 branch offices in 19 countries and works closely with local tourism industry to ensure free flow of information for visitors.



Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Kempinski Hotels


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Kempinski Hotels Kempinski Hotels Germany  +49 6938988931   Hoteliers since 1897, Kempinski has travelled the world in search of the most fascinating destinations without ever forgetting the finest traditions of its European heritage. With luxury holiday resorts, business and Spa hotels around the world, every Kempinski Hotel is unique, designed for guests who value five star holidays and luxury getaways. STAND HC1140

Sheikh Saeed Arena

Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound


Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation

Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA Kin Plaza Arjaan by Rotana Democratic Republic of the Congo  STAND HC0720

Hall 6 Sharing stand with MEXICO

Sheikh Saeed Hall 2 Korea Travel Agency South Korea STAND AS2085

Sheikh Saeed Hall 2 Sharing stand with Korea National Tourism Organization

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC

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KTS France France  +33 158366666  The KTS Group, a pioneer of tourism in the Middle East since 1958, has been able to import its know-how and expertise across borders and develop its network of professionals in France and around the world. His professionalism and his mastery in the organization of individual trips and groups, allowed him to stand out and assert himself in the world STAND EU6640

Hall 7

Kulm Hotel St. Moritz Switzerland  +41 81 836 8000   STAND HC0825

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with TCA - Travel Connections Arabia Kuwait Hotel Owners Association Kuwait  +965 22997108 STAND ME1310

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Kuwait Ministry of Information - Tourism Sector Kuwait Ministry of Information Tourism Sector Kuwait  The Ministry of Information of the State of Kuwait has dedicated an entire team to work in the tourism Sector. The sectors goal is to develop tourism in Kuwait, through investments in tourism, the sector strives to make tourism one of the leading income generating sourcers and aims to further the GDP. STAND ME1310

Hall 1

Kuwait Tourism Services Co Kuwait  +965 22451736   STAND ME1310

L La Perle Theater United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Laax Destination Switzerland ( and Waldhaus Alpine Resort Hotel) Switzerland  +41 796502950   - www.jtcamp. ch - Laax is a breathtaking resort in Switzerland located just 1h30 mins from Zurich Airport. A wide range of activities awaits guests from all ages. We offer 5* LHW Hotel WaldhausFlims, a Summer Language Camp, modern serviced luxury apartments - something for all tastes. UNESCO World Heritage Site, with untouched nature and lakes. Family Friendly. ILTM ARABIA

Hall 1

L’Agenzia di Viaggi Italy  + 390 6 3260 0149   L’Agenzia di Viaggi magazine, founded more than 50 years ago, is the leading travel trade newspaper in Italy, well known for its accuracy, international outlook and constant innovations. The print and online publications are aimed at travel professionals in both leisure and business: travel agents, tour operators and, in general, to the whole industry community. STAND ME1140- 6

Hall 1

Lake Lugano Group Switzerland  +41 797815043   STAND EU6730

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism

L’Albereta Relais & Chateaux Italy  +39 0307760550  Immersed in a centuries-old park in the heart of the vineyards of Franciacorta, L’Albereta is an enchanted place, away from the usual routes, just one hour east from Milano. Both foodies and SPA addicts find their paradise at L’Albereta, thanks to the VistaLago Bistrò and the LeoneFelice restaurant and to its Espace Chenot Health Wellness SPA. WELLNESS & SPA

Hall 1

Lancaster Landmark Hotel Group United Kingdom  +44 (0)2076318297   STAND EU6830

Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound Lapland Luxury DMC Arctic TreeHouse Hotel Finland  +358 505176989   STAND EU6825

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Business Finland Oy Visit Finland Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority United States  +1 702-8922852   STAND AM6200

Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA Las Vegas Luxury Travel United States  +1 7027780067   STAND AM6200

Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Kuwait Ministry of Information - Tourism Sector


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Lausanne & Montreux Riviera Lake Geneva Region Switzerland  +41 21 613 26 26  

Le Meridien Beach Plaza - Monaco Monaco  +377 93157900  

Le Royal Amman Hotel Jordan  +962 64603000 



Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Jordan Tourism Board

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Lausanne Tourism Switzerland  +41 41216137360  

Le Meridien Istanbul Etiler Turkey  +90 212 384 00 00 


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd

Lavender Hotel Almuraqqabat United Arab Emirates

Le Meridien Munich Germany  +49 8924220  

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism


Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Le Châtelain Brussels Hotel Belgium  +32 471030782   STAND EU6522

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Le Meridien Al Aqah Beach Resort United Arab Emirates  +971 92449000  STAND ME4210

Hall 4 Sharing stand with Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority Le Meridien Barcelona & W Barcelona Spain  +34 933 18 62 00   STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd



Hall 7 Sharing stand with Munich Tourist Office Le Méridien Vienna Austria  +43 1 588 90 9815   STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Le Mount Stephen Hotel Canada  +1 514 313 1000 STAND HC0525

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with The Leading Hotels of the World Le Richemond Switzerland  +41 22 715 7000   STAND HC0420

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Preferred Hotels & Resorts

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Le royal Meridien United Arab Emirates  +971 50 812 0167 STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority Le Royal Meridien Beach Resort & Spa United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Lebanon Ministry of Tourism Lebanon  +961 1340940   Promoting tourism. Regulating, coordinating, and monitoring tourism professions. Regulating, coordinating, and monitoring private companies and associations working in the tourism sector. Promoting and executing tourism investment projects. STAND ME1350

Hall 1

LEMONDE HOTELS RESERVATION NETWORK Saudi Arabia  +966 501010105  Leading wholesale company in middle east and GCC market STAND AS2065

Sheikh Saeed Hall 2 Leonardo Hotels Munich Germany  +49 30 6883220   STAND EU6720

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Munich Tourist Office

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Levi Destination Marketing & Sales Finland  +358 16 639 3300   STAND EU6825

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Business Finland Oy Visit Finland Levon Travel Georgia  +995 32920798   STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration LifeClass Hotels & Spa Slovenia  +386 5 692 90 30   STAND EU6620

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Slovenian Tourist Board Lisav Travel Turkey  +90 5323842565   STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Lisbon Marriott Hotel Portugal  +351 217235400   lispt-lisbon-marriott-hotel STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Ljubljana Tourism Slovenia  +386 1 306 45 89   STAND EU6620

London Hilton on Park Lane United Kingdom STAND HC0830

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hilton London Marriott Hotel Grosvenor Square & London Marriott Hotel Marble Arch United Kingdom  +44 2074931232  londt-london-marriott-hotel-grosvenorsquare/ STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Longevity Health & Wellness Portugal  +351 967 108 244  www.longevitywellnessworldwide. com STAND HC0825

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with TCA - Travel Connections Arabia Lopota Lake Resort&Spa Georgia  +995 599944827   STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration Los Angeles Tourism Board United Kingdom  +44 2073189555   STAND AM6211

Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA Lošinj Hotels & Villas Croatia  +385 51661101 

Lotte New York Palace Hotel United States  +1 917 202 7702  STAND AM6200

Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA LOUVRE HOTELS GROUP-MENA United Arab Emirates  +971 45574870  Louvre Hotels Group under Jin Jiang’s ownership is part of a platform which includes more than 6,000 hotels - 640,000 rooms - 300 destinations. The group operated nine (9) brands from 2 to 5 stars: Royal Tulip, Golden Tulip, Metropolo Hotels, Campanile, Sarovar, Kyriad, Tulip Inn, JinJiang Inn, Premiere Classe. STAND HC1020

Sheikh Saeed Arena Lucerne Lake Lucerne Region Switzerland  +41 41 227 17 17   STAND EU6630

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Lugano Tourism Switzerland  +41 919110481   STAND EU6730

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Lux Resort Resindences Bodrum Turkey  +90 5498054767   STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office


Hall 6 Sharing stand with Croatian National Tourist Board

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Slovenian Tourist Board


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Exhibitor profiles

LUX* Resorts & Hotels Mauritius  +230 9606680901   At LUX*, every moment matters: we’ve banished thoughtless patterns and created simple, fresh and sensory experiences to indulge you throughout your stay with us. We’re here to surprise and delight our guests, with generous touches and creative details that make the ordinary truly extraordinary.

M. Almulla Tourism & Travel United Arab Emirates  +971 43209660  STAND ME4210

Hall 4 Sharing stand with Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority

Luxury & Boutique Hotel Collection Spain  +34 933063456   www.luxuryhotelsrepresentation. com/

Macao Government Tourism Office China  +86 83971559   Macao is a special administrative region (SAR) of the People’s Republic of China and is only about 75 minutes from Hong Kong International Airport, a place to explore the best of traditional Chinese culture and also enjoy a variety of both Oriental and Western cultural and historical places.



Luxury Alliance Pvt Ltd Maldives  +960 3020701 

Macdonald Hotels & Resorts United Kingdom  +44 7734734500  


Sheikh Saeed Arena

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE


Sheikh Saeed Hall 2

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation


Luxury Line Auto Rental United States  +1 310-274-1000  

Machefert Hotels Collection France  +33 1 55 73 75 75  



Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA

Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with WorldHotels AG

M M & H for ships and boat cruise rental United Arab Emirates  +971 2 627 7979  STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority

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Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board India  +91 7554027128   At the heart of India lies a region which will surprise even the most seasoned traveler. Madhya Pradesh is both superlative in its offerings and peculiarly untouched. In the state’s wilderness, tigers prowl through several of the country’s best wildlife sanctuaries. The state is home to 3 UNESCO World Heritage sites Khajuraho, Sanchi, Bhimbetka. STAND AS3120

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Madinat Jumeirah United Arab Emirates  +971 4 366 8888   STAND HC0330

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Jumeirah Group Madrid Tourism Board Spain  +34 915787763 STAND EU6230

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE Magic Village Resort United States  +1 407 507 5900   STAND AM6211, HC0420

Hall 6, Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA -, sharing stand with Preferred Hotels & Resorts Majestic Arjaan By Rotana Bahrain STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Majestic Hotel United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism

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Makarem Hotels Saudi Arabia  +966 14816666  Makarem is a Saudi-grown hotel brand designed by Dur Hospitality that reflects the spirituality and generosity of the Saudi Culture. Makarem Hotels provide business and religious travelers with unlimited comfort and privacy during their journey to the two holy cities of Makkah al Mokaramah and Al Madinah Al Monawarah. STAND HC0430

Sheikh Saeed Arena Malahini Kuda Bandos Maldives  +960 6644556  STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board Malaysia  +60 326158188  National Tourism Organisation STAND AS2220

Sheikh Saeed Hall 2 Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation Maldives  +960 3323228  The Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) is the national tourism office of Maldives responsible for carrying out promotional activities to become the most preferred island destination of the world under the theme of Maldives...the Sunny Side of Life; STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Maldives Promotion House Pvt Ltd Maldives  +960 7776034  

Manazil Al Mokhtara Hotels Group Saudi Arabia  +966 148208550   STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Mansard Hotel & Residences Saudi Arabia  +966 538588201   Mansard Hotel & Residences brings to Riyadh a vibrant hospitality and culinary experience. Beautifully appointed guest rooms, serviced apartments and villas situated within an architecturally majestic setting will delight guests. State of the art conference rooms, a full service spa, and luxury retail outlets round out the guest experience. STAND HC0170

Sheikh Saeed Arena Mara Engai Lodge United Kingdom  +44 7779110662   This luxurious lodge is nestled amongst pristine Kenyan Ravine forest. Set 1000ft high on the Oloololo Siria Escarpment with breath-taking views over the famous Masai Mara Game Reserve and migration route. Features large, luxury, tented-suites and private viewing decks plus fine dining and daily game drives and a wide range of bush activities. ILTM ARABIA

Hall 1

Marco Polo Hotel Gudauri Georgia  +995 322 202 900   STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration

Marhaba Services United Arab Emirates  +971 42161627  marhaba is an exclusive meet and greet service available in Dubai and Bahrain International Airports. Our range of meet and greet services on arrival, departure and transfer can suit different needs for all types of travellers. We also offer our own lounge, stopover packages, visa assistance, chauffeur drive and much more. STAND ME3300

Hall 3

Marienbad Kur & Spa Resort Czech Republic  +420 354 655 501-9   STAND EU6810

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Czech Tourism Authority - CzechTourism Marjan Island Resort & Spa Managed by Accor Hotels United Arab Emirates  +971 50 940 0987   STAND ME3510

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority MarkaRize Kultur Sanat ve Turizm Dernegi Turkey STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Marriott Executives Apartments Bahrain  STAND ME1410

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA)


Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation


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Exhibitor profiles

Marriott Hotels International Ltd United Arab Emirates  +971 565468945   Marriott International, Inc. (NASDAQ: MAR) is the world’s largest hotel company based in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, with more than 6,000 hotels in 122 countries and territories. Marriott operates and franchises hotels and licenses vacation ownership resorts. The company operates 30 brands. STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Marriott International China  +86 139 1662 1458 STAND AS2054

Sheikh Saeed Hall 2 Sharing stand with Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration Marriott International Hotels Munich Germany  +49 89930016482   STAND EU6720

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Munich Tourist Office Marriott Vacation Club Ireland  +353 217304444  

Martı Hotels İstanbul Turkey  +90 5301709067 STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Martin’s Hotel Belgium Belgium  +32 26550522   STAND EU6522

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Mason Events Management China  +44 (0)7801567369   Mason Events Management Ltd was founded in 2012 and professionally operates in the field of event project management. Headquarted in London, UK, Mason is a British innovative entreprenuerial company with full of vitality. This British-owned organisation is managed and operated by an outstanding event professional team. STAND AS2090

Sheikh Saeed Hall 2 Mathias Tourism Bahrain  +973 17786484 



Marriott Vacation Club International United States  +1 8008454226   vacation-resorts/index.shtml

Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority Mauritius  +230 2101545  The Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA) is a parastatal organisation established in 1996 by the MTPA Act. It is administered by a Board of Directors and operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Tourism and External Communications to promote Mauritius abroad as a tourist destination.

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA)


Maverick Helicopters & Airlines United States  +1 702-405-4300   STAND AM6200

Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA Mawasim Tours Saudi Arabia  +966 125533666   STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Maxx Royal Resorts Turkey  +90 2427102910  STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Media India Group France  + 33 9 5253 3704   Founded in 2004, Media India Group is a global platform based in Europe and India that encompasses publishing, communication, consultation services and event management. MIG publishes a total of eight magazines focusing on promoting various segments ranging from tourism and culture, to business & politics in India and abroad, especially the European Union. STAND ME1140-7

Hall 1

Media Performance GmbH Germany  +49 8930669222   STAND EU6720

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Munich Tourist Office


Sheikh Saeed Hall 3

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Media Rotana United Arab Emirates  +971 44350000  STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Mediamost United Arab Emirates  +971 4 392 7700   Mediamost is one of the leading, dynamic media houses based in Dubai, UAE. Established in 1996, the company’s innovative idea took off the same year with the launch of the first Russian-language magazine in the Middle East, Aviamost Russian. In 2011, Aviamost Chinese was launched and remains the only Chinese-language magazine coming from the UAE.

Meeting Point Emirates United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Meili Tourism Turkey  +90 5346227312   STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Melia Hotels International Spain  +34 971224400 Founded in 1956 in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Meliá Hotels International is one of the largest hotel companies in the world and the largest hotel chain in Spain in both resort and city hotels.

STAND ME1140-8


Medical & Spa Resort Rogaska Slovenia  +386 3 811 37 55  Amadeja.Tomelj@rogaska-medical. com 

Mercan - DMC Turkey Turkey  +90 2122337846  Mercan Tourism is a full service Tour Operator & Destination Management Company ( DMC ) providing services in Istanbul and every major destinations throughout Turkey. Since the foundation year of 1985, Mercan Tourism has proven to be highly recognised and respected company in the Turkish Tourism Market.

Hall 1


Hall 7 Sharing stand with Slovenian Tourist Board Medical Park group of Rehabilitation Hospitals Germany Germany  +49 807591311132  STAND EU6710

Hall 7 Sharing stand with German National Tourist Board (GNTB) Meet in Georgia Georgia  +995 599780621   STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration

Sheikh Saeed Arena

Merkur - health&spa resort Serbia  STAND EU6621

Hall 7 Sharing stand with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia Metropol Hotel Moscow Russian Federation  +7 4952660170   STAND HC1128

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with WorldHotels AG Mexico City Fund of Promotion Mexico STAND AM6120

Hall 6 Sharing stand with MEXICO MEXICO TOURISM BOARD Spain  +34 915611827   The Mexico Tourism Board (MTB) is the organization entrusted to coordinate, design and develop the national and international strategies of touristic promotion for Mexico. Furthermore, the MTB is also in charge of promoting the numerous destinations and activities that Mexico has to offer, as well as Mexico’s many natural and cultural locations. STAND AM6120

Hall 6


Hall 8

MERCURE Dubai Barsha Heights Hotel Suites and Apartments United Arab Emirates  +971 582370772  HA8V6@ACCOR.COM  STAND HC1050

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels

MGM Resorts International United States  +1 888.987.6667   STAND AM6200

Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA

Meridian Travel Azerbaijan  +994 124802580  STAND EU6931

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism


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Exhibitor profiles

Middle East Tourism & Travel Group Turkey  +90 2123430281   Middle East Tourism & Travel Agency is a Group A Travel Agency authorized by the Turkish Ministry of Tourism licence number 7378 and a member of Tursab . We are full service Tour Operator & Destination Management Company ( DMC ) providing services in Istanbul and every major destinations throughout Turkey

Millennium Hotels and Resorts Europe United Kingdom  

STAND EU7240, EU7110


Hall 8

Mideast Travel / The Booking Expert Greece  +30 2112118888   STAND EU6410


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Millennium Hotels & Resorts Mimino Travel Georgia Georgia  +995 591096703   Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration MINI-EUROPE Belgium  +32 24741313  

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Greek National Tourism Organisation


Milan Marriott Hotel Italy  +39 248521  milit-milan-marriott-hotel

Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic Slovakia  +421 259494522  Slovakia is a special country. Even in such a small area, you’ll find everything from natural treasures and historical monuments to rich folk culture and modern entertainment in the busy city streets. Enjoy the beauty and unique atmosphere that Slovakia has to offer & explore its splendid natural scenery. ***Travel in Slovakia Good Idea***


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Millennium Hotels & Resorts United Arab Emirates  +971 4 309 9000  alexander.suski@millenniumhotels. com  Millennium Hotels & Resorts is a dynamic, global hotel company, which owns, asset manages and/or operates over 120 hotels worldwide. Millennium Hotels & Resorts, Middle East and Africa currently operates 32 hotels in the region, 15 hotels due to open within the next twelve months, and nearly 40 hotels in the pipeline across the region till 2020.

Hall 7 Sharing stand with


Hall 7


Minor Hotels Thailand  +66 24760022  Minor Hotels is an international hotel owner, operator and investor currently with 155 hotels. As an international hotel group, we passionately explore new possibilities in hospitality with a diverse portfolio of properties designed intelligently to appeal to a variety of travellers, serving new passions as well as personal needs. STAND HC0665

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with MIRACLE TOURISM ( L.L.C) United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Mondi-Holiday Hotels Austria  STAND EU6610

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Austrian National Tourist Office Mondo Hotel Management L.L.C United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Montage Beverly Hills United States  +1 3108607806   Montage Beverly Hills is located steps from Rodeo Drive, with 201 guestrooms, including 55 suites and 20 Residences. Spa Montage Beverly Hills featuring L.RAPHAEL offers 17 treatment rooms and the full-service Kim Vō Salon. Culinary experiences include rooftop dining, celebrity Chef Geoffrey Zakarian’s Georgie restaurant and 24 hour room service. ILTM ARABIA

Hall 1


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Montage International United States  +1 3108607835   Montage Hotels & Resorts is the ultra-luxury hospitality management company founded by Alan J. Fuerstman. Designed to serve the affluent and discerning traveler and homeowner, the company features an artistic collection of distinctive hotels, resorts and residences in stunning settings. STAND HC0405

Sheikh Saeed Arena Montreux Riviera Switzerland  +41 848 86 84 84   STAND EU6630

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Monument Hotel Spain  +34 935 482 000  STAND HC0420

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Preferred Hotels & Resorts Moodhu Holidays Maldives Pvt Ltd Maldives  +960 3337794  STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation Moroccan National Provincial Tourist Office United Arab Emirates  +971 42292394  The Moroccan National Provincial Tourist Office is an authority in charge of the promotion & the marketing of the destination Morocco in the major area of the world with potentiel outbound market like the GCC. The tourism Vision 2020 builds on 8 tourist areas :natural sites, the main objectif is to reach 20 millions tourist by the end of 2020.

Mövenpick Hotel & Apartments Bur Dubai United Arab Emirates  +971 43366000   STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Hotel & Casino Geneva / Mövenpick Hotel Lausanne Switzerland  +41 0227171111  STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Hotel & Convention Centre KLIA Malaysia  +60 192269952   STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Hotel & Residences Hajar Tower Makkah Saudi Arabia  STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Hotel & Residences Nairobi Kenya  +254 709548000   STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts

Mövenpick Hotel Apartments Al Mamzar Dubai United Arab Emirates  +971 46072777  com  STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Hotel Bahrain Bahrain  +973 17460000   STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Hotel Beirut Lebanon  +961 1869666  STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Hotel City Star Jeddah Saudi Arabia  +966 126180000   STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Hotel Colombo Sri Lanka  +94 117450450   sri-lanka/colombo/movenpick-hotelcolombo/overview/ STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts


Hall 5


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Exhibitor profiles

Mövenpick Hotel Ibn Battuta Gate Dubai United Arab Emirates  +971 44440000  com  STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Hotel Istanbul Turkey  +90 2123192929   turkey/istanbul/hotel-istanbul/overview/ STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Hotel Istanbul Golden Horn Turkey  +90 2126001600   turkey/istanbul/istanbul-golden-horn/ overview/ STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Hotel Jumeirah Beach United Arab Emirates  +971 44498802  STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Hotel Jumeirah Lakes Towers United Arab Emirates  +971 44444000  STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts

Mövenpick Hotel Kuwait Kuwait  +965 24610033  STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Hotel Kuwait Kuwait  +965 24610033  STAND ME1310, HC0630

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Kuwait Ministry of Information - Tourism Sector, sharing stand with Mšvenpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Hotel Lausanne Switzerland  +41 21 612 7 612   switzerland/lausanne/hotel-lausanne/ overview/ STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Hotel Mansour Eddahbi Morocco  +212 524 33 91 00  hotel.marrakech.sales@movenpick. com  morocco/marrakech/marrakech/overview/ STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Hotel Riyadh Saudi Arabia  +966 114579999  Hotel.Riyadh.Reservation@  STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts

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Mövenpick Hotel Sukhumvit 15 Bangkok Thailand  +66 21193100   STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts United Arab Emirates  +971 43671927   Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts is currently represented in 25 countries with 83 properties in operation. Of Swiss heritage, the upscale hotel company is passionate about premium service and culinary enjoyment ‚all with a personal touch. Committed to sustainable environments, Mövenpick has become the most Green Globe certified hotel company worldwide. STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Mövenpick Nile Cruisers Egypt  +20 224802002  com  nilecruisers/ STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Resort & Residences Aqaba Jordan  +962 32034020   STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts

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Mövenpick Resort & Spa Boracay Philippines  +63 362882256   STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Resort & Spa Dead Sea Jordan  +962 53561111   overview/ STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Resort & Spa Kuredhivaru Maldives Maldives  +960 9104217   maldives/kuredhivaru/resort-spa-kuredhivaru/overview/ STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Resort & Spa Tala Bay Aqaba Jordan  +962 32090300   STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mövenpick Resort Petra Jordan  +962 32157111  

Mövenpick Resort Sharm el Sheikh Egypt  +20 69 3600081  resort.sharmelsheikh@movenpick. com  egypt/sharm-el-sheikh/resort-sharm-elsheikh/overview/ STAND HC0630

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts Mr Marius Wolmarans Zambia  +260 2076127024   STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group MT Japan Travel Japan  +81 593770677   Specialist in Japan travel Tailor-Made tours that match all tourists with 24 hours free Arabic & English language support. Our priority is providing high quality service and building trust among business partners. STAND AS2394

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 MujEn Lux Kopaonik Serbia  STAND EU6621

Hall 7 Sharing stand with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia Multi Holiday Indonesia  +6221 632 9092  STAND AS3350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Jakarta City Government Tourism and Culture Office


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with M venpick Hotels & Resorts


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Munich Tourist Office Germany  +49 8923330203  The City of Munich holds a unique position in Europe, providing inspiration for travellers planning a outstanding vacation. The city’s wealth of art and culture, its rich history and colourfull traditions provide an ideal basis for travellers. The Munich Tourist Office is the initial contact for comprehensive experience and professional know-how. STAND EU6720

Hall 7

Municipality of Bansko Bulgaria  +359 74988611   STAND EU6821

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Bulgaria, Ministry of Tourism MUNICIPALITY OF VARNA Bulgaria  +359 52820298   STAND EU6821

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Bulgaria, Ministry of Tourism MUSEE DU PARFUM France STAND EU6640

Hall 7 Sharing stand with KTS TOURISME ET VOYAGES My Jetski Watersports United Arab Emirates  +971 566005400   STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism My Trip Tours Saudi Arabia  +966 163255300   STAND ME4410


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Exhibitor profiles

Mytha Hotels Anthology Turkey  +90 212 354 99 90  STAND HC0825

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with TCA - Travel Connections Arabia myTourisma United Arab Emirates  +971 45579200   Explore and discover interesting places and activities around you! Find places by their location or categories. Check opening hours with fees and buy tickets instantly. Check places in VR glasses or with a 360 view on your phone. Get beacons notifications about places on the spot. We have checked all places to keep you updated. Enjoy myTourisma! STAND ME2400

Hall 2

N Narcissus Hotel Saudi Arabia  +966 112946300   STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) NAS L.L.C United Arab Emirates  +971 55 860 2608   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority


National Tourism Organisation of Serbia Serbia  +381 116557110   The National Tourism Organisation of Serbia (NTOS) is a government organisation founded in order to promote the tourism of the Republic of Serbia in both the domestic and foreign markets with the aim of affirming the value and potential of the country’s tourist industry.

Negin Parvaz Pars / Sehab Travel Bahrain  +973 17211399  The company was founded by Ms. Fatima Ahmed with a vision to establish a professional, innovative and a dynamic organization in an ever-changing and challenging business environment. Ms. Ahmed has worked in the aviation, travel and banking industry for over three decades. Her previous experience includes Iran Air and Gulf Air.


Hall 1

Hall 7

National Tourist Union Russian Federation  +7 9257817051 The National Tourist Union (NTU) is a non-profit organization established in 2015 with the support of the Federal Agency for Tourism.The Company’s mission is to increase the importance and values of tourism for the country and society, to bring the industry into one of the most successful sectors of the Russian economy. STAND EU6941

Hall 7

National Vacations Company Ltd. Saudi Arabia  +966 12 6222010  STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Nectar Sports S.L. Spain  +34 932173033 Relationship marketing agency that specializes in sports events: Authorized VIP Hospitality Agent for FC Barcelona, Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid - MotoGP VIP Village Reseller all over the world - VIP boxes in tennis venues (Madrid Open, Barcelona Open Banc Sabadell, Monte Carlo Masters) - Authorized Sales Agent of F1 Experiences for all races


Nepal Tourism Board Nepal  +977 14256909  Nepal Tourism Board is a national organization established in 1998 by an act of Parliament in the form of partnership between the Government of Nepal and private sector tourism industry to develop and market Nepal as an attractive tourist destination. STAND AS2451

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Nevsehir Valiligi Il Kultur ve Turizm Mudurlugu Turkey  +90 3842134260  STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office New Era Travel Azerbaijan  +994 517000107  STAND EU6931

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism


Hall 7

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NG SAPANCA WELLNESS & CONVENTION TURKEY  +90 264 242 56 00   “Each and every guest is treated like our sole guest!” is our philosophy at the NG Hotels. We provide all our services and amenities based on these values so if you are looking for a hotel property where you can have an enjoyable, relaxing and rejuvenating vacation. WELLNESS & SPA

Hall 1

NH COLLECTION HOTELS Spain  +34 638939764   STAND EU6230

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE NH Hotel Group Belgium  +32 478884269  STAND EU6522

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Nihal Hospitality United Arab Emirates   STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Nikki Beach Resort and Spa Dubai United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism

Nine Worlds - Tailor Made Experience in Iceland & Greenland Iceland  +354 5854325   Nine Worlds is a luxury DMC in Iceland & Greenland, built on years of knowledge and experience. We offer high service level to you and your client. We are trustworthy, love challenges and put our ambition in returning a happy guest. We are a small team of nine, who love challenges and will do our outmost to tailor a unique trip for your client.

Nobu Hotels United States  +1 9544962087   Founded by Nobu Matsuhisa, Robert De Niro and Meir Teper, with operations spanning five continents, the Nobu brand thrives in the world’s capitals as the ultimate destination lifestyle experience. By “wrapping” the concept of a luxurious boutique hotel around energized public spaces, Nobu Hotels creates powerful stages for shared experiences.



Nirvana Travel & Tourism United Arab Emirates  +971 545822928  

North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd United Kingdom  +44 2076311930  The North Cyprus coastline is astonishingly beautiful with its ancient harbours where you can dine al-fresco and beaches that stretch for miles, whilst the depths of the crystal-clear azure seas offers many of the region’s best dive sites. A labyrinth of craft shops, ancient sites, scenery and ancient rustic villages gently dot the countryside.

Hall 1

Hall 1

STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority NJV ATHENS PLAZA Greece  +30 2103352400   STAND EU6410

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Greek National Tourism Organisation Nobu Hotel Riyadh Saudi Arabia  +966 11 203 2705  STAND HC0525

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with The Leading Hotels of the World


Hall 8

Nour Arjaan by Rotana United Arab Emirates  +971 92025555  STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Novotel & Adagio Abu Dhabi Al Bustan United Arab Emirates  +971 25016076 STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority


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Exhibitor profiles

Novotel & Ibis Gate Hotels United Arab Emirates  +971 55 5146826  

NYC & Company United States  +1 2124841200  

STAND ME2115, ME2250


Novotel Bahrain Al Dana Resort Bahrain  +973 39830341  H3600-SL2@ACCOR.COM  index.shtml

NZOZ AMIMED HENRYK KULINSKI Poland  +48 693703869   The Golden Fall Nursing and Treating Facility is a healthcare institution for adults. Specializes in providing services for people who require constant and long term care, especially due to age, illnesses or disabilites. The company seeks the best ways to provide nursing and treating services for it’s guests and patients via functional wristbands.

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority


Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) Novotel, Ibis & Adagio Hotels Fujairah United Arab Emirates  +971 92034803  www.novotel/6822

Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA


Hall 7


Hall 4 Sharing stand with Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority NPI Media United Arab Emirates  +971 4 424 3640   NPIMedia curates the best experiences in the UAE on one easy-to-use digital platform. From brunch and fine dining offers to spas and activities, we select only the finest. We can also create custom itineraries, experiences and events. STAND ME1265

Hall 1

NUO Hotel Beijing China  +86 10 6526 3388   STAND HC1140

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Kempinski Hotels

O Oberoi Hotel and ResortsMadinah Saudi Arabia  +966 148282222   STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Off Road Adventure Tours United Arab Emirates  +971 504441223   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority OK Tours Azerbaijan  +994 124988928 STAND EU6931

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism

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Oman Air Oman  +968 24519689  Oman Air is the flagship carrier of the Sultanate of Oman and an Official 4 Star Airline (Skytrax 2011). Founded in 1993, the airline has since witnessed massive growth and has played a major role in making Muscat an important traffic hub in the Middle East, supporting the commercial, industrial and tourism sectors. STAND ME2140

Hall 2

Oman Ministry of Tourism United Kingdom  +968 24588871  Our Mission: Tourism will facilitate economic diversification, preservation of cultural integrity and protection of the environment of the Sultanate of Oman. Our Vision: Tourism will be developed as an important and sustainable socio-economic sector of the Sultanate of Oman in a manner that reflects the Sultanate’s historic, cultural and natural heritage. STAND ME2110

Hall 2

Omniturs Serbia  +381 117610127  STAND EU6621

Hall 7 Sharing stand with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia ONE AND ONLY PALM DUBAI HOTEL United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism ORANGE TOUR Bulgaria  +359 29500095   STAND EU6821

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Bulgaria, Ministry of Tourism

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Ordu Valiligi Il Kultur ve Turizm Mudurlugu Turkey  +90 4522500020

Palazzo Venart Luxury Hotel Italy  +39 41 52 33 784


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with The Leading Hotels of the World

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Orient Tours L.L.C United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism ORYX International Tourism United Arab Emirates  +971 50 902 4748   STAND ME2115, ME2250


Palazzo Versace Hotel LLC United Arab Emirates  +971 45568888   Set in the heart of the Culture Village precinct and just minutes away from Dubai International Airport, the Palazzo Versace Dubai Hotel & Residences is magnificently located on a premium water-front development with unobstructed views of the Dubai Creek and Culture Village.

