21 April -27 April 2020

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21ST - 27TH APRIL 2020 - EDITION 835

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Your Essential Weekly Read

Lockdown extended but children to be allowed out Pedro Sánchez gave a press conference by video link on Saturday, confirming that he will request a new two-week extension to the state of alarm, bringing the new ‘end’ date to May 9th. In addition, Sánchez revealed that “de-escalation” of lockdown measures might begin as soon as April 27th with plans in place to allow children outside. The first easing of the lockdown measures will see children up to and including age 12 allowed out of the house with adult supervision and adhering to certain criteria – although details of how this will be managed have not yet been confirmed. Sánchez also revealed that the relaxation of the lockdown in Spain will vary by area (not necessarily by larger autonomous region) depending on the degree of infection. This is the first mention of an easing of the lockdown measures with government sources indicating that if the figures show a rise in infections, the restrictions will once again be tightened. The decision to allow children outside has come after strong social pressure. Children have been completely isolated for more than a month – not allowed, as adults are, go to the supermarket, pharmacy or to work. Sánchez will speak this week to the

measures are bound to be rolled out and backtracked until there is a balance between normal life and lowered risk of infection. As Sánchez himself explained, “In May we will start the slow march towards normality. We will lift the confinement cautiously and progressively. But if we notice the least risk we will stop. We will strengthen all protection measures in all places, also in the workplace.” Pedro Sánchez

heads of local government around the country to develop safe measures under which children will be allowed out. He said, “These outings will be limited and subject to conditions to limit infections. It is only a small relief.” The details of how this new ‘freedom’ will be managed are not yet known, only that the government is proposing new rules for children age 12 and under. “We are very aware of the reality that children are experiencing. We will define over the next few weeks what the criteria will be, the reasons, under which security criteria. The proposal is from the 27th to give them the opportunity to enjoy some time in the fresh air. We have to do it under the criteria of the advice of the scientific committee,” said Sánchez. In terms of a wider relaxation of the lockdown rules, Sánchez explained that

the Government, through a committee of experts coordinated by the vice president of Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, is reviewing a series of markers that will indicate where and how de-escalation can be rolled out and if it is working. "If in those markers we see that there are setbacks in some areas, we will review those decisions and react accordingly,” explained Sánchez. May will be a key month for introducing new measures but this will be done with great caution and the easing of measures can be reversed at any time if the figures dictate as such. The government has warned that this will be a long process and in his video conference on Saturday, Sánchez revealed he cannot even guarantee that there will be normal summer holidays on Spanish beaches this year. One thing is for sure, the de-escalation

Despite a silver lining on the horizon for Spain’s children, the country remains in one of the strictest lockdowns on the planet. And, the government confirmed that the data is not there yet to support introducing easier measures beyond what has been discussed for allowing children out.

“We have achieved the most difficult, the hardest. We have come through the most extreme moments with sacrifice, resistance, victory, and morale. But these achievements are insufficient, fragile. We cannot put them at risk. We have to make more progress before de-escalation begins. That is why I will send word to the presidents of the autonomous communities the Government's intention to extend the state of alarm for a new period of 15 days,” said Sánchez. Another significant decision taken by government, which was announced by the Minister for Consumer Affairs Alberto Garzón, is to regulate the prices of facemasks and other basic medical necessities such as sanitizing gels and protective gloves. The prices of such items has skyrocketed in recent weeks.



CostaBlancaPeople 21st - 27th April 2020

Donation of 200 early detection tests for Orihuela The Mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, received a donation on Friday of 200 testing kits for the early detection of the Coronavirus, made to the Orihuela City Council. The donation was made by local Vega Baja businessman Enrique Riquelme, known as "El Cantero" (which means the stonemason). "We appreciate this gesture and the commitment that Enrique Riquelme has always shown to the city of Orihuela. He has demonstrated his kindness on several different occasions, such as following the DANA last September when he made a donation of 20,000 euros to the Red Cross. In addition, during this current health crisis, he has also made prior donations to the Orihuela and Torrevieja Health Departments,” the Mayor explained. These 200 test kits will be used to detect the disease in key workers in the essential services provided by the Oriolan Consistory, in the event that any of these workers present with coronavirus symptoms. To this end, the Occupational Risk Prevention service together


Removing middle seats is madness Restarting tourism once European confinements end is a huge talking point as economies are keen to encourage visitors and people are desperate to escape to a holiday destination. However, the logistics of exactly how flights would work safely is causing much debate. Ryanair boss Michael O’Leary has dismissed “mad” proposals for planes to fly with empty middle seats when coronavirus travel restrictions end, saying they would be “hopelessly ineffective” as well as unaffordable. Instead, the Irish low-cost carrier backs the introduction of mandatory temperature checks and face masks for passengers and crew when flights resume, its chief executive told Reuters. Mr O’Leary was speaking shortly after no-frills peer Wizz Air, EasyJet and global airline trade body IATA said they were preparing for requirements that airlines fly only two-thirds full to

allow some “social distancing” on board. The effect could be felt more keenly by budget carriers, whose business models rely on squeezing productivity from fleets by installing more seats than traditional airlines and filling a higher proportion of them. In a recent interview, the Ryanair chief executive said authorities were “floundering” in the search for reasonable health measures for a resumption of flights, with many of their officials in lockdown. “We’re in dialogue with regulators who are sitting in their bedrooms inventing restrictions such as taking out the middle seats, which is just nonsense,” Mr O’Leary said. “It would have no beneficial effect whatsoever.” Vacating every third seat would not in any case maintain the required two-metre separation between passengers, which is also impossible to enforce at other “pinch points”

