What Brings You Joy lastly the worry that also comes with it. I replace it with confident, vibrant, playful energy all through releasing childhood fears, hands on play to ignite the child within, meditation to reconnect to the inner child, self love/self care techniques and much more!! I believe once connected back to the inner child one will be able to show up 100% as themselves and in turn will give their children permission to JUST BE !! Sounds inviting?!?! I encourage
you to join my page by Alexis Love
Exactly As The Article States” What Brings You Joy?” I'm going to let you sit with that for a bit....
Iowner/founder am AlexisofLove, 40 yrs old, Einstien’s World Of Wonders Dayhome, owner/ founder of Creative Playful Parenting Group. I am super
passionate at assisting parents releasing the need to be perfect, the guilt that comes with parenting and 35
W h a t B r i n g s Yo u J o y
Okay I now invite you to go back to the original question What Brings You Joy?!?! So often parents will go to look outside of themselves and state my kids, friends, material things... the list goes on... Are you noticing a theme? They are all things that are outside of oneself... Man when I was faced with this reality, I was absolutely shocked and in disbelief that I was constantly looking outside of myself for Joy - in other words external validation. That was hard for me to swallow... does this sound like you? I am here to share a bit of my journey into discovering joy