Summer 2023

Revision Method Guidance:
1. Quiet space
2. Pens, pencils, flashcards, highlighters, revision guide, device to watch GCSEpods (with notifications turned off)
3. Use the 5 step process -
4. 25 min, 5 mins break and treat, 25 mins 5 mins break and treat. (build to doing another 25min block)
5. Repeat for next subject
Tidy your space and get everything ready for tomorrow’s study session
Paper: Anthology Poetry. 1 essay comparing a named poem with one other from the Anthology.
Revision priorities:
Language devices (such as adjectives, similes, metaphors)
Structural devices (such as verse length, repetition, punctuation marks, rhyme, rhythm)
Contextual facts that influenced the poets.
Suggested Activities:
One of the below poems will be your named poem: The Charge of the Light Brigade
Destruction of Sennacherib
The Man He Killed
What Were They Like?
You can revise other poems though.
Watch the videos on The Charge of The Light Brigade and add any notes to your anthology.
Watch the videos on The Destruction of Sennacherib and add any notes to your anthology.
Watch the video on The Man He Killed and add any notes to your anthology.
Watch the video on What Were They Like? And add any notes to your anthology
Knowledge organisers contain all the information about a text on one piece of paper. You have used them for An Inspector Calls and Macbeth. For poetry they need to contain:
• The poet’s context and why they wrote the poem.
• The main themes
• Key quotes to sum up the poem
• Key quotes to show language techniques
• Key quotes to show structural techniques
• What the rhyme scheme of the poem is
• Create a knowledge organiser for all of the 4 poems listed above.
• Now condense your knowledge organisers on to revision cards so you can learn the key ideas for each of the 4 poems.
Units: B1 – B3
Revision priorities:
1) Back to basics – cell metabolism & structures.
2) Respiration and what happens during exercise. And Aerobic respiration and what the body uses the energy for.
3) D.N.A, protein synthesis and enzymes.
4) Photosynthesis including factors and the experiment.
5) Diffusion and osmosis as a special type of diffusion, also revise active transport. Remember also how we correctly describe the membrane?
6) Exchange surfaces and for students completing higher – look at the grade 9 pod.
7) Revision of mitosis then both stem cell pods – remembering that you can discuss this as an ethical issue – why is it an ethical issue? Discuss both viewpoints.
8) Surface area to volume ratio – take care with this one, ensure you can calculate both before considering this ratio in mammals
9) Eye anatomy & function – remember this topic is predominantly triple only so quite likely to be examined.
10) CNS, reflex arc & synapses.
11) Hormones, female hormones, and fertility.
Suggested Activities:
2) and
10) and
Units: C1 – C3
Revision priorities:
1) Atomic structure – including isotopes & grade 9 section.
2) First 3 pods including relative formulae mass and calculating empirical mass.
3) Purity and separation techniques – especially chromatography and calculating Rf values.
4) Ionic bonding – please write out on study cards the changes when an atom undergoes ionic bonding to become an ion and how we show this.
5) Covalent bonding – both types – simple molecules and giant structures. Pay attention to the 2 allotropes of carbon – diamond (4 bonds) & graphite (3 bonds).
6) Polymers – these can also be giant structures. Nanoscience – including the grade 9 questions.
7) Energetics – exothermic & endothermic reactions & bond breaking & making. Reaction profiles & calculations.
8) Remember that there are 4 ways to make a neutral salt but only 3 of these are neutralisation – metal & acid is not neutralisation – WHY?
9) Displacement reactions & use this as a way of revising the reactivity series – which can be used in both papers.
10) Go back to oxidation & reduction – REDOX reactions – OILRIG.
Suggested Activities:
4) and
5) and
6) and and and
7) and and and
8) and
10) and
Units: P1-P4
Revision priorities:
1) History of the particle model.
2) Latent heat & specific heat capacity – please make sure you are confident to calculate both and re-arrange also.
3) Revising gas pressure & Pressure changes.
4) Speed & acceleration with scalers & vectors – please focus on magnitude only or both magnitude & direction.
5) Distance & Speed time graphs.
Grade 9 motion for Higher only.
