January 2022 Issue 158

Page 49

The new “F” word: FRUCTOSE! Dr Bill Nielsen has been practising in Duncan for thirty years


et’s see, last month we had isolating floods in the valley, a meteor in Copper Canyon, a Saltspring Island earthquake and mini-tsunami in Maple Bay. We was rocked in Biblical proportions. But it didn’t prevent the holiday festivities - because we survived! The baking and barbecues and quaffing and consuming has abated, so now comes the caloric reckoning. How shall we best prepare for February, the heart health awareness month? We start with Satis. Satis is a Latin word that means “enough!” Satisfaction, sated, satiety stem from satis. The satiety centre in your hypothalamus is a potent mechanism for turning right off any desire to eat. It is the “No thank-you, two is my limit” unit designed to maintain normal bodyweight no matter what your activity levels are. As the stomach fills, stretch receptors initially shut down hunger. The intestines and liver then work together to give a long lasting No More! Messenger molecules with expensive names like Leptin and Cholecystokinin and of course our Canadian

contribution, Insulin, influence the brain to completely eradicate food cravings. You will feel full for hours and not even want to look at another morsel….. unless a tricky little sugar, Fructose, the chemical second cousin of glucose, weasels its way into the equation. Decades ago a scientist at Yale University fed people different sugars. Then he offered them a choice: another cookie now, or $20 next month. Those subjects who had filled up on natural Glucose took the money. Those who ate its evil twin, modified Fructose, craved and craved and took immediate junk food, forsaking a future benefit. Unfortunately, it seems big food producers must have read that or similar studies and guess what? A dash of Fructose is pumped into all kinds of foods specifically to shut off the satiety centre so, contrary to natural proportions, your brain and body crave weigh too much. So, as you re-establish nutritional order to the Holiday chaos and bring back balanced diets, exercise and H2O, read those labels carefully. Be fructose savvy. Whether it’s in baking or juice, canned goods or snacks, if you see the “F” word in the product, your coronaries are begging you to put it back on the shelf.


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Articles inside

New Year Resolutions

page 51

Type 2 Diabetes

pages 49-50

Sunrise Waldorf School

pages 46-47

Building a Good Foundation for Learning

page 41

École des Cascades

page 48

Matraea Centre

pages 39-40

Weight Loss Ideas

page 44

Queen Margaret’s School

pages 42-43

Queen of Angels Catholic School

page 45

Winter Makeup Refresh

pages 36-37

Celebrate Veganuary Every Day at Glow Juicery

page 34

The Dairy Alternative That is Here To Stay

page 33

Beneficial Vegan

page 24

Do You Know if Your Wine is Vegan?

page 32

Plant Based Cheese in Chemainus

page 31

Red Apple Balsamic and Mushroom Sage Roasted Veggies

page 25

Custom Framing Your Documents

page 21

Simple Sourdough Starter

pages 22-23

Aquamaris Art Gallery

page 20

International Guitar Night is Back for 2022

page 19

Forest Bathing

page 18

Exciting Changes at the Farm Table Inn

page 13

Valley Voices: Reflections on New Pages for a New Year

page 14

CFG Coffee-House Concert the Co-Conspirators

page 15

Selecting Seed

page 17

The Rights of Nature

page 16

Why We Should Read Noopiming: The Cure for White Ladies

page 10

Honouring our Food Producers and the Animal World

pages 11-12

Our Island the Subject of Jack Duckworth’s Art

page 9
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