23 June - 29 June 2020

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23RD - 29TH JUNE 2020 - EDITION 844

Your Essential Weekly Read

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The New Normal After 98 days on lockdown under a nationwide State of Alarm, Spain this week returns to the ‘new normal’. Each

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autonomous community has a differing set of rules (outlined below) although some regulations (such as the wearing of masks in public places where maintaining two metres distance is not possible) are common across all communities. The priority in many areas will be to kickstart local economies and ease many of the restrictions that have impacted the daily lives of people. A big change this week is the absence

of restrictions on driving. The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), while it does not foresee major traffic jams, warns of the "temptation" to step on the accelerator and of "compulsive driving" after the long period of restricted travel. Central government does not hide the fact that there is widespread concern about the risk of further outbreaks and has decided to strengthen the National Health System (SNS) with more financial resources. The Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, underlined this when asking the country not to let its guard down in this ‘new normal’ period because "the virus can return and it can shake us again in a second wave, and it must be avoided at all costs", he said in a statement on the last day of the state of alarm. The end of the state of alarm means that all the autonomous communities now recover their powers. Therefore, each area has developed its own guide to the rules of this new phase in which there is still uncertainty and the fear due to the lack of a vaccine against covid-19. The autonomous communities and not

central government will take control of the number of clients allowed in hostelry establishments and will regulate control measures that will impact the likes of nightlife, dining and socialising. Andalusia: The community enters the ‘new normal’ phase with the introduction of up to 400 new regulations. Authorities there forecast is that "the new normal" will be in effect until next spring. The capacity of establishments and shops increases to 75% inside and 100% on terraces. In the case of swimming pools and hotels it is 50%, 65% in cinemas and concert halls. Outdoor concerts will have a maximum capacity of 1,500. In the case of funerals, up to 60 people may attend if they are outdoors, 30 inside. Fairs and festivals are not recommended. Aragon: Maximum capacity for establishments will be 75%, provided they are not nightlife venues. In this case, the capacity will be half and the dance floors must be occupied by chairs and tables. Children's play areas are now open Continued on page 3


CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020



Continued from page 1 again. Patron saint festivities are postponed. Asturias: Nightlife venues can be opened again with a capacity of 50% but without a dance floor. Catering establishments can be opened to their full capacity. With regard to parties, they have been classified by three types of risk (high, medium, low). On July 5, festivals, pilgrimages and attractions will be allowed to return. In the case that they are of high risk they will be prohibited; with medium risk they will have a 75% capacity and with low risk the accepted personal protection measures would suffice. Organizers themselves will determine the risk level of the events. Playgrounds also open with these regulations, and shopping centres will have a limited capacity of 50% in common areas. Balearic Islands: Pubs, restaurants or venues with a capacity of more than 300 people may not yet open, the remainder will be allowed to open at 75% capacity. On the beach there will have to be more than four square meters for each swimmer and no more than 30 people can gather per group. Canary Islands: The rule of four square meters on the beach also applies here. Bars and restaurants will not have a capacity limit, but shops will be limited to 75%. Patron saint festivities will not take place. Cantabria: A general limit of 75% will be maintained in hotels, shops and cultural facilities, a percentage that drops to 50 in hostels, tourist facilities and nightlife venues. Sports events may not have gatherings more than 300 people indoors and a thousand outdoors. On beaches, showers and footbaths will only be used by one person at a time. Castilla-La Mancha: With the intention of not confusing citizens, the regional government has decided to limit

CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020

the capacity to 75% in practically all premises and public services. Castilla-Leรณn: The community, very affected by the virus due to its proximity to Madrid, has decided to prohibit any event and meeting where the safety distance of 1.5 meters between people cannot be maintained. In the hospitality sector bars are reopened although the capacity is limited to 75%. Nightclubs must place tables on dance floors and will have attendance limited to one third. Pools may open to 75% and sports competitions without physical contact are allowed. Catalonia: From June 25 there will be no limited capacity in establishments. At outdoor events, the safety distance of 1.5 meters must be respected, although it can be lowered if a mask is used and there will be a register of attendees, sector spaces and a maximum of 2,000 people. Comunidad Valenciana: The Valencian community will keep most of the measures of phase 3 of the deescalation, such as the obligation to limit the capacity to 75% or even 60% in the case of shopping centres. Open air events may not have more than 800 people and funerals will have a limit of 50 people in open spaces and 25 in closed places. Extremadura: The new normal phase will be divided into two periods. In the first stage, which lasts until July 31, the capacity limitations are 50% as a general rule, rising to 75% from August. Galicia: Galicia was the first autonomous region to launch fully into the 'new normal' last Monday. 75% capacity in general public areas, 80% in terraces and 50% in common areas of shopping malls. Outdoor events will have a maximum of 1,000 people seated or 300 if the event is held indoors. La Rioja: The regional government has adopted a policy of not limiting capacity in spaces where it is possible to maintain distances. Large events are limited to 75%. All events will have to be by

appointment to allow, if necessary, the tracking of attendees. In bullrings there may be up to 1,000 people while the pools will have a 75% capacity limit. Madrid: The Community of Madrid announced on Friday its plan to advance to the new normality without going through phase 3. Between this Sunday and July 5, all businesses will have their internal capacity limited to 60% (80% in terraces of bars and restaurants). From July 6, that percentage will increase to 75% (100% in terraces). Discotheques will continue to be closed until at least July 5. Playgrounds are open again. Murcia: The region will allow hotels to operate with all its rooms open, although in common spaces the capacity will be limited to 75%. Weddings may have 500 outdoor attendees (200 inside) and funerals with 50 (30 indoors). Navarra: Despite the fact that many protested against the cancellation of the renowned San Fermin celebrations, the community prohibits all large-scale patron saint festivities. Almost all other activities will be allowed once more, although with limitations similar to other communities such as limiting the capacity to 75% in the hospitality industry, maximum groups of 25 people and the holding of large events with up to 1,000 attendees outdoors and 500 inside. Basque Country: The Basque Country has reopened parks and recreational areas, although a space of 4 square metres for each person must be guaranteed. On public transport, 100% of the capacity is allowed but always with a mask. In open-air cultural shows, pilgrimages, dance or music exhibitions and parades, the maximum capacity will be 1,000 attendees, the same as in sports events in open spaces, such as cycling, rowing or athletics. In closed spaces this figure is reduced to 300 people. Discotheques and the rest of nightlife venues resume their activity with 60% of their capacity.




CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020






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CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020


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will provide airlines with incentives to travel to Spain in an effort to attract the greatest number of international visitors. The revival plan came with a call to Spanish citizens to holiday in their own country this year. Most of the money is to cover government guarantees for tourism sector loans, a moratorium on mortgage payments, and a lowering of airport taxes for airlines. It is also to finance health protocols to avoid virus contagion. "Spain is re-opening for tourism," said Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. "We are world leaders, which is why every step we take must be a safe step." Spain is the world's secondbiggest tourism destination after France with 84 million visits in 2019, but travel dried up during the pandemic which caused

27,000 deaths in Spain according to official data. Juan Cierco, in charge of the tourism commission at Spain's chamber of commerce, called the ongoing crisis "the worst in the history of tourism", and one that could lose the sector up to 83 billion euros. The tourism employers' organisation Exceltur meanwhile said the project was insufficient, calling for direct payments, tax cuts and Italian-style "holiday bonuses" to top it up. "Spain mustn't skimp on means to save the sector", it said in a statement. The government meanwhile says it has already spent 15 billion euros on helping the sector in the form of credit lines and financial help to tourism industry employees.








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The Spanish government has presented an aid package worth more than 4.2 billion euros for the crucial tourism sector, including a campaign to promote the country as a "safe" destination after the coronavirus wreaked devastation on the popular holiday destination. The plan came ahead of Sunday's re-opening of Spanish borders to travellers from European Union and Schengen countries. Spain will also progressively open up to travel from non-EU countries from July, depending on public health developments. Tourism accounts for 12 percent of GDP and Spanish industry experts are disappointed with the amount of investment saying the initiative falls short of expectations after the crisis has caused up to 80 billion euros in loses. For the past three months, the sector has been paralysed by confinement measures and restrictions on travel, which were implemented in a bid to curb the spread of the virus. Spokespersons from the industry are now preparing for a record-low summer season, especially in terms of foreign tourist arrivals. To address this concern, the initiative, dubbed the Tourism Sector Promotion Plan,



CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020

SELLING? EXCLUSIVE OR MULTI-AGENT? Rebecca Serwotka Rebecca Serwotka - Your favourite local property expert, of Inmobiliaria Real Estate Agents in Ciudad Quesada & published author of “Moving Forward - 25 Essential Rules For Buying & Selling Real Estate Without Going Crazy.” Request your FREE copy today!Featured on Best Buy Spain - Property TV.

Selling your home can seem like a minefield in the best of times, but during a pandemic, where do you even start? If you’ve never sold a house in Spain before, there are bound to be lots of questions about the whole process, but more importantly, how are you able to get the most amount of money for your property right now, in the current market? First of all, you need to start by choosing the right Real Estate Agent. You should feel like you’re in safe hands and that any concerns you had, will be put to rest by the end of the initial listing appointment. It is helpful to you the vendor, to have your questions written down ready to go through each point, on your first meeting with the Real Estate Agent. How to choose the best Real Estate Agent to represent you. Are they exclusive or multi-listing agents? Most Real Estate Agents love the multi-listing option, as you the homeowner, will be doing most of the legwork! You’ll be the one running between agents, informing each of them whenever you’re not able to accommodate a viewing appointment. Imagine how inconvenient it is if you have a medical appointment, or even be away for a few days, you’d

have to go to every agent and tell them you won’t be available. What about if you feel you need to reduce your asking price. Which agent do you have that conversation with? The worst is if you leave them your keys. You’ll never know who exactly has been inside your property. Exclusive agents work harder and faster to find a buyer for your home. They’re the ones doing all of the marketing and not sitting back relying on others. You’ll probably find they’ll have a larger advertising budget and company Euros to match it, meaning you’ll gain greater exposure to the largest number of BUYERS. They market direct to the buyer, saving you money by cutting out the 2 and 3 agents that could have potentially gotten involved. You need to have confidence in your chosen Real Estate Agent that they’ll get the job done. Think of it like this… If you feel you need to enlist the services of multiple agents at the same time, then you don’t have enough faith in any one of them! So whether you decide to go “exclusive” or “multi,”choosing the right Real Estate Agent should make the complete selling experience as stress free as possible. This Friday 26th June 2020 at 12 Noon, I’ll be holding an encore webinar* presentation on how to sell a property in the Costa Blanca. You can register at www.homes4u.es/webinar to save your seat. Early registration is advisable. *A webinar is an online presentation that you can join and watch from your computer or mobile device from the comfort and safety of your own home.

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Massive €82m climate change investment by Torrevieja Torrevieja town hall and Agamed, the town’s water management firm, are attempting to get ahead of the fight against climate change with an historic investment of €82 million. An ambitious programme is being developed to end localised flooding that has become even more problematic in Torrevieja in recent years. The Agamed Board of Directors, chaired by the mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, this week approved an Investment Plan for the city of Torrevieja worth 82 million euro. The programme will take action to stop the flooding that has become an increasing problem in the town and, as a consequence of climate change, has been happening more often and to a greater degree. These floods pose both a human health and material risk to the city. The investment in the scheme will not result any increase in water rates for residents of Torrevieja. The new investment agreement implies the extension of the contractual relationship between the town hall and Agamed, which ends in 2028, until the year 2048, that is, 20 more years to pay off the cost of the works to be carried out without having an impact on the

municipal coffers or on the rates of the water bills of the residents of Torrevieja. In addition, 6 million euros will be added for social actions, among which is, for example, the Agamed Social Fund to help pay the water bill of vulnerable members of the community, 33

million euros in drinking water renovation funds and 17 million euros to the sewerage renovation funds. The urgent flood protection measures can be carried out thanks to the fact that AGAMED is a mixed economy company, in which the private partner will provide the necessary financing to be able to carry out the most urgent short-term actions for the municipality worth 43 million euros. The remaining investment will be progressively executed until 2048, the deadline for the completion of the project. It is hoped that by the time the project is complete, Torrevieja will see an end to the flood problems

that have plagued parts of the town and surrounding urbanisations. In recent years there is more rainfall here, both in the number of episodes of rain and in its intensity, so the future trend is likely to continue to see an increase, as has been happening since 2010. It is also significant that in the last three years alone the number of weather episodes with rains exceeding 100 litres per square meter has tripled (rainfall episodes upwards of 60 litres per square metre are classified as storm episodes). In addition, since September 2019 Torrevieja has suffered three significant flood damage incidents, evidencing the urgent need for storm protection infrastructures. Works will be carried out mainly at those points that experience the worst flooding, such as, in Avda. Europeos, junction with N-332, Calle Cupido and surroundings of Ronda José Samper, Avda. Rosa Mazón, Avda. Belgium, Avda. Cortes Valencianas, in the Torretas and Punta la Víbora, Avda. Delfina Viudes, Avda. de la Estación, Urbano Arregui with the crossing of the Acequión, in Rambla Juan Mateo, María Parodi, Calle Ramón Rubial, Calle Mar Menor, among others.


CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020





CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020

Son slits Dad’s throat in Albatera The man accused of his father’s murder in Albatera was found by Police standing over the body with a knife in his hand. The 30-year old, a Spanish national is undergoing treatment for schizophrenia and is alleged to have carried out the attack on his father at their family home, in the San Jaime neighbourhood of the town. It is believed that the man had a history of incidents within the family and was known to be suffering from mental illness for some time.

The mother of the arrested man alerted Police to a potential problem when she ran to the local police station to tell them her son had ‘lost his mind’. The distraught woman told officers that her son was threatening to kill his father.


Orihuela gives 400,000 euros to help pandemic hit businesses

When the police arrived at the property, the son had barricaded himself into the garage and neighbours reported hearing screaming. Officers forced the metal door of the garage and found the son standing over his deceased father, with the knife still in his hand. The 60 year old victim’s throat had been cut. After trying to run from the scene of the crime, neighbours watched as four Local Police Officers restrained him and held him down until Guardia Civil and took over. The son was arrested and transferred to cells at the Guardia headquarters in Pilar de la Horadada, where he will appear in court in Orihuela this week.

The Councillor for Commerce and Industry, Víctor Bernabéu, has announced that the Department has put in place financial aid worth a total of 400,000 euros "aimed at supporting the business fabric of the Orihuela municipality and to mitigate as far as possible the negative effects of the health pandemic caused by COVID-19 ”. The Councillor said: "We are offering help to a sector that has been seriously affected during these months, in order to help them resume trading and keep their businesses open." He went on the explain that to carry

out this important economic investment, and after several months of work from the local council team they have devised a budget that comes from across several municipal areas and a that it has taken a huge amount of work and effort to Victor Bernabéu, organise the grants. The Councillor for Commerce and Industry Department of Festivities has allocated The Department of the Treasury, 135,000 euros; Historical Heritage 60,000 euros, Employment 50,000 euros and headed by Rafael Almagro is presenting Social Welfare will contribute 115,000 the proposal to the Plenary meeting on euros. Co-operation will add another Thursday (25th June) to establish the 15,000 euros, International Residents criteria and open the application period for the grants. 3,000 euros and Trade 22,000 euros.

Ryanair restarts flights early Low-cost air carrier Ryanair has brought its flight schedule forward to coincide with changes to Spanish lockdown rules. The airline was due to resume flights on 1st July but restarted some routes on 21st June - the same day Spain lifts its border restrictions to welcome back tourists. A flight to Alicante in Spain was scheduled to leave East Midlands Airport on Sunday at 3.45pm with a total of 16 Ryanair flights scheduled to and from EMA until the end of the month. And a flight from Manchester Airport touched down at 5.55pm in Tenerife. A Ryanair spokesperson said: "Although we are officially back with 1,000 daily flights from 1st July (across the network), some routes are starting from 21st June."

When they "officially" restart on 1st July the Irish carrier has said it will operate flights to “key holiday airports” in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece and Cyprus. New on-board safety measures include face masks to be worn on board, and a limited range of refreshments available, with a cashless system. In a bid to persuade nervous passengers, it had dropped the prices for July and August with one-way fares starting from £27, in a bid to kick-start demand. Airline CEO Michael O'Leary has said that thousands of British families have booked holidays in Portugal, in Spain and Italy for this summer. Ryanair’s chief executive Eddie Wilson said: “After four months of lockdown, we welcome these moves by governments in

Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain and Cyprus to open their borders, remove travel restrictions and scrap ineffective quarantines. “Irish and British families, who have been subject to lockdown for the last 10 weeks, can now look forward to booking their much-needed family holiday to Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, and other Mediterranean destinations for July and August before the schools return in September. “Ryanair will be offering up to 1,000 daily flights from 1st July, and we have a range of low fare seat sales, perfect for that summer getaway, which we know many parents and their kids will be looking forward to as we move out of lockdown and into the school holidays.” Checks However, the British Foreign Office currently advises against all but essential travel and is currently enforcing a 14-day quarantine for those returning from abroad. This policy is due to be reviewed at the end of the month. The Spanish airport authority has announced that holidaymakers coming into Spain from now will have to pass three health checks. The first will be a document that the traveller must fill in with information on their location during their trip and whether or not they have had coronavirus. The second and third checks will involve having their temperature taken at the arrival airport and a visual inspection. If the passenger fails one of the three checks, he or she will be seen by a doctor. Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs Arancha González Laya had said that Spain might have to consider imposing a 14-day quarantine on Brits who visit Spain once the borders reopened on June 21st as the UK was doing the same with Spanish arrivals. However, there was no mention of any enforced quarantine for Brits alongside the airport health controls.



CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020

LosMontesinos offers more training courses Los Montesinos Secondary School is offering more professional training courses this coming academic year. FP courses (Formacion Profesional or Professional Training) are an alternative vocational qualification to the more academic Bachillerato (Baccalaureate), the second stage of secondary education after ESO (obligatory secondary education). The secondary school in Los Montesinos, IES Remedios Muñoz is expanding its FP offering to include microcomputer technician, and network technician. Already on offer there are a number of computing and gastronomy/restaurant related courses. There are still some places available on the FP courses and registration ends this week – on June 25th.


Mother and son stabbed by husband A 52-year-old woman has been seriously injured in Alicante after allegedly being stabbed repeatedly by her husband. The couple’s 24-year-old son has also suffered several stab wounds, although of lesser severity. The incident took place in Alicante on Thursday afternoon. National Police have arrested the alleged perpetrator and are investigating whether an argument broke out because he intended to kill himself, as he had recently attempted suicide. The incident took place shortly after four in the afternoon. The 112 emergency line received several emergency calls reporting the alleged attack and at around 4:20pm various patrols of the National Police and the Alicante Local Police have dispatched to the location, as well as two ambulances. When officers arrived, they verified that the woman was alive but had received several stab wounds and her condition was serious. The son also had cuts on his hands and arms, while the husband and father of the victims also had a stab injury to one leg, which was not considered serious. The efforts of the health services displaced to the scene first focused on attending to the woman given the severity of the wounds, some of them to the abdomen. Once they had stabilized her, she was brought to hospital by SAMU ambulance. The son was also transferred to hospital, while the alleged assailant was

arrested and taken under custody to a medical centre for treatment. According to the initial investigations carried out by National Police, the 52year-old detainee had not been well for some time and had tried to take his life about a month ago, but his son managed to prevent it by disarming him. Initial inquires suggest that this time he intended injure himself with a knife and the son intervened again to try and prevent his father’s potential suicide. Officers believe that this may have triggered a fight in which the young man was wounded by the knife. The young man's mother would have mediated the dispute and she then came off the worst in the altercation, since her husband is alleged to have stabbed her several times. Dénia death Meanwhile, a 54-year-old man died in Dénia after falling from a third floor balcony. The victim, who was from Madrid and had his second residence in Dénia, had left the keys to his apartment inside. He tried to enter his house from the neighbour's balcony but fell to his death. Neighbours immediately notified the emergency services. A Local Police patrol arrived very quickly to the scene but the man no longer had a pulse. Agents attempted to retrieve him with the defibrillator but to no avail. Ambulances arrived and paramedics also attempted to resuscitate the man but he was pronounced dead at the scene.

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CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020


Steroid proves life saving against Covid­19 A cheap and widely available drug can help save the lives of patients seriously ill with coronavirus. The low-dose steroid treatment dexamethasone is a major breakthrough in the fight against the deadly virus, UK experts say. The drug is part of the world's biggest trial testing existing treatments to see if they also work for coronavirus. It cut the risk of death by a third for patients on ventilators. For those on oxygen, it cut deaths by a fifth. Had the drug had been used to treat patients in the UK from the start of the pandemic, up to 5,000 lives could have been saved, researchers say. And it could be of huge benefit in poorer countries with high numbers of Covid-19 patients. The UK government has 200,000 courses of the drug in its stockpile and says the NHS will make dexamethasone available to patients. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said there was a genuine case to celebrate "a remarkable British scientific achievement", adding: "We have taken steps to ensure we have enough supplies, even in the event of a second peak." Chief Medical Officer for England Prof Chris Whitty said it would save lives around the world. About 19 out of 20 patients with

coronavirus recover without being admitted to hospital. Of those who are admitted, most also recover but some may need oxygen or mechanical ventilation. And these are the high-risk patients dexamethasone appears to help. The drug is already used to reduce inflammation in a range of

other conditions, including arthritis, asthma and some skin conditions. And it appears to help stop some of the damage that can happen when the body's immune system goes into overdrive as it tries to fight off coronavirus. This over-reaction, a cytokine storm, can be deadly. In the trial, led by a team from Oxford University, about 2,000 hospital patients were given dexamethasone and compared with more than 4,000 who were not. For patients on ventilators, it cut the risk of death from 40 percent to 28 percent. For patients needing oxygen, it cut the risk of death from 25 percent to

20 percent. Chief investigator Prof Peter Horby said: "This is the only drug so far that has been shown to reduce mortality - and it reduces it significantly. It's a major breakthrough." Lead researcher Prof Martin Landray said the findings suggested one life could be saved for every eight patients on a ventilator and every 20-25 treated with oxygen. "There is a clear, clear benefit," he said. "The treatment is up to 10 days of dexamethasone and it costs about £5 per patient. So essentially it costs £35 to save a life and this is a drug that is globally available." When appropriate, hospital patients should now be given it without delay, Prof Landray said. But people should not go out and buy it to take at home. Dexamethasone does not appear to help people with milder symptoms of coronavirus who do not need help with their breathing. The Recovery Trial, running since March, also looked at the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, which has subsequently been ditched amid concerns it increases fatalities and heart problems. The antiviral drug remdesivir, meanwhile, which appears to shorten recovery time for people with coronavirus, is already being made available on the NHS.

Local community mourns snooker legend Willie Thorne In 2018 snooker legend Willie Throne moved to Villamartin and instantly became part of the local community. This week that community is mourning his loss and celebrating a life that was taken too soon. In 2017 Willie Thorne was invited to Orihuela Costa by longtime friend Karen Williams and her son John, owners of Evolution Bar, who asked him to support the bar’s charity golf event. He and then wife, former Miss Great Britain Jill Saxby, revisited that area several times and loved it so much they moved to live in Villamartin in the summer of 2018. Willie was a huge charity supporter and he did two further local charity golf events, one with Bobby Davro and the other with Paul Gascoigne. He also used his auctioning skill to help raise money for various other charities and made numerous appearances at charity events around the Costa. He travelled back and for to England to do charity events, play in seniors snooker tournaments and fulfil professional snooker commentating commitments. He also took part the ITV Full Monty Charity Show last year. Willie was a member of Evolution Golf Society, a member of its pool team and often joined a local lunch group to enjoy life in the sun. When Jill returned to

England in October 2019, Willie decided to stay here, where he had lots of friends around him and his two dogs Alfie and Charlie which he adored. In March, Willie, who was aged 66, was diagnosed with Leukaemia, having already battled with prostate cancer earlier in his life. The news was made even more difficult as the country went into lockdown and Willie faced the diagnosis on his own, albeit with friends here and in the UK rallying around to support him as best they could on the phone, through Facetime and on Whatsapp. Following his diagnosis Willie had chemotherapy at Torrevieja Hospital. He suffered from severe gout and had a mystery infection which resulted in sepsis, this saw him return to hospital by ambulance last week where he

was placed in ICU. His condition worsened and he was placed in an induced coma as his body went into respiratory failure. There was no response to the treatment and so the decision was made to switch off the life support system. Willie Thorne passed away with his carers Julie O’Neil and Michelle Mint of Expat Home Care at his side, and with his family speaking to him over the phone. A Memorial service for Willie Thorne will be held at Cristo Resucitado, Ecumenical Centre in Orihuela Costa at 11.15am on Wednesday, 24th June. A hot and cold buffet and celebration of his life will take place at Evolution, La Fuente Commercial Centre. There will be a Charity bowl at the Church, with donations for Rainbows Charity and Voice 20/20 Charity to which Willie was affiliated.


CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020

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CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020



CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020


Discover drawdown – for more control over your retirement income • Plan your withdrawals in a tax-efficient Late last year, few would have predicted way that most people in Europe would be • Pass on what’s left of your pension pot to spending the spring indoors. But even your loved ones when you die. though the lockdown is unprecedented, it is also a reminder that you can never be There is one thing you have to keep in mind completely certain what you’ll be doing next if you go down this road, though. The amount year, let alone in 10 or 20 years’ time. you take out is up to you and it is possible to This is why we think it can help to have withdraw too much, which could mean you flexibility in your retirement income. Being run out of retirement savings later on. able to withdraw money from your pension If you’re planning to access your pension as and when you want is called ‘drawdown’ soon, then talking with a qualified financial and it has a number of benefits. adviser will help you weigh up whether it You can: could be the right option for you. • Vary your income from year to year in line There are a number of financial advisers on with your needs.