6) Newton’s Laws – remember that you will be expected to use and re-arrange his 2nd law F = ma. Higher students can you please revise momentum thoroughly at this point.
7) Please revise mass & wight and Hooke’s Law.
8) Revise both series & parallel circuits – and check that you can use Ohms Law. Higher students only take care with the last clip – calculating resistance in parallel.
9) Circuit symbols and I-V graphs – something a bit lighter.
10) Circuit components – check that you know them all. Pay particular attention to thermistors getting the current the right way round in terms of raising or lowering resistance with a change in temperature – this one requires you to link 3 things.
Suggested Activities:
2) and
3) and and
4) and
5) and
6) and
7) and and
8) and and and
Units: C1 - C3
Revision priorities:
1) Please revise the particle model and change of state. Think about the arrangement & movement of particles in solids, liquids & gases, write a study card to explain.
2) Atomic structure – check you understand what the atomic & mass number represents and revise isotopes.
3) Discovery of the structure of the atom – quite important. Please make sure you can describe both things that we learnt from the Geiger & Marsden experiment.
4) Please revise all separation techniques – specifically chromatography does seem to come up every year now – and make sure you understand an Rf value and the fraction sum to calculate it.
5) Calculations involving mass – You need to be able to work out the mass of 1 mole of anything by adding the individual masses of all atoms then using a multiplication sum to work out the mass of number of moles.
6) Covalent Bonding – 2 types – simple covalent molecules (and revise properties) and giant covalent structures – especially graphite & diamond as 2 of the allotropes of carbon.
7) Ionic bonding -Please go through this thoroughly – especially in relation to drawing atoms then ions after ionic bonding – sodium chloride often comes up on the exam papers.
8) Energetics – exothermic and endothermic reactions & reaction profile graphs MUST be learnt so please sketch them both on a study card including labelling the activation energy and energy change with arrow going in the right direction!
9) There are 4 ways to make a neutral salt – only 3 involve neutralisation – metal and acid does not! Acids, alkalis & neutralisation.
10) Redox reactions – OILRIG, related to electrolysis – this can appear in both papers.
Suggested Activities:
3) and
4) and
6) and
9) and
10) and and
Units: P1-P3
Revision priorities:
1) Back to basics – please revise the particle model.
2) Density and gases. Make sure you can calculate density – mass/volume and that you revise gases.
3) Latent heat & specific heat capacity – make sure you can define SHC
4) Revise scalers & vectors, speed & distance time graphs.
5) Now acceleration and velocity time graphs. Remember that the area UNDER a velocity time graph represents total distance travelled in metres.
6) Revise types of forces and newtons 3 laws – remembering that you may be asked to complete a calculation for 2nd law – F = ma.
7) Elasticity & Hooke’s law. Please revise this in terms of materials with elasticity, the relationship between force and extension and the elastic limit. All pods in this section.
8) Resistance; measuring resistance & Ohms law.
9) Electric circuits – make sure you revise circuit symbols & behaviour (same/split) of current & voltage in both series & parallel circuits.
10) Magnetic fields & electromagnets. Make sure you can draw the field lines around a bar magnet, including arrows N to S. Also, force OR NOT when you have 2 magnets in the configurations of attraction & repulsion.
Suggested Activities:
1) and
2) and
4) and
8) and
9) and
Qs 5 & 6 from the Germany paper plus Qs 1 & 2 from the Medicine paper – 50 minutes
Revision priorities:
For the Germany section:
▪ Problems facing Germany at the end of World War I
▪ Weimar Germany, 1919-1929
▪ Economic & social policies under the Nazis
For the Medicine section:
▪ The work of the NHS after 1945
▪ The work of Edward Jenner & the development of vaccination
For both sections:
4. Exam techniques – how to answer questions from the exam papers
Suggested activities:
Create flashcards on the above topics. Use the copies of the revision guide pages you have been given to help you. The ‘main’ headings on the revision guide pages should be on the front of each flash card – this is the ‘must know’ concept. On the reverse, add the bullet point detail from the revision guide pages – this is the ‘good to know’ detail which will help you explain the concepts in more detail.
