7 April - 13 April 2020

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7TH - 13TH APRIL 2020 - EDITION 833

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Your Essential Weekly Read

Lockdown to be extended The Government has decided to extend the coronavirus State of Alarm for two more weeks, until April 26, and is preparing the country for further extensions, it has been revealed. Pedro Sánchez made a statement to the nation on Saturday after consulting with the Scientific Committee, the expert group which analyses all the data and statistical models to calculate how the current pandemic is evolving. Non essential sectors, those that are currently paralyzed until April 9th, will be able to return to work as planned after Easter, because the decree ordering the ‘hibernation’ of the economy will not be extended. The government’s plan is that after Easter we will return to the state of confinement that was in place before the tighter measures were announced. Experts say the curve of infection has stabilised but that the contagion continues to grow and because of this, the government will officially request Congress to grant it permission to extend the state of alarm for two more weeks. Likely already a foregone conclusion, the state’s lower house, the Congress of Deputies, will need to vote on the measure this week to formalise the decision. This extension, if voted in successfully, will be the second 15 day extension bringing the state of alarm ‘lockdown’ to 45 days. The lockdown is being extended in increments of 15 days due to the Constitution. According to Article 116 of the Spanish Constitution, there must be a democratic process in place to extend the state of alarm by 15 days at a time. Sánchez has hinted that the government is already considering further extensions, saying at the weekend, “I announce that more days of alarm will come, but not the same, we will begin to make that transition and recover some of our economic and social life.”

Despite the bad news, Sánchez has assured citizens that the data is positive. "We are close to reaching [the peak]. But now it is time to ask for sacrifice, resistance, a victory of morals,” said the President as he justified the extension of the state of alarm. “We believe that it is the time that our health system needs to recover. We have taken very harsh but essential measures. We need to maintain them,” he continued, “These are very difficult days for all. They test our serenity. Frenetic days for many that force us to make unthinkable decisions. For many, they are the most difficult days of our lives,” Sánchez admitted. The Government is already thinking about the end of lockdown, but with great caution. “We cannot relax, because it would trigger a second wave when our resistances are weaker. When we have controlled the curve, we will transition towards a new normality and towards a reconstruction of our economy. For weeks there has been a specific team of epidemiologists who have been preparing a plan to resume economic and social activity,” announced the president, who pointed out that a vaccine will take months, and therefore, while it is being researched and tested, it will be necessary to take measures in the interim. Unity Sánchez called for unity, and appealed for his fellow politicians to remember the 1977 Moncloa Pacts – a series of political and economic agreements to ensure Spain’s transition from dictatorship to democracy. His calls for unity started with the opposition leader, Pablo Casado, to whom he appealed for support. Casado and his party were vociferous in their criticism of Sánchez last week since they were not notified about the decision to tighten lockdown measures to stop all but essential services

Pedro Sánchez

This time Sánchez has changed the formula to avoid that same criticism being levelled against him or his party. "We are going to speak with all the political forces and with all the social agents to go forward, I think we can seek an agreement like the Pacts of Moncloa", said Sánchez. He also claimed does not want to enter into criticism of the opposition. “There will be time for political debate, now the enemy is Covid-19, as a government we are in it together.” Meanwhile, Sánchez thanked citizens for their patience. Spain has one of the strictest quarantines in the world. Since the beginning, no one has been allowed

to leave their homes for anything nonessential. Unlike many countries, outdoor exercise is not permitted.

“I understand how difficult it will be to stay home in isolation for two more weeks,” said Sánchez.



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th April 2020

Supermarket changes

Payment relief The self-employed who own a business premises will not have to pay the mortgage on it until the month after quarantine ends, where they have been forced to shut down altogether or their earnings have 'significantly reduced'. Deputy president Pablo Iglesias says this is an extension of the moratorium on mortgage repayments agreed two weeks ago for main residences for those affected, and the payment holiday includes both the interest and the capital. If, for example, quarantine finishes on 11th April as provisionally decided, sole traders will not have to pay the mortgage on their business premises until the last day of May. Also, they do not have to pay their electricity, gas or other fuel bills linked to the business if they are no longer trading during the lockdown, or have

had to cut their workload drastically. Sole traders, small and medium-sized firms and selfemployed workers are able to shelve their Social Security, or National Insurance quotas –

Pablo Iglesias

payable monthly at a flat rate starting from €283.31 – for up to six months, and their debt repayments until June this year. At the moment, the moratorium on Social Security payments during the quarantine and the delaying of all others within the next six months only


applies to those who have seen their income drop by at least 75 percent, and self-employed workers across Spain claim the measures are not enough. A flat monthly benefit of €440 will also be paid to temporary contract workers who have been laid off during the quarantine. Although a moratorium on rent payments cannot be 100 percent enforced – since for many landlords, what their tenants pay is their only, or a significant part of, their income, or covers the mortgage on the property – anyone who rents out a home or business premises and whose rent is not being paid due to the shutdown will also be given a payment holiday on any mortgage they have on the building. Utility companies – gas, electricity and water – are now officially banned from cutting off anyone's supply due to nonpayment.