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CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020


Guardia Civil Sunday Flu jab save campaign officers shopping life

The Valencian Community is bringing forward its annual flu vaccine campaign in the hope it will help the public and medical professionals to avoid mistaking influenza symptoms for COVID-19. The vaccinations are not compulsory but Valencian President, Ximo Puig says he wants the jabs to be as widely available as possible. The annual flu jab programme usually starts in the first week of November, but Puig announced that this would be earlier this year as some of the symptoms are similar to the coronavirus that has ravaged Spain since March. He said: “Thousands of people die from flu each year and if we bring forward the vaccination programme, we can achieve a more effective fight against influenza.” The Valencian President emphasised that earlier flu jabs would allow a greater focus on any second spike of the coronavirus in the winter months. The region is also planning a comprehensive public education campaign to emphasise the difference between flu and the coronavirus.

The officer on duty at the front desk of the Guardia Civil barracks had a more interesting shift than usual recently, when he saved a man’s life. The officer saw a car arrive in front of the barracks at speed, just after midnight. A man got out of the car, he appeared very nervous, and asked for help for his wife. The woman had serious breathing problems, to such an extent that, when she got out of the vehicle, she collapsed on the ground. The front desk officer, along with two other officers who were on duty were immediately concerned and thought the woman showed evident symptoms of suffocation, and that her airway could be obstructed. The woman lost consciousness intermittently and vomited several times. The three officers put their expert training to good use, practicing resuscitation and first aid on the woman until the Basic Life Support ambulance arrived. The woman was then transferred to the Vega Baja Hospital for full emergency treatment. The officers were thanked for their swift action and he medical professionals said that if they had not carried out the first aid procedures the woman’s condition could have been life threatening. The woman, a Moroccan resident of Almoradi is believed to be 56 years old and is recovering from her ordeal.


Sunday (21st June) saw the long-awaited return of Sunday shopping to the Valencian Community. Shops in tourist areas are now own every Sunday, through to January and after a long lockdown, locals made the most of the opportunity to hit Zenia Boulevard for some retail therapy.

Sunday shopping was always a key feature of the local areas and a considerable boost to attracting tourists. However, in 2018 this changed and medium-sized and large stores were no longer allowed to open every day of the week. The Valencian Community decided that stores were only allowed to open for six months of the year. The regional government claimed that the change had been made in order to give shopworkers more family and leisure time. However, many local municipalities across the southern Costa Blanca have complained that shoppers simply hop across the border on a Sunday and do all their shopping in the neighbouring Murcia region. This, the local governments believe, deprives the local economy of their money.


CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020

GBP / EUR UPDATE GBP It’s been a wobbly week for sterling as the Bank of England announced an extra £100bn for the UK economy to aid its recovery from the coronavirus lockdown. Sterling was softer after this news, where the bank’s Monetary Policy Committee also kept interest rates at a record low of 0.1%. The BoE did also say there is growing evidence that the hit to the economy could be less than initially, but concerns surrounding unemployment levels mean investors believe further quantitative easing is likely. The move was expected, as policymakers were poised to take action after the UK economy suffered its biggest monthly contraction in history, shrinking by 20.4% in April, with jobs data showing a fall of 600,000 workers on payroll between March and May. This rate of 3.9% rate of unemployment was lower than the prediction analysts had made, but the 529,000 rise in jobseeker numbers do not properly reflect the real employment situation. In particular they take no account of almost nine million people on furlough, at least some of whom will be out of a job when the job retention scheme ends. The employment picture is likely to get worse before it begins to recover. Brexit was back on the agenda,with the Prime Minister emerged victorious from an hour-long telephone conversation with EU leaders, having fixed the end of the Brexit transition period for 31 December. He said “there is no reason why the outline of a deal cannot be sealed by the end of July”.Investors cautiously took Johnson at his word, despite the European Council president’s repeated insistence on the “level playing field” to which, until now, Downing Street has been implacably opposed. They might have their doubts but at least the light of a possible Brexit deal was not entirely snuffed out. Sterling strengthened by an average of 0.4%, adding two thirds of a euro cent. To some extent a crash-out is already built into sterling’s price.

More than a few of the usual shopping basket items were unavailable in May – home removals, cinema popcorn, air fares, theatre seats, cruises, etc. – so the ONS swerved the list, and there was no lasting effect from the UK consumer price index data, which put headline inflation close to a fouryear low at 0.5%. The producer price measures showed factory gate prices 1.4% lower on the year with manufacturers’ costs down by 10%. EUR It was a similar story with the Eurozone CPI figure. At 0.1% it, also, was close to a four-year low. Equally, the European Central Bank has little interest these days in framing monetary policy to shape consumer prices. The other Euroland data on Wednesday, for Italian industrial sales and orders, and Eurozone construction, were predictably grim. Construction output was down by an annual 14.6%, Italian sales by 46.9% and orders by 49%. Looking ahead, uncertainty is compounded by the possibility of a no-deal Brexit. The more likely a no-deal Brexit, the greater the threat to sterling, not the euro. From its position prior to the referendum four years ago the pound has already fallen by around 15% against the euro. It wasn’t just the BoE grabbing headlines. The European Central Bank reached another big milestone, as its offer of cheap, three year loans was taken up by 742 banks, totalling €1.31 trillion in costs. Fighting back to bolster economies from being wiped out, the loans are designed to keep banks providing credit to businesses and individuals. Carrying an interest rate below zero means in essence that the ECB is paying lenders to lend. Stimulus of such scales is no longer shocking, merely expected. It comes at a time when the world got cold feet about reopening, with fears of a second wave of Covid-19 infections as communities are fenced off and flights are cancelled in Beijing after a new outbreak.




CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020


Registration open for children's Orihuela focuses Summer Sports School on golf tourism The Councillor for Sports, Víctor Bernabéu, has announced that the Summer School will open on 29th June 29 with registration now open.

between 5 and 8 years old; Group 2 for children from 9 to 12 years old; and the third group for children who experience diversity,” said Councillor Bernabéu.

“The school will be organised into three groups by age. Group 1 is children

The Councillor further explained that ‘different children's sports activities will

Orihuela Council thanks the people The local government of Orihuela has launched an institutional campaign to thank both the people and professionals from different sectors for their work, responsibility and effort during the current health crisis and Covid-19 pandemic. Under the slogan "Thank you Orihuela", the Oriolan City Council has publicly expressed its gratitude through a video that collects different images of the completely empty streets, beaches and districts of the municipal area during the weeks of confinement, as well as gestures from the neighbours in recognition of health personnel, and professionals from all sectors who have worked in adverse conditions during this health crisis. These images include people cheering and clapping from their balconies and rainbow drawings on houses, windows and pavements. The Councillor for Communication,

Rafael Almagro, said: "Oriolan society has demonstrated once again that it is an example of solidarity, commitment and strength. With the start of Phase 3, we began to reactivate our economy, our tourism and our businesses, and above all to recover the jobs lost during these months.” To add to the praise, the balcony of the Oriolan City Council will display a banner with the message of thanks "#ThanksOrihuela, we made it together" and this will also be exhibited in Orihuela Costa translated into English and German.

be carried out such as baseball, hockey, paddle, basketball, handball, as well as different physical workshops, popular games, use of scooters and skateboards, talks on nutrition and first aid sessions among other activities’. Given the current pandemic, the capacity is limited, so all children and activities must be registered to pre-book. This can be done through the website of the Department of Sports: http://deportes.orihuela.es/, where those interested can find all the steps to be followed, as well as a section on frequently asked questions to resolve any possible queries. Municipal swimming pools The Councillor for Sports also announced the opening of the outdoor recreational pools across the municipality on 27th June at 10:00am to 2:00pm and from 3:30pm to 8:00pm. During the time between these public sessions - between 2:00pm and 3:30pm the pools will be disinfected. The swimming pool at the Palacio del Agua will open its doors on 22nd June at its usual time after having carried out all the required measures. As for the sports courts, these opened their doors from 15th June, both open and covered facilities.

The Councillor for Tourism, Mariola Rocamora, has presented a promotional campaign at a national level to promote golf across the municipality of Orihuela, which has five golf courses and ninety holes. The campaign, which is entitled "Orihuela Golf Experience, Health Guarantee", will appear on radio, television and in national and regional press during the months of June, July and August. It will also run on digital portals specialising in golf. Campaign launch Councillor Rocamora to the Covid-19 health crisis, and as the said: “We consider that the Vega Baja is councillor explained “thanks to this the nucleus of the golf offer in the promotional campaign we want to Alicante province, since Orihuela has five promote this tourist product in open golf courses: Vistabella Golf, Villamartin spaces that Orihuela has, and I want Golf Club, Las Ramblas Golf Club, Las invite everyone to play or start in this Colinas Golf & Country Club and the Real sport”. Campoamor Resort Golf Club. ” The campaign, which has two versions Coastal Immigration Office reopens for broadcast, can be viewed through the Mariola Rocamora has also confirmed Orihuela Turística YouTube channel: the reopening to the public of the https://www.youtube.com/user/Orihuela Immigration Office located in Orihuela turistica and in it the five golf courses are Costa. This office has been providing differentiated through the technical telephone support since the state of characteristics of each while at the alarm was declared due to the pandemic. beginning the general Orihuela location However, from Wednesday, 1st July, this is highlighted combining active tourism, municipal service will be restored to its monuments and beaches. usual hours and by appointment by The video has been made with a drone calling: 966 760 000. during the months of confinement due


CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020




CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020


US doctors perform 1st COVID­19 double lung transplant A woman in her 20s is currently recovering from a double lung transplant, needed after COVID-19 severely damaged her lungs. The woman, who has not been publicly identified, was treated by surgeons at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, and received the transplant on 5th June. This is thought to be the first case of a patient receiving a double lung transplant due to the effects of COVID-19.

Ankit Bharat, MD, chief of thoracic surgery and surgical director at the Northwestern Medicine Lung Transplant Program, said during a press conference that the woman is in “stable condition” and is “improving every day.” Dr. Bharat made it clear that the woman was seriously ill when she received the transplant, which replaced her lungs with donor lungs. “If she didn't get the transplant, she would not be alive,” he

said. There are a lot of questions surrounding this groundbreaking procedure, including whether this may be a future treatment for other patients with severe forms of COVID-19. Her health was rapidly declining. "She was starting to develop multi-organ failure from the result of the permanent damage that she had," he said.

In order for doctors to consider her for the double lung transplant, the woman needed to test negative for COVID-19 ahead of the surgery. Once that happened, she was put on a transplant list and doctors obtained consent from the woman’s family for the 10-hour procedure. While the woman who received the

COVID-19 lung transplant is currently stable and doing well, she may have quite a long road ahead of her. Double lung transplant patients can expect to be in the hospital anywhere from a week to 21 days after surgery. After surgery, the overall recovery time is about six months, and patients usually need to have regular checkups


CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020

This Week´s Movie Picks The Mountain Between Us Sunday 28th June – Channel 4, 10.00 pm

After their flight is canceled due to stormy weather, neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Bass and photojournalist Alex Martin hire private pilot Walter to get them to Denver for connecting flights to Alex's wedding in New York and Ben's emergency surgery appointment in Baltimore. Walter, who has not filed a flight plan, suffers a fatal stroke mid-flight, and the plane crashes on a mountaintop in the High Uintas Wilderness. Ben, Alex, and Walter's dog survive the crash with various injuries.

The Girl on the Train

Saturday 27th June – Channel 4, 10.00 pm The Girl on the Train is the story of Rachel Watson's life post-divorce. Every day, she takes the train in to work in New York, and every day the train passes by her old house. The house she lived in with her husband, who still lives there, with his new wife and child. As she attempts to not focus on her pain, she starts watching a couple who live a few houses down - Megan and Scott Hipwell. She creates a wonderful dream life for them in her head, about how they are a perfect happy family. And then one day, as the train passes, she sees something shocking, filling her with rage. The next day, she wakes up with a horrible hangover, various wounds and bruises, and no memory of the night before. She has only a feeling: something bad happened. Then come the TV reports: Megan Hipwell is missing. Rachel becomes invested in the case and trying to find out what happened to Megan, where she is, and what exactly she herself was up to that same night Megan went missing.

