26 April - 2 May 2022

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CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022

26th april - 2nd May - edition 938

Tel: 607 031 113 | claire@costablancapeople.com | costablancapeople.com

your Essential Weekly read

New improved bus service with new fares for Torrevieja

“the new urban transportation service will be much more dynamic, effective, accessible and sustainable than the current one,” says the town hall. the new and improved bus service will include three night bus services, operational between 12 midnight and

4am during June, July, august and September (as well as every Saturday throughout the year). Councillor for transport of torrevieja City Council, antonio Vidal, announced details of the new urban public transport service, explaining the new service will

have a more comprehensive schedule, more frequent buses and less waiting time for users. there will be an increase in bus stops and the information system will be improved, also making use of an app which shows waiting times and timetables. the buses themselves will be equipped with a video surveillance service and the stops will have dynamic information panels with real time arrival estimates. Vidal revealed that the bus fleet will be completely renewed and will double in number to 32 buses. they will all be hybrid vehicles, with the exception of four buses that will be 100% electric, in what Vidal says is “a clear commitment by torrevieja City Council to sustainability by increasing the environmental quality of the service, as well as reducing emissions and noise pollution.” there will be two new bus lines, bringing the current service from seven

to nine. Schedules will also be extended with the service starting 30 minutes earlier (7:00 am) and running 30 minutes later (10:30 pm). during high tourist season (July and august and easter) the service will be extended until 12 midnight. the new urban public transport service brings with it a new fare system with discounts for various groups: REGULAR TICKET: €1.35 Single ticket to travel only once. MULTI-TRIP VOUCHER: €0.90/ trip. rechargable card with multi-trip bonuses. YOUTH/SCHOOL/LARGE FAMILY MULTI-TRIP VOUCHER: €0.65/trip. personalized rechargeable card, which can be used on all lines, time limitation of one hour. 30 DAY VOUCHER YOUTH/SCHOOL/ LARGE FAMILY: €25 Flat rate, unlimited travel for 30 days.

See page 12

GOLD CARD: Free. Free and unlimited use card for people over 65 years of age registered in torrevieja. the acquisition of the personalized card has an administration fee of €4. TOURIST CARD: €8 (3 days), €16 (7 days). Card that allows unlimited use of the lines during the stipulated period and adds the opportunity to use other municipal services. 30 DAY VOUCHER: €38.00. personalized card valid for all people. it is a flat rate that allows unlimited travel for 30 days on all lines.


CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022




CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022

A weekend of swing and craft in Ciudad Quesada this year rojales town hall wanted something different to celebrate europe day, so they got in touch with craft association amata to organise a real craft fair. and, as amata came up with some original ideas to enliven the fair, the result is an arts and Crafts Fair with more than a touch of swing, to be held in the weekend of 6, 7 and 8 May (the 9th is europe day). on the Saturday morning Montgó Music will play folk, jazz and soul music and in the afternoon and evening there is a drumming procession (Butakada), a tortilla Gigante (gigantic Spanish omelette) and the fair closes with a concert by rock group rubber duck. on Sunday several couples of the nest Swing dance school from alicante will give demonstrations of lindy hop, Jazz, and St. louis Shag & Blues and will teach anybody who wants to join in the fun. and of course there will be the usual high quality stands chosen by amata, with the people at the stand selling only what they make themselves. in this fair there’s nothing that’s imported or from the factory, just thirty stalls with ceramics and pottery, soap, wooden and soft toys, turned and carved wood and leather belts, shoes and bags. Some stalls sell jewelry in a great variety of materials: silver, macramé, glass, wood, leather and even sea shells. you can watch several artisans and a painter at work, or have a go at turning a cup or small bowl on the potter’s wheel. and if you can’t find what you are looking for,

Police rescue dog daredevil

the artisans can make it for you to order. the fair will be set up around the plaza Blanca in Ciudad Quesada and opening hours are on Friday 6 May from 6 till 10 pm; on Saturday and Sunday the fair opens from 11 am till 10 pm or later. For more information you can ring 639 979 678, even in english! this

is the second time amata organises a fair in Ciudad Quesada; photos of the first market you can find at http://www. amata.es/rojales-2019.html. and if you cannot visit this fair, you can find many artisans of amata in their virtual craft village www.puebloartesano.es.

local police in torrevieja rescued a dog that had climbed out an apartment window. it appeared the small dog got out the window and couldn’t get back in and was left balancing precariously on the washing line until police arrived at around 8am to rescue him.



CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022


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Spanish PM visits Kyiv Continuous Care Points Dozens attend 664 patients a injured in to show support day over Easter motorway bus crash

the president of the Spanish Government, pedro Sánchez, made a trip to the Ukraine at the end of last week, to hold a face-to-face meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodimir Zelensky, with a view to conveying Spain’s support and solidarity with his country in the face of the russian invasion and its commitment to peace. pedro Sánchez’s trip followed a visit the reception centre for Ukrainian refugees in Malaga, an event during which he revealed that there are already 134,000 refugees who have arrived in Spain, of which 64,000 have received temporary protection. the news of the pM’s trip was announced last tuesday, but the spokesperson, isabel rodríguez, avoided going into details for security reasons and to guarantee the safety of the Spanish head during the hours that he remained on Ukrainian soil. he was accompanied in Ukraine by a team from the Special operations Group (Geo) of the national police, according to police sources. in addition to his meeting with Zelenksy, the visit also served to announce the reopening of the Spanish embassy in Ukraine. the diplomatic post was closed on 25th February, one day after the invasion of Ukraine by russian troops, ordered by Vladimir putin. Show of support pedro Sánchez is the latest european leader to visit Zelensky in Kyiv since

the beginning of the conflict on 24th February. the last to do so was the president of the european Council, Charles Michel, last Wednesday. the first political leaders to go personally to Kyiv were the heads of poland, Mateusz Morawiecki; from Slovenia, Janez Jansa; and from the Czech republic, petr Fiala. on behalf of the eU organisations, the president of the european parliament, roberta Metsola, travelled first, and then from the european Commission, Ursula Von der leyen, and the high representative for Foreign policy, Josep Borrell, who went together. So far in april, the prime Minister of Slovakia, eduard heger, and the austrian Chancellor, Karl nehammer, as well as the presidents of poland, estonia, latvia and lithuania - andrzej duda, alar Karis, egils levits and Gitanas nauseda - travelled together, in addition to the British pM Boris Johnson.

the paCs (Continuous Care points) established by torrevieja health department to cope with the influx of people over easter saw 664 patients a day attended by health personnel and an average waiting time of less than 15 minutes. the health department’s strategy during the easter holidays focused on providing 24-hour opening with 6 Continuous Care points (paCs). a department spokesperson said, “a total of 3,318 emergencies were attended to without incident, an average of 664 patients per day, with an average waiting time of less than 15 minutes.” primary care figures concerning patients seen between holy thursday

and easter Monday reveal a substantial increase in medical care, with 1,000 more patients attending than during the same period in 2019, just before the pandemic. the department has also hired 64 new professionals in nursing. in addition, health centres have increased their number of doctors with the incorporation of 10 new medical professionals and 3 primary Care paediatricians. in addition, during the holy Week period, two extra security guards were hired. the emergency department has also hires two additional administrative staff, going from 6 to 8.

dozens of people were injured, two seriously, after a bus crashed on the a-7 motorway near Granja de rocamora. Miraculously no one was killed in the crash which saw the bus leave the motorway while travelling in the direction of Murcia late on Saturday night. as reported by the 112 GVa emergency service, all the injured passengers were treated at the scene, with no deaths reported or anyone trapped inside the vehicle as a result of the incident. two of the injured passengers are in serious condition and have been transferred to elche hospital and three other passengers with injuries of varying degrees have been sent to Vega Baja hospital for treatment. the transport company dispatched another bus to the scene to pick up the uninjured passengers and continue the trip.


CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022

Spain’s border police stop ‘third country’ nationals from entering Spain from Gibraltar reports from the SpainGibraltar border show that a number of British citizens were stopped from entering Spain on Wednesday last as Spain’s border control police appeared to have tightened restrictions on people leaving Gibraltar to enter Spain. police officers at the border asked all citizens from countries outside the european Union, including British passport holders, to provide evidence of their onward travel as well as accommodation reservations in Spain before permitting them to cross the country’s borders. Britons were also being required to present proof of funds for the duration of their stay in Spain. a large number of people from other countries besides Britain were also refused entry. authorities in Gibraltar raised concerns that Spanish officials are not allowing international citizens to enter Spain from Gibraltar unless they present a valid reason for their trip. local media reports claimed that Spain’s border police have been tightening controls on those crossing the Spanish border for the past week. tom Watson, a British national

who was in Gibraltar for four months, was refused entry to Spain until he provided proof of funds for his trip. Watson told the British press, “i had to prove i had €100 per day for the duration of my time in Spain.” Fabian picardo, Chief Minister of Gibraltar, said in a statement that the government had been informed that such measures were suddenly being applied. he said Gibraltar would be taking the matter up with the

Spanish and UK governments. Minister picardo said: “We are receiving reports of a change in approach to non-Gibraltarian, third Country nationals, crossing the frontier into Spain. We will be taking up these issues with the UK and Spanish authorities.” according to local reports, the new controls were only applied to people crossing Spain’s border on foot rather than in a vehicle.

it has also been reported that citizens from ‘third countries’ who are officially resident in Spain as well as third-country nationals or Gibraltarians who hold a red residence card are not subject to the recent rules. the government of Gibraltar is expected to provide further detailed information regarding the border checks at a later time. the British overseas territory has been at the centre of a bitter row between the eU and the UK after Brexit, as access to Gibraltar was not included in the trade agreement struck between london and Brussels in 2020. a agreement about the future of Gibraltar is required and under an eU proposal, Spain would gain control over the country’s external border. in december 2020, Spain and the UK struck a last-minute deal to avoid a hard border, just before the transition period drew to a close. Under the terms of the deal, Gibraltar remains part of the Schengen passport-free area, which means British citizens will need to go through a Schengen border post to enter Gibraltar through its airport and seaport. negotiations about the territory’s future continue.





CostaBlancaPeople 26th april - 2nd May 2022


C.L.A.R.O and Cambiemos part ways local political party C.l.a.r.o has announced it is no longer in a political coalition partnership with Cambiemos. the move came as the political parties in orihuela jostled for position prior to the Motion Censure vote. C.l.a.r.o. did not support the motion of censure which was voted on yesterday and aimed to bring about a change of government in orihuela. C.l.a.r.o. considered the political manoeuvres to install a pSoe and Ciudadanos coalition government represent political opportunism. Until a week ago, Ciudadanos had been in popular partyCiudadanos governments for 7 years. however, nationally, they, are in danger of political extinction. Ciudadanos orihuela (opposed by their own provincial political authorities) have seized the opportunity to change partners and keep

the same basic government responsibilities, in order to avoid their extinction locally. the present pSoe leadership in orihuela, by achieving the position of Mayor, are trying to avoid an internal challenge which could see them replaced by others who would head the party in next year’s local elections. Cambiemos made clear its support for the motion of censure but will not be present in any new government structure, and so their motives are less clear. they have chosen, however, to break the coalition with C.l.a.r.o. they signed the proposed motion of censure in the name of Cambiemos-Unidas podemos, not Cambiemos orihuela Claro:Unidas podemos, the name of the coalition which joined forces in order to contest the elections in 2019.

C.l.a.r.o. did not participate in the negotiation of the proposed motion of censure and were given a minimum of information about developments. in a statement the party said: “on a matter of such fundamental political importance C.l.a.r.o. was excluded by its coalition partner. the coalition is therefore de facto ended. “C.l.a.r.o’S decision not to support the motion of censure was carefully deliberated and is not based on the grounds of its treatment by its former coalition partners. as far as we know, the proposed agreement negotiated by Cambiemos and pSoe (we do not know to what extent it is agreed by Ciudadanos) contains too little of interest for orihuela Costa. as to be expected, there are many items of specific interest to orihuela city and surrounding villages.”

Afternoon tea raises cash More than 50 people enjoyed a tasty ‘afternoon tea’ at the pines restaurant in Benijofar recently in aid of a new group. the event was organised by Sandra doolan to raise much needed funds for the newly formed association of Movers and Shakers. the association supports people and their families with ataxia; huntington’s; Motor neurone disease; Multiple Sclerosis and parkinson’s and fundraising events are held on a regular basis to help fund

the work of the association to improve the quality of life for sufferers, their carers and their families. Sandra is a good friend of Marion Smith, president of the association, who’s husband david suffers from huntington’s disease. paul harris, local guitarist and singer entertained the diners with a mixture of contemporary tunes and “golden oldies”, which everyone enjoyed. the Movers and Shakers Club is held every Friday between

1pm – 3pm at o’Briens Bar in el raso, Guardamar del Segura. Members meet for a drink and a chat on a full range of topics and to exchange ideas and information. For more information, contact Marion Smith, tel: 711008250, or visit: www.amscb.org.es or Facebook@Movers and Shakers. the association is also looking to recruit new volunteers and details are available on its website.



BENIJOFAR VILLAGE Here we a fabulous, Key-Ready New Build Property (Resale) for sale in the highly popular village of Benijofar – Costa Blanca South. The property (Completed in 2018) offers luxurious living in a traditional Spanish setting. The villa makes up part of a small development, with the properties being set around a wonderful, shared swimming pool. The villa offers 2 floors of bright and spacious accommodation, along with an 85sqm garage which can accommodate a car along with a boat or even a motorhome! Some of the neighbours have converted the garage into an additional guest apartment with further bedrooms and bathrooms etc. The main floor houses a large lounge-diner, well-appointed designer kitchen with plenty of workspace and storage along with top of the range appliances, plus a shower

Spacious2 Bed / 2 BathVilla Communal Pool, South-Facing, Internal Garage, Village Location Partly Furnished PRICE JUST - 199.950 EUROS!! - CM8325

room. To the front, you have a SouthFacing patio and to the rear, there is a large sun terrace – the perfect spot for dining al fresco! An elegant staircase leads up to the first floor, where you have 2 double bedrooms (each with built-in wardrobes and their own private sun terrace), plus a large designer bathroom suite. The current owners have equipped the property to a very high standard and opted for many of the extras when buying off-plan. Features: Ducted hot and cold A/C, fully double-glazed, topquality fixtures and fittings. Offered partly furnished (Subject to offer). This magnificent property for sale in Benijofar village would be perfect for both holidaying and permanent living alike. EARLY VIEWING ADVISED! Benijofar is one of the villages that makes up the Vega Baja area on the Costa Blanca. It is

a lovely village with a charming church and an attractive square/plaza. In Benijofar there are a lot of places to visit, for instance the Casa de Cultura where concerts and shows take place all year round. There is also a marked walking trail which includes the Rio Segura and an outdoor swimming pool. Benijofar has a great number of services and amenities such as restaurants, tapas bars, shops, local school, municipal swimming pool, and sport facilities for all ages, along with good transport links and much more. Every Tuesday the weekly street market takes place in Benijofar, where you can find all type of food, clothes and all what you need. Benijofar is located just 10km from the beaches in Guardamar del Segura and around 12km from Torrevieja. The airport of Alicante is just a 30-minute drive away and Murcia-Covera 50 minutes.