Don’t just read your flash cards! Do something with them that gets your brain to recall the information in different ways. For example, you could:
Turn your flash cards into a mind map. Try to recall as much information as you can from memory before checking your flash cards or notes.
Turn your flash cards into a quiz. Test yourself by creating a question related to each heading on your flash cards. Try to answer them without looking at the back of your card or your notes first. Quiz yourself regularly.
Turn your flash cards into a concept map or a revision clock. A revision clock is a really useful way of revision a topic in a really focused way. You can learn more about revision clocks on this YouTube video: ( We’ll also cover revision clocks in lessons too. You can collect blank revision clock templates from your teacher. A concept map is like a mind map, but you try and link the different sections of your mind map together if you can see a connection. For example, if one event or factor leads to or happens as a result of another factor.
Another really quick and effective way of using flash cards is the Leitner Method:
Work through your revision material in a sensible and logical order. The revision priority list above sets out the key parts of the topic you need to revise. You could use the revision priorities list above as a checklist to help you work through your revision.
As well as revising the content, make sure you also spend time revising ‘how’ you answer the questions in your assessment.
By the time you come to do your in class assessment, you will have practiced each question type at least once, if not more. To prepare, think about:
▪ Revisiting the planning materials we have used for each question
▪ Have a look at some of the example answer you have been given. What makes them ‘good’ or great answers?
▪ What can you take from each answer to help you? What sentence structures or starters could you use in your own anwers?
Reflect on any feedback you have received.
Create a bullet point list of ‘key ingredients’ for each question stem. What makes a good answer? What should you include? What should you avoid doing?
Create some short sentence starters to help you structure each answer. You can find clues for these in the feedback you have been given, as well as on the planning resources we have shared with you.
You might also find GCSEPod helpful. We have created a playlist which covers the revision priorities listed above:
The online platform Seneca is also useful. You can find their Germany revision materials at: Use the left-hand menu to select the sections relevant to your revision priorities. The Medicine revision materials can be found at: Again, use the left-hand menu to select the relevant sections for your revision.
How could you use GCSEPods or Seneca? Obviously, by watching the clips and completing the quizzes, you’ll be completing revision. Again the key is to do it regularly. You may not want to watch the clips repeatedly, but returning regularly to the quizzes would be useful. You might want to revisit particular clips or sections if you find that you need particular help with difficult sections.
Finally, you could also use GCSEPod or Seneca to add additional notes to your revision materials, like your flash cards.
Finally, you can find digital copies of all the revision materials we have produced in Show My Homework over the next few days. You should have received these in paper form too. Remember though, it’s your responsibility to ask us if you need additional paper copies or anything in a different format.
Paper 2: UK Geographical Issues.
This will be a 2x 30 minute in class assessments
Assessment 1 - ‘UK Evolving Physical landscape’ (Geology, Rivers and Coasts),
Assessment 2 - ‘UK Evolving Human landscape’ (UK settlements and London)
Revision priorities:
1. How does Geology create diverse landscapes?
2. How do coastal erosional processes influence the coastline?
3. How do river profile changes influence river flooding?
4. How have TNCs and Migration changed UK cities?
5. How has deindustrialisation changed UK cities?
Suggested Activities:
Remember the red number is the pages in the CGP revision guide. KO = Knowledge organiser – these have been shared digitally with you on SMHW (if you want a paper copy, please ask)
Geology - Please make the following flashcards
44 - Where upland and lowland landscapes in the UK? 44
45 - How was the UK landscape was shaped by activity in the past? 45-46
46 - How do the characteristics of upland and lowland landscapes compare? 47
47 - What are the physical processes that change UK landscapes? 47
Coasts – Please make the following flashcards
50 - How do concordant and discordant coastlines lead to formation of headlands and bay? 50/51
53 - How do destructive waves erode the coastline? 50
56 - How does longshore drift change the coastline? 52
57 - How do constructive waves deposit materials along a coastline? 52
74 - How is climate change increasing the risk of river and coastal flooding? 69 or 56
Rivers - Please make the following flashcards
63 - How does a river long profile change along its course? 59
64 - How do the characteristics of a named river change along its profile? KO
65 - How are waterfalls formed? 62
67 - How do meanders and oxbow lakes form? 63
70 - What is a delta and how is it formed? 64
UK Human settlement - Please make the following flashcards
81 - How employment types changed in the UK over time? 75
82 - How is FDI in the UK influenced by globalisation, privatisation, free trade policies? 76
London - Please make the following flashcards
85 - What does the structure of London look like? 76 and KO
86 - How does migration influence London? 77 and KO
88 - Why have some parts of London experienced deindustrialisation and depopulation? 79 and KO
89 - Why has decentralisation occurred in London’s rural urban fringe? 79 and KO
90 - How has rebranding and regeneration in London Docklands and the Olympic Park had positive and negative impacts? 80 and KO
You should have already completed all of the flashcard for the physical topic (topic 4).
