Jeremy Camp // Ambassador for Generation Text

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Ambassador For Generation Text

CROSSROAD magazine March/April 2009, Issue #1 Jeremy Camp // Ambassador for Generation Text


EDITORIAL + Editor // Matoaca Hardy-Martin + Music editor // Kory Boone

CONTRIBUTOR WRITERS Eddie Nicole, Kmil, Nisarg Shukla, Carl Agard, Cheyenne Walker, Joshua Flavius, Sheileah Belle, Esther Green, Kory Boone, David Van Biema, Gabriel Adams, Daryl Campbel, Matoaca Hardy-Martin, Muna Wa Wanjiru, Tobias

CREATIVE MARKETING + ADVERTISING The Brand LLC - + Brand mgr // Askia Fountain

MISSION STATEMENT Crossroad magazine website is a place for those motivated by faith to transpose their lives from a secular-focused world to a Christ centered life. Crossroad Magazine covers Christian music, reviews, healthy living, books that impact our spiritual growth and lives, ministry overview and music interviews. We provide the vehicle and outlet to positively influence each individual. Our vision is to inspire hope to those that feel confused and misguided about their purpose and to build a platform that will plant a seed or help transform individuals one by one. Welcome to the Crossroad. Crossroad magazine is published bi-monthly and is distributed free online. to contact Crossroad magazine, e-mail us at we appreciate your feedback Crossroad magazine all rights reserved. reproduction without permission, by any method whatsoever, is prohibited.

the Compound Foundation Supporting and creating success opportunities for youth in the child welfare system Alarmingly, high rates of children living in the welfare system face poverty, including, homelessness after being released from group homes at 18. Too often, children living in group homes are left without a home to return to during the holidays, a supportive base of friends or family, or resources needed to transition into adulthood. For this reason, the Compound Foundation, founded by R &B singer/songwriter, Ne-Yo, has made it’s mission to increase awareness about the status of children in the welfare system and provide direct support programs and opportunities to children living in group homes and residential care facilities. Ne-Yo’s personal story of having his talent discovered, literally on the streets of L.A., and transformed into international stardom and personal wealth adds to his motivation to provide opportunities to other young people, especially those whose misfortunes require them to grow up in group homes. The Compound Foundation believes that every child should dream BIG, using their creativity and special talents to achieve success in life. Understanding that access to opportunity is crucial to improving the lives of children in the public welfare system, our It’s Cool Having Tools (I.C.H.T.) Program helps prepare students for school by providing necessities such as health screenings and immunizations, clothing and school supplies. Going a step beyond, the I.C.H.T. program provides musical instruments and other aids to encourage student engagement in the arts and extracurricular activities & post graduation entrepreneurial training for students living in group homes and low-income communities. To get involved or for more information, visit the Compound Foundation online

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ON THE COVER 26 30 39 46


REVIVE Chorus of the Saints

First off who came up with the name Revive ? It’s very hard to choose a name for a band! This is how people know you and remember you! So we put it out too our fans to come up with some ideas. Now they didn’t do a great job… They gave us names like the 3 monkeys and 1 banana… so we went to the word and found Psalm 86: 6 Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? This really summed up what we want to represent and present to people as a band. What brought you guys together? Can you tell us a little about the band’s early beginnings? We all love the Lord and love playing our instruments, so when we found out we could do both for a living we jumped to that! The band started with Dave(vocals) and Ty(guitar) together as an acoustic duo called Me+Ty. After doing the acoustic thing for a few years they decided they needed a change and invited Rich (bass) and Mike (drums) to join. Each brought their own new flavor and brought new direction to the group. That’s when the name change came and the band really got started.

The message in a song or overall music is very important these days. It seems like the youth today doesn’t have any good role models or direction. What’s the message Revive would like to leave with the youth of this generation? The biggest message among many others is don’t be ashamed of your faith. Romans 1:16 I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. After reading that and when you understand the gospel, you should want to share your faith and stand up for what you believe whether in a school, work or social setting. Do you find any difficulty being a “Christian” band in a secular arena? No not really. Back in Australia we had to play a lot in the secular world and so we found clever ways to share our music and message of faith in a way that wasn’t in your face and scare people off; but wasn’t selling out either. Paul says to be all things to all men so we have found ways to play Christian music with Christian lyrics in a loving way to the secular arena. It shouldn’t be a hard thing it should be a blessing.

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d e k o y y l l a u q une by Kmil