during journeys, Mr O’Leary said. “People come to the airport in trains without social distancing,” he said. “You can’t do social distancing in the airport either at check-in, at security, at restaurants or shops - even the airports admit that.” Europe should instead look to Asian markets where some domestic flights are resuming with temperature screening and face masks deployed to reduce risks, the Ryanair boss said. “That seems to me to be the best that we would be able to manage.” The airline’s relatively strong profitability means it could still break even with middle seats vacated, while some national airlines would be in the red, Mr O’Leary maintained. “Most of them were losing money even when you sell the middle seat,” he said. Currently, the majority of carriers that fly to Spain have estimated that flights will resume on 17th June 2020.

Earthquake shakes the local community with the Human Resources and Emergencies departments are now working on a protocol to be able to use these tests as and when necessary. At the same time, the Orihuela City Council is also

evaluating different options to establish an agreement with a health company so that it is in charge of carrying out the actual medical testing on the samples, as well as negotiating so that the City Council may have more testing kits.

An earthquake left local residents feeling all shook-up on Saturday afternoon as it rippled through numerous towns across the Vega Baja. The tremor registered at 5.48pm and the National Geographic Institute reported that it had a magnitude of 2.5 with an epicentre located just off the coast, northeast of Torrevieja and about 4 kilometres off Cabo Cervera and at a depth of seven kilometres.

The earthquake was widely felt throughout the coastal areas of the Vega Baja, and also more weakly in inland. The weaker tremor measured degree three on the macro-seismic scale – which is a classification that has 12 degrees, from least to most - according to the National Geographic Institute. This is categorised as a weak vibration that is felt indoors. This is the latest in a number of

regular earthquakes that occur across the Bajo Segura, which is classed as a seismically active area. The tremor may have been felt by more people than usual, given that people are currently on lockdown and confined to their homes. There was also a tremor registered earlier in the week with a magnitude of 1.8 and an epicentre south of San Fulgencio.



CostaBlancaPeople 21st - 27th April 2020


Orihuela Costa high pressure Massive flight discounts predicted by Ryanair boss cleaner hits the streets The CEO of low cost airline Ryanair, Michael O’Leary, is predicting an airline price war when global travel restrictions are lifted, which is a situation traditional airlines may struggle to keep up with. O’Leary told international press agency Reuters that “When this thing is over there is going to be such massive discounting going on that there will be a large spike upward in travel and tourism for a period of time”. The CEO also predicted “a bumper

Orihuela Costa high pressure cleaner hits the streets: Fighting the virus

The Councillor for Street Cleaning, Dámaso Aparicio, has had the Orihuela Costa pressure washer repaired so that it can hit the streets of the coast loaded with disinfectant. The huge piece of equipment was damaged during the torrential rains of the DANA in September, which was just one month after the vehicle had been bought. The Councillor said: "From the first minute of the lockdown the department got to work on the budget to repair and start all the machinery necessary to carry out the essential services of street cleaning and waste collection. “After six months waiting for a response from the Consortium on this situation, the Department took responsibility for the cost of the repair at 13,084.72 euros. The specialist van is an IVECO Daily 35S16V with 2.3cc and 160hp engine. It has incorporated a high-pressure 350 bar pressure washer and a flow rate of up to

23 litres/min. More importantly, the cleaner is already operating at full capacity in the coastal area. The Councillor explained that it was vital not to put off the repairs any longer because “at this moment an extraordinary task is being carried out by the service personnel washing and disinfecting container points and areas of high footfall – such as medical centres as a preventive measure against Covid19”. However, the Councillor was also keen to point out that they will continue to push the DANA Consortium to process the paperwork and to pay for the repair of the vehicle. Lastly, Dámaso Aparicio thanked “the residents of the Coast, especially those of District X, who won the 2018 Participatory Budget with their proposal to purchase this pressure washer. They have been continually interested in the state of this machinery and we thank them for their collaboration”.

year in terms of earnings” in 2021, with low fares offset by low oil prices, and “much more incentives at airports for growth”. He said that Ryanair would hold onto its orders for the grounded B737 Max, and also hinted at more possible new orders with

manufacturers potentially willing to offer low prices to encourage sales. The carrier had originally been due to take delivery of 58 Max aircraft by summer 2020, but in December that had been revised down to ten. More than 99 percent of Ryanair’s fleet is currently grounded due to the global coronavirus pandemic, with the airline working with EU governments to keep “some minimum flight links open for emergency reasons”.



CostaBlancaPeople 21st - 27th April 2020

Four months in prison for shopping in Elche A Torrevieja woman who skipped quarantine, using the excuse of having to do her shopping in Elche, has been sentenced to four months in prison. Torrevieja’s Court number 1 heard the case on Friday when a woman was charged with serious civil disobedience. She was stopped by Guardia Civil no less than four times and despite being resident in Torrevieja, insisted on travelling to Elche to do her shopping,

the court heard. The sentence was handed down after a quick trial and the Prosecutor is said to be considering a suspended sentence on condition that the woman does not reoffend for two years. The woman was stopped at 9.30am on April 11th on the CV905, a usually busy road joining Torrevieja with the A7 motorway. She was stopped by a

routine ‘state of alarm’ checkpoint at which Guardia Civil officers were checking motorists’ justifications for travelling. The woman said that she was going to Elche to shop, the same excuse that she had already used three times previously - on March 31 and April 8 and 9. On those three occasions, the officers warned her that her actions were in breach of the decree of the state of alarm.


