“Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.”
- Anne Morrow LindberghJana Savić Rastovac, Executive Creative Director, McCann
“Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.”
- Anne Morrow LindberghJana Savić Rastovac, Executive Creative Director, McCann
The advertising industry can be a driver of the major societal changes that are taking place within society and has a role to play in contributing to the progression to a more sustainable economy
To help agencies navigate Brand Safety issues in times of crisis, EACA has issued specific industry guidelines with best practices to adopt that ensure the demonetisation of disinformation content
awards, as well as leveraging the positive influence advertising can have on changing consumer habits.
In this context, the Ad Net Zero programme also pledges to use the power of advertising to accelerate the transition to more sustainable products and services for consumers.
The advertising industry is aware of its capacity to reach consumers and thus its ability to influence perceptions and practices. With this important ability comes also the responsibility to be part of the solution and to thrive for more sustainable market practices. This is exactly the case with the Ad Net Zero programme, which was launched in the UK in November 2020 by the Advertising Association, ISBA and the IPA, and which includes in its membership over 100 advertisers, agencies, commercial media owners and production companies. The year 2022 will be remembered as the year in which the Ad Net Zero programme’s target to reduce the emissions of advertising operations to net zero by 2030 was rolled out globally.
“The objective is to have a global ambition regarding the programme and to implement the Ad Net Zero Action plan as broadly as possible, and this is where we are currently working to develop the programme with local chapters within EU Member States and beyond,” explains EACA CEO Tamara Daltroff.
The Ad Net Zero 5-point Action Plan pledges to reduce carbon emissions from advertising operations to net zero by 2030, with businesses committing to robust, verified plans to reduce their emissions. The action plan thus lays out solutions to reduce advertising businesses’ own operations, production, media choice and
“The programme provides a roadmap for development in other markets, with the flexibility to adapt and develop market specific solutions. It offers tools that are readily available internationally, like the AdGreen carbon calculator to help to measure and reduce emissions from advertising production,” explains our interlocutor.
And yet, at the same time, the marketing industry has often been seen as creating media strategies in defence of the largest polluters and promoters of overconsumption. Under such circumstances, how can advertising drive an unambiguous positive social impact?
Advertising is to a large extent a reflection of economic activity taking place within a market and is designed to appeal to consumer expectations. When the expectations of consumers change, advertising will ultimately need to change too. However, as an industry, and more specifically talking on behalf of the EACA, we do not see ourselves as passively contemplating the change, but rather we want to be leaders of this change, as we are convinced that the advertising industry has a vital role to play in shifting market practices to align with consumer expectations. We aspire to be part of the solution, not the problem. And those actors that have been identified as being part of the problem today will possibly (and hopefully) be part of the solution tomorrow too. Take for instance the energy sector, which, while being a major polluter, is highly likely part of the solution to producing more sustainable energy tomorrow.
We are currently facing a recession-like period. However, there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel, with economic activity predicted to slowly pick up again during this year
From an advertising point of view, we are fully supportive of the objectives of the Green Deal of the European Commission, which are directly of concern to us. For instance, there is currently a proposal on the table on the substantiation of Green Claims to avoid Greenwashing. We had very productive exchanges with the European Commission over the course of 2022 and are fully committed to contributing to setting high standards in terms of Green Claims that advertisers and agencies can comply with, since we believe that this is an issue
We want to persuade the entire advertising ecosystem, and not only the major players, to adopt high sustainability standards and thus shift practices before that is embraced from a regulatory perspective
of major societal importance to which we want to contribute positively.
However, it is true that the advertising sector is often perceived by the public as promoting interests that have negative impacts on the environment. It is definitely an important factor in reducing the attractiveness of the communications sector when it comes recruiting talent. Many agencies struggle to attract young communications professionals and this trend has been increasing over the past several years.
To address the talent crisis in the industry, EACA recently launched - in collaboration with the European Institute for Commercial Communications Education (edcom) – two surveys in Europe aimed at final-year advertising students and agency recruiters in our sector. The main objective was to identify the mismatch between the talent and the industry. The results show that, even
though 40% of students have completed an internship at creative, media or digital agencies, there are almost 70% that have considered alternative career paths. These students often consider that the advertising industry will not allow them to be an actor of positive change, which they nonetheless aspire to be.
One of the major challenges we are thus facing is to promote jobs in the advertising industry by demonstrating the undeniable societal impact that advertising has, as well as the ability to be an actor of positive change within our sector. That is something that we can, want and will improve in the years to come.
The 30th Anniversary Declaration of the EASA promotes strong self-regulation, which ensures a high-level of consumer protection and justifies trust in advertising. How truly committed is industry to adhering to this document?
EACA is a founding member of EASA and we truly believe in the power of self-regulation, which serves two main purposes. The first one is that self-regulation allows the advertising industry to apply responsible advertising standards before the legislator can do so. As an industry, we know the market practices and tendencies in advertising and can adapt to them swiftly. Since regulation is a complex process in which many different stakeholders intervene, it often lags behind ever-changing market practices. This is where self-regulation is so powerful, as it allows the industry to act quickly and efficiently to promote responsible advertising practices. This is not a perfect system, but the achievements of self-regulatory bodies across Europe show that it is an important system, both for the industry and for society. Take for instance topics like influencer marketing; self-regulatory bodies have the possibility to quickly set specific standards that they require influencers to comply with if they
Climate change is the most pressing issue of our times and the advertising sector has an important role to play when it comes to reducing carbon emissions through the impact of its activities on consumers, the market and, ultimately, the environment
want to work with certain clients. Legislation is often much slower to react.
However, we should not oppose both (regulation and self-regulation) and this is the second reason that we truly believe in the power of self-regulation. At the European level, and through our membership in EASA, we see that regulators often seek and rely on expertise from self-regulatory bodies whenever they are drafting a regulatory proposal. This is another topic where we are also striving to be part of the solution in helping the legislators where we can in order to contribute to creating a responsible advertising ecosystem. And this is exactly the aim of EASA’s 30th Anniversary Declaration.
Turning to more practical issues, how would you assess the impact of the global economic crises of 2022 on the global advertising industry?
The year 2022 was a highly eventful one, with many challenges to overcome. Firstly, the Russian invasion of Ukraine led regulators, but also advertisers and agencies, to closely scrutinise monetary sources of disinformation and implement additional safeguards to ensure the viable monetisation of legitimate advertising content. EACA is a signatory of the European Commission’s Revised Code of Practice on Disinformation and thus commits, alongside more than 30 other signatories in the advertising industry, to act and report on progress to demonetise the dissemination of disinformation. In this context, and in order to help agencies navigate Brand Safety issues in times of crisis, EACA has issued specific industry guidelines with best practices to adopt to ensure the demonetisation of disinformation content.
Likewise, inflation has posed serious challenges to agencies in the context of crisis. Many companies tend to cut marketing spending as one of the first cuts, and in appearance rather simple measures taken to tackle budgetary issues. However, this not only has negative consequences on the activities of agencies, but also on clients, as brand building efforts within a given market can only be viable by engaging in long-term marketing strategies. Several stakeholders within the advertising industry have published extensive evidence on the negative longterm consequences of cutting advertising
spending and more generally on how to seize the opportunities that periods of crisis can generate, rather than only looking at it from a problem side.
to the supply shortages that ultimately led to the recession-like period we are currently facing. However, there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel, as economic activity is predicted to slowly pick up again this year and high inflation should progressively fall in the coming months.
