Publications for youth and education / Publications jeunesse et éducation
-Travel the universe of Greater Europe (Available in Basque, Bulgarian, Estonian, German, Italian, Latvian, Polish, Romanian, Russian and Spanish) -Kiko and the hand (Available in Czech, Dutch, French, Italian, Serbian and Spanish) -Europe is more than you think (Available in Azeri, French, German, Romanian and Ukrainian) -Repères Junior - Manuel pour l'éducation aux droits de l'homme pour les enfants (Seulement en français) -Rechte und Freiheiten in der Praxis (Only in German / Seulement en allemand) -47 states and one Organization... The Council of Europe (Available in French, German and Italian) -The Council of Europe - Unlimited connections (Available in French and German) -La bande dessinée contre l'intolérance (Seulement en français)