Sammie// Coming Of Age

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//SAMMIE Coming Of Age

MICHAEL JACKSON A Moment Of Appreciation And Thanks

CROSSROAD Magazine // July 2009, Issue #5 Sammie // Coming of Age PUBLISHER / CREATIVE EDITOR / FOUNDER // Victor Flavius CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER / PARTNER // Steven Johnson MARKETING DIRECTOR / PARTNER // Askia Fountain

EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Joshua Flavius Nisarg Shukla Carolyn O’Neil Bill Loughborough Matoaca Hardy-Martin Britney Simpson Tobias

CREATIVE MARKETING + ADVERTISING The Brand LLC - For any Editorial Request, Comments or Submissions:

MISSION STATEMENT Crossroad magazine is a place for those motivated by faith to transpose their lives from a secular-focused world to a Christ centered life. Crossroad Magazine covers music, healthy living, reviews, books that impact our spiritual and positive growth and lives, articles that inspire change and music interviews. We provide the vehicle and outlet to positively influence each individual. Our vision is to inspire hope to those that feel confused and misguided about their purpose and to build a platform that will plant a seed or help transform individuals one by one. Welcome to the Crossroad. Crossroad magazine is published monthly and is distributed free online. To contact Crossroad magazine, e-mail us at We appreciate your feed back. Crossroad magazine all rights reserved. reproduction without permission, by any method whatsoever, is prohibited.
























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WITH A CHILD’S HEART.. a moment of appreciation and thanks

s I reflect back on my childhood, growing up in the US Virgin Islands, I recall a young boy, aged 8, enjoying the soulful sounds of the Jackson 5 Christmas album. It’s one of my earliest memories. In one of my most-loved songs on that album “Christmas wont be the same this year”, Michael Jackson croons the importance of love - not gifts - as he attempts to end his brothers’ tears. Even then i realized how sensitive and loving Michael Jackson was. His voice was pure, his heart was big, and he had a message of Love.


Fast forward a few years to the iconic performance Michael gave at the televised Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever show. I didnt understand then what it meant to have won 8 Grammy awards, or even the magnitude of his success, but what i saw that night, showed me that being kind, working hard and staying humble equalled respect. The next day every kid I know wanted to be Michael Jackson, everyone was moonwalking and talking about the show. My parents couldn’t afford to buy the glove and jacket Michael wore the Grammy Awards so I took socks and glitter and made my version of the glove and sock, imitating the legend. The following year - summer of 1984 - now aged 11, I went to visit my uncle in Washington D.C. It was then I heard “Human Nature” blasting through his radio. I remember asking him for the name of the album and he told me, “Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller”. Now, every single time I hear that song, it brings me right back to that year, that car ride, that moment. I have memories filled with moments, and Jackson family music serves as markers for those times - I’m no going to mention every one of those moments. But I will say if it wasn’t for that young boy back in the Caribbean that grew up listening to the Jackson 5, Crossroad magazine would not be a reality. The truth of the matter is the Jacksons are to thank for the influence of the last 50 years of popluar culture. All Hip-hop, gospel, rock, rap and even country artists owe their early careers to the Jacksons -They were “The Bar” in muisc and every music singing Act from the Osmonds to N’sync has been compared to the Jacksons since 1965. The Jacksons are the blueprint for popular music groups. But what made Michael Jackson so well recieved, and what set him apart? It wasn’t because he had everything - The Money, The Fame, or Success, but that he possessed humility and love for life, regardless of who you were. In his lifetime (1958-2009) Michael has given over $300 million dollars to organizations and charities. It is because of him we have Heal the World Foundation a charitable organization which was designed to improve the lives of children. The organization was also meant to teach children how to help others. Success is not measured by how much money you have, the clothes you wear, it’s not the dance moves you do, or even the kind of videos you make. It’s a pure heart that you give that makes your career and life a success. You never heard Michael say “I have this much money or look at me i’m rich.” His actions spoke louder than his wordshe gave to the world despite what they said. As I look back in time, 2009 will go down in history as one of the most historic years in United States history, with our country’s first African-American President Barak Obama and now with the passing of the Voice of Popular Music - Michael Jackson. How fortunate I am to be alive in this time. I was too young to see the life and hear the speech of MLK but I’ved expreinced his dream and witnessed his message through MJJ. Thank you Michael for inspiring me to be the creative person I am today. Throughout your career you have inspired millions and have touched billions. You definetly had the Fruits of the Spirit. “Galatians 5:22-23 (New International Version) 22. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23. gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Thank you for being that example. Victor Flavius Creative Publisher



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Jordan Coleman The Future of Young America by Victor Flavius any actors wait to get behind the camera after they are well established, but you are only 13yrs old and already have one film under your belt. What was that process like creating “Say It Loud”? Was it difficult to get all those celebrities involved in the project?The process for creating Say It Loud was difficult because it was something new to me. I noticed that African-American boys at my school were not taking their classwork seriously. They were more interested in becoming the next superstar athlete or rapper. My mom challenged me to make a positive contribution to my community and I came up with the idea to make the film. It took a long time and I learned that hard work pays off. I wrote the script with some help. Then I hired a film crew and editor. I wrote letters to celebrities and my mom sent them out to their publicists. She’s been a reporter for like 20 something years and has a lot of connections. After they agreed to be in the film, I wrote the questions I wanted to ask and did research about each player before I met them. The interviews were a lot of fun. I was nervous, especially with Kobe Bryant, but he helped me get it together.


You come from a well-grounded family, a family dedicated to public service and commitment; your mom a reporter for the New York Daily News and your grandparents ( retired detective and teachers aide). How has that prepared you for your journey in Hollywood? The expectations around my house are high. My family has a lot of success stories and our share of people who are not doing so well. But as I grow up, my parents and grandparents share more and more stories with me and let me know what they expect from me. When I was about four years old, my mother told me it was time to pick a career. I told her that I wanted to become a football player and she said pick something that you can really achieve. She explained that there are hundred of thousands of African-American boys who want to play in the NFL or NBA and it would be great if it worked out for me, but she told me to come up with something else I really liked and that’s when I said I’d like to become a sports reporter. I figured I would still be involved with sports and have the best seat in the house as a reporter or broadcaster. I love sports, I play football, basketball and baseball. I’d like to continue to make movies with a message for teens and I am working on a talkshow now that I’m creating. I like talking and being in front of the camera so I think I will be okay in life. Speaking of public service, Are you involved in any community service programs (Boys & Girls club) or do participate in your church outreach? I am involved with community service through a non profit organization called Just Between Girlfriends Foundation that my mom started. JBGF raises money and awareness to help women and children in need and since I could walk she had me out there working with her. We have fed the hungry, collected clothes for kids, collected toys, handed out school supplies, and one time we even turned our backyard into a carnival and raised money for cancer after my grandfather was diagnosed with cancer. Privately, I visit hospitals and shelters at Christmas time and hand out Tyrone The Moose dolls to sick children. I help little kids with their homework, including my brother and now I show my film in low income areas for free. This Summer, I am planning a tour to do free screenings and get kids excited about the start of the new school year. Are they any bible characters that inspire you growing up? My favorite story in the Bible is the story of Shadrack, Meshak and Abendago. That story reminds me of myself, my cousin and my bestfriend. My aunt and my mother told us how they were tempted not to follow God and how they stayed on course no matter what others had to say. That’s me because some people think it’s corny to get good grades, but I know the film is part of God’s plan for my life. When I started the film project it was my way of giving something back to the community, but I didn’t think it would go this far. People always tell me that the favor of God is on my life and I think they are right. I thank God everyday for my life, my family, my intelligence and my athletic ability. There are people who try to persuade me to go off course, but I am serious about what I am doing. I also know my family would be disappointed if I didn’t do the right thing. I realize that when I walk out my house I represent God and my family. My grandfather told me that since I was like 2 years old. I didn’t really understand him back then, but his words are clear now.

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Jordan Coleman // The Future of Young America Currently you are the voice of Tyrone the Moose of the famed “The Backyardigans” a show millions of viewers watch each day. What is it like on you’re day-to-day on the set? I go into the studio a couple of times a month to read my lines. I get the script in the mail and read over it, but I don’t study it. After schoool, I go into NYC from my home in NJ and sit with my voice coach to read my lines. Sometimes I mess up and we have to stop. Sometimes I have to do one line over and over and over until I get the right emotion and stuff. There are no other kids in the room with me just the voice coach. Each character goes into the studio alone to record and then the voices are put together. If I mess up I am called back to do ADR which is to correct errors. When I go back for ADR, the animation is finished and it’s so cool. More about the show “The Backyardigans”, how long have you been on the show? How often do you rehearse with the cast? Do all of the cast members sing in the intro to the show? How long will the show be in production? I’ve been the voice of Tyrone for three years. My voice is changing, I got the man-voice going on, so I will be replaced soon. My voice is too deep these days, but when I started I was 11 years old and my voice was squeaky. I was sad when my voice started to change, but it happened at the right time because Say It Loud was almost finished so I knew I had another project to work on. I love being the voice of Tyrone the Moose because everyone loves the show. We won an Emmy for the show and the Academy of TV sent me a certificate because I helped the Backyardigans to win. As a young man coming up in America, What did it mean to you to see Barack Obama become the first African American president? How has that changed your life? It is a sign of hope and made me think that African American boys will not become extinct. We can be successful. I was in Washington DC during Inauguration Weekend and spoke at an education rally. It was an amazing time to be in DC. When I look at President Obama, I see myself. He comes from a family where his mother and grandparents are a big part of his life. He did not have much contact with his biological father so I see me when I see him. He reminds me that there are no excuses and that anyone can become successful if they put their mind to it. I would like to meet President Obama and interview him for my talk show. I think he will have a lot to say to me and other kids. I am proud of President Obama and he has made it cool for AfricanAmerican boys to be smart. When my mom tells me that I can become the president, I believe her because of Obama. Your message of “School is Cool” sounds like a campaign of hope for the future generation. Tell us your vision for spreading this message? And what has been the outcome so far? I have shown my film to about 200,000 people so far and my

