(s)hero in your life? If you are nervous, that’s normal. If you are worried you might not know what to say? No worries. I love to hold space and part of my job as the host is to make sure I “carry” you, the conversation and create an on-air environment that makes you feel relaxed and comfortable. .
So how does it work? 1. We set a day to record 2. By Candice Smiley
I’m re-launching my podcast after a delightful summer of refocus, re-calibration and re-framing. Do you have a story to tell? Something you would love to share? Would you like to grab a cup of tea and discuss those things that are near to your heart and would encourage others? How are you being the
Tr u s t t h e N i g g l e
3. You fill out my questionnaire, which is very detailed, but you only have to fill out the parts that appeal to you, and from that our conversation is ignited. 4. We meet a little bit early on the appointed day. We connect, we chat, we laugh, we relax, we adjust your lighting and camera if need be. 5. I hit record. You relax and we have a lot of fun. 6 . I s et t he d ate fo r i t to b e re le a se d and s e nd y o u a co p y of t h e f in a l p ro d uct and any t hi ng e l se we d o to get he r s o y o u can us e i t fo r y o ur we b s i te, fo r y o ur b lo g o r y o ur ow n p ro m ot i o ns
That’s it!