Several supermarkets in Spain have started opening slots exclusively for shoppers aged 65 and over, and most have changed their regular hours – as well as their procedures – during the lockdown. Mercadona initially restricted its opening hours, closing at 8pm instead of the usual 9.30pm, but is now shutting at 7pm – the opening time of 9am still applies – and is no longer making home deliveries via internet or telephone; those who want to do their shopping in store and have it delivered later should check first whether this service still applies. Consum is open from 10am to 8am and limits the number of identical products which can be purchased in one hit – so no stockpiling toilet paper – and also limits the number of people allowed inside at any one time, meaning queuing at least one or two metres apart at the entrance may be necessary in smaller stores or at busier times. Lidl, which typically shuts at 10pm, will now shut at 8pm and again, limits access – only one person per household is allowed in at any time. Carrefour now shuts at 9pm instead of its usual 10pm (which extends to 11pm or midnight in high summer on the coasts). Mas y Mas now shuts at 8pm and its smaller stores may require

customers to use the back entrance where the front is in a corridor. Here, customers are called in one by one as the last person leaves, except in larger stores at quiet times, and required to remain two metres apart. All customers in all supermarkets are now required to put plastic 'fruit-and-veg' gloves on at the entrance, and in some, including Mercadona, are expected to take a disposable paper towel from a machine, soak it in hand sanitiser from a dispenser on the wall, and wipe their baskets and handles before they shop. This is not policed as much as it should be, although

security guards are now stationed at the entrance. Other supermarkets have staff disinfecting the pile of baskets at the entrance before and after every use. Stockpiling is strongly advised against – there is no supply issue, delivery drivers are still working and goods are still arriving at the usual rate, so there is no danger of a national shortage; however, bulk-buying depletes the shelves from day to day until the next delivery, meaning other customers have to travel to several supermarkets until they can get what they need, which defeats the object of restricting movement.



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th April 2020


Jail for repeat lockdown breakers Alicante residents who are fined a second time for breaking quarantine will be arrested and detained for disobedience under stricter lockdown rules. While the majority of the population understands the importance of quarantining during the state of alarm, there are the defiant few who do not adhere to the law prohibiting all but essential journeys outside of the home. New controls by Alicante Local Police were brought in this week as some members of the public were breaking quarantine again and again without justification. New orders issued to officers mean that they have been instructed to arrest repeat offenders. Those who have been fined more than once for violating

confinement could now find themselves arrested and detained for disobedience. Having found themselves cautioning and fining the same individuals repeatedly, police hope these new stricter measures will act as a deterrent. Police sources were keen to emphasize that the incidence of this type of people is ‘very low, in the minority’ compared to the exemplary behaviour of most of the area’s residents. Police described the behaviour of those who repeatedly break quarantine for no justifiable reason as ‘irresponsible, uncivil and of total disobedience’. Other offenders targeted by the controls of Alicante Local Police are dog owners that stretch out their walks to more than ten minutes. Over 30 people have been fined for spending too long

walking their dogs, including a man who was caught with his dog on San Juan beach (which is closed to the public)and two other people who, it transpired, had been out with their dogs for a number of hours.

Red Cross Robbery Aside from those flouting the

quarantine rules, whether intentionally or accidentally, there are those who are deliberately causing trouble. Thieves last week robbed some Red Cross volunteers while they were delivering food to the elderly. While the Red Cross van was stopped by volunteers to bring food to the most vulnerable in the community including the elderly and

families living in poverty, thieves smashed the glass window of the van and stole a medical supply kit and a GPS unit. The Local Police Rapid Intervention Task Force (GOIR) searched the area but did not locate the car in which the perpetrators fled.



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th April 2020

Spanish Government tracking phones to help fight Coronavirus The Spanish Government has passed legislation which will allow it to track more than 40 million mobile phones. Telefónica, Orange and Vodafone will provide user geo location information and data, albeit anonymously and, as the government claims, not to spy on citizens. Over 40 million phones from all over Spain will be tracked in an anonymous mobility study, which will allow the government to know of population movements between territories and will

contribute to decision-making in the fight against coronavirus. The study, which will be carried out in collaboration with the National Statistics Institute (INE), is called DataCOVID and will analyze “anonymous and aggregated” data on population movements during the coronavirus health emergency, and as necessary until normality is restored. The aim of the study is to contribute to "more efficient decision-making based on data".

The report will not provide personal data and cannot be used for police surveillance uses during confinement, government sources say. The country's three main telecommunications operators, Telefónica, Orange and Vodafone, have already confirmed their participation in the development of a pilot program which has already been rolled out in the Valencian Community.


Losing smell and taste could be early signs of Covid­19 Losing your sense of smell and taste could be the best way to tell if you have Covid-19, researchers have revealed. Scientists at King’s College London have been tracking symptoms via their specially-created app. By 31 March, the Covid Symptom Tracker App had more than 1.8 million users signing up to the research platform to log their symptoms, or lack thereof, on a daily basis. 59% of active users who had signed up before 29 March and who had since been confirmed as testing positive for coronavirus reported a loss of smell and taste, analysis of the data showed. Researchers said the reports of those two specific symptoms were much stronger in predicting a positive Covid-19 diagnosis than self-reported fever. The team of researchers behind the app has now created a model featuring a combination of symptoms, including loss of smell and taste, fever, persistent cough, fatigue, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and loss of appetite, and said the strongest predictor is loss of smell and taste. As many of us are aware, commonly known and accepted symptoms of the

coronavirus, which hits the respiratory system, include a fever, of 38C or above, tiredness and a persistent dry cough. The World Health Organisation (WHO) says other symptoms can include shortness of breath, aches and pains, and a sore throat. Last week the WHO’s Dr Maria Van Kerkhove said there had been “quite a few” reports about people in the early stages of disease maybe losing sense of smell or taste but added “this is something that we need to look in to, to really capture to see whether this is one of the signs of Covid-19″. Lead researcher from King’s College Professor Tim Spector, said: “When combined with other symptoms, people with loss of smell and taste appear to be three times more likely to have contracted Covid-19 according to our data, and should therefore selfisolate for seven days to reduce the spread of the disease.” The app has been developed by a King’s College London team in association with the Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, NIHR Biomedical Research Centre and a healthcare start-up ZOE Global Limited.



