PRO50 2015

Page 1

supplement to


Vijaya Cherian, Editorial Director

Who would have thought twelve years

to more TV stations, the most recent and

ago, when I just started covering the

prominent one being the launch of Al

MENA broadcast industry that this

Arab News Channel, owned by Prince

region would become a hotbed of OTT

Al-Waleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz al

activity? Who would have conjectured

Saud, one of the most powerful media

that the UAE, despite being just a tiny

figures in the Arab world and the region’s

speck on the world map, would one day

richest man.

have the world’s second largest group

What do these trends have to do with

of YouTube users after the US or that

the Pro50? Everything, if you ask me.

it would have the highest smartphone

Every manufacturer, solution provider,

penetration in the world? With the

distributor, consultant or service

region’s users being heavy social media

provider, who is part of the 2015 edition

users, social networks “are becoming

of the book, has something to offer in one

the new town squares”. Of course, this

of the above fields.

trend has compelled every broadcaster

The Middle East and North Africa

worth its salt to invest heavily in an OTT

(MENA) has been the new frontier for

service irrespective of whether they are

companies involved in the production,

able to receive an immediate return on

broadcast, OTT or satellite markets

their investment.

for some time. Several regional and

The result of the above is the rise of a

international players already play a key

digital connected TV generation and the

role in this market and this book puts a

subsequent need for improved distribution

spotlight on them and their projects while

and monetisation of local content, which

also offering an overall perspective on the

in turn, has attracted manufacturers and

MENA’s media market.

systems integrators to CDN networks and related service providers to the region.


International players looking for fresh wood and pastures new as well as

Alongside this, we are also witnessing

regional stakeholders wanting to stay

a burgeoning indigenous film industry

abreast of the latest trends will find the

that is sharing its stories more confidently

Pro50 an excellent guide to the MENA

with the world while entities like Image

media market. It will provide you with

Nation have taken this a step further

the figures you need while also enabling

by co-producing films with Hollywood

you to gauge who some of the major

studios. Parallel to this, there has been

stakeholders in this market are.

greater investment in high-quality drama

We have come a long way since the

productions, with broadcasters dictating

first volume of Pro50 was launched in

and shaping the content and the quality in

2012. A look at the offerings and projects

which it is produced and delivered.

completed in 2014 is a good indication

We also can’t forget that the political

of what solutions are in demand at the

challenges in the region have given rise

moment and where the market is headed.

Contents Introduction



Arab Media Perspectives




TV measurement: Is 2015 the year?


APT Satellite







Gulfsat Communications Co





MEASAT Global Berhad







Amaranthine Trading LLC




GSL Professional




NMK Electronics Ent.


Oasis Enterprises


United Broadcast & Media Solutions (UBMS)

Master Media

Service Provider 168

ABS Network



Deluxe Entertainment Services Group


Digital Planet


Axon Digital Design


North Telecom




PCCW Global




TATA Communications


ETL Systems




Grass Valley

Systems Integrator


Imagine Communications


ATG Broadcast Middle East FZ LLC


JVC Professional


Broadcast Systems Arabia




First Gulf Company for Supplies and Contracting




HEAT for Engineering and Technology




INC System Integrations




Systems Design


Riedel Communications




Rohde & Schwarz


Sennheiser Middle East



Training 224




Boomtown Productions

TV Channel




Physique TV





Arab media perspectives The Middle East and North Africa

New Talent Base

(MENA) media industry is undergoing

When Emirati filmmaker Ali F. Mostafa

a fascinating transformation. Cultural

was unable to find any realistic depictions

shifts among the region’s young

of life in the UAE on the big screen, he

people have spawned a tremendous

decided to create one himself. Today,

creative energy. Untapped demand

he has two big feature films City of Life

for local, Arabic content will spur

(2009) and From A to B (2014) to be

regional media to grow by leaps

proud of. He is just one member of a

and bounds. Accelerated adoption

burgeoning network of creative young

of mobile technology has created

media producers who are transforming

opportunity across media platforms.

the industry in the region.

Moreover, evolutions in paid and

Young people are both driving and

digital media have created new

fulfilling demand for local, targeted

rationales for investment.

content, in a media market that has

These changes provide regional media

shown steady growth in recent years.

players with an opportunity to reset their

The market is now on the brink of the

business models and explore investments

next evolutionary leap forward, with

in high-quality local content, and offer

substantial increases in both advertising

global players, in particular, a reason to

and paid media on the horizon. To propel

re-evaluate their presence in the region.

that next step, however, large regional and

To succeed in this evolving landscape,

international players need to combine the

it is important to understand how

creative energy of the Arab youth with

these changes are playing out in the

their institutional structure and support.

industry today especially in three

Supporting this new talent base of Arab

growth areas – gaming, audio-visual

youth in the region is a media market

content and e-commerce.

poised for growth. And this growth

The regional industry’s challenges of

potential of the media market should

limited revenue opportunity and high

provide the commercial impetus required

costs are rapidly evolving and with

for global players to harness the region’s

improved sector economics and an

booming creative energy.

emerging talent base, the region merits a fresh look.

The favourable demographic changes under way in the MENA region are



MENA MEDIA MARKET Total MENA consumer media and entertainment market (in US$ billions, 2014-2019) +7%


0.5 0.3

0.8 0.7 3.0



0.5 0.3

16.5 0.8 0.7 3.3



0.6 0.3


0.6 0.3

0.9 0.8 3.6




0.6 0.4

0.9 0.9 3.9



19.9 1.0 1.0

0.6 0.4


Total MENA consumer media and entertainment market (by region 2019)

1.1 1.1

Film & audio Radio Games Out of Home













Rest of North Africa


Rest of the GCC and Pan-Arab






Saudi Arabia

well known, and represent a growth

2019, as a result of the effects of increased

which allow users to view digital content

opportunity for nearly every industry

technology adoption particularly amongst

on a variety of screens, while regional and

sector. The overall population is expected

the youth.

global companies offering digital services,

to grow 1.9% in the next five years, and

such as search engine optimisation

consumer expenditure will see more

Growth in Digital Commerce and Games

are recognising the region’s inherent

dramatic growth during the same period,

Digital media, which includes apps,


increasing 10.6% from US$1.2 trillion to

infotainment, gaming, e-learning,

Finally, government investments in

nearly $2 trillion.

e-commerce, and social media, is reaping

e-learning are providing a boost to media

In the MENA region’s three largest

the benefits of ubiquitous smartphones

companies that create content for these

markets, the use of laptops and

and mobile broadband. Social media is


smartphones is widespread, while the

an important driver within digital as, in

In TV, a number of trends are

use of tablets is mixed. In particular,

line with global trends, social networks

converging. Time-shifted viewing and

smartphone adoption is rapidly increasing,

in the region are becoming the new town

video on demand are on the rise, premium

nearing the levels of PCs and laptops,

squares. They are evolving from a platform

Arabic dramas are more prevalent; high-

especially in the GCC (Gulf Cooperation

for social interactions and becoming a

definition TV is making inroads; and the

Council). Fixed broadband penetration

connection to the marketplace, with users

industry is benefiting from richer data

still lags behind the global average, but

networking and doing research that leads

about viewers and their habits.

the gap is narrowing. By 2019, the region

to purchase decisions.

Increased penetration of IPTV in select

is expected to have fixed broadband

Nearly two-thirds of social media users

markets such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia,

penetration of 26%, compared with the

in the region regularly use social networks

and the UAE is creating local, digitally

global average of 42%. The media market

to seek recommendations on products

connected TV communities, opening up

in the region is expected to show a 7%

and network for job opportunities.

opportunities for improved distribution

compound annual growth rate (CAGR),

Apps companies are capitalising on the

and monetisation of local content. All of

from $15.5 billion in 2014 to $21.5 billion in

emergence of connected TV ecosystems,

these trends are combining to create a



The regional industry’s challenges of limited revenue opportunity and high costs are rapidly evolving and with improved sector economics and an emerging talent base, the region merits a fresh look

including not just TV and movies but digital content and games. Young people’s preference for Arabic content greatly outweighs that for English content, and it is clear that this demand is not being met. Even more than Arabic content, consumers want local content. This is a challenge for media players, as it requires

better experience for viewers with more

these traits are changing the way young

the availability of local talent, consistent

local targeted content.

people consume and create media.

and sustainable content funding, a wide

Social networks are also making inroads

Young people are seeking personalised

on news, and are increasingly emerging as

content as opposed to content that has

a first point of access for news and a key

been repackaged for the region.

range of financing models, and a high level of brand credibility and trust. The Ubiquity of Mobile

source of referral to professional news websites for a substantial portion of the

Demand for Local Content

The mobile market is one of the fastest-

Arab Digital Generation.

One of the defining attributes of locally

growing media segments in the Middle

produced content is how much of it is

East. Smartphone penetration in Saudi

in Arabic. This is true across media,

Arabia and the UAE has surpassed 75%

Unique Growth Characteristics of the MENA Media Market The demographic and usage data out of the MENA region paints a compelling


picture of changes in progress. When 600

considering the future of the industry,


however, it is useful to look at growth


through the lens of four trends:


• The rise of the Arab Digital Generation.

• The shift to paid media. The Rise of the Arab Digital Generation The cultural values that have defined the Arab region are slowly changing. Traditional values of the region, identified

Advertising spend per capita (US$)

• The demand for local content. • The ubiquity of mobile.










Japan Germany France


as hospitality, generosity and dignity are being complemented by a gradual rise in



individualism. This is especially true of those between the ages of 15 to 35, who believe in the right to pursue their own goals, to be more self-expressive, and to value independence and self-reliance. And

India 0 0

Egypt 5


Russia Brazil Saudi Arabia 10









Consumer spending per capita (US$ 000s)



of the population, with more than 55% of users accessing the internet everyday on a smartphone. More important, perhaps, the number of mobile broadband users already exceeds the number of fixed broadband users in the region. Already, consumers are more likely to play games, access social networks, browse websites, read news on a mobile device than a laptop or desktop computer. Uptake of video consumption on mobile has been

The rise of economic zones in the last 15 years has made it simpler for global media companies to quickly ramp up operations in the region

prolific. With the regional apps market

Digital Generation is at the forefront of this trend. They are the first adopters of subscription based OTT sites, the primary demographic adopting e-commerce in the region, and the primary consumer of paid games. Audio-visual Content - from Smartphones to the Big Screen In some ways, the evolution of audiovisual content, including video viewed in theatres, on televisions, online, and

geared toward games and productivity/

on mobile devices, mirrors the larger

utility apps (such as Google Docs and

However, consumer spending on leisure

trends in the media market. Demand

Dropbox), one can expect a broader range

and recreation activities in the Middle

for local, Arabic content is spurring

of activities to take place on this platform.

East is expected to grow at a rate of 10%

new production in the GCC, outside the

annually, significantly higher than that

traditional production centres in Egypt.

The Shift to Paid Media

in most developed markets. Proliferation

As the TV segment evolves, YouTube

Historically, the proportion of paid media

of digital content, demand for on-the-go

content producers such as UTURN

has been low in the region, owing largely

content and increased focus on premium

Entertainment and Telfaz11 compensate

to the dominance of free-to-air satellite

local content are supporting this growth.

for the traditional lack of local, niche

channels, the absence of theatres in

In particular, growth in media spend

and demographic content on free-to-air

Saudi Arabia, and lack of a cinema going

per capita is higher than in many

culture in other populous Arab states.

developed markets. Again, the Arab

satellite TV. Although a variety of screens for viewing content are currently available,


TV still reigns supreme in the region, and the trends that are having an impact on its evolution provide a good overview of the changes under way across audio-


+8.8% 3.9 3.6 3.3 3.0 1.1 (38%)

1.9 (62%)

1.3 (39%)

1.4 (39%)

visual content.


is the transition to paid media. The

1.9 1.7


The most significant of these trends proportion of TV that is paid is increasing



more quickly than ad-based TV, and will


Pay TV

soon exceed it: Satellite TV continues to dominate the sector, accounting for more than 95% of TV distribution. However,

2.0 (61%)

2.0 (61%)

2.0 (61%)

2.0 (61%)

2.0 (61%)

IPTV has had strong success in Qatar TV advertising

and the UAE and is likely a harbinger of change in the rest of the region. Digital delivery, including IPTV, OTT video sites (such as icflix, Istikana, OSN








Play,, and Telly), and pay TV







7% 6%





9% 19% 75% 75%



62% 2% Saudi Arabia 0%




UAE 40%



Kuwait 70%

Other GCC countries 80%

23% Egypt 90%


Share of regional advertising market Pan Arab

Other local



platforms for Arabic drama (such as

households that watch TV as a family

focusing on entertainment content (such

OSN Ya Hala) offer a number of benefits.

ritual will keep linear viewing in play to

as FOX and Zee TV) are also increasingly

Advertisers will be able to target consumers

a significant degree.

sourcing and distributing local content.

more effectively via the pan-Arab

Still, the rise of digital delivery is nearly

Broadcasters are also simulcasting content

advertising available from FTA satellite

inevitable, and what will really drive its

thereby sharing the cost of production in

channels. This way, digital video and TV

success is the convergence of local, niche

collaborative ventures with peers in other

create an advertiser base for niche, local

content targeting particular demographics

local, non-competing markets (such as

content, which never found a foothold on

with widespread distribution. For instance,

Egypt and the GCC). For instance, MBC

regional FTA channels; in the GCC, for

three Saudi university students founded

Group in the GCC and Al Hayat in Egypt

instance, most TV content is still pan-Arab.

UTURN Entertainment in 2010 with the

collaborate on Arab Idol, while MBC

Moreover, the emergence of OTT services

goal of producing high-quality, local, online

Group works with CBC in Egypt on Ala

on digital platforms is creating a post-TV

entertainment with a positive message.

Mar Al Zaman.

market that did not exist before.

Eysh Elly, aUTURN programme, reached

Consumers also reap the benefits of digital platforms, enjoying more relevant

approximately 2.2 million subscribers and

Looking Forward

245 million views on YouTube.

The burgeoning media industry in the

content, of better quality, as well as a

Content like this is bubbling up around

region offers employers and governments

more personalised experience thanks

the region, and it is so fundamentally

the chance to mutually meet their

to features such as time-shifted viewing

unique and powerful that it will change

distinct needs: to grow the sector, and

and video on demand. However, these

the nature of mainstream television in the

to provide career paths for the sizeable

features of non-linear viewing, while

region for both viewers and advertisers.

youth population. Many emerging

especially popular among viewers under

Independent producers are not the

media careers are especially suited to

35, are unlikely to achieve the resilience

only ones who have seen the value of

the strengths and interests of the Arab

that they have in other markets. Large

going local. International broadcasters

Digital Generation, given their focus



on flexibility and innovation. Because so many of these potential career paths are new to the region, however, they will require recognition and support from governments, particularly in the area of education. In addition to education, on-thejob training is a critical component of growing this talent base. The existing talent landscape is in flux: for the last two decades, one major barrier to entry for the MENA media market was the difficulty of accessing local talent and resources. However, as young people

Many emerging media careers are especially suited to the strengths and interests of the Arab Digital Generation, given their focus on flexibility and innovation

to finance all of a producer’s series or films in a given time period for a percentage of the profits. • Debt financing, including pre-sales distribution, negative pick-up deals, and gap/deficit financing (mezzanine). • Product placement. • Crowdfunding, which is popular with independent producers. Additional financing options are needed at the company level, as well. First, mediumsized to large media conglomerates need growth capital that will help them unleash the burgeoning opportunities in the region,

have become more determined to express themselves, they have built a

zones in the last 15 years has made it simpler

such as localisation of content. Many media

homegrown media industry. The raw

for global media companies to quickly ramp

companies have received funds from

talent that is springing up in the region

up operations in the region. Availability of

angel investors, but this form of capital

can provide locally focused insights,

studio space, state-of-the-art technology

is inconsistent and unreliable. This

ideas and creativity. By harnessing talent

and high-speed broadband translates to

is where private equity investment is

in an institutional environment,

limited setup costs for companies that want

critical, in the transition period for

with training in technologies such as

to begin production.

companies as they grow large enough to access capital markets.

movie production, 3-D effects, gaming development, and others, companies can

Financing: Bringing New

vastly increase the productivity of small-

Models to the Market

be more developed in the region; given

scale media producers.

Although media cities do offer some access

the inherent opportunity in gaming,

Similarly, venture capital needs to

For instance, Sky News Arabia is a

to advantageous financing, the MENA

e-commerce, digital advertising, and

50-50 joint venture between Abu Dhabi

region has not yet reached the level of

mobile services, dedicated venture capital

Media Investment Corp. and British

structured access to financing that exists

is a logical evolution.

Sky Broadcasting. The Sky News Arabia

in developed markets. One unique aspect

Moreover, with pay TV and digital

Programme (SNAP) was developed in

of the Middle East media landscape is

distribution platforms improving

conjunction with universities in the UAE to

that most producers of serials and movies

producers’ potential for monetisation, it is

identify promising Emirati students in the

are not funded by broadcasters. Unlike

more important than ever that they find the

fields of media, journalism, IT and graphic

more developed markets in Hollywood

funding necessary to meet the skyrocketing

design. Similarly, both Ubisoft and Cartoon

and Bollywood, where the vast majority of

demand for local content.

Network are partnering with Tadreeb,

projects are commissioned by broadcasters,

As international media companies and

media company twofour54’s training

Middle East producers create content in

investors consider their global expansion

academy, to offer hands-on practical

the hope that it will get purchased.

strategies, the MENA region warrants new

courses in gaming and animation.

Currently, there are few sources of


external funding. Financing programmes

This is an edited version of a report

demand changes that make it easier for

that could be successful include:

produced for twofour54 by Strategy& and

both individuals and companies to create

• Equity financing, in which investors own

released at Abu Dhabi Media Summit

The growth of the media sector will also

high-quality content. The rise of economic


• Slate financing, in which investors agree

shares of the copyright.

in 2014.


CABSAT 2015 CABSAT, in its 21st edition, is the leading platform for broadcast, production, content delivery, digital media and satellite sectors across the Middle East, Africa and South Asia (MEASA). CABSAT embarks on a third decade with an exciting roster of new and improved features. These include the all-new CABSAT Content Market Place, the enlarged Content Delivery Hub (a key attraction for exhibitors specialising in anywhere and everywhere connected content platforms), the CABSAT & NAB Show Conference and the inaugural Middle East Post-Production Conference. “CABSAT is the number one platform

offering, including multi-screen/second

to connect live content opportunities

screen capabilities and associated

and enhance collaboration between

monetisation opportunities.

the region’s content owners, operators

The Middle East Post Production

in partnership with NAB Show. Following a successful launch in 2014, CABSAT Connect returns with more than 500 senior executives

and distributors,” said Andrew Pert,

conference is presented in

meeting industry peers and recognising

CABSAT’s Show Director. “The show

partnership with Future Media

top industry players at the dedicated

encourages commercial cross-industry

Concepts, Dubai Studio City and

evening network event, while the

partnerships - both internationally and

the Dubai Film & TV Commission.

CABSAT Global Meetings Programme

regionally - to accelerate the reach

These are designed for digital media

will offer an enhanced one-to-one

and viewing experiences available

professionals and delivered by Master

networking platform for all senior-

to populations across the MEASA

Instructors for Apple & Adobe.

level executives, on the show floor.

region, specifically those working

The knowledge exchanges continue

The Content Delivery Hub is home

with English and Arabic content from

at the GVF Satellite HUB, held in

to over 60 exhibitors and three days

Hollywood, Bollywood and beyond.”

partnership with GVF. In addition to

of live discussions relating to IPTV,

Headlining the list of new features

the raft of new features, CABSAT

OTT and online digital platforms;

is the CABSAT Content Market

2015 boasts enhanced offerings

whilst the Content Studio Hub and

Place, a dedicated zone for creators,

of many of the features which

CABSAT TV provide live feeds, social

distributors and broadcasters of filmed

attracted a record 12,632 visitors

media updates, on-site interviews

entertainment content to showcase

to the 2014 event, including the

and daily event highlights.

‘Pay-TV’ and ‘Free-to-Air’ content

second annual CABSAT Conference

Visit to find out more.



TV Measurement: Is 2015 the Year? Whether you’re a Top 50 or a Top 500 company, if you’re working in broadcast media in the Middle East, you are being held back. You may not even know it but there is no doubt that lack of effective, internationally recognised audience measurement is a major factor in the relatively small size of the MENA TV market, and that means less money going around for everyone – broadcasters, production companies, technology vendors and agencies. So could 2015 be the year that all this changes? Predictions are dangerous but there are signs that we could finally be reaching that goal. First, because the international auditors


appointed by the industry to examine the

well underway and on track to be producing

of writing, they are looking at introducing

UAE system, tview, recommended at the

electronic data by Ramadan 2015. This will

a second CATI system.

end of 2014 that the industry starts to use

truly change the game.

The expression “shooting the messenger”

the people meter data in preparation for a

At the moment, however good the UAE

comes to mind. But having two conflicting

full transition. It still needs improvement

data, a planner or researcher has to look

messages is no better than one message

but they have seen the trends and have

at recall data from other markets, notably

you don’t like. It will not add clarity, quite

confidence in the transparent process set

KSA – they have one orange and a basket

the opposite. The problem for Egypt is that

up to improve the system.

of apples. When they can look at electronic

the market value is low compared to the

It’s like being on a bus – when it’s passed

measurement from both KSA and UAE,

population so the relative cost of running

the previous stop and is heading down

there will be enough to make orange juice

an electronic measurement system is high.

your street, you don’t sit there questioning

and the balance will have shifted.

The risk, however, is that if KSA and

whether it will go to your stop or not. And

The weak point is still Egypt, the third

UAE have data which starts to divert

you don’t wait until the doors are open

big market in MENA TV. Some key players

money into those markets, the situation

before you get up.

there have clearly been dissatisfied with the

in Egypt will get worse. Now is the time for

The next piece of supporting evidence is

current system but they’ve focused on the

them to work towards an electronic system,

Saudi Arabia. The parallel project in KSA is

operator, not the methodology. At the time

and they are probably the market which


top 20 television programmes for emiratis 2013/2014 #

2014 Programme



2013 Programme



Shabayet Al Carton



Arabs Got Talent (3)



Al King Wasl



Gulf Cup Final

Abu Dhabi Sports


Wademah Wa Halemah



The Voice (2)



Ramez Qersh Al Bahr



Arab Idol (2)



Habet Raml

Al Emarat


Shabayet Al Carton (8)



The Voice (2)



Harem Al Soltan

Dubai TV


Taghteya Khasa

Dubai TV





Drive Angry



Tareq We Hayona



Tamasha (5)

Al Emarat


Halfat Omri



Basmet Manal



Wi Fi



Howa Wa Hi Wa Heya



Ser Al Hawa

Dubai TV


Kasr Al Khawater

Al Emarat


Al Beet Beet Abona



Rehlet Omr

Al Emarat


Chatur Singh Two Star

Zee Aflam





Etr Al Gannah



Hotel For Dogs






Ek Thi Daayan

MBC Bollywood


Never Back Down

MBC Action


Al Hob Soltan

Al Emarat


Shabayet Al Carton (8)

Dubai TV





Summer 2007

Zee Aflam


Kaas Raees Al Dawla

Dubai Sports


Harsh Times



Daket Al Fareg

Al Emarat



Dubai TV

stands most to gain if they can absorb the risk of the initial investment.

Currently, everything revolves around

In 2014, more than half of the top 20

KSA but not just because it is the biggest

programmes for Emiratis were on local

However, the pressure is clearly

market. With limited information available,

channels with DMI’s seven just edging out

building, and looking a little further down

it is inevitable that people aim a shotgun

ADM’s six and MBC providing the other

the line to 2016-17 once there is a critical

at the biggest target and hope they hit

seven, including three movies.

mass of audience measurement in key

something else along the way.

Compare that to 2013, when the situation

markets, the others like Kuwait, Qatar,

Once more precise data comes from

was exactly reversed with just seven of the

Oman and Bahrain will have to follow very

multiple markets, there will be a far

top 20 on local channels, one of which was

quickly in order to continue attracting

more targeted approach and we are

a big Turkish drama and none were from


already seeing the beginnings of this with

ADM Al Emarat.

audiences leading the way. Less Spillover

At the end of the day, this is all about

One of the trends of the past year has

the viewers, and it’s encouraging to see

The reason the other markets will follow

been a shift by Emiratis to watch more

that there is the demand for local content

is that there will be a fundamental change

local content on local channels like Abu

if it is supplied.

in the way advertising and, to some extent,

Dhabi Media’s Al Emarat and Dubai

programming is planned.

Media’s Sama Dubai.

That will benefit local production but allow more space for competition based on



narrower interests. Some major advertisers

assume it means 5% of people are watching

are already noting that there is less spillover

VOD and streaming of local channels. It

in their campaigns.

is quite possibly expats using the internet

I’m not going to predict the end of the

to watch TV from their home countries,

pan-Arab market but we could be seeing

and, therefore, something fairly unique

the continued emergence of several

to this region.

competing markets.

From the evidence in other markets, the online shift and particularly use of

Small Data

You Tube and social media gets far more

It’s the availability of detailed information

attention than it deserves in relation to

that allows us to focus on smaller targets

audience share.

and defined markets.

In the UK, for example, one of the most

Data is a great spotlight when used

Christopher O’Hearn.

correctly and, in the last year, tview has conducted a relatively large survey of more than 1200 homes, with more updates to come in 2015. The questions cover very specific areas related to television, with some interesting results (note that the figures refer to % of total population, excluding labour camps). TV Set Ownership • 19% of Emirati homes have four or more TV sets. • 28% of Asian homes have no TV, and 65% have just one.

One of the trends of the past year has been a shift by Emiratis to watch more local content on local channels like Abu Dhabi Media’s Al Emarat and Dubai Media’s Sama Dubai

• For expat Arabs, the most common

Pay vs Free • About 40% of people have free TV, compared to 44% with Pay TV of some kind (the gap is others and those with no TV). • 35% have cable TV, made up of 30% Etisalat and 5% du. • OSN (including Pehla and TFC) takes around 17% of total population. • BeIN and Abu Dhabi Sports take around 16 and 18% respectively.


had nearly half a million tweets in the final episode. That sounds impressive until you realise it had viewing of more than 10 million, and that’s an average. So the equivalent of 10 million people watched the entire programme from start to finish, while 500,000 wrote a single 140 character message. The evidence from this market tends to support the idea that linear live TV is still very dominant and will continue to be. In Ramadan, for example, the three top TV shows – all scheduled late at night – had their repeat episodes in an earlier time slot the following day also in the Top 20 programmes for the month. That’s despite

number is one (71%) with another 20% owning two.

popular shows of the year I’m A Celebrity…

all of them being available as VOD content Devices

for viewers to watch any time they pleased.

• Laptops and smartphones are the most

There’s no doubt that there’s a growing

popular devices in households both with

trend towards watching content on other


devices but it is still quite small.

• 48% said they had a tablet or iPad but only 24% had a desktop computer.

In the future, TV measurement will certainly evolve into video measurement

• In terms of viewing, 5% said they

across multiple platforms, but in the next

exclusively used broadband for viewing

five years, there is no need to rush for the

TV content.

metrics. Let’s get the basics right before

This last figure is an interesting one, as a

we take the advanced route.

question which always comes up in media

Christopher O’Hearn is General Manager

and at conferences is about the alleged shift

of Emirates Media Measurement Company

to online viewing. It would be wrong to

FZ LLC (tview)

IBC2015 RAI Amsterdam Conference 10-14 September : Exhibition 11-15 September

Save the Date for IBC2015 IBC thanks everyone who was part of the IBC Content Everywhere MENA experience and we look forward to seeing you at IBC2015 at the RAI Amsterdam. Keep in touch with IBC throughout the year: • keep up to date with the latest news at • conference keynotes, breaking news and interviews available at • IBC catalogue available in your pocket 365 days a year by downloading the Mobile App • social media - twitter #IBCShow / @IBCShow - - IBC Third Floor 10 Fetter Lane London EC4A 1BR UK T +44 (0) 20 7832 4100 F +44 (0) 20 7832 4130 E


Consultant Master Media



Hasan R. Sayed Hasan, Managing Director



master media

Quality advice and support in broadcast media In the fast growing and continuously

operational efficiencies that will benefit

Technology Procurement Management:

evolving media and broadcasting market,

its customers. The company is noted for

Master Media manages RFPs and tenders

the need for improved and efficient

its ability to help clients with the transition

from requirements development through

supportive systems became apparent. It

to new ‘technology-enabled’ business

vendor selection and contract negotiation, to

was within this competitive background

initiatives and to ensure that this is carried

completion and delivery. In-house executives

that Master Media was created. Master

out smoothly and cost-effectively.

help clients choose systems or manage

Media operates globally with a concerted

Master Media is a member of various

focus on the Middle East, Africa, and West

international broadcast associations like

Asia regions.


Founded by Hasan R. Sayed Hasan,

HDTV group and others.

services either directly with suppliers or in support of the client’s procurement team. Technology Architecture and Solution Design:

an award-winning broadcast media executive with more than 20 years of

Diverse Portfolio of Work

Facility Planning and Analysis, Budget

experience in the global broadcast and

Master Media delivers a varied portfolio of

Preparation, Architectural and Electro-

media industry, Master Media’s team has

consultancy and professional services to the

Mechanical Systems Review, Site Survey and

extensive knowledge of TV broadcasting

media production and broadcasting industry,

Analysis and Technology and Systems Analysis.

and production processes. Backed by this

from consultancy on setting up a TV channel,

Systems Design: Automation and Control

superior skill and know-how, Master Media

media production or broadcasting facility, to

Systems, Video and Audio systems, Media

works to identify solutions for improved

training and technical/operational assistance.

Management Systems, Networking Systems,

Members of



Satellite and Communication Systems.

language 24hour news channel based in

management, procurement management,

Documentation: Workflow Diagrams,

Bahrain, targeting Arabic-speaking viewers

and launch support, including the selection of

Operation Manuals, Schematic Diagrams,

across the world. Launched in February

the Playout Service Provider, Satellite uplink

AutoCAD Drawings and Floor Plans.

2015, Master Media has supported the setup

and Satellite Space provider, Conditional

of the channel since the early days of the

Access Systems, in addition to Post-

Projects Delivery:

project, working with its senior management

production and content repurposing systems.

Master Media supplies a complete and

team to identify their needs and provide

comprehensive range of Programme and

ongoing advisory and project management

Project Management services. Specialised

services for its technical and operational


teams help clients manage their project


Master Media provided consultancy to

lifecycle and the company’s involvement

Channel92’s senior management helping

is wholly dependent on a client’s specific

them evaluate various suppliers, system

requirements. In effect, this can move from

Ericsson Broadcast & Media Services

integrators, and solutions vendors in

part-time assistance to full project ownership.

Master Media advised Ericsson Broadcast

addition to analysis of building layouts and

& Media Services (EBMS) with a market


Human Capital Services:

entry strategy into the Middle East, then

Recruitment: Master Media’s range of

provided specialist support to help EBMS

recruitment services includes the executive

implement this strategy and build a presence

Oman’s Public Authority for Radio & TV

search and selection for senior management,

in the region.

Master Media provided technical and

both permanent and interim, and the

operational assistance to Oman TV. A team

recruitment of complete operational and

of broadcast technology and operations

technical teams for start-up organisations


professionals were implanted within Oman

and broadcasters. Moreover, the company

Adstream is an international media

TV operations, supporting in their migration

provides an expert mix of creative talent on

company that develops powerful solutions

to a new large high-end HD tapeless facility.

short, medium and long-term placement

that streamline advertising campaign

services especially on project-basis.

processes. Master Media acted as an advisor

Training: Support crew look into the

to Adstream in the Middle East while the

various aspects of training covering, among

company was setting up its regional offices.

others, training plan development, technical,

editorial, production and operational training and systems philosophy and familiarisation.

Youtoo Technologies Youtoo was establishing its operations in

Select Recent Projects

the Middle East in Dubai Media City under

Master Media has delivered consultancy

Youtoo Middle East. Master Media provided

and professional services to many regional

advisory services for Youtoo in addition to

and international media entities such as

recommendations regarding Youtoo’s overall

Al-Arab News Channel-Bahrain, Alliance

business strategy and direction in the region.

Media- Pakistan (Urdu1), twofour54-Abu

Dhabi, Oman’s Public Authority for Radio & TV, and others.

Urdu 1-Pakistan Master Media provided consultancy to

Al-Arab News Channel-Bahrain

launch Urdu1 in Pakistan. Master Media

AL-ARAB News Channel is a new Arabic-

helped the launch of Urdu1 covering project


contact Master Media FZ-LLC Media Zone- Abu Dhabi (twofour54) PO Box 77915, Abu Dhabi UAE Hasan R. Sayed Hasan Managing Director Office: +971 2 4012603 Mobile: +971 55 881 7437 Email: Website: Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: @Master_MediaTV LinkedIn: master-media


master media consultancy . support . outsourcing

our commitment, your achievements 21


Distributors Amaranthine Trading LLC GSL Professional NMK Electronics Ent. Oasis Enterprises United Broadcast & Media Solutions (UBMS)





Complete cinematographic solutions Distributor of top quality technology,

lighting systems, digital intermediate

both motion picture and TV productions.

Amaranthine Trading LLC represent a

systems to the most advanced digital

Amaranthine is as well delighted to

gamut of renowned names and brands

cinematography cameras like ALEXA,

represent KINO FLO, the designer of unique

that serve the cinematography and

ALEXA XT series as well as the advanced

fluorescent lighting system for motion

broadcasting industry. Their long-

documentary style camera AMIRA.

picture, TV and commercial production.

standing affiliation with some of the

Amaranthine also proudly represents

The versatile fixtures and proprietary

industry’s foremost brands has ensured


True Match full spectrum lamps have

a growing number of satisfied customers.

manufacturer of the versatile range

distinguished Kino Flo as the leading

Amaranthine is the authorised

of DEDOLIGHT equipment that is

innovator of creative lighting solutions.

representative (GCC, Iraq, Pakistan

considered by professionals as the most

Based on specific format, and

and Afghanistan) of ARRI, the leading

ground breaking lighting system when

different customer budget requirements,

manufacturer of film making equipment,

it comes to precision lighting needed in

Amaranthine offers partial total solutions

The Amaranthine team.






and turnkey projects for small to large size TV and film production studios. AATON CANTAR audio recorder, ANTON BAUER professional batteries and chargers, ASSIMILATE Scratch colour grading software, ANGENIEUX lenses, AUDIO LIMITED audio transmitter/receivers, BEBOB on board batteries, CINE-PROJECT large venue cinema screening, CINETICS motorised stabilisers, DVS digital video & DI systems, EASYRIG portable camera support system, chargers and camera accessories, ELATION professional lighting accessories, FLOWCINE high quality camera accessories, KUPO grips, MERGING Technologies digital audio and video workstations, NAGRA audio recorders, OCONNOR camera support systems, PANTHER cranes and dollies, SANKEN microphones, SCHNEIDER filters, SCHOEPS professional high-end microphones, SYMBIOSIS professional video tools, TRANSVIDEO LCD monitors, comprise the other companies represented by Amaranthine Trading LLC in the UAE.

contact Amaranthine Trading LLC W37, Road 8, Al Quoz Industrial Area, Interchange 3, Sheikh Zayed Road, PO Box 124137 Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 3390944 /3390945 Fax: +971 4 3390922 Mobile: +971 52 9291089 Email: Website: Social Media: Facebook: Amaranthine Trading LLC





Delivering world-class pro-audio solutions to the Middle East GSL Professional is the exclusive

support the partnerships with consultants

supplier of Harman Pro Group audio

and systems integrators, allowing them

brands, Klotz cables and Tascam

to complete some of the world’s biggest

products in the UAE.

projects. GSL products can be found in

Founded in Dubai in 2005, GSL

some of the best hotels, malls, theme

Professional is the vision of two brothers

parks, TV and radio broadcasting stations,

who were inspired by the increasing

sports stadiums and concert arenas in the

opportunities in the region, and have

Middle East.

propelled GSL Professional into one of

The GSL vision continues with a team

the biggest distributors in the Middle

that is dedicated to exceptional customer

East. A wide range of products combined

service and first class technical assistance.

with professional expertise continues to

The GSL motto is hinted in its name -




GSL Professional - professional service

sound” – which is why professionals keep

in stadiums or arenas, as well as for use

at all times by supporting their valuable

coming back to AKG. Today AKG is one of

in mobile PA systems for both musicians

clients through design process, integration

the leading manufacturers of microphones,

and DJs. For over 50 years, Crown has

and reliable after-sales support. With its

headphones and wireless equipment.

manufactured professional audio products,

headquarters strategically located in central

including power amplifiers, microphones

Dubai, the interactive showroom allows its


and computer-controlled audio components

loyal client base to see working products,

In major scalable networked audio

and software. Crown products feature

enabling them to feel confident when

installation systems, BSS products are

proven technologies for high-quality, high-

recommending them to the end user.

powerful examples of focused research and

performance systems with the constant

quality-driven production. This is why they

reliability that professionals demand.

Future prospects

have an international reputation as the best

GSL has experienced rapid growth since

choice for audio signal processing. With


its inception and to celebrate its tenth

CobraNet, AVB and Dante, the systems are

The best sound systems depend on

year anniversary, it will be launching a

a truly flexible option.

advanced digital signal processing

new showroom to continue to service its

from dbx. Their offering includes complete

customers to exemplary standards. The


equalisation and speaker management

team continues to grow with fresh new

One of the most versatile brands in the

systems, powered speaker optimisers, direct

talent to maintain GSL Professionals’

portfolio, it is designed for major installations

boxes, zone controllers and EQs.

expansion plan through 2015 and beyond. The year also promises a calendar of training seminars, allowing consultants, system integrators and end users to come together with manufacturers. Brands AKG With over 1,400 patents, AKG has consistently produced some of the most accurate and natural-sounding microphones and headphones in the history of audio. With equipment for live music, recording, broadcast and permanent installations, AKG believes “it all comes back to the


Training with GSL.


audio industry and their products can be found in every professional audio facility. They are a company that is committed to providing high-end audio recording and playback products that allow users to bring their creativity into reality. Why choose GSL Professional? When the market is so flooded with options, what makes a customer decide to choose GSL Professional? It is because of GSL’s extensive and pioneering product line-up. With support from their technical sales and design teams, clients are supported every step of the way. GSL Professional JBL Professional

viable systems through strategic

appreciates that not all clients or projects

A brand that needs no introduction, with

partnerships and constant research.

are the same, some require more assistance than others and they are willing to go the

a 30-year span of the sound industry, JBL Professional is instantly recognisable.


extra mile for those that need it. There is

JBL Pro sound is heard today in 70% of

Since 1973, Soundcraft has been designing

always someone available to offer support

all professional projects worldwide, in

and producing a wide range of professional

when clients have a problem. Every client is

cinemas, recording studios, concert halls

audio mixing consoles, for use in live

valued as highly as the next, irrespective of

and movie theatres. JBL Pro loudspeakers

performances, sound recording, stage

budget. Owing to this keen eye for service

are a benchmark for quality and accuracy

and film arenas. From a small company

and detail, GSL Professional continues to

in the history of recorded sound.

in central London to an international

be one of the best and most highly regarded

distributor, they have never lost the British

brands in the Middle East.