goal is to show it to 1 million. I’d like to get it on TV and distribute my DVD, but it hasn’t happened yet. I am still trying. I travel around the country to schools, churches and organizations to show my film and speak to kids about the importance of education. I just graduated middle school and I had a 3.5 gpa. I made the honor roll every marking period and I am proud of that. I tell kids about that, but I also tell them about the times that I didn’t study hard and got an F on a test. I am not perfect, not at all. I am a real kid. I think what sets me apart is that my family makes me accountable for my grades and my actions. Our rule is no C’s, the rules were relaxed when I got into honors math and I struggled with Algebra a bit. There have been times when my grades slipped during a marking period, but by the time it ended I was back on track. I would go in early and stay late and let my teachers know that I wanted to do better. In one class, I moved from the back of the class to the front of the class because everyone knows its hard to pay attention from the back. My vision is to take the film internationally and to show it to every child in the United States. I know that’s a big vision, but I think you gotta think big. You, your mom and brother Justin formed Mama Don’t Play Productions. Do you have other projects on the way? How can others get involved? We are working on a talk show for kids. I can’t talk about it too much, but we plan to tape a couple of episodes this Summer and try to sell it to one of the networks. If that doesn’t work, we will put it on the website. We are also writing a script for a second film which deals with kids and sex. It’s going to be a short film, but I think it’s an important topic because a lot of my classmates have already had sex. Have you signed on to be in any upcoming films or new shows for Nickelodeon, What can we expect from y ou in 2010? I have not signed on to be in any productions, films or Nick show, but it could happen. I would love to be on iCarly, Jake & Josh or Tru Jackson, I can be KeKe Palmer’s date or something (lol). This Summer, I will audition for roles and get my picture out there. In case nothing happens for me, I will make it happen for myself by creating my own productions. Each week you inspire kids through your character on Backyardigans and many others have been influenced with the film “Say It Loud”. You have already done more than most people by giving your service, time and by using your talents to reach others. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. Thank you for this opportunity to speak to you. I would like to say that I am a 2009 finalist for the DoSomething Awards and my photo and story will be featured on millions of bags of Doritos this fall. I am very excited about that.


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JONNIE AND BROOKIE Making A Difference bio courtesy of jonnieandbrookie / photo courtesy of Gina Kolsrud

een Pop Duo, Jonnie and Brookie have been performing professionally for over ten years. Jonnie, 16 and Brookie, 14 started singing when they were just 3 and 5, working for a local performance troupe. They were the youngest kids to join the group that performed all over Arizona. At 3 years old, Brookie would belt out the theme to Titanic and would receive a standing ovation. Jonnie would wow the crowd with songs from Annie! Soon after they developed their own show and haven’t looked back.


During the past ten years, Jonnie and Brookie have performed 100’s of shows across the US. The crowd quickly took to their choreographed songs such as “Anything you can do, I can do Better”. The audience was always amazed at their natural ability to harmonize (it’s a sister thing). After a few years, they knew that singing wasn’t the only thing they wanted to do. They started recording CD’s and writing a series of children’s books where they are the characters in the book. Parents loved the fact that their kids could listen to wholesome music and read stories with a great message.

Then, they got bit by the acting bug and started performing in professional and community theatres. Still wanting to do anything artistic they could, they gave up acting to concentrate on their instrumental skills. Years later, they have the ability to accompany themselves to piano, keyboard and guitar. Brookie brags that she can play one more instrument than her sister, which is the bass. Once the girls picked up their instruments, all they wanted to do was rock! After performing for their local Radio Disney station for a year, they developed their Kids CAN Make a Difference show and now travel around the US rocking out for thousands of kids each month! Jonnie and Brookie know that their talents were given to them to make a difference in this world! They have always used a portion of the proceeds from the sale of their CD’s and books to support many charities around the world such as feeding the hungry, sending our troops care packages and helping the homeless. They developed a Kids CAN Make a Difference program where they put on character building assemblies for elementary schools. Through a 45 minute musical assembly they use their words and music to encourage kids to respect authority, stay in school, have good character, stay off drugs and help in their community. Their assembly is the only assembly put on for kids by kids and has been said to be one of the best in the U.S. Recently, the girls won the title of Radio Disney’s Next Big Thing. This was Radio Disney’s version of American Idol, where 11 unsigned artists were competing to be The Next Big Thing. After 9 million votes were cast Nationwide, Jonnie and Brookie took the lead. They have released six Cd’s including For Better, which is all original music that they wrote with their producers from Nashville. Jonnie and Brookie can be seen in the Nationally televised Christian show, I Shine Konnect, which airs on TBN. Through many years of hard work, determination, dedication and tears, the girls have proven that if you don’t give up, dreams can come true!


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Remember the GRAMMY® Nominated song, “Encourage Yourself” from Donald Lawrence & The Tri-City Singers? Remember Stellar Award winning vocal/songwriting duo Ted & Sheri? Then you should know, Sheri Jones-Moffett, who has experienced success with each of those acts. Well, She’s back. With her new exciting album “RENEWED”. Sheri has fans worked up over her unique voice and has transformed the sound of gospel music and has given it her own spin. Sheri adds a touch of Soul to her anointed vocals and gift to lift spirits, she promises to pour out her heart to those who are willing to listen. When asked what is the propose of this project, she said, “I want everybody to know that we have a great gift God has given to us! And that is… Changing your life begins with changing your mind. What I like most about her songs (not picking any particular one) is that I didn’t get board or lost listing to each song, it sort of built a picture of a great story. This album “Renewed” not only up lifts your spirit, but it gives you a reason to reflect on your day-to-day walk with Jesus in this life. More… For more information about Sheri Jones-Moffett and her debut album “RENEWED” go to




Everyday Man

Over the past 11 years, Bobby has invested his life into urban youth programs in the city of Lynn, and Boston Massachusetts. A big fan of Hip-Hop, Bobby has realized the every-day content that the youths are in taking is not what he desires to portray, but rather a message of hope in God. His music has caught the ears of many going the wrong way. Bobbies latest hit "Everyday Man", the full-length CD will feature production from DJ Shok, The Abolitionists, Enock, and Battleaxe, among others will be released July 14th. The title track "Everyday Man" is the most creative song that has a lyrical spin, which will not only capture your attention, but will have you focused on the creator. Bishop said, “The song is a reminder that God is in control of our lives, and He lays down the path before us. It's our job to obey and walk, and trust He'll handle the rest. He came as a man to set an example of His love in a fashion we can emulate." The rest of his album is a surprise, and I promise that you will enjoy yet another positive artist as he reaches out to many with a message of hope. You can pre-order the album now at and get the Everyday Man EP free.


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in by Matoaca Hardy-Mart

rs and greedy executives, wa y, om on ec S. U. the , on in the world today ffs, piling bills, and With all that is going e job losses and lay-o ar e er Th y. gr an be to rd not corporations, nuclear threats it is ha vernment bailed out the go e Th t. ar ap s ilie fam s tearing ays fair and people losing their home e all know life is not alw W it? ed ne y all re t il out those tha ssing but who is going to ba omised in Psalm 37, ble pr as t Bu ll. we ing liv se who do bad are evildoers, neither many times we see tho t not thyself because of re “F , ad re 4 1s ter ap ous. Ch like grass, and will come to the righte all soon be cut down sh y the r Fo . ity qu ini workers of the land, and be envious against the ; so shalt thou dwell in od go do d an , rd Lo rb. Trust in the desires wither as the green he he shall give thee the d an ; rd Lo the in o . Delight thyself als verily thou shalt be fed of thine hear t. y get you have and how the nd ou ar se tho at wh ssings; do not watch es and obey his I call that counting ble d. Do good in God’s ey Go of s ise om pr the d you an d alert, God it. You have to focus on You must be patient an u. yo ss ble ll wi rd Lo ents, and the uble your word and commandm y to receive it? If you tro ad re u yo e ar t bu , gh u a break throu t. Yes, is preparing to give yo begin to push God ou u yo , ing do is r bo igh with what your ne on around you, hear t and fill your mind world and what is going the in ing en pp ha is of what portantly, your you should be aware your mind and most im er ov e tak it let t no e you. Do , or hurt but do not let it consum o may have cheated us wh e on me so th wi t se can get so up unding hear t. Sometimes we negative energy surro t tha all th wi d an t ar y it hardens the he us in some kind of wa in your life. ng positive to happen thi me so pt ce ac u yo you how do is or of an issue something big w ho r tte ma No . this too shall pass miracle in a time God promised us that nts to set you up for a wa He u. yo er liv de n d ca God is workcrisis you may be in, Go ur faith and know that yo in g on str d an St e. impossibl when things may seem ing in your life.



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RIGHTS FOR ALL by John W. Whitehead, contributer of Liberty magazine

ergeant Patrick Stewart, a 34-year-old decorated American soldier and follower of Wicca, was killed in Afghanistan on September 25, 2005, along with four other soldiers, when a rocket-propelled grenade struck his helicopter. For bravery in the line of fire, all five soldiers were posthumously awarded a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart. Yet while the U.S. government recognizes that Sergeant Stewart should be remembered for his bravery and sacrifice, what Stewart’s widow will remember is the fact that her husband died in service to a country that is denying him the right to religious freedom.


For Roberta Stewart, the year following her husband’s death has been marked by her personal battle with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to have the Wiccan pentacle, a five-pointed star surrounded by a circle, placed on Sergeant Stewart’s memorial plaque at the Northern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery. Under federal guidelines, only approved religious symbols can be placed on government headstones or memorial plaques. Included among the 38 approved symbols are those that represent such mainstream religions as Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism. However, the list also includes more obscure religions such as Sufism Reoriented, Eckankar, Konko-Kyo Faith, and Seicho-No-Ie, as well as symbols for atheism and humanism. In fact, memorial markers can include a host of religious imagery, including several types of crosses, a Buddhist wheel of righteousness, a nine-pointed Baha’i star, the Mormon angel Moroni, the flaming chalice for Unitarians, or the Islamic star and crescent. However, because no Wiccan symbol has yet been approved for inclusion on government headstones, Stewart’s request to have the pentacle adorn her husband’s plaque was denied. Although Wiccans are not considered part of America’s mainstream religious establishment, they are a growing minority—especially in the military. According to 2005 Defense Department statistics, approximately 1,800 active-duty service members identify themselves as belonging to the alternative religion that subscribes to magical activities and Earth worship. The military has, in fact, made some attempts to accommodate the religious beliefs of its Wiccan servicepeople by including an explanation of the religion in the Army chaplains’ handbook, allowing services to be held on military installations and even permitting soldiers to proclaim their affiliation on their dog tags. As journalist Hanna Rosin pointed out in “Should the Witches Be Welcome?” (a Washington Post piece on Wiccans in the military), “Far from clashing cultures, the Wiccans and the military coexist cheerfully. To the Army, the Wiccans are part of a proud American tradition, proof that ‘people with different religious beliefs are all working together successfully.’”

