What’s your Flavour? F
or me it’s usually the little things. The cup of coffee, the sunny day and blue sky. Fresh raspberries in late July. It’s different for everyone. What makes a difference for you and makes your heart sing is as unique as you. So many things have come to light during the past year including what works in this new world and what needs to be released. So much thought goes into one choice to arrange an outdoor get together for a holiday or birthday or helping a friend get groceries. With spring upon us all the bursting energy is present. All the “what’s something I can create for my life” energy makes me curious about fresh starts, how they look and feel and benefit each of us. I take stock first. This default has served well during the event planning years. Assess what happened, what worked and what didn’t. Find out where you are and move forward with a newly adjusted plan that will hit the mark and deliver. Mine the gold and move on. What areas of your life would benefit from a fresh start? In 2019 I began a journey into selfcare. I looked at what I’d done, what I’d forgotten to do and got really clear on the cost of dropping off the radar. I knew it was beneficial and important. I also learned that just knowing something doesn’t make the difference. Unless I actually care for myself, unless I ask the question “What do I need right now?” quite regularly I don’t benefit from the fact that it’s a good idea. I also learned that self-care isn’t temporary, I don’t stop once I feel better and resume attacking my to-do list. It’s something I’ll do and choose and implement every day from now on, like brushing my teeth and drinking water. I’ll do my very best to ask myself what I need every day. What’s your flavour of self-care? What activity or pastime makes you pleased and filled up and content? Not productive and sensible, more along the lines of happy and fulfilled. What would happen if you did it more often? How would you feel? What would cause a change that those who love you would notice? Whichever flavour you pick, I challenge you to put that one thing in your life for a few days a week, once a week or a few times and see how you feel. Make a fresh start for you and for those you love. Are you ready to find your flavour? When you’re ready to explore more about what a fresh start looks like for you, call or text 780-619-5882 or email heather@greenorchid8.com to claim your 20 minute Self-Care Consult. Working through a short assessment exercise will help you shine light on what makes a difference in your world and learn practical tips to put into action. Choose a fresh start this spring, connect for a consultation and find out about the benefits of voting for you! Author -Heather Scott