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority


Outletcity Metzingen Germany  +49 7123 9234945  

Palm Land Tours Saudi Arabia  +966 541919-766  



Hall 7 Sharing stand with German National Tourist Board (GNTB)

P Palace Downtown United Arab Emirates  +971 44238888  STAND HC0220

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with EMAAR HOSPITALITY GROUP Palazzo Matteotti, Autograph Collection Italy  +39 0276415739   milex-boscolo-milano-autograph-collection/

Sheikh Saeed Arena


Hall 7 Sharing stand with Slovenian Tourist Board Paloma Hotels Turkey  +90 2423414075   STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office


Pan Pacific Manila Philippines  +63 2 3180705   STAND AS2320

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Philippines Department of Tourism Papillon Helicopters United States  +1 7027366322   STAND AM6200

Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA Papillon Hotels Turkey  +90 5493342600  STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Paramount Hotels and Resorts United Arab Emirates  +971 44528881   www.paramounthotelsandresorts. com/ Paramount Hotels and Resorts is a new lifestyle hospitality company that celebrates the power of creativity in all its forms—entertainment, design, service, cuisine, wellness, and technology—to meet the needs of the new creative spirits of discerning luxury travelers. STAND HC0320

Sheikh Saeed Arena Parco dei Principi Grand Hotel & Spa Italy  +39 06 854421  daniele.saladini@parcodeiprincipi. com  parco-dei-principi/en/ STAND HC0420

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Preferred Hotels & Resorts

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd


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Paris Marriott Champs Elysees Hotel France  +33 153935500  pardt-paris-marriott-champs-elyseeshotel STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Park Hotel Vitznau Switzerland  +41 399 6060 STAND HC0525

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with The Leading Hotels of the World Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel & Villas United Arab Emirates  +971 565089044   STAND ME2115, ME2250, HC0450

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority, sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels and Resorts PARK HYATT DUBAI United Arab Emirates  +971 566033618 STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Park Hyatt Guangzhou China  +86 20 3769 1234   STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Park Hyatt Hamburg Germany  +49 40 3332 1733   home.html

Park Hyatt Istanbul - Macka Palas Turkey  STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Park Hyatt Jeddah - Marina, Club and Spa Saudi Arabia  STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Park Hyatt Mallorca Spain  +34 871811234   STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Park Hyatt Milan Italy  +39 0288211234   STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Park Hyatt New York United States  STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Park Hyatt Paris - Vendôme France STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Park Hyatt Vienna Austria  +43 1227401234  


Park Hyatt Washington DC United States  +1 2027891234  hotel/home.html STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Park Hyatt Zanzibar Tanzania  +255 24 550 1234   STAND HC0450

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Park Hyatt Zürich Switzerland  +41 438831008   html STAND EU6630, ILTM ARABIA

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Park Inn by Radisson Dubai Motor City United Arab Emirates  +971 43900070  com  STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Park Inn by Radisson Hotel & Apartments Dammam Industrial City Saudi Arabia  +966 13 846 2001  info.industrialcity.dammam@  STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

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Park Inn by Radisson Hotel & Residence Duqm Oman  +968 22085700   STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Park Inn by Radisson Makkah Aziziah Saudi Arabia

Park Residences United Arab Emirates STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Park Rotana & Park Arjaan by Rotana United Arab Emirates 

Pearl Rotana United Arab Emirates  STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Pearl Travel Service Pvt Ltd Maldives  +960 3340783



Park Inn by Radisson Muscat Oman  +968 24507888  

Paseo de Gracia Association Barcelona Spain  +34 933027616  



Penha Longa Hotel, Spa & Golf Resort Portugal  +351 219249011   europe/penha-longa#Hotel


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE

Park Inn by Radisson, Najran Saudi Arabia 

Passionate Tourism United Arab Emirates  +971 559484328



Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Park Plaza Hotels United Kingdom  +44 2070341365   STAND EU6830

Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound Park Regis Kris Kin Hotel Dubai United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Park Regis Lotus Hotel Bahrain  +973 17362220   STAND ME1410

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA)


Hall 3 Sharing stand with Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority Patchi LLC United Arab Emirates  +971 (0)4 33 88 300   As the creator of the Chocolate Gifting Concept in the Middle-east, Patchi has been a regional trendsetter since 1974. Established in over twenty countries, Patchi is a premium brand with a distinctive heritage offering a variety of chocolates for various occasions, balancing between quality, luxury, and modernity.

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Perpax Travel Turkey  +90 2244500101   STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau United States  +1 215 636 3312   STAND AM6210

Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA


Hall 2

Patuna Travel Indonesia  7228830  STAND AS3350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Jakarta City Government Tourism and Culture Office

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Philippines Department of Tourism Philippines  +63 25217560  The National Tourism Organization of the Republic of the Philippines has the primary goal of promoting tourism in the Philippines as an engine of socio-economic growth and cultural affirmation to generate investment, foreign exchange and employment as well as to enhance sense of national pride for all Filipinos.

Polish Health Centers Poland  +48 226481624   Polish Health Centers is an association of medical centers specialized in rehabilitation, orthopedic surgery, spine surgery, and weight loss. Its purpose is to facilitate access to the services provided by the centers for patients from the Arab countries and to maintain the highest standards especially for those patients.

Profi Travel Russia  +7 495 120 2825   Profi.Travel is a professional portal for travel trade from Russia, CIS and Baltic countries. We create unique content that helps travel companies to increase their sales, provide expert analysis of the market trends and organise a series of online fairs and workshops with complex educational training on different destinations.



STAND ME1140-9

Pine Cliffs, a Luxury Collection Resort Portugal  +351 289500100 

Preferred Hotels & Resorts United Arab Emirates  +971 44253003   Preferred Hotels & Resorts represents the finest and most diverse global portfolio of independent hotels and independent hotel experiences. Five distinctive collections allow one to craft their own inspirations as they travel the world in search of memories and new opportunities.

Prolom and Lukovo spa Serbia  +381 27 381 344  

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd PLANET TRAVELS TOURISM L.L.C United Arab Emirates  +971 26313318   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority Platinum Heritage United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Plaza Tours Jordan Jordan  +962 65651773   STAND ME1450

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Jordan Tourism Board

Hall 7


Sheikh Saeed Arena Prince de Galles, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Paris France  +33 153237777  reservation.princedegalles@  STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Procesa Mexico STAND AM6120

Hall 6 Sharing stand with MEXICO

Hall 1


Hall 7 Sharing stand with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia Promet T&T Slovenia  +386 1 519 35 11   STAND EU6620

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Slovenian Tourist Board PUEBLA TOURISM BOARD Mexico  +52 2221221100 STAND AM6120

Hall 6 Sharing stand with MEXICO PULLMAN DUBAI JUMEIRAH LAKE TOWERS United Arab Emirates  +971 561219382   STAND HC1050

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels

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PULLMAN ZAMZAM MADINA Saudi Arabia  +966 542439137   STAND HC1050

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels Pure Salt Luxury Hotels Spain  +34 971010930   STAND EU6230

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE

R R Hotels Group United Arab Emirates  +971 67455555  R Hotels is a wholly owned private enterprise engaged in the ownership and operation of hotels. R Hotels owns and operates hotels and service apartments in prime locations in the UAE. Currently managing over a thousand keys, R Hotels is a diverse and fast growing company with a proven track record in guest satisfaction and asset utilization.

Qasswa Saudi Arabia  +966 920020313   Qasswa is the number one DMC in Saudi Arabia, With a long standing for over 35 years in the market, Qasswa excels in Haj services, Visa Issuance, Premium Transfers, Wide verity of Accommodation services and the first to introduce sightseeing and heritage Tours. Qasswa is considered the market leader in Saudi Arabia for all tourism services. STAND ME4305

Hall 4

Qualitrips Georgia  +995 558133351   STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Radisson Blu Bosphorus Hotel Turkey  +90 2123101500  com  STAND HC0730

Radisson Blu - Radisson RED Park Inn by Radisson Belgium  +32 22273017  

Radisson Blu Edwardian Hotels, London United Kingdom  +44 2088170775 

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group



Radisson Blu 1835 Hotel & Thalasso, Cannes France  +33 492997306   Nestled in the heart of Cannes, the Radisson Blu 1835 Hotel & Spa provides 133 modern rooms, a panoramic Restaurant and an amazing rooftop terrace facing the Mediterranean Sea. For well-being, the hotel offers the biggest spa of the city with 2.700sq meters, swimming pool, sauna, hammam, jacuzzi, fitness, and 46 cabins of treatments.

Radisson Blu Gautrain Hotel, Sandton Johannesburg South Africa  +27 112861000  

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group


Hall 1

Radisson Blu Atakoy Hotel, Istanbul Turkey  +90 2129394500  STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group




Sheikh Saeed Arena


Radisson Blu Beirut Verdun Lebanon  +961 1 771100  

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Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Radisson Blu Hotel & Residence, Cape Town South Africa STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Radisson Blu Hotel Abu Dhabi Yas Island United Arab Emirates  +971 50 6124631   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority

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Radisson Blu Hotel Ajman United Arab Emirates  +971 504628016  STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Radisson Blu Hotel Apartments Dubai Silicon Oasis United Arab Emirates  +971 4 3501111   STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Radisson Blu Hotel Waterfront, Cape Town South Africa  +27 214413000   STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Radisson Blu Hotel, Abu Dhabi Yas Island United Arab Emirates  +971 26562222  STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Radisson Blu Hotel, Dubai Deira Creek United Arab Emirates  +971 4 222 7171  Info.Deiracreek.Dubai@Radissonblu. com  STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group

Radisson Blu Hotel, Dubai Media City United Arab Emirates  +971 43669111  com  STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Radisson Blu Hotel, Dubai Waterfront United Arab Emirates  +971 503542772   https/ hotel-dubaiwaterfront/ STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Radisson Blu Hotel, Istanbul Sisli Turkey  +90 2123750000   STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Radisson Blu Hotel, Kuwait Kuwait  +965 2567 3000   STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Radisson Blu Hotel, Marrakech Carrè Eden Morocco  +212 525077000   STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group


Radisson Blu Hotel, Muscat Oman  +968 24 487777  STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Radisson Blu Hotel, Ordu Turkey  +90 4526666888   STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Radisson Blu Hotel, Portman London United Kingdom  +44 207 208 3212   STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Radisson Blu Hotel, Sohar Oman  +968 26 640000   STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Radisson Blu Hotels, London United Kingdom  +44 2072086000   STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Radisson Blu Iveria Hotel, Georgia Georgia  +995 322402200   STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group

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Radisson Blu Le Vendome, Cape Town South Africa  +27 218265100   STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Radisson Blu Martinez Hotel, Beirut Lebanon  +961 1 368 111  STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Radisson Blu Residence, Dubai Marina United Arab Emirates  +971 44355000   STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Radisson Blu Resort & Spa, Cesme Turkey  +90 2324554500   STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Radisson Blu Resort & Thalasso, Hammamet Tunisia  +216 72 101 000  reservations.hammamet@radissonblu. com  STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group


Radisson Blu Resort Sharjah United Arab Emirates  +971 6 565 7777 

Raffles Warsaw Poland  +48 533393221  



Radisson Hotel Group United Arab Emirates  +971 43900070   Radisson Hotel Group is one of the world’s largest and most dynamic hotel groups with eight distinctive hotel brands with more than 1,400 hotels in destinations around the world. Our portfolio includes: Radisson Collection™, Radisson Blu®, Radisson®, Radisson RED®, Park Plaza®, Park Inn® by Radisson, Country Inn & Suites® by Radisson and prizeotel.

Ramada Bahrain Bahrain  +973 17742000  


Hall 7 Sharing stand with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group

Sheikh Saeed Arena Radisson Red Hotel, Capetown South Africa  +27 870861578   STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Raffles Dubai United Arab Emirates  +971 43248888   STAND HC1050

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels Raffles Istanbul Turkey  +90 5308238328  

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels


Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) Ran Tur Azerbaijan  +994 123100222  STAND EU6931

Raouche Arjaan by Rotana Lebanon  +961 1781111  STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority United Arab Emirates  +971 72338998  The Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority is a Government of Ras Al Khaimah entity to both develop and promote the emirate’s tourism infrastructure and potential both domestically and abroad. STAND ME3510

Hall 3


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels

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Raviz Hotels & Resorts India  +91 471-3051234/9388319134   In Kerala, Raviz offers five hundred elegantly designed rooms and 15 unique delectable dinning options. You may choose the experience form the fun filled beaches of Kovalam, the pristine Ashtamudi Backwaters of Kollam and the banks of the mighty Chaliyar River in North Kerala. STAND AS3330

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 RED APPLE TRAVEL (S) PTE LTD United Arab Emirates  +971 6563966623  A full service Destination Management company, we manage all ground services required in respective destinations. Red Apple Travel Group has direct contracts with hotels along with transfers & tours (with our own fleet of transportation in most destinations!) and other services and distributes through STAND AS2415

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Reef Global Hotel Saudi Arabia  +966 12 5533 655   STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Regent Palace Hotel L.L.C United Arab Emirates

Renaissance Bangkok Ratchaprasong Hotel Thailand  +66 2125.5067  khalid.albohra@renaissancehotels. com  bkkbr-renaissance-bangkok-ratchaprasong-hotel/ STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Renaissance Harbour View Hotel Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR  +852 28028888   hkghv-renaissance-hong-kong-harbourview-hotel STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Renaissance Paris La Defense Hotel France  +33 141975050  parld-renaissance-paris-la-defense-hotel STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Reollo Travel Pvt Ltd Maldives  +960 3346004  STAND AS2350


Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation

Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) Spain  +34 917206682  

Reveries Diving Village Maldives  +960 3315878 

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism


Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE



Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Riga Tourism Development Bureau Latvia  STAND EU6801

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) Rixos Bab Al Bahr United Arab Emirates  +971 565053212   STAND ME3510

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority Riyadh Exhibitions Company Saudi Arabia  +966 112295604   STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Rize Valiligi Il Kultur ve Turizm Mudurlugu Turkey  +90 4642130426 STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Robinson Club Maldives Maldives  STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation


Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation

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Roda Hotels United Arab Emirates  +971 43177333   Discover a new approach to hospitality services when you trust in Roda Hotels, one of the Middle East’s leading hotel management companies. Committed to providing guests with an outstanding choice of accommodation, we offer a range of options from stylish and affordable properties to luxury serviced apartments and hotels. STAND HC1260

Sheikh Saeed Arena Rome Cavalieri, A Waldorf Astoria Resort Italy  +39 635092010  RomeCavalieri.Sales@WaldorfAstoria. com  STAND HC0830

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Hilton Roomers Munich, Autograph Collection Germany  +49 89 452202 0   STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Roomz Hotel Management Austria  +43 316 90 20 90   STAND EU6610

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Austrian National Tourist Office Rose Rayhan by Rotana United Arab Emirates  +971 502826542 

Rosewood Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates  +971 2 813 5594   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority Rosewood Hotel Group United Arab Emirates  +971 43806400  craig.senior@rosewoodhotelgroup. com  Offering one-of-a-kind ambience & style, Rosewood is a collection of hotels & resorts. Inspired by the heritage of Rosewood’s first hotel, Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek®, the collection’s residentially styled properties pair the bespoke service & impeccable attention to detail that were once enjoyed only in the finest of homes. ILTM ARABIA

Hall 1

Rosh Rayhaan by Rotana Saudi Arabia  STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC United Arab Emirates  +971 26994444  Rotana currently manages a portfolio of over 100 properties throughout the Middle East, Africa, South Asia and Eastern Europe with an aggressive expansion plan in place. Rotana has chosen to acknowledge how precious time is by making all time spent in their range of hotels ‘Treasured Time’. STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC


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Rove Hotels United Arab Emirates  +971 445619999  STAND HC0220

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with EMAAR HOSPITALITY GROUP Royal Arabian Tours United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew United Kingdom  +44 (0)2083323643   STAND EU6830

Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound Royal Caribbean Arabia - Safeen Tourism LLC. United Arab Emirates  +971 43314299   Royal Caribbean Arabia (Safeen Tourism) is the sole Middle East Representative of Royal Caribbean International. Celebrity Cruises and Azamara Club Cruises. Royal Caribbean Arabia has been championing the world’s most innovative and state-of-the-art cruise experiences for over a decade. STAND CP2518

Hall 2

Royal Continental Hotel L.L.C United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Royal Jordanian Airlines - UAE Dubai Office United Arab Emirates  +971 4 2944322   STAND ME1450

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Jordan Tourism Board

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Royal M Hotel Fujairah United Arab Emirates  +971 9 2012000  

RwandAir United Arab Emirates  +971 43 555 013 


Hall 5 Sharing stand with Rwanda Development Board

Hall 4 Sharing stand with Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority


Royal Mirage Hotel United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Royal Plaza Montreux & Spa Switzerland  +41 21 962 5022   STAND EU6730

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Royal Savoy Hotel & Spa Switzerland  +41 216148888   STAND EU6730

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Rustar Tourism United Arab Emirates  +971 43322626  Rustar Tourism is inbound B2B travel agency in UAE and Georgia, with its own B2B online booking system with dynamic rates. Ready to provide XML file for connection to work with our prices. STAND CP2522

Hall 2

Rwanda Development Board Rwanda  +250 576514   The Rwanda Development Board was set up by bringing together all the government agencies responsible for the entire investor experience under one roof. STAND AF5230

Hall 5

S SAC Catania Airport Italy  +39 3405204538  STAND EU6450

Hall 6

Sadd Al Samallaghi Tourism Co. Ltd. (SASTCO) Saudi Arabia  +966 126685054  STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Safarak Tours United Arab Emirates  +971 564944388   STAND ME3510

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority Safargasht Georgia Georgia  +995 322435200   Georgia is a country at the intersection of Europe and Asia, is a former Soviet republic that’s home to Caucasus Mountain villages and Black Sea beaches. It’s famous for Vardzia, a sprawling cave monastery dating to the 12th century, and the ancient wine-growing region Kakheti. STAND EU6854

Hall 7

Safeen Tourism LLC. STAND CP2518


Saja Al Madinah Saudi Arabia  +966 126172499   Saja Al Madinah is a luxury and economical hotel located in the heart of the Holy city of Madinah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We welcome pilgrims and visitors from local and international cities. With an experienced staff, we take pride in providing our guests with what they need, when they need it. STAND HC0475

Sheikh Saeed Arena Salalah Rotana Resort Oman  STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC salvea Germany  +49 1722781918  salvea is a brand of the inoges company. The company has over 35 years experience in medicaltherapeutic activities. It’s core business is building up and structure modern rehabilitation facilities with crossindication therapeutic focus – inpatient, outpatient and partial outpatient care. STAND EU7102

Hall 8

Salzburg State Board of Tourism Austria  +43 662668833  STAND EU6610

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Austrian National Tourist Office San Clemente Palace Kempinski Venice Italy  +39 320 3507247   STAND HC1140

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Kempinski Hotels

Hall 2

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Sanctuary Hotel New York United States  +1 2124521111   STAND AM6210

Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA Sandy Beach Hotel & Resort United Arab Emirates  +971 9244 5555   STAND ME4210

Hall 4 Sharing stand with Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority Sani Resort Greece  +30 6942982135  

Saudi Exhibition and Convention Bureau (SECB) Saudi Arabia  +966 112834745   STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Saudi General Investment Authority (SAGIA) Saudi Arabia  +966 112035777  STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Saudi Hiking Saudi Arabia  +966 112404158 



Santa Marina Resort & Villas, a Luxury Collection Resort, Mykonos Greece  +30 2289023220  

Saudi International Travel Agency Saudi Arabia  +966 112733388  

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Greek National Tourism Organisation


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Saudi Arabia  +966 118808257  SCTH acts as a stimulation center, works in close partnership with the parties and relevant partners to achieve the vision and mission of tourism sector in the Kingdom. It acts as a primary booster for the sustainable tourism development in line with the Islamic principles and social, cultural and environmental values prevailing in the Kingdom.



Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Saudi Muslims Destination Initiatives Saudi Arabia  +966 118808855  Info@SCTH.GOV.SA  STAND ME4410


SAUDIA Saudi Arabia  +966 12699926 Saudia is a leading Middle Eastern carrier and the national carrier of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. With over 80 worldwide destinations including 27 domestic destinations, it has the most convenient and non-stop flights to Saudi Arabia and excellent connections between the East and the West with a young, modern and ever-expanding fleet. STAND ME4310

Hall 4

Savoy Hotels United Arab Emirates  +971 4 3550303  JOSHI@SAVOYDUBAI.AE  WWW.SAVOYDUBAI.COM STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Savoy Westend Hotel Medical Spa Resort Czech Republic  +420 359018811   STAND EU6810

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Czech Tourism Authority - CzechTourism sbe United States  +1 2122774131   sbe creates extraordinary 360-degree lifestyle experiences through its culinary, nightlife, and hotels and residences brands. sbe is rapidly expanding its global footprint with projects planned in new territories including Latin America and the Middle East. Brands include SLS Hotel & Residences, Delano, Mondrian, Redbury, Katsuya, Cleo, and Hyde. ILTM ARABIA

Hall 1


Hall 4


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Scandic Hotels Group Finland  +358 207664100  STAND EU6825

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Business Finland Oy Visit Finland Schilthorn - Piz Gloria Switzerland STAND EU6730

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism See Seman Tours Turkey  +90 2122351020 STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Serbia Tour Operator Serbia  +381 11 3344 050  STAND EU6621

Hall 7 Sharing stand with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia Seven Pines Resort Ibiza Spain  +34 971195200 STAND HC0525

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with The Leading Hotels of the World Seven Tides Hospitality United Arab Emirates  +971 44440700   Based in Dubai, privately owned Seven Tides is an internationally oriented company established in 2004. Currently focusing on hospitality and real estate sectors, Seven Tides thinks progressively and partners strategically. The result is a current portfolio of projects in the gateway cities of London and Dubai. STAND HC0260

Sheikh Saeed Arena

Seychelles Tourism Board United Arab Emirates  +971 42865586   Seychelles Islands, a unique haven where you can discover and experience the world’s best beaches under a perfect climate and reconnect with nature with its lush greeneries. A place where you can encounter nature’s unscathed natural beauty and enjoy a journey with extraordinary island-hopping opportunities and activities of a lifetime. STAND AS2465

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Shanghai China Travel Int’l Ltd China  +86 21-62993793  STAND AS2054

Sheikh Saeed Hall 2 Sharing stand with Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration China  +86 2123115523   Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration is in charge of marketing Shanghai as an ideal destination for leisure travel, business travel and meetings, incentive travel, conventions, events etc. and provides supports and assistants for those organizers. Shanghai received 8.73 million overseas visitors in 2017. STAND AS2054


Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah & Shangri-La Al Husn Resort & Spa, Oman Oman  +968 24776200  muscat/ STAND HC0820

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts Shangri-La Bosphorus, Istanbul Turkey  +90 2123105169   STAND HC0820

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts Shangri-La Hotel & Traders Hotel Qaryat Al Beri Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates  +971 25098636   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority Shangri-La Hotel, Bengaluru India  +91 8045126200  STAND HC0820

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts

Shanghai Tower China

Shangri-La Hotel, Colombo Sri Lanka  +94 773606888 



Shangri-La At The Shard, London United Kingdom  +44 2070895529 

Shangri-La Hotel, Dubai United Arab Emirates  +971 44052885 



Sheikh Saeed Hall 2

Sheikh Saeed Hall 2 Sharing stand with Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts

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Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts

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Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia  +60 320743926  

Shangri-La’s Hambantota Golf Resort and Spa Sri Lanka  +94 477888888 



Shangri-La Hotel, Paris France  +33 153671930 

Shangri-La’s Rasa Ria Resort & Spa, Dalit Bay Golf & Country Club Malaysia  +60 88797880  rasariaresort/

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts Shangri-La Hotel, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia  +976 77029999 STAND HC0820

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts United Arab Emirates  +971 4052804  Hong Kong-based Shangri-La International Hotel Management Limited, currently operates over 95 hotels in 22 countries and 73 destinations. Prominently positioned in Asia, the group has established its brand hallmark of “hospitality from the heart” over four decades in Asia Pacific, the Middle East, Europe, North America and the Indian Ocean. STAND HC0820

Sheikh Saeed Arena Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort & Spa, Maldives Maldives  +960 6897888  STAND HC0820

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority United Arab Emirates  +971 65566777 Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Authority (SCTDA) was established by Emiri Decree (No 5) in 1996. It is responsible for promoting the Emirate of Sharjah for tourism and commerce. The Authority has launched a new vision focused on attracting 10 million visitors to the emirate by 2021. STAND ME4110

Hall 4

Sharjah Investment and Development Authority (SHUROOQ) United Arab Emirates  +97165560777  Shurooq was established in 2009 with the aim of achieving social, cultural, environmental and economic development on the basis of Sharjah’s distinct Arab and Islamic identity, and to encourage investment by adopting the best international standards in providing quality services that help attract investors from the region and the world. STAND ME4150

Hall 4

Shaza Hotels United Arab Emirates  +971 506583952  In a contemporary setting, Shaza Hotels offer handcrafted guest experiences that are inspired by the cultures where the Silk Route began. Shaza is creating these experiences in cities, resort and cultural centres. STAND HC1250

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sheraton Abu Dhabi Hotel & Resort United Arab Emirates  +971 2 697 0342   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority Sheraton Amman Al Nabil Hotel Jordan  +962 65934111  www.sheratonammanalnabil. com/?SWAQ=958C STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Sheraton Jumeirah Beach Hotel United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Sheraton Mall of the Emirates Hotel, Dubai United Arab Emirates  +971 43772000  STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Sheraton Oman Hotel Oman  +968 22364013   STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd


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Sheraton Stockholm Hotel Sweden  +46 84123400 

Sirru Fen Fushi Maldives  +960 7900379 

Sliver Sands Pvt Ltd Maldives  +960 3017777 




Sheraton Zürich Hotel Switzerland  +41 442854000 

Sixt rent a car Germany   An affordable car rental for any occasion available almost anywhere in the world is a reality with Sixt rent a car. First-class comfort, premium quality, comprehensive benefits and an expansive vehicle fleet are offered every time at over 4,500 Sixt locations in 118 countries worldwide.

Slovenian Tourist Board Slovenia  +386 15898590   Slovenian Tourist Board (STB) is a major national tourist organization for planning and performing the promotion of our country as a tourist destination. It is the contact and central point in the complex network of the Slovenian tourism which plays a coordinating and linking role between the public, private and civil society.

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd


Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Sherazade Travel and Tourism Jordan  +962 65658150   STAND ME1450

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Jordan Tourism Board SIGNA Luxury Collection GmbH Austria  +43 66488138857   With total real estate assets of more than EUR 6 billion and revenue of over EUR 3.5 billion from its retail interests, SIGNA has grown to become one of Europe’s leading companies in these business areas since it was set up 17 years ago. The Group comprises two core businesses: SIGNA Real Estate and SIGNA Retail. ILTM ARABIA

Hall 1

Sirona Hotels Bulgaria  +359 887772636  ; www.saintspas. com STAND EU6821

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Bulgaria, Ministry of Tourism

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation


Hall 2

Ski Dubai - MOE United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism SKY MAX HOLIDAYS ( L.L.C ) United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Sky News Arabia United Arab Emirates  +971 2 509 1500   Sky News Arabia is a multi-platform news organization that delivers Arabiclanguage news on a free-to-air news channel, a video-rich website, mobile devices & most social media platforms. Providing comprehensive coverage of the regional and international news agenda and content is being created and delivered by more than 500 multimedia journalists, supported by a full technical and operations team, broadcasting to over 50 million households in both HD and SD formats. STAND ME1139

Hall 1

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Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation


Hall 7

SLS Hotel, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Beverly Hills United States  +1 3102470400  slsbh.reservations@luxurycollection. com  property/overview/index.html STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Small Luxury Hotels of the World United Kingdom  +44 2078023400   SLH matches independently minded guests with independently spirited hotels. The collection of over 500 hotels in more than 80 countries includes cutting edge design hotels and city centre havens, historic country mansions and remote islands. All are consistently different but united by the fact that they offer the highest quality and service. ILTM ARABIA

Hall 1

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SNTTA Emir Tours United Arab Emirates  +971 42865758   STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche United Arab Emirates  H7507@SOFITEL.COM  STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority SOFITEL Bahrain Zallaq Thalassa Sea & Spa Bahrain  +973 17636363  H6722@SOFITEL.COM  index.shtml STAND ME1410

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) Sofitel Dubai Jumeirah Beach United Arab Emirates  +971 44484850  H6146@SOFITEL.COM  STAND HC1050

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels Sofitel Frankfurt Opera Germany  +49 1714801673  H8159@SOFITEL.COM 

Sofitel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills United States  +1 2022710720   shtml STAND HC1050

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels Sofitel Munich Bayerpost Germany  +49 89599480   STAND EU6720

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Munich Tourist Office Sofitel The Palm Dubai United Arab Emirates  +971 544794015   STAND HC1050

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels SOMEWHERE Hotels United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Sorell Hotels Switzerland Switzerland  +41 443883533   STAND EU6630

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism

Sofitel Hotels Brussels Belgium  +32 470802202  H5282@SOFITEL.COM 

Soukya International Holistic Health Centre PVT Ltd India  +91 802801700008   SOUKYA is the first of its kind in the world where different systems of medicines (Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Yoga therapy, etc) and complementary therapies are practiced under one roof.




Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels

Hall 7 Sharing stand with


Southern Aegean Development Agency Turkey  +90 58 371 88 44   GEKA’s mission is to initiate the local potentials and contribute to regional development at the Southern Aegean Region-comprised of the provinces of Aydın, Denizli and Muğla.The region waits you with antique UNESCO cities,crystal clear bays,natural beauties,sun,adrenaline sports, regional dishes,tourism destinations and so many things to discover! STAND EU7245

Hall 8

Spa Hotel Thermal Czech Republic  +420 359001111   STAND EU6810

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Czech Tourism Authority - CzechTourism Spa Resort TREE OF LIFE Czech Republic  +420 493767100   STAND EU6810

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Czech Tourism Authority - CzechTourism Spain Royal Tours (Grupo Tawy Tours) Spain  +34 910027123   STAND EU6230

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE

Hall 1

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Exhibitor profiles

SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE United Arab Emirates  +971 24437285   The Spanish Tourism Board in UAE takes care of the Gulf countries. We are a governmental body aiming to promote Spain as a tourist destination. We provide support for travel agencies and incentive houses in terms of information about the country, Spanish suppliers, venues, facilities and so on.

Spiceland Holidays, India India  +91 4842369707  Spiceland Holidays, the biggest Inbound Consolidator for India and Srilanka with tradition since 2004. We are approved by Govt. of India, PATA, TAAI & Department of Tourism Sri Lanka. We have been honored with Best Destination management Company award by South India Travel Awards in 2014.



Spain Travel Express Spain  +34 662453150 

Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau Sri Lanka  +94 112544534  wonder of Asia

Hall 6


Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE SpainTOP Spain  +34 910820002  

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3


Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 St. Moritz. Top of the World. Switzerland  



SPECMED LLC Poland  +48 134366802   SPECMED LLC commenced operations in 2001 in south-eastern Poland. The company’s structures: hospital, primary care physician, outpatient care ,physiotherapy, dentistry, imaging centres, occupational health care. Our hospital, opened in 2015, is an interdisciplinary medical centre that offers surgical treatments, diagnostics, and outpatient care.

Start Travel Georgia  +995 5 58 944959  

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE


Hall 7

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism


Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration State Tourist Board SouthWest Germany Germany  +49 7112385826   STAND EU6710

Hall 7 Sharing stand with German National Tourist Board (GNTB)


STRAC Rent a Car Saudi Arabia  +966 500953370   STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Studiosus Reisen Munich Germany  +49 89 500600   STAND EU6720

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Munich Tourist Office Sun Gardens Dubrovnik Croatia  +385 20 361 500 STAND HC0525

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with The Leading Hotels of the World Sun Ocean Pvt Ltd Maldives  +960 3329013   STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation Sun Siyam Resorts Maldives  +960 3325977  STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation Sundus Rotana Oman  STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Superjet Group United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism

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Swagatam Tours Pvt Ltd India  +91 11254400009  ESTABLISHMENT: Swagatam Tours Pvt. Ltd was formed in the year 1986. ACCREDITATIONS: Approved by Department of Tourism, Government of India. Member of PATA, ASTA and IATO. BUSINESS ACTIVITIES: Inbound tours, operations and Airlines Ticketing are the main activities of the company. STAND AS3327

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Swiss Diamond Hotel Lugano Switzerland  +41 91 735 00 00   STAND EU6730

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Swiss International Hotels & Resorts United Arab Emirates  +971 72334242  ivana.djurovic@  Swiss International’s roots are since 30 years anchored in Switzerland; a country known for its quality, precision and values that we ever since proudly translate into the day to day operation of our hotels. From the shores of Europe to the coasts of China, to Africa and the Middle East, our customers will experience the best of Swiss Hospitality. STAND HC0568

Sheikh Saeed Arena Swiss Luxury Apartments Switzerland  +41 225961200   STAND EU6630 , ILTM ARABIA

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism

Swiss Travel Bureau GmbH Switzerland  +41 435085953   STAND EU6630

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Swiss-Belhotel International United Arab Emirates  +971 44036750   Swiss-Belhotel International is a Global Hotel Management company, and currently manages a portfolio of more than 145 hotels, resorts, and projects in over 21 countries. Ranked amongst the world’s top 100 international hotel management companies, at present, Swiss-Belhotel International carries 14 brands to suit varied hospitality products. STAND HC1130

Sheikh Saeed Arena Swiss-Belhotel Seef Bahrain  +973 66310000   STAND ME1410, HC1130

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) Swiss, sharing stand with Swiss-Belhotel International Swiss-Belhotel Seef Bahrain Bahrain  +973 66310000   STAND HC1130

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Swiss-Belhotel International Swiss-Belhotel Sharjah United Arab Emirates  +971 65637777  

Swiss-Belresidences Juffair, Bahrain Bahrain  +973 17820879   STAND HC1130

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Swiss-Belhotel International Swissotel Al Ghurair and Swissotel Living Al Ghurair United Arab Emirates  +971 569957944   STAND HC1050

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels Switzerland Tourism United Arab Emirates  +971 65562380  Official national marketing organization to promote Switzerland as a tourism leisure & business destination. STAND EU6630, EU6730

Hall 7

Symphony Style Hotel Kuwait  +965 25770000   symphony-style-hotel STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group Symphony Style Kuwait, A Radisson Collection Hotel Kuwait  +965 25770000   symphony-style-hotel STAND HC0730

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Radisson Hotel Group


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Swiss-Belhotel International


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T Taiba Flocks Organization of Trips Saudi Arabia  STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Taiwan Tourism Bureau United Arab Emirates  +971 6562236546  The Taiwan Tourism Bureau has been established under the Ministry of Transportation and communications. It is the official tourism body responsible for all promotional activities carried locally as well as internationally for promoting tourism to Taiwan. STAND AS2421

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Tamarind Global India  +91 2266802500   Tamarind Global is a focused destination and event management company based in India, offering bespoke solutions for individuals and corporates. The company extends highly customized travel services to the B2B and B2C market segment across the globe, and provides seamless logistics on a turnkey basis for weddings, events and MICE. STAND AS3310

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Tanzania Tanzania  +255 772821725   The Land of Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar & the Serengeti STAND AF5240

TCA - Travel Connections Arabia United Arab Emirates  +971 447825588188  TCA has been created to fulfill the gap in the international hospitality marketing strategy sectors that currently exists. From in-depth experience of over thirty years in the lucrative Gulf market, we offer unparalleled opportunities of market penetration hitting the travel trade, major corporations and those with a higher income. STAND HC0825

Sheikh Saeed Arena T-Cubed Consulting (PTY) Ltd South Africa STAND AF5140

Hall 5

Teamamerica Receptive Tour Operator United States  +1 2126977165   STAND AM6210

Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA Telal Resort United Arab Emirates  +971 3 702 0000   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority Tenerife Select Spain  +34 647717370  


Thai Airways International Pcl United Arab Emirates  +971 42681701  Thai Airways International Public Co,.ltd is a national enterprise subordinated to the Ministry of Transport. It is a public company registered in The Securities Exchange of Thailand since 1991 with the Ministry of Finance as a dominance shareholder at more then 50%. STAND AS2250

Sheikh Saeed Hall 2 The Abu Dhabi EDITION United Arab Emirates  +971 23047002   STAND HC0760

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with EDITION The Arab Taveller Bahrain  +973 17 213900   Established in 1985, The Arab Traveller is the leading travel and tourism magazine and the Arab World’s most widely circulated Pan Arab Magazine. For 33 years, the magazine has been offering cost effective opportunities for business promotions. STAND ME1140-10

Hall 1

The Arch London United Kingdom  +44 (0)2077254807   STAND EU6830

Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound


Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE

Hall 5

Tawy Tours Spain  +34 910027123 STAND EU6230

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE

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The Ascott Limited United Arab Emirates  +971 43771000   The Ascott Limited is a member of CapitaLand, It has grown to be one of the leading international serviced residence owner-operators in over 130 cities spanning more than 30 countries across the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East & Africa. The companies brands include The Ascott, Citadines, Somerset, Quest, The Crest Collection & lyf. STAND HC1220

Sheikh Saeed Arena The Bellevue Hotels & Resorts Philippines  +63 2 771-8181   STAND AS2320

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Philippines Department of Tourism The Bodrum EDITION Turkey   STAND HC0760

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with EDITION The Boulevard Arjaan by Rotana Jordan  +962 65669917  STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC The Cove Rotana Resort United Arab Emirates STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC

The Diplomat Radisson Blu, Hotel, Residence and Spa Bahrain  +973 17531666 

The Dolder Grand Switzerland  +41 444566900  

The Golden Butler Lifestyle Management Greece  +30 6972976185   The Golden Butler is a Lifestyle Management Company, Luxury Hospitality & Concierge Services. Designed Tailor Made travel experiences, handpicked Villas, Yacht & Helicopters Collection and professionals partners, experts and passionates. Meet our services and our teams in Mykonos, Paros, Santorini, Kefallonia,Zante, Corfu, Lefkada, Ithaka.