Virtual pet visits at Torrevieja Hosptial Patients in Torrevieja hospital are set to enjoy virtual visits with their pets. Healthcare personnel in Ribera Salud, which manages the hospitals in Torrevieja and Vinalopo, are facilitating video calls between pet owners and their four legged friends in order to help patients in their recovery.

Covid19 pandemic, visits are not possible (even for humans), but Ribera Salud has found a way to put patients isolated by Corvid-19 in contact with their pets. This initiative, which is part of the Humanization Plan of the Ribera Salud group, aims to respond to the needs of patients who, through contact with

The latest research shows that pets are associated with feelings of tranquillity and relaxation, which reduces heart rate or blood pressure. The unconditional love of a pet for its owner is of huge importance during the state of alarm. The University Hospitals of Torrevieja and Vinalopó already have a protocol in place to allow pet visits in some cases. However, during the

their pets, find a form of relief and reduction of anxiety and improvement of their mood. The virtual pet visits join other initiatives in place at Torrevieja and Vinalopo hospitals. Members of the public can send letters, drawings or messages of support to patients and staff via the website rsc.riberasalud.com or the whasapp number 628 998 586.



CostaBlancaPeople 21st - 27th April 2020


Government builds end of lockdown taskforce The Spanish government is currently working on at least three different levels to combat the coronavirus crisis. One is the here and now, and which involves practically the entire executive, with the four key ministries – Health, Interior, Transportation and Defence – in charge, taking decisions every day to try to control the health emergency and alleviate the effects it is having on the economy. The other, the long term, which includes economic and social reconstruction, is being worked on by the Finance Ministry. Its remit includes getting the 2021 budget passed by Congress, something that will require the support of other parties given that the Socialist Party-Unidas Podemos coalition government does not have a working majority. And a third group, which is working away from the spotlight, is focused on the medium term, and how the deescalation of confinement measures will be carried out. A much more difficult task than you would first imagine. This group is being coordinated by Teresa Ribera, one of Spain’s deputy prime ministers and also the minister for environmental transition. Health Minister Salvador Illa is also an active member of the group, given his constant contact with scientific experts and the regional health chiefs. The taskforce is meeting on a very discreet basis, with other ministers who are outside of the central core of those managing the crisis, such as Foreign Minister Arancha González Laya, who is in

permanent contact with her counterparts in the other countries affected by the coronavirus pandemic, and who provides information about the measures being taken elsewhere. The taskforce also includes José Luis Escrivá, the social security minister and a renowned economist, who is providing a technical vision. As well as politicians, the group includes a wide range of technical experts, not just epidemiologists and economists. This committee will be making proposals to Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez as to the measures that should be taken when the deescalation of the confinement begins. Sources from the executive explain that this will be a particularly complex phase, and extreme care is being taken. They are working on the assumption that it is essential to begin thinking about these measures so that they can be adopted from 26th April, which is when the current state of alarm is due to expire. For example, there is the possibility that children could be allowed to leave their homes for exercise and/or play. As, of course, currently in Spain the confinement measures are almost total, with people only allowed to leave their homes under very strict circumstances. The taskforce is basing its decisions on all kinds of documents from both Spanish and international experts. Ribera is working discreetly, and is unwilling at this point to reveal exactly who these experts are or the approaches that they are preparing, but has also expanded the group with new expert additions.

Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska

Regional involvement According to Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska, a further 17 people will be joining this group, as appointed by each of Spain’s regional governments. The 17 regional premiers have been insisting that they want to participate in the decision-making ahead of the deescalation, and as such the Prime Minister has offered each region the

chance to incorporate a technical expert of their choosing into the taskforce.

given its insular nature and could trial a lockdown end.

One of the areas that the regions are insisting on is the chance to deescalate in different ways according to their specific region, given that not all of them are in the same situation. The Canary Islands, for example, is one of the areas of Spain that has the situation most under control,

However, sources from the executive insist that the decision has not yet been taken, but the government does not appear particularly keen to take different measures in different areas, given that it believes that this could generate more problems than it will solve.


CostaBlancaPeople 21st - 27th April 2020

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CostaBlancaPeople 21st - 27th April 2020



GBP Sterling was not unduly worried this week, having a surprisingly successful week. Over the eight-day week it strengthened by an average of 0.5%, losing out only to the puzzlingly mismatched Australian dollar and Japanese yen. It added one euro cent and one and one eighth US cents, a 0.9% gain in both cases. PM Boris Johnson left hospital and retreated to Chequers, his country residence, to fully recover. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab is still de facto leader, and announced a three week extension to the lockdown. Five key criteria’s must be met before the UK will lift the lockdown, and those seem quite far off, for now. Economic news this week was bleak to the say the least, but investors didn’t seem too unperturbed, probably because the rest of the world is in the same boat. The Office for Budgetary Responsibility (OBR) sees the UK economy shrinking by 13% in 2020. The OBR report features estimates from a handful of other forecasters, with quarter-on-quarter growth in Q2 ranging from the OBR’s -35% to KPMG’s best case scenario of -2.1%. A high amount of guesswork is needed to make the prediction, for example how long the UK is in lockdown,the bigger the economic hit. Other data of note includes the British Retail Consortium report which stated that March brought, “the worst decline in retail sales on record.” Many jobs are at risk within hospitality and retail, as well as their supply chains. Despite the gloom, sterling was roughly steady against the euro. In the three months to February UK imports fell £10.1 billion, with exports down £3.5 billion, creating £1.4 billion trade surplus. While the figures were better than expected, the relevance of the data (being from February), is minimal.

