Course Handbook

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Level 2 Diploma Art & Design Handbook 2011-2012

Name:……………………. Tutor:…………………….

If found please return to: Art Centre, Abingdon and Witney College, Holloway Road, Witney, OXON, OX28 6NE

Introduction Welcome to Abingdon and Witney College and to the BTEC Level Two Diploma Art and Design course. During our induction week we will be spending a short amount of timing giving you a brief outline of the course. We shall discuss the kinds of activities you will be involved in; the structure of the course, and how your work will be assessed. We will remind you of this information in tutorials throughout the year. Most of your week will be spent working on studio-based projects and we hope you enjoy the first taste of art and design at the College. This handbook is designed to help you make sense of the course and you will need to keep it and refer to it throughout the year. It will tell you about the course structure and outline other issues such as the assessment process. Our overall aim is to equip you to work in the Creative Industry. There I an ever increasing range of employment opportunities for Art and Design graduates. We have to work together over the year to find out which area of work is most suitable for you, whether you want to go to National Diploma nd then continue to University. There are many specialist pathways that fit the course programme, for example, you may consider Graphic Design, Fine Art, Fashion Design, Textiles, or Photography to name but a few. In Graphic Design alone there are course which fit into the broad categories such as Package Design, Editorial Design, Information Design, Visual Communications, Multimedia Design, Advertising Design, and Illustration. Our students have gone on to complete course in Animation, Fashion Illustration, Contour Design, Book Illustration, Graphic Design, Advertising, Painting, Sculpture, Theatre Design, Product Design, Printmaking, Shoe Design, and Photography. The course gave them the ability to select their options with confidence, and we are sure the same will be the case for you. In spite of this emphasis on specialisation, the importance over the year will be on developing excellent general Art and Design skills. In general, you will need to be able to demonstrate that you have many ideas and you can visualise these ideas on paper and with other media. Employers and Universities are increasingly looking out for a professional attitude. You need to demonstrate commitment and be able to present your work and yourself effectively. You might reflect on the qualities your future employers might be looking for and start developing those now. This aspect of your work will be something discussed during tutorials throughout this year. Needless to say, this course, and your success on it, depends largely on your commitment. You need to be able to sustain effort, develop strong organisational skills, work well with others, and be punctual. As well as being extremely hard work, Art and Design is immensely enjoyable and rewarding. This course is well resourced and we have fabulous studios to work in. Please help us maintain a professional ethos in the studio and treat all equipment and

other resources with care. Above all, help us to keep the Creative Arts block a desirable place to work in.

Edexcel Level 2 Diploma in Art and Design The Level 2 Diploma is a unit-based course with progression depending on your success in each unit. Credit is given for each unit achieved and units can be graded as Pass, Merit, or Distinction. If you fail to complete a unit you will be given a referral and a strict time frame and work programme to complete the referred unit(s) to gain a pass. There are main two elements to the course, making up a total of 8 units, as follows: 6 core units and 2 specialist units are covered in one year. The core units give you a thorough grounding in drawing and design skills. Through these you will develop a broad understanding of art and design, which will help you advance to the National Diploma. You will need an overall grade of Merit if you want to progress to the National Diploma.

The Units 4 core units: Unit 1 – Contextual References in Art and Design Unit 2 – 2D visual Communication Unit 3 – 3D visual Communication Unit 4 – Using Ideas to Explore, Develop and produce Art and Design 2 professional units: Unit 5 – Building an Art and Design Portfolio Unit 6 – Working in the Art and Design Industry 2 specialist units: Unit 8 – Working with Photography Briefs Unit 10 – Working with Textiles Briefs There will also be one additional subject, as follows: 1 additional unit: Edexcel Level 1 Work Skills Grades of Pass, Merit, Distinction (or Referral) will be awarded on the completion of each unit. You will know the exact outcome of your course and overall grades by July of the second year. Each grade is allocated points: P=5, M=6, D=7. Once all units are completed, your points are totalled and a grade is allocated. BTEC grade boundaries

