28 April - 2 May 2020

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28TH APRIL - 4TH MAY 2020 - EDITION 836

Tel: 966 701 060 | office@costablancapeople.com | costablancapeople.com

Your Essential Weekly Read

Spanish PM considers allowing adults daily walks On the weekend that saw children living in Spain allowed out for the first time in 6 weeks, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez lifted the spirits of the national by announcing the government might allow adults daily walks or exercise from Saturday 2nd May. The Prime Minister however, made it clear that the decision will depend on whether the coronavirus contagion figures keep dropping. Pedro Sánchez of the Socialist Party (PSOE), who leads a coalition government in partnership with the leftist Unidas Podemos, said: “If the evolution of the pandemic keeps moving in a positive manner, starting on May 2 outings will be allowed for individual activity and for walks with the people that we live with.” The specifics of what is and is not allowable will be given following the next cabinet meeting, but it is believed that people will not be able to drive to their favourite beauty spot for a walk but will need to leave the house on foot and only accompanied by the people they live with. The walk or exercise period will be for a maximum of one hour taken near to your home. Meeting friends will be allowed and beaches and parks will remain closed to discourage group gatherings. Flouting of the rules may lead the government to reverse the decision. As with the children’s daily allowance it is thought the '1-1-1-1' rule will apply: a maximum of one walk a day, for a maximum of one hour, within no more than a one-kilometre

radius of home (about two-thirds of a mile), and with just one household at a time. This will be the only change to the restriction rules, bars, restaurants and customer facing businesses will remain closed. Apart from the exercise period people will remain at home in lockdown and can only venture out for food or medical reasons. In a press conference held on Saturday evening, the Prime Minister said that the de-escalation of confinement measures will take place throughout May, “and we will see what happens in the month of June.” “I would like to convey to you the importance of being cautious. This is not a race to see who is the first to reopen a shopping mall or a small business.” Pedro Sánchez explained that the de-escalation will occur at different speeds depending on the situation in each region. “In the de-escalation, we will not all advance at the same speed, but according to the same rules,” he said. "We will do it at different speeds depending on [the situation] of the pandemic in each location, in an asymmetric but coordinated fashion. We will do it as a team.” The Prime Minister added that the central government will be responsible for the de-escalation plan, despite complaints from regional leaders in Catalonia and the Basque Country, who want more control over how the measures are rolled out in their regions. The Spanish Cabinet is set to

approve the de-escalation plan today (Tuesday 28th April). Steady improvement Daily coronavirus deaths have been below 400 for a few days, down from highs of more than 600 in recent weeks. But the pandemic has hit Spain hard: the official death toll at around 23,000 and the number of registered infections at around 224,000 although unreported deaths at senior residences and private homes could mean the real numbers are significantly higher. Recent figures also show that 20 percent of Covid-19 infections are among healthcare workers, much

higher than in other countries, a fact that experts blame on poor planning

and a shortage of protective gear and testing kits.



CostaBlancaPeople 28th April - 4th May 2020


N332 – the people behind the project The N332 Facebook page and related website, N332.es, has spent the last number of years providing information on driving in Spain to help foreigners stay safe on the roads. With many rules and regulations different to those of our home nations, the information provided by the N332 group has proved useful to many road users here – including the many people that follow the page on Facebook. Former British Ambassador to Spain, Simon Manley and Congressional spokesperson for Ciudadanos, Inés Arrimadas, have both previously commended the N332 project and the recognition that it has now achieved by the DGT, Spain’s transport authority. Since the state of alarm in Spain, the team behind the N332 project has been using its skills and its team of Guardia Civil, Local Police, writers and translators, to share the latest news and information with members of the public. A spokesperson for the group said “We decided to redirect our efforts to keeping people informed of the latest news and developments about the state of alarm, and what citizens are allowed – and not allowed – to do to keep safe.” This hasn’t been without its challenges. As well as translating the latest royal decrees and up to date news, the team is also trying to debunk the raft of ‘fake news’ which has been doing the rounds lately. The Costa Blanca People has been working with the N332 team for over five years. Back in October 2015, we began featuring our Driving in Spain column

where readers were invited to ‘ask the Guardia Civil’ about motoring in Spain. The column was run in conjunction with the N332 volunteers – the group behind the hugely popular Facebook page and website. Just two years later, we decided to further concrete our good relationship and along with our partners at Moneycorp currency exchange, the Costa Blanca People became official sponsors of the N332. Heading up the team is Francisco Morales, a Guardia Civil Traffic Officer who as well as winning a Pride of Spain award was also nominated for two national TV awards in 2018 and 2019. Together with his Guardia Civil and Policia Local colleagues and fellow N332 team member, writer Mark Nolan, the group spends great time and energy replying to people’s questions about motoring laws and now, state of alarm news and information. The Facebook page has grown immensely having increased its followers from 14,000 to 157,700 (and counting!). In fact, the page has gained another 21,000 followers since the state of alarm began. “I think people need a reliable source of news,” said Francisco, “When people see a story on the N332 page they know it is genuine, they know it has come from an official source and that it is not fake news. Our team is made up of volunteers from the Guardia Civil and Local Police as well as sworn translators

The recent Expo in Torrevieja, where many followers came to meet N332 team in person

and legal consultants. All of these people are professionals in their own right, and the voluntary work they do is to make sure people have a reliable and sound source of news, especially in the current climate when fake news is spreading along with fear and misinformation.” Francisco finished by saying “I would like to thank our translators and writer, Phoebe Liddiard, Amanda Thomas and Mark Nolan who work so hard helping us write the news every day during this time. Our followers too have been a great support to us and have also helped us with updating news and translations and I would like to thank them very much.”