20 16


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CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020



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costablancapeople.com | 23rd - 29th June 2020

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Tuesday 23rd June 00:25 BBC Weather 02:30 Killer Kicks 03:00 BBC News 00:30 Stephen: The Murder 03:30 Monday in Parliament That Changed A Nation 04:00 BBC News 01:30 A House Through Time 04:30 The Travel Show 02:30 Ambulance 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 03:30 Countryfile 06:00 BBC World News 04:30 Saving Our Nurses 07:00 Breakfast 05:15 Springwatch 10:00 BBC News 11:00 Your Money and Your Life 06:15 This Is BBC TWO 11:45 Homes Under the 07:45 Coast Hammer 08:15 The Bidding Room 12:45 Caught Red Handed 09:00 The Repair Shop 13:15 Bargain Hunt 10:00 The Victorian Slum 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London & South 11:00 BBC News East 14:00 Chase the Case 14:45 The Heights 14:45 Chase the Case 15:15 Father Brown 16:00 Escape to the Country 15:30 UEFA European 16:45 The Bidding Room Championship Rewind 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 17:30 Len and Ainsley's Big 18:15 Pointless Food Adventure 19:00 BBC News at Six 18:15 Flog It! 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 19:00 Eggheads 20:30 EastEnders 19:30 Escape to the Country 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Alan Bennett's Talking 20:00 Thatcher: A Very British Revolution Heads 22:30 Alan Bennett's Talking 21:00 Your Home Made Perfect Heads 22:00 The Choir 23:10 BBC News at Ten 23:00 I'll Get This 23:40 BBC London News 23:45 Newsnight 23:55 I May Destroy You

00:45 All Elite Wrestling: 06:15 Jamie: Keep Cooking and Carry On Dynamite 06:45 Kirstie's Vintage Gems 01:35 Ideal World 06:50 Countdown 04:00 Culinary Genius 07:30 Cheers 07:55 Cheers 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 08:25 Mike & Molly 06:05 Judge Rinder 08:45 Mike & Molly 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:05 The Big Bang Theory 10:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 The Big Bang Theory 10:00 Frasier with Lorraine 10:30 Frasier 11:00 This Morning 11:00 Frasier 13:30 Loose Women 11:30 Come Dine with Me 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 12:00 Come Dine with Me 12:30 Come Dine with Me 14:55 ITV News London 13:00 Channel 4 News 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 13:05 Come Dine with Me 16:00 Tenable 13:35 Come Dine with Me 14:05 A New Life in the Sun 17:00 Tipping Point 15:10 Countdown 18:00 The Chase 16:00 A Place in the Sun: 19:00 ITV News London Home or Away 19:30 ITV Evening News 17:00 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 20:00 Doc Martin 18:00 Four in a Bed 21:00 Who Wants to Be a 18:30 Come Dine with Me Millionaire? 19:00 The Simpsons 22:00 Alexander Armstrong in 19:30 Hollyoaks the Land of the Midnight Sun 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Bake Off: The 23:00 ITV News at Ten Professionals 23:30 ITV News London 22:00 24 Hours in A&E 23:00 Celebrity Gogglebox 23:45 Caught on Camera

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00:15 Family Guy 00:45 Family Guy 01:15 American Dad! 01:40 American Dad! 02:15 The Cleveland Show 02:45 The Cleveland Show 03:15 Through the Keyhole 04:15 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:50 Emmerdale 09:20 Coronation Street 09:50 You've Been Framed! 10:15 Superstore 10:50 Superstore 11:15 Dinner Date 12:15 Dress to Impress 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:15 You've Been Framed! 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:40 Dinner Date 16:45 Dress to Impress 17:50 Take Me Out 19:00 You've Been Framed! 19:30 You've Been Framed! 20:00 You've Been Framed! 20:30 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Roswell, New Mexico 22:00 Love Island Australia 23:20 Killer Camp

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00:45 Tenable 01:35 Ideal World 04:00 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Judge Rinder 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Good Morning Britain with Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 You've Been Framed! 20:30 Ross Kemp Living with 21:00 Britain's Brightest Celebrity Family 21:30 The Martin Lewis Money Show Live 22:00 Caught on Camera 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 Football Classics

04:50 Grand Designs Australia 05:45 Car S.O.S 06:35 Jamie's Comfort Food 06:50 Countdown 07:30 Cheers 07:55 Cheers 08:25 Mike & Molly 08:45 Mike & Molly 09:05 The Big Bang Theory 09:30 The Big Bang Theory 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 Frasier 11:30 Come Dine with Me 12:00 Come Dine with Me 12:30 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 13:35 Come Dine with Me 14:05 A New Life in the Sun 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 17:00 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Britain's Best Parent? 22:00 The School That Tried to End Racism 23:00 Educating Yorkshire

07:50 Abby Hatcher 00:30 Family Guy 08:00 Thomas & Friends: Big 00:55 Family Guy World! Big Adventures! 01:25 American Dad! 08:10 Daisy & Ollie 01:55 American Dad! 08:20 Peppa Pig 02:25 The Cleveland Show 08:30 Peppa Pig 02:50 CelebAbility 08:40 Ricky Zoom 03:35 Release the Hounds 08:55 PAW Patrol 09:10 Floogals 04:30 Teleshopping 09:25 Becca's Bunch 07:00 Teleshopping 09:45 Little Princess 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres 09:55 Top Wing Show 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 08:50 Emmerdale 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Can't Pay? We'll Take it 09:20 Coronation Street 09:50 You've Been Framed! Away! 10:15 Superstore 13:10 5 News at Lunchtime 13:15 The Golden Girls 10:50 Superstore 13:45 The Golden Girls 11:15 Dinner Date 14:15 Home and Away 12:15 Dress to Impress 14:45 Neighbours 13:15 Emmerdale 15:15 Double Daddy 13:45 Coronation Street 17:00 Friends 14:15 You've Been Framed! 17:30 Friends 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres 18:00 5 News at 5 Show 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 15:40 Dinner Date 19:30 5 News Tonight 16:45 Dress to Impress 20:00 Yorkshire: A Year In The 17:50 Take Me Out Wild 19:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Warship: Life Below 20:00 Supermarket Sweep Deck 22:00 Building Britain's Canals 21:00 Roswell, New Mexico 22:00 Love Island Australia 23:30 Inside the World's 23:20 Killer Camp Greatest Hotels

01:00 A Touch of Frost

Wednesday 24th June 01:30 HARDtalk 00:25 BBC Weather 02:00 BBC World News 00:30 Stephen: The Murder 02:30 The Travel Show That Changed A Nation 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Tuesday in Parliament 01:30 The Great British 04:00 BBC News Sewing Bee 04:30 Panorama 02:30 Beechgrove 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 03:00 Jay Blades' Home Fix 06:00 BBC World News 03:45 This Is BBC TWO 07:00 Breakfast 07:45 Escape to the Country 10:00 BBC News 11:00 Your Money and Your Life 08:15 The Bidding Room 11:45 Homes Under the 09:00 Springwatch Hammer 10:00 The Victorian Slum 12:45 Caught Red Handed 13:15 Bargain Hunt 11:00 BBC News 14:00 BBC News at One 12:15 Politics Live 14:30 BBC London & South East 14:00 Chase the Case 14:45 The Heights 14:45 The Best Dishes Ever 15:15 Father Brown 16:00 Escape to the Country 15:15 UEFA European 16:45 The Bidding Room Championship Rewind 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 18:30 Live: Match of the Day 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 Thatcher: A Very British 20:00 Live: Match of the Day Revolution 21:00 The Repair Shop 21:00 Nadiya's Summer 22:00 The Great British Sewing Bee Feasts 23:00 BBC News at Ten 22:00 On Chesil Beach 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 Match of the Day 23:45 Newsnight

03:10 Agatha Christie's Poirot 04:20 ITV3 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:30 Emmerdale 09:00 Heartbeat 10:00 Bless This House 10:35 Bless This House 11:10 Man About the House 11:45 Foyle's War 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Midsomer Murders 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Downton Abbey 21:00 Lewis 23:00 Foyle's War

Thursday 25th June 03:00 BBC News 00:25 BBC Weather 03:30 Wednesday in 00:30 Stephen: The Murder Parliament That Changed A Nation 04:00 BBC News 01:30 You Are What You Wear 04:30 Coronavirus: Your 02:30 Jay Blades' Home Fix Stories 05:00 BBC News 03:15 This Is BBC TWO 05:30 HARDtalk 07:45 Escape to the Country 06:00 BBC World News 08:15 Bargain Hunt 07:00 Breakfast 09:00 Your Home Made 10:00 BBC News 11:00 Your Money and Your Life Perfect 11:45 Homes Under the 10:00 The Victorian Slum Hammer 11:00 BBC News 12:45 Caught Red Handed 14:00 Chase the Case 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:45 Best Bakes Ever 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London & South 15:30 UEFA European East Championship Rewind 14:45 The Heights 17:30 Len and Ainsley's Big 15:15 Father Brown 16:00 Escape to the Country Food Adventure 18:15 Flog It! 16:45 The Bidding Room 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 18:15 Pointless 19:30 Escape to the Country 19:00 BBC News at Six 20:00 Thatcher: A Very British 19:30 BBC London News Revolution 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Alan Bennett's Talking 21:00 Remarkable Places to Heads Eat 21:00 You Are What You Wear 22:00 QI 22:00 Make Me Famous 22:30 The First Team 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:00 Match of the Day 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 Question Time 23:45 Newsnight

03:15 Agatha Christie's Poirot 04:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 07:55 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:00 Heartbeat 10:00 Bless This House 10:30 Bless This House 11:05 Man About the House 11:35 Midsomer Murders 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Midsomer Murders 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Downton Abbey 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Foyle's War

costablancapeople.com | 23rd - 29th June 2020

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Friday 26th June Stories 00:25 BBC Weather 03:00 BBC News 00:30 Racism in the Ranks 03:30 The Week in Parliament 01:00 Dragons' Den 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Panorama 02:00 Dragons' Den 05:00 BBC News 03:00 A House Through Time 05:30 HARDtalk 04:00 Jay Blades' Home Fix 06:00 BBC World News 07:00 Breakfast 04:45 This Is BBC TWO 10:00 BBC News 11:00 Your Money and Your Life 07:45 Escape to the Country 08:15 The Bidding Room 11:45 Homes Under the Hammer 09:00 Great American 12:45 Caught Red Handed Railroad Journeys 13:15 Bargain Hunt 10:00 The Victorian Slum 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London & South 11:00 BBC News East 14:00 Chase the Case 14:45 The Heights 15:15 Father Brown 14:45 World Beaters 16:00 Escape to the Country 14:50 World Beaters 16:45 The Bidding Room 15:00 UEFA European 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless Championship Rewind 19:00 BBC News at Six 17:30 Flog It! 19:30 BBC London News 18:15 Pointless 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport 19:00 Eggheads 21:00 My Family 19:30 Escape to the Country 21:30 Not Going Out 20:00 Newsnight 22:00 The Other One 22:30 Peter Kay's Car Share 20:30 Gardeners' World 23:00 BBC News at Ten 21:30 Glastonbury 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 The Lady in the Van 23:00 Glastonbury

00:45 Tenable 01:35 Ideal World 04:00 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Judge Rinder 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Good Morning Britain with Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Best Walks with a View with Julia Bradbury 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Coronation Street Icons: Audrey Roberts - 40 Fabulous Years 21:30 Vera 23:25 ITV News 23:55 ITV News London

06:30 Kirstie's Handmade Treasures 06:50 Countdown 07:30 Cheers 07:55 Cheers 08:25 Mike & Molly 08:45 Mike & Molly 09:05 The Big Bang Theory 09:30 The Big Bang Theory 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 Frasier 11:30 Come Dine with Me 12:00 Come Dine with Me 12:30 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 13:35 Come Dine with Me 14:05 A New Life in the Sun 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 17:00 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Jamie's Quick and Easy Food 21:30 Celebrity Snoop Dogs 22:00 Celebrity Gogglebox 23:00 The Inbetweeners 23:35 The Inbetweeners

08:00 Thomas & Friends: Big World! Big Adventures! 08:10 Daisy & Ollie 08:20 Peppa Pig 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:40 Ricky Zoom 08:55 PAW Patrol 09:10 Floogals 09:25 Becca's Bunch 09:45 Little Princess 09:55 Top Wing 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! 13:10 5 News at Lunchtime 13:15 The Golden Girls 13:45 The Golden Girls 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Aurora Teagarden Mysteries 17:00 Friends 17:30 Friends 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 The Gadget Show 21:00 World's Most Scenic Railway Journeys 22:00 A Greek Odyssey With Bettany Hughes 23:00 When Live TV Goes Horribly Wrong

00:15 Family Guy 00:50 Family Guy 01:20 American Dad! 01:45 American Dad! 02:20 Timewasters 02:50 CelebAbility 03:40 Release the Hounds 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:50 You've Been Framed! 09:50 In For a Penny 10:15 Superstore 10:50 Superstore 11:15 Dinner Date 12:15 Dress to Impress 13:15 You've Been Framed! 13:45 Catchphrase 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:40 Dinner Date 16:45 Dress to Impress 17:50 Take Me Out 19:00 You've Been Framed! 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Roswell, New Mexico 22:00 Love Island Australia 23:20 Killer Camp

01:00 A Touch of Frost 03:05 Agatha Christie's Poirot 04:20 ITV3 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 07:55 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 08:55 Heartbeat 10:00 Bless This House 10:30 Bless This House 11:05 Man About the House 11:35 Midsomer Murders 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Midsomer Murders 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Downton Abbey 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 Doc Martin 23:00 Foyle's War

