by Nicole Byrum There is rest in the goodness of the Lord my God…
Our God is a God of beauty and His work is displayed throughout the universe! I Those are lyrics from one of my favorite songs, Abunhaven’t seen the earth or heavens in their dantly More, by North Point Worship. Without question, entirety of course, but here is what I have we are all in need of rest for one reason or another. But seen: brilliant sunrises and sunsets, majestic how often do we seek the source of rest in the goodness mountains, the glory of autumn leaves, glisof our God? More times than I would like to admit, I have tening waters and crashing waves, carefully leaned on convenient go-to’s such as movie watching, crafted canyons and waterfalls, white sandy phone scrolling, or some other form of entertainment to beaches, and still forests... to name a few. I find rest. While these means may entertain or even relax have also seen intricately designed insects me, they certainly do not satisfy my soul. Only the good- as well as lions, giraffes, and graceful deer. ness of God can do that. But more than those, I have seen the goodness of God displayed in the beauty of the In Psalm 34:8 David wrote, “Oh taste and see that the faces of my children. Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” I love that he used the word “taste” to appeal to God’s goodness has also been evident our senses in order to bring this idea right where it bethrough the gift of the people He has given longs- to a personal level. In a physical sense, tasting is me to love in this world. My husband and very personal, for nobody else can “taste” for me, I have children are precious gifts, and I thank God to do that for myself. The same is true in our relationship for them every day. His goodness was also with God. It is deeply personal, and we must taste Him poured out in the giving of my own family for ourselves. Amazingly, the Creator of the Universe inof origin as well as my husband’s. These are vites us to know His goodness personally! Blessings and the best people I know. And although I do refuge abound when we accept this invitation. not have siblings, God has graciously provided wonderful friends throughout my life; In the writing of this, I reflected on the ways I have friends I share childhood memories with and tasted the goodness of God in my life. As memories and friends who have entered my life at various images flashed through my mind, it became apparent stages of adulthood. They have all been that I could see His goodness unfold in four main wayssome of my greatest treasures, and I am bethrough beauty, relationships, faithful direction, and in yond grateful for these brothers and sisters the midst of suffering. in Christ. 16 | ON M AG AEVERY Z I N E N ACORNER ME FAITH