ht say it is the Christ. One mig ith w ho k al w r ou ing of d!” For those w from the beginn unequally yoke ht be ith t ug w ta no e t p al ar hi sh ns ns u tio istia rela e: “Tho that we as Chr involved in a e it to the scrib t is something ve taken a back just didn’t mak Christian to be ha at a th to r t fo en em se ns dm ea ps an m hi m m ns y co d pl tio m la th si re en d e, elev yoke y and ag es, myspace, an ing unequally . In this new da ods, cell phon Ip od G an ve at ith ha w is e p e W don’t know, be hi rc t life. , divo a relations that being said with through ou does not have is hips work. With e have to deal ns someone who w gives us hope tio at es la th su re g is g in r in th he ak e ot m on e e e th lik Th of . gs l su at in al with Je s. on repe d from th burner to ith is not in love es Craven DVD occupy our min w W a to ve lo an r on si th in r vi ll ie le fa ar te reality rson you praising God fo can be sc the single life head to revival when the one pe d d s an an en en , gh pp ev le hi d ib ha e t B an ha ur tim all nships but w up yo dividual, pick selves in relatio that love exist, t tians find them done with the in is that we do know mple, it can bu be hr si C to is y be an er ld M sw ou s. an w en e er pp Th sw ha k? t an or ha s w w ou , can it The obvi ry, this is not ious belief. But p. . On the contra there same relig e sful relationshi ar tly the youth es sh setting you free cc t su no a es ve do ha ho to w Nipper is curren be or ne st ill eo Pa w m . it so A nta, G er to rd a, d nt ha rie e tla ar m u are th per of A rts Center in Atla ually yoked yo ith Theatrical A stor Colleen Nip of Fa Pa e y is B ag ry e th eo er th of nd the more uneq r is te nty, founde d at the n attest to th ou an ca C sb ho ol hu w ar r C e an r he on fo om t is et One w She m Colleen n Specialis ell, not exactly. thirteen years. ch, an Educatio W ur ? of ch ht r e. ife rig he m w n, of ho a tio or at past sband of perfec kids and to leave her hu is is the picture o wonderful for church only twenty-one. Th mother of tw y home from the at ad g d re in rie ds m ar ki co m e d th be York an ning to get “He would . or en m le ay ol C nd d believes in fifteen in New ys Su an sa wake up on rent lives,” e.” Her husb ho ffe on w di as o en er tw om th g w ge in y to come of man ery week. He e were liv we would try to ars, I felt like w attend church ev en to th d ve an els ha , t ch no ur “For a lot of ye from ch he does admit that she fe ld be coming in ilosophy is that riage, she does ph I ar s m at hi r , th he t er gh in ev y ou club and I wou ow pp th .H ther. “I leen is ha prays everyday not worship toge on it. Although Col d s es ke ed do or ne w ily God, in fact he e he m ’v fa at ld e th entir e wou when he feels me because the a lot easier if w chooses to visit missing in the ho t I admit things would’ve been ly ite fin de is bu y? like something lieve God can, ance is necessar m and I still be k church attend in d th se t es n’ m es m . do could change hi da en ho le perfect. A a man w nning,” says Col e orld is far from minister marry w w , a is ith es th w do t it from the begi ow ec ow kn nn H is happen? they can co by, but we do th at e es th m do co al t w to du no vi ho sy , di ld ea in So ld be e shou another t world love wou t to say that on ge should someone finds no n is he w is e, Th or . m Well, in a perfec es rther us pa equenc r everybody. Fu the same religio ising has cons that one up fo And comprom ve know that cant other are on k. lie ifi or be gn w si ho it ur w e e yo w ak d m perfect, but sure you an g be in to ak compromise to g m in form a bond, t go to bu , is er relationships relationship come togeth o s in N al e e. is du at vi om me m di pr a in m o ng co choosi e, when tw e more we beco one priority in ssible. Therefor ng together. Th lli po e ca ar gh gs hi in be the number e th th l al k of d nothing else, s toward the mar through God, an , he leaves the two can pres it, of er nt ce e as happily single r. th w he in ul ot is Pa ch od ea gh G ou to n whe ill show Paul. Alth 1 Corinthians more love we w d. Paul talks in ctions on love is ru rie st ar in m y get as an l m el like Christ, the w us s ngle as warns us to not Bible who give handle being si with them, but to e w at hci ho ug so Someone in the ro to as th as to en od at it is ok This is se ruction from G hat we believe. He informs us th e w . th t rs g ns ve ai tin us specific inst lie ag ea be to go un in to d cause us rsuade him mpany with ul pe co co g to f in e lie ep Ev be ke to t ed un in e w ou s ab e ther m allo rselve r example, Ada ould not put ou mfortable becaus Revelations. Fo too close and co rthermore, we sh to Fu for us. We is s it. es ha en ow G od kn G e om at ible fr the plan th e world as w th om r fr fo ay an out the entire B w pl n to love r ’s ar he le h Him to go anot and altered God e do, and throug being tempted w , m as h forbidden fruit, da A uc e m lik as e st ju we becom e who loves God situations where pray for your to choose a mat ay yw er ev in e ged. Continue to ra ou sc di should striv be t t. is rtunity, and that hips, don’ the love of Chr the greatest oppo yoked relations ve lly ha ua u eq each other with ouse is Yo un e. in m in the ho e currently en when one sp ample for them ay together- ev For those that ar st ex ld let g to in ou es sh liv iv e a w w d be g, ation and husbands an s on leavin r st fo si is in l se ea ou id sp ’s mate’s soul salv God lieving marriage, and or her to Christ. that if the unbe to preserve the ow ith kn fa r us t he le is to bring him or to s hi on deny But Paul goes the Christian to not a believer. ses faith, e would be for iv at rn te al f. el ly ves up, never lo its on gi r e ge ve Th ria . ne ar e go m ov e em th “L th ving e best advice n he says, orse than dissol the situation, th inthians 13 whe r or te C at 1 m in no ve that would be w e, lo or ul defines real stance.” Theref d unto you.” In conclusion, Pa endures through every circum gs shall be adde in th r he day is a gift so ot d an LL l, A is a mystery, to of God and w ro om is always hopefu or gd m in to K e y, th or y is hist ye FIRST r that yesterda is to just “seek time, remembe xt ne e th til So un Blessed! treasure it! Be


No relationship is going to be perfect, but we who believe know that through God, and nothing else, all things are possible. Therefore, when two individuals come together to form a bond, when God is in the center of it, the two can press toward the mark of the high calling together.

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3 V

A family of praise by Josh Flavius

y, sisters? How long Toya, Sacha and Shelle So V3 is made up of La and we’ve been sis er ? Yes, we are ters eth tog g gin sin n bee have you V3 until we were es:) We didn’t really start liv our of all er eth tog g singin e about 10yrs. ago. started to pursue it fulltim we and , ers nag tee ng you each other defion the road? Well, having ded un gro y sta you do How other in check. Also family and we keep each ’re we e aus bec ps hel ely nit sed, really plays a big as far as how we were rai having a good foundation, you to do, it’s easy to on what God has called part. When you lose focus tch yourself and make so you really have to wa get caught up in the hype, ! Christ lifted up and not you sure that people are seeing e the Winans family re are a lot of families lik In the Gospel music the sic influence V3? any of family in gospel mu and the Clark sister, have mother Carolyn our m influence came fro al sic mu t firs t Ou ! Oh yes the first in our faml song writer and she was ena nom phe a is e Sh . son Vin played music in the music career. She always nal sio fes pro a e hav to ily s, Commissioned, s, the Hawkins, the Winan house like the Clark sister ss and the list goes en, BeBe and CeCe, Witne Andre Crouch, Rance All de and impact in our lives! on.. All of those artist ma different life! The stors Kid)? It is a very g How is it being a PK (Pa ally, but It was hard growin you on the right path spiritu p se, kee l hou wil t ss tha gla s a in ent e par liv l like you and having 10th power! You just fee the truth from an early age t you do is magnified to the g upside is getting to know hin ergo and tremendous amoun ryt und u eve Yo and e. ry tim ego the cat all tain you cer on a s o uth int the mo of put utiny all up because you’re there are a lot of eyes and at we do you are under scr don’t do is on display and our ministry. In doing wh for us ed par pre like everything you do and ly tru and it never stops, but it has of scrutiny as a Pastors Kid it. “there are so many look for and how to handle ll, we had We ? nd sou time so we know what to r you e tur this album to help cap ere people out here that ple you worked with on took time to understand wh lly rea o wh one s Who are some of key peo wa n elo ng on this album. Antonio Ph at! She challenged us to bri need to be reached some wonderful producers o, Debbie Winans was gre Als . we say t to tha d nte ers wa duc we pro at of wh ther team we were coming from and d souls that need h her. Double Dutch ano sty Soul, BattleRoy an s a lot of fun working wit Ru h wa it wit d and rke us wo of o als out t We bes the d our vibe! to be won to Christ!” the process! e they definitely understan d, but had a lot of fun in love working with becaus har d rke wo tely ini def Crisis. So we ms or situations another hot producer, and about about Letting go of proble ed talk We gratitude. We talked alot ? um alb s thi as expressing our love and ics covered on far top as tant d the por of Go im e h y wit som ver ip is are nsh ich at atio wh Wh God. Also, our rel has stolen from us m fro my te ene ara the sep at and wh n k bac dow that tend to hold us God sends us and taking o talked about going where love on this album. We als How do you to it as “secular sound” ate rel rs goe rch for the generation of today! chu ny , which ma ’t continue to put ve a strong urban sound spel music, and people can ha Go or ists ian art n rist tia Ch ris in Ch ur s occ because there are so t is about to Many of today’ s” or whatever it may be t there is a new wave tha thi tha e l lik fee nd we sou ll, to We e hav ue? u iss to the other, but if the way “and “yo address this eals to one may not appeal only going to move this app e’s at “H t Wh ! tha rist nk Ch thi to n and wo box behind the artist. We as God in a t need to be uld stop criticizing and get to be reached and souls tha d sho nee we t tha ing e int her ano out the ple er many peo at He wants us to write and operating und , speak to us and write wh promised and the artist is ngs thi com ’t all isn of r rist ato Ch Cre of e ge Th messa letting God, pleased with our sound! rt being ORIGINAL and ultimately God has to be e sta to aus e bec r hav ist ove art us ian get rist to al Ch approv of how we should live and rld’s beats and the world’s was the ultimate example stop depending on the wo He us! Jes ? life r you ct they impa the most and how did Who influenced your life interact on this earth.