From a more industry-specific point of view, enforcing transparency in digital advertising will play a major role in 2023. With the adoption of the Digital Services Act, online platforms will have to disclose who is behind an ad, who finances and ad, on which parameters a user is targeted, and to ultimately provide the means to change those parameters. Likewise, bans on targeting minors and users based on special categories of data, as encompassed by article 9 of the GDPR (sensitive data), have been adopted and will hopefully enhance consumer trust in digital advertising.
of the major challenges we face is to promote jobs in the advertising industry by demonstrating the undeniable societal impact that advertising has, as well as the ability to be an actor of positive change within our sector
How will the rest of 2023 look?
Hopefully, 2023 will allow for more predictability than 2022 in terms of events that have a global impact on the economy and, more specifically, on the advertising industry. In these fast-paced times in which we live, this still seems more like wishful thinking than anything else.
From a macroeconomic point of view, it seems that we are only slowly recovering from the cuts in international value chains caused by the pandemic and concentrated on energy and other strategic raw materials. The consequences of the pandemic, in terms of declining economic activity, as well as the war in Ukraine, resulting in exploding energy costs, have caused a crisis of demand, adding
Additionally, the EU legislator is preparing a second piece of legislation regarding transparency more specifically tailored to political advertising, which pursues the same objective of engaging in consumer trust and guaranteeing the integrity of electoral processes within the EU.
EACA welcomes the increase in the transparency of advertising. From the operational side of things, it will be paramount for agencies to assess, as quickly as possible, what consequences these changes have on daily business activities and to adapt and comply efficiently in cooperation with clients. Finally, sustainability reporting plays a major role too, with the entry into force of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and compliance obligations starting in 2024. The European Commission will disclose the related cross-cutting standards and standards for all sustainability topics by 30th June 2023 and EACA will accompany agencies as much as we can in their efforts to comply with the upcoming obligations, alongside helping smaller agencies that do not fall under the CSRD to follow the sustainability reporting scheme of the Ad Net Zero programme.
We will try throughout the year to show as much support to our members as we can. Let’s then see in 2024 to what extent we have managed to live up to the challenges brought to us by this current year. ■
“When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.”
- Ernest HemingwayTamara Daltroff CEO of the European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA)
Shoppster has been setting the standards of our country’s modern eCommerce market since its very first day, only to have today reached a total of 180,000 products and 3,500 brands on the Shoppster online store and TV shopping channel. The company quickly managed to cover practically everything that consumers could need
Serbia’s first and leading “one-stop shop” strives in its operations to provide every customer with the most precisely tailored possible personalised online shopping experience, which also includes introducing the option of paying the courier by card upon delivery.
You’ve achieved excellent results in a short period. Are you continuing to raise the bar?
Recording good results is, first and foremost, our responsibility as the leading player in the transformation of the eCommerce industry. On the other hand, it is certainly also our reality, because this relates to one of the most dynamic industries, where trends “undulate” and change on a daily basis. We must follow and apply those trends as carefully as possible by regularly offering our customers a new, modern and attractive range of services and benefits. It is thanks to such an approach that we quickly reached 180,000 products and 3,500 brands on our web store and TV shopping channel.
You regularly come up with various benefits, special deals, surprises, loyalty rewards etc. You always prioritise the customer?
Rounding off the positive online shopping experience of every customer represents the central pillar of our operations. Shoppster has indeed become a “one-stop shop”, but all those products and brands don’t mean much if you don’t have the trust of customers achieved through understanding their individual needs. Effective communication has proven ease, speed and security in all elements of online shopping. Next come the ways you reward that trust, and we work on that with great pleasure every day.
Novaston is a unique real estate, asset, facility and marketing and property platform that offers clients a complete service, from support in the development of projects and services, through property management, valuation, mediation in the sale and letting of real estate, to marketing
According to research conducted by MasterIndex Serbia for 2022, 29 per cent of those surveyed want to pay the courier by card for goods upon delivery. That’s why you introduced the possibility of using payment cards to pay for delivered shipments. What do you expect from the introduction of this service?
We primarily expect it to be a great relief for both our customers and for couriers. We have left behind the holiday period having smashed all records on the number of deliveries and, thanks to the option of paying by card on the spot, we have sped up the handover of packages, to the satisfaction of everyone. This form of payment also means a lot to every customer who doesn’t want to leave their payment card information anywhere on the internet. It also serves to prove that customers participate actively in the moves that we make, and that their wishes and suggestions represent a daily parameter of our operations.
How valuable was the experience you gained in digital marketing when you received a team of 20 people and the task of setting and working to achieve Shoppster’s creative and strategic goals? Regardless of how much it might not feel like it, digital marketing can really be described as a kind of science of people’s online behaviour – representing a set of skills that enable you to recognise the habits, routines, reactions and aspirations of different groups of people, which is extremely important for the modern eCommerce business. Shoppster strives in its work to provide each individual customer with the most precisely tailored personalised online shopping experience possible, and when you combine that with a dynamic industry, the most modern technologies, and a range of products for all purposes and all occasions in life, you receive circumstances in which you – as a digital marketer surrounded by a group of extremely creative people – can really just let your imagination run wild and enjoy your work.
As it is important for them to continue to be the first choice for potential clients and a long-term partner for existing ones, Novaston’s expert team constantly devises new channels and tools so as to present their business as simply as possible and bring it closer to the end user in an interesting and educational way.
The whole world is changing irresistibly, but the goal of companies and brands remains the same - to build long-term relationships with clients and customers. Are you meeting that goal more than successfully?
That was the guiding idea from the moment of creation and transformation of Novaston into a unique real estate, asset and property platform. The main goal was and remains – a satisfied client. That’s why we are constantly working to harmonize the internal needs of four different companies (Novaston Asset Management, Novaston Project and Facility Management, Novaston Marketing Consultancy) on our platform, and our team of experts is constantly improving in order to provide the best quality externally. You have to approach each client in a carefully chosen way, respecting their wishes and needs, and aligning them with market expectations.
What is valued more in your business... business results expressed in numbers, campaigns/messages that left a deep mark, emotions you caused in consumers/ the public...?
I would emphasise the advantage of emotions. It’s no secret that marketing is pretty much based on psychological tools, but the
You have to approach each client in a carefully chosen way, respecting their wishes and needs, and aligning them with market expectations
importance of authenticity and honesty is often forgotten. Manipulation is the fastest way to ruin. The positive feelings that prevail today are associated with good old times. So, nostalgia is present everywhere - from fashion to sports, the
On the other hand, all these crises have brought many new trends in marketing and public relations, which are closely related to the development of technology, especially artificial intelligence. This does not mean that traditional ways are being consigned to history, but that the emphasis is more than ever on balance, as well as rapid adaptation to innovations and the demands of the public/clients.
Research shows that around 70% of people want to interact with the brand, that other consumers are most trusted, that the popularity of short video content is growing... Will that be prominent in 2023?
Yes, these are the trends that will most likely dominate this year as well. On the other hand, brands and companies like ours, which have a specific business sector, have to use more and more innovative ways to interact. That is why, in cooperation with the law office Gecić Law, we are preparing a guide for future investors, to present to them the procedure for setting up a project in the real estate sector. Also, we are considering how to complement the communication with interesting video formats that will not be just promotion, because they will also offer quality content.
Podcast, as the fastest growing medium, can be listened to and watched on various devices at any time, which is why it is becoming more and more attractive for companies that offer services for a special niche in addition to marketing. They are especially useful for “thought leader” and “employer branding” campaigns, because they successfully reach an audience that is not present on traditional media.
