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Welcome to the eighth edition of our PRO coffee table book. We started this book eight years ago to profile some of the top companies operating in the Middle East and North Africa region. Over the years, with changing market conditions, several mergers and acquisitions, and the industry moving rapidly from linear television to a new world of SVOD services and social engagement, the face of entertainment has undergone a dramatic transformation. In parallel, companies have changed as well‌ they have rebranded and revisited their offerings, and want to be part of PROfile. This means we are no longer able to limit our book to 50 profiles. 2019, therefore, brings 86 companies to your table – and for the first time in the publication’s eight-year history, we also feature broadcasters in this milestone issue. In keeping with the digital times, we intend to now replicate this issue online as well, giving companies the opportunity to dynamically update their profiles.

Vijaya Cherian Editorial Director




contents Introduction

Free Zone



TV and Video: Looking ahead to 2019 and beyond

Broadcasters 18

Discovery Middle East and Africa


FOX Networks Group


France 24


Indiacast Media Distribution


MBC Group




Shock Middle East


Zee Network

consultants 36

Assendive Communications LLC


Master Media

content security 42





Nagra Kudelski



Dubai Studio City

IPtV 64


Manufacturers 68



Ardis Technologies – Dynamic Drive Pool








Blackmagic Design






Calrec Audio Ltd.




Dalet Digital Media Systems ME






Grass Valley


Ikegami Electronics


Imagine Communications






Leader Electronics Corporation






Advanced Media


Merging Technologies


BS Broadcast




NMK Electronics Ent.




United Broadcast & Media Solutions (UBMS)








Riedel Communications


Es’hailSat, Qatar Satellite Company






Rohde & Schwarz




Ross Video


JSC Gazprom Space Systems


Sennheiser Middle East

M-Three Satcom



Sony Professional Solutions MEA










World Teleport Association



news Agency 138

Arab 24

Ott 142




Production 148

Arab Format Lab


Filmquip Media


Real Image TV Production


Seven Production ME FZ LLC


service Providers 182

ABS Network


Al Aan Media Services






SAWA Media




U-TO Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd.

social Media 198


systems Integrators 202

Aret Video and Audio Engineering


Broadcast & Studio Solutions (BSS)


Broadcast Systems Arabia (BSA)


INC System Integrations




Qvest Media FZ LLC


APT Satellite


TSL Products




Videlio Middle East






TV and Video: Looking ahead to 2019 and beyond The fact that TV/video is going through

in the ocean when compared to what

a major change is evident to all, not

the internet has done to television

only to those working directly in the

viewing habits and consumer control.

sector and caught in the midst of the

The evidence is in the numbers (Figure

storm, but also those who simply

2). The latest full-year financial results

follow the news headlines. While the

in TV brought little cheer to the market,

degree of disruption is increasingly

with EBITDA margins continuing to fall

apparent, the end-game is less clear

and showing no signs of slowing despite

– if indeed there is an end-game.

a slight uptick in EBIT (which may also

An argument can also be made that

reflect reducing capital investments).

this is evolution not revolution in a sector that has been evolving over

Reviewing the Main Trends

the past 90 years ever since the first

This report reviews the main trends in

television was invented in 1926.

2018 and looks to 2019 and beyond

That time period has been

with a focus on the Middle East but

punctuated by a series of technology

also drawing relevant examples from

and business events that have shaped

other parts of the world. The three

television as we know it today, from

main trends build on those from A.T.

advertising in 1928 to colour television

Kearney’s recently released NextGen

in 1954 to pay TV in 1972 to digital

Video report, a global review taking

terrestrial television in 1998 (Figure 1).

the pulse of the TV/Video sector.

That said, a strong argument can be made that this time it is different. The last major technology breakthrough

The most prominent themes in NextGen Video were:

to significantly change viewing habits

OTT 2.0

was in 1963 when the home video-

OTT video (OTTv) services would not

cassette recorder was invented,

only continue to proliferate but also

followed by the launch of home movie

fragment by genre and use case,

cassettes in 1972. This gave viewers

much in the same way as broadcast

more power over what to watch and

television channels are structured

when, on their terms. But this is a drop

and positioned thematically.



The Content Navigator

OTT 2.0

Europe RTL launched kividoo for

The battle to be the super-aggregator

2018 saw an evolution of OTT

the German-speaking market and

platform, which we called the ‘Content

video toward OTT 2.0, meaning the

Canal+ in France recently announced

Navigator’, would heat up as traditional

fragmentation of the OTTv market

its own kids-focused OTT service.

TV service providers, telecom

into more specialised services.

operators, and FANGA compete to

What is apparent is an emerging

with music and sports genres alongside

aggregate, curate and distribute

classification into three types:

their movie and series entertainment

a wide range of video services.

OTT players are also experimenting

libraries. Iflix, for example, partnered

New Wave of Partnerships

Genre-based ProfessionalGrade Services

Partnerships, new ecosystems

Disney launched ESPN+ in April 2018

and joint ventures would be

and has over one million subscribers

to continue to be the bedrock of OTT

essential to maintain and grow

on the service. Discovery launched

video. Starz Play has announced 50

scale, while adding new capabilities

its new PGA Tour Golf OTT service,

new shows in MENA in 2019 as it seeks

and de-risking the business.

‘GOLFTV’. Foxtel launched Kayo Sports,

to consolidate its position as the OTTv

a sports-focused streaming service. The

leader in entertainment in the region.

These themes are being reinforced

with international urban music channel, Trace, to cater to younger audiences. Entertainment is however expected

by the ongoing dialogue and deals.

booming eSports market adds another

For example, our discussions with

dimension with several broadcasters

also on the rise. Netflix is selectively

media sector colleagues at IBC

and service providers partnering

targeting attractive markets with the

2018 last September regularly

with the likes of Ginx and ESLGaming

required scale to justify investing in

hit on the above topics.

or launching or investing in eSports

local original content. Spanish-speaking

networks as Astro and MTG have done.

markets have been a focus in 2018

Now is the time to revisit them in the context of what

Local and localised series are

Kids is another growing genre for

and the US giant is now setting its

has been happening in TV and

standalone OTTv services. In the

sights on the Arabic-speaking market,

video over the past 12 months,

MENA region, MBC launched Goboz

announcing Jinn as its first Arabic

before looking ahead to 2019.

targeted at this segment, while in

original series with the production to

Figure 1: The History of Television

First transatlantic satellite TV transmission (1962)

Last major technology breakthrough to significantly change viewing habits

First colour TV broadcast (1954)

VCR (1963) and home movies (1972)

Technology events Scotsman John Logie Baird gives the first public demonstration of televised silhouette images in motion: ‘Stooky Bill’ (1926)

1925 1930s


Charles Jenkins broadcasts the first TV commercial (1928)

Business events 8




Recorded programming added to live broadcasts, leads to Golden Age of TV with new genres e.g. police, courtroom, hospital shows (1956) The Nielsen Television Index starts collecting data (1950)


Key evolutionary technology events Moving online: for the first time, the number of broadband customers exceeds the number of cable subscribers in the US (2013) Start of digital television transition (1998). Global deadline for ASO (2007)



Reality TV explodes as phenomenon with global success of Idol and Big Brother (1997) First pay network, HBO (1972)

Apple TV launched (2006)

Netflix launches streaming (2007)

TV makers move fully to smart TVs (2015)

World’s first 8K TV channel and TV sets (2018)

2010s UK is first country in world where >50% of ad spend is digital (2015)

Telco-Media megamergers – AT&T-TW, Comcast-Sky, Disney-Fox, DiscoveryScripps (2018)

Profitability Profitability



Figure 2: TV sector profitability EBITDA , basket of, 25 top TV EBITDA basket of companies 25 top TV companies

EBIT , basket of, 25 top TV EBIT basket of companies 25 top TV companies

-5.5% -5.5% 26.2% 26.2% 25.2% 25.2% 24.5% 23.9% 24.5% 23.9% 22.8% 22.8% 20.8% 20.8%

-3.1% -3.1% 19.9% 19.9% 19.3% 19.3% 18.3% 18.3% 17.4% 17.4% 16.2% 16.8% 16.2% 16.8%

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

be set in Jordan. Other MENA OTTv

Snapchat launching in the Middle

customers free access to Apple Music,

players such as Weyyak, Zee’s Arabic

East and so far partnering with over

the first of its kind in the UAE.

service, icflix and Lebanese VOD

20 companies to create shows on its

platform Cinemoz are also producing

Discover brand. Other social media

are experimenting with different

and distributing Arabic originals.

platforms pushing video content are

bundles, bringing together music

Twitter and Facebook, who work with

and video content offers under one

publishers to produce content that is

package. du is one player that took

bespoke to their audiences. On the

on the bundling challenge, creating a

Given the declining cost of personal

OTT side, iflix launched Studio2:15,

new data SIM package that offers free

and amateur-grade video production,

a creative production business for

subscription packages with Anghami,

providing a platform for semi-

short-form video content which

a music platform in which it holds a

professional content creators to

iflix will commission and produce

stake, and Wavo, OSN’s video-streaming

showcase and distribute their work

to distribute on its platform.

entertainment platform (Figure 3).

providers. Astro launched Tamago, a

Non-Video Services

service and a linear broadcast channel

live video streaming platform while

Besides genre-specialised and non-

are ultimately both different forms

MNC Group in Indonesia has seen

professional services, there has been

of curated content, it should be no

strong growth on its MeTube UGC

diversification into non-video, with

surprise that there is a diversity of

(user-generated-content) video portal.

music and gaming being the primary

focused OTT apps mirroring the

There are also hybrid models for

categories. ‘Raku’, a music streaming

diversity of linear TV channels. These

semi-professional content. One

app launched by Astro in Malaysia,

complement the more generic big-

example is Weyyak, which signed an

opens up a new customer touchpoint

brand apps such as Netflix and

agreement with Sharjah Media Free

and revenue stream, building on its

(coming in 2019) Disney+. With over

Zone to encourage media students

existing radio business. Deutsche

1500 OTTv services in the world

and up-and-coming local content

Telekom launched Magenta Musik

today, and this number continuing

creators to submit their productions

360. In gaming, MBC has grown and

to rise, the challenge then becomes

to be showcased on Weyyak.

added new features to its WIZZO

how to manage the user experience.

gaming platform. Etisalat announced

Maintaining separate siloed

an exclusive offer to provide

subscriptions to multiple services

Non-ProfessionalGrade Services

is now on the radar of many service

Short-form ‘snackable’ video content is also on the rise with the likes of

Telecom operators in the region

When considering that an OTTv




Figure 3: Examples of (TV OTT company and Non-Video Plays Service extension examples) Amateur creator portal

Music streaming

General gaming









Bollywood/Indian music

UGC live streaming

Pro gaming

(RTL) (Astro)

Movies (AMC)


Concert streaming











Sports (Foxtel)




non-Premium/ Amateur

non-Premium/ Amateur




not only leads to a fragmented,

taking this role will be well-positioned

its own services with those of Netflix,

cumbersome user experience but is

at the heart of the video ecosystem.

Amazon and local broadcasters such

also economically inefficient. While OTT

This is a battle that is being

as Pro7Sat1’s Maxdome OTT service.

services maybe rolled up into common

played out between telecom

platforms by their owners spurred by

operators, pay TV companies, (some)

examples exist. du and Zain both

mergers and acquisitions in the sector,

broadcasters and FANGA (Figure 4).

partnered with Amazon Prime Video

this alone is not likely to solve the

Telecom operators made great

In the MENA region, several such

to offer customers exclusive access to

customer experience problem, which

strides in 2018. The year started with

Amazon Prime content. du and Virgin

is where Content Navigator comes in.

T-Mobile US announcing its acquisition

Mobile also announced a partnership

of Layer 3 in January enabling T-Mobile

with Netflix that allows customers

The Content Navigator

to directly attack cable and satellite

to access the streaming app across

The trend of content owners launching

TV companies on their home turf.

their devices. Etisalat inked a five-year

direct-to-consumer video services

President and CEO John Legere

deal with Starz Play to provide Etisalat

is gathering steam with Disney and

spoke about “taking the fight to big

elife customers access to Starz Play’s

Warner among the giants to make

cable and satellite TV on behalf of

content library and Mobily entered a

such announcements in 2018.

consumers everywhere”, with OTT app

similar agreement. VIVA Kuwait signed

The proliferation of OTTv services

aggregation at the heart of the service.

a partnership agreement with OSN

is reinforcing the message that

In October, Deutsche Telekom

to provide customers with access to

the presence of super-aggregator

launched Magenta TV, the first time in

its Wavo platform, as well as to the

platforms to aggregate, distribute and

the company’s history when customers

Jawwy TV service. Omantel announced

potentially also bundle these services

no longer require a cable contract

a partnership with video-on-demand

are not an option but a necessity in the

with Deutsche Telekom to access

service provider Vuclip to carry its Viu

market. The companies that succeed in

video content. Magenta TV combines

streaming video app. It also launched




‘YouTube Pass’ providing customers

owners. Indeed, Verizon and Disney

Netflix to offer customers the options

with unlimited access to YouTube for

recently announced a partnership

of paying for Netflix via their OSN bill.

three hours at a low price, without

to explore the possibilities of 5G.

worrying about running out of data. These are all steps in the right

Some pay TV operators (i.e.

Of the five FANGA players, Amazon is taking the lead to become the

companies with roots in pay TV service

Content Navigator through its rising

direction as telecom operators

provision, especially over DTH satellite)

number of third-party apps and

become familiar with reselling OTTv

are moving aggressively to secure their

‘Amazon channels’ for registered

services and develop their strategies

aggregator position in the market. Sky

Amazon prime subscribers. Apple

as potential content navigators.

Europe, recently acquired by Comcast,

continues to build Apple TV as a

Much more is possible with the telcos

has been building its Sky Q and Now

Content Navigator platform and is

having control both over the mobile

TV platforms by adding Netflix onto

rumoured to be launching its own

and fibre networks that will in many

both and offering a bundled discount

streaming service to over 100 countries

markets increasingly become the

for Netflix subscribers who go via Sky.

in 2019. Like Netflix, Facebook has

norm for delivering video content,

The company has also developed Sky

not yet pursued a platform role,

and over the customer data that will

Q into an app hub, resulting in not

instead focused on its own Facebook

enable specific targeting, pricing and

only providing access to own offerings

Watch service with its own originals.

value management. We can expect

but also acting as an overarching

Similarly, Google has focused on

an acceleration as 5G networks

platform for all kinds of video and

relaunching its YouTube Music and

come into the market, which will also

entertainment apps – the essence

YouTube Premium SVOD services.

spur closer collaboration between

of the Content Navigator model. In

telecom operators and content

MENA, OSN has signed a deal with

ontent Navigator

Broadcasters have so far not pursued the super-aggregator platform role

Figure 4: Content Navigator – to Simplify and Enhance for all Stakeholders


Creation ‘Traditional’ content producers (e.g. production companies, event/ sports rights owners) ‘Made for Digital’ video content producers (e.g. eSports, YouTube MCNs, GoPro) Other content & services (e.g. music, games, betting)


‘Traditional’ aggregators (e.g. broadcasters) OTT aggregators (e.g. YouTube, Facebook, Apple, Amazon)


Connectivity providers (e.g. telco, cableco)

Content navigator

End consumers




although MBC did recently announce that it would redistribute the Fox+ SVOD service over its Shahid+ platform. The success of these new models will shape the narrative and strategies in the TV sector over the coming years. Aggregation and distribution of third party OTTv services will continue to be a growing trend with the inevitable bundling of SVOD or SVOD-plus-linear services in the same way that linear broadcast channels have historically been bundled by TV service providers.

New Wave of Partnerships There are several emerging partnership models with the overarching purpose of building scale and capabilities. Primary ones are on joint OTTv services, advertising and production/ format development, while there are also increasingly partnerships in broadcast technology. While pay TV operators have been focusing on building their platforms, broadcasters have increasingly been looking at partnership models in OTT video to maintain critical scale, maximise asset utilisation and de-risk themselves. Since the launch of Hulu in the United States in March 2008, combining the broadcast services of Disney, 21CF and NBCU, there have been few other similar ventures. 2018 saw a flurry of

Smart TV manufacturers

to finally open itself up to remain the

such OTTv partnership deals. In France,

Smart TV manufacturers are also

primary application gateway, while for

the three leading broadcasters, France

entering into deals with OTT services

Samsung, it was an acknowledgement

Télévisions, TF1 and M6 together

to embed video streaming applications

that partnering to boost smart TV was

launched an SVOD platform called Salto.

directly onto their Smart TVs, with

a preferable route than going it alone.

Similarly, in Spain, LOVEStv is backed

a local example being Starz Play

This is a promising sign for the industry.

by Spanish public broadcaster RTVE

signing a deal to have its OTT service

and commercial broadcasters Mediaset

embedded directly onto LG televisions.

video services, broadcasters (and

España and Atresmedia. In the UK, the

A more striking announcement was

pay TV operators) are partnering in

regulator Ofcom re-opened the door for

Samsung’s statement at the CES 2019

advertising, where they can pool their

domestic broadcasters to resuscitate

exhibition that it was adding iTunes to

capabilities and assets to achieve

the Kangaroo online video partnership

its smart TV platform. This was a first

the relevance and scale for more

that they had originally planned in 2007.

for Apple indicating some pressure

and better targeted audiences. For


Beyond partnerships for online



visual and editing equipment, as well as training programmes, workshops and courses, has established its 10th global hub in Dubai Studio City. Taking this one step further, consolidation and acquisitions involving broadcasters is a much-anticipated trend with several such deals in 2018. Belgian telecom operator TeleNet acquired broadcaster De Vijver Media, Telia in Sweden announced the acquisition of Bonier broadcasting and Australia Nine is merging with Fairfax to “provide significant potential by leveraging increased scale of audiences and marketing inventory”. New partnerships on broadcast operations is also a growing trend. Increasingly attractive connectivity and economics, combined with cost pressure, is leading broadcasters to consider outsourced models and all-IP cloud-based broadcast models. Both AWS and Microsoft Azure are rapidly developing such solutions and while AWS has arguably been the front-runner so far, Microsoft Azure has also been chosen to host content libraries, including ZEE5s. Healthy competition will help to drive up cost efficiency and reliability. Continuation of this trend will rely on high-speed, affordable communication example, the planned platform for

The other opportunity is in

networks, so we can expect telecom

trading video ads, a strategic alliance

production, where pooling studio assets

operators to quickly become important

between TF1, ProSieben and Mediaset.

can help to increase asset utilisation

partners in broadcast operations

while there is also the opportunity to co-

optimisation and outsourcing.

The new ‘European Broadcaster Exchange’ will be based on

develop original formats that can then

programmatic video campaigns that

be localised and monetised in each of

to see artificial intelligence (AI),

allow buyers to make real-time bids for

the partner’s markets at lower cost and

machine learning and blockchain

ad slots on publishers’ sites or each time

risk developing the IP independently.

play a significant role in television

a video is viewed, with the winning bids

Endemol Shine and China’s Hunan TV

and media more generally. These

having their ads being displayed instantly

recently struck such a deal in, as have

technologies are nascent and in

on the sites. Partnerships between

BBC Studios and Lionsgate. Youtube

many cases unproven and un/under-

broadcasters and pay TV operators are

Space, a site that gives YouTube

regulated, so we should expect to see

emerging to offer programmatic TV.

content creators free access to audio,

partnership models emerge around

Looking ahead, we can also expect




them to co-develop and test solutions

Especially from the major global

in the new ‘video’ environment. It

rather than classic vendor-buyer arm’s

studios, with both generic (think

will help to address the following:

length commercial relationships.

Disney+) and verticalised (think ESPN+)

Netflix’s use of machine-learning to

positioning. They will launch across

power its personalisation and micro-

all regions, including MENA, enriching

video) should be for you, based

segmentation algorithms is already

the options available to customers

on your assets, capabilities and market profile. Me-too, wait-and-

well-known and has been emulated elsewhere. Beyond this, new AI use

Determine what OTTv (and non-

Emergence of OTT and OTT+linear

see and reactive approaches simply

cases are coming into the market. We

broadcast service bundling. Following

will not work. TV companies need

can expect raw content indexing, speech

the same principles and economics

to decide today what their online

recognition, text analysis and building,

of linear broadcast bundling with

service portfolio should look like

location and object identification to

the potential addition of linear

become increasingly prevalent. 2018

channels originated by the likes

saw iFLYTEK team up with CCTV in China

of Netflix or Google/YouTube

can you target that position in the

on AI-powered speech recognition, while Spain-based Vilynx is working

Evaluate what the Content Navigator model means for you. Will you and

eSports coming of age. As a $1

market, and if not, then who will

with NBC on metatagging, which is

billion market and fast-growing in the

take that role and what will be your

reported to have helped boost NBC

MENA region, eSports is a legitimised

relationship with those companies

News’ video views by 60% to 250%.

and mainstream service for TV

(in both content and advertising)

Blockchain remains one of the most

service providers and advertisers,

hyped technologies with primary

with major plays coming from

use cases being low-cost content

broadcasters and telecom operators

ecosystems, both commercial and technical. Move from arm’s

monetisation based on pay-per-view micro-payments, the fair attribution of

Envision your partnerships and

Advertising becoming more

length sourcing and formalised

payments to rights holders and royalty

integrated across traditional

contracts to deeper collaboration,

protection. Norway-based Hubii has

and IP/OTT platforms, which will

ecosystems and co-creation based

launched a decentralised blockchain-

support a rebound in the MENA

on agile working models.

powered content marketplace and

advertising market. This includes

SingularDTV is growing as a blockchain

greater personalisation and efficiency

Supporting this (and too often

studio designed to enable small

in cross-platform targeting thanks

overlooked), needs to be a futureproof

producers to better monetise their

to programmatic technologies

internal operating model. The most important elements are the

content. Many governments in the MENA region including those in the UAE and

Cost-efficiency rising to the top of

development of new capabilities and

KSA are placing a strong emphasis on

the agenda, driving new structural

(internal) competences, systematic use

blockchain and other ‘Fourth Industrial

business models and partnerships. As

of data-driven analytics across all parts

Revolution’ technologies with supporting

traditional TV companies restructure

of the business and a zero-based review

investment in education and innovation.

their economics to compete and

of all cost categories geared towards a

adopt a ‘save-to-spend’ mentality.

sustainable economic model. Together,

Looking Ahead to 2019, and beyond

Building Blocks for Success

these building blocks will support success in the ‘new video environment’.

The pace of change is showing

The urgency to act is clear in the

no sign of abating. The five main

discussions and deals taking place in

This article was authored by Marc

themes to look out for in 2019,

the TV/video sector. Rapid, proactive

Biosca, MEA Head, Telecoms and

both in MENA and globally are:

moves envisioned with a clean slate

Media; Christophe Firth, Principal,

mindset will build and reinforce market

Media Global; and Marwa Traboulsi,

position and ultimately relevance

Consultant, Media MEA at AT Kearney.

An expansion of ‘Netflix-grade’ OTTv services across all genres.




CABSAT - The 25th edition of the region’s biggest broadcast and satellite event With more than 13,000 media

‘FLIX on 86’, ‘e-Sports Pavilion’

to-use, networking services allowing

industry professionals in

offering deeper B2B insights from

registered visitors and exhibitors to

attendance in 2018, the three-day

the newcomers taking the region

search, connect and book meetings

event is the leading platform for

by storm and the Photography

with key contacts at the show.

broadcast, production, content

Hub featuring workshops from

The global E&M industry is

delivery, entertainment content

world renowned professionals.

growing at a pace close to its

and satellite sectors across the

Many popular features from

historical rates despite much talked

MEASA region, fostering disruptive

previous editions return to the

about disruption and economic

innovation, creation, distribution

show this year with the Content

turbulence and the MENA region

and monetisation opportunities

Congress set to host the industry’s

is ahead of international trends

in the regional market.

leading disruptors and the Digital

on the digital front, indicating

Hub set to be ground-zero for

that audiences are waiting to

all things OTT, VoD, IPTV.

be served. CABSAT 2019, like its

The CABSAT’s 25th edition at the Dubai World Trade Centre sees a number of new sections

The GVF Satellite Summit hosts

predecessors, is a compelling

and initiatives aimed at putting

important dialogues, workshops

three-day event for the estimated

not just equipment and services

and networking opportunities

13,000 attendees from the

in the spotlight, but the latest

for key players in the satellite

broadcast and satellite industries.

curated content from across the

industry. CABSAT’s Global Meetings

For more information on CABSAT,

region screened at CABSAT’s own

Programme provides exclusive, free-







Entertaining global audiences Discovery Inc. is a global leader in

families, compelling renovations

real life entertainment serving a

and stunning transformations that

passionate audience of superfans

make all things home fun, thanks

around the world with content that

to breakthrough franchises such as

inspires, informs and entertains.

Property Brothers, Flip or Flop and

Discovery delivers over 8,000 hours

Fixer Upper. Food Network, now part

of original programming each year

of the Discovery family is a unique

and has category leadership across

lifestyle network that connects

deeply loved content genres around

viewers to the power and joy of food

the world. Available in 220 countries

with inspirational and entertaining

and territories and 50 languages,

shows like The Pioneer Woman, Diners,

Discovery is a platform innovator,

Drive-Ins and Dives and Chopped. Other brands in the Discovery’s

reaching viewers on all screens, including TV Everywhere products

stable include Investigation Discovery,

such as the GO portfolio of apps

Travel Channel, Turbo/Velocity, Animal Planet and Science Channel,

and Discovery Kids Play, direct-toconsumer streaming services such as Eurosport Player and Motor Trend

Amanda Turnbull, Vice President, Discovery, Middle East and Africa.

as well as OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network in the USA, Discovery Kids in Latin America and Eurosport, the

OnDemand, digital-first and social content from Group Nine Media and

franchises including Gold Rush,

leading provider of locally relevant,

a strategic alliance with the PGA Tour

Fast n’ Loud and Deadliest Catch.

premium sports and Home of the

to create the Global Home of Golf.

A Bouquet of Channels

Offering remarkable real-life stories without judgment, TLC is available in

Olympic Games across Europe.

279 million households around the

Discovery in MENA

Globally, Discovery’s portfolio of

world, sharing everyday heart, humour,

In the Middle East and North Africa,

premium brands are leaders in

hope and human connection with

Discovery is one of the leading

their categories. At the forefront

programmes such as Cake Boss, Say Yes

international media companies in

is Discovery Channel, a network

to the Dress and My 600lb Life. In 2018,

the region, having first launched

dedicated to creating the highest

Discovery completed its acquisition

its channels in the market over 20

quality non-fiction content

of Scripps Networks Interactive,

years ago. Following its acquisition

across genres including, science

including its popular lifestyle brands

of Dubai-based media company

and technology, exploration,

led by HGTV, a channel which delivers

Takhayal Entertainment in 2012,

adventure and history with popular

the superstar experts, fascinating

Discovery has seen incredible growth



in the Middle East and now boasts a competitive portfolio of 16 channels (15 pay TV and one free-to-air), led by Fatafeat, the number one cooking channel in the Arab world. Reaching millions of households in 24 countries, Fatafeat indulges viewers in a world of quality entertainment with a uniquely regional perspective thanks to its popular celebrity chefs, including Manal Al Alem, Mohammed Orfali and May Yaqoubi and the more than 300 hours of new local content produced for the channel each year. Alongside local content on Fatafeat, Discovery is committed to showcasing the unheard stories that

Mohammed Orfali filming for Fatafeat.

exist across the region through its world-renowned documentary filmmaking, as exhibited in the recent Discovery Channel special, Wild Dubai. More than just a linear broadcaster,

with fans across all touch-points. Discovery employs a talented


team of over 40 staff located in

Discovery Middle East & Africa

its office in Dubai Studio City,

Office 501, DSC Tower

Discovery also has a growing off-air

managed under the guidance of

presence in the Middle East, including

Amanda Turnbull, Discovery’s Vice

an unrivalled digital offering for

President and General Manager

Fatafeat – reaching more than six

for the Middle East and Africa.

Tel: +971 4 365 4715

million consumers throughout the

For more information, please visit


region – and a successful network of and follow

live events and activations engaging

@DiscoveryIncTV across social platforms.


On set filming the documentary, Wild Dubai.

Dubai Studio City Dubai, UAE



Curated multi-genre content for the region Fox Networks Group (FNG) is 21st

Abu Dhabi and National Geographic

Century Fox’s international multi-media

Farsi. National Geographic is the

business. The company develops,

number one factual entertainment

produces and distributes 300+ wholly-

channel across the Middle East today,

and majority-owned entertainment,

committed to furthering knowledge

sports, factual and movie channels in 45

and understanding of the world. This

languages across Latin America, Europe,

has been the core purpose of National

Asia and Africa. FNG’s core channel

Geographic for 131 years and the

brands include Fox, Fox Sports, Fox Life,

company returns 27 percent of its

Fox+ and National Geographic Channel.

proceeds to the non-profit National

FNG’s movie channels include

Geographic Society to fund work in

Fox Movies, Fox Movies Premium and SCM (formerly Star Chinese.) Fox Networks Group Middle East (previously FIC Middle East) established in 2008, is the region’s largest international broadcaster of multi-genre content. FNG Middle East brings to viewers across the region 15 channels with curated content in seven genres: factual, entertainment, movies, music, kids, lifestyle and Arabic. The pay TV channel portfolio in the Middle East includes (National Geographic, Nat Geo Wild, Nat Geo People, Star World, Fox, Star Movies, Fox Movies, Fox Family Movies, Fox Action Movies, FX, Channel V International, Baby TV, Fox Rewayat, Fox Crime, Fox Life). FNG also airs in the region three free-to-air channels in partnership with Abu Dhabi Media, National Geographic Abu Dhabi, National Geographic Kids

the areas of science, exploration,

Sanjay Raina, General Manager and Senior Vice-President, FNG FNG Middle East is headed by Sanjay Raina, General Manager and Senior Vice-President at FNG, a role he has held since 2013. A media veteran with extensive experience in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, Raina has spearheaded FNG’s growth in the region over the last six years by introducing innovative new platforms such as Fox Plus streaming service, expanding the group’s geographic footprint and channel portfolio, and by offering a unique blend of curated and local content. Raina has also forged strong partnerships with affiliates and customers.

conservation and education. National Geographic Kids Abu Dhabi, launched in 2017 is the first Arabic children’s documentary channel and the only full-fledged free-to-air 24hr Arabic channel bringing the best in science, exploration, adventure and wildlife for children aged between seven and 14 years. It has a dedicated website with an internet TV facility. FNG recently launched a dedicated streaming service for the region, Fox Plus, offering a wide range of curated programming from National Geographic documentaries to Fox Lifestyle shows, Baby TV, in addition to award-winning global TV series and movies. Fox Plus is available on the MBC Shahid platform regionally on STC’s Jawwy in Saudi Arabia with other platforms in the pipeline.


In recent years, FNG has increased


Abu Dhabi in the Middle East in 2018.

around the Arab world. The competition

the amount of regionally produced

The four-part show featuring four

has attracted over 200,000 entries to

programming, both on its National

semi-professional photographers

date from across the Middle East region.

Geographic and Fox channels,

from across the MENA, competed

connecting the channels more

against one another in a series of

intimately with the region and bringing

photographic challenges, evaluated

its rich stories to life while reinforcing

by a panel of professional judges.

FNG’s vision to bring world-class

A version for younger viewers,

entertainment that is not only locally

Fel Soura premiered on National

relevant, but locally produced.

Geographic Kids Abu Dhabi Channel

Contact Fox Networks Group Middle East Dubai, UAE Manish Jain AVP - Affiliate Sales &

Programming has included award-

in 2019. This locally produced show

winning shows such as The Open Road,

in Arabic, features young talent from

Partnerships, Affiliate Sales (ME)

the first Fox Originals made from the

the UAE, Saudi Arabia, the GCC and

Tel: +971 55 6078304

Middle East. This groundbreaking new

the region. These programmes reflect


travel series which premiered in 2018,

FNG’s passion for nurturing talent in

stars two Arab women touring the

the region especially youth. The first

Sanjeev Ralph James

region on their Harley-Davidsons.

of such platforms was the Moments

Director Ad Sales & Partnerships,

I am a Nat Geo Photographer is

Photography Competition, an annual

Ad Sales (ME - S India)

another reality TV show developed

regional photography competition

and produced in the region, which

started in 2010 to find and develop the

Tel: +971 55 9928206

premiered on National Geographic

talent of aspiring photographers from




Adhering to responsible journalism own temps forts, running orders and programme schedules. However, all four channels share and uphold a common editorial stance, adhering to three principles to ensure quality international news coverage: Responsiveness - Frequent news bulletins, priority to live broadcasts and more emphasis on ground reporting thanks to an extensive network of correspondents and reporters Rigor - Urgency never overrides respect for journalistic ethics or the need for reliable information Review - Facts are placed in context, recognised expert opinions are Launched in 2006, France 24, the

weekly viewership of 61.2 million

provided and longer formats have

international news channel broadcasts

viewers (measured in 67 of the

been developed so that current

24/7 to 355 million homes around the

183 countries where the channel is

affairs are put into perspective

world in French, Arabic, English and

broadcast). The channel is available

Spanish (six hours a day in Spanish).

via cable, satellite, DTT, ADSL, on

The programmes offered on France

With more than 150 news bulletins a

mobile phones, tablets and connected

24’s four channels have a common

day over the four channels, a network

TVs, as well as on YouTube in four

denominator: they strive to place

of 160 correspondent bureaus around

languages. Every month, France 24’s

the human dimension at the heart

the world and journalists representing

digital platforms attract 16.5 million

of its broadcasts. Over the last few

over 35 different nationalities

visits, 45,6 million video views (2018

years, France 24 has significantly

reflect the channel’s core DNA.

average) and 37.4 million followers on

increased the production of exclusive

Facebook and Twitter (as of May 2018).

reports and the amount of time

From its newsroom in Paris, France 24 gives a different perspective on global affairs and attracts a combined

France 24’s four channels have their own identities, benefitting from their

dedicated to live programmes. Fance 24 offers an international



news bulletin every half hour with in-depth reports, debates, features, interviews and more, completing the line-up. Reflecting the channel’s core values of independence and pluralism of information France 24 endeavours to promote diversity, gender equality, the exchange of views, the spirit of debate through its content.

Flagship programmes Reporters - An award-winning programme with international and in-depth reports from France 24’s senior reporters from across the

Taoufik Mjaied presenting

world (available on all four channels).

The Debate on the Arabic channel.

The Debate - A long-format debate on the main news story of the

and social events across the

countries in search of a better life

day inviting viewers to interact

African continent with exclusive

elsewhere (Spanish channel only).

directly with journalists and

reports and analysis (available

Maghreb Hour - A daily live evening

their guests via social networks

on the English channel only).

news segment dedicated to all the

(available on all four channels).

Paris des Arts - Discover Paris

latest from the Maghreb region with

The 51% - Looks at women who are

though the eyes of an artist

reports, guests, sports and business

reshaping the world. This weekly

who takes Valerie Fayolle on

round-ups (Arabic channel only).

magazine brings you stories from

a cultural stroll through the

across the world about women who

city (French channel only).

In the MENA region, France 24 is

are challenging the way we think

Migrantes - A weekly programme

broadcast via OSN, My-HD, E-Vision,

(available on all four channels).

looking at the difficulties of

du, beIN, STC, Vodafone and Omantel.

Across Africa - A weekly magazine

millions of people who, in Latin

For operators, the channel is available

taking a closer look at political

America and in the world, flee their

on Arabsat, Nilesat and Hotbird.

Contact France 24 80, rue Camille Desmoulins 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux France Tel: +33 1 84 22 85 33 Website: Ahmed El-Cheikh Director Distribution MENA - Turkey Email: ahmed.el-cheikh@ Florence Villeminot and Genie Godula, presenters on the English channel.

Social Media FRANCE24.English



At the forefront of Indian content distribution IndiaCast Media Distribution Private

Locally Produced Shows

Limited is India’s first multi-platform

Brain Wagon: A family quiz

‘content asset monetisation’ entity,

show where participating teams

jointly owned by TV18 & Viacom18.

consisting of an adult and a

IndiaCast is uniquely poised to make

child, challenge each other’s

the most of the ever-growing Indian

teams over tasks focused on GK,

content distribution market in an

Science, Math, Bollywood, etc.

increasingly digitised environment.

Colors CricQuiz: A clutter breaking cricket quiz show that includes

The company’s mandate includes domestic distribution, placement

a series of challenging tasks

services, international channel

that brought the fun element

distribution, International Business

by putting the participants’

marketing and advertising sales,

cricket quotient to test.

new media (digital) distribution and

Body & Mind: A health and wellness

content syndication for all the group

show which encompassed everything

companies (TV18, Viacom18, A+E

from healthy eating to healthy living,

Networks | TV18, ETV network and

taking viewers on a journey towards

Turner International India) channels

better health by featuring some of

and content. In India, IndiaCast

the region’s best destinations and

aggregates and distributes over 68

In the Middle East and

channels spanning genres including

Africa, IndiaCast has strived

CheckMate: Hunt for the Smartest

general entertainment (Hindi

to produce content that is

Young Executive in the Middle

and regional), kids, news (Hindi,

locally relevant to its viewers,

East: A show wherein more

English, business, international

and which was conceptualised

than 500 students from across

and regional), music (Hindi and

and produced in the UAE.

universities auditioned. 16 aspiring

international), infotainment and

The company has channeled

experts for a healthy lifestyle.

students were shortlisted who

lifestyle, movies (Hindi and English),

its resources and scaled ahead to

competed in a TV series of holistic

etc. Internationally, IndiaCast has

become the foremost entertainment

business challenges to win an

a portfolio of over 25 channels

choice for the South Asian

opportunity to intern with leading

including Colors, MTV India, MTV

community in the region. IndiaCast

corporates in the Middle East.

Beats, Rishtey, News 18 and ETV’s

has also introduced various

regional language channels that

Bollywood-led events around

Apart from the locally produced

are viewed in 94 countries.

music, cricket and comedy.

shows, Indiacast also stages



various live events across

Shoaib Akhtar. It was a 90-minute

Colors Ka Sartaj – A talent hunt

the GCC which include:

gala dinner session of cricketing

organised for the welfare of

MTV India Unplugged in Dubai

secrets, stories and uninhibited

the blue-collar workforce in

and Oman: Featuring leading

entertainment while showcasing

the UAE reached out to 65,000

Bollywood playback singers like

their passion for cricket.

workers covering approximately

KK, Papon, Lucky Ali, Ayushmann

Book Launch of Bollywood Star

60 labour camps in the UAE.

Khurrana, Shafaqat Ali, Ali Zafar,

Rishi Kapoor: An evening of

Badshah, Salim Sulaiman, Kailash

entertainment and humour with

Kher and Harshdeep Kaur.

the evergreen veteran actor and the

Colors Live Events

launch of his book Khullam Khulla.

Contact IndiaCast Media Distribution

Stand-up Comedy Events:

Private Limited

Hazaaron Khwahishein Aisi - A

Various stand-up comedy

Office No. 213,

Tribute to late Ghazal Maestro Jagjit

events with comedians such as

Singh: Featuring Shekhar Ravjiani

Johnny Lever, Jamie Lever and

Loft Office 2B,

along with guest of honour Javed

Sunil Grover, to name a few.

Akhtar. Javed Akhtar, the master of poetry, recited his heartfelt,

Local Community Initiatives

Dubai Media City PO Box 502573 Dubai, UAE Website:

poetic verses while sharing his fond

Dubai Summer Camp – A six-week

memories of late Jagjit Singh, while

summer camp attended by more than

Shekhar Ravjiani and Deepak Pandit

200 school children per week, aged

Debkumar Dasgupta

added to the magic by syncing

three to nine, across four centres in

Akhtar’s words with their delightful

the UAE that created a safe, enjoyable

voice and tune respectively, bringing

experience for children as they

Tel: +91 9819600032

nostalgia to fans of Jagjit Singh.

learned new skills while attending

Brendan D’souza

Colors Cricket Conclave: Featuring

workshops covering diverse activities

leading Indian and Pakistani

like dance, art, aerobics, baking,

cricketers, Virender Sehwag and

painting, swimming and more.

Tel: +971 50 8840124



Spreading its reach in MENA and beyond Middle East Broadcasting Centre know as MBC Group, is at the very forefront of the industry in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The region’s largest multi-media company is home to 18 flagship satellite television channels, digital and online offerings and premium content production from general family entertainment to Hollywood blockbusters and 24-hour news to premium local productions. MBC reaches nearly 140 million viewers every day across the MENA region, both through its satellite television channels and online through SHAHID its video-on-demand (VOD) platform. Now, MBC Group is ambitiously pursuing plans to further enhance its offerings as well as its scale and reach.

Group History Launched in 1991, MBC1 was the first privately-owned, independent Arabic satellite TV station, providing 24-hour

respond to the growing demand for

television broadcasting across the Arab

high definition (HD) in the MENA.

world. After three successful years, the company expanded into radio.

Digital expansion has also been

Five-year Growth and Expansion Plan (2019-2024) MBC Group has entered into an

pivotal in the Group’s growth with the

ambitious five-year growth and

creation of several online platforms,

expansion plan, spearheaded by its

UK, it moved its headquarters to

including the Arab world’s first free

chairman Waleed Al-Ibrahim, focusing

the Dubai Media City in the UAE in

video-on-demand (VOD) and catch-

on enhancing first-rate content offerings

2002. In addition to its main channel

up portal, as well as

tailored to the Saudi Arabian, Iraqi, wider

offering, MBC Group was quick to

several websites and digital apps.

Middle Eastern and other audiences

Established initially in London,



around the world. The following key launches and initiatives are clear evidence of the scope of ambition. MBC Studios: In September 2018, MBC Group announced the launch of a brand-new subsidiary, MBC Studios, with the vision to build on the expertise of the Group’s production assets. With rising demand for nonEnglish content in the MENA region, MBC Studios will be tapping into the underdeveloped market, with the mission to producing the region’s most compelling stories for cinema, television and on-demand platforms. MBC Iraq: In February 2019, the Group announced the launch of MBC IrAq, a premium channel aimed at

including ‘SHAHID Originals’, as well as

Arab-speaking markets, a strategic

the entire Iraqi family. It forms part

global content acquisitions. In addition

agreement was made in November

of the company’s commitment to

to providing first-class programming

2018 with China’s National radio and

strengthening its relationship with

and content, significant investment

Television Administration (NrTA). The

Iraqi audiences. Programmes focus

is currently being made in product

new collaboration will involve sharing

on localised Iraqi productions in

and technology enhancements. This

expertise in TV and film production,

drama, comedy and socio-cultural

ensures that the group’s ever-growing

showing dubbed programming

premium entertainment shows.

audience in the MENA region have

to both audiences, as well as skill

access to best-in-class technology,

sharpening through joint seminars,

five-year strategy is its immense

where the viewer can always expect an

courses and training programmes.

intention for VOD platforms - SHAHID

intuitive and user-oriented experience.

SHaHID: At the core of MBC Group’s

and SHAHID PLUS that will see a whole host of new offerings and initiatives,

Committed to providing its audiences

China agreement: As part of the

and the public with the very best in

Group’s efforts to expand beyond the

Arabic and global premium content, MBC Group has been the leading powerhouse of media in the MENA region for decades. With its recent collaboration and expansion plans, it appears that the best is yet to come for audiences in the MENA region and beyond.