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Birth Bishop Eddie Long speaks on Leadership and the State our youth. The visionary and leader for New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, Bishop Eddie L. Long first served as pastor in 1987 for a congregation consisting of just more than 300 members. Since his installation, New Birth's membership has quickly multiplied to well over 25,000. Due to an overwhelming growth in membership, Bishop Long directed numerous building expansion, land acquisition and building development efforts. These efforts led to the construction of a 3,700-seat sanctuary in 1991, a Family Life Center in 1999 and a 10,000-seat complex in 2001. Located in the heart of DeKalb County, Georgia, in the city of Lithonia, New Birth Missionary Baptist Church continues to impact the community through countless outreach programs and communityempowering projects orchestrated by Bishop Long. He also serves as the founder and CEO of New Birth Christian Academy-New Birth's school of excellence.


Bishop Eddie Long Leadership and the State our youth What does it feel like to be the leader of one of the biggest churches in America today? I am extremely proud of the blessing I have received and the tremendous growth New Birth has experienced. When I came here in 1987 it was a congregation consisting of no more than 300 members. Since that time, New Birth’s membership has grown to well over 25,000. How does it feel, you ask? I’d describe it as humbling. The New Birth community is a beautiful gift from God and we will use it to promote His word. What is your definition of a leader? It’s the role of a leader to serve as a constant example of God and His Biblical mandates at all times. In my role as pastor of New Birth, I feel we have an obligation to keep our members abreast on current issues that can affect or threaten the moral conscientiousness of our nation. So when I met with local, national and international leaders, I keep one agenda at the forefrontGod’s agenda. Bishop, with power come much responsibility; what are some of the difficulty you’ve faced in the past to get to this place? Nothing worthwhile is ever easy. If it were than we could never appreciate what we have accomplished. However, we must always keep in mind that God is there to catch us when we stumble or fall. We have experienced all sorts of adversity in building New Birth. Members of our family have seen some real tragedy in their lives, from losing their jobs and homes to losing their loved ones. Although, it can be difficult to comfort those that have lost so much, it is what we are called to do as a Church community. We must serve God and one another in good times and during difficult times. I remember in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina the difficulties that many had in keeping their faith alive. It was a difficult time for all of us, but in the toughest of times is when we should turn to God for help. By being a beacon of love, compassion and understanding we can do God’s will here on earth no matter how difficult the situations can become. Who has been your role model? I have many that I have looked too for inspiration. However, first and foremost, I look to God. I have also been inspired by a number of leaders that have believed in me as we built New Birth like Coretta Scott King. Mother King was just like a mother to me and the New Birth community. I will never forget the impact she had on my life, this Church, the community and the world. Do you think the message of prosperity is being over preached and taught in the church today? If you are talking about people moving forward in health, family, wealth and basically all aspects of life, then it should be preached. We as Christians are obligated to spread the Word of God. When we speak on various issues, we are not giving our opinion; we are stating what we know to be true based on the Word of God and his biblical mandates for our lives. What are some of the ministries and programs New Birth church have to offer? Glorifying God in every aspect of our lives is the goal we have at New Birth. We have many, many programs to reflect this including counseling and family services, education, an athletic ministry and other initiatives to use a holistic approach to disciple each soul into a deeper and stronger relationship with Jesus Christ. For a complete listing of programs, ministries and contacts, please visit us on the web at

Looking back over the years as a minister what do you feel has been your biggest achievement? I do not look at what has been accomplished at New Birth or in my life as my achievements. These successes and what have been built do not belong to me, they belong to God. I am, however, very proud that God has continued to bless me and the New Birth community. He has bestowed on us many gifts that we can use to positively impact our destiny and help those in need. What advice do you have for youth today, who struggle with addiction, peer pressure, etc.? It is not easy being a young person today. We need to reach young people where they are and bring them to where we want them to be. To do this we have a very active youth ministry and programs to bring the Word of God to youth in a language they will understand. We have an annual youth conference, REPRESENT aimed at providing this generation with a true understanding of who Christ really is and who they are to be in Him. It is New Birth’s goal to equip the youth in our society to become a viable solution to the various problems they encounter. The debate on the state of Hip-Hop is still ongoing, it seems people are tired of what it has done to the young people and it’s reflection on the black community. How do you address such an Issue? I understand the issue and think that God is everywhere. If we look we can even see God in the Hip Hop Culture. We are certainly against anything that promotes sin, lust and greed, however, we must harness the good from the Hip Hop culture. Believing in one’s self and one’s own power is a hallmark of Hip Hop and is something that also glorifies God. Instead of using Hip Hop to bring down a community, we should find ways to use it to lift us all up. Bishop, I thank you for sharing your time and really enjoyed talking with you. Thank you, and God Bless you and you readers. I wish you all the best and will be praying for your success and the success of Crossroads Magazine.


The Power to Believe By Matoaca Hardy-Martin


s adults when we are going through, whether it’s a relationship or falling on hard financial times, we seem to always know how to call on the Lord to pull us through. When we cannot find a way out; the light at the end of the tunnel seems so dim, we always know what to ask for; a way, an answer, wisdom, guidance, and sometimes money. But what happens when those needs are not met. When the expectations that we had for an answer or plan did not come through, what do we do? Stop believing and let go of our faith? But is that really the answer or the right way to go. Nothing, as you may already know in this life is free. Whether you pay the price now or later, a price will be paid. There is always a debt that must be settled, and how that debt is satisfied is solely up to you, and the measure of your faith.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.� Hebrews 11:1 (KJV) Faith is a little big word; having the power to believe in something, and knowing that a change will take place in your life requires determination and faith. Faith in yourself and faith in God that he will give you the strength to take on what happens after that change comes; to whom much is given much is required. On January 20, 2009, the prayers and faith of the belief that a change will come came to pass; and now that the world is watching, we must continue our faith that God provides us with the strength, wisdom, and humility to come together not just as a race, but also as people. When will we have enough faith in ourselves to let go of all of our fears and uncertainties and except the change that has come? This is a time when we not only need to have faith in ourselves, but also in one another.

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CONSIDER THIS One summer day in the early 1970s, as police and rioters were clashing over Vietnam in the campus of Berkeley University, two skinny, disheveled teenagers had a brief conversation among police sirens, teargas and shouting. “There’s a revolution going on over here,” noticed one of them. “We are the revolution,”came the answer. Nothing could seem less believable. They were just two teens running through the crowd toward an empty garage where they spent day and night doing weird experiments nobody cared about. The two teenagers were Steven Jobs and StevenWozniak, the creators of Apple Computers. On the crest of the electronic revolution that has changed everything in the world, their claim seems logical today; but it did not back then. It required a vision of faith to spend your last penny and hour in the night, chasing a dream nobody cared about, and believing that you were changing the world. My friends, we are the ‘garage’ church revolution. Today it is a matter of faith; one day it will be a fruit of your faith. Faith gives away the last penny and the last hour. And faith always changes the world. God bless us as we move forward by faith.