N332 translators, Amanda Thomas, Mark Nolan and Phoebe Liddiard



CostaBlancaPeople 28th April - 4th May 2020


Lesser known symptoms of coronavirus When people were warned to look out for symptoms of the novel coronavirus, only three signs were indicated: coughing, fever and breathing problems. But these are not the only indications, warn primary healthcare physicians, who argue that recognising all possible manifestations will be key to keeping the outbreak under control when Spain’s confinement measures are eased. Ricardo González, the director of the San Fermín health center in Madrid explained that hives and diarrhoea are the other possible indicators of the disease that have been most frequently

seen. An editorial published Friday in the British Medical Journal also indicated other signs that could be symptoms of Covid-19. Apart from the loss of sense of smell and taste, which was detected a month ago, the editorial reported that neurological problems, stroke,

disorientation, headaches, myocarditis, thrombosis and vision problems, among others, could be other possible symptoms. The list of suspected symptoms of Covid-19 is growing as health workers are faced with different manifestations. Isabel Morales, the president of the Pediatric Nursing Association, says that her colleagues in outpatient care have found that children with coronavirus also experience diarrhoea, itchiness and chilblains. “We are still learning about how the virus behaves,” says pediatrician Aser

García Rada. “A month ago anosmia (the loss of the sense of smell) was related to the virus. Fifteen days ago, colleagues warned about hives. The problem is that the extension and intensity of symptoms is very wide.” García Rada is concerned that some non-essential workers may have

returned to the workplace last week, when the two-week economic hibernation came to an end, without realising the full range of coronavirus symptoms. “Now we are telling people that if they have a cough, fever or dyspnea (difficulty breathing) they should stay at home,” he says. “But a week

ago, we let people return to work who don’t know to check if their headache is due to the coronavirus, and that’s dangerous.” The editorial in the British Medical Journal also warned that ignoring the wide range of possible symptoms could lead to a second wave of transmissions.

To avoid this from happening, García Rada recommends “treating any acute infection as possible Covid-19 until a test rules it out.” “The problem is we don’t have them,” he explains. Until more testing is available, identifying coronavirus cases will depend on the clinical eye of health professionals.



CostaBlancaPeople 28th April - 4th May 2020

All Torrevieja towntests hall workers to be tested this week for the virus and for the presence of all workers in the town hall in the future,

The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo DolĂłn revealed that after hosting a videoconference meeting with key town hall staff groups, t he town hall is ready to implement a raft of safety measures in preparation for resuming normal activity. A skeleton staff continues to work daily at the town hall and these new measures are in preparation for the full team of workers returning to the workplace. Between today (Tuesday 28th April) and tomorrow, all workers including ProtecciĂłn Civil volunteers, will be administered with a serological test which

antibodies. Workers currently at home will be contacted by phone to inform them of the date, time and location of their test and will be asked to go there to meet personnel from Torrevieja Health Department who will carry out the test. It is envisaged that there will be three test centres where workers will be asked to give a blood sample: The town hall itself, the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Centre and the Local Police barracks. In addition, to ensure the future safety of

the Department of Prevention of Occupational Risks has ensured a series of safety measures are being taken including the installation of alcohol based hand sanitiser dispensers (around 100 dispensers) and the continued provision of masks and gloves to workers. 10 infrared thermometers have been acquired for the checking of personnel and members of the public entering municipal offices. Finally, Perspex partitions are being placed at key desks to protect workers and members of the public.


Town Hall says no to motorhomes Residents around the Calas de Torrevieja protected fauna and flora. have long bemoaned the almost The town hall has erected new permanent presence of motorhomes, signage reminding motorists that all parked on the seafront often for months access to vehicles is prohibited. at a time. The lack of facilities in the area Antonio Vidal explained that after mean that there is no suitable place for months of meetings and negotiations motorhomes to park, given that campers with the Provincial Coastal Service, under cannot empty the Ministry of chemical toilets or Ecological other waste water. Transition, and Torrevieja’s taking into Councillor for the account reports Environment and from the Beaches, Antonio Municipal Vidal, announced Biologist, Juan this week that a Antonio Pujol, the decision has been decision had to be made to end the taken to end the practice of free indiscriminate camping and parking of measures have motorhomes. been taken to The Councillor stop campervans for the from accessing Environment and the seafront. Beaches also Vidal explained stressed that from that there have now on the Local been problems Police have an generated by the order to actively continuous influx enforce the of motorhomes, parking ban for all especially vehicles, between La denouncing those Higuera cove and who do not Los Locos beach comply with the where for months rule with fines that at a time, a could go up to constant stream 200 euros in some of these heavy cases. vehicles damages Town hall evicts motorhomes