Contact MBC FZ LLC PO Box 72627 Dubai Tel: +971 4 391 9999

Social Media mbcgrouppr MBCPrTweets



Leaders in entertainment OSN is the region’s leading

when it acquired Pehla Media and

Distribution Platforms

entertainment network with

Entertainment, offering a variety

OSN has three key distribution

rights to broadcast in 24 countries

of channels in several south Asian

platforms. In addition to Direct to

across the MENA. OSN has a

languages in the MENA region,

Home (DTH) via satellite, OSN also

history of providing exceptional

with content such as Bollywood

offers IPTV services via telecom

value for customers with its focus

movies and cricket, including the

partners and OTT through WAVO,

on exclusive, in-demand content

ICC Cricket World Cup which is

its online TV streaming service.

and innovative digital platforms

highly anticipated this year.

for anywhere, anytime access.

OSN’s ambition is to deliver

Success in IPTV

entertainment everywhere for

For over a decade, OSN has been

range of exclusive programming led

everyone, which is informed by the

working with telecom partners

by its long-term partnerships with

company’s three key pillars, namely,

across the GCC to provide premium

studio majors including Disney, HBO,

customer-first approach, unrivalled

TV offering via the telcos’ IPTV

NBC Universal, Fox, Paramount,

exclusive content and unbeatable value.

platforms. IPTV is a great way to

OSN’s strength is its unbeatable

improve reach and ease access to OSN

MGM and Sony to name a few.

content, leveraging on the telecom

The network is home for premium and nowhere-else content in Arabic,

operators wide customer bases

English, Filipino and south Asian

and strong distribution networks. OSN’s strong IPTV partnerships

languages. It broadcasts the latest content at the same minute as in

provide convenience and quality

the USA, including popular series,

of service to the end customer.

blockbuster movies and the best in

Customers interact with the telco

kids and lifestyle programming.

as a one-stop-shop for all their connectivity and entertainment needs.

The company has been at the forefront of digital technology

Additionally, the growth of fibre-optic

innovation in the Middle East

internet and improving bandwidth

introducing the first Digital Video

speeds in the MENA region has

Recorder HD, OSN Play - an online TV

enabled IPTV to prosper as the TV

viewing platform, OSN Plus HD - an

experience is seamless and richer with

internet-enabled satellite receiver

more interactive user experiences.

and recorder and OSN on Demand,

MENA operators are emulating

the region’s first VOD service. OSN

mature markets and today’s trend

also expanded its language services

Patrick Tillieux, CEO, OSN.

is towards offering triple-play



The new season of Game of Thrones exclusively on OSN.

bundles whereby pay TV is part of

elevate its customers’ TV experience

streaming market across a full-range

the entry-level proposition which

such as AR, VR, 4k/8k and social TV.

of distribution channels. There is

generally includes fixed telephony

tremendous potential within the OTT

and broadband. Some operators are

OSN’s OTT Platform

going even further experimenting

In February, a new digital platform

OSN’s long-term experience there

with ‘quad-plays’ which include a

offering enhanced features and

is no doubt that WAVO will cater to

mobile plan and entertainment

additional viewing devices went

the entertainment needs of families

offering that enables a true

live to significantly enrich OSN’s

and the youth across the region.

anywhere and anytime viewing

streaming service ‘WAVO’. Premium

experience which OSN can provide.

exclusive content such as HBO (Game

5G represents the next growth

of Thrones and Big Little Lies), leading

opportunity in IPTV and OSN is

cricket events from around the world

working with key players across the

(including the ICC Cricket World Cup),

region to ensure customers get the

a growing library of box-sets and

best and exclusive content at great

27 live TV channels covering both

value. Increased connectivity, higher

Western and Arabic preferences,

bandwidths and lower operational

are accessible for a monthly

costs enable OSN and telecom

subscription starting from just $9.99.

partners to not only increase the

Partnerships with top

addressable base of potential

telecommunications and device

subscribers but to also ease the

brands in the region will allow WAVO

rollout of innovations which aim to

to make the most of the fast-growing

space in the MENA region and with

Contact OSN Dubai Media City PO Box 502211 Dubai, UAE Tel: 04 3677777

Social Media



Broadcasting live all day, all year Established in October 2016, Shock

array of media solutions from


Middle East is the fastest growing

producing promotional broadcast

Radio Hala 95.6 FM – It is the fastest

radio network and entertainment

content to conceptualising and

growing Arabic station in the UAE,

provider in the region.

designing bespoke retail radio

playing the latest and most popular

stations. This offers businesses

Arabic hits from around the region. It

edge media trading and broadcast

a comprehensive platform on

has now become the “go to” station

company that introduced the

which they can increase their sales

for the Arabic community in the UAE.

region’s first dedicated dance music

revenue and brand reputation.


Shock Middle East is a cutting-

station, Dance FM 97.8 in February

Shock Middle East is a constantly

Social Handle: @RadioHalaUAE

2017, a feel-good station Heart

evolving entity branching out

107.1 FM in November 2017 and a

into new avenues, exploring new

Dance 97.8 FM - The only dedicated

contemporary, fresh Arabic station,

horizons and territories in media and

dance music station in the region

Radio Hala 95.6 FM in April 2018.

expanding its fields to become the

reaching close to 400,000 listeners and

region’s number one entertainment

giving them the biggest dance beats and

solutions provider in the region.

an all-star DJ line up all day and all night.

Aside from broadcasting, Shock Middle East offers a wide



Dance FM is the fastest growing and


of male and female voiceover

No.1 trending radio station in the UAE.

Social Handle: @Shockmeevents

artistes, both English and Arabic.

Retail Radio

disposal, Shock ME has the means

Website: Social Handle: @DanceFMUAE

With a wealth of resources at its

Retail Radio is a solution for retailers to

to produce content of the highest

Heart 107.1 FM - The only hot adult

engage with customers more efficiently

quality and deliver the final product

contemporary radio station in the

than conventional advertising.

to you on-time, every time.

UAE playing the biggest hits from the

Shock Middle East offers bespoke

90s and noughties. Heart targets the

audio ambience which not only plays

female audience and guarantees a

uniquely designed music but also

Commercial Radio Advertisements

feel-good factor. Heart 107.1 is the

delivers your promotional content


station that everyone’s talking about!

to your target demographic through



premium quality in-house facilities.

Corporate Audio and Visual

Social Handle: @iheartUAE

Shock Middle East produces a variety

Shock ME produces a wide range of content including:

In-store Audio Content

of promotional content from loyalty

In-Flight Audio

schemes and in-store promotions, jingles

Commercial Jingles

Shock Events is a fully integrated A

or even holiday greetings. The package

Commercial Music Libraries

to Z solution provider, from initial

includes a complimentary app which will

Television Commercials

consultation to the final handover.

allow your customers to tune in to your

Sound Design

Shock Events tells the story of

station even when they are not in-store.

Audio for Games

Shock Events

your business, brand or ethos through specially curated events by



understanding your objectives and

Content Production

helping you achieve this by providing

Content Production is a fully equipped,

Shock Middle East

creative, exciting and ‘spot on’ solutions.

in-house production studio managed

Building 10, Office 134-137,

by the Shock ME professional

Media City

Family shows, Exhibition Design

production team. The studio has

Dubai, UAE

and Installation, Multimedia

access to a comprehensive music

Management and Event Management

library spanning every possible

Tel: +97145577666

for corporate and private clients.

genre and also has a large roster

Shock Events specialises in Live




Arabic video on demand platform Zee Entertainment Enterprises

owns the Zee Music label, movie

The same year, ZEE completed 25

Limited (ZEEL) is a global media and

production company Zee Studios as well

glorious years and announced its new

entertainment company with a presence

as live events and digital businesses.

brand identity and logo to incorporate

in television broadcasting, movies, music,

In the MENA region, ZEE has channels

its ‘Extraordinary Together’ vision.

live entertainment and digital businesses.

such as ZEE TV, ZEE Cinema, and

The group is available in 173 countries

television that caters to the south

and reaches 1.3 billion people every

Asian diaspora. It also caters to Arabic

Weyyak, the Brand New Video-on-Demand

day. ZEEL has more than 260,000 hours

audiences with dedicated Arabic content

Z5X Global is the digital wing of Zee and

of television content for users served

on Zee Aflam and Zee Alwan channels.

has ventured into the video-on-demand

In 2017, ZEE launched its first radio

space with Weyyak for Arabic audiences

through 39 domestic and 39 international channels and over 4800 movie titles

station in the UAE, 106.2 BIG FM, an adult

depicted in various languages. Apart

contemporary radio station reaching

from television content, the company

out to the south Asian community.

and ZEE5 for the south Asian customers. Weyyak is a video-on-demand platform and the first product of Z5X Global. It is


one of the first platforms in the MENA region offering exclusive Indian and

Armaano Ki and Qadyeat Raae Aam.


regional brands and advertisers to leverage Weyyak’s maximum potential

premium Arabic dubbed and subtitled

Compelling Viewer Response

content via the AVOD experience. The

Weyyak has received a positive response,

OTT service targets the Arabic-speaking

crossing one million users on several

viewer and enables him to watch content

platforms such as Android, iOS, Apple

trendsetter category at the seventh and

anywhere, anytime, free of charge.

TV and Roku. It has a high retention

eighth editions of the ASBU BroadcastPro

‘Weyyak’ which means ‘with you’ was

rate and users spend an average of an

ME Summit and Awards in 2017 and

launched during Ramadan 2017.

hour per day watching its content.

2018. The video-on-demand platform

Weyyak depicts one of the biggest

Weyyak aims to reach out to as

as a highly effective advertising and communications platform. Weyyak has won accolades in the OTT

also won ‘Best Micro Influencer Strategy’

content libraries including thousands

many consumers as possible and has

on Instagram at the Social Media Summit

of hours of exclusive, engaging TV

hence tied up with leading retail brand,

2018 as well as the Youtube Silver

series and films. In keeping up with

Samsung. Weyyak and Samsung together

Button for reaching 100K subscribers.

audience demand, it offers a choice

give their users the Smartpack offering

of content - from Bollywood films and

wherein consumers have an unlimited

Indian television shows to exclusive

range of content at their disposal via

Egyptian, Syrian and Arabic content.

the SmartPack platform, including

Weyyak content offering consists

thousands of movies, the latest TV

of multiple genres in series and films

series and a host of premium content

such as romance, drama, horror,

on purchase of the new Samsung QLED

comedy, kids’ content, lifestyle shows,

series TVs, Premium UHD and UHD TVs.

culinary and fitness programmes. Some

Another mutually beneficial

exclusive stories portray historical

collaboration includes Weyyak and

dramas such as Jhansi Ki Rani, Jodha

DMS - the digital arm of the Choueiri

Akbar, Sultana Razia, Cleopatra, Maleka

Group, with the latter as the exclusive

Fa Al Manfa and compelling women

media representative for Weyyak.

empowerment topics in Gangaa, Doli

The tie-up aims to focus on getting

Contact Zee Network 404 Dubai Media City Zee Tower Building Dubai, UAE Website:

Social Media Z5weyyak Z5weyyak z5weyyak weyyak



K60 Y40 K30



Assendive The Broadcast & Media Specialists

Delivering efficient solutions and services Assendive Communications is a group of consultants focusing on professional support across the rapidly evolving broadcast and media industry spectrum. Services are customised, compliant and within approved budgets to suit individual customer preferences which also include assigning different consultants for specific parts of a project. From start to finish of the complex parts that make up the broadcast and media chain, the company stays in touch with regional and international companies to help supplement services that are essential for broadcast operations. Assendive Communications also ensures clients are best served in

Assendive consultants ensure rapid


their area of requirement by offering

deployment and smooth rollout while

Assendive is founded and managed

the very latest in technology. Advice

sticking to stringent deadlines.

by Viswanathan Skandakkumar,

is expert, decisive and focused so

Through industry knowhow and

a professional with 26 years of

as to help the customer accomplish

experience the company is capable of

experience in the field of terrestrial

the substantial task at hand. The

carrying out the workflow processes

broadcast transmission systems. A

company’s area of influence oversees

involved in the building of broadcast

comprehensive understanding of

the GCC, the Middle East and Africa.

and media infrastructure which can

operations and maintenance, network

be tedious and time-consuming if not

planning, systems design, integration,

handled by skilled hands. Detailed

business development, sales,

Services provided encompass solutions

analysis and review of work stipulations,

marketing and project management

that increase efficiency, speed up

capacity to fine-tune a project as

are Skandakkumar’s trademark skills.

workflow and allow effective use

it gets underway and planning are

of products that allow seamless

crucial to any broadcast and media

multiple projects in the GCC and the

processes for quick results. No matter

project – this can include selecting

Middle East simultaneously handling

the scope and nature of the project

the best resources and technology to

complex, large, medium and small-scale

or geographical area of operation,

suit individual business demands.

projects. He has had promising careers

Efficient Systems

A seasoned expert, he has engineered



CONSULTANTS: (From left) Viswanathan Skandakkumar, Michael Buholzer, David Cope, David Smith, Steve Leaver, Tom King and George Allcock.

with international names such as Rohde

IPTV, OTT and headend

Solutions Procurement –

& Schwarz and Alan Dick, helping these

File-based media solutions

Procurement management

companies broaden their operations

Structural design and analysis

is important for a successful

network, intensifying their broadcast

Electrical and earthing

project. Timely negotiations

terrestrial businesses and increasing

Heat air ventilation and cooling

with suppliers and releasing

the bulk of their market share.



purchase orders plays a vital role in maintaining project time lines

The company also looks after services

Project Management – The

The Assendive team of consultants are

for end-users, vendors and systems

project manager plays a key role

a skilled network of experts who have

integrators, key services that are

in defining the success of a project

comprehensive knowhow of complex

essential during project plan and

and ensuring it is implemented

systems. The team consists of Michael

implementation. These comprise:

and operational changes effected

Buholzer David Smith, David Cope

Site Surveys – an important aspect

in such a way so as to achieve the

Stephen Leaver, Tom King and George

of the broadcast spectrum

benefits expected by the organisation

Allcock, a cross-section of experienced

Systems Design – which ensures

immediately, as well as in the future

broadcast specialists with a keen eye

design of systems that are not simply

during the product’s life cycle

on market fluctuations and changing

flexible and efficient, but one that

Technology Training – In a rapidly

trends. Hands-on proficiency in

is also necessarily future- proof

changing industry, it is important

cutting-edge broadcast infrastructure,

System Drawings – the foundation of

to keep team members up-to-

commissioning and setting up of radio

any project, one that communicates

date. Proficiency with technology

and television systems across the world

the technical details of a project.

is imperative in terms of the value

gives the team the critical technical edge.

RFP Preparation – RFPs need to

it delivers to an organisation

The team offers cost-effective practices

communicate specifications and

Business Development – Business

for a range of digital transmission

the scope of works clearly

development is about detailed

challenges and infrastructure expansion

Budget Calculations – Deriving

market research and understanding

procedures. Global experience in

exact budgets for systems design,

its segments, detecting potential

setting up systems helps the team

specification and scope of work

new business opportunities and

understand and grasp an array of

Bid Preparation – Tender preparation

responsibilities of a business developer

situational risks and arrangements.

is a complex process requiring

Areas of Consultancy

numerous attachments, use of graphics and pictures and special

The Assendive list of comprehensive

layouts and formatting. Assendive can

and inclusive solutions are wide-

prepare professional bids that can

ranging and cover the following:

take customers to the last stage of

Television broadcast

evaluation in a bid evaluation process

Radio broadcast

Bid Evaluation – Accurately determine

Satellite transmission

bids that must be in accordance with

Terrestrial transmission

procedures stipulated in the RFP

Contact Assendive Communications LLC Office 10, Level 1 Sharjah Media City, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 50 459 2325 Email: Website:



master media

Quality support for the broadcast media industry Master Media was founded by Hasan

production or broadcasting facility,

selection and contract negotiation,

R. Sayed Hasan, an award-winning

through technology design and

to completion and delivery.

broadcast media executive with more

management, training and operational

than 25 years of experience in the

assistance, to recruitment and

Technology ArchiTecTure

broadcast media industry. Master

business development support.

And SoluTionS deSign Technology Infrastructure Consulting

Media’s team has been in the forefront of utilising and implementing the latest

BuSineSS And commerciAl

Technology and Operations Auditing

and upcoming technologies in setting


Systems Design

up and managing leading broadcasting

For new projects or expansions

networks and facilities, and in

to existing operations,

ProjecTS delivery

establishing and managing the regional

Master Media offers:

Master Media supplies a

businesses of top international

Feasibility Studies and

complete and comprehensive

broadcasting manufacturers

Business Planning

range of programme and project

and solutions providers.

Commercial Modelling and

management services supporting

Revenue Forecasting

clients in their project lifecycles.

Wide Range of Services

CAPEX and OPEX Budgeting

Master Media delivers a varied

humAn cAPiTAl ServiceS

portfolio of consultancy and

ProcuremenT STrATegieS,

Master Media’s range of recruitment

professional services to the media


services includes executive search

and broadcasting industry. This

And mAnAgemenT

and selection for senior management,

ranges from feasibility studies and

Master Media manages RFPs

both permanent and interim, and

business planning to setting up

and tenders from requirements

recruitment of complete operational

of a broadcasting network, media

development, through vendor

and technical teams for start-up

Master Media is member of various international industry associations like the IABM, IEEE, SMPTE, AES, the Arab HDTV group and others.



organisations and broadcasters. The

Al jAZeerA mediA neTWorK:

company provides an expert mix of

Consultancy, Vendor Management,

talent placement services especially

and Project Management for

on project-basis. Master Media

Workplace Transformation project

also develops training programmes

Al-ArAB neWS chAnnel:

customised to client needs.

Broadcast Technology and Operations Consultancy and

BuSineSS develoPmenT SuPPorT

Project Management

With a deep understanding and

PuBlic AuThoriTy For rAdio

rich network within the Middle

And Tv, omAn: Training and

East’s media industry, Master

Operational Assistance

Media provides strategic advice and

ericSSon BroAdcAST

business development support to

And mediA ServiceS

companies interested in entering

(now red Bee mediA): Market

the Middle East market.

Entry Strategy Development and Implementation

Select Projects and Clients Master Media’s clients and projects include a variety of regional and

urdu 1, PAKiSTAn: Technology Hasan R. Sayed Hasan, Managing Director, Master Media.

and Operations Consultancy and Launch support chAnnel92, PAKiSTAn:

international media entities. Some of the projects undertaken

A regionAl nATionAl

Technology Consultancy

and clients served over the last

BroAdcASTer: Technology

AdSTreAm: Market Entry

few years are listed below.

and Operations Audit

Advisory Services

The lArgeST gloBAl evenT

A regionAl mediA cAmPuS

youToo TechnologieS:

in The menA region: Media

ProjecT: Media Technology,

Market Entry Advisory Services

and Broadcast Multi-Disciplinary

Facilities Design, and Smart

Fly STudio, cAnAdA: Business

Strategic Consultancy

Solutions Consultancy

Development Support

Contact master media FZ-llc Media Zone Abu Dhabi (twofour54) PO Box 77915 Abu Dhabi, UAE Tel: +971 2 6349121 Website: Hasan R. Sayed Hasan Managing Director Tel: +971 55 881 7437 email:

Social Media Master_MediaTV Master Media team with their partners OrchestraBlue and Janson Tsai Design.






Safe and secure pay TV protection solutions CryptoGuard, founded in 2007 in

cloning, control word sharing

Sweden, is a global provider of pay

or any other piracy threats.

TV content protection solutions

CryptoGuard always uses

such as Conditional Access (CAS)

state-of-the-art EAL5+ certified

and Digital Rights Management

smartcard chips. CryptoGuard

(DRM) for any platform DVB, IPTV

CAS is feature-rich with open

and OTT. CryptoGuard’s solutions

architecture and APIs for integration

are flexible, scalable, cost-effective

with third party systems, such as

and support an attractive pay-as-you-

business applications, billing, CRM, EPG,

grow business model, ideal for any

data-mining, etc. The future-oriented

size of network and operator. In recent

CAS supports any business model,

years the company has experienced

includes SMS and can be extended

substantial growth and has expanded

with DRM and OTT for anywhere,

its product portfolio with an end-to-end

any screen viewing experience.

OTT/IPTV solution which includes the solutions are deployed in 50 plus

Multi-DRM Solution for Any Size OTT Operator

countries worldwide, with a number

CryptoGuard’s Multi-DRM Solution

of national TV broadcasters selecting

offers any size OTT operator to cost-

CryptoGuard as its security partner.

effectively manage content rights

CryptoGuard is well-positioned with

towards users and devices from the

Multi-DRM security. The company’s

sales offices in three continents and with

offering low entry cost and an attractive

CryptoGuard head-end. The settings

an extensive partner ecosystem bringing

pay-as-you-grow business model. The

of OTT functions such as Start Over TV,

world-class solutions to the market.

system is ideal for securing any size

Catch Up TV, limiting the number of

of network and can scale from few

simultaneous devices, etc. are easily

hundreds to millions of subscribers.

managed together with the broadcasted

CAS - Conditional Access System

The CAS has been audited by

live TV streams. The solution supports

CryptoGuard’s CAS is one of the most

Farncombe (Cartesian) and utilises

DRM formats including Google-Widevine,

flexible and secure pay TV content

advanced security for both card-less and

Apple-FairPlay and Microsoft-PlayReady

protection solutions in the market today

card-based solutions to avoid device

enabling highly secure content delivery.



These DRMs are natively supported by the browser, mobile device or set top box and are approved by major studios. The DRM supports DASH, MPEG4 and HLS profiles, on the fly encryption and online and offline viewing.

CryptoLITE End-toEnd OTT Solution CryptoLITE is a complete end-to-end OTT solution which includes all processing and distribution of OTT broadcast streams to end-user devices such as mobiles, STBs and PCs. The entire OTT solution is supplied by CryptoGuard and is cost-effective and quick to deploy. CryptoLITE OTT system has superb scaling capability with a pay-as-you-

with Conditional Access (CAS), Channel

protected by CryptoGuard CAS but the

grow business model, ideal for any size

List and EPG data. This way of providing

consumer experiences rich service.

operator. The solution offers enhanced

a basic middleware and CAS reduces

viewer experience with advanced TV

the STB cost and scales better than

Mobile CAS

features such as live TV, Time shifting,

systems where a middleware server

Watch TV on mobile devices without

Catchup, Start-over, nPVR and VOD.

from a third-party provider is used.

internet access. This solution enables

Solution offers a wide selection of

terrestrial TV operators to deliver pay TV

STBs, from pure zapper boxes to more

services also to Android mobile devices

CryptoGuard’s IPTV solution with superb

advanced boxes supporting Android and

over DVB-T/T2 or ISDB-T networks. The

scaling capability reduces cost and time

OTT services. With Android boxes it is

mobile devices receive TV signals by

to market for establishing high-quality

possible to also add apps such as Netflix

utilising a standard mobile TV dongle

Multicast IPTV services on local networks

and YouTube, offering movies, music,

and pay TV services are decrypted by

for any size of operator. CryptoGuard

etc. In this case the pay TV operator

CryptoGuard’s Mobile CAS integrated

provides a core and head-end server

only provides the linear channels

with the mobile TV dongle app.

IPTV Solution

Contact CryptoGuard AB Östermalmsgatan 101 SE-591 60 Motala Sweden Tel: +46 971 107 35 Website: Saad Mouneimne Director Area Sales Middle East & Africa Tel: +47 900 928 31



Your partner in digital platform security entertainment, games and sports. Ensuring that the creators of these experiences are rewarded has a direct impact on both employment and enjoyment. Irdeto protects not only the intellectual property owner, but also the consumer with solutions to combat credential theft and cheating. By doing this, Irdeto is protecting the creative processes that are essential to media and entertainment. Irdeto’s categories cover security, anti-piracy, content protection, pay TV, OTT, IPTV/streaming, satellite, cable and broadcast.

Piracy Control and Android TV Solutions Irdeto is the world leader in digital

established and reliable partner to

In 2018, Irdeto launched the next-

platform security, protecting

build a secure future where people

generation of its Piracy Control

platforms and applications for video

can embrace connectivity without fear.

solution. Providing rapid detection and

entertainment, video games, connected

Irdeto is headquartered in Hoofddorp,

enforcement for content owners and

transport and IoT connected industries.

The Netherlands and has more than 15

operators, the online piracy detection

Irdeto’s solutions and services enable

offices worldwide, including Dubai, UAE.

and enforcement solution now

customers to protect their revenue,

Irdeto’s area of expertise is digital

provides new data-driven web video

create new offerings and fight

platform security and it works with

discovery tools with expert analyst

cybercrime. With 50 years of expertise

operators, OTT service providers,

oversight, multi-language site searches,

in security, Irdeto’s software security

content owners and rights holders

integrated social media and search

technology and cyberservices protect

to protect premium content and

engine discovery, as well as peer-to-

over five billion devices and applications

platforms from hacking, piracy

peer (P2P) stream discovery such as

for some of the world’s best-known

and other criminal threats.

SopCast and Ace Stream. These new

brands. With a unique heritage in security innovation, Irdeto is the well-

Irdeto protects the livelihood of everyone involved in video

features enable content owners and distributors to quickly and accurately



recently launched direct-to-home (DTH) service to subscribers in Slovakia. The new service was launched along with a new premium sports channel Orange Sport, with Irdeto Conditional Access securing a range of premium content.

Key Clients In addition to the projects mentioned above, Irdeto’s clients include beIN Sports, MBC, Al Majd TV Network, Cable Network Egypt, Tata Sky, Premier League and Liberty Global.

Contact Irdeto Taurusavenue 105 identify and then shut down pirated

strategic partnership sees Irdeto

content across streaming video on

implement its state-of-the-art

demand (SVOD), direct download

security solutions – Irdeto Armor for

(DDL) and hybrid pirate websites.

Android TV, Irdeto Cloaked CA and

Irdeto also launched Armor for

Middleware – on Airtel’s set-top-boxes

Android TV which provides operators

to deliver the utmost safety for all its

with the ability to securely manage

valuable content and also provide

this open platform. By supporting

improved customer experience.

broadcast, OTT and new apps through

This followed Irdeto’s selection by

open platforms like Android TV,

Orange Slovensko as its partner to

operators are better able to address

securely deliver content through its

consumer demand now and in the future. In order to succeed in today’s ever-evolving pay TV landscape, operators need to offer innovative and secure platforms. Irdeto Armor for Android TV enables operators to reap the benefits of Android TV while maintaining full control of security on their platform, including managing content piracy and preventing loading of unauthorised software.

Recent Projects Irdeto recently partnered with Bharti Airtel (Airtel), India’s largest telecommunications service provider, to secure all content offered on Airtel’s Digital TV services. The

2132 LS Hoofddorp The Netherlands Tel: +31 23 556 2000 Website: Khaled Al-Jamal Head of Sales, MENA

Social Media Irdeto company/irdeto



Smart solutions for the OTT era Nagra is market leader in content value protection for the pay TV industry. It protects more than $90 billion in annual revenues for more than 550 pay TV service providers and works with many of the largest operators worldwide, including Dish Network, Canal+, Altice Group, Telefonica, Vodafone, Skylife and Liberty Global, to name a few. Nagra is also a leading partner to a large majority of Hollywood studios with its watermarking solutions for production, post-production and digital cinema. The company also benefits from the Kudelski Group’s ongoing investment

Content Value Protection

in R&D (more than $200m a year)

Nagra’s research has shown that

and its extensive patent portfolio.

streaming piracy via set-tops, apps

include the International Broadcaster

In 2013, NAGRA’s parent company,

and add-ons is a major security

Coalition Against Piracy (IBCAP)

the Kudelski Group launched Kudelski

threat which will only get worse.

and the Deutsche Football League,

Security, a new cybersecurity business

The company has been proactive in

Bundesliga, for monitoring and take-

serving the USA and European markets.

raising awareness about this growing

down services, as well as winning a

It is the largest pure-play cybersecurity

threat and proposed solutions

default judgement in the USA worth

solutions provider in Switzerland and

through technological solutions and

$101 million in a lawsuit against China’s

one of the fastest growing cybersecurity

legal expertise, that can help content

Zhuhai Gotech Intelligent Technology

solutions providers in the USA. In early

owners and service providers keep

Co., LTD., alleged to operate a global

2017, to address demand for increased

piracy under control. The company has

piracy network that sold millions

protection of connected devices, the

solutions that go beyond traditional

of piracy-enabled set-top boxes.

group launched its Internet of Things

content protection and encryption

(IoT) Security Centre of Excellence,

technologies to address illicit streaming

Engaging User Experience

capitalising on the expertise of Nagra’s

head-on with a holistic approach to

The Nagra product range offers a

decades of innovation in protecting

content value protection, leveraging

diverse set of user experiences offering

digital TV content and devices.

new cybersecurity technology and

consumers the best content discovery

creating anti-piracy ecosystems. Recent successes in anti-piracy



possible to satisfy all levels of users, from basic to the content connoisseur, enabling service providers to offer the best-in-class service. Nagra OpenTV Suite is built to address the need for unification and simplicity, focused on operational efficiency, business profitability and customer satisfaction.

Cloud Technologies and Data Analytics Nagra’s unique content value protection concept features security headends tailored to the business needs of pay TV service providers with common security clients adopted

leading to growing risks of increased

with big data and artificial intelligence

across device ecosystems for both

churn and reduced ARPU in several

algorithms applied to pay TV business

broadcast and connected networks.

markets. With its Software-as-a-

issues. Insight can be used directly

The Nagra cloud.SSP security platform

Services (SaaS) Insight platform,

by operational, marketing and

takes CAS and DRM technology to the

Nagra helps pay TV providers drive

content teams at pay TV providers

next level to enable secure premium

their business using big data and

to improve business metrics and

content delivery over any two-way

artificial intelligence to generate smart

by business intelligence teams to

network to any device while offering

actions that improve the business

enrich their data and predictions.

a migration from an off-the-shelf

bottom line. The platform leverages

system to a modular headend as

a cross-functional team that has

operators is a strong asset and

services evolve. It also guards against

strong pay TV experience and that

differentiator. Insight adds an

any type of threat and vulnerability

includes high-level consultants,

intelligent layer on top of it to make it

to Android TV deployments.

marketers, content distribution

agile and customer-centric, creating

strategists, data scientists, architects,

artificial intelligence-driven actions and

developers and data technologists.

measuring their impact. It enables pay

Evolving viewer behaviour and a dynamic competitive landscape are posing significant challenges to the premium content industry,

Unlike business intelligence generalist platforms, Insight comes

The infrastructure of pay TV

TV operators to make more money and make better strategic decisions.

Contact Nagra Kudelski Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne Switzerland Thierry Legrand SVP Sales & Services EMEA, Nagra Website:

Social Media nagrakudelski company/nagra





Complete range of value-added solutions Founded in 2002, Advanced Media

is synonymous with trust and

and dedication, Advanced Media is

Trading LLC is the Middle East’s largest

accountability. Its experience in turnkey

proud to have been awarded sole

supplier of broadcast, professional

project implementation enables it

distribution and introduction rights of

video and photography equipment

to offer value-added solutions.

a number of new brands in the region.

and accessories. Headquartered

More than 80 well-known brands in

in Dubai, UAE, Advanced Media


manages its business all over the

Through consistent efforts at

photography are sold and distributed

MENA and is engaged in every aspect

introducing new technologies, brands

across subsidiary shops in the region.

of the broadcast, professional video

and industry innovations, Advanced

and photography industry including

Media’s core vision is to be the number

Solutions, Carl Zeiss, DJI, Hasselblad,

sales, consultancy, installation,

one trusted supplier and service

RED, Angenieux, Cooke Optics, Canon,

training, service and maintenance.

provider in the region. Customers can

Profoto, Manfrotto, SWIT, Atomos,

Advanced Media’s wide range of

be assured that the company not only

Fujinon, Teradek, Movcam, GFM,

high-quality products combined with

provides the latest enabling technology

Secced, Cartoni, Blackmagic, Edelkrone,

exceptional service and professional

but also practical solutions and support

Floatcam, Glidecam, Freefly, Angelbird,

expertise has secured it as a market

for technical and creative issues.

Avenger, Zacuto, Shape, NiSi Filters,

leader in the region. As a leading supplier of the finest video and

Core Brands

photography products, the company

Through customer-focused vision

The Advanced Media showroom.

cinematography, professional video and

Some of these are Sony Professional

Formatt, Metabones, Audio Technica, Tokina, Vislink, RTS, LEE Filters, Kinoflo, Dedolight, Datavideo, Redrock Micro,


DJI Mavic Air product launch at the Sanad Academy.


The service centre at Advanced Media.

Sennheiser, G-Technology, PlayBox,

supplied by the specific manufacturer

Cityscape Photography Workshop

Datacolor, Advent, Sonifex, Zhiyun,

and all jobs managed efficiently and

Davinci Resolve 101 Workshop

Insta360, SmallHD, Tether Tools,

with a high level of customer care.

Long Exposure Photography

Filmgear, Cosmolight, HPRC, Godox,

Advanced Media has also established

Workshop (by NiSi Filters)

a professional lens maintenance

Digital Filmmaking Workshop

centre equipped with essential tools

by Alister Chapman

to repair any type of broadcast

DJI Mavic Air Product Launch

The Advanced Media Trading

and professional lenses including

Optical Afternoon with Les Zellan

showroom and offices are conveniently

2/3” HD-SD, ENG, EFP/box and PL

(Cooke Optics workshop)

located at Al Khaleej Center, Bur

mount / cine lenses such as Fujinon,

Canon EOS C200 Product Launch

Dubai. The 250sq.m. showroom

Canon, Zeiss, Arri and Angenieux.

DJI New Product Experience

Zoom Audio and many more.


provides a ‘hands-on’ experience,

(Spark) - Dubai

range of products. Showroom

Training, Workshops and Events

associates offer professional support

Advanced Media Trading hosts

and advice and a 40-member highly

educational and promotional events on

professional, multi-lingual team is

a regular basis to showcase its latest


the mainstay of the company. The

products and services. These are often

Advanced Media is one of the

team comprises industry experts in

hosted by key industry professionals

biggest participants at key

various aspects of photography and

from across the globe who offer

exhibitions in the UAE. These include

videography who remain dedicated

valuable insights into technological

CABSAT, Photo World, Photo Live,

to bringing life to technology.

advancements and techniques.

Gulf Photo Plus ‘GPP’, GITEX.

with the opportunity to test a wide

Service Centre

DJI Professional Aerial Workshop RED EPIC-W and WEAPON 8K S35 Launch

Some recent workshops covered by Advanced Media included:

Advanced Media’s service centre is

Opening Up New Dimension with

the authorised service centre for most

ZEISS Supreme Prime Lenses

brands it distributes. The engineering

DJI Osmo Pocket Launch

team consists of certified professionals

‘The Power of Imagery’ a Wedding

who share their technical expertise

Photography Seminar

and who are committed to resolving

Astrophotography Workshop

technical and maintenance issues. The

RED Digital Cinema Seminar

service centre is authorised to perform

Sony A7 III Product Launch

repairs both in and out of warranty

DJI New Pilot Experience

periods, and all spare parts are

Milky Way Photography Workshop

Contact Advanced Media Trading LLC No. 409, 4th floor, Al Khaleej Center Bur Dubai, Dubai, UAE PO Box 44156 Tel: +971 4 352 9977 Mob: +971509767167 Fax: +971 4 352 9976 Website:



Quality used broadcast and satellite equipment While maintaining leverage on the sector, BS Broadcast is also a customer-orientated company, reflected in the high standards it sets on its products and staff.

Vibrant Refresh Cycle Strategically located in the UAE to facilitate easy shipment across the globe, the company was established in 2016 by its current CEO, Muhammad Irfan Gondal, a key and active figure in the Middle East and South Asia’s broadcasting industry. Since 1999, he has been instrumental in the creation of media deployment requirements for news organisations and channels BS Broadcast is UAE’s leading

integrated hardware, BS Broadcast

in the region. As a reliable contact for

supplier of used broadcast, satellite

helps small and big companies attain

TV and radio stations, an increasing

and communications hardware and

easy, rapid deployment of their

number of customers approached

equipment to the Middle East and

comprehensive, operational efficiencies

him for revamped satellite equipment.

south Asia markets. As a premier

in the most cost-effective way.

And in effect, BS Broadcast was born,

one-point source for quality-tested,

BS Broadcast has so far had a

refurbished satellite and broadcast

successful response to business in

equipment, BS Broadcast is committed

Egypt, Iraq, India, Jordan, Pakistan,

technology refresh cycles, organisations

to providing solutions that satisfy the

Afghanistan, Philippines and Turkey

in regions such as Asia and Africa do

broad spectrum of communication

and is looking to extend its portfolio

not always have the financial capacity

requirements, providing good return on

of equipment solutions through

or the necessity to purchase latest

investment. With a mammoth stock that

partnerships with leading European

equipment. Buying and selling of used

supports the best possible and perfectly

and American used equipment dealers.

broadcast and satellite equipment

serving customers worldwide. While Europe and America enjoy rapid



is a well-established practice in the

functionality. All goods are guaranteed

USA and in Europe but “an untapped

to work and each item is subjected

market here in the Middle East.” “We

separately to a rigorous test by in-

are stepping in to address this gap.

house engineers to ensure quality. The

Not all regions have capital advantage,

company offers a 90-day warranty on

while some areas may not require the

every sale and orders can be placed via

latest devices either,” says Gondal.

the BS Broadcast website, or directly with

BS Broadcast is keen to engage

the sales team at

with TV and radio stations, earth stations, satellite uplink providers,

Trade-in Facility

satellite news gathering (SNG) service

BS Broadcast offer potential

providers, production houses, media

clients with a trade-in programme,

training centres and educational

allowing customers to swap their

institutions that lack the budgets to buy

existing equipment for exchanges

expensive solutions but still require

or discounts. Whether rotating out

reliable high-grade equipment.

existing equipment, remarketing

Extensive Stock

or clearing storage, bsbroadcast. The company’s accumulated stock

com can assist in securing maximum

BS Broadcast’s exhaustive inventory is

of over 885 products come from 69

value on investments. This in turn

the biggest in the market, all of which

market-leading manufacturers. Products

allows customers to evolve to higher

are available at a discounted price.

range from 3G, high definition (HD) and

or newer systems within individual

The stock comprises a wide range of

standard definition (SD) equipment such

budgetary modes. The company

broadcasting equipment that prove

as video monitors, converters, playout

is always looking to buy used

to be a cost-effective alternative to

servers, satellite antennae, terminals, RF

broadcast and satellite equipment.

buying new appliances - there is one

modulators, satellite decoders, encoders,

to suit individual customer budget

frequency converters, multiplexers, high

Company Goals

and requirement. Customers can get

performance amplifiers (HPAs), sync

BS Broadcast aims to provide

in touch directly with the company or

pulse generators (SPGs) and routers.

customers with future-proof

opt for the online store for each prerequisite specification and project.

Each piece of high-grade equipment is tested for one hundred percent

investments when buying or selling their second-hand broadcast and satellite goods. Professional staff is at hand to manage large quantities of renovated stock to ensure customers receive top-notch service at reasonable rates and at all times. For more information, visit

Contact BS Broadcast RAK Media City UAE Tel: +971 505686786 Mob: +971 502448786 Email: Website:



Broadcast solutions under one roof NMK Electronics Enterprises began

and the communications market.

operations in 1987 focusing on

Education and delivery of up-

the AV industry. From its humble

to-date information is covered by

beginnings in Sharjah, the company

regular training events for dealers and

has grown into a leading distributor

end-users. All hands-on seminars are

of professional AV in the Middle East,

certified and most trainings are free

now headquartered in Dubai, UAE.

to attend in the UAE, Oman, Kuwait

NMK is the exclusive distributor

and Saudi Arabia. As the industry is

of top tier brands including (but not

constantly evolving, the main goal of

limited to) Shure, Luminex, Furman,

these trainings and certifications is to

Avid, Neutrik, Clear-Com, Williams

keep the region up-to-date with the

Sound, K&M, Roland, Mackie, Cloud, DSAN, Primacoustic, Radial, Mersive,

latest technology in the market. Shure at CABSAT 2018.

Terbly and Vandamme. With a long

The company has a long history of exhibiting at various trade shows

history in the AV business spanning

also provides live demonstrations/

in the region including CABSAT and

over 30 years, NMK has prepared

thorough training and certifications

Prolight & Sound to name a few.

itself for new successful ventures

along with exceptional after-sales

NMK has successfully supported

that will propel the company to

support. NMK service centre provides

leading systems integration partners

greater heights in the coming years.

local support and repairs for all

on several successful projects in

brands distributed by the company.

the region including Dubai Media,

Every product that leaves the

MBC and many more. Since its

warehouse is firmware updated and

establishment, NMK has built and

The key differentiator of NMK among

pre-tested for manufacturing defects.

developed strong relationships with

other similar players is its pro-active

The segments that NMK operates

both manufacturers and clients

approach in representing brands.

include install, live, sound, lighting,

through their exceptional customer

Not only does it offer products, it

broadcast, production, consumer

service and support.

Distribution and Other Activities

Brands Distributed



Broadcast Products in Focus Shure – Axient Digital Wireless The Axient Wireless Management Network confidently navigates even the most limited spectrum. Axient components continuously monitor, evaluate, prioritise, queue and assign compatible UHF frequencies. And they are fully networkable, enabling real-time remote adjustments. Shure – Motiv and VP Series

SMAART Training.

MVL/A, MV88, MV88+, MV5 - Digital microphones and recording

Neutrik – TOP connectors

FreeSpeak II is the ideal wireless

solutions that deliver great sound

To ensure true outdoor protection,

roaming solution for live event,

quality anywhere.

Neutrik has enhanced their range with

broadcast, sport production, industrial,

VP83 | VP83F | VP82 | VP89 | VP64

appropriate materials to fulfil NEMA

military and government applications.

| VP88 - Durable and lightweight

250 and UL50E requirements. With

microphones in various form factors

this improvement the new TOP series

Education in Focus

for broadcast and media production.

features maximal outdoor protection

View and register for 2019

according to UL50E/enclosure type

training opportunities at:

four and IP65 IEC standard.

Luminex – 26i A professional AV switch designed for sending audio and video

Roland – Multi-Format AV Mixer &

protocols across the broadcast

Video Switcher

studios existing network.

VR-50HD - An all-in-one HD multiformat AV mixer with built-in USB 3.0

Luminex – Gigacore 10

for web streaming and recording.

A ruggedised AV switch ideal

VR1200HD - Hybrid engine 2 m/e

for audio and video networking

switcher and processor for broadcast

requirements of broadcast OB vans.

and live events. V-40HD - Four multi-format channels at the pinnacle of HD picture quality. V800HD - Picture quality at the pinnacle of high-definition. Eight multiformat channels from 16 inputs. Clear-Com – Wireless Intercom Free Speak II - Next generation distributed wireless solution that operates in multiple world-wide license-

Luminex and Terbly product demonstration.

Contact NMK Electronics Ent. Str. 8, Com. 128, Warehouse #1 Al Khabaisi, Deira Dubai, UAE NMK Middle East FZE LIU 14 Dubai Silicon Oasis UAE Tel: +971 4 266 5244 Tel: +971 55 843 9157 Tel: +971 55 142 1535 Fax: +971 4 262 6682 Email:

Social Media

free frequency bands: 1.897-1.933GHz


and 2.4GHz. This high-performance


wireless intercom system is designed for extensive communication in large-scale operations.