Saturday 27th June 00:20 Family Guy 01:25 Weather for the Week 00:30 Glastonbury 01:10 Ideal World 04:25 The Great Songwriters 08:55 Peppa Pig 01:00 A Touch of Frost 09:00 Peppa Pig 05:20 Grand Designs Ahead 04:00 1000 Heartbeats 02:40 Panorama 00:50 Family Guy 09:10 Butterbean's Café Australia 01:30 The Coronavirus 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 03:05 Agatha Christie's Poirot 03:10 Springwatch 01:20 American Dad! 06:10 Kirstie's Vintage Gems 09:25 PAW Patrol Newscast 07:00 Dino Dana 04:10 This Is BBC TWO 01:50 American Dad! 06:25 Car S.O.S 02:00 BBC News 09:40 Nella the Princess 07:10 Super 4 04:20 ITV3 Nightscreen 07:15 Marrying Mum and Dad 07:25 Super 4 07:15 Everybody Loves 02:30 Click 02:20 The Cleveland Show Knight 07:45 My First Festivals Raymond 03:00 BBC News 09:55 Wissper 07:35 Robozuna 02:45 The Cleveland Show 04:30 Teleshopping 07:45 Everybody Loves 03:30 The Week in Parliament 08:00 Wild & Weird 10:00 Pirata & Capitano 08:00 Mission Employable 03:15 Release the Hounds Raymond 04:00 BBC News 10:15 Floogals 08:15 All Over the Place 08:05 Mr. Magoo 04:10 ITV2 Nightscreen 08:10 The Big Bang Theory 04:30 Click 07:00 Man About the House 10:30 Digby Dragon 08:15 Mr. Magoo 08:45 Blue Peter 08:35 The Big Bang Theory 04:45 The Film Review 04:30 Teleshopping 10:40 Shimmer and Shine 08:20 Mr. Magoo 09:15 Deadly 60 09:00 The Big Bang Theory 05:00 BBC News 10:55 SpongeBob 07:00 Teleshopping 07:30 Coronation Street 09:45 Forces of Nature with 08:30 Mighty Mike 09:25 The Big Bang Theory 05:30 Our World SquarePants 08:40 Buck and Buddy 08:00 Totally Bonkers Brian Cox 09:50 The Simpsons 06:00 BBC News 11:05 Ryan's Mystery Playdate 08:45 Mr Bean 07:55 Coronation Street Guinness World Records 10:20 The Simpsons 06:30 The Travel Show 10:45 Born in China 11:20 Access 09:00 Ninjago 10:50 The Simpsons 07:00 Breakfast 08:10 The Ellen DeGeneres 12:00 Back in Time for the 11:30 Friends 09:15 Ben 10 08:25 Coronation Street 11:20 The Simpsons 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live Show 12:00 Friends Factory 09:30 Drop Dead Weird 11:50 The Simpsons 12:30 The Great Food Guys 12:35 Friends 09:54 Drop Dead Weird 13:00 Nadiya's British Food 08:55 The Ellen DeGeneres 12:20 The Simpsons 13:00 Football Focus 08:50 Agatha Christie's Poirot 13:05 Friends 10:25 James Martin's Saturday 12:50 The Simpsons Adventure Show 14:00 BBC Weekend News 13:40 Flower Shop Mystery: Morning 13:30 Hairy Bikers' Bakeation 13:20 Couples Come Dine with 14:15 UEFA European 09:40 The Ellen DeGeneres 11:05 Agatha Christie's Marple Snipped in the Bud 12:35 John and Lisa's Me Championship Rewind 14:00 The Great British Show 15:20 Columbo Weekend Kitchen 14:20 Four in a Bed 16:55 Football, Prince William Sewing Bee 16:50 The Thames: Britain's 13:40 James Martin's 10:30 Dress to Impress 13:05 Agatha Christie's Poirot 14:50 Four in a Bed and Our Mental Health 15:00 Money for Nothing Great River With Tony American Adventure 11:30 Dress to Impress 15:20 Four in a Bed 17:50 BBC Weekend News Robinson 15:45 Wanted Down Under 14:10 ITV Lunchtime News 14:10 Agatha Christie's Poirot 15:55 Four in a Bed 18:00 BBC London News 18:40 Great British Gardens: 12:30 Take Me Out 16:30 Escape to the Country 14:25 Live: ITV Racing Live 16:25 Four in a Bed 18:10 Live: Match of the Day 13:50 What a Girl Wants Season by Season 17:00 Tipping Point 16:55 A Place in the Sun 17:00 Test Cricket 20:35 Pointless Celebrities 16:20 Midsomer Murders 20:00 5 News Weekend 15:55 Pan 18:00 ITV Evening News 17:55 Grand Designs 21:20 Michael McIntyre's Big 18:00 Flog It! 20:05 Jane Mcdonald: 18:20 ITV News London 19:00 Celebrity Snoop Dogs 18:05 Hotel Transylvania 2 Show 19:00 Inside Central Station 18:15 Midsomer Murders Cruising The Med 18:30 The Masked Singer US 19:30 Channel 4 News 22:25 Peter Crouch: Save Our 19:55 Yes Man 20:00 Rick Stein's Road to 22:00 Princess Diana: In Her 19:30 Ninja Warrior UK 20:00 Best of Crufts Summer 22:00 Love Island Australia Mexico 20:05 Midsomer Murders 20:30 Alan Carr's Epic 21:00 The Queen's Favourite Own Words 23:10 BBC Weekend News 23:15 The Weekender: Boat 21:00 Glastonbury 23:35 Thomas Markle: My Gameshow Animals 23:30 Thierry Henry: My Story 22:00 The Girl on the Train 21:30 Spectre France, My Euros 22:00 Midsomer Murders Party 22:30 Glastonbury The listings for the Costa Blanca People’s TV pages are supplied by an external company – we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of the Costa Blanca People

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Sunday 28th June 00:30 McFarland, USA 02:35 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:40 BBC News 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Dateline London 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Our World 05:00 BBC News 05:30 Click 06:00 BBC News 06:30 The Week in Parliament 07:00 Breakfast 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:15 Politics 11:45 Sunday Morning Live 12:45 Sunday Morning Stories 13:15 Lifeline 13:25 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC Weekend News 14:15 Songs of Praise 14:50 Points of View 15:05 UEFA European Championship Rewind 17:05 The Bidding Room 17:50 BBC Weekend News 18:05 BBC London News 18:15 Countryfile 19:10 Live: Match of the Day 21:35 Antiques Roadshow 22:00 The Luminaries 23:00 BBC Weekend News 23:20 BBC London News 23:30 Match of the Day 2

00:05 Glastonbury

08:05 Mr. Magoo 02:50 The Simpsons 08:15 Mr. Magoo 03:15 The Simpsons 08:20 Mr. Magoo 03:40 Hollyoaks Omnibus 04:35 Grand Designs 07:20 The A to Z of TV Cooking 08:30 Mighty Mike 08:40 Mighty Mike Australia 08:50 Mr Bean 08:05 Countryfile 05:30 Car S.O.S 09:00 Ninjago 06:20 Jamie: Keep Cooking 09:00 Gardeners' World 09:15 Ben 10 and Carry On 09:30 Martin and Roman's 06:45 Kirstie's Vintage Gems 10:00 Landward Sunday Best! 07:00 Everybody Loves 10:25 James Martin's Islands Raymond 10:30 Beechgrove to Highlands 07:25 Everybody Loves 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Best 11:20 John and Lisa's Weekend Raymond Kitchen 07:50 Everybody Loves Bites 12:20 Grow Your Own at Home Raymond 12:30 Remarkable Places to with Alan Titchmarsh 08:15 The Big Bang Theory 12:50 You've Been Framed! 08:40 The Big Bang Theory Eat 13:20 ITV Lunchtime News 09:00 The Big Bang Theory 09:30 Bake Off: The 13:30 Hairy Bikers' Bakeation 13:30 Britain's Brightest Celebrity Family Professionals 14:00 The Masked Singer US 10:30 Sunday Brunch 14:00 World Beaters 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 13:30 The Simpsons 14:05 Wimbledon Tennis 16:00 Tenable 13:55 The Simpsons 17:00 Tipping Point 14:25 The Simpsons 15:00 The Choir 18:00 Alan Carr's Epic 14:50 Parental Guidance 16:00 This Beautiful Fantastic Gameshow 16:55 Couples Come Dine with 19:00 ITV Evening News Me 17:30 Inside Monaco: 19:15 ITV News London 17:55 Celebrity Deal or No 19:25 The Chase: Celebrity Deal Playground of the Rich Special 18:50 A Place in the Sun 20:30 The Road to Coronation 19:30 Channel 4 News 18:30 Inside the Factory Street 20:00 Escape to the Chateau 19:30 Glastonbury 22:00 The British Soap 21:00 Lost Pyramids of the Aztecs Awards Celebrate 21 Years 21:00 Glastonbury 22:00 The Mountain Between 23:00 ITV News Us 23:15 The Comedy Years 22:30 Glastonbury 01:55 This Is BBC TWO

08:50 Milkshake Monkey 08:55 Peppa Pig 09:00 Peppa Pig 09:10 Butterbean's Café 09:25 PAW Patrol 09:40 Nella the Princess Knight 09:55 Wissper 10:05 Pirata & Capitano 10:20 Floogals 10:35 Digby Dragon 10:45 Shimmer and Shine 11:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 11:10 Ryan's Mystery Playdate 11:25 Access 11:30 WWE Raw: Highlights 12:25 Friends 12:55 Friends 13:25 Friends 13:55 Friends 14:30 Police Interceptors 15:25 Police Interceptors 16:30 Beethoven 18:15 5 News Weekend 18:20 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 19:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 20:05 All You Can Eat: Secrets Of The World's Mega Buffet 21:00 Grime & Punishment: Dirty Britain 22:00 Rich House, Poor House 23:05 Bargain Loving Brits in Blackpool 23:55 Top of the Box

00:15 Family Guy 00:45 Family Guy 01:15 American Dad! 01:40 American Dad! 02:10 The Cleveland Show 02:40 The Cleveland Show 03:10 Hey Tracey 03:55 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 04:20 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:50 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:35 Dress to Impress 10:35 Dress to Impress 11:35 Dress to Impress 12:40 The Masked Singer US 13:40 In For a Penny 14:05 Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams 16:15 The Nut Job 18:00 Shrek 19:50 The Legend of Tarzan 22:00 Love Island Australia 23:20 The Weekender: Boat Party

00:00 Agatha Christie's

08:00 Thomas & Friends: Big World! Big Adventures! 08:10 Daisy & Ollie 08:20 Peppa Pig 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:40 Ricky Zoom 08:55 PAW Patrol 09:10 Floogals 09:25 Becca's Bunch 09:45 Little Princess 09:55 Top Wing 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! 13:10 5 News at Lunchtime 13:15 The Golden Girls 13:45 The Golden Girls 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 A Killer in My Home 17:00 Friends 17:30 Friends 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 World's Most Scenic Railway Journeys 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 A&E After Dark 23:00 Hoarders: Trapped By My Trash

00:50 Family Guy 01:15 American Dad! 01:40 American Dad! 02:10 The Cleveland Show 02:40 The Cleveland Show 03:05 The Stand Up Sketch Show 03:35 Release the Hounds 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 08:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:15 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:05 In For a Penny 09:35 Coronation Street 10:05 You've Been Framed! 10:30 Supermarket Sweep 11:30 Dinner Date 12:30 Dress to Impress 13:30 In For a Penny 14:00 Coronation Street 14:30 You've Been Framed! 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 16:00 Dress to Impress 17:00 Supermarket Sweep 18:00 Ellen's Game of Games 19:00 You've Been Framed! 19:30 You've Been Framed! 20:00 You've Been Framed! 20:30 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Roswell, New Mexico 22:00 Love Island Australia 23:15 Bromans

00:00 A Touch of Frost 02:15 The Loch 03:15 Wild at Heart 04:15 Wild at Heart 05:15 Agatha Christie's Poirot 06:10 Emmerdale 06:30 Emmerdale 06:55 ITV3 Nightscreen 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:00 Heartbeat 10:00 Bless This House 10:25 Bless This House 11:00 Man About the House 11:35 Midsomer Murders 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Midsomer Murders 19:00 Heartbeat 20:00 Downton Abbey 21:00 Endeavour 23:00 Foyle's War

Marple 02:05 Agatha Christie's Poirot 03:15 Wild at Heart 04:20 ITV3 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Man About the House 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Coronation Street 08:25 Coronation Street 08:50 Emmerdale 09:20 Emmerdale 09:50 Agatha Christie's Marple 11:50 Lewis 13:50 Agatha Christie's Poirot 16:00 Agatha Christie's Marple 18:00 Agatha Christie's Poirot 19:05 Midsomer Murders 21:00 Lewis 23:00 Deep Water

Monday 29th June 00:00 FA Cup Football 00:30 Glastonbury 00:45 Pele, Argentina and the 02:00 Question Time Dictators 03:00 Ambulance 01:30 Weather for the Week 04:00 Holby City Ahead 05:00 This Is BBC TWO 01:35 BBC News 07:15 Escape to the Country 07:00 Breakfast 10:00 BBC News 07:45 Bargain Hunt 11:00 Your Money and Your Life 08:30 Monkman & Seagull's 11:45 Homes Under the Genius Adventures Hammer 09:30 The Week in Parliament 12:45 Caught Red Handed 10:00 The Secret History of My 13:15 Bargain Hunt Family 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London & South 11:00 BBC News East 14:00 Terry and Mason's Great 14:45 The Heights Food Trip 15:15 Impossible 16:00 Escape to the Country 14:30 Wimbledon Tennis 17:30 Len and Ainsley's Big 16:45 The Bidding Room Food Adventure 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 BBC London News 19:30 Escape to the Country 20:00 The One Show 20:00 Remarkable Places to 20:30 Panorama Eat 21:00 EastEnders: Secrets 21:00 Wimbledon Tennis from the Square 21:45 Alan Bennett's Talking 22:00 Italy's Frontline: A Heads Doctor's Diary 22:30 Alan Bennett's Talking 23:00 Comedians: Home Heads Alone 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:15 Live at the Apollo 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 I May Destroy You 23:45 Newsnight

