DEVANTE BOLL Wearing His Faith On His Sleeve FIERCE ADVERTISING From Darkness To The Stars REALTOR® SAFETY TIPS: Disengage and Create Distance CHILDREN’S ADVOCACY CENTER OF THE COASTAL BEND Uniting Efforts To Minimize Trauma SEPTEMBER 2022 CONNECTING. ELEVATING. INSPIRING. CORPUS CHRISTI HEATHER Driven. Ambitious. Loyal. Cover Photography By Tres Piña Photography GRAYREALPRODUCERS

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4 • September 2022 @realproducers Thanks to the businesses within these pages, our Area Directors, and readers like you, we’re able to break the chains of this horrible reality. Visit to learn more about our giving program. A GIVING PROGRAM BY 40 Rising DevanteStar:Boll CONTENTS TABLE OF 16 CoverHeatherStory:Gray 22 theChildren'sInform:AdvocacyCenterofCoastalBend 13 HavePublisher’sNote:IfHomesFences,SoShouldYou! 36 andDisengageInform:CreateDistance REALPRODUCERS

Corpus Christi Real Producers • Becky Mays Director of DevelopmentBusiness VISIT OUR ONLINE RESOURCES TODAY! 361.205.5131 | INTEGRITY. CHOICE. SERVICE. Why Choose Us? Dynamic Pricing - Experience and purchasing power, adding up more value for your business. Energy Advisors - Our team of industry specialists will work with you to create an energy solution that meets your company's needs. Environmentally Sound - We see the big picture, and view it as our responsibility to explore options for companies to reduce their environ mental impact. Fully Integrated PartnershipOur values align with our partners. There is mutual trust in our white glove approach to serving your business needs. REALPRODUCERS

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MORTGAGE / LENDER Alterra Home Loans (361)
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8 • September 2022 @realproducers PARTNERSPREFERRED
LAW Heil Law Firm 5262 S. Staples #300
HOME WARRANTY Fidelity National Home Warranty (361)
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ELLISON HELMSMAN INC Strategic Growth Plans - Personal, Professional & Business REALPRODUCERS

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Just as a fence protects and preserves our real estate property, so should personal boundaries protect our personal selves.
When we are clear about our own boundaries and understand the interpersonal dynamics involved, we can respect and honor the diversity of another’s boundaries. This does not mean that we must put ours aside to accommodate another person’s boundaries at the expense of our own. It does mean that we are willing to discuss our perspective, learn about theirs and negotiate the best way to interact within the diversity.
Amanda Carmichael Owner and Publisher Corpus Christi Real Producers
Corpus Christi Real Producers • publishers note
The definition of a boundary is the ability to know where you end and where another person begins. Boundaries are designed to protect and honor important parts of our lives. They are created to clarify the behav iors we view as acceptable and unacceptable in others.
What would you do if someone was to attempt to harm your child, fur baby or other loved one? We immediately become fierce and protective with that mama bear and raging beast instinct that we have to protect and care for the people we love. Then why would you not do the same for your own
People-pleasing is very normal and often comes from a good place — we all want to be liked and appreciated. But if pleasing people comes at the cost of your own happiness, it will lead to resentment not only toward them but also toward yourself. Remember this when constructing your next boundary: The only people who get upset when you set boundaries are the ones who benefited from you having none. Enjoy the process. Everyone loves curb appeal — paint and accessorize your new fence accordingly! Happy building!
Sometimes,protection?boundaries are met with anger or resistance (hence our reluctance to set them). But it’s not wrong or mean to set boundaries. Boundaries aren’t meant to punish or control other people. We set boundaries for our own well-being, but they aren’t just good for us — they’re good for everyone involved.