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“ The only way that true religious freedom can prevail is for all faiths to stand and fight for one another to be treated fairly. Otherwise, all our freedoms are in jeopardy.�


RELIGIOUS RIGHTS FOR ALL Given the military’s seeming willingness to support, as Rosin puts it, “soldiers who want to practice what the military calls, without passing judgment, ‘minority’ religions,” the Department of Veterans Affairs’ obstinacy over approving the Wiccan symbol for inclusion on headstones makes little sense, legally or otherwise. Whatever one’s opinion might be about the Wiccan faith, there is no doubt that the First Amendment to our U.S. Constitution provides for religious freedom for individuals of all faiths. The U.S. Supreme Court has routinely held that viewpoint discrimination by the government against particular expressions of religion is unconstitutional. In the Supreme Court’s 1963 ruling in Sherbert v. Verner, Justice William J. Brennan observed: “The door of the Free Exercise Clause stands tightly closed against any governmental regulation of religious beliefs.” In that same opinion, Justice Brennan wrote that “government may neither compel affirmation of a repugnant belief, nor penalize or discriminate against individuals or groups because they hold religious views abhorrent to the authorities.” Yet by refusing to place the Wiccan symbol on Sergeant Stewart’s memorial plaque, while permitting symbols of other religions and nonreligions, the government is clearly engaging in viewpoint discrimination—which is not the right way to treat someone who has died in service to his country.

officials have no authority over state veterans’ cemeteries. However, the Department of Veterans Affairs has yet to add the pentacle to its list of approved symbols. As a result, in November 2006 Stewart and the widow of a Korean War veteran who died last year sued the federal government for not allowing Wiccan symbols on their husbands’ military headstones. A separate lawsuit filed by a Wiccan church charges that the government’s failure to approve the Wiccan symbol, while accepting various other faith symbols, violates the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Thus, for Roberta Stewart, the battle is far from over. Speaking to a gathering of approximately 200 friends and family at an alternative memorial service in honor of her husband, Stewart declared, “This is discrimination against our religion. I ask you to help us remember that all freedoms are worth fighting for.” How do we remember? We do so by renewing our resolve to preserve and protect our freedoms. As President Ronald Reagan remarked while looking out upon a sea of headstones at Arlington National Cemetery on a Memorial Day many years ago: “The sight before us is that of a strong and good nation that stands in silence and remembers those who were loved and who, in return, loved their countrymen enough to die for them. Yet, we must try to honor them— not for their sakes alone, but for our own. And if words cannot repay the debt we owe these men, surely with our actions we must strive to keep faith with them and with the vision that led them to battle and to final sacrifice.”

We cannot allow our fallen service personnel to be dishonored because of what they believe. That is why Roberta Stewart went on the offensive, waging her own personal battle in the halls of Congress, through the media, and eventually in court.

If we are to keep faith with the other brave men and women who have died in service to the United States, then we must remember that all rights hang together. That is both the genius and the strength of the American system.

As a result of Mrs. Stewart’s tireless efforts to honor her husband’s memory and acknowledge his religious beliefs, the state of Nevada finally agreed to have a plaque constructed with the Wiccan pentacle for Sergeant Stewart and added to the Veterans’ Memorial Wall in Fernley, Nevada. The state’s attorney general even went so far as to declare that federal

The Framers of our Constitution understood that religious freedom was for everyone. This is even more so today with the multitude of religions that dot the American cultural landscape. And the only way that true religious freedom can prevail is for all faiths to stand and fight for one another to be treated fairly. Otherwise, all our freedoms are in jeopardy.



E E R F N E T GLU menu options RD By Carolyn O’Neil, MS Eating on h Dis e Th r, tho au colous! Healthy and Being Fabu com eil. on www.carolyn

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Resources: / www.c e Dish on t and nutrition book, “Th die g nin win ard aw of -author istered dietitian and co g can be found at www.c blo d Carolyn O’Neil is a reg an ite bs we r He ing Fabulous!” Eating Healthy and Be


+ GLUTEN, which is a protein found in some grains causes a reaction in the small intestine leading to a host of serious symptoms including abdominal cramping, diarrhea or constipation, fatigue, anemia, weight loss or gain and can cause long term damage to the intestinal tract.


How to understand the essence of using

ORGANIC SUGAR by Britney Simpson by Laura


any people are familiar of the concept of using natural sweeteners such as honey and its organic counterparts. Did you ever realize that natural sugar may also mean organic? Yes, there is such a thing as organic sugar. But what is it that makes this sweetener more essential than just the other forms of sugar out there? A better way to answer this question is to look into the issues behind refined sugar. Presented below are the facts you should know about the sugar you have been used to then later on, you will see the uses of the organic version.


ORGANIC Some people experienced pimples or acne breakouts when under stressful environment. Learn to manage your stress well. You always want the best not only when it comes to yourself but for your family’s welfare. Refined sugar may be able to give you the energy you want but its functions in your body’s vitality will not stay for a long time. This is the reason why organic sugar enters the scenario. By eating a lot of vegetables and fruits as well as having daily exercise routines, using limited amounts of this natural sugar will invigorate your well-being. Of course, you do not want to put your health at risk. Refined sugar obviously undergoes the refining process. Basically, all sugar products come from sugarcane and that includes organic sugar. Once the sugarcane is harvested, they are placed inside pulping mills. When darker compounds are removed during the procedure, white sugar will be produced. But since, it had been squeezed longer than brown sugar, then the nutritive content is lost. Now, you may be convinced that it is therefore better to use natural sugar since it does not undergo the different steps in the refining process. All these facts increase the need for organic sugar. This form of natural sugar comes from a process that deviates from the usual refining of sugarcane. Organic means there are no traces of synthetic ingredients as well as there are no harmful chemical processes used in the production of the natural sweetener. The current demand for this type of sugar in the world is met by companies from Brazil and Paraguay as well as other smaller

countries that form part of the so-called emerging economies. Many countries are encouraged to manufacture more organic sugar than refined sugar. You should know about the process behind the production as well. Aside from the fact that the use of fertilizers and other synthetic chemicals are avoided, harvesting is done by growers on a single crop basis. This means that planting another set is not done until all the crops from the first ones have all been harvested. This assures not only the better production of the natural sugar but the maintenance of nutrients in the soil. Setting apart the differences of refined sugar with organic sugar helps you appreciate about the real significance of making use of the latter. You may not know where to get the sources yet but it is assured you will come across this natural sugar through several modes. By simply browsing a health web site, you will find more facts about this substance. As you go along, you will find more organic products to work for your utmost protection. Remember that health is wealth, thus, it is best to start going organic now. Article Source: About the Author: Have you read all the good things about making use of organic sugar ? More information on this type of natural sugar are available through our site.



“ The world has nothing to offer, even though it looks good on the outside, it’s really empty and void.”



by Tobias

) that this after this last election lly cia pe (es nk thi le op Christian artists should iving force in how pe the media being a dr it could be dope. I think th nk wi thi t I re, tha Su nk thi nt? u nte yo co Do issues, I’d say do it. th social t is heavy with social to put out material wi tha ist art art he for a e s tim ha t od tha go a an artist there hearts. If there is ’s out write about what’s on th all the various genre wi , ion lat pu po ral ne ge that make it into the you prove that? tter choice? How do ount of Christian music be am a t d as ite sic lim a mu is n tia ere ris Th ent Ch of the secular music tha a challenge to repres isn’t better than most as sic it d mu d n an fin , tia u be ris yo n Ch ca do st I t re mo t tha the feel tha re to be the best artist prove that. Honestly, I really dope. I’m just he are t I’m really not trying to tha few a are re ativity. But the I hear, in terms of cre d for my own music. lle ca y-z do what God has artist 50 cent, and Ja mmunity from major co g the in din e en sp urc so es e riti tiv a nega an celeb has taken the heat as luenced by these urb inf ily siav po he a d are rea uth sp yo d Let’s face it Hip-Hop an e. The to turn things around k Ross and Lil Wayn it take for the hip-hop to new artists like Ric uld use it’s people that ca wo be at , ge Wh an m. ch the to be like people have to t tha l, is ng thi e Th e. countless hours trying a degre y say that they are rea would have to agree to tainment, but then the ter en ly ter on en is ing sic be t mu jus tive influence? Yea, I ck to ying the a court date, then it’s ba . Hip Hop artists are sa ve ha y ing the go til t un jus , sic It’s n. mu are making the music me t in their thug image and just be at they’re talking abou p trying to portray the sto and they really live wh d an , up w gro to artists need tainment. A lot of these nsibility. gin to take more respo be y the ? to get worse until behind with the times ssage? Or are we to far me ht all rig sm a the is nt ere se Th pre ay. artist on in peoples lives tod today’s time does the ay deal with what goes As Christians living in tod long as you speak s As ist . art too n tia ok ris t’s Ch most of the I but I thinks tha s, ue iss se tho t ou Not really. I think that ab talk t make a choice not to percentage of artists tha ur heart. yo n rde bu to has caused on the things that God has this affected your evolving rapidly, how en be s ha try us ind sic red tape of the indus digital age and the mu artists bypass all the the n ca d dig un the aro th m wi .co We are definitely in the wn do azon personally, I’m getting res like iTunes and Am artist that you are. Me career? With online sto of e myself to be a hip r typ ide the ns d co an t , jus nd on your gri . Also, I really nd ma de d an ly pp try? I think it depends su intain a wider range of demo It’s a lot easier to ma nscend and penetrate tra sic mu my ed ow ital revolution for sure. all has ristian as well, so God hop artist, but I’m a Ch ssing. graphics. It’s been a ble at artist? ed and pulled from wh at sets you apart as an Wh m? for art d an so my content is inspir le n, tia t, ris rke Ch a ma o ral als ne Describe your sty ge I’m But in the at the end of the day. are rock bands that are c), bli d pu lle Re ca e are On y d I’m just a hip-hop artist the an .D., pers say ups like (Switchfoot, P.O re. A lot of Christian rap ltu cu nk p thi -ho I hip re. ltu the I believe. Just like gro cu ct p impa trying to impact hip ho . I believe I’m called to s, but they’re not really but they are Christians ion and book them ss p mi ho an hip urb n tia too ris d y are calle ll embrace Ch wi y the so , od go ds to do that, and that the t soun they tell the church tha that’s just something churches. for shows at different ure, and expression of addiction, peer press e lik s ue iss nt rre cu with us to be as believers, er a teen that struggle at the Lord has called wh to d ate dic de ain What advice would off hard, but don’t try to and rem t tell them to be bold in this world. I know it’s too m the d lle ca s faith etc.? I would jus ha t He empty and void. Also, individual purpose tha the outside, it’s really on od go ks loo it and stay faithful to the h thoug nothing to offer, even . fit in. The world has , and just live your life life ily da ur yo in e tur rip sc of nt be become a stude America, what would communities across d uil too reb s to he ge urc an ch ch the of and I would challenge nity to present a plan sus in the scriptures, If you had an opportu Je the to m the e uc uld introd your main focus? I wo lly is. He did, and who He rea at wh , preach about Him


“God definitely plays a huge part because it’s ultimately His plan -never let the pressure get to you at the end of the day.”