Shoppster has indeed become a “one-stop shop”, but all those products and brands don’t mean much if you don’t have the trust of customers
Thanks to its partnership with BCW, Chapter 4 Srbija – as part of the network of the same name – contributes continuously to the quality of communications on our market and core professional principles, because this agency is focused on strategic thinking, analytics, creativity, results and contributing in a broader social context
we learn through experience exchange. Representing a worldwide network is both an honour and an obligation for us. We try not only to fulfill that obligation, but also to provide our colleagues from other countries and regions with examples of the highest quality practice. There are many ways to measure quality. Longevity of cooperation is one of
We live in a digital world, which is why it is essential for us to develop an integrated approach as the basis of every B2B and B2C communication strategy
4’s approach is primarily oriented towards people, respect and ethics in communication. In our work we are focused on strategic thinking, analytics, results, creativity and contribution in a broader social context.
How do you enter into the preparation of strategies and campaigns for your clients, given that they differ and each of them has their own goals, business vision, purpose and plans?
TB: Core professional principles exist, and in our case there’s also the aforementioned Chapter 4 approach, but every campaign or strategic plan differs depending on the needs of the client company – in terms of corporate context and business goals, target groups and business context. The aim of high-quality communication is to build relationships that contribute to the reputation of the company and its people, products and services, and in that way support to operations and achieving business goals is provided.
Why do you believe that only an integrated, holistic approach to communication ensures that key messages today reach the target audience on time?
and our ability to adapt, as we’ve seen in all the global challenges of the previous few years.
How have communications been impacted by the new economic crisis, inflation and war?
MAB: In these turbulent global challenges, the challenge is enormous for all employees in the communications sectors, regardless of the company or agency. Communicators must be the first to understand the expectations of stakeholders and create their own story in such a way that they preserve the reputation of their brand or company, while this will simultaneously enable them to advance in these dynamic times.
Leaders of PR agencies expect increased profitability in the year ahead, despite economic and geopolitical conditions and the crisis of talent. What do you expect of the year ahead?
According to the co-owners of one of the country’s leading local agencies, the most important aspect for their profession during this challenging year is to maintain responsibility and ethics, while also exerting even greater efforts to ensure the quality and efficacy of communication, maintaining a high level despite the aggravated circumstances and potentially reduced budgets.
What does your partnership with BCW, as one of the world’s leading networks, say about the quality of services you provide? How is that rated among clients when it comes to the local knowledge and experience that you offer?
TB: The partnership with BCW, but also the Chapter 4 CEE network, is hugely important to us because it contributes continuously to improving the quality of what we do and
them, and we are proud of our successful partnerships with clients and colleagues who’ve been members of our team for many years. And even when they cease to be members of our team, we continue to mutually provide friendly and professional support. Quality proofs also are professional awards, which serve to confirm the value of campaigns and essential cooperation with clients.
You nurture a clear strategic and ethical approach in everything you do. What actually defines the Chapter 4 approach?
TB: The entire team is aware of our priorities and we believe this is recognised by the market, clients and colleagues. Chapter
MAB: Because there’s no singular platform, channel or timeframe through which we can adapt communications. In order for the message to reach different target groups, it is essential for us to use an entire spectrum of tools and channels. It is important for us to be as efficient as possible in this transferring of messages. We live in a digital world, which is why it is essential for us to develop an integrated approach as the basis of every B2B and B2C communication strategy. Through an integrated approach, we enable the consistency of content across all communication channels, and the aim is to ensure that clients receive the same experience with the company, regardless of the channel of information or communication they use.
Apart from new channels of communication and new tools, what have we been brought by digital transformation? How has it impacted on creativity and the development of new business opportunities?
MAB: Digital transformation has helped us to be more innovative, to recognise and
When it comes to communications, I don’t think it will ever be possible to replace humans and our ability to adapt
encourage talent in teams more easily, to be faster, more efficient, more transparent and, in the end, more competitive. Artificial intelligence and machine learning have greatly eased certain segments of business and life generally, the latest example of which is ChatGPT. But when it comes to communications, I don’t think it will ever be possible to replace humans
TB: This year will be challenging, but it’s “not our first rodeo”, as they say. Economic experts consider recession unavoidable, and we know that the world is constantly taking hits in a geopolitical, energy and economic sense. I think we have to be cautious and realistic in our optimism. Partnerships are key: understanding, listening and mature decision-making. The most important aspect for the profession is to maintain responsibility and ethics, but also to exert even greater efforts to ensure the quality and efficacy of communication, such that they remain at a high level despite the aggravating circumstances and potentially reduced budgets. We thus add to the credibility of what we do and invest in relationships with clients that are enduring and sustainable.
MAB: I agree with Tamara and believe that, regardless of the size, all companies, including agencies, will focus a lot on internal communication, as they want to retain their employees and for them to be as satisfied as possible. I also believe companies will have to more clearly express their views on some issues that are generally important, including diversity, climate change and even political circumstances. That’s why they will continue to maximally inform their employees with regard to all topics that concern their company.
Last autumn saw agency SVA establish a new organisational structure and new management roles, which reinvigorated the team and brought new driving energy and optimism, though they still believe that there are no small clients, difficult projects or impossible deadlines
All four of our interlocutors not only believe that their work will continue to be important in the years to come, but also that it will develop further, encompassing internal, external, corporate, promotional, CSR and all other communication needs through which companies want to share their purpose.
The times ahead certainly won’t be less complicated, on the contrary. But we nonetheless believe that human capital, creative thinking and innovation are inexhaustible, which is why we entered 2023 with optimism. The reputation of the marketing industry is often debated, with its performance undermined, detracting from the need for it, with “threats” from
Companies can no longer sell whatever brings them the most profit. Smart solutions are being sought
Given that communication and creativity are the elements used to weave the real marketing “craft”, I’m certain that the existence and success of professionals from our profession is beyond question, due to the very fact that even ancient civilisations recognised and highly valued writers and artists in their society.
The communication system is a factor that sets humans apart from other creatures, and cognitive abilities, and the ability to adapt to the most diverse conditions, provided humans with an evolutionary advantage that today ensures humans rule the world. Although we cannot, as the human collective, boast of the thoughtfulness of our actions, especially over the last few years, what is nonetheless positive – even if it is only in marketing today and has been conditioned precisely by accelerated digitalisation and various restrictions imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic – is the abandoning of the classic approach of “selling fog by the kilo” to increase consumption and opening up to the ever-increasing eco-economy trend. Today’s consumers communicate with one another independently, create independent reviews and debate products/ services, launch their own content and increasingly come together around sustainable solutions, while Generation Z, with its progressive and uncompromising attitude to its own convictions, is growing up at an accelerated rate and is immune to traditional marketing. Companies can no longer sell whatever brings them the most profit. Smart solutions are being sought, while the focus of communication is on brands, i.e., on the system of values that companies share with a much wider audience than their own client group. Our work continues to be important and is developing precisely in this context, encompassing internal, external, corporate, promotional, CSR and all other communication needs through which companies want to share their purpose with the world, and we need that more than ever today, from the individual to the collective.
IVANA PETKOVIĆ, Creative DirectorHave you noticed how the most successful people are almost never the most educated, the prettiest, the most talented? They merely worked the hardest to realise their own dreams. I believe the creative director is not the most creative member of the team, but that they know their team very well, learn
from each member every day and know how to get the best from each of them. They know how to inspire the team and always have an idea that they can put on the table in order to work with the team and come up with an idea behind which the whole team can stand.