After learning about customer service and dependability in the dental field, Heather got her first taste of real estate while working as a property manager. She enjoyed helping clients and worked there almost seven years until her oldest was born. “While taking the year off, I started my real estate classes. I thought it would be easier to juggle family life if I became a real estate agent rather than have a full-time Monday through Friday job,” added Heather. “Soon enough, I learned that REALTORS® are actually on call 24/7, and it never stops!”
Heather Gray is a REALTOR® who is driven about serving others through real estate. She loves every moment of it and is looking forward to what’s to come. Heather grew up in the small town of Sinton, Texas. None of her family mem bers had gone to college, nor was college ever utilized by her family, so after graduating from high school, she went straight into the workforce. “I was 18, and that’s all I knew. I worked in a dental office from the age of 18 until I was 21. I feel that working in a professional field at such a young age drove me to be the career-driven woman I am today,” shared Heather.
cover story
By Dr. Kasia Suarez Photography By TresPiña Photography location provided by The Bay Jewel

18 • September 2022 @realproducers
Heather became a REALTOR® in August 2017. She began her real estate career with Better Homes & Garden and then followed her broker to RE/MAX Elite. After being a REALTOR® for a year, she then realized she needed some help and looked into joining a team. She knew by joining the team she would benefit from the mentoring and differ ent skills they had to offer. That’s when she met Team Leader Karabe Baltazar. Karabe brought her onto the team as one of the first team members. She was on the team for about a year and then decided that by being an independent agent, she could be “real” with her clients. “I am grateful for the opportunity I had to learn how to run my own business and be the best REALTOR® I can be,” shared Heather. Heather has been in real estate for six years, and it has paid off. She is currently with K&M Premier Real Estate. “I love this brokerage because it is all about being supported by every one and always giving back to our community.” Observing the difficulty her mother experi enced taught Heather an important lesson and doubled her drive. In 2015 her mom came to stay with them. “My mom had us at a very young age and was a stay-at-home mom who never worked. She was dependent on my father, but when they got divorced, she had no income or work history. I took her in and took care of her. Seeing her go through that encouraged me to get back to work. I didn’t want to become depen dent on someone else. It encouraged me to push myself and be the best agent I could be so I could provide for my family,” shared Heather. Today, her mom is able to stand on her own, and Heather was able to learn from her mom’s experience. She believes she grew up the strongest as she had to keep her family together. “It all made me a stronger person. I also wanted to show my dad I can be some thing and someone. My parents’ divorce impacted the person I am today. Both of them are very proud of what I have become and what I have accomplished,” noted Heather.