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EUR After much haggling, EU finance ministers compromisedand managed to reach an agreement on financial support. The €500 billion relief package is for European countries hit hardest by the tragic Covid-19 pandemic, such as Italy and Spain. The plan involves tapping the European Stability Mechanism for about half the amount, the balance coming from the European Investment Bank and the European Commission. In some quarters there is disappointment that the Netherlands and others remain resistant to the notion of shared debt but at least they managed to get something off the blocks.The euro weakened by an average of 0.3% over the long weekend, giving up four fifths of a cent to sterling. President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen offered on behalf of the EU a heartfelt apology to Italy for “letting it down” at the start of the coronavirus. No EU country responded to Italy’s initial call for aid via the bloc’s emergency mechanism. Fresh evidence emerging has suggested that few European countries have actually achieved any herd immunity, as some begin to remove lockdown measures, albeit it cautiously and slowly. Economic statistics from the euro zone was wholly forgettable, but dreary. The International Monetary Fund sees annual contractions of 7.5% in Euroland and 7% in Germany. German inflation slowed from 1.7% to 1.4%, as expected. Euroland industrial production declined by 0.1% in February and was down by 1.9% from the same month last year. The euro was equally dull, holding steady against the US dollar and losing a cent to sterling.

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CostaBlancaPeople 21st - 27th April 2020


Local breakdown of Coronavirus cases From the moment the coronavirus epidemic hit the Valencian Community, the Regional Health Department took the decision not to provide a local breakdown of cases. This was in order to protect those who had been diagnosed from media or community attention and also to dampen any panic or hysteria in hotspot locations. Therefore, the only figures reported were per region and so

statistics for the Province of Alicante were the only ones issued locally. However, local authorities have been calling for more local information in order to allow them to make informed decisions in terms of allocating everything from key workers to supplies and local measures. Local communities have also been keen to see how their

area is fairing. And finally, after a month in lockdown there are local figures. These were issued for the first time last week and posted on social media by the municipalities, but not issued in a general press release to the media. The figures were issued on Thursday (16th April) and so although they are now out of date, they do give an insight into the local situation and luckily with the rate of cases remaining relatively low across the Vega Baja will not have changed too much. The figures given were: Torrevieja: 19 deceased 219 positives Orihuela Costa: 1 deceased 22 positives Orihuela: 10 deceased 111 positives Guardamar del Segura: 3 deceased 23 positives

Pilar de la Horadada: 2 deceased 12 positive Rojales: 3 deceased 7 positives San Miguel de Salinas: 5 positives Los Montesinos: 3 positives Also on Thursday 16th April, the Hospital de la Vega Baja in San BartolomĂŠ, Orihuela reported nine patients with coronavirus on assisted breathing in the Intensive Care Unit and 12 patients admitted to the ward. The Orihuela health department is one of the lowest incidences of the disease in the Valencian Community, according to data from the Department of Health. It has registered 10 deceased and 111 positives. The total balance for Vega Baja is 451 positives and 42 deceased.

Once again The Generalitat does not offer recovery data by department, although the average figure for the whole of the Community exceeds 40 percent of the total number of active cases. The Torrevieja Health Department registered three more positive cases on the day the figures were tracked. This gave them a reading of 340 positive cases and 37 deceased. As in all countries, there continues to be considerable discrepancies in the statistics locally, regionally and nationally in Spain. This is blamed for the main part on the lack of testing and tracking, the different reporting processes and the way the figures are collated. Very few tests have been performed, and only cases with hospital admissions or moderate symptoms reported to the health authorities have been reported into the figures. Also, for example care-home deaths are not added into the figures as the majority are not hospital deaths.


No ‘automatic pass’ for students The Valencian Ministry for Education revealed that there will not be an automatic pass for all students. Each child will have their own grade for each subject and it will not, as rumoured, be an automatic pass. Schools have been closed since Friday March 13th and while many families have been doing their best to homeschool children, there are questions about how this last term will unfold. Schools in the Valencian Community have been using the online ITACA system to communicate with families and post exam results for the pre Easter term. Teachers remarked that the results were based on work that had been done up until children were in class. Parents have been asking what will happen with the final term of school, especially if the state of alarm continues into May and June. The Valencian Minister for Education Vicent Marzà this week answered questions from parents and teachers about what will happen during the remainder of the school year. WILL ALL STUDENTS AUTOMATICALLY PASS TO THE NEXT GRADE? In general, students will progress to the next year/grade

Around three million workers have requested unemployment assistance after companies filed 450,000 ERTEs (or expediente de regulación temporal de empleo, as the temporary layoff plan is called in Spanish). Under the scheme, employers can send workers home without pay for a certain amount of time, but must take them back once this period ends. Workers can claim unemployment during this time, and companies can also put staff on a reduced schedule.

up. This does not mean that all students will receive an automatic pass across the board, nor will they automatically pass all subjects. Repetitions or staying back a year will only be for exceptional circumstances and will be limited to those cases in which the teaching staff consider to be in the best interests of the student. Even students who are failing core subjects will pass to the next school year, except in exceptional circumstances. WILL ALL STUDENTS RECEIVE A PASSING GRADE IN ALL SUBJECTS? No. Each student will receive individual grades for each subject.