CostaBlancaPeople 28th April - 4th May 2020


Coronavirus in Spain as early as January Scientists from the Carlos III Health Institute in Madrid have revealed findings from studies on the first confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Spain. Studying the genetic make-up of the virus in the very first patients to be diagnosed, researchers have ruled out the theory that there was a ‘patient zero’ who caused the dramatic outbreak throughout the country. The team of scientists have studied

nearly 1,600 different varieties of the SARS-CoV-2 genome and discovered that the earliest cases could be traced back to late January, much earlier than previously thought. On 23rd February, Fernando Simón, the director of the Health Ministry’s Coordination Centre for Health Alerts, stated that “the virus is not in Spain, nor is the disease being transmitted, nor do we currently have any cases.” But it

Berlin sunnier than Spain during lockdown To add insult to injury, we have all noticed that there has been a distinct lack of sunshine since the lockdown started in Spain and now it’s official... Berlin, Geneva and Paris have had more hours of sunshine than Alicante province in the first 40 days of confinement. The forty days of confinement forced by the coronavirus crisis have been exceptionally cold and rainy in the Valencian Community, where fewer hours of sunshine are being recorded than in northern European capitals such as Paris or Berlin. According to the records of the State Meteorological Agency, since 16th March there has been an accumulated rainfall that exceeds 280 litres per square meter in Alicante Province while in the observatories in Paris and Berlin have

barely registered 7.4 and 5.7 litres, respectively. Contrary to what is usual in this period there have also been more rainy days – 18 of them - in Alicante, much ore than in Paris or Berlin, where it has only rained on three occasions since 16th March. However, the maximum average daytime temperature since the start of the confinement has been 18.1 degrees in Paris and an average 18.9 degrees in Alicante, which is in line with historical averages for this time of year. In terms of the number of hours of sunshine, normally much higher in Spain - Berlin (370), Paris (336), and even Geneva (336) have far exceeded the records of Alicante at 243, Castellón 180 and València 162 in this period.

would appear that by that point the virus was already spreading a number of people. Research has also shown that in the majority of cases, the cases of coronavirus in Spain are all of very similar types, which is good news, according to biochemist Francisco Diez. Of the 28 different complete genomes detected, they could be split into three types, S, G and V. The identification of these types and their similarities, along with the discovery of

very few mutations, means that developing a vaccine is not as potentially complicated as it could be. The research showed that the origin of the disease was the Chinese city of Wuhan around 24th November, as has already been found. Similar strains of the virus were then detected in Valencia on 26th and 27th February, a week after the Champions League tie between Atalanta and Valencia, dubbed a ‘biological bomb‘, took place in Milan.

However strains of the virus were traced on mainland Spain before the game was played, as early as 14th February, leading scientists to rule out the match was the initial cause of the infection. It was well documented the first recorded case of COVID-19 in Spain was 1st February, from a German tourist on the island of La Gomera who had recently attended a training course in Munich with a Chinese colleague who had family in Wuhan.


CostaBlancaPeople 28th April - 4th May 2020

SELLING A HOME DURING A PANDEMIC Rebecca Serwotka Rebecca Serwotka - Your favourite local property expert, of Inmobiliaria Real Estate Agents in Ciudad Quesada & published author of “Moving Forward - 25 Essential Rules For Buying & Selling Real Estate Without Going Crazy.” Request your FREE copy today!Featured on Best Buy Spain - Property TV.

Is your property for sale? Maybe you’re getting ready to bring it to the market, as soon as lockdown is over. Either way, things are going to be a little different for the time being, regarding the viewing process. First and foremost, everyone needs to feel safe. So allowing anyone and everyone through your door, is a definite no, no. After lockdown is over, the only way to get through the first stages will be by appointment only. You will need to make sure buyers are well qualified before allowing them through your door. Do they have something to sell? Are they looking with the intention of buying now? If they are only being curious, then it’s best not to let them in for now. It will not be the time for “looky-looky,” people. With that being said, here are 3 things worth considering when you’re ready to show your home to a potential buyer: 1. No judgments - This means whoever the buyer is, nationality, ethnicity, etc. will have the same respect equally. It is fair to ask them if they have been exposed to the Coronavirus. However, if you’re asking one person, you must ask everyone. Do not single one person out from another.

2. If you reside in the home you are selling, I advise you to disinfect high-touch areas, like countertops, door handles, light switches, etc. And if you can, leave hand sanitizer out for the buyers to use. Once the viewing is over, clean and disinfect thoroughly. 3. Social distancing will still apply, even in your own home, so if you’re doing the showing yourself, take a step back and give the buyers the space to feel comfortable and safe. 2 Metres (approximately 6 feet) distance between you and the buyer. These are unprecedented times for everyone, so buyers will understand the reasons for your questions. They will also want you to feel safe too. We all need to work through the transition back to normality, together. If you’re struggling in your own home, either because of the lack of space, or for financial reasons, but aren’t sure what the process is for selling a property in Spain, I will be holding an online webinar* presentation on Friday 8th May, 2020 at 12 noon. A “Sellers Guide Checklist!” Everything you need to know about selling a property in the Costa Blanca. Register at www.homes4u.es/webinar to save your seat! There is a limit of attendees, so early registration is recommended. *A webinar is a presentation held over the internet, that you can watch from your computer in the comfort and safety of your own home. You do not need to have your webcam on, as I will be presenting in “watch only” mode.