If an idea is good, there is no reason to reconcile anyone. Money will come as a consequence, but that mustn’t be the inspiration. The creative director is always at the service of creative workers, the accounting department and clients. And they must be
In terms of the joy of new challenges, experience is precious in our profession, but the real beauty of this job is that it makes us young every day. We create campaigns for everyone, from children to pensioners, and that compels us to familiarise ourselves with all their
We create campaigns for everyone, from children to pensioners, and that compels us to familiarise ourselves with all their aspirations and affinities
the most creative in understanding everyone. When it comes to the inspiration, trends come and go, which is why I believe we will all experience a reboot. It is paradoxical that, no matter how much innovation we have in our heads, we have still concluded that everything has already been seen, and that is matched by how much the world, and therefore communication, has been accelerating in recent years. Our basic power lies in the fact that we are capable of finding inspiration in everything. However, before and after everything, we are still addressing people, their needs and desires, and that’s something we shouldn’t forget regardless of that which time, trends or new formats impose on us.
A unique approach primarily implies an openness in communication with the client, understanding all their needs and the challenges they face; putting yourself in their shoes. With such an approach, we work with equal enthusiasm on projects for large and small clients; with good organisation we render seemingly impossible deadlines possible, in our mutual interest, and we manage to develop love for those brands that are not the closest to our hearts.
aspirations and affinities. Circumstances are changing; the nature of our work and the pace at which projects are implemented is very different and more challenging, such that every new project is a new adventure. And despite many years of experience, I still learn something new every day.
Social media has been in focus for many years, and contributing further to that fact are influencers, who are increasingly engaging in monetised collaborations with brands. It is unquestionable that brands benefit from cooperation with influencers, but it is important for all such collaborations to be natural; for harmonisation to exist in terms of purpose, approach and communication method. If this is not the case, then the trust of the public is lost, which can harm both the brand and the influencer.
Traditional media and social media certainly aren’t mutually exclusive
Traditional media and social media certainly aren’t mutually exclusive. The perception of users, and the way both forms of media are consumed, differ completely, and they satisfy different needs of users, but traditional media will be forced to find new ways of generating revenue.
It is paradoxical that, no matter how much innovation we have in our heads, we have still concluded that everything has already been seenMAJA SUBOTIĆ MARIJA JOKSIMOVIĆ IVANA PETKOVIĆ MILENA SIMOVIĆ
Decades of experience at the regional level, coupled with cooperation with clients from all industries, has provided agency Direct Media with a secure start. The transparency of the processes behind the methodology that forms the basis of the strategy this agency creates is the foundation upon which it establishes successful communication
Direct Media’s Aleksandra Sekulić reveals how the speed of change in the communications sphere dictates the speed of the agencies that deal with that change, emphasising that only well-prepared professionals will be able to recognise those changes before they become mainstream.
As excellent connoisseurs of the local market, but also global trends, Direct Media has spent the past two decades creating campaigns tailored to each individual client. Does the credit for that belong to your holistic, comprehensive approach to every project?
Observing the bigger picture, not only the media picture, but also the economic-political one, while following trends and harmonising with them, are all part of a holistic approach, which is indeed important, but not the only step. Starting after everything else is the “if” process, in which the potentials are tested, and the direction in which we develop the client’s strategic communication approach only becomes clearly defined when we reach the bigger picture and that “if” becomes “is”. The team of dedicated professionals, and the partnership we build with all our clients, definitely contribute to this.
Modern communications with a realistic understanding of the effectiveness of both offline and online advertising are Direct Media’s strategic direction. How difficult is it to strike a balance and find the right measure in that?
It is first and foremost necessary to precisely define offline and online media. Television is no longer merely a medium for the placement of various programmes, but rather also platforms.
establish things in this way, it becomes clear that modern communications are fluid and that we cannot place them in limited frames.
You are the first agency to have conducted research for Generation Z and Millennials. To what extent did that ease the creating of campaigns for clients and the designing of messages that more quickly and easily reach target groups?
At Fusion Communications they believe that agencies have to evolve, listen, learn and adapt to the needs of their clients. The main difference is that this is now on a high-speed train, as opposed to the slow track of just a decade ago
Traditional media companies have adapted to new digital technologies, so companies and brands will utilise all of these possibilities in order to optimise their communication and campaigns. This has brought us podcasting, influencers and so many different forms of social media, followed by different formats on each one...
Mobile phones have become devices through which TV content is fully available, for example via the EON platform. Radio has adapted to the digital environment, while outdoor advertising is being rapidly digitalised. These changes primarily relate to ATL media. Not to disregard the fact that BTL activities have moved into the digital sphere over the last three years and that retail is a special medium, with ever more channels to present communication that supports not only sales, but also brand image. When we
It was more than ten years ago that we posed ourselves the question of whether we are ready for the coming generation. This prompted us to developed a series of in-house tools that enable us to monitor generational trends across various industries. It was shown that Generation Z expects a brand to have a purpose, for them to share similar values with the brand and to jointly make a difference when it comes to the value system. Transparency and authenticity are essential for a brand to gain their trust. Sharing opinions, comments and reviews are part of their personal engagement with a brand that they feel close to. The lack of attention, on the other hand, has led to a transformation in communication, to – cut the story short and be done with it. And, finally, it is no longer demographics that define the target group, but rather the communities of interest to which they belong. There is a really thin line between likes/slaps (the real thing) and cringe.
We are currently preparing new research that will relate to the so-called “tribal” differences that exist within the scope of generational groups. Striving for authenticity dominates not only among Gen-Z, but also in the generation that comes after them (Gen Alpha). We’ll see where this research will take us.
In order to meet the needs of your clients, you deal with strategies, planning, trends, platforms, and the creation and disseminating of messages. Are those needs and expectations of clients changing and, if so, to what extent?
The market is ever-changing, creating a fast-paced environment in which every link in the chain has to be alert and ready to respond to new demands. The borders of communications services have become blurred and with new trends and market demands come new needs. The pandemic and all other situations around the world had a huge impact - not only on the way we communicate, but also on the way audiences receive our message. This requires agencies to evolve, listen, learn and adapt to the needs of clients, as we always have. The main difference is that this is now on a high-speed train, as opposed to the slow track of just a decade ago.
The previous three years, since the outbreak of the pandemic, have been marked by the intense growth of the digital sphere. Will that trend be maintained throughout 2023 or will brands and companies slowly begin returning to traditional media?
Brands and companies have never abandoned traditional media, and I truly believe that this won’t change in the foreseeable future either
Absolutely! I think we can stop referring to digital as something new, as it is now the standard way of life. And this applies not only in the aspect of communications, media and marketing, but also in business and utility for everyday life. However, brands and companies have never abandoned traditional media, and I truly believe
that this won’t change in the foreseeable future either. Along with all this, we have gained additional outlets to differentiate our message and even more precisely target our audience. We see media taking on different forms – so now we have podcasting as a media outlet, influencers, so many different forms of social media, followed by different formats on each one... Traditional media companies have adapted to new digital technologies, so companies and brands will utilise all of these possibilities in order to optimise their communication and campaigns.
Technology has, among other things, provided you with numerous tools, additional channels, two-way communication, and the faster and easier sending of messages that now precisely target the intended recipients... But what has it taken away from you? What has been made more difficult?
I suppose that, just as everything has its positive and negative sides, so does the surge in the use of technology. I could talk more about the positive side, including the vast possibilities we have received, new knowledge and so on. However, I would point out two difficulties that have come from this: a lack of empathy and a lack of face-to-face communication, on one side, and a short attention span on the other. The overwhelming abundance of messages and content have made it challenging to get your message heard and make it stick. The fast pace is a difficulty to which we not only have to adapt the pace of our work, but also the way we communicate our messages.