e r e H e r A s l e g Guardian An Americans Say MobysDat vid Van Biema

ardian angel in the have been helped by a gu y the e iev bel s can eri Institute for Studies ore than half of all Am by the Baylor University ll po new a to ing ord vely to the statement, course of their lives, acc 55% answered affirmati s, ent nd po res 00 17 of ard class and denomof Religion. In a poll e responses defied stand Th " el. ang ian ard gu a m by s of denomination, "I was protected from har jority held up regardles ma the ; ief bel s ou igi rel ut respondents earning inational assumptions abo le lower (37%) among litt a s wa ure fig the h thoug region or education — r. yea a 0 ,00 50 $1 n more tha says Christopher shocker" in the report, big e "th re we s ure fig r ounte , parts of which are The guardian angel enc a range of religious issues d ere cov t tha vey sur r ylo the case of angels, Bader, director of the Ba ericans Really Believe. In Am at Wh ed titl ok bo a in ask whether peobeing released Thursday ief. Says Bader, "If you bel t jus n tha ger on str le a litt ent. It's experienhowever, the question is , 'sure.' But this is differ say ll wi ple peo of lot a , els eriences." ple believe in guardian ang se lived supernatural exp the ing hav are s can eri Am tial. It means that lots of uld be interprethow broadly the data sho ine erm det to ch ear res r the r belief in the superSociologists may need fur t might indicate a simila tha s ent tem sta er oth ted of God speaking to ed. The Baylor study tes e — "I heard the voice enc eri exp al son per ay ryd claimed to have had natural intruding into eve g." But far fewer people lin hea cal ysi ph us ulo rac ously support an me"; and "I received a mi ardian angels, which fam gu t tha ity bil ssi po the raises y exist in a charmed those experiences. This darned attractive that the so t jus are es, ori ess acc industry of sentimental n. ow ir the of he belief nic igion are the anaspectrum of American rel the of end e on On y. pla in which are primaBut other factors may be ologically and politically, the t lef the and ht rig the suspicious of any lytical churches, on both ples to live by — and are nci pri al lic Bib ing ish all took place in rily concerned with establ igious life. Their miracles rel o int ral atu ern sup the churches, like many modern-day irruption of are the more experiential um ctr spe the of end ent, that lay heavy the Bible. At the opposite the Pentecostal movem in se tho and ns tio ina gifts like healAfrican-American denom the supernatural, through ere wh , irit Sp ly Ho the of s s. In the middle are emphasis on the working regular visits in the pew kes ma es, gu ton in ng aki ular place on the ing, prophesying and spe the supernatural has a reg ere wh , ism lic tho Ca n ma rist) but one that sacramental faiths like Ro ral body and blood of Ch lite the be to d sai is t ris altar (after all, the Eucha ritual. trictions of very specific res the n thi wi ly on occurs is that they cross ardian angel experiences gu on gs din fin r ylo Ba the e). They are clearly What's interesting about Psalm 91 and elsewher (in it wr l ura ipt scr e that happens to all boundaries. They hav t part of Catholic belief nen mi pro a are els ang ian notion of angelic experiential. And guard ctrum legitimacy of the spe sscro e Th . ent ram sac t is part of almost float freely outside of a the kind of folk faith tha in age eng to s can eri interventions may free Am nowledged. is not always officially ack any religious system but rd College, says ment at New York's Barna art dep on igi rel the of an "Americans live Randall Balmer, chairm series of indications that ic iod per a in e on are s ure ependent of estabthat the Baylor angel fig of casual mysticism ind d kin a in age eng and broader unchartin an enchanted world," here is," he says, a "much "T gy. olo the or ine ctr ." Just possibly, lished religious ritual, do populace than we expect the g on am e enc eri ed range of religious exp rt it. Baylor has begun to cha

M If you ask whether people believe in guardian angels, a lot of people will say, 'sure.'

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A man after God’s heart by Sheilah Belle

When Morgan turned 15 years-old he ran away from home. He says, “At that time I was just disconnected from my mom and dad, because I was such an extremist.” He says, “I actually left home because during that time I was seeing an 18 year-old girl.” By this time, he was also in and out of the Juvenile Court System.

ess Morgan, 34, the son of a preacher who’s been to Hell and back, is finally ready for his assignment. As an ordain minister, he’s now ready to win souls for Christ! His testimony is soul wrenching and his talent and love for Christ, will soon have his ministry touching nations around the world. Unlike others who have used the word “anointed” to describe a singer, this adjective is more than appropriate when it comes to describing Morgan. He is a man after God’s heart. Born, Joel Wesley Morgan, he calls himself an extremist, from the days when he did drugs, to present day concerns surrounding ministering through his music to change lives.


With an incredible voice, and boldness for the Lord, Morgan is definitely on track. He currently serves as an Associate Pastor and Praise and Worship Leader at his father’s church. However his testimony dates back to the age of seven. That’s when he started singing. He grew up in church with his mother and father sharing the pulpit. Morgan says, “I was raised in a good home with values, morals and Godly beliefs, but at eleven-years-old things changed.” He says that’s the year he was introduced to drugs. “I always ran with people who were older than me. I don’t know why they let me in their circle, but they did,” he said.

As a Preachers Kid (PK) he says he felt boxed in. “I felt like I couldn’t really be myself.” When he turned 18 he says, “I was facing a major sentencing for armed robbery. They tried to send me away 2 or 3 times, however the case worker got me off. The last time I stood before the judge I was facing many years behind bars, however a friend of the pastor wrote a letter to the judge and told him he would take me in.” Morgan ended up at a Masters Commission program in Texas. During his one year there, he started to change. During graduation ceremony in 1995, while Morgan was singing a song, Pastor Rod Parsley walked up to him during his performance and offered him a full two year scholarship to the World Harvest Bible College. It was during that same year, Morgan met his wife and got married. He returned to Nashville where he started working with his father’s ministry. After only one year of marriage, Morgan began to feel confined as he continued to transition into his new life. He said “something wasn’t clicking.” He ended up separating from his wife for a few months, but eventually got back together with her. “I got back with my wife because of my daughter, so we tried to patch up things. We really hated each other at the time. My wife really resented me because people were celebrating me, while we were still going through hell at home, but praise God we got through that too.” Two years into the marriage, Morgan started drinking again and while renovating their home, a friend offered him some drugs to help him through the rough times. That’s when he started taking cocaine again, picking up the same sensation of wanting the drug, where he left off when he last used the drug. After that, his life went down hill for four years. At the age of 29, Morgan then got into a serious car accident with two friends. He was driving, and ran into a wall doing 90-miles-per-hour. “I even had cocaine on me at the time. The two friends with me were both taken to local hospitals and I was fine, even while being the only one not wearing a seatbelt. I even walked away from the accident, but it was after that, I went into 100% accountability. I needed time to prove myself, so I had someone with me at all times. Even when I went to the mailbox, someone was always with me.” On the day of sentencing for the accident, Morgan got 7 years. However, Morgan says, “It was the grace of God, when a judge stepped in and vouched for me and gave me a second chance.” The sentence was thrown out. “I’m still on probation now, but I know it was nothing but the grace of God that has kept me alive to give me a second chance.” Following Morgan’s Nashville live recording a few media and radio announcers gathered to show their support to Morgan. Just like his story, Morgan is an incredible man of God who is truly changing lives. His current project, Look At Me Now, will soon be followed by the live recording he did at his father’s church, Celebration of Life Church, on Friday night. Additionally, the icing on the cake to this story is, Wess Morgan CAN SING! He has achieved many accolades and awards for his musical talents. He was awarded Male Artist of the year for 2005 from the United Brotherhood Ministry. He has been seen and heard on several Christian television and radio broadcasts throughout the nation. Additionally, he has performed with many well-respected Gospel artists including Kim Burrell, Daryl Coley, Walter Hawkins, The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, Dr. Bobby Jones, William Becton, The Crabb Family, and many others. His vocal ability and love for Christ would be fitting for any stage from Opryland to Lincoln Hall. He is truly appointed by God to do what he does…Ministry In Music. For more information on Morgan, go to


