Why Is G r a ti tu de S u ch A Po wer f ul Pr a ct i ce
Photo by Adrien Converse on unsplash
By Catalina Morales Velez
Discover how gratefulness looks in real life and how it can change your entire human experience. When you aim to be your best version, there is a practice that continuously shows up in almost every piece of content you consume; gratefulness.
What makes gratefulness so essential to be featured in the different media you read, watch, or listen; is that it's something that goes deeper than barely bringing awareness about how blessed you are. 21
The regular practice of gratefulness creates new neural connections in your brain that allow the opening of the spectrum of things and experiences you appreciate. This practice literally impacts the reticular activating system (RAS), and according to a study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, by day 18th of a daily gratefulness practice, you would move from doing the assignment of the day - thinking about what are you thankful for or writing the beautiful things you experienced during the day, to finally unlock fulfillment. This appreciativeness state enables you to live your everyday life in awe without any conscious effort. The beauty of consolidating the practice's benefits is that feelings that fuel your body, open your mind, and allow you to see other perspectives and details; sprout organically. The state might come to you while walking towards your car when suddenly you witness the magnificence of the machine taking you home. You will see how strong it is, how it
Why Is Gratitude Such A Power ful Practice