It was more than ten years ago that we developed a series of in-house tools that enable us to monitor generational trends across various industries
The professionals at the Right agency gladly accept new communication tools and channels, but they do not forget the basic function of public relations, which involves establishing and nurturing positive relations between the communicator and the target audience
Trends in PR are changing faster than ever before. PR professionals are constantly embracing change, all with the aim of making the most of them to improve their communication strategies and achieve better results.
The Right Agency is known for many years of successful work with a large number of clients and cooperation with the media. What is the secret of your success?
As an agency with two decades of tradition, we have a responsibility to ourselves but also to our clients, the media and the public to always keep up with the news. We achieve this with the help of our expert teams, made up of PR professionals with rich experience from various spheres of our profession, who lead Right to new business victories. For successful business nowadays, we must possess one of the most important skills of the 21st century - adaptability. On the other hand, good and timely communication is necessary for success. For this very reason, maintaining and upgrading relations with the media and clients is the foundation of our agency’s business.
Digitalisation has brought you new tools, communication channels, new target audiences, speed, interactivity... How much more challenging, exciting, creative does all this make your job...?
New communication tools and channels give us a handful of new possibilities in terms of creative expression, diversity and
precision in communication with target audiences. Today, information is distributed through digital channels at an unfathomable speed, and in this regard, expectations from agencies are high and imply expediency and precision in response and reaction, but also enable more intensive adoption of trends necessary to realise various PR activities. In short, digitalisation has brought numerous new opportunities for PR and requires us to constantly evolve, which makes our already dynamic profession even more interesting.
The PR industry is changing at such a speed that it is difficult to predict in which direction it will develop. Are there, however, any trends that you would single out?
Trends in PR are changing faster than ever before. PR professionals are constantly accepting change, all with the aim of making the most of them to improve their communication strategies and achieve better results. As one of the trends, I would single out Artificial intelligence, which brings new challenges in public relations, but also opportunities in terms of automation of routine tasks. All this allows PR professionals to focus on creative and strategic activities.
I would also add that the basic function of public relations involves establishing and nurturing positive relations between the communicator and the target audience, so with all the changes that technology brings to us the essence of PR remains unchanged.
Headline&Dkit provide services in the field of communications, but what sets them apart are their advisory and practical approach to each client. They believe that their advisory services are much more important now because the channels and the way to approach target audiences have changed so much communicate faster, news is changed faster, as are posts on social media. In the flood of bad news and the general atmosphere of impending new disasters, it is really difficult to draw the public’s attention to ordinary stories about some corporation helping a vulnerable person, or to promote a new coffee, cheese or other brand, without it being an ordinary advertisement. Because even that paid advertisement or narrative must have content that stands out and attracts people.
New communication channels make our work more dynamic and, to put it colloquially, quick-thinking, but it’s still important how we think and analyse, and what we advise our clients - this is the message from Headline&Dkit.
Year after year, and here you are celebrating your 15th birthday, proud of more than 50 satisfied clients, 300+ press conferences, 1,000+ press releases... But Headline is much more than that... All of us at Headline are really proud of this small jubilee. Not only because we have survived and expanded in turbulent times, but above all because of our team of dedicated people and clients whom we support in communications throughout the years. I believe that the unification with the agency DKit, which specialises in digital communications, has contributed to this, so today we deal with communication with the media, the organisation of events, crisis communication, digital marketing, web site development, a whole set of digital communications services, up to relations with professionals and an influential public. And since, I have listed everything with which we can compete on the market, want to single out what, in addition to the people in our team, is most important. We provide services in the field of communications, but what sets us apart is advisory and a practical approach to each client.
What has changed in communications, apart from the channels?
Now the approach is much more individual and each strategy must be adapted to
The strategy must be adapted to the specifics of the industry, the market, the current economic situation and the client's business goals
the specifics of the industry, the market, the current economic or epidemiological situation and the business goals of the client himself. People today react and
If they want to be relevant, do companies and brands need to appear on all channels and formats where their customers are? Brands need to appear on channels that their target groups follow, but this does not mean that they should go to everything or everyone that is trending at that moment, but rather start from researching what their target group really follows. The trend is that the most important thing is the number of clicks, and not whether the text was actually read by a potential customer. On the other hand, in our market and the region, there are really great creative minds and ideas from which all kinds of things can be created that attract attention on Tik Tok, on FB, and on news sites.
Recently, I saw one smart solution from a known food brand that reproduces well known sound of consumption of the product. For me, it provoked a clear emotional association to that brand more than all their advertisements in recent years. So, we should not only think about the channels, but how we will produce a “feeling of hunger” among those we need to reach.
Artificial Intelligence brings new challenges in the function of public relations, but also opportunities in terms of the automation of routine tasksAndrea Ivančević Rocket Flow Founder & CEO
When working for a client that has a “thankless” product or engaged by a company with “catchy” services, Rocket Flow approaches the task with the same dedication, whether the company has been hired for design work, the development of websites and applications, digital marketing, or for photo and video production
If passion and love for the work didn’t exist, we wouldn’t be engaged in it, and hard work has built us into what we are now ~ says Rocket Flow Founder & CEO Andrea Ivančević, before revealing the tried and tested formula that helps her and her team come up with unique solutions.
Michael LeBoeuf said that every company’s greatest assets are its customers. Are your clients your greatest asset?
Clients are certainly precious, so I agree with Mr LeBoeuf to an extent, but I believe that employees are nonetheless a company’s greatest assets. The reason is simple: if we don’t take care of our employees, they won’t take care of our clients. The most important thing for me is that good communication exists within the team and that I enable each team member to develop personally and professionally, in order for us to be able to jointly achieve all the goals we are striving towards. And then, when we have lots of work, but also when lean times come, the most important thing is the kind of environment you have and with whom you work. When it is pleasant at work and you have excellent communication with colleagues, results cannot be lacking.
You believe that anything can be achieved provided you bring passion, love and diligence to the job?
Thanks to our attitude towards the work, our experience and good mutual relations, we easily dedicate ourselves to what we do. With developed working habits, collegiality, patience and good organisation, we really can do everything! There is no lack of creativity in such an atmosphere, and that ensures that we enter projects
marketing team and try to understand as much as possible their entire operational method and process, their visions and goals, in order for us to use the acquired knowledge and feeling to reach simple solutions for specific requirements as easily as possible. That is a very important segment for each of our services, whether that’s designing and developing websites and applications, digital marketing, or photo and video production...
We will cite the example of domestic company Tehnoplast, which produces distribution boxes. That doesn’t sound very creative, right? In order for us to understand how best to perform the work for which we were hired, we went to their production facilities and familiarised ourselves with the way they work and the needs of their customers. Thanks to that, we were able to present their product in the light it deserves, such that it even attracts the attention of those who aren’t interested in such content, while at the same time piquing the interest of customers and precisely explaining the functionality to technical people.
In the year behind us, Smartpoint grew in all the services it offers, especially in the digital marketing sector. Many of their projects go far beyond the borders of the Balkans, which is why Sony, Nespresso, Epson, Pandora, Xiaomi, Nvidia and other big brands have been trusting them for years
Regional coverage, speed, knowhow, creativity and professionalism are just some of the values recognised by our partners with whom we have long-term cooperation ~ says Đorđić, before revealing which trend in digital marketing will be more or less imposed in the future.
talking about which trend within digital marketing will be more or less imposed in the future.
interested and full of ideas, even when that seems impossible.
To what extent is your integrative approach responsible for you being able to turn every task and problem into a unique solution?