M O D E E FR Our Human Rights courtesy of www.freethes

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Slavery is universally seen as a violation to our basic human rights and yet it continues to exist.




en d u t S e g e ll o C r o F s 5 Financial Tip

By: Gabriel Adams

trying to get an education d an s die stu ur yo on g entratin money, nt, you are probably conc out is how to handle your ab ing nk thi be t no If you are a college stude y ma u ge. It is imporfuture. One thing that yo time you are out of colle the by ss me that will benefit you in the l cia an fin wing ve you in a pretty big e to be bright. The follo tur fu l cia an fin ur yo nt and failing to do so can lea you wa of your finances now if l disasters. tant that you take control oid any college financia av to s ce an fin ur yo th lp you wi the are some tips that can he

to start racking up card it can be all to easy ng credit cards all of the th bad credit if you are usi wi up end ly bab Tip #1 - Only Use Cr pro ll you wi credit card for emergena bad way to start out and is best if you save your It . aid rep be to d nee ll credit card debt. This is cards wi ney you spend on credit time. Remember, the mo ing for an evening out. pay or es sho nth if you have a t new pair of off your balance each mo cies instead of buying tha pay u yo t tha nt rta po im if you pay off Every Month - It is also ce so you will save money lan st, Ba ere int the f on Of ney y mo Pa ra Tip #2 ult in you paying ext ll. ance on the card can res debt over your head as we credit card. Leaving a bal m getting in credit card fro u yo ur p kee o als ll wi . This this by always paying yo the balance every month history, and you can do dit cre ur yo t no ing do ild u bu yo rt if - Now is the time to sta ies will charge late fees Tip #3 - Pay Bills on Time ur bills on time, it can get quite expensive. Many compan ng late. to pay yo n more money for bei bills on time. If you fail as well, costing you eve up go y ma start saving es rat st ere really is, but if you can ing sav nt pay on time and your int rta po im w ho e not realiz of saving, you w - Many college students do will get you in the habit Tip #4 - Start Saving No reap from great benefits when you are older. Saving now of any emergencies as well. case you can extra money set aside in while you are in college, save, and you will have u yo ney mo look around and find the m fro at deal of money if you will earn money gre a e sav ly ual act can y also want Checking Account - You minimum balance. You ma st no Be and the nt r ou fo acc ok an Lo g rtin #5 Tip cking for colfee for sta ually offer totally free che for an account that has no act ok ll Lo wi nt. ks ou ban acc me ng So . cki als the best che ts of withdraw d fees, and fees for deposi every year. to check into any debit car save a great deal of money can u yo and s thi of age ant lege students, so take adv

s - Once you get a credit edit Cards in Emergencie



Daniel Wilcox talk Faith, family and football Hey, Dan thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule. We are very excited to have this opportunity. You are in your 4th year as a tight end with the Baltimore Ravens, incredible career in the NFL (from the Jets, Buccaneers to Raven, very active in the Community (many youth oriented programs), How do you stay Inspired and grounded? This is a very easy question for me... Inspiration comes from with in... and since I've always been on the low end of the receiving list, I've always been hungry... plus being a father and seeing my son makes me more and more hungrier... also I have a wife, and no matter what I do she will keep me in my place... Seeing that you have a busy life, how do you find quiet time to spend with God? Our schedule is seriously busy... but we have Chapel with the team, and anytime I have a free Sunday morning we are at church... plus my wife "Shauna" has me praying more than ever... How does that effect you on the road when the season starts? The Team Chaplin Travels with the team were ever we go, so the opportunity to stay in the Good Book is always there... which of course we are very thankful for... What is your "must have's" when you are on the road? (For some it's a special food? What's yours"?) My Must haves aren't food... lol... my must have are gadgets... I have to have my Iphone, my IPod, my portable DVD player and movies... I just need things to keep me busy, and to make the trip go by faster... What is the one value you hold on to all these years, that you now teach your son or the youth? I hold on to believing in your self... I'm a strong believer that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us... if we do not believe in our selves than how can we expect anyone else to believe in us... You've founded the Empowerment M.I.N.D.S. Foundation, which is youth focused along with Pastor Jamal-Harrison Bryant of the Empowerment Temple; tell us about the foundation and its goals. Starting the Foundation is probably the most powerful thing I've ever done... Being able to give back to these Kids is a tremendous blessing... with my foundation I want to expand the minds of our youth by helping them think outside the box... by starting Baltimore 1st spelling bee in over 25 years, by having book drives and donating over 2 to 300 books to over 50 middle schools, red carpet movie premieres, free computers and tutoring courses, hooked on Phonics, putt putt golf tournaments, life skills, SAT prep courses, football camps, and Paintball tournaments, and motivational speaking, is only some of what we do... Giving has been a tremendous blessing... and I understand life more and more each day...

Another great program that you're involved in as well at Thurgood Marshall Senior High School is the Homeroom Huddle program which you implemented- how important is this to you? The Homeroom Huddle is a pretty cool program... this is just one more way to broaden kids horizon... you teach them how to work better, harder and together... to work in a group, with one another... which I think is one of the most important things to learn... I feel like no matter what your job is in order to be successful you have to learn how to work with a team... you have to learn how to work together... these kids ends up pushing one another in the write direction not the wrong direction.. So I would Like to Thanks My Good Friends Sherri GoodAll from D.T.L.R. And Darnell Dinkens of the Cleveland Browns for bringing this program to my attention... this is the type of program that teaches me more than it teaches the Kids... its crazy how Life works... What do you like to do on your down time away from the NFL? Spending time with my family... I am a newly wed... I have a beautiful, wonderful, and loving wife, and a 3-year-old Son that's an amazing Kid... Time with them is the most important thing in my world... never take one day for granted.... What are some changes you would like to see in the NFL to better the league, as far as players are concern? I think the League is already extremely strict... I feel as though they should do more to protect the players during and after football... (health/Security) Do you think the players or the league does enough for the youth and the communities around America? I don’t know how to judge "enough"... I think the 3 NFL teams that I have played on have done a tremendous Job working in the community.... honestly I think there can always be more done... No matter how much you do... Here's a weird question, before you were Daniel Wilcox (Baltimore Ravens tight end), what kind of work did you do? Lol that's a funny question, my only jobs before the league was a cashier, a Courtesy Clerk, Landscaper, and a Stock Clerk, oh and I also worked at a Construction site putting up Airport Hangers... Again, thank you for making this interview possible. Thanks Thank you guys for the opportunity... it’s been my pleasure to answer your questions... May the Lord bless you!! "EVERY 60 SECONDS YOU SPEND ANGRY, OR UPSET IS A MINUTE OF HAPPINESS THAT YOU'LL NEVER GET BACK"... S. CHIN... "STRICKLY83"


4 Ways a Romantic Vacation Getaway Can Rescue Your Love Relationship By: Daryl Campbell


Sometime back, I was talking to a co worker and asked them how was their weekend. Their answer was as good as it gets. They said, “What weekend? Everyday I wake up its Monday”. Ouch. There are never enough hours in the day. No doubt you’ve heard that more than a few times in your life but it seems like it applies now more than ever. So much information to process and a lot more task to get done have many of us spinning to the point we wonder if we’ll ever have some quality time to relax. The demands of this day and age can also take a considerable toll on your relationship with your significant other. Moving in different circles when it comes to time can do major damage to the things the two of you have invested to make it all work. Now you don’t have time for each other. Even when you do it almost seems like there is a clock ticking. The distance and the lack of communication between the both of you starts to grow. The only time you really talk to each other it concerns some household issue that needs to be taken care of. After awhile it begins to feel like going to work. This is where a romantic getaway can help. All of us need to recharge our batteries especially in this era of information overload. But you also need to give your marriage relationship a hot shot every now and then. Few things can do that better than a romantic giveaway.