These grades will be worked out based on results obtained during the first two terms in addition to work done remotely – although how each school will evaluate work carried out at home is not yet clear. WILL THERE BE CLASS IN SUMMER? No. The months of July and August will remain as ‘non lective’ months, meaning there will be no classes. If allowed by the health authorities, recreational or support activities may be organized by town halls or local groups. It is envisaged that the next school year will begin with support plans for all students in need of help to catch up.

than 2.5 million are expected to be green-lighted by late April so that most of the applicants can start collecting their benefits in early May. The Spanish government decreed a state of alarm exactly one month ago. During this time, the number of workers affected by ERTE filings has soared to more than double of what they were during the entire 2009-2019

the Valencia region and the Basque Country for schools, restaurants and a museum, and she says that so far only one decision has been returned. In Madrid, she cannot even follow up on the status of the applications, which are being filed online. She also reports that numerous technical glitches are affecting web-pages and apps. Maricarmen Barrera, head of social policy at the labour union UGT, talks about “a bottleneck,” and says that the years of cuts and lack of investment in public employment services are now becoming evident.


Faced with a surge in ERTE claims, regional governments have expanded their processing staff in a bid to avoid blockages in the system, but government sources said that the real challenge lies in the millions of individual jobless claims, which are handled by the national agency SEPE, which has beefed up its computer, system in order to quadruple its ability to process and approve claims. Over 600,000 jobless claims were approved in March, and more


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Department of Employment overwhelmed by millions of claims Spain’s unemployment offices are struggling to deal with the flood of jobless claims tied to the temporary layoff scheme meant to soften the economic blow of the coronavirus crisis.


CostaBlancaPeople 21st - 27th April 2020

period, which included a long economic crisis in Spain.

Public unemployment services, which had already experienced cuts after years of austerity, are now faced with an unprecedented workload. The regional chief of employment for the Valencia region said that where there were once 10 workers processing ERTEs, there are now 40.

Slow process Legal experts who are helping corporate clients file ERTEs complain that the process is too slow. Teresa Aguirre, a labour lawyer, has filed ERTEs in Madrid,

The concentrated effort to cover ERTE-related jobless claims is also delaying other initiatives, such as processing the financial aid for domestic workers introduced by the government as part of its coronavirus relief effort. “The benefit scheme for domestic workers is currently being designed. It involves a lot of work and when it’s ready we will make the announcement,” said sources at the Spanish Labour Ministry. Approved on 31st March, the aid is expected to reach an estimated 400,000 house workers who are signed up to the Social Security system.

GET ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS THAT MATTER TO YOU “Residency ­ What are the rules/requirements?” “Spanish/UK tax ­What are my obligations?” “What are my pension options?” “What savings plans are available to Spanish residents?” “Can I get a better return than the bank?” “What is the 720 declaration?” “Spanish Inheritance tax, healthcare and much more” “How does the Spanish funeral system work?” Visit the website for a short video briefing or register for a full interactive event

Thursday 23rd April - 11am Thursday 30th April - 11am Contact us now and we will send you details of how to login. Its free and informal. Places may be limited so register NOW to avoid disappointment.

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CostaBlancaPeople 21st - 27th April 2020

A roundup of the N332's most popular stories this week

Brittany Ferries Cancellation.

The ITV of my vehicle has (Information provided by the British Embassy) expired, can I drive it? We know many of you were hoping to get the ferry back from the north of Spain to the UK at the end of this month. Brittany Ferries has now confirmed that all its passenger services between the UK and Ireland to France and Spain have been cancelled until 15 May 2020 at the earliest. They are unable to guarantee precisely when services will resume. We understand that they will be in touch with all customers with existing bookings directly. See https://www.brittanyferries.co.uk/information/coronavirus for more information. If you wish to travel back to the UK by car, we would urge you to consider going via France, rather than waiting for the resumption of ferries from Spain. The land border with France remains open if you

4027.pdf). There is no official requirement for hotels in France to close, but we advise that you do make a booking before you set off to check that there are still places open where you want stop.

are returning to your principal residence, other ferry companies are running from France to the UK and the EuroTunnel remains open. If you wish to break your journey, the Spanish government has published a list of hotels in Spain that are allowed to remain open (https://www.boe.es/…/di… /2020/03/25/pdfs/BOE-A-2020-

The French government also requires an attestation in order to be able to drive through France. Please make sure you have looked at the travel advice for further information (https://www.gov.uk/foreign-traveladvice/france/coronavirus). We have also provided a letter in English, Spanish and French to help you explain the reason for your journey, which you can print or save on your phone (https://www.facebook.com/… /a.43007906709… /2501256789978707/…).