For a viewing or a free valuation call +34 966 714 719 email info@casasmanuel.com or visit casasmanuel.com


CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022




CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022


Torrevieja to invest in employment, youth and safety torrevieja city council announced a series of investments being made in several areas including employment and safety. the Councillor for employment and youth domingo paredes, and the Councillor for Security and emergencies, Federico alarcón, held a press conference to outline the projects that are set to be developed. a budget modification for extraordinary credit financed with treasury remnants, amounting to almost 49 million euro, was approved on Wednesday, april 20, by the Junta (local Government Board). paredes highlighted the employment promotion project, which will receive 3.5 million euro for the development of employment workshops and workplace initiatives. the agreement with ConVeGa for the promotion of employment in Vega Baja has also been included. “ there will also be half a million euro investment to carry out another ‘Bono Consumo’ shopping voucher scheme as it has proved so popular in the past. Shoppers are offered the opportunity to buy half price spending vouchers to use at local restaurants and shops. the new instalment will take place in

a few months, indicated paredes.

SUPPORT FOR ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE For youth, a new grant for academic excellence valued at €70,000 will recognise students with the best academic records who have outstanding average grades in Secondary, Baccalaureate, training Cycles and University. in addition, €200,000 will be earmarked for the promotion of youth activities through the quarterly programme prepared by the youth department, the celebration of the successful CrazyUrban Festival or the activities carried out during the patron Saint Festivities and halloween. the Councillor for treasury said “the City Council has to reactivate the economy without compromising future spending.” to this end, the treasury area is also going to launch an economic audit and asset accounting audit contract “given that we are expanding the assets and we want all the accounts to be sound”. IMPORTANT NEWS IN ROAD SAFETY in the areas of Safety and emergencies, Federico alarcón wanted to highlight the

“ambitious project that we are going to carry out in terms of road safety”, with an allocation of €1,500,000, with which actions will be carried out at traffic lights, making them more accessible to blind people, a job that is being carried out jointly with onCe. the implementation of what are popularly known as zebra crossings for “zombies” will also continue, in which torrevieja is a pilot project. these crossings have lights on the ground for people looking at their phones. action will be taken in school zones with new fencing and the installation of light signals that will warn vehicles that are in a school area. these will also be installed in the city’s sports areas where many schoolchildren gather to practice sport. intelligent pedestrian crossings will be installed that work on solar energy. the department of traffic will acquire ‘educational radars’ that will be installed before speed cameras. these first will alert the driver that they are over the speed limit. in some areas, guardrails will surely be covered with wood so that, if there is an accident or a cyclist or motorcyclist falls, they will not be cut by metal guardrails.

Orihuela Costa Street Cleaning Work Centre the orihuela City Council has put out to tender the Street Cleaning Work Centre that will be built on a municipal plot of 14,170 square meters for public use. the tender will be published this week for nearly 900,000 euros and an execution period of 12 months. the Work Centre will put an end to the provisional nature and occupation of car parks on the streets of the orihuela coast. the design of the building pays special attention to integration into the landscape and energy improvement, and the new centre will be totally respectful of the environment. the Councilor for Street Cleaning and rSU, dámaso aparicio, has expressed his satisfaction that the highly demanded Work Centre will soon be a reality and has recalled that “we have worked hard to find a solution. the trucks and the workers have remained in the street causing great problems for the workers and to the residents of the

Coast who have to put up with these trucks parked outside their houses”. the Work Centre will have an administrative building of 300 square meters, where the Street Cleaning and rSU offices will be located, as well as changing rooms, toilets, a meeting room and a rest area for employees. in addition, there will be a 400-squaremeter warehouse, half for truck and vehicle washing, and the rest of the space will be used as a workshop and storage for tools and chemical products. the project also includes space for the parking of garbage trucks and street cleaning vehicles. in total, 12 parking spaces for trucks and 16 for cars will be provided. this investment of almost one million euros is added to the two million invested during this legislature in vehicles, trucks, containers and litter bins.

New school Property boom Subsidies for health and animal garden for CEIP as demand protection projects greater than Los Dolses


the Spanish property market is experiencing a shortage of houses and apartments as demand is now greater than supply and prices rise 6.4 percent. there appears to be a distinct lack of options to buy, with house

the Councillor for agriculture, Víctor Valverde, has presented the new school garden at Ceip los dolses, on the orihuela coast. the garden will allow students at the centre to be able to grow and care for their own fruits, vegetable, plants and flowers. this initiative, which was requested by the school itself, adds to those already carried out in other educational centres across the municipality. “it is a great opportunity to bring agriculture closer to schoolchildren and for them to become familiar with fruits and vegetables,” Councillor Valverde said. he also thanked Ceip los dolses for its collaboration and initiative to carry out this project, as well as the involvement of the local mayor on the coast, raúl Fernández. the Councillor for agriculture explained that the department “is committed to making agricultural products and their consumption part of our daily lives, and we have the opportunity to teach them from a young age thanks to school gardens.”

hunters outnumbering the amount of properties for sale. according to reports in the Spanish national press the number of properties for sale in Spain since March 2020 has reduced by 13.89 percent. a spell of increased buying between 2020 and 2021 along with a lack of new homes being built has left and shortage of properties which is stifling the market. the circumstances have also caused inflation, with prices on average increasing 6.4 percent towards the end of 2021. properties are being snapped up much quicker as enthusiastic buyers scrabble to bag a bargain and so properties are listed for a much shorter period than previously. in addition, buyers are haggling less, with the final price being brought down by buyers by 5 to 8 percent compared to the usual 10 to 15 percent.

the Councillor for health, José Galiano, has announced subsidies for projects carried out by associations in the field of health and animal protection these municipal grants from the department of health have a total amount of 30,000 euros and are aimed at “at all non-profit associations and entities in the municipality of orihuela, which carry out programs or activities in the field of health and animal protection” the Councillor explained. programs such as: Carrying out studies, information campaigns and raising awareness of social and health interest will be the object of subsidies; patient care projects, complementary to those offered by the Valencian health agency; mutual aid and selfhelp projects in the health field; animal welfare awareness projects; projects aimed at the adoption and reduction of abandoned animals in the municipal area; days of interaction with pets in the context of therapy. Further information can be found online unde the department of health. the Councillor for health encouraged “all associations to participate in this call to access these grants”.



CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022

Is Now The Time To Invest? But, as history proves, shares are a • Financial markets have been gyrating wildly and will likely continue to do so. rewarding long-term home for your money, and the best time to buy is often when • However, the best time to buy shares is everyone else is running scared. often during periods of uncertainty. Certain stocks have proved themselves the war in Ukraine is still grinding on with over time. others are newer to the market no apparent end in sight. but have great prospects.

there are a number of financial advisers on the Costa Blanca so the question is “why choose Seagate?” i believe that we offer a unique service to our clients. We have a fully staffed local office in Benijofar with a backup admin team, Client account Managers and a pension Specialist. this means that we have a team that will support you with six monthly reviews of your investment or pension and we provide full administration for withdrawals, encashments and tax guidance. do not delay making a decision, call us today.

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CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022


Valencia father arrested for locking up 2 year old twins a man has been arrested in Valencia for leaving his twoyear-old twins locked up for 13 hours. a social worker who went to check on the children found the two little ones locked up and in the care of their 9-yearold brother. national police arrested the 66-year-old man in Gandía (Valencia) for leaving his children alone and locked up, two twins who are only two years old and a 9-year-old boy. according to the boy, his father regularly left them alone in the house all day, since he usually leaves at eight in the morning and does not return until five in the afternoon. the children were discovered by a social worker from Gandía City Council who went to the

home to see how the children were, since the family is a user of municipal social services. the 9 year old answered the door to the social worker, explaining that his father was not home. he then explained that his sisters had been locked in separate rooms by the father so they ‘do not escape.’ the boy was also in charge of making them breakfast and lunch and cleaning them every morning, since, according to the boy, his father did not take care of these responsibilities either. the social worker raised the alarm and alerted the Gandía local police, who in turn informed the national police station. the officers went in search of his father, a native of Gandía, and arrested him for

an alleged crime of neglect of family duties. the arrested man made the excuse that his wife had left six weeks ago, something that the police are currently trying to verify, and that he cannot cope with the upbringing of the children. in fact, the situation of being left alone all day had been occurring throughout the entire school easter holiday period, according to the boy. at the moment, the three have been taken into care by the Generalitat and are in centres for minors, although separated from each other. the mother of the minors, a woman from poland, is currently unaccounted for, so the national police is trying to find out where she is.

Orihuela Costa Skate Park project approved

orihuela City Council has awarded the contract for the construction of two skate parks – one for the city and one for the coast. this will bring the total number of skate parks in orihuela to three, counting the one that was built last year in la aparecida. the orihuela Centro Skate park will be located on a site attached to the ring road of the ociopía Shopping Centre. the skate park on the coast will be located at CdM Municipal Sports Centre in playa Flamenca.

the budget for the two projects amounts to 130,136.28 euros, Vat included, with a term of execution of two months, for each of them, from the signing of the certificate of verification of the layout. the Councillor for Sports, Víctor Bernabéu, has expressed his satisfaction with this award since “these are two projects highly demanded by the public that will soon become a reality”.


CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022




CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022

Laundrette thief arrested in Callosa

a 30 year-old Spaniard has been arrested for a string of crimes including the theft of cash from at least 13 laundrette robberies. in addition, the man is alleged to have stolen items from vehicles and was also charged with animal cruelty as officers found a fighting cockerel in his backpack when he was arrested. Criminal damage and resisting arrest are also on his rap sheet. the suspect has been arrested three times already in just over a week but had been released pending trial. Unsurprisingly, he has an extensive criminal history. the crime spree had caused alarm within the local community and some of the targeted businesses were forced to close after losing their takings and the cost of repairing the damage to the premises and machines. the modus operandi used was always the same. in all the robberies, the assailant accessed the laundries, usually during the day, and removed the cash collection boxes, where the money collected by the machines is deposited.

he also stole any other objects found in the establishments that he thought he could sell for cash. the events occurred in a short space of time, between 17th February and 19th april. the suspect was arrested thanks to the help of the general public, after a report was received of a new robbery in another establishment. a uniformed patrol showed up at the scene, surprising the perpetrator and he fled. officers gave chase and the man put up considerable resistance but was finally arrested. it was then officers realised that there was an injured fighting rooster in the backpack he was carrying. For this reason, they quickly proceeded to notify the nature protection Service (Seprona). the physical condition of the animal was checked before it was taken to an animal shelter for care and recovery. despite his continuous crime spree, the man has once again been released with charges.

Man injured in Almoradi fire a man has been injured in an apartment block fire in almoradí after firefighters had to evacuate the building, lifting people to safety from their balconies, including children. the fire broke out on the second floor

of a four-storey building, with rubble and debris falling onto the street. the 36 year-old man was taken to Vega Baja hospital with the effects of severe smoke inhalation.

Alicante Airport parking scam a 50 year-old Belgian has been arrested for allegedly running a car parking scam at alicante-elche airport. the man charged for medium and longstay parking but would move the vehicles to public parking facilities. he

would use fake plates to defraud airport authorities. the switch meant that registration recognition software only logged stays within the allotted time allowance despite cars being parked for weeks and months at a time.


Spanish experts to investigate Russian war crimes the Minister of defence, pilar llop, has announced that the Ministry of Justice will make a group of experts available to the prosecutor of the international Criminal Court ( iCC ) to investigate russian war crimes in Ukraine. there are 29 Spanish experts in forensic and criminal investigation and 10 autopsy specialists being allocated to determine possible war crimes committed in various territories such as Bucha , Mariúpol or donbas. pilar llop said the Government is “proud that the international Criminal Court and the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office have placed their trust in these Spanish professionals”. in addition, the resources of the national institute of toxicology and Forensic Sciences (intCF) will be made available to the iCC prosecutor’s office for the receipt and analysis of the different samples and traces that arrive. Moncloa has assured that “with these measures, the Government of Spain meets the requests for collaboration made last March by the iCC prosecutor’s office, to carry out investigations into the possible commission of international crimes in Ukrainian territory.” all the members of the group made available are highly qualified. the head of Justice voiced her “recognition and appreciation of the rapid response of the intCF professionals in supporting these investigations”. the Ministry of defence has added

that both the number of experts and the institutes involved “could be expanded” depending on the needs that arise during the work to determine the deliberate attack on civilians, aggressions and crimes in the war in Ukraine. the professionals offered by the Court to the iCC belong to the institutes of legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (iMlCF) of Cáceres, Cantabria, la rioja, Madrid, Valencia, the Balearic islands, huelva, Valladolid, Salamanca, from Badajoz, Granada, alicante,

Galicia, Murcia and Catalonia. More from other provinces are expected to join the initiative as reqiired. the arrival of the experts to the iCC team and their participation will take place through a Single Forensic legal Coordination authority, led by the General Secretariat for innovation and Quality of the public Service of Justice and by the General directorate of international legal Cooperation and human rights. the director of the national institute of toxicology and Forensic Sciences will also participate.


CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022

Murcia hash smugglers caught

Guardia Civil drug squads have dismantled two separate criminal organizations dedicated to the smuggling of hashish through the coasts of Murcia. 35 people were arrested during several raids and 21 searches were carried out in different locations in Murcia, almería and Málaga, where more than 15 tons of hashish, boats, vehicles, weapons and ammunition, among other effects, were seized by investigators. the gangs were based out of almería and Málaga, but both had branches in the region of Murcia, dedicated to drug trafficking. those arrested have been charged with a series of crimes including drug trafficking, illegal possession of weapons, money laundering and belonging to a criminal organization. 21 searches were carried out in the Murcian towns of la Unión and Cartagena, in almería and roquetas de Mar and in the Malaga municipalities of torrox and nerja, where more than 15 tons of hashish were seized along with two boats , 14 vehicles, five weapons, quantity of ammunition, telephone and tracking terminals, more than 100,000 euros in cash and a large quantity of documentation. the investigation began in 2020, as a result of three failed attempts by criminals to land boats, allegedly loaded with hashish, at Bahía de portman, Murcia. during these three

attempts, the Guardia Civil managed to recover a total of 91 bundles of hashish on portman beach. investigators believe the bundles were intentionally anchored by drug traffickers, but packages came to the surface due to a possible failure in the anchoring systems connecting to the seabed. these attempts, which occurred over several weekends, put the Guardia Civil on high alert, which followed with the arrest of nine people, hidden in a mountain area near Bahía de portman at the end of october. officers said the suspects were hiding, lying in wait to unload the bundles of drugs. at the same location, a van of Belgian origin was also located, with

false registration plates, and more than three thousand litres of fuel (for the boats) on board, all of which was seized. this first part of the operation culminated in the discovery by officers of a strategic surveillance point, surrounded by abundant vegetation, from which Guardia Civil were able to maintained surveillance of any vehicle access to the area. leading on from this surveillance, officers found a large machete and a mobile phone buried. Subsequent

analysis of the phone was key to the investigation. as the investigation continued, officers were able to verify the existence of a criminal network based in the region of Murcia, which provided cover for two other criminal groups, providing logistics and the necessary means for smuggling hashish into Spain by sea. 35 people have been arrested to date. Guardia Civil said, “it should be noted that the main leaders of the organizations had high purchasing power, both in their private life, with the possession of vehicles and luxury goods, as well as in the powerful criminal infrastructure, equipped with sophisticated technological means used to facilitate their illicit activity.” the organisations were completely hierarchical, said Guardia Civil said, “each member carried out their task, subject to a strict discipline, which began with the obtaining of hashish in Morocco and its transfer to the andalusian coast.” as a result of the investigations, officers were able to determine that the criminal group based in the Murcia region of Campo de Cartagena provided its services to the two gangs from almería and Málaga. Both gangs had great financial capacity and experience in drug trafficking, channelling their income through legal businesses, linked to leisure or agriculture, in an attempt to cover up the source of the money.





CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022

GBP / EUR UPdatE GBP it has been a fairly calm environment for the pound so far this week, with volatility on the decline, after a fairly heavy three-week period previously. a real lack of keynote UK data for markets to get its teeth into has been a factor for sure, but the recent dollar rally ran into some profit-taking, which has given GBp/USd the opportunity to find a modicum of support under 1.3000, and ranges amongst the broader sterling crosses have been far more subdued. Markets have also been re-assessing the prospects for future UK rate hikes, given the Boe’s muddled caution of late, which has been a drag for sterling. the increase in the cost of living for the UK consumer does not look like easing anytime soon, despite signs that the recent rally in commodities may be pausing, and that will take time to feed through to the consumer’s pocket. the Boe, having already raised UK rates three times, may yet be happy to stand aside and see how the UK economy digests the moves so far. this is a sensible approach, especially when you consider the time it takes for interest rate changes to take a noticeable effect on the broader economy, although the likes of the Boe’s Mann, would like to hike rates in a hurry anyway. this all adds up to a pound likely reacting to what the likes of the Fed and eCB say and do for now, as much as anything else. For GBp/USd, a clear break of the recent 1.2950 – 1.3150 range would be needed to ignite heightened volatility. For GBp/eUr, the pound has managed to sustain a move above 1.2000 for much of this past week,

however, as we said above, the likelihood of that being maintained will have as much to do with the eCB, as anything. regrettably, next week doesn’t offer much more of a feast for the UK data-munchers to consume either. EURO this time last week, markets were left disappointed with the outcome from the latest eCB meeting. With no changes to the eCB’s accompanying statement, and signs that the app (asset purchase programme) will not end until July at the earliest, market pricing for a July rate hike looked optimistic. however, this week has been different. Several eCB officials, including Governing Council member, Martins Kazaks, have suggested that a rate hike could come as soon as July. this all matters to the single currency, as much of the decline in eUr/USd can be attributed to the growing interest rate differential between the U.S and europe. Should the eCB be looking to tackle the surging inflation in the region with a more aggressive rate hiking cycle, then this will feed into the future value of the single currency. you need to just look at the lofty rally in USd/ Jpy (below) for evidence of how interest rate differentials can impact currency pairs. Back to eUr/USd, and the recent decline from nearly 1.1200 to 1.0750 has found some recent support as a consequence of the implied shift in direction by the eCB, and the pair will continue to be dominated by the emerging narrative around this, in particular.




CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022


Your tech questions answered by Brian Hoile of the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group, helping over 200 members with their PCs, smartphones and more. Find the group on Facebook (Costa Blanca Technology Help Group) or attend the meetings in person or online via Zoom. if you have a question or a problem that needs my help then please send an email to Brian at cbtechnology.help@ gmail.com. if i receive the email by lunchtime on Friday it will appear in the next edition. if you want to join the technology help Group search Facebook for “Costa Blanca technology help Group”. if you do not use Facebook you can still join by sending an email with your details to cbtechnology. help@gmail.com. When joining on Facebook please make sure that you scroll all the way through and answer all questions and give your email address. i use your email address as the primary means of communication.

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CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022


Vega Baja Garden Club Alicante to go car free Vega Baja Garden Club had a very successful april meeting, which started with an interesting talk by club secretary irene, on her experiences walking the Camino del rey. She had some stunning pictures too. this walk is not for the faint hearted, as part of the walkway is a boardwalk attached to the side of a cliff face, with a very deep ravine to one side, and there are a lot of steps at various points along the way, so a reasonable level of fitness is needed. it took two hours or so to walk around,

with opportunities to stop and take pictures. Following on from alan’s talk in February, the photo competition was the second half of the meeting, with members’ pictures displayed for judging. there were some really beautiful pictures, so it was clear that people had listened to alan´s tips on photographing plants and put them into practice. there was the usual plant raffle to finish off. the next meeting will be on Monday 2nd May 2022 at Bar

trasgu, Formentera del Segura at 2pm, for 2.30pm start. a small charge of €2 per person applies for the use of the room. organisers would be delighted if there is anyone out there who would like to give a 30 minute talk on anything gardenrelated. you don’t have to be a professional, just a person with an interest in any or all things garden. Facebook VeGa BaJa Garden ClUB, or vegabajagardenclub@ gmail.com

Finland happiest place in the world For the fifth year in a row, Finland has been named the happiest country in the world. the rankings are published by United nations Sustainable development Solutions network in the annual ‘happiness report’. denmark remained in the second spot, iceland overtook Switzerland to take third place and the netherlands rounded out the top five. over the last 10 years the

report has been published, the biggest gains in happiness have taken place in Serbia, Bulgaria and romania, while the biggest declines have been recorded in lebanon, Venezuela and afghanistan. the authors detected, on average, a longterm moderate upward trend in stress, worry and sadness in most countries, as well as “a slight long-term decline in the enjoyment of life,” they wrote. the report uses global survey

data to report on how people evaluate their own lives in more than 150 countries around the world, with the ranking based on a three-year average. Key variables that contribute to explaining people’s life evaluations include gross domestic product per capita, life expectancy, generosity, social support, freedom to make life choices and perceptions of corruption.

the city of alicante is undergoing a huge pedestrianisation programme in order to make the city centre traffic free. the current work is focused around the teatro principal and forms part of the wider project. the city is taking what is being described as the ‘definitive step’

in reshaping the city centre which will have a pedestrian corridor at its heart with more than 22,000 square metres of car free space. in addition, the works will make improvements to pavements and street furniture as well as a revamp of the waste water system. this would see the

renovation of drains and new collectors. in redness for the changes, the city’s traffic department has stopped vehicles accessing streets between the rambla and the intersection with Calle Belen. parking has also been prohibited in this area.

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CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022




CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022


Catalan President makes spying allegations the Catalan president has called on the Spanish government to launch an “official and independent investigation” into how and why he and more than 60 figures associated with the regional independence movement reportedly had their mobile phones targeted using nSo Group’s pegasus spyware. pere aragonès has said that alleged targeting, revealed by Citizen lab cybersecurity experts, constituted a violation of individual rights, an attack on democracy, and a threat to political dissent. according to Citizen lab, aragonès and his three pro-independence predecessors were among at least 65 individuals whose phones were targeted or infected with mercenary spyware using fake texts or Whatsapp messages. almost all the incidents took place between 2017 – the year of the failed bid for Catalan regional independence – and 2020. although nSo Group claims that pegasus is sold only to governments to track criminals and terrorists, a joint investigation two years ago by the Guardian and el país established that the speaker of the Catalan regional parliament and at least two other pro-independence supporters were warned the spyware had been used to target them. aragonès said the apparent spying had been on such a “massive scale” that it could not have escaped the attention of the Spanish authorities. nor, he added, was it likely to have been the work of a single agent within

Pere Aragonès

Spain’s national intelligence Centre (Cni). aragonès said that while the targeting had “decimated” trust in the Spanish government, his administration was still open to finding a negotiated solution to the political conflict that plunged Spain into crisis almost five years ago. he also warned the use of spyware such as pegasus needed to be addressed around the world because “we’re dealing with behaviour here that hasn’t only happened in Catalonia”. even if pegasus were to disappear, aragonès added, new software would soon take its place. Citizen lab and amnesty international have also called for an official inquiry into the matter. Denial the Spanish government has denied any wrongdoing, while the policía nacional and the Guardia Civil

have said they have had no dealings whatsoever with nSo groups and have never used its services. the government’s spokesperson, isabel rodríguez, said the allegations of spying were not new and had already been addressed by the government. “But i’d like to reiterate our position, which is that the government has nothing to hide – absolutely nothing,” she said. “and so the government will cooperate fully with the justice system and any investigations into these

matters if that’s what is asked by the courts. i’d also like to stress that Spain is a democratic state with full rule of law. as such, any limitation on the fundamental rights of requires a judicial decision to be taken.” rodríguez said the Socialist-led coalition government would not put up with Spain’s “democratic quality” being called into question. however, she said she could not comment on whether the Cni had access to pegasus or whether it had ever deployed the programme.


CostaBlancaPeopleCostaBlancaPeople 26th april - 2nd May 26th 2022april - 2nd May 2022 www.costablancapeople.com

This Week´s Movie Picks Captain America: Civil War

Saturday 30th April – Channel 4, 10.20pm

With many people fearing the actions of super heroes, the government decides to push for the hero registration act, a law that limits a hero’s actions. this results in a division in the avengers. iron Man stands with this act, claiming that their actions must be kept in check otherwise cities will continue to be destroyed, but Captain america feels that saving the world is daring enough and that they cannot rely on the government to protect the world. this escalates into an all-out war between team iron Man (iron Man, Black panther, Vision, Black Widow, War Machine, and Spider-Man) and team Captain america (Captain america, Bucky Barnes, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, hawkeye, and ant Man) while a new villain emerges.

Karate Kid

Sunday 1st May – Channel 4, 4.50pm 12-year-old dre parker has moved to China, and finds himself like a fish out of water. he befriends a fellow classmate, Mei ying, only to make a rival, Cheng, who starts to bully and attack dre. Soon, Mr han, the maintenance man of dre’s apartment, fends off Cheng and his friends when they are attacking dre and signs dre up to fight in the Kung Fu tournament in return for the bullies laying off of dre. dre realizes Mr. han is much more than a maintenance man, when he’s revealed as a master of Kung Fu and dre soon learns that Kung Fu is about self defense and peace, instead of violence and bloodshed.


CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022


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costablancapeople.com | 26th April - 2nd May 2022

22 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

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BBC two


Tuesday 26th April

Channel 4

Channel 5



03:30 The Media Show 04:00 BBC News 04:30 The Travel Show 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 For Love or Money 11:45 Dom Digs In 12:15 Homes Under the Hammer 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London 14:45 Five Bedrooms 15:30 Virtually Home 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Antiques Road Trip 17:30 The Bidding Room 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 MasterChef 22:00 Freeze the Fear with Wim Hof 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London 23:35 BBC Weather 23:40 Noughts + Crosses

00:15 BBC Weather 00:45 All Elite Wrestling: 00:20 Couples Therapy Dynamite 00:45 World Championship 02:25 Ideal World Fashion Snooker 01:35 World Championship 04:00 Loose Women Snooker 04:50 Unwind with ITV 03:35 Countryfile 06:05 Tipping Point 04:35 Art That Made Us 05:35 MasterChef 07:00 Good Morning Britain 06:35 This Is BBC TWO 10:00 Lorraine 07:20 The Bidding Room 11:00 This Morning 08:05 Earth’s Great Rivers 09:05 Lifeline 13:30 Loose Women 09:15 The Super League 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News Show 14:55 ITV News London 10:00 BBC News 11:00 Live: World 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal Championship Snooker 16:00 Lingo 13:15 Politics Live 17:00 Tipping Point 14:00 Live: World Championship Snooker 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Richard Osman’s House 19:00 ITV News London of Games 19:30 ITV Evening News 19:30 My Unique B&B 20:00 Live: World 20:30 Emmerdale Championship Snooker 21:00 Love Your Garden 21:00 Yorkshire Midwives 22:00 DNA Journey on Call 22:00 Life After Life 23:10 ITV News 22:55 The Archiveologists 23:40 ITV News London 23:00 QI 23:55 On Assignment 23:30 Newsnight