Heather’s passion is “helping others” make a difference in their lives. She really enjoys marketing and selling houses. She likes help ing people achieve their dreams. Buying a home is a huge purchase at any stage of life. “Having my cli ents trust me throughout the entire process is huge for me, and I take a lot of pride in what I do.” Being an entrepreneur takes grit, drive and determination!
Corpus Christi Real Producers •
She calls herself a “chaos man ager” and has learned to balance her career and her family, which are her top priority. “When I miss a real estate event, it’s because I am with my kids and I put them first,” added Heather. She feels that her superpower is to be a super career mom. In addition to her career and being a mom, she enjoys working out, reading and spending lots of time with her family. “I like to say I’m an extroverted introvert. I like to be a homebody but also hang out with my close family and friends, and even emerge into the social scene occasionally,” noted Heather. She helps out whenever she can and attends San Patricio County Chamber of Commmerce events. She has clients all over the Coastal Bend, especially in her hometown. “I grew up in Sinton, and I knew more people there. It’s a different feeling helping someone that I grew up with. It’s very personal, especially when your childhood best friend asks you to help her find a home. It hits on a more per sonal level,’” Heather exclaimed.
When it came down to deciding her career path, it was Heather’s husband, Sam Gray, who inspired her. “He saw me doing property management and noticed that I was good with people and that I handled the job so well,” noted Heather. Heather jumped right in and appreciates that her husband has been her biggest cheerleader ever since. She didn’t think she could do it and believed otherwise with his encouragement. Even through her lowest points, her hus band hears her out and reminds her every thing will be OK. “My first year, I wanted to give up, but he gave me hope by contin uously saying it will get better, which it did. In my second year in real estate, I was on The KB Team. I was figuring things out, and it got better and better,” expressed Heather. Through her hard work and determination, she has obtained the Silver Producer Award in 2020 and a Platinum Award in 2021. Heather is very loyal to her clients and gives 110%. “I believe that I have an in-depth knowledge of the market, and I stay up-to-date on housing market trends, which allows me to provide that support to my clients. I am also very passionate about helping my clients. I have intellectual curiosity, and I love getting to know my clients on a personal level, beyond just the transaction,” Heather notes. She stays consistent with her clients and potential clients and makes sure she stays organized and follows up. When it comes to her past clients, it’s just as important to Heather to follow up. “It makes a huge difference to check in and ask how they are doing or how things are going,” expressed Heather.
Heather is grateful for the referral base that she has from her friends and family. She feels that she has a sphere of influence where she comes from. She continues to go out into the commu nity to network and build connections. “Being out there and being social is important. I wish I did these things from the beginning,” Heather admitted. When she is not working, network ing or running open houses, Heather enjoys spending time with her family. “It’s not easy juggling being a mom and a REALTOR®. My children are 13, 11 and 7. They are all in sports and are very involved in their community. My two older ones are from my husband’s previous family, but I have been with them since they were 2 and 11 months. I fell in love with them like they were my own. We are a busy, blended family. I don’t know how I do it all. From having to prepare lunches to baseball practices in between showings and juggling game days, it’s a crazy task. No matter how prepared a mom is, there is always some stuff that can go down with the family or on the real estate side,” Heather expressed.



22 • September 2022 @realproducers Children’s inform Children’s
By The Children’s Advocacy Center was created almost three decades ago to combine the efforts of trauma-trained children’s advocates with teams from local agencies that focus on justice and safety. The ultimate goal is to help minors share their experiences as accurately as possible and as infrequently as possible while connecting them with specially trained people who can help the children and their families process to heal, at no cost to the families.
“One of the main goals of the Center is to help children as they bravely tell their combined population of 600,000. We provide specialized forensic interviews, therapeutic recovery services and case management, as well as outreach, education and prevention services. The CACCB serves children who have been victims of sexual abuse, severe physical abuse, drug endangerment, human traffick ing, and have been witnesses to violent crimes such as homicide and domestic violence.” story of abuse for the first time and connect these children and their protective family members with specially trained profes sionals and victim and recov ery services,” said Executive Director Clarissa Mora. “Our staff and partnering agen cies are committed to helping protect, transform and restore their lives after the trauma they have endured.” “The CACCB serves 10 counties with a OF THE COASTAL BEND ADVOCACY CENTER REALPRODUCERS

Texas law dictates that CAC has to be notified, but because of the high qual ity of the interviews, the district attor ney wants all potential criminal cases to come through CACCB. Testifying is a huge part of what they do.
The Coastal Bend CAC’s specialized forensic interviews and their mul tidisciplinary team response allow the traumatized children to not have to re-live the experience over and over, with answers that are legally defendable in court, bringing court agencies together so that the prosecu tion is on the same page. CACCB also works closely with Driscoll Children’s Hospital for physicals and for sexual abuse medical exams. Their goal is to bring the court agencies together so the prosecution has all the informa tion needed by each entity and all are on the same page. The CACCB therapy department, interviewers, Driscoll staff and family advocates meet weekly to discuss open cases and monthly to discuss cases that are out of the county. Family advocates communicate with the nonoffending family members and can refer the families to helpful community resources.
There are 70 Children’s Advocacy Centers throughout Texas, with a presence in all but two counties. CACCB is a neutral agency that works in cooperation with, but not as a part of, the Coastal Bend’s Child Protective Services, local police departments and district attorneys’ offices, as well as the FBI. The organization was created in 1994 due to a recognition of the need for proper training in interviewing minors so that accurate information could be solicited from children who had witnessed crimes. Prior to the creation of the CACCB, minors who had experienced or witnessed personal crimes had to participate in multiple interviews and discussions about their experience with multiple agency employees, some of whom were not trained in interviewing children at different developmental levels. In 2021, CACCB screened 8,190 Department of Family and Protective Services intake reports, served 1,854 children, conducted 1,588 forensic interviews, provided 814 families with crisis intervention and family advo cacy services, referred 395 children for a medical evaluation, held 1,818 therapy sessions, held case review meetings for 1,083 children and had a total of 107 multidisciplinary team case review meetings.
Corpus Christi Real Producers •