Sound that made them popular.

Klotz has been known by its supreme


quality and performance since 1979.


International system integrators, audio

Studer has a worldwide reputation for its

rental companies and users of professional

digital technology and is well-established in

GSL Professional LLC

sound systems rely on the consistently

the field of broadcast and live production.

PO Box 40297

high manufacturing quality of Klotz

It is one of the most long standing brands

Dubai, UAE

products. The German manufacturing

in the portfolio, and has been known

Tel: 04 295 2876

house develops all of their high

for quality and reliability since 1948. It

performance cables, thereby allowing itself

continually leads the way with its series

Social Media:

to maintain its standards for outstanding

of desks, routers and radio automation.

quality and innovation. Tascam



For more than 30 years, Tascam has

GSL Professional - @GSLProfessional

Lexicon is the worldwide choice of

developed products for the whole of the

GSL Pro Middle east - @GSLProME

engineers, producers and performers for

audio industry. By creating products for

Facebook: GSL Professional LLC

digital processing. Since 1978, it has made

high-end sound professionals, Tascam has

history with innovative, commercially

achieved recognition for spearheading the



SMAART Seminar with Mr James Anderson, Rational Acoustics.

NMK presenting Neutrik at Exhibitions trade show.


Mr Nicolaos M. Kyvernitis & Miss Christina Kyvernitis.


Dynamic lineup of leading brands in the audio industry NMK Electronics Enterprises (NMK)

a long history in the business spanning

began operations in 1987 focusing on

over 25 years, NMK has prepared itself for

the audio, video and lighting industry.

new successful ventures that will propel

From its humble beginnings in Sharjah,

the company to new heights in 2015.

2013 Clear-Com The

distributor of professional audio

Distribution and other activities

2013 Midas / Klark Teknik

products in the Middle East, now based

Key differentiator of NMK amongst

in Dubai. Together with its portfolio

competitors is its pro-active approach

of reputable brands, a dynamic team

in representing brands. Not only do they

and strong financial foundation, it is no

offer products, they also design complete

surprise that the company has achieved

solutions for the client. Additionally, as

a market leading position in its niche

a distributor of Primacoustic panels,

2010 Rane Distribution Award.


NMK offers acoustic solutions and free

2009 Rane Distribution Award.

the company has grown into a leading


Best Sales Growth. Sales Excellence Award. 2011 Rane Outstanding

Sales Growth. 2011 Midas / Klark Teknik

Distribution Award.

NMK is the exclusive distributor for

consultations. NMK Service Centre

2008 Rane Distribution Award.

renowned brands as Shure, DIS, Roland

provides local support and repairs to all

2007/2006 Shure Outstanding

Systems Group, Mackie, Midas Consoles,

the brands distributed by the company.

Klark Teknik, Rational Acoustics,

Every product that leaves the warehouse

2006 Bosch Distributor of the Year.

Primacoustic, HME, Clear-Com, Rane,

is firmware updated and pre-tested for

2005 EV – Most Improved Sales.

Cloud, Sound Devices, Video Devices,

manufacturing defects. The segments in

2003 EV Distributor Award.

DSAN, Aphex, König & Meyer, Neutrik and

which NMK operates include install, live

Van Damme Cables, within the GCC. With

sound, broadcast, production, consumer,

Sales Award.




video and the communications market.

who have become ambassadors of the

hands-on seminars are certified and free

Aside from distribution, the company

brand and promote the brand wherever

of charge. This year the seminars will be

provides clients with 24hour support.

they can. Last year, four local artists were

conducted by instructors from Sound

endorsed by Shure namely, Louise Peel

Devices, Cloud, Rane, Rational Acoustics,

from The Boxtones, Fatiniza, Jay Wud and

Midas, Shure, DIS, Clear-Com, Mackie and

Hamdan Al Abri.

Roland Systems Group. The distributor

NMK supports and endorses local artists

Products on offer

Education and delivery of up to date

understands the value of time and knows

information are covered by regular

that not everybody is able to travel and

training events for dealers and end users,

attend seminars in Dubai due to busy

and are hosted every year. In the UAE,

schedules. Therefore the company hosts

PIX 270i Network Connected

NMK hosts the series of educational

a series of seminars across the region,

Video Deck, Video Devices.

seminars, Academy 4.0, that follows on

called the NMK Roadshow, stopping in

to its successfully hosted training events

Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain and Saudi

from previous years. NMK Academy is held

Arabia. As the industry is constantly

in the premises of distributors during the

evolving, the main goal of the roadshow

months of May and June.

is to keep the region up to date with the

664 Field Production

Mixer, Sound Devices.

Axient Wireless Management

Network, Shure. PSM 1000 Personal

Monitor System, Shure. DIS 6000 series, Shure.

The attendees have the opportunity

latest technology offered by the market.

London 12 Kit, Primacoustic.

to learn and improve their knowledge

Manufacturers of the presented brands and

HelixNet Partyline

and skills within different areas of the

products participate at these roadshows

professional audio and video market. All

and contribute equally in delivering high

System, Clear-Com. FreeSpeak II Wireless Intercom

System, Clear-Com. opticalCON Fibre Optic

Connection System, Neutrik. Xirium Digital Wireless

Audio System, Neutrik. M32 Digital Console, Midas. PRO2 Live Audio System, Midas. M-5000 Mixing Console,

Roland Systems Group. 46-120 4 Zone Mixer Amp, Cloud. The HAL System, Rane. Studio & Microphone

stands, König & Meyer. Mackie has appointed NMK as their distributor in the region in 2014, NMK Team (Operations Manager, Mackie Product Specialist, Marketing Executive, Logistics Manager).



Axient Sale to Sharjah TV.

quality content to the audience.

Neutrik Certification of Al Rayyan TV in Doha, Qatar.

has installed Clear-Com FreeSpeak II

both manufacturers and clients. NMK

Further activities and initiatives of NMK

Wireless Intercom System in two zones

always goes the extra mile to satisfy its

would cover the certification of the clients,

of the amusement park in order to support

clients who receive more than what they

and offering free demonstrations of the

full-duplex communication between their

ask for.

latest products the company distributes.

employees and to secure excellent sound

Last year, broadcast engineers of Al Rayyan

quality in its loud environment.

TV in Qatar were exclusively certified by

Listed below are some of NMK’s


Neutrik during OpticalCON seminar at

recently concluded projects:

the premises of the client. In Oman, the

• Axient Wireless Management Network,

team of Royal Opera House Muscat and

the winner of a TEC Award for

Warehouse 1, Community 128

Mustafa Sultan Enterprises underwent

Outstanding Technical Achievement,

Street 8, Al Khabaisi

Axient certification conducted at their

was purchased by Sharjah TV, Dubai

Deira, Dubai

premises. In the UAE, Dubai Media Inc.

World Trade Centre, Royal Opera House

PO Box 3191, Sharjah, UAE

took to the opportunity and their staff is

Muscat and Qatar Olympic Committee.

Tel: +971 4 266 5244

• HME DX300ES intercom system

Fax: +971 4 262 6682

now Axient certified.

NMK Electronics Enterprises

The company has a long history in

was installed in one of the Gamma

Managing Director:

exhibiting at various trade shows in the

Engineering’ production trucks for

Nicolaos M. Kyvernitis

region mainly CABSAT and GITEX.

outside broadcasting.

Operations Manager: Constantinos Drimakis

NMK participates in several successful

• Tempest 2.4GHz wireless intercom

projects within the region. In 2014, the

system and the Encore Partyline system


distributor supplied complete fibre optics

was added to Extreme Productions’


solutions for Lusail Multipurpose Hall in

inventory. Social Media:

Qatar and the largest shopping centre in

• Cavalia Inc. secured the on-site

Kuwait, the Avenues Mall. Dubai Media

communication during the shows in

Facebook: @nmkelectronics

Inc. installed Shure’s UHFR microphone

Dubai and Abu Dhabi by the Tempest

Twitter: @nmkelectronics

system and PSM1000 ear monitor system

wireless intercom system.

Instagram: @nmkelectronics

in few of their studios including the DMI

Since its establishment, NMK has built

News Centre. Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi

and developed strong relationships with





Innovative broadcast, AV & lighting systems In the year 1971, alongside the dynamic

from a competitive world, the Professional

over 5000 projects it has executed in

UAE, a promising, young organisation

Projects Division (PPD) was established

the UAE, the GCC and the Middle East

was also formed, motivated by the

to exploit avenues of business hitherto

region, partnering with global brands that

myriad opportunities that were

unexplored and beyond the ambit of

are themselves leaders in their respective

blossoming in the region at the time.

consumer electronics.

fields of expertise.

That rising star was the Al Shirawi

Today, PPD celebrates over 30 years

Group of Companies. Now comprising

of unmatched service in the delivery of

Winning ways

45 companies of diversified interests,

professional design, supply, installation,

Winning has been a habit with Oasis and

the group has since made a foray into

integration and maintenance. The company

the company has been an envious recipient

electronics, engineering, printing,

hosts an outstanding array of solutions

of many awards that the industry confers

trading, construction, air-conditioning

and turnkey services suitable for large

each year. This year Oasis walked away

and more.

commercial distribution.

with the JVC Project of the Year award for

Oasis Enterprises Professional Projects

Sub-divided into four, PPD focusses

Division (PPD), the group’s electronics

on professional AV, Broadcast, lighting

Among other prestigious awards that

wing was established in 1982 for the

and CCTV/PA Systems which span the

Oasis has amassed include the ‘Lighting

distribution and retail of consumer

spectrum of turnkey services in installation

Installation of the Year’ ASBU Broadcast

electronic products, a segment in which the

and commercial distribution making

Pro Middle East award. Every year the

nascent nation offered ample opportunities

PPD the undisputed leader in its field of

ASBU Summit and Awards brings together

for growth and better living standards.

operation. It carries this distinction with

key players of the MENA broadcast

the admiration deservedly achieved from

community to honour those achievers who

Irrespective of the challenges arising

the Emirates College installation.



Successful turnkey projects Since its establishment, PPD has executed more than 5,000 projects in the UAE, GCC, Middle East, Africa and beyond. Listed below are some of the prestigious projects that the company has successfully completed in the past few years: Broadcast & AV Projects: The Sharjah Arts Institute. Higher College of Technology, Abu Dhabi. Manipal University, Dubai. ADNOC Schools. The American International School of Muscat (TAISM). Dubai College Auditorium. KAUST Auditorium. Fresh Fruit HQ building. Arab Unity TV Production, Qatar. Dubai Museums, Historical Building Department. Sheikh Khalifa Hospital Meeting Room, Ajman. Cultural Centre, Abu Dhabi. Kalba & Khorfakkan Theaters.

Hakkasan Restaurants in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Doha. Armani Hotel, Dubai. Theatres & Auditoriums Lighting Projects: The American International School of Muscat (TAISM). King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences (KSAU), Riyadh. King Saud University (KSU),Riyadh. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Riyadh. Dubai British School. Zayed University. Dubai Community Theatre & Art Centre (DUCTAC), Dubai. Sharjah Institute of Technology Theatre.

TV Studio Lighting Projects: Al Jazeera Sports, Doha. Al Jazeera Arabic News Channels, Doha. MBC Group TV Studios in Riyadh & Dubai. Dubai Media TV Studios. Abu Dhabi Media TV Studios. Qatar Media. Al Kass TV, Doha. Al Arab TV, Bahrain.

CCTV & PA Projects: Al Maktoum International Airport in Jebel Ali - Multi Zone PA & BGM Systems. Dubai International Airport, Terminal 2 - Multi Zone PA & BGM Systems. Ras Al Khaimah International Airport - CCTV & Multi Zone PA & BGM Systems. Emirates Airlines, Aviation College - CCTV System. Heritage & Islamic Museums, Sharjah - CCTV System. Islamic Affairs & Charitable Activities Dept. - PA System for various mosques. Queen’s Palace Hotel, Abu Dhabi – CCTV & PA Systems.

Architainment Lighting Projects: Yas Waterworld, Yas Island Abu Dhabi. Ferrari World Abu Dhabi. Burj Khalifa Celebration/ Festive Lighting.

Newly Completed Projects: MBC Studios B & C, Dubai. Al Arab TV Studio, Bahrain. Qasimiyyah University Theatre, Sharjah.


set new benchmarks of success. That and other awards mirror the company’s dedication and team work behind each successful accomplishment of Lighting Projects completed thus far - Dubai TV News Centre, Qatar TV, MBC Saudi Arabia, Al Jazeera, to name a few. This outstanding lighting team achievement was managed by, Lighting Manager, Karim Abdel Massih. “These awards reflect an appreciation of our business partners to our longterm commitment in the UAE and GCC, providing solutions that help their expansion and success, but in the meantime it adds responsibility on us to maintain and further enhance our services towards continued and better satisfaction of our partners and customers in the region,” says Basel Al Aref, General Manager, PPD. Aside from the Lighting Installation of the Year’ award for Dubai TV News Centre, Qatar TV, MBC KSA, Al Jazeera, 2013 ASBU Broadcast Pro ME, the others are: ‘International Distributor of the Year 2011’ by Datavideo. ‘Best Academic Installation’ for Sharjah University College of Fine Arts, Digital Studio Awards 2009. ‘Lighting Installation Project of the Year’


Today, PPD celebrates over 30 years of unmatched service in the delivery of professional design, supply, installation, integration and maintenance of projects contact Management: Hisham Al Shirawi, CEO, Oasis Enterprises LLC. Bharucha E.S., General Manager,

for Dubai Aquarium, Dubai Mall. Sound

Hitachi, HHB, JVC, LDA Audiotech, Leaf

Oasis Enterprises LLC.

and Stage.

Audio, Link, Lite Panels, Lumen Radio,

Basel Al Aref, General Manager, Oasis Enterprises LLC, PPD



Outline, Optoma, Rosco, Ross Video,

Technology of the Year’ for Element


TVONE and Utah Scientific in addition

Labs Helix LED Video Screens. Sound

to other reputed brands in Broadcast, Pro

Oasis Enterprises PPD,

and Stage Awards 2008.

AV, Lighting and CCTV/PA industries.

PO Box 93, Dubai, UAE.

PPD’s work also encases a comprehensive

Tel: +971 4 2821337, Dubai

‘Distributor of the Year’ for Dimming Systems and Turnover. ETC 2008.

range of reliable rigging, stage machinery

+971 2 6217043 Abu Dhabi

and engineering systems. These cover

Fax: +971 4 2822617

Soldering partnerships

consultancy and design, project planning


The leader seeks a leader and that has been

and management, technical support and


the company’s core strategy. By linking

operational training, installation and after

with key manufacturers and brand leaders,

sales and maintenance services.

Social Media:

they have been able to take pioneering

Architainment Lighting unit had been

strides and thereby make advancements

the new successful addition of PPD since

in their chosen field of enterprise. Some of

2009, providing design and implementation

these companies are Addi Telecom, CLS,

of AV, lighting, stage engineering systems


Coemar, Crestron, Datavideo, Desisti,

for theatres, theme parks, performance art

Dynacore, Egripment, ETC, GDS, GLP,

centres, museums and other applications.



UBMS showroom.



Leaders in professional broadcast and pro-video equipment in the region Founded in 1997, United Broadcast &

The UBMS Vision

requirements necessitated by a fast moving

Media Solutions (UBMS) is a UAE-based

UBMS’ visionary planning remains the

and much in demand industry.

company offering a comprehensive range

reason for its mammoth market growth

Some of these brands include prominent

of cutting edge products and services

and expansion, centred in three key regions

names such as Sony, Sachtler, Ianiro,

for the broadcast and pro-video field.

- Middle East, Central Asia and Africa.

Steadicam, Arri, Libec, Zeiss, Autocue,

UBMS stocks and distributes the largest

Rapid expansion has helped this strategy

Fujinon, Marshall Electronics, TVU

volume of products for professionals

of growth. Alongside continual focus

Networks, Blackmagic Design and Tiffen,

within the audio/video, media and

planning, product variety, innovation,

to name a few. Through careful brand

broadcasting industry, as well as turnkey

customer satisfaction and uncompromising

selection, UBMS is able to offer its clients

solutions from complete system design

commitment to excellence lies at the very

the best available solutions and also provide

to installation and consultation.

core of the UBMS’ market vision.

professional (Light-Camera-Action)

UBMS owes its success to two basic

support to maximise quality of experience,

philosophies - quality customer care

Product Offering

and affordable solutions. Dedication to

UBMS is the leading authority for

Known to be a destination of quality and

customer needs is the driving force behind

professional broadcast and pro-video

convenience, UBMS provides customers

the company’s success. UBMS listens, and

equipment, not only because of its

with the option to purchase all types of

understands customer requirements, and

expertise in the industry, but also by the

broadcast equipment under one roof.

more importantly, offer a reliable after-sales

sheer number of brands it represents.

Product categories on offer range from

service, thus providing complete peace of

These include a comprehensive range of

professional camcorders, top-end camera

mind to its valued customers.

professional products that cater to different

support systems, wireless transmission

performance and productivity.



technology, an entire spectrum of lighting solutions, post-production and playout systems, broadcast communication equipment, camera lenses, AV presentations systems, high-end monitors, teleprompters, microphones, audio switchers, HDLSR rigs and accessories, cables, power solutions and others that make up the full array of broadcast and pro-video equipment. Leading Regional Web Portal is a leading web portal that specifically caters to the professional broadcast and pro-video

UBMS Service Centre Reception Area.

industry. Launched in 2014, this new and

Awards & Recognitions The very first distributor in the

Middle East and Africa to be a corporate member of the highly respectable International Association of Broadcasting Manufacturers (IABM) “Excellent Achievement

Award” by Sony. “Best Regional Distributor” Award

UBMS service centre.

by Digital Studio Magazine. “Creative Marketing Award” by Sony. “Best Sachtler Lighting Agent”

Award by The Vitec Group. “Excellence Performance”

Award by Sony Middle East. “Best Sachtler Camera Support

Agent” Award by The Vitec Group. “Best After Sales Support” Award

by Digital Studio Magazine. “Best Sachtler Agent” Award

by The Vitec Group. UBMS Training Academy.




innovative website is aimed at providing customers with an interactive and fulfilling experience whilst providing an easy way to navigate through thousands of products from over 80 brands. Over the years has become an authority and a reference tool for professionals from the industry and its impact will continue to grow as UBMS

UBMS owes its success to two basic philosophies - quality customer care and affordable solutions

expands into newer markets.

with a convenient and certified location for attending workshops and training programmes, specified by various manufacturers. Varying in theme and application, these provide a comprehensive learning platform for industry professionals. Generating revenue from the academy is not the objective, many workshops are conducted free of charge by the company. The aim is to get people to believe that

its service infrastructure, which is meant

UBMS does not simply provide products

to provide customers with peace of mind.

at competitive prices, and an authorised

The UBMS showroom is strategically

The philosophy is not to simply sell

service centre, but that it also invests

located on the Dubai Airport Road and can

products, which anyone can do. Instead

in its clients’ personal growth and

be considered as one of the many reasons

UBMS provides solutions. And for products

development and that successful customers

why UBMS is the leading distributor for

to become solutions it needs to be supported

automatically mean successful growth for

professional broadcast and pro-video

by experienced staff, not before the sale, but

the company.

equipment. The showroom is designed

long after the sale has concluded.

Interactive Showroom

with the intent to provide a customer with a fulfilling experience.

In 2014, UBMS opened an impressive and dedicated service centre designed to provide


In 2014, the UBMS showroom was

customers with a relaxed and personalised

renovated to include sections that provide

service. Twice the size of the previous

United Broadcast (UBMS)

customers with an interactive experience,

facility, it is located a few minutes away from

Rashid al Majid Building,

all the while exposing them to an organised

the UBMS headquarters. The combination

Showroom # 1, Airport Road,

way of looking at a large variety of

between new facilities and reliable technical

Garhoud, Dubai, UAE

equipment. The UBMS showroom now also

expertise makes the service centre a force to

Tel: +9714 282 7171

includes a fitted out and functional studio

be reckoned with and one of many reasons


thus providing potential customers with a

why customers can rely on UBMS.


The one of a kind, United Broadcast

Social Media:

real life sample of how such technology can be integrated and utilised.

Training Academy

Facebook: unitedbroadcast

Service - the UBMS priority

UBMS launched its very own Training

Twitter: UBMSmktg

Service is a priority and this is evident by the

Academy in the third quarter of 2014,

heavy investments made by the company to

aimed at providing industry professionals



Manufacturers Axon Digital Design Canon Clear-Com ETL Systems Exterity Grass Valley Imagine Communications JVC Professional Lawo LiveU Netia Newtec Riedel Communications Rohde & Schwarz Sennheiser Middle East SGL





Empowering solutions at the heart of broadcast Axon is a global leader in broadcast network infrastructure products and solutions. For over 25 years, major

With the widest and most advanced Mark Barkey.

range of ultra compact modular systems and equipment for audio and video signals

broadcasters, network and service

processing available today, Axon’s award-

providers - including regional state

winning solutions are at the very heart

broadcasters, the information

of broadcast, providing comprehensive

ministry, MBC, OSN, Oman TV, OSN,

insight into operational integrity and

Sky News Arabia, AL Jazeera, etc, have

ensuring efficiency and quality, end-to-

trusted Axon’s pioneering, supportive

end - from production to multi-platform

and enabling technology to control


and monitor operations, delivering performance at the highest level. Axon has a strong presence in the Middle

Ever-evolving to deliver that competitive edge

East and has been exhibiting at CABSAT

Axon’s portfolio includes:

for 17 consecutive years. Axon established

Interfacing and Master Control.

its regional Middle East office in Dubai in

Control and Monitoring.

early 2009 with the idea of coming closer

Master control system.

to its customers in the region. The region

Live production video mixers.

now constitutes an important contribution


to Axon’s worldwide sales.





Compliance Recording. DVB visual analysis and monitoring. Networked live media production. With a razor-sharp focus on customer needs, Axon continuously pioneers new enabling solutions that harness the latest technical innovations and industry standards to deliver more value, efficiency and functionality; allowing customers to meet the challenges of the ever-evolving broadcasting environment and gain real competitive advantage. For many, Axon is the difference. Axon allows businesses to perform better and can provide solutions to customers that are not just fit for purpose at hand, but are also uniquely adapted to the application – from live production to playout and master control. LPP1000.


Many within the TV industry are stressing the importance of adding further definition to what exactly constitutes ‘Ultra High Definition’. It is not just about offering four times the pixels, but things like colour and frame rates

In each of its core product areas, Axon continues to deliver new levels of performance, supporting industry standards such as MPEG and enabling the adoption of IP workflows, such as 4k over Ethernet-AVB. Synapse: Rock-solid, mission-critical control Axon’s Synapse range provides modular AV signal processing for a broad range of mission-critical broadcast applications and includes multi-viewer, master control and routing options. Cerebrum: Control & monitoring made easy Flexibility is essential in today’s broadcast environment. Cerebrum delivers customisable control and monitoring



Axon continues to deliver new levels of performance, supporting industry standards such as MPEG and enabling the adoption of IP workflows, such as 4k over Ethernet-AVB interfaces for a wide range of devices

for service, monitoring, analysing and

small, anywhere in the world. It is a simple

from different manufacturers - including

reporting live MPEG transport streams

equation - a commitment to customer

routers, production switchers, servers,

containing compressed content. With

service and smart solutions at the heart

receiver decoders, multi-viewers and

tools for NOC, edge and aggregation,

of broadcast.

waveform monitors - using either SNMP

SMART delivers all stream analysis and

(Simple Network Management Protocol)

monitoring requirements across the

or third party protocols.

digital distribution chain, to ensure health,


conformity, quality and enrich services. TRACS: Compliance recording

Axon Digital Design

TRACS, Axon’s third generation

Global reach, local support

Hercules 28, 5126 RK Gilze,

compliance recording and video logging

Headquartered in the Netherlands, Axon

The Netherlands

system makes video recording easier,

is active and growing in every continent,

more efficient and cost-effective than

with regional offices in China (Beijing

Mark Barkey

ever. Integrating software and hardware,

and Shanghai), Singapore, UAE (Dubai),

Axon Digital Design

the product range brings unprecedented

Brazil, France, Germany, Russia, UK

PO Box 10718, DUBAI

levels of efficiency and reliability to the

and the USA – all supported by an

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

whole process of transmission recording,

extensive network of distributors and

Tel: +971 50 651 1982

storage and retrieval.

specialist systems integrators that work


alongside many of the world’s leading




SMART DVB: Deep-level MPEG transport stream analysis SMART DVB is Axon’s integrated platform

Customers know they can trust Axon - to deliver projects, whether large or



An ecosystem of best solution cameras From cameras to lenses, from

the need for the development of a full

make it easier to keep subjects in focus

standards to software, 2014 was a year

ecosystem of products to ensure camera

as well as offer greater freedom in terms

of significant breakthroughs for the

operators get the best out of every

of how footage is processed and shared.

video market and Canon in particular.


The C100 Mark II also borrows

There have been exciting advances

For those single camera operators

technology from the top of the range EOS

at all ends of the spectrum – for the

interested in producing top quality

C500, combining a Canon Super 35mm

adventurer looking for a capable

video footage, there are the compact,

8.3MP CMOS sensor and DIGIC DV 4

camcorder to bring on his or her

lightweight designs that allow for talented

processor with a new image processing

next expedition or a cinematographer

shooters to make films, shoot news or even

system, reducing moiré and aliasing.

looking to push the boundaries of

capture wedding videos without the help

Add it up, and it becomes a potent tool,

digital cinema - the tools have become

of a team. Video being a dynamic medium,

which supports creativity while delivering

more powerful and the possibilities

it can be pretty challenging to keep a

sharper, clearer images.

more plentiful.

moving subject in focus while following

Canon has also had great success with

Canon is already a global leader in the

the action. For such eventualities, Canon

its XF line of camcorders amongst video

broadcast lens market and it has played

has introduced the C100 Mark II to give

professionals who need a small, versatile

an important role in fuelling one of the

single camera operators more flexibility

camera that is robust and easy to handle.

biggest trends in the broadcast industry

and with a range of features (Dual Pixel

Building on the blueprint of previous

– the shift to large sensor cameras. The

CMOS Auto Focus (AF) technology, Face

models, the two cameras - the XF205 and

popularity of this new category with

Detection AF, Dual Recording Formats

XF200 - offer superior video and audio

broadcast professionals underscored

and wi-fi connectivity to name a few) that

functionality as well as new recording



Canon EOS C500

Canon is already a global leader in the broadcast lens market and it has played an important role in fuelling one of the biggest trends in the broadcast industry – the shift to large sensor cameras modes and wireless connectivity. Optical zoom was doubled to 20X and works alongside Canon’s HD CMOS Pro imaging sensor and powerful DIGIC DV 4 processor. Camera operators who need to shoot both broadcast and the web are given the option of simultaneously recording high definition MXF files to CF cards as well as MP4 files to an SD card. The camera was also made easier to handle and use with a new rotating grip, individual lens rings for focus, zoom and iris, as well as an 8.8cm OLED display. In other words, it’s the core design that video professionals have come to love with a range of enhancements they’ve told us they’d want. At the upper end of the market, Ultra High Definition started to gain real traction with consumers. Right across the industry, there is increased demand for lenses that deliver optical quality necessary to handle 4K footage but also offer camera operators the versatility they are used to with traditional broadcast



Canon Europe Ltd.

Canon CN7x17 KAS S

Canon Europe is the regional sales and marketing operation

cameras. The National Association of

and 4K reference display (DP-V3010)

for Canon Inc., represented in

Broadcasters conference in 2014 saw the

have added support for the International

more than 116 countries across

launch of Canon’s first cine-servo lens, the

Telecommunications Union’s new

Europe, the Middle East and Africa

CN7x17 KAS S with impressive focal range

standards known as BT.2020. So in

(EMEA). Canon is a world-leading

of 17-120mm. In the autumn of last year,

capture and display, Canon ensures

innovator and provider of solutions

Canon went yet further with the powerful

that shooters and editors can deliver

and services for business imaging

new 4K cine-servo ultra-telephoto lens

4K video to the standards expected

(IT products, solutions and

which set a new bar for focal length. The

across the industry. Canon’s heritage in

services for office and professional

CN20x50 was the first lens of its type

making top quality cameras and lenses

print environments), consumer

to combine a built-in 1.5x extender, 20x

combined with an enduring commitment

imaging (consumer photo

magnification and a removable servo

to research and development to ensure

and video, printers, scanners,

drive. Its native 50-1000mm focal range

they stay on the cutting edge of a fast

fax machines and consumer

expands to a huge 75-1500mm.

moving sector has helped the company

multi-function devices), medical

As 4K TV continues to become more

win the attention of some of the top

imaging (digital radiography

popular, many within the TV industry

and ophthalmology) and

are stressing the importance of adding

The video market is evolving at all

professional imaging (professional

further definition to what exactly

ends of the market, which means the

photo and video, projectors,

constitutes ‘Ultra High Definition’. It

company needs to stay both ambitious

photofinishing, network cameras

is not just about offering four times the

and agile. Canon recently marked the

and broadcast solutions).

pixels, but things like colour and frame

80th anniversary of its first prototype

rates. Canon’s 4K camera (EOS C500)

camera, named ‘Kwanon’. Camera


brands in TV and entertainment.


Many within the TV industry are stressing the importance of adding further definition to what exactly constitutes ‘Ultra High Definition’. It is not just about offering four times the pixels, but things like colour and frame rates

technology has undergone a fundamental reinvention from that time, but what has


not changed is Canon’s commitment to building powerful tools that help people

Canon Middle East

capture and share visual records of

Dubai Internet City

meaningful moments.

Building No. 9, First Floor

The company philosophy Kyosei, a

PO Box 50007, Dubai UAE

Japanese term that means living and


working together for the common good

Facebook: CanonME

is one the company celebrates as they

Twitter: @Canon Pro Network

look to the future.

Canon EOS C100 Mark II



Professional communication solutions for world-class productions Clear-Com provides communication,

in critical voice communications and

Cup, 2014 Sochi Olympic Winter Games,

intercom connectivity, and signal

collective experience in the industries it

Commonwealth Games, Formula 1 Grand

transport solutions for production

serves have earned the company a highly

Prix Du Canada, 25th Golden Melody

coordination and operations.

regarded position in the marketplace.

Awards, 2014 Tour de France, Dubai New

For over 45 years, Clear-Com has

Forward-thinking product and engineering

Year’s Eve Fireworks Show, etc.

been highly regarded within the live

teams deliver industry-recognised, award-

sound, professional audio and broadcast

winning communication technologies.

A Foundation for Forward Innovation

community. Its products actively serve a

Highly skilled on-site technical services

Clear-Com is known for its heritage in

diverse set of markets around the world -

teams also assure successful system

designing, manufacturing and marketing

broadcast, live events, sports, performance

installations among the world’s most

innovative intercommunication products

venues, pro-audio, military, defence,

prestigious customers.

for professional applications. In 1968, it

government, oil exploration, and corporate

Over 30,000 live event productions rely

introduced the first partyline beltpack for

enterprises. Clear-Com is owned by HM

on Clear-Com intercoms globally, every

live production, which was recognised by

Electronics (HME), with staff based out of

year. BBC, France TV, CCTV (China

the broadcast industry with the Technology

six offices and 12 regional offices. Clear-

Central Television), Dubai Media, Inc.,

& Engineering Emmy Award in 2010. In

Com products are supported by the largest

and Abu Dhabi Media City are among

1976, Drake Electronics (which later

network of over 1,000 authorised intercom

the major broadcast centres around the

became Clear-Com) pioneered the first

dealers, distributors and resellers in the

world that use Clear-Com. Most recently,

matrix intercom for national broadcasters.


Clear-Com solutions were installed and

HM Electronics, the corporate parent, was

rigorously used at the 2014 FIFA World

the first to deliver a VHF wireless and a

Clear-Com’s long-standing history



Dubai’s 2014 NYE fireworks show broke the Guinness World Record with the help of Clear-Com

UHF wireless intercom in 1979 and 1990,

technologically advanced yet easy-to-use

remote stations and speaker stations. This


intercom for small- to mid-size group

system also delivers superb digital audio

Its digital partyline and digital matrix

communications. HelixNet systems can

quality and provides 12 intercom channels,

intercoms hold the record for having

be seamlessly linked over LAN or fibre to

programme audio feeds, and power to each

the highest channel/port density for

function as a cost-effective solution for

user device over a single shielded twisted-

a single unit. Clear-Com has the most

larger applications. Multiple HelixNet main

pair cable. User devices can be powered via

expansive wireless portfolio, which can

stations can support up to 60 HelixNet user

Powerline modem, Power-over-Ethernet

accommodate any application size, budget

devices, which include digital beltpacks,

(PoE), or a universal AC wall adapter.

and complexity. It is also the only provider to offer an integrated wireless beltpack capability for its matrix intercoms. Its


Digital Matrix Eclipse HX Digital Matrix Intercom is a four-wire, point-to-point communications

range of connectivity solutions easily and reliably link intercom systems together

BVE: 24-26 February 2015

platform for mid- to- large-scale

over IP network and its signal transport

CABSAT: 10-12 March 2015

implementations. Available in a variety

solutions enable audio, video and intercom

NAB: 13-16 April 2015

of frame sizes, Eclipse HX is an ultrafast

signals to be routed over a high-speed fibre

Broadcast Asia: 2-5 June 2015

platform that allows users to rapidly make


BIRTV: 26-29 August 2015

system changes. High port density per

IBC: 11-15 September 2015

frame means more economical deployment

Digital Partyline System

of communications. Eclipse HX is

HelixNet Digital Network Partyline is a

also expandable with its wide range of



A Short Selection of Clear-Com Customers 6News. Abu Dubai Media City.

connectivity options (T1/E1, Ethernet/IP,

can operate as a stand-alone system, with

CAT5, MADI, and Optical Fibre). Extend

up to 20 full-duplex wireless beltpacks

the system even further by integrating

connected to one base station. As an

Clear-Com Concert, a flexible intercom-

integrated solution where beltpacks are

over-IP software solution.

seamlessly connected to a matrix frame,

V-Series Control Key-panels, which are

up to 50 user connections can be achieved.

Ajman TV.

compatible with Eclipse HX systems, are

Five-way antenna splitters and up to 10

Al Jazeera.

available in a 12-key and 24-key form with

active antennas can be installed to create

Al-Ain University EC2.

push buttons, lever keys and rotary keys.

an exceptionally wide coverage zone for


Multi-functional V-Series panels can route

beltpack users to roam.


two channels of audio and intercom over IP,

HME DX Series Wireless Intercoms are

Associated Press.

reducing equipment costs and simplifying

reliable 2.4 GHz digital wireless intercoms

Astana Media Centre.

setup and operation. Operators can toggle

for small-to mid-size applications. Spectrum-


between two predefined language displays on

friendly technology is embedded for


the panel, which support international fonts

interference-free operation. There are five

CNN Turk.

such as Cyrillic, Kanji, Katakana and Arabic.

wireless intercom options to choose from.


HME DX Series systems are easy to set up


Digital Wireless Intercom Systems

and use, and expandable to accommodate


FreeSpeak II Digital Wireless Intercom

larger productions. Portable systems and

Emirates Media Inc., Abu Dhabi TV.

operates within the license-free 1.897 GHz-

base station options are available.

Ethiopia TV.

1.933 GHz frequency band. FreeSpeak


II combines DECT and wireless auto-

Intercom Connectivity and


roaming technologies to allow users to

Signal Transport Solutions


move freely without experiencing audio

Intercom Connectivity (ICON) Solutions

France Television.

fading or losing connection. FreeSpeak II

link local or geographically distributed

GSTV. Harbiya Conference Centre. Interstar. ISIK TV. Kanal 7. Kanal D. KRAL TV. MRTC. MTV Arabia. NTV. NW University in Qatar. Onside Friends Arena. Oslo Opera House. PBS Malta. QVC UK. Muziektheater relies on FreeSpeak II for production communications




Over 30,000 live event productions rely on Clear-Com intercoms globally, every year.

contact Clear-Com Office Europe, Middle East, and Africa

intercoms over Ethernet/IP networks.

installation and maintenance. The modular

They provide reliable and secure

approach to building out each system

connections for broadcast teams that are

enables users to create a tailored solution

based in different locations and cover

that is ideal for their application.

single or multiple events. LQ Series IP Interfaces, a family within

Global Partner Network

Headquarters 2000 Beach Drive Cambridge Research Park Cambridge CB25 9TP United Kingdom Tel: +44 1223 815000 Fax: +44 1223 815001

ICON Solutions, can connect any brand’s

for Customer Support

4-wire audio and 2-wire partyline audio

Clear-Com’s global operation and partner

with call signaling over IP networks. Up

network are extensive and far-reaching.

to six LQ Series interfaces can be linked

Clear-Com combines the strengths of

together. Unlike other devices that have

over 1,000 partner companies and over

Regional Sales Manager

a pre-selected system-wide codec, LQ

10,000 communications experts to form

Samer Mouwanes

Series allows users to adjust the bitrate,

a worldwide support network that helps

Middle East, Turkey,

bandwidth and delay on a per port basis.

customers from virtually any part of the

Ports from any device can also be linked

globe. Each Clear-Com partner is well-

to create virtual partylines.

trained on Clear-Com products and

ProGrid and BroaMan Signal Transport

may provide varying levels of system

Systems rapidly distribute all audio,

commissioning and post-sales support.

intercom and video signals as well as

In addition, rental houses affiliated with

control data to critical production areas.

the Clear-Com Global Rental Group

Simple cabling requirements over optical

offer intercom product rentals and event

fibre enable time and cost-savings on


Email: salessupport Website:

Greece and Cyprus Tel: +971 (0) 555 78 75 78 Mob: +971 (0) 50 175 57 87 Email: samer.mouwanes@ Facebook: ClearCom Twitter: clearcomsystem LinkedIn: clear-com



Satellite signal distribution solutions ETL Systems design and manufacture

and components includes; RF switch


satellite signal distribution solutions

matrix/routers, RF over fibre, splitters,

Switch Matrix/Router

which operate over the RF frequency

combiners, amplifiers, power supplies and

Broadcasters use satellite communications

range covering DC – 30GHz, but mainly

redundancy/monitoring switches.

networks to feed live content in to TVRO

L-band. The main sectors that ETL

ETL Systems is a privately owned

and IPTV head-ends which require high

provides solutions for include broadcast,

global company and has been providing

capacity signal monitoring of satellite

telecoms, satellite communication,

innovative and high quality solutions to the

traffic. Broadcasters can switch signals, for

marine, oil and gas, systems integration

satellite industry since 1984. Headquarters

example from occasional use satellite feeds,

and government sectors.

are based in Hereford, UK, with a specialist

using ETL’s highly reliable and resilient

Specialising in custom-build solutions,

RF research and development office in

RF routers.