NMKElectronics nmkelectronics



Specialists in media broadcast solutions Based in Dubai, UBMS has more

from initial project consultancy

in what is a constantly evolving

than two decades of experience

and design through to installation

world of emerging technologies.

servicing the broadcast and media

and post-installation support.

industries in the Middle East and Africa.

UBMS is also the leading distributor

Upgrades UBMS’ engineers are well-equipped

Specialising in studio integration,

of broadcast and video equipment

and experienced with studio and

play-out transmission systems,

in the Middle East and Africa.

facility upgrades. UBMS offers full

integration of outside broadcast and post-production systems, the company supplies functional, costeffective media technology solutions

Systems Integration and Broadcast Consultancy Studios and Broadast

service systems design, planning, installation, integration with existing infrastructure and commissioning. Outside Broadcasting

UBMS designs studio and production

UBMS supplies cutting-edge solutions,

workflows to suit individual customer

integrating SOl, IP or a combination

needs for the present as well as the

to power the latest HD and UHD live

foreseeable future. It ensures business

workflows. From a van to truck, UBMS

decisions are sound, viable and practical, and avoids ineffectiveness

can design, build, integrate, test and deliver to exacting specifications. Education Empowering large and small educational institutions, UBMS provides state-of-the-art in-house facilities that meet the needs of students and faculty, and also budget. Radio From small-sized analogue platforms to fully digital solutions, UBMS ensures an infrastructure that best meets needs and budget. The company installs radio studios, broadcast suites, editing rooms, automation and archiving. Medical UBMS is one of the leading distributors

UBMS showroom.

of medical equipment in the Middle East and Africa and represents leading


brands in the industry such as Sony,


Oman TV.

Totoku, Wolf X Ray, Medical Innovations Group and Cybernet. Through careful brand selection, UBMS offers clients the best available solutions and also provides support to maximise the quality of their experience, performance and productivity.

Professional Lighting Installation UBMS is an ARRI certified systems provider, delivering state-of-the-art lighting solutions for studios large and small, whether a refit, move, or new build is required. From planning to handover, services include consultation, project planning,

edit rooms with CAR, as well as video

Service Centre

integration management and training.

wall installation and commissioning

UBMS boasts one of the largest service

Oman TV (Muscat, Oman)

UBMS lighting specialists tailor every

centres in the Middle East and Africa,

last decision and detail to specific

Providing set design and decoration for

dedicated specifically to the broadcast

requirements. From the choice of

three studios, including installations

and professional video industry. It is

fixtures and layout to motorisation,

and commissioning of large video

the authorised Sony service centre

automation and control networks, the

walls with required training

for broadcast equipment and the

Sharjah Media (Sharjah, UAE)

company ensures studio lighting is efficient, reliable and easy to operate.

Broadcast and Pro-video Equipment Supply

Supply and delivery of DSNG van

authorised Arri lighting service centre.

Saudi Broadcasting Corporation

UBMS Academy

(Saudi Arabia)

The UBMS Training Academy

Implementation of a complete

is designed to provide industry

UBMS is a leading distributor

professionals with certified workshops

lighting system CitrussTV (Dubai, UAE)

of many international

and training courses. Working in

brands like Sony, Arri,

Implementation of a turnkey

close collaboration with partners and

Sachtler, Vinten, OConnor,

broadcast studio: post-production

suppliers, the workshops vary in theme

and live broadcast facility with

and application but are designed to

Grass Valley, Ross

complete lighting studio integration

Video, Litepanels, Libec,

Ajman University

Sennheiser, Blackmagic

(Ajman, UAE)

Design, Zeiss and

provide professionals an opportunity to learn new skills and learn about new products and techniques.

Building and installation of

many other.

a TV studio, recording

Recent Projects

room, photographic studio and

Contact UBMS

Orient TV

edit rooms

POBox 117191, Dubai, UAE

(Dubai, UAE)



Supplying and managing installation and integration of MCR, PCR, ingest and

Sahl Beldi, Marketing Manager, UBMS.

Corporation Supply and installation of TV Studio and PCR

Sahl Beldi Marketing Manager Email:





Fostering content creation and film-making

Dubai Studio City Soundstages exterior.

Established in 2005, Dubai Studio City (DSC), which is a member of the TECOM

and a three million-square feet backlot. It also has a broad array of supporting

kilograms. The Soundstages have two elephant door entrances that are six

Group, is a well-established, thriving

services that include recording studios,

metres in height, and between the

community within the media and

boutique studios and office spaces.

two soundstages (the area of which is

entertainment sectors. Home to many

Dubai Studio City Soundstages is the

25,000 sq.ft.) is a huge elephant door

global powerhouses and Fortune 500

largest venue in the MENA region with

companies, DSC is a regional platform

an approximate area of 50,000 square

for companies within the broadcasting,

feet, offering cutting-edge film shooting

selected as the venue to host the

filmmaking, content creation, media

spaces and event venues with complete

world’s biggest annual book sale, the

production and entertainment sectors.

sound proofing, noise criterion of

10-day Big Bad Wolf, as well as the

25 and height of almost 16-metres.

grand finale of the Arab Hope Makers

the community offers outstanding

The ceiling of the soundstages can

Award. In addition, DSC hosted an

production and post-production facilities

carry a weight of up to 12 tonnes,

exclusive two-day event showcasing

including soundstages, pre-built studios

with each rigging point weighing 700

the Emirati filmmaking heritage.

With state-of-the-art infrastructure,

that is 30m in width and 15m in height. In 2018, DSC Soundstages was



The venue acted as a space to produce blockbuster movies and TV series including Star Trek Beyond, The Cube, Master Chef Arabia and Saraya Abdeen. Dubai Studio City’s mandate is to foster innovation and increase knowledge in the entertainment sector. The community acts as a supporting platform for talented individuals, start-ups, SMEs and MNEs alike. Dubai Studio City recently launched a new initiative titled ‘CineMENA’, a unique platform dedicated to celebrating the art of content. It fosters all aspects of

Chroma key technology used in the spacious

content creation in a bid to identify

sound stages facilities in Dubai Studio City.

and shape local and regional talent. The initiative offers a programme

for the growth and evolution of the

of industry-related activities, including

entertainment, film industry and

workshops, seminars, masterclasses,

content creation in the region.

exhibitions, networking events

The community offers a vibrant space

is encouraged among members. The ongoing aim is to advocate knowledge amongst DSC members and regularly host and participate

with world-class facilities and supporting

in several industry-led events where

services where people can work, live

members have the opportunity to

Studio City successfully organised

and play. The community includes wide

network with each other, including

diverse workshops in all aspects

lifestyle offerings in entertainment,

workshops held at in5 Media.

of film and media production that

retail and wellness and several

collectively drew the participation of

residential and office space options.

ecosystem which consists of Dubai

over 2,000 amateurs and professionals.

DSC is a holistic community where

Media City (DMC) – the region’s

Furthermore, it acts as a key enabler

innovation is welcomed and creativity

leading community solely dedicated

and outdoor film screenings. Over the last three years, Dubai

Dubai Studio City is part of an

to the media sector – and Dubai Production City (DPC) – a leading business hub that facilitates growth within the warehousing, events, innovation, printing and publishing sectors. DPC is also home to the incubator in5 Media, a platform that nurtures ideas and businesses to their next phase of growth.

Contact Dubai Studio City Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 391 1111 Email: The elephant door of 30m width and 15m height.






Creating the ultimate entertainment experience At TiVo, it’s all about innovation to create

TV. As elsewhere in the world, the

the ultimate entertainment experience.

consumer in MENA isn’t homogeneous

TiVo touches the lives of binge-watching,

and a one-size-fits-all approach for

music-loving, entertainment fanatics

a pay TV operator no longer fulfils

every day by delivering beautiful user

the needs of customers. TiVo can

experiences and enabling the world’s

provide a suite of interoperable

leading media and entertainment

solutions that allows an operator to

providers to nurture meaningful

deploy to a range of consumers.

relationships with their audiences.

From simple one-way solutions

TiVo’s technology continues to

that don’t scrimp on functionality,

revolutionise how people find content in

the TiVo experience can deliver

a chaotic, fragmented media landscape.

Push VOD and advertising banners

It is this ‘content chaos’ and insatiable

to simple boxes that would have

demand for media and entertainment

been limited to delivering only

that keeps the company inspired,

zapper functionality in the past.

to create products and licensable

For more advanced consumers, with

technology that ultimately enables

access to two-way networks, a fuller

people to find and enjoy television,

Personal Video Recorder (nPVR) with

on-demand service can be integrated

movies and the music they love.

multiple operators globally and being

into the TiVo experience. The company’s

at the forefront of the new voice-led

vast experience of integrating multiple

discovery revolution. Today TiVo is

content sources brings a clear

a content discovery leader rather

advantage when working with TiVo.

Rich Heritage that Guides the Future TiVo has been at the forefront of content discovery since the launch

than just being a provider of DVRs.

TiVo’s experience implementing across multiple hybrid systems is

1981. Since then, it has continued

The Ultimate Entertainment Experience

to innovate, from launching its most

Outside of the United States, TiVo

blend a consistent user experience

famous product – the first commercially

brings over 20 years of experience

across a range of set-top boxes that

viable digital video recorder (DVR)

of delivering pay TV solutions across

allow for differentiated packaging

– in 1999, to putting listings on the

different broadcast ecosystems

that suits the consumer’s needs.

second screen when the iPad launched

including DVB-C, DVB-T/T2, DVB-S/S2,

in 2010, to launching the Network

IPTV and hybrid platforms like Android

of the first on-screen TV guide in

second to none. For example, its recent deployments with Tigo in Latin America

The core services that deliver the TiVo experience are also available



as components to power customers’ own solutions. From a rich, dynamic multi-lingual content metadata to TiVo’s personalised content discovery solution with spot-on predictions and media analytics, it can help you differentiate your own services like never before.

Award-Winning Solutions Over the years, TiVo has picked up many awards for its class leading solutions. These include seven Emmys and most recently the Best UX (User Experience) Award for its TiVo Conversation Services product at the prestigious Content Innovation Awards in Cannes. TiVo Conversation Services provide a

conditional access and set-top box

In the set-top box world TiVo’s hybrid

voice-led content discovery paradigm

manufacturers. At past trade shows,

entertainment discovery solutions unify

that can move the consumer beyond

TiVo demonstrated its products

content, listings and recommendations

saying basic keywords such as a title

with multiple partners including

from linear TV, video-on-demand (VOD)

or actor, and allows them to ask

Conax, Arris, Kaon, Intek, Homecast,

and over-the-top (OTT) sources – and on

detailed, multifaceted questions to

Arion, Ali, Crenova and Cryptoguard.

mobile, its multi-screen entertainment

find and enjoy their favourite content.

Recently TiVo has deployed projects

discovery solutions enable access to

with Verimatix and Quadrille. It has

content across multiple platforms

A Vibrant Partner Ecosystem

also demonstrated products on the

and are compatible with nearly all

Working with TiVo opens up a wide

Android TV platform where TiVo’s

Android and iOS smartphones and

set of pre-integrated partners who

experience and powerful backend

tablets. TiVo is the global partner

provide other key components of the

solutions can help operators get

you can trust to help deliver local

digital television ecosystem such as

the best from Google’s platform.

solutions that are right for the market.

Contact TiVo Headquarter for EMEA 1st Floor York House Sheet Street Windsor Berkshire SL4 1DD United Kingdom Email: Website:

Social Media tivo tivoforbusiness





Data management – as easy as ABC Storage is a focal point for IT workflows

are focused around ease-of-use, with a

P5 Software Suite. The most recent

in the media, entertainment and

browser interface, simple enough that

expansion comprises the standalone

broadcast industries. It is where content

anyone can use it to access their data.

product Archiware Pure for VMware

is created but requirements of huge

backup. Archiware collaborates with

capacities and fast turnover of data

About Archiware

make it expensive and challenging

Archiware is a privately-held company

to manage and secure effectively.

founded in 2002 in Munich, Germany.

About the Products

The company specialises in all-in-

The Archiware P5 Software Suite consists

data management products allowing

one software solutions for data

of four modules to protect data using

data to be migrated, secured and

management and security. Archiware’s

different methods and most importantly

cloned, using tape, disk and cloud

product portfolio has developed

providing easy restoration of data as

storage technologies. The products

from the PressStore Suite to the

required. All modules can be combined

Archiware P5 is a software suite of

numerous partners worldwide.


to create multiple-step security concepts


one to keep on-site and one to


to achieve maximum data protection.

secure at an off-site location

Empress eMAM

P5 Archive - Move or migrate data

Spanning of data across LTO


offline to disk, tape and cloud

tape volumes making best

Focalpoint Server

P5 Backup - Back up server

use of available capacity


data to disk, tape and cloud, for

Indexing of archived content,


disaster-recovery purposes

including thumbnail/proxy

P5 Backup2Go - Back up desktop

creation and customisable

Hardware Compatibility

and laptop data to disk

and searchable metadata

P5 strives for market-leading

P5 Synchronize - Replicate data to ensure high availability

The Mini-MAM Concept

levels of compatibility with storage hardware, including running directly

P5 runs on Windows, Linux and

Archiware describes P5 Archive’s

on popular NAS products. The list

macOS. Linux-based NAS products

ability to store and present previews of

of compatible products include:

can also run P5 including Synology,

archived (offline) assets as the ‘Mini-


QNAP, NETGEAR and others. With

MAM’. Media professionals are familiar


over 15,000 licenses worldwide and

with MAM systems to manage their


backed by a global network of experts,

media clips and insert them into projects


you can be absolutely confident

via their nearline-editor software. P5


when entrusting your data with P5.

Archive extends this MAM concept


through to offline data. This means that

Spectra Logic

completed projects whose media clips


Being able to migrate completed work

now reside on offline tape/disk/cloud


from primary disk storage is key to

storage are still available to view and

Overland Tandberg

avoiding capacity problems when new

search within P5’s Mini-MAM. The MAM


work needs to be created. P5 Archive is

interface is provided via a web-browser

used by many Archiware customers in

GUI. Once media or complete projects

this scenario with either LTO tape, disk

have been identified for recovery


or cloud for safe long-term storage.

back to online storage, the process

Archiware GmbH

is managed with just a few clicks. P5

Sonnenstr. 27

this LTO tape particularly

takes care of organising tape/disk/cloud

attractive to customers:

storage for streamlined recovery.

80331 Munich

Archive at the Core

The following features make

Compatibility with both stand-alone LTO drives up to large automated

Key Integrations

LTO tape libraries/jukeboxes

In addition to the built-in MAM

Amazing tape speed through

functionality, the P5 Archive also

parallelisation and large capacity

integrates with the following media-

available from the very latest

focussed MAM and storage partners:

LTO-8 tape generation

BackBlaze B2

Tape cloning for redundancy -

Cantemo Portal

generating two copies of data,


Germany Tel: +49 89 31908498 Email: Website:

Social Media archiware archiware ArchiwareGmbH



Dynamic Drive Pool

Intelligent and powerful storage systems DDP - Dynamic Drive Pool is a multi-

allowing full project and file level-

award-winning shared storage

based sharing, it uses almost 100% of

Heterogeneous DDP Cluster Configuration with DDP OS V5

system available with SSD caching,

the available ethernet bandwidth.

With the V5 OS, DDPs can be clustered

load balancing and automatic data

DDP is a simple, effective (not

so that when one system fails, all

redistribution, as well as a range of

to mention affordable) storage

data is still available. This technology

additional advantages including linear

solution dedicated to meeting the

enables clients and applications to

bandwidth scaling, mirroring and

demands of film, video and audio

continue their operations without

single namespace. And all of it in one

users. It is packed with the most

interruption. As data replication is

box and from one ethernet network

innovative technologies available for

carried on in the background, everything

- simple. An IP-SAN-based solution

post-production and broadcast.

remains transparent for the client.

SSD Caching The most common method of SSD caching currently used is when cache is filled on demand with the least used data being pushed out. This process is called ‘on-demand caching’. The problem with this method is that no one knows exactly what is in the cache and so as a result generally don’t have much control over the process. Therefore, it makes better sense that the general rule for storage manufacturers would be ‘the bigger the cache, the better’. However, this adds substantial costs pushing up the price of the storage server. For DDP, while this is possible, a much better way is the ‘pinned’ method where GMA Networks, Manila, Philippines.

an operator selects folders or folder volumes where cached files are located.


Kuwait TV with over 1PB capacity including SSD cache.


MTV ( Viacom) fully redundant system with SSD cache.

Multiple Connections per Session

has all the required Access Right


management tools. Access Rights

All DDPs integrate the Archiware P5

With the DDP MCS (multiple connections

can be set for each folder for read,

which is a complete software solution

per session) you can combine several

write and delete with every possible

for data backup, synchronisation and

1GbE, 10GbE connections for increased

combination (read-only, read/

archiving. The standalone, scalable

performance. By simply using two

write, read/write no delete, write

DDP series comes with a free licence

1Gb/s ethernet cables between DDP

only (Dropbox) and no access).

of P5 backup for professional grade

and a client machine, you can double

backup to LTO tapes. LTO tapes are

the usable bandwidth. This means you

Folder Volumes

can playback 10bit HD uncompressed

With the DDP, it is possible to assign

corporations, banks and broadcasters.

video 160-180MB/s with no drop

volume properties to any folder or

For more information, visit

frames using 2 x 1GbE cables.

subfolder. With Folder Volumes, there is

Bandwidth Control

the chosen technology used by large

one namespace with any number of roots solving a common problem when editing

DDP offers bandwidth control on

applications. Other advantages include


the iSCSI block IO level. It means that

not having to move data across the DDP

settings can be altered by the user so

volumes when using Folder Volumes.

Ardis Technologies BV

that bandwidth limits are subject to negotiation between the target and

Quota Control

source. Both upload and download

This is a very useful function as it enables

bandwidth can be set independently

you to modify (at any moment and in

on each desktop giving the user the

real-time) the available space a user can

reassurance of having complete control.

see and use for a given folder volume.

Workflow Manager

When extra space is required on a folder

Headquarters for Asia, Pacific & the Middle East 2294-62 Shirahata Sanmu City, Chiba 289-1306 Japan

volume, quota size can be increased


For folder-based Access Rights

temporarily and then set back to its

permissions, the workflow manager

original value whenever you are ready.




Professional teleprompting solutions Autoscript, a Vitec Group brand,

synchronisation and easier operation.

is the leading global provider of

With every component designed

EVO-IP The slim, lightweight design of

professional teleprompting equipment

around an IP-based workflow, Autoscript

the new EVO-IP prompt monitor

to broadcasters. Established in 1984,

Intelligent Prompting delivers the

is perfect for productions using

Autoscript manufactures reliable,

connectivity, flexibility, ease of use and

even small robotic supports. As an

premium-quality hardware and software

redundancy critical for live broadcast

Intelligent Prompting device, the

solutions for both networks and

operations of today and tomorrow.

monitor includes IP connectivity

stand-alone operations. Autoscript’s

and scroll engine functionality

new Intelligent Prompting system is a


fully IP-enabled, end-to-end prompting

WinPlus-IP is Autoscript’s latest

inputs for use with an external

workflow, which supports video

prompting software, compatible with all

scroll box. The EVO-IP on-camera

(eg. HD-SDI) workflows as standard

leading newsroom computer systems.

system comes with Autoscript’s new

where required. Intelligent Prompting

By upgrading to WinPlus-IP, Autoscript

Intelligent Prompting mounting

devices, including the innovative

users can benefit from a wide range

and carbon fibre hood, vastly

EVO-IP prompt monitor can connect

of new features designed to improve

reducing both weight and setup

to WinPlus-IP prompting software

prompting efficiency and reliability.

time for easier operation.

via an IP network enabling extremely

WinPlus-IP and its associated accessories

flexible integration and operation in

give users the flexibility to choose

any location with network access.

Ethernet-based prompting, traditional

For the simplest and most reliable

baseband video workflows (eg.

solution, Intelligent Prompting’s IP

HD-SDI), or any combination of the

workflow avoids the “video over IP”

two based on their requirements.

approach with its lack of bandwidth,

The result is greater prompting

latency issues and potential for

flexibility as well as faster

synchronisation errors. Instead,

editing and operation, together

Intelligent Prompting ensures that much

with the industry’s easiest

less data is sent over the IP network

setup, configuration, and

by placing the intelligence needed

status monitoring.

to generate the script inside each prompting monitor. In this manner, the monitor is able to produce the video output directly while remaining in constant communication with the master application to ensure perfect ongoing

as well as HD-SDI and composite




via ethernet to WinPlus-IP. Dual HD-SDI

Bijla TV

The EPIC-IP integrated system uses the

outputs support the distribution of

Bahrain TV

EVO-IP prompt monitor with its sleek

the teleprompter video to traditional

MTV Lebanon

design and in-built connectivity to create

prompt monitors. In addition, a Power

Al Hayat TV

the lightest weight prompting solution

over Ethernet output can be used to

with integrated talent monitor. The new

power an Intelligent Prompting scroll

Autoscript has its headquarters

EPIC Talent Monitor (ETM) is detachable

control ideal for single controller setups.

located in London, with sales offices

offering the flexibility to upgrade at any point and a 24� talent monitor is

iEVO / WP-i

available to add to the EVO-IP 19� when

The iEVO app allows one or more iPads

a large feedback screen is required.

to be connected to WinPlus-IP to be used


as teleprompters, additional reference, or operator preview monitors in any

The HC-IP desktop hand control has

location on the network. With a WP-i

been ergonomically designed to

licence for WinPlus-IP, a prompted

maximise performance and comfort.

script can be displayed on an iPad

From providing a neutral hand position

connected over WiFi or wired Ethernet

with adequate wrist support, left or

adapter providing a reliable, portable

right-handed operation and using Power

monitor for your operators or talent.

of Ethernet for simple integration, everything was considered to create

Key Clients

a controller that is radically different

Kuwait TV

to the options previously available.

Sharjah Media Corporation


Sky News Arabia Saudi Broadcasting Authority

The XBox-IP is an extremely compact

Al Jazeera

and tough scroll engine that networks

Al Rayyan TV

in EMEA, the Americas and Asia.

Contact Vitec Production Solutions Parkring 29 85748 Garching Germany Tel: +49 (0) 89 32158-200 Fax: +49 (0) 89 32158-227 Email: Salessupport_EMEA@ Website:

Social Media autoscriptTv autoscriptTv autoscriptTv autoscriptTv showcase/autoscript



Efficient media platforms that simplify workflows For over 30 years Avid has been

from prestigious and award-winning

providing unprecedented scalability,

at the forefront of innovation and

feature films to popular television

extensibility and speed for media

technology creating industry-leading

shows, news programmes and televised

production, including television

tools that drive creativity. Today,

sporting events and celebrated

programmes, news and sports

Avid delivers the most open and

music recordings and live concerts.

broadcasts, films, or live TV and events.

efficient media platform, connecting

Avid’s industry-leading media

Every production team member is

content creation with collaboration,

production and management platform,

connected in a completely integrated

asset protection, distribution and

MediaCentral, streamlines the entire

workflow that offers a unified view into

consumption. Avid’s preeminent client

workflow, enabling customers to create

all media assets – whether on premises,

and customer community use Avid’s

content fast, distribute to multiple

or in a private data centre, the public

comprehensive tools and workflow

outlets and devices and monetise

cloud, or a hybrid environment.

solutions to create, distribute and

media. MediaCentral’s groundbreaking

monetise the most watched, loved

modular design delivers a full suite

platform engine delivers powerful

and listened to media in the world –

of apps, services and connectors,

yet simple capabilities including

The next-generation MediaCentral

automated content indexing, workflow orchestration, centralised administration and streamlined software deployment, enabling customers to find and access media assets from anywhere, turn content around faster and deliver to diverse channels and devices while automating their workflows. MediaCentral workflow modules include: MediaCentral | Editorial Management: For smaller post-production and broadcast teams, this affordable media management solution enables MediaCentral |

unmatched collaborative power

Production Management

from any web browser



MediaCentral | Production Management: For large broadcasters and media enterprises, this powerhouse production module simplifies and accelerates the entire media production workflow and enables greater collaboration in large-scale environments MediaCentral | Newsroom Management: For news production teams, this module delivers storycentric workflows with unsurpassed efficiency that enable news teams to deliver breaking news across multiple channels faster than ever before MediaCentral | Graphics Management (planned for future

MediaCentral | Graphics Management

release): For news and sports production, this powerful and easy-

from MediaCentral | Cloud UX for a

to search, access, edit, collaborate

to-use graphics asset management

consistent and unified user experience.

and publish content from any

solution enables journalists to

workstation, laptop, or mobile device.

access graphics templates and

MediaCentral Services

easily add compelling graphics to

Enables a broad range of media

Association (ACA) will host Connect

their stories from any device

workflows including content

2019, the annual gathering that sets the

MediaCentral | Asset

transformation, distribution and social

course for the media and technology

Management: For demanding

media publishing as well as content

industry in the year ahead. Connect

broadcast, news, sports, and

indexing and search capabilities

2019 will create a roadmap to success

post-production environments,

that leverage the latest advances in

amid shifts in viewer behaviour, the

this robust asset management

machine learning to provide deep

onset of digital-native companies

module aggregates content from

insights into media libraries.

and the rising competition in content

any source and automatically analyses content to create a rich

MediaCentral Connectors

index of searchable metadata

Allows customers to easily extend their

accessible from MediaCentral l

media MediaCentral workflows to many

Cloud UX, Avid Media Composer

third-party applications, systems and

and Adobe Premiere Pro CC

services from Avid Alliance partners,

MediaCentral Apps

the industry’s largest certified partner

On April 6-7, the Avid Customer

creation, curation and distribution.

Contact Avid Aurora Tower, 19th Floor Office 1903, Media City

ecosystem. Connectors are now

PO Box 500646, Dubai, UAE

Offers a wide range of role-based

available for a broad array of third-


apps that extend the capabilities of

party solutions for archive, quality


MediaCentral. Each app is optimised

control, transcoding, WAN acceleration,

for a specific task in the media

CMS integration and publishing to

workflow, including searching

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

and browsing media, researching the web and social media feeds,

MediaCentral | Cloud UX

logging, editing, review and approval,

This is a responsive and intuitive

publishing and more, all accessed

user interface that makes it easy

Social Media user/avid AvidTechnology Avid company/avid-technology



Empowering solutions at the heart of broadcast Control and Monitoring Interfacing and Conversion Routers UHD and IP Multi-viewer With a razor-sharp focus on customer needs, Axon continuously pioneers new enabling solutions that harness the latest technical innovations and industry standards to deliver more value, efficiency and functionality, allowing customers to meet the challenges of the ever-evolving broadcasting environment and gain real competitive advantage. For many, Axon is the difference. Axon understands what makes its customers’ businesses tick and can provide solutions that are not just fit for the purpose at hand, but Axon is a global leader in broadcast

ultra-compact modular hardware

are also uniquely adapted to the

network infrastructure products,

systems, Axon’s solutions are open,

application – from live production

including the latest solutions for 4K,

integrated and scalable to meet the

to play-out and master control.

HDR, IP production and delivery.

challenges at the heart of broadcast.

For more than 30 years, major

In each of its core product areas,

Axon delivers control and monitoring

Axon continues to deliver new

broadcasters, network and service

software, SDI and IP processing

levels of performance supporting

providers worldwide have trusted

(Network Attached Processor), UHD

industry standards such as IP.

Axon’s pioneering and enabling

solutions, routers and multiviewers.

technology. To control and monitor

Neuron: Network Attached Processing

highest level across live sports and news

Ever Evolving to Deliver the Competitive Edge

production and content distribution.

Axon’s portfolio includes:

a broadcaster encounters with respect

IP processing (Network

to audio and video in the IP and legacy

Attached Processing)

domains. The high-density 1RU Neuron

their operations, delivering at the

With the widest and most advanced range of powerful software and

Neuron will solve every processing task



platform offers IP to IP processing

every situation - big and complex, or

Global Reach, Local Support

capabilities handling uncompressed

small and simple. And it is designed

Headquartered in The Netherlands, Axon

SD, HD, 3G and UHD signals based on

to be easy for the layman and

is active on every continent with regional

the ST2022-6 and ST2110 specifications

advanced for the seasoned expert to

offices - all supported by an extensive

for transporting media over IP

be able to customise everything.

network of distributors and specialist

networks. Neuron is fully packed with

systems integrators who work alongside

converters for processing streams

Synapse: Interfacing and Conversion

before they enter the core router

Axon’s interfacing and conversion

Axon to deliver for projects large or

reducing complexity in signal routing.

range Synapse including multiview,

small, anywhere in the world. It is

master control and routing

a simple equation: a commitment

continues to deliver new levels of

to customer service and smart

performance harnessing the latest

solutions at the heart of broadcast.

features like edge synchronisers and

Cerebrum: Monitoring and Control

many of the world’s leading broadcasters. Customers know they can trust

It connects to all the hardware and

technical innovations. Now offering

software that engineers already use.

scalable solutions to produce and

One dashboard where nothing escapes

deliver content in HD, 3Gb/s and

your control. You have total oversight.

4K Ultra HD for audiences today

It is also designed to be robust in

and agnostic solutions including

Hercules 28

the most complex organisations

hybrid SDI-IP products for those

5126 RK Gilze

and scenarios – for mega teams and

ready to transition to video over

The Netherlands

workflows and global productions.

ethernet, Axon provides customers

That’s why it is built on a database

with the capability to differentiate


system making it high performance in

their own products and services.

Contact AXON




Designing innovative video technology Blackmagic Design has grown rapidly to become one of the world’s leading innovators and manufacturers of creative video technology. Its philosophy is refreshing and simple help true creativity blossom. Founded by world leading post-production editors and engineers who possess not only extensive experience in high-end telecine, film and post, but who also retain passion for perfection, Blackmagic Design set out to change the industry forever. Blackmagic Design creates the world’s highest quality video editing products, digital film cameras, colour correctors, video converters, video

monitoring, routers, live production switchers, disk recorders, waveform monitors and film scanners for the feature film, post-production and television broadcast industries. Blackmagic Design’s DeckLink capture cards launched a revolution in quality and affordability, while the company’s Emmy-award winning DaVinci colour correction products have dominated the television and film industry since 1984. DaVinci Resolve is now the standard



for high-end post-production and is used for finishing more Hollywood feature films, episodic television programming and TV commercials than any other software. DaVinci Resolve combines professional editing, colour correction, audio post-production and visual effects, all in one application. Blackmagic Design’s range of digital film cameras are in use on some of Hollywood’s biggest blockbusters and award-winning features, as well as helping independent filmmakers and TV drama production. Its broadcast camera chains are used in all aspects of production and live broadcast. The company continues to develop groundbreaking innovations including

profile installations including:

University Dubai, MDX Studios

end-to-end ultra HD 4K workflows that

Citruss World of Shopping - Popular

is a complete facility for film

are delivering high-quality broadcast,

shopping channel upgraded to

students, where they learn

audiovisual and live event productions

a 4K ready broadcast workflow

all areas of filmmaking - from

across the world - from football

for its new dual studio space

stadiums and television studios to

Sindh Assembly - a complete

Blackmagic Design is headquartered

world tours for global artistes.

AV installation for one of

in Port Melbourne, Australia and has

cinematography to post-production

Pakistan’s largest provincial

offices in the USA, United Kingdom,

Blackmagic Design’s range of

governments used to broadcast

Japan and Singapore.

professional video equipment can

all parliamentary sessions

For more information, check

be found in a wide variety of hig-

MDX Studios - Built by Middlesex

Across the MENA region,

or follow the instagram feed, @blackmagicnewsofficial, which showcases interesting and exciting projects delivered using Blackmagic Design solutions and workflows from around the globe.

Contact Blackmagic Design Mere Hall Farm, Unit 3 Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 6LE, UK Tel: +44 (0)1565 830049 (ext. 612) Tel: +44 (0)7908 773582



Highest quality I/O hardware and software for professional video With live production, video streaming,

and delivery of professional video.

bundle IngeSTream software, providing

4K HFR post-production, HDR and

At the heart of Bluefish444’s

IP interconnectivity at the forefront

I/O technology is a continuously

input interfaces and IP protocols such

of transitions in the professional

developed proprietary 12-bit

as NewTek’s NDI, SMPTE video-over IP

video industry, Bluefish444 strives

video processing engine ensuring

and RTP/RTSP streaming protocols.

to continuously innovate workflow

highest quality acquisition, preview

solutions in these areas. With over

and mastering of video.

20 years’ experience in professional

Bluefish444 bundle IngeSTore, a

interconnectivity between multiple

Products and Services KRONOS I/O PCIe Cards

video, Bluefish444 is the manufacturer

multi-channel live SDI production

The KRONOS range is built with multi-

of the industry’s highest-quality

and archiving software with every I/O

channel 4K 60p, high dynamic range,

uncompressed 4K SDI, ASI, Video Over

card. In 2019 Bluefish444 will also

high frame rate SDI and SMPTE 2022

IP & HDMI I/O cards for Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems. Bluefish444’s video cards are used not only in traditional broadcast and post-production environments but also in emerging workflows such as live events, immersive graphics, augmented reality and video-over IP with a growing presence in industries currently adopting professional video solutions such as the medical, automotive, defence and mining sectors. Their industry partners are some of the best-known content creation brands deployed in film and TV workflows worldwide, with customers including the most recognisable names in the creation



can convert to network video streams like NDI, SMPTE 2022-6, SMPTE 2110 or RTP/RTSP protocols. Cross-Platform SDK The BlueVelvetC API, with a simple, consistent and extensible interface, enables programmers to integrate Bluefish444 hardware into their solution and deploy to other operating systems without changes to their existing code. Bluefish444 IPConnect API adds support of SMPTE 2022-6 de-encapsulation for all Bluefish444 customers from standard off-the-shelf network interfaces, enabling support and SMPTE 2110 support for video-

purchase. Includes a 10Gb network

over IP workflows for broadcast,

interface allowing capture directly to

production and post-production.

existing network-attached storage.

within third party applications.

Key Clients British Film Institute

All Epoch and KRONOS hardware is

Local Hero

fully Thunderbolt compatible utilising


a range of certified chassis’, include

Bluefish444’s complementary multi-

Ideal Systems

Bluefish444’s proprietary 12-bit

channel ingest software, IngeSTore,

Ravi Zacharias International Ministries

processing engine, a high quality colour

enables Bluefish444 hardware


space converter and supports a wide

to capture multiple independent

Alston Elliot

range of industry-leading software.

format SDI sources simultaneously,


directly to local or network shared


Epoch SDI I/O PCIe Cards

storage. Capture to QuickTime, AVI

The Epoch Neutron and Supernova

and DVCPRO50/HD codecs for free,

ranges include solutions for SD - HD,

or DNxHD, ProRes, H.264, Sony

3G - 4K and 4K+ SDI-based workflows.

XDCAM, AVC-Intra 100 codec, and

Epoch offers up to four bi-directional

JPEG 2000 codecs with a licence.

and independent 3G/HD/SD-SDI

Edit-While-Record workflows are


Contact Bluefish444

connections alongside features such

supported by IngeSTore allowing

93 Howard Street

as 4K HDMI monitoring, genlock, LTC

access to growing files within popular

North Melbourne, VIC 3051

I/O, SDI monitor out, RS-422, AES

NLE’s. IngeSTore features a RESTful


Digital Audio and Analogue Audio.

API, enabling the control of recordings

Tel: +61 3 9682 9477

from remote network system, and


IngeSTore Server 3G

also comes bundled with an external


A dedicated 3RU Server capable of

RS-422 control application.

capturing up to four independent

Social Media

streams of video from separate 3G/



HD/SD-SDI sources simultaneously.

Bluefish444’s complimentary multi-


Recorded files can be captured in

channel streaming application


Uncompressed, DV, and DVCPRO50/

enables up to eight independent


HD file formats free, with additional

video sources to broadcast across


codec upgrades available for

video-over IP networks. IngeSTream



Creating versatile visual experiences Brainstorm is a 25-year-old specialist

Spanish Computer Society, the IABM

creation, CG and playout system

company dedicated to providing

Game Changer Award and many more.

developed with the designer in

real time 3D graphics, augmented

Brainstorm’s flagship product

mind and built from the ground

reality and virtual set solutions for

eStudio, is the industry’s most versatile

up to be extremely user friendly

broadcast, feature film production and

real time 3D render engine and the

so operators can concentrate on

corporate presentations workflows.

base on which all other products

creation rather than pure operation.

With more than 2,500 installations

run. It enables both design and real

Neuron - A flexible and modular

worldwide, Brainstorm’s customer

time playout of virtual studios and 3D

MOS-compatible system that

list includes many of the world’s

graphics as well as the easy creation of

integrates graphics creation and

leading broadcasters plus numerous

customised products and applications.

management into most common

smaller and regional stations.

Other Brainstorm products include:

newsroom, continuity and broadcast

Brainstorm is a company focused

Infinity Set - The all-in-one virtual

traffic operation environments.

on assisting its clients to create highly

set and real time 3D graphics

engaging visual experiences for their

solution, not just for showcasing

viewers. The trajectory of the company

a number of extremely advanced

Virtual Sets and Augmented Reality

and its products has granted significant

technologies, but also for the

With the creation of eStudio, Brainstorm

recognitions, including the European

flexibility this solution gives to

has been at the edge of innovation

Seal of e-Excellence, the IBC Innovation

operators and producers alike.

in 3D and virtual studio technology.

Award, the Innovation Award of the

Aston - A 2D/3D motion graphics

Brainstorm pioneered the application of camera tracking to 3D real time virtual sets and today eStudio interfaces with practically all current tracking systems. The latest development is the Infinity Set, the first product taking advantage of the TrackFree technology, a totally new, patented and revolutionary approach to virtual set production developed by Brainstorm. TrackFree is a camera-tracking independent technology that provides just what its name claims - total freedom for operators to use any tracking system, trackless or fixed cameras, or a combination of these at the same



time, while seamlessly integrating them if required to create a highly appealing and eye-catching viewing experience. It can be used in combination with the integrated internal chroma key software or external chroma key hardware, even within the same production. Augmented Reality also requires the interaction between sets, talents and virtual objects, many of them created out of external data sources such as statistics, charts, bars and many others. These data driven objects allow for visually engaging representations of the data which can be better explained by the presenters when placed in the set. During election nights, news, sports or entertainment programmes, data bars and other statistics can interact with the talents creating an attractive augmented reality environment for the audience. InfinitySet supports third party render engines such as Unreal Engine. As it will be combined with the Brainstorm eStudio render engine, this provides the best of both worlds - photorealistic backgrounds and broadcast graphics together. By using the Combined Render Engine, InfinitySet can include real time graphic elements such as 3D

design department, fulfilling all the

motion graphics, lower-thirds, tickers,

production requirements of service


CG and others within the excellently

providers, broadcasters and design

Brainstorm Multimedia S.L.

rendered and realistic background

houses. It is user-friendly so operators

Avenida de la Albufera

scene. Other unique features of

can concentrate on creation rather than

InfinitySet are teletransporter, 3D

pure operation. Designed for a robust

321, Planta 3, Of. 12

presenter, virtual shadows, dynamic

on-air operation, designers can create,

virtual focus or the control of external

manipulate, animate and perform last-

lights and chroma keyer hardware.

minute changes, even while on-air. The Aston family is resolution

28031 Madrid, Spain Tel: +34 91 781 67 50 Email: Website:

Real Time Motion Graphics

independent and works with any

ME Sales Manager

Aston is an industry-leading real

HDTV flavour, 4K or even higher

Borja Chirivella

time character generator brand

resolutions for larger screens. Aston

with over 30 years of experience, a

3D stereo capabilities making it

C/ Maestro Gozalbo, 23

comprehensive graphics creation

fit for any demanding broadcast

system built to be the centre of any

requirement, present or future.

46005 Valencia. Spain Tel: +34 96 353 035



Crafting intelligent console systems Calrec is a leading designer and supplier

unrivalled resources of 1020 channels

of audio broadcast mixing equipment,

In the Middle East, Dubai-based GSL

and can squeeze more faders into a

relied on by the world’s most successful

Professional provides extensive

single footprint than any other console.

broadcasters. Formed as a microphone

distribution for Calrec across

Artemis provides a more compact

manufacturer in 1964, Calrec’s

the UAE, Qatar, Oman, Jordan,

surface when space is a premium and

reputation for build quality, reliability

Kuwait, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.

comes in four different DSP channel

GSL is a complete audio,

and audio performance has made it an industry benchmark across the world.

video and control and lighting

packs to suit a range of productions. For price and space sensitive

solutions provider with a broad

markets, Calrec’s Summa and Brio

define emerging trends. Since designing

roster of high-profile clients.

consoles are powerful and have

its first audio console in 1971, Calrec

The company holds the largest

a full broadcast feature set with a

has strived to ensure its customers

stock of professional audio

more compact form. All these desks

are one step ahead of the changing

equipment in the Middle East.

can be networked together to share

Calrec’s aim is to refine workflows and

“One of our missions is to

needs of the broadcast environment. Today, different broadcasters have

continually expand the breadth

very different requirements and Calrec

and depth of our offerings.

has designed its audio solutions to adapt

Working with Calrec is a perfect

to different workflows. Coupled with

example of that, especially with

highly resilient products, this has earned

the company’s dynamic Type-R

Calrec a reputation as pioneers chosen

radio system and its compact Brio

by the world’s foremost broadcasters.

console, which are gaining real

Comprehensive Range of Consoles

traction within the industry. We’re delighted to be working with them to help them continue

Calrec has developed a comprehensive

to build out their already

range of mixing consoles that integrate

impressive footprint in

seamlessly via established and

the Middle East region,”

emerging industry standards. At the

says Adrian Curtis,

top end of the range are the highly


configurable Apollo and Artemis


models that allow the customer to


tailor the surface and channel count


to their requirements. Apollo provides


unsurpassed processing power with

resources and to create incredibly


“Al Jazeera Network is a fastpaced environment with no room for error and a desire for the highest standards. We decided to use Calrec as our standard for audio because we needed a reliable console for our 24/7 environment, ease of operator use and longevity. Calrec meets our requirements exactly” Allie Gaffoor, Al Jazeera Network

IP gateway products, broadcasters

flexible broadcast solutions.

and a quality standard unsurpassed

Type R takes Calrec into radio

can bridge the gap between Calrec’s


Hydra2 networks and the IP domain.

Calrec Audio Ltd

Broadcasters can be assured that Calrec

Nutclough Mill, Hebden Bridge

can provide all their audio solutions.

HX7 8EZ, England

All Calrec products are designed, manufactured and tested at Calrec’s Nutclough Mill headquarters in Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, England. From customer research and product development, through R&D, to wiring and

As the broadcast industry marches towards standardised transport mechanisms and remote production, Calrec is ready to facilitate the transition and support modern broadcasters. Calrec’s ImPulse core incorporates IP networking technologies and immersive audio capabilities. ImPulse offers five DSP channel packs, is compatible with any current Apollo or Artemis surface and can host up to four separate mixing desks on a single core. Combined with Calrec’s

Website: Email: richard.ayres@

Social Media

in the broadcast console marketplace. audio, and Calrec is right at the heart of it.