We will be posting support for your flashcards on SMHW.
This will include the full list of flashcards for each topic, not just the ones for the in class assessment.
GCSE pod is really useful to help you understand and revise some of the challenging topics. I have created a playlist for ‘UK evolving physical landscapes’ (see here) and ‘UK evolving human landscapes’ (see here)
Watch the pods to help support you with your flashcards
Once you have made your flashcards test yourself or get someone else to test you. You may find it a good idea to re-write from memory too, especially if it is a flashcards that you are having difficulty memorising.
▪ Listening Paper (30mins)
▪ Reading Paper (45mins)
Revision priorities:
Module 1: Relationships and Technology – Listening
• Revise vocab on Quizlet:
• Complete ExamPro questions:
Go through your answers and revise the words you didn’t know
Module 1: Relationships and Technology – Reading
• Revise vocab on Quizlet:
• Complete ExamPro questions:
Go through your answers and revise the words you didn’t know
Module 2: Free Time – Listening
• Revise vocab on Quizlet:
• Complete ExamPro questions:
Go through your answers and revise the words you didn’t know
Module 2: Free Time – Reading
• Revise vocab on Quizlet:
• Complete ExamPro questions:
Go through your answers and revise the words you didn’t know
Module 3: Customs and Festivals – Listening
• Revise vocab on Quizlet:
• Complete ExamPro questions:
Go through your answers and revise the words you didn’t know
Module 3: Customs and Festivals – Reading
• Revise vocab on Quizlet:
• Complete ExamPro questions:
Go through your answers and revise the words you didn’t know
▪ Listening Paper (30mins)
▪ Reading Paper (45mins)
Revision priorities:
Topic - Holidays: Reading revision
1. Revise the vocab from Quizlet (if you don’t already have an account, you need to create one to be able to access all the flashcards and save / review your progress. It’s free and you can use your school email address):
2. Complete questions 1-5 from the Foundation Reading Resource:
Check your answers using the mark scheme and revise corrections.
Topic - Holidays: Listening revision
1. Revise the vocab from Quizlet (focus on the words you didn’t know from last session):
2. Complete questions 1-5 from the Foundation Listening Resource (click on ‘Resource’ tab and play the second audio file):
Check your answers using the mark scheme and revise corrections.
Topic - School: Reading revision
1. Revise the vocab from Quizlet:
2. Complete questions 6-10 from the Foundation Reading Resource:
Check your answers using the mark scheme and revise corrections.
Topic - School: Listening revision
1. Revise the vocab from Quizlet (focus on the words you didn’t know from last session):
2. Complete questions 6-10 from the Foundation Listening Resource (click on ‘Resource’ tab and play the second audio file):
Check your answers using the mark scheme and revise corrections.
Topic - Relationships & Technology: Reading revision
1. Revise the vocab from Quizlet:
2. Complete questions 11-15 from the Foundation Reading Resource:
Check your answers using the mark scheme and revise corrections
1. Revise the vocab from Quizlet (focus on the words you didn’t know from last session):
2. Complete questions 11-15 from the Foundation Listening Resource (click on ‘Resource’ tab and play the second audio file):
Check your answers using the mark scheme and revise corrections.
Topic - Free Time: Reading revision
1. Revise the vocab from Quizlet:
2. Complete questions 16-20 from the Foundation Reading Resource:
Check your answers using the mark scheme and revise corrections.