00:15 Last Laugh in Vegas 04:35 Couples Come Dine with Me 01:10 Ideal World 05:25 Car S.O.S 04:00 ITV Nightscreen 06:15 Jamie: Keep Cooking and Carry On 06:05 Judge Rinder 07:00 Good Morning Britain 06:40 Jamie's Comfort Food 06:50 Countdown 10:00 Good Morning Britain 07:30 Cheers 07:55 Cheers with Lorraine 08:25 Mike & Molly 11:00 This Morning 08:45 Mike & Molly 13:30 Loose Women 09:05 The Big Bang Theory 09:30 The Big Bang Theory 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 10:00 Frasier 14:55 ITV News London 10:30 Frasier 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 11:00 Frasier 11:30 Come Dine with Me 16:00 Tenable 12:00 Come Dine with Me 17:00 Tipping Point 12:30 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News 18:00 The Chase 13:05 Come Dine with Me 19:00 ITV News London 13:35 Come Dine with Me 19:30 ITV Evening News 14:05 A New Life in the Sun 15:10 Countdown 20:00 Emmerdale 16:00 A Place in the Sun 20:30 Coronation Street 17:00 Sun, Sea and Selling 21:00 Birds of a Feather Houses 21:30 Grow Your Own at Home 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me with Alan Titchmarsh 19:00 The Simpsons 22:00 Broadchurch 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 23:00 ITV News at Ten 21:00 Devon and Cornwall 23:30 ITV News London 22:00 Murder in the Car Park 23:05 Catching a Killer 23:45 Football Classics


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REVISED PROGRAMME FOR TORREVIEJA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The Councillor for Culture of the Torrevieja, Antonio Quesada, together with the president of the Torrevieja Symphony Orchestra (OST), Pelayo Mellado, and its director, José Francisco Sánchez, presented the revised programme of concerts for the 202021 season of the Orchestra. Concerts will be held at the International Auditorium, and will start on Saturday, October 31, with a concert to celebrate the 250th anniversary of Beethoven's birth. The overture of “Egmont” will be performed, composed to put music to the play of the same name, written by Goethe. Also Mozart's concert for piano No. 21, along with Svetlana Berezhnaya, one of the best Russian pianists and organists on the current scene. To close the gala, Beethoven's "Heroic" Symphony No. 3, composed in 1803 and dedicated by the German composer to Napoleon Bonaparte, will be performed. Looking ahead, on January 3 and 6 there is the traditional New Year's Concert - Reyes, now in its

11th year. As always, between the waltzes and the Viennese polkas some overtones of Spanish music will be included to give the occasion a unique twist. At the break all attendees will be invited to the already typical glass of cava to toast all together for the New Year. The third concert of the season, which will take place on February 27th 2021, will be completely dedicated to romanticism, and the works of Chopin and Brahms, performed by the prestigious Chinese pianist Shiran Wang. For the fourth performance of the season, on Saturday March

27th 2021 a concert originally scheduled for May this year will be ‘revived’. The performance, which had to be cancelled as a result of the Covid-19 crisis, is dedicated to music from the American continent. Finally, and to close the season, on Saturday, May 8th 2021, the “8 Seasons” will be performed, a concert that includes the famous Four Seasons of Vivaldi, along with the Four Buenos Aires seasons of Astor Piazzolla, which the Argentine composer wrote over two centuries later. This time there will be a performance by renowned Korean violinist Sora Han.


CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020

Move Over, Rosé If you are you a wine lover you've probably tasted red, white and rosé varieties. But what about orange wine? Here’s the lowdown on the new summer drink we all need right now. Despite orange wine having made something of a comeback in the past 20 years, most of us have never encountered it. As the name suggests, orange wines have a rich colour that can vary from golden-straw yellow to deep orange, which comes from the lignin in grapeseeds. It is mostly cloudy and is therefore often mistakenly used as a synonym for natural wines, which are also cloudy because they don't use additives to enhance their colour. Orange wine comes from white grapes but is made like red wine. For example, when making red wine the skin of the grapes is not removed before the fermentation process, which is what gives it its colour. For white wine, only the juice is fermented, and the skins are removed and discarded.

Today, orange wine is created from fermented mash, as it was done thousands of years ago in Georgia (the country, not the state), where it originated. Mash fermentation is the process of fermenting all the components of berries together, including the juice, skin, seeds and sometimes even the stems.

Georgians stored their wine in clay amphorae, which were then buried in the ground. Today, some wine producers continue this practice, but most have transitioned to installing them in vatting cellars. Regardless of where they are stored, letting it ferment in clay pots gives the wine its unique natural character. And the wine can be left to ferment anywhere from four days to over a year.

Orange wine tastes different than any other wine. Because it is made with few to no additives and sometimes no yeast, it can end up with a slightly sour and nutty flavour profile, due to oxidation. According to an expert ‘generally speaking, orange wines display mild flavors of stone fruit, like peaches; tea flavours, like strong oolong; and an impression of honey, without actually being sweet’. Many wine experts also say that you should probably be sitting down when you try your first orange wine because its flavour is so bold and intense. It's recommended to serve the wine at around 12.7°C, with a slightly lower temperature being acceptable in warm weather. If you're wondering whether orange wine pairs well with food, the answer is yes! It can even stand in for red wine when accompanying red meats or bold, spicy and deep-flavoured dishes, such as hot Indian curries, Korean bibimbap and Moroccan tagines. The stronger the food flavours, the better.

Bars & Restaurants


28 24

Bars News& Restaurants

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CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020

Bars & Restaurants




CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020


New mosquito species Spain wants to cancel cash spreading in Spain The Asian tiger mosquito was the first member of the Aedes genus to take up residence in the Iberian peninsula, where it soon became a regular summer nuisance, particularly along the Mediterranean coast. It was first detected in 2004 in Barcelona province, and has since spread at a fast pace. But it may not be the only air-borne pest moving across the peninsula. Since 2018, the small northern regions of Asturias and Cantabria have been home to another invasive mosquito species, Aedes japonicus. Although it is more discreet than the tiger mosquito because it favours fields with cattle over urban areas, its potential for expansion is even greater. A new field study has been planned for this summer to assess the spread of this new species in Asturias and Cantabria. Experts suspect that by now, it may have entered neighbouring Galicia as well. Experts say it is too late to eradicate the Asian bush mosquito, as it is commonly known in English, and that in the coming years it will probably extend “like an oil stain” into the regions of Castilla y León, the Basque Country and Navarre. Its growth could be greater than that of the tiger mosquito because it adapts better to cold weather, and because it can

Spain’s socialist MPs, who make up the bulk of the country's coalition government, want to gradually axe cash from circulation and have tabled a motion to that effect. However, they have been told in no uncertain terms by the Central European Bank (BCE) that they cannot do that.

tobacconists', chemists', petrol stations and supermarkets – were required to accept cards or mobile phone payments for even the smallest amount to prevent the virus being transmitted through touching coins and notes.

Card payments in most of Spain outside big cities, restaurants and major chain stores were the exception rather than the norm until quite recently. Many small retailers refused to take card payments and much preferred a cash system.

Aedes japonicus

breed “in a wide range of aquatic habitats, such as puddles, tires, milk cartons or buckets,” according to the Health Ministry. “It is less discerning than Aedes albopictus (tiger mosquito), which could facilitate its expansion.” A spokeswoman at the regional health department of Asturias said that in 2019, a team from the Epidemiology Surveillance Service set traps to detect tiger mosquito clusters,

and chanced upon specimens of Aedes japonicus in watering troughs for cows. But regional technicians did not feel it was of any consequence from a health point of view, said this spokesperson. Experts believe that Aedes japonicus has probably been in Spain for too short a time to have made authorities really sit up and take notice. As a matter of fact, the mosquito doesn’t even have a name in Spanish yet.

Marvel Superhero at home challenge Local couple Brian & Sue, are joining together with family in the UK to take part in the Marvel Superhero at home challenge which started on June 15th. Their team, Team BESTS, are tackling a ‘triathlon’ looking to raise awareness of the very rare & often unheard about neurological condition, Ataxia which very few people know about. Ataxia predominantly effects mobility, coordination & speech. People with ataxia are often wrongly perceived to be drunk because of Brian & Sue their strange gait, lack of mobility & slurred speech. It is a life limiting degenerative condition where from diagnosis the only certainty is that it will get worse. It is ageless effecting adults & children alike, in Spain there are only around 8000 people with Ataxia, whilst in the UK around 10000. There is no effective treatment, medicine or cure for Ataxia which can for some people often mean a lack of hope. The team - including 1 year old granddaughter - are swimming, cycling & walking largely at home aiming to SMASH the suggested 20km target distance determined to complete an equivalent distance of two marathons

between them (over 80km!). They are also hoping to raise funds for Ataxia along the way and amazingly have already exceeded their initial sponsorship target. Brian who has had this condition for almost 40 years & is now reliant upon a walker to get around explains that despite the problems caused he considers himself fortunate when compared with many others and looks upon his ataxia as a personal challenge to overcome. He knows from firsthand experience how people with Ataxia often suffer from people’s misconceptions and judgements which is very hard to take. This can be embarrassing, hurtful and upsetting both for the sufferer as well as those with them. Brian says ‘understanding that money is tight for many people just now this is more about raising awareness and understanding than money although donations are gratefully received. If we can inform just a few people then we will have achieved what we set out to do.’ To find out more, follow their progress &/or to donate please visit: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising /brian-davis5

However, this has changed since it became law that cards must be accepted for payments of at least €30, and that any cash payment of €2,000 or more had to be accounted for – both in a bid to make life easier for the consumer and to combat moneylaundering, which had been an historic problem in Spain for decades. And with the Covid-19 pandemic, all businesses permitted to open during the most restrictive period of lockdown – news agents,

Now that lockdown is all but over and practically all businesses have reopened, card payments continue to be the preferred choice, with even local bars now allowing customers to use their debit or credit cards to pay for just one coffee. Axing cash would only be possible where a country's banks charged little or nothing to traders for card payments, and also allowed free bank transfers below a set figure so that, if someone owed a friend a few euros, they could pop it into their account without paying


However, the BCE says Spain cannot phase out cash – all it can do is make non-cash payments as easy, widely-available and cheap as possible to encourage these in preference. Otherwise, Spain would be in breach of the EU Treaty, which establishes that notes and coins in euros are legal tender. According to the BCE, scrapping or limiting cash payments would hit several social groups – particularly the most vulnerable communities – hardest, namely the elderly, immigrants and rural dwellers. Also eliminating cash could create a huge problem in the event of technical faults, such as electricity or internet being cut off. Indeed, a few of Spain's most isolated rural spots have no internet connection or phone line available, meaning card payments would be impossible. The BCE points out that if card or electronic transactions were the only ones available, banks could apply commissions or costs to these in the knowledge that they cannot be avoided.

How to spot illegal buildingworks like a professional architect in 5 steps Spanish building licences are quite famously difficult and tortuous to obtain and in most cases a bit of a nightmare. Here are 5 common tricky situations that can only be solved using a Retrospective Licence and that surveyors quickly spot off the bat: 1- Garages or building work carried out attached to the boundaries (even permanent carports etc) cannot obtain a licence (generally speaking). The minimum distance from an open window to the neighbour's boundary is 2 metres in Spain, but generally detached villas must stay away from the boundary by a minimum 3 metres, although this may vary and can even be much more. 2- Glazed in terraces or closed in porches are built without a proper licence in 95% of cases. Spanish properties traditionally tend to have many open (patios) or semi-open spaces (porches) to create breezes or shaded areas. These semi-open spaces are very frequently closed in by using glazing or brick work. The Spanish laws regard these enclosures as extensions of the built floor area of the property and therefore they are subject to a 'Major Licence' for their construction. Licences to close these spaces in are generally not issued. 3- Most pools are not declared in the title deeds. Many of them don't have a licence either. The small percentage that have a licence generally don't

have the architect’s certificate signing off the building of the pool. If you are selling your property you can use a Certificate of Antiquity or Retrospective Licence for pools, to give peace of mind to the purchasers and also use it to upgrade the title deeds to include the pool at the time of selling. 4- Any exterior cupboard, semi open kitchen or other covered building work must have a proper 'Major Licence' when it has an interior height over 1,50 metres. 5- Under-builds with living accommodation are not allowed by law and like the previous examples can be added to the title deeds using a Retrospective Licence. In all these scenarios the document needed is a Certificate of Antiquity, also known as a Retrospective Licence, to guard against possible sanctions, and it is highly recommended to avoid putting off potential buyers due to the existence of illegal extensions in or on the property. It will also be needed in order to update the property’s description in Title Deeds & Land Registry. The condition in order to obtain a Retrospective Licence is that the building work done is 4 years ago in Murcia Area, 6 years ago in Almeria area and built before August 2010 in Alicante area. If you are purchasing a property in this area remember to always give your

solicitor an exact description of the property highlighting the building works above and ask them to guarantee what you are buying is exactly what is registered at the land registry. Only proper Spanish architects are competent to issue retrospective licences so if your solicitors are studying your case, ask them to contact Martinez de la Casa Architects to provide the Antiquity Certificate and we will make the whole process easier, faster and cheaper with our fixed published prices and guaranteed deadlines. The cost of a Certificate of Antiquity / Retrospective Licence for pools is 190€ +IVA (229 €) and extensions or complete properties 270€ +IVA (326 €). Discounts available if you require your Energy Performance Certificate (121€ IVA Inc) or Habitation Licence (from 118€ Registration tax not included), done at the same time. Martinez de la Casa Architects can guarantee all services within stated deadlines and a fixed price. With over 10,000 clients in South East Spain, we are considered one of the most prominent and respectable architecture practices, providing all types of certificates and licences, amongst other services. For all enquiries or to arrange an appointment please call 665 810 411 or visit www.martinezdelacasa.com to see an impressive list of over 200 client's testimonials.


CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020

Band­Aid announces new colours to match skin tones Band-Aid brand adhesive plasters has announced the launch of a new range of plasters that ring truer to all skin colours not just the light options the brand has been selling for around 100 years. Band-Aid took to Instagram to announce the news: "We hear you. We see you. We're listening to you," the brand said in response to the antiracism movements taking place across the world. "We stand in solidarity with our Black colleagues, collaborators, and community in the fight against racism, violence, and injustice. We are committed to taking actions to create tangible change for the Black community." In addition to launching the new range of plasters - "in light, medium, and deep shades of Brown and Black skin tones that embrace the beauty of diverse skin" - the brand also pledged to make a donation of an unidentified amount to Black Lives Matter. "We promise that this is just the first among many steps together in the fight against systemic racism," the brand said. "We can, we must, and we will do better." But some say it's a little late for a legacy brand that touts itself as "America's #1 Bandage Brand." "Here is the issue...what took so long?" asked one commenter. "A few lifetimes late. As if white was the only skin tone in existence until now," a second person added, while another said the company's actions were "so so so overdue." This lack of representation in

something as simple as plasters isn't new. It's why, in 2014, Tru-Colour Products cofounder Toby Meisenheimer created a more inclusive brand, offering a wider range of skin tones in bandages and plasters. In a previous interview with the Huffington Post, Meisenheimer, who is white, said he started the company when he realised typical bandages didn't match his black son's skin tone. "I just want my kids, who are already [going to] struggle with the fact that they don’t have the same skin colour as their dad, I want them to see they were made as just as authentic and just as beautiful and the bandage market needs to reflect that,� said Meisenheimer. Four years after its launch, Tru-Colour Products began selling skin tone products and they're currently available on Amazon in various

colours, too. Apart from that, there's only been one other widely-available brand of bandages made for the Black community: a short-lived brand named Ebon-Aide. According to a 2013 article in The Atlantic, Ebon-Aide, created by New York entrepreneur Michael Panayiotis, emerged in the late 1990s and came in colours like "black licorice, coffee brown, cinnamon, and honey beige." But just a few years later, in late 2002, Ebon-Aide folded, after selling only 20,000 boxes of the 1 million created. It's unclear when Band-Aid will start rolling out those new inclusive plasters, but many people - like one commenter who commended the brand for the "awesome change" - still believe it's a step in the right direction.

Health & Beauty


32 28

Health News & Beauty

Wedding bells are not for us Our Family expects us to marry but my girlfriend and I don’t want to. Whenever we see them the conversation comes around to weddings and children. We are not sure we even want to have children, as we have very good careers which will take us far. My mother upset my girlfriend recently to ask her to go and get herself checked out at the doctors, because they thought we should be hearing the patter of tiny feet by now. How can we stop the ‘wedding and children’ hints?

th CostaBlancaPeople CoastRider 23rd - Edition - 29th June 470 - 2020 March 5www.costablancapeople.com 2013 www.coastrider.net

We prefer to adopt a child We want to adopt an older child rather than have our own children, but my parents have said they don’t think it is a good idea. All they have done since they found out our plans is point out the pitfalls and negative side of adopting. Also, my mother had the nerve to say that she thought an adopted child would not be loved like the other grandchildren. I found this very threatening. It must be very disappointing for you. However, this is your life and your decision and I would ignore other peoples feelings. You are doing a lovely, charitable thing here, and there are plenty of older children who have been overlooked for adoption, and are in desperate need of a loving home. If your family has a problem with that then that is their problem. The attitude is perhaps a little selfish if they can only think of themselves in this situation. Try and reason with them, and ask them to be more supportive as you have made up your mind.

SALE Getting married and having children is not the ‘be all and end all’ of a relationship. These days not everyone decides to get married or indeed have children, but you’ll need to broach the subject with your families so that they can get used how things are going to be. Be honest and direct, and tell them you don’t want marriage and children but are focusing on your careers and each other. Then ask them to please stop dropping the hints because it is upsetting you both. It’s your life and no one else’s. WRITE TO SARA IN CONFIDENCE. A PSEUDONYM WILL BE USED IF YOU WISH. SARA READS ALL LETTERS AND CAN GIVE A PERSONAL REPLY. EMAIL YOUR QUESTION TO SARA@COSTABLANCAPEOPLE.COM OR SARA IS AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS, TELEPHONE 650 054 467.

Exercises to improve posture Whilst many of us work on cardio and strength, paying attention to everyday posture is also crucial. If you have pain or movement issues, checking posture can give you insight into what needs to be fixed and why. Looking at the way someone stands, from the feet all the way up to the neck, can give a lot of insight into over or underactive muscles in the body. And while your posture doesn’t need to be perfect, improving it can reduce pain issues and boost your athletic performance. Set yourself straight and balance out your body with the six exercises below. It’s your complete guide to standing stronger and taller. 1. Scarecrow How to: Start standing with feet hip-width apart. Holding light weights, hinge at the hips to begin in a starting position similar to a bent-over row. Your back should be flat and arms straight down in front of you, just above your knees. Row your elbows back using your upper back muscles, so you hit a broken T shape. Rotate your hands up toward your shoulders. Staying in the hinge position, extend your arms straight forward and up to your ears. Then return them to the starting position. That’s one rep. Perform

3 sets of 8 reps. 2. Swimmers How to: Begin lying on your stomach, with arms and legs extended. Keep your head in a neutral position by looking down to the floor in front of you. In a swimming motion, swing your arms down by your sides. Then

bring them back up and overhead by your ears. Focus on keeping shoulders relaxed and moving from the lats and mid back. That is one rep. Perform 3 sets of 8 reps. 3. Shoulder External Rotation How to: Grab a dumbbell in each hand orwrap a light, looped resistance band around your hands. Palms face up. Bend your elbows and keep them against your torso. Rotate your palms away from your torso until your arms are almost facing outward.

You should feel your back and shoulder muscles fire. Slowly bring your hands back together. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps. 4. Seated T-Spine Openers How to: Begin sitting on a bench, hands behind your neck and elbows in close to each other. Lift your chest and elbows toward the ceiling, moving from your upper back. Try not to arch from your lower back. That’s one rep. Perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps. 5. Farmer’s Walks How to: Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with arm extended down by your side. Make sure to keep your shoulders down away from your ears. Walk forward, keeping your core engaged and taking strong and deliberate steps. Walk for 3050 yards, then rest. That’s one rep. Perform 5-8 sets. 6. Halos How to: Hold either a kettlebell or dumbbell in each hand at your chest. Pull your shoulder blades back and down away from your ears, as you move the weight up and around your head in a circle, returning them back to your chest. Keep your head upright and neck neutral. Do 10 rotations one way, then 10 the other. That’s one set. Perform 3 sets.



CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020


Liberty Seguros raises over € 6,000 for the Paralympic Youth Athletics Promises Team Due to the pandemic with mandatory social distancing rules and heightened security measures, Liberty Seguros found itself in an unprecedented situation with regard to this year’s Liberty Race. For the first time ever, its flagship event took place online and delighted in achieving its objective of championing diversity and integration through sport. Raising an outstanding € 6,333 for the Paralympic Youth Athletics Promises Team, the Liberty Race was once again hailed a resounding success. This year, the Liberty Race saw 3,000 individuals participate in the event with nearly 1,000 users of social media sharing photos across networks and the hashtag #MiCarreraLiberty experiencing an engagement of over 860,000 on Twitter and Instagram alone. The Liberty Race advocates solidarity and unity whilst raising funds for young athletes with promising potential at sports level who have not yet benefited from the ADOP Plan. This programme is designed to assist elite sportspeople with disabilities in Spain to prepare for the Paralympic Games. As with previous years, funds raised through donations made by the participants of the race will go to the athletes in the Paralympic Athletics Promises Team. Supported by Liberty Seguros, the

Paralympic Athletics Promises Team comprises young males and females from all over Spain between the ages of 12 and 20 that are living with physical, visual, or intellectual challenges, such as those with learning disabilities or debilitating conditions such as cerebral palsy.

Alba García, a rising athlete and member of the ParalympicYouth Athletics Promises Team

Funds raised through the Liberty Race help the athletes to enhance their level of performance Martín Fiz, one of the 3,000 participants of the 2020 Liberty Race through technical the Liberty Race once again Liberty's Commitment to Paralympic training and specialised plans and assist demonstrated Liberty Seguros' Sport with financing their attendance at enormous commitment to Paralympic Liberty Seguros champions the national and international competitions. Sport. In the difficult times that we are integration of those living with Between 2012 and the present day, the currently living in, ensuring that this disabilities into society through values Liberty Race has raised an impressive € event could go ahead for another year that are embodied in sport: effort, the 246,333 in total to support these young despite the circumstances is a testament spirit of competition, teamwork, and the sportspeople. to the fact that Liberty continues to desire to push on forwards. Since 2007, it champion inclusion and supports has continuously collaborated with the Alberto Jofre, Managing Director of people with disabilities to engage in Spanish Paralympic Committee (CPE) in the Spanish Paralympic Committee, sport. It is a real honour to have a sponsor favour of Paralympic Sport as means of exclaimed: “This very special edition of like this.” uniting those living with challenges into

the community. Within its framework of collaboration, Liberty Seguros founded and supported 'Liberty Insurance Team of Paralympic Athletics Promises'. Since the year 2012, this programme has nurtured young promising talent to develop sporting careers. It has hosted events such as the popular Liberty Race and, since the year 2015, has formed the biggest fan club of Paralympic Sport through its #SeSalen initiative.

34 CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020

The DGT has launched a new app that is the first step to providing documentation in digital form, allowing you to carry your driving licence on your mobile. The miDGT app - which has already been downloaded over a million times – allows you to leave your licence at home as it serves as a replacement for the official document. In addition, the app sends notices and news direct to your mobile device, all from the official source. The app provides the opportunity to have a digital version of your photocard, and also gives you the opportunity to check your points, the data of the vehicles owned, environmental signs, ITV date, and to receive notifications regarding these data. The launch is only the first stage of the development of the digital platform. During a second stage, the possibility of carrying out the procedures that are carried out at trafico offices or via the Internet, such as payment of fees to carry out procedures, notice and payment of fines, obtaining a vehicle report, the identification of the driver in case of sanction, determination of the habitual driver and the consultation of the exam notes, will all be included.

In the third phase, the registration and transfer (second-hand sale) of vehicles through miDGT will be included. In the future, the DGT wants to study how to send users only the messages that are relevant to them. Thus, for example, notifying you of when your licence is due to expire, as well as relevant information based on your location - for example, where the nearest ITV or traffic department is located. Beware of imitations! Other applications with similar functions are advertised in the app stores. In reality, they are websites that request user data - the DGT app does not request this - and, with them, they consult the DGT website to provide that data to their user. These unofficial apps have two disadvantages: first, that they can be monetised by introducing advertising to the user and the second, and more serious, is that the user is giving them their data that could be used for other purposes. To ensure that the downloaded application is the official one, always look for the "miDGT" logo and make sure that the developer is the DGT itself. This will prevent advertising and ensure that your data is held by the Administration.

Emergency Situations As many of us are just starting out planning longer journeys after “lockdown”, it’s always worth keeping in mind that sometimes things happen outside our control, some of which can lead to risky situations, but if we are prepared then the risk can be minimised, and so this week we are going to have a look at some of the most common emergencies, and how to deal with them. According to the Professional Association of Training Companies in Road Safety (Formaster), 60% of drivers do not know how to react to unforeseen driving situations, despite the fact many of them are covered in our driver training, when events don’t occur on a regular basis we can easily forget.