IP Workflows

Regional contacts

is all in-house. This ensures the integrity

challenges and requirements. Type R

surface to adapt to any workflow.


It’s an exciting time to be in broadcast

environment with a highly configurable

Tel: +44 1422 842159

test departments, product development

which introduces a whole new set of has been developed specifically for an IP


calrecaudio calrecaudio company/calrec-audio-ltd



Enabling reliable secure communication Products FreeSpeak II: FreeSpeak II is a five-channel, full-duplex wireless intercom solution, ideal for largescale, complex designs or specialised applications requiring team Clear-Com, an HME company, is a

aerospace and government

members to be untethered and

trusted global provider of professional

– Clear-Com communication

talking in independent channels of

real time communication solutions

products have consistently met

communication. After years of field

and services since 1968. The

the communication requirements

experience and refinement, FreeSpeak

company innovates market-proven

of varying size and complexity.

II has become the de facto standard

technologies that connect teams

You will find Clear-Com installed

for wireless intercom operation in

together through wired and wireless

across a wide range of broadcast

the 1.9GHz and 2.4GHz band across

systems. Clear-Com products facilitate

applications: from IFBs in studios

various markets. The exceptional RF

the seamless coordination of any

to connect on-screen talent with

performance and reliable connections

activity while maintaining a level of

the production gallery, to wireless

reliability, security and simplicity.

intercom solutions facilitating

Clear-Com was the first to market

sports coverage across a large

portable wired and wireless intercom

stadium complex, to mobile apps

systems for live performances. Since

for smart devices operating over

then, its history of technological

3G, 4G, LTE and wifi networks

advancements and innovations has

for live events coverage.

delivered significant improvements in the way people collaborate in any professional setting where real time communication is required. For the markets it serves – broadcast, live performance, live events, sports, military,



across the system give users the peace of mind they need for staying connected at every major event, programming, stage performance, critical or mass area operation. Agent-IC: Agent-IC mobile applications provides you with a cost-effective, fastto-deploy solution that complements traditional intercom systems such as the Eclipse HX digital matrix, Encore analogue partyline and HelixNet digital partyline intercom systems. AgentIC apps operate on smart devices over 3G, 4G, LTE and wifi networks. LQ Series: These are audio-over-IP interfaces for moving and distributing audio and communications signals to and from one or more communication points depending on your configuration. You can network geographically-dispersed audio and

Mode real time control allows label

Key clients

communications devices of any brand

updates and monitoring on the fly.

BBC, Cirque de Soleil, CCTV,

or technology type over secure LAN, WAN or even the public internet.

Key Projects

You can also use LQ Series to scale

Andøya Space Center relies

your existing traditional intercom for

on Clear-Com intercom

system expansion and greatly enhance

solutions for Arctic Circle rocket

communication with IP capabilities

launch and research sites

with SIP telephony and mobile apps.

Hear Me Roar: Clear-Com walks with dinosaurs

Telemundo, Andoya Space Center, Fox Sports. The Clear-Com Booth #E20@ CABSAT

Contact Clear-Com, LLC 1301 Marina Village

The V-Series Iris: The panel can

Autograph Delivers FreeSpeak

monitor and send communications

II Wireless Comms Solution

Parkway, Suite 105

over three concurrent AES67-compliant

for Ed Sheeran Divide Tour

Alameda, California 94501, USA

uncompressed audio IP streams

China Central Television

enabling systems to deliver high quality,

relies on Clear-Com intercom

uncompressed audio from intercom

system enhancement for IP-

Regional Sales Manager

user to user with significantly reduced

based communications

Email: Samer.Mouwanes@

latency. When connected to Clear-

Willow Creek Community

Com’s new high-density E-IPA card

Church expands Clear-Com network for enhanced campus-


which is natively AES67 compliant, users can deploy up to 64 Iris panels

wide communications

per card. The Iris panel also offers

Clear-Com’s FreeSpeak II Wireless

fully user-configurable colour OLED

Communication Solution set

displays providing the user label, tally

for installation across major

and port information. EHX Supervisor

UK broadcaster’s sites

Samer Mouwanes

Social Media clearcom clearcom clearcomsystem



Powerful workflow platforms Viewers tuning into ever-evolving

workflow orchestration platform,

services, enabling hybrid scalable

devices and channels crave fresh

Dalet Galaxy five brings important

architecture that introduces more

content that engages them in a more

functional enhancements and major

mobility in user experience, allows

immersive, increasingly personalised

innovations that augment media

new operation models, enhances

way. Advances in technology, notably

operations and enable new forward-

content security and help minimise

artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud help

thinking business models. The first

content handling costs.

power businesses and operational

enhancement facilitates the use

models that were not previously

of AI across workflow. The second

and native support of S3 and Glacier,

viable to meet the demands of quickly

enables hybrid deployments, mixing

new workflows can be enabled such

evolving audience viewing habits. They

on-premises, private and public cloud

as multi-site federation and content

also open new avenues of revenue.

infrastructures while the third puts

sharing, elastic disaster recovery and

social media at the core of operations.

business continuity or simply the

Dalet, a leading technology and service provider, offers an agile media workflow

With auto-scalability capabilities

migration of media archives to cloud.

platform that powers over 70,000 users

Leveraging Cloud

and thousands of channels at 900

Dalet Galaxy five introduces new

Dalet Media Cortex

customer sites including ADMC, BBC,

integrations with AWS infrastructure

Dalet Media Cortex SaaS service (DMC)

Al Rayyan and MBC. At the forefront of development in AI and Machine Learning for media as well as leveraging the elasticity of cloud, Dalet helps media operations create and deliver content at new economies of scale, facilitating the needed transformation to support new business models.

Products and Services Dalet Galaxy five The Dalet Galaxy platform federates and streamlines the content chain, managing assets, metadata, workflows and processes. The new version of the award-winning MAM and

CNN Money Switzerland.



of the Dalet Galaxy five platform. It enables ultra-efficient collaboration between the newsroom and the production control team. The modern and intuitive web-based UI which runs both on desktop and tablet, supports custom live production workflows with unrivaled operational flexibility, controlling all device types, including video switchers and servers, cameras, audio mixing consoles, graphics, lighting, routers and more. The core Dalet Galaxy five Workflow Engine drives synchronised multiplatform Euronews Master Control Room.

distribution and automated social media publishing to offer new forms of cross-

enables consumption of cognitive

paced news on social media platforms

services on demand in a pay-as-

alongside traditional outlets. The

you-go model. Taking operations

story-centric workflow offers familiar

much further than the basic benefits

indicators such as number of views, likes,


of standard speech-to-text, face

shares, as well as audience comments


recognition and sentiment analysis,

and threads. Visual engagement data


DMC orchestrates advanced automatic

lets journalists know how their posts


metadata enrichment to provide

are performing with their audience

CNN Money Switzerland

deep content insights and discovery.

and discover new angles audiences


DMC’s discovery panel assists users

are expecting. With analytical tools and

Fox Networks

with recommendations and content

dynamic content at their fingertips,


analysis thanks to Natural Language

journalists can quickly evolve posts


Processing (NLP) and Named Entity

into deeper stories or segue into a new

NHK Japan

Recognition (NER). Leveraging the

angle. New capabilities include social

Russia Today

Dalet Galaxy five advanced MAM and

media popularity indicators, Twitter

SBS Australia

workflow automation capabilities,

harvester, scheduling and approval of


DMC orchestrates combinations of

social posts, expanded emoji library,


cognitive services, finetunes models,

contextual graphics and subtitles.

versions data sets, aligns them with

device experience for the audience.

Key Clients


customers’ taxonomies and eventually

Dalet OnePlay

surfaces results at various levels of

Dalet OnePlay is a new-generation

the Dalet application stack to provide

studio automation solution designed

actionable insights and real value

to simplify live show productions,

Dubai, UAE

to users and to the organisation.

increase reliability and build up


audience engagement. It redefines


Social Media Framework

the entire economics of the show,

The Dalet Social Media Framework

opening up new revenue opportunities

enables newsrooms to treat social media

while optimising operational costs.

as an integrated part of their overall

An ideal solution for newscasts, sports

news operation. Journalists can harvest,

magazines, live and live-to-tape studio

analyse, produce and deliver fast-

shows, Dalet OnePlay is an extension

Dalet Digital Media Systems ME PO Box 31810

Social Media DaletDigitalMediaSystems DaletTechnology dalet-digital-media-systems



Creating innovative technologies Based in Taipei, Datavideo engineers,

The current lineup of production

the acclaimed switcher range. They

designs and manufactures a wide

switchers include small switchers with

are mounted in an impact-resistant

range of innovative technologies for

four input channels, used in small

case with built-in screen and enhanced

use in broadcast, AV, live event and

productions but also larger 16 input

with equipment like talkback and

production environments. Founded in

HD switchers that are capable of

tally interfaces. These mobile studios

1985, Datavideo has spread globally

being used in master control setups.

are the size of a briefcase and weigh

with subsidiaries in America, England,

around nine kilograms. In the latest

Canada, Netherlands, Singapore, Hong

Mobile Studio Systems

Kong, India, France, and China. With

Datavideo excels in creating versatile,

to build in a streaming encoder

regional offices in North America,

highly flexible mobile studio systems.

and SD card recording interface.

Europe, the Indian sub-continent

All mobile studios are based around

and South East Asia and a global network of distributors, Datavideo delivers full support to resellers, end users and integrators. The regional office for the Middle East is located in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Datavideo aims to produce highly innovative, easy-to-use, cost-effective equipment that will last for years. Among these products are the following successful product lines:

Production Switchers The first Datavideo video switcher dates back to 1994. This small switcher was rudimental but very powerful. It featured different wipe patterns, wipe colours and a basic audio mixer. The SE-200 was a huge leap forward with built-in title interface, used for live events or recordings, and both were used by consumers and professionals.

Datavideo engineers, designs and manufactures a wide range of innovative technologies for use in broadcast, AV, live event and production environments.

versions, Datavideo has managed

The larger studios have a pull-out


Johan Lieffers, General Manager,

Datavideo EMEA office in

Datavideo Technologies Europe BV.

Utrecht, The Netherlands.


screen and can also be equipped

versa) converters to very flexible up/

shading and iris. The complete range is

with chromakeyers, recorders, audio

down/cross converters for multiple

controlled by Datavideo’s professional

delay interfaces and streaming

standards. Datavideo also has rack

RMC-180 controller that can store

encoders. These portable studios are

mounting kits for these compact

presets and can control up to four

mounted in a shockproof flight case.

converters, battery packs, tripod mounts

cameras. The PTZ camera PTC-150 is

Datavideo carries several different

and other accessories. Extending

available in a standard SDI setup but

configurations to suit varying needs.

composite video, HD-SDI and 3G-SDI

also with an extra HDBaseT module

can be done up to 1000 metres with

for a very easy installation job onsite.


our VP series active extenders, whereas

Next to the PTZ cameras, Datavideo

Datavideo produces a line of HDBaseT

splitting and distributing 3G-SDI can be

has an extensive lineup of block

equipment tailored for a smooth

done with our distribution amplifiers.

cameras. These feature the same

and easy installation job. HDBaseT

lens and sensor as the pan/tilt/zoom

ensures the user of all needed signals


and power conveniently over just one

Datavideo offers a highly innovative way

housing. These cameras are available

single CAT6 cable. Installing in buildings

of teleprompting. With a clever system

as both HD and 4K models, in regular

with existing ethernet infrastructure

you can mount an iPad or Android tablet

HDMI or SDI and HDBaseT models.

becomes a breeze. Datavideo produces

to the front of a camera. Through a

More up-to-date information can be

a line of PTZ cameras equipped with

halfway mirror you can see the screen

found on the Datavideo website.

HDBaseT, a set of transmitter/receivers

of your tablet running the teleprompting

for existing PTZ cameras and a full

software. With the professional version

four-channel portable studio kit. This

you can distribute the script wireless to

studio kit includes a switcher and a

different teleprompters to sync them.

convenient camera control part.

Signal Conversion, Extension and Distribution


models but in a non-motorised block

Contact Datavideo Technologies Europe B.V. Floridadreef 106

Datavideo carries a line of cost-effective


and high-quality PTZ and block cameras.

Utrecht, The Netherlands

Datavideo offers highly compact,

These capture images in 1080p or 4K

Tel: +31 30 261 9656

cost-effective and high quality signal

and output through 3G-SDI or HDMI

converters, extenders and distributors

2.0. All PTC and BC range cameras


- from simple HDMI to SDI (and vice

have professional features like manual




Maintaining leadership through innovation As the leader in video technology solutions, EVS provides smart live tools and technologies that transform video flows into rich and emotional content for millions of viewers across the world. EVS is a trusted partner for some of the world’s biggest broadcasters and content owners helping them create and maximise the value of their media content in sports, news, TV entertainment, as well as esports. Founded in 1994, EVS revolutionised live sports broadcasting by introducing its innovative Live Slow Motion (LSM) system as well as instant tapeless technology that is now widely used in non-linear editing and high-definition television all over the world. Over the years, EVS has managed to maintain its industry-leading position, by developing practical innovations

company has designed an ecosystem

and compelling live programming

that integrate the latest trends and

of Connected Live technology and

for today’s demanding audiences.

technologies such as IP, virtualisation,

Creative Live solutions where users

artificial intelligence and machine

can bring together the highest quality

Flagship Products

learning. EVS now offers an extensive

live feeds, instant replays, archived

Dyvi: The Dyvi software-defined

product portfolio that supports their

media, data, graphics and user-

switcher offers unprecedented

customers’ growth and addresses

generated video in a collaborative way.

creativity and a flexible, scalable

the changing needs of the industry.

Connected Live is a fully integrated

and innovative approach to video

EVS-based ecosystem that enables

production switching. Thanks to

users to build solid and scalable IP

its format-independent GPU video

production infrastructures while

processing, the Dyvi production

EVS’ mission is to create the best

Creative Live is EVS’ state-of-the-art

suite is a future-ready expandable

return on emotion. To achieve this, the

creative toolbox that helps create rich

system. The panel has completely

Creating the Viewing Experience of the Future


customisable layouts to suit any production and operator need. Complex scene designs are easily programmable in

Xeebra: With EVS’ Xeebra VAR system, officials or


that features dynamic applications for live media content browsing, control, edit and playout, all relying on a central database. With its open,

a few dedicated buttons, allowing

video operators can easily review

modular architecture, IPDirector

for more streamlined operations

any number of camera angles and

can be adapted to any production

and quick content turnaround.

select the most relevant on the

environment and allows for easy

XT-VIA: The XT-VIA production

system’s intuitive touchscreen or

integration and media exchange with

server is designed to meet the most

with a dedicated controller. Users

any third-party system. Each interface

demanding live broadcast production

can also zoom into selected images

is easy-to-use, guaranteeing fast

requirements, integrating all new

with a simple touch-and-pinch

and efficient content turnaround.

formats and protocols from HD to

gesture to review every angle in

8K, SDR to HDR and SDI to IP. Built

detail - quickly, efficiently and in

EVS is headquartered in Belgium and

from EVS’ live engineering expertise,

complete synchronisation. The new

has over 20 offices in Europe, the

XT-VIA guarantees the highest level

version increases efficiency by using

Middle East, Asia and North America.

of control and precision. Its boosted

artificial intelligence to automatically

The company provides commercial and

capacity of up to two channels of

calibrate the field of play, a time-

technical support as well as training

UHD-8K, six channels of UHD-4K and

consuming task when done manually.

from its office located in Dubai.

12+ channels of full HD 1080p make

IPDIrector: IPDirector is a

it the most powerful server in the market.

content management suite

Contact EVS MENA Shatha Tower Office 09 (32nd floor) Dubai Media City PO Box 215278, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 365 4222 Email: Website: Mohammed Bouita Vice President, Sales, MENA



Driving transformation to leverage new opportunities The broadcast and media industry is

the-shelf (COTS) hardware, Grass

experiencing an exciting transition.

Valley is strongly positioned to help

Media organisations, broadcasters

customers make this transition

and service providers are moving

seamlessly, and at a rate that suits

away from long-held operational

the needs of their business.

and business models to take on the

Working in partnership with

challenges of a shifting mediascape.

broadcasters and OB companies,

Viewers demand richer, immersive

Grass Valley leads the way with

viewing experiences with stunning

groundbreaking IP-based remote

images across multiple screens

production deployments thanks

- wherever and whenever they

to the unmatched capability of its

want. As consumers become

field-proven DirectIP workflow,

increasingly proactive in the way

available via the Grass Valley

they engage with and consume

LDX Series. As the only camera

content, broadcasters and content

manufacturer that delivers all-

providers must respond with

IP communication between a

new services. At the same time,

camera and XCU base station,

downward pressure on budgets

Grass Valley enables production

is pushing media organisations

teams to maintain the bulk of

towards greater efficiency.

its workflow at the main studio,

Scalability, flexibility and agility

sending only camera heads to on-site

have become essential to making

consumer habits, they are increasingly

productions. In addition to leveraging

fast and smart decisions that will

leveraging emerging technologies,

significant savings on time, budget

leverage the opportunities presented

such as cloud, IP, machine learning

and resources, this model maximises

by this ongoing market evolution.

and intelligent automation, in the

equipment usage at production facilities

drive towards more profitable and

for higher return on investment.

New Approaches for a Shifting Mediascape

sustainable business models. With the largest number of open

Grass Valley is a trusted partner for gaming companies, specialist

Traditional SDI infrastructures are

standards-based IP deployments in

e-sports venues and event organisers,

limited in the flexibility they offer. As

the industry, and as the front-runner

bringing its vast expertise to bear as

broadcasters and media companies

in cloud and virtualised solutions

this rapidly growing sector looks to

need to adapt quickly to shifting

built on standard, commercial-off-

increase its audience and engage with



them across a variety of platforms.

commitment to investing in innovation

Valley’s entire product range. The

Combined with its long experience and

backed by the industry’s largest

Core Technology initiative will set

deep knowledge in live production,

R&D engine and the weight of the

the direction for the Grass Valley

Grass Valley’s product portfolio delivers

Belden brand makes Grass Valley a

portfolio and take a modern ‘build

the immersive live experiences that

business transformation partner that

once, integrate to many’ approach

fans demand, providing stunning

customers can trust for the long-term.

in areas such as video processing,

Grass Valley’s recently announced

IP connectivity, cloud technologies

images of game footage, the on-stage playing environment, commentary,

Core Technology initiative helps

closeups and interviews with players.

ensure a faster time to market and

Surviving and Thriving in the Current Market Grass Valley is an unmatched partner that helps customers harness evolving market opportunities. The company’s glass-to-glass offering and

and software-defined solutions. The need for forward-thinking

swifter response as it delivers greater

technology partners is more

functionality across its product

important than ever. Customers need

portfolio. This agile R&D approach

partnerships that help them meet the

will deliver the common

challenges of creating and delivering

cores, platforms,

first-class content that is immersive,

engines and interfaces

available across all platforms and leverages flexible and efficient

that add

workflows. Grass Valley is committed


to staying ahead of the curve and

value across

innovating not only the solutions it bring


to market, but the way it creates them.

Contact Grass Valley Turnpike Road Newbury Berkshire, RG14 2NX United Kingdom Website:



Delivering the bigger picture

Ikegami is a leading manufacturer

for image acquisition, processing,

Camera systems

of specialised cameras, image

recording, display and transmission.

The UHK-430 is a 4K-native IP-ready

processing and transmission

Ikegami broadcast equipment has

portable camera system with the

equipment. The company is known

earned the trust of stations around

ability to output 4K HDR and 2K SDR

worldwide for high-quality products

the world including cameras that have

simultaneously. A studio version for use

for broadcast, CCTV, industrial

captured the action at large-scale

with box lenses is also available - the

and medical applications. The

events around the world. The company

UHK-435. Both models incorporate

Ikegami product range offers a

produces broadcast camera systems

three 2/3 inch CMOS sensors providing

unique convergence of attributes

in nearly 20 designs ranging from

full 3840 x 2160 ultra-high definition

incorporating the latest innovations.

UHK-435 studio box camera model

resolution plus the depth of field

Ikegami has consistently created

and its UHK-430 EFP equivalent to POV

needed for studio and outdoor

the most advanced products

heads such as the compact HDL-45E.

production. An optional SMPTE media-



over-IP board can be fitted to the CCU

and LM-960WR can be powered from

to provide IP video connectivity.

AC or DC. Multi-format SD/HD-SDI,

Among other recent additions is

3G-SDI, HDMI and VBS inputs are

the 4K-ready HDK-99 which employs

provided as standard. A 4K 2SI input is

three full-HD 2.6 megapixel 2/3-inch

available for 2K resolution monitoring

CMOS image sensors to achieve high-

of a 4K source. Audio features include

quality HDTV video with a horizontal

SDI-embedded audio monitoring and

resolution of 1000TVL, SNR of 62dB

5.1ch surround down-mix output.

or more and sensitivity of F12. This

Each model in the HLM-60 series

model supports high-bandwidth 3G-SDI

includes test and measurement tools.

(1080p59.94/50Hz) video output, HDR,

Ikegami Unicam series products are

2x slow-motion and 16-axis colour

designed for integration into complete

correction. An optional board for the

systems with supporting modules

camera’s control unit (CCU-980/BS-

such as on-camera viewfinders.

98) provides a 4K output from a 2K

Newest of these are the VFL201A

source and is the ideal solution for an

two-inch HD LCD colour monoscope

affordable transition from HD to UHD

with integrated heater and the seven-

production. Integral to the HDK-99

inch direct-view full-HD VFL-701A.

and other recently introduced Ikegami cameras is the AXII processor which

Ikegami VCP

allows fast and precise colour matching

In addition to a wide selection of hardware OCPs, the recently introduced

for live multi-camera applications. enables this display to reproduce high

Ikegami VCP is a cost-efficient software

Ikegami offers a range of displays.

resolution 4K and 2K images with a

based virtual control panel. This can

The recently introduced HQLM-3125X

contrast of 1,000,000:1 and a luminance

control up to five cameras from a

is a 31-inch 4K/HD master grade

of 1,000 NITS across the entire screen.

single windows PC. Assignable buttons

For high quality picture assessment,

monitor supporting BT 2020 UHD,

The recently introduced HLM-60

and slide bars allow each control

HDTV, HDR and SDR. It is equipped

series multi-format LCD colour video

panel to be set up separately for

with two 12G-SDI input channels as

monitors comprises the 24-inch

each camera. Multiple VCPs can be

standard for efficient configuration

HLM-2460W, 17-inch HLM-1760WR

combined with Ikegami’s conventional

with 4K equipment such as cameras

and the nine-inch HLM-960WR. Each

OCPs via a local network, as well

and switchers. 3G-SDI, HD-SDI and

has a full HD 1920 x 1080 panel with

as Ikegami’s VMP (Virtual Master

HDMI inputs are also provided as standard. The monitor employs a 4096 x 2160 pixel UHD LCD panel with LED

power-efficient LED

Control Panel). The VMP offers the

backlighting. The

same scope of functions as Ikegami’s


MCP-300, including complete camera


setup and control, file management/

The dual-

transfer and camera diagnostics.

LCD-layer technology

Contact Ikegami Electronics (Europe) GmbH Ikegamistrasse 1 – 41460 Neuss Germany Website:



Creating standards in workflow solutions Imagine Communications is a global

adoption across the industry.

established in other areas of the

The Road to Opt

leader in video infrastructure,

Today Imagine delivers powerful

advertising management and

workflow solutions. It was a pioneer in

IT industry – uses small, discrete

and encompassing solutions

software modules which provide

from two business units:

functionality at the granular level. A

predicting the quantum shift towards

advertising technology (Ad tech)

microservice is often described as the

software-defined technologies and IP

playout and networking including

smallest viable unit of functionality.

connectivity and has led the market

traditional technology as well as

in delivering proven solutions. Today,

software-defined systems and IP

systems can draw together the precise

nearly half the world’s broadcast

connectivity, and the management

functionality that is needed, moment by

video channels use technology

of ordered transitions

moment, taking up just the hardware

from Imagine Communications. In

Central to all of Imagine’s

resources needed at that time.

By managing microservices,

monetisation, products from Imagine

developments is a determination to

Increasingly, the hardware resources are

drive nearly $50 billion in advertising

build systems which are cost-effective,

provided by commercial off-the-shelf

revenue around the world.

agile and flexible. For this reason,

(COTS) hardware, and Imagine has a

products are increasingly developed

long-standing relationship with Hewlett-

industry in developing and promoting

using a microservices architecture.

Packard Enterprise (HPE) to implement

widely-recognised open standards.

This technique – well-

Importantly, Imagine has led the

The editor of the SMPTE ST

richly functional systems on standard hardware.

2110 family of standards

Where additional

is John Mailhot of Imagine

processing power is

Communications. The company

required, Imagine

was also one of the initiators of AIMS (Alliance for IP Media

In This Handout:

Ad-driven m and maximiz opportunitie methods tha types of inve on the evolu methods, an

continues to develop its own platforms. A very

Solutions), which drives both

widely used example

the completion of open

of this is the Selenio

standards and their widespread

The Bridge Between Linear & Non-linear

Network Processor, the industry’s first

pure-IP processor. This FPGA-based device is used in systems

design to provide a

The Next Step in Ad Evolution

smooth bridge between

traditional, SDI-connected



legacy systems and IP-

and is ready for UHD,

connected software

HDR and other future technical developments.

solutions in a hybrid,

The solution starts with Broadcast

transitional architecture. Landmark and Broadcast Master

Master and xG Schedule for planning

the microservices philosophy because

sales and scheduling tools. Cutting-

and scheduling. Nexio Motion manages

it provides two critical benefits. First, it

edge functionality for the broadcast

content flow with each channel being

offers complete flexibility and agility: it

and online business is provided by

played out by instances of Versio running

is simple to create new workflows just

the xG modular software range,

on HPE workstations. The system also

by bringing the required microservices

which includes systems for planning

includes branding and switching, storage

together. Whether adding new

targeted advertising and cross-platform

and asset management, all developed

channels or testing new formats such

scheduling. The newest system is

jointly by the ADM engineering team

as 4K Ultra HD, these workflows can

xG Scorecard, which provides at-a-

and Imagine Communications.

be assembled practically instantly.

glance real time insights into how

More broadly, Imagine has pursued

Second, a microservices architecture

spots drive sales for advertisers, giving

is inherently virtualisable. Imagine

channel managers unprecedented

systems can be implemented in

insight into business analytics.

discrete appliances, virtualised in

Imagine Communications has had

the machine room or in corporate

a strong presence in the Middle East

data centres, in the cloud, or in a

from a technology base in Dubai.

hybrid of multiple locations.

Clients in the region include many

Users are already enjoying the full

of the largest and most respected

benefit of software-defined technologies

broadcasters and content companies,

from Imagine. Alongside the SNP, key

including ERTU, Sharjah Media

products include the Versio playout

Corporation, OSN and Sky News Arabia.

platform, the EPIC MV multiviewer

In a recent project, Abu Dhabi

and the Platinum IP3 router, which

Media refreshed its original playout

switches digital audio, video and

infrastructure (also installed by Imagine

IP signals in the same frame.

Communications). It is designed

The advertising technology offering builds on the well-established

for maximum flexibility to meet rapidly changing market demands

Contact Imagine Communications Shatha tower, Office 3409 Dubai Media City, Dubai, UAE Email: Sales.ME@ Anas Hantash Director, MENA and South Asia

Social Media Imagine_Comms ImagineCommsCorp Imagine Communications Imagine Communications



Satellite carrier monitoring and VSAT solutions by 35% in the last three years, staff strength by 180% and profits by 300%.

Mission To provide best quality and the fastest technology available. To add value to service, technology, speed and cost-efficiency by innovation.

Controlsat Controlsat is the fastest carrier monitoring system in the market able to measure 200 carriers per second. Satellite carrier monitoring operations have never been performed as fast and easy and therefore this easy-to-use system allows significant operational expenses (OPEX).

Controlsat: Carrier

Controlsat provides a new

Monitoring System.

way of ensuring interference-

Integrasys specialises in the engineering

won four innovation awards in the last

and manufacturing of satellite

four years, crafting a tangible reality

carrier monitoring systems and

to their slogan - ‘building success from

user sharing on system capabilities

VSAT installation and maintenance

innovation’. It has partnered with

and simultaneous measurements in

tools for the telecommunication

the best brands internationally, has

multiple satellites and frequency plans.

and broadcasting markets.

global presence (opened new offices

Moreover, it is highly customisable for

in the USA, Spain and Indonesia)

remote monitoring via fibre or satellite

engineers and experts in automated

and unmatched post-sales support

link. Its main application is the HTS

RF and microwave test systems and

and warranty programmes.

where Controlsat allows the operator

Founded in 1990 by a group of

software, Integrasys offers a wide

Integrasys continues to innovate

free quality of service. It is scalable allowing multiple

to manage, control and monitor the

range of signal monitoring products for

in the carrier monitoring segment

spectrum on all gateway beams and user

different telecom services. Recognised

by investing heavily in R&D and

beams cost-effectively. Controlsat allows

by the industry as one of the most

maximising systems capabilities, speed

monitoring carrier level, carrier centre

innovative companies, Integrasys has

and ease of use. Revenue has grown

frequency, transmission bandwidth and



carrier power over unlimited number of analogue or digital-modulated carriers, reducing drastically the total time for checking the complete satellite payload. Controlsat allows recording spectrum data for later analysis and report. These reports have the minimum size for sending by email to customers, providers or regulatory agencies to analyse quality of service or interference events.

Satmotion Integrasys Satmotion Pocket is a unique VSAT auto-commissioning system for

Satmotion Pocket: VSAT Auto-Commissioning System.

minimising deployment time, effort

experts on VSAT installations. The

any service degradation. In certain

and interference intra-satellite such

following features make it unique:

conditions, it can even recover out-of-

as CrossPol and inter-satellite such as

Immediate return on investment

service or service-degraded terminals.

Adjacent Satellite Interference (ASI).

Significant installation time

This solution allows accurate installation

VSAT commissioning is crucial for

and cost-reduction

during remote commissioning. Alusat

small, medium and large networks

Zero calls between NOC/Hub

allows consistent monitoring of a

and Integrasys provides the best tools

operators and field installers

VSAT site after installation ensuring

for minimising time to market for its

Simple interface and easy-to-use

optimum operation levels; no service

customers, maximising their network

Minimises interferences between

failures and site revisits guarantee

performances and minimising OPEX.

polarisation and adjacent satellites

minimised costs and revisits remotely.

Satmotion Pocket simplifies the

Trained by global VSAT forum

commissioning process as much

GVF514 anywhere, anytime

as possible ensuring quality and

Alusat checks all of the terminals in the targeted VSAT community, analysing Rx and Tx measured values

interference-free on each installation


by measuring Copol, Xpol and ASI

Integrasys Alusat is a unique automated

adjacent satellite interference and

and feeding back to the installer

network maintenance system for

1dB compression point to detect

with an easy interface that they

minimising maintenance time, effort

failures and raise any necessary

can understand without being

and interference intra-satellite or

alarms with detailed reports.

of Copol power, cross-pol isolation,

Contact Integrasys S.A. Headquarters Jose Echegary 8, Building 3 Las Rozas, 28230, Madrid, Spain Email: Website: www. Alvaro Sanchez General Manager Tel: +34 91 631 6846 Fax: +34 91 631 715 Alusat: VSAT Network Maintenance.



Rethink broadcast control and monitoring Widely used in sport and entertainment

theWALL allows users to configure

broadcasts, theatres and houses of

any video monitor wall and routing

worship, Lawo brings cutting-edge

signals to change mosaic layouts and

engineering to IP infrastructures, video

save/load presets through an HTML5-

processing and routing, audio-over-

based app on any mobile device.

IP interfacing as well as digital audio

The SMaRT System Monitoring

mixing and routing. With VSM

and Realtime Telemetry: This

and SMaRT, Lawo offers first-in-

software for broadcast

class studio management and

networks provides

monitoring/telemetry systems.


The AES67 standard is


featured throughout Lawo’s

an all-IP,

product range easing the

all-SDI or hybrid

industry’s transition to IP-based

WAN/LAN broadcast infrastructure

infrastructures. A founding

with respect to the network’s health

member of the Alliance

and regarding the data being sent.

for IP Media Solutions (AIMS), Lawo

brings IP-based control to TV and radio

has always been at the forefront of

production in OB trucks, TV and radio

interoperability and open standards.

MCRs and studios. Device-agnostic,

Video Solutions for IP-based Setups

Alongside an Emmy Engineering

VSM can control all major video/audio

Lawo’s award-winning V__matrix

Plaque, Lawo’s accolades include the

routers and mixers, intercoms, UMDs

software-defined IP platform uses

IABM Award and countless industry

and multiviewers, glue and other third-

multiple cores and a high-capacity COTS

magazine awards. In 2018, Lawo

party devices, whether baseband or IP.

switch with redundant 10GbE/40GbE

received the coveted Broadcast/Media

V__matrix vm_dmv64-4 is the

connections as a distributed IP routing

Project of the Year award for its IP-based

world’s first infinitely expandable

and processing matrix for frame-

Ravenna/AES67 installation at the

true IP multiviewer software module.

accurate switching. Thanks to generic

Elbphilharmonie Hamburg opera house.

The vm_mv24-4 and vm_mv16-4

C100 processing blades providing

virtual modules provide high-quality

physical connectivity and VSM as the

multi-viewer functionality, while

control layer, virtual modules enable

vm_udx is a software-based format

entire workflows to be remapped

converter between SD, HD and

in minutes. Continent-wide and

4K formats (up to four paths).

intercontinental IP remote productions

Broadcast Control, Multiviewer Solutions and Monitoring Systems Lawo’s Virtual Studio Manager (VSM)



of NEP Australia’s Andrews Hubs in

touchscreen-based button

Sydney and Melbourne are based

panels, even mixing controllers.

on the V__matrix infrastructure.

R LAY Virtual Radio

V__remote 4 is a bidirectional multichannel video/

The R LAY VRX mixing software

audio-to IP-interface

supports a ‘virtual radio

for WAN-based remote

environment’ with apps that

production, whereas

eliminate hardware peripherals.

the V__pro8 is the

R LAY is perfect for remote kits, mobile ENG, webcasting, fast

‘Swiss Army knife’

setup of on-location studios or

of video processing,

as a permanent personal studio.

bridging video and audio formats within a studio

Audio Routing

infrastructure via high-density audio

Lawo’s Nova range is a benchmark

connections. A Dolby E encoding/ Console for video production in

in audio routing. It features

broadcast, live and theatre with native

modular construction, unique Dual

support for SMPTE 2110, AES67,

Star topology, scalable routing

Lawo’s A__UHD Core utilises the IP

RAVENNA and DANTE; mc²56 Third

and plug-and-play operation.

network to serve as an extension of

Generation with key features from

mc²56 or mc²96 consoles anywhere

Lawo’s mc²96 console for broadcast

on the network. Its 1,000+ mc²

trucks, studios, live performance

Installations in the Middle East

fully-featured DSP channels can

and recording; and mc²36 flexible

Installations include Al Jazeera, Al

be utilised by a single mc² console

all-in-one mixing desk for broadcast,

Kass, beIN Media Group, Qatar TV/

or shared up to four consoles.

theatres, houses of worship, live and

Radio, Abu Dhabi Media Company,

install at an incredible price point.

Sky News Arabia, Oman TV, Radio

decoding option is available.

Audio-to-IP Interfacing

A__line audio-to-IP interfaces provide reliable transport of analogue

Jeddah/Radio Riyadh, ERTU, SABC,

and digital audio using IP network

Radio Broadcast

environments for broadcast, live and

Lawo’s ruby console adopts modern

install. Based on RAVENNA technology,

radio studio working, mixing and

all devices are compatible with AES67

routing audio in the same multi-touch


audio-over-IP and WAN capable.

onscreen environment used by other


studio tools. Lawo’s radio consoles

Am Oberwald 8

handle RAVENNA/AES67 and operate

76437 Rasttat

Broadcast Production Lawo’s mc² audio mixing consoles allow

stand-alone or within a networked

studio and OB operators to focus on

environment. As self-ops, crystal

their work and integrate seamlessly

and sapphire consoles provide easy

into future-proof IP infrastructures.

handling. VisTool allows to create

Line-up: mc²96 Grand Production

custom status displays, tablet and

Multichoice and many others.

Germany Tel: +49 7222 1002 2930 Email: Website: Wolfgang Huber Email:

Social Media lawo lawo



Designing highly reliable test and measurement tools Established in 1954, Leader has earned a worldwide reputation for designing and manufacturing highly reliable, practical and costeffective test and measurement instruments. Leader products are specified for research, development, broadcast, production and service applications. Manufacturing quality is built in every step of the way. Less than 0.1% of all Leader products made are ever returned for warranty repair or adjustment. The Leader product range includes award-winning 3G/HD/SD SDI waveform monitors and rasterisers with customisable layout. Available options include 4K/UHD, CIE colour chart, HDR measurement, test

its LV7300 rasteriser equivalent.

display, IP and 12G SDI. Having

New Leader Products: the LV5600, LV7600 and the LV5350

helped many customers manage their

Four new broadcast test and

manufacturers manage their migration

transition from analogue to digital,

measurement products were

from analogue to digital, from standard

from SD to HD, from HD to 4K/UHD,

introduced in 2018 - the LV5600 true

definition to high definition and from

from SDR to HDR and from BT.709 to

hybrid IP and SDI waveform monitor

standard dynamic range to high

BT.2020 wide colour gamut, Leader

and LV7600 rasteriser equivalent,

dynamic range. Most broadcasters

also provides dependable support

plus the LV5350 portable 12G/3G/

now recognise the potential of video-

for the transition from SDI to IP.

HD/SD-SDI waveform monitor and

over-IP both within their studio facilities

pattern generation, eye and jitter measurement and closed caption

Leader has helped many broadcasters and broadcast-equipment



and for long distance content delivery. The majority will transition to IP via an interim SDI/IP hybrid infrastructure so they will want to handle SDI and IP in a single test and measurement product. The LV5600 and LV7600 address this concern, providing common display interfaces, irrespective of whether the source signal is SDI or IP. Both instruments conform to the Leader style of being intuitive for camera operators to use as well as for engineering staff. The Leader LV5600 is a mainspowered SDI/IP waveform monitor in a compact half-rack width 3U desktop chassis with a touch-screen front panel display. It provides all the facilities needed to seamlessly monitor UHD/HD/ SD SDI as well as video-over-IP signals.

Leader’s long heritage of providing

assist, customisable screen layout,

The LV5600 includes a broad set of

products that support operational

tally interface, 4K/UHD operation and

engineering-related features including

and engineering requirements within

12G-SDI interfaces. The LV5350 and

test pattern generation, eye pattern

a single instrument. Designed for

LV7300 also incorporate Leader’s

display, jitter measurement, closed-

mobile and studio-based TV and film

intuitive Cinezone and Cinelite.

caption monitoring, CIE colour chart,

applications, the LV5350 is a state-

A new focus detection algorithm

high dynamic range measurement,

of-the-art instrument for today’s

enables the two instruments to

focus assist, customisable screen layout,

predominantly SDI world which does

sense edges across a very wide

tally interface, 4K/UHD operation, 10G

not require the IP measurement

range of image contrast levels.

IP input and 12G-SDI interfaces. SMPTE

capabilities. It succeeds the LV5333

2022-6, SMPTE 2022-7 and the recently

which has proved especially popular

published SMPTE 2110 protocols

with DITs and camera crews needing

are all supported. The LV5600 also

advanced 4K/HD/SD measurement

incorporates Leader’s intuitive Cinezone

facilities. Both instruments incorporate

and Cinelite which are familiar to many

all the SDI facilities of the top-of-the-

camera crews, editors and colourists.

range LV5600 and LV7600 minus the

Yokohama 223-8505, Japan

Contact Leader Electronics Corporation 2-6-33 Tsunashima-Higashi Kohoku-ku

IP measurement capabilities which are

Tel: +81-45-541-2123

the same capabilities as the LV5600

currently required by only a minority of

but in a low-profile 19-inch 1U form-


production and post-production teams.


The LV7600 rasteriser offers exactly

factor for easy rack or desk mounting. The LV5350 portable 12G/3G/HD/

Engineering-related features include test pattern generation, closed-caption

SD-SDI waveform monitor and its

monitoring, CIE colour chart, high

LV7300 rasterising equivalent continue

dynamic range measurement, focus

Social Media LeaderEurope



Setting world standards in lighting panels Litepanels, a Vitec

and versatile soft

of popular gels that complement

Group brand,

lights. Gemini

both daylight and tungsten sources.

was founded

panels can be set

in 2001 by five

up in an instant to

Gemini lights allows light to be rigged


begin producing

virtually anywhere requiring less

gaffers and

true, flicker-free,

cabling because the power supply is

engineers who


built-in. These production-friendly soft

saw the future and

white light for

panels deliver full-intensity output

pioneered LED lighting for motion pictures, television, and

any frame rate, shutter angle, or intensity,

The versatile lightweight design of

even when operated by battery power making them an ideal complement

the audio-visual industry. Their

making it perfect for high-speed

to any of the Anton/Bauer battery

Emmy award-winning technology

photography and live broadcasts.

lines. A dual-battery mounting plate

has now been used on thousands

With the Gemini correlated colour

allows Gemini to be powered from two

of productions worldwide and

temperature (CCT) mode, users can

Gold Mount or two V-Mount batteries

is trusted by the world’s leading

get accurate colour rendition across

such as Anton/Bauer’s Dionic XT.

broadcast organisations. Litepanels

the entire 360-degree spectrum

continues to expand its suite of

and fine-tune +/- green at the turn

Astra LED Panels

flicker-free, colour-accurate, fully

of a dial. A lighting effects mode

Litepanels’ next-generation Astra

dimmable soft lights that talent and

offers dynamic effects ranging from

family of LED panels continues to build

lighting directors admire. Adopted

emergency lights, lightning and

on the quality and popularity of the

by major broadcasters and movie

fire, to pulsing, square and strobe.

company’s original 1x1 panel. The Astra

studios around the world, these

Other modes include RGBW for

3X and 6X, available in both daylight or

environmentally friendly panels

independent adjustment of red,

can pay for themselves with

green, blue and white, an HSI

power savings and long life,

(hue saturation

setting a new standard in professional lighting.

and intensity)

bi-colour models feature a 50 percent increase in output making them three and six times brighter than the original 1x1 panel. The Astra Soft Bi-Colour

mode for full-

provides flattering diffused lighting for

colour and

a soft, wraparound light quality. The

Gemini Soft LED Range


Astra Bi-Focus Daylight offers users

control and

the ability to adjust from a 48-degree

Gemini LED panels are

a gel mode

flood to a 15-degree concentration

the industry’s most accurate

with a variety

of light with the turn of a dial. Astra’s



high-performance LEDs and optics

illumination with the unique ability

Litepanels is headquartered in

provide professional lighting designers

to control both focus and intensity

Los Angeles, with sales offices in

with accurate colour temperatures,

via standard DMX 512 protocol. In

EMEA, the Americas, and Asia.

high CRI/TLCI colour rendering and

addition, Sola lights give lighting

beautiful light quality. The Astra’s

designers complete control over

modular design features optional

aspects such as focus and intensity,

DMX and Bluetooth communication

all from a centralised control board.

modules along with V-Mount or Gold

Both the Astra and Sola series are

Mount battery plates for mobile power

ideal complements to the Gemini

when AC power is not available.

panels adding functionality and

Contact Vitec Production Solutions Parkring 29, 85748 Garching Germany Tel: +49 (0) 89 32158-200

versatility to an overall lighting design

Fax: +49 (0) 89 32158-227

while maintaining exceptional colour

Email: Salessupport_EMEA@

Litepanels’ daylight-balanced Sola 4+

quality. Like all of Litepanels’ LED

and Sola 6+ LED fresnels combine all

lighting, the Sola and Astra ranges


the benefits of today’s LED technology

are flicker-free regardless of frame

with the light-shaping, single-shadow

rate, shutter angle, or intensity level

properties of a traditional fresnel.

and they offer smooth dimming

The Sola 6+ is 50 percent brighter

from 100 percent intensity all the


than the previous version, while the

way down to zero. Improved low-


Sola 4+ is more than 120 percent

end dimming enables lighting to be

brighter than its predecessor. The

reduced as much as necessary for


Sola LED range provides cool daylight

extreme low-light requirements.