ETL provides a consultancy service with

London and key sales offices in Dubai,

ETL’s range of RF Switch Matrix/

its customers to define the right solution

UAE and Washington, USA. The company

Routers delivers resilience and reliability

for their specific RF architecture and

sells directly to many regions, alongside a

with hot-swap of all active components

performance requirements. All products

network of international partners. ETL’s

such as RF cards, CPUs and PSUs. All

are designed, assembled and tested in-

export success was recognised by the

units are fitted with dual redundant

house at their UK facilities.

awarding of the prestigious Queen’s Award

power supplies as standard and units are

for Enterprise in International Trade in

expandable as a satellite teleport grows.

The comprehensive product range of RF 19” rack-mounted equipment


2007, 2009 and 2013.

Models are available as a distributive


fan-out matrix for Receive Chains and as

broadband transmissions over single

SWAP fibre optic link modules and HOT-

a combining fan-in matrix for Transmit

mode fibre optics from satellite antennas

SWAP dual redundant power supplies for

Chains. ETL also has a fan-in fan-out

to reception room equipment, while

reliability in service.

L-band matrix.

preserving signal quality. Line Amplifiers

The switch matrix series provides

The distribution of RF signals over

solutions to cover wide frequency ranges

fibre has many advantages over the use of

ETL’s broad Amplifier series manage

such as L-band, IF Broadband, SHF and

coaxial cables such as minimal loss, low

varying input signal levels caused by cable

Ka-band ready extended L-band.

maintenance and reliability.

loss for satellite teleports, TVRO and head-

Key products from this product range

The StingRay range comprises

include the 128x128 Vulcan Matrix (16U),

solutions for both indoor and outdoor

64x64 Vortex Matrix (8U), 32x32 Enigma

applications - the 100 series, 200 series

The Alto series of line amplifiers provide

Matrix (6U), 16x32 Valiant Matrix (3U) and

and outdoor enclosure (ODU). ETL

excellent RF performance in a modular

16x16 Victor Matrix (1U).

offer a comprehensive range of compact

design, with a variety of chassis and

chassis and fibre modules with a variety

modules which can be configured to suit

RF over Fibre

of features such as dual modules -20dB

a range of applications. The Amplifiers

ETL have designed the StingRay RF over

monitor ports, LNB powering, 10MHz

can be fixed gain, variable gain or AGC

Fibre range for teleports to transmit

reference and redundancy.

(Automatic Gain Control) with 1+1

and receive short distance L-band and

All StingRay units benefit from HOT-

ends and operate over IF, L-band, C-band and Ku-band frequencies.

redundant amplifiers also available.



L-band Equalisers providing slope compensation (typically to compensate for cable losses and negative slope) are

provide reliable signal distribution to

with dual redundant power supplies as

IRD’s and modems.


A range of sizes and operating

The new Dextra splitter and combiner

also available as a feature in many of the

frequencies including L-band, IF and

range has been designed with increased

Alto Amplifier Modules.

C-band are available with features which

bandwidth satellites in mind – covering

include LNB powering (on splitters),

up to 2.5 GHz. It provides extensive

Splitters & Combiners

10MHz and DC pass and dual redundant

remote monitoring facilities through

With an increasing number of carriers

amplifiers and amplifier current

a web browser interface, and also

being modulated on to each satellite

monitoring for more mission critical

includes LNB powering (on splitters only),

downlink, ETL’s active and passive


a -20dB monitoring port to measure input

splitters and combiners are designed to


All splitters and combiners are fitted

levels and optional dual redundant amplifiers.


Recent Projects du choose ETL Systems Matrix Routers for IPTV Network Middle East telecom service provider - du chose ETL Systems Vortex and Vulcan Matrix Routers for extra resilience for its IPTV Network. Two 32 x 128 L-band Vortex Matrix and a 64 x 128 L-band Vulcan Matrix system have been installed and commissioned in the UAE. EshailSat select StingRay RF over Fibre EshailSat, a Qatar satellite company offering broadcasting and communications solutions has chosen ETL RF over Fibre

Vulcan RF matrix system for large satellite teleport.

products for their new VSAT Hub. Turkcell opt for ETL RF over Fibre


coax cable up to 500mA. The chassis are

Turkish telecom operator Turkcell, is using

ETL’s RF switches are used by many of

designed to provide capacity options

ETL StingRay RF over Fibre modules for

the world’s leading carrier monitoring

from single channel up to 32 channels

satcom L-band connectivity from their

companies to provide satellite signal

of powering.

antenna room to the control room as part

analysis. The LS series monitoring

Dual redundant power supplies are

switches have been designed principally

fitted to all power supply units as standard

for this application and can carry up to

with hot-swap power supply options for

32 input or output feeds with extensive

added resilience, minimising the cost of

remote control and monitoring facilities.

expensive downtime.

Redundancy switching is another very important area for a teleport in providing

RF Components

signal continuity to keep broadcasters on

ETL’s RF components provide a space

line. ETL’s range of redundancy switches

saving solution for applications such as

benefit from RF detection and automatic

telecom infrastructures, V-SAT, SNG and

switching from Main and Standby signals.

OB trucks, satellite systems, microwave

ETL’s RF switches cover L-band, IF,

links, test and instrumentation, military

Broadband and SHF frequencies.

comms and radar networks.

Power Supplies

components are at the heart of many of

ETL’s Power Supply units are used for

the 19” Rack Systems.

Covering IF to C-band, ETL’s RF

powering LNB’s for downlinks, and

ETL’s RF components range includes

BUC power supplies for uplinks which

active and passive units including

are mounted on satellite dishes. They

splitters, combiners, bias tees, amplifiers,

inject fixed or variable voltage on to the

multiplexers, couplers and attenuators.

of their fibre service Superonline.

contact ETL Systems UAE Sales Office Executive Office 33, 8th Floor Thuraya Tower 2, Dubai Media City PO Box 500717, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971-(50)-656-9978 Email: Website: Social Media: LinkedIn: etl-systems Twitter: ETLSystems Google+: +Etlsystems/posts YouTube: ETLSystems



IPTV performance, reliability and scalability Since 2001, Exterity has been designing,

reach through offices in Dubai, Atlanta,

affected. Exterity is the first video over IP

developing and manufacturing

London, Paris, Munich, Hong Kong and

vendor to meet exacting digital content

technically innovative products that

Johannesburg. Localised knowledge and

protection protocols by embedding

deliver networked video over IP to some

expertise is enhanced through the Exterity

HDCPv2 into Avedia head-end and

of the leading organisations across

Stream Force programme of credible,

receivers. As the only content protection

the globe. These organisations choose

technically innovative partners, plus an

technology to secure the complete video

Exterity because they want the best

extensive network of in-country resellers

path across an IP network, from HDCP

and because they demand excellence.

and distributors.

video source to HDCP end point, any

Exterity products enable distribution

Media organisations repeatedly select

organisation wishing to show HDCP

of high quality TV and video over

Exterity IPTV solutions because they

protected content can confidently do so,

IP infrastructure. With centralised

are widely recognised as the best overall

safe in the knowledge that their Exterity

management, configuration and control,

systems for performance, reliability

system is truly secure and compliant with

Exterity solutions support large volumes

and scalability available in the market

HDCPv2. Broadcasters such as Etisalat,

of content and receiving devices without

today. Exterity products are particularly

beIN Sport, Oman TV, BBC, Sky and

compromising system performance or

strong at offering flexibility, enabling

Bloomberg have selected Exterity systems


media companies to easily add and

to distribute content over their IP network.

remove channels and users, coupled with About Exterity

comprehensive monitoring applications to


Headquartered in Scotland, United

let administrators know what is happening

Create: Exterity AvediaStream TVgateways

Kingdom, the company extends its global

if a channel or a satellite feed has been

stream live TV and radio to make channels


C1210 Chassis with AvediaStream Encoder and TVgateway blades installed.

available across an IP network. AvediaStream Encoders are added to


cable source and stream it directly across

AvediaStream Encoders

an IP network.

Exterity Encoders stream live and pre-

deliver channels from fixed video sources

TVgateways supply multiple channels

recorded video and audio over an existing

such as Blu Ray players, DVD or digital

at any resolution from a single blade,

IP network and seamlessly integrate with

video capture devices.

delivering lower cost and power

any Exterity IPTV solution or industry

Control: AvediaServer allows system

consumption per channel. Multicast and

standard IPTV equipment.

administrators to control the Exterity IPTV

unicast options enable easier channel

The Exterity Encoder range contains

system from a central point, customise

creation and delivery from a single device.

eight 3G, SD and HD Encoders each

and apply branding to the viewing user

Due to the flexibility of IP networks,

with its own audio, video and encoding

interface as well as record, store and

the overall cost of distributing multiple


playback content on demand.

channels into an organisation is reduced.

AvediaStream Encoders create a

Play: Content is delivered to any screen

IPTV system management through

single MPEG channel from the output of

using AvediaPlayer Receivers. Smart TVs,

AvediaServer lets network administrators

various video devices. These include video

the enterprise desktop, mobile devices and

simultaneously manage multiple broadcast

cameras, DVD/Blu-ray players, digital

thin clients are also supported via Artio,

streams and devices.

signage systems, personal computers or

Exterity enterprise IPTV middleware.

Exterity fourth generation TVgateways now deliver up to eight tuners per unit and

set-top boxes delivering premium TV channels.

AvediaStream TVgateways

can ensure complete system-wide content

The latest Exterity Encoder can now

AvediaStream TVgateways capture live TV

protection using integrated SecureMedia

extend streams outside conventional LANs

and radio from any terrestrial, satellite or


for delivery to the internet and mobile



AvediaStream Transcoder t5500.

will allow the same content to be easily streamed over a wider range of network type including the corporate wired LAN, a wi-fi network, a WAN and the internet and make the delivery of any content to any device across any network possible. AvediaStream Chassis Exterity AvediaStream TVgateway, Encoder and Transcoder blades must be installed in an AvediaStream Chassis. Designed to meet

client devices. Streaming protocols HLS

transcoders are the first in a new range

a number of organisational and budget

and RTSP allow encoder AV sources to

of AvediaStream products that deliver

requirements, AvediaStream chassis are

contribute to Content Delivery Network

outstanding transcoding performance all

all hot swap enabled, allowing removal

environments or stream directly to a wide

through a simple easy to use configuration

and replacement of AvediaStream blades

range of mobile and desktop clients.

interface. These new platforms will enable

without the need to power down the whole

pro-AV installers and organisations to bring

unit, saving time and avoiding disruption

AvediaStream Transcoders

in a wider range of content into their IPTV

to other blades operating in the same

The AvediaStream t5500 and t5600

solution. These innovative new products


Artio - Exterity enterprise IPTV middleware platform.



AvediaStream TVgateway g4418.

can be tailored for individuals or groups of viewers with a consistent user interface across multiple devices. As well as support for standard TVs and desktop clients, the latest version now supports Smart TVs, mobile devices and thin clients. Artio Desktop Player A media player that instantly gives PC and MAC access to all TV and video content by simply clicking a link. Artio Desktop

Media organisations repeatedly select Exterity IPTV solutions because they are widely recognised as the best overall systems for performance, reliability and scalability available in the market today

Player supports live TV, Video on Demand Exterity Receivers can also display

and provides a comprehensive EPG.

content as a video wall. Each individual screen requires direct connection to a

Artio Mulitview

dedicated Receiver, resulting in no limit

With Artio Multiview, multiple content

to the number of screens used or formation

streams can be watched simultaneously

of the video wall.

letting IPTV system administrators see the whole content picture on one screen.

AvediaServer The Exterity AvediaServer enhances IPTV system management by providing the ability to monitor and control all Exterity devices from one place. This means you can easily check the status of each device on the network and make sure that the chosen content is being successfully delivered to each end user. Additionally, you can tailor the end user experience using Artio, an Exterity enterprise middleware platform. Artio provides controls to allow customisation

AvediaPlayer Receivers

of welcome screens, backgrounds, logos,

Exterity AvediaPlayer Receivers are

colours, language, fonts and icons.

compact, HD ready set-top boxes that

It also allows recording and storage of

connect any screen to an existing IP

live television for playback at a later time as

network, enabling the receipt of live or

well as providing video on demand (VoD)

recorded video streams. With centralised

capability which allows you to distribute the

administrator control from the multi-

content viewers want, when they want it.

service AvediaServer, Exterity receivers are easy to install with intuitive and

Artio Portal

customisable web-based user interfaces.

With Artio Portal, the viewing experience

contact Exterity UAE Dubai Internet City, Building EIB 5 (EMC), Office 610 Dubai, UAE. Tel: +971 444 70 604 UK Ridge Way, Hillend Industrial Park, Dalgety Bay, Fife KY11 9JD Tel: +44 1383 828250 Colin Farquhar Chief Executive Officer. Eleuterio Fernandes, Middle East Sales Director (Dubai Office). Email: Website:



Helping customers embrace the future with advanced technology The broadcast market is undergoing

and helps them prepare for an evolving

rapid transformation as a new era of

media landscape tomorrow.

television emerges driven to answer the

The company is uniquely capable of

demand for more content and higher-

enabling broadcasters, content owners

quality TV experiences delivered in any

and service providers to package and

format, anywhere and across multiple

deliver content to multiple platforms, tell

devices. Responding to this, the new

stories at higher resolutions and frame

Grass Valley (GV), a Belden Brand, takes

rates, optimise operations with cloud

a future-ready position and delivers a

technology and drive efficiencies with IP

clear vision of where the industry is

video connectivity. It does this by combining


a strong understanding and vision of

The new Grass Valley is the latest

the workflows required for live and on-

addition to the Belden Inc. portfolio of

demand video with an unrivalled heritage

communications technology brands and

of pioneering the way television is created,

the result of Belden’s investment of $800

produced and delivered.

million over the past three years in the broadcast market. With a broad portfolio of products and deep industry insight that spans the media value chain, Grass Valley tackles challenges broadcasters face today,

Since its industry debut, the new Grass Hassan Ghoul, Regional Director, Grass Valley Middle East

Valley has launched a game-changing broadcast infrastructure and several new solutions that ease complexities and help broadcasters manage the changing face of



Thinking about 4K production?


Kaleido Monitoring


LDX XS Camera Densité Modular NVISION Routing Telecast Fiber Copperhead

K2 Dyno Replay

Edius NLE

K2 Summit 3G Transmission Client

Grass Valley workflow solutions.

provides vision and depth to its customers Grass Valley and the right technology and approaches for live and news production, broadcast live production that will benefit and monetise their With Grass Valley, producers and infrastructure and connectivity, and solutions The most comprehensive 4K workfl ow in thefuture. industry give content playout and delivery, along with content creators have the power to create flexibility and content and the freedom to distribute it the expertise to successfully design, install Only Grass Valley can handle 4K content from camera to control room. To learn more, across multiple platforms faster and more and maintain them. These new solutions productivity are set to transform the way linear and on- across efficiently, which is crucial as they prepare please visit: or email: multiple demand content is produced, delivered and for the future of television. platforms in less viewed for years to come. The company’s robust and growing time - now and for Live Production: Create once portfolio blends a high quality of studio years to come and Publish Everywhere live production. Grass Valley is the only provider that can offer complete solutions

Grass Valley is the only company that offers

production and broadcast with advanced

a complete portfolio of live production

software and IP video connectivity to deliver a fully integrated hardware, software and

worldwide presence, Grass Valley firmly

solutions - including cameras, switchers,

services portfolio with unmatched inter-

supports its customers, helping them to

routers, servers, multi-viewers and editors.

operability. The result is a world-class

efficiently create, acquire, package and

In addition to being future-ready, all

offering that delivers the most relevant and

manage the delivery of content across

solutions are designed with flexibility and

future-ready solutions for customers today.

multiple platforms. Working with major

productivity in mind. The LDX XtremeSpeed

With a highly experienced staff and a

organisations around the world, Grass Valley

(LDX XS) 6X/3X/1X handheld ultra-slowCopyright © 2014 Grass Valley. All rights reserved.

Belden is a registered trademark of Belden Inc. or its affi liated companies in the United States and other jurisdictions. Grass Valley, LDX and Dyno are trademarks or registered trademarks of Grass Valley.


20140826_GV2014_4Kworkflow.indd 1

10/7/14 9:31 AM


K2 Dyno replay system.

motion camera provides instant time to

About Grass Valley

air and recording of every moment for replay. To ensure maximum productivity,

The new Grass Valley keeps

solutions such as the K2 Dyno replay

broadcasters, content owners and

system, deliver instant replay and

service providers future-ready

highlight generation for SD/HD, 3G

as they navigate the changing

and 4K/UHD with pan/zoom

landscape of television. With the

technology that works even with

most comprehensive collection of

6X XtremeSpeed replay. Only

workflow solutions in the industry,

Grass Valley’s K2 Dyno pan/

Grass Valley delivers end-to-

zooms with 6X speed.

end television production and

To help transform and

content distribution workflows

deliver content to digital

that enable the efficiency and

media platforms with ease are the GV

flexibility broadcasters need

STRATUS non-linear media production

to stay competitive today,

tools. Because GV STRATUS’ task-driven

while offering technological

tools operate in a variety of environments

foresight to keep pace with

and can be tailored to individual job

consumer needs for more

function, it increases efficiency and enables

content on more devices.

effective collaboration throughout the

expertise and depth of the

give flexibility and productivity across

Grass Valley Group and Miranda

multiple platforms in less time - now and

Technologies, each having been

for years to come.

Grass Valley tackles challenges broadcasters face today, and helps them prepare for an evolving media landscape tomorrow

Belden Inc. Belden delivers a

Playout: Simplify Production

branding, and Softel Swift solutions improve

comprehensive product portfolio

and Deliver Live Content

sub-titling and captioning (a must as

designed to meet the mission-

Grass Valley’s playout solutions allow

regulations in this area continually change),

critical network infrastructure

broadcasters to easily manage transmission

real-time graphics and advanced audio/

needs of industrial, enterprise

of the most complex channels. Cloud-

video processing.

and broadcast markets. With

enabled playout for regional and local

For traditional playout, the K2 Summit

innovative solutions targeted at

channels can be controlled from anywhere

3G transmission client provides extensive

reliable and secure transmission

in the world, enabling new business models

support for a wide range of file types. Cost-

of rapidly growing amounts of

where cost is more closely aligned with

effective as a stand-alone or scaled-out

data, audio and video needed


system with a SAN, it has full support from

Grass Valley, headquartered in Montreal, leverages the collective

entire production lifecycle. Grass Valley live production solutions

acquired by St. Louis-based

for today’s applications,

The iTX integrated playout platform

all leading automation providers.

Belden is at the centre of

allows operators to manage transmission

GV STRATUS Playout - a cloud-based

the global transformation

of the most complex channels, whether

software as a service (SaaS) with on-site

to a connected world.

they carry pre-recorded content, live

solid-state media storage demonstrates GV’s

programming or a combination. The Vertigo

commitment to innovative, streamlined

XG platform supports rich graphics and

solutions that support new business models.



STRATUS non-linear media production tool.

News Production: Access, Ingest,

drive the future of the broadcast business:

Manipulate and Deliver Content Faster

• 4K — Creating the industry’s first end-to-

Journalists today often edit content on-site,

end 4K live production workflow system

Grass Valley pioneered the automation

by optimising camera, router, multi-

Grass Valley

that speeds workflows in newsrooms

viewer, switcher and replay system

Dubai Media City

worldwide in less time.

technology. A full 4K workflow provides

Shatha Tower, 31st Floor


GV STRATUS is the most comprehensive

quality images without compromising

Office No. 3101, P O Box 71808

and versatile application environment for

zoom range, depth of field or sensitivity.

Dubai, UAE

non-linear media production. Teamed

• IP workflows—The next generation

with Ignite Konnect Live Production

of broadcast infrastructure based on

Fax: +971 4 4214 460

Automation System, it speeds up multi-

IP technology. Now, customers can


channel content delivery for scripted/

leverage their IP connection to facilitate

unscripted productions. EDIUS multi-

transition from video SDI infrastructure

Media/Industry Analyst Relations:

format nonlinear editing software (the

to a hybrid configuration with generic

David Cohen

IP switches.

world’s fastest editor with no rendering and the ability to mix formats on the same

• Cloud-enabled


Telephone: +971 4 4214 470

Tel: +1 215 837 8699

timeline) and K2 media servers and storage

STRATUS Playout is a revolutionary

Keith Hevenor

deliver the underlying power and reliability

cloud-based software as a service

newsrooms demand.

(SaaS) for broadcast playout, with

Tel: +1 315 413 4225

control in the cloud and media kept Emerging Technologies: The Leading

safely on site. GV STRATUS Playout

Social Media:

Edge of 4K, IP infrastructure and

combines the simplicity, flexibility

Linkedin: grass-valley

Cloud-enabled Technologies

and accessibility of the cloud with the

Twitter: GrassValleyLive

What do 4K, IP and the cloud really mean

rock-solid performance of solid-state

Facebook: grassvalleylive

to operations today, and more importantly,

playout servers installed at the edge of

Youtube: grassvalleylive

how does one plan for them for tomorrow?

any network, allowing full control of

Grass Valley explores the technologies that

systems from anywhere.



Five decades of innovative video infrastructure solutions Five decades of ongoing innovation. Offering the industry’s broadest portfolio of advertising management and video infrastructure solutions. Powering 80% of the world’s top media companies. Managing $25 billion in annual ad sales. Enabling 25,000 video channels globally. Operating in 30 global locations with approximately 1,600 employees. Holding 139 active global patents. Earning more than 50 awards for technical innovation, including nine Emmy Awards from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.

Leveraging more than five decades of

Media City in the UAE. This location also

innovation, Imagine Communications

houses the regional solutions group, which

Corp. is a global leader of advertising

provides systems design and integration for

management and video infrastructure

large broadcast projects throughout the

solutions serving global TV networks,

Middle East and Africa region, and hosts

multi-channel video programming

the local service, support, sales and pre-

distributors, governments and

sales teams.

enterprise markets spanning 185

The Dubai headquarters also houses the

countries. Today, nearly half the world’s

Imagine Communications Academy which

video channels traverse through more

offers specialist courses for engineers and

than 3 million Imagine Communications

operators. The Academy, which includes a

products, deployed around the world.

completely integrated demo room and a fully

With a bold vision and commitment to

equipped training centre, has been developed

innovation, Imagine Communications is

so that Imagine Communications customers

accelerating the broadcast technology

can experience the latest broadcast tools

evolution towards IP-enabled, cloud-

and technologies. It provides a venue for

based, software-defined networks and

comprehensive product and solution


presentations, and hosts training sessions

Imagine Communications has its regional headquarters for the Middle East in Dubai


for customers in the Middle East and surrounding areas.



them to efficiently prepare and deliver


TV Broadcasters

content for multiple channels, formats,

The company’s easy-to-operate audio

Imagine Communications enables fully

platforms and devices.

and video solutions enable companies to develop their own internal “channel”

integrated, agile workflows that allow broadcasters to create and distribute

Multi-channel Video

and effectively communicate with

high quality, relevant content wherever

Programming Distributors

geographically dispersed employees to

and whenever the consumer wishes to

Imagine Communications aids MVPDs,

align an increasingly global staff.

receive it.

including IPTV/Telco and mobile operators to align their business


Radio Broadcasters

models and successfully navigate

Imagine Communications’ easy to operate

The company provides a comprehensive,

the convergence of linear and TV

broadcast-quality video and audio solutions

cloud-based media solution that enables

Everywhere services with existing

enable educational institutions to share a

over-the-air and satellite radio broadcasters

network-based operations.

single lecture, across multiple classrooms,

to run their cross-media businesses from a single, integrated platform.

to reach more students more effectively. Sports & Live Events Leading sports and live events companies


TV Networks

rely on Imagine Communications’ state-

Imagine Communications’ digital signage

Imagine Communications enables

of-the-art, fully inter-operable solutions

solutions integrate seamlessly into any

global television networks to implement

to provide the power behind their high-

operation’s infrastructure and enliven the

virtualised, geo-diverse systems that allow

impact performances.

environment, enabling retailers to engage



customers, strengthen their brand and drive revenue. Government Imagine Communications provides media management solutions that help government agencies enhance intelligence gathering and information sharing - from obtaining live reports of disaster zones to video surveillance and analysis. Innovations IP-enabled Imagine Communications’ IP innovation builds on existing technologies, while providing a bridge to next-generation infrastructure. Based on open standards, TV Everywhere

Channel Playout

networking (SDN) framework enables

Imagine Communications simplifies the

The company provides flexible, feature-

media companies to leverage existing

delivery and monetisation of multiscreen

rich solutions that prepare, process and

investments in baseband, while gradually

content with a choice of flexible, software-

playout content for multiple channels and

migrating to IP with no impact on

based solutions that enable media companies

distribution platforms, while providing an

operational workflow.

to replicate an existing broadcast offering

evolutionary path to IP and cloud-based

cost-effectively, or building a profitable TV






Everywhere business from ground up. Multi-screen Delivery

By harnessing the power and flexibility of software-defined frameworks, Imagine


Imagine Communications designs innovative,

Communications assists media companies

Live Production

hybrid solutions that help accelerate the

to quickly adapt to market dynamics and

Imagine Communications delivers uniquely

transition from a traditional baseband

transition to cloud-based operations, with

integrated, future-proof solutions that enable

broadcast model to a more flexible IP-based

the confidence that today’s investments

fixed and mobile production companies to

workflow - enabling efficient delivery of

will not be stranded with the introduction

efficiently prepare and transport live content

revenue-generating content wherever and

of new formats or delivery models.

for multiple viewing platforms and ready

however audiences are consuming media.

their operations for emerging technologies Cloud

such as UltraHD and IP.

The company’s industry-first, IP-enabled

Key Platforms Media Software - Landmark.

integrated cloud playout platform enables

Media Management

media providers to manage their entire

Imagine Communications provides a broad

video channel operation virtually, over

range of advanced software solutions that

Playout Automation - Versio.

public or private clouds to quickly reach

enable media companies to efficiently

Editing - Velocity.

new markets, launch new channels and

monetise content across multiple consumer

Digital Signage - Infocaster.

effortlessly scale to achieve new levels of

viewing platforms - from traditional linear

Routing and Multiviewers - Platinum.


TV to mobile, video on demand and OTT.

Processing and Compression - Selenio.


Video Servers & Media Applications Nexio.


Command and Control - Magellan.

Al Rayyan

Workflow Management - Zenium.



end-to-end Imagine Communications

Test and Measurement - Videotek.

Communications went on air with Al Rayyan

broadcast management and playout

in Doha. This involved delivering a major

solution already implemented by Al Rayyan.

Meeting Customer Requirements

expansion and upgrade to the broadcaster’s

Imagine Communications’ professional

Every day millions of media moments

master control room and playout operations.

services offerings are an integral part of

are created all over the world - moments

Al Rayyan selected solutions spanning

the project including consultancy, design,

that inform, entertain and change the

Imagine Communications’ end-to-end

implementation and on-site training.

way the world is experienced. At Imagine

media, playout and networking portfolios for

In parallel to this project, Imagine

Communications, experts develop the

this project and achieved the broadcaster’s

Communications also enabled Al Rayyan

technologies and solutions that make it

goal of enabling the rapid implementation

to complete an immediate expansion by

easier and more profitable for customers

of new channels in the future.

getting a new channel on-air within two

to deliver all these moments - anywhere, anytime, and on any device.


technology added to a comprehensive 2014,

Al Rayyan was keen to utilise the

weeks of the order using the Versio platform.

technology of one vendor to deliver

Versio is the latest generation of integrated

Imagine Communications has a

a turnkey broadcast solution. Imagine

playout solution that integrates essential

committed roadmap to lead the media and

Communications won the project based

ingest/playout components leveraging

entertainment market to a future defined by

on its robust and reliable solutions and

award-winning Imagine Communications

IP, software, virtualisation and the cloud, with

regional support capabilities. Tony

technology, automation, branding, graphics

an architecture vision for accelerating the

Jabbour, Director of Engineering at Al

and video server, into a single 1RU platform.

delivery and monetisation of TV Everywhere.

Rayyan, said, “For this project, Imagine

Leveraging on their unmatched breadth

Communications carefully listened to our

of technology, solutions and intellectual

needs and understood our objectives for

property, the company is uniquely

this major expansion. They demonstrated

positioned to help customers make a

an entire end-to-end workflow - spanning

Imagine Communications

seamless transition via open, software-

their complete integrated product

Shatha Tower - Office 3414

inherent solutions that build on existing

portfolio - at their company’s Dubai

PO Box is: 502526

technologies and provide a bridge to

Training Academy and demo facility. We

Dubai Media City, UAE

next-generation infrastructures without

are fortunate to have such a technically

Tel: +971 4 4338250

expensive “fork-lift” upgrades.

astute team working with us, and we are

Email: sales.middleeast@

Imagine Communications has recently

excited about Imagine Communications’

worked on a wide range of projects in the

future product roadmap, which will help

Middle East, including the implementation

to underpin our continuing growth.”


Paul Wallis

of an end-to-end, file-based HD broadcast

The best-in-class solutions delivered in the

solution at Al Aan Television in Dubai; the

project included Imagine Communications’

Director of Sales,

upgrade to HD file-based operations of the

integrated media traffic, planning and

Middle East & Africa,

Egyptian Media Production City’s (EMPC)

scheduling software; ADC playout

Imagine Communications

studios as well as completing a major upgrade

automation; and Selenio 6800+ modular

of the playout and asset management

infrastructure products. The project also

Social Media:

facilities at Rotana TV also in Cairo, Egypt.

augmented Al Rayyan’s current content

Twitter: @Imagine_Comms

Additionally, Imagine Communications

playout capacity by adding six new Nexio

LinkedIn: Imagine Communications

also delivered an integrated media traffic,

AMP video servers and an expansion of

Middle East Group

planning and scheduling system to automate

its scalable, high-performance, online

Alarab TV’s news channel.

storage Nexio Farad platforms. The new





Leading global manufacturer of professional video products JVC Professional, subsidiary of JVC

cast, display technology, and security and

Kenwood Corporation, has a longstand-

surveillance. JVC not only offers individual

ing reputation for build quality, service

products in the Middle East region but also

and reliability, earned over decades of

fully-configured operational systems.

being at the forefront of technological innovation in both consumer and profes-

New 4KCAM Camcorder Range

sional markets.

Introduced at the end of 2014, JVC’s new

From creating the first personal video

4KCAM product line comprises three new

player, to more recent developments of live

handheld camcorders and a camera system,

streaming and extensive network connec-

each offering 4K and HD recording with

tivity in professional HD and 4K camcord-

professional features in a compact design.

ers, JVC has continually sought to push

An ideal complement to JVC’s successful

the boundaries of quality, ingenuity and

ProHD product line, the new cameras each

usability in its products. The company val-

feature dual SDHC/SDXC card slots for

ues communication with its customers and

dual, backup and continuous recording,

incorporates feedback and requests into its

with the fast shoot-to-edit workflow JVC

product development strategy, providing

customers have come to expect.

users with the best creative tools possible.

When JVC launched its ProHD product

The three main areas for JVC Profession-

line a few years ago, the company made

al are content creation for film and broad-

professional HD production affordable. The



GY-LS300CHE Super 35mm camcorder.

new 4KCAM product line follows that same

and live streaming ca-

tradition, with new cameras that make ultra-

pabilities. A built-in

high definition 4K economical for cinema-

HD streaming engine

tographers, webcasters and broadcasters,

with wi-fi and 3G/4G

corporate and live event production teams

connectivity allows live HD

and independent filmmakers.

transmission directly from the GY-HM200E to hardware decod-

GY-HM200E Handheld Live Streaming

ers, Ustream, Wowza Streaming


Engine and Zixi servers. A variety

The versatile GY-HM200E camcorder of-

of streaming protocols, including

fers an outstanding combination of profes-

RTMP, allows content to be delivered

sional features and performance for any

directly to popular streaming websites and

filming scenario.

content delivery networks. Zixi’s Advanced

camera records 4K Ultra HD as H.264 files

It delivers 4K Ultra HD, 4:2:2 full HD

Streaming Technology (AST) provides

and can record HD and SD footage in a va-

(50Mbps) and SD images with a 1 / 2.3”

content-aware error correction and band-

riety of resolutions and frame rates. Other

BSI CMOS chip. It also features a built-in

width shaping, while the camcorder offers

features include an integrated 12x optical

12x zoom lens with optical image stabiliser

real-time feedback of signal and streaming

zoom lens with two ND filters, built-in ste-

and 24x dynamic zoom in HD mode. The

status in the viewfinder.

reo microphone and 3.5mm audio input, and live 4K Ultra HD output through a built-in

GY-HM200E includes dual XLR audio inputs that are mic/line switchable and fea-

GY-HM170E Compact Camcorder

ture built-in phantom power, an integrated

The new JVC GY-HM170 handheld cam-

handle with hot shoe and dedicated micro-

corder offers professional full HD and 4K

GY-LS300CHE Super 35mm Camcorder

phone mount (mic not included), and SDI

Ultra HD recording in a small, compact

The new GY-LS300CHE features JVC’s

and HDMI video outputs.

design. It is based around a single 1/2.3 BSI

4K Super 35mm CMOS sensor, combined

The GY-HM200E camcorder adds all

12.7 Megapixel CMOS sensor with profes-

with an industry standard Micro Four

the IP features from the top-of-the-range

sional control layout and comprehensive

Thirds (MFT) lens mount. It records to

JVC camcorders too, including excellent

video profile settings. Keeping with JVC’s

non-proprietary SDHC and SDXC media

network connectivity, FTP ¬file transfer

commitment to native file workflows, the

cards in a variety of image formats including

HDMI connector.

4K Ultra HD, full HD with 4:2:2 sampling, SD and web-friendly proxy formats. JVC’s GY-HM170E compact camcorder.

unique Variable Scan Mapping technology maintains the native angle of view for a variety of lenses, including Super 35, MFT and Super 16, and as a result, lens options for the camera are almost limitless. “The combination of a Super 35 sensor and MFT mount is a brilliant solution to accommodate the largest variety of lenses and adapters without compromising image quality and lens characteristics,” said Gustav Emrich, European product manager. “It gives filmmakers the flexibility to use



high-end cinema lenses or affordable glass

GW-SP100E camera recording system.

to capture 4K/HD footage.” The GY-LS300CHE features comprehensive IP connectivity, with a built-in live streaming engine with wi-fi


3G/4G connectivity to enable live HD transmission directly to hardware decoders,

cated applications for the system, includ-

Ustream, Wowza Streaming Engine and

ing use for industrial or film applications,

Zixi servers. All three new 4KCAM cam-

on special vessels/cranes/trucks, or as a

corders also include a 3.5-inch LCD display

high-resolution microscope camera and

and 1.56 megapixel colour viewfinder, each

recording system. The mini 4K camera

with smart focus assist functions, and offer

can also be attached to a gimbal option;

two-channel audio recording.

this may be used with a helicopter system for aerial shooting, with anti-shaking and

directly, then follow this up with pristine

GW-SP100E Camera Recording System

anti-blurring technology ideal when used

quality HD footage to the broadcast station

The JVC GW-SP100E is a 4K/2K remote

with a handheld system. So, while the mini

via FTP at a later time. From high-quality

camera head and recording unit; the sys-

4K camera produces images suitable for

HD video to light, web-friendly proxy video

tem includes the camera head (lens not

cinematic applications, the system also has

data, delivering footage back to the studio

included), a recording/playback device

applications for broadcast news and could

has never been faster or easier.

with built-in monitor and a RCU control-

open a whole new world for broadcasters.

ler. This tiny camera produces beautiful 4K


video, with 3840x2160 resolution, at upto

Camcorders for Global Content Delivery

50/60p recorded locally to SDXC UHS-I U3

Live streaming is a key feature of many

memory cards. It has an interchangeable

of JVC’s ProHD camcorders, including


MFT lens mount system, chosen due to its

the handheld GY-HM650, the shoulder-

Jebel Ali Free Zone (South)

very shallow flange depth, which offers the

mounted GY-HM850 and the GY-HM890

PO Box 61161

greatest flexibility to end users who have

studio camera with its choice of fibre or

Dubai, UAE

already invested in lenses. And although

multicore interface. Ideal for news, sport,


both the GY-LS300CHE and GW-SP100E

production and web applications, the inno-

Tel: +971 (4) 816 5201

use the same Super 35mm sensor, MFT

vative streaming facility allows footage to be

mount and JVC codec, the GW-SP100E is in

streamed live at the same time as recording

a completely new product category for JVC.

full HD to the SDHC/SDXC memory card.

The GW-SP100E camera system features

With dual codecs, built-in FTP and wi-fi

a video unit with a foldable and detachable

connectivity, getting a story on air becomes

Facebook: JVCProfessional

7-inch full HD LCD monitor and includes a

fast and simple, either with a video stream

Linkedin: jvc-professional-europe-ltd.

wired dedicated remote and camera control

or a complete broadcast news story. For the

Twitter: jvcprofessional

panel. Since the camera head is separate

camera operator, this live streaming facility

from the recorder, this opens up many dedi-

means it is possible to transmit urgent news

Social Media: Youtube: JVCProEU



mc2 56 console.



Setting new standards German quality and innovative

entity, it is run by the founder’s son Philipp

technology for over four decades have


made Lawo what it is today – a leading

Lawo employs more than 200 people at

international contributor of digital

eight locations in Europe, Asia, Australia

mixing consoles, routing systems and

and North America. More than 40

video processing tools.

representatives and partners guarantee

Founded in 1970, the company designs

best customer support worldwide. As

and manufactures pioneering audio and

a result, it is not surprising that Lawo’s

video technology for television and radio

systems and solutions are utilised by

broadcast production, post-production,

broadcasters and service providers

as well as live performance and theatrical

worldwide. In 2014, Lawo played a major


role in global sporting events such as

Lawo’s products include digital audio

the Winter Games in Russia, the Asian

mixing consoles, routers, video processing

Games in South Korea and the World Cup

tools, as well as IP-based video and audio

in Brazil. This included the application

transport solutions. All products are

of various new IP-based Lawo solutions

developed and manufactured according

like the V__link4 video hub that allowed

to the highest quality standards at the

remote production in Rio de Janeiro for

company’s headquarters in the Rhine valley

German broadcasting programmes. This

town of Rastatt, Germany. A family-owned

year will see Lawo further extending



mc²36 console.

Software-based production tools Lawo’s hardware portfolio is completed by a variety of software products enabling broadcasters to operate their facilities with enhanced workflows. Integrative software tools like VisTool, a highly customisable touch screen software for building enhanced user interfaces, lends its reach into international sports tournaments like another season of


Formula One, where Lawo is the official

solutions that are extremely powerful and flexible for engineers as well as being operational for end users.

“Supplier of mixing console for Formula

After being awarded the Emmy

One host production”.