When and how to stop in a breakdown or emergenc Most drivers know about the hazard lights on a car, although it is important to familiarise yourself with the button if you are not used to the vehicle. However, in the event of a breakdown or emergency the hazard lights must also be accompanied by the use o warning triangles. One at the back and one at the front if you are on a road where traffic moved in both directions. The triangles must be placed 50 metres from the

vehicle and must be visible from a distance of 100 metres. It is also important to protect yourself whilst placing the warning triangles on the road by wearing a high visibility jacket. Try also to make sure that your vehicle is as clear of the carriageway as possible. All these things must be done straight away in order to warn other road users of the hazard. Do this before summoning help. How to avoid problems with tyres It is important to ensure that the tyres are properly inflated for the load they are carrying. This should be checked on a regular basis but is also important before a long journey, especially if the vehicle will be carrying more weight than normal, such as the family and luggage. We have dealt with tyres before, as they are one of the most important safety concerns on a vehicle, but often overlooked. Please scroll down our Facebook page aft you have finished reading this article to see more about tyre safety. What we will say though is it is Important to check your tyres on a regular basis, and that includes the spare, if your vehicle has one. Some modern cars have emergency repair kits rather than spare wheels, but whatever your vehicle does have, check to make sure the kit is complete and that the tools to carry out a replacement or fix are with the spare or emergency kit. Lights are important We have also spoken about the importance of checking your lights on a regular basis too, and again that is still

important at this time of year. It is now mandatory for new cars to have Daytime Running Lights, and although these are important safety features, they do not in any way replace the need for headlights during darkness or poor visibility. Daytime Running Lights are designed to make the vehicle more visible for other road users, and are not designed to illuminate the road ahead. Moreover, they only illuminate the front of the vehicle, and so not using your lights correctly could leave you in a vulnerable position. Fog lights may also be necessary at this time of year but should only be used when visibility is seriously reduced. It is also important to switch them off again once visibility improves. How to react to an obstacle on the road The appearance of an obstacle such as a loose animal,a scattered load, a fallen tree, or other object on the road can cause risky situations. Ifan imminent impact with your vehicle you should avoid any sudden steering moves if possible, as you could skid. Trying to brake is important but pay close attention to whatever is around your vehicle, especially behind, as well as in front. If your vehicle becomes immobilised, or if the obstruction could pose a risk to other road users, remember to protect the scene with your hazard lights and warning triangles before summoning help. Keeping your vehicle in top shape is important to ensure that winter driving is as safe as possible, but if you are involved in an incident, even a minor one, it may be worthwhile getting the car checked by a qualified mechanic.



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Puzzle News Page

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CostaBlancaPeople 23rd - 29th June 2020


TALES FROM THE TOP FLIGHT ■ CHRIS DARWEN chris@costablancapeople.com

And we are back, baby. Actual Premier League football returned after 100 days last Wednesday. Actual Premier League football. Sure, without fans but most of the old narratives reappeared right on cue with a few little extras thrown in for good measure. If you are a fan of a social distancing gag or seven, strap yourselves in as you are in for a proper treat. The aforementioned actual Premier League football kicked off at Villa Park where Aston Villa welcomed Sheffield United to play one of the games postponed from pre-lockdown times. The only problem was, Hawk Eye are clearly still on furlough - or, worse, someone forgot to turn it on when the match kicked off. There was proper social distancing going on which was great to see - it was between the ball and the goal line though, and that cost the Blades three points that would have been very welcome (considering what came to pass at St James’ Park on Sunday). Whilst the goal being given would have seen Sheffield United continue their push for 5th place, the point claimed by the Villa gave their relegation battle restart the nudge it needed much to the dismay of the likes of Bournemouth who were probably hoping Villa might remain worse than they meaning they only have to find one club to be less rubbish than this season. Up at the Etihad, Man City restarted with the faint hope that lockdown might have led to Liverpool completely forgetting how to play football - and if that was to be the case then they were going to be ready to capitalise. Arsenal arrived in the middle of their

longest unbeaten run in ages - they had not lost in 2020 and that wasn’t completely down to the fact they’d not played for three months. A bit of rustiness was expected, but David Luiz was so ‘rusty’ Mikel Arteta is probably considering selling him for scrap at the earliest opportunity. Luiz came off the bench after about 20 minutes and by the time he was sent off in the 49th he’d managed to gift City their opener, give away the penalty that led to their second and pick up the straight red - in fairness, Luiz should be applauded as that is more than most players manage to achieve in a season. The Brazilian, apparently, gives away a penalty every 6.5 games for Arsenal which takes a fair amount of effort. I mean, you really have to be trying to achieve those levels - they don’t just happen by luck. Apparently, the club immediately appealed the ban, to get it extended until the end of the season. Over at Goodison, the Champions elect had a makeshift changing room and the referee had a makeshift beard. Maybe Mike Dean was trying to go incognito, but it felt like the whole match was doing its best not to be noticed. Unexpectedly, Everton went closest to beating their big rivals hitting the post with ten minutes to go. If Liverpool were able to blame other factors for the delaying of their crowning, their flat performance in this derby will delay it a little further. Still, it was reassuring to see Richarlison spending as much time on the deck as he did on his feet. Boy, I’ve missed that. Football might have changed a bit in the last few months but seeing Roy Keane lay into David de Gea at half-time in the Spurs vs United clash and seeing how Jose had set his team up gave me a warm fuzzy feeling that you get when you’ve been lost for a while and then see

a familiar landmark. To be fair, Keano did have a point. Luke Shaw’s headless chicken routine after the poor header, Harry Maguire respecting the full two-metres as he allowed Steven Bergwin to gallop past him and De Gea’s hilarious attempt to stop a moving ball all needed comment - and Roy did not go into the challenge half-heartedly. As for Jose, he clearly spent the time off working out what his new blueprint for football is - what’s that Jose? Sit deep, break the game up and then hope you nick something on the break? Genius - I cannot believe you failed to try that earlier in your career. Mourinho was keen to see United’s Bruno Fernandes ‘exposed’ after the game - maybe he didn’t get his invite into the showers post-match. More importantly, Jose surpassed even my predictions that he might wait until next week before moaning about the lack of quality available to him by suggesting there wasn’t enough on the Spurs bench. Nine subs are clearly not enough in this day and age. Did you know Brighton have only won three out of their last 20 Premier League outings? And, guess what? Two of those have been against Arsenal. Having been utterly out-classed in Manchester, Arteta headed South in the hope of seeing some kind of reaction from his squad. In fairness, they picked up one fewer injury than at the Etihad as Bernd Leno was carried off following being tickled under the chin by Neal Maupay and the goalkeeping graveyard end that also did for Hugo Lloris earlier in the season. Arsenal did lead, but that was never going to be enough. They ended up ‘getting what they deserved’ which was an embarrassing 2-1 defeat. It was a new experience for all the West Ham fans on Saturday - actually feeling close to the action for once as they all watched it on TV. Never forget, what the

Las Ramblas Golf Society

Elche CF In, Out & In Elche CF along with their rivals in La Liga Smart Bank, Spain’s 2nd division, are packing in the games to conclude this season. On Monday 15th Elche had an away trip to Estadio El Toralin Ponferradina, over 7 hours by road this town is officially the coldest place in Spain. Elche took the lead, when 40 year old Captain Nino volleyed home a thunder bolt. Seconds before half time Elche conceded a dangerous free kick, and the resulting cross was met with a well placed bottom corner header by Ponferradina's Russo, which out of position goalie Edgar couldn't reach. In the second half, the home team stole the win from a crowded box shot, when the ball found the right boot of oncoming Valcarce to give the home team a 2-1 victory. Coach Pacheta and the players had one draw and one defeat since the restart. As Friday night’s match approached, we were hoping to complete the collection with one win. We spent the week out of the play off positions, so the

pressure was on for the must win home game against play off placed Girona FC. Watching via the TV, the Estadio Marinez Valero had a new look with superimposed crowds, plus the cardboard cut outs of the season ticket holders. The first 45 mins was a tough watch. Each side had one chance, and each failed to take that chance. Girona's striker Stuani, cut inside the box from the right and hit a strong shot straight at Edgar the goalie. Either side of him and it would have been a certain goal. Elche’s chance came from Calvo’s header which sailed centimetres over the right corner of the Girona goal. It was 0-0 at half time. The 2nd half was a different game. Straight from the kick off Girona sent in a long range shot with a bounce which nearly deceived Edgar. From the

Hammers were getting when they recalled David Moyes was a manager who knows how to ‘win’ - maybe that should be changed to ‘knew how to win’ after yet another defeat. Aaron Cresswell, who had put a decent shift in, must have been delighted to see a fresh Adama Traore coming on for the last little bit at the Athletics Stadium - it was Traore who then did the damage to give Wolves another three points and drag the Hammers nearer the trap door. Luckily for them, Bournemouth don’t seem too fussed on finding a way out. In theory, Crystal Palace at home was not the worst match to restart with when you are hoping to find some form. It was the first Premier League match on the BBC since forever but it won’t exactly live long in the memory. The Cherries started brightly, David Brooks back from injury looking like he might be the spark required. That was until Palace scored, however and then scored again. That’s four wins and four clean sheets in a row for Uncle Roy and the E word was been mentioned. Lockdown gave Norwich City a chance to go away, think about how recklessly open they’ve been at times and come back with a new focus to stave off the likely drop. You know what? I don’t think they bothered. Danny Ings managed to keep his goalscoring momentum in full flow as the Saints celebrated Ralphy boy getting a new deal by making the Canaries yodel their tune. Watford are also fighting for their lives and did actually show some fight - Craig Dawson equalising late, late late against Leicester who had led through Ben Chilwell adding an extra £10m to the quote they are giving Chelsea. Speaking of Chelsea, all these new signings they are making and it’s still down to stalwarts Cesar Azpilicueta and Olivier Giroud to bail them out.

corner Elche broke up the right. Josan took off, finishing near the goal corner surrounded by 4 defenders. He found the strength and vision to send a high, up and over cross to the waiting new kid on the block, young Dani Escriche. On 47 minuets Dani calmly headed the ball in for 1-0 lead. A great assist and goal. Girona were not put off and responded with a goal, only to have it over ruled as a clear off side. As the match continued Elche were having to do more and more defending and Edgar pulled off some superb saves to keep Elche 1-0 up, until the final whistle. Elche now have 50 points and are back in the play off positions! The next match is on Tuesday 23rd at home against Deportivo La Coruna and then again on Saturday 27th away at Las Palmas.

So, into week two at our temporary home of Villamartin. We kicked off with a 2 ball better ball which saw Pete Dunn and Petina Murray, with 43 points, take 1st place on countback from Paul Brown and AnneMarie Weisheit. In 3rd and again on countback, with 42 points, were Richard Connock and myself. (Although to be fair I contributed very little). Before moving on I would like to thank whoever it was that left a very decent Cobra golf bag at my local bins. It looked very smart indeed as I used it on Wednesday. Just one thing; could you dump the rain hood when next you’re passing! On a far more serious note

the news came in this week that one of our members, Willie Thorne, had sadly passed away. Our condolences go out to all his family and friends. Wednesday’s individual Stableford produced some great scores. After quite a spell in the wilderness Ken Robertson won with 40 points and he was followed by Graham Murray on 39. Reg Akehurst took 3rd with 36points (24 of those coming on the back 9)! Friday saw us compete in best 2 scores from 4 to count and all on the par 5s. Winning, with 101 points, were Mike Brentnall, Richard Connock, Nigel Price and Joyce McClusky (despite being hit by one of Nigel’s more wayward shots)! Quite some way behind them but taking second place with 93 points were Pat Cassidy, Nora Betts, Alan Carter and Reg Akehurst. This week’s quote goes to none other than Arnold Palmer who once commented, ‘I have a tip that can take five strokes off your score. It’s called an eraser’. Pues, hasta la semana que viene Peter Reffell

Frank Lampard’s men were 1-0 down at Villa following yet another example of chocolate wrists from Kepa but once Dave floated one up to the back stick for Pulisic the tide was turned. 90 seconds later, the big French beardyman spun and saw the winner deflect home meaning Chelsea, right now, must be favourites for 4th place. Can someone please take a few moments to explain Newcastle United to me? I am still very confused. They are for sale and have been for ages. Their pending takeover seems to have kept some media companies in content over the last few months - yet nothing actually seems to be happening and, at some point, someone is going to realise that it’s not really happening - a standard Mike Ashley ruse. And then the team itself - every single predicted this and predicted that statistic I see sees Steve Bruce’s team rock bottom of the league and yet here they are, spanking Sheffield United 3-0 and sitting pretty in 12th - a whole 17 points higher than where their performances suggest they should be. I think we can all agree John Egan’s sending off was the turning point given that it was 0-0 at the time, Joelinton clearly wasn’t going to score if he stayed out there all day and the Blades were in control. Funny how things change - Dean Henderson might be dreaming of replicating De Gea at Old Trafford but he might be copying the wrong habits given how he ushered home Matt Ritchie’s strike - social distancing between him and his near post (I think that’s at least four now, is anyone counting). And yes, even big Joe got on the scoresheet. Sack Steve Bruce? Don’t be daft.


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Citroen C4 Picasso 2015, Manual, Diesel, 124,545 kms, MPV 7 seater, 2.0L, ABS, PAS, central locking, cruise control, multifunctional steering wheel. 11,995€

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