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th April 2020


Bankia offers six­ How not to over eat on lockdown months grace Staying home is one of the most important ways to help flatten the curve and get the coronavirus pandemic under control. But being out of your usual routine, having constant access to food, and being this stressed out can lead to some serious overindulging. If your eating has been a bit erratic, here are five strategies to help create some balance and consistency.

Bankia will give homeowners a sixmonth moratorium on their mortgages – only requiring them to pay the interest, not the capital – and on personal loan and self-employed or sole traders' business loan repayments. The partially State-owned entity will allow this stay of grace to all those who are affected by the Coronavirus quarantine period by not being able to carry on working, where their companies have had to lay them off temporarily or where they are selfemployed and have had to cease their activity until further notice. Those laid off can sign on the dole immediately, irrespective of how long they have been 'paying into the system' for this contributory benefit, and what they claim during the Covid-19 crisis will not be counted against their existing or future entitlement. As well as a six-month stay of grace on

repaying mortgage capital and personal and small business loans, Bankia intends to be 'more flexible' in taking commission payments from accounts – especially where these are set up for receiving customers' regular income payments, such as wages or pensions – and will temporarily cease charging its clients for withdrawals from cash-points at other banks. The latter is to encourage Bankia customers to draw their cash out as close to home as they can, rather than travelling to their nearest Bankia branch where this is some distance away. Like most banks at present, Bankia is encouraging its customers to make use of internet and telephone channels for transactions or to contact staff – who are still attending to the public – and only use their physical offices where this is unavoidable.

Develop a set eating schedule In addition to preventing mindless eating, settling into a consistent routine will help regulate blood sugar and insulin levels, hunger hormones, mental and physical energy, digestive health, and even your sleep cycle. Try to eat breakfast within about an hour of waking up, and aim for either three meals a day, or three meals and one snack, spaced about four hours apart.

should be whole-grain such as bread, pasta or rice. Fill up on fibre-rich foods such as beans and lentils and for snacks look to fresh fruit, smoothies, salad or Buddha bowls. Think about you shopping list, if you don’t buy cakes, crisps and biscuits than you can’t eat them!

playing video games, or enjoying other healthy mini escapes. Don't forget about the calories in alcohol, and that being tipsy can increase appetite, and lower inhibitions. This can lead to overeating, and noshing on foods you probably wouldn’t eat when sober.

Rethink what you drink Keep a water bottle next to you, and sip on it throughout the day. Avoid

Physical and emotional hunger If you’ve eaten a balanced meal and your stomach is full, yet you still feel hungry, you may be experiencing anxiety or loneliness. If you can stop and make the distinction, address your emotions in ways that don’t involve eating. When you do eat, do so without distractions (no TV, computer, reading, phone, etc.), put down the food or your utensil between bites, and listen to your body’s cues. Stop eating when you feel full, but not overly full, and store the rest for another meal.

Nutritionally balanced Try not to buy cakes, crisps and biscuits In every breakfast, lunch, and dinner, include some type of sugar drinks or products made with fresh veg, along with lean protein and artificial sweeteners. good fat as the foundation. These foods If you drink alcohol, try to stick with supply the nutrients needed to support moderate amounts (one to two drinks a healthy metabolism and immune per day), and reduce the need to use system. For mental and physical fuel, alcohol by trying out other coping incorporate a smaller portion of mechanisms, such as calling friends and healthful carbs as an add-on. These family, engaging in at-home workouts,

Splurge purposefully It’s not realistic to swear off goodies completely, and it’s not necessary. Enjoy your favourite can’t-live-without treats, but indulge mindfully rather than spontaneously. This isn’t at all about restriction; it’s about balance. Now more than ever, balance and consistency are key—not all or nothings.


CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th April 2020

PROPERTY MARKET UPDATE 1ST QUARTER 2020 Rebecca Serwotka Rebecca Serwotka - Your favourite local property expert, of Inmobiliaria Real Estate Agents in Ciudad Quesada & published author of “Moving Forward - 25 Essential Rules For Buying & Selling Real Estate Without Going Crazy.” Request your FREE copy today!Featured on Best Buy Spain - Property TV.

First of all, my heart goes out to everyone that has been, and continues to be, directly affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. This is an insane time right now, but know it will come to an end, and that we are all in this together. Continue to stay safe and stay strong. With that being said, we’re now in April with the first quarter of 2020 behind us. It’ll be no surprise to learn the local property market quite literally came to a halt, at the end of the first quarter thanks to the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic. The start of the year however, began quite strong, with 75% of buyers purchasing holiday homes, followed by 15% snapping up those investment opportunities, leaving 10% buying with the intention on relocating here permanently. Cash or credit? Well, 90% of property sales so far in 2020 have been “money in the bank deals,” with only 10% requiring mortgages. This was a solid indication that property sales were headed on an upward scale, of which would have meant property prices would have been on the increase.