Sola LED Fresnel Panels

Social Media litepanels




Hybrid cloud archive and workflow management In 2017 Masstech merged with SGL

flexibility and cost-efficiency, but

communicate and share content

to form a new company, Masstech

only when all of the storage tiers

and metadata. Even sophisticated,

Innovations, which combines more

are connected, and if content can

enterprise level MAM and PAM

than 20 years of experience and

be managed across them all. Siloed

systems aren’t able to manage

expertise to create future-led,

systems don’t have the ability to

an entire hybrid system. FlashNet

technology driven storage solutions for the media and entertainment industry. More than 400 broadcasters, production houses, content creators and organisations across all segments of the video industry trust Masstech’s premier solutions, FlashNet and MassStore, with their data storage and asset lifecycle requirements.

Next-Generation Multi-Tier Storage Management Masstech harnesses the latest in IT technology to create intelligent storage solutions that help drive the most revenue from your content. Masstech has system-level integrations with all major public and private cloud and on-premise providers that enable hybrid storage solutions which offer the highest possible levels of flexibility and cost-efficiency.

Hybrid Cloud and Beyond Different pricing and access levels offered by different cloud providers means that a hybrid object storage environment offers unparalleled

Masstech enables a truly flexible, highly optimised hybrid cloud.



build highly-optimised workflows automates manual tasks and saves time and money that complicated content processing usually requires.

Dedicated Environments MassStore offers dedicated workflows, custom built for specific environments. Tailored workflow solutions for news, sport, education, houses of worship and other segments work right out of the box, integrating seamlessly into production environments, providing integrated archive and workflows proven in your area of operation.

industry vendors than any other

Happy Middle East and Global Customers

S3-compliant storage (e.g. AWS, Google,

provider. Whichever MAM, PAM

Masstech has over 400 customers

Caringo, Wasabi etc) appears to your

or control system (e.g Avid, Grass

around the world, each of whom

management system as a single storage

Valley, Dalet) you use, Masstech has

receives industry-leading support from

bucket. Masstech is also integrated with

deep-level integration that allows

Masstech’s experienced, broadcast

other major public cloud providers,

you to easily archive, search, retrieve

trained service and support operators.

such as Microsoft Azure and IBM Cloud.

and manage content, often directly

ADMC, Al Kass, MBC, Prime Focus, BBC,

For private cloud, FlashNet supports all

within the application itself.

CBS, ABC, Al Jazeera, Televisa, Tegna,

provides this single control layer. Native S3 read/write means that

system-level integrations with

Combine this with Masstech’s

Canal +, Sky, Fox Sports, HBO, MMC

(e.g. Caringo, SNS disk), plus many

certifications with all major public/

Dubai, these broadcasters and many

other providers such as Cloudian.

private cloud and library providers, and

more trust their data with Masstech.

the result is the ability to provide levels

Find out why at

S3 compliant, disk-based object stores

And if you have or want to implement on-premise systems (e.g. LTO),

of flexibility, customisation and cost

Masstech is certified with more on-

savings that other, proprietary object

premise storage providers than any

storage vendors simply cannot match.

other vendor and integrates them

Contact Masstech

MassStore - Intelligent Lifecycle Workflows

12, Fulcrum 2, Solent Way

multi-cloud, private cloud, on-premise

Masstech also provides intelligent

Tel: +44 1489 889930

or any combination of these in a

lifecycle and workflow automation


hybrid implementation, FlashNet

with MassStore. An Object Services

seamlessly combines them in a

Framework it combines Masstech’s


connected, intelligent ecosystem to

own and other third-party services,

Trevor Morecraft

ensure that your assets are where

allowing you to build automated

you need them, when you need them

lifecycle and content transformation

Regional Manager, EMEA

and at the lowest possible cost.

workflows that deliver data in the

seamlessly with other storage layers. Whether you choose public cloud,

100+ Integrations, No Ties – the Masstech Difference Masstech is proud to have more

right place, at the right time, in the right format. Integrated transcode, deep metadata enrichment and the ability to quickly and easily

Whiteley, UK

Social Media MasstechInnov masstech-innovations-inc



High-resolution digital audio recording and editing systems production environments. Constant updates have ensured that all workflows including the latest immersive audio solutions are available with Pyramix and Ovation. What sets them apart are their exceptional sound quality and superior editing capabilities. Quick to recognise the advantages of audio over IP, Merging introduced their first RAVENNA interface in 2012. Not only was Horus an astounding advance in connectivity, it rapidly gained an incredible reputation for the transparency of its conversion and the quality of its mic preamps. The modularity was retained Merging Technologies is one of the

but its roots lie in the professional

for the smaller Hapi unit released later.

world’s foremost manufacturers of

audio industry where its products are

Both products are now AES67 and ST2110

high-resolution digital audio recording

respected as workhorses, providing first-

compliant and recently the company

systems. Its list of customers reads like

class audio performances day in and out.

introduced the ANEMAN audio network

a who’s who in the recording industry

Legendary among these are the Nagra

manager to handle the routing and

and recordings made with Merging

IV-S and Nagra T-Audio TC analogue tape

administration of larger audio networks.

Technologies’ systems regularly receive

recorders,where Cellier played a pivotal

This year will see the introduction of

the industry’s prestigious Grammy Award.

role in their design and development.

the Anubis Mission Controller which is a

The company was founded in 1990 in

Within a short time of its founding,

compact RAVENNA/AES67 I/O unit with

Chexbres, Switzerland by Claude Cellier,

Merging quickly established a reputation

dual preamp architecture. Designed

an electronics graduate of the Institute

for its expertise in digital signal

to operate on its own or as part of a

of Technology in Lausanne. Prior to

processing and associated hardware

larger system, this revolutionary unit

this, Cellier worked for the famous

and with its Pyramix Virtual Studio, was

has built-in network management

Swiss audio maker Nagra Kudelski for

one of the first fully featured DAWs to

capabilities as well as remarkable

10 years. Nagra has diversified now

be accepted into broadcast and post-

connectivity for a small form factor.



Merging is now introducing this AoIP technology to the consumer audio world and continues to develop products that find their place in environments as diverse as broadcast, recording, mastering, A/V, theme parks, museums, shopping malls and transport hubs. ‘Audio for the Networking Age’ is in the Merging DNA.

Products The Merging line up includes the Pyramix Virtual Studio, Ovation Audio and Event Sequencer, VCube HD Video Player and Recorder, Horus, Hapi and Anubis AD/ DA Interfaces, ANEMAN Audio Network

for live audio playout in broadcast

Manager, a range of virtual audio devices

studios, OB vans and at live events.


and OEM products for RAVENNA/AES67.

Both support a wide range of plug-ins.

Key Broadcast Clients

Key Events

Pyramix is a popular choice in the

The opening and closing ceremonies of

production of prestigious content.

major sporting events are a specialty

Merging Technologies Le Verney 4, Puidoux CH-1070, Switzerland Tel: +41 21 946 0444 Website:

National broadcasters from the Middle

(with credits) including the Olympic

East, Europe, Asia, North America, Africa

Games in Sydney, Athens, London and

and the Pacific Rim continue to use

Rio, the Winter Olympics in Vancouver,

Pyramix for major music events and

Arab Games 2011, Asian Games 2006,

documentaries. The production and

2018, Gulf Cup 2007 and the Dubai

post-production of immersive audio

World Cup 2016-18. Ovation has been

content for a variety of purposes is easily

used for various synchronised firework

achieved with Pyramix. This includes

displays for New Year and National Day

object-based audio formats such as

celebrations such as in the Abu Dhabi

MPEG-H and ADM. Ovation is a popular

National Day Celebrations 2016-18.

Chris Hollebone Sales & Marketing Manager Tel: +44 7785 237333 Email:

Social Media MergingTech merging-technologies mergingtech mergingtech MergingTechnologies

Local Distributors Amaranthine Trading (LLC) Dubai, UAE Tel: +9714 3390944 Tel: +9714 5530828 Email: Telekala Co Ltd, Iran Tel: +98 (21) 692 9282 Delta AV Solutions, Qatar Tel: +9714 5530828 Vasscom (Video, Audio and Storage Solutions), Turkey Tel: +90 543 3449764



Preparing for the next era of connectivity via satellite From 5G and the Internet of Things to

help its customers keep up with

Fixed Contribution

Low Earth Orbit constellations and the

the insatiable demand for more

Satellite News Gathering (SNG)

continued High Throughput Satellite

bandwidth at lower costs.

Multiservice Broadcast (MSBC) Networks

(HTS) boom, the satellite industry is going through unprecedented change. While

Newtec’s solutions address

this presents fresh challenges, it also

challenges in the following segments

brings new opportunities. Throughout

within the broadcast market:

In addition, Newtec caters for: Cellular backhaul and Trunking Consumer and Enterprise VSAT

the last year, Newtec has continued to innovate and develop new technologies

Direct-to-Home (DTH) broadcast

Government and Defence

and partnerships, cementing its

Direct-to-Transmission Tower (DTT)

Mobility, Offshore, Aviation

position as an industry pioneer.

Distribution to local head-ends

and Maritime

Since 1985, innovation and recordbreaking speed and efficiency has been key to Newtec’s mission. Today, Newtec continues to break barriers, merging reliability and efficiency to meet end-users’ ever-increasing expectations. Products offered by Newtec include modulators, modems, redundancy switches, frequency converters, gateways, combiners, network optimisation units, OEM boards and hubs. A focus of the company is pushing the limits of spectral efficiency. Newtec has developed technologies such as wideband DVB-S2X, MxDMA, Bandwidth Cancellation, and pre-distortion Equalink 3 – to



Gen 3 Newtec modem to provide inflight connectivity and plans to have 1,000 completed this year. The Newtec modem offers up to 20 times the bandwidth of Panasonic Avionics’ original solution and can facilitate the increasing bandwidth coming on stream as HTS and Extreme-Throughput Satellite (XTS) services continue to be layered over Panasonic’s existing global network. Additionally, Newtec is dedicated to providing universal connectivity on the ground. Recently, Newtec worked with broadband satellite operator Kacific to significantly

Future-proofing Mobile Connectivity

execution thanks to the 500Mbaud

expand its broadband service

DVB-S2X forward and Mx-DMA

delivery in underserved areas of

The role that satellite has to play

return link. It delivers the best

South East Asia, New Zealand and

in mobile connectivity is already

connectivity experience and allows

the Pacific Islands. Utilising the

evident. Operators are choosing to

operators to enlarge their addressable

Newtec Dialog VSAT multiservice

use satellite for cellular backhaul

markets in key HTS sectors, such as

platform, Kacific’s HTS Kacific1 will

when delivering 2G, 3G and 4G

broadband, backhaul and mobility,

target areas currently beyond the

services, with Myanmar’s newest

and expand into emerging markets,

reach of terrestrial infrastructures.

mobile operator, Mytel, among them.

enabled by small electronically-

The Solomon Islands is another area

Working with its long-term partner

steered flat panel antennas.

benefitting from Newtec’s technology,

Communications & Commerce (Com

Milano Teleport is among those that

with internet service provider,

& Com), a joint venture company

have deployed Newtec Dialog, along

SATSOL selecting Newtec Dialog to

established between Terabit Wave

with two types of Newtec modem, as it

improve internet connectivity to the

(Myanmar) and OSB JSC (Vietnam),

looked to vastly improve its maritime

Solomon Islands government and

Newtec launched a mobile backhaul

services. Targeting namely yachts (via

secondary schools across the region.

network for Mytel, empowering it

the ‘Orbis Yacht’ brand) and cruise

to deliver 2G, 3G and 4G services

liners (with ‘iSeaglobal’) – both of

across Myanmar. Newtec is also

which require very high-bandwidth

involved in several 5G trials including

connectivity – a number of vessels

ESA’s ‘Satellite for 5G’ initiative.

are already in service, with Milano

Contact Newtec HQ Laarstraat 5, B-9100 Sint-Niklaas

Teleport significantly reducing its


OPEX as a result of the Newtec Dialog

Tel: +32 3 780 65 00

hub located at its teleport in Italy.

Email: Regional Office

choosing to use the Newtec Dialog

Connecting the Unconnected – in the Sky and on the Ground

platform. Maximising HTS benefits

Newtec’s work within the commercial

and providing supreme bandwidth

aviation industry is also expanding.

PO Box 502388, Dubai, UAE

efficiencies and throughputs, Newtec

Panasonic Avionics, for example,

Dialog ensures optimal HTS strategy

now has 350 aircraft flying with its

Pushing HTS to the Max As HTS constellations continue to grow, monetising these infrastructures is another priority for operators, which is why an increasing number are

Dubai Media City Aurora Tower, Office 1203-A Tel: +971 4 4436058 Website:



Transforming 15 years of expertise into the best internet TV Qarva is a provider of internet TV

possible to modify and/or upgrade

solutions and technologies since

each element independently

2006 and has positioned itself on

without altering high-level topology

the global TV market since 2012. The

and other core components.

company is based in Tbilisi, Georgia.

In 2012, in Cape Town at AfricaCast,

Qarva mission is to create the

Qarva demonstrated its flagship

best internet TV experience for

product Teleport based on the award-

IPTV and OTT subscribers.

winning proprietary multipipe protocol

In an era where the choice lies with

by streaming 4K content from Georgia

the subscriber and viewer of video

to Africa (over 13,000kms), with ultra-

content, Qarva works hand-in-hand

high quality over the open internet.

with its customers and partners to develop and deliver solutions

Qarva MultiPipe

that meet the challenges of today’s

Qarva MultiPipe protocol was invented

marketplace as well as the challenges

to overcome two main limitations of

of the future. Along with end-to-end

the internet television – Delay from live streaming and dependence of the

OTT and IPTV solutions with the highest cost-efficiency Qarva offers

Tamara Ninua, CEO, Qvara.

Bitrate on subscriber’s geographic location. It is a TCP/IP based protocol

standalone products with standardised and proprietary video streaming and

rich features such as fast channel

which uses persistent connections to

channel changing technologies such as

switching, packet loss recovery, time-

multiple streaming servers around

the award-winning FastSwitch Server,

shift control, TV channel search, long

the world to receive and aggregate

aQua Video Server and Qarva Teleport.

range delivery, 4K support, electronic

data. Up to 32 servers can be accessed

programme guide, smooth rewind

simultaneously generating very high

is a bundle of tightly integrated

to multiple devices including STBs,

content delivery speed and allowing

Qarva products. Solution comprises

mobile platforms, smart TVs and

usage of whole bandwidth of local

Qarva products and a stack of

mobile devices through managed

internet connection when accessing

design, implementation and support

and unmanaged network. Robust

video content of full HD quality

services ensuring end solutions with

modular architecture makes it

even from another continent.

Qarva IPTV/OTT end-to-end solution


Internet television delivered

As an evolution to Multipipe,

to subscribers through

Qarva Teleport was born - a real time

Multipipe protocol brings

software solution that transports

the following benefits:

FHD and UHD 4K content from one


technologies to create products and solutions for future internet TV.


Works with subscriber’s already

location to another over the open

existing internet connection

internet by using the whole bandwidth

It is unlimited geographically

of a local internet connection with

and subscribers can be located

near-second latency. This means

Tbilisi, 0160, Georgia

anywhere all over the world

broadcasters don’t have to worry


It allows watching TV using

about the negative impact of latency


one account anytime and

and/or buffering on quality of media

anywhere where the internet is

transfer. Qarva Teleport significantly

It allows watching the content

reduces transmission costs normally


through various devices

associated with satellite, fibre and


connected to internet

CDN solutions whilst considerably


High bitrates and high video

minimising operational costs.


quality anywhere in the world Near-zero delay from Live TV

As an innovator, Qarva remains up-to-date with the latest

Qarva 69 Ilia Odishelidze Str

Social Media




Creators of powered music scheduling RCS is the world’s largest broadcast

and experienced power users.

software company with products in

This tradition continues with

more than 14,500 radio stations, TV

its next generation of award-

music channels, cable companies,

winning broadcast software.

satellite music networks and internet

The most respected names in

stations worldwide. With more than

the broadcast industry choose

800 professionals working from

RCS as their software partner -

23 offices around the globe, RCS

Z100, KISS-FM and many of the

is everywhere. In the UAE, RCS has

largest and most successful radio

a number of blue-chip clients. The

groups around the world.

Dubai-based office managed by Baher MENA has the biggest client base in the

New Generation of Browser-based Software

MENA region and particularly in the

Now there is a new generation of

GCC (UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar,

browser-based extensions to RCS

Kuwait), Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan.

software designed for mobile devices

AL Zaher, Managing Director, RCS

RCS invented music scheduling

such as laptops, smartphones and

Baher Al Zaher, Managing

on computers opening its doors in

tablets. Alongside GSelector, Zetta and

Director, RCS MENA.

Aquira, customers now have access

1979 with the very first version of the legendary Selector. This revolutionary

In the last decade, RCS has

to the incredible ‘from-anywhere’

product was designed for music

reinvented the way broadcasters

flexibility of Selector2GO, Zetta2GO

radio stations who wanted more

approach their craft with the

and Aquira2GO. With mobile initiatives,

control over their song rotations

introduction of new and updated

RCS is putting the power of its cutting-

while maintaining consistency and

software services. A hallmark of RCS

edge software into the hands of every

enhancing variety. Within the first year,

from the beginning was the strategy

user, no matter where they may be.

Selector had its first station - an NBC-

to base product improvements on

And for customers who want cloud-

owned FM station in San Francisco.

feedback from its loyal customers

based solutions, RCS is already there.

Zetta – Advanced

GSelector – Powerful

Aquira – Innovative

RCSNews – Comprehensive

digital radio automation

multi-station scheduling

traffic solution

newsroom solution



RCS MENA local team in action.

Support Strength

RCS business has been excellent in

RCS provides the most advanced,

the region and its permanent local base


reliable, intuitive and flexible

in Dubai which also serves the MENA

broadcast tools on the planet.

has an array of new products currently


Because its clients are based

being implemented in the UAE and the

worldwide, the tools are multilingual

region. At CABSAT 2019, “RCS MENA

too. And customers are backed by

showcases what its team unofficially

the legendary RCS 24/7 world-class

refers to as the ‘21st century product

support. The company boasts more

suite’ - Zetta automation, GSelector

local support offices than any other

scheduling, Aquira commercial traffic

broadcast software company in the

and RCS News. We are honoured to

world – 23 of which are wholly owned

be working with some of the smartest,

RCS offices around the world.

most advanced radio companies

Level 19 Fortune Executive Tower Cluster T, JLT, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 513 99 45 Email: Website: Baher Al Zaher Managing Director

The Dubai office has a permanent

on the planet,” adds Al Zaher, “and

Tel: +971 4 513 99 44

support team which can be physically

truly proud to continue to be a part

Mob: +971 55 311 11 86

augmented overnight if necessary

of their success story and to bring


from any of its offices (including

new products into the region. We

say France or India), geographical

emphasise the 21st-century nature of

area notwithstanding. “RCS prides

our four cornerstone products because


itself on great service. With our base

we are the only broadcast software


here in the Emirates, we have been

company where every single offering

closer to our esteemed customers

has been produced from scratch this


in the region,” says Al Zaher.

century and not the last century.”

Social Media




Real-time media networking systems Founded in 1987, Riedel

applications. The company also

the world. Riedel is headquartered in

Communications designs, manufactures

provides rental services for radio and

Wuppertal, Germany and employs over

and distributes pioneering real-time

intercom systems, event IT solutions,

500 people in 20 locations throughout

video, audio, data and communications

fibre backbones and wireless signal

Europe, Australia, Asia and the Americas.

networks for broadcast, pro-audio,

transmission systems that scale easily

event, sports, theatre and security

for events of any size anywhere in

Riedel is known for its pioneering digital audio matrix systems and fibre-based, real-time network technology. Riedel’s core markets include live event production, live sports production, arenas and theatre venues and any other applications that require seamless, decentralised and highly reliable signal transport as well as crystal-clear crew and staff communications.

Core Products Riedel’s signature products include: MediorNet: A decentralised, redundant media network for efficient, cost-effective transport of video, audio and data signals in real time Artist: An industry-leading digital matrix intercom platform that creates a true network infrastructure based on highly modular matrix mainframes Bolero: An expandable, full-roaming, DECT-based intercom in the licensefree 1.9GHz frequency range that is fully integrated into Riedel’s Artist digital matrix intercom platform


Key Projects


motorsport and acts

The French National Assembly

as technology supplier

recently completed a

for some of the world’s

comprehensive, all-fibre signal

largest sporting events,

distribution and communications

from World Cups to Winter

backbone based on Riedel

and Summer Games.

solutions. Riedel’s MediorNet real

Riedel Communications

time media network provides


redundant and decentralised signal

and support by Riedel-

routing and transport throughout

qualified engineers. The joint

the French National Assembly’s

effort resulted in Bolero S, a smaller

Paris facilities. Tightly integrated

version of Riedel’s Bolero intercom

with MediorNet, Riedel’s Artist

that offers unlimited freedom of

digital matrix intercom system

movement on the pitch while still

and Bolero wireless intercom

preserving key characteristics such

provide crystal-clear and reliable

as multiple channels, high voice

communications for the French

clarity and unsurpassed RF reliability

National Assembly staff Deutsche Fußball Liga (DFL) recently

Major Sporting Event Partner

partnered with Riedel’s Managed

All around the world, broadcasters and

Sports Services division to design a

production companies like NEP, AMP,

reliable infrastructure for German

BBC, Al Jazeera, Sky or NextRadio TV

Bundesliga referee communications.

put their trust in Riedel technologies.

Designed to target the technical

Riedel Communications can look

broadcast requirements of today’s

back on over 25 years of experience

large-scale sporting events,

with major international sporting

the Managed Sports Services

events. Today, the company provides

division pairs custom-engineered

specialised radio and intercom systems

technologies with extensive

for all races of the premier class of

has been awarded three Sports Emmy Awards for production of the Red Bull Stratos Jump and the Red Bull Air Races.

Contact Riedel Communications – HQ Riedel Communications GmbH & Co. KG Uellendahler Straße 353 42109 Wuppertal, Germany Tel: +49 (0) 202 292 – 90 Serkan Guener Marketing and Communications Tel: +49 (0) 202 292 – 9517 Mob: +49 (0) 174 – 339 24 48 Email: Dubai Riedel Communications ME FZ-LLC DMC Building 10, Office 111 PO Box 502438, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 4229 574 Ahmed Magd El Din Singapore 10 Changi South Lane #03-01A, Singapore 486162 Tel: +65 6546 0603 Rajveer Singh General Manager, South East Asia Website:

Social Media RiedelCommunications International RIEDELnet riedelcommunications company/549773 riedelcommunications



Creating innovation in lighting Robe is among the world’s leading moving and digital light manufacturers

network covering over 100 countries.

of performances from music to TV

All technical processes involved

to drama and opera, appearing on

recognised for its innovation, quality

in making the luminaires is

a myriad platforms and events, at

engineering and dedication to the

undertaken locally in a 75.000sq.m.

theme park attractions and entering

highest production values. Based in the

facility in Valašské Meziříčí,

the specialist worlds of architectural

Czech Republic, the company employs

and the products are exported

and environmental illumination.

over 750 skilled staff worldwide, and

through its worldwide distributor

has wholly-owned subsidiaries in six key

network across all continents.

markets – the USA, the United Kingdom,

Robe is also known for being accessible, forward-thinking and understanding the importance of

the Middle East, Singapore (Asia Pacific),

Global Presence

France and Germany. Additionally the

Robe’s moving and LED lights can

in sustaining a successful enterprise.

company has a highly proactive and

be found everywhere, they are

The excellent communication with

talented regional sales management

installed on stages and in concert

those investing in and using its dynamic

team that helps oversee and coordinate

halls, in theatres and all types of other

range of products is at the core of its

the company‘s worldwide distribution

venues. Robe lights up all genres

future research and development.

people and personal communication




an all-European based operation,

Robe’s founders Ladislav Petrek

undertaking all areas of the production

and Josef Valchar met in 1992 and

processes inhouse. This was to

and private ownership ensuring the

they fused the idea of designing

ensure quality control and guarantee

business remains agile, efficient,

and producing high quality effects

swift turnaround times and also

decisive and focused on producing

and lighting products that would be

commitment to the community.

genuinely creative tools for an

fundamentally well engineered and proudly ‘made in the Czech Republic’. ‘Robe Show Lighting’ was officially

The Robe Philosophy

wide range of users and investors. Robe is proud of its independence

imaginative and exciting industry that constantly pushes boundaries.

Central to the company’s philosophy

inaugurated in early 1994 with the

is the practice of working closely

aim of designing a range of lighting

with its business partners and

products for international markets.

end users, listening to their needs

Very soon, the company’s OEM

and understanding their markets

products gained traction for their

and requirements. Knowing that a


robust build, good engineering and

company’s business is based on the

Roznov pod Radhostem

attention to detail. The resources

talent and imagination of numerous

Czech Republic

needed to sustain a quality operation

individuals, it endeavours to meet as

were in plentiful supply locally and

many of them on a one-on-one basis.

Tel: +420-571-751500

the profits were ploughed back

Building the ‘Robe family’ means all

into the business and spent on

comments and feedback are welcome.

establishing efficient production

The Robe brand is experiencing

Contact Robe Hazovice 2090

Fax: +420-571-751515 Email: Website:

lines, implementing innovative and

record growth and the company

efficient working practices and

is consistent in its pace to keep up

sourcing quality components.

with surges in production. Robe


continues to focus on designing and


the workhorse ‘AT’ series of moving

producing well-engineered products


lights starting with the 1200 series

utilising the very latest available


ColorSpot and ColorWash. Right

technology to meet the creative,

from the start Robe focused on being

technical and practical demands of its


With the Robe brand launch came

Social Media



Harnessing the latest technologies to make lives better Founded more than

PRISMON multiviewer.

the international mobile communications

80 years ago, Rohde & Schwarz is one of

market. The new LTE/5G

the world’s leading

Broadcast standard

manufacturers of

is a key technology

information and

for the future when


vehicles become

technology products for

highly automated and

professional users. Like

devices are networked

many other companies,

with each other in the

Rohde & Schwarz is seeing

Internet of Things. 5G

a transition within its core

Broadcast is part of

markets from hardware-

that and offers great

based products and system

potential for efficient

solutions to one where

distribution of media

software and especially

content. The introduction of 5G Broadcast will open

Internet Protocols (IP) are

up a worldwide market with millions

much more influential. that builds on extensive SDI heritage

of smartphones and tablets acting

transformation with groundbreaking

thereby expanding its product

as potential TV receivers able to

solutions. Today, the entire signal

portfolio. Engineering, product and

combine live TV services, media

processing chain for digital video

R&D teams have steadily evolved

libraries, social networks and

and audio content – from ingest

over many years and this stability

many other media services.

and playout to encoding and

is reflected in consistent adherence

multiplexing, from contribution to

to a strategy that has drilled down

satellite and IP networks to terrestrial

deep within broadcast workflows.

Rohde & Schwarz supports this

transmission can be realised with Rohde & Schwarz has invested

New Generation of LTE/5G Broadcast technology

heavily in developing an IP strategy

5G broadcasts are set to transform

Rohde & Schwarz products.

Software-based Monitoring and Multiviewer R&S PRISMON multiviewer provides advanced content monitoring for broadcast and streaming media services. It supports the SDI, SDIoIP,




SMPTE 2022-1/2, SMPTE 2022-6, SMPTE 2110, AIMS, TSoIP, CMAF, OTT, ASPEN, HLS and DASH transport standards as well as media formats such as MPEG-2/4, HEVC and TICO. Future new standards and media formats can be efficiently and flexibly added via software upgrades. R&S PRISMON automatically detects signal dropouts and content errors in real time, using sophisticated monitoring functions such as video freeze with whitelisting and video content compare. Its future-ready, fully software defined

increase overall performance and

power. With no high voltages used

architecture allows innovative,

reduce rebuild times. Also, system

within the product, maintenance

powerful monitoring functions such

scalability is almost infinite and

is easy and the product offers a

as live quality measurement (LiveQM)

expansion is possible during operation.

significantly longer operating lifetime

and content compare. R&S PRISMON

than the tube-based counterpart.

for dynamic and flexible resource

Satellite Amplifiers for KU Band

allocation in virtual environments.

In 2018, Rohde & Schwarz introduced

amplifiers. A 400W and a 750W model

the R&S PKU100 solid-state amplifier

will be available as outdoor and

which uses the latest transistor

indoor units and for the two frequency

technology and offers users new and

bands — 12,75 GHz to 13,25 GHz and

radically different functionality. The

13,75 GHz to 14,5 GHz. The amplifier

SpycerNode represents the first in a

amplifier achieves high efficiency, is

can be used in large-scale fixed

new breed of storage systems that

compact and lightweight with high

satellite installations serving customer

harness the latest advances in High

power output and is available with

applications such as broadcasters,

Performance Computing (HPC). HPC is

an optional adaptive linearisation.

telecom and internet service providers,

a combination of hardware, file system

An integrated block upconverter

financial institutions, government and

and RAID approach. HPC employs

(BUC) from L-band is also available.

non-government organisations. At

redundancy using software ‘RAID’

Importantly, if transistors fail during

the same time, the smaller amplifier

technologies called erasure coding

operation, the amplifier continues

can also be used for mobile, vehicle-

in combination with declustering to

to operate with reduced output

mounted satellite applications.

features an orchestration-ready design

SpycerNode Storage Harnesses Power of HighPerformance Computing


Rohde & Schwarz has developed two power classes for these uplink

Contact Rohde & Schwarz Middle East and Africa FZ-LLC Office No. 210, Building No. 01, 2nd Floor Dubai Media City, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 (0)4 44 61 900 Email: Website:



Smart production tools and solutions Ross Video powers video

service operations strategically

productions for billions of

located around the world.

global viewers daily with the

24/7/365 technical support and

industry’s widest range of

immediate access to spares is

smart production solutions.

crucial when deploying mission-

Ross makes it easy to create

critical technology. Ross

compelling news, weather

Video offers lifetime technical

and sports broadcasts,

support by telephone, email

engaging material for sports

and Skype. In-house research

stadium screens, entertainment

social media management, newsroom

and development enables Ross Video

shows and rock concerts, educational

systems and mobile live events.

to apply maximum creativity not only to

institutions, legislative assemblies,

As a privately held, self-funded

breakthrough products but also to the

corporate applications and inspiring

company, Ross Video has a long

long-term evolution and support of the

content for houses of worship.

and stable history with 27 years of

company’s products and technologies.

Ross solutions have impressed

consecutive growth. The company

audiences and marketing partners of

owns its manufacturing facilities, doing

Working Well with Others

NBC Sunday Night Football, Eurosport,

all primary research and development

Ross Video has a long history of

BBC World, Google, YouTube,

in-house and marketing its products

collaborating with other industry

Space London and China’s eSports

worldwide through a global sales force

companies. At Ross, it is well

powerhouse VSPN. Ross delivers an

and network of business partners.

understood that products do not

unrivalled range of products and

exist in isolation and must function

services comprising virtual studios, real-

Global Company

time motion graphics, cameras, robotic

Ross Video has corporate offices

deliver successful end results for

camera systems, production switchers,

in North America, Europe, Asia and

customers. As an example, OverDrive

video servers, infrastructure and routers,

Australia and supporting sales and

(Ross Video’s production automation

as a system solution if they are to

solution) integrates with more than 50 different manufacturers. Additionally, the Ross Audio Protocol or ‘RAP’, created through experience with OverDrive, fills a vacuum in the industry for a standard, easy-to-use protocol for audio mixers. RAP is



now adopted by major audio console

is global and diverse sharing

only the fastest growing solution in

manufacturers and competitors.

its customer’s passion for live

the industry but also enjoys major

production. Their success enables

adoption and is used to produce

Technology Leadership

the company to continue to grow

live graphics for the Academy

With a comprehensive mix of base

and invest in the future. Among

Awards and the Grammy Awards

band video and IT file-based solutions,

other things, Ross Video:

Manufactures openGear and is a key

products and expertise, Ross Video

Is the leader in the midsize

player in fibre-optic transmission

is well positioned for the present and

production switcher market

with more than 2,000 units shipped

the future. Hardware-centric products

with the multi-award-

to ABC in New York alone

include Acuity, Carbonite, openGear,

winning Carbonite family

Provides solutions used by top

Ultrix, Furio and CamBot. Software-

Is number one in sports stadiums,

music acts to run video for concerts

centric products include OverDrive,

supplying solutions to drive large

while on tour

DashBoard, XPression, Inception and

displays, ribbon boards and digital

Streamline. Ross understands that

signage, as well as third party

the mix and convergence of these

lighting and control systems

technologies is central to meeting the

Manufactures OverDrive, the

needs of the industry as well as growing

industry’s leading production

8 John Street

the company. The main development

automation solution with over

PO Box 220

lab in Ottawa is home to more than 100

400 worldwide deployments

highly skilled engineers who are working

Has revolutionised the world of

on the next generation of Ross Video

routing with the Ultrix-FR5, the

solutions, systems and technologies.

complete routing/AV processing

Tel: + 1 (613) 652-4886

platform that can collapse five racks


of products into one 5RU unit


Customer Segment Highlights Ross Video’s customer base

Has a graphics platform that is not

Contact Ross Video

Iroquois, Ontario Canada, K0E 1K0



The future of audio Sennheiser founded the company in 1945, Sennheiser has been continuously setting trends in the audio industry. Right up to the present, Sennheiser’s innovative inspiration, curiosity and passion have made their products and services immensely successful. Now more than 70 years later, professional musicians, broadcasters, sound engineers, and singers throughout the world agree that Sennheiser products are the pinnacle of technological perfection.

Sennheiser Today The 21st century sees Sennheiser represented in over 105 countries, employing over 2,750 people and continuing to develop the most innovative products for the professional audio and consumer electronics industries. The Sennheiser Group also includes studio microphone and monitor manufacturer Neumann, bringing together two outstanding microphone Shakira using the Sennheiser SKM5200II with Neumann KK105-S capsule.

manufacturers in the industry.

Sennheiser Middle East

Shaping today the audio world

is not enough. What drives the

In 2009, Sennheiser Middle East was

of tomorrow - an ambition that

company forward is an ambition

born as a sales and marketing office,

Sennheiser and its employees live by

to create the perfect sound. To

based in Dubai Airport Free Zone, with

from day to day. This vision statement

make sound come alive.

a highly-motivated staff that have been

describes what the company hopes

responsible for impressive growth.

to achieve, and this foundation is its

An Outstanding Legacy

history, culture of innovation and its

The way to this achievement has

logistics partnership based in Dubai’s

continuing passion for excellence.

been paved by trailblazing ideas. Ever

Jebel Ali Free Zone the operation has

since electrical engineer Prof. Dr. Fritz

become a natural regional hub.

For all at Sennheiser, good sound

Having established a strong third-party


Sennheiser Middle East has the


RF technology: Digital 6000 waves

format of choice in recording, mixing

responsibility for distribution across the

goodbye to past limitations and opens

and listening. Under the AMBEO

Middle East region whilst also servicing

new possibilities. Digital 6000 does

trademark Sennheiser has developed

countries in North and East Africa and

not produce any intermodulation,

a strategic focus on 3D immersive

the former CIS countries in Central Asia.

which allows operation in an

audio through a ground-breaking

equidistant frequency grid. The

technology that promises the ultimate

superior RF technology keeps the

in audio capture and reproduction.

Audio Solutions Sennheiser and Neumann’s current

limited frequency spaces free for more

product offering for the broadcast

channels whilst neither transmission

industry comprises both wired and

performance nor audio quality are

wireless microphones, headphones

compromised. Whatever you’ve

and headsets for camera operators,

experienced before – expect more.

production crews and studio engineers

Contact Sennheiser Middle East Office 345, Building 6E/B Dubai Airport Free Zone PO Box 371004, Dubai, UAE

as well as award-winning studio


monitors. All have an identical core

For decades, Neumann has been

Tel: +971 4 299 4004

value - uncompromising audio quality.

regarded as the leading manufacturer


of studio microphones, with models


ENG Wireless Microphones

such as the U47 and M49 assured of

Fast, flexible and professional: the

legendary status alongside modern


ENG sets have become an industry

incarnations such as the U87 and

Sennheiser Electronic

standard for every ambitious reporting

M149. The company continues

GmbH &Co.KG

team and state of the art broadcast

to innovate by pioneering the

Am Labor 1, D-30900

station. Marrying the highest audio

implementation of digital microphones

and physical requirements to deliver

and now also offers a range of studio

Wedemark, Germany

the optimum sound and maximum

monitors that represent the latest in

reliability, these products have a

acoustic and electronic simulation

reputation to safeguard – yours.

and measurement technology.

Discover the DIGITAL 6000 Series


Easier to use, more efficient, smarter

3D immersive audio is increasingly a

Tel: +49 5130 600 000 Fax: +49 5130 600 300 Email:

Social Media sennheiserme

ENG Wireless Microphones.

Discover the DIGITAL 6000 Series.



Delivering the power to tell stories and build brands At Sony Professional Solutions, the goal is to help individuals and organisations tell stories, build their brands, forge deeper emotional connections, stimulate learning and activate everyone’s potential. And that is achieved through a winning combination of technology and creativity that helps customers unleash the incredible power of images. Known as a world-leading provider of products, services and total solutions for professional content creators, there’s a lot more to Sony than cameras, switchers and monitors. Sony partners successfully with businesses across a wide range of sectors including media and broadcast, cinematography, corporate, education,

Sony VENICE. Location: South Africa DOP: Willie Nel Key Grip: Siza Khawula

healthcare, sport, live entertainment, digital cinema, retail, transportation,

Sony is changing the face of

generation of intelligent media services.

video security, manufacturing and

programme production with an

Sony solutions for digital

government – delivering solutions that

exciting range of cutting-edge workflow

cinematography including the acclaimed

inform, educate, entertain and inspire

solutions for today’s multi-platform

VENICE full-frame camera help movie-

the customers’ own audiences.

world spanning 4K ultra HD, HDR,

makers and directors of photography

IP and now virtual production. From

explore new creative frontiers allowing

is expressed in its ground-breaking

large-scale sports, concerts and public

them to engage cinema audiences with

innovations that connect viewers

events to studio-based entertainment,

more emotion and realism in every

with exciting visual experiences while

news, corporate videos and reality

frame. The Sony compact, easy-to-use

driving down real-world operational

TV, Sony helps programme makers

camcorders and low-cost production

costs. Best known as a world leader

create, manage and share premium

solutions put professional quality

in live television production, Sony

pictures in 4K and HD that stand out

images and sound within reach of

empowers broadcasters to benefit

from the crowd faster, with greater

corporate videographers, colleges

directly from broader creative

creative flexibility and at lower cost. It

and freelance content creators.

possibilities, more agile operations and

helps organisations unlock fresh value

compelling new business models.

from their content assets with a new

Decades of Sony imaging know-how

Delivering a new generation of largescale visual experiences with crystal LED,



Sony modular direct display system delivers visuals on an awesome scale with breathtaking brightness, clarity, contrast and colour. Sony is helping organisations connect customers, staff and partners with a full range of reliable, easy-to-manage networked AV presentation solutions including bright, high-contrast laser projectors, feature-packed 4K professional displays and remotely controlled PTZ cameras. Its making companies smarter with a complete suite of workplace management solutions. The same innovation is also found in Sony’s AV solutions for galleries, museums and

ready 4K laser projectors give cinema

visitor attractions that couple brilliant

audiences thrilling entertainment

About Sony Professional Solutions MEA

images with flexible installation

experiences in 2D and 3D while reducing

Established in 1983, Sony Professional

options and rock-solid reliability when

movie exhibitors’ operational costs. The

Solutions Middle East & Africa (PSMEA) is

the quality of the image matters.

same SXRD technology from Sony’s pro-

a leading supplier of professional media

cinema range is also found inside the

and AV solutions to customers in the

stylish true 4K home cinema projectors.

Middle East, Africa and CIS countries.

Sony products give clinical teams a more detailed, immersive view of complex surgical procedures, captured

Sony’s solutions for education

From its headquarters in Dubai, the

and displayed in 4K and 3D with its

inspire every learner, sparking closer

company manages sales, marketing

cutting-edge medical cameras, recorders

collaboration between teachers and

and after-sales support functions across

and displays. The company is supporting

students in school classrooms, seminar

the region. Sony engages with a wide

teaching hospitals with streamlined

rooms and lecture theatres. Solutions

range of professional clients including

content management solutions. Proven

for lecture capture, interactive teaching

broadcasters, news organisations,

medical printing solutions assist

and distance learning help colleges

production facilities, OB specialists,

clinicians with high-quality, lasting

deliver richer educational experiences.

rental houses, cinematographers,

record of images captured in the

And reliable, energy-efficient laser

journalists and freelance content

operating room or consulting suite. Reliable, easy-

projectors and 4K

to-manage HDR-


creators. The company also works closely with corporate customers, academic and medical institutions in the region.

displays bring presentations to life with impressive clarity.

Contact Sony Professional Solutions MEA Office C50, Dubai Production City PO Box 502050 Dubai, UAE Tel: +9714 3918400 Website:

HDC-3500 ‒ world’s first 2/3-inch 4K CMOS sensor system camera with global shutter technology.

Social Media Sonypsmea



Harnessing the power of video streaming Established over 20 years ago, Telestream is a leading global provider of workflow automation, processing and quality monitoring and management solutions for the production and distribution of video. The company provides world-class live and file-based solutions for automated workflow and quality monitoring and management solutions for video that allow consumers and businesses to transform video on the desktop and across the enterprise. Telestream products span the entire digital media lifecycle, including video capture and ingest, live and on-demand encoding and transcoding, captioning, playback and inspection, delivery

Telestream continues to advance

new features and functionality within

and live streaming, automation and

the state-of-the-art in cloud and hybrid

orchestration. With its iQ product line,

deployment for media processing

Telestream enables the monitoring

and video quality assurance. The new

scalable, software-enabled media

and management of quality service

products enable faster time to market

processing platform that manages all

and experience over any network.

for service providers and content

media services from camera to point

creators with ‘instant’ channel creation

of distribution. Advances include cloud

and integrated video monitoring

and hybrid workflows, new camera

throughout the solution to create smart

ingest functionality and Traffic Manager

In 2019, Telestream will introduce

infrastructures with dynamic scale. Video

options with improved Grass Valley

new products and workflows that

monitoring technology from Telestream

ITX integration. New Vantage features

address key issues for content creators,

iQ solutions as well as streaming

include support for growing file support

owners and distributors across the

technology from Lightspeed Live Stream

when uploading into IBM Aspera.

entire media lifecycle from creation

are leveraged to create a unique,

to distribution. These include growing

containerised OTT video workflow

solution manages and measures video

revenue, achieving best-in-class cost

orchestration and monitoring solution.

quality from the source, at the video

New Virtualised Production and Distribution Solutions

structure and reducing customer churn.