Topic - Free Time: Listening revision
1. Revise the vocab from Quizlet (focus on the words you didn’t know from last session):
2. Complete questions 16-20 from the Foundation Listening Resource (click on ‘Resource’ tab and play the second audio file): Check your answers using the mark scheme and revise corrections.
Paper 73 marks 80 minutes:
Part 1 – Computational Thinking and Problem Solving – 18 marks 20 minutes
Part 2 – Written Assessment – 55 marks 60 minutes Revision priorities:
Programming (SLR 7 – 9) P1
SLR 1 – Systems Architecture P2
SLR 2 – Memory P2
SLR 3 – Networks P2
SLR 4 – Cyber Security P2
SLR 5 – Hardware and Software P2
Review Past Mock Paper
Suggested Activities:
For each of the topic areas outlined you could also use SENECA learning, and GCSEPod but you MUST use the SMARTRevise and, of course, the Craig and Dave videos:
Assignments have been set on all platforms to help you. See SMHW for more details.
MUST complete Seneca Programming Review Assignment (24-40 mins): -4482-b8e3-955b0b2d5ce1
SLR 1 – Systems Architecture – Assignment set on SMARTRevise
Review the SLR01 workbook with the help of the videos
GCSE Pod Playlist -
Extra Assignments set on GCSE Pod (40 MC Questions) and on Seneca (10-15 mins)
SLR 2 – Memory – Assignment set on SMARTRevise
Review the SLR02 workbook with the help of the videos
GCSE Pod Playlist –
Extra Assignments set on GCSE Pod (20 MC Questions) and on Seneca (24-40 mins)
SLR 4 – Cyber Security – Assignment set on SMARTRevise
Review the SLR04 workbook with the help of the videos
GCSE Pod Playlist –
Extra Assignments set on GCSE Pod (30 MC Questions) and on Seneca (30-50 mins)
SLR 3 – Network Topologies, Protocols and Layers – Assignment set on SMARTRevise
Review the SLR03 workbooks with the help of the videos
GCSE Pod Playlist -
Extra Assignments set on GCSE Pod (30 MC Questions) and on Seneca (30-50 mins)
Review the SLR05 workbook with the help of the videos
GCSE Pod Playlist –
Extra Assignments set on GCSE Pod (20 MC Questions) and on Seneca (15-25 mins)
Design Technology, Timber 1F (1 hour 45 minutes) Revision priorities:
Numeracy – The following list is not exhaustive but forms the backbone of numeracy that is in the written examination; area of a shape (rectangle, circle); volume of a shape; Pi ; decimal places; percentage % increase and decrease; ratio; scale. Extended calculations with multiple steps are required. Numeracy forms about 10% of the marks for GCSE.
Environmental, ethical and sustainability – longer style questions towards the end of the paper invite you into extended written answers and up to 5% of the marks for the GCSE.
CORE – Section A: familiarity with broader materials (metal, polymers, textiles, smart materials, paper and boards) and their properties, as well as the design process and aspects that a designer would consider when designing: power generation; power use; design and designers.
TIMBER – Section B: the theme for the specialism for Design Technology. Familiarity with this section of the subject book forms 60% of the written exam. Application of timbers knowledge in design style questions - “How would you join a piece of wood and what type of fastening would you use? Draw your answer and label”
Suggested Activities:
Revision link:
CORE – a broader look into design with a range of materials. Use the subject textbook to review the sections on materials and their properties. Pg 26 to 37.
• Properties: conductive; malleable; ductile; hardness; flexibility; waterproof etc
Using the in class ‘weekly tests’ you have completed, these are the basis of the questions for the CORE section.
Section B - Designing – changes and improvements
These questions give you a bulleted list of requirements (specification) that you must include within a design to improve or change it. Always use these bullets as the basis for your design improvements. Sketch out a small/mini drawing of what you are going to do to answer the question. Then using a pencil draw in your design. Ensure that you refer to each of the bullets and label and annotate/describe what you have done and why.
Understanding and being able to describe the process of taking a rough sawn piece of timber and applying. These questions usually invite you to sketch how you would complete this process.