Fake News

ONLY those vehicles whose inspections expired DURING the state of alarm can still be driven. - What about if my inspection expired before the state of alarm?

you carry the paperwork detailing the appointment printed or on your mobile. If you did it by phone, ask the ITV station to send you a copy of your appointment eiher to your email account or to your mobile phone.

In this particular case, you are only able to drive the vehicle if you had made an appointment for the ITV test but it was cancelled due to the closing of the ITV Stations. If you need to drive your vehicle then please make sure

FINES DURING THE STATE OF ALARM We reproduce the table published in eldiario.es, and its translation into English, with the summary of the fines that may

be applied by the authorities in cases of non-compliance with the State of Alarm (COVID-19).

Fake news has been circulating detailing the prediction of the phases of the confinement: be careful if you receive this table which is being circulated via WhatsApp. The government has not announced officially any of the information in this document.

Diploma from the Guardia Civil The Guardia Civil have created a diploma so that families can download it and fill it out for their children, as an appreciation of their good behaviour during the lockdown. The Guardia Civil have stated that if you would like to send it to a family member or friend who you believe deserves recognition, then you are welcome to, since it is a symbolic certificate. They invite you to fill it in with their name and the date and send it to them as a surprise https://www.facebook.com/images/em oji.php/v9/t4c/1/16/1f642.png:) To download the certificate visit the N332 facebook page and find the story relating to this article where you will find further instructions

#StayAtHome N332

Can I drive if my driving licence has expired? Yes, as long as your licence expired during the state of emergency as the renewal process has been suspended during this time. Once this state is over, drivers will have a period of 60 days to renew their licence



CostaBlancaPeople 21st - 27th April 2020


Man arrested after allegedly throwing wife out a window A 45-year-old man has been arrested for the murder of his wife, 56. He is alleged to have pushed her out the window of their home in Valladolid. Sources indicate the incident took place at around 2.20am last Monday. Investigating officers interviewed nearby neighbours, some of whom reported that the couple had been arguing loudly around the time of the incident. As soon as officers entered the couple’s home, they arrested the man for gender violence. However, other neighbours insisted that when they went to their own windows to investigate the argument, they saw the man trying to hold his wife to prevent her from falling out of the window of the third floor apartment shared by the couple. Some even ran to place mattresses on the ground to try to cushion her fall should the inevitable happen. Unfortunately, the woman did fall and died as a result of her injuries. The deputy government delegate in the region, Emilio Álvarez, said that the police report of the man’s arrest noted that he was taken in to custody due to ‘signs of gender violence’ but added that “it would have been more correct to indicate that he had been arrested for possible murder.” Álvarez claimed that, according to statements from neighbours, fights and arguments were frequent between the couple. He also revealed that the woman’s children from a previous relationship had in the past reported their mother’s partner for violence. The complaint, however, was dismissed. The woman herself had never reported her

partner for domestic violence and as such was not registered on the police’s VioGEN system, a database of domestic abuse victims which allows the authorities to monitor and protect those at risk. Domestic violence during lockdown Victims of domestic abuse are particularly vulnerable at this time, being forced to stay at home with their abuser 24 hours a day. Officials are keen to stress that throughout the state of alarm, the 016 domestic abuse emergency helpline is fully operational and appeal to all citizens to report any suspected domestic abuse they witness. 016 is available in 52 languages and is open for calls 24 hours a day. Online, the service can be accessed by emailing 016online@mscbs.es. Domestic violence victims can also access an instant psychological support service that has been made available through WhatsApp via the following numbers: 682916136 and 682508507. If you are in an emergency situation as a result of domestic violence, you should call 112, 091 (National Police) or 062 (Guardia Civil) and, in the event of not being able to make a call, you can use the ALERTCOPS application, which sends live Alerts the security forces with location data. If you are in a situation where you feel you might be at risk of domestic abuse, you can download the ALERTCOPS app now, and have it saved on your phone in case you might need it in the future. Rise in violence at home Statistics indicate that calls to the 016

domestic violence emergency number have risen by 18% since the lockdown was imposed. The figures, released earlier this month by the Ministry of Equality, indicate that calls rose significantly in the second half of March (when the country was first on lockdown) compared with the same two weeks in February. Experts have reiterated their fear that gender violence will continue to increase at this time, but also warn of the risk that children are facing. Psychologists from the Anar Foundation, which manages a helpline for minors, warns of the vulnerability of children. Benjamín Ballesteros, Director of the Anar Foundation, revealed that previously, children could call the helpline confidentially but now they are not getting the privacy at home to do so. Some children however, are getting through to seek help from the Anar Foundation. Ballesteros revealed that in just one week, they dealt with 195 serious calls. Around 30% of these came from children with psychological, anxiety or self-esteem problems while 40% of the calls were children suffering violence or abuse. The Anar Foundation can be contacted online at https://www.anar.org/ and offers a chat and email service (in Spanish) for children and teenagers who cannot make a call to ask for help. Calls to the 016 helpline are free and do not leave a trace on the phonebill – however, they do need to be deleted from the call list of the device itself if the caller wants to hide the fact that they have sought help.

like to join the band in Zayn's place. 'Most of us are in London. We've been trying to arrange the first group FaceTime at the moment,' Liam explained, adding: 'You can come and fill in for Zayn. Join the band!'