· $25 provides one week of children’s snacks (individ ually wrapped snacks and juices/water) · $70 provides one outreach/education visit · $100 provides one child therapy session · $250 provides one child forensic interview · $700 new employee training cost · $1,500 cost for one child to complete therapy (trau ma-informed therapy) One hundred fifty new children come through the CACCB doors every month. Many lack proper or clean shoes, socks, underwear and clothing or do not have adequate access to hygiene products or healthy snacks for growing children. Many of the families come to the Corpus office from far counties and are grateful for the gift of gas cards. Corpus Christi Real Producers can donate resources, funds and their time. Contact the office to find out about volunteer opportunities, such as working with family advocates or serving at the front desk.
24 • September 2022 @realproducers Another aspect of their mission is educating parents and children. They currently have one community outreach team member but are looking forward to expanding the outreach team. Education is prevention! They are skilled at providing trauma-informed therapy. They are working on a capital campaign so they can build their own building with more healthy and restorative space for children and staff and partners that come in. It would also provide more room for their teen support group that is run by therapists. They write grants for all programs, and they receive funding from corporations, such as Valero, that benefits the children.
The CACCB has a “rainbow room” that they like to keep filled with new clothes, hygiene products and even toys for the children who come into the facility for interviews or therapy. CACCB will gladly receive donations of NEW, unopened personal-sized hygiene products, shoes, socks, feminine hygiene products, packages of underwear, stuffed animals, blankets, duffel bags, unopened packages of dia pers and wipes, and unopened packages of toilet paper. Most of the grants they receive help them maintain the programs they are currently running. Financial dona tions from individuals and fundraisers do not have restrictions, and that allows them to grow and expand. A grant from Superior earlier this year allowed CACCB to get additional supplies for the rainbow room, and they are so grateful, but they welcome any donations from the community. Please call ahead to schedule a time to bring items in order to protect the confidentiality of the children and families. Creating Awareness NOW At the 10th annual Pinwheels Family Fun Day aware ness event at the Cole Park Amphitheater September 24, 1,588 pinwheels will represent the children foren sically interviewed at the Center in 2021. But here are a few statistics from 2021: Sixty-nine percent of the children were victims of sexual abuse (including trafficking and internet crimes), 18% experienced physical abuse, 6% of the children were victims of neglect, 4% witnessed domestic violence or violent crimes and 3% fell into the category of other. Sixty-seven percent of the children were of Hispanic ethnicity, 22% were Caucasian, 6% multiracial, 3% African and 2% were other ethnicities. Twenty-nine percent of the perpetrators were categorized as unknown, 27% were a parent, 21% were “other known person,” 16% were other relatives, 6% were steppar ents and only 1% were strangers. Forty-one percent of the children were between the ages of 7 and 12, 36% were between the ages of 13 and 17, and 22% were aged 2 to 6 years. The greatest need comes from the zip code 78415.
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by Tres Piña Photography REALPRODUCERS
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I couldn’t control things or demand that the people I was struggling with would change, or fix what was falling apart. I could only control myself, and I needed to move forward,” expressed Ashley. “My mom has been my rock. I wouldn’t have been able to succeed if it wasn’t for her and my sister.”
“During that chapter of my life, I felt so embarrassed. I felt like a failure and was so ashamed of not being able to keep our family together or keep Elite Branding rolling forward. Then one day, I read a quote by Stephen Covey. ‘I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.’ I knew
partnerpreferred By Dr. Kasia Suarez Photography By Tres Piña Photography
Corpus Christi Real Producers • Fierce
As a stay-at-home mom, Ashley enjoyed serving and volunteering in her home town of Victoria, Texas. She sat on the boards of the PTA, 4-H and their Livestock Show, Little League, HOA and the Pilot Club. She also became friends with entrepreneurs in the advertising industry, and when they had to close their doors in 2000, Ashley started her own marketing and advertising company, Elite Branding. She proudly served her community through Elite Branding for 18 years until she had to relocate and dissolve the company. Going through her divorce was the toughest experience Ashley had to face in her life. She left with nothing and had to start over.
Fierce Advertising is a woman-owned Corpus