Telestream is constantly developing

its flagship products and solutions. Vantage is Telestream’s powerful,

Telestream’s iQ ABR monitoring

player and at key points in between. It



features an all new UI and workflow that makes it easy to read video distribution status for rapid issue detection and quickly drill down into details to isolate and fix a problem. Includes real time status visualisations, drill down navigation to troubleshooting across multiple dimensions, custom access roles and user profiles, viewership impact analysis with integrated end client analytics and ability to monitor captioning and subtitle presence, performance and video alignment. The solution is available for appliance, virtual and cloud-based deployments. Wirecast adds support for restreaming and live captioning workflows with the

framework, is the ideal enabler for this

insertion and content replacement,

introduction of Wirecast Live Captions

use case. For DAI (Dynamic Ad Insertion),

avoiding the need for downstream re-

and Wirecast Restream, two new web

the latest version of the system adds the

encoding. Now shipping with V-Nova’s

services hosted on Telestream Cloud.

ability to use a rules file that instructs

PERSEUS Plus compression, support

These capabilities solve two of the most

the system how to react to SCTE-104

for SRT delivery, as well as synchronous

common issues facing live streamers

triggers. Lightspeed Live Capture also

dual redundant contribution to

today: the creation of captions for

has new triggers for manual start/stop

Unified Streaming’s Unified Origin.

live events and the need for efficient

for automated recording workflows

multi-platform distribution, even

and record-on-activation for recording

languages with auto-transcription

when upload bandwidth is limited.

interruptions (i.e. a power outage).

and fully automated captioning and

New for Lightspeed Live Capture

Programme and stream conditioning

CaptionMaker supports over 100

subtitling workflows. For high-volume,

is support for Edit@Home – remote

technology allows Lightspeed Live

enterprise workflows, users can batch

production leveraging unmanaged, high

Stream to switch between live and

submit media using the Vantage

speed internet. Lightspeed Live Capture,

scheduled sources and to prepare

Cloud Speech connector saving time

being built on the Vantage media

live content for frame-accurate ad

and processing media faster. Telestream corporate headquarters are located in Nevada City, California. In 2019, see Telestream at NAB in booth SL3308 and at IBC. Additional information is available at and

Contact Telestream 848 Gold Flat Road Nevada City, California 95959, USA Tel: +530-470-1300 Website:



Precision range of manual and robotic camera support Vinten, a Vitec Group brand, is a leading

employed in the Vector 750 delivers

conveniently located at the top of the

provider of manual and robotic camera

complete control at any level of

tripod, the flowtech legs can be deployed

support systems. Customers rely on

movement, simple, infinite adjustment

simultaneously in an instant and

Vinten’s engineering excellence and

without steps, instant whip pan without

adjusted automatically to the ground’s

globally supported solutions for a wide

manual drag reduction

surface, saving operators from having

range of technologies and markets.

and fast and

Founded over 100 years ago by William


Vinten, the Vinten brand is still based


on its founder’s guiding principles of

Vinten‘s Vector

to bend over and manually adjust multiple brakes on each leg. flowtech can be deployed as low as 26 cm (10 inches)

highly innovative design and extreme

750 pan and tilt

precision in manufacturing. Offering

head is the only

(60 inches) without the

a best-in-class range of products that

system to allow

detachable spreader.

includes manual supports, robotic

perfect control

heads, pedestals and controllers,

of large UHD/4K

mechanism allows users

Vinten is the premium solution for

camera and

to capture extremely

studio and outside broadcast. With

lenses to deliver

over 80 registered patents, Vinten frees


the camera operator’s creativity by

sports coverage,

making camera operation effortless.

allowing camera operators to react

shoot. The exceptional torsional

instinctively to a director‘s call or

stiffness of flowtech ensures that

Vinten headquarters are in Bury St Edmunds, in the UK with sales offices in EMEA, the Americas and APAC.

sudden movement by the subject.

and as high as 153 cm

A unique hinge-lock

low, ground-level shots removing the need to bring a second set of “baby legs” to each

the tripod will not twist during camera panning movements,

Vector 750 Pan and Tilt Head

flowtech CarbonFibre Tripod Family

A versatile head for 4K studio and OB

Now available in both 75mm and

broadcast cameras and lenses, it has

100mm versions, flowtech is an

with all major 75mm fluid

perfect control of large studio and OB

award-winning carbon-fibre tripod

heads, flowtech75 has a payload

camera configurations at any resolution

technology that

or frame rate (UHD and slow-mo).

includes the world’s

The unique pantographic mechanism


an extremely important consideration in all motion picture productions. Compatible

capacity of 20 kg (44 pounds). flowtech100

minimises inertia of the moving camera

tripod legs. With


and lens, allowing consistent control

unique quick-

a payload

of the camera. The TF drag system

release brakes

of up to



30 kg (66 pounds), making it ideal for

robotic camera supports. The track

heavy-duty electronic newsgathering

system supports shot sequencing,


and electronic field production.

allowing users to select multiple

Vitec Production Solutions

shots and execute a seamless move

Parkring 29, 85748 Garching

Vinten Robotics

through multiple key frames, while


Vinten offers a complete, state-of-the-

an absolute encoder outputs tracking

art robotic solution for any broadcast

data to the VRC, making the system

Tel: +49 (0) 89 32158-200

studio, rental house, or on-location

ready for use in an augmented reality

Fax: +49 (0) 89 32158-227

event. Products include robotic

or virtual reality environment.

Email: Salessupport_EMEA@

pedestals, heads, elevation units and tracks controlled by the Vinten Robotic

Key Clients Website:

Control System (VRC). A collaboration

Sharjah Media Corporation

between Vinten Automation and

Sky News Arabia

veteran dolly manufacturer Tecnopoint,

Saudi Broadcasting Authority

the Vinten track systems work in

Al Jazeera

tandem with the Vinten control protocol

Al Rayyan TV


and can be fully managed from the

Bahrain TV


VRC to create a powerful studio robotic

MTV Lebanon

solution that integrates with all Vinten

Al Hayat TV


Social Media vintenlive



Automate the whole media lifecycle for analytics. Furthermore, it has recently included new AI-based tools for automatic metadata detection and cataloguing, as well as a new low-res web video editor, Wedit.

Media Management in Archiving and Delivery One of the main goals of having a good archive system is allowing companies to monetise their media assets much more. To this aim, it must feature advanced content cataloguing and segmenting functionalities, as well as being integrable with third-party systems, in order to create complex, VSN is a global technology company

offices around the world – Barcelona

specialising in providing advanced

(HQ), Montevideo, Miami, Hong Kong

That is the case of VSNExplorer MAM

IT solutions specially indicated to

and an R&D centre in Alicante, Spain,

which works as a comprehensive content

solve the needs of content creation,

more than 1,000 clients trust VSN

management system that keeps all the

distribution and management in

to maximise their performance.

video files’ metadata synchronised as it

TV channels and media companies,

Constantly focused on adapting its

efficient and powerful workflows.

comes from the traffic and scheduling

content distributors, educational

product portfolio to its clients’ future

tool. Thus, it allows the creation and

and public institutions, private

needs, VSN bets heavily on innovation

automation of complex workflows. For

corporations and sport venues alike.

to streamline media and workflows

instance, it makes possible to import

management through its flagship

broadcasting lists created in traffic to

VSN software can work independently

product: VSNExplorer. This open-ended

VSNExplorer, so that it can identify and

or put together to create a complete,

platform comprises several optional

transfer those files regardless of its

modular and scalable solution, ready to

modules: MAM for media management,

location (archive, near-line, online or

integrate third-party systems. With 30

PAM for production environments,

in the Cloud). This workflow could also

years of experience in the market and

BPM for workflow automations and

allow the automation of tasks such as

a widespread network of partners and

orchestration and Business Intelligence

quality control and transcoding of media,

Either in the Cloud or on-premise,


thanks to VSNExplorer BPM.


of a company’s content production

Once ready for

catalogue, as well as its

broadcasting, VSNExplorer

advertising, production

could control the

workflows, programming,

simultaneous delivery

broadcast planning and

of files and versioning

analytics on content

segments to traditional

performance — all

MCR environments,

from a unique

video servers

user interface.

controlled by

VSN in the Middle East

VNSMulticom, social media, OTT, WebTV and

The MENA region is a growing

even to systems like its BI module

market with a lot of potential for the

to analyse content performance.

guaranteeing uninterrupted broadcast.

Media Management in News and Live Events

its new Web Plugin for NRCS. It is an

this market there are customers with

HTML5 MOS Media Bus that allows

a very high-end technological level

VSNExplorer modules for production

journalists to access VSNExplorer MAM

and VSN looks forward to establishing

(PAM) and media management

functionalities directly from their NRCS

long-term commercial relationships

(MAM) are specially interesting as a

GUI. In conclusion, it provides users a

with them. Some examples of the

complement to NRCS and playout

single centralised workspace to quickly

existing projects and commercial

systems for news, sports and live

search for content, edit video files,

relationships that VSN has successfully

events’ production. VSNExplorer MAM

unify them with graphics and send

established throughout this region in

allows advanced auto-cataloguing

the final news pieces to broadcast.

the last decade are Roya TV in Jordan,

of media files while these are being

The company has recently presented

retrieval processes regardless of storage

Media Planning and Programming

location. Moreover, combining MAM

VSN recently launched its new Cloud-

and PAM makes it possible to manage

based traffic and scheduling software,

the entire production lifecycle and

VSNCrea. This new HTML5 version

make quick video editings by cut, while

of the system enables management

ingested, accelerating file search and

broadcast and media sectors. Within

Almayadeen in Lebanon, Saudi Airlines in Saudi Arabia and Al Kout in Kuwait.

Contact VSN Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya Carretera BV-1274, Km.1 08225, Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain Email: Website: Roberto Pascual Global Sales Director Tel: +34 93 734 99 70 Email:

Social Media vsn-video-stream-networks/ vsn_tv videostreamnetworks videostreamnetworks0





Your best source of news content Arab 24 is the gateway to the region’s

deliver international-standard news


news corridor. An unbiased, up-to-

coverage of a region characterised

To establish Arab 24 as the most

date record of the day’s breaking

by unique political, social, cultural

comprehensive new agency in the

news and events and committed

and linguistic nuances, Arab 24 has

region that relies on seasoned Arab-

to providing an authentic Arab

built on competency and working

speaking journalists to echo the voice

perspective to a discerning audience.

within these constraints to bring

of the people and to address the

to Arab viewers across the globe a

market gap in providing world-class,

comprehensive look at vital stories and

unbiased, up-to-date coverage of news

Noticing the inability of both regional

those that are otherwise overlooked,

and events shaping the Arab world.

and international news agencies

ignored or misrepresented.

Objectives and Origin

to deliver accurate, unbiased

In a short span of time, Arab


and timely reporting of news and

24 has grown into the foremost

Provide clients with a real time

events in the region, Mohammed

independent news-gathering agency

corridor to breaking news and

Al Ajlouni an experienced and

for the MENA region, delivering

events in the MENA, reported in

accomplished media entrepreneur

developing stories and other events

the most professional manner

launched Arab 24 in April 2015.

in real time, as it happens, where

and tailored to meet each client’s

it happens and as it unfolds.

individual policies and guidelines.

Founded on the objective to



Strong Regional Presence

understanding of the region with

and digital partners around the world

Arab 24 maintains fully equipped

technical expertise developed through

including CBS in the USA, Sky News

production teams in all capital cities

years of strategic investment in world-

channels, RTL news entities, CME-

and hotbeds across the MENA and

class professionals and equipment.

owned stations in central and Eastern

beyond. Supported by highly qualified

The company boasts a vast fleet of OB

Europe, 14 stations in Latin America

local teams on-the-ground in all major

vans equipped with full HD capabilities

and a growing presence in the Middle

Arab cities and hotspots, the company

and personnel who are extensively

East and Asia. “Partnering with Arab

has unsurpassed access to any major

trained to utilise this world-class

24 adds a new level to our coverage of

or minor event outbreak in the region.

equipment to its full potential. Arab

the MENA region,” says Adrian Wells,

Arab 24 has offices in:

24 is capable of providing real time

Managing Director of ENEX. “Arab 24 has



news feeds and raw footage of events

real on-the-ground expertise in some of



when and where they happen and in

the most difficult places to report in the



the high-grade format that viewers

world. We are delighted to bring Arab



now demand. With such highly trained

24’s excellent content to our members.”



and fully equipped local teams in all



major cities and hotspots across the



MENA region, Arab 24 is always the


Professional Workforce

first on the scene with unsurpassed access to any news as it breaks.

Contact Arab 24 Washington, DC (USA Office) 529 14th ST NW, Suite 1187 Washington, DC, 20045 United States of America

Arab 24 comprises seasoned journalists,


cameramen and producers in every

2018 saw forays into newer territories

capital city in the MENA, committed to

giving the agency access to creating

the highest levels of journalistic integrity.

more exclusive content. These locations

This dedicated local presence in more

include Libya, Yemen, Syria, Somalia,

Dubai, (UAE Office) 1802, Al Thuraya Tower 1, Dubai Media City,

areas than any other regional news

Afghanistan, Malaysia and the Philippines.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

agency ensures coverage is accurate,

Arab 24 also formed a strategic

unbiased and a comprehensive picture of

partnership with ENEX (European News

relevant events leading up to the news.

Exchange), the cooperative news agency

Technical Edge Arab 24 seamlessly blends its unrivaled

based in Luxembourg to distribute Arab news content across ENEX’s global partner network. ENEX has 56 broadcast

Amman (Jordan Office) Jabal Amman - 2nd Circle Al Mutasim St. Building No. 122 Amman, Jordan Tel: +962 791 501 565





Personalised streaming made easy Launched in 2013, Mangomolo quickly

Streaming Media magazine as one of

to your site for video-on-demand

became the biggest streaming and

101 companies lighting up the online

delivery. You can even connect it

video-on-demand provider in the

video industry. The list also included

to your internal EPG software to

GCC/MENA regions. Clients using

companies such as Amazon, Ericsson,

automate the entire workflow.

Mangomolo include Orange Telecom,

Google and Siemens, to name a few.

Dubai Media, Discovery Networks,

Pause, Rewind and Record

ART Group, Mala3eb, Alaan, Future,

Automated Video-On-Demand

Al Anba, Revelation TV London, Polo

Features auto recording and archiving

your linear stream, choose a certain

CAM TV London and many others. The

based on your schedule/grid/EPG

clip and with one simple click ingest

company has won recognition in the

software. This platform allows you to

that into your video library. You

industry and several global awards

upload video content, record content

do not have to miss content any

since its launch, including the company

from your live stream, or upload

more with the DVR ingest engine

of the year award in 2016 and the

your grid/schedule and the system

Google Award during the Web Summit

will automatically crop your shows,

Realtime Viewership Analytics

in Dublin. Mangomolo was selected by

categorise them and push them

Understand your live streaming and

Mangomolo allows you to rewind

video-on-demand audience in real time. With this next level analytics tool, you can now know who is watching your content in real time, know their preferences, interests, age, gender, social status, location and much more thereby allowing you to personalise content for the right audience.

Mangostudio: Video Editing in the Cloud A full video editing Solution that works directly from your browser. Mangostudio is a full video editing solution in the Cloud. Features include automatic commercial detection, cropping, trimming, merging, watermarking, etc, MangoPlayout, the most advanced cloud playout solution in the world.

and connects directly to your video-on-demand library.


Automated Video On Demand

Pause, Rewind, and Record!


Realtime Viewership Analytics

Mangostudio: Video Editing in the Cloud

Web based Segmenting and Chaptering


MangoNow: Stream Live Events or Record

Stream to Facebook Live , Persicope, or YouTube

Full SERVER SIDE Ad Serving Solution

YouTube Connection



• More than 5 Global Awards and Recognitions OTT Web based Segmenting when adsProvider stop and videos start. All you need is MangoNow • onFastest your Growing and Chaptering Including an ad-seerver that allows mobile • with selfie stick and you can • 25 Different Modules 465a Million Monthly Streams • 100% Uptime Want to split your one-hour video • 24/7/365 you to serve video advertising on all stream contentAround directly the Globe Live industry Supportgrade • 7 Offices into different chapters/segments? Mangomolo has a web-based segmenting and chaptering tool that allows you to break your video files

with no heavy equipment needed.

by date, video category, show, season,

Stream to Facebook Live, country, time and location (pre-roll, The Most Powerful Cloud Playout Periscope or YouTube midroll, overlay, post-roll) and can also

into different chapters/segments and

All social sharing Platform features, from isone now

create a playlist with just one click. No

single place. With a simple click,

more manual cropping of chapters and uploading them manually, it all happens in your browser and 100 times faster.

connect to third party Online, Launch yourad-servers like DFP. Ads can be served within actual Linear Channel in few minutes and reach Mangomolo allows you to send your streams and give users the 100% out to global audience onexperience every screen, linear live stream to Facebook Live, linear they find on TV. Periscope or YouTube with a simple platform, and click. device.

Resume Playback, Automatic Episode Forwarding, User Circulation Module and More

Full Server Side AdServing Solution

Mangomolo offers innovative playback

click. This ad-serving module offers

features that takes the viewing

a seamless ad experience where

experience to the next level. Resume

your VOD content. Ads can be targeted

Monetise your content with a simple

YouTube Connection

Import or push to YouTube with just one click. Push content to your custom channel/playlist on YouTube with

just one click. You can also import Winner of the 2018 Telecoms World Award content from your YouTube channel VODtoInnovation ( usersfor are unable recognise into Mangomolo with just one click.

playback between multiple devices and automatic episode forwarding


when an episode comes to an end,


smarter recommendation for similar

Holcom Building

content, user circulation to increase

460 Cornich Al Nahr

viewership, casting and many more all from the same platform.

PO Box 17-5002

MangoNow - the Ultimate Journalist Companion

Tel: +9619932880

Stream Live Events or Record/Ingest


Videos on the Run, Supports User-


Beirut, Lebanon Fax: +9619637721

Generated Content. MangoNow allows any reporter, journalist or content creator to stream live events or record and ingest videos through a native mobile publishing application.

Wissam Sabbagh Group CEO Alpha Technology.

Social Media mangomolo mangomolotweets



Entertainment on demand platform Vuclip is a leading global technology-

and originals entertain millions of

driven media company delivering

consumers every day. Viu Originals

on-demand entertainment to

bring to light compelling stories

emerging markets including India,

with world-class production quality,

Southeast Asia, Africa and the

providing opportunity for local

Middle East. As a PCCW Media

talent to showcase their skills on the

company, Vuclip properties

world stage. Service can be accessed

include Viu, Vuclip Videos, Viu

via the Viu app available for free

Life and Vuclip Games. Vuclip’s

on the App Store and Google Play,

market success in on-demand

on connected devices such as

entertainment is built on its

smartphones and tablets, as well

leadership at the intersection of

as on the web at

technology, consumer insights and media. Run by a world-class team,

Viu by the Numbers

Vuclip Inc. and affiliate companies

30.7 million monthly

are headquartered in Silicon

active users

Valley, USA and have a presence in

37.5 billion video

Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Mumbai,

minutes in 2018

Delhi, Pune, Dubai and Jakarta.

17 markets


Focus on content, pricing and

Viu is a leading OTT video service by

technology that are locally relevant

PCCW Media and Vuclip available

in various markets, together with

in 17 markets including Hong

fast tracked rollouts across the

Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, India,

region has enabled its consumer

Indonesia, The Philippines, Thailand,

video on demand app Viu to

Myanmar, South Africa, plus the

become a leading OTT video service

GCC and the Middle East (UAE,

in Asian countries. Launched in

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain, Iraq,

2017 in the Middle East, Viu rose to

Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar).

popularity rapidly to be awarded

Viu’s unique value proposition

the most entertaining app in the

of fresh, localised regional and

MENA in the same year, by Google.

local premium TV shows, movies

The platform offers a rich content



library designed and specially curated to meet unique user preferences. Viu Originals are produced in Indian, Chinese, Indonesian and Arabic languages and spans the full spectrum of TV content genres, extending its production scope to movies. In the Middle East, Arab content creators are enhancing the quality of their content and building communities around their passion, ranging from comedy sketches to interactive video games. With the increasing amount of high-quality content produced in the region, Viu recognised that the MENA consumers gravitate towards content with strong local relevance that tie into the creation

Wesam Kattan, Vice President, Abe Naga, General Manager, Vuclip.

Content and Brand Marketing, Vuclip.

of a stronger sense of community. Viu’s journey in the Middle East

Working closely with local talent to

Ana Sherry Dot Com, features a female

create compelling content to entertain

lead and up-and-coming local Egyptian

is just beginning but has begun

viewers, Viu has witnessed early success

talents. Claiming the spot of the first

well. The company has ensured

with series such as Hob Al Taybeen, an

crime-action thriller show in the Kingdom

deep understanding of the regional

award-winning Saudi romantic series,

of Saudi Arabia, Doon was dubbed by

audience and the content types

followed by others like Ana Sherry Dot

critics and audiences as a milestone in

that will drive stickiness.

Com and Doon. Resonating with the

Saudi Drama production. The OTT video

emotions and aspirations of the youth

service will continue to unveil more Gen-Z

in Egypt, the Egyptian comedy original,

centric originals throughout the year.

Contact Vuclip Middle East Boutique Offices, Villa 19 Dubai Media City PO Box 500844, Dubai, UAE Website: Website: ott/ae/ar/arab Ahmed Azzam Marketing Executive Email: Tel: + 971 4 514 9267

Social Media ViuME, ViuDesi, ViuMePinoy ViuMENA, ViuDesi, ViuMePinoy ViuMENA, ViuDesi, ViuMePinoy ViuMENA, ViuDesi, ViuMePinoy company/vuclip





Creating prevalent formats for the Arab region Arab Format Lab (AFL) was founded in 2016 to support, develop and produce television and cinematic content emerging from the Arab world showcasing its rich culture and heritage. Specialising in content development, production, sales and distribution, AFL is based in Dubai with offices in Cairo and Jeddah. Committed to delivering premium, socially-relevant Arabic content, the company focuses on format exchange by bringing international formats from Hollywood, Europe and Asia and adapting and producing them in Arabic for the Saudi, Gulf and the MENA region. AFL believes

Khulud Abu Homos, CEO, Arab Format Lab.

in the talent and potential of Arab content creators and works towards

and entertainment that captures

local TV entertainment formats,

exporting Arab formats to the

the spirit of the original material in

series formats and feature films

international market in the future.

a way that is authentically Arabic

with a focus on Egypt and the

(Gulf, Egyptian and pan-Arab).

emerging Saudi cinema.

AFL Services

Arabic adaptation and localisation

Mission To capitalise on the market gap for premium Arabic content and

Adaptation of International Formats

Writer’s Lab of scripted, non-scripted

continuously scan the world in search

Bringing international formats from

international formats. With three

of successful, breakthrough formats

Hollywood, Europe and Asia to be

regional Arab writers’ rooms in

that will appeal to Arab viewers’

adapted and produced in Arabic

Cairo, Jeddah and Dubai.

taste, culture and social realities.

for the Saudi-Gulf and the MENA

To combine the expertise of

region including the remaking of

Developing channel brand

adaptions of international movies.

positioning, identities and relevant

Hollywood and international storytelling with strong local writing talent to create premium drama

Development of Original Format Developing and producing original

Media Consulting

programming strategies across all touch-points and platforms.



AFL Saudi Branch: Saudi Format Lab AFL proudly launched the Saudi Format Lab (SFL) as an aggregation of the top 10 Saudi start-ups in media and a gathering of young talent with considerable experience. SFL is based in Riyadh and Jeddah under one umbrella to cover key sectors of content development and audio-visual production including production and post-production facilities, sound design and composition, graphics and animation, public relations, sales and distribution and others.

Key Projects

Filming The Red Band Society.

Varying from TV shows, to commercial advertisements and

who are living together as patients

A talent development initiative based

to media initiatives, listed below

in a hospital, each suffering from a

on the world’s first multi-platform

are some of the most prominent

serious illness, giving out a positive

project that created a user-generated

projects AFL has worked on:

message of optimism, portrayed

movie made by ‘the crowd’. It is

The Red Band Society

within a comedy-drama approach. The

led by the guidance of a team of

Egyptian Teen Comedy-Drama

Arabic format adaptation will reflect

industry professionals, an award-

Series (30 episodes)

the lives of the group of children/

winning movie director and the Arab

A successful international comedy-

teenagers from different Saudi and

world’s most talented film makers.

drama format adapted across 15

pan-Arab social backgrounds united

countries, including a USA version

by a band of hope and humanity.

produced by acclaimed director Steven

The Entertainment Experience

Parenthood Saudi/Gulf: Comedy-Drama Series Based on the highly acclaimed

Spielberg. The plot revolves around a

Multi-platform Project: Digital

international NBC format. Following

group of six children/young teenagers

Platform, TV Show & Film Production

the lives and tragedies of an extended family of three generations and the challenges of living with multi-cultural and multi-ethnic family members from divergent backgrounds.

Contact Arab Format Lab Level 29, Marina Plaza, Office 2 Dubai Marina, PO BOX 112222 Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 45124053 Tel: +971 558470282 Website: Writer’s lab at work.




Servicing the region with quality film equipment Filmquip Media is a leading equipment rental house in the MENA region offering a variety of high-quality, high-demand equipment to cover all aspects of film-making. The company focuses on equipment that goes into the creation of social media and ad campaigns to full-fledged feature films. Filmquip Media’s specialised equipment looks into servicing all segments of a film shoot, concentrating on camera, lighting, grips and numerous other dedicated equipment essential to the making of small and big films. From humble beginnings in 1998 and owning two cameras and a couple of

cranes, remote heads and the

and select the right ones that can in

lenses, Filmquip Media has since grown

latest addition of the Motocrane.

return yield the maximum potential.

exponentially, leading the local industry and meeting the high demand for quality

The company is proud to have garnered

Brand partners

the edge in equipment expertise by

filmmaking gear. The equipment list



constantly adhering and upgrading to the

now includes top-of-the-range cameras



latest available technology in the market.

from Arri, Red and Sony, accompanied



by a selection of lenses for every need.



Media Crew

The company also provides an extensive



With the growth in media industry in

list of lighting equipment, from Arri and



the MENA region rose the need for

Kino Flo, to name a few. Their store


Easy rig

talented crew. As a result, Filmquip

of lights can service subtle dimly-lit



Media expanded into crew booking

scenes, night shoots, or create full


Ronford Baker

with a stellar crew and is always aiming to attract the best talent

sunrises to help customers transform their creativity into camera. Other

Over the years, Filmquip Media has

equipment include a comprehensive

developed a unique capacity to utilise

selection of dollies, cranes, telescopic

equipment in the best possible way

in the region under one roof. A division of Filmquip Media, Media Crew is a crew booking agency servicing



clients in all aspects of media. The

Camera Operators

company takes personal interest in the

Steadicam Operators

success of the crew it represents and

Underwater Operators

endeavours to follow and promote

Digital Imaging Technicians

their careers to the betterment of the

Focus Pullers

industry. Filmquip ensures that the

Clapper Loaders

crew provided to local and international


clients is of the highest standards.

Special Effects Gaffers

Since its inception (August 2009), Media Crew has had a creative and futuristic

Rigging Gaffers

vision for the supply of freelance film

Best Boy Gaffers

crew in the GCC region. The company


strives for industry excellence in servicing

Generator Operators

every need, thus ensuring it is on top of

Key Grips

its game and that clients receive the best. Media Crew is a service driven film and TV commercial agency

List of the MediaCrew Feature Films

Rigging Grips Remote Head Technicians Tyler Technicians

that is passionate about people.

Mission Impossible 4 - Ghost Protocol

Best Boy Grips

From training new introductions to

Star Trek Beyond

Grip Assistants

the film industry, to the supply of

Star Wars The Force Awakens

Assistant Directors

specialised crew, the creative teams

Fast and Furious 7

Sound Technicians

are experienced in multi disciplines,

City of Life


ranging from international and local

The Sea Shadow


features, documentaries, corporate,

6 Underground

Production Managers

music videos and events. Filmquip

Dune Dreams

Production Co-Ordinators

drives growth within the industry and

War Machine

Production Assistants

embraces new opportunities while



setting new standards and breaking new frontiers. By attracting and

Crew Categories

Art Directors Wardrobe Stylists

supplying the most talented crew,


Make-up Artists

Filmquip enables clients to meet their

Director of Photography


challenges on every production.

Aerial Cameramen

Location Managers

Contact Filmquip Media WareHouse B-34 International Media Production Zone PO Box 282840 Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 439 0610 Email: Website: Website:



Breathing life into animation Founded in 1996, Real Image is worldclass animation and post-production facility. While skill and technical competency are critical in producing high-quality animations, it is the combination of creativity and passion that serve as the special magical ingredient. The Real Image team views every project as an opportunity to outdo itself. Challenging norms and not settling for the ordinary is the company’s core philosophy. It explores all possible solutions with an eye for detail and reaches the most creative, artistic and expressive production to best please its audience. Real Image has been producing film and video for over 20 years and their work speaks for itself. From development, pre-production, production and all the way through to post-production, the company simply loves its work thereby creating exquisite pieces of art. To re-create appearances in an animated and fictional character and breathing life to it takes real talent. And to do it with style, speed, attention to detail and to client specification is where Real Image comes in.

Architectural Visualisation For many years, Real Image has taken



great pride in providing top-level photorealism to bring to life its clients’ visions. And just as importantly, it takes the viewer inside to actually see and feel the human interaction.

Film Production Whether clients are in need of corporate identity/demonstration films, TV commercials (TVCs), series production, feature length films and a host more, the team at Real Image makes sure the process is relaxed, the result great and the overall experience one to remember with pleasure.

Character Animation To re-create appearances in an animated



and fictional character and breathing

Broadcast Pro Middle East: Best

Broadcast Pro: Innovative Production

life to it takes real talent. Real Image

in Animated Work of 2017 -

of 2013 Award - Dubai Chamber:

does it with style, speed, attention to

Dubai Chamber: Mohammad Bin

African Global Business Forum video

detail and to client specification.

Rashid Business Awards video

Digital Studio: Best Production

Digital Studio: Best Special

of 2012 - Dolphin Energy:

Effects / CGI Award 2017 - Dubai

Khalid’s Adventure video

Chamber: Africa Global Business

Digital Studio: Best Post Production

Forum Latin America video

House – Aramex - Shop and Ship TVC

3D Modeling, Animation and VFX With the right team of animators and 3D modeling experts, the company is limited only by its


imagination. The team at Real Image

Digital Studio: Best Special

relies on the principle, ‘knowledge

Effects / CGI 2016 - Ministry

is nothing without imagination’.

of Culture: UAE Army TVC



Contact Real Image TV Production 52A Block A, 5th Floor Zomorrodah Building, Bur Dubai, Dubai, UAE

Digital Studio: Excellence in Post-

Tel: +971 4 337 1616

Broadcast Pro Middle East:

production 2015 - Dubai Chamber:


Excellence in VFX 2018 - Dubai

African Global Business Forum video

Chamber: African Global

Digital Studio: Special Effects /

Nadia Ahmad

Business Forum 2017 video

CGI Award 2015 - Dubai Chamber:

Mob: +971 50 594 4785

Digital Studio: Special Effects

African Global Business Forum video



/ CGI Award 2018 - Dubai Chamber: Mohammad Bin


Social Media

Rashid Business Awards video

Digital Studio: Best Animation


Digital Studio: Editing Award 2018

Award 2013 - Ministry of Culture:


- Dubai Water Canal Documentary

Thread Animation TVC

Digital Studio: Excellence in

Digital Studio: Best Post


post-production 2018 - Dubai

Production House - Dolphin

Chamber: Pro Dubai Video

Energy: Animation TVC

realimagedubai realimagedubai



Creating world-class live productions 7 Production is a world-class,

through the delivery of customised

guaranteed the highest standard of

independent video and TV production

solutions and outstanding results

service with first-class results. The

services provider based in Dubai, UAE,

time and time again. The company

company’s ‘make it happen attitude’,

and serving the Middle East and Europe

is aware of cultural differences and

strengthened by the experience and

from offices in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon,

compliant with all national regulations.

drive of its team, customer trust and

the United Kingdom, Finland and France.

Its ability to customise its offering

the promise to always deliver, makes

based on client requirements ensures

it fiercely proud of its reputation.

A highly skilled team works with leading equipment to deliver the

the company delivers precisely what

very latest in mobile 4k/UHD/

is demanded for in each project.

HD broadcast solutions and live

Since 2007, 7 Production has been

Areas of Expertise TV Production, complete technical

event-support to the regions’ most

providing clients with a comprehensive

support for TV coverage, SNG services,

prestigious broadcasters, production

range of innovative turnkey solutions,

studio services, webcast streaming,

companies and event organisers.

functioning as a ‘one-stop shop’ for

live event filming and broadcasting,

producing numerous TV productions

film and broadcast equipment rental,

and live events. Each project is

OB units, flight cases, ENG camera.

The 7 Production promise to clients is to go above and beyond expectations


Categories Broadcasting



Black Magic – Hyper docks + Teranex

Al Jazeera

Filming Studio Shows

BBC Ancillary


OB vans

Link RF Radio Cams Systems

YAS Marina Circuit


Advent SNG HD UpLinks

Studio Vision

Commentary Units


Autocue Units

Creative Technology

Products Cameras and Special Cameras Sony HDC (4K)

Key Projects

Eclipse BIAF

Sony PMW 500

Najem Al Saudia (KSA)


Sony PDW 700 XDCam

Cirque Du Soleil on


Grassvalley LDX 80

National Day (KSA)

Techno Crane

BIAF 9th Edition (Lebanon)

Furio Camera Robotic System

Gulf Shield Joint Exercise (KSA)

Cable Cam

King Abdulaziz Camel Festival (KSA)

Roof Rail Cam Technopoint


Stanton Jimmy Jib

UAE National Day

DJI Inspire – Drone camera

World Rugby Sevens Series F1 ESports Series

Lenses Canon XJ95

AFC Champions League Dubai Canal Opening

Canon XJ86 Canon XJ72

Key Clients

Canon XJ60

Dubai TV

Canon HJ40

Abu Dhabi Media

Canon HJ22

MBC Talpa

VTRs Sony HDW 2000 HDCam


Different Production Protec

Contact Seven Production ME FZ LLC International Media Production Zone, Building PBU # A18 Website: Pierre Tabet Tel: +971 54 4990777 Tel: +966 55 0476777 Tel: +961 71 182777

Social Media 7_production 7_PRODUCTION 7production-&-events 7 Production & Events





MENA: Brimming with potential mobility and government applications, and supports European service providers and to challenge established operators that have historically dominated the market. The extensive broad European and pan African C-band coverage in a single beam provides huge prospects for European service providers who wish to leverage their European teleports. The wide European beam which extends from North America across Europe to Moscow provides optimal coverage for diverse media requirements. The ABS Occasional Use (OU) service provides reliable and flexible ad hoc capacity for contribution and distribution of content to any location in the beam footprint. ABS operates a global satellite fleet of

Asia. ABS is owned by the European

six satellites providing comprehensive

Private Equity firm, Permira.

coverage to 93% of the world’s

ABS-3A verticals such as VSAT and IP Trunking are among some of the applications that are being used on

ABS offers a range of tailored

ABS Satellites Serving the MENA

solutions including broadcasting, data,

ABS serves the region with three

mobility and telecommunications

principal satellites: ABS-2, ABS-2A

ABS-2 and ABS-2A @ 75°East

services. The company has strategic

at 75E and ABS- 3A at 3 West.

ABS-2 and ABS-2A satellites offer

population across five continents.

alliances and partnerships with

the wide MENA Ku-beam covering the whole of the Middle East.

prime capacity over the Middle East

state-of-the-art communication

ABS-3A @ 3°West

hubs to deliver the best

ABS-3A is a pillar for high-profile

75 East, ABS provides access to pan

possible satellite solutions.

broadcast contribution in the MENA,

Asian footprints as well as access

Africa, Europe and the Americas. It

to key European markets such as

services high-growth data, video,

Germany and Italy, along with East

ABS has offices in the USA, the Middle East, South Africa and

and most notably GCC countries. At



Mobility – Key for Enterprise and Individuals

C, Ku and Ka-band capacity and

ABS hosts multiple data services and video contribution platforms for fixed

The need for mobility is more evident

voice and real time solutions to

and mobile users. It is an important

today than ever as both enterprise and

approved USG service providers,

service position for various countries

individuals expect a great deal more in

integrators, enterprise companies

including the Russian market place.

terms of their connectivity experience

and other allied governments,

whilst on the move. ABS extends the

enabling governments to meet the

connected experience through its

high bandwidth requirements.

African coverage. Over such positions,

Ground Infrastructure ABS’ global satellite ground infrastructure

VNO platforms to enhance passenger

includes partner teleports in Bahrain,

experiences and make businesses

offering VSAT network and SCPC

more operationally effective.

provides global coverage for data,

Dedicated to Serving the MENA MENA’s rich mix of cultures,

services, and Dubai, offering MCPC

ABS’ cellular backhaul services

and turnaround services. ABS offers

enables mobile network operators

geography, hunger for digital society

extensive services that cover the following

to expand services outside of

and entrepreneurship will be the

important verticals across the MENA.

urban areas into rural regions.

driver for satellite in this flourishing region. ABS is well placed to serve

Broadband – Critical for Development

Growth in Pay TV ABS satellites offer video contribution,

powerful satellites and flexible

ABS has long been dedicated to

distribution and OU services

capacity, catering for the applications

improving access to broadband services

across a region which is gradually

that this region needs most.

across the MENA region via its key

seeing an increase in the take-

regional satellites. According to Statista,

up of pay TV channels which is

in 2019, there will be a projected 574.8

expected to drive HD adoption.

million internet users. However, with an

the needs of the region with its

Contact ABS 2101-2108, Al Thuraya Tower 1

overall estimated population of 2.2 billion,

Government and Defence

there is still a long way to go in terms

The government and military sector

Dubai Media City, Dubai, UAE

of connecting the population of MENA

is highly reliant upon satellite

Tel: + 971 4 4542677

to broadband internet. ABS’ broadband

connectivity due to the applications

services can be deployed anywhere,

it utilises and the regions in


are scalable and cost-effective.

which it operates. ABS supplies




Broadcasting across a wide spectrum Founded in 1992, APT Satellite currently owns a fleet of six in-orbit satellites, namely, APSTAR-5, APSTAR-6, APSTAR-7, APSTAR-9, APSTAR-6C and APSTAR 5C, forming the APSTAR fleet, covering regions in Asia, the Middle East, Oceania and most parts of Europe. This vast regional influence stretches across approximately 75% of the world’s population and provides excellent quality ‘one-stopshop’ services for satellite transponder leasing, satellite telecommunications and satellite TV broadcasting and transmission to broadcasters and telecommunications customers. APSTAR-7

Middle East, North Africa and Central

development, the company is equipped

Positioned at 76.5E, APSTAR-7 is based

Asia and another steerable area that is

with state-of-the-art ground facilities

on the Thales Alenia’s SPACEBUS4000-C2

complementary to the fixed beams.

including satcom platforms and a TV

platform which is one of the most

broadcasting centre, pooling together

reliable satellite platforms present

APSTAR-7 has the largest geographic

versatile satellite frequency resources

in the market today. The satellite is

coverage over all visible landmass

for the provision of TV playout and

built with 28 C-band transponders

including all of the Middle East, Asia,

uplink, DTH, telecommunications

and 28 Ku-band transponders.

Australia, most parts of Africa and

To go in line with business

and IP transit services.

Satellite Fleet

APSTAR-7 has 28 C-band and 28 Kuband transponders. The C-band global beam covers four continents: Asia,

Owing to its prime orbital slot,

Europe and numerous islands scattered across the Pacific and Indian Oceans. A number of well-known global


Europe, Africa and Australia. Through its

broadcast service providers such as

Replaced by APSTAR-5C in 2018

advanced technology, APSTAR-7 provides

Sony Pictures (AXN), HBO, Disney,

improved communication performance,

Hallmark, Globecast, BBC, as well


power and efficiency to customers. The

as other regional broadcasters

Replaced by APSTAR-6C in 2018

four Ku-band beams cover China, the

utilise APSTAR-7 for distributing



their channels across the region. APSTAR-9 Launched in October 2015, APSTAR-9 satellite is a DFH-4 platform satellite manufactured by CASC (China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation). Located at 142E orbital slot, APSTAR-9 is equipped with 32 C-band and 14 Ku-band transponders. C-band coverage consists of one broad beam for the Asia Pacific region (AP Beam) and one enhanced beam for South East Asia (SEA Beam), suitable for video broadcast and high throughput telecom and cellular backhaul services; Ku-band covers the west Pacific and east

in C-band, Ku-band and Ka-band. As the

regional beams and Ku-band HTS

of the Indian Ocean region, providing

most advanced satellite with the highest

payload, providing high power

DTH, VSAT and mobility services such

capacity in the DFH-4 series satellites,

transponder services to customers

as maritime and inflight connectivity.

APSTAR-6C will provide satellite

across the Asia-Pacific region for

communication and broadcasting

VSAT, video distribution, DTH,

services covering Asia-Pacific region.

maritime and broadband services.

on May 4, 2018 by the Long March


By utilising a hybrid chemical-electric

3B launch vehicle from the Xichang

On 10 Sep 2018 in Cape Canaveral,

propulsion system, APSTAR-5C is

Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan,

Florida, US, APSTAR-5C was

expected to last more than 18 years

China. Located at 134â °E, APSTAR-6C

successfully launched to space on

in its station-keeping orbital slot.

satellite is designed and manufactured

a Falcon 9 rocket made by Space X.

APSTAR-5C is also a host payload

by CAST based on the DFH-4 platform

APSTAR-5C is based on the Space

project between APT Satellite and

with a designed life of 15 years. It is

System Loral FS-1300 platform, it

Telesat, a Canadian satellite company,

equipped with totally 45 transponders

is equipped with C-band, Ku-band

under its name of Telstar-18V.


APSTAR-5C’s mission slot is at 138E.