See our advert in the centre pages of this newspaper! www.homes4u.es




CostaBlancaPeople 28th April - 4th May 2020


GBP / EUR UPDATE GBP Sterling flipped and flopped between poll position and back of the pack this week. While Norway’s krone and South Africa’s rand had a worse week than the British pound, against top tier major currencies sterling really flagged, with an average loss of 0.5%. However, compared with a month ago, the poundis still an average of 3.4% firmer. The pounds problems stemmed from the political narrative. A persistent shortage of PPE for hospital and care staff either was or was not exacerbated by political distancing from the EU and supplies from elsewhere have appeared disorganised. Another setback for sterling came in the form of Brexit, remember that? The Foreign Office insisted that 31 December remains the deadline for ending the Brexit transition period, trade deal or no deal.Former MP and close ally of former PM Theresa May David Liddington argued that Covid-19 makes extension inevitable because, “There is not enough bandwidth to pay attention to Brexit in Whitehall or the European Commission and the major capitals”.Sterling fell an average of 0.6% on the day, giving up a cent and a quarter each to the US dollar, the euro and the Swiss franc. The UK ecostats varied between decent and dreadful. Rightmove’s index of real estate asking prices was 2.1% higher on the year but there was insufficient data to make the number meaningful.Employment figures for February/March were out of date and were not particularly punchy, but showed that UK employment was at a record high before lockdown.The numbers that did matter were the provisional purchasing managers’ indices, which were predictably shocking, the CBI’s measure of manufacturing activity which “plunged” 27 points to -56, and GfK’s index of consumer confidence, which dropped from -9 to -34 as expected. EUR A slightly below-average performance by the euro left it 0.2% below the other major currencies and flat

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against the Swiss franc in the week that saw some shops in Germany reopening after lockdown. The euro strengthened by a third of a cent against sterling. The focus has been on the European Council and what collective financial recovery package could be agreed on Thursday’s meeting,after much haggling last week resulted in agreeing on a €500 billion relief package is for European countries hit hardest by the tragic Covid19 pandemic, such as Italy and Spain. There was no great surprise that the EU agreed nothing, other than something needed to be done. It looks as though the European Central Bank will once again have to step in at next week’s Governing Council Meeting. Following carefully in the steps of the US Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank said it would loosen its criteria for collateral posted against loans to commercial banks. It will accept non-investmentgrade paper, colloquially known as “junk”.The purpose of the change is to anticipate that many currently solid issues will be downgraded as a result of the tragic Covid-19 pandemic. Without a change to the criteria the central bank would be less able to provide monetary stimulus. The ECB has not yet said it will go the whole hog and buy junk bonds as part of its quantitative easing asset purchase programme but the possibility will surely come up for discussion at next week’s Governing Council meeting. The euro was seven eighths of a cent lower on the day Thursday. As in Britain, the Euroland ecostats fell broadly into two categories; out of date or ugly. Ugliest of all were the recent measures of confidence and economic activity. Consumer confidence measures from the EC and GfK were even more dismal than forecast, with GfK’s figure for Germany at an all-time low. At first glance ZEW’s economic sentiment for Germany looked pretty good, rising from -49.5 to +28.2. However, it represented no more than a slight reversal of March’s extreme bearishness.

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CostaBlancaPeople 28th April - 4th May 2020


Scientists search for coronavirus cure More than 150 different drugs are being researched around the world. Most are existing drugs that are being trialled against the virus. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has launched the Solidarity trial aimed at assessing the most promising treatments. The UK says its Recovery trial is the the world's biggest, with more than 5,000 patients already taking part and multiple

research centres around the world are attempting to use survivors' blood as a treatment There are three broad approaches being investigated: l Antiviral drugs that directly affect the coronavirus's ability to thrive inside the body l Drugs that can calm the immune system - patients become seriously


ill when their immune system overreacts and starts causing collateral damage to the body Antibodies, either from survivors' blood or made in a lab, that can attack the virus

Dr Bruce Aylward, from the World Health Organisation, said Remdesivir is the only drug that showed any signs of effectiveness, after he visited China. The antiviral drug was originally designed to treat Ebola, but other options proved more effective. However, it has since been shown to be effective at treating other deadly coronaviruses such as the Middle East respiratory syndrome and severe acute respiratory syndrome, and also in animal studies, leading to hopes it will also be effective against the Covid19 coronavirus. Leaked results from trials led by the University of Chicago also suggested the drug was effective. It is one of the four drugs in the WHO Solidarity trial. There has been much talk, but little evidence, that a pair of HIV drugs lopinavir and ritonavir - would be effective at treating coronavirus. There

has been some evidence they can work in the laboratory, but studies in people have been disappointing. The combination did not improve recovery, reduce deaths or lower levels of the virus in patients with serious Covid-19. Another existing treatment being investigated is Malaria drugs, which are part of both the Solidarity and Recovery trials. Chloroquine, and a related derivative, hydroxychloroquine, may have antiviral and immune-calming properties. The drugs have been thrust into the spotlight as potential coronavirus therapies, largely due to claims made by President Trump, but there is still scant evidence on their effectiveness. Immunity drugs are another type being trialled. If the immune system overreacts to the virus then it can cause inflammation throughout the body. The Solidarity trial is investigating interferon beta, which is used to treat multiple sclerosis, and lowers inflammation. Interferons are a group of chemicals released by the body when under attack by a virus. The UK's Recovery Trial is investigating dexamethasone - a type of

steroid used to reduce inflammation. And finally, survivor immunity is also an avenue worthy of exploring. People who survive an infection should have antibodies in their blood that can attack the virus. The US has already treated 500 patients with what's known as "convalescent plasma", and other countries are getting involved too.