Predictions as we start the second quarter however, depend on how long we’re in lockdown. It really is hard to predict at the moment in these unprecedented times, however the world did not come to a halt because of a financial recession. So I am expecting it to bounce back quicker, once everyone can get back to some form of normality. Time will tell! But, with current interest rates so incredibly low, this will give buyers confidence to start investing in property again. The most important thing to do right now is, to stay safe! But it certainly can’t stop you from starting your property search online! What better excuse do you need to buy a home, than to finally gather your family together, after being kept apart for so long?

To get a head start in your property search, you can log on to www.homes4u.es for a selection of legal, resale homes for sale. See our advert in the centre pages of this newspaper! www.homes4u.es




CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th April 2020


Will the Spanish sun slow the virus? The calendar's hit April, and that means Spring is here, the weather will start warming up, and that nasty seasonal flu virus will start fading away a bit. All good news - but what about that other virus we have all been dealing with? As springtime approaches and the temperature begins to rise, will SARSCoV-2 - the virus at the root of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) - also

be affected? Unfortunately, no one knows for sure and even experts can't seem to agree on whether or not warmer weather will slow down the coronavirus. According to a new article in National Geographic, viruses that cause influenza or milder coronaviruses (yes, there are seven in total that affect humans, some much less concerning

than others) often subside in warmer months due to a concept called "seasonality," or a predictable rise and fall depending on the time of year. That seasonality also has to do with how certain viruses respond to heat and humidity, along with the fact that when the temperature rises, people spend less time inside where viruses can more easily spread. However, because SARS-CoV-2 is so new, there's no way to say for sure whether the virus will experience the same seasonality as other viruses. "I hope it will show seasonality, but it’s hard to know," Stuart Weston, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, where the virus is being actively studied, explained to the magazine. Experts are also keen to point out that there is one major difference between the novel coronavirus and the flu: immunity. While many of us have built up a certain immunity to the flu, this isn’t the case with the new Coronavirus illness. Basically, SARSCoV-2 is encountering a "completely susceptible" global population and

therefore, key experts believe that we are not off the hook just because we’re getting to springtime and the warmer weather is almost here. Still, some experts are decidedly more optimistic. According to Jeremy Brown, MD, director of the Office of Emergency Care Research at the National Institutes of Health and author of Influenza: The Hundred-Year Hunt to Cure the Deadliest Disease in History, similar to the flu, COVID-19 will not survive as readily in warmer temperatures. “COVID-19 will slowly recede as the warmer spring climate provides conditions that the virus cannot tolerate,” he sys. "Spring will be very welcome this year." Some new research - specifically an early analysis by scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - echoes this idea, reporting that most coronavirus cases had spread in areas with lower temperatures (between 37.4 and 62.6 degrees Fahrenheit). Conversely, while there have been reported coronavirus cases in countries with in the Southern Hemisphere (and

in the middle of summer), cases in regions with temperatures over 64.4 degrees Fahrenheit account for less than 6 percent of cases globally so far. Still, no one knows exactly how COVID-19 will react to warmer temperatures in Spain until they actually begin to rise - which means that you definitely shouldn't begin letting your guard down just because it's warming up outside. Prevention Instead, experts agree that everyone should continue to follow the preventive measures recommended by global medical and health institutions such as WHO, which include: avoiding close contact with as many people as possible, particularly people who are sick; cleaning and disinfecting touched objects and surfaces frequently; and washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom and before eating. Staying home as much as possible and on essential outings protect yourself with recommended measures.

Restaurant Delivery Services Restaurant

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La Siesta

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CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th April 2020



GBP The pound had another resilient week, strengthening by an average of 1.9% against the other major currencies. This is despite the downgrade of Britain’s credit rating by Fitch. The pound’s strength can be attributed to the US Federal Reserve announcing billions of liquidity to stabilise the financial markets. With the UK economy so intrinsically tied to its financial services sector, sterling has seen some relief and gains despite market volatility. With the Fed announcing that it will allow central banks to exchange their holdings of US Treasury securities for overnight dollar loans, albeit it temporarily, sterling gained on majors. Many of the ecostats reflect the UK economy prepandemic, so the far from gloomy figures will change in the coming weeks. The Bank of England’s (BoE) credit and mortgage approvals figures showed a six year high in February, and GfK’s index of consumer confidence weakened by two points to -9, a better showing than the forecast -15. But this was carried out in the first two weeks of March, so figures will surely worsen next month. Interesting stats were released from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), comprehensively covering how UK businesses have been suffering because of the coronavirus pandemic so far. The stats show that many companies were already struggling in the two weeks before PM Boris Johnson announced enhanced movement restrictions and the closures of non-essential businesses. This has still been put down to social distancing, with economists are warning that activity for the UK could be down by 15% across the quarter. EUR It was not the same story for the euro, down by

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average of 1.1% against other majors, losing three and a third cents to sterling and two and a quarter US cents. The euro’s problem this week has been the inability of Eurozone members to agree on a collective fiscal stimulus scheme along the lines of those put in place by Britain, the United States and others. The Covid-19 mitigation effort in Euroland currently operates on national lines, with Germany pumping in €750 billion for Germany for example. The European Central Bank is still doing the heavy lifting when it comes to Euroland fiscal stimulus. Last week it made its biggest ever asset purchase, buying €39 billion of financial instruments. The proposal which crops up the most is the debate on Coronabonds, joint issued debt underwritten collectively by EU member states. While nine countries, including France, Italy, and Spain support the idea when discussed at the recent European Council meeting, Germany and the Netherlands among others did not. Some argue that Coronabonds will happen eventually if no alternative is put forward, but such lack of decisiveness has punished the euro. European data to note this week includes Spain’s retail sales, up by an annual 1.8% in February and inflation came in at a provisional 0.2% for March, down from 0.9%. The manufacturing PMIs from Spain, Italy, France and Germany scored between 45.4 and 40.3. Greece lost its place as the top performer and the Eurozone as a whole scored a below forecast 44.5. Difficulty in securing supplies however, with deteriorating lead times, means there could be worse data to come from a slump in manufacturing due to the pandemic. The European PMI’s sent the euro to drift lower, eventually losing four fifths of a cent to the US dollar and sterling, holding steady against the Swiss franc.