Engineering Plaque in 2013, the

Audio Routing

company received several awards,

Lawo Nova series audio routers have

Product Lines

amongst them for their brand in

set a new standard in audio routing,

Broadcast Production Consoles

general by the jury of Panorama

acknowledged recently by the Emmy

The Lawo mc2 series with its mc236,

Audiovisual (Brazil). Furthermore,

jury. With their modular construction,

mc256, mc266 and mc290 consoles sets

Lawo’s mc²36 all-in-one audio

its unique “Dual Star” network topology

new standards in demanding work

console, launched at IBC 2014 in

and scalable routing capacity of up to

situations, when the user’s attention should

Amsterdam, received two “Best

8192 x 8192 cross points in a single frame,

be focused on the job and not the equipment.

of Show” Awards, awarded by

the Nova series audio routers are used

Lawo’s mc2 series mixing consoles provide

TVBEurope and InstallationEurope.

successfully by broadcast engineers

the ideal solution – whether for a TV studio

worldwide, providing them with maximum

broadcast production, a major live show in

reliability, unparalleled flexibility and

a congress hall or an international mega

significantly enhanced workflows. Like all

event with a global TV audience. The mc2

AES67 technology, the mc236 integrates

Lawo consoles, the Lawo routers provide

series provides scalable solutions with

seamlessly into IP infrastructures. And

native integration of AES67 / RAVENNA

maximum reliability for every task.

for operational security, the console not

audio-over-IP technology making them a

only has redundant power supplies, but

future-proof investment.

With the 2014 debut of its new mc236 console, Lawo extends its application range

also DSP redundancy. Video Processing and Video Transport

and rounds out the company’s product portfolio. The mc 36 is an all-in-one mixing

Radio Consoles

The video broadcast tools of the Lawo

desk, with a comprehensive feature set

Lawo’s crystal and sapphire radio consoles

V__line, support broadcaster workflows

that covers broadcast, theatre, house of

are designed for optimised workflows

with an efficiency and compactness,

worship, live and install applications.

in radio production. As self-ops, they

previously unknown. V__pro8 is the perfect

Along with uncompromised sound quality

provide fast and easy handling in terms

Swiss Army Knife video processing tool,

and Lawo-grade mic pre-amps, it offers

of features while providing the much

inter-connecting signals of different video

unprecedented value for money. As it

needed extended functions required for

formats, as well as between audio and

is natively equipped with RAVENNA/

programme production.

video. It features two channel high quality




up/down/cross format conversion, eight

unmatched in the market. Lawo’s latest

and Al Jazeera Children’s Channel, Oman

channel colour correction, frame sync,

addition to its V__line video products is the

TV, Radio Jeddah/Radio Riyadh, Sky Arabia

separate video and audio delay for all

V__link4, a complete video-over-IP solution

News, IRIB, ORTAS, ERTU, Radio Tunis,

channels, embedding and de-embedding

for transporting up to four 3G/HD-SDI

LiveHD and many others. Most recently,

with sample rate converters, 8x8 video

signals in production quality via IP-based

Oman TV equipped their latest OB truck with

matrix, 384x384 audio matrix, time code

infrastructures. The compact 1RU device

a Lawo mc256 audio production console and

insertion, test pattern generation, surround

contains four encoding and four decoding

Al Dawri & Al Kass Sports Channel furnished

down mix stages, quad split multi-viewer

engines and includes DiracPro and J2K

their new HD studio complex installation at

plus lots of additional helpers like thumbnail

production quality codecs. In addition, the

the Aspire Sport City in Doha with a Lawo

previews, waveform monitor, vector scope

device also includes the processing power

installation that allowed them to realise an

and peak metering display.

of the V__pro8 video processor.

innovative networking approach in their

Its high-density audio connections

systems design.

including MADI and RAVENNA, provide

Installations in the Middle East

video-to-audio bridges within the studio

Various broadcasters and OB truck companies

Radio merits mention as one of the latest

infrastructure while a modern GUI based

from the Middle East and Africa are already

installations, since they engineered an

on HTML5 facilitates intuitive operation

benefitting from the high-quality German

outstanding integrated radio workflow

and monitoring. Its reduction of cost, space

products and optimised workflows enabled

solution at their Dubai-based studios using

and complexity is defining a new class of

by Lawo systems. The company’s credits

Lawo sapphire radio consoles and Nova

infrastructure and processing solutions

include installations at Qatar TV, Al Kass

series audio routers.

In radio installations, Dubai’s MBC

contact Lawo AG Am Oberwald 8 76437 Rastatt, Germany Phone +49 72 22 10 02-0 Email Contact Person: Klaus-Jörg Jasper, International Sales & Projects Manager Phone +41 43 388 68 07 Social Media: Facebook: Linkedin: lawo Twitter: lawo Zurich Opera House mc266.



Your solution for every live scenario Live broadcast transmissions have

primarily designed for data services and

bandwidth on the one hand; optimising

changed. As the inventor and patent

bandwidth-hungry applications. Ensuring

video encoding and streaming on the other.

holder of HD video transmission over

Quality of Service (QoS) for a GSM mobile

Using multiple mobile connections

bonded cellular links, LiveU today

network operator is primarily about

simultaneously and bonding them into a

services hundreds of broadcasters

providing coverage and ensuring that a

virtual data pipe is the first step. By connecting

and online video companies in over

call is seamlessly handled from one cell to

simultaneously to multiple mobile data

60 countries. News channels, sports

the other. The priority is to give the ability

links across multiple mobile networks and

teams, online content providers and

for a user to place a call from any location,

using the reverse of multiplexing for data

even security organisations rely on

while on the move. Implementing QoS for

transmission (an operation called “inverse

LiveU technology to relay live HD video

bandwidth applications is only appearing

multiplexing”), LiveU portable uplink units

streams and forward reports back to

today in modern 4G networks.

aggregate bandwidth and create a broadband

their news galleries and command and

In a world where 3G mobile networks

pipe from narrowband connections.

control centres.

were emerging, the goal of transmitting

The challenge of reliably transmitting

live HD video over them seemed to be

If no Quality of Service

live video-over-cellular is all the greater

impossible. There were two key issues to

then Quality of Experience

because mobile networks were not

be tackled - aggregating enough resilient

This only solves half the challenge



LiveU portable uplink units are used by hundreds of broadcasters around the world for news, sports and current affairs programmes.

though. Encoding video and streaming it

technology is now available in a variety

efficiently is the second key to unleashing

of form factors – from smartphone apps

video transmission over mobile networks.

to backpack units – and supports both

Efficient video encoding needs to be

live feeds and store and forward field

optimised based on available bandwidth


measured in real-time as well as on the

The LU500 leverages multiple mobile data connections to provide stable live HD transmissions from the field.

expected latency of the transmission (think

The Ultimate Portable Uplink Unit

‘latency’ as the delay in seconds between

for Live Transmission

the image hitting the glass of the camera

The introduction of the LU500 portable

and the same image being displayed on the

uplink unit created a new reference

receiving screen).

for the industry by combining powerful

Though bandwidth on a cellular network

connectivity and features in a form factor

remains fundamentally unstable, LiveU

unseen before. With a boot time of under a

technology has reached the point where

minute, and proprietary antenna modules

signal robustness and image quality are a

for increased performance, the LU500 has

given. The core encoding and transmission

become an essential tool for journalists



and cameramen covering rapidly changing

extra-resiliency in challenging conditions,

and real-time field editing. The LU500 is

events and requiring immediate turnaround.

the unit can be connected to the LiveU

powered by the LiveU multi-processor

Weighing around 1 kg, the LU500

Xtender external antenna or to a satellite

video encoding engine and fourth-

offers the ultimate combination of high-

IP uplink so as to create a hybrid cellular

generation patented bonding algorithms.

performance and portability. This small-

and satellite transmission solution.

It can be controlled by a single operator in

sized unit binds up to 13 network links,

In addition to direct camera connectivity,

the field using an intuitive touch-screen

including eight internal cellular modules

the LU500 also supports inputs from a

interface or controlled remotely from any

or WIMAX modems and internal Wi-Fi,

variety of field editing and switching

authorised computer using the LiveU

three USB and two Ethernet ports. For

devices, enabling multi-camera production

Central management platform.

ACQUISITION DONE RIGHT Our award-winning field units are at the core of the LiveU ecosystem. Representing the most advanced bonded cellular technology available today, all of LiveU field units are designed to make newsgathering easier than ever.

ACQUIRE Field Units

Satellite Solutions

Vehicle Solutions

Software & Mobile

From software applications on your smartphone or laptop such as the LU-Smart, through all-in-one compact belt or backpack carried solutions like the industry-leading LU500, our field units bring spectacular live video back to your studios for distribution from wherever the news is happening.

POWERFUL MANAGEMENT Receiving input from all of the field units, the LiveU Central management platform enables full monitoring and control of the entire ecosystem via any browser-supported computer or tablet, from anywhere around the world. LiveU Central includes live previews of all incoming feeds that can be easily routed to any physical server or encoded for web streaming, unit geolocation for better field management and remote unit control allowing you to monitor cell signals and performance. LiveU Central+ delivers a range of powerful cloud-based value-added premium services, tailored to everyday professional video workflows.

MANAGE Remote Control

LiveU Matrix



Business Intelligence

W W W Web

DISTRIBUTION & 3RD PARTY INTEGRATION Once video has reached the studio it becomes an important part of your ingest workflow. LiveU’s systems will help you repurpose your content for anything required, be it SDI output, CDN connectivity for viewing on web or mobile, or integration with other 3rd party services and equipment. LiveU's partnerships with industry leaders ensure interoperability and flexibility




LiveU MultiPoint


From Field Ingest to Distribution Network for Live Feeds For broadcasters, applications now go further than field contributions. As public IP infrastructure improves, the same principles and technology that revolutionised field uplink transmissions The LU200 field encoder is the ideal unit to send media from the field directly to your edit suites.

can be applied to redesign and optimise point-to-point and point-to-multi-point video distribution networks. Legacy, dedicated data links such as proprietary

The Ideal Camera Companion

500 grams, the LU200 is available in a

microwave links, satellite uplinks,

for Field Contribution

pouch or camera-mount configuration.

and MPLS lines can be replaced by

Introduced at IBC 2014, the ultra-

It includes two built-in modems with

bonded, standard ad hoc connections.

small LU200 opens new live coverage

integrated powerful antennas, Wi-Fi as

Above and beyond field transmissions,

opportunities, enabling every field

well as an Ethernet port. It leverages the

bureau-to-bureau or bureau-to-hub

camera to be equipped with a bonding

same bonding technology as the LU500

feed transmission infrastructure can

transmission unit. Weighing just over

and provides the ideal platform for store

be optimised using public IP networks,

and forward feeds from field reporters.

and controlled using LiveU Central –

Once transmitted, these contributions

dramatically reducing data transmissions

LiveU Events: One Stop Shop for Live International Coverage

can be directly played out or edited on

costs and increasing flexibility of live

any non-linear editing (NLE) or news

video delivery networks in the process.

As part of its Events service, LiveU

A Centralised Management Platform

can support camera crews abroad.

So as to simplify the management of live

Correspondents and cameramen

feeds and store and forward contributions,

LiveU Inc.

covering a special event or attending a

LiveU provides a unified management

2 University Plaza Drive

major ceremony can pick up a turnkey

platform. LiveU Central dramatically

Suite 505 Hackensack

LiveU transmission backpack on

simplifies the monitoring and remote

NJ 07601, USA

location. The unit is fully serviced and

control of field units. It can be accessed

Tel: 1-(201)-742-5228

includes mobile data SIMs, associated

using any authorised web-browser and

Fax: 1-(201)-623-4838

data packages and local support.

provides real-time remote control and


The crew only need to plug in their

monitoring of live feeds as well as of store


camera and start transmitting live

and forwarded recordings. Beyond the

back to the studio where a LiveU edge

control of field encoders, LiveU Central

Social Media:

server will ensure SDI output. Visit

facilitates the routing and distribution of to check the

live feeds to SDI edge servers located in

list of events already scheduled or to

the gallery or to on-line video platforms

make a specific request.

hosted in the cloud. As such, LiveU Central

production system (NPS).


acts as a hub for ingest and distribution of broadcast quality video over IP networks.



Multimedia asset management systems Netia, part of Globecast (Orange

Radio, SRBC, Sultanate of Oman, Sudan

Group), is a leading provider of

Radio, Radio Fana and ERTA in Ethiopia,

software solutions that enable

ERTU in Egypt, RTCI in Tunisia, not to

efficient management and delivery

forget big brands worldwide such as SBS

of audio-visual content to today’s

and ABC in Australia, RAI Italy, RTBF in

full array of media platforms. Netia

Belgium, MediaCorp in Singapore, RTL

solutions allow content producers and

and Radio France in France, Radio Globo

owners to manage content from ingest

in Brazil, RTM in Malaysia, All India

to delivery, targeting multi-platform

Radio, the Associated Press and Cumulus

outlets including the internet, VOD and

Radio in the USA, France Televisions

mobile devices.

and Canal+.

Netia provides radio automation,

Netia celebrated its 20 years of

media asset management and workflow

innovation in 2013 and has its headquarters

solutions to major radio and television

in France with operations in the USA,

networks and to multimedia groups

Canada, Paris, Rome, Moscow, Sydney and

around the world. The company today

Singapore, in addition to a global network

has more than 15,000 users in 200

of professional distribution partners.

installations in more than 40 countries. Its clients in the Middle East and Africa include Qatar Radio, Algerian


Partners in the Middle East include First Mathieu Poussin, MEA Sales Manager.

Gulf Company, Bahwan IT, Jamal Jaroudi Group, BFE and many more.


Product Offering

Extensive Range

unites the unique functionality of Netia’s

Covering entire radio workflow from

Recording, production,

proven radio broadcast automation and

ingest through on-air and beyond

scheduling and automation

media management products with a SQL

Netia Radio Automation and Playout

A unique graphic user interface provides

database to provide a robust multimedia

software covers the entire operation of a

simultaneous access to several production

asset management system with a full

radio facility. Each stage is covered from

modules. From within a single interface,

complement of production tools. With this

production to broadcast: acquisition,

the user can record and edit, and while

powerful new solution, users can manage

sound file editing, commercial and

recording can manage assets with

all types of content, in any format, on any

music production, newsroom system,

numerous associated metadata, or prepare

platform, from anywhere and at any time.

scheduling, multi-casting, data security

a playlist using voice-tracking.

The software suite also makes it easier for

and administration.

Whether networked or stand-alone, all

users to move media among different sites.

Netia software allows parallel

Netia users have fast access and sharing

To enable convenient use across a

operations of production streams

of content thanks to a powerful semantic

facility or organisation, the Media Assist

for conventional channels and new

search engine and content enrichment

software suite provides both a rich-client

distribution media. The synchronisation

system. Broadcast can be automated or

platform and a web-based interface that

and automation of these processes

live-assist for both traditional on-air, or

can be displayed in a simple internet

will enable content owners and editors

multi-platform distribution.

browser. Both GUIs have been designed

to add value to their productions,

to assure effective ergonomics. The option

while freeing them of time-consuming

New Netia Media Assist Software Suite

of working through a browser-based

technical tasks.

The Netia Media Assist software suite

interface allows journalists and reporters



to go fully mobile while maintaining their ability to access, search, edit and repurpose content. In fact, Netia has already released Media Assist modules engineered for smartphones and tablets. Media Assist is based on a serviceoriented architecture, offering all of the additional advantages of a clientserver computing model. Key benefits to operations include increased

Netia provides radio automation, media asset management and workflow solutions to major radio and television networks and to multimedia groups around the world. The company today has more than 15,000 users in 200 installations in more than 40 countries

modularity, optimal scalability through the improvement or addition of services, third-party connectivity through a web

to provide a digital system covering the

digitise analogue patrimonial tapes,

services API, and straightforward, cost-

entire needs of a radio station - from

embed metadata coming from a third

effective maintenance.

acquisition through to broadcast. The

party database system as well as store

National Centre has been equipped

this content redundantly online, on hard

Successful Software Installations

with fully bilingual Radio-Assist system

disks as well as offline on DVDs. Thanks

in the Middle East

in Arabic and/or English. The system

to the Netia system, 200,000 open-reel

The Sudanese Radio & TV

includes twin mirrored servers.

tapes and thousands of CDs and MDs have


The second project was to advise

Several phases of installation have been

and provide SRTC with a digital audio

done for the SRTC. The first project was

archiving system. SRTC wanted to


been digitised and stored in the archiving system. Hassan Mostafa, IT and digital archive


manager at Sudan National Radio, says

content among the existing 15 regional

been very satisfied with Radio-Assist’s

about Netia:

facilities already equipped with Radio-

intuitive operation, efficiency, reliability

“We chose to upgrade our current Netia

Assist, and streamlining acquisition of

and rich functionality.

installation not only because we wish to

wires from various news sources, the

remain at the forefront of new broadcast

Radio-Assist implementation enables

technology, but also because we have found

more efficient creation and delivery of

the company’s Radio-Assist software to

French and Arabic language news and

be a reliable and efficient system. Staff

other programming to more than 20


members across Sudan Radio are already

million listeners in Algeria.

377 Chemin de Farjou


familiar with this Netia solution, so it will

The Algerian radio has launched a new

34270 Claret – France

take them very little time to get a grip

radio station named JIL FM, considered as

Tel: +33 4 67 59 08 07

on the new functionalities offered by the

the rising station for the youth. They also

Area Sales Manager MEA

latest software release.”

chose to install Radio-Assist in their studios.

Mathieu Poussin

The main purpose of this project was


Radio Algérienne

to implement Netia’s newly released

Algeria’s public radio broadcaster

music scheduling tool. Among the

has expanded its Radio-Assist digital

functionalities, JIL FM uses the Activity

Social Media:

audio software installation to realise a

Watcher module which enables the radio


highly automated end-to-end broadcast

station to monitor sound items during the


workflow, incorporating media ingest,

production process.

Twitter: NETIA_software

production, scheduling, playout and

Mourad Ouadahi, director at Radio

archiving. By automating centralised

Algérienne says about Netia, “Radio

media archiving for all five Algerian Radio

Algérienne has worked with Netia

national stations, facilitating exchange of

software for the past five years and has

Mob: +33 6 08 90 12 39

Facebook: Flickr: netia_software



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Newtec is dedicated to improving satellite

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developing and manufacturing

efficiency by providing reliable cost effective

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Years of Innovations: the

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new DVB-S2X Standard

the company has been championed

Cellular backhaul & trunking.

The satellite industry agreed that a

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Consumer and enterprise VSAT.

successor to the DVB-S2 standard was

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Government and defence and their

required to accommodate for increased

to various DVB standards and its new

respective satcom applications.

profitability, inter-operability and growth

multiservice communications platform,

Mobility, offshore and maritime.

in the professional satellite communications

the Newtec Dialog.

Through commercial offices in Sint-

market. Newtec took the lead and teamed up with other DVB-members in order to

The company has played a big hand in the

Niklaas (Belgium), Dubai (UAE), Singapore

development of the new DVB-S2X standard,

and Beijing (China), São Paulo (Brazil) and

with many of its innovations based on

Stamford, CT (USA), as well as an extensive

Newtec technologies, first made available on Newtec products two years ago. Smaller rolloff factors as well as additional modulation and Forward Error Correction (FEC) options have allowed for a more efficient use of satellite transmission channels. Meanwhile, the Newtec Dialog platform has allowed broadcasters and service providers to increase their operational efficiency and easily adapt their infrastructure to business

define and develop the update on the DVB-S2 it’s the magic of satellite standard. The satellite world has changed in network of over 90 certified partners, Newtec a lot since DVB-S2 was first published communications that 2005. Higher speeds, more efficient satellite can meet customer needs worldwide. allows information to be communication technology and wider Connecting Billions transponders are required to support the transmitted anywhere, increasing volumes New challenges and customer needs offer exchange of large and opportunities to explore new boundaries. of data, video and voice over satellite. The helping to build a safer, This empowers Newtec to work even harder, biggest demand for the extensions comes contribution and high-speed IP helping customers to perform their best so from video better informed and that, together, they can make the world a services. safer, more informed and connectedmore place. As The efficiency technologies, contributed connected world for everyone.



by Newtec to the new DVB standard,

provides solutions which optimise the

Projects such as bridging the digital

boosts the satellite link up to 20% in Direct-

satellite link. Users can get the most

divide in rural or undeveloped areas has

To-Home networks and 37% in other

out of the bandwidth available to them

been a key focus for Newtec, with the latest

professional applications compared to

guaranteeing the highest availability of

project seeing the company team up with

DVB-S2 – even up to 64% with wideband.

communication link, even during heavy

major players worldwide to deliver high-

These gains exceed the results by proprietary

rain fade.

speed satellite broadband.

systems in the market today.

Newtec’s Commercial off the Shelf

Newtec was awarded the prestigious

(COTS) solutions are able to boost

Mobility, Offshore and Maritime

accolade of ‘Outstanding Achievement’ at

operational efficiency allowing access to

The mobility, offshore and maritime

the ASBU BroadcastPRO Awards 2013 for its

more data at a lower cost.

applications are confronted with increased

pivotal role developing new S2 Extensions

demand for higher data throughputs to Cellular Backhaul and IP Trunking

support bandwidth-consuming services

Operational expenses for providing IP

such as video conferencing, internet access,

In Touch with Today’s Market Needs

trunking and backbone services to ISPs

VOIP, e-mail and media streaming.

Newtec’s portfolio of satcom products and

and telecom operators must constantly

Newtec brings the satcom technology

technologies meet the highest operational

be scrutinised due to a highly competitive

and experience to the table to tackle

requirements for professional reliability

market with razor thin margins.

the challenges and provide the required

and service availability and can be applied

Implementing new technical solutions to

throughput and QoS demands.

in a wide range of markets. The customer

deal with these challenges is more essential

base includes a wide variety of organisations

than ever.



and companies, broadcasters (such as CNN,

Newtec’s FlexACM technology doubles

BBC, NBC, VRT), satellite operators (eg. SES,

the data throughput in IP trunking and

Intelsat, Eutelsat, Arabsat), system houses

backbone networks over satellite at optimal

Newtec Cy (Headquarters)

and network operators.

availability. FlexACM combines the

Laarstraat 5, 900 Sint-Niklaas,

DVB-S2 standard with a set of technologies Contribution and Exchange


enabling the capability to combine different

of Radio and TV

services (video, voice, data, internet access,

Tel: +3237806500

Newtec’s technology is behind the award

VoIP, WiMAX, GPRS, 3G, etc.) within the

winning platform run in the Middle East by

same satellite carrier.

Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU). In recent years, Newtec extended this with

Consumer & Enterprise VSAT

several other players in the region deploying

Consumer enterprise and larger

interactive satellite terminals running on the

organisations typically have different needs

ASBU Multimedia Exchange Network over

for their communication infrastructure.

Satellite (MENOS). By deploying the Newtec

Newtec has developed a range of modems

technology, hosted on the ASBU platform,

to meet the expectations of each group.

Email: Regional Office: Dubai Internet City, Thuraya 11, Office 120 3A PO Box 502388, Dubai, UAE Tel: +97143901878 Website: Social Media:

they have access to their own IP-based and

Newtec provided its VSAT Broadband

fully automated secure Virtual Network (VN)

technology including hubs and thousands

Twitter: (newtec_satcom)

for contribution and exchange of radio and

of VSAT terminals to Liquid Telecom, the

Youtube: (NewtecSatcom)

TV content at low and high bitrates.

leading independent data, voice and IP

SlideShare: (newtec_satcom)

provider in Africa. The company is also

Facebook: (

Government and Defence

working closely with Bentley Walker for

Active in the government market, Newtec

services in Libya.





satCoM equiPMent Portfolio hubs • modems • Terminals • modulaTors • demodulaTors • oem boards neTwork opTimizaTion • frequency converTers • redundancy swiTches

shaping The fuTure of saTelliTe communicaTions BOOK_PRO50_210x260.indd 2

BOOK_PRO50_210x260.indd 2


3:25 PM

12/15/14 3:25 PM


Red Bull Air Races.

Team Ferrari relies on Riedel.



Creating sustainable value through technology leadership Started from a vision to provide better

The flagship intercom solution, Artist,

that has changed the way that live events

communications for broadcasters

is in use by major broadcasters around the

are approached and covered. MediorNet

and race teams over 25 years ago,

globe. When combined with Performer,

includes signal routing capabilities that

Riedel Communications has grown

Acrobat and radio interfacing, you get a

allow the user to send any incoming signal

into a diverse company that designs,

highly modular, modern intercom solution.

to any output or even to multiple outputs

manufactures and distributes

It is designed as a powerful matrix platform,

with just a mouse-click or, even more

pioneering real-time video, audio,

up to 1,024 x 1,024 non-blocking ports per

conveniently, by using a router control

data and communications networks for

system, for intercom and the distribution

system. As a result, MediorNet increases

broadcast, pro-audio, event, sports,

of analog audio, digital audio and Ethernet

the flexibility of any installation while

theatre and security applications. The

data signals. The system consists of a

significantly reducing cabling and set-up

company also provides rental services

fibre-based network backbone providing

time. MediorNet also integrates broadcast-

for radio and intercom systems with

a decentralised infrastructure for live audio

quality processing and conversion features

perhaps the largest inventory of

and intercom applications.

like Frame Store/ Frame Synchronisers and

Motorola radios in all of Europe.

Their MediorNet real-time media

Embedders/De-Embedders at any input/

Riedel can provide event IT solutions,

network is the gold standard upon which

output. These features are software-based

fibre backbones and wireless signal

other broadcast signal transport systems are

so they can easily be expanded in the future

transmission systems that scale

compared. They have pioneered the concept

without any hardware changes.

easily for events of any size, anywhere

of network-based signal distribution and

RockNet is a real-time, low latency audio

in the world.

continue to blaze a path of innovation

distribution network tailored to tour and



F1 Communications Console.

Riedel Communications has grown into a diverse company that designs, manufactures and distributes pioneering real-time video, audio, data and communications networks for broadcast, pro-audio, event, sports, theatre and security applications installed sound applications. RockNet

The second half of 2014 saw three

ago and the application scenarios are many

provides a universal solution to almost any

important product announcements that

imaginable audio distribution challenge

have positioned the company for the next

Tango is Riedel’s first network-based

and behaves very much like a traditional

phase in its evolution. While building

communications platform supporting

analogue active split system. It conveys

products according to standards, Riedel

both the RAVENNA/ ES67 and AVB

160 24bit/48kHz audio channels counter-

also believes that customers should be

standards. With its own dedicated app,

rotating on a single CAT5 or fibre cable.

able to use the audio-networking standard

‘My First Riedel’, Tango can become a

Finally, Riedel is embracing software-

which suits their needs the best, be it

cost-effective and efficient 40x80 digital

driven solutions that can provide clients with

RAVENNA/ ES67 or AVB. Both protocols

intercom matrix. The asymmetric 40x80

more choice in how they design and use their

have their own advantages and live in their

matrix size is another Riedel innovation,

facilities while leveraging new standards

respective ecosystems. Riedel’s first AVB

allowing for standard, premium-quality

such as RAVENNA/AES67 and AVB.

solutions were launched nearly three years

stereo audio connections to Riedel panels.

and varied.

The New Tango Platform.



Thomas Riedel, CEO.

In the future, Riedel will release additional

Smartpanel includes three high-resolution,

The STX-200 transforms hundreds of

apps with more features.

sunlight-readable, multi-touch colour

millions of Skype users worldwide into

Tango is equipped with a high-resolution,

displays, premium-quality stereo audio, a

potential on-air contributors. Whether

full-colour TFT display that ensures perfect

multi-lingual character set and 18 keys in

for news, sport, or entertainment

readability at all times. The unit’s intuitive

just 1 RU. These features make Riedel’s new

programming, this capability enables

front-panel controls simplify the recall of

Smartpanel a powerful user interface that

broadcasters to leverage the best of

presets and adjustment of audio levels.

can be further expanded through the use

user-generated content. With the STX-

Tango features two integrated Riedel

of apps. Riedel’s first app for the RSP-2318

200, Riedel has provided an elegant yet

Digital Partylines, two RAVENNA/AES67

turns the Smartpanel into an innovative

affordable replacement for the cobbled-

- and AVB-compatible ports, two Ethernet

and intelligent audio platform.

together — and not inexpensive — solutions

ports, one option slot, and redundant

Offering AES67 and AVB connectivity

power supplies. The 1.5-RU system features

as standard, and optionally AES3 over

often used to bring Skype audio and video

a shallow mounting depth, low-noise

CAT/coax, Riedel’s RSP-2318 Smartpanel

Riedel now employs more than 350

design and is fully compatible with all of

provides exchangeable headset connectors

people at 12 locations in Europe, Asia,

Riedel’s current and legacy intercom panels

for mono or stereo applications, an

Australia, and the Americas.

including the company’s new RSP-2318

integrated power supply, individual volume


controls for each key, two USB ports, two

into the production environment.


The RSP-2318 Smartpanel is the world’s

Ethernet connectors, GPIO, audio I/O,

first key panel designed to serve as a

an option slot, a removable gooseneck

powerful multi-functional user interface,

microphone, an SD card slot and an HDMI

Riedel Communications

the RSP-2318 offers features and capabilities

output. A low mounting depth simplifies

Middle East FZ-LLC

that will enrich the user experience and

installation of the unit.

Building 10, 1st floor, Office 111

change the way broadcasters and AV professionals communicate. The unique feature set of the RSP-2318

Finally, the STX-200 is a single-box

Dubai Media City, Dubai, UAE

solution that brings Skype connectivity into the professional broadcast environment.





4K product portfolio with transmitters that minimise cost of ownership For more than 80 years, Rohde &

company does not have to think in quarters,

As the market leader for digital

Schwarz has stood for quality, precision

it can plan for the long term. On June 30,

terrestrial television, Rohde & Schwarz

and innovation in all fields of wireless

2014, Rohde & Schwarz had approximately

supports the world’s most widely

communications. The company is

9800 employees with about 5900 working

distributed digital broadcasting standards.

strategically based on five pillars -

in Germany. The company achieved a net

In North America for example, the

test and measurement, broadcast

revenue of 1.75 billion EUR in its 2013/2014

company offers equipment for ATSC

and media, secure communications,

fiscal year (July to June).

Mobile DTV, in Asia and Latin America

cyber security, radio-monitoring and

for ISDB-T, and in Europe and Middle

radio-location. The electronics group,

Broadcast and Media

headquartered in Munich, Germany, is

The majority of analogue transmitter

The company also sells T&M equipment

among the world market leaders in all

networks have now been replaced by

for the installation, maintenance and

of its business fields. Rohde & Schwarz

digital terrestrial broadcasting. Rohde &

monitoring of broadcast networks.

is the world’s leading manufacturer of

Schwarz has shaped and contributed to

Satellite and cable TV providers also

wireless communications and EMC test

this development from the very beginning.

find suitable T&M solutions at Rohde

and measurement equipment, as well

The company has been active in the

& Schwarz. The company supplies

as of broadcasting and T&M equipment

field of TV and sound broadcasting for

manufacturers of consumer electronics

for digital terrestrial television.

East for DVB-T2.

almost 70 years. Today, Rohde & Schwarz

with the T&M equipment they need

As an independent, family-owned

transmitters and T&M equipment are in

for the development and production of

company, Rohde & Schwarz generates its

use for analogue and digital television in

satellite receivers and TV sets, including

growth from its own resources. Since the

more than 80 countries.

the new generation. Every second set-top



of applications. The R&S AVHE100 headend was used to broadcast the FIFA World Cup live in 4K. The BMM-810 multi-viewer and content monitoring system from Rohde & Schwarz subsidiary GMIT was used to monitor the 4K/UHD broadcast. Broadcast operator KBS uses terrestrial Rohde & Schwarz transmitters to broadcast the first 4K programmes in Korea and Rohde & Schwarz T&M equipment to maintain the broadcast quality. Network operators and OTT providers can improve their broadcast efficiency with Rohde & Schwarz headend and monitoring solutions. For a given bandwidth, HEVC encoding can be used to transmit more services and improve box in the world is tested using Rohde &

transmitters for this high-resolution

Schwarz T&M equipment.

standard. The company has also added

picture resolution quality. Subsidiary Rohde & Schwarz DVS has

Now Rohde & Schwarz focuses on

new features to its T&M equipment to

been offering systems for 4K processing

more than just transmitters and T&M

test 4K devices. The latest transmitter

in cinema post-production since 2005.

equipment. The company is a solutions

generation significantly reduces

The R&S CLIPSTER mastering station

provider for the entire broadcast

transmission costs as well.

processes 4K data in real time. It supports

value-added chain - from ingest to

Rohde & Schwarz offers a complete

mezzanine formats such as AS-02 and AS-

post-production and transmission. It

product line for the high-resolution 4K

11 and can generate the necessary inter-

offers an entire product line to support

transmission path. Many of these products

operable master format (IMF) packages

the broadcast industry in rolling out

are already in operation in a wide range

up to 4K. R&S CLIPSTER supports Dolby

the high resolution 4K standard. The company’s 4K knowhow originally came from subsidiary Rohde & Schwarz DVS GmbH. DVS develops hardware and software for professional film and video post-production. As a global market leader in digital film processing, DVS opened the door to the field of studio equipment for Rohde & Schwarz. The company expanded its presence in this market with the addition of A/V headends in 2012. Rohde & Schwarz Product Portfolio for 4K Rohde & Schwarz offers products for post-production, ingest, storage, playout, encoding and multiplexing as well as



Rohde & Schwarz offers a complete product line for the high-resolution 4K transmission path. Many of these products are already in operation in a wide range of applications

contact Rohde & Schwarz Middle East and Africa FZ-LLC Office No. 210, Building No. 01, 2nd Floor Dubai Media City, UAE. Tel: +971 (0)4 44 61 900

Atmos, allowing post-production studios

of 3G bytes per unit in just one height


to create Dolby Atmos DCPs that can be

unit make the R&S SpycerBox Cell an


easily integrated into existing workflows

exceptional combination of performance

to increase efficiency.

and functionality.

Social Media: Facebook: RohdeAndSchwarz

The R&S SpycerBox Cell is used to

The transmission technology for TV,

store massive volumes of data in 4K

FM and DAB+ can be used under a very

Twitter: RohdeSchwarz

or even 8K production environments.

special aspect. This transmitter generation

YouTube: RohdeundSchwarz

Thanks to the web-based SAN Remo

features maximum energy efficiency, an


management software, the devices can

extremely compact design and innovative


easily be configured in clusters. 36 TB of

redundancy concepts that can reduce

storage and a maximum data throughput

costs by more than 70%.



Shakira using the Sennheiser SKM5200-II with Neumann KK105-S capsule.



The pursuit of perfect sound Throughout its history, Sennheiser has

And now 70 years later, professional

Sennheiser Middle East

been driven by a passion for sound; a

musicians, sound engineers, presenters

In 2009, Sennheiser Middle East was born

passion that has never diminished

and singers throughout the world are in

as a sales and marketing office, based in the

in nearly 70 years. From modest

agreement that Sennheiser products are

Dubai Airport Free Zone, with a small but

beginnings in 1945, through to the

the pinnacle of technological perfection.

motivated staff that have been responsible

present day, this family-owned German

for exponential growth over the last six Sennheiser Today

years. With a long-term strategy in place

Faced with the technological deficiencies

The 21st century sees Sennheiser

for the regional office and Sennheiser’s

of existing products, Professor Dr Fritz

represented in over 105 countries,

commitment to its business in the Middle

Sennheiser devoted himself to finding

employing over 2,200 people and continuing

East, Africa and Central Asia, the team and

innovative solutions, looking to make the

to develop the most innovative products

office continues to grow apace.

very best technology available to users

for the professional sound and consumer

everywhere. Ever since the company that

electronics industries.

company has built a truly global profile.

Sennheiser Middle East has the responsibility for distribution of the

bears Dr Sennheiser’s name was founded, it

The Sennheiser Group also includes

Sennheiser Group brands across the GCC and

has been providing technological innovations

studio microphone and monitor

Levant region whilst also servicing countries

that improve people’s lives – and the Pursuit

manufacturer Georg Neumann GmbH,

in North and East Africa, as well as most of

of Perfect Sound continues to this day.

bringing together two outstanding

the former CIS countries in Central Asia.

The first Sennheiser microphones were

microphone manufacturers in the

Having established a logistics partnership

developed by broadening microphone theory.

industry; and Danish-based joint venture

with Hellmann Worldwide, based in Dubai’s

First launched in 1947, they were rapidly

company, Sennheiser Communications,

Jebel Ali Free Zone and with a significant

adopted by large numbers of artistes and

which develops headsets for PC and

stockholding, the operation has become a

professionals – musicians such as Louis

consoles, office and call centre markets.

natural regional hub.

Armstrong, singers like Edith Piaf and

The company turnover in 2013 was in

politicians such as Eisenhower and Kennedy,

excess of 600m, with the EMEA region

Product Offering

as well as broadcasters, radio stations and

accounting for approximately 60% of the

Sennheiser and Neumann’s combined

air-traffic controllers across the world.

company’s business.

current product range for the broadcast



Key Partners

industry comprises both wired and wireless

the world because of its large switching

microphones, headphones and headsets for

bandwidth, flexible frequency management

camera operators, production crews and

and operational safety. With up to 64

As the most recognised audio

studio engineers as well as award-winning

intermodulation free frequency presets and

brand in the broadcast industry,

studio monitors. All have an identical core

an integrated antenna splitting system, the

Sennheiser Group products can

value - uncompromising audio quality.

single or dual rack mounted receivers ensure

be found inside studios and OB

easy installation and setup for large scale

production units for some of the

Sennheiser MKH8000 Series

most respected broadcasters

- Wired Microphones

globally. Regional partners include:

Building on the legacy of the famous

Sennheiser 3000/5000 Series


MD21 reporters’ microphone, launched

- Wireless Microphones

Al Jazeera TV.

in the 1950’s, the extensive range of wired

The flagship of the analogue wireless

Al Kass TV.

microphones includes the MKH range of

range, the 3000/5000 series has long since

Al Rai TV.

RF condenser microphones that instantly

set an international standard in wireless

Bahrain TV.

became an industry-standard in shotgun

microphones design. These microphones

BBC Arabic.

microphones for outdoor broadcast, a range

provide exceptional sound and total freedom

Dubai TV.

recently extended to include the class-

of movement, while the modular receiver


leading MKH8000 series of compact and

concept provides flexibility and safety to

Kuwait Radio & TV.

shotgun microphones.

any type of performance. Every evening


wireless microphone systems.

the greatest artistes, the best theatres, the

Oman TV.

Sennheiser 2000 Series

most respected broadcasters and the most

Saudi Arabian Radio & TV.

- Wireless Microphones

highly regarded sound engineers place their

Sky News Arabia.

At the heart of its wireless microphone range,

confidence in Sennheiser’s 3000/5000 series.


