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Lo n ni e Being True To Yourself
Be True To
What does this mean?
It means honoring and respecting
your needs, wants and desires. Making yourself a priority, without the guilt.
Here Are 5 Steps You Can Utilize To Help You Stay True To Yourself: 1. YOU Time: Be honest with yourself about what you need/want. If you need some YOU time, then take some. I know the world is a busy place, but, if you take a closer look, you’ll find moments that you can carve out for your needs. Instead of watching that late night show, run yourself a luxurious bath with your favorite salts or bubble bath. Put on some relaxing music. Light a deliciously scented candle even. Or sit in a quiet comfy place where you won’t be disturbed. Perhaps the perfect YOU time is reading that book you’ve been eyeing forever. Whatever you choose to do during
B e i n g Tr u e To Yo u r s e l f
Steps To
Y ourself
Photo by Jared Rice on UnSplash
YOU time, make sure you breathe! Deep breaths in and out. That helps to destress, refocus and defog the mind so you can think clearer. Making dealing with life a little easier.
2. Check In: When you’re asked to do that thing, say that thing or go somewhere, check in with yourself to see how you really feel about it. Are you going along with what’s asked of you simply to make others happy? Are you overlooking how you feel? It’s time to stop. You can’t please everyone. In fact, you’ll burn yourself out trying. If it isn’t important and a ‘must do’ of your responsibility, then answer truthfully. Saying, “I am unable to fit that in right now” or “I’m not interested in doing that”, is allowed. It’s more than ok! It’s necessary! The more you start making decisions that feel good to you, the better you’ll feel and then the better you’ll be