• Use arrows or numbers to suggest a flow within the process.
• Write bulleted descriptions of what the steps are Questions: What are the individual steps to prepare and finish wood? How is varnish or stain applied?
Section B – Environmental, Sustainability and Economic factors (ESE); production processes and modern manufacturing processes
These longer answer questions ask you to write why these elements are important and how they can be considered when designing. Include:
• Raw material extraction
• Transportation across the world/locally
• Manufacturing and the impact of local jobs and employment
• Ethical and sustainable issues
Paper(s): Component 2 1 hour 30 minutes
Revision priorities:
Core Elements of Film Studies
All answers in film Studies are based around the core elements of:
Key Elements: cinematography, sound, editing and mise en scene.
Slumdog Millionaire the focus is the narrative and the social contexts of the film.
Spirited Away the focus is on the representation of gender, ethnicity, age and different cultures
Skyfall the focus is key elements and aesthetics.
Suggested Activities:
Core Elements of Film Studies
Use the booklet on the key elements of film studies to revise cinematography, sound, editing and mise-en- scene.
Revision booklet for core elements.pdf
film form amazing link.url
Slumdog Millionaire - Use the booklet provided.
Watch 2 sequences: the opening scene and end scene.
Who are the main characters? How are they similar? How are they different?
Global film revision booklet.pdf
Narrative Knowledge orgainser.pdf
Film link:
Wajid Use the booklet provided.
Task 1: Watch the opening scene
Task 2: Watch a scene of your choice
Global film revision booklet.pdf
Film link:
Skyfall Use the booklet provided.
Re watch scenes from Skyfall. You must know 2 scenes in detail. Make notes as you watch. Use the revision guide section on Skyfall.
Global film revision booklet.pdf
Film link:
Exam walkthroughs provided by Edqcas:
Eduqas GCSE Film Studies Component 2 EWT.pptx
Food Preparation and Nutrition (1 hour 45 minutes) Revision priorities:
Nutrition – macro and micro nutrients; specific vitamins & minerals and their benefits to the function of the body and groups of people that may have deficiencies; Recommended Daily Intakes (RDI); 100gms comparisons
Health conditions and age groups - knowing the main health conditions and age groups and their dietary and nutritional needs is the backbone of the nutrition element of the written exam and the course.
Food Hygiene and safety – ‘the danger zone’, temperature testing of meat, contamination, bacteria, preparing food in a kitchen
Function of ingredients and their changing properties – What does flour do in a product? How do different fats affect the baked product? What happens to an ingredient when its properties are changed through cooking or baking?
Suggested Activities:
Understanding how to approach a nutrition comparison is the focus for this week. What does the table of information tell you and what are the two menus or products you are asked to comment on their suitability for a given health or age group? Use the following filter to apply in these comparisons for this longer answer question usually worth 12 marks.
• State, data, compare, link (health and age group)
1. State: Write down the ingredient you are commenting on and comparing in your menu.
2. Data: What is the specific number ? (mg/kcal/g/% - what is the numerical difference between the two ingredients/nutrition? )
3. Compare: Make the comparison between the two menus. Refer to the RDI for the person you are asked to comment on, to state the answer which in your opinion is the most suitable menu.
4. Link: Link in the benefits of your chosen or preferred menu to the individual’s health and age group within your answer, then you have covered the main aspects of this question.
Changing properties of foods.
Focus on products and ingredients that change their properties when heat is applied or they are combined with other ingredients. Know and apply these terms:
• Caramelisation
• Emulsification
• Gelatinisation
• Aeration
• Raising agents
Making and baking a product and problems seen when food is prepared. Taking for example a product such as a Victoria sponge, what are some of the issues that occur and why when baking. Why might the sponge be too dry? Why does butter need to coat flour when mixed? What happens if the ratio of ingredients aren’t weighted
accurately? Why might a sponge have large air pockets or be too soggy? Use the following headings when answering usually on a sauce, pastry, bread or baked product.
• Problem
• Causes of problem
• Prevention
UK lifestyle food choices and health conditions.