Rolling out a cure It is too soon to know when we might have a drug that can treat the coronavirus. However, we should start to get the results of trials in the next few months. This is much earlier than we will know if a vaccine (which protects against infection rather than treat it) is effective. This is because doctors are testing drugs that have already been developed and are known to be safe enough to use, whereas vaccines researchers are starting from scratch. Some completely new, experimental, coronavirus drugs are also being tested in the laboratory but are not yet ready for human tests.


Protection for workers across Orihuela


GET ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS THAT MATTER TO YOU Many of the villages are relying on small, local shops to keep communities supplied as they are a considerable distance from large stores. Local Mayors have been asked to feed back the businesses that are a lifeline for their villages to ensure that workers are protected. The distribution will take place throughout the municipal area by Civil Protection volunteers and the Department of Sports. It is believed that "about 1,600

disposable hygienic masks will be given out to workers and 280 bottles of 200ml sanitising gel will be distributed to the key businesses that have been identified in this municipal plan.” These include large supermarkets and medium food stores. It also covers small shops such as: butchers, greengrocers, bakeries, fishmongers, tobacconists, animal food stores, take away or home delivery restaurants, newsagents and mobile phone shops.

DKV Seguros – Peace of mind for your healthcare Eduardo Abenoza is an exclusive agent for DKV seguros, which is a well respected health insurance company serving many countries in Europe. The company itself was founded originally in Germany and was established in Spain some over 30 years ago. DKV offers mainly private health insurance but also home insurance and funeral plans. Eduardo told the Costa Blanca People, “I started working with DKV around 15 years ago. At that time very few English speaking companies were offering good quality and good price private health Insurance.” He continued, “In Spain, policies and communication is normally in Spanish. For the English speaking expat community, I act as the customers direct agent. This way, they have a real person to



The protective materials will be handed out to help essential workers given the great difficulty that businesses owners are facing try to buy these supplies to keep their staff safe.

“Businesses providing food or basic services for people are essential at this difficult time and particularly small businesses which are vitally important, especially in the villages and areas with a high number of elderly neighbours.”


“Expert Financial Advice for Expats”

The City Council of Orihuela, through the Department of Emergencies, and in collaboration with the Department of Commerce, has started to distribute hydro-alcoholic masks and sanitising gel for those businesses across the municipality that remain open to the public, complying with the rules of the national State of Alarm.

Víctor Valverde, Councillor for Emergencies, explained that "food shop and supermarket staff are highly exposed to the Covid-19 contagion as they spend lots of time working in spaces with a large footfall of different people and are constantly attending to the needs of the public.


CostaBlancaPeople 28th April - 4th May 2020

contact, in English, speaking for all queries they may have about their insurance. In addition, I have access to the best offers and deals

that the company offers so can also save money for customers.” DKV doesn’t require a medical, nor is there an age limit on new policies. New clients simply need to fill in a health questionnaire. They offer a variety of policies for all needs from basic to worldwide comprehensive cover.

The company prides itself on working with the best hospitals and medical teams in Spain, and values excellent customer service. On choosing the most suitable policy, Eduardo explained, “I always advise the customer on the best product for their individual needs. My advice is that with any insurance, it is best to be covered before anything happens and...is there anything more important than our health?” DKV also offers family policies for four or more family members and business policies for companies – the business policies can be tax deductible too. All of DKV’s policies cover emergencies abroad and if, like many, you spend half the year in Spain and half in your own country, DKV offers worldwide cover policies which pay 90% of the medical costs abroad anywhere in the world.

BUSINESS PROFILE Please note that all information contained within this Costa Blanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.

“Residency ­ What are the rules/requirements?” “Spanish/UK tax ­What are my obligations?” “What are my pension options?” “What savings plans are available to Spanish residents?” “Can I get a better return than the bank?” “What is the 720 declaration?” “Spanish Inheritance tax, healthcare and much more” “How does the Spanish funeral system work?” Visit the website for a short video briefing or register for a full interactive event

Thursday 30th April - 11am Thursday 7th May - 11am Contact us now and we will send you details of how to login. Its free and informal. Places may be limited so register NOW to avoid disappointment.

You can contact us by email, telephone or via the website Contact: +34 965 02 03 44 info@expatbriefings.com www.expatbriefings.com


CostaBlancaPeople 28th April - 4th May 2020

A roundup of the N332's most popular stories this week

Home delivery of prescription medicine in Spain We have had many enquiries about how to obtain medication during COVID19 restrictions. If you are in a high-risk category and are not able to leave your home to get medication, you may find the following information – for residents and visitors - useful. In general, home delivery of medication is available for those who fall into one or more of the following categories:

medication, how and when it will be delivered. FOR VISITORS: 1. To obtain prescription medicine in Murcia as a visitor, you must telephone your nearest health centre and you will be informed where the nearest health centre is/what steps you need to take. If you are

FOR RESIDENTS: 1. Once you have your prescription, call 900 36 22 36 or send an email to medicamentsadomicili@gva.es 2 You will be informed how the delivery system works and what steps you need to take

