PRO50 2014

Page 44


Professional communication solutions for world­­ class productions Clear-Com, an HME company, provides

Clear-Com’s long-standing history

broadcast centres around the world with

communication solutions for production

in critical voice communications

Clear-Com. Most recently, Clear-Com

coordination and operations. For

and collective experience in the

intercoms were installed and rigorously

over 45 years, Clear-Com has been

industries it serves have earned the

used at the 2012 London Summer

highly regarded within the live sound,

company a highly-regarded position

Olympics and Paralympics Games,

professional audio and broadcast

in the marketplace. Forward-thinking

SpaceX’s launch missions, Staatstheater

community. Its products actively serve

product and engineering teams deliver

Stuttgart, the Bolshoi Theatre, Queen

a diverse set of markets around the

industry-recognised, award-winning

Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee, 2012 US

world: broadcast, live events, sports,

communication technologies, and

Presidential Debates among others.

performance venues, pro-audio, military,

world-class onsite technical services

defence, oil exploration, and corporate

teams assure successful system

A Foundation for Forward Innovation

enterprises. Clear-Com is owned by HM

installations among the world’s most

Clear-Com is known for its heritage in

Electronics (HME), with staff based out

prestigious customers.

designing, manufacturing and marketing

of six offices and 16 regional offices.

Over 30,000 live event productions rely

innovative intercommunication products

Clear-Com products are supported

on Clear-Com intercoms globally, every

for professional applications. In 1968, it

by the largest network of over 1,000

year. France TV, CCTV (China Central

introduced the first partyline beltpack for

authorised intercom dealers, distributors

Television), Dubai Media, Inc., and Abu

live production, which was recognised

and resellers in the industry.

Dhabi Media City are among the major

by the Broadcast industry with the

V-Series panel with Arabic characters.


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