There are countless reasons why it would be beneficial to your relationship. Start with:



Moving in different time zones has become almost a necessity for couples whether its family responsibility including caring for your children or just different work hours. A romantic getaway lets you move at the same tempo again. Sometimes you will be surprised at how much the other person has changed (in a positive way) and that you really missed them.

So many professionals have talked about coming back from a vacation recharged and ready to go. This is not only good for the two of you individually but as a team. Since relationships are a partnership it is essential to be on the same page when it comes to important issues. A romantic getaway can allow you and your spouse to step back and give a clearer look at some things currently pressing in your lives. Who knows? The both of you may come to the conclusion some things aren’t so bad which will make you more relaxed and reconnected.

Relax You can find any number of shows on cable and information on the internet when it comes to learning to relax. The reason there are so many is because as a society we don’t do it enough. The work week seems to drag on and weekends fly by. Saturdays and Sundays have become the days to take care of personal business. A romantic getaway however brief allows you and your significant other to step out of the rush hour world. It’s a way to take time out to stop and smell the roses.

Rekindle You fell in love with each other for a reason but the day to day life of the working grind can be a real obstacle when it comes to romance. A romantic getaway goes along way to removing that barrier by providing you the chance to discover that love again. It may not exist in the same way as before but it can reawaken passions in your relationship and give birth to some new ones which will pleasantly surprise the both of you.

There’s no way to escape the demands this world puts on us. But the number one priority should be the relationship with your significant other. A romantic getaway is a great way to make sure it stays healthy.


The Suit Men

The youth can dress to impress when at a party, but can’t pull it together for an interview? A GQ&A with Eddie Nicole /

s the ripe age of 23 comes to pass, for most, college will become a memory of random events. The drunken nights, years of Scantron tests, crammed study sessions, the pleading to professors and deans for another chance. Many have yet to give up the collegiate high of being wild and free with little responsibilities. All the while, the harsh reality of corporate America is waiting at the doorstep. Joining the workforce is a step that no college grad is absolutely prepared for and with the current position of the failing American economy, the job market is ill-prepared. So what does that say for the hundreds of thousands of grads expecting to be recruited?- a hell of a competition! The corporate world is immersed with Go-getters, Ivy leagues, and Cut throats in every corporate sector, and these described in the latter are just the bosses. How does one prepare for the fierce competition coming from wellconnected trust fund graduates and over achievers? Great question. It’s quite simple. From past experiences I can say, presentation, the power of networking, and determination will become weapons of choice. Although the current generation has stayed consistent with fashion and style as far as celebrity trends, the representation of professional suiting attire has waned. The need to be able to sell one’s self and make a statement has been increasingly important in the job market due to the low availability of placements. Unfortunately, having just a great resume will not cut it. When I say presentation, I am speaking of the importance of The Suit. While “hob-nobbing” and networking, the way to gain respect and attention starts with the suit and hopefully ends with a career opportunity. Whether it’s business, a dinner occasion, or a funeral, after the age of 21 a man should be prepared with a well-constructed suit. One should also be aware of what style of suit compliments the body. There are several styles such as: 3-button, 2-button, and a 3 piece to name a few. Although the actual suit itself remains pivotal in business attire, the details are what takes the look one step past regular and boring. There are many ways to stylize a suit to your liking, such as collar choices (button down collar, straight point collar, and the spread collar), classic cuffs (French, single-button, two-button barrel) and cufflinks.


Although I am very aware of what constitutes a great looking suit due to my tenure as a personal shopper at Bergdorf Goodman, I took a little time out to speak with a couple friends I feel have it down to a science. I felt it would be only fair to get the advice from successful, corporate, young men whom have encountered problems and have subsequently mastered the suit game. I have the 411 on ways to anchor a business wardrobe, the best colors of the seasons, and how it may change your professional dating life. So take notes fellas, this might save your career and get you a date!


“I feel personality brings a lot to someone’s “swagger” Meet Aubrey Age:25 Occupation: Marketing Director College: University of Florida Has worn suits since the tender age of 3 Type of suit: 3 button cotton/khaki by Penguin GQ&A with Eddie Nicole How many suits do you own? 8 At what age do you feel a man should own a suit? After 18 Do you know how to tie a bow tie? Yeah. That’s going to be my new thing for the fall. I’m going with a bow tie with small polka dots. I wore a bow tie when I was a kid. Yeah my mother always had me in some exclusive clothes. Do you have a preference of seasons? What type of suit do you feel is appropriate for certain seasons? The fall, because you have more to work with. There are important pieces that you can wear in the fall like gloves, and an overcoat to add to your business attire. Tweeds and Wool suits are appropriate for the fall. Light cotton and khakis suits are what I wear in the summer. Sometimes I will just wear a vest instead of the jacket. It’s keeps the look professional and cool. What’s the most you splurged on a suit or an accessory? I bought three pairs of cuff links for about $200 each at Thomas Pink(include link) (Thomas Pink is a moderate/upscale menswear boutique out of London) Favorite Suit Designer ? Ralph Lauren and Hugo Boss. Ralph keeps his suits classic. It is never a hit or miss with Ralph. Hugo Boss is another favorite because of the cuts and the modern look. Favorite Accessory? (Pocket squares, cuff links) Pocket Squares, definitely pocket squares Favorite business Shoe? Wing tips or Oxfords. Neither. I just bought these Gucci loafers. They will go good with a suit and my casuals. What’s the most important detail do you keep in mind while shopping for a suit? The lining. If you have a nice color inside the suit, it can set if off. I also love hand sewn buttons holes with colored details. Wear do you shop for a suit? Thomas Pink, SAKS, Century 21 (for accessories) What’s your style plan for the fall? All classic neutrals. Black, Grey, White, Tan, Brown. I do colors in the spring/summer and I tone it down with classic suit colors and maybe a creative tie with a nice design or something- “Sounds nice” How do you transition between work and play? That’s a good question. That has always been a problem for me. I guess that’s why blazers are so important. I always keep an extra set of shoes with me at my office. I hate to scuff Italian shoes. Name films that inspire you as far as men’s style and fashion. Casino, Goodfellas- Gangster/Movies catches my eye on the style tip. I really don’t watch much t.v. I’ve been pretty busy for the past 3 years, so I really haven’t caught up on my movies. Most stylish men from the past. (anytime before the 70’s) Malcom X, Muhammed Ali. Not only their way of dress, but their personalities were powerful and demanding of respect. I feel personality brings a lot to someone’s “swagger” Most stylish men of the “grown up” generation. (He laughs)…..P. Diddy I guess? Why Diddy, that’s so obvious? I told you I don’t keep up with the industry like that. I don’t look up to a lot of these people as far as fashion is concerned, but you can’t say Diddy is not killing the industry with his suit game. Most stylish of the youth. (After a long pause and list of examples given by me)…Andre 3000 Are you just saying that because you can’t think of anyone else to say? Naaw. I like Andre’s style. He’s eclectic. Are you the ultimate gentleman? Yeah, I like to think so. You’re not yet a man if you haven’t learned be a gentleman. Amen to that One last question, do you feel you catch more attention and respect while in a suit? Most definitely. I get more respect from people in my building. The same people that walk past you as if you’re invisible, the very next day will speak to you because of the powerful look of a suit. And the attention from the ladies. Unfortunately I get a lot of attention from the ladies. You say it like it’s a bad thing, Well it’s a misconception that just because a man is wearing a nice suit he must have a good job or make a lot of money. What if I’m in my regular clothes (loose jeans and t-shirt)? A brotha can’t get love? It’s sad that some females will only give you attention because of your status. And it’s sad that ya’ll try so hard to get the attention…he laughs and our GQ&A is concluded Although Aubrey seems to have it all together, it would be unfair to say that he got his style from his own natural abilities, his mother dressed him in suits since the age of 3. And not any kind of suits…they were full three piece tight in the neck suits…She wasn’t playing any games!