· You are over 60 years old · You have an acute or chronic illness which is classified as high-risk for COVID19 infection e.g. diabetes, immunodeficiency, pulmonary conditions, cancer, cardiovascular conditions, pregnancy. You can find out more about high-risk categories and recommendations here. · You have limited mobility Most home delivery services are carried out by volunteers or charities on behalf of the pharmacy. Please only request this service if there is nobody else who can go to the pharmacy on your behalf. All regions operate different healthcare systems. Please look at the arrangements for your region (below) and if your region isn’t listed, we recommend you contact your nearest health centre for the latest information. MURCIA FOR RESIDENTS: 1. Call your nearest pharmacy (the person who needs the medication should call where possible). 2. Please note, if your local pharmacy does not offer home delivery, try the nearest alternative. 3. You must only request this service if there is nobody else that can go on your behalf. 4. The pharmacy will inform you how you can pay for your

You are over 60 years old AND/OR · You have an acute or chronic illness which is classified as high-risk for COVID19 infection e.g. diabetes, immunodeficiency, pulmonary conditions, cancer, cardiovascular conditions, pregnancy. You can find out more about high-risk categories and recommendations here.

experiencing problems organising replacement medication and need medication urgently, please write to healthcare.spain@fco.gov.uk and put “PLEASE CONTACT ME – MEDICATION” in the subject line. 2. Once you have a prescription, you can follow the steps above to organise home delivery. 2. VALENCIA You can have your medication delivered in Valencia if: ·

FOR VISITORS: 1. If you are visiting Valencia, you will need to contact your nearest healthcare centre to organise your prescription. Find your nearest centre here. If you are experiencing problems organising replacement medication and need medication urgently, please write to healthcare.spain@fco.gov.uk and put “PLEASE CONTACT ME – MEDICATION” in the subject line. 2. Once you have a prescription, you can follow the steps above to organise home delivery. If you are in a high risk category or vulnerable and need assistance with organising your medication, please email healthcare.spain@fco.gov.uk and write “PLEASE CONTACT ME – MEDICATION” in the subject line. A member of our team will contact you as soon as possible. Please note that the above information is designed a guide for UK nationals and is intended to be the most up to date possible. In the current situation, information can change quickly; for the latest information you must contact your regional health services.

How to make the essential purchases in the PHARMACY The Public health have provided us with this information regarding the essential purchases from the Pharmacy:

aYou can go if you have no symptoms. aPractice social distancing. aAsk if the neighbors need any products. aWash your hands when you get home.

#StayAtHome N332

Access to regular healthcare appointments for residents in Spain All regions in Spain have made changes to (non-COVID19 related) regular services provided by health centres. Some centres have reduced opening hours, some require you to telephone first, some are now operating digital services, such as online consultations, mobile phone apps, and telephone consultations. Below you will find a summary of how to access appointments for regular treatment in your region. For more detailed information or specific circumstances, such as specialist treatment, you will need to contact your health centre. Murcia: Please call 968 228 250 to

make your appointment. Alternatively, you can access the online system here, using your personal details and health card number. If you have not registered for the online system, you can do so by following this link. Valencia: To obtain a doctor appointment/prescription medicine in the Valencia region it is advisable to call your local health centre in the first instance and follow their guidance. You can locate your nearest health centre here. Have your SIP card at hand when you call. Alternatively, you can download the app for the Valencian health service GVA mes salut.

Government fixes prices for hygiene products The Government has published the maximum prices that can be charged

for masks, hand gels, hydroalcoholic solutions.


Areas remain closed Although since Sunday 26th April the government are now allowing children out for walks we would like to remind

you that playgrounds, parks and sports areas will remain closed.



CostaBlancaPeople 28th April - 4th May 2020


Coronavirus crime sprees Torrevieja man detained for going fishing A Torrevieja man has been detained after being caught skipping lockdown four times to go fishing. Guardia Civil arrested the man in Torrevieja after having caught him on four separate occasions fishing off the salt pier. The man, of Romanian nationality, is said to have jumped over the fence at the pier to go fishing, something for which he had already been denounced up to three times in previous days. On the fourth time, officers chose to arrest him given the man’s repeated disobedience of the restrictions imposed by the state of alarm here in Spain. Guardamar drug trafficker Meanwhile, officers in Guardamar arrested a motorist accused of drug trafficking. The man was stopped at a checkpoint on the N332 near Buena Vista urbanisation. Officers were ensuring that residents were complying with the current lockdown rules and at the checkpoint, were asking motorists to justify their journeys to demonstrate that they were complying with the regulations. Officers did not believe the man’s account of why he was out driving and decided to search his vehicle. Inside the car, they found a suspicious bag concealing two plastic wraps. The wrappers contained a lumpy powered substance which a roadside drug test showed to be cocaine. The drug found had a weight of 10.4 grams and was of extremely high purity, so that, once cut with other substances, it

could have tripled its weight and its market value. In addition to the drug, two blister packs containing 6 doses of erectile dysfunction medication. One of the doses had been cut off with scissors, with suggested to officers that the man intended to sell the ‘little blue pills’ as individual doses. On discovering the cocaine and ‘viagra’, officers decided to arrest the 63 year old Italian man and charged him with drug trafficking offences. The man appeared in

they stole the car from one of their mothers. The incident took place at 2am when officers tried to stop the car to identify its occupants, as is the norm during the current state of alarm. Instead of stopping at the checkpoint, the youngsters tried to ram the patrol car and a chase ensued. A two hour car chase followed, during which the teens repeatedly rammed police that were trying to block their way. Not only that, but the youngsters live streamed the car chase to their Instagram accounts. With the help of units from Sax Local Police, the two 14 year olds and one 15 year old were arrested and charged with resisting arrest, disobedience and traffic offences. Santa Pola serial robber arrested Guardia Civil in Santa Pola have arrested a man who is believed to be involved in as many as 16 break-ins in the town. The man is thought to have been taking advantage of the fact that many premises were closed due to the state of alarm.