Sennheiser offers the 2000 series. Regardless

Yemen Radio & TV.

of whether for theatre, broadcasting or

DIGITAL 9000 Series

live events, the 2000 series has become

- The Wireless Masterpiece

the first choice of sound engineers across

The pinnacle of Sennheiser’s wireless range

DIGITAL 9000 - The Wireless Masterpiece.



of the new range of studio monitors, which represent the latest in acoustic and electronic simulation and measurement technologies. The KH Range of loudspeakers represents Neumann’s use of the very latest in acoustic and electronic simulation and measurement technologies to ensure the most accurate sound reproduction possible. The range includes the KH 120 and KH 310 near-field monitors and the new KH 420 mid-field monitors, all of which feature Mathematically Modelled Dispersion (MMD) waveguides, flexible acoustic controls, analogue class-AB amplifiers, a number of input formats and an extensive range of mounting hardware. Perfect for tracking, mixing and mastering in music, broadcast, project and postproduction studios, these monitors can be used in conjunction with the KH 810 or 870 subs to extend the low-frequency response of the system and to increase the overall

Two MKH 800 in a stereo recording.

maximum output level of a system.

is DIGITAL 9000, a meticulously designed,

best analogue studio microphones into the

ground-breaking digital wireless system

digital domain. Thanks to a tailored A/D

that provides uncompressed digital audio

processor, the system meets requirements

transmission, free from intermodulation

of professional audio production. With

Sennheiser Middle East

and delivering stunning, artefact-free audio

a modular design, outstanding acoustic

Office 345, Building 6E/B

dynamics with cable-like purity. Targeting

reproduction and conforming to the AES-

Dubai Airport Free Zone

broadcasting professionals, (musical)

42 standard, Sennheiser and Neumann

PO Box 371004, Dubai, UAE

theatres and high-profile live audio events,

again lead the industry in development of

Tel: +971 4 299 4004

DIGITAL 9000 sets a new benchmark

microphone technology.



in digital wireless transmission. With a comprehensive suite of accessories, it has

Neumann KH Range | Studio Monitors

been designed for the highest channel counts

For decades, Neumann has been regarded

in today’s increasingly dense frequency

worldwide as the standard-setting, leading



manufacturer of studio microphones, with

Sennheiser Electronic GmbH &Co.KG

models such as the U47 and M49 assured

Am Labor 1, D-30900 Wedemark,

Sennheiser and Neumann

of legendary status, alongside more modern


Digital Microphones

incarnations such as the U87 and M149. It

Tel: +49 5130 600 000

Sennheiser and Neumann have pioneered

is difficult to imagine a professional studio

Fax: +49 5130 600 300

the implementation of digital microphones,

without a Neumann microphone and today


succeeding in bringing the dynamic range

a new chapter in Neumann’s long and

and signal fidelity of some of the world’s

illustrious history has begun with the launch



Production room.



Unrivalled archiving systems SGL is a leading provider of content

as a single storage repository, ensuring

archive and storage management

a seamless integration into all types of

software for multiple business sectors

workflow. With a mature network of both

including post production, news, sports

hardware and software partners, SGL

and government. Founded in 1991, the

has developed an unrivalled integration

company has clients on every continent,

programme providing broadcasters and

serviced globally by offices in the US, UK,

content owners with a truly adaptable and

Germany, Singapore and Australia. SGL’s

flexible video archiving solution.

FlashNet content storage management

SGL ensures that all its customers’ assets

system delivers unrivalled levels of

are fully protected. The company has many

resilience, flexibility and adaptability.

archives installed around the world where

Regardless of the size or environment,

Disaster Recovery (DR) workflows are

FlashNet’s clustered architecture and

either in use or can be made DR-capable

open approach provide secure, future-

quickly and easily. Its scalable FlashNet

proof business solutions that grow with

architecture provides a clustered system

the customer.

of multiple servers, or nodes, each in

FlashNet can control and manage all

constant communication. Each cluster

aspects of attached storage systems, whether

node has identical software installed, and

to near-line, disk, tape or optical disk. The

each is connected via a fibre channel into

software presents the broadcast archive

the archive devices - generally disk storage



and one or more tape libraries. At the heart of the cluster is a Microsoft SQL database, which is usually installed across two servers running a cluster for automatic failover. The archive has been revolutionised over the past few years and SGL has been at the forefront of this change. With the successful take-up of LTFS, fully supported by SGL, broadcasters and content owners have true inter-operability between what were once disparate systems. Now material can

LTFS is not a file format or even a wrapper; it presents an open standard for broadcasters to provide real inter-operability between systems

This places the ‘archive’ much further forward in the production process placing it alongside the ingest element of the chain. Instead of ingesting in the traditional sense, the material can now be moved directly into the LTFS archive. LTO has grown to become one of, if not the, de-facto tape format installed in tape libraries by broadcast-centric organisations implementing tape (and disk)-based archives. LTFS is not a file format or even a wrapper; it presents an open standard

be acquired directly to disk and draggedand-dropped to data tape then transported

archive, duplicate copies can be made

for broadcasters to provide real inter-

back to a facility. This removes the need

automatically to back-up the material, a

operability between systems. Any tape

to re-ingest content to the archive and

valuable standard feature that provides

written according to the LTFS specification

also enables large amounts of data to be

a wealth of benefits. The archive system

can be read by any other system using the

transported and archived on a single LTO

can also automatically copy the content to

same specification.

tape. This type of workflow is just as valid

a disk portion of the archive so that craft

SGL has partnered with broadcasters

on location as it is in a production facility.

editors can start working with the material

and systems integrators in the Middle

Once the tape has been loaded into the

as swiftly as possible.

East for many years, and is an established

Control room.



company in the region. SGL FlashNet is now installed and is delivering efficient broadcast archives to leading broadcasters throughout the Middle East including: AD Media, MBC, Qatar TV, Al Baghdadia, Al Aan, Al Kass and many others. For example, Qatar TV in Doha uses SGL FlashNet as a key element of its digital workflow based around an Avid production environment in its state-of-the-art facility. SGL’s FlashNet archive, which sits between an Avid Interplay MAM and a SpectraLogic T950 library with LTO tape for long-term storage, provides backup, archive and restore functionality. The installation also includes an Avid

Trevor Morecraft, EMEA Sales

Interplay PAM system that contains Avid

create integrated applications that can

edit suites with EVS production servers

instantly access the SGL content storage

and IPDirector playout and a Pebble Beach

management system. The SGL archive

automation system.

interfaces with systems from major

A further example is MBC. The

suppliers including Dalet, Omneon, Avid

broadcaster has installed SGL FlashNet

and EVS. It also allows the broadcaster to

as a key element of its digital workflow

create dynamic watch folders within its

to support its bouquet of HD channels.

nearline storage, allowing items broadcast

The broadcaster selected SGL FlashNet

to be moved to the watch folders ready

because of its open system architecture,

for archive.

which provides compatibility with MBC’s

SGL has a regular presence at CABSAT

broadcast, storage and server systems as

and will be highlighting its latest

well as its proven maturity as a broadcast

developments in 2015 on booth B3-42. Both

archive management system.

technical and commercial SGL staff will be

MBC used SGL’s XML-based API, which allows broadcast vendors to

available at the booth to answer archiving questions or to discuss possible projects.

With a mature network of both hardware and software partners, SGL has developed an unrivalled integration programme providing broadcasters and content owners with a truly adaptable and flexible video archiving solution

Bernie Walsh, Joint Managing Director.

contact Trevor Morecraft EMEA Sales Tel: +44 (0) 1489 889930 Marketing: Nicola Kay Marketing Manager Head Office: SGL Unit 12, Fulcrum 2 Solent Way Whiteley, PO15 7FN United Kingdom Social Media: Website: Twitter: @SGLBroadcast Linkedin: sgl Google+: +Sglbroadcast



Production Boomtown Productions Dejavu



Unrivalled production knowledge Boomtown Productions is a full service production company, headquartered in Dubai Media City, with offices in the London and Cape Town. It has been operational in the Middle East for over 15 years. Unashamedly director-led and creatively driven it is an international production company that believes that quality works. The company produces TV commercials, branded entertainment, TV and event content, documentary and corporate films. Boomtown focuses on adding value


at every stage, delivering creativity and the client’s budget where it matters the most - on the screen. They are proud to be the most awarded production company in the region, winning at Cannes Lions, Dubai Lynx, Cannes Dolphins, London International Film Festivals, Abu Dhabi Film Festival, South African Loeries, Mena Crystals and many others. A commitment to discovering and developing outstanding local and international talent gives them that unique agility. Its local and international

production knowledge and experience is second to none. Production Service Familiar with shooting internationally, Boomtown Productions understands service production, and helps international producers realise their work in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Lebanon. With their unmatched local knowledge and expertise, they can effectively make any production experience stress-free and creatively rewarding.




Latest Productions ‘Classified’ This was a series of 5 x 5 minute web episodes shot in dramatic thriller style, written and directed by Ali Mostafa, to launch the new Range Rover Evoque. Broadcast on the web over five weeks and subsequently on MBC Action, the series was a huge success. ‘Classified’ was shortlisted at the Cannes Lions in 2012 in the Branded Content category. Zayed Future Energy Prize This is the premier prize for sustainability and renewable energy in the world. Boomtown was commissioned to make the film content for the prestigious awards ceremony in January 2015. This meant sending three production teams to 24 different countries over a six-week period to deliver 35 minutes of stunning content. Shot and finished in 5K widescreen format using RED dragons, the end result was a captivating ceremony with the content projected on a 60M screen to an audience of 3500 people, including dignitaries and VIPs from around the world. ‘On the Shoulder of Giants’ Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi for Mubadala A half-hour documentary produced for Mubadala Abu Dhabi for the Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, the film was written and directed by multi-award winning Sofia De Fay. The film was shot in Cleveland Ohio, Las Vegas Nevada and Abu Dhabi. Broadcast on Abu Dhabi TV, it is a rich, engaging documentary featuring full historical reconstructions of Cleveland Clinic in the 1920s and interesting human stories. Shot on Alexa and finished at 2K.



Boomtown Productions are an experienced and talented company, creating quality content across all platforms and production disciplines. They have been instrumental in developing the local industry to the international standards that are evident today The UAE The UAE offers year round sunshine, stunning locations, amazing architecture, desert and mountain scenery and multiple luxury lifestyle destinations. It can offer state-ofthe-art sound stages and TV studios at Dubai Studio City and twofour54 Abu Dhabi. In addition, generous financial incentives including 30% cash rebates are available via the Abu

Awards for Boomtown Productions Cannes Silver and Bronze Lions. Cannes Dolphins Golds x 3 and Silver x 4. Dubai Lynx, Gold. Abu Dhabi Film Festival,

Dhabi Film Commission. This rebate is applicable to features, documentaries, commercials and TV content. Boomtown Digital Boomtown Digital is the multimedia arm of Boomtown Productions that was created to service clients who require branded content, experiential media, web series and multimedia digital strategies to exploit the fast growing online opportunities. Post-production Boomtown operates three fully equipped edit suites, running Flame, Avid DS, Premiere Pro and FCP, After Effects, Nuke and 3D Max. With a talented and experienced post-production team most projects are completed in-house.

They represent some fantastic international and local production talent, including an exclusive roster of carefully chosen award-winning international directors. Major clients are leading advertising agencies across the Middle East, global brands based in the Middle East and international producers shooting in the Middle East.

contact Boomtown Productions Building 4, Dubai Media City PO Box 73783, Dubai, UAE Tel: + 971 4 390 3970 Fax: + 971 4 390 8354 Email:

Black Pearl Award. Loerie (South Africa). New York Festivals. London International Gold. Mena Cristal, Production of the Year. Digital Studio, Production of the Year.

Company Overview Boomtown Productions are an experienced and talented company, creating quality content across all platforms and production disciplines. They have been instrumental in developing the local industry to the international standards that are evident today.

Contact: Shane Martin (Executive Producer) Daniel Kilalea (Producer) Tanya Abu Jaoude (Producer) Molly Martin (Marketing) Website:





Making movies and magic In the Middle East’s vibrant media industry, one company has been consistently making waves and forging bold new paths. Driven by the passion to excel, Dejavu, is today recognised as one of the most prolific and successful film production houses in the region - offering complete production and post-production services for both regional and international advertising commercials and films. At Dejavu, no job is too small. And every project is accorded the same amount of

detailed attention by a team of highly motivated professionals. This eye for detail, has ensured a steady stream of loyal regional and international clients that include: global telecom companies, automotive giants, international FMCG brands, fashion houses and renowned retailers. The journey that began in Dubai in 2007 has seen the company grow with a regional office now in Beirut, Lebanon. And prestigious international projects in countries like London, South Africa, Spain, Prague, Turkey, Thailand, Greece,



Italy, India, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Morocco, Palestine and Qatar, besides the UAE and Lebanon. The Dejavu portfolio spans an impressive range of productions television commercials, 3D animation films, documentaries and branded content for digital formats. The secret to their success lies in their young, vibrant team and the state-

The crowning moment for Dejavu was at Cannes 2014, where it won the Gold Lion for Film - a first for the entire region

of-the-art facilities, on-site and at their disposal. It is this right mix of people and technology that allows Dejavu to make magic time after time. And with alliances across different industry professionals around the world, the company has


become a one-stop shop for all film production needs in the region.

Déjàvu 2406, Shatha Tower

Services Provided

Dubai Media City, PO Box 502591




Tel: +971 4 3757410


Mob: +971 55 7422912 Fax: +971 4 4290655

No stranger to the awards circuit, Dejavu has been regularly racking up the gongs

Horsh Tabet

for its work.

Fouad Chehab Avenue

However, the year 2014 has been a

Lot 549, 8th Floor

landmark year for Dejavu. The company

Beirut, Lebanon

became the first recipient of the

Tel: +961 1 493 251

prestigious Lynx Palm at Dubai Lynx 2014, winning 15 Golds, 7 silvers and 1 bronze. But the crowning moment was at Cannes 2014, where the company won the Gold Lion for Film - a first for the entire region.


Social Media: Facebook: /DejavuDubai




Satellite ABS AsiaSat Eutelsat Gulfsat Communications Co HorizonSat MEASAT Global Berhad NSTT SkyStream Wiseband Yahlive



Extending coverage across continents ABS is one of the fastest growing satellite operators in the world with an average annual revenue growth rate of over 30% over the past six years. ABS operates a fleet of six satellites (ABS-1A, ABS-2, ABS-3, ABS-4, ABS-6 & ABS-7), covering 80% of the world’s population, providing tailored services to customers across the Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe, the Asia Pacific, CIS and Russia.

Headquartered in Bermuda, ABS has offices in the United States, Dubai, South Africa, Germany, Philippines, Indonesia and Hong Kong. ABS is majority owned by the Permira funds which are advised by the European Private Equity firm Permira. Permira funds acquired ABS in 2010. Services ABS is customer focused and continues to provide cost-effective reliable solutions to business partners and customers across

ABS will be expanding its satellite

broadcasting, data and managed services sectors.

capabilities with the launch of two Boeing 702SP satellites, ABS-3A and ABS-2A planned for 2015 at 3°W and 75°E

Media and Broadcast

locations respectively.

The ABS fleet supports a diverse Mohamed Youssif, Chief Operating Officer, ABS.



range of broadcast solutions and

Value-Added Services

applications from contribution through

ABS-2 West Hemi (WH) IP

allowing its customers to offer solutions

to distribution. ABS offers long term

Connect Service for Europe,

without incurring a large startup

24/7 services and transmits media in all

the Middle East and Africa

infrastructure cost by leveraging its

formats in MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 from

ABS-2 WH IP Connect service is an

teleports, technology platforms and expert

Standard Definition to High Definition.

IP trunking service that can support

engineering resources. Operators can

Services are available on C and

international and national data or

manage and monitor their VSAT networks

Ku-bands across the satellite fleet.

broadband connectivity for enterprise and

in a cost-effective manner with minimum

These include:

government networks over Europe, the

capital expenditure. ABS VNO services

Direct-to Home (DTH) television

Middle East and Africa. The IP Connect

are available on Ka, Ku and C bands, using

service streamlines networks into one

a number of its satellites, as per below:

manageable and affordable solution with

ABS-2 West Hemi Beam VNO operating

service. Programming and content delivery to cable head-ends and pay TV

built-in flexibility.

operators. Video contribution and content distribution. Satellite News Gathering (SNG).

ABS provides a number of VNO services

in C-band. ABS-2 MENA Beam VNO operating in

Virtual Network Operator (VNO) Services for Europe, the Middle East and Africa

Ka-band. ABS-7 Steerable Beam VNO operating in Ku-band.




ABS-2 | 75°E


VNO Network ABS-2 MENA Beam VNO (Ka-band).


ABS BAH Teleport 4.9m Antenna 1.2m Remotes

VNO NOC WAN Network Hub System

ABS-2 Ka-band MENA.

ABS-3A Ku-band SAF.

Satellite Details ABS-2

ABS-3, (inclined orbit)


End of life: Estimated 2028.

End of life: February 2016.

Launch date: February 2015.

Orbital position: 75ºE.

Orbital position: 3ºW.

Design Lifetime: 15 years.

Transponders: 89 C, Ku and Ka-band.

Transponders: 24 Std-C & 6 Ex-C-band

Orbital position: 3ºW.

Key Highlights

and 24 Ku-band.

Transponders: 24 C & 24 Ku-band.

Key Highlights

Key Highlights

location at 75°E, serving four continents.

ABS-3 brings in high-powered capacity

Extends ABS’ C and Ku-band coverage

6 dedicated high-powered Ku-band

to the sub-Saharan African region to

beams for DTH services in the eastern

serve Africa’s growing communications



Brings substantial capacity to its prime

Multiple options for Ku-band connectivity. Industry leading high-powered C-band beams for Africa and South East Asia connectivity requirements. Ka-band beam targeting the MENA region offers cost-effective solutions for commercial and military applications.


Teleport facilities in Tel Aviv and Bahrain are equipped to support Internet Trunking.

into the Atlantic Ocean region. Three C-band beams cover the Americas, the Middle East and Africa along with a global beam. Four Ku-band beams cover Europe, MENA, South Africa and the Americas. The satellite supports VSAT services, TV distribution, IP trunking, cellular backhaul and maritime services.


ABS-2 West Hemi Beam IP Connect

ABS-2 | 75°E

ABS Teleport 9.0m Antenna

Newtec DVB -S2 Ext Modem

ABS-2 West Hemi Beam IP Connect (C-band).


3.8m Remote (MDM-6000 Modem)

ABS-3A Ku-band MENA.

ABS-2 C-band West Hemi.



End of Life: 2020.

End of life: June 2018.

Orbital position: 61ºE.

Orbital position: 116.1ºE.

Transponders: High-powered cross


Transponders: 30 Ku and 3 Ka-band.

Mohamed Youssif,

polarised Ku/S band beams: West Beam

Key Highlights

and East Beam.

Chief Operating Officer

The two FSS beams cover Afghanistan

Key Highlights

and the Middle East region,

Equipped with S-band and Ku-band

making it ideal for GSM cellular

coverage over the GCC countries. The satellite provides direct broadcast of digital audio/video content to mobile

backhaul, satellite broadband, VSAT services and government applications.

Dubai Office – PO Box 502129 ABS 2107-2108, Al Thuraya Tower 1 Dubai Media City, Dubai, UAE

users via two high-powered cross

High-powered BSS Ku-band coverage

polarised Ku/S band beams: West Beam

over Pakistan, Afghanistan and North

Tel: +971 4 454 2677

and East Beam.

West India is suitable for DTH & CATV

Fax: +971 4 454 2655

video distribution.


It is also capable of distributing digital data content to terrestrial repeater

Ka-band with beam over Afghanistan

networks within the beam via two Ku/

and Pakistan provides services suitable

Ku-band beams.

for government applications.




Panoramic coverage across regions APT Satellite Company Limited is

shop’ services for transponder, satellite

Satellite fleet

a wholly owned subsidiary of APT

telecommunications and satellite


Satellite Holdings Limited, a listed

TV broadcasting and transmission

APSTAR-5 is a high-power satellite, with

company on The Stock Exchange of


the latest in advanced technology, built by

Hong Kong Limited, collectively known

telecommunication customers.

as the APT Group.




Space Systems/Loral. Equipped with 38

To go in line with business development,

C-band and 16 Ku-band transponders, it

The group commenced operations in

the company is equipped with quality

is based on the highly reliable FS-1300

1992 and currently owns a fleet of five

ground facilities including teleports

platform. APSTAR-5 provides broad

in-orbit satellites, namely, APSTAR-

and TV broadcasting centres, pooling

C-band transponder coverage over Asia,


together versatile satellite frequency

Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific islands

and APSTAR-9A forming the APSTAR

resources, for the provision of TV playout

and Hawaii, as well as high-power Ku-

Satellite System, covering regions in

and uplink, DTH, telecommunications

band transponder coverage over Mainland

Asia, Middle East, Oceania and most

and IP transit. APT also strives to enhance

China, India, Taiwan, Hong Kong and

parts of Europe. This vast regional

its competitive advantage and promote


influence stretches across approximately

business growth through the formation

75% of the world’s population and

of strategic alliances with prestigious

distribution, DTH broadcasting, Internet

provides excellent quality ‘one-stop-

international satellite service contractors.

and VSAT services within the Asia Pacific









region, and also inter-connection to the United States via the Hawaii spot beam. APSTAR-5 was successfully launched by sea launch on June 29, 2004 to geo-stationary orbital slot 138°E as a replacement satellite for APSTAR-1. It has an estimated operational lifetime of over 15 years. APSTAR-6 APSTAR-6, positioned at 134E, is the replacement satellite for APSTAR-1A and was launched in 12 April, 2005 using Long March 3B rocket. The satellite is based on the SPACBUS4000-C2 platform, one of the most reliable satellite platforms today and developed by Alcatel Space (now Thales Alenia Space France). It has an estimated operational lifetime of over 15 years. The APSTAR-6 payload system consists of 38 C-band transponders and 12 Ku-band transponders. Equipped with powerful 64W linearised TWTAs, the C-band transponders cover Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific islands and Hawaii. The Ku-band transponders mainly focus on the Greater China region. It is designed with powerful and linearised TWTAs, single polarisation and other unique features, allowing it to provide ideal solutions for DTH, SNG and other broadcast and telecommunication services in the region. APSTAR-7

APSTAR-2R, APSTAR-7 has the merits

advanced technology, APSTAR-7 provides

APSTAR-7 is based on the Thales Alenia’s

of high power, high reliability, and it

improved communication performance,

SPACEBUS4000-C2 platform which is

was launched on 31 March 2012 with an

power and efficiency to customers.

one of the most reliable satellite platforms

estimated lifespan of more than 18 years.

The four Ku-band beams cover China,

present in the market today. The satellite

APSTAR-7 has 28 C-band and 28 Ku-

Middle East, North Africa and Central

is built with 28 C-band transponders and

band transponders. The C-band global

Asia and another steerable area that is

28 Ku-band transponders.

beam covers four continents - Asia,

complementary to the fixed beams.

As the replacement satellite of


Europe, Africa and Australia. Through its

Owing to its prime orbital slot,


broadcasters, utilise APSTAR-7 for distributing their channels across the region. APSTAR-9 The company’s latest APSTAR-9 satellite will be launched in the fourth quarter of this year, and tests and preparations are running smoothly for its launch. The APSTAR-9 Satellite, a DFH-4 platform provided by CASC (China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation) will be located at 142E orbital slot to replace APSTAR-9A satellite. APSTAR-9 is equipped with 32 C-band and 14 Ku-band transponders. C-band coverage consists of one broad beam for Asia Pacific region (‘AP Beam’) and one enhanced beam for South East Asia (‘SEA Beam’), suitable for video broadcast, VSAT networks and cellular backhaul services, Ku-band will cover West Pacific and East India Ocean region, providing DTH, VSAT, mobility services such as maritime and inflight connectivity.

contact APT Satellite Company Ltd 22 Dai Kwai Street Tai Po Industrial Estate Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong Tel: +852-26002100 Fax: +852-25220419 Email: Website:

APSTAR-7 has the largest geographic

services, which is one of the major reasons

coverage over all visible landmass,

why APSTAR-7, through its predecessor

including all of Middle East, Asia,

APSTAR-2R, has become one of the highly

MENA region

Australia, most parts of Africa and Europe,

demanded satellites in this region.

Thomas Antony

as well as numerous islands scattered

A number of well-known global

across the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

broadcast service providers, such as Sony

Such advantages make APSTAR-7 ideal

Pictures (AXN), HBO, Disney, Hallmark,

for broadcast and telecommunication

Globecast, BBC, as well as other regional

Tel: + 971 50 7544317 Email:



AsiaSat’s Tai Po Earth Station in Hong Kong.


AsiaSat’s Customer Network Centre provides 24/7 all rounded support to customers


Preferred broadcasting gateway Asia Satellite Telecommunications

Since 1990, AsiaSat has been at the

capacity and diversifying its service

Company Limited (AsiaSat), the leading

forefront of Asian satellite television.

portfolio to meet the growing and

satellite operator in Asia, serves over

Today, AsiaSat operates Asia’s most

changing needs of its clients. With

two-thirds of the world’s population

popular TV distribution platforms

new satellites AsiaSat 6 and AsiaSat 8

with its six in-orbit satellites - AsiaSat

for Middle Eastern, South Asian, East

launched in 2014, and AsiaSat 9 planned

3S, AsiaSat 4, AsiaSat 5, AsiaSat 6,

Asian, European and international

for launch in 2017, AsiaSat with its high-

AsiaSat 7 and AsiaSat 8.

programming. Over 450 television and

quality C, Ku and Ka-band capacity, is

AsiaSat provides services to a

radio channels are delivered by AsiaSat’s

ready to serve new DTH, video broadcast,

diverse range of clients in the world,

satellites offering access to over 710

VSAT and data transmission services in

including international, regional and

million TV households across the Asia-

the region.

national broadcasters, news agencies,

Pacific region. AsiaSat also provides

AsiaSat is a wholly-owned subsidiary

telecommunications and broadband

telecommunications operators and end

of Asia Satellite Telecommunications

service providers, as well as corporations

users services such as private VSAT

Holdings Limited, a company listed

and governments for satellite-based

networks and broadband multimedia.

on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong


AsiaSat has been expanding its fleet

Limited (Stock Code: 1135).



ASIASAT 5 (100.5 ºE) C-BAND EIRP (dBW)


Over 450 television and radio channels are delivered by AsiaSat’s satellites offering access to over 710 million TV households across the Asia-Pacific region 40 38

AsiaSat’s Powerful Distribution

36 34





Services across Asia Pacific AsiaSat satellites are the preferred gateway to the Asia-Pacific market for many international broadcasters and leading

AsiaSat 5 (100.5ºE) C-band EIRP (dBW).



channel providers in the MENA region. Through its Tai Po Earth Station in Hong Kong and worldwide teleport partners, AsiaSat offers world-class, value-added transmission services including signal downlink, turnaround and uplink, fibre connectivity, DVB-S2/S MCPC platforms, signal encryption, playout service, equipment hosting and disaster recovery facilities. AsiaSat’s clients on board AsiaSat 5 include the most renowned public and


international broadcasters from this region.


They are BeIN Sports, Al Jazeera, Dubai


52 52

46 44


TV, Saudi Arabian TV, Oman TV, Al Kass, Kuwait TV, Yemen TV, Abu Dhabi TV, Qatar TV, Syria TV, Sharjah TV, Sudan TV, Al Arabiya, Oyoun Al Watan TV, Hadi TV, Abu Dhabi Al Emarat, Quran TV, Sunna TV and various radio services from the Middle East.

AsiaSat 5 (100.5ºE) Ku-band South Asia Beam EIRP (dBW). Jan2015






ASIASAT 7 (105.5 ºE) KU-BAND SOUTH ASIA BEAM EIRP (dBW) AsiaSat’s High-powered Ku-band Capacity for the MENA Region AsiaSat satellites are designed with exceptional power and unique Ku-


band coverage to provide DTH, data


broadcasting and mobile backhaul

48 50

services in high growth markets such as

51 52

the Middle East region. In addition to the Ku-band South Asia beam on AsiaSat 5 and AsiaSat 7, AsiaSat 8 also carries a new high-powered Middle


East beam. With its Ku-band TWTAs at 210 watts, the most powerful amplifiers


ever launched in Asia, AsiaSat 8 offers high downlink EIRP up to 57 dBW across major cities in the region. AsiaSat 8 also offers powerful Ku-band beams over China, India and South East Asia, with inter-beam switching capability to provide greater flexibility of usage. AsiaSat 7 (105.5ºE) Ku-band South Asia Beam EIRP (dBW).


With 24 Ku-band transponders and a Jan2015

Ka-band payload, the SSL-built AsiaSat 8, is co-located with AsiaSat 7, where AsiaSat has established networks providing service since 1990. Based on a SSL 1300 platform, AsiaSat 8 has a design life of 15 years.

contact 56

AsiaSat 12/F, Harbour Centre 25 Harbour Road Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2500 0888 Fax: (852) 2500 0895


55 54 52

Sabrina Cubbon Vice President, Sales and Marketing Email: Website: Linkedin: asiasat Facebook: asiasat2014 Youtube: asiasatellite

AsiaSat 8 (105.5ºE) Ku-band Middle East Beam EIRP (dBW). Jan2015





Powerful regional influence Established in 1977, Eutelsat is one of the

offices and teleports around the globe,

world’s leading and most experienced

Eutelsat represents a workforce of 1,000

operators of communications satellites.

men and women from 32 countries who

The company provides capacity on

are experts in their fields and work with

35 satellites to clients that include

clients to deliver the highest quality of

broadcasters and broadcasting


associations, pay TV operators, video, data and internet service providers,

MENA regional influence

enterprises and government agencies.

Eutelsat has provided coverage of the

Eutelsat’s satellites provide ubiquitous

MENA region since it launched its first

coverage of Europe, the Middle East,

satellite over 30 years ago.

Africa, Asia-Pacific and the Americas,

Since then, the company has continued

enabling video, data, broadband and

to make a key contribution to building

government communications to be

communications infrastructure that is

established irrespective of a user’s

redefining the media landscape across

location. Headquartered in Paris, with

the region. Eutelsat has established



strong and longstanding partnerships with MENA operators and broadcasters and developed leading Direct-to-Home neighbourhoods reaching viewers from Morocco to the Gulf States. These include 7/8 degrees West, operated in partnership with Nilesat since 2006, 13 degrees East (HOT BIRD), and 7 degrees East for the Turkish market. 2014 saw a number of significant milestones in Eutelsat’s commitment to the MENA region: The leadership of the Eutelsat-Nilesat 7/8 degrees West neighbourhood was confirmed with an audience of more than 51 million homes now receiving an unequalled line-up of 1,050 Arabic and international channels from satellites


Eutelsat has a powerful fleet of 35 satellites that cater to the needs of users around the world, including broadcasters, payTV operators, video, data and internet service providers, enterprises and government agencies

operated at this neighbourhood. Eutelsat believes that the move to higher quality afforded by HD and, in the future, 4K, will further consolidate satellite and the 7/8 degrees West position as a core infrastructure in the region. The strength of the 7/8 degrees West neighbourhood has been further anchored over the past year by Nilesat, Gulfsat, Noorsat, Viewsat, OSN, and MBC who have all signed long-term leases for multiple transponders on the EUTELSAT 8 West B satellite which will be launched in mid-2015 to 7/8 degrees West. The 7 degrees East orbital location has been optimised with the relocation of the DTH broadcast satellite, EUTELSAT


7B. Launched in 2013, this new satellite

from the Mediterranean to Yemen, Sudan

is now collocated with EUTELSAT 7A

and Mauritania. It also extends ASBU’s

(which is used by Digiturk) at 7 degrees

footprint to Europe.

East to expand the Turkish, Farsi and

The newly launched MBC PRO Sports

Kurd neighbourhoods. This redeployment

channels are now being successfully

complements Eutelsat’s HOT BIRD

broadcast on Eutelsat 7/8 degrees West

neighbourhood at 13 degrees East, which

spot beams. These premium channels

is the second most-watched position in

specialised in Saudi Premier League are

the Middle East after 7/8 degrees West.

delivered with superior HD quality. As

In April 2014, the Arab States

part of a strategic collaboration between

Broadcasting Union (ASBU) selected

Abu Dhabi Media (ADM) - one of the

Ku-band capacity on the EUTELSAT

fastest growing, multi-platform media

21B satellite which provides exceptional

and entertainment organisations in the

reach of the Middle East, North Africa

Middle East - and OSN, the region’s

and Europe. This capacity is used for

leading pay-TV network, ADM’s

content exchanges between ASBU

subscription-based channels have been

member broadcasters in a region

available exclusively on OSN at 7/8

extending from Morocco to Bahrain and

degrees West since September 2014.

contact Headquarters Eutelsat 70 rue Balard 75015 Paris France Tel: +33 153984747 Website: Social Media: Twitter: Eutelsat_SA Facebook: Eutelsat.SA Linkedin: eutelsat Youtube: eutelsatvideo Flickr: eutelsat_communications





Pioneers in satellite services Since its remarkable inception in 1995,

efficiency and customer-centric approach

Gulfsat Communications has been

has allowed the company to grow rapidly

a forerunner in satellite services.

and to sustain a primary position in the

Committed to providing an innovative

avenue of broadcast services.

platform for satellite communications,

A subsidiary of United Networks, a

satellite broadcasting and managed

member of the Kuwait Projects Company

telecommunication solutions in the

(KIPCO Group), the region’s leading

Middle East and North Africa (MENA),

investment group, Gulfsat has become a

the Gulfsat spectrum has a global reach

force to reckon with. KIPCO has earned the

and at the very heart of its business

reputation of being the premier investment

strategy lie its unrivalled technical

holding company in the MENA region,

expertise and a solution-driven

growing substantially since its establishment

business model.

in 1975, and making investments in a

Based in Kuwait, Gulfsat is the only company that broadcasts from the United States covering the MENA region. This capability has made it a locally-based

diversified portfolio of companies, operating Mohammed Alhaj, Chairman & CEO, Gulfsat.

company with an international reach and in

across an extended geographical footprint. Rent a Place in Space Gulfsat’s success story is linked with

effect connecting the globe. The exponential

and communication services. Its portfolio

Gulfsat’s Gcast facilities located in various

growth of communication solutions has

features services that aim to foster its

countries, and offering channel broadcasters

triggered a demand for solution-driven

broadcast business through high-quality

occasional usage or longtime project on

applications that are at the core of Gulfsat’s

satellite resources. Such a wealth of services

hire. Gcast’s turnkey solutions address

vision and mission.

successfully provides for the needs of

all the requirements of the channel

Gulfsat is a solutions provider of

Gulfsat’s customers. The company’s

broadcaster under one platform while the

reliable and cost-effective networking

unparalleled state-of-the-art solutions,

fibre connectivity and global MPLS PoP(s)



allow Gcast to carry and distribute content

employs global infrastructure (satellite

services – a state-of-the-art facility that


and terrestrial) to transport video from

delivers superior technology and expertise

Gcast offers secure, flexible and reliable

the channel broadcaster’s studio or office

required to run complete multi-channel

distribution of audio and broadcast

to Gulfsat’s uplink stations for onward

bouquets, which include live programmes

transmission over its DTH platforms.

distribution to direct to home (DTH).

and studio feeds. Gulfsat’s solutions offer

Gcast provides a comprehensive service

Gcast provides satellite contribution

end-to-end playout services for single and

that covers the entire transmission and

link over Ku-band and C band – while the

multiple channels with 24x7 monitoring

distribution process starting from encoding,

intercontinental contribution link provides

capabilities using fully automated technology.

playout, multiplexing, and uplinking satellite

service using Ku-band to cover the Middle

Their multi-transponder footprint

capacity to monitoring during transmission.

East and Europe, the C band serves Asia,

assists customers in maximising bandwidth

Africa and the Americans.

with minimum costs and allows channel

Playout: Gcast manages television playout

programmes to grow.

Broadcast Services Uplink: Gulfsat’s footprint covers New York, London, Slovenia, Cyprus, Egypt, Jordan, KSA, Dubai, Bahrain, Kuwait and Singapore which expands the delivery of TV channels through different teleports over a costeffective platform. Gulfsat operates space segment on different satellites and provides uplink services for broadcasting and re-broadcasting of TV channels. Their global fibre and satellite infrastructure has enabled the delivery of point-to-point connectivity for any video, audio or data content with superior and unmatched quality. Turnaround & Contribution: Gcast Turnaround and contribution service



SNG (Satellite News Gathering): Gcast satellite news gathering vehicle (SNG) is equipped with the latest technology that enables broadcasters to transmit directly from events as they occur, and keep their audiences updated in real-time. Its incredible features consists of: Quick Set-up. Auto-acquisition controller for ease of operation. Interface with all types of RF electronics and services. Stabilising legs that create increased wind resistance for quick set-up. Packaging options - cabin baggage soft cases, backpack versions and rugged technological growth, Gulfsat’s Glink

Full peering and cross connect with tier-

Video Backhauling: Gulfsat provides Gcast

hard cases.

comprehensively covers the diverse

one MPLS carriers are deployed at their

video-backhauling, a service attractive to TV

communications and networking needs

international PoP(S) in Americas, Europe

broadcasters who want to take advantage

of corporate entities, governments and

and the Far East. The services provided

of the cost-effectiveness and flexibility

other business enterprises by providing

by Gulfsat allow access to major off-net

of IP video transport while retaining the

competitive advantages in terms of cost,

geographies, 24/7 network monitoring

highest possible video quality for HD

reliability and ease of use. Glink also

and management, end-to-end-managed

backhaul. Gulfsat’s solution is designed

provides proprietary encryption and

services, choice of local access at all major

for real-time backhaul of professional

security services for networks, as well as

locations, managed router services to all

video over IP networks. These solutions

other IT services, including ethical hacking

major locations and end-to-end seamless

also deliver broadcast quality video at

services from third-party provider.

integration with MPLS/Satellite networks.

standard definition, high definition and

Committed to growing their pool of

uncompressed video speeds over internet

services, Gulfsat’s target markets include

or any public or private data networks.

the oil and gas industry, the government

Gcast video backhauling protects video

sector, construction, telecommunication

signals from severe network impairments,

companies, banking and finance, and

such as delay, jitter and packet loss, and

shipping and logistics companies in

preserves broadcast quality video. Gcast

addition to GSM backhauling.

advanced video solution guarantees the backhaul of high quality video in standard

International Data Service

or high definition over their IP network.

Gulfsat’s international data services are

Gulfsat’s extended infrastructure enables

designed to deliver efficient, secure,

broadcasters to transmit high-quality point-

scalable and reliable methods of connecting

to-point, multipoint and multiplexed video

customer sites in multiple locations and

around the globe.

countries. Their nodes are interconnected through fully protected STM-1 circuits

Secure Connectivity means Business

across different international cable systems

Like leaders at the forefront of

to the internet and Global MPLS network.

contact Gulfsat Communications Company W.L.L. Al Qibla Block 3, Ali Alsalem Street, United Networks Building, Kuwait City PO Box: 2400, Safat: 13025, Kuwait City Tel: +965 2291 7777 SAT Desk: +965 2291 7799 Fax: +965 2240 2201 Email: Website:





Taking the lead with quality satellite systems HorizonSat is a leading satellite service

HorizonSat has witnessed remarkable

operating in the field of defence, voice over IP,

provider covering the Middle East,

growth since inception, and is known for

broadcasting distribution/contribution and

Africa, Asia and Europe. HorizonSat

technical standards and its professional

internet services (ISPs). HorizonSat has been

currently operates on Eutelsat’s E70B,

approach to telecom solutions. It was

aggressively increasing its market share and

E21B, E3C, E10A, Sesat-2, E7A, Intelsat’s

the first company to launch services on

is reaching high volumes of satellite capacity

IS-12, IS10-02 Yahsat 1A, Apstar-7 and

DVB-S2 in the Middle East – a substantial

with various satellite operators.

