Picasso in Pieces Brief

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BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design Project Title:

Edexcel Picasso in Pieces


Kerry Forkner


10: Working with Textiles Briefs

Pathway / Stage

Pathway - Textiles

Date Set:


Review Date:


Hand-in Date:


Duration: 4 sessions 27/9/11 Research and preparation 4/10/11 Explore textile materials and techniques 11/10/11 Review methods and begin final piece 1/11/11 Complete final piece and evaluate Brief Overview: Picasso’s Les demoiselles d’Avignon is one of the most significant examples of Cubist art. You will explore re-creating this piece through the use of textile materials and techniques. You will experiment with fabric collage, hand and machine stitch, fabric colouring methods to create texture, line and colour. Focussing on one portion of the painting you will use what you have learnt to recreate your image as one part of a collage of the whole image.

Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design

Tasks. Week 1: 27/9/11 Read and understand the brief and the tasks you are expected to complete (FEsl/E3.13.5; FEr/E3.1-3.4)

Research Picasso and his extensive art career on an A1 worksheet. Include important images as well as a brief biography (FEr/E3.1-3.4; FEw/E3.1-3.4) Choose a portion of the image, draw out and colour (it will have been divided for you into squares of approx 20x20 cms). Include any textural elements, lines and tonal qualities you may see and use a variety of media such as paint, ink, pencil, charcoal, pastels, paper collage. (P1, M1, D1) Week 2: 4/10/11 Experiment with textile techniques and materials such as fabric collage, hand stitch, machine stitch, fabric crayons, transfer paint, to create a range of samples (P1-2; M1-2; D1-2)

Mount samples on an A1 worksheet Week 3: 11/10/11 Trace your portion of the image onto calico Review methods used last week and assess suitability for final piece (P2-3; M2-3; D2-3), (FEsl/E3.1- 3.5; FEw/E3.1-3.4)

Using methods explored last week recreate the image in fabric and thread (P2-3; M2-3; D2-3)

Week 4: 1/11/11 Complete final outcome Evaluate your work. What has been most successful? What could you have done differently/better and how? (P4; M3; D3), (FEw/E3.1-3.4) Objectives: Be able to use textiles materials, techniques and processes Be able to develop work to meet textiles briefs Understand the successful characteristics and quality of textiles work. Outcome/s: 1 x A1 sheet of research on Picasso 1 x A1 sheet of samples exploring textiles techniques and materials Final piece mounted together with others to form the whole picture Extension activity: Mounted photos of your piece (in production and finished) and of the completed whole, extended explorations of textiles techniques and materials. Suggested Reading/ Research Artists/ Designers: Picasso Books: Picasso (Basic Art Album) by Ingo F. Walther The Art of Embroidery by Francoise Tellier-Loumagne Drawn to Stitch by Gwen Hedley Inspired to Stitch; 21 Textile Artists by Diana Springall Websites: www.tate.org.uk – information on Picasso and images of his work www.moma.org/collection – information on Picasso and images of his work www.alicekettle.com – examples of textile work by an important textile artist Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design

Resource Requirements: Full Art box. You need to source any materials appropriate to your design. Studio resources will be available. Health and Safety: You will need to use your understanding of health and safety to maintain a safe and secure environment and act responsibly yourselves and with others in your team as well as the other groups and lecturers. You should ensure that you follow the health and safety rules within the studio and college setting, creating an environment that is empathetic to those around you. Unit Criteria:

To achieve a Pass for the Unit you will x be able to show evidence of: P1 - use textiles materials, techniques and processes safely [IE; CT; SM] P2 – develop ideas and outcomes to meet textiles briefs [CT; RL; SM] P3 – select appropriate materials, techniques and processes to meet textiles briefs [IE] P4 – discuss successful textiles work. IE = Independent enquirers TW= team workers

To achieve a Merit for the Unit you x will be able to show evidence of: M1 - use materials, techniques and processes to meet the brief coherently and effectively

To achieve a Distinction for the Unit you will be able to show evidence of:

M2 – develop effective ideas and outcomes to meet textiles briefs M3 - compare and contrast experimental, development and final creative works.

D2 – develop imaginative ideas and outcomes to meet textiles briefs


D1- use diverse materials, techniques and processes to meet the brief creatively and independently

D3 - evaluate and contrast experimental, development and final creative works.

CT = creative thinkers RL= reflective learners SM= self – managers EP= effective participators

As part of self assessment you will need to keep this brief, tick off each of the criteria once you feel you have achieved it and then hand this is in with the completed work and sign and date at the bottom of this page. Learner Name: ……………………………………………………

Date : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Learner Signature: ……………………………………………… N:B – The work cannot be marked without this signed document to support the submitted evidence Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design

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