Funky Chairs

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BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design Project Title:

Edexcel ‘Funky Chairs’.


Pete Collins


Unit 3 – 3D Visual Communication

Pathway / Stage

Mandatory Unit

Date Set:


Review Date:

Duration: 4 weeks. Weds 9:15-12:30 22nd, 29th February and 7th, 14th March.

Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design

2 of 2 briefs

March ‘12

Hand-in Date:


Unit Objectives

By the completion of this unit you will have:

P1- Demonstrated use of 3D making techniques safely when working from primary and secondary sources. P2 - Communicated design ideas using 3D visual communication techniques. P3 - Used formal elements in 3D visual communication.

Brief Overview: For ‘Funky Chairs’ you will be able to research various different sorts of chairs and designers as listed on the brief. You will create an A1 visual mood board of as many chair designs as possible. Then, you will be able to produce a series of maquettes (models) for your own chairs, drawing them in sketchbook first. You will be able to use various 3D materials such as modelling clay, different wire, card, paper, corrugated card. modroc etc. The models can vary in scale as we don’t actually have to sit on them. How many different chair designs can you come up with? Maybe your chair could be seen in your Utopian dream from the last brief?

Tasks. Week 1: Research the various different makers of designer chairs. Write notes about them in your journal. Please do not use Wikipedia for this exercise. Create an A1 mood board of chairs – try to make each image different to the others found. Really fill the page so you lose the backing paper. Produce ideas for chairs in sketchbook and start making. (P1,P2,P3) Evaluate what you did in journal. (M3, D3) Draw chairs that are around you in sketchbook, could be at College, home or outside. 6 drawings please. (FEsl/E3.1 Follow the main points of discussions.FEsl/E3.2 Use techniques to clarify and confirm understanding.FEsl/E3.3 Give own point of view and respond appropriately to others’ point of view.FEsl/E3.4 Use appropriate language in formal discussions/exchanges.FEsl/E3.5 Make relevant contributions, allowing for and responding to others’ input FEr/E3.1 Understand the main points of texts.FEr/E3.2 Obtain specific information through detailed reading)

Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design

Week 2: Draw up ideas for chairs in your sketchbook considering the formal elements of 3D. What materials will your model chairs be made with? How big will they be? Make models of your chair ideas using various 3D materials available. (P1,P2,P3,M1,M2,D1,D2) In your journal explain how you have used 3D formal elements and evaluate their successes, limitations and how good you think your designs are. Would the same materials work at another scale? If not why? (M3, D3) Group Discussion on work so far. (FEsl/E3.1 Follow the main points of discussions.FEsl/E3.2 Use techniques to clarify and confirm understanding.FEsl/E3.3 Give own point of view and respond appropriately to others’ point of view.FEsl/E3.4 Use appropriate language in formal discussions/exchanges.FEsl/E3.5 Make relevant contributions, allowing for and responding to others’ input)

Week 3: Draw up ideas for chairs in your sketchbook considering the formal elements of 3D. What materials will your model chairs be made with? How big will they be? Make models of your chair ideas using various 3D materials available. (P1,P2,P3,M1,M2,D1,D2) In your journal explain how you have used 3D formal elements and evaluate their successes, limitations and how good you think your designs are. Would the same materials work at another scale? If not why? (M3, D3) Group Discussion on work so far. (FEsl/E3.1 Follow the main points of discussions.FEsl/E3.2 Use techniques to clarify and confirm understanding.FEsl/E3.3 Give own point of view and respond appropriately to others’ point of view.FEsl/E3.4 Use appropriate language in formal discussions/exchanges.FEsl/E3.5 Make relevant contributions, allowing for and responding to others’ input)

Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design

Week 4: Complete drawing up ideas for chairs in your sketchbook considering the formal elements of 3D. What materials will your model chairs be made with? How big will they be? Make final models for chairs ideas using various 3D materials available. (P1,P2,P3,M1,M2,D1,D2) Photograph your models, print out images and mount these. In your journal explain how you have used 3D formal elements and evaluate their successes, limitations and how good you think your designs are. Would the same materials work at another scale? If not why? (M3, D3) Final Group critique on the work produced. (FEsl/E3.1 Follow the main points of discussions.FEsl/E3.2 Use techniques to clarify and confirm understanding.FEsl/E3.3 Give own point of view and respond appropriately to others’ point of view.FEsl/E3.4 Use appropriate language in formal discussions/exchanges.FEsl/E3.5 Make relevant contributions, allowing for and responding to others’ input)

Outcome/s: Research notes in journal of various chair designers. A1 mood board of chairs. (secondary research). 6 drawings in sketchbook of existing chairs (primary research). Designs for chairs in sketchbook. Models for chair designs using different 3D materials. All chair models photographed and images mounted on A1. Evaluation for each week of the project.

Suggested Reading/ Research: Charles and Ray Eames, Vernor Panton, Arne Jacobsen, Alvar Aalto, Jean Prove, Osalvo Borsani, Gio Ponti, Franco Albini and Marco Zanuso.

Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design

Books: ‘Design since 1945’ by Peter Dormer. Published by Thames and Hudson. Recommended text to own. ISBN 0-500-20261-3. Chapter 5 – Furniture Design. ‘1000 Chairs’ by Charlotte & Peter Fiell. WIT 749.32 (Library Reference).

Websites: *******Remember – Don’t use Wikipedia for this brief, accuracy not guaranteed*********

Resource Requirements: Full Art box. Metal rulers, scalpels, cutting mats, glue guns, card, general art materials. Laptops and Library for research. Card, wire, modelling materials.

Health and Safety: You will need to use your understanding of health and safety to maintain a safe and secure environment and act responsibly yourselves and with others in your team as well as the other groups and lecturers. You should ensure that you follow the health and safety rules within the studio and college setting, creating an environment that is empathetic to those around you.

Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design

Unit Criteria:

To Pass the unit you will be able to:


To Achieve a Merit you will be able to:


To Achieve a Distinction you will be able to:

P1- demonstrate use

M1- demonstrate

D1 – demonstrate

of 3D making techniques safely when working from primary and secondary sources. [IE; CT]

consistent and effective use of 3D making techniques when working from primary and secondary sources.

imaginative and independent use of 3D making techniques, when working from primary and secondary sources.

P2 - communicate

M2 - communicate

D2 - communicate ideas

design ideas using 3D visual communication techniques. [CT; RL]

ideas effectively and consistently, using 3D making skills.

imaginatively and independently using 3D making techniques.

P3 - use formal

M3 - explain the use of formal elements in 3D visual communication.

D3 - evaluate the use of formal elements in 3D visual communication.

elements in 3D visual communication. [IE; RL]

IE = Independent enquirers TW= team workers


CT = creative thinkers RL= reflective learners SM= self – managers EP= effective participators

As part of self assessment you will need to keep this brief, tick off each of the criteria once you feel you have achieved it and then hand this is in with the completed work and sign and date at the bottom of this page. Learner Name: ……………………………………………………

Date : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Learner Signature: ……………………………………………… N:B – The work cannot be marked without this signed document to support the submitted evidence.

Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design

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