starts to believe what her friend is saying. Maybe she is smarter than she thinks. Maybe she can accomplish more if she tries.
s humans, we have been telling stories forever. From the short, “guess what I did last night” to the epic novel, we love to tell and listen to each other’s narratives. I have a story of my life, and so do you. We tell these stories to people whom we have just met, and bits and pieces to our friends as we grow closer. I want to show you how powerful these stories can be. You see, the story you tell people about yourself is the story that makes you who you are, and it governs your choices and actions. The sad thing about many people’s stories, is that we often think we can’t change them. Here is the story of Jill. Jill told her girlfriend that she grew up poor and abused, and couldn’t to go to school. She uses this story to explain her
Bring the Joy of YOU to Your Life
Of course, this is a bit simplistic, and the road ahead for Jill in real life would contain ups, downs, and many revisions to her story over time. But you can see how a small change in her story brought her from a closed future to one open to possibilities.
Turn your Story into a Legend inability to leave her dead-end job and never bothers to try to improve her circumstances. Why would she? Every time she thinks she might try to take a few night classes, she remembers she is just a “dummy” and would probably flunk out anyway.
Brenda Isaak Takao
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This frustrates the heck out of her friend, because she can see that Jill is no dummy. Jill works really hard at her job, and is a great problem solver when customers call with issues. Her friend knows that Jill is very creative and great with her kids, but she just can’t seem to get Jill to see her positive attributes. Jill has decided that her past is her story, and doesn’t realize that she is stopping herself from seeing another version of herself. Therefore, her story has the power to keep from living her dreams, or maybe even having dreams. As Tony Robbins says, “the strongest force in the human personality is the need to stay consistent with how we define ourselves.” If our belief about who we are is limiting, we won’t let ourselves step outside of our story to become a greater version of ourselves. Let’s look at Jill again. One day, Jill has a breakthrough. She overcame a situation where she was convinced she would fail. Suddenly, her story isn’t true anymore, and this makes her pause. She has to start to see herself with new eyes, and this time, when she shares her triumph with her friend, she
When we rewrite our stories, they become exciting, and the more we examine and change, the more we empower ourselves. We become heroes, and our stories turn into legends. One way to transform your story is by trying to catch yourself at the telling, and then try to reframe your situation. Sometimes trusted friends can be very helpful to give you another point of view. Believe that you can be the author of your story, and not the past that made you. Open yourself to new possibilities and be willing to dig to find the strengths you already have inside. It can be very helpful to get a Life Coach to help you mine your hidden resources. They can help you define your dreams, and embolden you to take the steps you need to reach them. Whether you want to brave the hero’s journey on your own, or get help, I am cheering for you. We could all use another hero’s legend to listen to, because when we see one person reaching for their dreams, it inspires the rest of us to reach for our dreams, as well. Brenda Isaak Takao is an innovative artist and life coach working to seed the world with wonder and joy.