STAND ME1410, HC0730

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA)

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with The Leading Hotels of the World The Domain Hotel and Spa Bahrain  +973 16000000   STAND ME1410

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) The Doyle Collection United Kingdom  +44 2037447602   STAND EU6830

Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound The Garden Hotel Company Ltd., Guangzhou China  +86 2083338989  The Garden Hotel is a platinum 5-Star Hotel located at the CBD of the Guangzhou city. Boasted 828 guest rooms, a wide array of restaurants/ bars and shopping arcade, it is the ideal place for your leisure or business trip. 1333sqm luxury ball room and 10 function rooms; with nice sourroundings and easy transportation.

Hall 1

The Grove Hotel W.L.L. Bahrain  +973 16030303   STAND ME1410

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) The Heart of Europe United Arab Emirates  +971 48181481   The Heart of Europe is an exclusive holiday resort located 4km off the coast of Dubai on The World. A cluster of six man-made islands, the luxury European themed destination will be home to 13 hotels, private marinas, shops and boutiques, cafes and restaurants, first class hospitality and quality live entertainment and events throughout the year. STAND HC0500

Sheikh Saeed Arena


Sheikh Saeed Hall 2


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The Indian Hotels Company Limited India  +91 2261371981   Spanning world-renowned landmarks, modern business hotels, idyllic beach resorts, authentic Rajput palaces and rustic safari lodges, each Taj hotel reinterprets the tradition of hospitality in a refreshingly modern way to create unique experiences and lifelong memories. STAND HC1155

Sheikh Saeed Arena The Last Word Constantia South Africa  +27 21 794 2036  STAND HC0420

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Preferred Hotels & Resorts The Leading Hotels of the World United Arab Emirates  +1 3122637155  With our eight-decade-long commitment to providing unforgettable, authentic travel experiences, LHW selects only hotels that meet our high standards for quality and distinctiveness. To us, hospitality is not an industry, it’s an art…and our passion.. STAND HC0525

Sheikh Saeed Arena The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts India  +91 22 6691 1222   STAND HC0420

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Preferred Hotels & Resorts The Lind Boracay Philippines  +63 2 835-8888  

The London and Barcelona EDITION United Kingdom  +44 207908 7900  STAND HC0760

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with EDITION The Mall Luxury Outlets Italy  +39 0558657775   The Mall is the luxury boutique-style outlet, just 30 minutes away from Florence. Boasting an exclusive stable of brands including Gucci, Saint Laurent, Bottega Veneta, Ferragamo, Valentino, Dolce & Gabbana and many more, The Mall offers an immersive luxury experience at unrivalled prices, reduced from 35 to 70% off all year round. STAND EU6221

Hall 6

The Meydan Brmeydan Group(L.L.C) Fr United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism The Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia Indonesia  +62 213838250  wonderfulindonesia.middleeast@ Ministry of Tourism, Indonesia, is responsible for national tourism development. It focuses on promoting Indonesia as a safe and worth visiting country. It also facilitates tourism industries to promote tourism destinations and products to international market. Diverse Culture and Nature are our strengths/competitive advantages. STAND AS2650

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3


Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Philippines Department of Tourism

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The Montcalm Luxury Hotels London United Kingdom  +44 7772436993   STAND EU6830

Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound The Muse Hotel, Boracay Philippines  +63 2 531-0888  STAND AS2320

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Philippines Department of Tourism The New York EDITION United States  +1 212 413 4200   STAND HC0760

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with EDITION The Nile Ritz-Carlton, Cairo Egypt  +20 800 00 00148   middle-east/cairo STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd The Oberoi Hotel United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism The Park Tower Knightsbridge, A Luxury Collection Hotel & Sheraton Grand London Park Lane United Kingdom  +44 207 2358050  00412guestservicecentre@  www.theparktowerknightsbridge. com//?SWAQ=958C STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd

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The Peninsula Shanghai China  STAND AS2054

Sheikh Saeed Hall 2 Sharing stand with Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration The Portman RitzCarlton,Shanghai China  +86 21-62798888  china/shanghai STAND AS2054

Sheikh Saeed Hall 2 Sharing stand with Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration The Retreat at Blue Lagoon Iceland Iceland  +354 4208800   Hidden deep within moss-covered lava fields and surrounded by mineral-rich geothermal waters, you will find the Retreat at Blue Lagoon Iceland, a rare and exclusive experience. With a spa carved into the volcanic earth and 62 elegant guest suites encircled by the revitalizing waters of the Blue Lagoon, it is an extraordinary destination.

The Ritz Carlton Ras Al Khaimah Al Wadi Desert & The Ritz Carlton Ras Al Khaimah Al Hamra Beach United Arab Emirates  +971 565450950  al-wadi-desert/hotel-overview;www. STAND ME3510

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority The Ritz Carlton Shanghai Pudong China  +86 2120201888  china/shanghai-pudong STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel de la Paix, Geneva Switzerland  +41 229096000   europe/geneva STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd The Ritz-Carlton Istanbul Turkey  +90 212 334 4444   europe/istanbul STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd

The Ritz Carlton, Millenia Singapore Singapore  +65 63378888  singapore

The Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grande Lakes United States  +1 407-393-4113  



The Rezidor Hotel Group Belgium  +32 2 702 9200

The Ritz-Carlton Abu Dhabi, Grand Canal United Arab Emirates  abu-dhabi#Resort

The Ritz-Carlton, Almaty Kazakhstan  +7 7273328888 



Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd


Hall 1

Sheikh Saeed Arena The Ritz Carlton Dubai (Br. Of Mohd Saeed Al Mull & Sons) (Llc) United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd The Ritz-Carlton Bal Harbour, Miami United States  +1 305 455 5400   miami/bal-harbour#Resort STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd


The Ritz-Carlton, Astana Kazakhstan  +7 7172 734 000  kazakhstan/astana STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd

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The Ritz-Carlton, Budapest Hungary  +36 14295500   europe/budapest STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd The Ritz-Carlton, Moscow Russian Federation  +7 4952258888  europe/moscow#Rooms%20%26%20 Suites STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd The Ritz-Carlton, Riyadh Saudi Arabia  +966 118028020  STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco United States  +1 415 296 7465   STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd The Ritz-Carlton, Vienna Austria  +43 131188  europe/vienna STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd THE SAVOY United Kingdom  +44 20 7836 4343

The Seminyak Beach Resort & Spa Indonesia  +62 361 730814   The Seminyak Beach Resort & Spa is stylist beachfront resort with a modern retreat with distinct Balinese touches that provides a welcome escape from outside the world. Located in Bali’s most vibrant district, Seminyak. The resort is within easy walking distance to a number of popular hotspots. ILTM ARABIA

Hall 1

The St. Regis & W Dubai, Al Habtoor City United Arab Emirates STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd The St. Regis Istanbul Turkey  +90 212 368 0000   STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd The St. Regis Kuala Lumpur Malaysia  +60 3 27271111  STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd The St. Regis Langkawi Malaysia  +60 49606666   STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with AccorHotels


The St. Regis Mardavall Mallorca Resort Spain  +34 660139074   STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd The St. Regis Mauritius Resort Mauritius  +230 403 9000   www.stregismauritius. com/?SWAQ=958C STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd The St. Regis Rome Italy  +39 0647091  STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates  +971 2 498 8337 STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority The St.Regis Cairo Egypt  +20 2 2773 5846   property/overview/index STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd The Stafford London United Kingdom  +44 2075181129  steven.mcgovern@thestaffordlondon. com  STAND EU6830

Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound

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The Sunset Marquis Hotel and Villas United States  +1 310-657-1333   STAND HC0420

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Preferred Hotels & Resorts The Travel Collection United Arab Emirates  +971 43387338   We are a travel representation company based in Dubai who looks after a collection of luxurious and bespoke Hotels, Wellness Resorts, Trains and Cruises from across the Globe. We are highly a regarded sales and marketing company offering comprehensive knowledge of our portfolio and their destinations to travellers and residents in the GCC Region. ILTM ARABIA

Hall 1

The Travel Company DMC Greece Greece  +30 2155608282   STAND EU6410

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Greek National Tourism Organisation THE VIEW Lugano Switzerland  +41 91 210 00 00   Nestled in the hillside of Lugano, overlooking the Lake of Lugano and the mountains beyond, this elegant and contemporary, design boutique hotel, will welcome the most discerning traveller, offering the very best in comfort, privacy and luxury. ILTM ARABIA

Hall 1


The Vision Destination Management United Arab Emirates  +971 42942290  The Vision DMC, provides successful solutions for Leisure FIT, Tailormade,Golf Travel,Groups & Incentive Tours with dedicated customer service and fast action by a team of Hospitality Industry professionals. MICE segments such as Conference, Conventions & Events are an integral part of our portfolio. Our Online Booking Platform is XML enabled. STAND ME3105

Hall 3

The Westin Grand Frankfurt Germany  +49 69 2981 0   STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd The Westin Hotel Dubai Mina Seyahi Beach Resort & Marina United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism The Westin Palace Milan Italy  +39 263361   STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd The Westin Palace, Madrid Spain  +34 913608000 

Thrifty Car Rental United Kingdom   STAND CR2440

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Hertz Ticino Tourism Switzerland  +41 918215336   STAND EU6630

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism TICKets United Kingdom  +44 2078318105   STAND EU6830

Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound TIME Hotels United Arab Emirates  +971 44161000  TIME Hotels’ corporate philosophy is centered on accommodating the individual needs of its well-travelled international audience through the development of a portfolio of unique and distinctive brands located in key markets and gateway destinations. STAND HC1255

Sheikh Saeed Arena Timetravels Incoming Ltd. Finland  +358 504080743  STAND EU6825

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Business Finland Oy Visit Finland


Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd

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Titanic Hotels Turkey  +90 2423520202  Each one with a concept more special and unique than the other, impress with its environmental friendly and modern architecture. Every hotel presents you elite and elegant tastes from world cuisines. Health, beauty, sports and entertainment services are offered for Titanic Hotels’ guests at World standards through its unique hospitality. STAND EU8028

Hall 8

Titlis Cableways Restaurants & Accommodation Switzerland  +41 416395050   STAND EU6630

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau Japan  +81 3 5579 2680   Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau(TCVB) is the official tourism organization of Tokyo, launched in 1997. Along with more than 500 travel industry partners, we are the one-stop travel concierge for Tokyo. STAND AS2422

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Top Glory Travel Georgia  +995 557711336   STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration

TopTravel Trip (Managed by Amwaj Travel LLC ) United Arab Emirates  +971 45561010  UAE based Air Travel Consolidator with its B2B portal www.toptraveltrip. com currently rated one of the biggest supplier in the region. - Special Consolidator Rates for Hotels, Air Tickets, Travel Insurance. - 24 X 7 Customer support - Flexi payment options - Latest E Commerce Platform for a user friendly expereince. STAND ME4000

Hall 4

Tourism and Travel Bank Turkey  +90 2122460440 STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Tourism Authority of Thailand United Arab Emirates  +971 43250184  Disclaimer: All the travel information regarding products, services and travel deals on the website is provided by the suppliers of the particular products and services. The information may change without notice; therefore, check the accuracy of the information with the relevant supplier before making use of it. STAND AS2150

Sheikh Saeed Hall 2 Tourismus + Congress GmbH Frankfurt Germany STAND EU6710

Hall 7 Sharing stand with German National Tourist Board (GNTB) Tourist Information Innsbruck Austria  +43 51253560  STAND EU6610

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Austrian National Tourist Office


Tourist organization of Belgrade Serbia  +381 +381113625060   STAND EU6621

Hall 7 Sharing stand with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia Tourist Organization of the Republic of Srpska Bosnia and Herzegovina  +387 51 229 720   STAND EU6621

Hall 7 Sharing stand with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia Towers Rotana United Arab Emirates  +971 43438000  STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC Trabzon Il Kultur ve Turizm Mudurlugu Turkey  +90 4623221226   STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Traders Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia  +60 323329824   traders/ STAND HC0820

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts Trans Maldivian Airways Maldives  +960 7921539  STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation

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Trav Maldives Pvt Ltd Maldives  +960 3306791  STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation TRAVCO (L.L.C.) United Arab Emirates STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism Travel & Event point Serbia  +381 11 40 759 40  STAND EU6621

Hall 7 Sharing stand with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia Travel Connection maldives Pvt Ltd Maldives  STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation Travel Daily Media United Kingdom  +44 2072686563   Travel Daily Media is a global digital publisher and event organiser for the travel trade with marketing platforms across the UK, Middle East, India and Asia Pacific regions. We have more than 150,000 subscribers to our daily travel travel eMagazines, and a fast-growing online audience of more than 250,000 monthly visitors to our website. STAND ME1140-11

Hall 1

Travel Escape Maldives Pvt Ltd Maldives  +960 7983737  STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation


TRAVEL SHOP TURKEY Turkey  +90 2125297708  

Travelite Travel and Tours Co. Philippines  +63 2 344 8434  



Travel Talk Asia Sri Lanka  +94 777756726   Travel Talk Asia gives maximum exposure to the travel and leisure sector with up to date news and information along with industry leaders interviews and travel trends from around the globe.

TravelShop Georgia Georgia  +995 322420420  

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office

STAND ME1140-12

Hall 1

Travel Trade Journal India  +956 061 4446   Established in 2010, sampan media is a prominent publishing house with a number of key publications under its banner including official publications of eminent bodies, contract publishing, coffee table books and books in English, Hindi and foreign languages. STAND ME1140-16

Hall 1

Travelers Street Pvt Ltd Maldives  +960 3300755  STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Philippines Department of Tourism


Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration TravelShop Turkey Turkey  +90 2125297708 STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office TravTalk India India  +965 019 6532   TravTalk India is South Asia’s leading travel trade news magazine and the only fortnightly travel magazine distributed in the subcontinent. TravTalk was established in 1991 and is a trusted source of information for all the tourism and hospitality industry leaders and decision makers. Over the years TravTalk has become a renowned brand with a nose for news and an unparalleled reach. STAND ME1140-13

Hall 1

Travelexperts, Inc. Philippines  +63 2 813-0439   STAND AS2320

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Philippines Department of Tourism

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TravTalk Middle East United Arab Emirates  +971 6 5528 954   TravTalk Middle East (TTME) and India is a leading monthly trade publication for the Travel, Hospitality and MICE sectors in the Middle East Region. It brings out news, analysis, trends, interviews, new happenings and a lot of other information about the tourism industry in the Middle East.


TTG MENA Luxury Cyprus  +357 2480 3003   Born from the demands of the discerning luxury travel segment, ttg mena luxury is MENA’s only quarterly magazine directed at premium travel trade professionals. Evoking the design and elegance of consumer publications, yet remaining loyal to its B2B editorial style, it assists agents in making the most of the luxury segment.

Turkish Culture & Information Office United Arab Emirates  +971 43318662  Turkey, with its perfect geographical location has always been a gateway between East and West and home to many civilizations in its over 10,000 year history. Turkey has so much to offer its visitors; breathtaking natural beauties, unique historical and archeological sites, and finest beaches of Mediterranean.

Hall 1


Hall 8

TTG Asia Singapore  +65 6395 7575   Established in 1974, TTG Asia Media is at the forefront of the Asia-Pacific travel and tourism industry. Its authority encompasses the leisure trade, luxury travel, corporate travel and MICE domains. Through its three business groups, the company publishes leading regional trade titles for the travel industry, Singapore maps and guides for inbound.

TTN Travel & Tourism News United Arab Emirates  +971 43422020   TTN, the oldest most established (36 years) travel trade publication covering the tourism industry in the Middle East is aimed at travel professionals and provides in-depth - extensive coverage of relevant issues in the Middle East and Internationally. Printed and online editions plus daily E-newsletters provides an extensive readership profile.

STAND ME1140-14

Sheikh Saeed Arena

STAND ME1140-15


TTG MENA Cyprus  +357 2480 3003   TTG MENA comprises the travel trade print and digital publications of TTG MENA and ttg mena luxury. Online products include ttgmena. com and, as well as e-news, and the TTG MENA i-Profile, making TTG MENA the industry choice for regional and international travel trade news and information.

Tugawe Cove Resort Philippines  +63 9176507837  

Hall 1


Sheikh Saeed Arena

Hall 1


Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Philippines Department of Tourism Turisme de Barcelona Spain  +34 933 689 700   STAND EU6230

Hall 6 Sharing stand with SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE Turistička zajednica Kantona Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina STAND EU6511

STAND EU7130, EU7110

TURSAB (Association of Turkish Travel Agencies) Turkey  +90 2122598404   STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office

U Uganda Tourism Board Uganda  +256785655198   The Uganda Tourism Board is the official Government destination market organization with the responsibility to promote and market Uganda as the preferred tourism destination. UTB works with other government agencies and the private business operators in the tourism sector and represents and promotes the tourism industry players. STAND AF5235

Hall 5

Uganda Wildlife Authority Uganda  +256754741708  stephen.masaba@  STAND AF5235

Hall 5 Sharing stand with Uganda Tourism Board

Hall 7

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UKinbound United Kingdom  +44 2073957500   UKinbound is the leading trade association for the UK’s inbound tourism sector. Representing over 370 inbound tourism businesses in the UK we help our members to grow their business while engaging with the travel trade, Government, and media to ensure inbound tourism is recognised as a leading economic and employment driver for the UK. STAND EU6830

Hall 7

Umbrella Travel Turkey  +90 2122345055  We are one of Turkey’s largest travel agencies. We offer an extensive program of professionally escorted itineraries, appealing to both firsttime and repetitive visitors that explores all diversitıes of the Turkey. We understand the value of time, which is why we are proud to say that ‘your free time is our full-time’. STAND EU7201

Hall 8

Uni Orient Travel Philippines  +63 9176206729   www.Uni.Com.Ph STAND AS2320

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Philippines Department of Tourism Uniline d.o.o. Croatia  +385 52 495 142   STAND EU6420

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Croatian National Tourist Board

United Travel Agency “UTA” Jordan  +962 65660490   STAND ME1450

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Jordan Tourism Board Universal Travel Indonesia  +62 218759019  STAND AS3350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Jakarta City Government Tourism and Culture Office Uranus Travel & Tourism Bahrain  +973 17552919   STAND ME1410

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) USA - Brand USA - VisitTheUSA. com United States  +1 202 536 2060   Brand USA is the marketing organization responsible for promoting the nation as a premier travel destination. The organization’s mission is to increase international visitation to the United States while working in partnership with the travel industry to maximize the economic and social benefits of travel. STAND AM6210, AM6200, AM6110, AM6211

Hall 6

Usti Region Czech Republic  +420 475 657 111   STAND EU6810

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Czech Tourism Authority - CzechTourism

V V Hotel Fujairah United Arab Emirates  +971 9 202 3333   STAND ME4210

Hall 4 Sharing stand with Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority Valero Grand Suites by SwissBelhotel (Makati, Philippines) Philippines  +63 28825376   valero-grand-swiss-belhotel-makati STAND HC1130

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Swiss-Belhotel International Value Retail Management Germany GmbH Germany STAND EU6710

Hall 7 Sharing stand with German National Tourist Board (GNTB) Via Entertainment Turkey  +90 2165601888 STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Victoria Jungfrau Collection Switzerland  +41 33 828 28 28   www.victoria-jungfrau-collection. ch/en STAND EU6730

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Vida Hotels and Resorts United Arab Emirates  +971 44238899  STAND HC0220

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with EMAAR HOSPITALITY GROUP


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Vienna Marriott Hotel Austria  +43 1 515180  travel/vieat-vienna-marriotthotel/?scid=bb1a189a-fec3-4d19-a25554ba596febe2 STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd Vienna Tourist Board Austria  STAND EU6610

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Austrian National Tourist Office Vila Vita Marburg Germany  +49 642160055107   VILA VITA Rosenpark meets the highest 5* International standards, all 194 rooms have undergone complete refurbishment, luxury serviced apartments, health spa and gym, halal food, 24 hour room service, shuttle service and international cuisine. The university hospital is 10 minutes’ drive away, it is the third largest university hospital in Germany. STAND EU6521

Hall 7

Villa Fleur De Lys Zanzibar Tanzania  +255 777 314 801   STAND AF5240

Hall 5 Sharing stand with Tanzania Villa Hotels and Resorts Pvt Ltd Maldives  +960 7791111  STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation

Villa Rotana United Arab Emirates  +971 43216111  STAND HC0720


VisitBritain United Kingdom   - -

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC


VIP Tourism Turkey  +90 5323232163  

VisitBritain Shop United Kingdom  


Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Visit Bahrain Bahrain  +973 17221166   STAND ME1410

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) Visit California United States  +1 916 233 0242   STAND AM6211

Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA Belgium   wishes to put Brussels on the local and international map as the capital of 500 million Europeans, the “world city” where 180 different nationalities mingle, making Brussels a cosmopolitan place with permanent links to the rest of the world. STAND EU6522

Hall 7

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Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound


VisitScotland United Kingdom  +44 131 472 22 22   STAND EU6830

Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound Vista Company & Travel Services Pvt Ltd Maldives  +960 3320952  STAND AS2350

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Sharing stand with Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation Vorderegger Travel Austria  STAND EU6610

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Austrian National Tourist Office Voyage Tours Georgia Georgia  +995 322299555   STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration

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Voyage Tours LLC United Arab Emirates  +971 43888222   STAND ME3510

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority Voyager Georgia  +995 32 240 08 08   STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration Voyages Afriq Ghana  +233 246592949   VoyagesAfriq is a specialized travel and tourism media providing comprehensive information about the tourism industry aimed at promoting Africa to the rest of the world. Our experienced team of writers produce dozens of news stories, documentaries in order to provide our readers with information related to their travel and tourism business need. STAND ME1140-18

Hall 1

Vythiri Village India  +91 4936256716  Experience one of Kerala’s top spa and ayurveda resorts, for it’s comfort and intuitive care. we introduce our guests to a realm of indescribable beauty, flawless service and thoughtful touches. Our guests can always be assured of their return to the comfort of their elegantly modern accommodation. STAND AS3320

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3

W W Amman Hotel Jordan  +962 65108888   STAND ME1450

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Jordan Tourism Board W Amsterdam Netherlands   www.wamsterdam. com/?SWAQ=958C STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd W Bali - Seminyak Indonesia  STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd W Barcelona & Le Meridien Barcelona Spain  +34 933 18 62 00   STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd


Sheikh Saeed Arena Waldorf Astoria United Arab Emirates  +971 547918470  Reservations.Warak@waldorfastoria. com  uae/waldorf-astoria-ras-al-khaimahRKTWAWA/index.html STAND ME3510

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority Waldorf Astoria Hotel Dubai Palm Jumeirah United Arab Emirates  +971 4 818 2222   html STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism

W Maldives Maldives  +960 6662222  

Waldorf Astoria Hotels and Resorts and Conrad Hotels and Resorts United States  +1 7038835358   Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts is a portfolio of more than 25 landmark destinations, each being a reflection of their surroundings in the world’s most sought after locations. Conrad Hotels & Resorts is the destination for the new generation of smart luxury travellers. A global luxury brand consisting of 23 properties across 5 continents.



W Dubai - The Palm United Arab Emirates   STAND HC0750

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Marriott Hotels International Ltd


WA International United Arab Emirates  +971 42663050  Wa International combines extensive international experience with an appreciation of local aesthetics, creating truly exceptional interiors. Our philosophy; stay loyal to the clients brief and meet operator’s requirements to create interiors that exceeds the highest international standards and provids a unique and memorable experience.

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Exhibitor profiles

Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter United Kingdom  +44 2034277587  STAND EU6830

Hall 7 Sharing stand with UKinbound Warwick Hotels and Resorts Lebanon  +971 44582196  From Europe to the United States to the Middle East to Asia, Africa and beyond, Warwick Hotels and Resorts strives to place guests precisely where needed to live life to its fullest. The result is a hotel stay capable of being measured only in personal adventures and authentic experiences – just as it should be. STAND HC1120

Sheikh Saeed Arena Wasel Tours Sharjah  97165444466   STAND EU7108

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Balkan Travel Services Weekend Trip Tour Operator Saudi Arabia  +966 143821214  STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) White Sands Tours And Travel United Arab Emirates  +971 42826800  We are among the premier DMC/ Wholesalers based in Dubai since 1993. With large inventory of hotel rooms, fully computerized and professionally managed logistics division, we are able to handle any requirement for both FIT and MICE. Our user friendly B2B real time online system www.whitesandstours. ae is used by various agents.

Widder Hotel Switzerland  +41 44 224 2526 STAND HC0525

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with The Leading Hotels of the World Wiesbaden Marketing GmbH Germany STAND EU6710

Hall 7 Sharing stand with German National Tourist Board (GNTB) Win Travel DMC Bulgaria Bulgaria  +359 52357180   STAND EU6821

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Bulgaria, Ministry of Tourism World Travel Azerbaijan  +994 1244338883  STAND EU6931

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism World Traveller United Arab Emirates  +971 4 364 2880   World Traveller is officially the highestcirculating travel magazine in the Middle East. Launched in 2006, this monthly magazine focuses on luxury travel, with tips, holiday ideas and in-depth destination features. The magazine is exclusively distributed to customers of dnata, the largest travel company in the Middle East. STAND ME1140-17

Hall 1


WorldHotels AG Germany  +49 6966056420   WorldHotels is dedicated to “Empowering True Independence” for each of its 350 unique independent hotels around the world. With 45 years of excellence in the industry, the company’s mission is to provide sales & distribution solutions and consultancy to upscale hotels of character and distinction. STAND HC1128

Sheikh Saeed Arena Wozol Zaer Establishment Saudi Arabia  +966 503508573   STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) WST ( World Sightseeing Tour) Georgia Georgia  +995 514 21 77 22   STAND EU6921

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration Wyndham Hotel Group Europe Ltd United Kingdom  +44 2087626617   Wyndham Hotel Group is the world’s largest hotel company based on number of hotels. As both a leading hotel brand franchisor and hotel management services provider, the company’s global portfolio consists of more than 8,400 hotels and over 728,200 rooms in 80 countries. STAND HC0605

Sheikh Saeed Arena


Hall 4

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Wynn Las Vegas United States  +1 702-770-7000  STAND AM6200

Hall 6 Sharing stand with USA - Brand USA

X XCLUSIVE HOTEL APARTEMENTS United Arab Emirates  +971 43599925   STAND ME3110

Hall 3 Sharing stand with Dubai Tourism

Zagreb Tourist Board Croatia  +385 14898555   STAND EU6420

Hall 6 Sharing stand with Croatian National Tourist Board Zamzam Pullman Hotel -Makkah Saudi Arabia  +966 12 5715555  STAND ME4410

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Zamzam Pullman Hotel-Madinah Saudi Arabia  +966 148210500  STAND ME4410

Y Yas Island Rotana & Centro Yas Island United Arab Emirates  STAND HC0720

Sheikh Saeed Arena Sharing stand with Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC

Z Zaatarah & Co. Tourist and Travel Agency Jordan  +962 64612004   STAND ME1450

Hall 1 Sharing stand with Jordan Tourism Board Zabeel House Al Seef by Jumeirah United Arab Emirates  +971 4 3647777  

Hall 4 Sharing stand with SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) Zanzibar Commission for Tourism Tanzania   STAND AF5240

Hall 5 Sharing stand with Tanzania Zaya Nurai Island Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates  +971 25066222   STAND ME2115, ME2250

Hall 2 Sharing stand with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority ZEN TRAVEL Georgia  +995 591555580  

ZORLU GRAND HOTEL TRABZON Turkey  +90 4623268400 STAND EU7110

Hall 8 Sharing stand with Turkish Culture & Information Office Zuri Hotels & Resorts PVT Ltd India  +91 4812527255  Zuri, is Swahili for ‘far beyond expectation’.The essence of the ‘Zuri’ experience is in providing you with a truly unique experience. Welcome back to hospitality, the way it was meant to be! The Zuri hotels & resorts has as its 5 Star Deluxe resort in Goa, five star business hotel in Bangalore and luxury Spa & resort in Kumarakom, Kerala. STAND AS3325

Sheikh Saeed Hall 3 Zurich Marriott Hotel Switzerland  +41 44 360 70 70  zrhdt-zurich-marriott-hotel/ STAND EU6630

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Zürich Tourism Switzerland  +41 442154032   STAND EU6730

Hall 7 Sharing stand with Switzerland Tourism Zwar Al Bait Hotel Saudi Arabia STAND ME4410



Hall 7 Sharing stand with Georgian National Tourism Administration


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Travel Technology - Exhibitor profiles

# 11-Infotech System Co Ltd Thailand  +66 26925800  Established in 1998, 11-Infotech System Co., Ltd has since developed various software and Internet applications for the Travel Industry worldwide, building a market in the area of outsourcing value chain and network distribution. With its online business processes, we have enabled our clients (travel agents, airlines, hotels, etc.). STAND TT2070 Bahrain  +973 17211501   is an exclusive worldwide hotel reservation system committed to quality in all aspects of the products and services. is one stop shop for all the travel & accommodation requirements. Our unique solution is designed for tourism industry. STAND TT1725

A Turkey  +90 2123435717 , Global Online B2B Channel was founded as Adonis Istanbul in 2004 and became one of the largest and most successful wholesaler in the world with its online system founded in 2012. keeps on expanding worldwide with offices in four destinations in the world: Istanbul, Antalya, Casablanca and Dubai.. STAND TT1720

Amadeus IT Group Spain  +34 97142935207  Leading provider of advanced technology solutions for the global travel industry. STAND TT1520

Atharva Infotech India  +91 2267204989  Atharva Infotech is a technology company dedicated to developing and providing software services for the travel & tourism trade. We have been present since 2004 and have been providing development services to many International travel companies including tour operators, B2C, Wholesalers and travel agencies.Ready to use system X Connect v2.2. STAND TT1770

Avenues World FZ LLC United Arab Emirates  +971 45531029  Avenues aims to aid the hospitality industry make the most of the medium of Internet by providing quick, secure, affordable and complete eCommerce solutions and bringing to them the latest processes and technologies to help them meet their business goals. STAND TT1311

B Babylon Booking Iraq  +964 7718933377   Babylon Booking is a global flight booking portal dedicated to providing quality services to its partners/clients, giving access to ticketing with more than 550 Legacy airlines and more than 150 low cost carriers, around the world which gives its clients competitive rates for SOTO and SITI fares via multi GDS and 3rd parties contents.


Bonotel Exclusive Travel United States  +1 7027965454   Since 1991, Bonotel Exclusive Travel has been the renown luxury specialist, offering exclusive deluxe hotels & resorts, upscale boutique properties, and unique one-of-akind experiences throughout the US, Mexico & the Caribbean to tour operators worldwide, with unparalleled service and a belief that we are only as strong as our partnerships. STAND TT1465 B.V. Netherlands  +31 207125628  is the world leader in booking accommodation online and part of the Priceline Group. Booking. com guarantees the best prices for every type of property. Self-catered properties are available on the sister site is available in more than 40 languages, supported by 173 offices in over 70 countries around the world. STAND TT1620

C CodeGen United Kingdom / Sri Lanka  +44 208 223 7569   CodeGen is a proven, agile and leading travel technology provider of next generation end-to-end software solutions and reservation systems for the global tourism industry, with an international client list that includes many of the world’s largest travel organisations, including Tour Operators, DMCs, Airlines, Cruise Lines and Attraction Providers. STAND TT1665


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Dana Tours Egypt  +20 233639101112  When we are one of the Top Ten Travel Agencies in Egypt and for 14 years, Dana Tours has a record of constant annual awards by international five stars hotels in Egypt for being top producer for their hotels. We are proud being the unique choice of tourists.

DESTINATIONS OF THE WORLD United Arab Emirates  +971 44400600   Destinations of the World (DOTW), is a leading global travel industry wholesaler. DOTW’s state of the art Online Reservation System, DOTWconnect, seamlessly connects travel agents, tour operators, wholesalers, airlines, OTA’s and customers of Travel Technology companies to more than 150,000 hotels in more than 10,000 destinations worldwide.

STAND TT2064, AF6050


Darina Holidays United Arab Emirates  +971 43466611   Online travel wholesaler focusing on individual traveller, groups and corporate events supported by the most advanced travel infrastructure and technology.

DHISCO United States  +1 2142344000   DHISCO Inc. is the world’s leading hospitality distribution company, providing advanced technology to connect hotels around the world with OTAs, GDSs and more. We provide the most efficient and affordable means to market, capture and book hotel reservations. Today, we move more than 16 billion transactions a month for more than 514,000 hotels.



dcs plus Romania  +40 213023132   dcs plus is a leading travel technology company, committed to designing and developing enterprise software solutions for the travel and tourism industry. Founded in 2002, the company has hundreds of customers in over 45 markets and partners all over the world. For details, visit our website www. or drop us an email at . STAND TT1755


DidaTravel Technology Ltd., Co. China  +86 18617093811 STAND TT1356

DLC. Egypt  +20 1008223140  dlc. provides advanced technological solutions designated for travel industry to optimize and strengthen its business and workflow through Web Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Network Security, Customer Support and UI/UX.