• Type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease (CHD), osteopirosis, obesity
• High salt and sugar foods sold by supermarkets
• Genetically modified (GM) foods; organic foods
Written paper 55 minutes Your assessment is on Thursday 8th June.
Revision priorities:
Topic 1.3 Putting a business idea into practice – aims and objectives, revenue, costs and profits, break-even, cash and cash flow forecasts, sources of small business finance.
Topic 1.4 Making business effective – ownership, liability, franchising, business location, marketing mix, business plans.
Revision of the structure of a 3 mark explain response.
Revision of the structure of a 6 mark discuss AND analyse response.
Revision of the structure and requirements of a 9 mark justify exam response
Suggested Activities:
Thursday Activity 11/05/2023 Complete any missing flashcards from the list below for theme 1 topic 3.
18/05/2023 Complete any missing flashcards from the list below for theme 1 topic 4.
25/05/2023 Use the command word postcard to revise how to structure the different types of exam question – explain, discuss, analyse and justify.
Useful flashcards:
Theme 1 – Topic 3 – Putting a business idea into practice
Component 1
Topic 1 - Applied anatomy and physiology – Structure and functions of the body systems (skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory). Anaerobic & aerobic exercise.
Topic 2 – Movement Analysis- Planes and axes of motion, Lever systems, mechanical advantage and disadvantage.
Structure and Function of the Muscular and Skeletal System
Tasks (each section should take a minimum of two planned study sessions)
Your first task is to write a question and associated mark scheme where the answer explains the following topics:
1) the structure and function of the Musculoskeletal system
2) the structure and function of the Cardiorespiratory system
Use GCSE pod to help:
Your second task is to create a poster which identifies the location of the major muscles and bones involved in your chosen sporting action. What are the different types of bones and which type would be suited to weight bearing activities?
Extension: Explain the different antagonistic pairs that might be used when muscle actions are taking place at the elbow & knee?
Explain the muscle fibre types that are involved in your chosen sport.
Structure and Function of the Cardiovascular system
Write a news article to explain blood distribution – Think about vascular shunting, vasoconstriction, and vasodilation. (What? Why? When?)
Create a mind map which explains what each blood cell looks like and what each does? (red, white, plasma, and platelets)
Use the following GCSE POD to help you:
Extension: Draw and label a vein, artery and capillary explaining their function in relation to their structure.
Anaerobic and aerobic exercise.
Create a poster explaining aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Think about the equations used. Within the poster explain what lactic is and how this can be prevented. Lastly, explain what energy sources are used and which are used for specific activities. (high-intensity, low intensity)
Use the following link on BBC Bitesize to help.
Extension: Identify two training methods that can be used to improve aerobic fitness.
Before you start the following tasks watch this GCSE Pod:
Draw out the three different types of levers. Explain how each lever works and provide a sporting example for each.
Extension: For each example given, explain why it is that type of lever.
Planes and Axes
Before you start the following tasks watch this GCSE Pod:
Use play dough, plasticine, jelly babies, blue tack, lego or a piece of paper to show a 3D model of how the three different planes divide the body and then draw them on to a flash card. Do the same to show the direction of each axis.
Select some sporting pictures and analyse what each movement is and which plan each movement is working in and what axis it is working around.
Extension: Write an exam question and mark scheme for planes and axes.
Revision priorities:
Unit RO32 – Principles of care in health and social care settings – Types of care settings. The rights of the service users. The benefits to service users’ health and wellbeing when their rights are maintained. Person-centred values and how they are applied by providers. Benefits of applying the person-centred values. Effects on service users’ health and wellbeing if person-centred values are not applied. The importance of verbal communication skills in health and social care
Unit RO33 – Supporting individuals through life events -
Revision priorities
Life stages and development
Life events and their impacts on individuals
Sources of support to meet individual needs
Types of care settings
Read through the knowledge organiser and create a revision card for each life stage and each area of development (PIES)
Read through the knowledge organisers and create a revision card for the each life event and the impact on PIES
Add to the life event revision cards 2 formal and 1 informal source of support explaining how each can help
Make a list of the different health and social care services on the IOW
The rights of service users Answer the following questions
1. What is the meaning of the term ‘consultation’?
2. A nurse shares patient information with other staff on a ‘need to know’ basis. What does ‘need to know’ mean?
3. Why is confidentiality important in a GP surgery?
4. Write about procedures that would help to reduce the risk of harm in a care setting.
The benefits to service users’ health and wellbeing when their rights are maintained
Person-centred values and how they are applied by service providers,
What are the five rights to which a service users are entitled?