Azercomsat-1 satellites.

differentiator from other service providers

Recognised as a key provider of satellite

in the region and Africa.

Brand New Teleport

communications services in the Middle

Always at the forefront of new

HorizonSat established its own teleport

East, Asia and Africa, HorizonSat supports

technologies, HorizonSat is renowned

in Munich, Germany under the name of

strategic and institutional clients in the field

for implementing the latest satellite

Horizon Teleports. Horizon Teleports can

of telecommunications (broadband and

modulations from leading satellite

offer access to C-Band, Ku-Band and Ka-

broadcast) and attributes its success to its

equipment manufacturers in order to

Band satellites located at 55 degrees west

dedication in implementing solutions that

optimise its use of spectral efficiencies to

to 78 degrees east.

leverage the latest satellite technologies and

ensure its customers’ competitive advantage.

With a fully manned team of experienced

support through its 24/7 operations centre.

HorizonSat will continue to work closely

support engineers monitoring the teleport

HorizonSat offers a broad range of

with its customers, focusing on their

24/7 and top-of-the-line equipment

services that include IP trunking, private

objectives and creating solutions that ensure

featuring the latest technologies, Horizon

networks, VoIP and GSM backhauling,

continued success in their mission’s critical

Teleports helps clients reach their intended

media and broadcast services inclusive


goals cost-effectively.

turnaround. The company also provides

Global Reach

with 16 high-end antennae that offers high

managed broadband solutions (VNO) on

HorizonSat’s client base includes some

quality coverage and guarantees 99.99%

i-direct and other platforms.

of the largest corporations in the region

uptime. With a solid background in terms

This state-of-the-art teleport is equipped

of video distribution, contribution and



Services • IP Trunking. • GSM Backhauling. • Broadcasting Solutions. • Private Networks. • ISDN Solutions via Satellite. • i-Direct Broadband Services. Technologies • SCPC (Single Carrier Per Channel). • MCPC (Multi Carrier Per Channel). • TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access). • DAMA (Demand Access Multiple Access). • CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access). • DVB-S (Digital Video Broadcasting,

HorizonSat has witnessed remarkable growth since inception, and is known for technical standards and its professional approach to telecom solutions

Operations Centre operates on a 24x7 out of Munich, Germany and is backed up by a second Network Operations Centre in

Standard Modulation). • DVB-S2 (Digital Video Broadcasting, Generation 2).

Dubai, UAE. Achievements HorizonSat Management Structure

HorizonSat has witnessed remarkable

HorizonSat maintains a flat management

growth owing to client confidence

structure with direct access to its executives

in its capabilities, service quality and

to facilitate the decision-making process.

responsiveness. The company has built

Inquiries are processed between sales,

a reputation for rapid service activation

contracts and operations within the same

and customised solutions, thereby setting

location efficiently and rapidly. Customers

it apart from other service providers in the

are also constantly posted on the status of

Middle East and Africa.

their links and activation process. of experience and technical expertise,


Horizon Teleports assures clients of high

HorizonSat is a communications company

standards of service and quality at all times.

that focuses on satisfying its customers

Horizon Teleports provides managed

by providing them with innovative and

and customised solutions, detailed

cost-effective solutions, fully redundant

technical consultancy, with a redundant

reliable services, record availability rates,

core network and backbone connectivity

and round-the-clock support. Teamwork

that is second to none in terms of efficiency

and personal employee satisfaction are


and performance.

essential factors that enable Horizon to


To ensure that customers are always connected, Horizon Teleports Network


meet its objectives in creating value for its clients and shareholders.

contact HorizonSat FZ-LLC PO Box 502343 Dubai – UAE Tel: + 97143915122 Fax: +97143912906




Premium reliable satellite services across multiple regions MEASAT is a premium supplier of

Africa, the AFRICASAT-1a satellite at

Broadcast Services

satellite communication services to

46.0°E provides satellite capacity across

Broadcast Distribution

leading international broadcasters,

the African continent with connectivity


Direct-To-Home (DTH) platforms and

to Europe, the Middle East and South

satellites’ global and regional beams,

telecom operators. With capacity

East Asia. The MEASAT fleet will be

broadcasters are able to distribute TV

across six communication satellites,

further strengthened with the addition

channels to pay TV operators in over 150

the company provides satellite services

of MEASAT-3c at 91.5°E in 2016 and

countries for transmission to their viewers.

to over 150 countries representing

MEASAT-2a at 148.0°E in 2017.

80% of the world’s population, across

Leveraging facilities at the MEASAT

Asia, Middle East, Africa, Europe and

Teleport and Broadcast Centre, and working

The MEASAT fleet allows viewers to


with a select group of world-class partners,

receive a wide selection of local and

The MEASAT fleet includes the state-

MEASAT also provides a complete range of

international TV programming via a small,

of-the-art MEASAT-3, MEASAT-3a and

broadcast and telecommunications solutions.

easily mounted satellite dish. Using high

MEASAT-3b satellites co-located at 91.5°E,

Services include 3D, high-definition

powered Ku-band payloads, the technology

supporting Asia’s premium DTH and video

and standard definition video playout,

also supports applications such as video on

distribution neighbourhood - MEASAT-2

video turnaround, co-location, uplinking,

demand, interactive TV and high definition

at 148.0°E and MEASAT-5 at 119.5°E. In

broadband and IP termination services.

(HD) TV.


Direct-To-Home (DTH) Television


Satellite coverage map of AFRICASAT-1a C-band Transponder Performance Specifications EIRP (dBW): 42 (max) G/T (dB/°K): -1 (max) TWTA Power: 65 Watts Transponder Bandwidth: 36 MHz Channel Polarisation: Linear Spacecraft Type of Satellite: Orbital STAR-2.4 Stabilisation: 3 axis stabilised Supplier: Orbital Sciences Corporation Satellite status: Operational

Satellite News Gathering

and with the support of partners in Kuala

these expanded cellular networks,

The global and regional C-Band beams

Lumpur, Hong Kong, Singapore and

customers and governments will be able to

of MEASAT and AFRICASAT satellites

Middle East, TV channels can be originated

provide a wide range of telecommunications

allow broadcasters to connect remote

and distributed via the MEASAT and

solutions to consumers. These solutions

news gathering TV crews directly back

AFRICASAT satellites to pay TV operators

include complete cellular backhaul services

to their TV studios without the need for

across the Asia Pacific and Africa.

and also the link which helps support the

terrestrial networks. The MEASAT fleet

Working with a group of leading

is able to relay the latest news from over

broadcasting and uplink service providers,

150 countries to audiences locally and

MEASAT also provides HD MPEG-

regionally within minutes.

4 solutions that allow broadcasters to

IP Trunking – IP over

originate and distribute the latest HD

Satellite Transit (iPOST)

channels across the region.

MEASAT’s iPOST service provides

Video Playout / Uplink MEASAT provides a complete video

Malaysian government’s Universal Service Provisioning access in remote areas.

customers with flexible bandwidth for

playout solution including advertisement

Telecommunications Services

internet connectivity, by linking remote

insertion, sub-titling, dubbing, encryption,

Cellular Backhaul

sites to a multi-homed internet backbone.

uplinking and satellite distribution. From

MEASAT offers its customers cellular

Through iPOST, MEASAT is able to offer a

tape to electronically delivered content,

backhaul services via satellite. Through

scalable solution tailored to the customer’s



bandwidth requirements to meet current and future demand.

Satellite coverage map of MEASAT-3

MEASAT Value-Added Services The state-of-the-art MEASAT Teleport and Broadcast Centre (MTBC) houses

Maritime/Oil and Gas

C-band Transponder Performance

MEASAT’s corporate office, satellite

MEASAT and AFRICASAT satellite


control centre for MEASAT and

services are the foundation for service providers specialising in serving communications to the maritime and oil and gas industries. End users in these

EIRP (dBW): 42 (Global Beam) / 45 (Asia Beam) G/T (dB/°K): +1.2 (Global Beam) / +2.4 (Asia Beam)

AFRICASAT satellites, and provides a secure facility to accommodate customers’ equipment. MTBC offers fully redundant uplink and downlink Radio Frequency (RF)

mission critical sectors demand robust,

TWTA Power: 65 Watts

transmission, Disaster Recovery hosting,

high-availability communication networks

Transponder Bandwidth: 36 MHz

and connectivity to regional satellites

that can be relied upon 24x7.

Channel Polarisation: Linear

via a farm of 17 antennas. Staffed 24 x 7 by a team of highly qualified satellite

VSAT Networks MEASAT allows customers to link multiple locations with high-speed, reliable and secure satellite VSAT communication networks. These networks enable corporations and governments to build networks that span vast areas in a simple, cost-effective manner.


Spacecraft Type of Satellite: Boeing 601 HP HP Stabilisation: 3 axis stabilised Supplier: Boeing Satellite Systems International, Inc. Satellite Status: Operational

engineers, MEASAT’s teleport service level availability exceeds 99.97%. Co-Location MEASAT provides a secure facility to accommodate and operate customers’ VSAT hubs or data centres. MTBC offers 1,100 sqm of co-location space,


Satellite coverage map of MEASAT-3a C-band Transponder Performance Specifications EIRP (dBW): 42 G/T (dB/°K): +1.3 TWTA Power: 60 Watts Transponder Bandwidth: 36 MHz Channel Polarisation: Linear Spacecraft Type of Satellite: Orbital STAR-2.3 Stabilisation: 3 axis stabilised Supplier: Orbital Sciences Corporation Satellite Status: Operational

fully supported by dual incoming power

agencies and local internet service providers

supplies from independent power grids,

for the Malaysian broadband initiative.

dual Uninterruptible Power Supply

Stemming from its success, MEASAT

(UPS) and additional back-up provided

extended the MBS across its fleet of satellites,

MEASAT Satellite Systems Sdn. Bhd.

by generators equipped with automatic

allowing customers to maintain focus on core

MEASAT Teleport & Broadcast Centre

synchronising circuitries.

business activities whilst leveraging on the

63000 Cyberjaya, Malaysia

MBS to better manage operation costs and

General line: + 603 8213 2188

mitigate investment risks.

Fax: +603 8213 2233

Innovation Lab The MEASAT Innovation Lab is designed



to provide customers with a comprehensive

Multi-homed IP Transit

test bed to develop and validate satellite

With multiple peering arrangements and

Raj Malik

applications for MEASAT and AFRICASAT

redundant fibre connectivity to local,

Senior Vice President –

satellites. This facility extends MEASAT’s

regional and global Point-of-Presences

Sales and Marketing

support towards both local and international

(POPs), MEASAT’s IP Transit service is

General line: + 603 8213 2188

customers to develop new ways to utilise the

ideal for mission-critical applications

Direct line: + 603 8213 2103 (PA)

MEASAT and AFRICASAT satellites.

which require high availability and low-

Email: (PA)

latency connectivity, to entry-level internet Managed Bandwidth Services (MBS)

broadband connectivity. MEASAT’s

Social Media:

MEASAT has bundled its teleport services

IPv6-ready network ensures support for


with MEASAT-5’s satellite bandwidth and

customers’ future business continuity and

VSAT systems to support government




NSTT provides satellite capacity, terrestrial services and remote station management.



Preferred partner for networking technology services Network



spectrum of customers, no matter how

Trading (NSTT) provides world-

big or small their business requirements.

• SCPC links.

class communication networking

Its current customer portfolio includes

• Carrier Services.

satellite related services, internet

but is not limited to, large corporations,

• DVB Services.

access solutions and satellite media

educational institutions, hotels, residential


compounds and end-users.

NSTT has in-house teams of highly

Operating since 1990, NSTT now covers

qualified engineers and technicians who

the Middle East, GCC, Africa and Europe

make sure the solutions provided meet

by utilising various satellite footprints.

the world’s top standards. The company

• iDirect VSAT services.

The goal is to provide fully managed IP services and the most robust, reliable and comprehensive internet backbone services to customers. With the growth of the internet and other value-added services, satellite

has partnerships with state-of-the-art

Product Offering

communications is the ideal delivery

communications and IT platform vendors

NSTT offers services directed towards

platform. NSTT provides the satellite

from various top-notch firms around the

all types of internet users from ISPs and

capacity, terrestrial services and remote

world and owns and operates its own hubs

Telcos to end-users. The company brings

station management, making it an end-

strategically located at teleports around

the best-in-class knowhow from the USA

to-end network service provider for

the world.

and Europe to the Middle East, GCC and

many broadband applications, delivering

North Africa in one step. Current services

services to almost any industry.

NSTT offers a wide range of corporate services that can accommodate a broad

offered over various satellites include:

NSTT is an associate member of the



Hatem Mekky, Director, NSTT.

Global VSAT Forum, an association of key companies involved in the business of delivering advanced digital fixed satellite systems and services to consumers, and commercial and government enterprises worldwide. Internet Service NSTT’s services and solutions cover NSS6 and NSS10, Intelsat 901, Intelsat 902, Intelsat 15, Eutelsat W6, Telstar 11N Satellite, AFRICASAT-1A and YAHSAT-1A. Its stateof-the-art services provide all the features


NSTT offers a wide range of corporate services that can accommodate a broad spectrum of customers, no matter how big or small their business requirements

and options necessary to offer customers uncompromising internet services. The internet explosion in the developing world has created a surge of demand in highly populated countries for high-quality internet service. The effort to provide the required access, however, is lagging behind the demand. Although, basic access is available in most places, it is not enough to meet the rising demand. NSTT aims to provide instant and reliable high-speed access that will facilitate the most effective use of the worldwide web’s


NSTT provides the satellite capacity, NSTT offer services directed towards all types of internet users - from ISPs and telcos to end-users.

This includes:

terrestrial services and remote station

• Aviation.

management. This makes a complete end-

• Maritime.

to-end network service provider for many

• Mobility.

applications, delivering services to almost

• Oil and Gas.

any industry. This one-stop-shop network

• Broadband IP Access.

service significantly increases network

• Government.

response time. It provides one bill and a

• Cellular Operators.

single phone number for sales, technical

• Education.

issues and helpdesk functions. What is

• Construction.

more, the customer gains all these benefits

• Corporate.

at a reduced cost.

• Telco and ISPs. • Broadcasting.

Teleport Characteristics • Satellite connections: Direct access to the world’s largest international


satellite systems (Intelsat, New Skies, Eutelsat, Yahsat and Measat). • The teleports feature both C- and Kuband antennae. • IP Backbone connectivity: fibre

NSTT Empire Heights Tower B 6th Floor Office #605 PO BOX: 65523

interconnections with Tier-1 ISPs

Dubai, UAE

(T-Systems, PCCW, UUNET, C&W)

Tel.: +971 4 2766078

• Fibre connectivity: fully redundant

Fax: +971 4 2766079

direct access to Telecity in UK facility. • Characteristics: Teleports are 1000sq.m. facilities with power support system which includes 400 Kilowatt generator with a 150 KVA UPS.

Email: Email: Mr. Hatem Mekky, Director, NSTT Email:

capabilities. The convergence of satellite

• Manpower and staffing: Both teleports

and data networks has encouraged people

are staffed with experienced operations,

to bridge the gap between these formerly

administrative, engineering and

isolated industries. NSTT is successfully

sales teams. Operations staff include

Social Media:

doing just that.

technicians who are available 24x7,

Facebook: Network Satellite

NSTT owns two teleports in Europe

365 days a year. In addition, circuit

Technology Trading (NSTT)

and the Middle East and operates its own

implementation and support teams

Twitter: NSTT_Dubai

hubs at strategically located teleports

are available.

Linkedin: Network Satellite

around the world; capable of occasional installation and provision of service

NSTT’s Business Solutions

according to customer demands. A team

Enabling reliable high-speed, voice,

of engineers are on call 24/7 to monitor

video and data communication in real

and provide technical support.

time for onshore and offshore mobility.


Technology Trading MSN: Skype: nstt.sales





Advancing connectivity Established in 2004, SkyStream rapidly

(two hubs) and Cyprus ensuring fast,

forged a reputation as a reliable

reliable and direct connectivity across

provider of satellite internet access.

the region, and to the US and Europe.

As part of Atlas Group International,

SkyStream provides services through

SkyStream today, is established as a

a reputable list of top class international

leading systems integrator and service

satellite companies, and their network

provider of managed and turnkey VSAT

is designed to provide 99.97% network

solutions across the Middle East, Horn

availability, reinforced by the support

of Africa, North Africa and South-West

of their highly qualified 24x7 technical

Asia for customers engaged in the marine,


military, and oil and gas sectors.

broadband access is provided by a secure



SkyStream provides flexible solutions

and reliable VSAT networking solution

to meet the ever-changing demands of its

system using SCPC, DVBS2/SCPC or

customers, including design, building and

TDM/TDMA technologies.

operation of networks.

Military networks demand secure, reliable and easily scalable solutions

24x7 Network Operation Centre (NOC)

that support voice, video and data

SkyStream’s Network Operations Centre


(NOC) in Dubai works in conjunction with

Sky-Stream provides solutions that

multiple hubs in Hong Kong, Germany

can be rapidly deployed and enable





With a strong local presence in the Middle East and Afghanistan, SkyStream staff can provide fast, effective service to support operations in often harsh and challenging conditions

Middle East and Afghanistan, SkyStream

to ever more isolated areas, both on land

staff can provide fast, effective service to

and off-shore. Remaining in contact and

support operations in often harsh and

in control of remote outposts is essential

challenging conditions. The company

for their successful operation.

ensures access to secure on-demand

SkyStream provides reliable, secure

connectivity - wherever the mission

VSAT solutions to ensure connectivity

takes you.

between operation centres and exploration

SkyStream provides cost-effective

sites. They enable secure transmission

communication solutions to meet the

of real-time data – such as SCADA,

needs of all luxury yacht owners and

magnetic or seismic surveys, and drilling

operators. SkyStream’s always-on, high-

and production testing data, to centres

speed communication links support

around the world, ensuring customers can

complete office applications including

take full advantage of every opportunity.

mail, voice and data, complemented by extended GSM networks and Video-onDemand services.


large, mobile groups of personnel to

Flexible VSAT networks meet the needs

communicate and share information

of the occasional user or those who require

SkyStream FZ LLC

anytime, anywhere.

it at all times. They are purpose designed

Building 14 office # 201,

Their solutions provide a flexible,

for marine use, and are fully encrypted and

Dubai Internet City,

scalable, highly reliable and high-capacity

easily integrated with existing onboard

PO Box 500504, Dubai, UAE.

service. They have worked closely with

systems. SkyStream keeps you connected

leading military VSAT technology

out on the ocean, even in the worst

Contact Person:

providers to provide a number of solutions

of conditions, with Ku band coverage

Shahin Jhetam,

for military applications including but not

extending across the Arabian Sea, the Gulf,

Office Manager

limited to Customised Communication on

the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, and C

+971 4 391 3377

the Move (COTM) and Communication

band coverage over the Indian Ocean and


on the Pause (COTP).

Far East and the Mediterranean.

With a strong local presence in the

Energy exploration is taking their clients



Integrated satellite communication solutions Wiseband is a telecom systems


telecommunications offerings including

integrator, fostering innovation and

management, integrated design and

tier-1 Internet access, VoIP, co-location

an unrivalled customer-centric service

turnkey solutions to a host of clients

services and terrestrial connectivity. Its

approach in its field.



in the enterprise, government and

specialty is providing clients with exactly

With extensive experience working as

telecommunications sectors, Wiseband

what they need and then taking care of the

systems integrators within an international

have earned a solid reputation and decades-

services from beginning to end, supported

arena, Wiseband offers a comprehensive

worth of technical expertise. Wiseband not

by an accomplished customer care team

portfolio of end-to-end solutions with

only provide excellent services within the

standing by 24/7.

integrated technologies and flexible

Middle East, but also with international

The company has developed a simple

service options. Out-of-the-box strategies,

players, thereby forming a solid, reliable

way of assessing clients’ needs thoroughly

solutions perfectly designed and executed

bridge for companies that do not have a

and then designing a solution that ideally

to meet specific needs of its customers,

presence in a particular market.

meets all demands and requirements.

and highly skilled and dedicated support

Wiseband’s seamless services include

teams on call, round the clock, ensure that

Dedicated Services

delivering these solutions to clients, and

client networks are maintained impeccably

Wiseband offers dedicated point-to-point

then managing them to ensure that goals

regardless of where they are based.

satellite service, shared platforms and

are achieved smoothly and consistently at



Ahmed Hassan Afify, CEO.



On the Move video surveillance application using Wiseband Advanced SOTM Satellite System.

the highest performance possible. Its well-rounded portfolio of pioneering services, are also extended to their chain of 360 representatives whose geographic locations afford Wiseband an unprecedented global presence. They offer as much support in data connectivity and private network over satellite as possible to their representatives, situated everywhere between Brazil and Afghanistan. For satellite services, Wiseband’s offering includes SCPC services, which run on the BandDedicated solution, and shared services using BandShared. BandDedicated is ideal for ISPs, VoIP


Wiseband provides unmatched project management, integrated design and turnkey solutions to diverse vertical markets across enterprise, government, defence, security and ICT providers

carriers, video intensive customers and large corporate clients who need dedicated point-to-point solutions. Advantages of BandShared include optimised satellite bandwidth, highly responsive TDMA channels, multiple in-routes network capabilities and frequency hopping capabilities. It is an ideal choice for financial institutions and oil and gas companies as well as other enterprises that require flexible, scalable solutions. While it provides secure networks to military organisations, it is also a favourable solution for news gathering media as it reduces costs for SNGs when transmitting content to the


With extensive experience as a multi-vendor, multi-technology systems integrator across different geographical boundaries, Wiseband offers a comprehensive portfolio of end-to-end solutions with integrated technologies and flexible service options

main production studios.

Its technical services for data, voice and

activities and their span across continents

Wiseband also has a state-of-the-art

video through satellite networks include

gives them an unparalleled edge in global

teleport facility based in Miami. Housing

STAR and MESH networks, point-to-


more than 20 antennae ranging from 1.8m

point networks (IPL), installation of

to as large as 9.1m, the facility supports

antennae from 0.9m to 9m, including

a satellite arc from 11 degrees to 148

post-mounted and truck-mounted

degrees west longitude. The company

antennae, installation of redundant HPA

has additional teleport facilities available

systems (SSPA or TWTA), system coding

in the Middle East and Europe.

and decoding for video uplinks and GSM

With a 24/7 network operations

point-to-point backhauls.

contact Wiseband Burj Khalifa, Suite 260 Dubai, PO Box 88833, Dubai UAE

centre (NOC) manned by highly trained

Expertise in additional systems

technicians experienced in satellite, IP

include -- fixed wireless networks, rural

and fibre communications, Wiseband

telephony, IP-switching, IP-video systems

Fax: +971 4255 5260

provides instant technical online support,

and VoIP networks for telecoms and


real-time monitoring and control as well


as support for configuration and tuning.

Mob: +971 5075 17570

Wiseband’s gamut of satellite support



Sami Boustany, CEO.



Providing quality coverage across regions Yahlive, a visionary joint venture

choice, for both broadcasters and viewers

services – a win-win strategy for both

combining the energy and values of

in all their areas of coverage.

consumers and broadcasters.

2011 to craft out a dynamic satellite

Satellite Features

Europe Beam

television neighbourhood in the region

Innovative in their service to broadcasters,

• Ideal for reception of regional channels

to provide broadcasting services over

and selective in providing premium content

forwarded to those living in Europe,

the Middle East, North Africa and the

to viewers, Yahlive has grown its channel

for their home channels uplinked from

South West Asia region.

offering by 160% in the past year. Yahlive

Yahsat and SES, was established in


the region.

offers free to air TV services via Y1A

• Uplink and downlink Direct-to-Home.

satellite conveniently located at 52.5°E.

• Intercontinental contribution services -

To deliver high-quality satellite services to

Broadcasting via three powerful beams

delivering contribution from one beam

broadcasters, and offer a selective choice of

gives Yahlive the flexibility to regionalise

and downlinking in any one of three

premium television channels to a diverse

broadcasters whenever necessary,

beams in three different continents.

and culturally rich audience.

uplinking the coverage from inside or outside the specific beam. These benefits



allow Yahlive the capacity to deliver

• Middle East North Africa coverage.

To be the satellite broadcasting platform of

secure, reliable and enhanced broadcasting

• Targeting all Arab speaking countries








Antenna Size (cm)

52 dbw

50 cm

51 dbw


50 dbw


49 dbw



Antenna Size (cm)






52 dbw

50 cm

51 dbw


50 dbw


49 dbw







Antenna Size (cm)



with one high-power beam.

excellent look angle from the East,

• Favourable look angle, giving

providing viewers a quality picture

unobstructed service to small dishes.

with 50cm dishes, in addition to higher

• Intercontinental contribution services:

availability during the rainy season and

delivering contribution from one beam

less susceptibility to local and regional

and downlinking in any one of three


beams in three different continents.

In the past, Farsi, Afghani and Kurdish channels were spread across multiple


satellites, thereby delivering poor signal

• East Beam the newest Yahlive entrant

quality over their territories. With the

is a hotspot in the making. • It has upto 53dBW high-power downlink beam. • Excellent look angle and unobstructed reception of TV signals. • Ideal coverage for the region

Y1A satellite, Yahlive was successful in consolidating existing and new exclusive channels under the 52.5 neighbourhood thus providing premium content that appealed to these markets and acted as a powerful catalyst on the ground.

contact Yahlive General Inquiries: Email: Website: Sales Inquiries: Ammar Baranbo Senior Director of Business Development Marketing Inquiries: Duaa Zietoun Marketing Manager

• Intercontinental contribution services:

With the fastest growing DTH viewers

delivering contribution from one beam

and channels serving the Farsi, Kurdish,

Facebook: YahliveCorporate

and downlinking in any one of three

Dari and Pashto audiences across the

Twitter: @Yahlive

beams in three different continents.

Middle East and South West Asia, Yahlive’s

Y1A is a high-powered satellite with

customer base continues to grow rapidly.

Social Media:



Service Providers ABS Network Deluxe Entertainment Services Group Digital Planet North Telecom PCCW Global TATA Communications



Delivering news as it happens ABS Network is one of the largest

branches, 10 of which are in MENA capitals

broadcast services companies in the

and hotspots, ABS is capable of providing

Middle East and North Africa (MENA).

industry-leading services to major Arab

Working closely with medium to large

as well as international broadcasters, non-

broadcasters as well as smaller

broadcasters and special events.

clients, the company delivers the most comprehensive set of content

Company Roots

production and delivery services.

ABS Network was founded in 1993 by

Owing to years of hard-gained regional

Mohammed al Ajlouni, a Jordanian-

expertise and strategic investments into

American media entrepreneur with

the latest technologies, the company has

more than two decades of experience in

developed the ability to expertly manage

broadcast production and services across

every aspect of the production process

the Arab world. Having successfully built

from filming in SD and full-HD to post-

media businesses and hosting channels

production editing and distribution via

such as Al Jazeera, BBC, Fox News, ABC

satellite, fibre and online streaming.

News, CNN, KSA TV, Sky News Arabia

ABS Network’s formula for success

Alhurra, Alarab TV, ITN, MBC Group and

has been the combination of experienced personnel and professional expertise with the latest production and transmission solutions. Through its expansive network of


Middle East News in his Amman-based Mohammed Al Ajlouni, Chairman of ABS Network.

production house, he saw the opportunity to establish a news gathering service to deliver coverage of the Gulf War. As one of the few


production companies to have access to Iraq

As their broadcasting gateway from the

Commitment to the Latest Technologies

during this time, ABS Network was quick

Middle East to the world, and vice-versa, the

In an age where viewers demand the

to support many international broadcasters

company aims to spearhead the development

highest level of production quality, ABS

in their coverage during and after the war.

of the region’s media industry through

Network spares no expense to ensure

They were also the first company to gain

innovative, ground-breaking services.

that the equipment it provides is state-of-

permission to set up an uplink in Jordan.

the-art. Today, it operates more than 34 Expansive Network

mobile Satellite News Gathering (SNG)

which ABS Network was established, and

ABS Network headquarters is based in

trucks with full-HD capabilities and can

the ability to overcome every obstacle and

Dubai, UAE. They also maintain a strong

supply mobile real-time feeds of news

become the largest broadcast services

presence across the region and have offices

and raw footage to clients across the

provider in the region has led them to

in key cities including Baghdad, Beirut,

globe. Systems are upgraded to ensure

subscribe firmly to the belief that ‘If one

Benghazi, Cairo, Amman, Irbil, Manama,

the availability of HD/SD application

combines courage and resolve with high

Ramallah, Tripoli, Tunis, Damascus and

technology at all their offices, and have

professional standards, then, he/she is on

Kabul. ABS Networks has established

purchased fully redundant HD systems

a winning formula in the field of television.’

bureaus in Manhattan and Washington DC,

to cover all types of high profile events

This is precisely what ABS Network has

giving them the ability to engage deeply

across the GCC (Gulf Cooperation

been able to achieve on a consistent basis.

with broadcasters based in the USA. They


The challenging circumstances under

have 22 offices, in all, 10 of which are wholly

In 2014, ABS Network advanced its


owned by ABS Network and are located in

capabilities and competitive edge with

ABS Network’s vision is to provide clients

major regional hot-spots including Erbil,

the establishment of a quick deployment

with a definite competitive advantage.

the Green Zone and Gaza.

operations department that is supplied



with special production equipment for


iconic regional scenery, be it the blue

rapid response purposes.

ABS Network prides itself on being able

dome of the Mohammed al-Amin Mosque

Having the best technology is only

to deliver end-to-end services for the

in downtown Beirut, or the sun-kissed

beneficial to an organisation that can also

broadcast industry. Over the years, it has

skyscrapers of Dubai. Facilities to cover

draw from a resource pool of expertly

tailored its portfolio of services to meet

complex, multi-camera broadcast

trained and enabled staff. The company

the needs of regional and international

requirements are also provided. These

invests heavily in hiring and training the

broadcasters, often addressing gaps in


most professional staff. This ensures that

the market. They include:

• Outside Broadcast Vehicles.

they are capable of utilising cutting-edge

• Portable Studios.

equipment to its utmost potential. ABS

Live Studios and Production

Network employs over 250 professionals

From a simple interview, to complex

and its production staff includes over 60

multi-camera studio set-ups, ABS

producers, 50 editors, 100 cameramen,

Network is fully equipped for live

• Multi-camera sports production.

and production support staff operating

studio productions. The offices offer

• Studios all over the branches for DTL

in over 20 countries.

panoramic views of some of the most

Event Coverage ABS Network can rapidly deploy a skilled team to cover any event in the region or the world. Be it entertainment or war, highly trained professionals are ever ready and provide world-class coverage services. Live event coverage include: Filming and editing. News packages. Live stand-ups. Logistics. Rushes. Transmission.

TV Production


Corporate video production. Event video production. TV Commercials. Documentaries & Features. Animated Series. Music Video & Clips.

• Portable (FLY/DRIVE-away) SNGs with the latest technology. • Remote studio set up and control rooms.

- 1,2 or 3 cameras (capability).


Clients While the company’s capabilities speaks for itself, it is the impressive number of industry bigwigs who have placed their trust in ABS Network for their broadcast needs, that are the true testament to the quality of their services. The company’s experience and expertise have enabled them to serve some of the region’s and indeed the world’s biggest broadcasters. There are: Sky News Arabia. ABC News. CNBC. Al Arabia News Channel. BBC. Al Jazeera Network. CNN. Al Hurra TV. MBC Group. France 24. LIVE HD. ITN. Media Pro. RTTV. Network7. TRT. IQRA. DW/ZDF. Alghad Alarabi. CCTV. Abu Dhabi TV. EBU. Eurovision. Sky News. Irrespective of the size, or scope of a client’s engagement with the company, ABS Network remains deeply committed to every customer, and ensuring that meticulous detail is paid to every aspect in order to achieve success.


- special requests are accommodated and

Clients are provided with uplink services

suggestions given for content.

to European and Middle Eastern satellites or fibre to and from the US. In essence,


they can facilitate transmission to and from

ABS Network maintains a repository

any location and act as a turnaround in

that contains over two decades’ worth

the middle.

of archives, translating to countless hours of priceless footage. This includes

News Room

extensive coverage of wars, revolutions,

A dedicated team of news producers stay

invasions, protests and much more. This

abreast with the latest events, both locally

is expertly tended to by a skilled archivist

and regionally, and are ready to cover

who has developed a superbly efficient

news as it breaks, giving ABS Network,

system which gives customers almost

unmatched news gathering capabilities.

instantaneous access to this rich library.

They have also built a comprehensive list of contacts through years of diligent research and work in the field, and can find guests on any topic for their customers, anytime, anywhere. News Packages ABS Network produces a number of scripted news packages in Arabic and English, with script, interviews and

contact ABS Network Dubai Media City Thuraya 1 Tower, Floor 18, Office 1802,1801 Tel: +97144392342 Booking Department: +9621501550 Email:

shortlists. ABS Network is highly flexible



Deluxe Middle East office.



Creating digital works of art For nearly a century, Deluxe

and monetisation, digital distribution,

Entertainment Services Group has

preservation and restoration of both video

been committed to providing content

and audio, and sub-titling and dubbing

owners and creators with the tools


and talent they require to bring the






most compelling and exciting stories

transformation, Deluxe has seamlessly

to life. An American company, with a

shifted from a company focussed on film

global footprint, Deluxe is an integral

laboratory services, to a global provider of

partner to Hollywood Studios and the

digital content solutions across all media

entire broadcasting industry.

films, television and advertising. Ninety

Working with the biggest names

per cent digital with a stunning range of

in Hollywood, Deluxe is a leader in

leading companies under its umbrella,

content creation for film and television,

Deluxe stores over 100 petabytes of data

advertising, 2D-3D conversion, visual

and content, and moves over 1.4 petabytes

effects, content digitisation, archiving

of data a month.



Harnessing digital solutions

Traditional broadcast television models

changing multi-screen landscape, a new set

From capture to depiction, Deluxe delivers

must evolve to access new markets and

of broadcast delivery requirements have

solutions that integrate and support

enrich IP-based subscriber experiences.

emerged to exploit the IPTV opportunity.

the creation, adaptation, preservation,

Given competitive pressure, consumer

Whereas conventional broadcast models

management and distribution of content.

demands for more content, and the ever-

require fixed workflows, rigid distribution

All content is underpinned by bespoke stateof-the-art workflow and asset management solutions that enable easy access and highresolution viewing on any device. Backed by a 100-year-old heritage and a smart global network of superior talent, Deluxe helps clients strategise and realise their vision and learn newer ways of unlocking value throughout their content lifecycle. An expertise in partnering with global brands and agencies in the creation of custom-made commercials, tagging and translation, managing assets and distribution remains unparalleled in the industry. Major Hollywood studios, television networks and cable companies to leading advertising agencies, Fortune 500 brands, content owners and distributors

systems and manpower-reliant operations,

Key works of art Worked on more than 50% of the 2013 Super Bowl spots and six of the Academy Award 2013 Best Picture nominees, including Les Miserables, Zero Dark Thirty, Django Unchained, Lincoln and the winner, Argo. Involved in the post-production of 20% of US commercials; Deluxe works with 19 of the top 20 spending advertisers in post-production.

cloud-based distribution models are better suited to address the dynamic nature and flexible distribution requirements for IPbased broadcast. Deluxe MediaRecall Deluxe MediaRecall delivers true content enablement through high-speed massencoding, taxonomy development and rich metadata writing services, all with the goal of accelerating access, search, discovery, delivery and ROI with content libraries of any size. Balancing web and automation technologies with highly-trained, cloudbased distributed talent, Deluxe MediaRecall recognises the value of hyper-accurate

Largest provider of 2D to 3D

metadata to accomplish complementary

conversion services; trusted

goals, such as library assessments, search

by James Cameron, Steven

and discovery optimisation, as well as push

Deluxe LeapCloud

Spielberg and the major studios

and pull workflow tools for packaging and

Deluxe LeapCloud, the company’s award-

on motion picture titles such as

delivery with speed and accuracy. It can

winning, next-generation, cloud-based

Titanic, The Avengers, Jurassic

restore, digitise, archive and monetise all

playout platform delivers all of the rich

Park, Star Trek Into Darkness,

forms of content sensibly and reliably.

functionality required by broadcasters to

Iron Man 3 and The Wolverine.

form their highly-regarded clientele.

launch and operate TV channels, including versioning for new media platforms and distribution over IP to transmission head-ends. In addition to offering low upfront, infrastructure, technology and staffing costs in playout and distribution, Deluxe LeapCloud facilitates quick timeto-launch, while retaining and increasing creative opportunities, such as linear ‘Pop Up’ channels, that can be launched to multiple territories and devices in a matter of days.


Translation of video content into 50 plus languages for theatrical, home entertainment, TV broadcast and online usage. Digitised 700,000 hours of 2012 Olympic footage for NBC to make it instantly retrievable and searchable in one of the largest projects of its kind.

Key Project Digitised, catalogued and stored NBC Sports Group’s film and video library, representing 440,000 hours of the most important sports-media content. Deluxe OnDemand Deluxe’s leading studio quality video catalogue service, Deluxe OnDemand, is revolutionising digital home entertainment, and simplifying multi-screen VOD with a cloud-based service that assimilates with


Syed Ahmed, Managing Director.

From capture to depiction, Deluxe delivers solutions that integrate and support the creation, adaptation, preservation, management and distribution of content

contact Syed Ahmed, Managing Director, Deluxe Middle East Building No. 2, Unit 301,

the existing supply chain, workflows,

delivery. Deluxe understands the complex

storefronts and applications.

technical problems arising from this

With a catalogue of over 40,000 titles

scenario and is dedicated to helping their

spanning new releases, blockbusters, serials,

clients create value from hidden content

classics and more, pre-encoded in over 50

in archives, studios and broadcasting

file formats and pre-packaged and pre-

businesses thereby generating new revenue

encrypted with the most popular DRMs,

streams for customers.

service providers can instantly access and

Deluxe maintains centres of excellence

deliver more titles to more devices at the

around the world. Using comprehensive

highest quality video outputs in the market.

workflows, high-resolution data is

With the shift from analogue to digital,

transferred instantly and securely across

harnessing the power of history has become

the globe. Deluxe has recently invested and

increasingly vital. Vast troves of content

placed strategic resources including a state-

previously thought to be uneconomical

of-the-art office space in the Dubai Media

to digitise and monetise can now provide

City, bringing the future of broadcasting to

profitable revenue streams through internet

the Middle East.

Dubai Media City, Dubai, UAE, PO Box 502415 Tel: +971 4 3695599 Fax: +971 4 3695577 Sohail Shafi Director Sales Deluxe Middle East Dubai Media City Tel: +971 4 369 5599 Fax: +971 4 369 5577 Mob: +971 55-200-0551 Website:



Innovative video streaming solutions Technology shift and multi-media

dimension in the field of rich multi-media,

business improvement initiatives are

IPTV, video streaming solutions and video

driving the change from traditional

cloud services.

business boundaries. Advancements

A technology and media company,

in rich media solutions and content

Digital Planet has exclusive distribution

delivery platforms are in exponential

rights across the MEA region for Haivision,


and Indico, industry leading providers

Digital Planet provides products and services that enable corporations to realise

of intelligent video solutions in their respective domains.

their business ‘digital media’ strategies.