Dubai Link Travel & Tours United Arab Emirates  +971 44488111  Dubai Link Travel & Tours is one of the leading Destination Management Companies in Dubai. Its state of the art Global Travel Engine- GTE is a user-friendly B2B online system that provides Travel Agents with an easy access to over +100K properties worldwide. Dubai Link is a one stop enterprise that offers a complete range of Travel services. STAND TT1250

E EET Global Egypt  +20 233057373   EET Global online booking system is a dedicated global wholesaler which offers online B2B reservation system for you only. Our system covers over 900 cities worldwide, 90,000 hotels and over 80,000 products are available to our customers with detailed information, images, rates, allocations and instant online confirmations. STAND TT1750

Expedia FZ-LLC United Arab Emirates  +971 43654899  The Expedia group (NASDAQ: EXPE) is one of the world’s largest travel companies with an extensive brand portfolio that includes leading online travel brands, such as: Expedia. com®,®, Hotwire®, Orbitz Worldwide, trivago®, Expedia® Media Solutions, and many more. STAND TT1550



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Ezeego1 Travel & Tours LLC United Arab Emirates  +91 2261969696 Online Market Place One-Stop Travel Platform for Global Travelers ISO Certified Promoted by the promoters of Cox and Kings Group Company Synergies Healthy mix of Travel Professionals Why ezego1: Global Products Realtime MIS & analytics Fulfillment via 24x7 Customer Support Customised Technology Multi Currency Support Flexible Payment & Settlement STAND TT1258

F Flightroutes24 Hong Kong  STAND CP2531

Fore Representations & Travels DMCC United Arab Emirates  +91 1141000800  Fore, means “Leading from the Front”. At Fore we have always been trying to pursue our goals to the best of our abilities and are successfully growing since April 2002. We have an online B2B hotel booking portal “” for Travel Agents which will change the way you book online Hotels & Services. STAND TT1560

G GATETOURS.COM United Arab Emirates  +971 42367922  Global Gate - B2B powerful reservation platform offering hotels, transfers & tours to the travel industry. Serving over 38,000 hotels in more than 80 countries to 1565 travel organizers. API / White Label solutions available. specialized dedicated team for MICE & Groups.

GT Beds Egypt  +20 227360585 At gtbeds we work close with travel professionals to ensure they get the best in rates and availability 24/7, 365 days a year. Join the extensive list of clients who have chosen to trust GTbeds with their bookings and explore more than 175 000 hotels across the globe. Enjoy fast bookings and instant confirmations. STAND TT1330



Global Innovations-Dubai United Arab Emirates  +971 553248468   Global Innovations is a leading name in Travel and Tourism Technology with a proven track record of over 15+ years. We have been consistently adding value to the business bottom line. We not only help our clients to substantially bring down their costs, but also improve their business processes to get the most out of the flat world dynamics. STAND TT1510

Goranga Tech Ltd. United Kingdom  +44 208 099 1011   STAND TT1458

Gray Line United States  +1 3033946920  For over 100 years, Gray Line has helped more travelers see more of the world’s most iconic destinations and attractions than any other company on the planet. Gray Line invented sightseeing and has always been at the center of creating and operating the best traveler experiences across the globe.


Holidays Arabia Kuwait  +965 22240680  Holidays Arabia is a B2B Global Reservation System offering worldwide Hotels,Sightseeing,Transfers & many other travel related services under one window interface. Holidays Arabia ...... Your First Choice for a Hotel Store. STAND TT1667

HolidayTaxis United Kingdom  +44 1273828200  HolidayTaxis is the the world’s leading provider of pre-bookable ground transportation generating revenue for our partners. Through us you can book your ground transportation in over 12,000 destinations across more than 130 countries around the world. Offering products from low cost/high value vehicles up to executive and limousine transfers. STAND TT1366


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Hong Kong uCloudlink Technology China  +86 33085992 uCloudlink is the global leading CloudSIM pocket Wi-Fi and mobile data service provider. The company’s GlocalMe pocket Wi-Fi offers no-roaming mobile data for all business & leisure travelers who can enjoy mobile internet anytime anywhere in 100+ countries without buying local SIM or paying the data roaming cost. STAND TT1372

Hotel N Apartment UAE  +971 56 751 8988   Founded in 2015 by travel industry experts, Hotels N Apartments (HNA) is a fast-growing global accommodation solution provider that is committed to providing better accommodation with greater savings. Within 3 years, our supplier network has spread across 90+ countries with a curated accommodation inventory of 2800+ properties. STAND TT1263

Hotelbeds Spain  +34 971624633   Hotelbeds is a leading bedbank and a B2B provider to the global travel industry, part of Hotelbeds Group. The company connects over 60,000 travel intermediaries across more than 135 source markets globally with travel providers in over 200 countries representing more than 170,000 hotels, 22,000 transfer routes and 16,000 activities.

hotelkit GmbH Austria  +43 2035882648   hotelkit is used by more than 24.000 employees across 500 branded and independent hotels worldwide. At its core it is all about making hotel operations simple and boosting productivity among teams. It provides hotel employees with digital tools to fulfil daily tasks, repair jobs, guest requests, checklists and shift handovers efficiently. STAND TT1251

Hotelspro United Arab Emirates HotelsPro offers the most diversified portfolio with more than 500,000 hotels from budget to luxury in 205+ countries covering 15,000+ destinations, 25,000+ transfers and 15,000+ tours & activities.HotelsPro. com also offers 24 different language options, multiple currencies and payment options with 5 offices. STAND TT1235

HQ plus Germany  +49 30 28042750   HQ revenue is a cloud-based software that provides real time data on the market and competition. Customers are provided with high-quality information about the major online distribution channels, competitors’ room prices as well as events, holidays, weather forecasts and reviews, ensuring highly effective marketing, sales and pricing strategies.

I IATI CO ( International Air Travel Index Company ) United Arab Emirates  +971 44529313   IATICO is GSA of IATI system one of the leading online reservation systems, including more than 120 airlines and 300.000 hotels globally with its 54 country partners and 26.000 agencies. Our main aim is to bring all the tourism channels together in one system in which all the needs of agencies, corporates and hotels are fulfilled. STAND TT2013

iHolidays by Lamar Holidays Turkey  +90 2122303060   Lamar Holidays is a premium wholesale travel solutions provider, with long standing relationships with clients and suppliers in the Middle East and global market. We strive to offer the optimum travel solutions globally in all regions that we operate via our state of the art online system and support team. STAND TT1630

Imperatore Travel World® Srl Italy  +39 03319459012  ImperaTours is the local online travel expert specialising in the promotion of what is the finest Italian hospitality. STAND TT1762




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Travel Technology - Exhibitor profiles

INGENIUM SOFTECH India  +91 1149075231   Ingenium Softech specialise in developing online booking engine and travel management software systems for Tour Operators, DMCs, Travel Wholesalers and Hotels. “TRAVAYOO” is a new generation software that redefine the way travel transactions are managed, processed and reaped for better profits. Distribute via B2B, B2B2B, B2C, XMLOUT and Mobile apps. STAND TT2066

INPLASS United Arab Emirates  +971 585080213  HELLO@INPLASS.COM  WWW.INPLASS.COM INPLASS is a brainchild of a team of Industry Experts providing a unique platform to solve common problems and issues hotels and guests experience around the globe. STAND TT1571

IT4T Solutions Pvt Ltd India  +91 9873746637   We Providing a complete B2C & B2B & B2B2B & Travel CRM etc, easy and efficient in co-located and distributed teams. Its state-of-the-art technology enables multi functional teams to collaborate and get things done successfully in one place. IT4T is a leading travel technology company working with travel agencies across the globe for channels. STAND TT1666

Italcamel Travel Agency s.r.l Italy  +39 0541661711  Italcamel is a major Italian Tour Operator and leader in the B2B Incoming Travel Industry in Italy. Founded in 1979, with nearly 40 years of experience and with more than 100 employees. B2B only, Italcamel is a supplier of major Tour Operators, Travel Agencies and OTAs worldwide in Italy, Europe, Asia, South America and Emerging Countries. STAND TT1558

ITRIP LLC Saudi Arabia  +966 920001342  ITRIP is an online B2B supplier, selling FIT Hotels, Transfer, Air, and sightseeing tours worldwide. MICE groups, VIP services also available, with high standard services & support. ITRIP was founded in 2012. Subsidiary of FLT, one of the largest Travel Companies in MENA region, with solid foundation of Thirty years continuous operations worldwide. STAND TT1255

J Juniper Innovating Travel Technology Spain  +34 971764415   We are the leader in tourist distribution solutions. We adapt our solutions to the needs of your company and market developments. Our tools allow you to keep track of the contents, prices and allotments. We improve operational efficiency of enterprises offering innovative solutions. We offer technological advice. STAND TT2110


K Kanoo Travel Bahrain  +973 17 220 899   It has been consistently recognized for its premium solutions and service excellence, winning numerous regional industry awards. It has established world-class partnerships & presence in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the UAE, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, Lebanon, UK & France. STAND TT1368

L LAMAR HOLIDAYS United Arab Emirates  +971 43434747   Lamar Holidays established and commenced trading in 2008, with a focus to ensuring it offers the most suitable products and services in a consistent and timely manner to its valued clients as a trusted and respected Business to Business (B2B) premium travel industry wholesaler. STAND TT1630

Lamar Holidays Malaysia Malaysia  +60 321412329   Lamar Holidays, is a leading DMC and (B2B) wholesaler, with an ability to instantly and reliably take you further. STAND TT1630

Lamar Holidays UK United Kingdom  +44 2036916490   Lamar Holidays is a leading wholesale B2B company specialized to handle FITs, Business Travel & Groups. STAND TT1630

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Travel Technology - Exhibitor profiles


Loews hotels United States  +1 3056041601  loewshotelsreservations@  Loews Hotels & Resorts has been welcoming guests for over six decades. Today, our distinctive luxury hotels and resorts continue to offer guests the room they need, and the ultimate in upscale travel experiences, in key urban and resort destinations throughout the United States and Canada. STAND TT1465

Lots of Hotels United Arab Emirates  +971 44576288  Lots of Hotels, a subsidiary of Webjet Australia, based in Dubai offers over 1 million hotel rooms on sale every day sourced from multiple suppliers, global hotel chains and independent properties worldwide. Our extensive & competitive content is available to thousands of travel agencies across Middle East, Africa and beyond. STAND TT1530

Luxury Line Auto Rental United States  +1 310 274 1000   Based in Beverly Hills, California, since 1989, Luxury Line Auto Rental has been providing first-class luxury car rentals in California and Las Vegas. STAND TT1465

M Miki Travel Limited United Kingdom  +44 2075075098  Miki Travel is a dynamic wholesale travel company founded more than 50 years ago. We offer all in one technology platforms with real time streamlined processing from search to book and online sales. We supply hotels and services on five continents at highly competitive prices with professional and efficient support centres. STAND TT1730

Multireisen Deutschland MRD GmbH Germany  +49 3015122005555   MultiReisen is an international travel technology company that has own internet booking engine incorporating a wide variety of travel services: flight/hotel/cruises/dynamic packages/car rental/transfer/price monitor/bus/train/events for various companies throughout a diverse range of geographies. STAND TT1574

Mystifly Global Consolidation & Technology Services Pte Ltd. India  +91 67046000   Mystifly is a B2B global airfare marketplace that empowers 5000+ global travel businesses with solutions to simplify airfare distribution. Our network covers 500+ FSCs, 200+ LCCs, multi-GDS, 80+ point of sale countries. In 2017, We won the “World’s Leading Airline Consolidator” Award from WTA in 2015, 2016 & 2017.

N Nazeel Saudi Arabia  +966 118266276 STAND TT1264

Nirvana Travel and Tourism LLC United Arab Emirates  +971 26277997   In 2007, Nirvana Travel & Tourism was established in Abu Dhabi, UAE, as a full-fledged travel and tourism management company, serving both corporate and individual clients. In the World Travel Awards 2017, we have been honored with 6 significant wins and 6 awards in 2016, including the World’s Leading Luxury Tour Operator 2016 & 2017. STAND TT1621

Nucore Software Solutions Private Limited India  +91 4953107161  Nucore is one of the leading travel technology company with more than a decade of experience. It partners with leading GDS Companies, Travel Management Companies & Travel Payment Solutions providers to support its clients to operate with Highest Efficiency, Better Financial Control, Smart Monitoring and Effective Management. STAND TT1569



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Travel Technology - Exhibitor profiles

O OTRAMS by Qtech Software India  +91 2226850030   Qtech’s flagship product OTRAMS is an Online Travel Management System, connected to 150 suppliers of travel services across the globe including hotels, flights, tours, transfers, car rentals, payment gateways, travel insurance and more. 51 clients globally have chosen OTRAMS as the online travel reservation system to empower their travel businesses. STAND TT1760

Ottila International (HOTELRACK) India  +91 2267204988  HOTELRACK.COM is a dynamic B2B booking portal for agents offering access to more than 110,000 hotels worldwide plus a wide range of transfer and sightseeing options. We have an unmatched range of varied suppliers across all destinations, along with dynamic hotel inventory. We offer strong offline support team dedicated to our agency clients.

PROVAB TECHNOSOFT India  +91 8066210005  PROVAB TECHNOSOFT is an award winning travel technology company, delivering B2B / B2C travel software, travel CRM, accounting software, car rental software and mobility solutions to global travel & hospitality companies. We work with over forty top travel aggregators, global distribution systems, channel managers and DMCs. STAND TT2056

Puratech Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. India  +91 9820140434   eTOS for Tour Operator, Travel Agent & Corporate Midoffice Solution - with CRM, Costing management, Automated itineraries, Reservations, Operational accounting , PnL’s and Monthly GP. Point of Sale Modules B2B partner management Online B2C portal (destination website) Mid office transport module Extranet Module for suppliers Distribution Methods STAND TT1767


P PKFARE China  +86 75532807446   PKFARE, an innovative global travel B2B marketplace targeting air tickets, hotels and destination products, provides global travel players with smart integrated solutions including real time inventory data, best buy rate, seamless multilingual customer service and diversified product portfolios.


Q QuadLabs Technologies Private Limited India  +91 1246636999   QuadLabs is a premier travel technology company with a focus on delivering world class products to the travel industry.It completed 11+ years in the industry and has over 90 customers globally. The flagship, XChange ERP help our customers automate their travel business processes,optimize revenue stream and enhance their customer service experience. STAND TT1312, TT1410

QUp World Inc USA  STAND TT1572

R RATEGAIN TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED United Kingdom  +91 1204907950  Founded in 2004, RateGain now has 12,000 clients around the globe including hotels, online travel agents, airlines, car rental companies, cruise liners as well as tour operators and wholesalers. RateGain’s cloud based software helps organizations with rate intelligence, price optimization, seamless electronic distribution and brand engagement. STAND TT1675


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ReviewPro Spain  +34 934520069   ReviewPro is the leading provider of Guest Intelligence solutions to hotels worldwide. The company’s solutions: Online Reputation Management, Guest Satisfaction Surveys and Auto Case Management. ReviewPro’s Global Review Index™ (GRI) is based on reviews collected from 175+ OTAs and sites in 45+ languages. 35,000+ hotels worldwide rely on ReviewPro.

RTS United Arab Emirates  +971 528975135, founded in 2004, is a global wholesaler with a hotel inventory of more than 150.000 hotels in 15.000 destinations. Our distinct hotel portfolio is best known for Asia Pacific and Far East along with Europe & USA. Having 11 different offices in strategic locations, RTS. net is one of the fastest growing B2B companies of the travel industry. STAND TT1460



S by Travel Designer Group United Arab Emirates  +91 7940236000  is an Award Winning B2B global reservation system offering Hotel, Sightseeing and Transfer services to our travel partners across the globe. The system is empowered by direct inventories of multiple suppliers and our own contracting with leading hotel chains across the globe.

Sabre Bahrain  +973 172010000  Sabre Corporation is the leading technology provider to the global travel industry. Sabre‚Äôs software, data, mobile and distribution solutions are used by hundreds of airlines and thousands of hotel properties to manage critical operations.


STAND TT1261 United Arab Emirates  +971 96626978622  Global accommodation wholesaler that offers hotels and apartments exclusively to travel trade at net rates and in real time. Unique features include a single feed from direct contracts and multiple suppliers after de-duplicating hotels. Also available destination-specific XML feeds, online booking panel and 24x7 global support.

Smyrooms United Arab Emirates  +971 504993034  Smyrooms is a tour operator with over 10 years experience in the travel market, both b2b and b2c and it is part of the Logitravel group. You will find the most extensive product with more than 400.000 hotels, through 200 suppliers and 19,000 directly contracted hotels with Smyrooms. All this through an advanced technology and a simple API solution.


Solar Empire Travel United Arab Emirates  +971 42384799   Solar Empire Travel is a premier on-line travel service / DMC specializing in planning and booking tailored vacation packages. With branches in Egypt, Dubai, China and Taiwan, Solar Empire provides a broad and most versatile selection of vacation and travel alternatives, meeting the most demanding requirements of our valued clients.


Special Tours Wholesalers Ltd Greece  +30 2103277200   Largest availability & most competitive wholesale rates in 110.295 hotels ww., serving the Tourist Industry since 1987. Online reservation system with full hotel info/digital images currently used by 10.896 tour operators & travel agents globally. XML connectivity and B2B White Label systems avail with full technical support from our own IT experts. STAND TT1335

SuitePad GmbH Austria  +43 6769341505   Digital guest communication with SuitePad. Replace your traditional guest directory and inspire your guests. We assist your guest before, during and after their stay. Improve your guest communication. Increase your inhouse sales revenues. Reduce your operational costs. Optimise your internal processes. Engage and enhance your guest experience. STAND TT1251


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Travel Technology - Exhibitor profiles

T TBO Holidays United Arab Emirates  +971 44357520  is a B2B travel portal that allows travel agents to book over 200,000 hotels worldwide in real time. Backed by cutting edge technology and superior customer support, is your one stop shop for all holiday booking requirements. STAND TT1220

Techno Heaven & Rayna Tours India  +91 7276655440   Techno Heaven is a leading travel technology partner delivering innovative technology solutions for travel industry and empowering worldwide travel businesses to automate their process and enhance customer service. Rayna Tours is a leading DMC for UAE providing one point access to hotels, sightseeing, attraction visits, visa services and lots more. STAND TT1467

The Booking Expert United Arab Emirates   The Booking Expert constitutes the ultimate B2B booking engine for travel agents, a flexible and modular management software that supports all the steps of a travel business process. Our platform offers you time-saving and easy online access to hotel accommodation, transfers, car rental, excursions and tours. STAND TT2015

The Travelbook Group United Kingdom  +44 2081446919  The Travelbook Group offers a one stop shop for Hotels, Resorts & Villas worldwide, providing GDS / IDS and Channel Distribution, Sales & Marketing, web services, mobile apps as well as a PMS Solution, Rate Shopping tool, Reputation Management, Meta searches, Social Media Marketing and much much more. STAND TT1456

TI Infotech Pvt Ltd India  +91 1203341800   TI Infotech is a 13+ year old Premier Travel Technology Company with focused approach of delivering quality services globally to the Travel & Tourism Industry. Our Two Signature Products are: 1. Travel Cloud Suite - A real time web based booking engine. 2. Travel Assist - A comprehensive application covering all aspects of tour business.


TPConnects Technologies United Arab Emirates  +971 504009906  TPConnects is a Travel Technology company specialised in Travel Distribution. TPConnects is the FIRST IATA dual NDC Level 3 Certified Travel Aggregator & IT Vendor. Our solutions include B2B Reseller Travel Aggregator Platform, B2C OTA Internet Booking Engine, Mobile Apps, Corporate Booking Tool, Dynamic Holiday Packaging & Own inventory Management. STAND TT1215

Travco Corporation Ltd. United Kingdom  +44 2078646078  Travco is a leading global hotel wholesaler. It offers its global client base 12,000 hotels in over 1,000 destinations through an advanced online booking system and XML interface in 9 languages. Founded in 1988, Travco reached a turnover of £180 million in 2015 and now employs over 300 staff, with representative offices in 13 major global cities.



TOP INTERNATIONAL Hotels & Corporate Partners Germany  +49 21155985508  With over 30 years of hospitality experience, we are proud to present you our corporate partners. Each establishment radiates its own special atmosphere and is full of charme and character. Together with their partners Wellnessfinder, Embrace Hotels, VCH-Hotels, Guennewig Hotels and Falkensteiner, more than 400 hotels in Europe.

Travel Compositor Spain  +34 971557243  Travel Compositor is the tech company that created a disrupting software for the TTL industry. A new standard for planing, quoting, distributing, booking and selling complex trips in 1 sesion, saving millions of hours to workers & travellers, be it for B2B or B2C. A never seen before technology that will put your brand straight into the future!


STAND TT1266 United Arab Emirates  STAND TT1614

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TravelClick Inc United States  +1 8479690822  Reservations solutions, business intelligence products, & comprehensive media, video & marketing solutions for hotels to grow revenue, reduce costs & improve performance. We help 38,000+ hotels in 160+ countries drive profitable room reservations through better revenue management decisions, proven reservation technology & innovative marketing. STAND TT1262


Travellanda United Kingdom  +44 2033845410  Travellanda is a leading B2B Accommodation Wholesaler providing an inventory of over 200,000 hotels worldwide to Travel Agents, Tour Operators and OTAs. Through advanced technology, Travellanda offers highly competitive rates using its Online Reservation System, XML Connectivity or White Label Solutions. STAND TT1353

Travelport United Arab Emirates  +971 43614826  We are focused on providing distribution, technology, payment, mobile and other solutions for the $8tn global travel and tourism industry. With a presence in approximately 180 countries, over 3,700 employees (and an additional 1,200 employees at IGT Solutions Private Ltd. - application development services) and 2015 net revenue of over $2.35bn.

Traveltek Ltd United Kingdom  +44 1355246111  Traveltek are one of the worlds leading technology companies dedicated to the travel industry. Winning last years coveted “world’s leading dynamic packaging solutions provider” We offer the full solution , inc stylish website design , integrated point of sale & CRM and back office solution. STAND TT2010

Travzilla Pro India  +91 1204332291  GenX eSolutions is an emerging travel technology company. Since 2013, GenX eSolutions has been in business as a travel technology provider in India and across the globe. GenX eSolutions has fully licensed system called Travilla Pro having all the necessary services including Hotel, Flight ,Transfers etc.Travilla Pro provides Enterprise Solution. STAND TT1479

TRIPMAKERS FZ LLC United Arab Emirates  +971 529083915   Tripmakers is an emerging B2B travel partner network coupled with technology solution with all the necessary services Including over 500,000+ hotels, multi GDS, 150+ low cost carries, Global fares, low fare watch, consolidated analytics, 24x7 support & state of the art front/ mid/back office solutions some of features in our intuitive platform.

V Vanilla Turkey  +90 2127054800  Booking Wholesaler STAND TT1660 Turkey  +90 5077686728   Valley of Tourism is a DMC and B2B company, specialized in providing customized lifestyle management services to companies who strive to provide their clients with innovative travel experiences in Turkey, Bosnia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Italy. We offer wide range of tailor-made itineraries and ground services to tour operators and travel agents. STAND TT1652

W Welcomebeds Spain  +34 971 258 741   is part of Globalia Corporation, Spain’s leading tourism group with more than 40 years’ experience and staffed by a team of 20,000 professionals. We offers online availability for top quality accommodation, excursions, transfers, and incoming services around the world via our high speed XML, Web portal or 24/07 call centre. STAND TT1468




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Travel Technology - Exhibitor profiles

WORLD 2 MEET SLU Spain  +34 971434050   Founded in 2008 as NT incoming and New Travelers, W2M is 100% owned by IBEROSTAR GROUP. W2M is a global on/offline provider of travel services in more than 175 countries, providing hotel accommodation, transfers, excursions and tours, and handling services. We have 4 business lines and brands: W2M PRO, W2M DMC, W2M API an W2M Holidays. STAND TT1555

World Net Hotels Lebanon  +961 1511599  World Net Hotels is a wholesale travel company selling exclusively to tour operators & travel agents Worldwide. Our online system includes more then 60.000 Hotels all over the world. In addition to Airport transfers, Sightseeing tours, Car rentals, MSC Cruises, Travel Insurance, B2B and B2C White Label, and XML integration.



XML Holiday Egypt  +20 1150990000   XML Holiday is a global hotel reservation system that enables travel agencies to search, compare and book hotel rooms worldwide at wholesale rates, it features local currency results, up to date prices direct from its source and the ability to voucher reservations with one single click.

ZEEYARAH.COM Saudi Arabia  +966 126610274  Reseller Travel Aggregator Platform and Online Travel Agency Whitelabelling. First IATA NDC level 3 certification in Middle East and North Africa. Ready to go business solutions for Online Travel Agencies. Expand digitally not physically. B2B and B2C platform with full contents. All travel services in one platform.




Worldwide DMC Ltd United Kingdom  +44 2085698080 

Yalago United Arab Emirates  +971 47081822   Yalago is a global leisure bedbank that specialises in Florida, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia. Part of the Emirates Group, we have a 40 year history working in the travel industry, and an experienced team of over 70 contractors. We are flexible, competitive, experienced and scalable.





Zumata Singapore  +65 86688478   Zumata is a next-generation, A.I.powered consolidator of global hotel rooms for travel retailers. Zumata offers +550,000 unique hotel rooms and vacation rentals; premium imagery and descriptions, in 29 languages, alongside business intelligence using ONE single API. We help travel retailers enhance their offerings and increase profitability. STAND TT1470 United Arab Emirates  +971 4430 9282   is a global travel wholesaler based in Dubai that provides worldwide tourism services through the on-line reservation system at Our Vision is To be one of the leading travel wholesaler providers, benchmarking ourselves against international standards and best practices in terms of products offering, technology and service level. STAND TT1639

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Product index



• Laax Destination Switzerland - &

ILTM Arabia ME2115, ME2250 • Levi Destination Marketing & Sales EU6825 • Ljubljana Tourism EU6620 • Lopota Lake Resort&Spa EU6921 • M & H for ships and boat cruise rental ME2115, ME2250 • Mara Engai Lodge ILTM Arabia • Mawasim Tours ME4410 • MEXICO AM6120 • Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic EU6911 • Mo Hotel & Resorts AS2350 • Municipality of Bansko EU6821 • My Jetski Watersports ME3110 • myTourisma ME2400 • National Tourist Union EU6941 • Nine Worlds - Tailor Made Experience in Iceland & Greenland ILTM Arabia • Oman Ministry of Tourism ME2110 • Papillon Helicopters AM6200 • Qasswa ME4305 • Qualitrips EU6921 • Raffles Dubai HC1050 • Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) EU6230 • Seychelles Tourism Board AS2465 • Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah & Shangri-La Al Husn Resort & Spa, Oman HC0820 • Sharjah Investment and Development Authority (SHUROOQ) ME4150 • SIGNA Luxury Collection GmbH ILTM Arabia • Southern Aegean Development Agency EU7245 • Start Travel EU6921 • Swiss Travel Bureau GmbH EU6630 • The Muse Hotel, Boracay AS2320 • Timetravels Incoming Ltd. EU6825 • Tourist Organization of the Republic of Srpska EU6621 • TravelShop Georgia EU6921 • Tugawe Cove Resort AS2320 • Uranus Travel & Tourism ME1410 • V Hotel Fujairah ME4210 • Voyage Tours Georgia EU6921 • White Shark Projects AF5140 Waldhaus Alpine Resort

• Le royal Meridien

ADVENTURE TRAVEL • 3K MANAGEMENT EU6801 • African Pride Tours - Trevor Hewett AF5140 • Afro Tourism West Africa Ltd ME1140-1 • AlMobtaker Travel and Tourism ME1410 • Amathus Travel Croatia EU6420 • Amazing Tours ME4410 • andBeyond AF5240 • ANTARCTIC AIRWAYS AM6111 • Arabian Nights Village ME2115, ME2250 • Arctic Travel Boutique Ltd EU6825 • Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism EU6931

• Bahrain International Travel ME1410 • Balkan Travel Services EU7108 • Balloon Adventures ME3110 • Baltma Tours EU6517 • Bangladesh Tourism Board AS2430 • Bedir Tour EU7110 • Best Travel EU6921 • British Country Sports EU6830 • Capital Georgia Travel EU6921 • CarVia Exclusive Car Rental Munich EU6720 • CCT 168 Travel and Tours Corporation AS2320 • Deira Tours ME4410 • Department of Tourism and Resorts of Ajara AR EU6921 • Department of Tourism, Government of Karnataka AS2435 • DESERT ADVENTURES TOURISM L.L.C ME3110 • Desert Gate Tourism ME2200 • Dubai Parks and Resorts ME3440 • EMAAR HOSPITALITY GROUP HC0220 • Exotour EU6921 • Ezeego1 Travel & Tours LLC TT1258 • Fairmont Amman Hotel ME1450 • Fairmont Hotels and Resorts Kenya HC1050 • Forty Travel EU6921

AIRLINE • Akik Tour EU7110 • Al Shitaiwi Travel and Tourism ME4410

• Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts HC1150 • Georgia Travel RSP EU6921

• Alwasat Travels ME1410 • ANTARCTIC AIRWAYS AM6111

• German National Tourist Board (GNTB) EU6710 • Golden Sands Hotel Apartments HC0505, HC1166 • GriwaRent AG Holiday Apartments in Grindelwald & Interlaken EU6730

• ArmaConcierge EU7110 • Bravo Air EU6921 • CCT 168 Travel and Tours Corporation AS2320

• GTA - Georgian Tour Agency EU6921 • Helidubai ME3400

• Dakkak Tours International- DMC ME1450 • Emirates ME3310

• Hilton Evian-les-Bains HC0830 • Hong Kong uCloudlink Technology TT1372 • Hyatt Regency Kuantan Resort HC0450

• Etihad Airways ME2310 • flydubai ME2410 • flynas ME4410

• Ice Land Waterpark ME3510 • Impro Travels EU6801

• Gulf Air ME1410 • iJET ME4201

• Indian Holiday Pvt. Ltd. ILTM Arabia • Infinity Trips EU6921 • Info-Tbilisi Travel EU6921 • Interlaken Tourism EU6630 • Iran Negin Travel ME1200

• Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) EU6801 • Multireisen Deutschland MRD GmbH TT1574 • Oman Air ME2140 • Royal Jordanian Airlines - UAE Dubai Office ME1450 • SAC Catania Airport EU6450

• Jordan Road Travel and Tourism ME1450



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• HMH - Hospitality Management Holding HC0530 • Holidays Arabia TT1667 • Interlaken Tourism EU6630

• ANTARCTIC AIRWAYS AM6111 • Dadabhai Travel ME2100 • EMITT EU7110 • Etihad Airways ME2310 • GT Beds TT1330

• iSTAY by Parkhill EU6830 • JA Resorts & Hotels HC0400 • Jumeirah at Etihad Towers HC0330 • Jumeirah Living World Trade Centre HC0330 • KASTENS HOTEL LUISENHOF EU6710

• iJET ME4201 • Jnan Tours Master ME1410 • LEMONDE HOTELS RESERVATION NETWORK AS2065 • Marhaba Services ME3300

• Lamar Holidays UK TT1630 • Lots of Hotels TT1450, TT1530 • LOUVRE HOTELS GROUP-MENA HC1020 • Luxury & Boutique Hotel Collection EU6230

ME2115, ME2250 ME2115, ME2250 • Thai Airways International Pcl AS2250, AS2355 • Voyager EU6921

• Makarem Hotels HC0430 • Mansard Hotel & Residences HC0170, HC0770


• Marriott Executives Apartments ME1410 • Marriott Vacation Club HC0750 • Martin’s Hotel Belgium EU6522 • MERCURE Dubai Barsha Heights Hotel Suites and Apartments HC1050 • Millennium Hotels & Resorts HC0650

AIRPORTS • Centurion Travel and Tours AF5140 • Dubai Airports ME3340

• Mövenpick Hotel & Apartments Bur Dubai HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotel & Residences Nairobi HC0630 • NH COLLECTION HOTELS EU6230

• Frankfurt Airport VIP Services EU6710 • Gulf Air ME1410

• Nihal Hospitality ME3110 • Palazzo Versace Hotel LLC HC0150

• iJET ME4201 • Marhaba Services ME3300 • Mövenpick Hotel & Residences Hajar Tower Makkah HC0630

• Park Hyatt Hamburg HC0450 • Park Inn by Radisson Hotel & Residence Duqm HC0730 • Park Plaza Hotels EU6830

ME2115, ME2250

• Portrait Firenze -Lungarno Collection EU6330, EU6310 • Preferred Hotels & Resorts HC0420



• R Hotels Group HC0425 • Radisson Blu Residence, Dubai Marina HC0730 • Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC HC0720

• A.A.Al Moosa Enterprises Llc HC1166 • abba Hotels EU6230

• Savoy Hotels ME3110 • Scandic Hotels Group EU6825

• Anantara The Palm Dubai Resort ME3110 • Athenaeum Hotel & Residences (Mayfair/London) EU6830 • B.V. TT1620

• Seven Tides Hospitality HC0260 • Shangri-La Hotel & Traders Hotel

• Bürgenstock Hotels & Resort Lake Lucerne EU6730 • Capital Centre Arjaan by Rotana HC0720

• Sirona Hotels EU6821 • Sorell Hotels Switzerland EU6630

• Central Hotel Apart EU6720 • Central Hotels Management HC0810 • Centro Capital Centre HC0720

• Swiss Luxury Apartments EU6630, ILTM Arabia • Swiss-Belhotel International HC1130 • Swiss-Belresidences Juffair, Bahrain HC1130

EU7230, EU6220, EU6840 ME2115, ME2250 • DAMAC Hotels & Resorts HC0350 • Danat Hotels & Resorts ME2115, ME2250 • Derag Livinghotels AG + Co. KG EU6720 • Destination Gstaad EU6730 • Dusit Residence Dubai Marina HC1030 • Dusit Thani Abu Dhabi HC1030 • Explore The Wonders AS2310 • Fairmont Dubai HC1050 • Flora Hospitality HC1230 • Frasers Hospitality HC1000 • Golden Sands Hotel Apartments HC0505, HC1166 • Grand Hyatt Amman HC0450 • Grand Hyatt Dubai HC0450 • Grand Hyatt Istanbul HC0450 • GriwaRent AG Holiday Apartments in Grindelwald & Interlaken EU6730 • Gromaxx Hotels Management LLC ME2115, ME2250 • Grosvenor House Suites by Jumeirah Living HC0330 • Gulf Hotels Group HC0700 • Hala Arjaan by Rotana HC0720 • Hilton Colombo Residences HC0830 • CitySpeed Tours • Cristal Group

Qaryat Al Beri Abu Dhabi

• Switzerland Tourism EU6630, EU6730 • The Ascott Limited HC1220 • The St.Regis Cairo HC0750 • TIME Hotels HC1220, HC1255 • Titlis Cableways Restaurants & Accommodation EU6630 • Top Glory Travel EU6921 • Valero Grand Suites by Swiss-Belhotel (Makati, Philippines) HC1130 • Voyage Tours LLC ME3510 • Wyndham Hotel Group Europe Ltd HC0605 • XCLUSIVE HOTEL APARTEMENTS ME3110