Meet Creighton Age:31 Occupation: Personal Shopper turned College Recruiter College: Texas Southern University Has worn suits since the tender age of 5 Type of suit: 2 button silk/wool blend Zegna, Pocket square (Zegna), Tie (Brioni) What style of suit do you prefer? (2 button suit). My torso is not long enough for a 3 button suit How many suits do you currently own? 40. Started collecting suits at 24 after graduating from college When you started your collection, how did you know what to buy? I Collected gentleman’s magazines and got an idea of what would work for me. My Dad and grandfather are impeccable dressers, so I grew up learning from them At what age do you feel a man should own a suit? There is no real age. It’s up to him and his maturity. When he wants to be socially and professionally taken seriously with society Do you know how to tie a bow tie? Yes. I have about 8 or 9 What do you think is missing in the urban youth as far a presentation is concerned? Substance, professionalism, and cohesiveness. What do you mean by cohesiveness? The way clothes work together. They seem out of touch with proper attire. Since the grown and sexy look started, the youth have started wearing more tapered and fitted shirts and pants. It’s very Pharrel right now. They need to know the basics. That’s why it’s great you’re doing this Do you have a preference of seasons? What type of suit do you feel is appropriate for certain seasons? I love the fall season. In Houston the weather is pretty much the same. Summer/Spring: Linen and Poplin is great for the summer and light wool blends. As for Fall/Winter, I go with wools and tweeds What’s the most you splurged on a suit or accessory? I have a vintage Rolex watch priced at $8,000. Every gentleman should have a standard watch. It’s a status symbol and the most predominant accessory. As long as the suit is quality it really doesn’t matter wear you go or how much you spend. The average decent affordable suit will cost you about $500. I advise Brook Brothers, they’ve been around since the 19th century. You can tell the texture of a suit and shoes, that’s the most important for presentation Favorite Sartorial (Suit Designer)? Zegna- They’re conservative and have great tailoring. I usually buy my suits off the rack. I enjoy Kiton’s tapered cuts Favorite Accessory? (Pocket squares, cuff links) Cufflinks Footwear? Wing tips or Oxfords. What shoes are appropriate for work or a night out? Oxfords- have a smooth body portion in the front. Wingtips are more for business. Loafers are good for after 5 and with a sport coat What’s the most important detail do you keep in mind while shopping for a suit? The cut, the vents, the lining? The lining Where do you shop for a suit? I shop around. Norton Ditto in Houston, Neiman Marcus What’s your plan for the fall, (Grey is gonna be big this year)? I’m gonna integrate cardigans with my sport coats. I going to monogram my initials on them. Gives that English Saville Row look Name films that inspire you as far as men’s style and fashion. James Bond- Sean Connery to Roger Moore/ They have great style Most stylish man from the past. (anytime before the 70’s) Clark Gable Most stylish men of the “grown up” generation. Prince Charles- I never seen him have a down moment Most stylish of the youth. Pharrel Williams. He wears t-shirt and jeans a lot. And he was GQ man of the year How are you the ultimate gentleman? I Always remained dressed to par. Good diction and proper table manners

Whether it’s business, a dinner occasion, or a funeral, after the age of 21 a man should be prepared with a well-constructed suit.


Eddie Nicole’s What Every Man Should Know photo There are a total of 5 suits that every man should have in his wardrobe: The Solid Black Suit, The Solid Navy Suit, The Gray Suit (medium shade), The Pin-Striped Navy Suit, The Khaki Cotton Suit

Collar types: The Button-Down Collar You don’t want a shirt that looks too casual for your business suit. The Straight-Point Collar Always a safe choice. The collar’s narrow stance means it tucks nicely into high-cut three-button suits. Good for narrow-to-skinny ties The Spread Collar The most dashing, confident collar out there

Cuffs Types: Single-Button Standard (left)The most common type of cuff, which you’ll find on most moderately priced dress shirts. When fitting properly, it should reach the hinge of your wrist French (center)The dressiest, most formal cuff choice. But you don’t have to wear flashy cuff links and (after work) a tie with them. Try an open collar and more creative links. Two-Button Barrel (right)For the guy who wants a shirt with as much flair as his British- or Italian-made suit.

Footwear: Photo: Tom Schierlitz Cap-Toe: You need at least one pair of slim black lace-ups for your business wardrobe. You should also own a pair of brown lace-ups, but when it comes to those, remember this basic rule: Brown shoes work with everything except a black suit Plain-Toe: If you want something sharper and sleeker, go with a slim plain-toed lace-up. It’s dressier than a cap-toe and can be worn with a tuxedo to formal events. Loafer: A dressier version of these casual classics adds flair to your wardrobe. In the warmer months, try them with a khaki business suit The Extra: A cotton pocket square can add a dash of elegance to a business suit. Just keep it simple: Stay away from patterned silk ones. It’s best to keep it square



Family, Faith & Music Having been in the music business since she was 11 years old, Shanice started her career by taking the top prize on the world-renowned show Star Search. She also appeared on the popular Kids Incorporated, recorded 4 albums, was nominated for a Grammy and starred on Broadway in Les Miserables as well as making countless guest appearances on television. Now the mother of two children and happily married to comedian Flex Alexander, It’s been a long journey for the international soul virtuoso. With all of the work she has put in, she still has an undeniable passion for music.


