Individualised Holistic Healing Modalities Functional Medicine Practitioner, Dip. Craniosacral Therapy, BSc. Physiotherapy
• Individualised laboratory testing and analysis • Clear, guided individualised health programs • In-person, online or hybrid support offered Reoccuring injuries/ Chronic pain •Digestive health •Low energy •Anxiety/depression •Trauma recovery •Concussion/ head injuries
David McCauley (778) 5877996 I
Sunrise Waldorf School Preschool-Grade 8 Acting Principal Rachel Cameron 250 743-7253
ook a tour and discover for yourself why more and more people are choosing Waldorf Education for their children. Waldorf Education recently celebrated 100 years, and there are now over 1100 Waldorf Schools worldwide, each adapting to their place in the world, addressing local and global questions, adjusting to the continually evolving circumstances, and reaching out towards the future with engagement, innovation, and compassion. Sunrise Waldorf School came into being here in the Cowichan Valley over 40 years ago bringing together families in search of an educational philosophy that is inspired by a deep understanding of child development and a recognition that we are all spiritual beings.
The school is located on seven beautiful acres in the heart of the Cowichan Valley. It is a full member of AWSNA (The Association of Waldorf Schools of North America), and a recognized Group One Independent School by the Ministry of Education. By consistently providing excellent and well-rounded education to our students, in an area vibrant with culture and natural beauty, we continue to attract families from BC and around the world. We recognize the importance of teaching our future citizens about kindness, inclusion, and reverence for the land. These core principles of Waldorf Education are alive in our curriculum and in the classrooms. Beginning in Kindergarten, our students learn to speak and listen from the heart: accepting diverse viewpoints is a daily practice for us all. The natural world around us - and our exciting garden projects - provide endless opportunities to learn about food, medicine, textiles, building and sustainability. Our rigorous academic program integrates handwork, woodwork, language arts, movement, music and visual arts; technology is limited to allow the child to fully develop imagination and creative problemsolving. Apply Now! Early Application Deadline is March 15 for a September 2022 start. We are currently accepting applications for Preschool, Kindergarten and Grades 1 – 8. Please contact admissions@ for tours or more information. @sunrisewaldorf