ASSOCIATIONS • Al Jahra Copthorne Hotel & Resort HC0650 • Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Latvia EU6801 • China Southern Airlines AS2075 • eTurboNews (eTN) HC0682 • Hotel Schweizerhof Zurich HC1128 • Iceland Luxury ILTM Arabia • Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) EU6801 • Mövenpick Hotel Kuwait HC0630 • Municipality of Bansko EU6821

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• National Tourist Union EU6941 • Paseo de Gracia Association - Barcelona EU6230 • Roomz Hotel Management EU6610

• sbe ILTM Arabia • Sirona Hotels EU6821 • SLS Hotel, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Beverly Hills HC0750

• Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority ME4110 • Tanzania AF5240 • UKinbound EU7330, EU6830

• Sorell Hotels Switzerland EU6630 • Soukya International Holistic Health Centre PVT Ltd Wellness and Spa • Special Tours Wholesalers Ltd TT1335 • Sun Ocean Pvt Ltd AS2350 • Swiss-Belhotel International HC1130

BOUTIQUE HOTELS • Absheron Hotel Group ILTM Arabia • AD Hotels EU6630

ILTM Arabia ME2115, ME2250 • Arctic Travel Boutique Ltd EU6825 • Athenaeum Hotel & Residences (Mayfair/London) EU6830 • Caresse, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Bodrum HC0750 • COMO Hotels & Resorts ILTM Arabia • DAMAC Hotels & Resorts HC0350 • Derag Livinghotels AG + Co. KG EU6720 • Desert Palm Resort & Hotel ME3110 • Dhigufaru Island Resort AS2350 • Fancourt Hotel AF5140 • Frasers Hospitality HC1000 • Grand Hotel Minerva EU6330, EU6310 • Gromaxx Hotels Management LLC ME2115, ME2250 • Grosvenor House Suites by Jumeirah Living HC0330 • Haiyou Voyage (Guangzhou)Co.Limited AS2285 • Horseracing - Sport of Kings EU6830 • Hotel Chester Heidelberg EU6710 • Hôtel de Berri, A Luxury Collection Hotel HC0750 • Il Borro ILTM Arabia • INOVA HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT EU6410 • Kaimoo Resorts and Hotels AS2350 • Kaluah Tour AM6211 • Kämp Collection Hotels EU6825 • Kimpton Hotels AM6211 • Le Châtelain Brussels Hotel EU6522 • Longevity Wellness Worldwide HC0825 • Lošinj Hotels & Villas EU6420 • Luxury & Boutique Hotel Collection EU6230 • Machefert Hotels Collection HC1128 • Madinat Jumeirah HC0330 • Magic Village resort AM6211 • Mansard Hotel & Residences HC0170, HC0770 • Martin’s Hotel Belgium EU6522 • Miki Travel Limited TT1730 • Millennium Hotels and Resorts - Europe HC0650 • Minor Hotels HC0665 • Monument Hotel HC0420 • Narcissus Hotel ME4410 • NH COLLECTION HOTELS EU6230 • Nihal Hospitality ME3110 • Nobu Hotel Riyadh HC0525 • Nobu Hotels ILTM Arabia • Palazzo Versace Hotel LLC HC0150 • Park Hyatt Hamburg HC0450 • Park Hyatt Washington DC HC0450 • Park Inn by Radisson Hotel & Residence Duqm HC0730 • Paseo de Gracia Association - Barcelona EU6230 • Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau AM6210 • Portrait Firenze -Lungarno Collection EU6330, EU6310 • Pure Salt Luxury Hotels EU6230 • Sanctuary Hotel New York AM6210 • Santani Resort & Spa Wellness and Spa • Akaryn Hotel Group • Arabian Nights Village


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• TCA - Travel Connections Arabia HC0825 • The Arch London EU6830 • The Ascott Limited HC1220 • The Bellevue Hotels & Resorts AS2320 • The Doyle Collection EU6830 • The Muse Hotel, Boracay AS2320 • The Ritz-Carlton Hotel de la Paix, Geneva HC0750 • The St. Regis Mardavall Mallorca Resort HC0750 • The Stafford London EU6830 • The Sunset Marquis Hotel and Villas HC0420 • The Travel Collection ILTM Arabia

• To Florence Hotels EU6330, EU6310 • VisitScotland EU6830 • Waldorf Astoria Hotels and Resorts

and Conrad Hotels and Resorts

ILTM Arabia

• Warwick Hotels and Resorts HC1120

• WorldHotels AG HC1128 • Zabeel House Al Seef by Jumeirah HC0330 • Zaya Nurai Island Abu Dhabi ME2115, ME2250

BUSINESS & FINANCIAL COMPANIES/SERVICES • Fairmont Dubai HC1050 • Grand Hotel River Park, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Bratislava HC0750 • Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta HC1140 • Hotel Schweizerhof Zurich HC1128 • IATA ME1300 • Le Meridien Munich EU6720 • Mövenpick Hotel Kuwait HC0630 • Nobu Hotel Riyadh HC0525 • Park Inn by Radisson Hotel &

Apartments Dammam Industrial City HC0730 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Lusaka, Zambia HC0730 • Raffles Dubai HC1050 • The Westin Palace Milan HC0750 • World Net Hotels TT1359

BUSINESS AUTOMATION AND MANAGEMENT • DLC. TT1274, TT1375 • Mystifly Global Consolidation & Technology Services Pte Ltd. TT1568 • TI Infotech Pvt Ltd TT1710 • TRIPMAKERS FZ LLC TT1360

BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT SERVICES • Central Hotels Management HC0810 • Claviger Middle East HC0360 • Grand Hotel River Park, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Bratislava HC0750 • Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa HC0330 • Mövenpick Hotel Kuwait HC0630 • Municipality of Bansko EU6821 • Swiss International Hotels & Resorts HC0568

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BUSINESS TRAVEL • Adviser Travel & Tourism EU7106

• Holiday Inn Kuwait Al Thuraya City ME1310 • Hong Kong uCloudlink Technology TT1372 • Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta HC1140

• Ajman Tourism Development Department ME3540 • Al Fifa Tours ME4410 • Al Maqam Travel and Tourism ME4410 • ALKAMILBOOKING.COM CP2900 • Balkan Holidays EU6621

• Hotel Schweizerhof Zurich HC1128 • iJET ME4201 • Indian Holiday Pvt. Ltd AS3114 • Infinity Trips EU6921 • Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa HC0330

• Club Sports UK EU6518 • Con-ex LATVIA TOURS group EU6801 • Cox & Kings AS3010 • Executive Suites by Mourouj Gloria ME2115, ME2250

• Las Vegas Luxury Travel AM6200 • Le Meridien Munich EU6720 • Le royal Meridien ME2115, ME2250 • Lopota Lake Resort&Spa EU6921

• Gadou Travel EU6230 • Georgian Capital EU6921 • GTA - Georgian Tour Agency EU6921

• Nine Worlds - Tailor Made Experience

• Expedia FZ-LLC TT1355, TT1550 • Forty Travel EU6921

• Mideast Travel / The Booking Expert EU6410 • NAS L.L.C ME2115, ME2250

ILTM Arabia

in Iceland & Greenland

• Nobu Hotel Riyadh HC0525

• Haiyou Voyage (Guangzhou)Co.Limited AS2285 • Hotelspro TT1235

• ORYX International Tourism ME2115, ME2250 • Park Hyatt Mallorca HC0450

• Hyatt Regency Casablanca HC0450 • India Tourism AS3125 • Jordan Tourism Board ME1450

• Passionate Tourism ME3510 • Plaza Tours Jordan ME1450 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Lusaka, Zambia HC0730

• JW Marriott Minneapolis Mall of America HC0750 • KB Travel EU6921

• Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah

• Kuwait Ministry of Information - Tourism Sector ME1310 • Meet in Georgia EU6921 • Middle East Tourism & Travel Group EU7240

• Sheraton Zürich Hotel EU6630 • THE VIEW Lugano ILTM Arabia • The Westin Palace Milan HC0750

• Monument Hotel HC0420 • NECTAR SPORTS S.L. EU6520

• Travco Corporation Ltd. TT2020 • Wozol Zaer Establishment ME4410

• Pan Pacific Manila AS2320 • Park Hyatt Istanbul - Macka Palas HC0450 • Park Hyatt Jeddah - Marina, Club and Spa HC0450


• PLANET TRAVELS TOURISM L.L.C ME2115, ME2250 • Radisson Blu Beirut Verdun HC0730

& Shangri-La Al Husn Resort & Spa, Oman HC0820

• A.A.Al Moosa Enterprises Llc HC1166

• Radisson Blu Hotel Abu Dhabi Yas Island ME2115, ME2250 • Spain Royal Tours (Grupo Tawy Tours) EU6230 • The Travel Company DMC Greece EU6410

• Advance Chauffeurs EU6830 • Akik Tour EU7110 • Al Wefaq Rent a Car CR2450

• Travelexperts, Inc. AS2320 • Travellanda TT1353

• Aljomaih Auto Rentals CR2550 • Annset Holidays, Inc. AS2320

• VIP Tourism EU7110 • ZEN TRAVEL EU6921

• AVIS Budget EMEA Ltd CR2540 • CarVia Exclusive Car Rental Munich EU6720 • Dollar Car Rental CR2440

BUSINESS TRAVEL MANAGEMENT SERVICES • 3K MANAGEMENT EU6801 • African Pride Tours - Trevor Hewett AF5140 • Airport Limos Greece The Leading

Limousine Company Of Greece EU6410 • AL BUSTAN CENTRE & RESIDENCE ME3110 • Al Jahra Copthorne Hotel & Resort HC0650 • Aljomaih Auto Rentals CR2550 • Amathus Travel Croatia EU6420 • Babylon Booking TT1265, TT1450 • Best Travel EU6921 • China Southern Airlines AS2075 • CONCORD TRAVEL EU6921 • Corporate International Travel & Tours, Inc. AS2320 • DESERT ADVENTURES TOURISM L.L.C ME3110 • Fairmont Baku Flame Towers HC1050 • Global Innovations-Dubai TT1510 • Grand Hotel River Park, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Bratislava HC0750 • Hannover Marketing & Tourismus GmbH EU6710 • Hilton Budapest City HC0830 • Hochschwarzwald Tourismus GmbH EU6710

• Europcar Switzerland EU6730 • Geo Travel Club EU6921 • Gulf Air ME1410 • Hertz CR2440 • Info-Tbilisi Travel EU6921 • Luxury Line Auto Rental AM6211, TT1465 • Mövenpick Hotel & Residences Hajar Tower Makkah HC0630 • Sixt rent a car CR2465 • STRAC Rent a Car ME4410 • Thrifty Car Rental CR2440 • Vorderegger Travel EU6610

CITY TOURIST BOARD • Ajman Tourism Development Department ME3540 • Alwasat Travels ME1410 • Arabian Nights Company ME4410 • Cannes Tourism Board ILTM Arabia • CHOOSE CHICAGO AM6210 • Cologne Tourist Board EU6710 • Destination DC AM6211 • Destination Florence

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EU6330, EU6310

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• Dubai Tourism ME3110, ME3140 • Dusseldorf Tourist Board EU6710 • EAST MARMARA DEVELOPMENT AGENCY EU7035

• Arabian Nights Village ME2115, ME2250 • Athenaeum Hotel & Residences (Mayfair/London) EU6830 • Avantgarde Collection EU7110

• Experience England EU6830 • Experience Kissimmee AM6210 • Frankfurt Tourist+Congress Board EU6710 • Geneva Tourism EU6730 • Grapevine Texas AM6110

• Ayla Hotels and Resorts Management LLC ME2115, ME2250 • Badrutt’s Palace Hotel EU6630 • Bahia Del Duque Hotel EU6230 • Best Western Plus The olive ME1410 • Bin Majid Hotels & Resorts ME3510

• Haiyou Voyage (Guangzhou)Co.Limited AS2285 • Hannover Marketing & Tourismus GmbH EU6710 • Interlaken Tourism EU6630 • Jakarta City Government Tourism and Culture Office AS3350

• Burj Al Arab Jumeirah HC0330 • Calista Luxury Resort EU7110 • Casa de Campo Resort & Villas AM6121 • Central Hotels Management HC0810

• Kuwait Ministry of Information - Tourism Sector ME1310 • Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority AM6200

• Ciragan Palace Kempinski Istanbul HC1140 • Concorde Hotel Fujairah ME4210

• Lausanne Tourism EU6730 • Los Angeles Tourism Board AM6211 • Lucerne Lake Lucerne Region EU6630

• Congress Hotel Seepark EU6630 • Cristal Group ME2115, ME2250 • Crowne Plaza Kuwait Al Thuraya City ME1310

• Macao Government Tourism Office AS2275 • MEXICO AM6120

• Danat Hotels & Resorts ME2115, ME2250 • Dar Al Taqwa Hotel-Madinah, Saudi Arabia ME4410

• Monument Hotel HC0420 • Munich Tourist Office EU6720 • Municipality of Bansko EU6821

• Destination Gstaad EU6730 • Divan İstanbul Hotel EU7110 • Doubletree by Hilton Resort & SPA Marjan Island ME3510

• NYC & Company AM6210 • ORANGE TOUR EU6821

• Doubletree by Hilton Zanzibar AF5240 • Due Torri Hotel HC0525

• Riga Tourism Development Bureau EU6801 • ROMA CAPITALE EU6330, EU6310 • Shanghai Municipal AS2054

• Emerald Palace Kempinski Dubai / Kempinski Hotel & Residences Palm

• Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority ME4110 • Sheraton Zürich Hotel EU6630 • Trabzon Il Kultur ve Turizm Mudurlugu EU7110 • Turisme de Barcelona EU6230 • TURSAB (Association of Turkish Travel Agencies) EU7110 • United Travel Agency “UTA” ME1450 • Visit Bahrain ME1410 • EU6315, EU6522 • Voyages Afriq ME1140-18 • Zagreb Tourist Board EU6420

COACH TRAVEL • Advance Chauffeurs EU6830 • Akik Tour EU7110 • AMAG Chauffeur Drive EU6730 • Amigo Tours LLC AM6105 • Balkan Travel Services EU7108 • FAMOUS TRAVEL DMC EUROPE EU6428, EU7100

• Happy Tours DMC EU6620 • Mimino Travel Georgia EU6921 • OUTLETCITY METZINGEN EU6710 • Vorderegger Travel EU6610

CONFERENCE/MEETING VENUES • Absheron Hotel Group ILTM Arabia • Adenya Hotel EU7110 • AG New World Manila Bay Hotel AS2320 • Agencia Catalana de Turisme EU6230 • AL DIAR SIJI HOTEL ME4210 • AL DIAR SIJI HOTEL ME4210 • Al Hokair Group HC0570 • Al Manara, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Saraya Aqaba HC0750 • ALSOL HOTELS & RESORTS AM6121 • Andaz Munich Schwabinger Tor HC0450


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Jumeirah HC1140 • Fairmont Hotels and Resorts Kenya HC1050 • Falcon Luxury Travel DMCC EU6850 • Fashion Arena Prague Outlet EU6810 • Four Seasons Hotel Lion Palace St. Petersburg HC1150 • Grand Hyatt Berlin HC0450 • Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur HC0450 • Grand Swiss-Belresort Seef, Bahrain HC1130 • Gromaxx Hotels Management LLC ME2115, ME2250 • Hilton Athens HC0830 • Hilton Hotels in Munich HC0830 • Hochschwarzwald Tourismus GmbH EU6710 • Holiday Inn Kuwait Al Thuraya City ME1310 • Hotel Lugano Dante Center EU6630 • Hyatt Capital Gate Abu Dhabi HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Arusha HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Bangkok Sukhumvit HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Kuantan Resort HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Paris Etoile HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Tashkent HC0450 • InterContinental Abu Dhabi hotel ME2115, ME2250 • Jumeirah Beach Hotel HC0330 • Jumeirah Emirates Towers HC0330 • Jumeirah Living World Trade Centre HC0330 • JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel HC0750 • JW Marriott Hotel Seoul HC0750 • JW Marriott Hotel Singapore South Beach HC0750 • JW Marriott Venice Resort & Spa HC0750 • Kempinski Hotel Mall of the Emirates HC1140 • Le Châtelain Brussels Hotel EU6522 • Le Meridien Beach Plaza - Monaco HC0750 • Le Méridien Vienna HC0750 • LifeClass Hotels & Spa EU6620 • Lopota Lake Resort&Spa EU6921 • Macdonald Hotels & Resorts EU6830 • Mara Engai Lodge ILTM Arabia • Marjan Island Resort & Spa Managed by Accor Hotels ME3510 • Marriott International Hotels Munich EU6720 • Metropol Hotel Moscow HC1128 • MGM Resorts International AM6200

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• Mövenpick Hotel & Apartments Bur Dubai HC0630 • Movenpick Hotel & Convention Centre KLIA HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotel City Star Jeddah HC0630


• Mövenpick Hotel Colombo HC0630 • Movenpick Hotel Ibn Battuta Gate Dubai HC0630 • Movenpick Hotel Istanbul HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotel Istanbul Golden Horn HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotel Lausanne HC0630

• Amadeus IT Group TT1520 • Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland member of Swiss Education

• Mövenpick Hotel Mansour Eddahbi HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotel Riyadh HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotel Sukhumvit 15 Bangkok HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts HC0630 • Mövenpick Resort Petra HC0630 • Nihal Hospitality ME3110

• 11-Infotech System Co Ltd TT2070

Group EU6730 • PROVAB TECHNOSOFT TT2056 • Puratech Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. TT1767 • QuadLabs Technologies Private Limited TT1312, TT1410 • Sabre TT1261 • TBO Holidays TT1220 • TPConnects Technologies TT1215

• Oberoi Hotel and Resorts-Madinah ME4410 • PALMA DMC & TOUR OPERATOR EU6620 • Parco dei Principi Grand Hotel & Spa HC0420


• Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas ME2115, ME2250, HC0450 • Park Hyatt Milan HC0450

• Aljomaih Auto Rentals CR2550 • Alpha Travel South East Europe EU6621

• Park Hyatt Zanzibar HC0450 • Penha Longa Hotel, Spa & Golf Resort HC0750 • Radisson Blu Gautrain Hotel, Sandton Johannesburg HC0730

• Central Hotels Management HC0810 • Claviger Middle East HC0360 • Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland member

• Radisson Blu Hotel & Spa Istanbul Tuzla HC0730 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Dubai Waterfront HC0730

• Dusseldorf Tourist Board EU6710

• Radisson Blu Hotel, Portman London HC0730 • Radisson Blu Hotels, London HC0730 • Radisson Blu Iveria Hotel, Georgia HC0730

• Economic Development Board ME1410 • Grand Hotel River Park, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Bratislava HC0750 • Las Vegas Luxury Travel AM6200

• Radisson Red Hotel, Capetown HC0730 • Ramada Bahrain ME1410

• Le Meridien Munich EU6720 • Park Inn by Radisson Hotel &

• RAVIZ HOTELS, RESORTS AND SPA AS3330 • Renaissance Bangkok Ratchaprasong Hotel HC0750 • Rixos Bab Al Bahr ME3510

Apartments Dammam Industrial City HC0730

• 360° Marhaba AF5140

of Swiss Education Group EU6730

• Roda Hotels HC1260 • Rome Cavalieri, A Waldorf Astoria Resort HC0830


• Roomers Munich, Autograph Collection HC0750 • Roomz Hotel Management EU6610 • Rosewood Abu Dhabi ME2115, ME2250

• Atharva Infotech TT1770 • dcs plus TT1655, TT1755 • IT4T Solutions Pvt Ltd TT1666

• Sanctuary Hotel New York AM6210 • Shangri-La Bosphorus, Istanbul HC0820 • Sheraton Zürich Hotel EU6630


• Royal Caribbean Arabia - Safeen Tourism LLC. CP2518 • Royal M Hotel Fujairah ME4210

• TBO Holidays TT1220 • TravelClick Inc TT1374, TT1570, TT1262

• Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche ME2115, ME2250 • Sofitel Frankfurt Opera HC1050


• Sofitel Hotels Brussels EU6522 • Sofitel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills HC1050 • Swiss-Belhotel Sharjah HC1130

• Adenya Hotel EU7110 • Al Jeyad Al Oula Company ME4410 • Business Finland Oy - Visit Finland EU7235, EU6825

• Swiss-Belresidences Juffair, Bahrain HC1130 • Symphony Style Kuwait, A Radisson Collection Hotel HC0730

• Cannes Tourism Board ILTM Arabia • Cologne Tourist Board EU6710

• The Bellevue Hotels & Resorts AS2320 • The Diplomat Radisson Blu, Hotel, Residence and Spa ME1410 • The Domain Hotel and Spa ME1410

• Destination Florence EU6330, EU6310 • Dusseldorf Tourist Board EU6710 • Fairmont Amman Hotel ME1450

• The Montcalm Luxury Hotels London EU6830 • The Portman Ritz-Carlton,Shanghai AS2054

• Grapevine Texas AM6110 • Hannover Marketing & Tourismus GmbH EU6710

• The Ritz-Carlton, Budapest HC0750 • The St. Regis Langkawi HC0750 • The Stafford London EU6830

• Hyatt Hotels & Resorts HC0450 • Ljubljana Tourism EU6620 • Magic Village Resort HC0420

• The Sunset Marquis Hotel and Villas HC0420 • Tugawe Cove Resort AS2320

• Oman Ministry of Tourism ME2110 • Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau AM6210

• Valero Grand Suites by Swiss-Belhotel (Makati, Philippines) HC1130 • VILA VITA Marburg GmbH EU6521, EU6611 • W Amsterdam HC0750 • W Dubai - The Palm HC0750 • Zabeel House Al Seef by Jumeirah HC0330



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ME4410, ME4440

• Sheraton Zürich Hotel EU6630 • TIME Hotels HC1220, HC1255 • Zagreb Tourist Board EU6420

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CRUISE LINES • ArmaConcierge EU7110 • Dakkak Tours International- DMC ME1450 • Multireisen Deutschland MRD GmbH TT1574 • Royal Caribbean Arabia - Safeen Tourism LLC. CP2518


• Destination Services Singapore AS3118 • Destination Services Thailand AS3118 • DMC SOLVEX EU6821 • DMC-Destination Management GmbH EU6710 • Dubai Link Travel & Tours TT1250 • Easy Travel Ltd - DMC in Scandinavia and Finland EU6825 • Emirates Tours & Safari ME2115, ME2250 • Emissa Travel Agency EU6720

• DLC. TT1274, TT1375 • HQ plus TT1251

• Etihad Airways ME2310 • Exclusive Spain Tours EU6230 • Exotour EU6921 • Experience England EU6830


• Experience Kissimmee AM6210 • Falcon Luxury Travel DMCC EU6850

• ReviewPro TT1265

• FAMOUS TRAVEL DMC EUROPE EU6428, EU7100 • Fore Representations & Travels DMCC TT1560 • Forty Travel EU6921


• Four Seasons Travel EU6810 • Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority ME4210

• 360° Marhaba AF5140 • 3K MANAGEMENT EU6801 • Abacus Tours EU6420

• Gadou Travel EU6230 • Gartour Destination Italia EU6222 • GATETOURS.COM TT1351

• Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority ME2115, ME2250 • AC Group EU6830

• Georgian Travel Group EU6921 • Global Innovations-Dubai TT1510

• Across Spain DMC & Leisure Travel EU6230 • ADONIS TOURISM LLC ME1305 • African Pride Tours - Trevor Hewett AF5140

• Go India Journeys AS3118 • Grace Travel Mart - GTM AS3324 • Graficon DMC EU6810

• Afro Tourism West Africa Ltd ME1140-1 • Airport Limos Greece The Leading

• Grand Hotel Villa Castagnola EU6630 • Grapevine Texas AM6110

Limousine Company Of Greece EU6410

• GTA - Georgian Tour Agency EU6921 • Guide of Georgia EU6921 • H. O. T. TOURISM DMCC ME3110

• Aitken Spence Travels AS3118 • Akay Travel Service & Fly Istanbul EU8025 • Al Jahra Copthorne Hotel & Resort HC0650 • Al Rais Travel & Shipping Agencies LLC ME3100

• Hannover Marketing & Tourismus GmbH EU6710 • Happy Tours DMC EU6620

• ALL GREEK VILLAS EU6410 • Alpha Destination Management ME1210 • Alpha Travel South East Europe EU6621

• Happy Travel Georgia EU6921 • Heysem Tourism & Travel EU7101 • Hilton Budapest City HC0830

• Amandatour Italy EU6455 • Amathus Travel Croatia EU6420

• Hochschwarzwald Tourismus GmbH EU6710 • Hotel Schweizerhof Zurich HC1128

• andBeyond AF5240 • Angela Shanley Associates Ltd EU6830 • Arctic Travel Boutique Ltd EU6825

• ImperaTours TT1562, TT1772 • Impro Travels EU6801 • Indian Holiday Pvt. Ltd AS3114, ILTM Arabia

• ARGO TRAVEL GROUP-GREECE EU6410 • Balkan Travel Services EU7108

• Infinity Trips EU6921 • JC Travel Professionals Pty Ltd AS2210

• Baltic Travel Group EU6801 • Baltma Tours EU6517 • Bangkok Hospital AS2470, AS2270

• Kuwait Tourism Services Co ME1310 • LAMAR HOLIDAYS TT1630 • Lamar Holidays Malaysia TT1630

• Blue Horizons Travel & Tours, Inc. AS2320 • BlueVillas EU6410 • Bohemia Ltd. EU6821

• LEMONDE HOTELS RESERVATION NETWORK AS2065 • Levi Destination Marketing & Sales EU6825 • Ljubljana Tourism EU6620

• Bangladesh Tourism Board AS2430 • Baron Travel Corporation AS2320

• Las Vegas Luxury Travel AM6200 • Le royal Meridien ME2115, ME2250

• Bonotel TT1260, TT1465 • BONTON TOURS AND TRAVELS (L.L.C) ME3110

• M. Almulla Tourism & Travel ME4210 • Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board AS3120

• Canopus Akquasun Maldives Pvt Ltd AS2350 • Carfare and Lama Group CP2500 • Carl Hilscher Jewelry EU6720

• Maverick Helicopters & Airlines AM6200 • Media Performance GmbH EU6720 • Meet in Georgia EU6921

• Centurion Travel and Tours AF5140 • China Southern Airlines AS2075

• Mercan - DMC Turkey EU7010 • Mideast Travel / The Booking Expert EU6410

• CONCORD TRAVEL EU6921 • Corporate International Travel & Tours, Inc. AS2320 • Costa Del Sol Tourist Board EU6230 • Darina Holidays TT2050 • DESERT ADVENTURES TOURISM L.L.C ME3110

• MUNICIPALITY OF VARNA EU6821 • National Tourist Union EU6941 • NECTAR SPORTS S.L. EU6520 • Nine Worlds - Tailor Made Experience

• Desert Gate Tourism ME2200

• Nirvana Travel and Tourism LLC TT1621


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in Iceland & Greenland

ILTM Arabia

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• Nobu Hotel Riyadh HC0525 • ORYX International Tourism ME2115, ME2250 • Park Hyatt Istanbul - Macka Palas HC0450


• Park Inn by Radisson Hotel &

• Juniper Innovating Travel Technology TT2110 • PKFARE TT1610 • Zumata TT1470

Apartments Dammam Industrial City HC0730 • Passionate Tourism ME3510 • PLANET TRAVELS TOURISM L.L.C ME2115, ME2250 • Plaza Tours Jordan ME1450 • Promet T&T EU6620 • RED APPLE TRAVEL (S) PTE LTD AS2415 • ROMA CAPITALE EU6330, EU6310 • SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM


ME4410, ME4440

• Seychelles Tourism Board AS2465 • Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah

& Shangri-La Al Husn Resort & Spa, Oman HC0820 • Sharjah Investment and Development Authority (SHUROOQ) ME4150 • Slovenian Tourist Board EU7220, EU6620 • SNTTA Emir Tours ME3110 • Solar Empire Travel TT1260, ME100, TT1479 • Southern Aegean Development Agency EU7245 • SpainTOP EU6230 • Spiceland Holidays, India AS2330 • Studiosus Incoming Europe EU6720 • Sun Ocean Pvt Ltd AS2350 • Swiss Travel Bureau GmbH EU6630 • Techno Heaven & Rayna Tours TT1467 • The Golden Butler Lifestyle Management ILTM Arabia • The Vision Destination Management ME3105 • Timetravels Incoming Ltd. EU6825 • Travelite Travel and Tours Co. AS2320 • TravelShop Georgia EU6921 • Tugawe Cove Resort AS2320 • Umbrella Travel EU7201 • Uni Orient Travel AS2320 • Uniline d.o.o. EU6420 • Uranus Travel & Tourism ME1410 • Vorderegger Travel EU6610 • TT1652 • Voyage Tours Georgia EU6921 • Voyage Tours LLC ME3510 • White Sands Tours And Travel ME4105 • WORLD 2 MEET SLU TT1350, TT1555 • WST ( World Sightseeing Tour) Georgia EU6921 • Zürich Tourism EU6730

TT2065, TT2066


DOMESTIC • Afro Tourism West Africa Ltd ME1140-1 • Amigo Tours LLC AM6105 • Beautiful Georgia Tours EU6921 • BONTON TOURS AND TRAVELS (L.L.C) ME3110 • CarVia Exclusive Car Rental Munich EU6720 • CCT 168 Travel and Tours Corporation AS2320 • Deutsche Hospitality HC1045 • Europamundo Vacaciones S.L EU6230 • Gray Line TT1475 • Helidubai ME3400 • Maverick Helicopters & Airlines AM6200 • Mawasim Tours ME4410 • Papillon Helicopters AM6200 • Radisson Blu Hotel Abu Dhabi Yas Island ME2115, ME2250

• Sadd Al Samallaghi Tourism Co. Ltd. (SASTCO) ME4410 • Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority ME4110 • Vanilla TT1660 • VIP Tourism EU7110 • Welcomebeds TT1468 • Wozol Zaer Establishment ME4410


EDUCATION ESTABLISHMENT • Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland

member of Swiss Education Group EU6730 • E.H.L. Holding SA EU6641 • Laax Destination Switzerland -

& Waldhaus Alpine Resort • Park Inn by Radisson Hotel

ILTM Arabia

& Apartments Dammam Industrial City HC0730

DIGITAL/MOBILE/APP PROVIDER • DLC. TT1274, TT1375 • myTourisma ME2400 • OTRAMS by Qtech Software TT1760, TT2060


EU6330, EU6310 ME2115, ME2250 • Desert Rose Tourism LLC ME2115, ME2250 • Eye of Riyadh ME1140-3

• PROVAB TECHNOSOFT TT2056 • QuadLabs Technologies Private Limited TT1312, TT1410

• BERTEL TRAVEL - Tour Operator • Corniche Hotel Abu Dhabi

• Techno Heaven & Rayna Tours TT1467 • The Travelbook Group TT1270, TT1456


• ReviewPro TT1265 • SuitePad GmbH TT1251 • TBO Holidays TT1220

• TI Infotech Pvt Ltd TT1710 • TPConnects Technologies TT1215 • Travelport TT1320 • Travzilla Pro TT1479

• Hilton Beirut HC0830 • Hilton Budapest City HC0830 • Ice Land Waterpark ME3510 • SNTTA Emir Tours ME3110

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• Tanzania AF5240 • Hilton Beirut HC0830 • Riyadh Exhibitions Company ME4410



• Martin’s Hotel Belgium EU6522

AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) ME4410, ME4440 • Tugawe Cove Resort AS2320




• Agencia Catalana de Turisme EU6230 • Al Hokair Group HC0570

• TT1720 • Adviser Travel & Tourism EU7106 • AL BUSTAN CENTRE & RESIDENCE ME3110 • Al Maqam Travel and Tourism ME4410

• Andaz Munich Schwabinger Tor HC0450 • Congress Hotel Seepark EU6630

• ALKAMILBOOKING.COM CP2900 • Balkan Holidays EU6621

• Due Torri Hotel HC0525 • Fairmont Hotels and Resorts Kenya HC1050 • Grand Hyatt Berlin HC0450

• CONCORD TRAVEL EU6921 • Con-ex LATVIA TOURS group EU6801 • Deira Tours ME4410

• Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur HC0450 • Hilton Athens HC0830

• Emissa Travel Agency EU6720 • Expedia FZ-LLC TT1355, TT1550

• Hyatt Capital Gate Abu Dhabi HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Arusha HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Paris Etoile HC0450

• Falcon Luxury Travel DMCC EU6850 • FAMOUS TRAVEL DMC EUROPE EU6428, EU7100 • Forty Travel EU6921

• Hyatt Regency Tashkent HC0450 • InterContinental Abu Dhabi hotel ME2115, ME2250

• Free Spirit Tours EU6921 • Gadou Travel EU6230

• Jumeirah Emirates Towers HC0330 • JW Marriott Hotel Singapore South Beach HC0750 • JW Marriott Venice Resort & Spa HC0750

• Geo Travel Club EU6921 • Geo4Tours EU6921 • Georgian Capital EU6921

• Kempinski Hotel Mall of the Emirates HC1140 • Le Meridien Beach Plaza - Monaco HC0750

• Georgian Travel Group EU6921 • Guide of Georgia EU6921

• Le Méridien Vienna HC0750 • Marriott International Hotels Munich EU6720 • Movenpick Hotel & Convention Centre KLIA HC0630

• Happy Tours DMC EU6620 • Helidubai ME3400 • Hotelspro TT1235

• Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts HC0630 • Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas ME2115, ME2250

• Hyatt Regency Casablanca HC0450 • Imperial Karlovy Vary Group EU6810

• Penha Longa Hotel, Spa & Golf Resort HC0750 • Radisson Blu Gautrain Hotel, Sandton Johannesburg HC0730 • Radisson Blu Hotel & Spa Istanbul Tuzla HC0730

• JW Marriott Minneapolis Mall of America HC0750 • KB Travel EU6921 • Meet in Georgia EU6921

• Radisson Blu Hotel, Portman London HC0730 • Roomz Hotel Management EU6610

• Middle East Tourism & Travel Group EU7240 • Mimino Travel Georgia EU6921

• Rosewood Abu Dhabi ME2115, ME2250 • Symphony Style Kuwait, A Radisson Collection Hotel HC0730 • The Diplomat Radisson Blu, Hotel, Residence and Spa ME1410

• Moroccan National Provincial Tourist Office AF5110 • Mövenpick Hotel & Residences Hajar Tower Makkah HC0630 • Park Hyatt Mallorca HC0450

• The Montcalm Luxury Hotels London EU6830 • The Portman Ritz-Carlton,Shanghai AS2054

• Promet T&T EU6620 • Qualitrips EU6921

• TRIPMAKERS FZ LLC TT1360 • VILA VITA Marburg GmbH EU6521, EU6611 • W Amsterdam HC0750