court and has been provisionally released to await trial. Three teens ram Guardia checkpoint in Sax Also this week, three minors were arrested in Sax for ramming a Guardia Civil patrol car with a stolen car. The three had been trying to flee the scene after

Denia drug dogwalker Further north in Denia, National Police arrested a 33 year old Spanish man accused of drug trafficking. The man was caught while walking his dog and at the same time, trying to sell marijuana. Officers mounted a surveillance operation after a tip off from local residents. At the suspect’s home, officers seized 300 grammes of marijuana and 400 euro in cash.



CostaBlancaPeople 28th April - 4th May 2020




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3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ South Facing ♦ Super Location ♦ No Community Fees

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CostaBlancaPeople 28th April - 4th May 2020



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OFFERED AT: €245,000



3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom, Detached Villa Including 1 bed, 1 bath, Guest Apartment ♦ Part Furnished ♦ Private Swimming Pool ♦ 270m2 Plot

3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms Detached Villa ♦ Including 1 bed., 1 bath., Guest apartment ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Off Road Parking+Car Port ♦ 8mX4m Private Swimming Pool + Hot Tub





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OFFERED AT: €85,000

OFFERED AT: €120,000





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OFFERED AT: €69,995

OFFERED AT: €299,950

OFFERED AT: €79,800






JUSTD SOL 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Ground Floor Apartment ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Sun Room ♦ South Facing ♦ Short Walk to Amenities ♦ Communal Swimming Pool


3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Immaculate Presented ♦ 600m2 Corner Plot ♦ Private Swimming Pool ♦ Garage

2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Linked Bungalow ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Recently Refurbished ♦ Large Roof Solarium ♦ Mediterranean Sea Views ♦ Communal Swimming Pool

5 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms Detached Villa Including 2 Bed Guest Apartment ♦ Furnished ♦ Gas Central Heating ♦ 203m2 Build Size ♦ 1123m2 Plot ♦ Garage ♦ Private Swimming Pool ♦ Town Centre Location




CostaBlancaPeople 28th April - 4th May 2020

WhatsApp upgrade welcomed by users A new upgrade to messaging platform WhatsApp has been welcomed by users. The most recent beta version of the software for both iOS and Android will now permit up to eight simultaneous users on a single video or audio call. Up until now, social distancing has meant people turning to apps such as Zoom and Skype to manage work and social calls.

announced, “WhatsApp is rolling out the new limit of participants in group calls, for iOS and Android beta users!”

After beta testing, WhatApp is expected to roll out the update across all software so even if you haven’t installed the new update yet you should soon be able to add 8 users to a call.

The news of the WhatsApp upgrade was first reported by WABetaInfo, a website that tracks and reports WhatsApp updates. In a tweet, the tech website

Android Beta update installed and all users on the call must have the same version installed - the iOS beta update from TestFlight and the 2.20.133 beta from Google Play - for the feature to work.

The feature is available to those who have the latest iOS and

Apple's FaceTime video-calling tool supports 32 people while Facebook Messenger can support up to 50 people in a call.

Developers fix 'Zoombombing' with new version of app The surge in popularity of the video conferencing app left developers struggling to keep up with security issues. The new version, released this week, should see an end to the new phenomenon of ‘zoombombing’ which saw uninvited guests join video calls, usually to shout abuse or share pornography. Zoombombers would find out the details of the meetings either via links that have been shared publicly on social media platforms or websites or, in some cases, by

simply guessing the nine digit ID code. Amid a raft of other concerns about the security of Zoom, users are still encouraged to exercise caution. Elon Musk has banned the use of Zoom for SpaceX meetings, citing security concerns. Nasa, which is one of Space X's biggest customers, also prevents employees from using it. Meanwhile, a former NSA hacker in the US revealed a host of

faults with the app, including a glitch which allowed some Mac users webcams and microphones to be controlled without their knowledge.



CostaBlancaPeople 28th April - 4th May 2020

'I've always managed to do things that are unlikely or improbable': Natalie Imbruglia, 45, on defying the odds to become a mother to 'magical' son Max, seven months Successful career, friends, a beautiful Cotswolds home... it seems as if Natalie Imbruglia has it all. But the singer felt something was missing from her life – so she turned to a sperm donor to help make it complete. And the Australian has now spoken of her joy at defying the odds by becoming a first-time mother in her mid-forties. Miss Imbruglia, 45, who had son Max via IVF last October, said: 'I'm used to pushing the laws of probability in terms of what I've done in life. I've always managed to do things that are unlikely or improbable.' The former soap star said motherhood is 'truly magical' and has filled the void in her life. 'Looking back I had lovely friends, had been married, a beautiful home and a career that I was proud of,' she told Baby magazine. 'But I'd long been at the point where I knew something was missing and that thing became something I yearned for above anything else'.