We have a proven formula for achieving such solutions: when we work for XY client, we familiarise ourselves with the organisation of the work of the firm/company, we “integrate” as though we are their internal
When a product is “thankless”, in the sense that it doesn’t attract the attention of the general public, it is necessary to set about researching, and then to get to work. We also cooperate with clients that offer “catchy” services or products, which enables us to awaken our inner child and play around with colours and general design, which is the case with our work on the project for Aqua Park Raj in Vrnjačka Banja.
It is vital for us to understand as precisely as possible the needs of our clients, in order for us to be able to respond adequately and simply to their requests, while at the same time achieving a sense of personal satisfaction over a job well done.
What are the benefits that digital communications bring to companies? Digital marketing offers extraordinary efficiency for companies. This is an area in which investment is completely transparent, but so are the results. Based on the results, changes in campaigns and communication can be made almost in real time, which is especially important for highly competitive industries struggling in a ocean of red ink. In addition, digital marketing perfectly combines creativity and measurability. Unlike other marketing or PR activities, with digital marketing we can measure many key parameters and can easily compare them with industry and local standards or results from previous months or years. Finally, digital marketing is also agile marketing. If you see room for a good idea or if you want to react to a global or local trend, you can do it extremely quickly. It is only up to you to choose a high quality partner.
In your business, everything develops and changes quickly, especially trends in digital communications. What awaits us in that field in 2023? Does the future belong to digital communications?
We are the largest independent marketing agency in Romania, we are in the top five digital agencies in Serbia, and we are experiencing great growth in Croatia
The future has long been in digital communications. Whether we like it or not, the device with which we spend the most time - the mobile phone and/or computer is proof that we browse more digital content sources than any other. The Covid-19 crisis only further boosted this, so now we are
We expect it to be video and e-commerce. As early as 2022, the accelerated transformation of static content into video began. Today, we expect video content to become dominant in 2023 and to almost completely replace static content in 2024. In the e-commerce business, companies that have partners by their side whose expertise is measured in millions of euros invested for their clients with great ROI, those companies have a bright future and perspective.
What markets do you cover?
Smartpoint is a regional agency that covers the markets of Southeast Europe. We are proud of the fact that we are the largest independent marketing agency in Romania, in the top five digital agencies in Serbia, that we are making great growth in business in Croatia, and so on.
As 2022 was an extremely successful year for Smartpoint, we decided that for all of your readers who send an email to milivoj.djordjic@smartpoint. rs by 28th February 2023, we will organise a free training session in the field of digital marketing. The topics are “Video as the future of digital marketing” and “Trends in e-commerce advertising that you must not miss”, and the training will be held on 17 th March 2023 from 10 am to 1 pm.
When a product is “thankless”, in the sense that it doesn’t attract the attention of the general public, it is necessary to set about researching, and then to get to work
McCann is the nucleus from which knowledge and expertise have developed over the course of 25 years, resulting in a system that today brings together experts from various fields of communication, media, production, digital, creative, strategic, and every new addition that is joyfully adopted and developed
is there anything that has remained the same, anything that is a permanent fixture?
We know from experience that the world and everything in it is in a constant process of change, but ideas and love are what endure and remain. We believe deeply that the best ideas emerge from love: love for life, love for people, love for new challenges. It was with belief in our people and the power of creative energy that we started working 25 years ago, and we believe that this love is the key to our durability.
McCann, and later the I&F Grupa, laid the foundations of the profession and the entire industry from its very first days, establishing standards, bringing innovations, educating personnel... Can your pioneering spirit still be felt today?
to the development of the entire industry with their work. Our campaigns have often determined annual trends in advertising, moved society to discussion and action, questioned the limits and possibilities of the media, created surprising partnerships. Our leadership position has always obliged us to learn more and try harder. That remains the same today. We believe in the strength of ideas and the power of our industry to contribute to the betterment and development of the communities in which we live and society as a whole. We want good things for people, business and planet Earth, which is our shared home.
It isn’t easy to be prepared for all challenges and tasks, to be even more innovative and relevant in all the areas of activity you deal with, but you nonetheless succeed... Is it enough to follow world trends or do clients still expect more?
that will live with, despite and after trends. We love such tasks the most. Our brand sometimes also becomes a trend.
You are known for your longstanding partnerships with companies and brands that bring change in both their own industries and society as a whole. Do you together change the world and make it better?
Our passion is continuous learning and research; curiosity is one of our key values, and I would say that courage is thus a character trait. We have always been guided by these convictions - says Jana Savić Rastovac, emphasising that all of this has contributed greatly to the successful
work of the agency and the creation of campaigns that remain remembered for years.
You are this year celebrating 25 years of doing business. How do you view this “journey” of your agency? We know that everything has changed over this quarter of a century, but
McCann is the nucleus from which the development of knowledge and expertise has gradually created a system that now brings together experts from various fields of communication, media, production, digital, creative, strategic and every new addition that we joyfully adopt and develop. Our passion is continuous learning and research; curiosity is one of our key values, and I would say that courage is thus a character trait. We have always been guided by these convictions and they are probably among the fundamental reasons for our success. Knowledge guided by the determination that we can do as well in our region as can be done anywhere else in the world, the courage to experiment and the audacity to build brands with clients in a different way – these are responsible for us being labelled pioneers. We are very proud of this. Generations of communication experts have grown up in our agency and contributed
It is today actually very easy to follow a trend as information and use its appearance for the purpose of causing a short-term sensation, and what is demanding is to use a trend to enrich the true essence of a brand. What’s most important is comprehensive understanding and continuous monitoring of the bigger picture: changes in society, lifestyle, movements in culture, politics, science. What sets good agencies apart is thorough analysis of the broader context and timely use of the conclusions of that analysis. Strategic analysis and planning are among the most important services in creative and media agencies in communications generally. We know how important a valid strategy is and how demanding it is to build a brand
We are very proud of our longstanding partnerships with excellent companies and brands like Mastercard, L’Oréal, Coca-Cola, mts, Bambi. We know how precious a relationship of trust is and what kinds of results emerge from such a relationship and the joint creation process. We are the creative home for some of the most important brands on our markets, which is really a great satisfaction and confirmation of the way we work, but also huge inspiration for us to always move forward, together. The world needs good. The world needs understanding and creation. The world needs good ideas. We share these convictions with our partners and that is the first and most important step in any development.
How do you see the current and future position of your agency within the I&F Grupa? Do you all work together on the further development of the agencies in your system and on strengthening their connection in the Adriatic and Nordic regions?
All families look alike, and one thing makes ours special: it was born of love for creation and discovery. In it different languages are spoken and different topics discussed, and we all understand one another wonderfully. Multiculturality and diversity of knowledge
Agency McCann opened in Belgrade in 1997, and subsequently also in the countries of the region, as a full service from which media agency UM and the first digital agency on our market, Drive, gradually separated. These agencies are all among the top five on their respective markets and today form one family, I&F Grupa, which operates in 12 Adriatic and Nordic countries and employs more than 600 professionals. Over the course of its 25 years of operations, some of today’s leading artists, writers and experts in various fields have passed through this family. During this quarter of a century, exceptional campaigns have been created that have become icons of advertising. Many of them have received prestigious global awards, while McCann Beograd and Skopje were among the region’s first agencies to receive the most important Cannes Lions, and the 25th anniversary was crowned with the winning of five Cannes Lions by the McCann Stockholm campaign that starred world-famous actor Alexander Skarsgård.
make us a partner that can support, lead and achieve numerous goals. We are always alert to the world around us; we observe with eyes and hearts wide open; we create services for our clients by monitoring the development of business and people’s needs, sharing knowledge with one another and with our partners, convinced that this is the only way we can progress.