E I M M A S by Tobias

Coming of Age

music industry. While cts – especially in the pe res e on ery ev t tha ancy, veteran and R&B se rare qualities slightest piece of relev the sp gra uthenticity is one of tho to s nd tre nt huge success of his conform to curre for longevity. After the la mu for R&B/Pop hopefuls often g nin win the ie stepped away from ntinues to display Bottom to the Top, Samm the m sensation Sammie, co Fro se ea rel Sammie made that t/Capitol Records ge High School, in 2006 an Or st y Freeworld Enter tainmen We m fro ng ati gradu h Austin’s label, Rowd focus on school. After n, Sammie signed wit sti Au s p lla To Da the er uc ed the music business to od tur -pr fea with mentor and mega album, Sammie, which l self-titled sophomore come back. Re-teaming sfu and the album es rk cc Pa su & 6 ie’s 10 mm T’s Sa al bir thed two spot on BE er mb nu the at Records. The new de ed ak pe cords, on good terms, ould Be My Girl” which rt ways with Rowdy Re pa to ed cid de ie 30 R&B single, “You Sh mm Sa se. nment firm specializot the week of its relea nagement and enter tai ma ce rvi se l ful a debuted in the Top 10 sp sic p Mu and Jasper Cameron, siness venture, StarCam h partners, Big Reese wit r the ge To nt. me to pursue his latest bu lop deve r but also the career , production and artist guide not only his caree to en um ac s es sin ing in all areas of music bu nd should sound like and allow Sammie’s newfou at I should look, what I wh me g lin tel e on StarCamp Music would ery of ev er artists who know producers. “I was tired s the opportunity for oth ow all sic Mu mp Ca of aspiring artists and tar “S artist,” admits Sammie. their artistry.” platform to showcase how I should be as an a ve ha to n’t do t tha mises and those Age. The new album pro who they are as artist of ng mi Co um alb ior ie’s jun first time. ng into my own for the platform to launch Samm mi the co be am l I t wil tha sic um Mu p alb s StarCam “I feel with thi cally,” states Sammie. growth lyrically and vo


nF A MAN ccessful. Having a me s key to becoming su ay THE CHARACTER O alw an is fin e , nc lly ida nta gu me anding life in this world

ng up in underst As a young man comi ry valuable resource ve a be n ca (whether it’s from life n’s perso e learned growing up u’v yo t tha s tor or role model in a ng thi What are some of the sicharacter? cially and spiritually. s stay humble and po s helped shaped your ha t tha ) ch ur ch She taught me to alway at d. Go d ve home or an ha r o tw the e mo os rs in my life are my nnection with God. Th Well, the biggest mento ve a strong spiritual co ha I so d un gro ck ba l iritua tive. I have a strong sp far. d and successful thus de un gro y sta helped me ntoring programs? Do youth outreach or me ity un mm co y an th e with the way they are you involved wi and younger audienc ity un mm Speaking of Mentors co the to ve a responsibility you feel that artist ha y send out? d doing the other. I’m kind of message the the d an es not saying one thing an elv ’re ms we re su carry the ke ma to w. Not for the money, a huge responsibility the past 2 ½ years no for t tha ing I think we as artist have do en be out the precautionary p campaign and have generation and fans ab my ng ati uc involved in BET Rap-U ed rly pe mmie Kids Foundation ng to save lives by pro of establishing the Sa ss ce pro the fame or glory, but helpi in o als es, we believe we can going to have sex. I’m in school. A lot of tim l ce ex o wh s steps to take if you’re kid ing tion shows kids other community by reward Sammie Kids Founda the t bu tor which gives back to the ac or e let sic industry, as an ath only make it in the mu us. areas where they need healthy people living e more and more un se we t ye es liv r ou ise program that ould be a big part of hy or a diet and exerc alt he y sta to Diet and exercise sh t ea u yo any special things in America. Are there akes mixed with fruits right. I drink these sh nd mi my you adhere to? t ge to t jus m and everyone to four times a week er. I encourage my tea fib d an ins I go to the gym at least am vit of lot r health, always Naked. It contains a nsider taking care of ou co n’t do and vegetables called we e, ag t tha long run; dieting and usly. I’m 22, and at age will help you in the rly ea an take their health serio at it ing niz ss it later. But recog believing we can addre ur routine earlier on. if it becomes part of yo r sie ea lot a be l wil exercise


SAMMIE: Coming Of Age On the fun side of stuff, what are some of the things that you love to do when you are not recording or building your brand StarCamp? Are you big on Gadgets and Cars like most guys are? You don’t have 10 cars in your driveway? Anytime I’m not recording and can take myself out of my artistry, I like to hang out with my family. Whether it’s Six Flags, or playing PS3 with my brother; I’m real laidback. I’m not a big tech head but I’m into gadgets. You’ll see me with the latest phone or camera. I’m not a big car dude, however, I am waiting on this album to go platinum so I can get my Bentley GT. In the next 3-4 weeks, I’m getting the new CLS with the white exterior and cranberry interior. I’m probably going to throw some “22’s on it.

BUSINESS AS USUAL Atlanta is known for successful companies such as LaFace, SoSo Def, Purple Ribbon, Rowdy, Grand Hustle and even Noontime. You teamed up with Street Love founders, Big Reese and Jasper Cameron to create the management firm – StarCamp, What is vision and main focus of this new venture? Do you look to those former companies as a blueprint for success? Wow, all the companies you mentioned are definitely big companies; one which I was a part of so I know how the program goes with a huge company. With StarCamp and me being the CEO, I have control of my own destiny, music, and image. Partnering with StreetLove was a no brainer as I’ve known Jasper since I was 11 years old. We have a great music relationship and more important friendship. He took me under his wing at an early age and helped me develop my writing skills. My vision is to make StarCamp something fresh and new, something that hasn’t been done before in respect to the music industry. The life of a recording artist can be trying at times. The pressure to produce a hit record or to outdo the last record sales can force many artists to lose themselves just to survive the industry. How do you deal with the pressure? And does God play a part in your staying balance? God definitely plays a huge part because it’s ultimately His plan. We believe we know what’s best for our careers or if we follow A, B & C that things will work in our favor. You never know what God’s plan is for you. In dealing with the pressure of the industry, I always try to outdo myself. In a climate where fans are the music, you have to find a way for the fans to buy into you and your brand. You’re only as big as your last hit. Times change, music changes. You have to find that connection that goes beyond singing; they know I do that, they know I’ve been doing that since Day 1. My tip is to never let the pressure get to you at the end of the day. If you’re providing pure quality music that the fans can appreciate at the end of the day, everything else should fall in order.

How do you measure success as an artist? Everyone talks about all the “stuff” they have and how much more they have. You don’t come across as such an artist, what makes Sammie different? I honestly don’t let material things make me. It’s momentarily, it’s not everlasting. My eyes are on the CLS but in 56 months I probably will have my eye on something else, hint, momentarily. We live in a day and age where people are focused on the moment; I’m not one of those people. I wish the climate was how it was in the 90’s where if you sold 500,000 copies it wasn’t a big deal. Michael Jackson sold 25 million off of one album. Today, that number is unthinkable but I believe it can be done. As far as success is measured, I relate it to basketball. Lebron is a great athlete but he won’t be complete until he wins a ring. Success to me is touching those around the world. Ok, we have to talk about the urban industry’s addiction to “Auto-Tunes” Everybody- (well not Jay-z) but a lot of artists are coming out of the woodwork selling huge singles and creating this big buzz using this recording plug-in. What are your thoughts on this issue? Well, I can’t hate on one artist in particular which is T-Pain. The man reintroduced Auto-Tune to the world and I respect his creativity and craft. I didn’t have a problem with it until rappers started using it. And I think with Jay-Z’s D.O.A., he’s talking to the rappers in particular who are singing and not rapping anymore being that they are taking away from singers. Nowadays, it’s like you can put some rappers on tours with R&B/Pop artists because they sing so much. As far as myself, I use it from time to time but I come from a church where we didn’t have any instruments so you had to sing from the heart. I’ll use Auto-Tune maybe to enhance a certain sound that I going for but if you take it off my vocals, I still sound good. I think artist that use it to enhance a certain sound or correct minor pitch problems are good but to use and become dependent on it because you have no vocal skills is not.

INDEPENDENCE DAY Let’s talk about your upcoming project and 3rd studio release “Coming of Age” walk us through the process. What is the message and vibe you want your listeners to know? For those that know me, if you had to sum up a Sammie album, one word would be “passionate”. This time around, I wanted to talk about things I have experienced since being the industry up until now. I’ve worked hard on this album so that it can be used for future references and be regarded as a solid album. I’m not into recording a song for commercial value, for TV or film. I don’t think for the moment, I go for the experience. The vibe of this album is





to me is touching those around the world.”