02:30 Emergency 07:50 Fireman Sam 00:30 American Dad! 03:25 Rescue: Extreme 08:00 Thomas & Friends: All 00:55 Bob’s Burgers Medics Engines Go 01:25 Bob’s Burgers 04:20 24 Hours in A&E 08:10 Peppa Pig 01:55 Superstore 05:15 Grand Designs 08:20 Peppa Pig 02:25 Superstore 06:10 George Clarke’s Old 08:25 PAW Patrol 02:50 The Stand Up Sketch House, New Home 08:40 Milo Show 07:05 Countdown 08:55 Pip & Posy 03:20 Totally Bonkers 07:45 Cheers 09:05 The Adventures of Guinness World Records 08:10 Cheers Paddington 03:45 Unwind with ITV 08:35 The King of Queens 09:20 Ricky Zoom 04:00 Teleshopping 09:00 The King of Queens 09:35 Peppa Pig 07:00 Totally Bonkers 09:30 The King of Queens 09:40 Daisy & Ollie Guinness World Records 10:00 Frasier 09:50 Odo 07:25 Dress to Impress 10:30 Frasier 09:55 Ben & Holly’s Little 08:30 The Ellen DeGeneres 11:00 Frasier Kingdom Show 11:30 Undercover Boss USA 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 09:25 Secret Crush 12:25 Channel 4 News 10:15 Jeremy Vine 10:20 Hart of Dixie Summary 13:15 Build a New Life in the 11:15 One Tree Hill 12:30 Couples Come Dine Country 12:10 The O.C. with Me 14:10 5 News at Lunchtime 13:00 Secret Crush 13:30 Steph’s Packed Lunch 14:15 Home and Away 14:05 Dress to Impress 15:10 Countdown 14:45 Neighbours 15:05 The Ellen DeGeneres 16:00 A Place in the Sun 15:15 Hailey Dean Mysteries Show 17:00 A New Life in the Sun 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in 16:00 Hart of Dixie 18:00 Sun, Sea and Selling the Sun 17:00 One Tree Hill Houses 18:00 5 News at 5 18:00 The O.C. 19:00 The Simpsons 19:00 Neighbours 19:00 Catchphrase 19:30 Hollyoaks 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 Superstore 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:00 Dogs With 20:30 Superstore 21:00 The Great Celebrity Extraordinary Jobs 21:00 Bob’s Burgers Bake Off: Stand Up To Cancer 21:00 The Yorkshire Vet 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Derry Girls 22:00 Rob & Dave’s Big Texas 22:00 Family Guy 22:35 Hullraisers Rodeo 22:30 Family Guy 23:05 Bling Ring: Hollywood 23:00 Ben Fogle & The Lost 23:00 Plebs Heist City 23:30 Plebs

00:05 Scott & Bailey 01:05 The Trouble with Maggie Cole 02:05 The Trouble with Maggie Cole 03:05 Unwind with ITV 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 On the Buses 09:40 On the Buses 10:10 Upstairs, Downstairs 11:15 Upstairs, Downstairs 12:30 Heartbeat 1335 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:45 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:50 Agatha Christie’s Marple 18:50 Heartbeat 19:55 Heartbeat 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Law & Order: UK

05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 For Love or Money 11:45 Dom Digs In 12:15 Homes Under the Hammer 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London 14:45 Five Bedrooms 15:30 Clean It, Fix It 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Antiques Road Trip 17:30 The Bidding Room 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London 19:55 Party Election Broadcast 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 The Great British Sewing Bee 22:00 Interior Design Masters 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London 23:35 BBC Weather 23:40 A Believer’s Guide to..

00:30 The Great British 00:10 BBC Weather 00:15 World Championship Treasure Hunt Snooker 01:25 Ideal World Fashion 01:05 World Championship 04:00 Loose Women Snooker 04:50 Unwind with ITV 03:05 Muhammad Ali 06:05 Tipping Point 03:55 Muhammad Ali 07:00 Good Morning Britain 04:45 MasterChef 10:00 Lorraine 05:45 This Is BBC TWO 11:00 This Morning 07:30 Bargain Hunt 13:30 Loose Women 08:15 The Bidding Room 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 09:00 Dynasties 14:55 ITV News London 10:00 BBC News 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 11:00 Live: World 16:00 Lingo Championship Snooker 17:00 Tipping Point 12:15 Politics Live 18:00 The Chase 14:00 Live: World 19:00 ITV News London Championship Snooker 19:00 Richard Osman’s House 19:25 Party Election Broadcast of Games 19:30 ITV Evening News 19:30 My Unique B&B 20:30 Emmerdale 20:00 Live: World 21:00 Coronation Street Championship Snooker 21:00 Secrets Of The Museum 22:00 Searching for Michael 22:00 Tan France: Beauty and Jackson’s Zoo With Ross Kemp the Bleach 23:15 ITV News 23:00 Inside No. 9 23:30 Newsnight 23:45 ITV News London

03:05 Pride & Prejudice & Zombies 04:55 Grayson’s Art Club 05:50 Moneybags 06:40 The Perfect Pitch 07:05 Countdown 07:45 Cheers 08:10 Cheers 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 The King of Queens 09:30 The King of Queens 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 Frasier 11:30 Undercover Boss USA 12:25 Channel 4 News Summary 12:30 Couples Come Dine with Me 13:30 Steph’s Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 A New Life in the Sun 18:00 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Great Home Transformation 22:00 Grand Designs: The Streets 23:00 Bling Ring: Hollywood Heist

00:05 Scott & Bailey 01:05 The Trouble with Maggie Cole 02:05 The Trouble with Maggie Cole 03:05 Unwind with ITV 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 On the Buses 09:40 On the Buses 10:10 Upstairs, Downstairs 11:15 Upstairs, Downstairs 12:30 Heartbeat 13:35 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:45 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:50 Agatha Christie’s Marple 18:50 Heartbeat 19:55 Heartbeat 21:00 Downton Abbey 23:30 Law & Order: UK

Wednesday 27th April

08:00 Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go 08:10 Peppa Pig 08:20 Peppa Pig 08:25 PAW Patrol 08:40 Milo 08:55 Pip & Posy 09:05 The Adventures of Paddington 09:20 Ricky Zoom 09:35 Peppa Pig 09:40 Daisy & Ollie 09:50 Odo 09:55 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 13:15 Build a New Life in the Country 14:10 5 News at Lunchtime 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Framed by My Sister 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Neighbours 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 Secrets Of The Fast Food Giants 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 Council House Swap 23:00 Killer At The Crime Scene

01:00 American Dad! 01:25 Bob’s Burgers 01:55 Bob’s Burgers 02:25 Superstore 02:55 Superstore 03:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 03:50 Unwind with ITV 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:25 Dress to Impress 08:30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:25 Secret Crush 10:20 Hart of Dixie 11:15 One Tree Hill 12:10 The O.C. 13:00 Secret Crush 14:05 Dress to Impress 15:05 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 16:00 Hart of Dixie 17:00 One Tree Hill 18:00 The O.C. 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 Superstore 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy

Jada Pinkett Smith says family is healing

Jada Pinkett Smith has revealed that the Smith family is focussed on healing after Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars. In a written statement at the beginning of Red Table Talk’s new season, the 50-year-old actor said: “Considering all that has happened in the last few weeks, the Smith family has been focusing on deep healing.” Pinkett Smith is back with her mother Adrienne Banfield Norris and daughter Willow Smith for the fifth season of their Facebook Watch chat show. “Some of the discoveries around our healing will be shared when the time calls. “Until then … the table will continue offering itself to powerful, inspiring, and healing testimonies like that of our incredibly impressive first guest. Thanks for joining us.” The trailer, which dropped on 19th

April, previews interviews with eighttime Grammy nominee Janelle Monáe, Oscar-winning actress Kim Basinger and her daughter Ireland Baldwin, the parents of Miss USA Cheslie Kryst who died by suicide earlier this year, and victims of the Tinder Swindler. This season will also feature siblings Willow, Jaden, and Trey Smith taking over the table for the first time. Red Table Talk returns less than a month after the Oscars ceremony (27th March) where Pinkett Smith’s husband slapped presenter Rock in the face before going on to accept the award for Best Actor. Rock had made a joke at the expense of Pinkett Smith’s baldness, a result of alopecia. Following the altercation, Smith apologised and resigned from the Academy. Smith was banned from attending the Oscars ceremonies for the next 10 years.

costablancapeople.com | 26th April - 2nd May 2022

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Thursday 28th April

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03:30 Zelensky: The Making of a President 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Click 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 For Love or Money 11:45 Dom Digs In 12:15 Homes Under the Hammer 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London 14:45 Five Bedrooms 15:30 Clean It, Fix It 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Antiques Road Trip 17:30 The Bidding Room 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London 19:55 Party Election Broadcast 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 MasterChef 22:00 Gordon Ramsay’s Future Food Stars 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London 23:35 BBC Weather 23:40 Question Time

00:00 Peston 00:10 BBC Weather 00:15 World Championship 00:55 Long Lost Family Snooker Special: Shipped to Australia 01:05 World Championship 01:50 Ideal World Fashion Snooker 04:00 Bling! 03:05 Mary Berry’s Fantastic 04:50 Unwind with ITV Feasts 06:05 Tipping Point 04:05 Freeze the Fear with 07:00 Good Morning Britain Wim Hof 10:00 Lorraine 05:05 MasterChef 11:00 This Morning 05:35 This Is BBC TWO 13:30 Loose Women 07:30 Bargain Hunt 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 08:15 The Bidding Room 14:55 ITV News London 09:00 Gardeners’ World 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 10:00 BBC News 16:00 Lingo 11:00 BBC News 17:00 Tipping Point 13:15 Politics Live 18:00 The Chase 14:00 Live: World 19:00 ITV News London Championship Snooker 19:00 Richard Osman’s House 19:20 Party Election Broadcast of Games 19:30 ITV Evening News 19:30 My Unique B&B 20:30 Emmerdale 20:00 Live: World 21:30 Tonight Championship Snooker 21:00 Rebuilding Notre Dame 22:00 Julia Bradbury: Breast Cancer and Me 22:00 Art That Made Us 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:00 Mortimer and 23:30 ITV News London Whitehouse: Gone Fishing 23:45 DNA Journey 23:30 Newsnight

05:10 Dispatches 08:00 Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go 05:40 Moneybags 08:10 Peppa Pig 06:30 The Perfect Pitch 06:55 Kirstie’s House of Craft 08:20 Peppa Pig 08:25 PAW Patrol 07:05 Countdown 08:40 Milo 07:45 Cheers 08:55 Pip & Posy 08:10 Cheers 09:05 The Adventures of 08:35 The King of Queens Paddington 09:00 The King of Queens 09:20 Ricky Zoom 09:30 The King of Queens 09:35 Peppa Pig 10:00 Frasier 09:40 Daisy & Ollie 10:30 Frasier 09:50 Odo 11:00 Frasier 11:30 Undercover Boss USA: 09:55 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom Celebrity Edition 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 12:25 Channel 4 News 10:15 Jeremy Vine Summary 13:15 Build a New Life in the 12:30 Couples Come Dine Country with Me 14:10 5 News at Lunchtime 13:30 Steph’s Packed Lunch 14:15 Home and Away 15:10 Countdown 14:45 Neighbours 16:00 A Place in the Sun 15:15 Killer Ransom 17:00 A New Life in the Sun 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in 18:00 Sun, Sea and Selling the Sun Houses 18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 The Simpsons 19:00 Neighbours 19:30 Hollyoaks 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:00 Gardening With Carol 21:00 Luxury Food for Less Klein 22:00 Taskmaster 21:00 Nick Knowles’ Big 23:00 Chivalry House Clearout 23:30 Where Have All the 22:00 Casualty 24/7 Lesbians Gone? 23:00 Ambulance: Code Red

00:00 Family Guy 00:30 American Dad! 00:55 American Dad! 01:25 Bob’s Burgers 01:55 Bob’s Burgers 02:25 Superstore 02:50 Superstore 03:20 Celebrity Juice 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:25 Dress to Impress 08:30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:25 Secret Crush 10:20 Hart of Dixie 11:15 One Tree Hill 12:10 The O.C. 13:00 Secret Crush 14:05 Dress to Impress 15:05 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 16:00 Hart of Dixie 17:00 One Tree Hill 18:00 The O.C. 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 Superstore 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Family Guy

00:35 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 01:40 The Trouble with Maggie Cole 02:35 The Trouble with Maggie Cole 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 On the Buses 09:35 On the Buses 10:10 Upstairs, Downstairs 11:15 Upstairs, Downstairs 12:30 Heartbeat 13:35 Heartbeat 14:40 Emmerdale 15:15 Coronation Street 15:50 Coronation Street 16:50 Agatha Christie’s Marple 18:50 Heartbeat 19:55 Heartbeat 21:00 Vera 23:00 Law & Order: UK

03:30 The Travel Show 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Our World 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 For Love or Money 11:45 Dom Digs In 12:15 Homes Under the Hammer 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London 14:45 Five Bedrooms 15:30 Clean It, Fix It 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Antiques Road Trip 17:30 The Bidding Room 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport 21:00 MasterChef 21:30 Here We Go 22:00 Have I Got News for You 22:30 Not Going Out 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London 23:35 BBC Weather 23:40 Cape Fear

00:10 BBC Weather 00:55 All Elite Wrestling: 00:15 World Championship Rampage Snooker 01:45 Ideal World Fashion 01:05 In the Face of Terror 04:00 Tonight 02:05 In the Face of Terror 04:25 Wonders of the Border 03:05 In the Face of Terror 04:50 Unwind with ITV 04:05 Interior Design 06:05 Tipping Point Masters 07:00 Good Morning Britain 05:05 This Is BBC TWO 10:00 Lorraine 07:30 Bargain Hunt 11:00 This Morning 08:15 The Bidding Room 13:30 Loose Women 09:00 The Speedshop 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 10:00 BBC News 14:55 ITV News London 11:00 Live: World 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal Championship Snooker 16:00 Lingo 13:15 Politics UK 17:00 Tipping Point 14:00 Live: World 18:00 The Chase Championship Snooker 19:00 ITV News London 19:00 Richard Osman’s House 19:30 ITV Evening News of Games 20:30 Emmerdale 19:30 My Unique B&B 21:00 Coronation Street 20:00 Live: World 22:00 It’ll Be Alright on the Championship Snooker Night 22:00 Gardeners’ World 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:00 Live at the Apollo 23:30 ITV News London 23:30 Newsnight 23:45 Man of Steel

02:15 Wife Swap USA 08:00 Thomas & Friends: All 03:00 Live: PFL Mixed Martial Engines Go Arts 08:10 Peppa Pig 05:00 Location, Location, 08:20 Peppa Pig Location 08:25 PAW Patrol 05:55 Moneybags 08:40 Milo 06:45 Kirstie’s House of Craft 08:55 Pip & Posy 07:05 Countdown 09:05 The Adventures of 07:45 Cheers Paddington 08:10 Cheers 09:20 Ricky Zoom 08:35 The King of Queens 09:35 Peppa Pig 09:00 The King of Queens 09:40 Daisy & Ollie 09:30 The King of Queens 09:50 Odo 10:00 Frasier 09:55 Ben & Holly’s Little 10:30 Frasier Kingdom 11:00 Frasier 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 11:30 Undercover Boss USA 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:25 Channel 4 News 13:15 Build a New Life in the Summary Country 12:30 Couples Come Dine 14:10 5 News at Lunchtime with Me 14:15 Home and Away 13:30 Steph’s Packed Lunch 14:45 Neighbours 15:10 Countdown 15:15 Murdered at 17 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in 17:00 A New Life in the Sun the Sun 18:00 Sun, Sea and Selling 18:00 5 News at 5 Houses 19:00 Neighbours 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Eggheads 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Primark: How Do They 20:00 Channel 4 News Do It? 20:30 Unreported World 21:00 Cruising With Susan 21:00 Richard Hammond’s Calman Crazy Contraptions 22:00 Lighthouses: Building 22:00 Gogglebox the Impossible 23:00 Open House: The Great 23:00 Stanley Baxter’s Best Sex Experiment Bits And More