DMC Vekol today has an impressive portfolio of hundreds of loyal clients, including dozens of the biggest names in the corporate world, such as STADA, Deutsche Telekom, Walt Disney, KPMG, Microsoft etc., and has received numerous international accolades
It was almost 25 years ago that Tanja Bogdanov embarked on an uncertain adventure as a pioneer on the market of receptive business tourism in Serbia, today her DMC Vekol is recognised as company that has the power to influence the MICE landscape in Serbia and beyond.
You’ve amassed a valuable “collection” of awards and accolades over the course of your career, but this latest one – that saw you declared “The Most Influential Person of 2022” - is nonetheless something special, right? Congratulations!
Thank you. This flattering title and confirmation arrives just in time to wrap up a very important career stage in my life, in which
entrepreneurial waters and become one of the pioneers of receptive business tourism in Serbia?
I started my career in a large telecommunications system – which served as a great stepping stone for a young and ambitious lady in the business world. That was a very comfortable position, perhaps even too comfortable for my taste. I very soon felt the urge to pursue my drive for entrepreneurship and felt a need to own my decisions – with all the risks and rewards that entails. And so it was that, almost 25 years ago, I embarked on an uncertain adventure, pioneering the market of receptive business tourism in Serbia, which was then just emerging – learning, growing and progressing with it. Despite of all the bumps in the road, I never regretted it – DMC Vekol today has an impressive portfolio of hundreds of loyal clients, including dozens of the biggest names in the corporate world, such as Deutsche Telekom, Walt Disney, KPMG, Microsoft etc. and, just like you said, I have received numerous international accolades.
The organisation of congresses and large business events for multinational companies is the most challenging job in tourism. Does this mean that business guests are the most valued tourists in developed countries? Large scale business gatherings are rightfully considered the crème de la crème of international travel. On average, a typical business tourist usually spends between 1,000 and 2,000 euros per day on a destination. This fact alone answers your question.
The MICE industry is creating new business opportunities and supporting the local economy, rather than being a wasteful, showy distraction for wealthy companies
local economy, rather than a wasteful, showy distraction for wealthy companies.
For those of us who are not from the profession, the hybridisation of business tourism is a new term, while you realised your first hybrid event way back in 2011. What kind of events and formats does this relate to?
cated people are the greatest asset of any company, particularly those companies that deal with communications?
Reinvention is what keeps the classics alive. Destination management is a multidisciplinary field and just like in any other service-oriented industry, human talent is key. My core commitment is to push beyond mediocrity – and we do that by hiring only the best and most diverse talent out there. Variety is powerful and a supportive working environment that resonates with your personal values and beliefs represents an endless source of new ideas.
I started to receive wide appreciation as a professional in Southeast Europe. Being officially recognised as someone who has the power to influence the MICE landscape in Serbia and beyond comes as a great honour, but one with even greater responsibility. Leading one of the very few destination management companies that has made it all the way through the pandemic, I recently met growing interest in telling the world my business story and sharing some valuable learning outcomes and life lessons.
You had an enviable career at a large company. What compelled you to wade into
Do you believe in the development opportunity of congress tourism in Serbia? Do you believe it has the potential to become one of the main drivers of the national economy and thus deserves to be in the national strategic focus?
Serbia is at the very beginning of its life cycle as a modern business destination; it has only just emerged on the international market. I deeply believe that congress tourism, together with an entire chain of MICE-related industries, is on its way to becoming one of the main drivers of our economy and that, as such, it deserves to be in the national strategic focus. I would like to see the MICE industry being perceived as creating new business opportunities and supporting the
People often tend to evangelise new trends, but at DMC Vekol we entered hybrid mode long before it became a necessity – from advanced mobile apps that helped us design virtual event experiences from scratch to webcasts, live streaming etc. The outbreak of the pandemic only compelled us to accelerate our digital makeover and go one step further by experimenting with the fully online layout of events. In short, events and experiences are no longer bound by physical spaces and we help clients create the unique audience journey that will grow their revenue through the power of experience design.
Despite the advance of technology, you still believe that an idea forms the basis of everything and that creative and dedi-
After working for more than 20 years, you’ve also introduced something new: consulting services in the field of business event organisation. That will serve to fortify your market leadership position, but will it also create some new business opportunities?
DMC Vekol Consultancy® is a natural extension to the 25 years of cross-functional experience we have in business travel and a strong solution-oriented mindset that has kept us in the game to this day. Together with my experienced and well-trained team, I offer guidance and actionable solutions to the problems that companies in this or related industries may face in obtaining their ROI and further developing their business processes. Having worked closely with Fortune 500 companies, we offer a “bird’s eye view” into a client’s event, suggest adjustments that will help them take full advantage of different perspectives and a better understanding of their own needs.
Variety is powerful and a supportive working environment that resonates with your personal values and beliefs represents an endless source of new ideasPhoto credit Nebojsa Babic Photo credit Nebojsa Babic
From a three-person team strictly focused on PR in IT, they had grown into a full-service marketing agency, a member of the GlobalComm PR network, which, apart from Communication, has Event organization, Trade Show booth building, BTL and Design as its main pillars
Last year you have marked a 15 years jubilee and opened a new office in Dubai. What are your impressions and could you tell us more regarding the future plans and activities?
The year we left behind marked a great jubilee. For the last 15 years, we have continuously been growing and developing the agency and continue to do so with the same passion that we had at the very beginning. From a three-person team strictly focused on PR in IT, we have grown into a full-service marketing agency, a member of the GlobalComm PR network, which, apart from communication, has event organization, Trade Show booth building, BTL and design as its main pillars. And what better way to celebrate such an important jubilee than with a „smart vision“ and expanding outside the borders of our region. For that reason, last year we opened an office in Dubai, covering the Middle East, where plan to convey our experience, energy and passion towards work throughout a new meridian, ready to take on new challenges.
In business, you see not only clients and requests, but partners and ideas. Does this mean that instead of the “you give us the brief, we give you the project” model, you choose to search together with clients for the best solutions that push the boundaries?
Successful communication projects are not always backed by big budgets, but by grat creative thinkers and professional individuals
of technologies and modern communication channels.
Despite all that, as someone who has spent 20 years in communication, I have to give my personal and professional opinion – great, successful communication projects are not always backed by big budgets, but by big creative thinkers and professional individuals. No one said this job is easy!
Is there another turbulent year ahead of us? Will digital continue to occupy the throne? What is the fate of social networks, video formats and influence marketing? What will virtual reality and artificial intelligence bring us? Bojana Stanković reveals all.
Instead of listing everything you do, or boasting about successful projects and important clients, people from Smart Vision agency would rather talk about what sets you apart from the rest. Why is that? We don’t like to talk about the what, but
rather want to explain the how! About the way we approach projects and clients, the energy we put into the process of creating a strategy and coming up with ideas, or the energy with which we „carry“ the communication and the emotion which comes after the results. All of that depicts the work of an excellent team I am extremely proud of. It is a compact, creative team with a lot of talent, led by people who have been at Smart Vision from the very beginning.
The fact that among our clients we mostly have companies that we have been working with for a long number of years, some of them from the very beginning, allows us to do so. We have grown together, and throughout the years have worked on building mutual trust, as well as our friendship. We understand each other’s needs, but also possibilities, so we can easily and quickly react to every opportunity and demand of the market, in communication but also all other spheres of marketing.