When it comes to running a business, Ashley believes business owners should pick a brand they will love, as she did with Fierce Advertising. “Take the time during the first step in branding your busi ness. The logo and the name need to be something you are passionate about and will always be excited about,” Ashley noted. She also learned the importance of communication. “I battled with not being a pest. But I also learned that customers do get busy and can lose track of timing. I learned to balance the ‘buggy’ with the communication piece to wrap a sale up,” Ashley noted. She is very mindful that customers have deadlines and she knows how important it is to help them meet those deadlines.
Sometimes, the customer may not know what might be best when it comes to branding for their business, and she is here to support them. Ashley works hard to build up trust so clients feel confi dent in relying on her expertise in this field. She enjoys staying up-to-date on the latest trends and staying current with what is available in the industry. She has gone through multiple programs, showcases and shows to learn new strategies. “I try to stay on top of my game and see what the latest promo products are so I can always help my clients stand out,” Ashley mentioned.
It’s not relationships.throughbuildingmuchrelationshipsbuildingaboutbusinessasasitisaboutfriendshipsbusiness
“I love what I do and feel that Fierce gives me the opportunity to get more personal with my clients,” Ashley reflected. “It’s not about building busi ness relationships as much as it is about build ing friendships through business relationships. My business friends appreciate my customer service and attention to detail. I like to help my customers personalize their brand so they can show who they are. I do not just slap a logo on a piece of merchandise for them,” Ashley shared.
Ashley found an amazing fit as a marketing special ist with locally-owned radio station 97.5 KFTX. She is able to support local businesses by helping own ers advertise and has a team of people that support her and feel like a family. Fierce Advertising and 97.5 KFTX compliment each other in the events and promotions side of the business.
When Ashley is not working with her clients, or out learning more about her business, she loves being out in the community and giving back. She is the co-founder of the HUA Hooked Up Anglers Fishing For A Cause Tournament, along with Krystal White. The tournament is in its fifth year, and proceeds are donated to Foster Angels of South Texas, Corpus Christi. Ashley is also the founder of Bikes on the Bay, which benefits vet erans. In addition, she sits on the board of Oilfield Connections International and is a member of the Association of Builders and Contractors Inc. of Corpus Christi.
30 • September 2022 @realproducers When Ashley got to Corpus Christi, she worked with a local broadcasting company and then jumped into a partnership with a local marketing company. Neither were a good fit for her, but they fueled her passion to rebrand and open up her own marketing and advertising business again.
“I started Fierce Advertising in September 2020. Everything, from the name to the logo, has been personal to me, like a fresh start,” expressed Ashley. She was inspired by the phoenix and the thunderbird, which symbolized her own process of rising after everything that she had been through. Fierce Advertising is a full-service advertising and marketing company, and Ashley is thrilled to help REALTORS® and other preferred partners distin guish their brand and grow. She can think outside the box to fit your company’s needs. From pro motional products to branding and events, Fierce Advertising can cover it all. Ashley works with the most reputable and sought-after media outlets and vendors across the country to ensure that the right strategy is initiated in the promotion of her cli ents’ brands so they can grow their business.
Being consistent in time management has helped her find work-life balance. She stays available to her clients, but during her free time, she enjoys the outdoors. You can find her cruising on the motorcycle with her boyfriend, walking on the beach or fish ing. “As long as it’s water and the outdoors, I’m happy and content,” expressed Ashley.
“We are huge in our faith.”
Ashley’s children are success ful and active. Payton (22) is a student-athlete at MidAmerica Christian University in Oklahoma and plays base ball. Mailey (20) attends Iowa Western Community College and is a student-athlete who cheers. Paisley (13) attends a local middle school.
“I have always enjoyed giving back, seeing people happy and making a positive difference in my community. My goal and passion with Fierce Advertising is not only to make an income but to make an impact on my local community. During the last fishing tournament, we got to take 14 foster kids out in boats for the day. It was an amazing experience,” Ashley shared. “I am also proud to be serving vet erans and giving back to those who gave so much.”
If you want to give back to the community through Hooked Up Anglers or Bikes on the Bay, contact Ashley at
Ashley wants her girls, and others, to know that they, too, can be strong and successful businesswomen. “I couldn’t do it all by myself. God, my family and close friends have all been a part of my success. They have been there for me,” she added.