Piers Morgan slams 'pampered prima donna millionairess' Victoria Beckham for furloughing 30 workers at her 'failing vanity project' fashion label Victoria Beckham furloughed 30 staff at fashion label, despite £335m fortune for 'two months so far' according to her reps Staff received letters explaining that they would be paid 80 per cent salary

what more she should do Victoria is also topping up their wages in an ‘enhanced package’ Piers has said it's not the government's job to act as a 'moral compass' to business owners

One Direction's Liam Payne hints Zayn Malik WON'T be part of the band's reunion as he asks DJ Alesso if he'll 'fill in for him' in his absence

Piers asked when the next video of the Beckhams drinking expensive wine or boasting about their expensive home would be posted on Instagram

Liam Payne has hinted that Zayn Malik will not be involved in the rumoured One Direction reunion.

Susanna Reid explained that Victoria is reportedly forgoing her own salary and donating to food banks and asked

The pop star took to Instagram to have a live chat with DJ Alesso on Sunday night - and asked him if he'd

This seemed to confirm that Zayn who quit the band in 2015 - won't be taking part, despite fans speculating that he would be. Adele fans panic that her highlyanticipated comeback album has been pushed back to 2021 as she makes cryptic comment on Instagram Adele's first album since 2015 was scheduled for release in September of this year. But a comment she made on Instagram has panicked fans into thinking it will be postponed amid the current COVID-19 pandemic. The star, 31, whose last album, 25, sold 22 million copies worldwide, as well as two Grammy Awards, was tuned into an Instagram Live between producers Babyface and Teddy Riley on Saturday night.

The chat was continually interrupted by glitches, leading Adele to comment: 'Come on, it’s 2020 – we ain’t meant to get what we want!'The likes of Lady Gaga, Sam Smith and Alanis Morissette have all put their forthcoming album releases on hold thanks to the global health crisis. But OneRepublic frontman Ryan Tedder, who is collaborating with Adele on the new album, did give fans some good news last month when he said she 'sounds better than ever Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announce they will refuse to talk to four UK newspaper groups - but claim the unprecedented move is 'not about avoiding criticism'

Duke and Duchess of Sussex will have 'zero engagement' with some UK papers The statement was made in a letter sent to editors of the British press last night Prince Harry and Meghan say they refuse to 'offer themselves up as currency' The couple will not speak to the Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, The Sun or Daily Express The ban also extends to the sister stablemates of those titles and their websites



CostaBlancaPeople 21st - 27th April 2020

Local man makes free masks for health service Local man Marcus Pilzer is putting his skills to good use and has begun manufacturing protective masks and other items for local health centres which he is gifting free of charge. Marcus has a 3D printer and buys all the materials himself to create protective gear at his Torrevieja workshop MovilSystem. The Orihuela Costa resident has been giving the masks to hospitals in Torrevieja and Malaga for free, spending several hours behind closed doors to ensure that his skills are benefitting the community. Marcus is one of many anonymous heroes who are helping in the fight against Covid19. In fact, a local Guardia Civil officer told the Costa Blanca People “He deserves a mention for his generosity. Any of the Guardia Civil officers who stop by his workshop, he gives us masks and gloves every time free of charge.� As well as masks, Marcus has also manufactured door openers. These specially designed levers allow health workers to open doors without touching door handles and thus, help prevent infection being spread.

Marcus recently made 60 protective masks and 30 door handles for a local health centre and has just put in a new order for more materials which he is paying for from his own pocket. He spent the weekend manufacturing door handles in order that he can personally go and install them this week.




CostaBlancaPeople 21st - 27th April 2020

Don’t Panic Sell In The Storm - A Webinar Special Investors will be glad to see the back of the first three months of 2020, after the coronavirus outbreak meant that the first quarter of the year proved brutal.

in that it has been prompted by a health pandemic, but experts urge investors to remain calm and not make any knee-jerk reactions.

In the UK, the month of March saw some of the biggest daily drops in the FTSE 100's history, but the second biggest one-day fall on record was also accompanied by the second greatest one-day rise.

Longstanding investors who recall the Russian debt crisis, the Dot Com bubble and the Global Financial Crisis, will know that market will eventually recover, that it doesn’t make sense to panic sell in the eye of the storm and that times of turmoil do in fact present buying opportunities.

Different steps to manage the pandemic by governments had a knock-on effect on sectors through the month, such as individual national lockdowns and the ban on travel from Europe by the US, which had major consequences for airlines, tourism and business. This is the first global stock market decline of its kind

While markets are likely to remain volatile in the near term, I’m in no doubt that the impact of the coronavirus on financial markets will be transitory. Seagate Wealth Management will be presenting an Online Interactive Presentation entitled:

Your Investments - Looking Ahead Topics covered: : Structuring your Finances in Spain : State of the markets : Investing in times of uncertainty This interactive webinar will take place on Thursday 23rd April commencing at 11am. It will be conducted on the Zoom Video Conferencing App, this can be downloaded free & easily on Apple & Android Devices, as well as in the browser of any PC or Laptop. To register your interest to receive the unique meeting link call 965 704 338 or email: Marketing@Seagatewealth.es


CostaBlancaPeople 21st - 27th April 2020






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CostaBlancaPeople 21st - 27th April 2020



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CostaBlancaPeople 21st - 27th April 2020