SAMMIE: Coming Of Age like 8701, but more Hip-Hop infused inspiration. 8701 was a classic album from start to finish; I believe we have a classic on our hands. I want listeners to know that I came into industry at the age of 12, left when I was 14. I want them to see the transition from age 12 to 22 much like Usher’s album. This one is very mature sounding, really allowing my fans to enjoy the new me. It’s a more grown, more confident me. Now that you have you’re own label (StarCamp) and you’re working on promoting the new release, is it more of a challenge being Independent coming from a Major label? It seems like there would be a trade off –Major deal (less control, larger team/resources) Independent deal (more control, smaller team/resources). Do you find this to be the case in your situation? StarCamp is one entity, one situation. We are in the process of signing a major deal with a major record label. What people don’t know is that Rowdy was an indie label. With an independent label, you don’t have all the vehicles, people and distribution that a major label would have. I wouldn’t want to put myself in a situation where we release independently. I don’t feel it’s a good market for an R&B artist because it’s a worldwide market. With the major label, I can’t tell you who the distributor is as of now but in the next 3 weeks we will definitely let you know who it is. You’ll be amazed!

“I honestly don’t let material things make me. It’s momentarily, it’s not everlasting.” Your partners in StarCamp – Big Reese and Jasper Cameron have produced songs for new as well as multi-platinum selling artists such as Christina Aguilera, Mario, TLC, Mariah Carey, Andre 3000, Pink, T.I., Sleepy Brown, Mari, Dan Talevski, J. Monroe, Sterling Simms, Esmee Denters, Ciara, Tiffany Evans and Cherish. From the music standpoint being that you all have years of writing and producing what is the chemistry like in the studio? And how is the responsibility shared on the business side of StarCamp? Man, the chemistry is crazy. I’ve been in the game long enough where it does not take me longer than an hour and a half to cut a record. Sometimes, we’ll cut 5 songs in one night. Jasper has known me since I was 11. We wrote a record back in 1999. As far as the responsibility goes, it’s 50/50. From the business side, I bring my ideas to the table and Street/Love brings their ideas and we try to make it work. It has really been a smooth partnership as I feel they value my opinion as a young boss and there’s nothing better than spearheading your own business or being your own boss. All-in-all now that I’m managing my own career, the responsibility falls on myself and not others and that’s a responsibility I was prepared and am prepared to take. With ones Independence comes personal change. So, is the World going to see a different Sammie, more mature developed sound? What can we expect from you “Coming of Age”? The world is going to see a different Sammie but in a positive way. I’m stepping out into entrepreneurship, heading my own destiny and being a voice for the younger generation. As far as the sound, expect a different and new me. The love and feedback has been great on Twitter (which I’m on all the time). It’s a way for me to get my music out there and connect with the fans and my people. It allows me to give a sample and appetizer to my audience. I’m 22 now and there are more mature topics that I can talk about. I finally have an album where my fans can relate to and I’m excited about the project, prayed about it and it will be out in the 4th quarter. I can’t wait for the music to be out there, it’s a major deal. And everyone on StarCamp, Street/Love have put their all into making sure this project came out meeting all our expectations. In the future, people can expect me acting but nothing immediately. I respect the craft to just jump in as Sammie. I’m taking classes and taking my time with acting. But expect me to captivate the people. I don’t want to be one-dimensional, I want to put out a fragrance, clothing line and just continue to build the Sammie brand. I feel we’re in a time and age where if given the opportunity you should definitely take advantage of it. Anything else we forgot to mention? Yes, subscribe to my music right now. I put out music once a week. Sammie YouTube at PrinceSammieTV and follow me on Twitter at @PrinceSammie. The Swag-N-B mixtape hosted by DJ Holiday is also coming out end of July. God is love…



t e l l a W r u o Y n a e l C ugh hboro g u o ll L by Bi



arm weather allows you and your family to complete certain chores and participate in seasonal activities. Throughout your neighborhood, you may see people planting gardens, washing cars, and children playing in backyards. Below are some debt settlement money-saving tips that may help cool your wallet as the temperature heats up.

Save Money On Your Air Conditioner You may want to prepare your air conditioning unit for hot and humid days. For example, keep all objects away from the air conditioning unit. Make it a habit to routinely remove grass and leaves from vents. These items will block airflow. For more tips, visit the Department of Energy’s web site at

Consider Inexpensive Ways To Have Family Fun Some families plan vacations during the spring and summer seasons and these excursions can be costly. Just because an elaborate vacation is not in your budget does not mean that you can’t have fun. Discover the many activities that you can enjoy in your local community. Most libraries offer summer reading programs for children and adults. You can also rent movies at the library for free. Call your local zoos, museums, and amusement parks to see if they offer discounted rates on certain days or during specific times of the day.

Spring Clean Your Vehicle Extreme temperatures may be difficult for your car to handle. Routine maintenance on your vehicle may help its performance and improve gas mileage. For example, have an oil change performed regularly and keep your tires properly inflated. Visit the Car Council’s educational web site at for more auto maintenance tips. Also, keep in mind that gas prices tend to skyrocket during the warmer months. Web sites such as and track gas prices in your area and are updated by local volunteers. You can also save on gasoline by carpooling. Visit to search for local commuters that are going the same way you are or you may post your own listing.

Sell Items That You No Longer Use During the spring season, some people shed all of their unwanted and unused items. Ebay is the largest online auction site and a good source to sell items that you no longer use. Visit their web site for more details on how to begin selling. You can also try your local Craigslist site to place an online classified ad for free to people in your area. Also consider placing ads in your local newspaper, host a garage sale, or check with the recreation department in your local community to see if there are any neighborhood flea market days. You may be able to reserve a table.

Save Money On Home Improvements Many people perform home improvements in the spring and summer months. Although you may have to hire a professional for some complicated projects, you may be able to tackle some tasks yourself. A wealth of informational resources exist to teach you how to do home improvement jobs such as cleaning your gutters, painting, and installing a ceiling fan. Visit your local bookstore or library to find a comprehensive guide on do-it-yourself home improvements. The Internet and television are also great sources. DIY Network brings you such cable shows as “DIY to the Rescue” and “DIY Be Your Own Contractor.” You can also visit their information-packed web site located at This site features a wide array of do-it-yourself projects, with topics that range from home improvements to decorating. Home Depot also offers free Do-It-Herself Workshops, Weekly Clinics, and Kids Workshops. Visit to register at a Home Depot near you. Article Source: About the Author: Bill Loughborough is Founder and President of Credit Answers, one of the best debt settlement companies in America. Credit Answers specializes in debt management , credit card debt settlement , debt negotiation and avoiding bankruptcy. Credit Answers team of experts work to enable a new and fresh financial start for individuals with debt problems. We realize the importance of money in people’s lives and also the accompanied strain that debt can cause. Our team has helped thousands of clients across the nation. Bill started Credit Answers in 2006 and has built it into one of the leading debt settlement / debt relief companies in the U.S. At Credit Answers we encourage our customers to Live Better Debt Free. For More information please visit:


CONTENT KING facts o r plain fiction


The truth and harsh reality of new media and generation ne xt is the center of all breakin g news in the urban Founder, Fred Mwanga world. And they don’t ghunga’s site, Mediatak stop there; has the lates about your favorite sin t on rumors, gossip an gers, actors and other d opinions focuses on stories an en ter tai ners. Unlike other we d not on music or vid bsites, Mediatakeout. eo. If you’re looking to watch their favorite vid com listen to your favorite eo, you probably won’t artist’s new single or find it here. However latest legal troubles if you’ve heard about or distasteful public your favorite artist’s outing, chances are comes to celebrity ne you heard it from Me ws, what steps do yo dia tak When it u take to ensure legal ac We try our best to en tion is avoided? sure that we’re as accu rat e as possible. Before check our sources. On we report anything as the very rare occasion fact, we make sure to that we’re wrong abou t something, we imme dia tel y issue a retraction. Some say the formu la for gossip is some tru th (60%) mixed with morally gossip can ge a dash of lies (40%). t out of hand and ca But we all know that use damage to peop est blurb can lead to le’s lives and their ca a whole web of Intern ree rs; even the smallet issues, breakups blame on the messen and just plain old pr ger ( ob lem s. Not to put the m) but as an urban en sure you’re not send tertainment news bu ing the wrong messag rea u ho e? w do you make I don’t think there’s an ything wrong with report ing on the lives of celeb to the public – and mo rities. Celebrities sell the st are handsomely comp ir image and lifestyle ensated for it. It’s the ce ny. All we’re doing is fol lebrity that puts their life lowing their lead. out for public scrutiHow do you answer to those that claim tha t Mediatakeout articles Our reporting accurac are not 100% fact? y is as high as anyone in the enter tainment ne Weekly, In Touch or OK ws arena. I’ll put our rec Magazine any day. Als ord against that of Us o, I should point out tha accuracy rate – not ev t there is no news sourc en the NY Times. e that has a 100% Blogging started for the purpose of keeping a journal online and family. Now it’s the sharing personal intere biggest thing in the st with friends and media world with sit From yo es like Mediatakeout. ur perspective how im co m an d microblogs like portant are bloggers In the urban sphere, to the media? there is no website mo re influential than Me Essence and BET’s we We bsites combined. The have more traffic tha traditional news sites, an uphill battle competi n particularly in the field ng with today’s blogs. of enter tainment, face Fortunately for us, I se future. e this trend continuing into the foreseeable There is a strong de bate between what so me would call tradition true voice of the pres al journalism and ne s. What’s your take on w media as being a this issue? How do yo news? u define what is real press from fictional I think the Internet ge ts a bad rap. For deca des, mainstream media were able to decide wh has been controlled by at was reported to the a few companies who public – and what wasn ize that there are a nu ’t. The Internet has chan mber of problems with ge d all that now. I realInternet journalism. But on balance, I think it’s healthier for the pe ople to receive their ne number of large corpo ws from citizen journa rations. lists than from a small