Haivision provides end-to-end video

Digital Planet is totally focused on the

streaming solutions for encoding, recording,

Middle East and Africa region. The

managing, publishing and distributing

company is committed to delivering

secure video content, whether for live of

the highest degree of business services

VoD content over dedicated networks or

to help local, and regional organisations

to a broader internet audience. Haivision

grow their businesses and enhance their

solutions power a wide range of applications

service offerings.

such as enterprise communications, skills

Digital Planet was established in 2008 with the vision to create a new and higher


training and intelligent surveillance and reconnaissance(ISR).




Haivision solutions power a wide range of applications such as enterprise communications, skills training and intelligent surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR).

of quality output and services.

Indico Systems on the other hand is a

The emphasis at Digital Planet is geared

leading provider of secure digital recording

towards helping system integrators and

Digital Planet offers a comprehensive

and evidential management solutions for

clients derive value from their investment,

range of technologies and innovative video

forensics and police specific applications.

whether such an investment is in

streaming and IP delivery solutions to

Indico has many years of experience, with

building strategic presence in the region,

clients who desire to deliver the highest

focus on police forces and the criminal

implementing a set of services, or using and

quality of HD video, for contribution and

justice sector, with more than 100 customers

leveraging a new technology and media

distribution at the lowest latency with

around the world.

offering to deliver the highest standards

security. As a result, their target market



can be defined in five distinct segments: • Education • Broadcast • Medical • Large enterprises • Government and the military Their success in the region is split between these market segments. Success within the military and the medical segment is driven by the ability to deliver the highest quality of video output, while retaining the shortest latency for those critical applications. Applications such as ISR and homeland security demand the

Digital Planet offers a comprehensive range of technologies and innovative video streaming and IP delivery solutions to clients who desire to deliver the highest quality of HD video

Video Cloud includes powerful realtime viewer-based analytics (Conviva) to monitor and manage audience experience, engagement and viewing quality. Theories are many, but that alone does not warrant a successful business delivery. It is very critical in the business to understand the market behaviour, and more importantly client needs and sore points. Understanding this crucial point is necessary and at Digital Planet, this bridge between the regional buying practice and the multinational view on business conduct is well understood. Those two can at times

highest quality of video delivery, along with

be far apart, but the experience of the

metadata, and the Haivision products are industry leaders in this domain.

connected devices. Finally, the Haivision

Reliable Transport) to deliver HD video

team at Digital Planet will effectively close this gap.

Another sector where they have

streams using the public internet, thus

been successful in employing Haivision

facilitating for the broadcasters yet another

With a long history in offering solutions

technology lies in the education sector.

means to send their video content across

that cater to video streaming, IPTV, lecture

Some of the regional leading universities

the region. With its latest IP Video Content

capturing and government security services,

are users of the Haivision technology, such

Management platform (Calypso) Digital

it is evident that system integrators and

as Zayed University in UAE, Northwestern

Planet can easily stream and record up to 50

end-users would look at Digital Planet to

University in Qatar and King Faisal

HD streams in 2 RU derived from its flagship

provide them with end-to-end value of rich

University in Saudi Arabia. The application

Makito encoder, or a third party H.264

media solutions. At the same time, their

with the education sector is rather less

encoder. Its video delivery platform over

multinational partners and vendors who

sensitive to latency as it focuses more on

CDN is HVC – Haivision Video Cloud, using

are providers of such products and services

lecture capturing and VoD services, but

the Haivision VCMS with (Configurable

would also find the proper distribution

still requires the high quality of HD video

Flash/HTML5 Video Players).

channel for fast and intelligent reach

and looks at the ease of delivery platform

The Haivision Video Cloud is unique in

and video accessibility. Students tent to

providing an end-to-end solution - from

use a variety between laptops and smart

live encoding of events, through cloud

devices, and therefore an easy and flexible

transcoding, automated video content

system administration tool would benefit

management and publishing, across

such demanding environments.

the world’s foremost Content Delivery

The broadcast market has also been a very

Network (CDN), and ultimately to any

good market – Digital Planet’s IPTV services

connected device (iOS, Android & PC) to

deliver a robust and high density solution

provide an exceptional user experience.

that meets the needs of the sophisticated

The Haivision Video Cloud also includes

broadcaster. This is often complemented

an easy-to-use Site Builder to jump-start

by their latest encoder technology which

your micro-sites for high quality live

therein uses their proprietary SRT (Secure

and on-demand video experiences on all

to market through the diverse working mechanisms of Digital Planet.

contact Digital Planet FZ-LLC Dubai Media City Building 5, 3rd floor, Office 310 Tel: +971 4 4458366 Email:



Communicating around the world NorthTelecom is one of the very few

satellites and platforms. NorthTelecom has

by client contentment. Combining the

companies that provide world-class

its headquarters in Dubai and Germany with

strengths of their core professional team,

satellite communication services

teleports in Europe and Asia.

NorthTelecom offers a plethora of services

across the spectrum, in conjunction

NorthTelecom administers vital solutions

to their partners and customers the world

with dominant players in the satellite

namely GSM Backhauling, IP Trunking,

over, with a 24/7 networking operation

networking industry.

GSM Backhauling, teleport service, and

centre and a presence in all the continents,

With over 50 partners in the Middle East,

satellite phone applications which in turn

thereby offering flexibility in aid and

Central Asia and Africa, NorthTelecom’s

safeguard client assets and communication

assistance to their valued clients. Their

achievements are a far cry from its


expert global presence represents an eye

humble beginnings in September 2007.

NorthTelecom has a composite track

Within this short pro-active period, the

record of achievements in satellite

company has grown steadfastly into one

connectivity. Through consistent levels of

Broadband Internet

of the most outstanding networking and

quality service and upgrade of networking

Advanced internet communication has been

satellite services, internet access solutions

solutions, it hopes to be a frontrunner in

considered the new basic need of today’s

and broadcasting service providers in the

maneuvering telecommunication tasks as

modern world. NorthTelecom provides

region. Their clients range from ISPs,

satellite services extend to greater horizons.

broadband internet via satellite thereby

telecom companies, broadcasters, ships,

The NorthTelecom corporate mission

accommodating satellite internet access

the oil and gas sector, and any systems for

is communication all over the world and

on a variety of platforms including iDirect

fixed or mobile satellite solutions. In effect,

this undertaking has led them to provide

(TDMA, SCPC), SCPC, and DVB-S2 with

the company provides services over various

exceptional solutions that are bound

the teleport backbone in Europe and Asia.


on the business at all times.


IP Trunking

requirements for an integrated transmission

production intercommunication. Likewise,

NorthTelecom offers the option of satellite

and management system, which processes

they also have provision for SNG systems

connectivity services via satellites, providing

diverse bi-directional traffic types while

for broadcast in remote areas.

customers end-to-end solutions that cover

automatically controlling multiple space

all equipment needs and ensures reliable

and ground segment resources. It is

Private Network

connectivity. The corporate vision is to

ideal for high-speed contribution and

Beyond simply providing satellite

represent a cost-effective opportunity for

distribution of any live or on-demand

communication systems, the NorthTelecom

medium to large-scale service providers

data, audio or video content from IPTV

vision is to engineer creative solutions that

who wish to expand their services.

to HDTV. These solutions cater to various

will improve productivity and quality of

Furthermore, NorthTelecom is a leading

choices for transmitting video or streaming

customer businesses around the world. Their

global provider of internet connectivity

data in combination with telephony and

satellite communication VSAT network is

solutions over satellites and has several years of experience in installing and servicing satellites with their earth stations and teleports in Europe and Asia. Broadcasting (DTH, FTA) Realising the increasing role that media plays in daily life today, NorthTelecom’s media network solution meets the

NorthTelecom has grown steadfastly into one of the most outstanding networking and satellite services, internet access solutions and broadcasting service providers in the region 181


suitable for any communication business

Teleport Service

GSM Backhauling

networking system, such as banking, real

The NorthTelecom Teleport service offers

In locations that are remote or where

time monitoring and video conferencing,

complete uplink and downlink solutions

communication services are expensive

across corporations, the government and

as well as tele-housing requirements.

to setup or almost impossible, GSM

the military. It is a network that guarantees

Customers can have their own satellite

backhauling provides a cost-effective

reliability, stability and security.

platforms tele-housed at a NorthTelecom

way to provide connection for any sort

facility, and share their existing and most up-

of mobile network such as in a 3G or

Offshore and Onshore (Oil and Gas )

to-date resources, have immediate access

4G. Simple and fast, this application

The oil and gas sector’s remote locations often

to its robust and reliable internet backbone

is suitable for first responder use, in

mean heavy dependence on satellite solutions.

and fibre optic network.

disaster recovery and in humanitarian

Minimising costs is key for most companies in this field, particularly when bandwidth needs continuation to grow due to technological advances in exploration and production. Complex data from remote drilling sites are transmitted to corporate head offices for analysis by way of NorthTelecom’s connectivity services through highlighted solutions. NorthTelecom integrates instant connectivity at construction sites, and once development is complete, satellite becomes an ideal solution for new urban developments or city outskirts. Construction companies and master developers can have regular updates from their respective sites through high-speed internet access.



relief where in minutes, a secure, wireless

NorthTelecom (Consultancy)

communication can be set up and

Mastering all phases of ground systems

established without hindrance.

engineering, NorthTelecom offers


consultancy through design to final

Dubai Office


turnkey delivery of uplink and downlink

Flat. 2001, 20th Floor,

NorthTelecom supports onshore and

stations, control centres, teleports, video

Grosvenor Business Tower,

offshore operations extending their

and data management platforms and


services to maritime VSAT with coverage

network operations centres. Germany Office -Teleport

from Asia Pacific to the Middle East and

The company also provides consultancy

Europe. Knowing MVSAT as a high-

services for all satellite related jobs -

NorthLink GmbH Germany,

speed, two-way IP broadband ship-

from pre-design of a satellite payload to

Im Heilenbruch 7,

to-shore satellite telecommunications

its other related technical and financial,

D-66706 Perl-Besch

service, NorthTelecom coincides with this

including market survey matters, in other

Tel: +971 4 4529993 / 4584662

performance to produce email, internet,

words, those challenges that may hinder

fax, VoIP, SIP phone services and more.

a satellite-based project.





Networking media solutions across the globe PCCW Global is a leading telecommu-

efficient way to connect your business,

nication provider with network cover-

wherever you are located.

age in more than 3,000 cities and 140

PCCW Global has over 30 years of

countries. Apart from offering inno-

experience in the media industry and has

vating voice and data solutions with

been a trusted partner for international

the global network coverage, PCCW

broadcasters and service providers. The

Global is aggressively expanding its

innovation of the company extends with

portfolio of video solutions for the

the expanding portfolio of solutions in the

media industry.

video value chain of the fast-moving multi-

Through a truly global coverage,

screen video market.

combined with local, on the ground knowledge, PCCW Global has built the

Video Contribution and Distribution

best in class connections across the globe,

PCCW Global offers an integrated global

especially in some of the remotest, hard-

satellite and fibre infrastructure to support

to-reach areas in exciting growth markets

global video contribution and distribution.

across Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. Built on one of the world’s

Global TV Network (GTVN): Advances

largest and most diverse, integrated global

in technology have meant that TV

backbones, PCCW Global offers a portfolio

broadcasting has evolved from analog to

of network solutions that provides an

digital and now high definition is a de-facto



Global TV Network (GTVN) coverage map.

standard. Transportation of digital video

robust backbones, the GTVN platform

interconnections with video switches in

content internationally has traditionally

supports Simplex transmission and video

strategic locations around the globe.

been served by satellite transmissions.

multicasting for cost-efficient point to

With its global broadcasting teleport

However, with the increase in bandwidth

multi-point video content delivery. Coupled

presence, PCCW Global operates a global

requirements for carrying high definition

with PCCW Global satellite teleport

satellite video contribution and distribution

video content, it has become very costly to

presence, the integrated platform provides

network. Whenever there is breaking news,

contribute video content point-to-point or

a highly customisable, reliable, end-to-end

special global coverage events, or regular

point-to-multipoint over satellite (although

solution for worldwide contribution and

broadcasting segments, PCCW Global is

satellite is still the most cost-effective

distribution of video content.

able to provide ad-hoc and full-time access

way to distribute to mass receiving ends).

anywhere in the world via satellites in the

The media sector is converting to adopt

Satellite TV Network: PCCW Global is

Asia Pacific Region (APR), Indian Ocean

diversified fibre transmissions as the means

headquartered in the broadcasting hub

Region (IOR), Pacific Ocean Region (POR)

of carrying video content from source to

of Asia and has established the largest

and Atlantic Ocean Region (AOR).

mass distribution headends.

commercial teleport in the region with

PCCW Global deployed GTVN, a

more than 30 operating earth stations in


video switching platform over its cable

Hong Kong. In addition, PCCW Global has

The rapid uptake of content consumption

infrastructure, to offer a true managed end-

self-owned teleport facilities in Europe and

on multi-screen has presented a challenge to

to-end global video contribution solution.

Africa and partnerships with satellite and

broadcasters, service providers or content

Apart from extensive global coverage and

teleport operators worldwide including

providers to prepare the appropriate



formats optimised for consumption on the increasing variety of devices. Uncertainty on the evolution of different competing formats further adds to the complexity on the CAPEX investment decision for the corresponding transcoding platform. PCCW Global offers a cloud transcoding solution that dramatically simplifies the content transcoding process with presets for a wide variety of devices and flexible workflows. The transcoding solution offers a pay-as-you-go model to provide flexibility for the broadcasters, service providers and content providers. Delivering broadcast quality content at limited bitrate is always a challenge and also a differentiator for multi-screen applications. This is particularly important

Built on one of the world’s largest and most diverse, integrated global backbones, PCCW Global offers a portfolio of network solutions that provides an efficient way to connect your business, wherever you are located

in emerging countries with limited

experience video in high definition on their laptop, tablet or smartphone with picture quality that is almost as good as being at the event. Its feature-rich CDN service is delivered via 22 global ‘Super POPs’ at strategic global locations near primary internet exchange points, all with massive computing and caching power. About PCCW Global PCCW Global is the international operating division of HKT, Hong Kong’s premier telecommunications service provider, which is majority-owned by PCCW Limited. Covering more than 3,000 cities and 140 countries, the PCCW Global network supports a portfolio of integrated global communications solutions which include Ethernet solutions, IP solutions, fibre and

network bandwidth. The PCCW Global

distribution network), integrated content

satellite transmission solutions, managed

transcoding solution outperforms the

management system (CMS) and Electronic

services and solutions, international voice

market by transcoding content in superior

Programme Guide (EPG). The OTT TV

and VoIPX services.

broadcast quality and low bit-rate even for

Service supports a wide variety of business

PCCW Global maintains regional

the most challenging fast-moving sports

models and extensive analytics to facilitate

centres in Hong Kong, China, Japan,

scenes. This gives service providers and

operators to experiment different models

Korea, Singapore, USA, UK, Greece, France,

content providers a competitive advantage

to maximise monetisation of their content.

Belgium, UAE and South Africa.

to uplift the customer multi-screen video

The service is offered as a white label

experience without increasing their

product and can be scaled to meet the

network investment.

needs of all audience sizes, from small


niche communities to global markets. OTT Video Service

Entering the market with this hosted

PCCW Global

PCCW Global’s Hosted OTT Video Service

solution helps operators avoid the capex

Office 401 & 408, Level 4,

offers broadcasters, service providers and

intensive infrastructure or specialist staff

Arjaan Business Tower

content providers a rapid, low risk, cost-

typically required to build and operate an

Dubai Media City

effective entry into the OTT video market

IPTV service, and allows them to focus on

PO Box 502441

with a fully managed and integrated hosted

their business requirements.

Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 (0) 4 446 7480

solution. Content Delivery Network

Fax: +971 (0) 4 454 2137

enables operators to deliver a full range

The PCCW Global CDN Network has been


of advanced digital video services,

built to optimise delivery of large files and


taking advantage of PCCW Global high

video on-demand. The network allows users

performance, secure Global CDN (content

to bypass the congested public internet and

The Hosted OTT Video Service



A new world of communications Over the past decade, Tata Commu-

exponential growth of connected devices,

at the heart of everything it does -

nications evolved from a wholesale

emergence of social media, analytics, and

seeking to create an open infrastructure,

service provider serving the Indian

cloud computing (SMAC), acceptance of

partner ecosystem and platform that is

market to a leading provider of ‘A

BYOD, are all resulting in a major transition

fit for business and delivers that ‘just

New World of Communications’ to

in the way enterprises engage with

works’ experience, whilst retaining the

enterprise customers and service

technology. Both, developed economies

transparency, flexibility and control that

providers worldwide.

and emerging and developing economies,

CEO/CIOs require in order to safeguard

Tata Communications is a global

are looking to innovation in technology.

and enhance their organisations’ customer

company with its roots in the emerging

As a key enabler of information and

experience and brand reputation. All of

markets. Headquartered in Mumbai

communication technologies to global

this is overlaid onto years of investment

and Singapore, it has more than 8000

enterprises, Tata Communications has

and infrastructure through its $1.19bn

employees across 38 countries. The $3.2bn

led from the front in ensuring a robust

investment in the world’s only wholly

company is listed on the Bombay Stock

digital ecosystem that is equipped for

owned sub-sea fibre network that circles

Exchange and the National Stock Exchange

the future: infrastructure that can cope

the globe.

of India and is the flagship telecoms arm

with customers’ demands of intelligence,

of the $103.3 billion Tata group.

scalability and flex.

Tata Communications’ services portfolio includes predictable networks, high speed

Over the past few years technology

Tata Communications’ enhanced

connections and global MPLS virtual

has caused significant changes in the

business strategy has the consumer’s

private networks, unified communication

way enterprises conduct business. The

requirements, trends and movements

and collaboration services, DDoS mitigation



and detection service, content delivery

subsea fibre, and more than 210,000kms

networks and cloud enablement services.

of terrestrial fibre.

backbone each month. • 15+ terabits/s of international bandwidth

Tata Communications offers customised

• Only Tier-1 provider that is in the top five

network solutions for customers in

in five continents - by internet routes.

key markets; including verticals like

• Over 24% of the world’s internet routes

manufacturing, oil and gas, banking,

are on Tata Communications’ network.

Tata Communications has been on

financial services and insurance, media and

• 400+ PoPs reach more than 200

a journey towards delivering better

entertainment; offering customers speed, quality and unparalleled network reach.

countries and territories. • Video network to over 300 media hotspots in 125 cities globally.

Tata Communications in numbers:

lit capacity. Middle East operations

connectivity for its partners in the Middle East. The company has been at the forefront in providing its partners

• Largest wholesale voice carrier carrying

with leading edge technology for their

• $3.2 billion in annual revenue in FY 2013-

53 billion minutes of wholesale voice

customers. Tata Communications via its

14, with 77% of this revenue generated

traffic annually – that is 1 in 10 voice

partnership with UAE’s leading telecom

outside of India.

calls globally.

operator Etisalat offers video contribution

• 1,600 telcos use the network to connect

• 44 data centres and colocation centres

and distribution services in the region.

(70% of the world’s mobile network

with over one million square feet of

With Etisalat, Tata communications has



jointly established a Video Connect node

• World’s largest wholly owned submarine

• 7,600 petabytes of internet traffic travel

hosted in Dubai, UAE. This global video

fibre network - more than 500,000kms of

over Tata Communications’ internet

network is designed to help broadcasters,



© 2013 Tata Communications, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.©The 2013 map TataisCommunications, for illustration purposes Ltd. Allonly Rights and Reserved. is intended Theonly maptois

studios and production houses deliver

of UAE, Qtel of Qatar, Bahrain Internet

Tata Communications Media Services

video content flexibly and cost-effectively

Exchange of Bahrain, and Mobily of Saudi

Tata Communications is a provider of

to media hotspots worldwide. Video

Arabia officially connected Oman, UAE,

media optimised services and applications

Connect is designed with on-demand and

Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia to Mumbai

for the global movement and management

customisation capabilities, enabling media

with the TGN-Gulf cable and then onward

of sport content. Since February 2012,

personnel to deploy specialised feeds based

to the world using Tata Communications’

the company has been the Official

on location and time zone.

global network. This cable system has

Connectivity Provider of Formula 1,

put the foundation in place to serve these

Official Web Hosting and CDN Provider

markets with world-class connectivity.


In March 2012, Tata Communications, in partnership with Nawras of Oman, Etisalat



demand file transfer service, Content Flow

a transformational journey that is taking it

provides file transmission acceleration, in-

from being a service provider to a solutions

transit security, and retry/resume facilities

provider. The company has evolved

to assure timely media delivery.

its business and further looks towards

Video-Focused CDN: Tata Communica-

strengthening its position in the market by

tions Video-Focused CDN is built from the

continuing to develop and introduce new

ground up to deliver a wide range of media

products and services catering to the needs

to a variety of devices. For live streams, video

of corporate customers, such as: Unified

on-demand, audio streams, and web content

Communications, Hosted Contact Centre,

to tablets, mobile handsets, set top boxes and

Mobile Broadband enablement, Content

other devices, Tata Communications’ Video-

Delivery, Media and Entertainment

Focused CDN is the easy-to-use, scalable,

Services, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS),

reliable and economical choice.

and other managed products and services. With Tata Communications’ world class

Media Management

connectivity offerings, the company

Content Transform: Provides customers

is constantly developing innovative

an integrated platform for moving content

enterprise solutions that reduce cost and

out to the cloud and into broadcast

increase productivity.

quality formats ready for immediate delivery and transmission. Powered by Harmonic’s ProMedia file-based


transcoding technology, combined with Tata Communications’ extensive global

Tata Communications

network and data centre infrastructure,

Office No. 303, Building No. 12,

Content Transform is the optimal way to

Dubai Internet City, Dubai, UAE

deliver multi-format video to broadcasters and audiences around the world. Content Vault: Secure, scalable,

Rights nly and Reserved. is intended Theonly maptoisgive for illustration a general description purposes only of Tata andCommunications’ is intended only to facilities give a general and installations. description of Tata Communications’ facilities and installations.

Media Movement

Manaf Ahammed Associate Director, Business Devel-

and easy-to-use, it is the cost-effective

opment (Media Services)

alternative to building in-house islands

Middle East, Africa & Europe

of storage. Content Vault is backed by the

Office: +971-44336671

company’s state-of-the-art global media

Mobile: +971-562550363

infrastructure and network - and proven

Email: ahammed.manaf@

broadcast-class technologies.

Video Connect: Provides up to four times

Content Playout: Enables customers to

the protected fibre paths for maximum

establish their own dedicated playout room

Social media:

reliability and security. As a fully managed

in a cost-effective manner, whether it is to

Twitter: @tata_comm

and monitored service with connectivity to

quickly launch new channels, deliver local

Blog: http://tatacommunications-

many of the world’s main media hubs and

TV channels to international markets, plan

teleports, it delivers content to the right

for disaster recovery or easily and cost-

Youtube: tatacomms

place, the first time, every time.

effectively manage continuity planning.

Content Flow: Designed as an on-

Tata Communications is in the middle of



Systems Integrators ATG Broadcast Middle East FZ LLC Broadcast Systems Arabia First Gulf Company for Supplies and Contracting Heat for Engineering and Technology INC System Integrations Systems Design TSL



Intelligent media systems at the core of technology ATG Middle East (ATG ME) located in

• TV Studios.

close co-operation with customers,

Amman, Jordan and in Dubai, UAE, is

• Master Control Rooms.

leading to mutually beneficial long-term

part of the Dan Technologies Systems

• Digial News Rooms.


Integration Division which operates from

• Digital Archives.

Well versed in all modern media

offices in Denmark, Germany, Jordan,

• Playout Centres.

technologies, its applications and

Norway, Spain, Sweden, the UAEm, the

• File-baesd Workflow.

complexities, ATG ME specialises in

UK and Vietnam. Dan Technologies is one

• Editing Facilities.

solutions for broadcasters, corporations,

of the world’s leading suppliers of video,

• Outside Broadcast Vans.


audio and transmission products, digital

• Terrestrial Transmission.

establishments. Highly motivated, the

media solutions and systems integration

• Satellite Uplink Systems.

company ensures that their clients gain


The company’s customers in the MENA


maximum return on investment (ROI)

ATG Middle East capabilities include

region include major TV broadcasters,

design, project-planning, equipment

programme production companies,

installation, software-configuration,

telecommunication service providers within

Successful Systems

commissioning, documentation, on-

cable, fibre, terrestrial and satellite markets.

Integration Requires:

site training plus ongoing support and

Embracing tomorrow’s technology,

maintenance. in the following fields:


ATG ME delivers maximum value through


from any project that is undertaken.

Early engagement ATG solutions experts offer consultancy


services and help customers make

Outstanding management

this capacity ATG ME can help with the

fundamental business and technology

Project management is a complex

difficult choices ahead.

decisions. ATG ME has experience in

science. ATG ME employs only the finest

systems that work, and systems that push

and the company is proud of its record

ATG ME recent projects

the boundaries – those that make the right

of on-time and on-budget projects for

Dr Fares Lubbadeh (Managing Director,

balance between risk and reward.

its customers.

ATG Middle East), says “Recently

Sharp financial acumen

Benefit from real world experience

broadcast media compliance facility for

Investing in broadcast and media systems

ATG ME has been in the business of media

a national broadcaster authority. This

requires more than great financial

and broadcast systems integration for

system is based on Linux-based IT-style

planning. It also needs a deep appreciation

years. They have undertaken technology

servers which capture content every

of value in technology and what it can do

investigations and proof of concepts for

hour of the day, every day of the year.

for businesses. ATG ME knows how to

customers and have followed technology

Recording, cataloguing and purging are

choose solutions that work at the highest

evolution over the years. And what will

performed fully automatically.”

possible return on investment, and solve

remain as a constant is the approach

“….And we’ve just signed two contracts

technical dilemmas in cost-effective but

needed to make sure you can invest

for the upgrade of a state broadcaster

operationally efficient ways.

safely, wisely and for the future. With

television studio to high definition and for

completed projects include a 50-channel



an upgrade of a satellite uplink teleport.

knowledge of modern software and IP

warranting the system itself, working

These two projects will be implemented

based systems in addition to and in depth

closely with suppliers and providing

within the first half of 2015.”

infrastructure knowledge that has helped

service level agreements of its own,

ATG ME evolve with the needs of their

ATG ME stays with its customers for the


long haul.

Knowledge and Partnership ATG ME keeps its knowledge of state

All system components are sourced on

ATG ME provides full engineering

of the art technology fresh and current.

the basis of fitness for purpose rather than

support following the completion of a

With a constant thirst for better solutions

commercial affinity.

system, on-site, online or by telephone

the company provides customers with

as required.

answers that best suit them and their

Service and Support


ATG ME supports its customers beyond

engineers cover projects from initial

the completion of an installation. By

project award through to the installation

Key partnerships have brought in


Project managers and systems


stage. Comprehensive documentation is supplied with every system and each customer is listened to and other potential customers on an individual project basis. A proven and successful track record speaks for itself. Value-Added ATG ME partners with leading manufacturers providing solutions for today and tomorrow. Deep product and application knowledge is backed up by problem-solving, training, service and support. As specialists in file-based and IT/ IP products that are complementary to

should have this knowledge in-house.


each other and ahead of the curve in

Beyond solid and deep-rooted

performance and future suitability, the

capabilities in baseband signals and real-

company prides itself on having these

time workflows it believes its additional

Dr Fares Lubbadeh

capabilities and believes a forward-

skills in IP and IT based systems hugely

Managing Director

looking systems integration company

enhances its offering to customers. Jordan Office Al-Waseem Centre , 3rd Floor Al Shareef Abdel Hameed Sharaf St. Shmeisani PO Box 8154, Amman 11121, Jordan Tel: +962(06) 5682956 Fax: +962(06) 5682976 UAE Dubai Office Office EO 22, 7th floor Al Thuraya 2, PO Box 500717 Dubai Media City Tel: +971 44280716 E-mail: Website:



Rising to the challenge with reliable broadcast systems Established in 2011, Broadcast Systems

studios, control rooms, transmission

Arabia (BSA) has rapidly risen to

centres, Earth stations, disaster recovery

become pioneers in delivering complex

suites, Radio TX, Radio Studio and Outside

broadcast infrastructure solutions that

Broadcast (OB) vehicles.

cover all aspects of integration — from

Catering to the largely overlooked area of

consultancy to planning engineering,

video and audio broadcast services in conflict



regions, BSA is deepening its commitment

installation, commissioning, training,

to this task which most systems integrators

maintenance and post-implementation

stay clear of. From its UAE-based regional

support. Delivering turnkey solutions,

headquarters, the company is ideally

the company’s skill lies in lending its

positioned to offer extended production and

expertise to challenging markets in war-

broadcast services to its customers spread

torn regions, and in those areas where

across the Middle East and North Africa

broadcast infrastructure sometimes

(MENA) and Pakistan.


needs to be built from scratch.

Under the able leadership of its CEO and

Supported by a dedicated team of

broadcast expert, Muhammad Irfan Gondal

professionals, BSA design and deliver

and his specialised team of professionals,

broadcast systems to customers by applying

BSA’s expansive services extend beyond

its knowhow to installed and mobile broadcast facilities such as newsrooms,


Muhammad Irfan, CEO, BSA.

the traditional platforms of radio and TV channels, to include all forms of media such


as satellite radio channels, audio features,

address the logistics, technical and political

contract engineers and wiremen. Through

internet streams, radio channels, mobile

challenges of conflict areas. The company is

deep investment in trainings, these third-

media, websites and portals.

now only a handful of systems integrators

party resources are expertly enabled by the

With extensive experience in file-based

capable of effectively operating in such

company to guarantee the highest quality

workflow, Avid news solutions, studio set-

markets and has successfully delivered

of work, in line with what customers have

ups, production control rooms, terrestrial

multiple projects - many of which needed

come to expect of their trusted technology

deployment of analogue, digital TV and

to be built right from the start.


radio, BSA has gained recognition as a market leader in the region.

In addition to its willingness to serve

After project completion, BSA conducts

customers in war-torn countries, BSA

in-depth knowledge sharing with the

has also enjoyed a great deal of success in

customer and provides comprehensive

Commitment to challenging markets

mature markets across the MENA region

manuals that detail every aspect of the

Though a great demand for broadcast

due to the company’s position as a one-stop-

system. Furthermore, the company’s

services in war-torn nations such as Libya,

shop for all broadcast needs.

dedicated 12 month support of every completed project entitles each customer to

Syria and Afghanistan exist, only a daring few actually apprehend the hazardous

Systems Integration

avail of engineer visits and 24/7 telephonic

nature of conducting business in these

BSA utilises its qualified team of broadcast


countries. BSA however was quick to realise

professionals, guided by in-house senior

the potential of these markets and since

management staff, to implement all projects.


its establishment, has invested heavily in

To meet stringent deadlines and ensure

BSA’s end-to-end technical consultancy

developing the unique skill-sets necessary to

timely delivery of projects, BSA employs

addresses both know-how and know-



why requirements of its customers. The company’s services relating to studio set up, media technology and audio and video solutions help new entrants in the broadcast industry greatly reduce their time to market. BSA also works extensively with established TV channels and by conducting critical analyses of workflows, helps them re-engineer and streamline processes and better utilise their systems to improve efficiency while cutting operational expenses. BSA further extends its consultancy services to production houses, content creation setups, live broadcast setups and radio stations. The company draws on its wealth of experience in the field of systems integration to guide clients in deploying tried and tested broadcast solutions that deliver tangible business benefits. TV and Film Production BSA’s technical proficiency has made it a prominent solutions provider to TV and film production crews. Customers depend on BSA for cost-effective production services

Key Customer Successes

establishment of Libya Al Ahrar and its

that include rental of all camera equipment

BSA has an established track record

subsequent transformation into a fully

and location services.

in building broadcast infrastructure

digital television network. Owing to expert

solutions for customers from ground

guidance and rapid project implementation,

FM Radio Stations

up. The company’s portfolio of strong

the TV channel was capable of providing

From the initial stages of planning,

customer references includes challenging

coverage of the country’s elections.

apportioning frequencies, and securing

undertakings in conflict regions, as well as

An ambitious start-up venture, Gondal

necessary clearances up until systems

complex deployments in mature markets.

of BSA initiated the project by advising

integration, BSA has worked closely with

Libya Al Ahrar on how to build studios

several FM radio stations. Requiring a

Libya Al Ahrar

in the country for its news and related

particularly categorical approach to

Popularly known as Libya TV, Libya Al

programming. All aspects of this roll-out

addressing commercial aspects and

Ahrar, was launched as a news channel

were expertly managed and enabled by BSA.

developing a sound business model, BSA

by Libya’s ex-information Minister and

In addition to leveraging its core technical

ensures that its FM systems are reliable

journalist, Mahmud Shammam, during

capabilities to install permanent satellite

and conform to industry standards in

the revolution in the country. Together

uplink facilities from Tripoli, Benghazi and

order to meet and exceed customer

with its Qatar-based partner Gulf Media

Masrata and the setup of 12 Digital Satellite


(GMCO), BSA played a vital role in the

News Gathering (DSNG) vans, BSA had



feed via satellite to over 3.7 million listeners in all the major metropolitan cities in Libya. Al Aan TV Services Al Aan was one of the first TV stations to transmit live from within the borders of war-torn Syria and began its broadcasts at a time when other channels were operating from border crossings. While the Al Aan team was fully mobile, its crew was limited to working from within the free areas. The TV crew was kitted with two fully equipped Satellite News Gathering (SNG) vans for use in Idlib and Aleppo, as well as two cameras and full fly-away kits to ensure backup was available. The crew was also provided with microphones, a tape player, spotlights and Thuraya satellite phones for communicating between team members, with the consultancy and support of BSA. Other Key Projects Established 8 FM transmitters for Syria’s Al Alaan station. Set up FM transmitters for Radio Jabal, to accommodate for unique requirements

project and four Non-Linear Editing (NLE)

of the project. These included leasing

and GFX rooms were built.

satellite segments for occasional broadcast

BSA also supervised setup of the channel’s

on Arabsat and Eutelsat; and dedicating

studio in Benghazi. Design and lighting,

extensive time and effort to identifying and

configuring the AV, vision and sound mixers,

hiring local resources and training them to

camcorders, CCU, CG, VTR, racks, consoles,

manage HD production equipment.

monitors, lighting, cables, and other studio

For the channel’s main production facility, BSA delivered a hanger setup which was

Libya. Radio studio in Cairo. Fitted one HD studio in Cairo. FM transmitters for Radio Al Wasat Libya.


accessories were organised under the BSA banner.

Broadcast Systems Arabia MFZE Office No 103, Building 1

completed in just 22 days. This involved steel work, sandwich panels, acoustics, painting,

Alaan FM Libya

RAK Media City

power, and meeting all infrastructure

Despite the turmoil in the country during

PO Box 32429,

requirements. The company also equipped

the revolution, BSA efficiently facilitated the

Ras Al Khaimah, UAE

the facility with 42 air-conditioning units

establishment of six FM radio transmission


and a 150 kVA generator and UPS system

points in Tripoli, Benghazi, Sabha, Masrata,


for reliable 24/7 operations. In all, 16 Sony

Nalut and Albayda. These installations

HD camera kits were deployed for the entire

enabled Al Aan FM to successfully relay its





Integrating unparalleled standards of excellence As more systems are designed to

the years, the company’s track record has

climb on the growth charts. Well-versed

inter-connect, integration becomes

proven time and again that FGC delivers

in handling big-scale projects, FGC staff

increasingly important. In this respect,

superior performance and exceptional

is its greatest asset.

the First Gulf Company for Supplies and

value - overcoming challenges by providing

Contracting Ltd (FGC), established as

the highest level of service and consultancy

Undisputed leader in Broadcast

a Saudi limited liability company,

in the industry.