00:15 Family Guy 00:45 American Dad! 01:15 American Dad! 01:45 Bob’s Burgers 02:10 Bob’s Burgers 02:40 Superstore 03:05 Superstore 03:30 Deep Heat 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:25 Dress to Impress 08:30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:25 Secret Crush 10:20 Hart of Dixie 11:15 One Tree Hill 12:10 The O.C. 13:00 Secret Crush 14:05 Dress to Impress 15:05 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 16:00 Hart of Dixie 17:00 One Tree Hill 18:00 The O.C. 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 Superstore 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 2 Fast 2 Furious

00:05 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 01:10 Inspector Morse 03:20 Unwind with ITV 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 On the Buses 09:35 On the Buses 10:10 Upstairs, Downstairs 11:15 Upstairs, Downstairs 12:30 Heartbeat 13:35 Heartbeat 14:40 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:45 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:50 Agatha Christie’s Marple 18:50 Heartbeat 19:55 Heartbeat 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 Doc Martin 23:00 Law & Order: UK

00:10 Family Guy 00:40 Family Guy 01:10 American Dad! 01:35 American Dad! 02:00 Bob’s Burgers 02:30 Bob’s Burgers 03:00 Superstore 03:25 Superstore 03:50 Unwind with ITV 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:20 Coronation Street Omnibus 09:55 Secret Crush 10:55 Secret Crush 12:00 Dress to Impress 13:00 Dress to Impress 14:00 Take Me Out 15:15 The Croods 17:10 Mr Bean’s Holiday 18:55 Coyote Ugly 21:00 Snow White & the Huntsman 23:20 Celebrity Juice

00:05 Inspector Morse

Friday 29th April

Saturday 30th April 02:25 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:30 Click 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Zelensky: The Making of a President 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Click - Short Edition 04:45 Newscast 05:00 BBC News 05:30 Our World 06:00 BBC News 06:30 The Travel Show 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Homes Under the Hammer 13:00 Football Focus 14:00 BBC Weekend News 14:10 BBC Weather 14:15 Live: World Championship Snooker 17:30 Final Score 18:15 Garden Rescue 18:45 BBC Weekend News 18:55 BBC London 19:00 BBC Weather 19:05 The Hit List 19:50 Catchpoint 20:20 Celebrity Mastermind 20:50 Pointless Celebrities 21:40 Casualty 22:20 Casualty 23:00 BBC Weekend News 23:15 BBC Weather 23:20 Match of the Day

00:00 BBC Weather 07:10 The Rubbish World of 03:50 Come Dine with Me 04:15 Come Dine with Me 00:05 Expedition Rhino: The Dave Spud Search for the Last Northern 07:20 The Rubbish World of 04:45 Come Dine with Me Dave Spud 05:10 Come Dine with Me White 07:35 Thunderbirds Are Go 05:40 Come Dine with Me 00:50 MOTDx 08:00 Dare Master at Home 06:05 Moneybags 08:05 Mr Bean: The Animated 06:55 Mike & Molly 01:20 World Championship Series 07:15 Mike & Molly Snooker 08:15 Mr Bean: The Animated 07:40 The King of Queens 02:10 Panorama Series 08:05 The King of Queens 03:10 Thatcher & Reagan: A 08:30 Inspector Gadget 08:30 The Simpsons Very Special Relationship 08:45 Inspector Gadget 08:55 The Simpsons 04:10 Thatcher & Reagan: A 09:00 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:25 The Simpsons 09:25 ITV News 09:55 The Simpsons Very Special Relationship 09:30 Garraway’s Good Stuff 10:25 The Simpsons 05:10 This Is BBC TWO 10:25 James Martin’s 10:55 The Simpsons 07:30 The Dengineers Saturday Morning 11:25 The Simpsons 08:00 Blue Peter 12:35 Ainsley’s Good Mood 11:55 Four in a Bed Food 12:25 Four in a Bed 08:30 Britain’s Best Young 13:40 James Martin’s Islands 12:55 Four in a Bed Artist to Highlands 13:25 Four in a Bed 09:00 Britain’s Best Young 14:10 ITV Lunchtime News 13:55 Four in a Bed Artist 14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live 14:30 Live: FIA Formula E 09:30 Deadly 60 17:00 Tipping Point: Lucky Motor Racing 16:30 A Place in the Sun 10:00 Interior Design Masters Stars 18:00 The Chase: Celebrity 17:15 A Place in the Sun 11:00 To Be Announced Special 17:45 Ugly House to Lovely 13:10 The Band Wagon 19:00 ITV Evening News House with George Clarke 15:00 To Be Announced 19:15 ITV News London 18:50 Grand Designs 17:30 To Be Announced 19:30 In For a Penny 19:45 Channel 4 News 20:00 Romeo and Duet 20:15 Devon and Cornwall: 18:30 Flog It! 21:00 Britain’s Got Talent Fishing Lives 19:00 Natural World 22:20 The 1% Club 21:15 A Lake District Farm 20:00 To Be Announced 23:20 ITV News Shop 23:00 Miles Davis: Birth of 23:35 Terminator 2: 22:20 Captain America: Civil the Cool Judgment Day War

08:55 PAW Patrol 09:05 Baby Shark’s Big Show! 09:20 Pirata & Capitano 09:35 Meet The Experts 09:55 Show Me How 10:00 Ricky Zoom 10:15 The World According To Grandpa 10:25 Go Green With The Grimwades 10:35 The Adventures of Paddington 10:50 Circle Square 11:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 11:10 SpongeBob SquarePants 11:25 Entertainment News On 5 11:30 Friends 11:55 Friends 12:25 Friends 12:55 Friends 13:25 Our Yorkshire Farm 14:20 Our Yorkshire Farm 15:25 The Secret Garden 17:30 Inside The Balmoral: Scotland’s Finest Hotel 19:25 5 News Weekend 19:30 Holidaying With Jane McDonald: Florida 20:20 Tommy Cooper: In His Own Words 22:20 Queen: A Rock History

02:25 On the Buses 02:55 On the Buses 03:20 Unwind with ITV 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 On the Buses 07:35 On the Buses 08:05 On the Buses 08:35 Martin Clunes: My Travels and Other Animals 09:10 Martin Clunes: My Travels and Other Animals 09:40 Agatha Christie’s Marple 11:40 Agatha Christie’s Marple 13:50 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 16:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 Midsomer Murders 20:00 Midsomer Murders 22:00 Downton Abbey


costablancapeople.com | 26th April - 2nd May 2022

24 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide


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CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022


Channel 4

Sunday 1st May 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Dateline London 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Our World 05:00 BBC News 05:30 Click 06:00 BBC News 06:30 The Media Show 07:00 Breakfast 08:30 Match of the Day 10:00 Sunday Morning 11:00 Politics London 11:30 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Wanted Down Under Revisited 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC Weekend News 14:10 Weather for the Week Ahead 14:15 Songs of Praise 14:50 Points of View 15:05 To Be Announced 17:20 Dodger 18:05 Garden Rescue 18:35 BBC Weekend News 18:50 BBC London 18:55 BBC Weather 19:00 Countryfile 20:00 Our Changing Planet 21:00 Antiques Roadshow 22:00 Gentleman Jack 23:00 BBC Weekend News 23:20 BBC London 23:25 BBC Weather 23:30 Match of the Day 2

00:55 Jazz Divas Gold

07:20 The Rubbish World of 01:20 Warcraft Dave Spud 03:25 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 01:55 A White, White Day 07:35 Thunderbirds Are Go 04:10 Come Dine with Me 08:00 Dare Master at Home 05:00 Hollyoaks Omnibus 03:40 This Is BBC TWO 08:05 Mighty Mike 07:00 Kirstie’s Fill Your 08:10 Mighty Mike 07:20 Christine’s Garden House for Free 08:20 Mighty Mike 08:30 The Rubbish World of 07:15 Cheers 07:50 Gardeners’ World Dave Spud 07:40 Cheers 08:45 The Rubbish World of 08:10 Everybody Loves 08:50 Countryfile Dave Spud Raymond 08:55 Don’t Unleash the 09:50 Beechgrove 08:35 Everybody Loves Beast Raymond 10:20 Landward 09:25 ITV News 09:00 Everybody Loves 09:30 Big Zuu’s Breakfast 10:50 Being.. Show Raymond 10:25 Love Your Garden 11:30 Rebuilding Notre Dame 11:00 Love Your Weekend with 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Frasier 12:30 The Best Dishes Ever Alan Titchmarsh 10:30 Sunday Brunch 12:55 Ainsley’s Good Mood 13:30 The Simpsons Food 13:00 The Great British 13:55 The Simpsons 13:55 ITV Lunchtime News 14:00 In For a Penny Sewing Bee 14:25 The Simpsons 14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live 14:55 The Simpsons 14:00 Live: World 17:00 Hotel Transylvania 2 15:20 The Simpsons 18:40 The Chase: Celebrity 15:50 Couples Come Dine Championship Snooker Special with Me 19:35 ITV Evening News 19:00 Saving Lives at Sea 16:50 The Karate Kid 19:50 ITV News London 20:00 Tipping Point: Lucky 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 Live: World Stars 20:00 The Great House 21:00 Grace Championship Snooker Giveaway 23:00 ITV News 23:15 Searching for Michael 21:00 Inside the Superbrands 23:00 Muhammad Ali 22:00 SAS: Who Dares Wins Jackson’s Zoo With Ross 23:50 Free State of Jones 23:00 Gogglebox Kemp

Monday 2nd May

04:00 BBC News 02:00 Question Time 00:25 Premiership Rugby 04:30 Dateline London 01:25 Ideal World 05:00 BBC News 03:00 Rebuilding Notre Dame 04:00 St Davids: Britain’s 05:30 HARDtalk Smallest City 06:00 BBC World News 04:00 This Is BBC TWO 06:30 World Business Report 04:25 St Davids: Britain’s 07:00 Breakfast Smallest City 07:30 Bargain Hunt 10:15 Rip-Off Britain 04:50 Unwind with ITV 11:00 For Love or Money 08:15 The Bidding Room 11:45 Dom Digs In 06:05 Tipping Point 12:15 Homes Under the 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:00 Secrets Of The Museum Hammer 10:00 Lorraine 13:15 Bargain Hunt 11:00 This Morning 14:00 BBC News at One 10:00 BBC News 14:15 BBC London 13:30 Loose Women 14:25 BBC Weather 11:00 BBC News 14:45 ITV Lunchtime News 14:30 Doctors 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Five Bedrooms 14:00 Live: World 15:45 Money for Nothing 15:00 Despicable Me 2 16:15 Escape to the Country 17:00 Tenable Championship Snooker 17:15 Antiques Road Trip 18:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Bidding Room 19:00 My Unique B&B 18:45 Pointless 19:00 ITV Evening News 19:30 BBC News at Six 19:15 ITV News London 19:50 BBC London 19:30 Richard Osman’s House 19:25 Party Election 19:55 Party Election Broadcast Broadcast of Games 20:00 The One Show 19:30 The Chase 20:30 EastEnders 20:00 Live: World 20:30 Emmerdale 21:00 Attenborough and the 21:00 Coronation Street Mammoth Graveyard Championship Snooker 22:00 The Split 22:00 DI Ray 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:00 The Two Faces of 23:30 BBC London 23:15 It’ll Be Alright on the 23:35 BBC Weather Night January 23:40 Imagine...

04:20 Come Dine with Me 04:50 Come Dine with Me 05:15 Come Dine with Me 05:40 Come Dine with Me 06:10 Moneybags 07:00 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 07:10 Countdown 07:50 Cheers 08:15 Cheers 08:40 The King of Queens 09:05 The King of Queens 09:35 The King of Queens 10:05 Frasier 10:35 Frasier 11:05 Frasier 11:30 Undercover Boss USA: Celebrity Edition 12:30 Couples Come Dine with Me 13:30 Steph’s Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 The Great House Giveaway 18:00 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:30 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or List It 21:00 Food Unwrapped 22:00 Davina McCall: Sex, Mind and the Menopause 23:00 Married to a Psychopath

Channel 5




09:50 Show Me How 00:10 Family Guy 10:00 Ricky Zoom 00:35 Family Guy 10:15 The World According To 01:05 American Dad! Grandpa 10:30 Go Green With The 01:30 American Dad! Grimwades 02:00 Plebs 10:40 The Adventures of Paddington 02:30 Plebs 10:50 Circle Square 03:00 The Sex Lives of 11:00 SpongeBob SquarePants College Girls 11:15 SpongeBob SquarePants 04:00 Teleshopping 11:25 Entertainment News On 5 07:00 Secret Crush 11:30 Friends 08:00 Secret Crush 12:00 Friends 12:25 Friends 09:00 Dress to Impress 12:55 Martha’s Vineyard 10:00 Dress to Impress Mysteries: Poisoned in 11:05 Dress to Impress Paradise 14:40 Father of the Bride 12:05 In For a Penny 16:50 Father of the Bride 12:35 Catchphrase Part II 18:55 5 News Weekend 13:35 Britain’s Got Talent 19:00 World’s Most Luxurious 14:55 The Smurfs Super Yacht 20:00 TK Maxx: How Do They 17:00 Bruce Almighty Do It? 18:55 Evan Almighty 21:00 Happy Campers: The Caravan Park 20:50 Pitch Perfect 22:00 Holidaying With Jane 23:00 The Sex Lives of McDonald: Florida 23:00 World’s Most Luxurious College Girls Hotel 23:35 The Sex Lives of 23:50 Most Shocking Celebrity Moments College Girls

