BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design Project Title:
Edexcel ‘Build your own Utopia’.
Pete Collins
Unit 3 – 3D Visual Communication
Pathway / Stage
Mandatory Unit
Date Set:
Review Date:
March ‘12
1of 2 briefs
Hand-in Date:
Duration: 5 weeks
Unit Objectives
By the completion of this unit you will have:
P1- Demonstrated use of 3D making techniques safely when working from primary and secondary sources. P2 - Communicated design ideas using 3D visual communication techniques. P3 - Used formal elements in 3D visual communication.
Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design
Brief Overview: For this first project of the 3D unit you will firstly be looking at the characteristics of the ‘International Style’ and how they originated within Modernist Architecture. You will then carry out research into Architects / Designers associated with the movement.
Using your knowledge of the Designers and the International Style you will then be able to design in 2D your own building / place to live.
Once your design is completed you will then be able to produce a 3D model of a room within your building or the complete building using white card as the base material. You could include other forms of card within your model but this will be part of your design process.
Within your design you will need to pay great attention to the formal elements of scale, shape, form and how you use colour.
The final outcome will be your own vision based on Modernist values.
Tasks. Week 1: Introduction to Modernist Architecture and the International Style. Carry out research into Architects and modernist Architecture making notes in journal and collecting colour images. You will need to find at least one example for each Architect/ Designer listed on the brief Pull your research together and present this on A1 worksheets with supporting notes and your thoughts to support. Please draw sections from your examples in sketchbooks and annotate them. Evaluate the session. Homework – Complete the work started in this session for 18 th January. (P1, M1 &D1)
(FEsl/E3.1 Follow the main points of discussions.FEsl/E3.2 Use techniques to clarify and confirm understanding.FEsl/E3.3 Give own point of view and respond appropriately to others’ point of view.FEsl/E3.4 Use appropriate language in formal discussions/exchanges.FEsl/E3.5 Make relevant contributions, allowing for and responding to others’ input FEr/E3.1 Understand the main points of texts.FEr/E3.2 Obtain specific information through detailed reading)
Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design
Week 2: Bring your finished researched sheets and discuss your findings as a group. In your sketchbook generate at least 3 ideas for your place to live / building based on the international style. Choose one design and develop further, draw this up onto A1. You should be able to do this considering scale using Centimetres as the gauge of measurement. Evaluation of the session. Homework – Complete anything not completed in this session for 25th January. (P1,P2,P3,M1,M2,M3,D1,D2,D3)
(FEsl/E3.1 Follow the main points of discussions.FEsl/E3.2 Use techniques to clarify and confirm understanding.FEsl/E3.3 Give own point of view and respond appropriately to others’ point of view.FEsl/E3.4 Use appropriate language in formal discussions/exchanges.FEsl/E3.5 Make relevant contributions, allowing for and responding to others’ input)
Week 3: Plan how you are going to make your model on an A1 sheet. How many pieces will you need? What size will each piece need to be? Plan how they will fit together, will they slot together? Will they need to be glued together? Begin making your final model. Evaluation of the session. (P1,P2,P3,M1,M2,M3,D1,D2,D3)
(FEsl/E3.1 Follow the main points of discussions.FEsl/E3.2 Use techniques to clarify and confirm understanding.FEsl/E3.3 Give own point of view and respond appropriately to others’ point of view.FEsl/E3.4 Use appropriate language in formal discussions/exchanges.FEsl/E3.5 Make relevant contributions, allowing for and responding to others’ input)
Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design
Week 4:
Continue making your 3D model. Adapt and modify your model as you work if you need to. Evaluate the making process. (P1,P2,P3,M1,M2,M3,D1,D2,D3) (FEsl/E3.1 Follow the main points of discussions.FEsl/E3.2 Use techniques to clarify and confirm understanding.FEsl/E3.3 Give own point of view and respond appropriately to others’ point of view.FEsl/E3.4 Use appropriate language in formal discussions/exchanges.FEsl/E3.5 Make relevant contributions, allowing for and responding to others’ input)
Week 5:
Complete the making of your model. Evaluate the final piece. Photograph your final model, consider lighting it to emphasize the forms and shapes. Print out these photographs and mount them on A1. Evaluate the session. (P1,P2,P3,M1,M2,M3,D1,D2,D3)
(FEsl/E3.1 Follow the main points of discussions.FEsl/E3.2 Use techniques to clarify and confirm understanding.FEsl/E3.3 Give own point of view and respond appropriately to others’ point of view.FEsl/E3.4 Use appropriate language in formal discussions/exchanges.FEsl/E3.5 Make relevant contributions, allowing for and responding to others’ input)
Outcome/s: Research notes in journal and any prints outs from the research. A1 research sheet with examples, annotated. Ideas in sketchbook. One idea developed further and worked out to scale on A1. Planning of how you will make your model. Final model. Photographs of your model mounted on A1. Evaluation for each week of the project.
Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design
Suggested Reading/ Research: Walter Gropius, The Bauhaus, Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe, Adolf Loos, The ‘International Style’. Also look at Architectural blueprints / drawings as well.
Books: ‘Design since 1945’ by Peter Dormer. Published by Thames and Hudson. Recommended text to own. ISBN 0-500-20261-3 ‘The Shock of the New – Art and a Century of Change’ by Robert Hughes. Published by Thames and Hudson. Recommended text to own. ISBN 0-500-27582-3. See Chapter 4 – Trouble in Utopia.
Resource Requirements: Full Art box. Metal rulers, scalpels, cutting mats, glue guns, card, general art materials. Laptops and Library for research. Health and Safety: You will need to use your understanding of health and safety to maintain a safe and secure environment and act responsibly yourselves and with others in your team as well as the other groups and lecturers. You should ensure that you follow the health and safety rules within the studio and college setting, creating an environment that is empathetic to those around you.
Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design
Unit Criteria:
To Pass the unit you will be able to:
To Achieve a Merit you will be able to:
To Achieve a Distinction you will be able to:
P1- demonstrate use
M1- demonstrate
D1 – demonstrate
of 3D making techniques safely when working from primary and secondary sources. [IE; CT]
consistent and effective use of 3D making techniques when working from primary and secondary sources.
imaginative and independent use of 3D making techniques, when working from primary and secondary sources.
P2 - communicate
M2 - communicate
D2 - communicate ideas
design ideas using 3D visual communication techniques. [CT; RL]
ideas effectively and consistently, using 3D making skills.
imaginatively and independently using 3D making techniques.
P3 - use formal
M3 - explain the use of formal elements in 3D visual communication.
D3 - evaluate the use of formal elements in 3D visual communication.
elements in 3D visual communication. [IE; RL]
IE = Independent enquirers TW= team workers
CT = creative thinkers RL= reflective learners SM= self – managers EP= effective participators
As part of self assessment you will need to keep this brief, tick off each of the criteria once you feel you have achieved it and then hand this is in with the completed work and sign and date at the bottom of this page. Learner Name: ……………………………………………………
Date : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Learner Signature: ……………………………………………… N:B – The work cannot be marked without this signed document to support the submitted evidence.
Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design