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CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th April 2020

A roundup of the N332's most popular stories this week

The Government is NOT going to make MASKS COMPULSORY

Where can I do the shopping?

For the time being, the Minister of Health stated the following; "We can not pass a law that cannot be complied" At this moment there is an enormous shortage of masks in the market, therefore, you can not force people to wear a mask when there are no masks availalable. In Italy, there are areas where it is compulsory to cover your mouth, but the Italian authorities allow people to use a mask, scarf, tissue, napkin or something similar. This could be the option if this decision is taken in Spain but as the Minister said at the moment it is just advisable.

We would like to make it clear again that you CANNOT travel to any supermarket that you wish, you must only use the CLOSEST supermarkets to you. We understand that some of you like certain supermarkets for the things they stock like Iceland, but during the state of alarm you MUST only go to your closest

supermarkets. It is only for a short time that you must do this, until we are out of the state of alarm. We remind you that travelling further to another supermarket is a punishable offence, please respect the rules and be supportive of the situation.

Checkpoints and Accesses CLOSED or Some of the pictures sent into RESTRICTED in most of the coastal towns the N332 to cheer up the police Drivers who decide to break the law are going to find police roadblocks in order to control the access of non-residents if they decide to come to the Mediterranean coast this Easter. However, there will still be easy access for all emergency services. Drivers who do decide to travel to their second residence to spend Holy Week on the Mediterranean coast will receive a fine and will be sent back to their houses. Fines between 600 and 30.000 euros will be issued for those who break the law.

Police warn about a new type of SCAM!! If you receive a call from your electricity company reporting that due to the alarm state they want to thank their clients for remaining at home with a large discount during these days of confinement, and they ask for your bank account and your

Murcia helps out

personal details please do not give it to them. Please do not trust people who offer you such a good deal and contact your electricity company to verify the information. In the Murcia Region, there are three helmet manufacturers which sell their products worldwide; - SHIRO Helmets (Torre Pacheco) - MT Helmets (Cartagena) - NZI Helmets (Yecla) All three companies are donating their moto cross glasses to the police forces and medical staff. Also NZI Helmets are using the screen of their helmets to manufacture masks for the medical staff. The "Roniwesk Distillery" located in Cartagena, are using their raw material to create hand sanitizers. These are just some examples of how National companies are starting to manufacture their own products against COVID 19. We are proud of all of them



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th April 2020


Orihuela Mayor calls for medical transparency The Emilio Bascuñana has called know to improve our actions and for the Regional government to are therefore preventing city be transparent and give councils from optimising municipalities the information they need to be able to tackle the Coronavirus at a local level. Condemning the Health Authority’s decision to only provide figures on a provincial level, he said: “Local administrations have the responsibility to ensure the wellbeing of our citizens, Emilio Bascuñana therefore, we not only have the right to the necessary resources and taking the information, but we also have the appropriate measures that obligation to demand it. The contribute to avoiding infections. Ministry of Health denies us a lot This is a simple democratic of information that we need to exercise that, however, other

Communities are practicing, but not the Community of Valencia.” He accused the regional government of hiding the appropriate information and therefore complicating the necessary collaboration between local municipalities, in such a complicated situation. He added: “Conselleria, this is not time to go it alone, it is time to unite. In these times of emergency this is when it is necessary more than ever to pull together in the same direction.”

Coronavirus information website The mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, has launched a web page that brings together all the municipal information regarding Covid-19 so that all residents are aware of the situation regarding the pandemic caused by this virus. The website is: www.orihuela.es/infocoronavir us/ On this website, visitors can browse the different sections such as official municipal information in addition to that obtained by the local Health

Department as well as by the Ministry of Health of the Generalitat Valenciana. It includes important recommendations provided from official channels, useful telephone numbers, Videos, links to the social networks of the Orihuela City Council and the press releases issued in relation to this health crisis. On the page a specialised virtual assistant system has also been included in conjunction with Alicante Provincial Council

entitled "Chat Bot Carina", which aims to answer in a simple way all the questions about the Coronavirus and is operational 24 hours a day completely free of charge. The website will be updated periodically and the sections will be expanded in the coming days with the latest information. The Mayor said: "We continue to improve municipal services as well as facilitating access to information that may be useful to Oriolanians.”



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th April 2020

Stay Calm – Stay Invested As we are all aware, there have been considerable changes to the world over the last month. Covid-19 has spread at a significantly quicker rate from country to country than anyone imagined. Here in Spain, we are on lockdown until 9th April at the very earliest. This has resulted in volatility in the world markets and uncertainty for our clients. The advice we are giving to all of our clients throughout this period of disruption is to not panic and stay invested. Obviously we are unable to predict with any certainty how long the current market situation will last, or what the future impact on the markets will be. In short, we have seen nothing similar to compare this to.