APSTAR-6C satellite was launched

Contact APT Satellite PO Box 32443, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971-50-754-4317 Email: Principal Office 22 Dai Kwai Street Tai Po Industrial Estate Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong Tel: +852-2600-2100 Fax: +852-2666-7838 Email:



Spearheading space telecommunications Founded in 1976 by the 21 member-

It transports over 500 TV channels,

satellites at 20°E, 26°E, 30.5°E, and

states of the Arab League, Arabsat

200 radio stations, pay TV networks

39°E, Arabsat is the only satellite

has been serving the growing needs

and a wide variety of HD channels

operator in the MENA region offering

of the Arab world for over 40 years,

that reach tens of millions of homes

the full spectrum of broadcast,

operating from its headquarters in

in more than 80 countries across

telecommunications and broadband

Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and

the Middle East, Africa and Europe.

services. This capacity will continue

two satellite control stations in Riyadh

Additionally, it includes an audience

to expand with the launch of new

and Tunis. Today Arabsat is one of

of over 170 million viewers in the

satellites, making the Arabsat fleet

the world’s top satellite operators

MENA region alone who are tuned

the youngest in the region.

and by far the leading satellite

into Arabsat’s video hotspot at 26°E. Operating a growing fleet of owned

Arabsat currently employs an elite workforce within the industry

© Arabsat

services provider in the Arab world.



integrators, and with the acquisition of Hellas Sat, one of the leading telecom groups in southeastern Europe, Arabsat continues to expand its reach. These new acquisitions and partnerships permit newer orbital slots and frequency rights that will allow customers to reach farther than ever before and deliver content and state-of-the-art solutions to any end-viewer audience or business partner anywhere in the world. The new HellasSat, HS-4 was launched on February 5, 2019. Designed, assembled and integrated by Lockheed Martin Space, HS-4/ SGS-1 will operate from an orbital position of 39°East, with a coverage area that includes Europe, South Africa and the Middle East. Arabsat endeavoured to fulfill its commitment to its shareholders © Arabsat

through capturing additional growth opportunities by launching the 6A Satellite positioned at 30.5E. Manufactured by Lockheed Martin

as it highly believes in human

the highest downlink power over the

Space, this satellite will support

capital. Working as a team, Arabsat’s

widest coverage area than any other

Arabsat’s competitive position and

management thrives to achieve

satellite fleet around, but also services

sustain it as the leading satellite

one goal - the satisfaction of its

in the most recent bands including

operator in the MEA region for

valued customers under the mission

Ka-band for innovative interactive

satellite capacities and state-of-the-

assigned by its shareholders.

services, a purely MENA beam, or

art services. 6A will enter operations

highly sophisticatedly designed

by the third quarter of 2019.

The Arabsat Satellite Fleet

Market-Specific Spot beams (North

Arabsat is also engaging with

Arabsat owns and operates six

Western Africa, West Africa, South

multiple partners for developing

satellites at three orbital positions,

Africa, East MENA and Central Asia).

and launching joint satellites

Arabsat offers the most secure,

and new services from other

namely, 20°, 26°, 30.5° East: Arabsat-5C (20°E), BADR-4, BADR-5, BADR-6 and

reliable and versatile fleet with ‘hot’

BADR-7 (26°E), Arabsat-5A (30.5°E).

in-orbit back-up and guaranteed

These state-of-the-art satellites (now

long-term expansion space capacity.

Contact Arabsat

only satellite operator based in the

Acquisitions and Partnerships

region offering the full spectrum of

Hellas Sat

Diplomatic Quarter

broadcast and telecommunications

Arabsat maintains strategic

Riyadh 11431, Saudi Arabia

services. These latest technology birds

partnerships with most of the world’s

are equipped to provide not only

leading satellite companies and VAS


the youngest regional fleet over the MENA region) make Arabsat the

Arabsat orbital locations.

PO Box 1038



High-powered satellites for the region

Es’hail-2 satellite.

Capacity Management Center.

Es’hailSat, the Qatar Satellite Company,

2013, supporting key broadcasters


is a communications satellite operator

in the region, beIN SPORTS and Al

Es’hailSat delivers additional

headquartered in Doha, Qatar.

Jazeera Media Network. Es’hail-2,

premium satellite capacity in the

Es’hailSat was established in 2010 to

the company’s second satellite was

MENA region with the expansion

manage and develop Qatar’s presence

launched on November 15, 2018,

of the Es’hailSat fleet. Es’hail-2,

in space. The company provides

and is co-located with Es’hail-1 at

was successfully launched on

independent, high-quality, advanced

the MENA broadcast hotspot of

November 15, 2018 and will further

satellite services to broadcasters,

25.5° E / 26° E orbital location.

boost broadcasting and global

businesses and governments in

Having both Ku-band and Ka-band

connectivity for Qatar and the entire

capacity at the 25.5° E and 26° E hotspot

MENA. Es’hail-2 is a high-powered,

position enables Es’hailSat to provide

advanced satellite with both Ku-

satellite operator and service provider,

the region with the most advanced and

band and Ka-band capabilities

Es’hailSat started operations of its

sophisticated services in broadcast,

to provide for TV distribution,

first satellite Es’hail-1 at 25.5° E in

telecommunications and broadband.

telecoms and government services.

the MENA region and beyond. With a goal to be a truly global



New Teleport for MENA

interference and take appropriate action

North Africa, Es’hailSat’s high-powered

The new Es’hailSat Teleport is a state-

with or against the interfering party.

satellites provide key infrastructure to

of-the-art facility providing satellite

networks and broadcasters to distribute

(TT&C) facilities and capacity

Premium Content on Es’hail-1 and Es’hail-2

management, together with a wide

Es’hail-1 and Es’hail-2 demonstrates the

are able to leverage on Es’hailSat’s

range of teleport services such as uplink,

value of Es’hailSat’s offering in terms of

satellites and teleport infrastructures

downlink, contribution, multiplexing,

technical capabilities and performance,

to provide services such as linear TV,

encoding, playout and broadcasting,

and also in terms of independence

video-on-demand, high-definition

tailored for the company’s stakeholders,

and security of content it broadcasts.

TV and 4K TV among others.

customers and business partners.

In addition to providing transmission

Telemetry, Tracking and Commanding

TV channels directly to consumers via small satellite dish. Customers

for established news, sports and

Telecommunication Services

entertainment channels, a growing

Es’hailSat provides a range of new

number of new channels from around

satellite and world-class communications

the region are choosing Es’hailSat to

services for Qatar and the region that

As secure transmissions continue to

broadcast their channels in the MENA

helps drive home grown innovation

be of paramount importance in the

region. beIN Sports continues to roll out

and stimulate development of solutions

MENA region, Es’hailSat is working with

new HD and SD channels via Es’hailSat

that support VSAT, voice, data and

various parties to reduce and eliminate

satellites, seeking to diversify and

broadband business via satellite.

satellite interference and provide secure

expand its audience with new content

transmission network for its customers.

including movies, entertainment and

Es’hailSat satellites have been designed

sports. In addition, with Al Jazeera’s

Growing Demand For Ka-band

and built with anti-jamming capabilities

bouquet of HD channels on Es’hail-1,

Es’hailSat’s Ka-band hub provides

that help avoid any intentional or

the 25.5°E / 26° E is truly a hotspot

flexibility and a range of satellite-based

unintentional interference. This is critical

for quality high-definition channels.

data communications applications,

Solving Challenges of Interference for MENA Broadcasters

for customers operating mission critical

ensuring customers benefit from

work and for broadcasters who value

Broadcast Services

uninterrupted signals. In addition, geo-

Operating from the MENA orbital

that provide higher compression

location system is available at the teleport

hotspot of 25.5° E / 26° E, covering

with lower latency and bandwidth

to accurately identify origins of any

key consumer markets in the GCC and

optimisation for OPEX savings.

flexible, efficient technologies

Contact Es’hailSat, Qatar Satellite Company Property No. 414 Al Markhiya Street No. 380 Area No. 31, Umm Lakhba PO Box 10653, Doha, Qatar Tel: +974 4499 3535 Fax: +974 4499 3504 Email: (general enquiries) Email: Ali Al Kuwari, President and CEO, Es’hailSat, receiving an award during the Global SatShow 2018.

(products & services enquiries) Website:



Deliver your content anywhere Longstanding Partnerships

and to be closer to customers and

of the world’s leading and most

Eutelsat has been present in the MENA

their markets. In 2017, regional service

experienced satellite operators.

region for over 30 years, but its key

provider NOORSAT also joined the

The company provides capacity on

focus on broadcasting shifted gear 10

group, combining in-depth market

37 satellites to clients that include

years ago with the specialisation of

expertise with regional and global

broadcasters and broadcasting

satellites for the region and Eutelsat’s

connectivity, creating a one-stop-shop

associations, pay TV operators, video,

collaboration with Nilesat in the

for broadcast and data solutions.

data and internet service providers,

7/8° West orbital arc. Longstanding

enterprises and government agencies.

partnerships between Eutelsat, Gulfsat,

Eutelsat’s satellites provide ubiquitous

Nilesat and anchor media groups,

Number One TV Distribution Platform

coverage of the Middle East, Europe,

including MBC and OSN, have gained

With a strong concentration of

Africa, Asia Pacific and the Americas,

strong commercial success and are

broadcasters and service providers

enabling video, data, broadband and

well placed for further expansion in

in Dubai and the Gulf states, the

government communications to be

the region. This led the company to

broadcasting sector in MENA is vibrant

established irrespective of user location.

open its own offices in Dubai, UAE,

and highly developed. Due to lack

© Eutelsat

Established in 1977, Eutelsat is one



of terrestrial networks, satellite remains the unrivalled digital video infrastructure throughout the region with 59 million homes, or 94% of the market, receiving TV channels via satellite. 7/8° West is the leading broadcast neighbourhood in the MENA and has seen massive growth over the past four years, now reaching 90% of TV homes in the region. This was confirmed by Eutelsat’s TV Observatory, a multinational analysis of TV reception trends, market research specialist IPSOS. Over 56 million TV homes in a vast region from Morocco to the Gulf, receive over 1000 channels with a single small

© Getty images

carried out in 2017 with independent

satellite dish. Growing by three million homes in the 12-month period, viewers

is changing how, where and when

delivery thereby enriching the viewing

are drawn to the neighbourhood for

audiences consume content. At the

experience. Working with many of the

its exceptional line-up of Arabic and

same time, linear TV is still the principal

leading companies in the region, there

international channels, with best-in-

means of TV consumption across

is potential for growth and considerable

class pay TV platforms and a high

the region, enabling advertisers to

scope for innovative solutions. Ideally

diversity of free-to-air content. Over

reach millions of homes and content

placed to help broadcasters maximise

half the channels broadcast exclusively

owners to build brand value and

their reach, Eutelsat’s innovative

from the 7/8° West position.

deliver sports, news and popular

advanced TV delivery solutions

entertainment most efficiently.

meet evolving consumer demand.

HD Setting the Trend

Eutelsat’s new state-of-the-art

By enabling clients to reduce the

With the massive expansion in the

hybrid content delivery solution, called

complexity and cost of operations,

number of television channels available

Eutelsat CIRRUS, helps broadcasters

they can optimise service quality,

to homes throughout the MENA region,

meet increasing customer expectations

connectivity and audience reach.

Eutelsat helps channels manage their HD

for a flexible, seamless content

transition. There has been a noticeable

experience across multiple screens.

shift in free-to-air channels with 150

Delivering consistent quality to any

now broadcasting in HD from 7/8°

screen, the fully supported solution

West, up 26% in the past 12 months.

combines the strengths of traditional

70 rue Balard, 75015 Paris, France

Image quality is increasingly important

DTH with next-generation features,

Tel: +33 1 53 98 47 47

to audiences, as the acceleration in

reducing the technical and logistical

take-up of HD shows. In the MENA

challenges inherent in building a


region, 46% of total TV homes now

content distribution business.

own an HDTV screen. Viewers at 7/8°

Contact Eutelsat

Social Media Eutelsat_SA

West are leading this growth with an

Reaching More Homes

impressive 66% of homes HD-equipped.

As broadcasters look to attract new


audiences, launch new services and


connect with people at home and on


Viewing habits are diversifying as

the move, Eutelsat’s new solutions

interaction and content on-demand

enable end-to-end connectivity of TV


Evolving User Experience



Enabling a global network of services Asia Pacific Region

Intelsat S.A. (NYSE:1) operates the

services and an open, interoperable

video broadcasting, secure satellite

world’s first globalised network

architecture to enable customers to

communications and seamless

delivering high-quality, cost-effective

drive revenue and reach through a

mobility services. The Intelsat areas

video and broadband services

new generation of network services.

of expertise cover all satellite-

anywhere in the world. Intelsat’s

Thousands of organisations serving

related services encompassing

globalised network combines the

billions of people worldwide rely

satellite broadband connectivity

world’s largest satellite backbone with

on Intelsat to provide ubiquitous

across industries, including

terrestrial infrastructure, managed

broadband connectivity, multi-format

mobility, government and media.



Galaxy Postcards Expand your reach and connect with viewers across North America with Galaxy Postcards. Located on Galaxy 19 (G-19) at 97W, Galaxy Postcards is the premier satellite

Key Clients

direct-to-home community with high reliability that provides instant


access to North American viewers.


It delivers specialty TV and radio


channels including multicultural and


faith-based programming, using a free-to-air platform that distributes content from 60 countries in 30 languages. Content delivered by Galaxy Postcards is watched by 33% of all Farsi speakers and 28% of all Arabic speakers in the USA. The Intelsat channel guide offers information on specialty programming that Galaxy Postcards brings to North America. To learn more about how Galaxy


Key Clients

Postcards can help expand your



Intelsat S.A.

North American audience,



Corporate Headquarters


4 rue Albert Borschette L-1246 Luxembourg Admin Headquarters 7900 Tysons One Place McLean, VA 22102-5972 USA Website:

Regional Contact

Social Media Intelsat GalaxyPostcards Intelsat Galaxy-Postcards company/intelsat intelsat



Satellites around the globe Founded in 1992, Joint Stock Company Gazprom Space Systems is one of the two Russian national satellite operators. GSS operates the Yamal Satellite Communications System based on which it provides highquality satellite capacity and services. The Gazprom space infrastructure consists of four Yamal satellites, namely Yamal-202, Yamal-300K, Yama-401 and Yamal-402, operating at a significant geostationary orbit arc segment (from 49°E to 183°E), with the service zone covering most part of the eastern hemisphere and reaching the western part of the North American continent. Its total satellite constellation capacity amounts to 248 equivalent transponders of 36MHz.

Yamal-202 Orbital slot: 49E Number of transponders: 18x72MHz C-band The С-band payload of Yamal-202 (49E)

for arrangement of communication

centres of these resources consumption

has a wide coverage over the Eurasian

links and data transmission in the

(the Middle East and Asian countries).

continent, and in particular over the

interest of government authorities,

Middle East and North Africa. The

for TV distribution, as well as for

satellite supports a range of point-to-

arrangement of trunks between

Orbital slot: 183E

point connections and VSAT networks

concentrated centres of information

Number of transponders: 18x72MHz

for corporate customers. It is optimal

resources (mainly in Europe) and

Ku-band, 11x72 MHz C-band



Yamal-300K brought GSS into the



the new HTS Yamal-601. The coverage

markets of the western hemisphere.

Orbital slot: 90E

area of the new satellite is almost the

The satellite’s wide contour fixed

Number of transponders: 17х72

same as its predecessor in C-band. All

beams cover the eastern territory of

MHz C-band, 18x72 MHz Ku-

existing customers will move to the

band, 18x36 MHz Ku-band

new satellite and get new benefits

Russia, the western parts of North America and north of the Pacific

Yamal-401 is located in one of the most

and the EIRP on the new satellite

Ocean where air and maritime traffic

popular positions in Russia - 90E, and

is two decibels higher. It will allow

is exceedingly busy. Such service

is dedicated mainly for the Russian

customers to use more efficient coding

zones make the beam perfect for

market. The satellite is equipped

modulation systems and use bandwidth

aeronautic and maritime connectivity.

with C- and Ku-band payloads.

more cost-effectively. Yamal-601 is


Ground Infrastructure

Orbital slot: 55E

The ground infrastructure

Number of transponders: 12x72,

of GSS is represented by the

16x54, 18x36 MHz Ku-band

Telecommunications Centre in

also equipped with Ka-band payload, providing 32 beams covering the most populated regions of Russia.


Yamal-402 provides Ku-band coverage

Moscow, and more than 2000 satellite

over Russia, the CIS countries, Europe,

communications earth stations in

part of the Middle East and sub-

Russia. The GSS customer base

Saharan Africa. Customers can operate

includes more than 250 companies.

Shchelkovo, Moscow Region

both within the African footprint (the

The Yamal satellites’ capacity is

Russia, 141112

Southern beam) and use the inter-

used for services in more than 100

Tel: +7 (495) 504-29-06

beam communication between Europe

countries worldwide. Although

and Africa. Yamal-402 capacity is

on the international market GSS

used more actively for occasional use.

provides pure capacity, the company

Deputy Director General

Most often, this is video transmission

has a number of partner teleport

Business Development

of political events and sport events.

companies in Europe, the Middle East,

Email: kot@gazprom-

Furthermore, there are many other

Far East, Asia, Africa and America.

services provided in this beam for the interest of global oil and gas companies

New Projects

operating in the African region.

In 2019, Yamal-202 will be replaced by

JCS Gazprom Space Systems (GSS) 77B Moscow Street

Igor Kot




Your partner in worldwide distribution M-Three Satcom is an Italian

exchange, entertainment broadcasting,

networks. Most recently, M-Three

organisation committed to providing

live corporate and business events, HD

started a new service for distribution in

top-level, reliable, complete and cost-

and 3D production and distribution.

the east and Far East through Eutelsat

effective solutions to international

E70 East, uplinking on two beams

television, radio and A/V professionals,

Teleport Services

since 2004. M-Three Satcom activity

From the two owned teleport facilities

East and Indian region (wide beam) and

is based in two teleports in Milan and

in Milan and Rome and through

to the Far East and Oceania (Asia Beam).

Rome, connected to the worldwide

long-term agreements with teleport

Both Eutelsat and other key players

GTT (previously Interoute Plc) network,

and satellite operators worldwide,

in the European and EMEA region are

allowing a full range of services in terms

M-Three offers a wide choice of digital

cooperating with M-Three in delivering

of geographical coverage and solutions

platforms for fibre-optics, satellite, OTT

DTH bouquet in the areas, and joining

portfolio. A fleet of OB facilities for

contribution and distribution. The prime

forces to provide cost-effective,

sports, news and shows production and

orbital positions directly managed by

reliable solutions. Clients benefit

transmission and a systems integration

M3 from Milano station are Eutelsat 13

from the M-Three commitment for an

unit completes the 360° range of

East and 9 East, both in DVB-S and S2

interruption-free service: earth station

available services. M-Three experience

configurations, and serving a number

redundancy, power and fibre diversity,

covers news coverage to sports

of SD and HD channels as well as

24/7 support, plus a full site backup and

broadcasting, content delivery and

important Italian and European radio

recovery system managed between

dedicated respectively to the Middle



Milan, Rome and partner platforms. Playout services and co-location at M-Three Premises, in addition to the robust fibre connectivity (which benefit from the co-presence of GTT POP facilities at the teleport, a number of co-location and managed services are available). The playout centre consists of secured rack space, MCR, multiscreen area, systems personnel for a 24/7 operation that can support full management of TV and radio channels. Clients can easily monitor or operate owned or leased equipment through Ip-dedicated access while on-site personnel provide ingestion, files quality, controls and provide single contact point to coordinate operations between broadcaster and distribution platforms.

Outside Broadcast

bandwidth and protocol configuration.

Leased lines from E1 to

M-Three manages an affordable and

GbE and STM1/4/16/64

flexible OB van and DSNG trucks fleet

IP Backbone access with

configured to support all live events.

CBR and burst capacity

Through a fleet of OB vans and SNGs,

A skilled team offers support on event

Network management

M-Three Satcom provides live coverage

scheduling and management, systems

and global NOC

for sports, entertainment, news and

configuration and optimisation, to

OU satellite capacity with booking

corporate events. Broadcasters,

complete, on-field service delivery.

on pay per minute basis

news agencies, sport associations

In addition, the M-Three teleports

Bandwidth and time slot on

and rights holders can count on

and MCR supports live transmission

transponders in all orbital positions

M-Three Satcom’s affordable structure

with 24/7 troubleshooting service,

Middle and long-term booking

including a 24/7 booking centre, HD

turnaround and backup.

for special events

mobile facilities, fibre and satellite capacity for occasional use in every

Available OB Facilities

24/7 booking centre and MCR for support and troubleshooting

HD/SD DSNG Trucks Production facilities from light stand up to HD multicamera van. Special units with aircraft, helicopter and special MW links

Contact M-Three Satcom Teleport Milano

in cooperation with international

Via Brianza

partners for sport activities

15 20098 SG Milanese,

Playout, uplink and fibre injection

Milan, Italy

centre in Milan and Rome

Teleport Rome

Editing and post-production

Occasional Use Capacity on Fibre and Satellite Networks Connecting most city centres all over Europe and worldwide

Via Cornelia 498 00166, Rome, Italy Email: Website:



Expansive global coverage Russian Satellite Communications

provides a package of up-to-date

various orbital positions, frequency

Company (RSCC) is the Russian

communication and broadcasting

bands, fixed and narrow beams

geo-satellite operator with a global

services rendered by means of

with cross-strapping options,

coverage. Currently, the RSCC

ground technical facilities and

vertical applications and geographic

fleet includes 12 spacecraft in

Russian orbital constellation.

areas as well as a network of

geo-stationary orbit, located from

The RSCC satellite constellation

14° W to 145° E and covering the

includes multi-functional spacecraft

gives RSCC the unique opportunity

territories of Russia and the CIS

encompassing Express-AM,

to provide communications and

countries, Europe, the Middle East,

Express-AMU, Express-A series, as

broadcasting services to almost

Africa, Latin and South America,

well as DTH satellites Express-AT.

any corner of the globe.

Asia, and Australia. The company

The harmonious combination of

regional partners and teleports

RSCC provides full range of


communications and broadcasting

access, IP trunking and cellular

services via its own terrestrial

backhaul, maritime mobility, inflight


telecom facilities and satellite

connectivity, SCADA, enterprise


constellation which consists of

networks connectivity and others.

modern Express-AM, Express-AT and

RSCC offers leasing of satellite

37, Shabolovka St.,

the Express-A type satellites. Today

segment capacity, technical

RSCC is present in all geographic

facilities of ground stations and

markets providing services to

its terrestrial fibre-optic digital

Tel: +7 (495) 730-0445

customers in 55 countries worldwide.

networks to various regional satellite

Tel: +7 (495) 730-0456

television distribution networks


The company provides video distribution and contribution,

and corporate VSAT networks for

DTH, DSNG, broadband internet

fixed and mobility customers.


Moscow, 115162 Russia




Seamless connectivity across the globe STN is a leading innovative, forward-

list of customers which include media

order to seamlessly accommodate

thinking global teleport facility with

solutions, data, channel distribution,

increasing demands and turnaround

satellite, fibre and IP connections

playout, OTT and ad-insertion. With

for time-dependent projects.

offering clients end-to-end,

access to all commercial satellites,

managed service communications

STN allows clients to grow in

network ensures clients of

solutions worldwide. The company

whichever direction they request.

complete security and continuity.

delivers content to end users

Whether the need is to go global

An extensive and highly protected

across many different viewing

or reach the individual regions of


devices ranging from TV screens,

Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa

STN was built on a flexible and

laptops and mobile phones.

and the Americas, STN provides

open technical infrastructure,

services fine-tuned to your specific

which allows the company to

requirements in the quickest time

encompass the entire range and

A vast array of service solutions are

possible. The company also offers

centralise client requirements

made available to an international

spare capacity on a rolling basis in

with immediacy, but also leaving




a reputation that is punctuated by security, reliability, high quality and an unrivalled turnaround time.

Clients Building long-term relationships is the core foundation of the company - at STN, the client is of principal importance and everything begins and ends with the client. Through ongoing professional and educational development, each member of the STN team is given the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills in both technical and customer service aspects of the business, enabling the company to provide the highest room to evolve further as industry

wireless capabilities and a bespoke

level of service and support to every

trends and technology dictate.

approach to every client are

customer, every hour of every day.

Firmly placing the company

what makes STN stand apart.

at the cutting edge of broadcast and connectivity services.


Contact STN

A strategic business approach

STN’s range of expertise is diverse

and technical future proofing has

enabling the company to facilitate

accelerated the company’s evolution

single channel start-ups as well

Dob, 1233 Slovenia

and established STN at the forefront

as transmit multiple top-tier

Tel: +386 1 527 2440

of integration, design and operation

communication platforms while


of complex communications

serving everything in between.

solutions to the connected world.

Through professionalism and vast


Comprehensive satellite and

industry knowledge, STN has earned

Kidriceva 22a




WTA Global forum for teleport operators Since 1985, the World Teleport

provides valuable market data,

Satellite and hybrid

Association (WTA) has been the only

promotes achievements of industry

network operators

trade association that focuses on the

leaders and explores issues that

Providers and integrators of satellite

business of satellite communications

matter most to the teleport sector.

communications technology

from the ground up. At the core of

Producers of system, network and

innovative operators of teleports -

Promoting the Vital Role of Teleports

from independents to multinationals,

WTA provides members with access

business and marketing

niche service providers to global hybrid

to business opportunities around the

Business support services

carriers. WTA is dedicated to helping

world through detailed profiles in the

for the industry

operators of teleports by helping them

marketplace and a search-able online

maintain and expand their business.

directory of providers. By placing them

communication services via satellite or

as speakers and panelists at industry

provides the technologies and services

gatherings and providing discounts

that make it possible, WTA is your

In an industry undergoing fast changes

on registration for their employees,

gateway to international opportunity.

in technology, operations and business

the association provides exposure to

models, the WTA works with members

an international audience of potential

Research Reports

to identify issues most critical to

customers. Members are guided

WTA conducts and publishes original

their success and advocates on their

towards potential customers and

research to help teleport operators

behalf. It provides a unified, respected

strategic allies within this membership

improve their operations, reduce

voice when it comes to relationships

through an open-door policy.

costs and grow their business.

its membership are the world’s most

Advocating for their Interests

with strategic partners in the sky and

content management software Consultants on technology,

Whether a company delivers

Topics range from markets and

technology and applications. They

Companies that do Business with Teleports

educate partners and customers on

Companies that do business with

the tremendous value that teleports

teleports find that the WTA is the best

Teleport Certification

bring to the global contribution and

investment they can make to open

WTA has launched a certification

distribution chain for video, audio, data

new channels to the industry at a

programme for teleports, covering

and voice. Through original research,

cost every organisation can afford.

facilities, technical infrastructure and

case studies and white papers, WTA

Non-teleport members include:

operating procedures. The goal is to

on the ground and the evolution of

business issues to technology and operational best practices.



Teleport Awards for Excellence

companies for which teleports

Teleport operators to document

Since 1995, the WTA has presented

Companies that sell to teleport

the quality of their operations for

annual awards to companies and

customers and strategic partners.

individuals that have dramatically

For more information about WTA

Customers to select teleport

demonstrated excellence in the field

membership and its programmes,

vendors delivering the price-

of teleport operations, development


performance level that is

and technology. Winners receive a

appropriate for their applications.

presentation photograph, an award

create an objective, transparent and internationally accepted method for:

Executive Dialogue Series

and assistance with promotion of their achievement. The Teleport awards

are a channel to market and satellite operators

Contact World Teleport Association

The Executive Dialogue Series provides

for excellence are presented on the

250 Park Avenue, 7th Floor

WTA members with opportunities to

opening day of the annual satellite

New York, 10177, USA

share their experiences, views and

conference and exhibition in Washington

technical knowledge with a global

DC during a luncheon ceremony.

Randall Barney

WTA conducts video interviews


& Membership

with executives of WTA member

Membership in WTA is for:

Tel: +1 212-825-0218 x104

audience. During select conferences,

companies on the show floor for

Teleport operators and developers

playout on the WTA website.

Satellite carriers and other

Director of Certification






Leading broadcaster to the world’s top channels Spearheading the media industry

filming in full-HD to post-production,

establish a news gathering service to

in the region through its innovative

editing and distribution via satellite,

deliver coverage of the Gulf War.

ground-breaking services and serving

fibre and online streaming.

small, medium and large broadcasters

ABS was one of the few production companies to have access to Iraq during

is the MENA’s largest and most

Company Roots

influential broadcaster, the ABS

ABS Network was founded in 1993 by

Network. Providing a comprehensive

Mohammed El Ajlouni, a Jordanian-

set of content production and delivery

American media entrepreneur with

Expansive Network

services, the company relies heavily

more than three decades of experience

ABS Network headquarters is based

on state-of-the-art news-gathering

in broadcast production and services

in Dubai, UAE with offices in key cities

techniques and expert personnel to

across the Arab world. Having

including Baghdad, Amman, Beirut,

supply fresh news in real time across

successfully built media businesses and

Istanbul, Syria, Gaza, Cairo, Ramallah,

the globe. Years of regional expertise

hosting channels such as Al Hurra, Al

Tunis, Kuwait, Aden, and Manama.

and strategic investments in the latest

Arabia, RT, BBC, Fox News, ABC News,

technologies have given the company

CNN, KSA TV, Sky News Arabia and

Washington DC, located at the National

the ability to expertly manage every

others in his Amman-based production

Press Building, giving it the ability

aspect of the production process from

house, he saw the opportunity to

to engage deeply with broadcasters

this time and was also the first to gain permission to set an uplink in Jordan.

The network also has bureaus in



based in the USA. They have 17

regional and international broadcasters.

JiuJitsu Baynunah Educational

offices in all, 12 of which are wholly

These cover live studios and production,

Complex Madinat Zayed

owned by ABS Network in major

event coverage, transmission, news

Horse Flat Race Studio

regional hot-spots including Erbil, the

room, news packages and archiving.

Green Zone, Qamishli and Gaza.

Winning Edge in Sports Coverage Across the Middle East

ABS Highlights from 2018

2019 Highlights AFC – Asian Cup (Asian Football

Omega Dubai Desert Classic

Confederation) UAE

at the Emirates Golf Course

Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship

Arabian Gulf League Hatta

Arab Foreign Ministers

Critical connectivity specialists, NEP

x Shabab Al Ahli Dubai

Meeting, Jordan

Connect have partnered with ABS

Golf in the UAE / Oman Masters

Meeting of Foreign Ministers

Network to leverage its position as

at Al Mouj GC, Muscat

of the Global Coalition to

telecaster of major sporting events

Arabian Gulf League Al

Defeat ISIS - Washington DC

across the Middle East. Through

Dhafra x Emirates

Papal visit to Abu Dhabi

the partnership, NEP Connect will

Al Muraba’a Festival

Ferrari Racing, Bahrain

circumvent the budget and logistics

Arabian Gulf League Emirates

Tour of Oman

challenges associated with setting up

Arab Innovation, Dubai UAE

equipment and crew overseas, while

Dubai World Cup

ABS Network continues to stay

ensuring high quality of production.

Arab League Summit Dhahran KSA

abreast of the latest developments

QTV Sports Archery

and high-profile events and to relay

conjunction with content providers

World Cup Turkey

them to viewers across the region.

Arqiva and Globecast to bring global

Iraqi Parliament Session

sporting events to viewers in the

Tent Pegging World

Middle East creating winning strides

Champions Event

for both parties in the venture.

DP World Tour Championship, Dubai

ABS Network also works in

Network of Services

Coverage of Iraqi Olympic

Contact ABS Network 1802 Al Thuraya Tower 1

Football Camp

Dubai Media City

ABS Network prides itself on being able

US Elections

Dubai, UAE

to deliver end-to-end services for the

Bahrain Elections Children’s accident in the Dead Sea

Tel: +971 4 439 2342

broadcast industry. It has tailored its portfolio of services to meet the needs of

Horse-Show Jumping




Shaping media evolution through value-based content Why Al Aan Media Services? Home to one of the very few C Band SNGs in the UAE as well as many Ku Band SNGs Provides DTL sudio services with a DMC live background and full in-house facilities Known for being extremely competitive with immediate turnaround time for SNG requests Offers wireless camera unit with a four kilometre range Offers in-house space segment services HD OB van for up to 24 cameras

Leading-Edge Solutions in Media Services

A Cut Above the Rest

of the foremost pan Arab free-to-air satellite channels in the MENA region,

As one of the leading media service

environment demands versatile,

bringing the latest stories and unmatched

providers, Al Aan takes a 360-degree

adaptable, forward-thinking solutions.

entertainment to viewers since 2006.

approach in delivering media solutions

With technology evolving at a rapid

With professionalism and neutrality as

across the MENA region. Its strategic

rate, Al Aan integrates its expertise

its guiding principles, Al Aan has gained

location, experience and expertise

with cutting-edge services and

popularity for delivering culturally

has catapulted Al Aan into the most

multi-platform support that enables

relevant, authentic and entertaining

trusted name in the industry. Catering

production of quality content.

content. Remaining true to its ethos

to SNGs, OBs and production setups, Al

With dynamic solutions that assist

of ‘Real News and Real Entertainment

Aan has indisputably become a leading

at every step of the way, Al Aan is

it has built a unique identity, giving

solutions provider for the production

undeniably one of the most sought-after

audiences distinctly different quality of

of a number of programmes, including

media solutions providers, for world-

content that exceeds expectations.

sports, entertainment and more.

class solutions that set the standard.

Al Aan TV has established itself as one

Today’s broadcasting and media



Final Cut Studio Graphic Workstations Sound Production Station ID Packages Show Opener and Promo-production Sponsorship Tags

Corporate Events Production Services Al Aan Media Services provides a full range of corporate event production services for various industries. With a team of experts taking care of every last detail, Al Aan Media Services offers

Key Services

solutions that are designed to meet DTL News

and achieve specific goals of an event.

C Band and Ku Band SNGs

Chroma Studio


Uplinks and DTL Services

Studio Floors


Live Streaming

Studio Lights



Jimmy Jib

Live Streaming

Live Studios

Autoscript Teleprompter

News Coverage

Outdoor Production

Makeup Rooms

Social Media Coverage

Space Segment

Studio Software Integration

Broadcast Coverage

Creative Support Multi-channel Playout

Outdoor Production Services

For all services and solutions, Al Aan

Wireless Camera Units

As specialist provider of high-tech video

employs best-in-class technologies

and TV production services, Al Aan offers

such as Avid, Final Cut Pro, Adobe

exceptional facilities including customised

Production and Creative Suites,

Simplifying all your transmission

solutions that produce outstanding

3D Max, Maya 3D and VizRT.

needs, Al Aan leads the way with latest

results and deliver seamless experiences.

Transmission Services

technologies from SD/HD with DVBS/

Digital OB Vans

DVBS2 modular, fully redundant flyaway


and trucks, deploying ready-to-move

Ku Band/C Band

services at the shortest notice, even

SD/HD Flyaways

for regions outside of the UAE.

Space Segment

Broadcast facility (100% file-based workflow)

Stage, Lighting and Sound

Multi-channel playout system

Post-production Services

On-air multi-graphic overlays

Al Aan Media Services’ post-production

Live Studio Services

capabilities include offering end-to-end technology that delivers the best client

One of the most essential services

experience, offering leading facilities with

provided by Al Aan Media Services

quick turnaround on post-production

is live studio broadcasting services,

services for a cost-effective, time-

offering facilities for broadcasting live

efficient option. Working at every stage

events from sports to sophisticated

of post-production, Al Aan offers tailored

studio productions and TV shows.

solutions best suited to your projects.

Contact Al Aan TV 405, Building 1, Dubai Media City PO Box 500765, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 427 7888/879 Email: Website: Website:

Social Media @alaantv @akhbaralaan @alaantv @akhbar @alaantv alaantube



Innovative cloud-based broadcast solutions Amagi is the leading provider of

for global and regional TV networks

next-generation cloud-based TV

and OTT providers across the Middle

Cloud-Managed Broadcast Services

broadcast infrastructure and services

East, Europe, North America and Asia.

The Amagi cloud-managed broadcast

encompassing content preparation,

Amagi has offices in Los Angeles,

services is a first-of-its-kind offering

playout, delivery, MCR operations

London, Singapore, Mumbai and an

in the TV broadcast industry. It is a

and monetisation across traditional

innovation and operations centre in

fully automated, end-to-end managed

TV and OTT multi-screen platforms.

Bangalore. Amagi’s investors include KKR-

broadcast service enabling TV networks,

Amagi has deployments in over 40

backed Emerald Media, Premji Invest,

content owners, operators and OTT

countries, managing 160 plus feeds

Mayfield Fund and Nadathur Holdings.

platforms to leverage a public cloud



infrastructure to prepare, store and

flexible in supporting delivery of local

archive, schedule, playout, deliver, monitor

ads to the STORM IRD devices either

and monetise library, live and VoD content.

through trickle satellite bandwidth or via

The highlight of the managed broadcast

cloud. It also supports traditional triggers

service is its simplicity, transparency

such as DTMF and SCTE 35 cue-tones

and high degree of automation which

in addition to Amagi Watermark.

substantially reduces cost of broadcast

prevalent in the industry. Clients can

thunDERStORM – Ott Ad Detection and Server-side Ad Insertion Platform

choose cloud playout or edge playout

Amagi’s THUNDERSTORM platform

based on their unique requirements.

enables TV networks to dynamically

Supported by its extensive partnerships

insert ads on the server-side simplifying

operations in comparison to traditional, manual-intensive managed services

delivery of personalised, targeted ads

for providing fibre, satellite and IP delivery, Amagi provides a one-stop

Deepakjit Singh, CEO, Amagi.

on premium live and linear OTT feeds. With the ability to perform instant,

shop for TV networks, platforms and content owners to create, manage, deliver

scratch, stitching together programming

server-side ad insertion, TV networks

and monetise TV and OTT content.

content, commercials, static and dynamic

now have an effective approach to

graphics, squeeze backs, event triggers

OTT ad insertion compared with the

and live event integrations. Full-screen

traditional method of inserting mid-roll

graphics and 4K UHD support ensures

ads on the client side. The platform

high-quality viewing experience.

allows broadcasters to insert multiple

ClOuDPORt – CloudBased Playout Platform CLOUDPORT is a cloud-based platform for multichannel playout of both live

types of ad formats, including bugs,

and non-live feeds. By hosting a broad

StORM – Ad Insertion Platform

range of advanced playout capabilities

Amagi offers TV networks a unique

flexibility. Since ads are stitched at

on public cloud infrastructure such as

platform to insert targeted local ads on

the server level, THUNDERSTORM

AWS and Microsoft Azure, CLOUDPORT

a common feed creating new revenue

eliminates the need to create device-

enables TV networks to launch new

streams. Unlike the traditional approach

driven OTT ad streams making ads

channels in less than four weeks at a

of setting up separate feeds for localising

compatible across various screens.

fraction of the traditional broadcast costs.

ads, Amagi’s STORM platform eliminates

In case of OTT aggregators/vMVPD

the need for high CAPEX and OPEX

platforms where they may not receive

that is typical with regional feeds.

ad triggers in incoming broadcast feeds,

Using CLOUDPORT, broadcasters can support the entire playout workflow

L-bands and linear video for ultimate

Central to the STORM platform is

THUNDERSTORM using machine learning

to subtitling, traffic and scheduling,

Amagi’s innovative, patented content

techniques can automatically detect ads

compliance recording, quality control,

watermarking technology. The Amagi

and replace them with targeted ads.

multichannel monitoring and more.

Watermark is a unique, invisible and

In addition to delivering content to

inaudible signature that is inserted

operator head-ends and teleports

into the broadcast feed. The platform

for further distribution, CLOUDPORT

also consists of an advanced IRD

also offers automated transcoding

installed at operator head-ends.

from channel branding and graphics

and delivery to different vMVPD

The STORM IRDs are capable of

platforms, enabling broadcasters

receiving broadcast feed and recognising

to address the growing consumer

the Amagi Watermark. These watermarks

demand for multiscreen viewing.

act as replacement triggers and the

The comprehensive scheduling feature

STORM IRD replaces watermarked content

in CLOUDPORT helps to create frame-

with appropriate local ads stored in it

accurate presentation schedules from

as per the local playlist. The platform is

Contact Amagi 4th floor, Raj Alkaa Park Kalena Agrahara Bannerghatta Road Bangalore 560 076, India Sri Hari T. Business Head - EMEA Email:



Trusted platform for live broadcast and VOD

ITWorksMe provides a comprehensive

introduced KWIKmotion, one of the most

range of IT services that addresses

advanced platforms and an end-to-end

the wide spectrum of solutions

broadcasting suite that allows publishers

the new media demand wherein

requirements needed in live broadcast.

and broadcasters to build, grow and

broadcasters dictate automated

These cover IT maintenance and support

manage a complete OTT platform, scaled

solutions which allow them to

for corporate IT infrastructure, an ‘online

and catered to specific markets but most

publish content quickly and easily.

department’ that provides various

importantly extremely simple to use.

services starting with shared hosting,

Company goal is not only to

towards a revenue making model. KWIKmotion was built to meet

KWIKmotion combined with ITWCDN is the right answer for any website

dedicated hosting, DDoS protection,

provide the best live and VOD

or TV station that wants to deliver

CDN service for static content, CDN

streaming platform but to empower

videos. A large network and high

service for live streaming and video

users to be creative, well informed

availability makes ITWorksMe the

on demand. In 2015, ITWorksMe

about their viewership and oriented

strongest supplier in the MEA region.


“Live OTT and VOD viewership has increased, we have consistently received positive feedback from our audiences worldwide and viewers have shown strong signs of engagement through our social media channels” Jessy Bou Habib - Head of Digital Department, LBCI Products

seek bar, KWIKplayer viewers can

It also claims to be the fastest delivery

pause, play and rewind live events

CDN available for videos in the

while being able to find specific

current combination that it holds.

content they are interested in within your video in seconds. Supports

Key Clients

latest technologies including HLS,

LBCI – Lebanon

Dash and progressive download.

MTV – Lebanon Rotana – UAE


SBA – Saudi Arabia

Unleash your creativity and turn your

Al Sharjah – UAE

video into a piece of art with powerful

Kuwait Ministry of

editing tools and a modern UI, with

Information – Kuwait

KWIKeditor, a cloud-based video editor.

Al Jadeed TV – Lebanon


It prepares yours video for any device

Al Sumariya TV – Iraq

With KWIKprime, broadcast, OTT and

or platform, quickly and reliably.

Rudaw – Kurdistan

pay TV video providers are offered


increased workflow efficiencies


to deliver their content across

Push your presence on the media


any platform easily while using

scene far beyond your competitors


advanced publishing solutions.

and make sure your stories


It is a comprehensive CMS that

reach your audience first.

Wowza Imperva

manages the multi-screen content library, curates, monetises and



serves video metadata without the

KWIKbuilder allows you to combine


need for third party providers.

images, texts and other static content


and turn them into professional



videos, presentations, introductions,


One of the most challenging

teasers, transitions and so much more.

Century Link Orixcom

and time-consuming parts of online video industry is


collecting and digesting data.

ITWCDN has shown superior quality

With KWIKanalytics, visualise critical


when it comes to video delivery,


metrics in an easy-to-read dashboard

whether live or on demand. ITWCDN


to learn how an audience is engaging

edge is the multiCDN approach

ITWorksMe sarl.

with video content in terms of:

whereby multiple CDNs are involved

8th floor, Mirna El Chalouhi Centre

which content is the most engaging

in video delivery in order to deliver

Sin el fil Highway

which devices and players

the best quality at any time. ITWCDN

Beirut, Lebanon

customers are using

involves some special nodes

Tel: +961 1 489 557/8

which countries are your audience in

available in the region that are not

Tel: +961 3 886878

and much more!

available with other delivery players


such as Beirut 3 pops and UAE.