CONTENT KING facts or plain fiction The Truth and harsh reality of new media and generation next Here’s a comment on another site “ is all about entertainment value. They post the stories that will interest people and entice them to explore the site. What I don’t like about the site is that a lot of the information is questionable. Pictures that often appear photoshopped appear on the site. Also it often appears that the website takes pictures and then twists the story to make it much more interesting. If you want some info on or about your favorite singer or rapper, check out When you’re finished though, you might want to double check somewhere else to ensure the story you read is true.” I’m glad they find the site entertaining. As far as the rest though - we never Photoshop images, we only report as fact what we know to be true, and whenever we give an opinion – it’s what we honestly believe. There is one thing that I agree with the commenter, though. It’s prudent for people to double-check everything they read on the Internet – no matter the source. Your site is the number one urban site viewed by millions and receives plenty of criticism from just about everyone concerning the content and its value, yet people keep going back to the site. What is it about blogs, more so that draw people back to the site? Whenever a new and innovative form of entertainment is born in the Black community – it faces criticism. When Richard Pryor exploded on the scene in the 1970s – people criticized him. In the 1990s, as hip-hop gained national popularity, people criticized it. Now that is more popular than any other Black website in the world, we’re getting some of it too. It comes with the territory. Our job is to continue being the best. And to continue entertaining and informing the millions of people that visit our site. You obviously created a niche market for yourself, how did this come about and what caused you to start this site? What is the day-to-day life of Mediatakeout’s creator? Give us a quick walk through. I created in 2006 as a general entertainment blog. Pretty quickly after starting it, though, I realized that the urban market wasn’t really being served at the time. We started focusing exclusively on urban content and urban celebrities, and things went from there. My day is pretty busy. I get into the office around 2:00 or 2:30 in the morning and work with staff to put together the days news. After the site goes up (at around 9:00) we hold a staff meeting where I hand out research/writing assignments and discuss upcoming story ideas. Then I spend a few hours looking at readership data and researching the new trends

on the Internet. After that, I’m usually in business meetings from 12:00 until around 2:00 or 3:00. Then I head back to the office to answer emails, follow up with staff and call it a day. When you hear the word Urban to most, Black comes to mind. What constitutes urban to you? And what is the demographic of Do you have a large white audience as well? We used to call ourselves a “Black” website and, while we still are, I’m not sure that fully captures all that we were. Many of the celebrities that we cover, and storylines that we follow, weren’t necessarily “Black” – so we felt it made sense to make the change. In my mind “urban content” is anything that Black folks like – but that other cultures can also appreciate. So, for example, “For The Love Ray J” - which has a diverse audience base would be an urban show. While “BET’s College Hill,” which has an almost exclusively African American audience, would be a Black show. As far as our audience – it’s largely African American, but we have hundreds of thousands of White and Latino readers also. In fact, White and Latino readers are the two fastest growing audience segments. We’ve seen notable news bureaus break false/biased news recently. Do you think CNN is a viable and creditable source of news in the media or just another media outlet with large investors? I think a lot of times people misunderstand the vulnerabilities of news agencies. Every news agency gets stories wrong. Sometimes it’s small things, like a misspelling – and sometimes it’s big things – like the lead up to the Iraq war. I’m sure that the people over at CNN, like the people at, do their best to make sure that the most accurate stories are published. Let’s talk content for a minute; they say content is king. So I would believe that you hold a crown in this arena. How do you stay ahead of the industry and how and where do you get content? We’ve got a great staff and our readership is phenomenal. The readers are some of the most loyal, informative and insightful people on the planet. They send in tips, they let us know what they like about the site – and what they don’t, and their comments add a lot to their site. We’re very grateful to have them. And I lucked out in getting a hard working and dedicated staff. Without them, none of this would be possible.


“ We never Photoshop images, we only report as fact what we know to be true, and whenever we give an opinion – it’s what we honestly believe.” Fred Mwangaguhunga founder of

From an owner or development perspective what are the steps to having a successful site like Can you give us 5 tips on how to get started in the right direction? 5. Make your site easy to read. Despite what you’ve read elsewhere, readability is the MOST important design feature of any site. 4. Try and become friends with other bloggers. Most blogs link to each other - it’s a good way to boost your traffic 3. Don’t worry about ad money, worry about traffic. Traffic is harder to get and maintain than ad dollars. And besides, if you have no traffic, you’ll have no ad dollars 2. Be dedicated. It takes a lot of hard work and long days to make a successful blog. 1. The audience ALWAYS comes first. So be sure to listen to what they tell you.

CONTENT KING facts or plain fiction The Truth and harsh reality of new media and generation next Recently, a friend told me about streaming a concert or a CD listening party online, you also have sites like moving strong as the “in” thing. Do you see blogs/social media sites lasting for another 5 years or so and what do you think will be the next big thing in media? The growth in blogs has only begun. Because of the economics of the Internet, most traditional media outlets are too costly to operate effectively on the Internet. The only business model that makes sense for Internet reporting right now is the blog model. I expect that in 5 years, blogs will be the dominant form of news reporting on the net.




F R A N K L I N By Nisarg Shukla

istory is the world’s greatest liar. Throughout it, many of humanity’s greatest minds are often overshadowed by their contemporaries and counterparts. Nikola Tesla to Thomas Edison, Malcolm X to Martin Luther King, Jr. – our society is ripe with unbalanced representation of figures that made significant contributions to the same movements. New York City’s Board of Education doesn’t deem either Tesla nor Malcolm Little worthy of teaching, as both are either barely mentioned, or not mentioned at all in the curriculum. I should know; Pre-K till 12th grade, and I didn’t know who either were – until I learned on my own. There is perhaps no one as overlooked, though, as Founding Father, Benjamin Franklin.


Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston… I’m not going to bore you with trivial facts that you can easily find on your own. Instead, we’re going to focus on how one of history’s greatest physicists could also be one of its greatest philanderers. How a man despised by Mark Twain and John Adams was completely adored by the French (ladies especially). And why The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin should be a must-read for every citizen of America – the world. As a countryman & inventor, Franklin’s accomplishments & contributions to American (and thus, world) history, are astounding. Seriously. After maximizing the power of the printing press by running one of America’s most powerful newspapers (The Pennsylvania Gazette), Franklin put his thinking cap on, and got to work. He invented the stove (and didn’t patent it – he was all for the benefit of human kind), was influential in the creation of paved roads, the first militias in America (prior to the American Revolution), Junto (look it up), the first fire departments, the first police departments, the first libraries, and the first hospitals. Not to mention a little experiment with a kite and electricity (that you probably learned about in elementary school). Equal to Franklin’s accomplishments in the physical aspects of American life are his undeniable additions to America’s cultural and philosophical fiber. His Poor Richard’s Almanack became a best-seller, gave birth to such quotations as ‘Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise’. An avid reader, he would borrow books from friends, bosses, and coworkers, complete them overnight, and return them in the morning. A staunch vegetarian, he advertised these benefits long before Russell Simmons became the poster child for ethical treatment of dead meat. Out of all his personable traits, though, the one that sticks out like a thumb smashed by a hammer is his wickedly quick wit. His humor starts out the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin with still-funny comedic overtones: “Having emerged from poverty and obscurity in which I was born and bred, to a state of affluence and some degree of reputation in the posterity may like to know…and I shall indulge it without being tiresome to others.” Written in everyday English (at least back then it was everyday English), he was able to attract audiences and ‘fans’ by appealing to the every man – why get all scientific when you don’t have to? In his book, Benjamin Franklin Unmasked, author Jerry Weinberg writes: “Franklin’s humor is always more multilayered and subtler than it appears – and always more shocking. It swoops from amusing satire to parody, then to obscenity and scatology, and sometimes to blasphemy. At the same time, he makes fun of scoffers and blasphemers, and then, in almost the same breath, makes us wonder about the nature of divine and worldly justice.” Have you ever read a Dale Carnegie book? Would you believe me if I told you that Mr.-How-to-Make-Friends was a century late in his work? Well, Franklin’s words got him into everything from wars to ladies’ undergarments. On his strength as a conversationalist, Catherine Drinker Bowen put it best in her book, The Most Dangerous Man In America: “Wit and wisdom are close allies…more than one of Franklin’s victories were won by wit.” To hear Franklin himself tell it (in 1726s’ Plan of Conduct): “Speech is the essential medium of amiable excellence.” Better yet, Franklin attacks his haters better than Jay-Z would. His words from The Spectator # 197, reprinted: “Avoid disputes as much as possible. In order to appear at ease and well-bred in Conversation, you may assure yourself that It requires more Wit, as well as more good Humour, to improve than to contradict the Notions of another: But if you are at any time obliged to enter on an Argument, give your Reasons with the utmost Coolness and Modesty, two things which scarce ever fail of making an Impression on the Heaters.” (Ha! He even had a word for ‘haters’ back then!) Franklin’s self-education led him to the greats, which heavily influenced his own style of question-and-answer argu-


ing. Of learning the Socratic method, Franklin wrote (in his Autobiography): “I was charmed with it, adopted it, dropt my abrupt contradiction and positive argumentation, and put on the humble inquirer and doubter… I found this method safer for myself and very embarrassing to those against whom I used it; therefore I took delight in it…and grew very artful and expert in drawing people, even of superior knowledge, into concession…entangling them in difficulties they did not foresee, out of which they could not extricate themselves, and so obtaining victories that neither myself nor my cause always deserved.” (On a side note, Robert Greene just kicked himself for releasing The 48 Laws of Power 200 years too late.) Now if you’re a promoter, or a salesman, or anybody to whom social awkwardness isn’t considered a good trait, doesn’t this make sense? After all, “the chief ends of conversation are to inform or to be informed; to please or to persuade.” Did you know that he once wrote an anonymous pamphlet entitled, “The Nature and Necessity of a Paper Currency”? I’m not going to get into it here, but just an interesting tidbit into the creation of our powerful economy. Anyway, now to the main topic – YOU, your work, and your life. Do you like to play chess? Maybe yes, maybe no. If you do, you probably get a sense of vanity because most people don’t play – and if you don’t, you probably think people who do play are too vain. Right? Well, Franklin played – but only when forced to. He thought it was a waste of time. In reality, he realized early on the importance of being earnest (ten points to whoever gets that reference), and wrote in the Autobiography: “I took care to not only be in reality industrious and frugal, but to avoid all appearances to the contrary. I dress plainly; I was seen at no places of idle diversion…library afforded me the means of improvement by constant study, for which I set apart an hour or two each day, and thus repaired in some degree the loss of the learned education my father once intended for me.” What does all of us do every year, on January 1st? Ding-Ding-Ding! If you said come up with a New Year’s Resolution, you’re right! Well, Franklin actually had a chapter in his book titled, “The Plan for Attaining Moral Perfection.” He writes: “I wish’d to live without committing any fault at any time; I would conquer all that either natural inclination, custom, or company might lead me into…but I soon found I had undertaken a task of more difficulty than I had imagined.” To achieve attempt this, he came up with a list of 13 codes he should follow, which are the backbone to his contribution to the ‘Protestant work ethic’:

+ Temperance – eat not to dullness, drink not to elevation + Silence + Order – Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time + Resolution – Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve + Frugality + Industry + Sincerity + Justice + Moderation + Cleanliness + Tranquility + Chastity + Humility - Imitate Jesus & Socrates The only reason I’ve chosen to include these tenets is not only because they’re an important part of the Franklin character, but also because they can probably help add value to your life. Whether through religion, school, or Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography, we’ve all come across these values in one-way or another. I don’t attempt to imitate them all, but unlike Eliot Spitzer, I won’t pretend like I do, either. And neither did Franklin. By his own admission, he was never able to fully stick to his game plan, but that each conscience effort to do so made him better as a person, a family man, and as a citizen. Frankly (no pun intended), if one of the greatest men in history could have live by, or attempted to, live by such important credence, there’s no reason that you or I can’t at least give it a shot. Now, I’m going to jump of this high horse on Cloud 9 and get back to regularly scheduled programming. “I was surprised to find myself so fuller of faults than I had imagined; but had the satisfaction of seeming them diminish.” In truth, there were a few of the virtues which he never mastered, notably Order (“I found my self incorrigible with respect to


order…”) and Chastity, and pride (“disguise it, struggle with it, beat it down…it is still alive…”) As Ms. Bowen states in her book, Franklin also had troubled with Frugality, writing “‘Until the age of 24 he had had a truly difficult time making a living, seldom being free of debt. Nor did (he) admire shrewdness in others: ‘avarice and happiness never saw each other, how then should they become acquainted?’…Franklin had a horror of debt, which he looked on as a kind of slavery; a man could thereby sell his freedom. Franklin knew about this firsthand.” In America, we all have the freedom to practice whatever religion we want to. But since we’ve all grown up accustom to that freedom, we seldom realize its importance. The on-screen death of Iranian student Neda at the hands of politically-backed police should serve as a wake-up call, due to its sheer extremity – be lucky for where you live. Though not overtly a religious (“I had been religiously educated as a Presbyterian; and though some of the dogmas of that persuasion…seemed to me unintelligible, I never was without some religious principles”), Franklin was a deeply spiritual being. I’ll let him tell it in his own words: “Here is my creed. I believe in one god, the Creator of the Universe. That he governs it by his Providence. That he ought to be worshipped. The mot acceptable service we render to him is doing good to his other children. The soul of man is immortal and will be treated with justice in another life respecting its conduct in this. These I take to be the fundamental points in all sound religions, and I regard them, as you do, in whatever sect I meet with them.” He continues, “I never doubted the existence of the Deity; that the most acceptable service of God was doing good to man…I esteemed the essentials of every religion…I respected them all.” Put his hands where his mouth was, Franklin was an advocate of, and participant in, building churches for many of the young nation’s religious groups (which weren’t nearly as divided and numerous as they are today – but still, the principle stands). As Paul Ford points out in The Many Sided Franklin, Franklin’s views on Jesus Christ, during a time of immense passion (the American Revolution), were quite shocking: “I think his system of morals and his religion, as he left them to us, the best the world ever saw…but I apprehend it has received various corrupting changes, and I have, with most of the present dissenters in England, some doubts as to his divinity; though it is a question I do not dogmatize upon, having never studied it, and think it needless to busy myself with it now (Franklin wrote this during his dying days)…I see no harm…in its being believed, if that belief has the good consequence.” In his book, Franklin & Nature’s God, author Alfred Aldridge writes: “Franklin advocated a new translation of the Bible into modern idiom, and prepared sample passages. He also wrote a new version of the Lords Prayer, criticizing both the style and the theology of the old. The symbols of Christianity were ingrained in Frank’s mental processes, and he used scriptural language with the ease & familiarity of a Puritan divine…As John Adams remarked in great disgust, ‘The Catholics thought him almost a Catholic. The Church of England claimed him as one of them. The Presbyterians though him half a Presbyterian, and the Friends believed him a wet Quaker.” Dale Carnegie would be proud. And now for the part we’ve all been waiting for – we turn the bright lights on Franklin’s relationships with women. During his later years as America’s man in France (i.e., diplomat) Franklin’s adulation from the ladies was so much so, it drew ire from his not-so-friendly-contemporaries (John Adams) and approval from his much-later biographers. Writing to one of his lady friends, Franklin tells a humourous tale: “I send you with the hope that it will perhaps be able to amuse you a little. In which case, you will recompense me with – I dare not suggest a Kiss, for your kisses are too precious, and you are too stingy of them; but you will play a Christmas hymn for me…the Gout, seemed to me to argue very well…that Mistresses had some part in producing that unhappy malady….When I was a young man, and enjoyed more the favours of the sex than the present, I never had a bit of Gout. Therefore, if the ladies of Passy would have had more of that species than Christian charity, which I have so recommended to you in vain, I would not have the Gout now.” He writes to Madame Helvetius, on her lack of action: “If the Lady likes to pass her Days, with him, he in turn would like to pass his nights with her; and as he has already given her many of his days…she appears ungrateful never to have given him a single one of her nights…” Did I mention French ladies loved him? “You mention the Kindness of the French Ladies to me…This is the civilest nation upon Earth. Acquaintances endeavor to find out what you like, and they tell others. It’s understood that you like Mutton, dine where you will find Mutton. Somebody, it seems, gave out that I lov’d Ladies; and everybody presented me their Ladies.” (These humorous anecdotes were collected in Dr. Benjamin Franklin & the Ladies: Being Various Letter, Essays, Bagatelles & Satires to & about the Fair Sex.) Benjamin Franklin is, obviously a major architect of the American way. He is, arguably, one of the most important minds to have ever lived. As Mark Twain put it (though a bit sarcastically): “With a malevolence which is without parallel in history, he would work all day, and then sit up nights, and let on to be studying algebra by the light of a smoldering fire, so that all other boys might have to do that also, or else have Benjamin Franklin thrown up to them. Not satisfied with these proceedings, he had a fashion of living wholly on bread and water, and studying astronomy at meal time—a thing which has brought affliction to millions of boys since, whose fathers had read Franklin’s pernicious biography.” Without following his example, or even acknowledging his importance, the work of Benjamin Franklin is powerful enough to speak for itself, and influential enough to work for us. His thoughts on health, diet, exercise, politics, religion, sex, writing, science, and a wealth of other subjects has laid the blueprint for this society, which just happens to be the leading society of the world.


EMPOWERED M.I.N.D.S Building Hope For Our Future


Since it conception in 2006, Empowerment M.I.N.D.S has been committed to building hope and working within the Communities in Metro Baltimore and Atlanta. What as been the most complex issue for your foundation and what challenges are you still facing now? The Empowerment M.I.N.D.S. Foundation has been a tremendous blessing for me. I’d say the main challenge we face is in coming up with new programs and events… things that haven’t already been done. When you’re on a football team of more than sixty guys (many of whom have their own foundations) and you have a team owner that’s highly involved in the community, it’s hard to think of events and themes that haven’t already been done or overdone. What are some of the programs offered through the Foundation (Empowerment M.I.N.D.S.) and what determines a person’s eligibility? We try to find new things to change the lives of our youth, and we’ve found that it starts with helping them to use their minds more and think outside the box. Over the years, we’ve done numerous events and programs, but there are certain ongoing ones that have shown amazing results. We started the Baltimore spelling Bee. Until then it had been over 25 years since Baltimore had a representative at the Scripps National Bee, but I’m proud to say Baltimore Bee has sent someone to Scripps for the last three years. We also conduct book drives that have started reading programs in more than sixty middle schools in the Baltimore area. Of course we conduct free football clinics where the kids get to interact with and learn from pro football players. In addition to learning on-field skills, they also learn about the hard work and determination it took to get us where we are. There’s also an SAT prep program that not only helps the kids prepare for the big test, but also helps parents be more involved in the process. Then there’s our “Homeroom Huddle” program, which has homerooms in a particular school compete based on attendance, test scores, grades and behavior. The winning homeroom for each quarter gets a fieldtrip with some of my teammates and I. It’s really important to us that kids learn ways to change their surroundings, and good credit makes a huge difference, so we also conduct seminars that teach them about financial discipline and the importance of having good credit. A person’s eligibility for our programs and event is mainly based on their desire. However, we try and focus on those in underserved communities. We don’t really deny access in most cases, but we conduct our outreach to those who are underprivileged.

In most cities around America, we have a lot of underprivileged children and struggling families, some have one parent in the home, some live with family members and others are having a difficult time financially. Do you offer assistance in these areas or do you have partners (other foundations) that help assist Empowerment M.I.N.D.S concerning these issues? My foundation isn’t in a place financially where we’re able to monetarily assist families yet, but we are hoping that one day we’ll be there. I do believe, though that sometimes giving people your time can change their outlook, so if my physical presence can help, I’m there. I was raised in a single family home, and we had our struggling times as well. So I know how hard things can get at times and I know some people’s situations are a lot worse than others. There are guys all over the league that are doing things to help in all different types of situations... So there is help out there, it just requires a little extra effort to find sometimes. For someone looking to donate financial contributions to this great cause where can they do this and can anyone donate time if money is not an option for them? The Empowerment M.I.N.D.S. Foundation is getting its website up and running as we speak: or .org. Either one will get u there. We definitely take time donations. Every caring heart and set of hands is greatly appreciated. We are constantly looking for new ideas. We don’t turn down help in anyway. It’s a non-profit organization so everyone’s volunteering. I’m also starting a Blog on, people can feel free to contact me there through the comment section with questions and Ideas. I’m always looking for new ideas for events, programs and fun things to do for the kids!!! What special events have the Empowerment M.I.N.D.S planned for this year and whom do you contact for more info? Right now I have two FREE football clinics coming up. The first one is June 20th in Baltimore at Cardinal Gibbons High school, and the second one is July 11th in Atlanta, GA at James R. Hallford Stadium. Kids can pre-register at and get more information about it at


“It’s really important to us that kids learn ways to change their surroundings, and good credit makes a huge difference, so we also conduct seminars that teach them about financial discipline and the importance of having good credit. .



