27 June - 3 July 2017

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Cala Mosca fight receives key political support The fight to save Cala Mosca has received important political support after a majority of political parties in the Environment Committee of the Valencia regional parliament voted to support its protection.


he politicians voted in favour of a motion to provide major additional protection to Cala Mosca in the face of a plan to build 1,500 new houses on this last unspoilt natural area on Orihuela Costa. The motion was presented by the

Vega Baja member of the Valencia Parliament, Antonio Estañ. The parties supporting the motion include parties in the coalition which governs the Valencia region. This is particularly relevant in the expected follow up to the motion. The only party which voted against was the Popular Party, which heads the municipal government of Orihuela. A CLARO spokesman said: “The Popular Party of Orihuela and its coalition partner, the Ciudadanos Party, have not lifted a finger to prevent this emblematic last green area of the Orihuela coast being

covered in concrete. They continue to approve new building projects which result in much additional revenue for the municipality but they do not invest this revenue in Orihuela Costa which is becoming a concrete jungle with a constantly increasing population but deficient services and infrastructure.” The important protections which the motion recommends include an independent environmental impact study to be carried out by the Valencia government. This was the principal recommendation of the European

Tuesday, 27th June - 3rd July 2017

Parliament Petitions Committee at its meeting in February attended by CLARO’S Bob Houliston and Marta Guillen of the Cambiemos Orihuela party. The unanimous view of the Petitions Committee, which has given constant support to the efforts to save Cala Mosca since it was presented with a petition of more than 7,000 signatories in 2010, was that the environmental impact study carried out by the developer, although legally legitimate, could not be considered objective since the developer’s interest is to justify the project to build 1,500 new houses. Another recommendation in the motion of 22nd June was a wider Continued on page 2


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