BTEC 1st Diploma grade

340-379 380-399 400+

P M D D*

SCAAT points & GCSE grade equivalence CCCC BBBB AAAA A*A*A*A*

You achieve your qualification by fulfilling the assessment criteria for each unit. These are solely based on your studio skills, but incorporate your abilities in writing, teamwork, presentation, and critical evaluation. You will be actively involved in the assessment process and your grades will be agreed with you during the review process. If you do not agree with the grade, you can appeal to your course tutor who will arrange for your work to be reassessed. However, all your grades are checked by an External Moderator and our ability to grade accurately is checked continuously by an Internal Verifier. Our aim is to produce skilled, independent, creative thinkers who will be equipped to face the challenges of both employment and Higher Education.

The Assessment Process Who’s who?


External Moderator

Internal Verifier


Active Learner

This is the national awarding body that is responsible for approving our submission for the course. They continually monitor the quality of our course provision and make sure it is up to standard. Edexcel issue your diploma on successful completion of the course The moderator is appointed by Edexcel to ensure standards of assessment we employ are in line with national standards. This will be your Course Leader who will keep track of students’ achievements and ensure subject lecturers are assessing work accurately and fairly. All subject lecturers (part-time as well as full-time) are responsible for assessing. This is you, the student, who is responsible for gathering and presenting evidence for assessment.

Keeping on Track The assessment process will run smoothly if everyone involved fulfils their obligations. The key issue is keeping to deadlines. If you fall behind with your work and units cannot be assessed on time, this becomes problematic. You can help yourself by: Making sure you are aware of the assessment and grading criteria attached to each assignment you are given by reading them! Or ask! Organising your work coherently by keeping all work for each subject separate in your portfolio. You will also need to store work at home – once again keep it in order according to the subject.

Tutorials At the start of the course, each student will be allocated a tutor who will be responsible for pastoral care of the student, the monitoring of work programmes, and personal development on a weekly basis. This will be in addition to formal assessments and is intended to help students identify and focus upon any potential problems; be aware of their progress, encourage dialogue between students and staff to create the opportunity for students to discuss and defend their work in a critical and objective manner. Tutorials take the form of one-to-one dialogue, group discussions, seminars, and critical debates. After tutorials and assessments, students will be encouraged to formulate and respond to action plans.

The College Calendar Enclosed is a copy of the Abingdon and Witney College calendar. Please note the areas shaded in grey are College holidays. The College ask all students to please be aware that all holidays need to be taken during this time, rather during term time. The First Diploma Art and Design course is a very intense and busy course that requires your full attendance. If holiday were to be taken during term time, you may easily fall behind with your studies, as well as possibly missing organised trips, deadlines, and assessments.

Contacting the College If, for any reason, you do not think you will be in the College, or that you may be late, please contact the College Reception on Abingdon 01235 555585 / Witney 01993703464 explaining the reasons for your absence. Please also leave your name and your course title. The contact details for your course leader are as follows: Alissar McCreary Course Leader BTEC L2 Dip in art & design (Former BFD) 01235 216401 / 01993 208050

All registers are electronic. If you are claiming E.M.A., your payments will be affected by lack of attendance and lateness to your sessions.

Student Policies

Good Practices

A copy can be found on the Student Pages of the College Intranet, Blackboard, also held on your personal College memory stick. Please spend time during your induction to familiarise yourself with them.

To help you to achieve your goals, here are some simple rules, which you can follow:

The policies will include: Management of Assignments

Do one thing at a time Know the problem Listen and learn Be confident

Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures

Learn to ask questions

Meeting the Standard

Distinguish sense from nonsense

Comments and Complaints

Accept change is inevitable

Counselling Service Policy Abuse of Drugs and Alcohol Equal Opportunities for Students Harassment and Bullying Health and Safety Plagiarism Study Support

Admit mistakes Say it simple Be calm Smile

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