Systems Integration

offers a broad spectrum of services

Today, FGC occupies a distinct position

for broadcast solutions to general

Best in Value and Service

with a unique portfolio of specialised

contracting. The company’s superior

Known for its uncompromising work

projects in both the public and private

standards of business have resulted in

ethics and customer-centric approach,

sectors, dominating the broadcast systems

an exceptional growth curve, earning

FGC has developed a loyal customer base

integration business in Saudi Arabia, and

them an enviable position in the Saudi

within many government institutions in

rapidly growing in its other business of

Fast Growth list.

the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Whilst

General Contracting and Telecom Value

In the past decade, it has evolved as

handling a number of government

-Added Services (VAS). FGC’s SMS Gateway

an industry leader in broadcast systems

projects, FGC also has an impressive

is a fully featured messaging application

integration, executing many high profile

repertoire of successfully executed private

development and deployment platform to

projects in Saudi Arabia. In 2011, it was also

sector projects. Synonymous with top-

SMS-enable any application. It provides

awarded the distinction of being the fastest

notch quality and reliability, the company

high capacity, reliable and extremely fast

growing Saudi Arabian company. With a

owes its success to a progressive vision

SMS connectivity and compatibility with

fair share of success in Saudi Arabia and

and competent staff. Its well-qualified,

any programme, and offers extensive

the region, the company has relentlessly

highly-skilled engineers and technicians

global reach with innovative, user-friendly

pursued markets internationally. Over

have ensured the company’s upward

connections. Through its SMS Gateway,



FGC establishes a revenue sharing

List of Customers Major Broadcast Projects in KSA TV Studio, Radio Studio & Obvans for the Regional Broadcast Centres - Hail, Jizan, and Tabuk (HJT), for the Ministry Of Culture And Information (MOCI). Regional Broadcast Centres - Najran, Arar, Baha and Jouf (NJAB), for the Ministry Of Culture And Information (MOCI). Damam TV Complex, Ministry Of Culture And Information (MOCI). TV Broadcast System for Haram Makkah (King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Expansion of the Holy Mosque) for SBG/SBC. Makkah Haram & Madina HD for Ministry of Culture and Information (MOCI). Aali HD Studio, for Ministry Of Higher Education. Major Broadcast Projects TV Studio, Radio Studio & OB Vans HD sports, news and productions studios (Riyadh HD), for Ministry of Culture and Information (MOCI). 2 HD OB Vans - 16-cam & 2x5 cam for MOCI. TV Studio for News and Thakafia channel, for Ministry Of Culture And Information (MOCI). 9 Outside Broadcast DSNG, for Ministry Of Culture And Information (MOCI). KFU HD TV & Radio Studio, for King Faisal University. Sport Channel Production Studio (B), for Ministry Of Culture And Information (MOCI). Aali HD OB Van, for Ministry Of Higher Education. RF Radio & TV Projects Damam MW Radio Station, for Ministry Of Culture And Information (MOCI). AlKhumra Short Wave Radio Station, for Ministry Of Culture And Information (MOCI).

partnership with various media and TV Abha Radio Transmitter Station and Studio, for Ministry Of Culture And Information (MOCI). TV & FM Transmissions 10 TV & FM Transmission Stations, for Ministry Of Culture And Information (MOCI). TV & FM Transmission Stations for Bisha, Sarat Obaid, Bani Saad, and Rawdat Habas, for Ministry Of Culture And Information (MOCI). Al Adid and Yabrin Transmission Stations, for Ministry Of Culture And Information (MOCI). Satellite Projects Multimedia Exchange Network Over Satellite (MENOS) System, for Ministry Of Culture And Information (MOCI). 6 Open MENOS DSNG, for Ministry Of Culture And Information (MOCI). 4 Uplinks for 4 TV Channels, for Ministry Of Culture And Information (MOCI). 5 Microwave links, for Ministry Of Culture And Information (MOCI). KFU uplink, for King Faisal University. Major Maintenance and Operation Projects Digital Media Archiving and Assent Management Systems Digital Archiving Centre – Riyadh, for Ministry Of Culture And Information (MOCI)/EMC TV Connectivity, for Ministry Of Culture And Information (MOCI)/EMC. Sports Channel Archiving System, for Ministry Of Culture And Information (MOCI)/EMC. 7 Cities Connectivity, for Ministry Of Culture And Information (MOCI)/EMC. Second Stage of Maintenance & Operation of Riyadh Governor Palace Area, for Arriyadh Development Authority.

channels. Focused on delivering the best to its clients, FGC uses international brands to guarantee quality. Customer satisfaction has always been its topmost priority and will continue to be in times to come. FGC has built solid relationships with global companies in many industries through consistent support, and has proven itself remarkably effectively in providing innovative systems and best products quality. FGC’s Satellite, Broadcast and AV solutions Drawing from an extensive experience in the broadcast industry, FGC provides the most comprehensive line of high-performance broadcasting and transmission systems. It has established a stronghold on the broadcast systems sector with expertise in HD TV production and post-production facilities and studios. As a leading provider of broadcast and transmission systems, FGC offers turnkey solutions from consulting to installation. FGC’s capabilities cover design, implementation, integration and support of the most sophisticated systems (TV and Radio). Additionally, FGC provides turnkey solutions in all systems including high capacity MAM (Media Asset Management) and Digital Archiving systems. FGC specialises in systems design, integration, support and installation of full-line TV and radio transmission solutions. FGC implements end-to-end solutions for VSAT networks, and MENOS (multimedia exchange network over satellite) systems. As a prime audio-visual systems



integrator and equipment supplier, the First Gulf Company for Audio-Visual Systems delivers seamless, highly functional AV applications with robust, consistent control interfaces. FGC has mastered the art of audio visual systems integration to bring out the best highly sophisticated solutions, focusing on efficiency and matching requirements with functionality. Combining advanced technologies with technical expertise, FGC AV specialises in the design, integration and maintenance of turnkey communication systems, marshalling its resources to generate an elegant line of stylish and functional products and solutions. Brand partners FGC’s product line includes worldrenowned brands, such as Harris, Thales, Panasonic, Pekinos, AMX, EVS, Canford, Canon, Extron, Studer, Avid, Hitachi, Snell & Wilcox, Sennheiser, Fujinon, Draka, etc., making operations more efficient and convenient while applying the most advanced and flexible solutions.

contact First Gulf Company for Supplies & Contracting PO Box 25560 Riyadh 11476 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 11 2190888 Fax: +966 11 2191888 Email: For Quotation Requests: Website:





Keeping the momentum on integration technology Driven by broad experience and

field of audio and video broadcast and

in both telecommunications and broadcast

motivated teamwork, Heat was

telecommunications, and has evolved into

so as to provide customers with the latest

founded in 1993 as a privately owned

an authorised agent and distributor for a

tailored technical advice. The Heat

company determined to excel in the

number of world leaders in these fields of

team of engineers is always at hand to

communications sector. With extensive

technology, such as JDSU Telecom Tesing,

provide optimal and accurate technical

expertise in electronic engineering

Promax test equipment, Advantech

back-up, and is fully equipped to supply

and the broadcast media, Heat today

Wireless MW, Vislink Communications,

technical services such as systems design,

encompasses a multi-faceted services

Gates AIR, Vitec and Cartoni Camera

installation and testing, in addition to

enterprise that design and install

Support, Avid Technology, Sony, Snell,

providing precise information on the

powerful, turnkey video and audio

Grass Valley, Imagine Communications

existing market conditions in Jordan.

communication solutions catering

and Nevion. Additionally, Heat associates

to all broadcast needs – from small

with a wide base of international

Broadcast Systems

production and post-production studios

manufacturers and suppliers as well.

The Heat Systems Integration team has

to large multi-channel broadcasting

In its endeavour to develop the

designed, tested and installed TV and

necessary expertise in such a dynamic

radio production studios, video and audio

Heat is an accredited supplier in Jordan

field, Heat keeps momentum with the

editing suites, OB Vans, complete FM radio

and other Middle East countries in the

most modern technologies and concepts

stations, video editing and distribution




systems, and satellite uplinks and downlinks for corporate, entertainment and news applications. Based on client demand and requirement, Heat design and deliver a user-friendly broadcast facility that allows for ease of operation and high quality, state-of-the-art product. From simple design to complete systems design, integration and engineering, clients are furnished with a cost-effective solution that meets their specific requirements and business goals

Heat design and deliver a userfriendly broadcast facility that allows for ease of operation and high quality, stateof-the-art product

and gives them a solid base for future expansion. Heat has integrated broadcast systems for corporations such as JRTV, Higher Council for Media (JMI), Hayat FM, Amen FM, Sawt Al Madina, Al-Waseela Productions, ZAD Group/ Saudi Arabia, Zayed FM Radio-Fujairah, UAE, to name a few. Comprehensive services encompass : • Consultancy. • Design. • Engineering. • Installation. • Documentation.

List of Customers

• Training. • Service & Maintenance.



Jordan Radio and Television Corp.

Royal Jordanian Air Force.

Yarmouk University.

Special Communications

Jordan Armed Forces.


• Procurement. Telecommunication Systems Heat’s specialisation in telecommunications

Arab Telemedia Services Centre.


stems from the profound experience

Play FM.


of its IT team. The division offers



services in specific areas such as radio

JMI (Formerly Higher


communications, telemetry, video

Public Security Department.

communications, satellite earth stations

Council for Media). Royal Hashemite Court. UNRWA.

and setting-up of fibre-optic and Associates

microwave link, broadband and wireless

Al-Hussein Bin Talal University.


local loop access systems, etc. Test and

Sawt Al Madina.


measurement solutions are offered to

Hayat FM.


customers in fields as diverse as process

Spin and Ayyam FM.

Imagine Communications.

control, electronics, defence, automation

Amen FM.


and environmental testing. Major projects

Al-Waseela Productions.


have been undertaken for Jordan Telecom,

ZAD Group/ Saudi Arabia.


Fastlink, Mobilecom, Xpress, Umniah, and

Fujairah Culture & Media Authority.


the Royal Jordanian Air Force.

Yemen Armed Forces.

Grass Valley.

Lina Productions, Yemen.


Seyaha FM.


Hayat FM, Yemen.



AL-Housna FM Radio.


• MW Telecom Networks.

Comprehensive services include: • Telecommunication Networks Management Systems.

• Fibre Networks and Testing. • GSM Network Testing.



Projects ZAD Group Production studios, Jeddah/ KSA (2014) ZAD is a Saudi group specialised in utilising high-end technologies in the field of media, internet, publishing and telecommunications for distribution of scientifically documented content of the religion of Islam. ZAD contracted Heat as a consultant for building the infrastructure of their media centre in Jeddah. The media centre consists of 180 m2 TV studio and 3 audio production studios in addition to an uplink SNG. Heat




consultancy services from the building foundation stage, in order to set up the building conferring to the highest acoustic treatment measures, and to cope with requirements of the highest quality lighting system. Seeing that the building was ready to incorporate a state-of-the-art TV production studio, ZAD group contracted Heat for building the complete TV and Audio production studios. Heat’s system design equipped the

Seagulls Group (2014)


studios with 3G HD Sony cameras, 3G

New transmission equipment for four

Snell vision switcher , router glue, Miranda

radio programmes, including transmitters,

Multi-viewer and Avid playout servers. The

combiners, antennae, towers and IP audio


project was immediately operational and


3rd floor, Marmarah Centre Subhi Omari Street

complete in March 2014. Al-Husna FM Radio Station Amman,


PSD Radio station Amen FM, Amman,

Jordan (2014)

PO Box 140306

Jordan (2014)

Twin-studio radio station, in addition to

Amman, 11814, Jordan

Equipped a new radio studio, in addition

complete FM radio transmission. Tel: +962 6 586 1914

to moving the existing radio station to the new location of PSD at Emaish.

Hayat – Yemen FM Radio Station, Sanaa,

Fax: +962 6 586 3725

Yemen (2013)


Heat & Sony

Twin-studio radio station, in addition to


Heat was assigned as certified distributor

complete FM radio transmission, plus

for Sony Broadcast.

radio automation system.



Kuwait TV Master Control Room.

DMI Studio F & Sports Studio.


AJ Sports TVRO.


Spearheading media technology in the Middle East INC System Integrations, a subsidiary

Technology Consulting

goals are set, and their experience enables

company of INC Technologies, provides

INC provides consultancy services so that

them to offer accurate and focused advice

functional and cost-effective media

clients can identify their current and future

to clients from the outset, ensuring that

technology solutions. INC offers project

requirements, a consultancy that can assist

business and technical objectives are

management, systems engineering,

in detailing the technical and financial scope

realistically framed in the light of available

software configuration, equipment

of potential projects.


sourcing and systems installation.

As the industry moves from traditional

It brings that little extra to the business

to file-based media, many companies are

Project Planning and Management

of systems integration, applying an

looking for high level collaborative strategic

INC’s corporate culture and processes

additional impetus to every project that

consulting services to assist them through

provide stability, accountability and

is undertaken, irrespective of the size or

the transition so as to achieve optimum

leadership skills to their project managers,

complexity of the job.

operational standards in all aspects of their

thereby giving them a collaborative mindset


in dealings with internal and external project

With its vast experience and expertise in the field, the company has the wherewithal

INC is neither owned nor aligned

stakeholders. As primary point of contact, the

to pre-build and test large-scale

with any vendor but maintain healthy

project manager works with the client to set

installations prior to delivery. Each project

relationships with major media equipment

the technical vision and design philosophy

is supervised by a dedicated specialist who

and software vendors.

that will direct engineering design, project

remains the client’s contact from project

They are involved in projects at the

commencement to completion and beyond.

earliest possible stage when strategies and

scheduling, costing, quality control, and onsite move-in and installation.



Successful Projects

Aspire antennas farm.

DMI Camel Race – Al Marmoum. DMI Studio F & Sports Studio. Kuwait TV Master Control Room. Kuwait TV Channel One. Kuwait TV High Definition Centre. Kuwait TV Studio 500. Kuwait TV Studio 160. Kuwait TV Newsroom System. Bahrain TV News Studio. Bahrain TV Playout Servers & NLEs. Bein Sport – Studio One Lighting System – Sport. Bein Sport – Morning Studio Lighting System. Bein Sport TVRO System.

INC has developed a methodology that ensures high-quality and a wholly customised system for each client

Qatar TV Studio 5 – Doha/Qatar. Qatar TV HD Master Control Room. Qatar TV HD 512x512 Matrix. Qatar TV News Studio Upgrade.

A typical project plan would include:

the total facility concept.

• All milestones and significant delivery dates.

Technology Engineering and Work Flow

• Dependencies between sub-tasks.


• Outcome of sub-tasks.

At INC, a thorough understanding of

Qatar TV – TVRO System.

• Start and finish time of sub-tasks.

broadcast operations and workflow exists,

Media Centre for the Arab

• Resourcing and responsibility for sub-

gained over many years of close co-operation

Qatar TV- Satellite Two Earth Stations.

Summit League – Doha/Qatar. Al Kass TV - Doha Microwave System.

tasks. • Timescale for client input and sign-off. • Delivery milestones.

Al Kass TV Two Earth Stations.

• Specification of works to be undertaken.

Al Kass TV Newsroom System.

• Draft acceptance documents.

Al Kass TV TVRO. Al Sharjah TV OB Van Refurbish Project. Integral Storage Integration & Expansion.

with a vast network of clients. INC’s areas of expertise include: • Production Television Studios, Newsroom, Master Control & Transmission Systems. • Linear & Non-Linear Edit Suites. • Storage, Archive & Media Asset

Facility Design and Liaison


Liaison with architects and builders to

• Satellite Earth Stations.

provide the correct building in which

• Satellite News Gathering.

to install a broadcast system is one of

• Outside Broadcast.

Al-Rai TV Video Wall System.

the services provided by INC Broadcast.

• Emerging Technologies such as IPTV

KidZania Kuwait – Complete

Planning complex facilities requires

Video Audio System.


and Mobile TV.

understanding how buildings facilitate

• Space Planning (HVAC, Power Loading,

media production and distribution. INC

Work Flow Design, Facility Logistics &

has the skills necessary to bring vision to



System Installation, Commissioning

vendors, which often yields a significant

and Testing

pricing advantage that is then passed on

INC Broadcast has a team of engineers

to clients.

and installation wiremen, experienced in

contact INC System Integrations

broadcast installations and commissioning.

Support Contracts

Jumeirah Lakes Towers

On completion, the system is commissioned

INC offers two types of support contracts,

Block Y - Swiss Tower

and thoroughly checked both for

both of which can be customised.

7th Floor - Office# 705

technical performance and operational requirements. In any project, partial or complete

Parts Pro: Where the company supplies

Tel: +00971 4 4542766/76


Fax: +00971 4 4542768

system pre-build can be undertaken at

Service Pro: Where the company

the company premises prior to on-site

supplies clients with spare parts

implementation. This technique saves

replacements as well as on-site inspection

time on-site and reduces costs especially

and repair services when a fault happens.

on overseas projects. The system testing procedure that is

PO Box 454957, Dubai, UAE

clients with spare parts only when a fault


followed is as per the industry’s highest

INC has developed a methodology

standards, in which all major components

that ensures high-quality and a wholly

are tested – the cables path test such as

customised system for each client. A

jitters, rise time and amplitude is conducted

robust project management practice, it

using special measurement tools. Draft

facilitates swift project commencement

copy of the system testing procedure

and progress through pre-defined stages

document is handed over to the client for

of a low-risk path designed to achieve high

approval before testing commences.

quality results. It is based on continuous client involvement and remains the

Equipment and Materials Sourcing

principal focus throughout the project

INC’s large annual purchasing volume

and until the achievement of pre-arranged

creates a strong relationship with major


Yasmine Saif Email: Website: com/broadcast INC Kuwait Safat, Kuwait City, Fahad Salem Street 11th Floor. PO Box 1167, Safat 13012 Kuwait City, Kuwait Tel: +965 224431/2/3 Fax: +965 22443130 INC Qatar Elle France Building 5th Floor, Room: 13, Salwa Road PO Box 63142 Doha-Qatar Tel: +974 4432-5940 Fax: +974 4442-7065 INC Saudi Arabia Madarat Advance Trading Est. Fatimah Alzahra’a Street, Malaz Dis. Riyadh 11383 PO Box 355342 - KSA Tel: +966 1 4766626 Fax: +966 1 4772964

Kuwait TV Studio 160.





Crafting innovative tools and solutions With an array of specialised services

(DVB), digital signage, transmission

that command excellence and over two

facilities, and streaming technologies.

decades of unparalleled expertise in the media and broadcast industry,

Products and Services

Systems Design provides solutions and

Systems Design employs a team of highly

consulting services to discerning clients

qualified engineers, making it an expert

throughout the Middle East.

at designing, managing and implementing

The company’s mission is to deliver

turnkey projects for:

state-of-the-art technology in the field of

Satellite channels playout centres.

broadcasting and media, and to maintain

Studio complexes.

their status as a prominent systems

Video Transport Solutions.

integrator and provider of related technical

TV & Radio Master control rooms (MCR).

and consultancy services. Fortified by a

Media Archiving Solutions .

legion of engineers, Systems Design offer

Outdoor Broadcasting Vans (OB vans).

a wide scope of solutions and services,

Audio & Video Restoration and

including value-added reselling of hi-tech


equipment and the design, engineering

Acoustical Isolation & Treatment Works.

and integration of turnkey projects for

Video Transport Solutions.

studios, video and cinema production/

Digital Signage.

post-production, digital video broadcasting

E-Learning Solutions.



Satellite Channels PlayOut Centres

Key Clients The Egyptian Radio & Television Union (ERTU). The Egyptian Satellite Company (Nilesat). The Egyptian Media Production

Working with their customers, Systems

Setup and support of all equipment and solutions.

Designs provides customised, state-of-

Consultancy and system design services.

the-art solutions for playout centres that

Complete turnkey solutions.

meet their needs, including on-site as well

Acoustical isolation and treatment works.

as offsite locations and multi-channel

Technical supervision for studio

solutions. Their solutions packages include


the following value-added features such as setup and support of all equipment and

Video Transport Solutions


solutions, consultancy and system design

Based on Net Insight top notch technology

World Health Organisation.

services, complete turnkey solutions and

and Systems Design project execution

Al-Ahly Channel.

a 24x7 on-site technical operations team.

capabilities, the company offers professional

City (EMPC).


media transport solutions for different

Al-Nahar TV Network.

Studio Complexes

applications such as;


Systems Design offer its clients complete

Media Contribution: Video and audio

Arab News Agency.

solutions for all their studio setup needs,

transport services combined with datacom

On News Agency (ONA).

regardless of the status of the project.

and telecom between a broadcaster’s

Al-Saeeda Channel.

The company also sets up virtual studios

different sites.

Semsem TV.

for special applications such as news or

DTT Networks: National infrastructure

Moga Comedy.


from head ends to transmitters. The

Al Sahraa Channels.


In addition to supplying the best-in-class

infrastructure supports TV distribution as

studio equipment and software, Systems

well as mobile TV, mobile back haul and

Design’s package also includes:

time distribution.


Satellite Backhaul and Contribution:

editing stations, and equipment for either

Terrestrial infrastructure for client-uplink

broadcasting the programme on TV, or

and client-client transport for media,

streaming it over a data network with set up

datacom and telecom signals.

for either live streaming or for pre-recorded

Network-based Time Distribution:


Distribution of extremely accurate

Systems Design provide a variety of media

time signals over fibre-based network

solutions and services for the educational

infrastructure for Single Frequency

sector to suit the specific scope and

Network (SFN) operation of digital TV and

application of the target programme. In

mobile TV distribution. These time signals

order to make it convenient, the following

are as accurate as those provided by GPS

services are covered:

receivers but will not fail in the event of a

Supplying equipment and software.

GPS system shutdown.

Setup and support of all equipment and

Digital Signage

Complete turnkey solutions.

Digital signage systems provide a way to

Technical supervision for operations.


communicate information, advertising and

Systems Design offer its clients complete solutions for all their studio setup needs, regardless of the status of the project

other messages on a group of electronic


displays, controlled by a central server.

Systems Design has established partnerships

The content can be provided in the form

with global market leaders in the industry to

of an automated play-list, and can consist

deliver best-in-class equipment and solutions

of either a continuous set of static displays,

to their customers. Systems Design partners

or entertainment footage interleaved with

include but are not limited to Grass Valley,

static or video messages.

LAWO, Quantel, Net Insight, EditShare,

Systems Design can provide digital

Oracle, Sky Line, TV Logic, Beehive Systems,

signage solutions for several applications

Syes, TVU, DARIM, Junger-Audio, Progira,

and markets:

Barnfind and many others.

Advertising and entertainment in waiting areas, such as banks and restaurants. Public Information in airports, shopping

Sport Event Production: Transmission of video, audio and data signals between the venues and broadcast centre for sport events.


malls, universities, museums, etc. Internal Information in companies and institutions.

Sport Event Contribution: Long distance,

Systems Design Building 199, 1st Neighbourhood,

international contribution of audio and

E-Learning Solutions

4th District,

video on a continental or global basis.

An e-learning system is an ideal solution

6th of October City, Egypt

IPTV Distribution: Distribution of IPTV

for educational programmes that need

Tel: +20-2-3833-5320

signals to remote operators or other parts of

to provide remote instruction. Systems

Fax: +20-2-3833-5340

a service provider network, or from central

Design’s e-learning solutions are customised


head ends to regional or local head ends

completely for clients and include all the


for further distribution into the metro or

required components like the recording

access network.

station, cost-effective studio, video



TSL built a virtual studio for the University of Salford, MediaCityUK.

Comprehensive integration services 218


TSL provided systems integration services for Sky News Arabia’s entire 24-hour news operations.

Trusted by premier broadcasters and corporates worldwide for over 27 years,

• NUQ, Qatar - File based HD news workflow.

• Broadcast IT Networks. • File-based Workflows.

TSL continuously and reliably delivers

• First Media - File based news, production

significant technical and commercial

and playout facility in Dubai Studio City.

• Automation Systems.

integration projects and support

TSL can offer independent integration

• Multi-platform delivery.

services to an impressive portfolio of

services at any and every stage of a project,

international clients, many of which are

from beginning to end (and beyond),

From Design to Reality

located in the Middle East.

including consultancy, design, vendor

Some broadcasters have a clear vision of the

• Shared Storage & Archiving.

Since the launch of its local office in

selection, pre-build, FAT, integration,

end commercial result of a project, but not

Dubai Studio City in 2008, TSL FZ LLC’s

installation, as well as new support and

necessarily the expertise to get it started.

customers have included:

maintenance programmes.

Others decide to engage with suppliers

• Al Aan TV – HD video router upgrade.

TSL’s soul aim is to enable broadcasters

early on for very specific operational

• Sky News Arabia, Abu Dhabi - HD file

to meet and exceed their technical and

requirements, but without looking at the

commercial goals.

‘big picture’.

based news workflow. • OSN - Broadcast infrastructure expansion in Dubai.

Expertise include:

If both of these perspectives aren’t fully

• Enterprise MAM.

considered, costly and time-consuming



mistakes, such as expansion, compatibility

gone. Systems need to be reliable and

or skill-related issues can be unavoidable

resilient and fit for intuitive and efficient

further down the line. That’s why it is worth

operational use.

taking advantage of TSL’s Consultancy

Working with TSL will guarantee

System Support Modules include: ITIL 3.0 performance monitoring and reporting of KPIs.

services from the very beginning. The

detailed initial planning and meticulous

Supplier Management Services.

days of creating systems just for the sake

consideration of all the facts during

Budget Management and Repair

of engineering expectations are long

system specification. It is this period where experienced independent broadcast

Procurement. Periodic Preventative

consultants, like TSL, can bring the

Maintenance & Update Services.

most value, for example, sourcing new

Auditing and Asset Management

methodologies and testing new technology


before implementation, or having

Proof of concept testing.

the existing knowledge and supplier-

On-line Knowledge Centre.

relationships to recommend best-of-breed

Customer Spare Parts

products with proven interoperability

Management and Logistics.

between multiple systems. Analysing current and projected media

Suhail Ahmed

volumes, media movements, media formats, workflow and working practices,

TSL Systems has recently adopted ITIL

Suhail Ahmed, General Manager

as well as future methods of production

3.0 processes into its new Modular Based

of TSL Middle East joined TSL four

or delivery, are just a few of the headline

System Support Programme where its

years ago and has played a major

specifications that need to be captured.

clients get full transparency of delivered

Sky News Arabia, NUQ, OSN and

New Life-Cycle Support and

Indicators (KPIs). This methodology

various other projects in the area.

Maintenance Programmes

means that all support actions are

Ahmed came from CNBC Arabia

As the broadcast industry is experiencing

traceable and auditable, ensuring a leaner

where he was Bureau Operations

a major shift away from high value

and more efficient support solution when

Manager, providing advanced techni-

bespoke hardware platforms to a more

compared to historic internal resourcing

cal support designed to incorporate

integrated IT based approach, so too are

models - it also provides evaluation

the latest technology for optimisa-

its requirements for an integrated support

capabilities for ROI.

tion and quality control of all bureau

service to rely on.

role in delivering projects such as

systems and workflows.

services by utilising Key Performance

TSL is one of the first systems

The need to employ teams of support

integrators to utilise an ITIL 3.0 service

“By continuously advancing our

engineers within a broadcast facility is

desk software solution in its system

expertise through education, training

becoming as obsolete as the tape based

support programme, so it can now provide

and careful recruitment processes,

workflows that they were employed to

a flexible and modular based service that

whilst drawing off 28 years of indus-

service; the same can be said of extensive

can be moulded to specific business and

try experience, we have developed

procurement teams that manage individual

system requirements.

a unique skill-set that enables our

manufacturer support contracts.

customers to fully reach their technical and commercial goals.”


Many of these services have become

So, who better to look after a support

increasingly difficult for individual

programme than the very system

manufacturers to provide within a

integrators that built (and likely designed)

multi-vendor system. Application driven

the systems?

solutions running on IT platforms have


TSL has the capability to test new methodologies and technology before their implementation.

also meant that manufacturers no longer

of installation to service their individual

TSL isn’t just the systems partner of

require the physical local presence of

products; instead they’re using a remote

choice now - but the technology partner

systems engineers within the country

centralised service delivery solution to

of choice for broadcasters worldwide.

provide support. This, combined with the fact that broadcasters are under pressure Trust TSL with your next project:

to reduce internal technical support staff,


News Broadcast Operation.

exposes a widening gulf of knowledge

Sports Broadcast Facility.

and local expertise in the provision of


Network Operation Centre.

broadcast support.

Building 4, Office 101

Multi-format Playout Facility.

In developing and investing in its

PO Box 502751

Education Media Centre.

professional managed services team, TSL

Dubai Studio City, UAE

Corporate Studio.

provides a unique alternative solution to

Tel: +971 4 4329143

For more information about TSL,

traditional system integration companies,

Fax: +971 4 4329142

please visit

giving its customers access to an impartial


highly skilled team of broadcast specialists operating within an IT domain.



Training Reporters





Future of TV journalism in focus Reporters is the first independent TV

MENA region through mutually rewarding

journalism array in the MENA region in

training and production deals that ultimately

terms of training and production; aiming

result in injecting a new breed of talent and

to be a game changer of the media

therefore, a new spirit in the industry.

scene in the Arab world by creating a new well informed, highly capable and

The Team

motivated generation of TV journalists

Reporters prides itself with an unmatched

that is adherent to international best

team of the best TV talents and experts

practices of media professionalism and

from across the world. Its synergised,

ethical social responsibility.

multi-dimensional, multi-cultured team is

For this purpose the award-winning

a reservoir of media expertise and knowledge

Reporters has created a unique real-life

dedicated to providing highest standards of

fully-fledged integrated TV environment

TV professionalism with a focus on ethics

in its Dubai headquarters, dedicated to

and social responsibility. Trainers bring with

harnessing talent and creativity both at

them a vast experience in the professional

the training and production levels, that is

and training arenas while their production

unsurpassed in the MENA region. Such a

and creative teams are task-oriented and give

setup enables professionals and trainees to

undivided attention to every project’s detail.

efficiently produce content according to the highest quality specifications. The company


envisages a new progressive and dynamic TV


scene in the Arab region and aims to reach out

With its unique talent and technology

to the grassroots of talent creation i.e. leading

combination, Reporters has a fully

educational institutions in the GCC and

integrated production cycle enabling it to

Distinguished Clients

MBC Group, Dubai, UAE. Al Ghad TV, UK. Al Dafrah TV, Abu Dhabi. DM TV, Dubai. Gate Media Group (GMG), Egypt. Total Media Cast, Jordan. Al Afnan Media, Iraq. Doludizgin Creative Films, Turkey. Anadolu news agency, Turkey. Ministry of Health, KSA. Arriyadh Development Commission, KSA. Dubai Health Authority. Dubai Roads and Transport Authority. Dubai Airports. Nakheel. Manchester Business School, Dubai. Tarteeb Media, Dubai. Oilserv FZCO, Dubai. Fiera Di Vicenza, Italy.



deliver best quality works with maximum flexibility, effectively controlling client costs. Production services include: News content production.

Live and recorded TV news and feature shows. Film and drama series production and distribution.

War and conflict zones news resources.

Editing and post-production.

Documentary film production and

Advertorials, fillers and promotional

distribution. Docudrama film production and distribution. Corporate films.

Projects Production: 30 episodes production of Sir el Mihna (Secret of Trade) programme for GMG Group that was broadcast on DM channel. Providing news production services in Syria for Al Ghad TV. News production services in GCC for Anadulo Agency, Turkey. Won the production contract of

videos. Event coverage and organization. Creative works and identity design. Voice over talent and production. Training Reporters believes that the cornerstone of Arab TV media development is fostering a distinguished generation of journalists, and enhancing the skills of existing talent to raise the standard of TV media in the region to the international level. Reporters is the only business-to-business (B2B) media array in the MENA region that assists its trainees in getting hired by TV stations and production houses because of their ability to produce on the first day of work. The proprietary

a mega cinematic project of a

training system covers:

media services for organisations such as:

cultural documentary in KSA.

Training university students in TV

Comprehensive PR packages.

“ADIPEC 2013” exhibition coverage in Abu Dhabi. “Gitex 2013” 5 days of coverage for DHA. Corporate identity contract from Oilserv. Training:

journalism and production. Providing 1 on 1 individual TV training for aspiring journalists-to-be. Enhancing and updating skills of existing TV professionals.

Dubai Government departments. TV journalism training for Al Dafra TV, Abu Dhabi. Ongoing monthly TV talent and skill training, having graduated 15 batches in TV journalism and presenting.

spokespersons to deal with media.

and maintenance. Arranging interviews and live hits for leaders with major channels. Consultancy and Research Reporters’ expertise and extensive local

Conferences and Seminars

knowledge enables it to comprehensively

Reporters organises industry-focused

cover the broadcast and production

conferences, seminars and workshops

industry in the MENA region with a wide

to promote exchange of ideas, skills

range of consultancy services. A top-notch

and experience among TV experts and

team of international consultants ensures

professionals the world over.

that clients get the best expertise and advice.

Media works Reporters provides other value-added


Public image and personality building

Training of political and business leaders/

Talent training for MBC Group. CEO training for a number of

Advertising campaigns.

Currently the company is working with government entities and state media


institutions in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Libya,

cool lighting matrix, studio cameras,

UAE and Turkey on a diverse range of

2 autocue units, 4-6m jimmy-jib,

services that include: TV channel establishment and restructuring. Programming systems, grid and workflow design and implementation. Talent training and team building. Media projects feasibility studies and market research.

modular set. A smart control room (gallery) covering all broadcast TV functions with cuttingedge technology. 6 edit suites equipped with latest AVID Newscutter and Media Composer. Professional audio recording booth with a Protools station. 2 graphics suites loaded with cutting-


edge highest standard packages.

A 6000 sq.ft. state-of-the-art fully HD

A fully equipped training room.

integrated production facility features:

Professional HD makeup stand.

21-workstation newsroom equipped

Management and storage facilities.

with latest AVID news production and management systems. A fully fledged production smart studio with virtual capabilities (chroma key),

Awards Innovative Project Of The Year 2013 from

contact Reporters Training & Production LLC Warehouse #1, Main Al Asayil Road (formerly street #318), Al Quoz Industrial Area #3 Dubai, UAE PO Box: 450403 Tel: +971 4 3416660 Fax: +971 4 3414330 Website: Email: Social Media: Facebook: reportersuae Twitter: @reporters_tv

“ASBU/BroadcastPro Middle East”.



TV Channel Physique TV



C: 4 M: 13 Y: 82 K: 0

C: 71 M: 28 Y: 4 K: 0

Region’s first 24hr HD TV channel for fitness, healthy living, nutrition & action sport Physique TV is the region’s first

Unique and inspiring programming

Physique TV features a variety

television channel solely devoted to

The channel’s programming turns

of entertaining, instructional and

fitness, healthy living, nutrition and

a healthy lifestyle into a fun lifestyle,

informative shows. Viewers can exercise

action sport. Broadcasting in High

offering a dynamic mix of local

at home with Yoga Today and Crunch; get

Definition 24/7, the channel is available

productions and high quality Arabic

an adrenalin rush from some high octane

in both Arabic and English languages,

dubbed or subtitled international shows.

action sport programmes including

catering to audiences across the Middle

Hamid Dizji, CEO of the SGT Group

MMA All Out and Maximum Rush; and

East and North Africa region.

who own Physique TV, explains that the

be inspired and entertained with fitness-

With a goal to redefine the way viewers

Arab audience is an integral part of the

oriented reality serials such as Love in the

experience television towards health and

TV channel viewership. The inclusion

Wild, All the Right Moves and Push Girls.

fitness, Physique TV offers a unique and

of bespoke Arabic programmes is a vital

The channel also makes it easy to

inspiring new concept with positive and

ingredient of the programming design

cook and eat healthy with an array of

entertaining content that informs and

to ensure localised content that caters

appetising ideas, courtesy of Cooking

encourages people to adopt a healthier,

to Arabic viewers.

with Siba and Good Chef, Bad Chef. The

more active lifestyle.


Headquartered in Dubai, UAE,

Arabic and English news roundup shows


Crew in action at Physique TV studio.

Shoufi Mafi and What’s Up? keep viewers up to date with the latest health and lifestyle news, featuring inspiring real life stories that motivate the audience to get fit while helping to make informed choices about diet, lifestyle and exercise routines. Strategic partnerships Physique TV began full HD broadcasting in December 2013 throughout the MENA region on Arabsat which was made possible by its partnership with new satellite provider, My-HD. Physique TV viewers who want to have the HD

The channel’s programming turns a healthy lifestyle into a fun lifestyle, offering a dynamic mix of local productions and high quality Arabic dubbed or subtitled international shows

experience can subscribe to My-HD (for free) during the first year. Available on multiple platforms, Physique TV is also broadcasted through IPTV distribution including Intigral in Saudi Arabia, du and eLife in the UAE and Ooredoo in Qatar. World-class facilities Physique TV owns a production broadcast studio that covers 10,000 square feet space featuring a purposebuilt gym studio. The broadcast studio features world class facilities including: A Fully



Equipped Gym Studio, Control Room, State-Of-The-Art Playout System (OASYS), Downlink/Uplink station, Sophisticated IT infrastructure, Fluorescent and tungsten pole-operated studio lighting (Kino Flo and Dedolight) with pantographic/telescopic moving tracks and automatic dimming, Special Equipment like Moving Heads, Spotlights and Smoke Machine, Catwalk Rigging System, Dubbing Studio, Chroma Key Studio, Sound-Proofed Commentating Cabin, Multi-coloured Mobile Backdrop, Editing Suites, Arena Peter Einstein, General Manager, Physique TV.

Stage With 258 Electrically Foldable Chairs and Changeable Covers, Outdoor Yard, Storage Area, Back Office, IP-

“Our goal is to cater for everyone interested in personal well-being and make it easier for people to create a good work/life balance in their daily lives. Our audience can choose to use Physique TV as their fitness instructor, dietician, health advisor or simply provide motivation to be fit” 232

based Addressable Fire Alarm System, Make-up and Dressing Area, Dining and Refreshment Area, Parking and Easy Access, Security Cameras, and Various Utilities (Water, Electricity, Internet, Phone, and Industrial Air Conditioning). The studio and broadcasting facility of Physique TV is licensed by National Media Council (NMC). Physique TV also owns a bespoke gym studio which has been named one of the finalists in the 2014 ASBU BroadcastPro Middle East Awards under the category ‘Best Studio Set Of The Year’. The gym studio is innovative, unique and very flexible in terms of its design and functionality. It is currently being used for the channel’s news magazine shows as well as exercise segments by the fitness experts. It is truly a functional gym having served the likes of renowned professional body builders Jay Cutler, Kai Greene and Victor Martinez - who have all trained at Physique TV’s gym studio.

Rosina Casserly presents What’s Up? at the gym studio.


All in-house shows are produced L-R: Hamid Dizji, CEO of SGT Group, owners of Physique TV, signed an exclusive rights with ONE FC CEO Victor CUI, to broadcast live ONE FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP events.

either at the gym studio located just few minutes from the Dubai International Airport or at various locations in and around the United Arab Emirates. Partnership with Asia’s largest MMA organisation In August 2014, Physique TV secured

Satellite Arabsat (Badr-5) Frequency: 10930 Polarisation: Vertical Symbol Rate: 27500 KS/S FEC: 3/4 Transmission Standard: DVB-S2 Modulation: 8PSK

the exclusive rights to air ONE Fighting


Championship (ONE FC), Asia’s

My-HD (MENA region)

largest MMA organisation, which features Arabic commentary. The new partnership includes live MENA region

du and eLife (UAE) Intigral (KSA) Ooredoo (Qatar)

broadcast rights to all ONE FC global


events through to 2016. The channel

Physique TV

has successfully covered live telecast

115, Plot 319-225, Oud Metha

of events in Dubai, Kuala Lumpur,

PO Box 122030

Singapore, Manila and Beijing, that

Dubai, UAE

were scheduled between August and December 2014. Peter Einstein, General Manager of Physique TV opines the channel is beyond featuring instructional TV shows, its main goal is to connect with the audience and inspire them to live a healthier and happier life. “In a region where the biggest

Rose Alvarez Front Office Supervisor +971-4-3140300 Rosalle Macaspac PR, Events and Marketing Manager +971-50-9118232

personal threats are unhealthy diet

Jellyn Gueco

and sedentary lifestyles, our goal is

Head of Programming

to cater for everyone interested in


personal well-being and make it easier

for people to create a good work/ life balance in their daily lives. Our programme selections include a unique range of instructional, entertaining and inspiring shows that really make you want to ‘Be Your Best’! Our audience can choose to use Physique TV as their fitness instructor, dietician, health Physique TV’s bespoke gym studio.

Frequency Details

Social Media

advisor or simply provide motivation to be fit.”


Index ABS


JVC Professional


ABS Network




Amaranthine Trading LLC




APT Satellite


Master Media




MEASAT Global Berhad


ATG Broadcast Middle East FZLLC




Axon Digital Design




Boomtown Productions


NMK Electronics Ent.


Broadcast Systems Arabia


North Telecom








Oasis Enterprises




PCCW Global


Deluxe Entertainment Services Group


Physique TV


Digital Planet




ETL Systems


Riedel Communications




Rohde & Schwarz




Sennheiser Middle East


First Gulf Company for Supplies and Contracting




Grass Valley




GSL Professional


Systems Design


Gulfsat Communications Co


TATA Communications


HEAT for Engineering and Technology






United Broadcast & Media Solutions (UBMS)


Imagine Communications




INC System Integrations




Group Chairman and Founder Dominic De Sousa Group CEO Nadeem Hood Publishing Director Raz Islam Editorial Director Vijaya Cherian Project Editor Kalyani Gopinath Contributing Editors Vibhuti Arora Clayton Aldo Vallabhan


Group Sales Manager Sandip Virk +971 (0) 50 459 2653 Senior Sales Manager Rodi Hennawi +971 (0) 50 714 0427 Art Director Simon Cobon Production Manager Vipin V. Vijay +971 4 375 5713 Distribution Manager Sunil Kumar +971 4 375 5476 Published by

HEADQUARTERS PO Box 13700 Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 (0) 4 440 9100 Fax: +971 (0) 4 447 2409 PRINTED BY Printwell Printing Press LLC © Copyright 2015 CPI. All rights reserved. While the publishers have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of all information in this magazine, they will not be held responsible for any errors therein.

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