Whether you have a pension invested, savings in the Prudential or an investment portfolio, they will all have been planned for a minimum of 5 years to be able to overcome such obstacles. The Prudential investment management team still expect this to represent a one-off outside shock that economies and markets can recover from. As the seasons change, it is possible we will naturally get some respite in the summer months. In the meantime, everyone is monitoring to what extent markets may over-estimate the risks as they correct and will look to act on opportunities accordingly.

The benefits of diversification will continue to help shelter investors from the worst falls in specific geographical locations or investment sectors. Why should you choose Seagate to advise you? All our advisers were trained at Lloyds Bank in the UK. We pride ourselves on putting our clients first. We are still working to ensure the needs of our clients continue to be met during this difficult time. This means keeping you in a good position to be able to benefit from the inevitable up-turn in the market. Although our office is closed we can offer appointments for forward financial planning via FaceTime,Zoom, Skype or a simple phone call.


CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th April 2020




OFFERED AT: €69,995

OFFERED AT: €120,000



JUSTD SOL 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Ground Floor Apartment ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Sun Room ♦ South Facing ♦ Short Walk to Amenities ♦ Communal Swimming Pool


3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Top Floor “Semi­ Detached” Apartment ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Directly Overlooking Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Small Community ♦ Highly Sought After Area







3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms Detached Villa ♦ Including 1 bed., 1 bath., Guest apartment ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Off Road Parking+Car Port ♦ 8mX4m Private Swimming Pool + Hot Tub

♦ 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathrooms Semi­ Detached Bungalow ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ South Facing ♦ Modern Kitchen ♦ Bonus Room ♦ No Community Fees

2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Top Floor Apartment ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium + Sea & Lake Views ♦ Sun Room ♦ Directly Overlooking Communal Swimming Pool



3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Beautiful Presented ♦ 575m2 ♦ South Facing ♦ Private 10mx5m Swimming Pool ♦ Custom Designed Home



What Better You Need To B Than To Fina Your Family After Being Ke So Lo CIUDAD QUESADA

OFFERED AT: €73,000

OFFERED AT: €149,700

OFFERED AT: €110,000




4/5 Bedrooms, 3 Bathroom, Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ 216m2 Plot ♦ Off Road Parking with Car Port ♦ Communal Swimming Pool

2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom, Linked Duplex ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Mediterranean Sea Views ♦ Communals Swimming Pool ♦ Superb Location

♦ 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathrooms Linked Bungalow ♦ Front & Rear Tiled Gardens ♦ South Facing ♦ Gated Community ♦ Low Community Fees ♦ Highly Desirable Location





OFFERED AT: €120,000

OFFERED AT: €75,000

OFFERED AT: €299,000

OFFERED AT: €287,500





JUSTD SOL 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Semi­Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Corner Plot ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Golf Course Location ♦ Communal Swimming Pool

2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom Linked Bungalow ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Corner Plot ♦ A Low Maintenance Home ♦ On Bus Route To Torrevieja ♦ No Community Fees

4 Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms Detached Villa ♦ Part Furnished ♦ Oil Central Heating Installed ♦ Beautifully Modernized ♦ Private Swimming Pool ♦ 500m2 Plot

♦ 3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished + Modern Design ♦ Private Swimming Pool ♦ Stunning Lake Views ♦ Short Walk To Amenities



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th April 2020



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Estate Agents




OFFERED AT: €139,000



3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Sun Room + Roof Solarium ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Communal Swimming Pool

2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom, Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ West Facing ♦ Off road parking ♦ Communal Swmmimg Pool





JUSTD SOL 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom Ground Floor ♦ Part Furnished ♦ Corner 80m2 Garden ♦ Gated Community With Gym ♦ 4 Communal Swimming Pools ♦ Superb Location


5 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms Detached Villa Including 2 Bed Guest Apartment ♦ Furnished ♦ Gas Central Heating ♦ 203m2 Build Size ♦ 1123m2 Plot ♦ Garage ♦ Private Swimming Pool ♦ Town Centre Location


3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom, Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Close to amenities






5 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa, Including 2 Bed., 1 Bath., Guest Apartment. ♦ Direct access to Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Close to Local Amenities ♦ Golf Course Location

2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Linked Bungalow ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Recently Refurbished ♦ Large Roof Solarium ♦ Mediterranean Sea Views ♦ Communal Swimming Pool

3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ South Facing ♦ Super Location ♦ No Community Fees

3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom, Detached Villa Including 1 bed, 1 bath, Guest Apartment ♦ Part Furnished ♦ Private Swimming Pool ♦ 270m2 Plot



OFFERED AT: €299,950

OFFERED AT: €260,000







3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Immaculate Presented ♦ 600m2 Corner Plot ♦ Private Swimming Pool ♦ Garage

4 Bedrooms, 4 Bathroom Detached Villa Including 1 Bed Guest Apartment ♦ 625m2 Corner Plot + Garage ♦ South Facing ♦ Super Location ♦ Private swimming pool ♦ Super Location

2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, 1st Floor Apartment ♦ Breath taking seaviews + Lake Views ♦ Picturesque “Andalusian” Style community ♦ Short walk to Amenities ♦ Views, Glorious Views

3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom, Semi­Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Gas Central Heating ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Communal Swimming Pool




Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th April 2020


Caring for our mental health on lockdown We are now well into our 4th week on lockdown. Most of us have never experienced anything like this in our lives, and hopefully never will again. It is vital that we look after ourselves through this difficult period, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. If we look after our mind both conscious and subconscious and our mind is relaxed and happy, this will show in our body too. Use your powerful mind to help you through these uncertain times and most of all make sure that you put yourself to the top of the queue, feeding yourself nutritional foods, making time for daily exercise to keep your joints active, engaging in a daily activity which is mindful, this could be meditation, listening to music, having a telephone call or facetime with a good friend, a good book or film. We will never get this time over again, so make the most of new things that you can learn, meditation is good for relieving stress and anxiety, as is massage too. Please go to Changes facebook page to see relaxation exercises, breathing techniques, meditation and hypnosis recordings for your inner wellbeing and cell renewal to keep your body strong, also you will find free videos showing you a basic Indian head massage to relieve tension and also a Thai foot massage which again helps alleviate different parts of

the body with a little reflexology and connecting with your senses. Massage is vital right now and self massage can be done if you are alone on the hands, feet, face, head giving you a lovely relaxing experience, still allowing your muscles to relax in other parts of the body. Take a look at the videos on Changes facebook page. for more information. Most fitness instructors both locally and internationally are doing keep fit classes on line from yoga to boxing to circuit training there is something for everyone. It’s amazing how technology is keeping us going and giving us so many choices. Again on Changes page you will find meditation recordings and yoga classes, shared from lots of teachers. For many of us though mental health can play a big part in these uncertain times. Stress, Anxiety, panic attacks, poor sleeping, claustrophobia, loneliness, depression. In these time more than ever, nurture and i urge everyone to nurture and care for yourselves talk to others and do not suffer in silence. These are challenging times and a huge learning experience for us all. Being kind to you is the best medicine you can give yourself and reach out for whatever you feel you need, this could be reaching out to family, loved ones you have lost contact with, old friends, a counselling,

please talk to someone if you are struggling with any symptoms at all. Limit social media and the news if you are feeling anxious, as this can increase stress and ill feeling. There is always something to be thankful for, we have our health, a roof over our heads, nutritional foods, health care and medication if we need it, so stay positive as this is a learning curve for the whole of the world. We will be so fed up with technology after this we will be worthy of the break! I sincerely hope that each and every one of us comes out of this experience positively, it will change us for sure how we look at ourselves and others too, for us to learn to love and be kinder to one another , to treat the planet and animals with the utmost respect, the planet is having a well earned break from pollution, from mankind and us as humans need to learn from this experience, and show gratitude for what we have learnt in a more simplified manner. My hope is that these changes take place and from the gratitude we feel of our new found freedom the world will be a kinder place and somewhat happier from this experience. If you need any help at all, Changes can offer many services and different techniques to overcome issues both over the telephone and on line, please contact Changes on 608829557.

Tired in Lockdown I find I am mentally and physically exhausted having to stay indoors. We are all forced to relax more because of being in isolation, so I thought I would enjoy some rest from my usual busy life, yet I have no energy or enthusiasm to do anything. I am trying to keep busy but my working life was so hectic, I can’t understand it. I am getting tearful, and feel depressed. You are tired because you’re stressed, whether you feel it or not this is a very taxing situation. I had a letter from a retired person who said he felt worse in lockdown - his life was sedentary anyway because of giving up work, however this enforcement has put restrictions on us; we can no longer go out for a meal, have a walk along the beach, or socialise with our friends and do our hobbies. Worrying about the future also plays a big part – some of us thankfully still have our work, however there are many who are fearful for their jobs, their income. The advice is to keep busy, but you can expect enthusiasm to wane, and you’ll have to expect some lows. Don’t beat yourself up about it, accept that life is difficult at the moment, and if you have a down period - give in to it, and remember that it will pass – everything passes. Then resolve to do better the next day – small steps rather than big leaps. Try and stay away from reading about the situation too much and indulge in more enjoyable pursuits to distract you – this situation will not be made any better if you are constantly looking for an upturn to the situation – what will be will be. If you live alone it is important to talk to someone daily, so keep in touch with family and friends by phone as well as text – speaking to someone verbally is much better than messaging. Finally, some sort of exercise will help your mental health – perhaps you could walk to the local shop rather than travelling in the car, but remember to adhere to the distancing rule, and wear a mask etc. WRITE TO SARA IN CONFIDENCE. A PSEUDONYM WILL BE USED IF YOU WISH. SARA READS ALL LETTERS AND CAN GIVE A PERSONAL REPLY. EMAIL YOUR QUESTION TO SARA@COSTABLANCAPEOPLE.COM OR SARA IS AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS, TELEPHONE 650 054 467.



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th April 2020


Car care during lockdown Being able to take care of your car during lockdown will very much depend on your situation and whether you have safe access to your car. If you can access your car without breaking quarantine, here are some tips which will help you make sure your vehicle is in good shape when the State of Alarm is lifted and you can take her for a spin

that’s further than the supermarket or pharmacy.

covered area during the entire lockdown period to avoid any damage to the exterior of the car. If you do not have a covered parking, keep your vehicle under a car cover to keep it out of direct sunlight. If you do not have a cover, simply use thick bedsheets or a large tablecloth.