ITWCDN uses a combination of

Social Media

KWIKplayer provides high-quality,

services as well as providers similar to

multi-bitrate and multi-format delivery

CenturyLink, Akamai and Fastly. With


of streams for all required device

its pre-caching engine, the company is


end-points. Equipped with DVR

able to deliver an extremely fast video


functionality and smooth mouse-over

delivery and fast forward experience.



Largest TV channel aggregator and distributor in the MENA region UAE based SAWA group of companies

all categories of clients ranging from

region, providing bespoke set of TV

comprises three entities all of which

TV networks to corporate productions

channels relevant to its clients’ target

service customers across the Middle

to broadcast TV productions. The

audience needs. SAWA’s extensive

East and North Africa, Europe and

technology business is managed

portfolio includes a range of Arabic

North America. These entities are SAWA

by Suheil Zurub who is Managing

and English language TV channels

Media (DMCC), SAWA Technologies

Director and the production business

as well as a line-up of premium

(DMCC) and SAWA Rights Management

is managed by Wael Shentanawy,

channels from Germany, France,

(FZ LLC). SAWA offers customers across

also Managing Director. The group

China, India, Pakistan, the Philippines,

the MENA region services ranging from

management and licensing businesses

Japan and Russia. The diverse ethnic

TV channels and content licensing to

are managed by the CEO, Ali Ajouz.

background of the resident, transient

production services. SAWA’s customer

and tourist population in the UAE has

base includes broadcasters, pay TV

TV Channel Licensing

platforms, satellite, cable and IPTV/

SAWA manages the licensing rights

leader in the provision of relevant

OTT networks, telecom operators,

of over 200 local and international TV

entertainment content to both the

ISPs and the hospitality industry.

channels to pay TV platforms and the

hospitality industry and IPTV/ OTT

hospitality industry across the MENA

platforms across the MENA region.

SAWA’s production services cater to

driven SAWA to become a pioneering



Many of the TV channel rights

platforms (satellite, OTT, IPTV) fully

curated and vetted talent-base

that SAWA represents for both the

integrated with payment gateways

leveraging their specific skill sets and

residential and hospitality industry

and third party call centre systems

creativity to customise every project.

are exclusively offered by SAWA

EPG solutions for all hotel systems

Having a wide talent pool enables

and include TV channels from FOX

(analogue, DVB-based and IPTV)

SAWA Media to expand its reach across

Network Group, MBC, Rotana, Channel

Complete suite of hospitality IPTV

the MENA region and deliver the best

One Russia, MyHD, RTL, France TV,

systems including TV services, guest

result for clients at competitive rates.

Lagardère and many independent

services, VOD, room service, etc

channels from around the globe.

Housekeeping management solutions

Partnering with Brands

Hospitality mobile TV apps that

SAWA is proudly associated with

allow access to all hotel services

telecom operators such as Etisalat, DU,

Technology Complimenting SAWA Media and

Ooredoo, Saudi Telecom, Vodafone

SAWA Rights Management’s content

Production Services

licensing service is SAWA Technologies’

Over a span of seven years, SAWA has

wide range of IPTV/OTT end-to-end

customised a broad range of content

solutions for telecom operators or ISPs

for pan-Arab networks such as Al-

to more than 500 hotels in the MENA

as well as hospitality clients planning

Arabiya, ATV-London as well as regional

region, offering a wide choice of

to update or optimise their channel

and multinational corporate clients

premium TV channels and VOD services.

offering. The competitive edge of SAWA

such as MASDAR and GE among others.

Hospitality clients include international

and Oman Telecom, supplying them with TV channels and/or VOD content. Currently, SAWA provides services

With a wide spectrum of genres

groups such as the Four Seasons,

as a one-stop-shop offering bundles

delivered, ranging from corporate

IHG, Hilton, Mövenpick, Jumeirah

combining content and technology.

films to branding to multi-camera

Group, Marriot, Ritz, to name a few.

Technologies comes from its position

In addition to end-to-end

production formats, SAWA has

systems, SAWA Technologies

earned various award nominations

offers tech solutions including:

at leading Dubai-based broadcast

Contact SAWA

Advanced encoders with multiple

and production industry events year

input and output options including

on year. These nominations cover


production development execution

PO Box 643911, Dubai, UAE

High Density transcoders

from script to screen, post-production,

Tel: +971 4 513 6866

offering multi profiles in

digital in-video branding, bespoke


H264 and H.265/HEVC

audio-visual design and animation.


CRM and billing solutions for pay TV

SAWA relies on an internationally

112/113 Bldg. 4, Dubai Media City



Implementing reliable broadcast systems Established in 2013 as a broadcast and

commissioning and maintenance to

telecommunications services provider,

rigging services for terrestrial and

Solusys has secured a unique space in

satellite broadcast RF platforms. The

the broadcast and telecommunications

company provides complete solutions

industry in the Middle East as a leading

for DVB-T2, DAB, FM and medium wave

professional service provider. A

to futuristic DTH/IPTV/OTT solutions.

privately-owned enterprise, Solusys is

These include systems consultation,

headquartered in Colombo, Sri Lanka,

design integration, on-site installation

and works with globally-renowned

and commissioning. Additional services

companies with a focus on providing a

cover infrastructure for towers and

range of professional services involved

guyed masts (from construction of

in the execution and completion of

foundation for towers/masts and

broadcast and media-related works.

refurbishment inspection and quality

The company also runs an entity in

audits), project coordination and

the Sultanate of Oman which oversees

management, on-site system level

works in the region and the Gulf.

trainings, operations and maintenance

By delivering the very latest in

of broadcasting networks.

communications technology, Solusys

The company has proven its

has earned a reputation as a reliable

any challenging project, Solusys

specialisation in building tall towers

partner in the implementation of

has in just over five years delivered

and masts and has worked with world-

broadcast-related jobs. End-to-end

professional services for complex,

renowned tower manufacturers.

solutions include consultation, design,

turnkey projects across the Middle

Terrestrial Broadcast: Supply,

integration, implementation and

East and southeast Asia. The company

systems integration, installation

project management of radio and

has a dynamic young team headed

and commissioning of digital TV,

television systems, encompassing civil

by senior management who together

digital radio, FM and medium

infrastructure development, equipment

share decades of industry experience.

wave broadcast transmitter and

installation and commissioning for

antennae systems and various point-

the telecommunications industry

Broadcast and Media Services

and specialised rigging services

Providing professional turnkey

Satellite Broadcast: Supply,

for the wireless industry.

solutions, the Solusys expertise range

systems integration, installation and

from consultation, planning, systems

commissioning of C and Ku-band uplink

integration, implementation, installation,

facilities, encoding and multiplexing

Equipped with the technology, manpower and resources to undertake

to-point and multipoint links.



solutions and TVRO systems.

a dedicated team of experienced

and Al Mas Tower in Dubai, UAE

Media: Supply, systems integration,

professionals and skilled workers and

Construction of a 150m tower,

installation and commissioning of

integrates evolving technologies to

installation of UHF and FM antennae

post-production and studio facilities,

attain unparalleled levels of service.

and dismantling of 230m guyed

master control rooms and workflow

masts and installation of DVB-T2

management, DSNG, outside

Major Projects

broadcasting and flyaway kits.

On-going professional services for

Maintenance of more than

nationwide DVB-T2 network comprising

100 telecommunications


network at seven sites in Jordan

69 sites in the Sultanate Oman with

towers in Sri Lanka

This division provides seamless

Rohde & Schwarz Middle East and Africa

Several telecommunications tower

transmission services ranging from

as prime contractor of this project

construction and inspections,

construction of masts, towers and

for the Public Authority for Radio

microwave antennae and BTS

poles, civil infrastructure development,

and TV. Work involves installation of

installations in Myanmar

quality audit for towers, installation

transmitters and associated equipment

and commissioning of base transceiver

in 69 sites, electrical installation works

stations (BTS), antennae, microwave

at 43 sites, construction of foundations

links, installation of in building

and towers at 12 sites and maintenance

solutions (IBS), rapid deployment

of existing towers at 28 sites.

units and cell on wheels (COW).

Quality Management

Other successfully completed major projects include: A 100KW, 262m medium wave

An ISO-certified company, Solusys

antennae systems integration

follows prerequisites for total quality

and onsite installation in Oman

management, implementing quality

A 340m guyed mast construction,

assurance standards in each project it

antennae and transmitter (DVB T2,

undertakes. The company ensures it

DAB & FM) installation in Qatar

has the organisational ability to provide

A DVB-T2 network installation

products and services that meet

comprising seven sites in Sharjah UAE

customer and applicable statutory and

FM transmitter system installation

regulatory requirements. It maintains

in the Emirates Tower, DWTC tower

Contact Solusys Sri Lanka No 29C, Chapel Road Nugegoda, Sri Lanka Tel: +94112763337 Tel: +94777741864 Sultanate of Oman Flat 32, Building 514, Way No.5507 Bosher, Muscat, Oman Tel: +96824595415 Email: Website:



Decoding Your OTT needs U-TO Solutions is an industry-leading

and broadcasted content. The need for

OS, business models (premium, pay,

software solutions company known for

a robust rights management solution is

free, hybrid, etc.), cast, video format etc,

its innovative technology products that

being felt strongly across the industry.

to prevent IP violations. Information

increase operational efficiency with cost-

It has evolved from being merely a

is passed across multiple systems to

effectiveness. Throughout the company’s

licensing function to a key tactical

pull down expired content, thereby

history, U-TO’s team of innovators

differentiator aiming to ensure seamless

adding value to business operations

have anticipated business trends and

delivery of information. Rights is treated

at every stage of the asset lifecycle.

reinvented solutions offerings, enabling

as a strategic investment, leading to an

clients to remain a step ahead. Preferred

overall change in business perspective.

by global industry leaders for over

Distinctively for OTT business

‘RightsU’ addresses business scenarios with intelligent modules and granular reporting. From acquisition

a decade and half, U-TO continues

Models, RightsU interfaces with CMS

to syndication, business has visibility

to scale newer heights each year.

applications to reverse sync and

across complex, multi-layered

validate all the data published for

combinations of platforms, territories,

consumption against period, territory,

period, holdbacks, languages, and so

platforms (AVOD and SVOD), devices,

on. It provides actionable insights to

Vision U-TO believes in unifying business knowledge and technology with innovation to help its clients achieve more. It is this belief that is fast making the company the preferred choice in the APAC and the Middle East markets.

Product Lines RightsU Content Rights and Licensing Platform for Intellectual Property Management A company’s primary value lies in its intellectual assets. The media and entertainment business landscape has been constantly evolving since the OTT emergence. Today, consumers seek out what they want, when they want it, toggle between devices, juggle time slots and choose from streamed, stored


the right people at the right time.

Some projects include: Moby Group, (Dubai, Pakistan,


Key Clients Sony Pictures Network


Afghanistan & Ethiopia)

(India) – 50+ channels

Broadcast Management System for

Tolo TV, Tolo News and Lemar TV

Viacom18 Media PVT LTD

Broadcast House and OTT Platform

channels in Afghanistan (which

(India) – 45+ channels

U-TO Solutions and BroadView software

are being uplinked from the Moby

Discovery Communications

is dedicated to delivering solutions to the

Group’s first-of-its-kind and state-

(USA) – 10+ USA channels

TV broadcast industry worldwide. With

of-the-art facility in Afghanistan)

Public Broadcasting Service

over 1,000 channels using the Broadview

Kana TV: Operations team

(USA) – 15+ channels

software globally, the company has

based out of Ethiopia

Rogers (USA) – 45+ channels

operations. BroadView is powerful,

Image Nation, Abu Dhabi

yet easy-to-use and helps in managing

In partnership with Discovery


multi-channel needs in programming,

Communications launched Quest

traffic, on-demand, media and ad-sales

Arabiya a free-to-air channel

Todi Building, Lower Parel (West)

for linear and non-linear modalities.

for the Middle East region

Mumbai - 400 013

U-TO facilitated the integration and is

Tel: +91 22 43 222 222

in-depth experience in broadcast

Strong Presence in Middle East and Africa

supporting automatic generation of dynamic secondary events including

The Middle East and Africa have been

native support for Arabic with playout

strong business allies for U-TO since

interfaces at Ericson (TwoFour54)

inception. Committed and aligned to its growth, the company recognises

Client Footprint

both the strategic importance of the

U-TO’s esteemed list of clients

region and the boom that the OTT

include businesses across:

U-TO Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd.

Email: Website: BroadView Software, Inc. Toronto, Ontario M5C 1K9

industry has had recently. From its

Television networks and stations

MEA Office

regional base in the UAE, it is poised

Specialty channels and

Media City, Dubai, UAE

to offer broadcast solutions and

cable networks

Richard Saldanha

services to prospective leads and

OTT and on-demand platform

existing customers spread across the

operators and aggregators

Tel: +971 55 966 2815

horizon. U-TO has made its presence

Non-commercial broadcasters

in the Middle East with increased


investments and rapid expansion.

Studios/production houses

Email: BroadView Software, Russia





Expanding audience reach and revenue Twitter is what’s happening in the

Media Companies

publishers, distributors, right holders,

world and what people are talking

Twitter is a complement to media

influencers and creators. The strength

about right now. From breaking news

companies by helping them extend their

of its content business is driven by the

and entertainment to sports, politics

brand, boost engagement and earn

partnerships with top publishers who

and everyday interests, you see

revenue. Over the past year, Twitter has

share premium content about what’s

every side of the story. Join the open

brought and developed a great depth

happening on Twitter everyday, whether

conversation and watch live streaming

and breadth of premium content on its

it is sport, entertainment or news.

events. Available in more than 40

platform. It has become an essential

languages around the world, the service

destination for varied and compelling

extending publishers’ content

can be accessed via, an

video content from the world’s

monetisation models as a result of

array of mobile devices, and SMS.

biggest and most influential content

increased views on the platform,

Twitter has been successfully



their content with the appropriate content categories. Once ready, they publish their Tweets on Twitter. On the other side, advertisers create an In-Stream Video Ads campaign and choose their preferred content categories to target. Twitter then automatically serves a relevant pre-roll ad to the user watching the video.

Original and Live Programming Twitter has become a destination for live programming and a leader in premium live content. Live streaming is a strong complement to the live nature of Twitter and it better product and more interest

sponsored clips, advertisers are able

helps explain the value and power

from publishers and advertisers in

to associate their brands with top tier

of the service instantly. Twitter has

Twitter’s In Stream Video sponsorships.

events. Viewers and fans from across

always been a great complement to TV

Video continues to enable people

the globe access timely clip highlights,

and users can now enjoy content and

and content owners to better share

such as big moments from an award

conversation in one place. Audiences

experiences, engage in events and

show or TV/news programme, which

are now able to access live video

converse with broader audiences. In

appear as Promoted Tweets on the

alongside the existing live Twitter

2018, Twitter continued to increase

target audience’s timeline, with a

conversation to experience both in

reach and engagement for content

sponsored pre-roll ad appearing prior

one place for free around the world.

owners with 11 new live-streaming,

to the video. Advertisers consequently

highlight, Amplify and video-on-demand

have their messages seen by targeted

across original and broadcast

agreements signed to complement the

demographics in pre-roll before

programming and advertisers are

extensive user-generated and licensed

content, much of which goes viral.

capitalising on those moments to

live and on-demand video content

Twitter’s live streams are thriving

reach coveted demographics.

already available on Twitter across a

In Stream Video Ads

number of verticals including sport,

Late last year, Twitter expanded its

com, follow @Twitter, and download

news and politics and entertainment.

video ad solutions offering making

both the Twitter and Periscope apps at

it easier for advertisers to align with and

In Stream Video Sponsorships

premium content based on audience

In Stream Video Sponsorships is

interest and not solely to specific

the best solution to amplify and

events (as is the case with In-Stream

monetise premium content on

Video Sponsorships). This model also

Twitter, including live video, video

enables content creators to generate

clips and other storytelling formats

revenue from videos they publish

like Sponsored Moments.

on Twitter, providing them with a

Over the years, Twitter has partnered with leading media companies around the world through In-Stream Video

For more information, visit about.twitter.

new video content monetisation opportunity on the platform. With In Stream Video Ads, publishers

Sponsorships, to bring premium video

upload their videos and opt them

content to Twitter users. Through these

into monetisation. They then tag

Contact Twitter 1355 Market St #900 San Francisco, CA 94103, USA

Social Media @TwitterMENA @TwitterMktgMENA @MomentsMENA




SyStEmS IntEgrAtor

Building expert engineering systems Aret Engineering is a globally active

projects, Aret continues to retain the

broadcast solutions, equipment

Italian broadcast systems integrator

confidence of its customers worldwide.

distribution, IP infrastructures,

with extensive experience in providing

The drive for unceasing

consulting, commissioning, design,

sophisticated broadcast projects.

improvement prompted the creation

Established more than 40 years ago

of a ‘Learning Organisation’ within

in Milan, Aret continues to deliver

Aret which sets a benchmark

Area of Expertise

consistently high-profile turnkey

for every project delivered and

Aret’s engineering expertise

projects to an international client

attempts to improve the next one.

encompasses TV/radio OB vans,

base in Europe, the Middle East, South East Asia, Africa and America.

Diversified Segments

training and after-sales support.

DSNG vans, radio and TV production, post-production studios, news

Aret’s portfolio of segments cover

studios, production automation,

and studios for RAI (Radiotelevisione

systems integration, OB vans

master control rooms, IP

Italiana), Aret unfailingly demonstrated

coachbuilding, overseeing turnkey

networking, storage and robotics.

growth in its business with outstanding

video and audio integrated systems,

technical expertise. With a wide range

radio/TV Studios, DSNGs, Master

engineers and certified technicians

and volume of successfully rolled-out

Control Rooms (MCR), outside

directly manages all the services.

Founded in 1976 to provide OB vans

A highly-skilled staff composed of

SyStEmS IntEgrAtor


Designers, coachbuilders and

the world is combining coachbuilding

systems integrators are the three

and system integration. This technique

and delivery of many new projects,

keywords that summarise the core

allows having a strict connection

among which were a radio OB van

services which include: consultancy,

between all parts and variables of the

with modular design delivered in

architectural design, systems

project that need continuous feedback

Bahrain, winner of the Outstanding

design, project management,

throughout all the different stages.

Innovation in OB Engineering award

coachbuilding, systems integration, training and after-sales support. Aret’s unique approach to

Aret OB vans have unmistakable

The last year saw the presentation

by BroadcastPro Middle East.

style with customised components that are best suited for the purpose.


broadcast systems integration

All Aret designs have a distinct

relies exclusively on the internal

Italian-style based on careful choice

resources of the company with fully

of materials and use of the finest

trained, skilled and experienced

Italian craftsmanship to deliver unique

20080 – Zibido San Giacomo

staff covering all relevant subjects.

customised products. Every OB van

Milan, Italy

features stunning interiors designed

Tel: +39 02 92270873

Advanced Product With its in-house coachwork

with superior quality materials.

Aret Video and Audio Engineering Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 30

Fax: +39 02 92270882 Email:

department, decades of experience

Key Projects

and over 450 OB vans delivered all

Aret is remarkably proud of its success

over the world, Aret has developed

in the Middle East and Africa with

a highly efficient coachbuilding

more than 100 OB vans delivered

technique dedicated to outside

over the last 15 years, along with

broadcast vehicles working in

successfully completed projects in

Tel: +39 348 7308920

every type of environment.

Website: Umberto Asti Vice President International Sales

production studios, robotics studios,

Email: umberto.asti@

The benefits of having an in-house

MCRs, MAM systems and conference

coachwork are countless; among these,

rooms. These projects were delivered

the possibility to carefully monitor the

to broadcast clients in Qatar, the

construction of an OB van in every

UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Syria,


single step through all the phases.

Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia,

One of the key factors in creating the

Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa as


best outside production vehicles in

well as private service companies.

Social media




Providing efficient services BSS is one of the leading providers of

Iraq covering the Middle East and

proven track record of successfully

broadcast and pro-AV systems integration

Africa. A professional team of experts

working in live environments,

services and digital media solutions,

are also ready at hand to support and

minimising disruption and delivering

with over 20 years of experience gained

create unique solutions in cutting-

projects - on time and on budget

in launching and upgrading television

edge technology to BSS’ clients that

covering HD production OB vehicles,

channels, radio stations and production

suit their respective business needs.

24-hour news studios, file-based

companies, offering turnkey expertise to

workflows to multi-channel playout.

its clients. From consultation to systems

Solutions Expert

integration, project management,

BSS delivers solutions throughout


systems design and installation, BSS

the linear broadcast chain helping

BSS is the authorised distributor,

offers the versatility needed to succeed.

produce better programming, launch

dealer and reseller for more than 50

The company has its headquarters

new TV and radio channels and

leading technology brands in broadcast,

based in Dubai, UAE, with four regional

services, and expand operations

pro-AV, cinema, lighting, audio and

offices in Egypt, Jordan, Palestine and

and markets. The company has a

streaming equipment. The company


manages a large warehousing facility

proficiency, competency, skilled

in the Jebel Ali Free Zone in Dubai,

maintenance, servicing and repairs.

UAE, and another one in Jordan, with

The engineering workshop is

more than 2000 products that are

equipped with the latest test and

equipped to handle their in-bound

measurement tools that can assist in

and out-bound freight. The facilities

services, repairs, refurbishment and

also have an efficient distribution

after-sales support on all professional

channel with an additional capacity

broadcast and production equipment.

to generate fast order execution.

To serve clients better, quick and

AV Systems

professional maintenance and repairs are carried out at service centres

BSS is proud to partner with world

located in Dubai and Palestine as well

leading vendors of AV products and

as on-site engineering support. The

systems as it continues to strive for

main office headquarters includes a

pioneering technologies to provide

dedicated training and demonstration

state-of-the-art solutions to clients.

room equipped with studio camera,

A full range of AV services cover

switcher and playout servers.

conferencing, acoustic, digital signage

Additionally, all BSS facilities can provide

and lecture recording. BSS’ unique

products, technical and maintenance

position in combining its broadcast

training to dealers, resellers and clients.

and pro-AV expertise provides wider possibilities for clients.

Professional Services

Latest Projects Two OB Vans for Roya TV in Jordan Newsroom System and Five

A talented and professional team is at

Play-out Channels in Palestine

the core of the company’s services and

Jordan Media City Studio Upgrade

products. The team offers unparalleled

Complete TV Station in Libya

product and industry knowledge, wide

Two Complete Studios in Tunisia

scale project experience, technical

OB Van Refurbishment in the UAE


Contact Dubai & Iraq Office M-14, Makeen Building, Airport Road, Dubai, UAE Tel: +97142368787 Fax: +97142368898 E-mail: Website: Palestine Office Ramallah, Stains St, Building # 1 Tel: +97022988750 Fax: +97022988751 E-mail: Jordan Office Amman, Mecca St, Building #240 Tel: +96265859801 Fax: +9625859802 E-mail: Egypt Office Al Kess Sergious, Ard Al Golf, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt Tel: 010 60 515 844 E-mail:

Social Media BSS Broadcast & Studio Solutions Bss-me


SyStemS Integrator


Expert handling of systems deployment in challenging markets Established in 2011, Broadcast Systems

Focus on Challenging markets

Arabia (BSA) is a pioneer in delivering

Though a great demand exists for

complex broadcast infrastructure

broadcast services in war-torn nations

solutions that cover all aspects of

such as Libya, Syria and Afghanistan,

integration -- from consultancy

only a daring few understand the

to planning, engineering, project

complexities of conducting business in

management, design installation,

such countries. BSA was quick to realise

commissioning, training, maintenance

this potential, and has invested heavily

and post-implementation support.

in developing the unique skillsets

Diversified experience and expertise in

necessary to address the logistics,

conflict regions and war zones has made

technical and political challenges of

BSA market leaders in such areas where

conflict areas. In addition, BSA also

broadcast infrastructure needs to be

enjoys a great deal of success in mature

built most of the time, from scratch.

markets across the MENA region.

Under the able leadership of its CEO

Systems Integration

and broadcast expert, Muhammad Irfan Gondal and his specialised team of professionals, BSA’s expansive services

muhammad Irfan, Ceo, BSa.

BSA utilises its team of broadcast professionals guided by in-house senior

extend beyond traditional platforms

and Outside Broadcast (OB) vehicles.

management staff to implement all

such as radio and TV channels to include

Key solutions cover deployment of

projects. To meet stringent deadlines

all forms of media such as satellite,

terrestrial analogue and digital TV and

and ensure timely delivery of projects,

radio channels, internet streams,

of radio infrastructure and satellite

BSA employs contract engineers and

mobile media, websites and portals.

channels. From its UAE-based regional

wiremen. Through deep investment in

headquarters, the team is ideally

trainings, these third-party resources

and installation of different broadcast

positioned to offer extended production

are expertly enabled by the company to

facilities for newsrooms, studios,

and broadcast services to customers

guarantee the highest quality of work.

control rooms, transmission centres,

spread across the Middle East and

The company’s dedicated 12-month

earth stations, disaster recovery suites

North Africa (MENA) and Pakistan.

support of every completed project

Services include design, delivery

SyStemS Integrator

entitles each customer to engineer

clearances, to complete systems

BSA also integrated a 3 cameras

visits and 24/7 phone support.

integration. The company ensures

HD studio for Alwasat in Cairo.

Consultancy Services


its FM systems are reliable and conform to industry standards in

Alaan FM Libya

BSA’s end-to-end technical consultancy

order to meet and exceed customer

Installed six FM radio transmission

services relating to studio set-up,

expectations. Radio transmission

points in Tripoli, Benghazi, Sabha,

media technology, audio and video

facilities designed and maintained

Masrata, Tubruk and Albayda.

solutions help new entrants to

by BSA are renowned for their

reduce their time to market. BSA also

excellent quality and reliability.

works extensively with established

Al Aan TV Services Al Aan was one of the first TV stations

processes to better utilise their systems

Successful Projects across the region

and improve efficiency while cutting

Libya Al Ahrar

equipped Satellite News Gathering (SNG)

operational expenses. Consultancy

An ambitious start-up venture, BSA

vans with full fly-away kits, Thuraya

services also extend to production

initiated and managed the project

satellite phones and supported the team

houses, content creation, live

by advising Libya Al Ahrar on how

in their broadcast uplinks via Arabsat.

broadcast set-up and radio stations.

to build studios in the country for

TV channels in re-engineering their

tV and Film Production

its news and related programming. Expert guidance along with immediate

BSA’s technical proficiency has made

and rapid project implementation

it a prominent solutions provider

meant the channel was able to provide

to TV and film production crews.

coverage of the country’s elections.

to transmit live from war-torn Syria. BSA provided the crew with two fully

Contact Broadcast Systems Arabia MFZE Office No 103, Building 1 RAK Media City PO Box 32429,

Fm radio Stations

Alwasat Radio

Ras Al Khaimah, UAE

BSA works closely with FM radio

3 FM transmitters were installed for

Tel: +971 50 568 6786

stations from the initial stages

Alwasat Radio in Libya (Benghazi,

of technical planning, allocating

Albayda and Tubruk) with the additional


frequencies and securing necessary

live radio studio facility at Cairo Egypt.



SyStemS Integrator

Sophisticated media technology systems INC System Integrations (INC),

technology Consulting

Resourcing and responsibility

subsidiary company of INC

INC provides consultancy services to

for sub-tasks

Technologies, provides functional,

clients so they can identify their current

Timescale for client input and sign-off

cost-effective media technology

and future requirements, a service that

Delivery milestones

solutions. INC offers project

can assist in detailing the technical and

Specification of works

management, systems engineering,

financial scope of potential projects.

to be undertaken

software configuration, equipment

Draft acceptance documents

brings that little extra to the business

Project Planning and management

of systems integration, applying

INC provides stability, accountability

technology engineering and Workflow Design

additional impetus to every project

and leadership skills to its project

Understanding broadcast

that is undertaken, irrespective of

managers, setting technical vision

operations and workflow.

the size or complexity of the job.

and design philosophy that will

sourcing and systems installation. It

With vast experience and

direct engineering design, project

area of expertise

expertise in the field, the company

scheduling, costing, quality control

Production of television studios,

has the resources to pre-build

and on-site move-in and installation.

newsrooms, master control

and test large-scale installations

A typical project plan includes:

and transmission systems

prior to delivery. Each project is

All milestones and significant

IT solutions for media, file-

supervised by a dedicated specialist

delivery dates

based workflows

who remains the client’s contact

Dependencies between sub-tasks

Storage, archive and media

from project commencement

Outcome of sub-tasks

asset management

to completion and beyond.

Start and finish time of sub-tasks

Satellite earth stations

SyStemS Integrator


Contact INC System Integrations Jumeirah Lakes Towers Cluster N – JBC 4 Tower 32nd Floor - Office# 3206 PO Box 454957, Dubai, UAE Tel: +00971 4 4542766/76 Satellite news gathering Outside broadcast Emerging technologies such as VOIP Space planning

Systems Installation, Commissioning and testing

using special measurement tools.

Fax: +00971 4 4542768 Simona Popa

equipment and materials Sourcing INC’s large annual purchasing volume

Email: Website:

creates a strong relationship with

INC Kuwait

major vendors that often yields a

Safat, Kuwait City,

INC Broadcast has a team of engineers

significant pricing advantage which

and installation wiremen experienced

is then passed on to clients.

Fahad Salem Street, 10th Floor

in broadcast installations and commissioning. On completion, the

Support Contracts

system is commissioned and thoroughly

INC offers two types of

checked both for technical performance

support contracts, both of

and operational requirements. Partial

which can be customised:

PO Box 1167, Safat 13012 Kuwait City, Kuwait Tel: +965 224431/2/3 Fax: +965 22443130 INC Saudi Arabia

or complete system pre-build can be

Parts Pro: Where the company

undertaken at the company premises

supplies clients with spare parts

prior to on-site implementation.

only when a fault happens

Fatimah Alzahra’a Street, Malaz Dis.

System testing procedure follows the

Service Pro: Where the company

Riyadh 11383 PO Box

industry’s highest standards where

supplies clients with spare

355342 - KSA

all major components are tested –

parts replacements as well as

cables path test such as jitters, rise

on-site inspection and repair

Tel: +966 1 4766626

time and amplitude is conducted

services when a fault happens

Successful Projects

Madarat Advance Trading Est.

Fax: +966 1 4772964

Sudan TV NEWS System

Kuwait TV Channel One

KSA SBC Studio C Project


Kuwait TV High Definition

South Africa Kwese Production Studio

Kuwait TV HD 16 Cam OB Truck

Production Centre

Councils of Ministries Press

Kuwait TV Studio 160B

Kuwait TV Studio 500

conference Project

Libya Al Watanya TV Channel

Kuwait TV Studio 160


DMI Camel Race – Al Marmoum

Kuwait TV Newsroom System

Kuwait National Theater Project

DMI Studio F and Newsroom System

Bahrain TV News Studio

Kuwait TV 4K Production

Al Sharjah TV OB Van

Bahrain TV Playout Servers and NLEs

Tapeless Workflow

Refurbish Project

Bein Sport – Studio One Lighting

Kuwait TV 4K Studio 300

Al Sharjah TV TVRO System

Bein Sport – Morning

Kuwait TV NEWS System Upgrade


Studio Lighting System

Dubai Government Media Office

Kuwait TV Al Arabi Channel

Bein Sport TVRO System

- Production Studio Upgrade

Kuwait TV Ethraa Channel

Media Centre for the Arab

ADMC Dubbing Project

Kuwait TV master Control Room

Summit League


SyStemS Integrator

Beyond all limits Qvest Media is a world-leading

Users can create end-to-end business

Enabling new revenue streams

systems architect specialising in the

processes and utilise them via a

Flexible pay-as-you-go pricing

broadcast and media industry. Apart

central user interface where they are

Radically simplified

from delivering high-quality solutions

also monitored. Integral components

contract management

and systems integration, Qvest

of the cloud-native platform are

Facilitating control over the

Media’s service portfolio spans

cross-application features such as:

entire digital supply chain

the entire spectrum of digital


transformation, from change


Compatible with all cloud models

management consulting, cloud


All tools available

migration and virtualisation services


anywhere at anytime

to artificial intelligence. Qvest Media

User Management

Access with one single login

is headquartered in Germany with

Cost Control

Full collaboration on one platform

further locations across Europe, the


Immediate status feedback

User Benefits:

Management Benefits include:

Middle East and Southeast Asia.

Enriched possibilities

One-stop cloud


for more creativity

management platform

With Qvest.Cloud, Qvest Media has

Scalable and perfectly

Business Units and Services

developed a versatile management

cloud elastic


platform to shape the future of systems

With more than 25 years of experience in

integration. Qvest.Cloud breaks down

broadcast and media technology, Qvest

the barriers between on-premise data


centres, private clouds and public

Media offers unmatched expertise in


understanding and responding to the

clouds, such as Amazon Web Services,

changing needs of the digital economy

Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud.

like transformation management, technology and platform

Based on an open interface design, third-party Scheduling

cloud applications can easily be aggregated,

of digital supply

Ingest NRCS

. Security


. Automation

merged together

strategies, optimisation

.Cost Control

.User Management


without having to deal with the hurdles of as many user and administration interfaces.

enterprise architecture


and used

chains or AI

.Orchestration Storage



MAM Rights Management



Systems Integration For content production, multi-channel distribution

SyStemS Integrator


than 2,100 media professionals.

high-level of expertise in best-of-breed

all-IP Broadcast Infrastructure: Current Key Projects & Clients

networking products and systems

Sky, Germany – Sky Sport HQ: For

All-IP broadcast infrastructure:

providing turnkey infrastructures.

Sky, Qvest Media designed the new

For tpc Switzerland’s sport, news and

sports production and broadcasting

technology centre in Zurich, Qvest Media

Managed Technology

centre Sky Sport HQ on a total

blueprints the first all-IP broadcast

Shorter technology life cycles, evolution

area of 4,600 m2 and carried out

infrastructure based on SMPTE ST 2110.

of disruptive technologies, growing

the entire systems integration.

or server, network and device management, Qvest Media delivers a

competition and system complexity drive media companies to rethink and adapt

Al Mamlaka TV, Jordan – 24/7 News

their own business models. Qvest Media

Station: Qvest Media realised the

supports media organisations along their

complete infrastructure for the 24/7

entire supply chain through Managed

news channel Al Mamlaka TV in

Technology. Its services and support

Jordan. For this outstanding project,

levels are tailored to customer needs,

Qvest Media was awarded ‘Systems

since technical architecture, personnel

Integrator of the Year’ at the 2018

structure and financial resources

ASBU BroadcastPro Awards.

require a coordinated approach in support management. Primary goal is

VRT, Belgium – Media house of

always the enduring optimisation of

the future: In the course of a long-

customer business processes. Qvest

term innovation partnership, Qvest

Media achieves this through expert

Media Consulting and Flemish public

systems availability management, risk

broadcaster VRT develop the ideal

minimisation, protection from outages

framework conditions to create a

and streamlining IT cost structures.

highly advanced media house for more

tpc Switzerland AG, Switzerland –

Contact Qvest Media FZ LLC PO Box 502731 Business Central Towers Office No. 3601, Tower A Dubai Media City Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 43 38 10 9 Fax: +971 4 43 80 49 8 Email: Website: Website:

Social media qvestmedia QvestMedia qvestmedia


SyStemS Integrator

Smart tools for smart production remote power management, TSL solutions are designed in partnership with the world’s leading broadcasters for real-world applications.

Future-Proofed Investments Production requirements are forever changing with new and complex shows and events, making it difficult for customers to make the right investment in the equipment and technology needed. The number of customers approaching TSL with a focus on maximising use of their assets has increased dramatically. Another key concern is the ability to be able to hide the increasing complexity of systems from their operators with the increase in adoption of IP and remote production. CCTV in China and BCE Luxembourg have both purchased the PAM-IP audio monitor for use in their IP networks as it retains familiar operations via same The broadcast industry is changing

continues to develop solutions in line

front panel experience as the flagship

rapidly and TSL remains focused on

with the industry’s roadmap. Whether

PAM-MK2 they are used to, and by

supporting its customers by enhancing

it is advanced remote studio control

offering an in-the-field upgrade path

the application and connectivity of

and IP device routing, audio and video

from SDI to ST-2022-6 to ST-2110.

its products and developing new

monitoring for uncompressed ST-2110

Meanwhile, over 1,000 control system

partnerships. As IP infrastructures

networks, intelligent mains distribution

installations worldwide provides

become more commonplace for

or Data Centre Infrastructure

customers access to powerful virtual

broadcasters across the globe, TSL

Management (DCIM) software for

panel UI tools that help them build

SyStemS Integrator


level metering or measurement, to the most detailed of operational modes for the most demanding audio engineer. Each person, production, environment, operation and application is different. Universal tools no longer work and versatility is key. An audio monitor that satisfies your requirements today, may not satisfy your requirements in the future. An audio monitoring platform whose functionality can adapt over time, through software upgrades and optional licenses and can even be re-deployed to serve different interfaces which mimic the hardware

audio monitor designed for the most

applications and environments

panels that they are used to using.

demanding user or application can

serves to protect your investment.

Control, your Way TSL has been developing new user interfaces and tools to allow customers

often prove too daunting or difficult

Keep an eye on www.tslproducts.

to use for those who simply need to

com to stay up to date with

select and hear the audio they require.

the latest developments.

When production staff (many of

to implement powerful functionality

whom may be freelancers), prepare

themselves. Since each company

for a show or event, they often have

has its own workflow, users need

little time to invest in familiarising

to be armed with the knowledge

or re-training themselves with the

PO Box 128153

to have ownership of their own

equipment they are expected to work

Dubai, UAE

systems and be able to modify and

with. With an audio platform designed


mould the system to their changing

to allow different levels of interaction,

requirements, quickly and confidently

control and working preference,

Swarup Mukherjee

on a day-to-day basis. By empowering

production staff are free to focus on

Regional Sales Manager

operators and engineers, their job

the task at hand. From the simplest of

becomes easier and when given the

operational modes, offering no audio

MENA, India and SE Asia

ability to design appropriate user interfaces, TSL customers can use its control platform as a simple unified system to deliver the professional output needed across a whole range of production tasks - from studio pre-set management, studio delegation, remote device control, studio-failover or device routing.

audio monitoring is evolving All too often, audio monitoring units can fail to satisfy the requirements of both engineers and operators. A wellequipped, feature-rich and powerful

Contact TSL Products



Streamlining production workflows for an all-IP world As an international digital media and broadcast systems integrator, Videlio has been active across the Middle-East and Africa for the past two decades either directly or as a subcontractor. Projects executed over the years range from OB, SNG and security vehicles for GCC organisations to turnkey studios, newsrooms and playout infrastructure for broadcasters, to production suites and archiving platforms for media facilities.

Making OSN Networks Ready for SMPTE-2110 From its Dubai Media City-based regional head office, Videlio helps post-production and broadcast facilities streamline their production

Videlio delivers a variety of OB vehicles, from live production to outside radio transmission.

latest in IP technologies. As a CISCO

Migrating archives to Next-generation Media

partner, Videlio engineering teams

Beyond core IT and mission-

recently helped OSN upgrade its core

critical networks, the Videlio

broadcast IT network to a 10/100 Gbps

expertise includes distributed

ai-enabling avid production environments

spine-and-leaf architecture so as to

storage environments. Sharjah

Videlio teams also have real,

enable programme preparation of

Media Bureau sought a solution

hands-on experience of post-

4K and UHD content. The migration

to address its ever-increasing

production workflows. As an Avid

was more challenging since it was

volume of media archives. Videlio

Elite partner, Videlio helped a media

executed with no operational

helped them design, deploy and

organisation upgrade its legacy Avid

discontinuity, ensuring on-site

implement a distributed storage

Interplay and archive environment

deployment and commissioning while

platform, one that combines their

to Avid Media Central Production

guaranteeing continuity of service.

existing on-line production storage

Management and MAM. Beyond

and post workflows by leveraging the

with a near-line tape library that leverages high-capacity LTO-8 media.



Leveraging artificial Intelligence for Today’s Production and archiving Workflows Cloud-based services from Amazon, Google or Microsoft combine massive data processing power with big data sets and the latest advances in neural network technology to provide next-generation automated media indexing. Successfully implementing such services into existing production and archiving environments requires more than an API integration though. To be most relevant, broadcasters and production houses need to analyse their workflow and define where such services make most sense. Opting for a step-by-step implementation, prioritising

rapid return on investment.

legacy archives, a variety of use

scope of application and adopting

From automatically sorting field

cases are available. Videlio experts

a do-learn-do approach proves

contributions from uplinks and

can help you adopt the one most

the most efficient path for a

contribution networks, to indexing

relevant to your environment.

the needed project management,

to streamline the indexing of

process re-engineering and data

content via neural network based

Beyond Broadcast and OTT Services

migration, Videlio implemented

facial recognition and automated

Be it streamlining your existing

cloud-based cognitive services

speech-to-text transcription.

multi-site broadcast facilities or upgrading your post-production environments to high dynamic range, Dolby Atmos and Dolby Vision for OTT distribution, Videlio can help your organisation via rigorous project management, efficient product sourcing and qualified engineering and integration expertise.

Contact Videlio Middle-East F.Z. L.L.C. Office G14, Building 4, POBOX 502645 Dubai Media City, UAE Building next generation IP-based production facilities is at the core of the Videlio DNa.

Email: Website:

Index ABS Network


Calrec Audio Ltd.


ABS Satellite






Advanced Media Al Aan Media Services


Dalet Digital Media Systems ME






APT Satellite


Discovery Middle East and Africa


Arab 24


Dubai Studio City


Arab Format Lab


Es’hailSat, Qatar Satellite Company









Ardis Technologies – Dynamic Drive Pool


Filmquip Media

Aret Video and Audio Engineering


92 150

FOX Networks Group


Assendive Communications LLC


France 24




Grass Valley




Ikegami Electronics




Imagine Communications


Blackmagic Design


INC System Integrations



Indiacast Media Distribution




100 168

Broadcast & Studio Solutions (BSS)



Broadcast Systems Arabia (BSA)



BS Broadcast





208 24

44 188

JSC Gazprom Space Systems






SAWA Media


Leader Electronics Corporation


Sennheiser Middle East




Seven Production ME FZ LLC


M-Three Satcom


Shock Middle East







Sony Professional Solutions MEA



Master Media




MBC Group




Merging Technologies Nagra Kudelski Newtec

110 46 112



TSL Products



198 194

NMK Electronics Ent.


U-TO Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd.







Videlio Middle East


Qvest Media FZ LLC








Real Image TV Production




Riedel Communications


World Teleport Association




Zee Network

Rohde & Schwarz


Ross Video




Managing Director Raz Islam Editorial Director Vijaya Cherian Project Editor Kalyani Gopinath Group Sales Director Sandip Virk +971 50 929 1845 +44 773 444 2526 Art Director Simon Cobon Production Manager Vipin V. Vijay +971 4 375 5713 Distribution Manager Phinson Mathew George +971 (0)4 375 5476 Digital Services Mohammad Awais Sadiq Siddiqui Founder Dominic De Sousa (1959-2015) Printed by Printwell Printing Press LLC Published by

Licensed by TECOM to registered company, CPI Trade Publishing FZ LLC whose registered office is 207 – 209, Building 3, Dubai Studio City, Dubai, UAE. A supplement of BroadcastPro ME. Š Copyright 2019 CPI. All rights reserved. While the publishers have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of all information in this magazine, they will not be held responsible for any errors therein.


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