t’s no secret Cowichan is home to hundreds of dedicated farmers who grow robust crops of vegetables, herbs and fruit and raise an abundance of quality seafood and meats like beef, poultry, pork, and GIVE THANKS lamb. Throw in artisanal cheeses, THERE’S ALWAYS breads, preserves SOMETHING NEW and specialty foods, and dozens IN COWICHAN of craft beverage options like wine, spirits, and beer – sweet character with a toffee and you’ve got yourself an aroma and notes of peardrops. outstanding Thanksgiving Prosciutto makes for an spread. excellent pairing to serve as There’s just no wrong way to plan a Thanksgiving dinner in Cowichan. But when did you try something new? Sure, your favourites are your favourites for a reason, but when there’s so much to choose from Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity to be thankful for Cowichan’s bounty. Enter cider. It’s the perfect departure from your usual because it pairs beautifully with every course of your Thanksgiving meal. Just like wine, ciders have their own personalities and characteristics that come alive in your glass and complement your food. Affinity Cider, Cowichan’s newest cider house, offers wild yeast, character-based cider in a cidermaking process unlike any other found in the region. Like Pome Blend. Apples, pears and quince come together that while dry, has a distinctly
an appetizer.
Pour Heritage Dry liberally for your main course. It is the result of a blend of wild and cultivated Cowichan Valley apples fermented in the style of an English Scrumpy. Funky barnyard aromas give way to subdued notes of citrus. Made from a mix of locallygrown dessert and crab apples, Modern Dry presents a delicate bouquet of floral and apple aromas. Save this one for dessert. It pairs well with your pie, or fruit and cheese plate of young soft cheeses. Start a new tradition by introducing something new to your family gathering. Cowichan is a cornucopia of things to be thankful for. Affinity Cider is now open for online sales – pick up only. AffinityCider.com