Welcome to Print Innovation Asia Magazine. The world is a much different place. As I promised we will bring you all the latest news for our Industry to your inbox each month, and maybe more as the situation impacting our industry is updated as things progress.
In this issue, we have loads of “what would have been” when drupe opened it doors this June. We will now wait till April 2021 to see it first hand on display, I’m sure with many other new products as well. So we kick off with our Cover story from a new startup here in Asia with a ways to help your customers be much more creative with their jobs. It's on page 8 and I suggest you get into this.
Then we look at the HP product line up for drupe, as well as what Heidelberg would have shown. An Amazing new PINK ink from Fuji Xerox, opening new doors for printers, Memjet, and food printing, KM has a record 500th sale of its AccurioaLabel press, Kornit ups the game with MICRORUN, why training matters from Komori, and success. This and Much More to read.