3 October - 9 October 2017

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Hundredsinjured at theCatalan referendum I T WAS AN IMPORTANT DAY on the 1st October for the future of Spain. As Catalonia (Cataluña) voted on the issue of whether their region should become independent from Spain, pockets of people across the rest of Spain came out to show their solidarity with those voting to remain. In spite of the referendum being announced as illegal by the ruling PP government in Madrid, the referendum went ahead. National police and the Guardia Civil were engaged with seizing ballot boxes whilst the Catalan police (Mossos) appeared not to be taking their orders to disrupt the ballot too seriously.

Almost half of the region of Catalonia, that includes Barcelona as its capital, is in support of it becoming an independent nation. However, it is believed that the majority of the population are still in support of being part of Spain, or at least they were. Some feel that the actions of the police and the reaction of the Spanish government did in fact increase the numbers of those likely to vote for a split. Whilst a mixture of Spanish and Catalan flags were out in Catalonia, in Torrevieja it was just the Spanish flag that was in evidence. Around a hundred people were out on the streets showing their support for a united Spain on

Tuesday, 3rd - 9th October 2017

Carles Puigdemon

Saturday, 30th September. The protestors stood in front of the town hall in the Plaza de la Constitución with their Spanish flags. Those attending were mostly middle aged or older and carried banners and placards that expressed the view that Catalonia cannot secede from Spain. ‘Cataluña, es España’ ‘esta bandera no se vende’ (this flag isn’t for sale) and ‘España unida, jamás sera Continued on page 3


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