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34 • September 2022 @realproducers Jennie Dibala STATE FARM® INSURANCE AGENT SERVING THE ENTIRE COASTAL BEND, TX 5425 S Padre Island Drive, Suite 122 located in Moore Plaza next to Target 361-993-3553 • Discover why over 17 million homeowners trust State Farm. AUTO, HOME, PROPERTY, BUSINESS, LIFE, HEALTH, PET INSURANCE & ANNUITIES ® You've just landed another contract and now your client needs the right amount of homeowners insurance. That's where I come in. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CALL ME TODAY. Locally Owned and Operated 361-429-8000 | Scan To Book Online Today! CORPUS CHRISTI'S TRUSTED PLUMBERS FOR 20+ YEARS! • Gas Line Leak Testing • Isolation Testing • Sewer and Drain Unclog And Much More! • Leak Testing of the Building Drains (plumbing drains & system under foundation)home's • Repairs & Small Reroutes • Video Camera Inspections Scan to easily book online! Let Your Hair Sparkle361.793.6007 • 2001 S Staples St CUT & COLOR • HIGHLIGHTS • SPECIALITY TREATMENTS • EXTENSIONS • WAXING SKINCARE • MAKEUP & MORE!REALPRODUCERS Y OU R P H O T OS Y OU R B R AN D 225.588.0975 REALPRODUCERS

&Disengage · Create
· Check your brokerage’s constitutional carry policy
· Pack a flashlight in your viewing bag (for attics, electrical shut-off and personal protection)
BE AWARE PERSON · Keep it professional (red flag: They’re more interested in you than the house)
· Park on the street, not in the driveway (don’t be blocked in)
· Use the buddy system (if you’re alone, let someone know you’re going to show and ask them to check with you periodically)
· Try not to meet strangers after hours alone
· Schedule a buyer consultation before the first visit (in person or Zoom; visualize, interact, set expectations)
PREPARE PERSON · Ask pre-qualifying questions (pre-approval documen tation, copy of driver’s license)
· Potentially engage with neighbors outdoors (so some one knows you’re in the house)
PLACE · Background of property (neighborhood safety, history of house)
· Ask sellers to hide valuables, financial records & medication
· Stay alert for signs of mental disorders (triggers can pres ent at any time)
· Direct clients (keep them ahead of you at all times)
Woman doorstandingrealtornearopeninvitingman inform Charlie Howell with Ruth Gnirk Distance REALPRODUCERS
· Utilize Forewarn ( ners-with-corpus-christi-association-of-realtors)/forewarn-part
· Take a personal defense class
· Confirm that those in the house are with the buyer
· Have an excuse ready (partner call on schedule, use code words)
· Bring wasp spray (quite effective in immobilizing people who become pests)
· Arrive early enough to walk through the house, being alert for break-ins, squatters, fire, gas leak
36 • September 2022 @realproducers Disengaging and creating distance might seem like the last thing a REALTOR® or preferred partner would want to do. However, after serving in Texas law enforcement for 23 years and having a real estate family member narrowly escape devastation, REALTOR® Charlie Howell of KW Coastal Bend wants to help Corpus Christi Real Producers protect and prevent. The following safety tips have saved people’s lives and reputations by remembering to disengage, create distance and not go toe-to-toe.