• Radisson Blu Hotel Abu Dhabi Yas Island ME2115, ME2250 • Royal Caribbean Arabia - Safeen Tourism LLC. CP2518 • Spain Royal Tours (Grupo Tawy Tours) EU6230 • The Travel Company DMC Greece EU6410 • Titanic Hotels EU8028


• Top Glory Travel EU6921 • Travelexperts, Inc. AS2320 • Umbrella Travel EU7201

• Bird Group HC0660 • IT4T Solutions Pvt Ltd TT1666

• Uniline d.o.o. EU6420 • Vorderegger Travel EU6610

• TOP INTERNATIONAL Hotels & Corporate Partners TT1310 • Traveltek Ltd TT2010 • ZEEYARAH.COM TT1212

• Voyager EU6921 • Welcomebeds TT1468 • WST ( World Sightseeing Tour) Georgia EU6921

• Babylon Booking


GOLF MARKETING COMPANIES/SERVICES • Jakarta City Government Tourism and Culture Office AS3350 • Penha Longa Hotel, Spa & Golf Resort HC0750


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GROUP TRAVEL COMPANIES/SERVICES • 3K MANAGEMENT EU6801 • AC Group EU6830 • ADONIS TOURISM LLC ME1305 • African Pride Tours - Trevor Hewett AF5140 • Amathus Travel Croatia EU6420 • Angela Shanley Associates Ltd EU6830 • Balkan Holidays EU6621 • Beautiful Georgia Tours EU6921 • Best Travel EU6921 • Bohemia Ltd. EU6821

• Timetravels Incoming Ltd. EU6825 • Travelite Travel and Tours Co. AS2320 • Uniline d.o.o. EU6420 • Voyage Tours Georgia EU6921 • Voyager EU6921

GUEST HOUSE • Badrutt’s Palace Hotel EU6630 • Capital Centre Arjaan by Rotana HC0720 • Hotel Arts Barcelona HC0750

• CONCORD TRAVEL EU6921 • Corporate International Travel & Tours, Inc. AS2320

• JW Marriott Dongdaemun Square Seoul HC0750 • Marriott Vacation Club HC0750

• Crimson Hotels and Resorts AS2320 • Crowne Plaza Kuwait Al Thuraya City ME1310 • Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland member

• Mo Hotel & Resorts AS2350 • Paris Marriott Champs Elysees Hotel HC0750 • Pine Cliffs, a Luxury Collection Resort HC0750

of Swiss Education Group EU6730 • DESERT ADVENTURES TOURISM L.L.C ME3110

• Prince de Galles, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Paris HC0750 • Renaissance Harbour View Hotel Hong Kong HC0750

• Dubai Link Travel & Tours TT1250 • Etihad Airways ME2310 • Executive Suites by Mourouj Gloria ME2115, ME2250

• Renaissance Paris La Defense Hotel HC0750 • Sheraton Amman Al Nabil Hotel HC0750 • Sheraton Mall of the Emirates Hotel, Dubai HC0750

• Exotour EU6921 • Fairmont Amman Hotel ME1450

• Sheraton Stockholm Hotel HC0750 • SLS Hotel, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Beverly Hills HC0750

• Fairmont Baku Flame Towers HC1050 • Georgia Travel RSP EU6921 • Georgian Travel Group EU6921

• Sun Ocean Pvt Ltd AS2350 • The Nile Ritz-Carlton, Cairo HC0750 • The Park Tower Knightsbridge & Sheraton Grand London Park Lane

• GTA - Georgian Tour Agency EU6921 • Guide of Georgia EU6921

HC0750 • The Ritz Carlton Shanghai Pudong HC0750 • The Ritz Carlton, Millenia Singapore HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton Istanbul HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Almaty HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Astana HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Moscow HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Riyadh HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Vienna HC0750 • The St. Regis Istanbul HC0750 • The St. Regis Kuala Lumpur HC0750 • The St. Regis Mauritius Resort HC0750 • Vienna Marriott Hotel HC0750

• Hochschwarzwald Tourismus GmbH EU6710 • Holiday Inn Kuwait Al Thuraya City ME1310 • Impro Travels EU6801 • Indian Holiday Pvt. Ltd AS3114, ILTM Arabia • Infinity Trips EU6921 • Info-Tbilisi Travel EU6921 • Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) EU6801 • Iran Negin Travel ME1200 • Italcamel Travel Agency s.r.l TT1558 • Jakarta City Government Tourism and Culture Office AS3350 • Jordan Road Travel and Tourism ME1450 • Lamar Holidays Malaysia TT1630 • Le royal Meridien ME2115, ME2250 • Levi Destination Marketing & Sales EU6825 • Ljubljana Tourism EU6620


• M. Almulla Tourism & Travel ME4210 • Mövenpick Hotel Jumeirah Lakes Towers HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotel Kuwait HC0630

• Alpha Travel South East Europe EU6621 • Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism EU6931 • Balkan Travel Services EU7108

• NAS L.L.C ME2115, ME2250 • ORANGE TOUR EU6821

• Baltma Tours EU6517 • Bangladesh Tourism Board AS2430

• ORYX International Tourism ME2115, ME2250 • Outletcity Metzingen EU6710, ILTM Arabia • Papillon Helicopters AM6200

• Canopus Akquasun Maldives Pvt Ltd AS2350 • Costa Del Sol Tourist Board EU6230 • Crimson Hotels and Resorts AS2320

• Passionate Tourism ME3510 • Penha Longa Hotel, Spa & Golf Resort HC0750

• Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi

• Qasswa ME4305 • Raffles Dubai HC1050 • RED APPLE TRAVEL (S) PTE LTD AS2415

• Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi

• ROMA CAPITALE EU6330, EU6310 • Savoy Westend Hotel Medical Spa Resort EU6810 • Sheraton Zürich Hotel EU6630 • SIGNA Luxury Collection GmbH ILTM Arabia • SNTTA Emir Tours ME3110 • Solar Empire Travel TT1260, ME100, TT1479 • Studiosus Incoming Europe EU6720 • Teamamerica Receptive Tour Operator AM6210

- Asia Pacific - Australia Overseas Office • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi

- France Overseas Office • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi

- Germany Overseas Office • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi

- India Overseas Office • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi

- KSA Overseas Office • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi

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ME2115, ME2250 ME2115, ME2250 ME2115, ME2250 ME2115, ME2250 ME2115, ME2250 ME2115, ME2250

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- Middle East & Africa Unit • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi

- Russia & CIS Overseas Office • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi

ME2115, ME2250 ME2115, ME2250

- UK Overseas Office ME2115, ME2250 • Emirates Grand Hotel ME3110 • German National Tourist Board (GNTB) EU6710 • Grace Travel Mart - GTM AS3324 • GTA - Georgian Tour Agency EU6921 • Hilton Baku HC0830 • Infinity Trips EU6921 • Jakarta City Government Tourism and Culture Office AS3350 • Lake Lugano Group EU6730 • Lisbon Marriott Hotel HC0750 • Lux* Resorts & Hotels HC0670, HC1210 • Makarem Hotels HC0430 • Mara Engai Lodge ILTM Arabia • Marco Polo Hotel Gudauri EU6921 • Meet in Georgia EU6921 • Mo Hotel & Resorts AS2350 • Monument Hotel HC0420 • MT Japan Travel AS2394 • NYC & Company AM6210 • ORANGE TOUR EU6821 • ORYX International Tourism ME2115, ME2250 • PALMA DMC & TOUR OPERATOR EU6620 • Passionate Tourism ME3510 • Polish Health Centers EU6530b • Qasswa ME4305 • Roomz Hotel Management EU6610 • Saudi Muslims Destination Initiatives ME4410 • SpainTOP EU6230 • Studiosus Incoming Europe EU6720 • Swiss Travel Bureau GmbH EU6630 • Uniline d.o.o. EU6420 • VILA VITA Marburg GmbH EU6521, EU6611 • WST ( World Sightseeing Tour) Georgia EU6921

• Destination Florence EU6330, EU6310 • Horseracing - Sport of Kings EU6830 • Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board AS3120 • Mimino Travel Georgia EU6921 • Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic EU6911 • Papillon Helicopters AM6200 • Paseo de Gracia Association - Barcelona EU6230 • Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau AM6210 • Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) EU6230 • Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew EU6830 • SpainTOP EU6230 • State Tourist Board SouthWest Germany EU6710 • Telal Resort ME2115, ME2250 • Tourist Organization of the Republic of Srpska EU6621 • VisitBritain Shop EU6830

HOSTELS • Abbasi Turizm EU7110 • Augustine, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Prague HC0750 • Best Western Plus The olive ME1410 • Caesars Entertainment c/o Discover the World AM6200 • Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland member

of Swiss Education Group EU6730 • Hilton Beirut HC0830 • Hotel Arts Barcelona HC0750 • Hotel Danieli, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Venice HC0750 • Hotel Grande Bretagne, a Luxury Collection Hotel HC0750 • Interlaken Tourism EU6630 • Istanbul Marriott Hotel Asia HC0750 • JW Marriott Dongdaemun Square Seoul HC0750 • JW Marriott Essex House New York HC0750 • JW Marriott Hotel Ankara HC0750 • Kuwait Tourism Services Co ME1310 • LAMAR HOLIDAYS TT1630 • Le Meridien Istanbul Etiler HC0750 • London Marriott Hotel Grosvenor Square & Marble Arch HC0750 • Manazil Al Mokhtara Hotels Group ME4410

HERITAGE SITES • Al Fokharia For Organizing Tourism Tours ME4410

• Miki Travel Limited TT1730 • Milan Marriott Hotel HC0750 • ORANGE TOUR EU6821

• Andalucia Tourism Board EU6230 • Arabian Nights Village ME2115, ME2250

• Palazzo Matteotti, Autograph Collection HC0750 • Paris Marriott Champs Elysees Hotel HC0750

• Brienz Rothorn Railway EU6730 • Deira Tours ME4410 • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi

• Park Inn by Radisson, Najran HC0730 • Pine Cliffs, a Luxury Collection Resort HC0750 • Prince de Galles, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Paris HC0750

ME2115, ME2250

• Radisson Blu Hotel, Ordu HC0730 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Sohar HC0730

ME2115, ME2250

• Radisson Blu Le Vendome, Cape Town HC0730 • Renaissance Harbour View Hotel Hong Kong HC0750 • Renaissance Paris La Defense Hotel HC0750

- Asia Pacific • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi

- Australia Overseas Office • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi

- France Overseas Office • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi

- Germany Overseas Office • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi - India Overseas Office • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi - Italy Overseas Office • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi - KSA Overseas Office • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi - Middle East & Africa Unit • Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi - UK Overseas Office • Desert Rose Tourism LLC


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ME2115, ME2250 ME2115, ME2250 ME2115, ME2250

• Rustar Tourism CP2522 • Sheraton Amman Al Nabil Hotel HC0750 • Sheraton Mall of the Emirates Hotel, Dubai HC0750 • Sheraton Stockholm Hotel HC0750 • SLS Hotel, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Beverly Hills HC0750

ME2115, ME2250

• The Garden Hotel Company Ltd., Guangzhou AS2266 • The Nile Ritz-Carlton, Cairo HC0750

ME2115, ME2250

• The Park Tower Knightsbridge

ME2115, ME2250

• The Portman Ritz-Carlton,Shanghai AS2054 • The Ritz Carlton Shanghai Pudong HC0750 • The Ritz Carlton, Millenia Singapore HC0750

ME2115, ME2250 ME2115, ME2250

& Sheraton Grand London Park Lane HC0750

• The Ritz-Carlton Istanbul HC0750

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• The Ritz-Carlton, Almaty HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Astana HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Moscow HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Riyadh HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Vienna HC0750 • The St. Regis Istanbul HC0750 • The St. Regis Kuala Lumpur HC0750 • The Westin Grand Frankfurt HC0750 • Vienna Marriott Hotel HC0750

HOTEL TECHNOLOGY TT1566, TT1766 • hotelkit GmbH TT1251 • HQ plus TT1251 • IT4T Solutions Pvt Ltd TT1666 • PKFARE TT1610 • RATEGAIN TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED TT1675 • ReviewPro TT1265 • SuitePad GmbH TT1251 • Travel Compositor TT1266 • TravelClick Inc TT1374, TT1570, TT1262 • Travelport TT1320 • ZEEYARAH.COM TT1212 • Zumata TT1470 • DHISCO

HOTELS/RESORT • A.A.Al Moosa Enterprises Llc HC1166 • abba Hotels EU6230 • Abbasi Turizm EU7110 • Absheron Hotel Group ILTM Arabia

• AC Group EU6830 • AccorHotels HC1050 • AD Hotels EU6630

• Augustine, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Prague HC0750 • Avantgarde Collection EU7110 • Ayla Hotels and Resorts Management LLC ME2115, ME2250

• Baccarat Hotel New York HC0420 • Bahia Del Duque Hotel EU6230 • Bahrain International Travel ME1410 • Balkan Travel Services EU7108 • Bedir Tour EU7110 • Best Western Hotels & Resorts HC0870 • Bin Haider Hospitality HC0470 • Bin Majid Hotels & Resorts ME3510 • Bird Group HC0660 • BlueBay Hotels HC1125 • Bohemia Ltd. EU6821 • B.V. TT1620 • Bulgari Resort Bali HC0675 • Bürgenstock Hotels & Resort Lake Lucerne EU6730 • Burj Al Arab Jumeirah HC0330 • Calista Luxury Resort EU7110 • Cannes Tourism Board ILTM Arabia • Capital Centre Arjaan by Rotana HC0720 • Caresse, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Bodrum HC0750 • Carlton Hotels & Suites HC0300 • Casa de Campo Resort & Villas AM6121 • Central Hotel Apart EU6720 • Central Hotels Management HC0810 • Centro Capital Centre HC0720

• Cheval Blanc Randheli AS2350 • Choice Hotels International HC0460 • Ciragan Palace Kempinski Istanbul HC1140 • Citymax Hotels HC0620 • CitySpeed Tours EU7230, EU6220, EU6840

• Club Sports UK EU6518 • COMO Hotels & Resorts ILTM Arabia

• Concorde Hotel Fujairah ME4210 • Congress Hotel Seepark EU6630 • Conrad Dubai HC0830

• Adaaran Resorts, Maldives AS2350 • Adenya Hotel EU7110

• Conrad Maldives Rangali Island HC0830 • CORAL KHARTOUM HOTEL HC0530

• AG New World Manila Bay Hotel AS2320 • Akaryn Hotel Group ILTM Arabia • AL DIAR SIJI HOTEL ME4210

• Corniche Hotel Abu Dhabi ME2115, ME2250 • Costa Del Sol Tourist Board EU6230 • Crimson Hotels and Resorts AS2320

• Al Hokair Group HC0570 • Al Jahra Copthorne Hotel & Resort HC0650

• Cristal Group ME2115, ME2250 • Crowne Plaza Hotel, Belgrade EU6621

• Al Khozama Management Co HC0250 • Al Manara, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Saraya Aqaba HC0750 • Al Nahda Hotels HC1128

• Crowne Plaza Kuwait Al Thuraya City ME1310 • CVK HOTELS & RESORTS EU7310 • DAMAC Hotels & Resorts HC0350

• Aleph Rome Hotel HC0830 • AlMobtaker Travel and Tourism ME1410

• Danat Hotels & Resorts ME2115, ME2250 • Dar Al Taqwa Hotel-Madinah, Saudi Arabia ME4410

• Aloft Hotels ME2115, ME2250 • ALSOL HOTELS & RESORTS AM6121 • Amandatour Italy EU6455

• Department of Tourism and Resorts of Ajara AR EU6921 • Derag Livinghotels AG + Co. KG EU6720 • Desert Gate Tourism ME3510

• Amazing Tours ME4410 • Ambassador Group EU6810

• Desert Palm Resort & Hotel ME3110 • Deutsche Hospitality HC1045

• Anantara The Palm Dubai Resort ME3110 • Andalucia Tourism Board EU6230 • Annset Holidays, Inc. AS2320

• Dhigufaru Island Resort AS2350 • Divan İstanbul Hotel EU7110 • DIVANI COLLECTION HOTELS EU6410

• Aquagrand Exclusive Deluxe Resort-Maritour AE EU6410 • Aquila Private Game Reserve AF5140

• DMC SOLVEX EU6821 • DoubleTree by Hilton Dubai - Business Bay HC0830

• Armed Forces Officers Club & Hotel ME2115, ME2250 • A-Rosa Kitzbuehel EU6610 • Athenaeum Hotel & Residences (Mayfair/London) EU6830 • Athenaeum Intercontinental Athens EU6410 • Atlantis, The Palm Limited HC0230

• DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Riyadh - Al Muroj Business Gate HC0830 • Doubletree by Hilton Resort & SPA Marjan Island ME3510 • Doubletree by Hilton Zanzibar AF5240 • Dubai Marine Beach Resort & Spa HC1110 • Dubai Parks and Resorts ME3440

• Atmosphere Hotels & Resorts AS2350

• Due Torri Hotel HC0525

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• Dur Hospitality-Makarem Hotels ME4410 • Dusit Hotels & Resorts HC1030 • Dusit Thani Abu Dhabi HC1030

• Hilton Hotels in Munich HC0830 • Hilton London Metropole HC0830 • Hilton Manila HC0830

• Dusit Thani Dubai HC1030 • Dusit Thani Lakeview Cairo HC1030 • Dusit Thani Maldives HC1030 • dusitD2 Kenz Hotel, Dubai HC1030 • dusitD2 nairobi HC1030

• Hilton Paris Opera HC0830 • HMH - Hospitality Management Holding HC0530 • Hochschwarzwald Tourismus GmbH EU6710 • Holiday Inn Kuwait Al Thuraya City ME1310 • Holidays Arabia TT1667

• Dusseldorf Tourist Board EU6710 • EDITION HC0760 • EDITION Hotels ILTM Arabia • Elite Travel EU6921

• Hotel Arts Barcelona HC0750 • Hotel Botánico & The Oriental Spa Garden EU6230 • Hotel Cala di Volpe, a Luxury Collection Hotel,

• EMAAR HOSPITALITY GROUP HC0220 • Emerald Maldives Resort & Spa AS2350

• Hotel Chester Heidelberg EU6710 • Hotel Danieli, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Venice HC0750

• Emerald Palace Kempinski Dubai

• Hôtel de Berri, A Luxury Collection Hotel HC0750 • Hotel Grande Bretagne, a Luxury Collection Hotel HC0750 • Hotel Lugano Dante Center EU6630

/ Kempinski Hotel & Residences Palm Jumeirah HC1140 • Emirates Grand Hotel ME3110 • Excelsior Hotel Ernst EU6710 • Excelsior Hotel Gallia, Milan HC0750 • Explore The Wonders AS2310 • Ezeego1 Travel & Tours LLC TT1258 • Fairmont Amman Hotel ME1450 • Fairmont Dubai HC1050 • FAIRMONT FUJAIRAH BEACH RESORT ME4210 • Fairmont Hotel and Resorts ME4410 • Fairmont Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten HC1050 • Fairmont Quasar Istanbul ILTM Arabia • Fancourt Hotel AF5140 • Flora Hospitality HC1230 • Four Seasons Hotel Lion Palace St. Petersburg HC1150 • Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts HC1150 • Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Kuda Huraa HC1150 • Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru HC1150 • Four Seasons Resort Seychelles at Desroches Island HC1150 • Four Seasons Travel EU6810 • Frasers Hospitality HC1000 • Georgia Travel RSP EU6921 • Grace Travel Mart - GTM AS3324 • Grand Hills, a Luxury Collection Hotel & Spa HC0750 • Grand Hotel Minerva EU6330, EU6310 • Grand Hotel Villa Castagnola ILTM Arabia • Grand Hyatt Berlin HC0450 • Grand Hyatt Dubai HC0450 • Grand Hyatt Istanbul HC0450 • Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur HC0450 • Grand Resort Lagonissi HC0525 • Grand Swiss-Belresort Seef, Bahrain HC1130 • Grandhotel Pupp Karlovy Vary EU6810 • Gromaxx Hotels Management LLC ME2115, ME2250 • Grosvenor House Suites by Jumeirah Living HC0330 • Grosvenor House, A JW Marriott Hotel HC0750 • Grosvenor House, a Luxury Collection Hotel ME3110 • Gstaad Palace HC0825 • Gulf Hotels Group HC0700 • Hala Arjaan by Rotana HC0720 • HARD ROCK HOTEL & CASINO PUNTA CANA AM6121 • Harry’s Home Hotels EU6720 • Henann Group of Resorts AS2320 • Hilton HC0830 • Hilton Athens HC0830 • Hilton Baku HC0830 • Hilton Budapest City HC0830 • Hilton Dubai Hotels HC0830 • Hilton Evian-les-Bains HC0830 • Hilton Hotels - Austria HC0830


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Costa Smeralda HC0750

• Hôtel Martinez HC0450 • Hotel President Wilson EU6630, ILTM Arabia

• Hotel SOFIA EU6230 • Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Starnberg EU6720 • Hotelbeds TT1430 • Hyatt Capital Gate Abu Dhabi HC0450 • Hyatt Centric Gran Via Madrid HC0450 • Hyatt City of Dreams Manila HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Arusha HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Dubai & Galleria HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Istanbul Atakoy HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Kuantan Resort HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Paris Etoile HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Riyadh HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Tashkent HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Tysons Corner Center HC0450 • IATI CO ( International Air Travel Index Company ) TT2013 • Iberostar Hotels & Resorts EU6230 • Iberostar Hotels&Resorts AM6121 • Iberotel Miramar Al Aqah Beach Resort ME4210 • IGH Geneva InterContinental & Crowne Plaza EU6730 • Il Borro ILTM Arabia • INN & GO Kuwait Plaza Hotel ME1310 • INNVISTA HOTELS BELEK EU7110 • INOVA HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT EU6410 • InterContinental Abu Dhabi hotel ME2115, ME2250 • InterContinental Fujairah Resort ME4210 • Interlaken Tourism EU6630 • Istanbul Marriott Hotel Sisli HC0750 • Italcamel Travel Agency s.r.l TT1558 • JA Resorts & Hotels HC0400 • Jnan Tours Master ME1410 • Jumeirah at Etihad Towers HC0330 • Jumeirah at Saadiyat Island HC0330 • Jumeirah Beach Hotel HC0330 • Jumeirah Carlton Tower and Jumeirah Lowndes Hotel HC0330 • Jumeirah Emirates Towers HC0330 • Jumeirah Group HC0330 • Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa HC0330 • JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel HC0750 • JW Marriott Dongdaemun Square Seoul HC0750 • JW Marriott Hotel Seoul HC0750 • JW Marriott Hotel Singapore South Beach HC0750 • JW Marriott Minneapolis Mall of America HC0750 • JW Marriott Venice Resort & Spa HC0750 • Kaimoo Resorts and Hotels AS2350 • Kaluah Tour AM6211 • Kämp Collection Hotels EU6825

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• KASTENS HOTEL LUISENHOF EU6710 • Kempinski Grand Hotel des Bains EU6630 • Kempinski Hotel Bahía Marbella Estepona HC1140

• Mövenpick Hotel Lausanne HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotel Sukhumvit 15 Bangkok HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts HC0630

• Kempinski Hotel Mall of the Emirates HC1140 • Kempinski Hotels HC1140 • Kimpton Hotels AM6211 • Kulm Hotel St. Moritz HC0825 • Lamar Holidays UK TT1630

• Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts HC0630 • Movenpick Hotels and Resorts HC0630 • Mövenpick Resort & Residences Aqaba HC0630 • Mövenpick Resort & Spa Boracay HC0630 • Mövenpick Resort & Spa Kuredhivaru Maldives HC0630

• Lancaster Landmark Hotel Group EU6830 • Le Châtelain Brussels Hotel EU6522 • Le Meridien Al Aqah Beach Resort ME4210 • Le Meridien Beach Plaza - Monaco HC0750

• Mövenpick Resort & Spa Tala Bay Aqaba HC0630 • Mövenpick Resort Petra HC0630 • Mövenpick Resort Sharm el Sheikh HC0630 • Multireisen Deutschland MRD GmbH TT1574

• Le Méridien Vienna HC0750 • Le Richemond HC0420

• Mytha Hotels Anthology HC0825 • Narcissus Hotel ME4410

• Le Royal Meridien Beach Resort & Spa ME3110 • LifeClass Hotels & Spa EU6620 • Lisbon Marriott Hotel HC0750

• NG SAPANCA WELLNESS & CONVENTION Wellness and Spa • NH COLLECTION HOTELS EU6230 • Nihal Hospitality ME3110

• Longevity Wellness Worldwide HC0825 • Lopota Lake Resort&Spa EU6921

• Nobu Hotels • Novotel & Ibis Gate Hotels

• Lošinj Hotels & Villas EU6420 • Lots of Hotels TT1450, TT1530 • LOUVRE HOTELS GROUP-MENA HC1020 • Macdonald Hotels & Resorts EU6830 • Machefert Hotels Collection HC1128 • Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board AS3120 • Madinat Jumeirah HC0330 • Magic Village Resort HC0420, AM6211

• Makarem Hotels HC0430 • Mansard Hotel & Residences HC0170, HC0770 • Marco Polo Hotel Gudauri EU6921 • Marjan Island Resort & Spa Managed by Accor Hotels ME3510 • Marriott Hotels International Ltd HC0669, HC0750

• Marriott International Hotels Munich EU6720 • Marriott Vacation Club HC0750 • Martin’s Hotel Belgium EU6522 • Maxx Royal Resorts EU7110 • Medical & Spa Resort Rogaska EU6620 • Melia Hotels International HC1160 • MERCURE Dubai Barsha Heights Hotel Suites and Apartments HC1050 • Metropol Hotel Moscow HC1128 • MGM Resorts International AM6200 • Middle East Tourism EU7110 • Miki Travel Limited TT1730 • Millennium Hotels & Resorts HC0650 • Millennium Hotels and Resorts - Europe HC0650 • Minor Hotels HC0665 • Mo Hotel & Resorts AS2350 • Montage Beverly Hills ILTM Arabia • Montage International HC0405 • Moroccan National Provincial Tourist Office AF5110 • Mövenpick Hotel & Apartments Bur Dubai HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotel & Casino Geneva

/ Mövenpick Hotel Lausanne HC0630 • Movenpick Hotel & Convention Centre KLIA HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotel & Residences Hajar Tower Makkah HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotel & Residences Nairobi HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotel Apartments Al Mamzar Dubai HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotel Beirut HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotel City Star Jeddah HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotel Colombo HC0630 • Movenpick Hotel Ibn Battuta Gate Dubai HC0630 • Movenpick Hotel Istanbul HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotel Istanbul Golden Horn HC0630 • Movenpick Hotel Jumeirah Beach HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotel Jumeirah Lakes Towers HC0630

ILTM Arabia ME2115, ME2250 • Novotel Bahrain Al Dana Resort ME1410 • Novotel, Ibis & Adagio Hotels Fujairah ME4210 • NUO Hotel Beijing HC1140 • NYC & Company AM6210 • Oberoi Hotel and Resorts-Madinah ME4410 • Ottila International (HOTELRACK) TT2025 • Palazzo Versace Hotel LLC HC0150 • PALMA DMC & TOUR OPERATOR EU6620 • Paloma Hotels EU7110 • Parco dei Principi Grand Hotel & Spa HC0420 • Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel & Villas HC0450, ME2115, ME2250 • PARK HYATT DUBAI HC0450 • Park Hyatt Guangzhou HC0450 • Park Hyatt Hamburg HC0450 • Park Hyatt Jeddah - Marina, Club and Spa HC0450 • Park Hyatt Maldives Hadahaa AS2350 • Park Hyatt Vienna HC0450 • Park Hyatt Washington DC HC0450 • Park Hyatt Zanzibar HC0450 • Park Inn by Radisson Dubai Motor City HC0730 • Park Inn by Radisson Hotel & Residence Duqm HC0730 • Park Inn by Radisson Muscat HC0730 • Park Plaza Hotels EU6830 • Park Regis Lotus Hotel ME1410 • Pine Cliffs, a Luxury Collection Resort HC0750 • Portrait Firenze -Lungarno Collection EU6330, EU6310 • Preferred Hotels & Resorts HC0420 • Prince de Galles, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Paris HC0750 • Prolom and Lukovo spa EU6621 • Promet T&T EU6620 • PULLMAN DUBAI JUMEIRAH LAKE TOWERS HC1050 • PULLMAN ZAMZAM MADINA HC1050 • Pure Salt Luxury Hotels EU6230 • Qualitrips EU6921 • R Hotels Group HC0425 • Radisson Blu 1835 Hotel & Thalasso, Cannes***** ILTM Arabia • Radisson Blu Atakoy Hotel, Istanbul HC0730 • Radisson Blu Bosphorus Hotel, Istanbul HC0730 • Radisson Blu Edwardian Hotels, London HC0730 • Radisson Blu Gautrain Hotel, Sandton Johannesburg HC0730 • Radisson Blu Hotel & Spa Istanbul Tuzla HC0730 • Radisson Blu Hotel Ajman HC0730 • Radisson Blu Hotel Waterfront, Cape Town HC0730 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Dubai Deira Creek HC0730

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• Radisson Blu Hotel, Dubai Waterfront HC0730 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Istanbul Sisli HC0730 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Lusaka, Zambia HC0730

• Sofitel Frankfurt Opera HC1050 • Sofitel Hotels Brussels EU6522 • Sofitel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills HC1050

• Radisson Blu Hotel, Muscat

• Sofitel The Palm Dubai HC1050 • Sorell Hotels Switzerland EU6630 • Soukya International Holistic Health Centre PVT Ltd Wellness and Spa • Spa Hotel Thermal**** EU6810 • Special Tours Wholesalers Ltd TT1335

HC0730 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Ordu HC0730 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Portman London HC0730 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Sohar HC0730 • Radisson Blu Resort & Spa, Cesme HC0730 • Radisson Blu Resort Sharjah HC0730 • Radisson Hotel Group HC0730 • Radisson Hotel Group, Brussel Hotels HC0730 • Radisson Hotel Group, Global Sales Office, India HC0730 • Raffles Dubai HC1050 • Raffles Istanbul HC1050 • Raffles Warsaw HC1050 • Ramada Bahrain ME1410 • Raviz Hotels & Resorts AS3330 • RAVIZ HOTELS, RESORTS AND SPA AS3330 • Reef Global Hotel ME4410 • Renaissance Bangkok Ratchaprasong Hotel HC0750 • by Travel Designer Group TT2030 • Rixos Bab Al Bahr ME3510 • Roda Hotels HC1260 • Rome Cavalieri, A Waldorf Astoria Resort HC0830 • Roomers Munich, Autograph Collection HC0750 • TT1364 • Roomz Hotel Management EU6610 • Rosewood Abu Dhabi ME2115, ME2250 • Rosewood Hotel Group ILTM Arabia • Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC HC0720 • Royal M Hotel Fujairah ME4210 • Royal Plaza Montreux & Spa EU6730 • Royal Savoy Hotel & Spa EU6730 • RTS TT1460 • Saja Al Madinah HC0475 • San Clemente Palace Kempinski Venice HC1140 • Sanctuary Hotel New York AM6210 • Sandy Beach Hotel & Resort ME4210 • Sani Resort EU6410 • Santa Marina Resort & Villas, a Luxury Collection Resort, Mykonos HC0750 • Santani Resort & Spa Wellness and Spa • sbe ILTM Arabia • Scandic Hotels Group EU6825 • Seven Tides Hospitality HC0260 • Shangri-La Bosphorus, Istanbul HC0820 • Shangri-La Hotel & Traders Hotel Qaryat Al Beri Abu Dhabi ME2115, ME2250 • Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts HC0820 • Shangri-La‚Äôs Villingili Resort & Spa, Maldives HC0820 • Shaza Hotels HC1025, HC1250 • Sheraton Abu Dhabi Hotel & Resort ME2115, ME2250 • Sheraton Amman Al Nabil Hotel HC0750 • Sheraton Mall of the Emirates Hotel, Dubai HC0750 • Sheraton Oman Hotel HC0750 • Sheraton Stockholm Hotel HC0750 • Sirona Hotels EU6821 • Slovenian Tourist Board EU7220, EU6620 • SLS Hotel, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Beverly Hills HC0750 • Smyrooms TT1230 • Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche ME2115, ME2250 • SOFITEL Bahrain Zallaq Thalassa Sea & Spa ME1410 • Sofitel Dubai Jumeirah Beach HC1050


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• Sun Ocean Pvt Ltd AS2350 • Swiss Diamond Hotel Lugano EU6730 • Swiss Luxury Apartments EU6630, ILTM Arabia • Swiss Travel Bureau GmbH EU6630 • Swiss-Belhotel International HC1130 • Swiss-Belhotel Seef ME1410 • Swiss-Belhotel Seef Bahrain HC1130 • Swiss-Belhotel Sharjah HC1130 • Swiss-Belresidences Juffair, Bahrain HC1130 • Swissotel Al Ghurair and Swissotel Living Al Ghurair HC1050 • Switzerland Tourism EU6630, EU6730

• Tanzania AF5240 • TCA - Travel Connections Arabia HC0825 • Telal Resort ME2115, ME2250 • The Abu Dhabi EDITION HC0760 • The Ascott Limited HC1220 • The Begnas Lake Resort & villas Pvt. Ltd ILTM Arabia • The Bellevue Hotels & Resorts AS2320 • The Bodrum EDITION HC0760 • The Cove Rotana Resort ME3510 • The Diplomat Radisson Blu Hotel, Residence & Spa, Bahrain

HC0730 • The Diplomat Radisson Blu, Hotel, Residence and Spa ME1410 • The Domain Hotel and Spa ME1410 • The Grove Hotel W.L.L. ME1410 • The Indian Hotels Company Limited HC1155 • The Leading Hotels of the World HC0525 • The Lind Boracay AS2320 • The Nile Ritz-Carlton, Cairo HC0750 • The Park Tower Knightsbridge & Sheraton Grand London Park Lane HC0750 • The Portman Ritz-Carlton,Shanghai AS2054 • The Retreat at Blue Lagoon Iceland ILTM Arabia • The Ritz Carlton Shanghai Pudong HC0750 • The Ritz Carlton, Millenia Singapore HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton Abu Dhabi, Grand Canal HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton Bal Harbour, Miami HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton Istanbul HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grande Lakes HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Almaty HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Astana HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Budapest HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Moscow HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Riyadh HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Vienna HC0750 • The Seminyak Beach Resort & Spa ILTM Arabia • The St. Regis Istanbul HC0750 • The St. Regis Kuala Lumpur HC0750 • The St. Regis Langkawi HC0750 • The St. Regis Mardavall Mallorca Resort HC0750 • The St. Regis Mauritius Resort HC0750 • The St.Regis Cairo HC0750 • The Stafford London EU6830 • The SunLux Collection by Sun International AF5140 • The Sunset Marquis Hotel and Villas HC0420 • The Travel Collection ILTM Arabia

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• THE VIEW Lugano ILTM Arabia • The Westin Palace Milan HC0750 • The Westin Palace, Madrid HC0750

