Planting a Tree by Scott Dunn
Most children on summer break do not relish their dad coming in their bedroom at dark-thirty to shake them awake. The truth is, I did not either, except for when I knew that with the rise of the sun, I would be at a water hole fishing with my dad. A lot of fun memories revolve around us sitting on an eroded bank in the middle of Baltimore City or some state park. It’s in times like this I learned things like trying to catch carp with kernels of sweet yellow corn straight from a tin can. I also learned that you could eat hot dogs right out of the pack, no grill required. As a young boy, I thought I was doing something super manly because of that! I look back on those memories and see something more significant than just good times. I see the bricks that were laid for who I have become. Those interactions defined parts of how I perceive the world and the relationship I have with my dad. He cultivated me, and I did not know or understand that until many years after. That is one of those things we do as a parent; we pour in a wealth of knowledge into our children. It doesn’t take all at once, but over time, with consistent effort, you can pass along some beautiful life lessons that help them in their own lives. 24 | ON M AG AEVERY Z I N E N ACORNER ME FAITH
There is an old Chinese proverb I saw on a bag of tea years ago, and it says, “One generation plants the trees, and another gets the shade.” Life will throw a lot of unexpected heat your way and your children’s way. So what kind of shade-providing tree will you give them when the heat is on? The tree I am trying to plant, and the cultivation of it is a crucial priority for me as a parent. I want my children to be well-versed in many things, but the most important values I want them to hold center around Christ. That is my tree, one that doesn’t solve their world problems; it’s one that nurtures their faith. A place they can go to unequivocally and confidently when they are in need when what they need is God. Thankfully, God in His sovereignty has given us the instructions we need to plant, cultivate, and see that shade-providing tree blossom. The wellknown verse from Ephesians 6:4, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”, offers all the instructions we need.