PROACTIVE calm; angering clients (avoid controversial conversations) (carry things in a bag so your hands are if needed)
PLACE · Monitor vacant homes for squatters, theft
PROACTIVE · No excessive bling (promote yourself humbly, don’t become a target of theft)
PROFESSION the key on your person (so you don’t lock your self out of the house) use the word “vacant” (prevent targeted theft)
· Keep
Corpus Christi Real Producers • PLACE · Note all exits (and check that smoke detector lights are on) · Visual proximity (watch clients/family members at all times to protect valuables or medications that may be in plain sight)
If you need assistance, yell “fire” (so strangers come to you; yelling “help!” or “rape!” will cause people to run away)
It is important for REALTORS® and preferred partners to create opportunity for lasting relationships with buyers, sellers and investors. It is equally important to remember that not everyone who identifies themselves as such actually is. Having a plan in place allows agents to create connections and be able to quickly switch gears if a safety issue is discovered.
· Don’t
· Keep
“Real estate is one of the only professions in which you meet a stranger and then spend time in close proxim ity, within a confined space, for great lengths of time,” Charlie noted. “It is my goal to help agents protect them selves, their clients and the properties they represent. By bringing awareness, we can also help prevent crimes ofCCARopportunity.”isoffering a Safety Series Sept. 21. Sign up online at or call 991-8221 to reserve your spot!
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rising star
Photography By Sarah Greuad
By Ruth Gnirk

Corpus Christi Real
ven after achieving financial security, higher military rankings, career success and relational happiness, Devante Boll still felt empty. This Rising Star is now a REALTOR® on a mission, wearing his faith on his sleeve. Devante was born in Ohio to very young parents and raised by loving grandpar ents. His grandfather was a third-generation pastor and was like a rock of stability. When he was a sophomore in high school, his grandfather passed away, and it was a devastating loss. Devante started living such a wild lifestyle that his grandma kicked him out of her home. He went to Columbus State Community College and continued hanging with peers who were living an equally unfruitful life.
“The three pillars in life are the Bible, community and prayer,” shared Devante. “After my grandfa ther passed away, I stopped going to church, and the only praying I did was to occasionally ask for things I wanted. I knew of God, but I didn’t have a relationship with Him. I fell away from the faith and entered a time that was like a wilderness.” Devante knew he needed to change the trajectory of his life, and his mother suggested the military. He was a little discouraged to hear a Navy recruiter suggest he spend months underwa ter without seeing the sunshine. He decided to join the Coast Guard with a plan to get into law enforcement. “It was a big change to go from my hometown in Ohio to San Diego,” Devante recalled. “I was stationed on a cutter and traveled through all of Central America, Mexico, Costa Rica, Alaska, Canada, the Middle East and Australia. I experienced many different cultures and occasionally thought about investing in real estate wherever I was stationed, but instead, I completely gave into my desires and did nothing to prepare myself for the future. When I was in the Middle East in my early 20s, I was struggling a lot with my lack of integrity. I felt ashamed and hopeless, and I saw a lack of integrity in many others, too.”
Producers •
When he was 24, Devante considered requesting to be stationed in Florida but deferred to shipmates who wanted to be close to family, and instead, he was stationed in Corpus Christi. As he was relocating and re-evaluating his life, Devante acknowledged that he was not living up to his potential. He knew he could be a better man, both financially and in his career goals, and he determined to make some changes.