• Centurion Travel and Tours AF5140 • City Sightseeing Ltd ME2000 • Comfort Seasons Tour Operator ME4410

• TIME Hotels HC1220, HC1255 • Titlis Cableways Restaurants & Accommodation EU6630 • To Florence Hotels EU6330, EU6310 • Top Glory Travel EU6921 • TOP INTERNATIONAL Hotels & Corporate Partners TT1310

• CONCORD TRAVEL EU6921 • Con-ex LATVIA TOURS group EU6801 • Corporate International Travel & Tours, Inc. AS2320 • Dadabhai Travel ME2100 • Darina Holidays TT2050

• Toscana Resort Castelfalfi EU6330, EU6310 • Traders Hotel, Kuala Lumpur HC0820 • Tsogo Sun AF5140 • Tugawe Cove Resort AS2320

• Deira Tours ME4410 • Desert Rose Tourism LLC ME2115, ME2250 • Destination Florence EU6330, EU6310 • Destination Services AS3118

• V Hotel Fujairah ME4210 • Valero Grand Suites by Swiss-Belhotel (Makati, Philippines) HC1130

• Destination Services Singapore AS3118 • Destination Services Thailand AS3118

• VILA VITA Marburg GmbH EU6521, EU6611 • Villa Fleur De Lys Zanzibar AF5240 • Voyage Tours LLC ME3510

• DMC SOLVEX EU6821 • Double Decker Bus Tours LLC (Big Bus Tours LLC) ME2300 • Dream World Travels USA AM6211

• W Barcelona & Le Meridien Barcelona HC0750 • W Dubai - The Palm HC0750

• Easy Travel Ltd - DMC in Scandinavia and Finland EU6825 • Elegant Hideaway Pvt Ltd ILTM Arabia

• W Maldives HC0750 • Waldorf Astoria Hotel Dubai Palm Jumeirah ME3110 • Warwick Hotels and Resorts HC1120

• Elite Travel EU6921 • Emirates Tours & Safari ME2115, ME2250 • Emissa Travel Agency EU6720

• Win Travel DMC Bulgaria EU6821 • WorldHotels AG HC1128

• Europamundo Vacaciones S.L EU6230 • Exclusive Spain Tours EU6230

• Wyndham Hotel Group Europe Ltd HC0605 • Wynn Las Vegas AM6200 • Zaya Nurai Island Abu Dhabi ME2115, ME2250

• Falcon Luxury Travel DMCC EU6850 • Forty Travel EU6921 • Gartour Destination Italia EU6222

INBOUND • 360° Marhaba AF5140

• Georgian Travel Group EU6921 • Go India Journeys AS3118 • Grace Travel Mart - GTM AS3324

• Abacus Tours EU6420 • Abbasi Turizm EU7110

• Gray Line TT1475 • Guide of Georgia EU6921

• Acampora Travel AS3118 • Ace Travels Maldives AS3118 • Across Spain DMC & Leisure Travel EU6230

• H&R Holidays - Bosnia and Herzegovina EU7350 • Haiyou Voyage (Guangzhou)Co.Limited AS2285 • Happy Tours DMC EU6620


• Helidubai ME3400 • Impro Travels EU6801

• Adviser Travel & Tourism EU7106 • Airport Limos Greece The Leading

• Geo Travel Club EU6921 • Georgia Travel RSP EU6921

Limousine Company Of Greece EU6410

• Info-Tbilisi Travel EU6921 • Italcamel Travel Agency s.r.l TT1558 • Jordan Road Travel and Tourism ME1450

• Aitken Spence Travels AS3118 • Ajman Tourism Development Department ME3540

• Kuwait Ministry of Information - Tourism Sector ME1310 • Kuwait Tourism Services Co ME1310

• Al Rais Travel & Shipping Agencies LLC ME3100 • Al Shitaiwi Travel and Tourism ME4410 • Alpha Travel South East Europe EU6621

• LAMAR HOLIDAYS TT1630 • Lamar Holidays Malaysia TT1630 • M. Almulla Tourism & Travel ME4210

• Alwasat Travels ME1410 • Amandatour Italy EU6455

• Mathias Tourism ME1410 • Mawasim Tours ME4410

• Amigo Tours LLC AM6105 • andBeyond AF5240 • Angela Shanley Associates Ltd EU6830

• Media Performance GmbH EU6720 • Medical & Spa Resort Rogaska EU6620 • Meet in Georgia EU6921

• Annset Holidays, Inc. AS2320 • Arabian Nights Company ME4410

• Meili Tourism EU7110 • Middle East Tourism EU7110

• Arctic Travel Boutique Ltd EU6825 • Balkan Holidays EU6621 • Balloon Adventures ME3110

• Middle East Tourism & Travel Group EU7240 • Mideast Travel / The Booking Expert EU6410 • Mövenpick Nile Cruisers HC0630

• Baltma Tours EU6517 • Beautiful Georgia Tours EU6921

• MT Japan Travel AS2394 • NECTAR SPORTS S.L. EU6520

• Bedir Tour EU7110 • BERTEL TRAVEL - Tour Operator EU6330, EU6310 • BlueVillas EU6410 • Bohemia Ltd. EU6821 • BONTON TOURS AND TRAVELS (L.L.C) ME3110

• Nirvana Travel & Tourism ME2115, ME2250 • North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd EU7020 • ORANGE TOUR EU6821 • ORYX International Tourism ME2115, ME2250 • PALMA DMC & TOUR OPERATOR EU6620

• Carfare and Lama Group CP2500

• Perpax Travel EU7110

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• PLANET TRAVELS TOURISM L.L.C ME2115, ME2250 • Promet T&T EU6620 • Qasswa ME4305


• Qualitrips EU6921 • Radisson Blu Hotel Abu Dhabi Yas Island ME2115, ME2250 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Abu Dhabi Yas Island HC0730 • by Travel Designer Group TT2030 • Rustar Tourism CP2522

• Advance Chauffeurs EU6830 • Airport Limos Greece The Leading

• Sadd Al Samallaghi Tourism Co. Ltd. (SASTCO) ME4410 • Safarak Tours ME3510 • Safargasht Georgia EU6854 • Sherazade Travel and Tourism ME1450

• Al Shitaiwi Travel and Tourism ME4410 • AMAG Chauffeur Drive EU6730 • ArmaConcierge EU7110 • Balkan Holidays EU6621

EU7220, EU6620 TT1260, ME100, TT1479 • Spain Royal Tours (Grupo Tawy Tours) EU6230 • Spain Travel Express EU6230 • Swagatam Tours Pvt Ltd AS3327 • Tamarind Global AS3310 • Tanzania AF5240 • Teamamerica Receptive Tour Operator AM6210 • Techno Heaven & Rayna Tours TT1467 • Timetravels Incoming Ltd. EU6825 • Top Glory Travel EU6921 • Tourist organization of Belgrade EU6621 • TRAVEL SHOP TURKEY EU7110 • Travelite Travel and Tours Co. AS2320 • TravelShop Georgia EU6921 • Umbrella Travel EU7201 • Uniline d.o.o. EU6420 • Uranus Travel & Tourism ME1410 • Vanilla TT1660 • VIP Tourism EU7110 • VisitBritain EU6830 • Voyager EU6921 • Welcomebeds TT1468 • Wozol Zaer Establishment ME4410 • WST ( World Sightseeing Tour) Georgia EU6921 • ZEN TRAVEL EU6921

• CarVia Exclusive Car Rental Munich EU6720 • Dachs Limousines S.L EU6230

• Slovenian Tourist Board • Solar Empire Travel

• Adenya Hotel EU7110

Limousine Company Of Greece EU6410 • Akay Travel Service & Fly Istanbul EU8025 • Akik Tour EU7110

• Dakkak Tours International- DMC ME1450 • Europe Health GmbH EU7200 • HolidayTaxis TT1366 • Lamar Holidays UK TT1630 • Luxury Line Auto Rental AM6211, TT1465

• Middle East Tourism EU7110 • Middle East Tourism & Travel Group EU7240 • Qasswa ME4305 • Rome Cavalieri, A Waldorf Astoria Resort HC0830 • Sixt rent a car CR2465 • STRAC Rent a Car ME4410 • The Golden Butler Lifestyle Management ILTM Arabia • Uranus Travel & Tourism ME1410 • Vorderegger Travel EU6610

LUXURY HOTELS CHAINS • 360° Marhaba AF5140 • AD Hotels EU6630 • Akaryn Hotel Group ILTM Arabia • Al Manara, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Saraya Aqaba HC0750 • Amandatour Italy EU6455 • Anantara The Palm Dubai Resort ME3110 • Andaz Delhi HC0450


• Andaz Munich Schwabinger Tor HC0450 • Annset Holidays, Inc. AS2320 • A-Rosa Kitzbuehel EU6610

• Impro Travels EU6801 • Mideast Travel / The Booking Expert EU6410

• Atlantis, The Palm Limited HC0230 • Atmosphere Hotels & Resorts AS2350

• Outletcity Metzingen ILTM Arabia • TRAVEL SHOP TURKEY EU7110

• Augustine, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Prague HC0750 • Bin Haider Hospitality HC0470 • Bird Group HC0660 • BlueBay Hotels HC1125 • Bonotel TT1260, TT1465

INDEPENDENT MEETING PLANNER • Gulf Hotels Group HC0700 • Tugawe Cove Resort AS2320

• B.V. TT1620 • British Country Sports EU6830 • Bulgari Hotels & Resorts HC0675 • Bulgari Resort Bali HC0675 • Burj Al Arab Jumeirah HC0330

INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS • Hong Kong uCloudlink Technology TT1372

• Cairo Marriott Hotel & Omar Khayyam Casino HC0750 • Capital Centre Arjaan by Rotana HC0720 • Caresse, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Bodrum HC0750 • Centro Capital Centre HC0720 • Cheval Blanc Randheli AS2350 • Ciragan Palace Kempinski Istanbul HC1140 • CitySpeed Tours EU7230, EU6220, EU6840 • COMO Hotels & Resorts ILTM Arabia • Conrad Dubai HC0830 • Conrad Maldives Rangali Island HC0830 • Cristal Group


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ME2115, ME2250

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• DAMAC Hotels & Resorts HC0350 • Danat Hotels & Resorts ME2115, ME2250 • Derag Livinghotels AG + Co. KG EU6720

• Hyatt Regency Tashkent HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Tysons Corner Center HC0450 • INOVA HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT EU6410

• Desert Gate Tourism ME2200 • Deutsche Hospitality HC1045 • DIVANI COLLECTION HOTELS EU6410 • Due Torri Hotel HC0525 • Dusit Thani Abu Dhabi HC1030

• InterContinental Abu Dhabi hotel ME2115, ME2250 • InterContinental Fujairah Resort ME4210 • Jumeirah Beach Hotel HC0330 • Jumeirah Emirates Towers HC0330 • Jumeirah Frankfurt HC0330

• Dusit Thani Dubai HC1030 • Dusit Thani Lakeview Cairo HC1030 • Dusit Thani Maldives HC1030 • dusitD2 nairobi HC1030

• Jumeirah Group HC0330 • Jumeirah Living World Trade Centre HC0330 • Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa HC0330 • Jumeirah Zabeel Saray HC0330

• EDITION HC0760 • EDITION Hotels ILTM Arabia

• JW Marriott Dongdaemun Square Seoul HC0750 • JW Marriott Hotel Seoul HC0750

• Emerald Maldives Resort & Spa AS2350 • Excelsior Hotel Ernst EU6710 • Excelsior Hotel Gallia, Milan HC0750

• JW Marriott Hotel Singapore South Beach HC0750 • JW Marriott Minneapolis Mall of America HC0750 • JW Marriott Venice Resort & Spa HC0750

• Explore The Wonders AS2310 • Ezeego1 Travel & Tours LLC TT1258

• Kämp Collection Hotels EU6825 • Kempinski Hotel Mall of the Emirates HC1140

• Fairmont Amman Hotel ME1450 • Fairmont Dubai HC1050 • FAIRMONT FUJAIRAH BEACH RESORT ME4210

• Kempinski Hotels HC1140 • Kimpton Hotels AM6211 • Kulm Hotel St. Moritz HC0825

• Fairmont Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten HC1050 • Fairmont Hotels and Resorts Kenya HC1050

• Kuwait Tourism Services Co ME1310 • L’Albereta Relais & Chateaux Wellness and Spa

• Fairmont Quasar Istanbul ILTM Arabia • Four Seasons Hotel Lion Palace St. Petersburg HC1150 • Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts HC1150

• LAMAR HOLIDAYS TT1630 • Lamar Holidays UK TT1630 • Le Meridien Beach Plaza - Monaco HC0750

• Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Kuda Huraa HC1150 • Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru HC1150

• LifeClass Hotels & Spa EU6620 • Loews hotels TT1465

• Four Seasons Resort Seychelles at Desroches Island HC1150 • glh Hotels EU6830 • Grand Hotel River Park, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Bratislava HC0750

• London Marriott Hotel Grosvenor Square & Marble Arch HC0750 • Lošinj Hotels & Villas EU6420 • Lots of Hotels TT1450, TT1530

• Grand Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel & Residences Emirates Pearl HC0450 • Grand Hyatt Amman HC0450 • Grand Hyatt Berlin HC0450 • Grand Hyatt Istanbul HC0450 • Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur HC0450

• LOUVRE HOTELS GROUP-MENA HC1020 • Lux* Resorts & Hotels HC0670, HC1210

• Luxury & Boutique Hotel Collection EU6230 • Macdonald Hotels & Resorts EU6830 • Madinat Jumeirah HC0330

• Grosvenor House Suites by Jumeirah Living HC0330 • Grosvenor House, A JW Marriott Hotel HC0750

• Magic Village Resort HC0420, AM6211 • Makarem Hotels HC0430

• Hala Arjaan by Rotana HC0720 • HARD ROCK HOTEL & CASINO PUNTA CANA AM6121 • Hilton HC0830

• Marjan Island Resort & Spa Managed by Accor Hotels ME3510 • Miki Travel Limited TT1730 • Millennium Hotels & Resorts HC0650

• Hilton Athens HC0830 • Hilton Baku HC0830

• Millennium Hotels and Resorts - Europe HC0650 • Minor Hotels HC0665

• Hilton Paris Opera HC0830 • HMH - Hospitality Management Holding HC0530 • Horseracing - Sport of Kings EU6830

• Montage Beverly Hills ILTM Arabia • Montage International HC0405 • Mövenpick Hotel & Casino Geneva

• Hotel Arts Barcelona HC0750 • Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow HC1140

• Mövenpick Hotel & Residences Nairobi HC0630

• Hotel Bristol, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Warsaw HC0750 • Hotel Cala di Volpe, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Costa Smeralda HC0750 • Hotel Danieli, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Venice HC0750

• Mövenpick Hotel Bahrain HC0630 • Movenpick Hotel Ibn Battuta Gate Dubai HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotel Mansour Eddahbi HC0630

• Hôtel de Berri, A Luxury Collection Hotel HC0750 • Hotel Grande Bretagne, a Luxury Collection Hotel HC0750

• Mövenpick Hotel Sukhumvit 15 Bangkok HC0630 • Mövenpick Resort & Spa Boracay HC0630

• Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta HC1140 • Hôtel Martinez HC0450 • Hotel Palace Berlin EU6710

• Mövenpick Resort Sharm el Sheikh HC0630 • Mytha Hotels Anthology HC0825 • NH COLLECTION HOTELS EU6230

• Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski Munich HC1140 • Hyatt Capital Gate Abu Dhabi HC0450

• Nobu Hotel Riyadh HC0525 • Nobu Hotels ILTM Arabia

• Hyatt Centric Gran Via Madrid HC0450 • Hyatt Hotels & Resorts HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Bangkok Sukhumvit HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Dubai Creek Heights HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Kuantan Resort HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Paris Etoile HC0450

/ Mövenpick Hotel Lausanne HC0630

• Ottila International (HOTELRACK) TT2025 • Paloma Hotels EU7110 • Pan Pacific Manila AS2320 • Parco dei Principi Grand Hotel & Spa HC0420 • Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel & Villas HC0450 • PARK HYATT DUBAI HC0450

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• Park Hyatt Hamburg HC0450 • Park Hyatt Maldives Hadahaa AS2350 • Park Hyatt Milan HC0450 • Park Hyatt New York HC0450 • Park Hyatt Paris - Vendôme HC0450 • Park Hyatt Vienna HC0450 • Park Hyatt Washington DC HC0450 • Park Hyatt Zanzibar HC0450

• The New York EDITION HC0760 • The Nile Ritz-Carlton, Cairo HC0750 • The Park Tower Knightsbridge

& Sheraton Grand London Park Lane HC0750 • The Portman Ritz-Carlton,Shanghai AS2054 • The Ritz Carlton Ras Al Khaimah Al Wadi

Desert & The Ritz Carlton Ras Al Khaimah Al Hamra Beach ME3510 • The Ritz Carlton Shanghai Pudong HC0750

• Park Hyatt Zurich ILTM Arabia • Park Hyatt Zürich EU6630 • Park Inn by Radisson Hotel & Residence Duqm HC0730 • Park Plaza Hotels EU6830 • Paseo de Gracia Association - Barcelona EU6230 • Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau AM6210

• The Ritz Carlton, Millenia Singapore HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton Abu Dhabi, Grand Canal HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton Bal Harbour, Miami HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton Hotel de la Paix, Geneva HC0750

• Pine Cliffs, a Luxury Collection Resort HC0750 • Portrait Firenze -Lungarno Collection EU6330, EU6310 • Preferred Hotels & Resorts HC0420

• The Ritz-Carlton, Almaty HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Astana HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Budapest HC0750

• Prince de Galles, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Paris HC0750 • Pure Salt Luxury Hotels EU6230

• The Ritz-Carlton, Moscow HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Riyadh HC0750

• Radisson Blu Bosphorus Hotel, Istanbul HC0730 • Radisson Blu Gautrain Hotel, Sandton Johannesburg HC0730 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Lusaka, Zambia HC0730

• The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Vienna HC0750 • The St. Regis & W Dubai, Al Habtoor City HC0750

• Radisson Blu Hotel, Ordu HC0730 • Radisson Hotel Group HC0730

• The St. Regis Istanbul HC0750 • The St. Regis Kuala Lumpur HC0750

• Raffles Dubai HC1050 • RAVIZ HOTELS, RESORTS AND SPA AS3330 • Renaissance Bangkok Ratchaprasong Hotel HC0750

• The St. Regis Langkawi HC0750 • The St. Regis Mardavall Mallorca Resort HC0750 • The St. Regis Mauritius Resort HC0750

• Rome Cavalieri, A Waldorf Astoria Resort HC0830 • Roomers Munich, Autograph Collection HC0750

• The St. Regis Rome HC0750 • The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort, Abu Dhabi ME2115, ME2250

• TT1364 • Rosewood Abu Dhabi ME2115, ME2250 • Rosewood Hotel Group ILTM Arabia

• The Ritz-Carlton Istanbul HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grande Lakes HC0750

• The St.Regis Cairo HC0750 • The Stafford London EU6830 • The SunLux Collection by Sun International AF5140

• Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC HC0720 • Royal Savoy Hotel & Spa EU6730

• The Travel Collection ILTM Arabia • Titanic Hotels EU8028

• San Clemente Palace Kempinski Venice HC1140 • Santani Resort & Spa Wellness and Spa • sbe ILTM Arabia

• To Florence Hotels EU6330, EU6310 • Tsogo Sun AF5140 • Victoria Jungfrau Collection EU6730

• Seven Tides Hospitality HC0260 • Shangri-La Bosphorus, Istanbul HC0820

• VisitScotland EU6830 • TT1652

• Shangri-La Hotel & Traders Hotel Qaryat Al Beri Abu Dhabi ME2115,

• Voyage Tours LLC ME3510 • W Amman Hotel ME1450 • W Bali - Seminyak HC0750

ME2250 • Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur HC0820 • Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts HC0820 • Shangri-La‚Äôs Villingili Resort & Spa, Maldives HC0820 • SLS Hotel, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Beverly Hills HC0750 • Sofitel Munich Bayerpost EU6720 • Special Tours Wholesalers Ltd TT1335 • Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau AS2550 • Sun Ocean Pvt Ltd AS2350 • Swiss-Belhotel International HC1130 • Symphony Style Kuwait, A Radisson Collection Hotel HC0730 • TCA - Travel Connections Arabia HC0825 • Teamamerica Receptive Tour Operator AM6210 • The Ascott Limited HC1220 • The Bodrum EDITION HC0760 • The Cove Rotana Resort HC0720 • The Domain Hotel and Spa ME1410 • The Doyle Collection EU6830 • The Indian Hotels Company Limited HC1155 • The Leading Hotels of the World HC0525 • The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts HC0420 • The Lind Boracay AS2320 • The London and Barcelona EDITION HC0760 • The Montcalm Luxury Hotels London EU6830 • The Muse Hotel, Boracay AS2320


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• W Barcelona & Le Meridien Barcelona HC0750 • W Maldives HC0750 • Waldorf Astoria ME3510 • Waldorf Astoria Hotel Dubai Palm Jumeirah ME3110 • Waldorf Astoria Hotels and Resorts

and Conrad Hotels and Resorts

ILTM Arabia

• Warwick Hotels and Resorts HC1120

• Win Travel DMC Bulgaria EU6821 • WorldHotels AG HC1128 • Wyndham Hotel Group Europe Ltd HC0605 • Zabeel House Al Seef by Jumeirah HC0330 • Zurich Marriott Hotel EU6630

MARKETING COMPANIES/SERVICES • 360° Marhaba AF5140 • Al Jeyad Al Oula Company ME4410 • Best Travel EU6921 • Claviger Middle East HC0360 • Destination Gstaad EU6730 • Dubai Tourism ME3110, ME3140 • EMAAR HOSPITALITY GROUP HC0220

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• EMITT EU7110 • Eye of Riyadh ME1140-3 • Fairmont Baku Flame Towers HC1050

• Dubai Link Travel & Tours TT1250 • Exclusive Spain Tours EU6230 • Four Seasons Travel EU6810

• IATA ME1300 • Iceland Luxury ILTM Arabia • Le royal Meridien ME2115, ME2250 • Levi Destination Marketing & Sales EU6825 • Luxury & Boutique Hotel Collection EU6230

• Gadou Travel EU6230 • Georgian Travel Group EU6921 • Grand Hyatt Dubai HC0450 • Guide of Georgia EU6921 • Info-Tbilisi Travel EU6921

• Maldives Promotion House Pvt Ltd AS2350 • Small Luxury Hotels of the World ILTM Arabia • TICKets EU6830

• Jnan Tours Master ME1410 • Lake Lugano Group EU6730 • M. Almulla Tourism & Travel ME4210 • Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board AS3120


• Marco Polo Hotel Gudauri EU6921 • Mimino Travel Georgia EU6921

• Agencia Catalana de Turisme EU6230 • Bürgenstock Hotels & Resort Lake Lucerne EU6730

• Pan Pacific Manila AS2320 • PLANET TRAVELS TOURISM L.L.C ME2115, ME2250 • Radisson Blu Beirut Verdun HC0730

• Clinic Lémanic EU6730 • Cologne Tourist Board EU6710

• Royal Caribbean Arabia - Safeen Tourism LLC. CP2518 • Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau AS2550

• DKD Helios Klinik Wiesbaden EU6710 • Düsseldorf University Hospital (UKD) EU6710 • Elite Travel EU6921

• The Travel Company DMC Greece EU6410 • Umbrella Travel EU7201 • Uranus Travel & Tourism ME1410

• Emissa Travel Agency EU6720 • Europe Health GmbH EU7200

• TT1652 • Voyage Tours LLC ME3510

• Exclusive Spain Tours EU6230 • German National Tourist Board (GNTB) EU6710 • Grandhotel Pupp Karlovy Vary EU6810

• Voyager EU6921 • White Sands Tours And Travel ME4105 • Zaatarah & Co. Tourist and Travel Agency ME1450

• Imperial Karlovy Vary Group EU6810 • Indian Holiday Pvt. Ltd AS3114, ILTM Arabia

• Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) EU6801 • Iran Negin Travel ME1200 • Le Meridien Munich EU6720


• LifeClass Hotels & Spa EU6620 • Longevity Wellness Worldwide HC0825

• Hong Kong uCloudlink Technology TT1372 • INGENIUM SOFTECH TT2065, TT2066

• Medical & Spa Resort Rogaska EU6620 • Medical Park group of Rehabilitation Hospitals Germany EU6710 • Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic EU6911 • NYC & Company AM6210 • NZOZ AMIMED HENRYK KULINSKI EU6526 • Pan Pacific Manila AS2320 • Park Inn by Radisson Hotel & Apartments

Dammam Industrial City HC0730 • Polish Health Centers EU6530b • Radisson Blu Hotel, Lusaka, Zambia HC0730 • salvea EU7102 • Savoy Westend Hotel***** Medical Spa Resort EU6810 • Southern Aegean Development Agency EU7245 • SPECMED LLC EU6524 • State Tourist Board SouthWest Germany EU6710 • Swiss Diamond Hotel Lugano EU6730

TT1655, TT1755

• dcs plus

• SuitePad GmbH TT1251 • Travzilla Pro TT1479

MUSEUMS • CHOOSE CHICAGO AM6210 • Deira Tours ME4410 • Geneva Tourism EU6730 • Hyatt Regency Tysons Corner Center HC0450 • IVenture Card International ME3110 • Lake Lugano Group EU6730 • MINI-EUROPE EU6522 • Park Hyatt Washington DC HC0450 • Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) EU6230 • W Amsterdam HC0750



• 3K MANAGEMENT EU6801 • Abacus Tours EU6420 • Across Spain DMC & Leisure Travel EU6230

• Arabian Nights Company • Austrian National Tourist Office • Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA)

• AL BUSTAN CENTRE & RESIDENCE ME3110 • Alpha Travel South East Europe EU6621 • Con-ex LATVIA TOURS group EU6801 • Crowne Plaza Kuwait Al Thuraya City ME1310 • Desert Gate Tourism ME2200 • Desert Rose Tourism LLC ME2115, ME2250 • DMC SOLVEX EU6821 • DMC-Destination Management GmbH EU6710

ME4410 EU6610 ME1410 • Bangladesh Tourism Board AS2430 • Bulgaria, Ministry of Tourism EU6821 • Business Finland Oy - Visit Finland EU7235, EU6825 • China National Tourist Office in Singapore AS2080 • Croatian National Tourist Board EU6525, EU6420 • Cyprus Tourism Organisation EU6440, EU7140 • Czech Tourism Authority - CzechTourism EU7410, EU6810 • Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism AM6121

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AF5210 EU6330, EU6310 EU6830 • Georgian National Tourism Administration EU6921 • German National Tourist Board (GNTB) EU6710 • Greek National Tourism Organisation EU6410 • India Tourism AS3125 • INNVISTA HOTELS BELEK EU7110 • Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) EU6801 • Jordan Tourism Board ME1450 • Korea National Tourism Organization AS2085 • Kuwait Ministry of Information - Tourism Sector ME1310 • Lebanon Ministry of Tourism ME1350 • Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board AS2220 • Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation AS2350 • Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority AS2428 • MEXICO AM6120 • MEXICO TOURISM BOARD AM6120 • Moroccan National Provincial Tourist Office AF5110 • National Tourism Organisation of Serbia EU6621 • National Tourist Union EU6941 • Nepal Tourism Board AS2451 • Oman Ministry of Tourism ME2110 • Philippines Department of Tourism AS2320 • Rwanda Development Board AF5230 • SAUDI COMMISSION FOR TOURISM AND NATIONAL HERITAGE (SCTH) ME4410, ME4440 • Saudi Exhibition and Convention Bureau (SECB) ME4410 • Saudi General Investment Authority (SAGIA) ME4410 • Slovenian Tourist Board EU7220, EU6620 • SPAIN TOURISM OFFICE EU6230 • SpainTOP EU6230 • Switzerland Tourism EU6630, EU6730 • Taiwan Tourism Bureau AS2455, AS2421 • Tanzania AF5240 • The Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia AS2650 • Tourism Authority of Thailand AS2150 • Tourist Organization of the Republic of Srpska EU6621 • Turkish Culture & Information Office EU7130, EU7110 • USA - Brand USA AM6210, AM6200, AM6110, AM6211 • VisitBritain EU6830 • VisitBritain Shop EU6830 • VisitScotland EU6830 • Voyages Afriq ME1140-18 • Zaatarah & Co. Tourist and Travel Agency ME1450 • Zanzibar Commission for Tourism AF5240




• Bahia Del Duque Hotel EU6230

• Absheron Hotel Group

• Caesars Entertainment c/o Discover the World AM6200 • Santa Marina Resort & Villas, a Luxury Collection Resort, Mykonos

• Adenya Hotel EU7110 • AG New World Manila Bay Hotel AS2320

HC0750 • V Hotel Fujairah ME4210

• Andaz Munich Schwabinger Tor HC0450 • BlueVillas EU6410 • Congress Hotel Seepark EU6630

• Egyptian Tourism Promotion Board • ENIT - Italian State Tourist Board • Experience England

• Avenues World FZ LLC TT1311 • Bonotel TT1260, TT1465 • IATA ME1300 • RATEGAIN TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED TT1675 • RED APPLE TRAVEL (S) PTE LTD AS2415 • SuitePad GmbH TT1251 • The Travelbook Group TT1270, TT1456 • Travel Compositor TT1266 • TravelClick Inc TT1374, TT1570, TT1262

ONLINE TRAVEL AGENCY • Akbar Gulf Travels of India CP2515 • AL BUSTAN CENTRE & RESIDENCE ME3110 • ALKAMILBOOKING.COM CP2900 • Alwasat Travels ME1410 • Amigo Tours LLC AM6105 • Babylon Booking TT1265, TT1450 • B.V. TT1620 • BRO TRAVEL EU7110 • DESTINATIONS OF THE WORLD TT1420 • Dubai Link Travel & Tours TT1250 • EET Global TT1750 • Executive Suites by Mourouj Gloria ME2115, ME2250

• Ezeego1 Travel & Tours LLC TT1258 • Gadou Travel EU6230 • Georgian Capital EU6921 • Holidays Arabia TT1667 • Hotelspro TT1235 • Hyatt Regency Casablanca HC0450 • Juniper Innovating Travel Technology TT2110 • KB Travel EU6921 • Maverick Helicopters & Airlines AM6200 • Middle East Tourism & Travel Group EU7240 • Mövenpick Hotel & Residences Hajar Tower Makkah HC0630 • OTRAMS by Qtech Software - TT1760 TT1760, TT2060 • Ottila International (HOTELRACK) TT2025 • QuadLabs Technologies Private Limited TT1312, TT1410 • Radisson Blu Hotel Abu Dhabi Yas Island ME2115, ME2250

• by Travel Designer Group TT2030 • Rustar Tourism CP2522 • Saudi International Travel Agency ME4410 • Smyrooms TT1230 • TRAVEL SHOP TURKEY EU7110

ILTM Arabia

• Desert Palm Resort & Hotel ME3110 • Dubai Opera ME3110 • Due Torri Hotel HC0525 • Fairmont Hotels and Resorts Kenya HC1050 • Four Seasons Hotel Lion Palace St. Petersburg HC1150 • Grand Hyatt Berlin HC0450 • Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Bangkok Sukhumvit HC0450


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• Hyatt Regency Paris Etoile HC0450 • Kempinski Hotel Mall of the Emirates HC1140 • Marjan Island Resort & Spa Managed by Accor Hotels ME3510


• Movenpick Hotel & Convention Centre KLIA HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotel Sukhumvit 15 Bangkok HC0630 • Mövenpick Resort Sharm el Sheikh HC0630 • Radisson Blu Gautrain Hotel, Sandton Johannesburg HC0730 • Radisson Blu Hotel & Spa Istanbul Tuzla HC0730

• Travelport TT1320

• The Diplomat Radisson Blu, Hotel, Residence and Spa ME1410 • The Sunset Marquis Hotel and Villas HC0420 • Tugawe Cove Resort AS2320 • VisitScotland EU6830

• Afro Tourism West Africa Ltd ME1140-1 • Arab Traveller (Magazine) ME1140-10 • Business Finland Oy - Visit Finland EU7235, EU6825 • Destinations of the World News HC0580

• W Dubai - The Palm HC0750

• Dubai Tourism ME3110, ME3140 • EDITION HC0760

OUTBOUND • Adviser Travel & Tourism EU7106 • Afro Tourism West Africa Ltd ME1140-1

• IATA ME1300


• EDITION Hotels ILTM Arabia • EMITT EU7110 • Iceland Luxury ILTM Arabia • Maldives Promotion House Pvt Ltd AS2350 • NPIMEDIA FZ LLC ME1265

• Amigo Tours LLC AM6105 • andBeyond AF5240 • Beautiful Georgia Tours EU6921

• Travel Talk Asia ME1140-12 • Travel Trade Journal ME1140-16 • TTG MENA HC0785

• Bohemia Ltd. EU6821 • BONTON TOURS AND TRAVELS (L.L.C) ME3110

• TTN Travel & Tourism News ME1405 • Voyages Afriq ME1140-18

• Carfare and Lama Group CP2500 • City Sightseeing Ltd ME2000 • Claviger Middle East HC0360

• World Traveller (Hot Media) ME1140-17

• Dadabhai Travel ME2100 • Deutsche Hospitality HC1045


• Emissa Travel Agency EU6720 • Europamundo Vacaciones S.L EU6230 • FAMOUS TRAVEL DMC EUROPE EU6428, EU7100

• andBeyond AF5240 • Aquila Private Game Reserve AF5140 • British Country Sports EU6830

• India Tourism AS3125 • ITRIP LLC TT1255 • Jordan Road Travel and Tourism ME1450

• Telal Resort

• Grand Hotel Villa Castagnola EU6630 • Gray Line TT1475

• Dhigufaru Island Resort AS2350 • Mara Engai Lodge ILTM Arabia

ME2115, ME2250

• Mawasim Tours ME4410 • Ottila International (HOTELRACK) TT2025


• Pan Pacific Manila AS2320 • Park Hyatt Mallorca HC0450 • Perpax Travel EU7110

• ADONIS TOURISM LLC ME1305 • Airport Limos Greece The Leading Limousine Company Of Greece

• QuadLabs Technologies Private Limited TT1312, TT1410 • Qualitrips EU6921 • Radisson Blu Beirut Verdun HC0730 • by Travel Designer Group TT2030 • Royal Caribbean Arabia - Safeen Tourism LLC. CP2518 • RTS TT1460 • Smyrooms TT1230 • Solar Empire Travel TT1260, ME100, TT1479 • Spain Royal Tours (Grupo Tawy Tours) EU6230 • The Westin Palace Milan HC0750 • Travco Corporation Ltd. TT2020 • Travellanda TT1353 • Vanilla TT1660 • Welcomebeds TT1468 • World Net Hotels TT1359 • Wozol Zaer Establishment ME4410

