2 minute read
June Events
1Moroccan Tea Culture Service 3:00pm 8350 Richards Trail Duncan, $40/ person, www.westholmetea. com every Sunday also 8/15/22/29
2Exhibition of Fiber Arts, Cowichan Community Centre, CVAC Gallery 2687 James St. Duncan FREE runs to 6/30
Silverbridge Toastmasters: Improve your public speaking skills 4:30-5:30pm 2687 James St, Duncan silverbridgetoastmasters@gmail. com also 8/15/22/29
Tea Tasting Workshop 2:30pm 8350 Richards Trail Duncan, $40/person, www. westholmetea.com every Sunday also 9/16/23/30
3Times They Are A Changing Exhibit 11-3pm Heritage Museum 2851 Church Way Mill Bay, By Donation www. millbaymalahathistory.com every Sunday also 10/17/24/31
4Open House for National Bowls Day 10-2pm Centennial Park 325 1 St, Duncan FREE www.cowichanlawnbowling. com
5Tea Garden Tour + Tasting Experience 9:30am 8350 Richards Trail Duncan, $90/ person www.westholmetea. com also 12/19/26
8The Challenges of the Insistent Self: Spiritual Upliftment & Conversation w/ 3 Baha’ i Friends 7:15-8:30pm 250 748 2585
10 Dance Temple Cowichan w/ Christy Greenwood 7-9pm The Hub 2375 Koksilah Rd. Duncan $20 dancetemplecowichan.ca
11 Psychic Readings with Kathryn Lowther 11- 4pm The Community Farm Store 5380 TCH, Duncan $40/60/110 for 20/30/45+ mins To book kathrynlotusflower@ gmail.com
12 Community Kirtan w/ Love’s Triangle + special guest Adeline Dubois 2:30pm Collective Space 166 Station St. Duncan By Donation lovestriangle108@gmail.com
Chemainus Classical Concerts: Margaret St. Cyr French Horn, Yvonne Gillespie Piano, Annick Richardson Clarinet, 2 pm St. Michael’s Church 2858 Mill St. 250-748-8383 $25-$10
15 Fiber Arts Conference Lecture - In search of wild silk 6:00pm Cowichan Community Centre, CVAC Gallery 2687 James St. Duncan $12 16 Fiber Arts Conference Workshop - NOTAN 10am-4pm Cowichan Community Centre, 2687 James St. Duncan $145 www. gatheringthethreads. ecwid.com
16 Fiber Arts Conference Lecture - Ramblings by Catherine Nicholls 6:00pm Cowichan Community Centre, CVAC Gallery 2687 James St. Duncan $15
18 Fiber Arts Conference Workshop - Homage Collage 10am4pm Cowichan Community Centre 2687 James St. Duncan $140 www. gatheringthethreads. ecwid.com
17 Classic Country Roads at the Chemainus Theatre Tickets 250-246-9820 online www.chemainustheatre.ca
18 Fiber Arts Conference Lecture - An Icelandic Residency 6:00pm Cowichan Community Centre, CVAC Gallery 2687 James St. Duncan $12
19 Shaun Majumder, Gemini Award Winner: The LOVE Tour 7:30pm Cowichan Performing Arts Centre $49.50 www. cowichanpac.ca
22 The Dark Before the Dawn: Therapeutic expressive arts & creative renewal for caregivers of struggling teens 6:308:30pm $30 to register christygreenwood.com
Transforming our Approach to Consultation: Spiritual Upliftment & Conversation w/ 3 Baha’ i Friends 7:15-8:30pm call for info 250 748 2585
26 Community Kirtan w/ Love’s Triangle 2:30pm Collective Space 166 Station St, Duncan By Donation