Many of your colleagues point out that the biggest enemies of market communications are lack of ideas, lack of time and lack of money. How do you at Smart Vision deal with these challenges?
I can’t agree with the lack of ideas. The ideas are here, following the development
Sadly, there is never enough time. The creative process needs time, and the main challenges we face are usually short deadlines. Fortunately, one of the main virtue of our team is speed, and so far we have successfully managed to win the race against time. It is very important to create a good balance and know when to draw the line. And when it comes to lack of money, we have all faced that challenge at some point. It is a well-known fact that marketing is usually first on the chopping block when it comes to cuts during a big crisis. But, a long time ago wise men from our industry made a nice comparison between advertising and the flight of a plane. When the engines go off it won’t start to fall immediately, but will start to descend at some point. Given that PR today is mostly a commercial item, one can say that in our case the same will happen if investments stop coming in. We who live and bread communication know that fact well and we are here to educate the public as well as our clients.
Digital holds the first place in the presentation of content, whether it is about sales or influence profiles. Will it be the same in 2023? Can we expect some new trends in the sphere of modern communications? Another turbulent year is ahead of us. Digital will continue to hold the throne, but there will be some changes. Social networks are facing some challenges, from the legal ones which are limiting their planned growth, like Tik-Tok is facing, or the fall in interest Instagram is facing, to some new players coming onto the scene, like BeReal. The short form will remain dominant. The budgets for influencer marketing will continue to grow but will be more focused on long-term cooperation with more credibility. Virtual reality and AI will continue to affect the marketing landscape and even the communication of digital channels in 2023. Web 3 is here and we must not leave it out. It will bring big changes and shape further communication whether we are ready for it or not.
All in all, the trends in communications, shaped by technological progress, have led us far from the traditional press releases from which it all started.
For 15 years, we have continuously been growing and developing with the same passion that we had at the very beginning
Nova Concept is a young company for whom it is important that the client is satisfied, not only with the service, price, business and results, but also with the relationship, to feel how important it is to them. In addition, they strive to provide their staff with the best working conditions
In addition to customer service projects, we are open for cooperation in the field of ‘mapping’, placing products on the online shops of clients from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and in the distant future we would also like to implement an outbound project, they say at this Novi Sad start-up.
Your speciality is customer care, customer service and support, but you are open to other areas as well. What other services do you offer?
We are currently building a project where we solve customer inquiries from Germany, Austria and Switzerland and process a wide range of customer inquiries from a renowned online fashion shop. Our goal is for each contact to be processed carefully, in detail and within the given norm, because a satisfied customer will return to the same place.
Since we are a start-up, this is currently our only client, but we are working on expanding our business. We are open for cooperation in the field of ‘mapping’, that is, for placing products on the online shops of clients from the “DACH-region” (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), and we would also like to implement an outbound project in the distant future. Our focus is on inbound projects, and our goal is to become a platform with a high-quality factor for our clients.
You offer maximum flexibility, dynamism and space for innovation, but these are not your only advantages. What else makes you stand out?
We always provide our clients with maximum quality, and we also believe that honesty and transparency are the secret
is also necessary that there is an equally strong foundation in a relationship with a business partner. This is the foundation that we build first, and only after that do we continue with all our business. Well, that perhaps separates us from others to some extent.
It is very important for you that the client feels how important he is to you. It’s not common to do this kind of work with the heart, is it...?
You’re right, it’s not common, but that’s the only way we can do it. When you do something you love, then your heart guides you through work and through all actions, but that doesn’t mean you can forget about focus.
I believe that it is much easier to work with emotions, but only positive ones, because with them, with faith in your team, every problem in business and every fall is easier to bear. This applies to the work itself, but also to conversations with customers, because your mood will be transferred to them as well.
From sustainability claims to tech regulations around the world and greater emphasis on capability building: the WFA team share some predictions for what the next 12 months hold for brands
of a successful partnership. When you are honest from the start and define your abilities, possibilities, vision, goals, and even the philosophy of your business, you will quickly recognise whether the client shares the same attitude. In business as well as in interpersonal relationships, there is a kind of chemistry that brings people together. And just as in interpersonal relationships there should be a strong foundation on which everything rests, it
Communication is not just an exchange of words; communication is a complex instrument that includes many factors, from rhetoric and gestures to facial expressions and tone of voice. Every feeling is felt during a conversation, and that’s why we try to provide our workers with the best conditions so that they feel good and comfortable at their workplace. We want them to transfer that positive energy to their clients during a call.
An employer who is guided by his heart spreads positive energy to his team, and they then transfer it to customers through their conversations, so that at the end of the day, everyone is happy and satisfied.
Will 2023 be the year that marketers finally step up on climate change? Critics and most senior marketers agree that there is a big gap between what’s actually being done today and what needs to be done. The good news is that many at COP27 saw marketers as allies; creativity and innovation can help
deliver the consumer behaviour changes we need to meet critical climate goals.
Right now, however, too many marketers are doing too little while also claiming too much – hence the torrent of brands who have been caught out for greenwashing. This, in turn, has led to many to ‘greenhush’,and stay quiet about their green credentials.
2023 could be the year that regulators start giving companies the legal frame -
works and back up they need to be bolder about communicating their environmental efforts. In the EU, for instance, we might see the banning of standalone generic claims (e.g. ‘eco-friendly’, ‘biodegradable’) without recognition by an EU or other publicly-recognised eco-labelling scheme. Could tighter regulation help end the industry’s caution and help marketing be bolder in driving change on the scale required?
We always provide our clients with maximum quality, and we also believe that honesty and transparency are the secret of a successful partnership
Despite the current economic uncertainty, 2023 is – bizarrely – the perfect time for capability building. If consumers are likely to have less disposable income, they’ll need even more convincing reasons to choose brands – which is where enhanced capability within marketing teams can help. Getting serious about investing in upskilling marketing teams is also a key element in a successful and sustainable employee retention and attraction strategy. In times of unprecedented churn in labour markets, this is something clients won’t want to ignore. Expect to see more marketing capability academies pop up within client organisations in 2023.
After years of largely unregulated growth, big tech platforms will have to meet deadlines to comply with new EU regulations in 2023. The Digital Services and Digital Markets Acts will prohibit platforms such as Google and Meta from targeting ads to minors or targeting based on data revealing religious beliefs, sexual orientation and health.
They will also require them to be more transparent about their content moderation and open up their walled gardens so that advertisers can independently measure the performance of their ad campaigns. Much like GDPR, these new rules are likely to set new precedents for tech regulations around the world.
TikTok’s exponential growth during and post pandemic has been a double-edged sword given its appeal to younger audiences. Because if there are two things Democrats and Republicans can agree on it is being tough on Big Tech and China.
Put that together with the ever-popular refrain for child protection and that puts TikTok squarely in the regulatory crosshairs. Data protection authorities are already reviewing its practices and with the EU DSA being implemented and the UK Online Safety Bill also due out next year, we can expect more scrutiny of TikTok’s data practices and probably more challenging headlines.
As data protection and privacy regulation continue to put pressure on ad targeting and the market continues to ready itself for the death of the third-party cookies, there could be a new dawn for data ethics in 2023. With 90% of CMOs now saying that data ethics is a key priority for their organisation, 2023 will see marketers rethink their ways of working and lead the shift towards more ethical models of digital advertising.
Expect CMOs to focus particular attention on implementing data ethics principles, sharing these with their external partners and providers, moving away from hyper-targeted solutions and exploring the myriad of privacy-preserving technologies that are currently being developed on the market.
“Communication works for those who work at it.”
- John Powell