00:30 Agatha Christie’s Poirot

07:30 Blue’s Clues & You! 07:50 Fireman Sam 08:05 Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:20 Peppa Pig 08:25 PAW Patrol 08:55 Pip & Posy 09:10 The Adventures of Paddington 09:25 Ricky Zoom 09:35 Peppa Pig 09:40 Daisy & Ollie 09:50 Odo 09:55 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 13:15 Build a New Life in the Country 14:10 5 News at Lunchtime 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Morning Show Mysteries 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 18:00 Neighbours 18:30 Eggheads 18:55 5 News Update 19:00 Fare Dodgers: At War With The Law 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 Traffic Cops 22:00 Inside The Force: 24/7 23:00 Casualty 24/7

01:10 Law & Order: UK 02:10 Law & Order: UK 03:10 Law & Order: UK 04:00 Emmerdale Omnibus 06:30 Unwind with ITV 07:00 Coronation Street 07:35 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 On the Buses 09:40 On the Buses 10:10 Upstairs, Downstairs 11:25 Upstairs, Downstairs 12:30 Heartbeat 13:35 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:45 Coronation Street 16:15 Coronation Street 16:45 Agatha Christie’s Marple 18:50 Heartbeat 19:55 Heartbeat 21:00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 23:20 Law & Order: UK

00:10 Family Guy 00:40 Family Guy 01:05 American Dad! 01:35 American Dad! 02:05 Deep Heat 02:30 The Stand Up Sketch Show 03:00 The Emily Atack Show 03:50 Unwind with ITV 04:00 Teleshopping 07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:25 Dress to Impress 08:30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:25 Supermarket Sweep 10:30 Cats and Dogs 12:15 In For a Penny 12:45 Family Fortunes 13:15 Family Fortunes 14:25 Catchphrase 15:25 Mr Bean’s Holiday 17:10 Smallfoot 19:15 Spider-Man 3 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 American Dad! 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy 23:55 Family Guy

02:30 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 On the Buses 07:30 Emmerdale Omnibus 10:25 Agatha Christie’s Marple 12:25 Agatha Christie’s Marple 14:30 Agatha Christie’s Marple 16:35 Inspector Morse 18:50 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 21:00 Inside the Crown: Secrets of the Royals 22:00 An Audience with Ronnie Corbett 23:15 Vera



CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022

Princess visits refugee centre Princess Leonor spent time of her school holidays visiting a refugee centre attending to new arrivals from Ukraine – her first official Royal engagement of 2022 and her second since heading off to college in the UK. First heir to the throne and eldest of King Felipe VI’s and Queen Letizia’s two daughters, Leonor, 16, returned to from Wales, where she is undertaking her sixth-form studies at UWC Atlantic, an exclusive exam-only centre for teens from all over the world, up to threequarters of whom are on partial or full scholarships, and where the tough entrance tests are taken anonymously. The teen princess confirmed before setting off that she would still be taking part in Royal engagements whenever she returned to Madrid for the holidays, since she has to start preparing at a very young age for her future role as Queen of Spain. October half-term saw her present her namesake Princess of Asturias Awards – Spain’s national answer to the Nobel Prizes – and her second official visit since moving to Wales was on Easter Saturday at the Reception, Welcome and Distribution Centre (CREADE) for refugees in Pozuelo de Alarcón. An up-market commuter town a short drive from Madrid city, Pozuelo has long been a popular celebrity residence – footballers, screen artists and politicians live within its gated urbanisations – meaning it frequently tops the list of Spain’s richest municipalities. But this means it was the ideal

location for a centre which has attended to around half the Ukrainian refugees arriving in Spain who did not already have family connections in the country – close to Madrid airport, and with the public funds and resources needed to offer all possible help to confused, frightened and traumatised incomers. As at the end of March, the CREADE centre in Pozuelo de Alarcón had attended to 6,355 refugees from Ukraine, within 20 days of its opening.

Refugee Centres This centre was the first of three so far to launch, with the one in Alicante following five days later – within the next fortnight, this east-coast hub had attended to 3,054 arrivals. Barcelona’s CREADE centre opened the following day, on March 17, and by the end of the month had helped out 2,525 Ukrainians. Around 3,000 of the total have applied for asylum via the three centres. According to Spain’s government, the country has taken in around 110,000 Ukrainians, of whom 47,000 have had their asylum applications processed and all of whom will automatically have the right to remain in the country for between one and three years – a period which is likely to be extended if the conflict continues – and the same treatment will be given to everyone from Ukraine already in Spain, including those who were based there before the Russian invasion, since it is not safe for any of them to return to their home country for the foreseeable future. At the CREADE centres, the refugees

can apply for and receive a work permit and residence card within 24 hours. During her visit to the CREADE in Pozuelo, HRH Leonor was accompanied by Minister for Social Security and Migrations, José Luis Escrivá, Secretary of State for Migrations Jesús Perea, her parents, and her sister Sofía, who will turn 15 at the end of April. The Royal family also met with the Spanish Catholic Association for Immigrants, and toured the Gerencia building where the CREADE centre carries out its work. They got to see the classrooms where Ukrainians are being given Spanish lessons and taught about culture, law and society to help them find their feet in their new country. Staff at the centre explained their daily duties to the Royals, and took them on a tour of the residential zone,


PP rallies against Motion Censure

known by those in charge as ‘The Hotel’, which has a playroom for children and a leisure lounge. Top Nosh Finally, Leonor, her sister and parents greeted workers from the US-based charity World Central Kitchen – run by Spanish-born celebrity chef José Andrés – at their caravan in the patio. World Central Kitchen, and José Andrés himself, are usually among the first to arrive on the front line whenever a natural or man-made disaster happens anywhere in the world, firing up the hobs and ovens to cook hot meals for those who need it. More recently, this has included dishing up dinners to freezing, exhausted Ukrainians queuing to enter Poland on foot.

Emilio Bascuñana

The president of the Popular Party in the Valencian Community has visited Orihuela to show his support for Mayor Emilio Bascuñana, before the motion of censure signed by Ciudadanos, PSOE and Cambiemos. The pair were joined by the President of the PP for Alicante Province. Ahead of the vote the Mayor pointed out that “the PP in Orihuela is stronger than ever and is re-arming.” “We are facing a motion of censure that nobody understands because the last thing Orihuela needs is a motion of censure,” he said.


CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022


What Did You Say? When my mum was in her 70’s I noticed she often told me not to mumble. Since no one else seemed to have a problem hearing me, I had to accept she was not hearing very well, and I made an effort to speak more slowly and louder, as she wouldn’t countenance wearing a hearing aid. My father-in-law also lost much of his hearing in his 80’s, and had a rather large hearing aid which whistled, and which he only wore when he went out – so again, we had to raise our voices and speak clearly. It was annoying, and we would sigh with exasperation having repeated ourselves for the third time. ‘Deaf old bat’ was muttered more than once, and I’m ashamed to say I failed to sympathise with how difficult life is when you can’t hear properly. Then, about eight years ago, in my sixties, I realised my own hearing was not as sharp. It was small things at first. I didn’t hear what people were saying unless they were facing me, I needed the TV a bit louder, eating in crowded restaurants and parties started to become an ordeal, and I was aware how often my husband had to repeat himself. So, I went to a local hearing aid centre and a test revealed my hearing in one ear was down by 35 per cent, and rather less in the other. So, I spent a lot of money on hearing aids, which helped to a point, although I had to keep going back to have them adjusted, and the type of hearing was very electronic. Eventually I upgraded them to new ones which

were supposed to automatically adjust to the local ambience, be it restaurant, theatre, supermarket etc. but I never noticed a benefit from that. Certainly, they helped with volume, but clarity was a problem – so I could hear people talking but not what they were saying. Subtitles on TV became essential, and it was impossible to watch a drama or film without them. But worse, I realised that going out with a crowd of friends was an ordeal – so we stopped doing it. We will still have lunch with a couple of friends in a restaurant, and go early while things are quiet or increasingly, invite people to our home and cook for them – but evening gatherings, when there is a lot of noise is nothing short of torture. I no longer belong to a drama group because of my hearing problem. Rehearsals are in a large, tiled room where the sound bounces around off the walls would be hard to follow. I can still run my art class and work on my own artwork, but this silent ‘disease’ has radically changed my life. It’s very isolating, and although our friends are very understanding and accept I can’t cope with either live music, or crowds – I feel they have to make more of an effort to communicate with me – so I nod and smile a lot, pretending I have heard. Of course, the pandemic and wearing masks has made life so much more difficult, because all of us lipread to a point, but those with hearing loss depend on being able to see the face of the person talking to us.

I have to accept that my hearing loss is never going to improve, and I now also have pulsatile tinnitus, which means I hear any continuous noise – the fridge humming, a kettle boiling, a plane going over, waves breaking on the shore, as a pulse, like a heartbeat. You do learn to adapt and live with

hearing loss – but certainly these days our social life is restricted, and unlike a physical disability – people with normal hearing forget, or don’t realise you are feeling isolated and desperate to get out of the restaurant and go home. But I do count my blessings. I have friends with life limiting illnesses, or in

great pain, waiting years for operations. I can adapt and lead my life. But if you have friends who don’t hear well, try to be patient, don’t avoid them, and ask them for a quiet lunch instead of an evening party. They will thank you for it! By Suzanne Stokes

Essential information for book lovers optometrist will be able to spot these changes and intervene to make your life easier. Many people may simply need to wear reading glasses or switch their lenses to varifocals, but your optometrist will find the right option for you.’

Research by the Spanish Association of Publishers Guilds (FGEE) has revealed that in Spain we are a nation of book lovers, with 67.9% reading at least once a quarter and over half of people (52.7%) readingbooks at least once a week . Despite restrictions lifting, the amount of people regularly reading for pleasure has been maintained at 64.4%. There has been an increase in those people who are listening to audiobooks (5.2% compared to 3.1% in the previous year) and a slight drop in people reading digital books. Recommended Reading For Día del Libro - World Book Day, which took place on Saturday April 23, Nuria Ruiz from Nou Art book shop in Calpe recommends these three great reads: “Gratitude by awardwinning French novelist Delphine de Vigan, is an excellent book which shows us the importance of being thankful and was called a “cult sensation” by i newspaper and a “literary sensation” by the Daily Telegraph. “ V o z d e v i e j a ” (Oldladyvoice) by Elisa Victoria is a highly entertaining read, where the characters really come to life. It is highly critically acclaimed, being selected as Book of the Week by El Pais and praised by the New York Times and The Guardian. The Guardian’s critic AK Blakemore

What are the symptoms of presbyopia? • Finding it difficult to read small print • Blurred vision at normal reading distance • Holding things further away and even at arm’s length to see more clearly Mr Weger adds: ‘To look after

commented, ‘Victoria’s prose is effervescent, her jokes never miss their marks, and the observations of her young narrator feel as tender as they do authentic. I loved this wise, warped little jewel of a novel.’ Last but not least, for younger readers, I would highly recommend “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, as it’s a classic that is one of my must-haves for all families.” Reading and eye sight Unfortunately, the study revealed

that 4.8% of people don’t read, or don’t read frequently, due to problems with their sight and health. To ensure people are able to continue with their love of reading for years to come, this World Book Day,Specsavers Ópticas is highlighting the importance of regular eye tests. Claus Weger, optometrist and store director at Specsavers Ópticas in Calpe, says: ‘Some people may be well aware that they need glasses to help them see clearly, but for others a change in their eyesight may be more subtle and gradual. ‘Presbyopia happens to all of us as we get older and many people may start to notice changes in their close vision from the age of 40, which can make reading more difficult. The good news is that by having regular eye tests, your

your vision and ensure that you can continue reading comfortably, it is recommended that people have an eye examination at least once every two years, or more often if advised by their optometrist.’ There are six Specsavers Ópticas stores on the Costa Blanca; in Javea, Calpe, Benidorm, Torrevieja, Guardamar and La Zenia and complete eye tests are free. For more information about reading and eye sight, or to book an appointment visit www.specsavers. es. To find books online visit www. nouartcalpe.com or visit the shop on Carrer San Isidro, 10, in Calpe for more great recommendations.


CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022

Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022


The Alicante TRAM will be free on Sundays for three months The president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, announced in Parliament that, in order to encourage public transport and help alleviate the impact of inflation on Valencian families, the Alicante TRAM, the Castellón TRAM and Metrovalencia will be free on Sundays for the next three months. The measure will take effect in May. Sources from the Generalitat confirmed that this measure complements those that have already been taken in some urban transport routes, where rates have been reduced by up to 50%. Figures show that there are 110,000 people in the Valencian Community who regularly use public transport on Sundays, so they will benefit from free transportation for the next three months. The measure also seeks to gain new users of the network. These actions are part of ¡ the Reactive Plan to provide a Valencian response to the inflation crisis generated by the invasion of Ukraine. This programme, as Puig recalled, has a global allocation of around a billion euro and includes, among others, 71 million euro

to fight inflation, 425 million euro in aid to companies, the self-employed and families most affected, 380 million in energy efficiency measures and 68 million euro in actions to accelerate ‘energy autonomy’. The president said that the plan will be developed in parallel with other actions already in place to reinforce health, education and social protection. For example in terms

of health, the Créixer Plan sees 658 million investment until 2023 and that Edificant will allow the barracks to end in this legislature. Puig also mentioned that in terms of inclusive policies, the Convivint Plan will involve an investment of 561 million in social infrastructures. He also made reference to plans for the reform and construction of judicial headquarters worth 277 million euros.


CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022

Guys and Dolls In New York, a gambler is challenged to take a cold female missionary to Havana, but they fall for each other, and the bet has a hidden motive to finance a crap game. All the hot gamblers are in town, and they’re all depending on Nathan Detroit to set up this week’s incarnation of “The Oldest Established Permanent Floating Crap Game in New York;” the only problem is, he needs $1000 to get the place. Studio 32 believes that they have assembled one of the best vocal casts that they have ever had for this performance and don’t want anybody who enjoys musicals to miss out on seeing this fantastic show. For this reason they are offering groups of 20 or more who book via the website online booking service for Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th performances, a discount of €24 which will be

refunded on the night of the performance on production of the ticket receipt at front of house. There will also be a complimentary drink on arrival and at the interval. For further information call 679 062

272 or 636 020 547. To book tickets online visit the website at www.studiothirtytwo.org and for further information and advice on how to use the online booking service email studio32shows@gmail.com

is nothing new, “I have seen situations with riders like this and in some cases the client gives a tip and in others not.” While the photo was not originally his, it came from a

a Glovo rider - the majority of whom still work for the company as independent contractors. “Self-employed riders such as those at Glovo are often rated by customers and of course in some cases not agreeing to these requests can mean a lower score, and that affects the orders you are given,” he said. “The algorithm usually takes these ratings into account”. Despite the alleged risks, Moreno said that in this particular case, the driver didn’t take the customer’s bins out. Glovo has faced criticism in Spain for its response to the “rider’s law,” a piece of legislation enacted last year that - in theory - obliged platform companies to hire their workers as employees. The reality wasn’t as straightforward. Glovo hired around 2,000 workers in its socalled “dark store” distribution centres, but not the 8,000 delivery workers on its platform. Instead, it made algorithmic changes that effectively allowed riders to bid for work as contractors, sometimes undercutting each other in the process. Glovo has previously stated that it has not broken any laws and that it has taken steps to comply with the terms of the rider’s law.