Tyres The worst damage you could do to your car during this period is by not

moving it enough. The tyres could potentially deflate and develop cracks under the constant pressure of your vehicle if you leave it in the same position for weeks on end. There are a couple of easy ways to tackle this. One option is to move your car a bit every alternate day to ease pressure on the tyres. If you have a drive-way at your home, try moving the car on it for a few minutes to give the tyres the much needed roll to stay in shape. Either way, do keep an eye on the tyre pressure every week. Don't forget to check the condition of your spare tyre if you have one. Battery If your car has been lying idle for weeks, chances are the battery will be

flat. Turn the ignition and check the battery at least once every week to keep it running. In case of electric or mild hybrid vehicles, it is important to turn the ignition and let engine idle for about 15-30 minutes once every week. Exterior It is advisable to park your car in a

Clean interiors Lastly, be sure to thoroughly clean the interior of your vehicle regularly. When you do your weekly shop, make sure to wipe down door handles, steering wheel, gear stick and handbrake with a light bleach solution. This will not only help you keep your car free of coronavirus but also ready for the first trip you plan to take when the lockdown is finally over.



7th - 13th April 2020









Office Opening Hours: Wed - Fri: 10-2pm ADVERTISING Display Advertising Enquiries: 966 701 060/966 725 968

SALES REPS & AREAS ALL OF OUR SALES TEAM CARRY ID Claire Richards: Benijofar, Benimar, Quesada, Quesada Golf, Rojales, Formentera, Benejuzar, El Raso 607 031 113 claire@costablancapeople.com Jenny Grogan: La Marina, Guardamar, San Fulgencio, Torrevieja, Torrevieja Centro, San Luis, Quesada, Benimar, El Limonar, El Chapparal, La Mata, Torrelamata, Aguas Nuevas, Mar Azul, El Raso, Playa Flamenca, Punta Prima, La Zenia, Los Dolses 647 472 825 Sharon Jones: San Miguel, Torremendo, Entre Naranjos, Vistabella, Quesada, Benimar, Benijófar, Los Montesinos, Algorfa, Montebello, Almoradi , El Raso, Playa Flamenca, Punta Prima, La Zenia, Los Dolses 607 050 943 Mireille Toddington: Orihuela Costa 637 456 781

Editorial & Production Aoife Leddy (Editorial & Production Manager) 607 050 482 aoife@costablancapeople.com Mireille Toddington (Deputy Editorial Manager) 637 456 781 mireille@costablancapeople.com Classified Advertising Enquiries: 966 701 060 (Wed-Fri) 10-2pm advertising@costablancapeople.com

Classified ads from as little as €4.20 per week Telephone: 966 725 968

N.I.F. No.: X6230025-S, Deposito Legal: A 763-2015 Printed by Indugraf Offset S.A.

Claire Richards - Publisher

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Carlo is a small to medium sized dog with a very easy going nature and loves to be near people. Carlo has Leish but has no health problems from this condition. D.O.B APPROX JAN 2009

Classified ads from as little as €4.20 per week Telephone: 966 725 968


7th - 13th April 2020


Classifieds ITEMS WANTED

Advertise in The CostaBlancaPeople

966 701 060



Classified ads from as little as €4.20 per week Telephone: 966 725 968




7th - 13th April 2020





Advertise in The CostaBlancaPeople NURSERY HIRE

966 701 060



www.costablancapeople.com PLUMBING


7th - 13th April 2020


PERSONAL SERVICES Sophie. Elegant, sexy, naughty lady. Speaks 3 languages. Visit, all areas. Home/house and hotel visits. Tel 693 357 526 (856) Attractive girlfriend for hire. Speaks 3 languages. Professional masseuse. Tel 693 357 526 (856) Viagras, cialis, jellys, weekenders, all areas covered delivery or collection Steve 694449102 (838) Mature bi-sexual lady, long dark hair, slim, 51, lives outside Quesada. Tel Tracey 711006560 (839)


BUILDERS General building, remodeling, underbuilds. All work guaranteed. We beat most quotes. 697 834 934 (832)

GARDENING Eazy Lawns the artificial grass experts. Eight year guarantee. Many different effects for all surfaces and budgets. Full garden design & construction. Fully legal and registered company covering all of the Costa Blanca. Tel 634 705 085 636 102 509 or email info@eazylawns.es ¡ www.eazylawns.es

LOCKSMITH JD Locksmiths. 24hr Domestic, Commercial, Auto locksmith. Costa Blanca South. Tel: 688 706 928 Email: jdlocksmiths@hotmail.com (841)

PAWN BROKERS Spanish Pawnbrokers. Buy sell or Pawn at 5% Gold, Platinum, Palladium, Silver, Diamonds, Precious Stones, High end watches, estate jewelry, Bullion, Militaria, Antiques, coins, medals, Art, Meissen, LLadro, Collectables, Memorabilia, Curiosities, Vinyls and Classic Cars. www.spanishpawnbrokers.com. Call or Whatsapp 602506390. (833)



Eazy Lawns the artificial grass experts. Eight year guarantee. Many different effects for all surfaces and budgets. Full garden design & construction. Fully legal and registered company covering all of the Costa Blanca. Tel 634 705 085 6361 025 09 or email info@eazylawns.es or www.eazylawns.es (C)

Bert black Labrador, 5 years old , sadly owner passed away , energetic large breed , very loyal, needs large garden & plenty of exercise. Tele: 600845420 or e'mail: k9clubinfo@gmail.com

Advertise in The CostaBlancaPeople

966 701 060

Male and female viagra , cialis, jellies and kamagra. Discounts on large orders, delivery available , email viagra4you19@gmail.com 672 883 025. (837)



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th April 2020



CostaBlancaPeople 7th - 13th April 2020


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