Strictly judge Craig Revel-Horwood, 55, announces he is ENGAGED to boyfriend Jonathan Myring, 35, after two years of dating Horticulturalist Jonathan surprised Craig by proposing during trip to Tasmania Craig admitted his partner got down on one knee as they took a dip in a salt bath 'I feel like I have someone who has my back and I’ve got theirs,' he said The pair, who started dating in 2018, are now planning their wedding

Maura Higgins & Alexander Demetriou

'It's been a tough time': Dancing On Ice star Alexander Demetriou CONFIRMS split from wife Carlotta Edwards after being linked to Maura Higgins Dancing On Ice star Alexander Demetriou has confirmed he has

separated from wife Carlotta Edwards after being linked to Maura Higgins. The professional skater, 28, took to Instagram stories on Sunday to confirm the news and revealed to his followers that it had been a 'tough time' for him. It comes amid weeks of speculation that their four year marriage was on the rocks amid reports that he became 'besotted' with Love Island beauty Maura, 29. In a statement posted on Instagram stories, Alexander said: 'I'm Sorry I have been quiet on social media recently but it's been a tough time for me personally. Russell Howard reveals it has been 'heartbreaking' living apart from NHS doctor wife Cerys and moving back in with his parents was 'brutal' Russell Howard has revealed his heartache at living apart from his wife in lockdown. The comedian, 40, moved out of his home and back in with his parents amid the coronavirus crisis whilst his wife works on the NHS frontline. Cerys is a geriatric doctor who returned to work, despite being on sabbatical, to help during the pandemic. During an appearance Sunday Brunch,


filmed over webcam, Russell explained: 'She's working for the NHS, so she's a frontline doctor. 'And she's also got a couple of doctors living with her, who have got elderly relatives so it kind of felt like the most sensible thing to do, was to unfortunately live apart. 'It's heartbreaking but it's for the greater good.'

Laurence, who shares two children with Billie, said in a new interview that it was such a difficult time in his life that he couldn't see 'the point in being alive'. Laurence blamed the family court system for assuming women 'are better nurturers and raisers of children' following a lengthy custody battle with Billie over their two children - Winston, 11, and Eugene, eight. 'What's the point in being alive?' He said: 'Certain aspects of the family Laurence Fox reveals he considered court system are difficult as a man. [It taking his own life assumes women] after his divorce from are better nurturers Billie Piper saw and raisers of them locked in a children when all of bitter custody battle the facts are that over their sons children need both Laurence Fox has parents. spoken out on the 'It's "Believe the effect his divorce woman". It's like from ex wife Billie "No! Don't believe Piper had on his the woman. Provide mental health. the evidence. The actor, 41, has Provide this revealed that he evidence. Try me as considered taking his a f***ing criminal, own life after the man, and let's see split in 2016, after how far you get." nine years of This is a poison in marriage to the our culture and it's Laurence Fox with Billie Piper former pop star. wrong.



CostaBlancaPeople 28th April - 4th May 2020


Top tips for buying a used car Love at First Sight? Don´t trust your first impression. Make sure you look at the car with a critical eye. Having a reliable and sturdy car is not about the colour, so don´t fall into the trap of choosing a vehicle by that means, but rather take a long and detailed look at it.

You can research the model online, checking to see what the most common problems and faults are, and then check your new potential purchase for signs of those problems. Look out for obvious modifications. Some vehicle modifications can render the ITV as invalid, whereas other can simply be masking a deeper problem. Modifications can also increase the cost of insurance. History You can check the car’s administrative register via the DGT website, dgt.es, but it is important that you check the car and see if there are any debts, fines or other issues recorded, as if you buy it, they become your

problem. Don´t but a car without the original documents as you cannot be sure it is even for sale. Testing… Testing… It is important to test drive any car you are thinking of buying, new or second hand, but it is arguably more important for the latter. Whilst a car might look pristine on the outside, we don´t usually buy cars for their aesthetics but rather as a mobility tool, so how it will feel getting us from a to b is crucial. Check everything during the test drive. See if the car pulls to either side, if it stops safely, accelerates well, and if it turns without struggling. Check all the features of the car too, such as the electrics, including the lights, and the safety features such as seat belts. Check the windscreen wipers, washers, everything you might use on a regular, or occasional basis. Buying a car can be a stressful time, it is a big investment, and it will not be without problems (sorry), but if you check these things before buying a car, and more importantly make sure you are 100% happy before handing over any money, then hopefully you will have a long and happy life still with your new, albeit second-hand, motor.



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The biggest problem with buying a used car is that you will never truly know the history of the vehicle, what is has been through, who has driven it, or how technically sound it is. But there are a few things you can do to reduce the risk, and hopefully get a lot of future use from your new purchase. Although we all may dream of buying a fleet of new cars, maybe adding a Ferrari, a Lamborghini or a Rolls Royce to our collection, the reality is that we often have to settle for something within a much smaller budget, and that is where a second-hand car is often the only option. The sad reality is that new cars depreciate the moment we buy them, and the quality standard of the car also reduces with every single trip. The first top tip for buying a used car is to have realistic expectations. While cheaper cars can be cheaper to buy, this doesn’t necessarily mean they are cheap to run. So, it’s key that before you investigate buying a car or making any decisions that you set out your budget for the car and any additional costs. Find out how much does servicing cost, how expensive are spare parts, how freely available are those parts?



28th April - 4th May 2020


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28th April - 4th May 2020


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CostaBlancaPeople 28th April - 4th May 2020


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