Glovo order causes outrage in Spain “Please could the delivery person take the bins out?” A cheeky request by a Glovo customer has sparked outrage across Spain and online. The food delivery app has links with thousands of restaurants across Spain, offering a door to door delivery service and the option to order online through an app. The request that the driver bring the bins out while delivering an 11 euro food order has drawn attention to the precarious situation of gig workers in Spain. A photo, posted on Twitter by Paco Moreno from Spain’s CCOO union, shows a paper slip that riders working on behalf of the delivery platform receive when collecting an order from a restaurant. Moreno wrote: “When they want you to be a rider and a concierge.” Along with a description of the food to be delivered, a section marked “allergies” contains a request from the customer: “Please could the delivery person drop the food by the door and then take the rubbish with them on their way out?” The post sparked outrage with commentators saying “This has to be a joke, right?” and “You’ve got to be shameless to leave a note like that.” Moreno told the press it

group chat of delivery workers he is a part of, Moreno explained. The problem, Moreno said, is that while the request in this case might not sound like much, refusing to take the rubbish and upsetting the customer could have financial consequences for

An end to cheap drink?

Cheap alcohol could be coming to an end in Spain as the EU hopes to increase tax on beer wine and other alcoholic drinks. The minimum rates applied by member states have not been revised since 1992 and have not kept up with inflation and consumption patterns. With growing public health concerns surrounding binge drinking,

the days of cheap drink in Spain might be drawing to a close. Spanish health professionals are calling on Spain’s Ministry for Health to increase the price of alcoholic drinks, including wine and beer, as well as increasing the minimum legal drinking age, and imposing strict control on points of sale in order to combat binge drinking, in its draft bill

on the prevention of underage drinking. The Ministry of Health and the Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs opened for public consultation the draft bill to protect minors from the negative effects of alcohol and “prevent activities and conduct aimed at promoting, favouring or facilitating its consumption”.

Bars & Restaurants



Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022

Three out of ten consultations in primary care and neurology are referred for headaches Quirónsalud has a ‘headache programme’ in all its centres in the province of Alicante in which this condition is addressed comprehensively. Three out of ten consultations in primary care and neurology are prompted by headaches and migraines, according to the Spanish Society of Neurology. “The high incidence,” says Dr. Erika Torres, neurologist and specialist in headaches at Quirónsalud Torrevieja and Alicante, “delays access to a specialized consultation and increases the risk of chronic pain and disability by not obtaining a diagnosis, treatment and adequate follow-up of the patient.” Poorly controlled headaches can become a major cause of functional limitation and disability, causing repercussions that reduce the quality of life in all areas of life for the patient: work, family, leisure, etc. “For this reason,” indicates the neurologist from Quirónsalud Torrevieja and Alicante, “it is essential to carry out an adequate and early diagnosis of the type of headache suffered in order to carry out the correct treatment, personalizing it, taking into account the specific characteristics of each patient”. Differences between migraines and headaches Headaches are divided into two groups: a first group that includes

primary headaches, including sporadic or chronic migraines and tension headaches in which the pain is not related to any disease, and a second group that includes secondary headaches in which there is an underlying cause for the headache and is a symptom of another disease such as eye disorders or fever. Tensiontype headache would be the most prevalent type of primary headache, affecting 66% of the population. Migraines are expressed with different symptoms than tension headache. As Dr. Torres explains, “While migraine presents as a pain on one side of the head with pulsating characteristics or very intense pressure that can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and discomfort from sounds, light or smells, tension-type headache is located in the whole head, with less intense pain than migraine, but uncomfortable because it is more constant and is usually associated with a feeling of dizziness and dullness.” To avoid chronic headaches, Dr. Torres recommends healthy lifestyle habits, not abusing painkillers and going to a specialist to receive adequate treatment. Quirónsalud Alicante and Torrevieja, benchmarks in the treatment of headaches Quirónsalud has a headache programme in all centeres in the province of Alicante in

which headaches are addressed comprehensively. Patients have quick access to a consultant who, from the beginning, guides the patient about their type of headache, carrying out the necessary studies in each case. The program also includes the neurological nursing consultation service in which the patient is educated on pathology, their life habits are analyzed in detail and recommendations are made on what hygienic-dietary measures can help improve their quality of life. This program also provides the patient with the most advanced treatments such as the administration of Botox for migraine and chronic tension-type headache, the new

monoclonals with subcutaneous application for sporadic migraine and the rest of the therapeutic arsenal for less frequent headaches but just as important to alleviate suffering of the patient caused by conditions such as trigeminal neuralgia, occipital neuralgia, cluster headache, etc. The patient has close contact with the professionals throughout and the health professionals will resolve all doubts quickly and continuously, both in person, by telephone and via email. More information about headaches can be found in the video https:// youtu.be/DB6ES52zpQw


Please note that all information contained within this Costa Blanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.


Spanish woman catches covid twice in three weeks

A 31 year old Spanish healthworker caught Covid twice in three weeks, it was reported this week. The woman who tested positive a few days before Christmas in December 2021 and again in January 2022, said scientists. Researchers say that the case is further evidence that the Omicron variant can evade immunity from even recent previous infections. The woman, who was fully vaccinated and had received her booster 12 days before her first infection, tested positive in a PCR staff screening test at work on 20 December. She didn’t develop any symptoms, and self-isolated for 10 days before returning to work. On 10 January 2022, just 20 days after first testing positive, she developed a cough, fever and felt generally unwell and did another PCR test. This was also positive. Genome sequencing showed that the patient had been infected by two different Covid variants. Her first infection was with the Delta variant and the second was with the Omicron variant, which is known to be more infectious and can evade immunity from past infections and vaccination.


I like to think I haven’t done too badly, despite my parents not being all they should have been. My mother was often passed out drunk, and I was left by myself. I know all my friends’ mums and dads used to feel sorry for me. My parents never once took me on a ‘children’s holiday’, always a skiing or riding holiday - something they wanted to do, and they would often holiday separately. My kind Uncle took me with them one time on holiday, and I will never forget it - it was idyllic, and I wished my Aunty and Uncle had been my parents. As a child I thought this was the norm, and have only come to see how neglectful my parents were as the years have gone on. I was always overweight and was often berated for

CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022

being fat by my mother. But to pacify me, my parents would literally throw packets of crisps and sweets at me, that were kept in the glove compartment of the car. My mother took me to a slimming group once and humiliated me in front of everyone when I hadn’t lost weight. She often told me that I was a mistake and was an unwanted pregnancy. My father just used to give me money whenever I sought attention from him. They divorced after my father discovered mother had cheated on him, three weeks after they married, and she had affairs throughout the marriage. I was 16 when they split and doing my school exams, and so I failed those. You have turned out well despite them.

You suffer from anxiety and that is understandable; you are suffering a post trauma. Please go to your GP and asked to be referred for counselling. You can’t change the past, but you can come to accept that what happened; happened, and it was not your fault. But now you owe it to yourself to live the best life you can live.

Write to Sara in confidence. a pSeudonym Will be uSed if you WiSh. Sara readS all letterS and can give a perSonal reply. email your queStion to Sara@ coStablancapeople.com or Sara iS available for private conSultationS, telephone 650 054 467.

AAN CHARITY FASHION SHOW Thursday 12th May at 6.00pm Kosy Korner & Jack’s Bar Clothes on sale after the show along with rails of many other bargains. Come along and join in the fun and support this great charity. Don’t be disappointed, book a table now at Kosy Korner (food available) or Jack’s Bar for more information phone Brenda on 634301070 AAN Charity is helping to feed the Needy of San Fulgencio and Urb. La Marina.

Plaza Sierra Castilla 42 Reg: CV-01-052195-a CIF G54761226 Tel: 634301070 The AAN Charity will now be selling items of furniture and other large items in the lower part of the Catholic Church, located on Justo Antonio Quesada (just past the market place) in La Marina Urbanization. The next sale will be on Thursday 28th of April 2022 from 10.30 till 1.00pm.

Health & Beauty



CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022


33 CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022

Changes Expected for Elderly Drivers

The deputy director of Education and Road Training of the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), María José Aparicio, has confirmed that the DGT will reduce the periods of validity of the driving licence of the elderly. “30% of those killed in traffic accidents in the European Union are over 65 years old. A figure that is repeated in all countries and that reaches 50% when we talk about pedestrian or cyclist deaths. In Spain in 2019, the 28% of those who died in traffic accidents were over 65 years of age. These figures will worsen, if we do nothing, due to the aging of the population,” warned the deputy director. In relation to the loss of psychophysical skills and the review of the validity of the driving licence, the Deputy Director of Traffic has clarified that DGT wants to review not only the periods of validity of the permits of the elderly but all the periods of validity. “We know that in the case of people of a certain age we will have to reduce them,” said María José Aparicio, who has defended that we must “protect older people, but always promoting their mobility, safety and freedom.” For his part, the director of Fesvial projects, José Ignacio Lijarcio, referred to the ‘Savima Study’, on the road health of older drivers. “There must be a promotion of the mobility of the elderly, since we are not talking about a question of age but of health”, he declared. “The image of our elders has changed. Life expectancy has increased and those over 65 move differently. In addition, they are not technological natives, but we have to address them, that is why social and generational learning is important We have to accompany them in this transition, because they have to keep learning”, he pointed out. Lijarcio explained that, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that the world population aged 60 will reach 2,000 million in 2050 and that the European Union estimates that in 2040, 27% of the European

population will be over 65 years of age. From CNAE, its president, Enrique Lorca, has commented that “after the pandemic, people of a certain age who had a permit and had not driven for a long time, wanted to go back to driving school before getting behind the wheel.” “ We like to be able to improve your mobility. We gain years and we can lose skills, abilities, knowledge, that is why at CNAE we are in favour of the fact that, from time to time and coinciding with the renewal of the driving licence, there could be some type of update, which would serve to help people who have lost knowledge,” he said. In his speech, the general secretary of the Spanish Association of Psychological Medical Centres (ASECEMP), Bonifacio Martín, said that “age is a factor that notably influences the loss of faculties; the older, the more refusals and restrictive conditions”. He has also pointed out that “vision is the most important organ in providing information on driving and it is also the one that provides the greatest number of denials and restrictive conditions”. Martín commented that “controversy is frequent as to whether or not there should be an age limit for driving”. “What there must be are adequate psychophysical conditions, if they meet you can drive and if not, no, whatever

your age. In terms of road safety, the important thing is that they are met and that the centre of reconnaissance does their job well and check that the driver has those required conditions”, he defended. He has pointed out that in all the forums in which they have participated they have demanded a return to the validity periods of 2009. “Unsuccessfully so far, although the Director General of Traffic has spoken about the issue. It will be a slow process but if you don’t start, you won’t reach it”, he settled. Currently, the driving licence (class B) is renewed every 10 years until the age of 65, at which point it begins to expire every 5 years. Before 2009, the validity was 10 years up to 45 years. Afterwards, the renewal was every five years until the age of 70 and, from then on, every two years. The General Director of Traffic, Pere Navarro, in his recent appearance before the Commission on Road Safety of Congress, announced that the deadlines and psychophysical tests in the renewal of the driving license of the elderly will be reviewed. According to data from the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), more than four million people over the age of 65 maintain their driving licence, which represents more than 15% of the driver census.

One in Three Medications Interfere with Your Ability to Drive Up to 6,156 prescription medications can cause interactions in our ability to drive. If we take into account data from the DGT, traffic accidents are the fifth most frequent cause of death in Spain, and around 5% of road accidents are related to medications. To this we must add the many drivers who use medications that do not require a prescription and are unaware and underestimate the effects that they can also present. According to information from the drug database of the General Council of Pharmaceutical Colleges, 33.9% of drugs include a pictogram -a red equilateral triangle with a black car inside on a white background- that warns about their possible interaction with driving. These can cause anything from drowsiness to a sedative effect. Other effects are the reduction of reflexes and increased reaction time (due to decreased concentration or the ability to remain alert), altered perception of distances, ophthalmological or hearing alterations, states of confusion and light-headedness, and muscle disturbances.

To control these possible effects, it is recommended to avoid driving when starting a treatment that could potentially reduce reflexes or visual capacity, to take special care with the joint administration of several medications, and of course, not to consume alcohol. It is important to remember that some medicines include alcohol in their composition, and that it

is advisable to consult the prospectus to know its total content. In any case, each situation must be assessed individually by a health professional, since the same medication may not affect one person and significantly affect another. Even the same drug could influence the same person differently, at different times.



CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022


SPRING RECIPES Parmesan spring chicken

Ingredients 1 egg white 5 tbsp finely grated parmesan 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 400g new potatoes , cut into small cubes 140g frozen peas Good handful baby spinach leaves 1 tbsp white wine vinegar 2 tsp olive oil Method STEP 1 Heat grill to medium and line the grill pan with foil. Beat the egg white on a plate with a little salt and pepper. Tip the parmesan onto another plate. Dip the chicken first in egg white, then in the cheese. Grill the coated chicken for 10-12 mins, turning once until browned and crisp. STEP 2 Meanwhile, boil the potatoes for 10 mins, adding the peas for the final 3 mins, then drain. Toss the vegetables

with the spinach leaves, vinegar, oil and seasoning to taste. Divide between four warm plates, then serve with the chicken.

Crusty pasta & broccoli bake

Ingredients 400g penne or macaroni 1 red onion, roughly chopped 250g head broccoli, stalks chopped and florets halved 1 vegetable stock cube 1 tsp French or German mustard 200g pot half fat crème fraîche 100g grated mature gruyère or cheddar Small handful parsley leaves, chopped 4 tbsp fresh white breadcrumbs (or put 1 slice crustless white bread through a food processor) ½ tsp dried mixed herbs or thyme Method STEP 1 Boil the pasta, onion and broccoli stalks in plenty of lightly salted boiling water for about 7 mins, then add the florets and cook for another 3 mins. Reserve about 400ml of the water, then drain the pasta and vegetables. STEP 2 Return the reserved water to the pan and dissolve the stock cube, whisk in the mustard and crème fraîche, then season to taste. Bring to the boil. Stir in the drained pasta, vegetables and half the cheese, mixing until melted. Stir in the parsley.

