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Adult Athletics
Open Gym Drop In - FAC
Participants must register prior to participating.
$3/adult; $2/youth/senior (60+). 10.5% sales tax included in fee
No open gym May 29, June 8-20 & July 4
Hours subject to change.
Basketball - Maximum 15 - Call for schedule
Pickleball - Maximum 20 - M-F - 9:00am-1pm
Volleyball - Maximum 18 - M - 6:30-8:30pm
Outdoor Grass Volleyball League
Matches consist of six games, two hours in length. Limited to 16 teams. Fee includes a 7-week round robin with a season ending playoff for all teams. Matches will be at Hickman Park June 13 and 20 All other matches will be held at Frances Anderson Center Field Space is limited. Call 425.771.0230
11735 M 6/12-8/14 6:30-8:30pm $140/t
Pickleball Leagues - FAC

Matches start at 6:15pm on Tuesday evenings. 6 matches with a single elimination tournament for the top four teams.
No matches on June 13 and July 4.