Tea Party Brief

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BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design Project Title: Lecturer/s:

Tea Party Edexcel Kerry Forkner


10: Working with Textiles Briefs

Pathway / Stage

Pathway - Textiles

Date Set:


Review Date:


Hand-in Date:


Duration: 5 weeks Tuesday 9.15 -12.30 8.11.11 Research & initial ideas 15.11.11 Development of ideas 22.11.11 Review and modification 29.11.11 Creation of final outcome 6.12.11 Completion & presentation of final outcome

Aims: The aim of this brief is to explore surface pattern for textiles. You will explore methods of creating repeat surface patterns and textures to create exciting surfaces for furnishing/fashion fabric. Objectives: Be able to use textiles materials, techniques and processes Be able to develop work to meet textiles briefs Understand the successful characteristics and quality of textiles work.

Focus of the brief: You will use the theme of the tea party to observe, record (using a variety of media) and explore a variety of motifs which will inspire a repeat pattern for fabric. You will research into the theme and the work of 2 well-known fabric designers, in order to inform your work. You will then explore using processes such as mono printing and stencilling. You will add collage, stitch, paint, ink or other media to embellish your surface. The final outcome will be a 1m of fabric/paper printed in your own repeat design.

Week 1 Step 1: Select an aspect of the tea party still-life. Using a range of media, draw from it on an A1 sheet. Observe different views, think about how you can best represent the theme and which media will be most effective. (Unit 10: P1, M1, D1) Step 2: Research 2 fabric designers in your sketchbook or on an A1 sheet. Make notes on the methods each designer uses, their influences and what you like about their work. Copy some of their work which appeals to you. Explain what you like about the work by referring to the art and design principles such as colour, line, form, texture. How could it help you in your work? (Unit 1: P1-3, M1-3, D1-3; FEsl/E2.1-2.6, FEr/E2.2, 2.3) Week 2 Step 1: Create a range of samples to explore processes which may be used to re-create your surface pattern. Firstly, stylise your chosen design, use your artists’ research to inspire you and recreate it in collage and use stencilling to thoroughly explore your ideas. (Unit 1: P2, M2, D2; Unit 10: P2, P3, M2, D2) Step 2: Mount your samples on an A1 sheet and evaluate your results in your journal. Think about and evaluate the suitability of the different materials and techniques for your final outcome. (Unit 10: P4, M3, D3; FEw/E2.1-2.4) Week 3: Step 1: Explore the use of mono printing. Print onto a variety of different surfaces including paper and fabric. Develop 2 of your ideas by adding detail with stitch, fine liner or ink and brush. (Unit 10: P2, M2, D2) Step 2: Mount your explorations and evaluate your work so far. (Unit 10: P4, M3, D3; FEw/E2.1-2.4) Week 4: Step 1: Reviewing your textile samples, begin by working out interesting pattern repeats for your final outcome on A1. Think about the symmetry, scale and colour scheme. Step 2: Evaluate your ideas in your journal. Elicit feedback from others in the group: which patterns appear most successful? Do you need to change the scale or colours within the pattern? Step 3: Select your best idea based on your evaluations and feedback and begin work on your final design, selecting and using the most appropriate materials, techniques and processes from your explorations. (Unit 10: P3, M2, M3, D2, D3; FEsl/E2.3, 2.4, FEw/E2.1-2.4) Week 5: Step 1: Complete your final outcome, a metre of fabric/paper and present with supporting work to the rest of the group. Step 2: Present your final outcome to the group. Evaluate your final outcome. Think about how successful you have been in meeting the brief. Have you used appropriate materials and processes to create a successful outcome? How could you improve your final piece? (Unit 10: P4, M3, D3; FEsl/E2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, FEw/E2.1-2.4)

Extension activities: photograph your final outcome, make up your fabric into a fashion or soft furnishings item, photograph your fabric in a room setting, research further artists and respond to their work, mount your research onto an A1 sheet. Outcomes: 1 x A1 worksheet of research of tea party observations 1 x A1 worksheet of samples (prints/stencils/collages) 1 x A1 worksheet of pattern repeats Sketchbook work including artists’ research Final outcome – 1 metre of fabric or paper Complete evaluation through all stages in journal Extension work – e.g. further research as above

Research Artists / Designers: Timorous Beasties, William Morris, Marimekko, Clare Coles, Angie Lewin Zandra Rhodes, Emilio Pucci, Books: Patterns - Drusilla Cole, Textiles Today - Chloe Colchester, Fashioning Fabrics – Sandy Black, Websites: www.photostore.org, www.images.google.uk. Resource Requirements: Your full Art Box is required for this brief. You may also need specialist materials which you may need to source yourself e.g. collage papers, plain fabric. Studio resources: cartridge paper, stencil card, sewing machines, needles, threads, fabric scraps, mono printing plates, brayers, printing inks. Health and Safety: You will need to use your understanding of health and safety to maintain a safe and secure environment and act responsibly yourselves and with others in your group. You should ensure that you follow the health and safety rules within the studio and college setting, creating an environment that is safe for those around you.( Unit 10: P1, M1, D1; FEr/E2.2)

Unit Criteria:

To achieve a Pass for the Unit you will be able to show evidence x of:

To achieve a Merit for the Unit you will be able to show x evidence of:

To achieve a Distinction for the Unit you will be able to show evidence of:

P1 - use textiles materials, techniques and processes safely

M1 - use materials, techniques and processes to meet the brief coherently and effectively

D1- use diverse materials, techniques and processes to meet the brief creatively and independently

M2 – develop effective ideas and outcomes to meet textiles briefs M3 - compare and contrast experimental, development and final creative works.

D2 – develop imaginative ideas and outcomes to meet textiles briefs

[IE; CT; SM]

P2 – develop ideas and outcomes to meet textiles briefs [CT; RL; SM] P3 – select appropriate materials, techniques and processes to meet textiles briefs [IE] P4 – discuss successful textiles work. IE = Independent enquirers

CT = creative thinkers RL= reflective learners

TW= team workers

SM= self – managers


D3 - evaluate and contrast experimental, development and final creative works.

EP= effective participators

As part of self assessment you will need to keep this brief, tick off each of the criteria once you feel you have achieved it and then hand this is in with the completed work and sign and date at the bottom of this page. Learner Name: ……………………………………………………

Date : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Learner Signature: ……………………………………………… N:B – The work cannot be marked without this signed document to support the submitted evidence

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