AMBASSADORS This section introduces you to New Artist, Music, Authors, Ministries, Producers etc..

Ye are the salt of the earth Matthew 5:13


EVERYDAY SUNDAY making an impact photo and bio courtesy of everyday sunday

he Everyday Sunday you have come to know and love writes party songs, celebratory lyrics, and carefree, youthful jams. And though they put their best foot forward in this sense on the latest release, the band also breaks new ground with lyrics that deal with more lasting ideas. On “Where I Ended,” Pearson speaks of divine intervention in the midst of human failure: I was starting to come undone. Then you came to me where I was. Lost and out there somewhere stranded. You began right where I ended. And on “Breathing For Me,” he speaks of regret with candor, highlighting the important of faith even when we feel trapped: The ship is sinking down. As the water surrounds me, I’m wondering just how I’ll make it out...I’m gonna let it all go ‘cause I know you’ll be everything I need. It’s finally easy to breathe when you’re breathing for me.


“This time for me, and the band, right now is trying to be honest about life and my relationships. I figure if I am honest about how I feel then the music will connect with people as much as possible. But we still just like to give people a good time at shows. Many of the songs are about friendships and enjoying life in community, but throughout there are plenty of deeper, spiritual topics as well.” With an arsenal of radio-friendly, multi-formatted songs (including the aforementioned “Best Night Of Our Lives” and “Where I Ended”), a profound touring history, a fervent fan base, and the type of momentum that many bands only dream of, Everyday Sunday seems to be in position to make the kind of impact that will long be remembered. But this band has always been about something more than just moving units or amassing accolades. Perhaps it is this grounded quality has kept them on the straight and narrow through their slow, but consistent uphill ascent: “I guess the message of what we want people to think when they listen through our whole record is that we go through the same things as everyone else. We are passionate, and excited and have fun. But we believe and trust in a God who created us, gave us life, and sent His son, Jesus, to save us. And there is absolutely no better way to live life and experience the amazing things in this life than to do it with God as a part of that life. He can give you amazing things and amazing people in your life.”


TRENYCE eye on the prize photo and bio courtesy of trenyce

renyce’s spotlight came with the hit television show“American Idol”. Her power vocals and stage presence put her in the top 5 of the show’s second season. After adding a certified gold album to her achievements with the AI recording, the American Idol star went on to expand her entertainer title to the acting arena. Following American Idol, Trenyce national television appearances consists of CNN, Live with Regis and Kelly, Extra, ET, Fox, The Early Show, The Wayne Brady Show, the Pulse, Inside Edition, Good Day Live, the Today Show, and TRL.


One of her many accomplishments includes being the very 1st American Idol vet to headline a Las Vegas show. Trenyce starred in the stage production of Dream Girls directed by Bill Myers, portraying Deana, the same role Beyonce filled in the 2006 feature film version. Her theater experience also consists of “Love in the Nick of Tyme” directed by David E. Talbert, a 6 month traveling musical “Not a Day Goes by”, Vagina Monologues (celebrity version in LA), and many others. November 2008 through mid-May 2009, Tryence can be caught sta ring in the Fat Waller’s Tony award winning Broadway musical “Aint Misbehavin” alongside American Idol winner Ruben Studdard and Idol vet Frenchie Davis. This is a traveling show, beginning & ending its route in New York


MATT REDMAN a passionate journey photo and bio courtesy of matt redman

att Redman is married to Beth and they have four children; Maisey, Noah, Rocco and Jackson. Based in Atlanta they are part of a team starting “Passion City Church” with pastors Louie and Shelley Giglio. This is the third church plant Matt has been involved with, having previously been on the team for Soul Survivor, Watford, and The Point in the UK. Says Matt, “We are so grateful to be at Passion City Church right from day one - it’s going to an amazing adventure.


Matt has been leading worship full-time since the age of 20 and this journey has taken him to countries such as South Africa, Japan, India, Australia, Germany, Uganda, Croatia and the Czech Republic. Matt is also the author of three books which all centre around the theme of worship. The Unquenchable Worshipper, Facedown and Blessed Be Your Name (co-authored with Beth). His early compositions include “The Heart of Worship”, “Better is One Day” and “Once Again”. More recent songs have included “Blessed Be Your Name” and “You Never Let Go” - both written with wife Beth and encouraging us to worship God through the storms of life. As Matt explains, “Blessed Be Your name is a declaration of something which we’ve both found to true in the tough seasons of life - that to worship God and trust Him no matter what will always be the best path to take. The song “You Never Let Go” takes up the same theme - it starts off with some thoughts from Psalm 23 and reminds us that no matter what we come across in life, there is a God who is in control, closer than we could ever know, and holding us.” Life can seem very shaky - and recently there’s been this big economic downturn, which has added to the stress of so many people’s everyday lives. But we worship a God who is unshakeable. Everything else may change, but He remains the same. He is steadfast and certain. When all around is sinking sand, He is the solid ground we can stand upon.”


ROBERT PIERRE message of hope photo and bio courtesy of robert pierre

ost kids go through a lot of changes in middle and high school, but not many hit adolescence with a record deal and a huge youth tour—and still keep up their grades. Meet Robert Pierre, an Orlando teen with a big voice and an even bigger heart— a talented basketball and lacrosse player and honors high school student who has found his Identity, and who’s reaching out to ’tweens and teens with the message that they don’t need to look to the world to define who they are.


Robert also spread the message of true Identity to hundreds of ’tweens in the inaugural iShine Live tour, a high-powered event that featured new trio the Rubyz, Disney actor Luke Benward and speaker Paige Armstrong. It was Robert’s follow-up to the successful CIY Believe conferences, where he met thousands of middle schoolers and listened to their stories. “I met a lot of kids going through really tough times, and I still keep in touch with a lot of them,” Robert said. “That’s why the theme of Identity speaks to me so much, because kids need to know who they are. And sometimes a song can reach them. I got a message one day from someone who basically said, ‘Thanks, you saved my life. I was getting ready to kill myself, and your song came on the radio. I listened to it and felt like God told me to put down the drugs. You saved my life.’ ” “All I can do with everything I have is just to honor and glorify God with my talents,” Robert says. “It’s not about me. And if just one kid hears a song that changes his life, it will all be worth it.”


KELLY PRICE the power and soul of love photo and bio courtesy of kelly price

elly Price is the second of three children born to the late Rev Joseph Price and Evangelist Claudia Price and raised in Queens, New York. At an early age Kellys musical talents began to dominate her life. One day after experiencing deep sadness from a book she read for a black history project in school, Kelly wrote a song to express her unexplainable emotions. This was her first song. She was just 7 years old. Kelly sang on her first recording before the age of 10 and by the time she was 18 Kelly was recording and touring the world with multi-platinum pop diva Mariah Carey. Throughout her career Kelly has sung for, recorded with, toured with, written songs for, and arranged and produced music for artists including: Mariah Carey, Aretha Franklin, Brian McKnight, Mary J Blige, P. Diddy, Brandy, Donnie McClurkin, The Williams Brothers, Yolanda Adams, Whitney Houston, Mary Mary, The Notorious B.I.G, Richard Smallwood, R. Kelly, Eric Clapton, Wynona Judd, and the legendary Ronald Isley.




stretching the limits photo and bio courtesy of viktory

iktory, a businessman, family man and Ordained Minister, born to a 16 year old mother on Chicago’s hardened south side. He has seen life times in his 27 years. From the sudden murder of his best friend, to the loss of his 3rd child, Viktory’s faith has been tested and solidified. He’s made it his life’s mission to see the fulfillment of his call to ministry. He currently serves as Armor Bearer working with the pastor of his local church where he uses Christian Hip Hop music as an outlet for his message of hope, love, and triumph through Jesus Christ.


His music has been acclaimed by the music industry’s best. “He’s among the best and brightest” exclaims Eli Davis personal manager for the platinum selling Anthony Hamilton. “He’s what the games missing” says FirstBorn accomplished producer with production credits for Neyo, The Game, and Flo Rida. The youth group leader, bible study teacher, and creator of the new web sensation VIKLIFE.COM, an online Christian network complete with news, videos, and music has been courted by a myriad of top tier Christian & secular record labels. When asked about his decision to sign with his own upstart record label he states, “I want to be free to hear and move with God. I have a burden to see people touched and affected in a new and real way". When asked about his goals for 2009, he responds with, “I’m just following Jesus Christ. I call myself Viktory because I know as long as I am in Christ, no matter what trials I endure, in the end, I win.”


JIMMY NEEDHAM a passion to serve photo and bio courtesy of jimmy needham

immy Needham refuses to compartmentalize his life. His music, his faith, his calling are so inextricably intertwined, it is impossible to decipher where one stops and another begins. It is this fusion of temporal life with eternal values that dresses his faith in flesh. It’s a connection between the intangible spirit and corporeal expectations of this workaday world that imbue his music with a raw emotional transparency that crosses boundaries, cuts through bonds, pricks the conscience, and ultimately nestles softly in listeners’ hearts. He is an artist who can’t separate his performance from his song, or his life from his message. It is that same spirit which permeates Jimmy’s highly anticipated sophomore release, Not Without Love.


Jimmy credits his new bride, Kelly, with opening his eyes and heart to the reality of grace. “I was all about sharing the Lord,” he explains. “I carried tracts everywhere I went. I was like Bibleman. It was so wearing on me. It got to the point that I couldn’t walk into a supermarket without feeling like a failure if I didn’t witness to every cashier in the place. I was working really hard to put a smile on Jesus’ face because I was afraid if I didn’t He was going to be disappointed in me.” “I discovered that zeal and passion for God is a good thing, but if you don’t love people, it doesn’t count for much,” Jimmy confesses. “It is good to speak the truth, but it is so much better to speak the truth in love. I realized I had shared the gospel with so many people in the flesh, but all they knew was the Bible beater. I could have just loved on them and what impact would that have had? God has called us to joy. We have the hope of eternal life. That’s really what this album is all about.”

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