42 • September 2022 @realproducers Devante got serious. He started ranking up. He followed Dave Ramsey’s advice to pay off his debt. He earned a degree in information technology. He was in a relationship with a beautiful girl. Yet he felt an unexplainable, huge void in his “perfect” life. At the age of 25, he attended a service at New Life Church and had an encounter with God. It was not just an experience because Devante’s life was transformed. He chose to be bap tized shortly after as a public proclamation of his inward transformation. He was still in the Coast Guard and had volunteered to be deployed to Central America for two months. He knew that this tour would be different. It had to be.
“In the past, I would have fulfilled all of my earthly desires,” Devante shared honestly. “Instead, as a new creation in Christ, I spent my time studying to rank up, and I remained blameless. Before salvation and baptism, I was powerless, but I had power in Christ now!
First Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 says that everyone experiences temptation, but God gives us a way to escape. I had always had the ability to choose righteousness, but I never did before my encounter with God.” Devante was fully committed to living his life in fellowship with God. When it became clear that his girlfriend did not share his passion for God, he broke off their relation ship. 2019 was his first full year of walking with the Lord, and it was a time of refining and transforming. He was becoming the man he always wanted to be, encouraged by Scriptures like Proverbs 24:16, “The righteous fall down seven times and get up eight.” He committed himself to completely waging warfare against immorality. Pastor Zane coached and mentored Devante, and in 2019 and 2020, Devante was closing church services and leading life groups. He also came to a fork in the road in the midst of COVID-19 and had to decide whether or not to stay in the Coast Guard after serving faithfully for almost a decade. His church had 40 days of special worship and prayer services that they called “The Stand.” While others were speak ing fear, he and his church family were speaking in faith and seeing life, not death. They were feeling God’s presence and peace. After much prayer, Devante decided he was all in and that he was going to prioritize God’s Kingdom instead of trying to build his own. He knew how much was on the line. He wanted to be a faithful repre sentative of God’s Truth. After realizing that he would be ending his full-time career in the Coast Guard, he started praying about how he could serve God best. His original plan was to pursue law enforcement, but then he had earned his degree in IT. Devante started thinking about his underlying desire to invest in real estate.

Devante had been building strong, trust-filled relationships at church since 2018, and he was beyond delighted that his first clients were people from his church. He had his first closing in July 2021 and helped 11 families in his first six months! This year is his first full year, and he has helped 23 families so far and counting. While his true passion is God first and others second, he does enjoy basketball, and he loves the movie theater and reading. Ironically, a junior high English teacher assigned him to read the thickest book she could find as a “punishment” for him, and it actually helped him develop a true love for reading. He enjoys nature, especially the ocean, and likes walking his Rhodesian Ridgeback. He and his wife are eagerly anticipating the day when they can hold their newest family mem ber (who is expected to be born in December).
Producers • 43
Devante is also thrilled to be leading a young professionals life group again, starting this fall. He loves studying God’s Word and having fel lowship with community. In life group, they “do life together” each week as they meet for food, friendship, games and time in the Bible.
Corpus Christi Real
In the midst of the rollercoaster year of 2020, a woman had sent him a friend request and responded to his post about what God was doing in his life. He eventually invited her to an outdoor church service at McGee Beach, and she finally said yes. Near the end of 2020, he started his “vacation” from the Coast Guard and used his time to prepare for a real estate career. On Feb. 15, he received his last paycheck from the Coast Guard. He became a licensed REALTOR® in April 2021, and by May, he had joined KW.
“I thought I was a man when I was in my early- to mid-20s because of what I was getting and doing and achieving,” said Devante. “Now I know what it means to really be a man: being faithful, having integrity and developing self-control. Real men also keep a teachable spirit, stay humble and accept correction. I love who I am now in Christ, and I am filled with joy and hope. This life is powerful. Every time I share my testimony, I am letting others know that what God has done in me is what He can and will do again … in them!”



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