What are the three benefits for service users of having their rights maintained?
Care Certificate workbook (
Use the link at the website to find out more about the Care Certificate Workbook and see how the 6C’s are part of each of the 15 Care Certificate standards.
Benefits of applying personcentred values
Write a short case study of a service user who has care or support needs, for example, a service user with hearing or sight loss, dementia or mobility difficulties.
The importance of verbal communication, in health and social care
List the service users needs List examples of person-centred practice that would help to meet the service user’s needs.
Answer the following questions:
1. Write down the meaning of ‘verbal communication’
2. What is the meaning of ‘empathy’ when dealing with a patient?
3. Give an example of adapting communication to meet the needs of a service user.
4. Why is the use of jargon discouraged?
5. Why is being patient is an important skill for service providers
The importance of non verbal skills in health and social care
The importance of active listening in health and social care
Create a poster of the do’s and don’ts to achieve open and positive body language.
Naz is a service provider. She enjoys working with older adults in a residential care home. She likes to get to know them well and uses good communication skills to help achieve this.
Naz likes to plan activities that the residents will enjoy. She thinks it is very important to build up good relationships with the older residents, so that they feel safe and secure in a care setting and will want to take part in all the activities.
1 – Identify and explain the ways that Naz can/is using effective communication with the residents? Think about body language, facial expressions, gestures, positioning and active listening.
2 – How is Naz’s effective use of communication benefitting the residents?
Paper(s): Component 1 1hour 45
Revision priorities:
Theatre roles and responsibilities
Blood Brothers-plot and characters costume
Blood Brothers-vocal, physical skills using the performance space and interaction with others to create a character.
Blood Brothers-writing about performing individual lines, and performing a character in 2 scenes of the play
Live theatre performance study-analysis and evaluation of the performances given by professional actors in a professional production-
Suggested Activities:
Theatre roles and responsibilities
Watch the video clip and read more on BBC bitesize.
Blood Brothers: Revise the plot, characters, and themes using CGP Blood Brothers book There is more information on BBC bitesize to explore Blood Brother’s themes.
Costume and Set design questions:
Read your CPG book page 58 for an example of costume design answer.
You need to create your own ideas for costumes and set designs in the play. Use the revision booklet to do this. Design costumes for Mickey and Edward as children.
Read the CGP Blood Brothers book page 48 for example of set design help.
Blood Brothers: Revise vocal and physical skills using the CGP Blood Brothers book 26 - 41. There is more information on BBC bitesize to explore these skills.
Revise using the performance space and interaction with others. There is more information on BBC bitesize to explore this
Blood Brothers: Revise performing a character in 2 scenes of the play Read pages 26 to 41 of the CPG book for character performance skills. There is more information on BBC bitesize to explore this
Live theatre review- writing about the play chosen in terms of the acting of the performers. Use the knowledge organiser provided to help with this. Digital theatre link: will be added on shmw
▪ Listening/Understanding
▪ Recorded solo or ensemble performance
▪ Composition Free and to Brief
Revision Priorities:
Revision of Musical Elements and linking key vocabulary to each element.
Revision of AOS 1 Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major 3rd Movement Rondo
Revision of AOS 2 Little Shop of Horrors, Prelude/Opening Number, Mushnik and Son and Feed Me/Get it.
Revision of AOS 3 Paul Simon Graceland, Diamonds on the Soles of her Shoes, You Can Call me Al and Graceland.
Suggested Activities:
✓ DR SMITH each of the set works/AOS and create Flashcards or a similar revision slide.
✓ use this site to revise and test your knowledge of the Musical Elements.
✓ use this site to revise and test yourself on all aspects of music theory training.
✓ watch this video on the Mozart Clarinet Concerto (AOS1) and make notes/create revision material.