EU6410 • AL BUSTAN CENTRE & RESIDENCE ME3110 • ALL GREEK VILLAS EU6410 • Amathus Travel Croatia EU6420 • Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism EU6931 • Balloon Adventures ME3110 • Bangladesh Tourism Board AS2430 • BlueVillas EU6410 • Corporate International Travel & Tours, Inc. AS2320 • DESERT ADVENTURES TOURISM L.L.C ME3110 • Exclusive Spain Tours EU6230 • Exotour EU6921 • Fairmont Baku Flame Towers HC1050 • Flora Hospitality HC1230 • Geo Travel Club EU6921 • Georgia Travel RSP EU6921 • iJET ME4201 • Lamar Holidays Malaysia TT1630 • Las Vegas Luxury Travel AM6200 • Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic EU6911 • Nine Worlds - Tailor Made Experience in Iceland & Greenland ILTM Arabia • OUTLETCITY METZINGEN EU6710 • Park Hyatt Mallorca HC0450

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• Passionate Tourism ME3510 • Radisson Blu Beirut Verdun HC0730 • ROMA CAPITALE EU6330, EU6310


• THE VIEW Lugano ILTM Arabia • Timetravels Incoming Ltd. EU6825 • Voyage Tours Georgia EU6921 • White Sands Tours And Travel ME4105


• Wozol Zaer Establishment ME4410

• Alwasat Travels ME1410 • Amadeus IT Group TT1520

• Rovos Rail AF5140 • SIGNA Luxury Collection GmbH ILTM Arabia • Small Luxury Hotels of the World ILTM Arabia • SpainTOP EU6230 • The Golden Butler Lifestyle Management ILTM Arabia

TUSCANY REGION • Visit California • Voyages Afriq • Zagreb Tourist Board

EU6630 EU6330, EU6310 AM6211 ME1140-18 EU6420

• 11-Infotech System Co Ltd TT2070 • TT1725


• Atharva Infotech TT1770 • Avenues World FZ LLC TT1311 • Bird Group HC0660

• Hyatt Regency Casablanca HC0450 • Ice Land Waterpark ME3510

• dcs plus TT1655, TT1755 • GATETOURS.COM TT1351

• Titanic Hotels EU8028

• Global Innovations-Dubai TT1510 • Hotelbeds TT1430 • IATI CO ( International Air Travel Index Company ) TT2013


• INGENIUM SOFTECH TT2065, TT2066 • IT4T Solutions Pvt Ltd TT1666

• A.A.Al Moosa Enterprises Llc HC1166 • ALL GREEK VILLAS EU6410 • Colliers International HC0782

• ITRIP LLC TT1255 • Juniper Innovating Travel Technology TT2110 • Mystifly Global Consolidation

• Executive Suites by Mourouj Gloria ME2115, ME2250 • Georgian Capital EU6921

• OTRAMS by Qtech Software - TT1760

• GriwaRent AG Holiday Apartments

in Grindelwald & Interlaken EU6730 ME2115, ME2250 • KB Travel EU6921 • SIGNA Luxury Collection GmbH ILTM Arabia • Southern Aegean Development Agency EU7245

• Gromaxx Hotels Management LLC

REGIONAL TOURIST BOARD • Andalucia Tourism Board • Arabian Nights Company • Costa Del Sol Tourist Board • Department of Tourism and Resorts of Ajara AR • Destination Gstaad • Dubrovnik & Neretva County Tourist Board • Experience England • Horseracing - Sport of Kings • INNVISTA HOTELS BELEK • Kuwait Ministry of Information - Tourism Sector

EU6230 ME4410 EU6230 EU6921 EU6730 EU6420 EU6830 EU6830 EU7110 ME1310

• Laax Destination Switzerland - &

Waldhaus Alpine Resort • Lausanne & Montreux Riviera - Lake Geneva Region • Ljubljana Tourism • Lucerne Lake Lucerne Region • Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board • MEXICO • Montreux Riviera • National Tourist Union • PUEBLA TOURISM BOARD • PUGLIAPROMOZIONE - Puglia Region • Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority • Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) • St. Moritz. Top of the World. • State Tourist Board SouthWest Germany • Tenerife Select


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ILTM Arabia EU6630 EU6620 EU6630 AS3120 AM6120 EU6630 EU6941 AM6120 EU6330, EU6310 ME3510 EU6230 EU6630 EU6710 EU6230

& Technology Services Pte Ltd. TT1568 TT1760, TT2060 • PKFARE TT1610 • PROVAB TECHNOSOFT TT2056 • Puratech Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. TT1767 • TT1364 • RTS TT1460 • Rustar Tourism CP2522 • Sabre TT1261 • Smyrooms TT1230 • The Booking Expert TT2015 • The Travelbook Group TT1270, TT1456 • The Vision Destination Management ME3105 • TOP INTERNATIONAL Hotels & Corporate Partners TT1310 • TPConnects Technologies TT1215 • Travel Compositor TT1266 • TravelClick Inc TT1374, TT1570, TT1262 • Travellanda TT1353 • Traveltek Ltd TT2010 • Travzilla Pro TT1479 • TRIPMAKERS FZ LLC TT1360 • TT1652 • XML Holiday TT1765, TT1565

RESTAURANTS • AL DIAR SIJI HOTEL ME4210 • Al Hokair Group HC0570 • Athenaeum Hotel & Residences (Mayfair/London) EU6830 • Avantgarde Collection EU7110 • Bahia Del Duque Hotel EU6230 • Brienz Rothorn Railway EU6730 • Carlton Hotels & Suites HC0300 • CHOOSE CHICAGO AM6210 • Dar Al Taqwa Hotel-Madinah, Saudi Arabia ME4410 • Divan İstanbul Hotel EU7110 • Emirates Grand Hotel ME3110

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• Fairmont Quasar Istanbul ILTM Arabia • Geneva Tourism EU6730 • Grandhotel Pupp Karlovy Vary EU6810 • Hilton Beirut HC0830 • Hilton Evian-les-Bains HC0830 • Hyatt Regency Tashkent HC0450 • IVenture Card International ME3110 • JW Marriott Hotel Seoul HC0750

• Multireisen Deutschland MRD GmbH TT1574 • Nucore Software Solutions Private Limited TT1569 • OTRAMS by Qtech Software - TT1760 TT1760, TT2060

• PROVAB TECHNOSOFT TT2056 • Puratech Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. TT1767 • RATEGAIN TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED TT1675 • ReviewPro TT1265 • SuitePad GmbH TT1251

• JW Marriott Hotel Singapore South Beach HC0750 • MINI-EUROPE EU6522 • Mövenpick Hotel & Apartments Bur Dubai HC0630 • Mövenpick Hotel Riyadh HC0630

• TBO Holidays TT1220 • Techno Heaven & Rayna Tours TT1467 • TI Infotech Pvt Ltd TT1710 • TPConnects Technologies TT1215

• Paseo de Gracia Association - Barcelona EU6230 • Santa Marina Resort & Villas,

• Travel Compositor TT1266 • TravelClick Inc TT1374, TT1570, TT1262

a Luxury Collection Resort, Mykonos HC0750 • The Domain Hotel and Spa ME1410 • V Hotel Fujairah ME4210 • W Amsterdam HC0750 • W Dubai - The Palm HC0750

RETAIL EU6445, ME3500 • Al Rais Travel & Shipping Agencies LLC ME3100 • Amandatour Italy EU6455 • BRO TRAVEL EU7110 • Dadabhai Travel ME2100 • Darina Holidays TT2050 • El Corte Inglés Department Store, Madrid HC0825 • Expedia FZ-LLC TT1355, TT1550 • Falcon Luxury Travel DMCC EU6850 • Fashion Arena Prague Outlet EU6810 • Georgian Capital EU6921 • Heysem Tourism & Travel EU7101 • Hotelspro TT1235 • JW Marriott Minneapolis Mall of America HC0750 • KB Travel EU6921 • Maverick Helicopters & Airlines AM6200 • Park Hyatt Mallorca HC0450 • Polish Health Centers EU6530b • ZEN TRAVEL EU6921 • 1 Box Office


• Travelport TT1320 • Travzilla Pro TT1479 • ZEEYARAH.COM TT1212 • Zumata TT1470

SPA & WELLNESS COMPANIES/SERVICES • Al Areen Palace & Spa ME1410 • Al Khozama Management Co HC0250 • ALSOL HOTELS & RESORTS AM6121 • Ambassador Group EU6810 • Aquila Private Game Reserve AF5140 • Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism EU6931 • Bangkok Hospital AS2470, AS2270 • Bulgari Resort Bali HC0675 • Burj Al Arab Jumeirah HC0330 • Canopus Akquasun Maldives Pvt Ltd AS2350

• Chenot Palace Health Wellness Hotel Wellness and Spa • Clinic Lémanic EU6730 • Crimson Hotels and Resorts AS2320 • Crowne Plaza Kuwait Al Thuraya City ME1310 • CVK HOTELS & RESORTS EU7310 • Fairmont Quasar Istanbul ILTM Arabia • Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Kuda Huraa HC1150 • Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru HC1150 • Graficon DMC EU6810 • Grand Hotel Villa Castagnola EU6630 • Grand Hyatt Dubai HC0450 • Grandhotel Pupp Karlovy Vary EU6810

• E. Breuninger GmbH & Co. EU6710

• Gural Premier Hotels & Resorts HC0110 • Hilton Athens HC0830 • Hyatt Capital Gate Abu Dhabi HC0450

• Fashion Arena Prague Outlet EU6810 • GT Beds TT1330

• Hyatt Regency Arusha HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Riyadh HC0450

• Guizhou Province of China AS2090 • Hyatt Regency Tysons Corner Center HC0450 • IVenture Card International ME3110

• Il Borro ILTM Arabia • Imperial Karlovy Vary Group EU6810 • Indian Holiday Pvt. Ltd AS3114, ILTM Arabia

• Outletcity Metzingen ILTM Arabia, EU6710 • The Mall Luxury Outlets EU6221

• INNVISTA HOTELS BELEK EU7110 • Jakarta City Government Tourism and Culture Office AS3350 • Laax Destination Switzerland -

SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS • Atharva Infotech TT1770 • dcs plus TT1655, TT1755 • DLC. TT1274, TT1375 • HQ plus TT1251 • IATA ME1300 • INGENIUM SOFTECH TT2065, TT2066 • INPLASS TT1571

ILTM Arabia Wellness and Spa • Le Richemond HC0420 • LifeClass Hotels & Spa EU6620 • Longevity Wellness Worldwide HC0825 • Lopota Lake Resort&Spa EU6921 • Lux* Resorts & Hotels HC0670, HC1210 • Marco Polo Hotel Gudauri EU6921 • Marienbad Kur & Spa Resort EU6810 • Marjan Island Resort & Spa Managed by Accor Hotels ME3510 & Waldhaus Alpine Resort

• L’Albereta Relais & Chateaux

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• Martin’s Hotel Belgium EU6522 • Medical & Spa Resort Rogaska EU6620 • Medical Park group of Rehabilitation Hospitals Germany EU6710

• Atmosphere Hotels & Resorts AS2350 • Badrutt’s Palace Hotel EU6630 • Bahia Del Duque Hotel EU6230

• MEXICO AM6120 • MGM Resorts International AM6200 • Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic EU6911 • Montage Beverly Hills ILTM Arabia • Montreux Riviera EU6630

• Bin Majid Hotels & Resorts ME3510 • Bird Group HC0660 • BlueBay Hotels HC1125 • British Country Sports EU6830 • Bürgenstock Hotels & Resort Lake Lucerne EU6730

• Monument Hotel HC0420 • Mövenpick Hotel Jumeirah Lakes Towers HC0630 • Municipality of Bansko EU6821 • Mytha Hotels Anthology HC0825

• Caresse, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Bodrum HC0750 • Centro Capital Centre HC0720 • Cheval Blanc Randheli AS2350 • Ciragan Palace Kempinski Istanbul HC1140

• Narcissus Hotel ME4410 • Nine Worlds - Tailor Made Experience

• COMO Hotels & Resorts • Cristal Group

in Iceland & Greenland

ILTM Arabia

• PALMA DMC & TOUR OPERATOR EU6620 • Parco dei Principi Grand Hotel & Spa HC0420

• Penha Longa Hotel, Spa & Golf Resort HC0750 • Polish Health Centers EU6530b • Radisson Blu Hotel & Spa Istanbul Tuzla HC0730 • RAVIZ HOTELS, RESORTS AND SPA AS3330 • Renaissance Bangkok Ratchaprasong Hotel HC0750 • ROMA CAPITALE EU6330, EU6310 • Rome Cavalieri, A Waldorf Astoria Resort HC0830 • Royal Plaza Montreux & Spa EU6730 • salvea EU7102 • Santa Marina Resort & Villas, a Luxury

Collection Resort, Mykonos HC0750 Wellness and Spa • Savoy Westend Hotel***** Medical Spa Resort EU6810 • Scandic Hotels Group EU6825 • Seychelles Tourism Board AS2465 • SIGNA Luxury Collection GmbH ILTM Arabia • Sirona Hotels EU6821 • Slovenian Tourist Board EU7220, EU6620 • Small Luxury Hotels of the World ILTM Arabia • Soukya International Holistic Health Centre PVT Ltd Wellness and Spa • Southern Aegean Development Agency EU7245 • Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau AS2550 • State Tourist Board SouthWest Germany EU6710 • Swiss Diamond Hotel Lugano EU6730 • Taiwan Tourism Bureau AS2455, AS2421 • TCA - Travel Connections Arabia HC0825 • The Domain Hotel and Spa ME1410 • The Retreat at Blue Lagoon Iceland ILTM Arabia • The Travel Collection ILTM Arabia • THE VIEW Lugano ILTM Arabia • Tourism Authority of Thailand AS2150 • VILA VITA Marburg GmbH EU6521, EU6611 • Vythiri Village AS3320 • W Dubai - The Palm HC0750 • WA International HC0588 • World Net Hotels TT1359 • Zuri Hotels & Resorts PVT Ltd AS3325 • Santani Resort & Spa

SPAS • Akaryn Hotel Group

ILTM Arabia

• Al Areen Palace & Spa ME1410 • AL DIAR SIJI HOTEL ME4210 • Al Khozama Management Co HC0250 • Al Manara, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Saraya Aqaba HC0750 • Anantara The Palm Dubai Resort ME3110 • Aquila Private Game Reserve AF5140


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ILTM Arabia ME2115, ME2250 • DAMAC Hotels & Resorts HC0350 • Desert Palm Resort & Hotel ME3110 • Dhigufaru Island Resort AS2350 • DIVANI COLLECTION HOTELS EU6410 • Dusit Hotels & Resorts HC1030 • EDITION HC0760 • EDITION Hotels ILTM Arabia • Emerald Maldives Resort & Spa AS2350 • Emirates Grand Hotel ME3110 • FAIRMONT FUJAIRAH BEACH RESORT ME4210 • Four Seasons Hotel Lion Palace St. Petersburg HC1150 • Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Kuda Huraa HC1150 • Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru HC1150 • Four Seasons Resort Seychelles at Desroches Island HC1150 • Hala Arjaan by Rotana HC0720 • HARD ROCK HOTEL & CASINO PUNTA CANA AM6121 • Hilton HC0830 • Hilton Beirut HC0830 • Hilton Evian-les-Bains HC0830 • Hyatt Regency Kuantan Resort HC0450 • Imperial Karlovy Vary Group EU6810 • Istanbul Marriott Hotel Sisli HC0750 • Jumeirah Beach Hotel HC0330 • Jumeirah Emirates Towers HC0330 • Jumeirah Living World Trade Centre HC0330 • Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa HC0330 • Jumeirah Zabeel Saray HC0330 • JW Marriott Dongdaemun Square Seoul HC0750 • JW Marriott Hotel Seoul HC0750 • JW Marriott Venice Resort & Spa HC0750 • Kämp Collection Hotels EU6825 • Kulm Hotel St. Moritz HC0825 • L’Albereta Relais & Chateaux Wellness and Spa • Le Richemond HC0420 • Longevity Wellness Worldwide HC0825 • Lux* Resorts & Hotels HC0670, HC1210 • Luxury & Boutique Hotel Collection EU6230 • Mansard Hotel & Residences HC0170, HC0770 • Marriott Vacation Club HC0750 • Medical & Spa Resort Rogaska EU6620 • Minor Hotels HC0665 • Montage Beverly Hills ILTM Arabia • Montage International HC0405 • Mövenpick Resort & Spa Boracay HC0630 • Mövenpick Resort & Spa Dead Sea HC0630 • Mövenpick Resort & Spa Dead Sea HC0630 • Mytha Hotels Anthology HC0825 • Narcissus Hotel ME4410 • NH COLLECTION HOTELS EU6230 • Nobu Hotels ILTM Arabia • Palazzo Versace Hotel LLC HC0150

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• Paloma Hotels EU7110 • Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel & Villas HC0450, ME2115, ME2250 • PARK HYATT DUBAI HC0450

• Beautiful Georgia Tours EU6921 • BONTON TOURS AND TRAVELS (L.L.C) ME3110 • CarVia Exclusive Car Rental Munich EU6720

• Park Hyatt Jeddah - Marina, Club and Spa HC0450 • Park Hyatt Maldives Hadahaa AS2350 • Park Hyatt Milan HC0450 • Park Hyatt Vienna HC0450 • Park Hyatt Zanzibar HC0450

• DMC SOLVEX EU6821 • Dream World Travels USA AM6211 • Europamundo Vacaciones S.L EU6230 • Geo Travel Club EU6921 • M & H for ships and boat cruise rental ME2115, ME2250

• Preferred Hotels & Resorts HC0420 • Prolom and Lukovo spa EU6621 • Pure Salt Luxury Hotels EU6230 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Ordu HC0730

• Mawasim Tours ME4410 • Media Performance GmbH EU6720 • Sadd Al Samallaghi Tourism Co. Ltd. (SASTCO) ME4410 • Spain Royal Tours (Grupo Tawy Tours) EU6230

• Radisson Hotel Group HC0730 • RAVIZ HOTELS, RESORTS AND SPA AS3330

• Travelite Travel and Tours Co. AS2320 • VisitBritain EU6830

• Renaissance Bangkok Ratchaprasong Hotel HC0750 • Roomers Munich, Autograph Collection HC0750 • Rosewood Abu Dhabi ME2115, ME2250


• Royal Plaza Montreux & Spa EU6730 • Royal Savoy Hotel & Spa EU6730


• Santani Resort & Spa Wellness and Spa • sbe ILTM Arabia • Scandic Hotels Group EU6825

• 1 Box Office EU6445, ME3500 • Balloon Adventures ME3110 • Chelsea FC EU6830

• Shangri-La Bosphorus, Istanbul HC0820 • Shangri-La Hotel & Traders Hotel Qaryat Al Beri Abu Dhabi ME2115,

• Club Sports UK EU6518 • Horseracing - Sport of Kings EU6830

ME2250 • Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts HC0820 • Shangri-La‚Äôs Villingili Resort & Spa, Maldives HC0820 • Sheraton Abu Dhabi Hotel & Resort ME2115, ME2250 • Sirona Hotels EU6821 • Soukya International Holistic Health Centre PVT Ltd Wellness and Spa • Spa Resort TREE OF LIFE EU6810 • TCA - Travel Connections Arabia HC0825 • The Bodrum EDITION HC0760 • The Diplomat Radisson Blu, Hotel, Residence and Spa ME1410 • The Retreat at Blue Lagoon Iceland ILTM Arabia • The Ritz Carlton, Millenia Singapore HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton Abu Dhabi, Grand Canal HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton Bal Harbour, Miami HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Astana HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Moscow HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Riyadh HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco HC0750 • The Ritz-Carlton, Vienna HC0750 • The St. Regis Istanbul HC0750 • The St. Regis Kuala Lumpur HC0750 • The St. Regis Langkawi HC0750 • The St. Regis Mardavall Mallorca Resort HC0750 • The St. Regis Mauritius Resort HC0750 • The St.Regis Cairo HC0750 • W Maldives HC0750 • Waldorf Astoria Hotel Dubai Palm Jumeirah ME3110 • Waldorf Astoria Hotels and Resorts and Conrad Hotels and Resorts ILTM Arabia • WorldHotels AG HC1128 • Zaya Nurai Island Abu Dhabi ME2115, ME2250

• Mövenpick Hotel & Apartments Bur Dubai HC0630 • NECTAR SPORTS S.L. EU6520


• Albadie Travel Agency ME2115, ME2250 • ALKAMILBOOKING.COM CP2900

TELECOMS • Hong Kong uCloudlink Technology TT1372

THEATRE & CINEMA • CHOOSE CHICAGO AM6210 • Dubai Opera ME3110 • La Perle by Dragone ME3110

THEME PARKS • Al Hokair Group HC0570 • Dubai Parks and Resorts ME3440 • Ice Land Waterpark ME3510 • IVenture Card International ME3110 • Korea National Tourism Organization AS2085 • Lake Lugano Group EU6730 • MINI-EUROPE EU6522 • State Tourist Board SouthWest Germany EU6710


EU6445, ME3500

• Adviser Travel & Tourism EU7106 • AL DIAR SIJI HOTEL ME4210 • Al Shitaiwi Travel and Tourism ME4410

• Across Spain DMC & Leisure Travel EU6230 • Agencia Catalana de Turisme EU6230 • Andalucia Tourism Board EU6230 • ANTARCTIC AIRWAYS AM6111 • Balloon Adventures ME3110

• Al-Tayyar Travel Group Ltd ME1220 • Babylon Booking TT1265, TT1450 • Baron Travel Corporation AS2320 • Best Travel EU6921 • China Southern Airlines AS2075

• Baltma Tours EU6517

• Club Sports UK EU6518

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Product index

• Dusseldorf Tourist Board EU6710 • Ezeego1 Travel & Tours LLC TT1258 • IATI CO ( International Air Travel Index Company ) TT2013


• ITRIP LLC TT1255 • Jordan Road Travel and Tourism ME1450 • myTourisma ME2400 • NECTAR SPORTS S.L. EU6520 • Negin Parvaz Pars / Sehab Travel ME1200

• ANTARCTIC AIRWAYS AM6111 • Aquila Private Game Reserve AF5140 • Arabian Nights Village ME2115, ME2250 • Brienz Rothorn Railway EU6730 • Bürgenstock Hotels & Resort Lake Lucerne EU6730

• TICKets EU6830 • TopTravel Trip (Managed by Amwaj Travel LLC ) ME4000 • TRIPMAKERS FZ LLC TT1360 • Umbrella Travel EU7201

• Capital Georgia Travel EU6921 • Chelsea FC EU6830 • CHOOSE CHICAGO AM6210 • Dakkak Tours International- DMC ME1450

• Uni Orient Travel AS2320 • VisitBritain Shop EU6830

• Department of Culture & Tourism in Abu Dhabi

• WST ( World Sightseeing Tour) Georgia EU6921

• Department of Tourism, Government of Karnataka AS2435 • Destination Florence EU6330, EU6310 • Destination Gstaad EU6730


- Italy Overseas Office

ME2115, ME2250

• Dubai Dolphinarium ME3110 • Dubai Opera ME3110

AF5105, TT2064, AF6050

• Dana Tours

• Al Fokharia For Organizing Tourism Tours ME4410


• Geneva Tourism EU6730 • Helidubai ME3400 • Hyatt Regency Tysons Corner Center HC0450 • IVenture Card International ME3110 • KidZania London EU6830

• 11-Infotech System Co Ltd TT2070 • Akay Travel Service & Fly Istanbul EU8025 • Akbar Gulf Travels of India CP2515

• La Perle by Dragone ME3110 • Lake Lugano Group EU6730 • Mimino Travel Georgia EU6921

• Amadeus IT Group TT1520 • Atharva Infotech TT1770

• MINI-EUROPE EU6522 • myTourisma ME2400

TT1260, TT1465 TT1655, TT1755 TT1274, TT1375 • Fore Representations & Travels DMCC TT1560 • GATETOURS.COM TT1351 • INGENIUM SOFTECH TT2065, TT2066 • IT4T Solutions Pvt Ltd TT1666 • Juniper Innovating Travel Technology TT2110 • Multireisen Deutschland MRD GmbH TT1574 • Mystifly Global Consolidation & Technology Services Pte Ltd. TT1769 • OTRAMS by Qtech Software - TT1760 TT1760, TT2060 • PROVAB TECHNOSOFT TT2056 • Puratech Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. TT1767 • QuadLabs Technologies Private Limited TT1312, TT1410 • RATEGAIN TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED TT1675 • by Travel Designer Group TT2030 • RTS TT1460 • Rustar Tourism CP2522 • Solar Empire Travel TT1260, ME100, TT1479 • Techno Heaven & Rayna Tours TT1467 • The Booking Expert TT2015 • TI Infotech Pvt Ltd TT1710 • TPConnects Technologies TT1215 • Travel Compositor TT1266 • Travelport TT1320 • Traveltek Ltd TT2010 • Travzilla Pro TT1479 • TRIPMAKERS FZ LLC TT1360 • XML Holiday TT1765, TT1565 • ZEEYARAH.COM TT1212 • Zumata TT1470

• NYC & Company AM6210 • Off Road Adventure Tours ME2115, ME2250 • Papillon Helicopters AM6200

• Bonotel • dcs plus • DLC.


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• Park Hyatt Washington DC HC0450 • Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau AM6210 • Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) EU6230 • Teamamerica Receptive Tour Operator AM6210 • Titlis Cableways Restaurants & Accommodation EU6630 • Tourist Organization of the Republic of Srpska EU6621 • V Hotel Fujairah ME4210 • VisitBritain EU6830 • VisitBritain Shop EU6830 • VisitScotland EU6830 • Warner Bros. Studio Tour London

- The Making of Harry Potter EU6830

TRAINS/RAIL • Brienz Rothorn Railway EU6730 • Ottila International (HOTELRACK) TT2025 • Rovos Rail AF5140 • VisitBritain EU6830 • VisitBritain Shop EU6830

TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGY • Avenues World FZ LLC TT1311 • Puratech Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. TT1767 • RATEGAIN TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED TT1675

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AF5105, TT2064, AF6050

TRAVEL INSURANCE COMPANIES/SERVICES • Dadabhai Travel ME2100 • Elite Travel EU6921 • Jabal Omar Hyatt Regency Makkah HC0450 • Jnan Tours Master ME1410

TRAVEL MANAGEMENT COMPANIES (TMC) • Canopus Akquasun Maldives Pvt Ltd AS2350 • China Southern Airlines AS2075

• Caresse, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Bodrum HC0750 • Casa de Campo Resort & Villas AM6121 • Centro Capital Centre HC0720

• Cheval Blanc Randheli AS2350 • Conrad Maldives Rangali Island HC0830 • Danat Hotels & Resorts ME2115, ME2250 • Desert Palm Resort & Hotel ME3110 • Dhigufaru Island Resort AS2350 • Dusit Hotels & Resorts HC1030 • EDITION HC0760 • EDITION Hotels ILTM Arabia • Emerald Maldives Resort & Spa AS2350 • Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Kuda Huraa HC1150 • Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru HC1150 • Four Seasons Resort Seychelles at Desroches Island HC1150 • GriwaRent AG Holiday Apartments

in Grindelwald & Interlaken EU6730

• Costa Del Sol Tourist Board EU6230 • EMITT EU7110

• Hala Arjaan by Rotana HC0720 • HARD ROCK HOTEL & CASINO PUNTA CANA AM6121

• Global Innovations-Dubai TT1510 • Grapevine Texas AM6110 • Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta HC1140

• HMH - Hospitality Management Holding HC0530 • Il Borro ILTM Arabia • INOVA HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT EU6410

• Le Meridien Munich EU6720 • Mideast Travel / The Booking Expert EU6410

• Jumeirah at Saadiyat Island HC0330 • Jumeirah Beach Hotel HC0330

• Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah & Shangri-La

• Jumeirah Group HC0330 • Jumeirah Zabeel Saray HC0330 • Lošinj Hotels & Villas EU6420

Al Husn Resort & Spa, Oman HC0820 • SNTTA Emir Tours ME3110 • TravelShop Georgia EU6921

VENUES • Crimson Hotels and Resorts AS2320 • CVK HOTELS & RESORTS EU7310

• Lux* Resorts & Hotels HC0670, HC1210 • Madinat Jumeirah HC0330 • Magic Village Resort HC0420, AM6211 • Makarem Hotels HC0430 • Mansard Hotel & Residences HC0170, HC0770 • Marriott Vacation Club HC0750 • Maxx Royal Resorts EU7110

• Desert Rose Tourism LLC ME2115, ME2250 • Emirates Grand Hotel ME3110 • Grand Hyatt Istanbul HC0450

• Minor Hotels HC0665 • Mo Hotel & Resorts AS2350 • Mövenpick Resort Sharm el Sheikh HC0630

• Ice Land Waterpark ME3510 • Imperial Karlovy Vary Group EU6810

• Mytha Hotels Anthology HC0825 • Nobu Hotels ILTM Arabia

• Mövenpick Hotel Jumeirah Lakes Towers HC0630 • Park Inn by Radisson Dubai Motor City HC0730 • Portrait Firenze -Lungarno Collection EU6330, EU6310

• Radisson Blu Hotel Ajman HC0730 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Muscat HC0730

• Paloma Hotels EU7110 • Parco dei Principi Grand Hotel & Spa HC0420 • Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel & Villas HC0450, ME2115, ME2250 • Park Inn by Radisson Hotel & Residence Duqm HC0730 • Preferred Hotels & Resorts HC0420

• Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur HC0820 • The Retreat at Blue Lagoon Iceland ILTM Arabia

• Santa Marina Resort & Villas,


• Shangri-La‚Äôs Villingili Resort & Spa, Maldives HC0820

a Luxury Collection Resort, Mykonos HC0750 • Shangri-La Hotel & Traders Hotel

Qaryat Al Beri Abu Dhabi

ME2115, ME2250

• A.A.Al Moosa Enterprises Llc HC1166 • Absheron Hotel Group ILTM Arabia

• Special Tours Wholesalers Ltd TT1335 • Teamamerica Receptive Tour Operator AM6210 • Telal Resort ME2115, ME2250

• Al Khozama Management Co HC0250 • Al Manara, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Saraya Aqaba HC0750 • Al Rais Travel & Shipping Agencies LLC ME3100

• The Cove Rotana Resort ME3510 • The Golden Butler Lifestyle Management ILTM Arabia • The Ritz-Carlton Abu Dhabi, Grand Canal HC0750

• ALL GREEK VILLAS EU6410 • Anantara The Palm Dubai Resort ME3110

• The St. Regis Langkawi HC0750 • The St. Regis Mardavall Mallorca Resort HC0750

• Arctic Travel Boutique Ltd EU6825 • Atmosphere Hotels & Resorts AS2350 • BlueVillas EU6410 • British Country Sports EU6830 • Bulgari Resort Bali HC0675

• The St. Regis Mauritius Resort HC0750 • The Sunset Marquis Hotel and Villas HC0420 • The Travel Collection ILTM Arabia • Top Glory Travel EU6921 • Toscana Resort Castelfalfi EU6330, EU6310

• Akaryn Hotel Group ILTM Arabia • Al Areen Palace & Spa ME1410

• Capital Centre Arjaan by Rotana HC0720

• The Ascott Limited HC1220 • The Bodrum EDITION HC0760

• TT1652

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• W Maldives HC0750 • Waldorf Astoria Hotels and Resorts

and Conrad Hotels and Resorts • Zaya Nurai Island Abu Dhabi

ILTM Arabia ME2115, ME2250

WHOLESALER • AC Group EU6830 • Across Spain DMC & Leisure Travel EU6230 • African Pride Tours - Trevor Hewett AF5140 • Al Jahra Copthorne Hotel & Resort HC0650 • Angela Shanley Associates Ltd EU6830 • Annset Holidays, Inc. AS2320 • Anshun Development Zone Fuyuan Wax Printing Art Co.,Ltd AS2090 • ARGO TRAVEL GROUP-GREECE EU6410 • Baron Travel Corporation AS2320

• SNTTA Emir Tours ME3110 • Special Tours Wholesalers Ltd TT1335 • Studiosus Incoming Europe EU6720 • The Booking Expert TT2015 • THE VIEW Lugano ILTM Arabia • The Westin Palace Milan HC0750 • Travco Corporation Ltd. TT2020 • Travelite Travel and Tours Co. AS2320 • Uni Orient Travel AS2320 • Welcomebeds TT1468 • WORLD 2 MEET SLU TT1350, TT1555 • XML Holiday TT1765, TT1565 • TT1639 • ZEEYARAH.COM TT1212

• Zumata TT1470

• Bonotel TT1260, TT1465 • Canopus Akquasun Maldives Pvt Ltd AS2350


• Club Sports UK EU6518 • Con-ex LATVIA TOURS group EU6801 • Corniche Hotel Abu Dhabi ME2115, ME2250

• ArmaConcierge EU7110 • M & H for ships and boat cruise rental ME2115, ME2250 • The Golden Butler Lifestyle Management ILTM Arabia

• EET Global TT1750 • EMITT EU7110 • Executive Suites by Mourouj Gloria ME2115, ME2250


• DESTINATIONS OF THE WORLD TT1420 • Dubai Link Travel & Tours TT1250

• HQ plus TT1251

• FAMOUS TRAVEL DMC EUROPE EU6428, EU7100 • Fore Representations & Travels DMCC TT1560 • Galleria Luxury Visions HC0365 • Golden Tourist for Travel & Tourism CP2533 • Grand Hotel Villa Castagnola EU6630 • Guizhou Jingyang Commerce Co.,Ltd AS2090 • GUIZHOU JUN YU KUN COMMERCE CO.,LTD AS2090 • Guizhou Lingfeng Technology Industrial Park Co.,Ltd AS2090 • Guizhou Medi Import and Export Co.,LTD AS2090 • Guizhou Province of China AS2090

• Haiyou Voyage (Guangzhou)Co.Limited AS2285 • Happy Tours DMC EU6620 • Holidays Arabia TT1667 • Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta HC1140 • Hotel Schweizerhof Zurich HC1128 • Hotelbeds TT1430 • Hyatt Regency Addis Ababa HC0450 • Hyatt Regency Casablanca HC0450 • IATI CO ( International Air Travel Index Company ) TT2013 • Jabal Omar Hyatt Regency Makkah HC0450 • Jnan Tours Master ME1410 • LAMAR HOLIDAYS TT1630 • Lamar Holidays Malaysia TT1630 • Lamar Holidays UK TT1630 • Las Vegas Luxury Travel AM6200 • Lisbon Marriott Hotel HC0750 • Madinat Jumeirah HC0330 • Maverick Helicopters & Airlines AM6200 • Miki Travel Limited TT1730 • Mövenpick Hotel Kuwait HC0630 • Mystifly Global Consolidation & Technology Services Pte Ltd. TT1568 • Promet T&T EU6620 • Radisson Blu Beirut Verdun HC0730 • TT1364 • RTS TT1460 • Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah & Shangri-La

Al Husn Resort & Spa, Oman HC0820 • Smyrooms TT1230


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