STEP 3 Heat the grill for 3 mins. Tip the pasta and vegetables into a shallow, ovenproof dish. Mix together the remaining cheese, breadcrumbs and herbs, then scatter on top. STEP 4 Stand the dish on the base of a grill pan and grill for about 3 mins, turning if it starts to brown. Keep watching so the top doesn’t start to burn or the cheese will toughen. Remove and leave to stand for 5 mins before serving.

Rhubarb & gingernut cheesecake Ingredients 500g forced rhubarb , chopped into 4cm lengths 150g caster sugar 1 blood orange , zested and juiced 1 vanilla pod 100g butter , melted, plus extra for the tin 200g gingernut biscuits 500g mascarpone or soft cheese 100g quark or thick natural yogurt 1 tbsp pistachios , chopped

Method STEP 1 Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Line a large baking tray with baking parchment and fill with the rhubarb. Scatter over the sugar and orange zest and pour over the juice. Scrape the seeds from the vanilla pod in there too, throwing the spent pod on top. Cover with foil and roast for 20 mins. Remove from the oven. Purée a third of the

rhubarb, reserving the rest for the top. STEP 2 Butter a 20cm springform cake tin and line it with baking parchment. To make the base, put the biscuits in a bag and smash them with a rolling pin, or put them in a food processor and grind to crumbs. Tip into a mixing bowl, and stir in a pinch of sea salt. Pour the butter over the crumbs. Mix it together with a fork and tip it into the tin. Tap the side of the tin with your hand to even the crumbs out, and gently compress it with the back of a large spoon until it’s packed in and level. You want it fairly well packed so that it holds together. Put in the fridge to chill. STEP 3 To make the filling, put the cheese and quark or yogurt into a mixing

bowl, or the bowl of a stand mixer, and beat it together. Mix until combined and thickened, then fold through the rhubarb purée. STEP 4 Pile the mixture on top of the biscuit base and smooth it down. Cover with cling film and chill overnight until set. Remove the rhubarb from its syrup with a slotted spoon, tip the syrup into a pan and bring to the boil. Reduce for about 3-5 mins until the syrup is more concentrated. Allow to cool. STEP 5 Carefully remove the cheesecake from its tin. Pile the rhubarb on top and drizzle over some syrup (you can save the rest for drizzling over porridge), then scatter with the pistachios to serve.


CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022

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CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022

26th April - 2nd May 2022 www.costablancapeople.com items wanted

International Christian Assembly Evangelical Church. We welcome you to Sunday Service at 11am (English) Calle Urbano Arregui 23, Torrevieja, 03185 www.icatorrevieja.org Phone; 966799273 or 660127276 (SH) Join us at Salt Church. Sundays at 10.30am. We are a friendly Church, Bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Calle Daya Nueva 12, Poligino Industrial Levante II, 03187 Los Montsinos. www.saltchurch.es Facebook: SaltChurchSpain

Funerals Cremation plan. 2,575 euros. One time payment. Full paperwork. Call 697834934. (942)

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Girls losing interest in sport after primary school A worrying new survey by Women in Sport has found that interest in sport among teenage girls is waning. More than a million girls who would have considered themselves to be ‘sporty’ in primary school lose interest in sport as teens. The study found that a fear of being judged and a lack of confidence were the main reasons cited for declining interest in sport among teenage girls. The Women in Sport poll of more than 4,000 teenagers found that 43% of girls felt they were sporty at primary pupils but no longer saw themselves this way. The sample size interviewed would equate to 1.3 million girls across the UK. Out of these girls, 68% said that a fear of feeling judged prevented them from taking part, while 61% said they lacked confidence. Just under half (47%) said they were too busy with school work to carry on with sport. Teenage girls were much more likely to say they used to be sporty but were no longer keen on exercise than boys (24%). A report on the findings concluded that girls may need more support to engage with sport as they go through puberty. Nearly eight in 10 (78%) of girls who said they used to be sporty admitted they avoided taking part in sport when on their period – higher than those who had never been sporty (69%) and those who were still passionately involved in sport (64%). Self-belief and body image concerns were found to be issues that all girls

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struggled with, but this was especially true for girls who had stopped taking part in sport and physical activity as they grew older. Of previously “sporty” girls, 73% said their dislike of others watching them was an obstacle to their taking part in exercise. Women in Sport said it was “deeply concerned by the number of girls who disengage from sport and exercise post primary school”. It added that a further dip in engagement was found at age 17 to 18, once school sport was no longer compulsory. Stephanie Hilborne, the chief executive of Women in Sport, said: “It’s an absolute travesty that teenage girls are being pushed out of sport at such a scale.” She added that losing sport at this formative stage of their lives equated to a “loss of joy as well as good lifelong health”. “It is well documented that taking part in physical activity can have a profound and positive effect on mental wellbeing as well as providing many pivotal life skills such as resilience, teamwork and communication.”



CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022


TAlES FROM THE TOP FlIGHT n CHRis daRWeN chris@costablancapeople.com

With midweek matches been and gone, it’s been a busy seven days in the Premier League. Manchester United had better have made sure Ten Hag’s contract is watertight. The Ajax manager has agreed a three-year deal to be the next Old Trafford manager to fail at restoring the club to its former glory. United players responded to the need to impress a new incoming boss by getting shellacked 4-0 at Liverpool - a result we all saw coming as soon as Ralf ‘supply teacher’ Rangnick opted for Phil Jones on the right of a back three that also included Harry Maguire. If that wasn’t enough to put the Dutchman off being formally announced in the wake of Liverpool claiming a 9-0 aggregate win over their bitter rivals this, season. United headed to the Emirates in what should have been a big-time clash for the much-coveted Premier League fourth spot. Arsenal, who I prematurely accused of bottling it over the last few weeks, has beaten Chelsea 4-2 at the Bridge in the week meaning they were notso-quietly confident of inflicting more pain on their rivals - are they rivals? Have United hit new depths meaning West Ham and Wolves are really the sides they are now competing with? The Gunners, without amazing form for beating the big sides in the league, have now beaten two in a week and Eddie Nketiah has starred in both. Just saying, given that Edu is talking about two box-office signings this summer and anything other than a new number 9 is hard to sell as ‘boxoffice’. Rangnick said post-match that being knocked out of the Champions League had killed United’s confidence this season - well, the pain must be real and raw as they are showing no sign of being exposed to it again next time out. The German’s masterplan evolved from having Jones and Maguire in the team - United’s captain kept the bench warm but it didn’t make a jot of difference as Raphael Varane and Alex Telles could have not have dealt with that cross any worse had they actually been blindfolded and sunk six pints of lager. Ronaldo was Ronaldo - and by that I mean 95% ineffective at anything other than sticking the ball in the back of the net. He notched his 100th Premier League goal but then, bizarrely, didn’t feel well enough to take the all-important penalty awarded to United. Bruno Fernandes, having one of his petulant teenagerlike days, didn’t cover himself in glory by missing - and then was guilty of losing the ball moments before Xhaka did what Xhaka does against Man United. Scoring from distance, that’s what he does. Jesse Lingard thinks the dressing

room is a ‘disaster’ and Scott McTominay looked like he was going to burst into tears in his post-match interview. Don’t worry though, lads - Paul Pogba’s social media team reckon he’ll be back before the end of the season, much to Jamie Carragher’s delight.

Brighton don’t score many, so will have been delighted to have raced into a two-goal lead over the ever generous, never consistent Southampton. James Ward-Prowse took umbrage to that and singlehandedly dragged his side back into the game, scoring twice and earning a pointless point for both. Obviously, one was a worldy of a free-kick - his 14th in the Premier League.

The Merseyside derby was the biggest event of the Premier League weekend and if you are King Klopp and you are struggling to break down the Ev, who do you call? Big Divock Origi of course! The cult-like Belgian was summoned from the bench to see if he does actually have some kind of business end of the season voodoolike hold over Liverpool’s destiny. It turns out, he does - his first chance of significance set up Andy Robertson for the opening goal before heading home Luis Diaz’s overheader for the second 20 minutes later. Worthy of Carragher’s man-ofthe-match award? Totally - though I might have given to Alisson for the late-mockery of Jordan Pickford’s time-wasting. Also, did Richarlison have a cheeky punt on being the first player in a while to get sent off in both league derbies? Everton are in deep, deep doodoo. They couldn’t go down, could they? Lamps has already aged another decade since taking the job relegation will make him look like his old man. Of course, all Liverpool actually did beating Everton was keep Manchester City on their toes after the Premier League leaders got a bye on Saturday. Sorry, sorry - I mean they played Watford. Gabby Jesus was resurrected once again following Easter - though he might get sent to Arsenal for sins he has not committed - scoring four against the hapless Hornets. City played within themselves - almost as if they have an important game on the horizon - and Watford were just relieved it wasn’t like the last match which ended 8-1. Roy Hodgson refuses to accept his side are down even with all the evidence very much pointing to that fact. Tottenham played very clever in their 0-0 draw with Brentford - or did they? On one hand, it was a performance that will have helped Christian Eriksen see that there is a Danish shaped hole in their midfield that he would be very welcome to fill. On the other, Eriksen said after the game that he hopes Spurs make the Champions League - I’m guessing the European appearance bonuses might be decent at the Lane - and a goalless draw given their neighbour’s result doesn’t help them massively. But, Antonio Conte refused to answer questions about him after the game - meaning it’s on, it’s very on. There’s also zero chance Ivan Toney will be lining up for Thomas Frank next season - the big striker could have added another 10 million big ones to his price if just one of his two efforts had gone in rather than hit the woodwork. Either way, there will

In the game nobody will remember from the weekend, Aston Villa finally stopped losing, Leicester City managed to not concede from a corner and Jamie Vardy returned to give their Conference League hopes a little boost. be an orderly queue for his signature forming as we speak.

Want a bit of breaking rumour? Yes, yes you do.

There was a bizarre irony that West Ham’s starting XI, very much selected with a Thursday night match in mind, kept pace with Chelsea. When the likes of Declan Rice and Jarrod Bowen were summoned from the bench, Chelsea raised their game - Romelu Lukaku, in a rare outing, rolling Craig Dawson as if the Hammers’ defender was a Las Vegas dice and the Belgian needed a double six. But where did contact turn into a foul - inside or outside the box?

Ten Hag’s early transfer plans for United read a bit like a time machine has taken us back to 2016. Eriksen is top of his list, apparently - though there are rumours that Donny van der Beek has been smiling a lot more at Everton given his former boss could well be his new boss once again.

The penalty was given, West Ham’s one-and-only fit centre-back was dismissed and Jorginho fluffed the penno in the most hilarious of fashions. Those ones only look cool if they go in. No matter though, as Marcos Alonso - not needing to defend due to the one-man advantage, served Christian Pulisic a lovely plate of “go on son, tuck that one away”. The Moysiah knows fourth is beyond them and will be more worried that Gary Neville thought he was older than Stuart Pearce - 60 on Sunday. He’ll get over it by focusing on Frankfurt in the Europa League semis. Eddie Howe is a miracle worker not for keeping Newcastle up, but for getting Joelinton to score two in one game. The win over certain-tobe-relegated Norwich saw Newcastle jump up to a nose-bleed inducing 9th place in the Premier League table - all whilst Steve Bruce continues to do absolutely nothing at West Brom. Does anyone still think it was a bad call to make that change? Dean Smith thinks the main difference is the money the Saudis have spent on players - you think? Though, it would be harsh to suggest Howe has done nothing other than pick the new signings. Bruno G’s form is hot, but he was given time to boil as he was introduced very, very slowly. Burnley players would like Michael Jackson to keep busting a beat for them. A draw and two wins for the Turf Moor caretaker saw them jump above Everton before the Merseyside derby which, of course, meant Burnley were still ahead of Everton after the Merseyside derby. Any gaffer capable of getting Matty Vydra scoring in the Premier League deserves the job permanently.

Barcelona boss Xavi felt compelled to remind people that he likes Frenkie de Jong a lot and would prefer him not to disappear to Old Trafford for yet another Ten Hag reunion. Tommy T likes Declan Rice a lot but is unlikely to fight Manchesters City or United for the £150m player. West Ham will refuse to sell for a penny less even though Rice has made it clear he’s not signing a new deal. Just imagine what United might have been this season if they’d spent all their wasted transfer bunce over the last 18 months on one single Declan. Arsenal, as we know, would like Jesus to turn Emirates water into wine next season - but they are also very keen on returning Tammy to Laandan Town. Abraham has been on actual fire for Jose this season and Mikel Arteta is hoping that hot streak could continue in a proper league. Antonio Rudiger believes the proper football is played in La Liga - or at the very least, the proper paycheques come from there. He’s said no to £200K a week from Chelsea - which, of course, they cannot legally offer right now - and is very likely to be wearing the white of Real Madrid next season. A rumour run would not be complete without one that makes you roll around on the floor, tears streaming down your face. Tottenham have been linked to Bayern Munich star Serge Gnabry - presumably, because he has played in North London before and not because he would actually have any interest in leaving the 10-times-in-a-row Bundesliga champions for another pop at 4th place in the Premier League next season. It’s this kind of rumour that adds fire to the flames that Conte is keen on replacing soonto-be-sacked Pochettino at PSG. More realistic is that Spurs are chasing Inter Milan right-back Denzel Dumfries who, if he signs, would immediately win the ‘best-named

transfer deal of the summer’ award. Leicester have accepted they probably need better players if they are to have any chance of missing out on Champions League football on the final day again any time soon - they want Ibrahim Sangare of PSV for £30m. West Ham, down to one fit central defender for their upcoming European exploits, would like to avoid that next season by signing Everton’s Michael Keane in the summer. You can only assume they’ve not actually watched him recently. Duje Caleta-Car has been a consistent Premier League rumour for several windows now so it makes sense that Aston Villa are finally linked to signing the Marseille centre-back. Newcastle still have a fair wad of cash to burn through and are keen to give PSG keeper Kaylor Navas a decent wedge of it. Howe is also being linked to Monaco’s Benoit Badiashile and Leverkusen’s Moussa Diaby.


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CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022




CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022



CostaBlancaPeople 26th April - 2nd May 2022


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