Health & Beauty


Anxiety in Children Hello Everyone - how are you are all coping in ‘lockdown’? I hope your body and mind are working together and with you and not against you. I hope routine is helping you on a daily basis. I wanted to write an article this week with children in mind - we as parents could be missing some vital initial signs of anxiety. Remember younger children especially won’t know what anxiety is...the feelings they are feeling at the moment could be completely new to them, fear of dying, feeling of the unknown, feelings of lack of routine, no friends and grandparents to see, future fears. It is up to us as adults to instil that this situation will pass, it will end, our lives will go back to normality and we will get through this making us stronger and more resilient as human beings. We often don’t see how much stress children can experience and how much pressure this lockdown can put them under. Childhood anxiety can develop into a much bigger problem if parents miss the signs and children don’t have the coping strategies and learn how to cope themselves. Anxiety in general is a form of stress and almost everyone experiences this at some point in their lives. However prolonged intense anxiety that is out of proportion to the present situation can affect any

person’s daily life and happiness. Childhood anxiety can take the form of a few different disorders including: Generalized Anxiety. This is worry, looming sense of dread, physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach ache and tiredness, muscle tension OCD. Children with compulsive disorders express their anxiety through obsessions and compulsions. Phobias. Intense fears about certain situations and things, in our current situation this could be future fears, Panic Attacks. These can happen without any warning. Physical symptoms can be a pounding heart, shortness of breath, dizziness, numbness or tingling feelings. PTSD. Post traumatic stress disorder stems from a prior traumatic experience and symptoms can include flashbacks, nightmares, fear. Parents play a vital role in helping their children deal with their anxiety, it is important when dealing with childhood anxiety that it is dealt with in a positive way and not shield them from the anxiety. You can help them identify where their feelings are coming from, help them accept and work through these anxious

moments and here are some tips below which I hope will help. Reassure that they’re loved and they’re safe. Teach them to do breathing exercises to help them to learn to control breathing, do as a game for example let’s pretend we are blowing up a giant balloon, take a deep breath and now blow it up to the count of 5. ‘Let’s have a little battle cry together’ - this can help overcome the initial fear, get your child moving expressing and then talking ‘If your feelings are a character what would it look like’ - again they can draw this making an abstract feeling more concrete and easier to talk about. ‘Let’s get comfortable’ - until this feeling passes. ‘Let’s talk it out, you are so brave for letting us talk about this so grown up.’ ‘Let’s count this out’ - for example how many people are in this room, the number of blue objects. This requires them to concentrate on something else and their trail of thought, which will lessen the feeling of anxiety if you are in a public place.

‘You’re not the only one who feels like this,’ it is important to let your child know that. ‘What’s the worst that can happen.’ Talk this through and ask them what the best scenario would be and also what the most likely scenario would be. This helps the child learn how to think more critically when they’re feeling anxious. ‘I am really proud of you.’ You are letting them know that you are already happy with them discussing openly and trying. ‘This feeling will pass. ‘ Periods of anxiety can feel never ending to children, so reassure this feeling isn’t permanent and relief is coming. ‘Which calming strategy do you want to use this time.’ Letting them know that you are giving them your total support can in itself reduce the anxiety. You are also showing them the tools to use themselves. ‘We will get through this together’ again you are sharing the feeling of the anxiety.

‘Remember when you made it through...’ - reminding your child about past victories. ‘Help me move this wall’ – physical activities like pushing on a wall can help with releasing tension and physical feelings. If anyone feels they need any extra help, please contact Changes on 608829557 for a free informal chat. There are so many coping strategies not just for children but adults too. I am a fully qualified Wellbeing Coach, Counsellor, Clinical Hypnotherapist.

BUSINESS PROFILE Please note that all information contained within this Costa Blanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.



CostaBlancaPeople 21st - 27th April 2020


Vauxhall plans to restart production One of the UK’s biggest carmakers, Vauxhall, revealed plans to restart production in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis. The news comes as the British government is under increasing pressure to confirm a strategy to breathe life into the economy by bringing certain sectors out of lockdown.

restart. Sources say that the workforce could return within a matter of weeks, depending on a review of the proposed safety measures. Plant managers hope that within three weeks of reopening the factory, production could be running at around 85% of its usual capacity. The company, owned by France’s Peugeot, has not yet fixed a firm date for

restarting, but could reopen within weeks, depending on the successful completion of audits of the measures. Within three weeks of restarting the plants managers hope to be running at about 85% of capacity. The plant, which employs over a thousand workers who make Astra cars, was one of the first manufacturers to close its doors in March. Every other large automotive factory in Britain has since shut down.


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Vauxhall plans to introduce safety measures to protect workers. For example, staff will be made to clean their workstations every hour, to wear protective equipment including face masks, and to remain two metres apart at all times during the workday. The company is seeking to reopen its factory in Liverpool but has not yet set a date for production to



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PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Eazy Lawns the artificial grass experts. Eight year guarantee. Many different effects for all surfaces and budgets. Full garden design & construction. Fully legal and registered company covering all of the Costa Blanca. Tel 634 705 085 6361 025 09 or email info@eazylawns.es or www.eazylawns.es (C)

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Bert black Labrador, 5 years old , sadly owner passed away , energetic large breed , very loyal, needs large garden & plenty of exercise. Tele: 600845420 or e'mail: k9clubinfo@gmail.com


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