Shanice can you share your story with us – your family life, your faith. What inspires you to continue singing now that you have a family? I’ve been singing since I was 7 months old, so singing is in my blood. Having a family has been a blessing for me... it even helped me with my song writing. My husband and children just bring me so much joy. You’ve performed overseas (Europe, Japan, etc.), and had a #1 song in 22 countries. Are the youth in those countries more passionate and supportive about music than in America? I thank God the I have support and fans here in the states, as well as overseas. The one thing I can say about the youth overseas is that they’re loyal. Once they love you, they will always support you. Here in the U.S, they tend to support who’s hot at the moment... but for the most part, they’ve all been supportive throughout my career. It’s hard for a female to enter this male dominated industry, what advice would you give them in pursuing their dream? Stay true to who you are. It’s harder for women, but you just have to keep going and not give up. Who influenced your spiritual life the most and how did they impact your life? I can’t say that it was one person in particular. I grew up in the church. As a kid, I sang in the choir & participated in bible study. My mom and family instilled the word in me. You’ve achieved so much in your career; you had a Grammy nomination, Germany’s Golden Lion Award, a Billboard Hot 100 Chart record breaker (moving 75 positions from 91 to 16), first recording artist to perform on Jay Leno’s “The Tonight Show”. With the focus on this new project what keeps Shanice grounded at this moment in her life? Knowing material things come and go. When some entertainers achieve a certain amount of success, they don’t know how to handle it, and they become arrogant, forgetting where the came from. For me, my career is not the only important thing in my life. Always family & God first. Ok, switching lanes, the new project is due out later this year, but the song a beautiful ballad “The President We Need” has received over 40,000 Myspace plays. Tell us about the song and your decision to record the song for Presidential candidate Barack Obama? Actually, its almost 400,000 [laughs]. I heard Barack speak in the backyard of someone’s home. I picked up a great vibe after hearing him. I left feeling inspired. My mom suggested, “Why don’t you write a song for Barack”, so right away, I started writing. My mom, and Aunt Penny helped me. My friend BJ did the track. The song came about very fast. The special part about the song is that my kids are singing at the end, along with their friends, BJ’s children. We had fun.


Family, Faith & Music Many times we see other artist and family on the road together (Gloria Estefan, The Osborne’s, The Jackson’s) will you take your family with you? Yes, I will. I think it’s so important to include your children. I want them to share the experience of traveling the world with me. I don’t ever want them to feel like mommy was never around. Who did you work with on this new project as far as artist and producers and what can we expect? I’m doing some songs with Steve Russel who wrote “No Air” for Jordan Sparks & Chris Brown. I’ll be collaborating with Jon John, he’s produced for Babyface and many others. I’m also working with the writer who wrote “Damaged” for Danity Kane. Wow... there’s a lot of incredible people I am working with which is why I’m going to stop calling out names because I don’t want to leave anyone out (laughs). This album is universal. I have songs that everyone can enjoy. Speaking of Challenges, Let’s talk about your Broadway experience, was if more of a Challenge on stage to act than to sing- In the Broadway musical “”Les Miserables”, Was the feel familiar to you or different? The only challenge I had on Broadway was learning how to sing in a new style. The musical was more-so opera, a lot different than my pop and R&B material. It was a great experience for me because I actually was blessed with the opportunity to be the first black female to star in the Broadway production, breaking barriers for others to follow. What kinds of things did you do to get familiar with acting on Broadway, did you take classes or had a trainer? I grew up signing in stage plays & musicals, so I knew what to expect. I sat down with the director and composer, did a run through with the music, and that’s about it. What kinds of things do you get involved with on your off time away from the industry? I go to the gym and work out. I have two kids which takes up a lot of time. You have taken clean, pure, positive music and expose it to the places where people can only dream of these things. Thank you for all your hard work and wonderful music. You are truly a blessing. Thank you so much for conducting this interview with me. I wish yourself & the Crossroad Magazine team much success. For bookings & Media requests, contact Cordell Capone,


Switching to a

Vegetarian Diet for a More Quality Conscious Lifestyle By Muna wa Wanjiru

ou will find that you have access to many great tasting foods. These foods will help you to live a good life. For a more quality conscious lifestyle however you may want to look into switching to a vegetarian diet. The different vegetarian diets that you can look into will help you to see the changes that you can make to the way that you eat and live.


There are many ways that you can plan on having a sensible vegetarian diet, but the most important factor is that of your health. For this reason before you start making any long term dietary plans you should investigate and gather as much information about going vegetarian and vegan diets.

The great tasting food and the health benefits that you will get from your vegetarian diet will begin to show themselves in the way that you look and participate in life. You will find that planning a vegetarian diet is not one that will be boring. There are a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, spices and condiments that you can use in your diet to make them more interesting. While you are looking at the different vegetables and fruits which can be used in a vegetarian diet you should look to the best ways of preparing these items.

To this end your best source of cooking and preparing information can be found in various recipe books. These recipe books can be ones that you find in book stores and also online. From all of these you will be able to look at vegetarian foods from lots of different countries. Since each of these countries has different methods of cooking food you will need to look at what is used to cook the vegetables. Also if you are serious about losing weight then you should see if there is any way that you can reduce or change the way that certain dressings and fillings are made. There is also another point that you should consider when you are planning a vegetarian diet meal plan. Until you have managed to work out the various details of the nutritional value of the different vegetables that you are going to be using, it is best to see what the values are for the vegetables and meals in these vegetarian recipes that you will be using. While being on a vegetarian diet does mean that you will be eating more green vegetables and leafy greens you don’t have to worry about losing sight of some of your favorite meats. The only thing that you will need to do is to reduce the quantity of meats that you are eating. Once you have planned this step out you will see why eating a vegetarian diet can be good for you on many levels. The great tasting food and the health benefits that you will get from your vegetarian diet will begin to show themselves in the way that you look and participate in life.



“I feel like this generation is in dire need of God's truth”


p m a C y m e Jer

Text n o ti ra e n e G r o F r o d a Ambass by Tobias

t has a spiritual and social need to create music tha a irs the nk thi u yo do ; s, what’s your message to ny choices in music faces today is tremendou n tio era oday the youth have so ma gen s thi re ssu , that it needs to be driven Faith perhaps? The pre initely feel, for my music def I ? message, A Message of etc n, sio res dep all music has to be so ues of sex, abuse, by the world. Now, not off ped rip 's g them when it comes to iss tin get t jus y are listen to for the fun or art don't know the truth, the nty of music that I like to ple 's ere Th es. do by truth. For those who sic th mu tru ty of life, but for me... my n is in dire need of God's I feel like this generatio focused on the spirituali th. fai my by ed ect aff m the is directly music is disconnected fro sake of it, but my music u feel today’s Christian yo the Do be e, sid uld n sho tia t ris tha Ch e rld. Mayb ular side and the few on it should encourage the wo , r ou yet e d lov An d. With all the artists on sec and Go re to ado ted de to worship, uld be connec ma sho be sic mu uld n sho tia ris sic Ch mu r nk world? I thi and some isn't. Ou ing the world. Some is question.... is it encourag men to HIm. w in the process, will dra most impact on KING.... and it hopefully, dad for sure has had the My ? life ur yo t pac im w did they le of Christ to me. ritual life the most and ho He's an incredible examp . ing Who influenced your spi lov y ver and me ays been real with ard nod, 3x’s ASCAP me spiritually... He's alw s, 1 American Music Aw ard aw ve Do 5 d, sol s record you feel has been over the years; 3 million mold your career what do ch and mu p so elo ed dev iev u ach yo e As . u’v Yo ar award greatest worth and Year, and Song of the Ye can only hope that my I the . of t... r tha rite by gw on led "S mb A’s hu CM ssed and other stuff. ? I'm very thankful, ble , means more than all the ent tly em nes iev ho ach t me to ges at big Th ur . yo father being a godly husband and the project and your achievement comes from on GMC. Tell us about ies ser y ph gra bio the me ply wanted people to new project Faith & Fa is our testimony, and I sim th fai of y rne jou r Ok, switching lanes, the ou of story the tremendous work see Jeremy Camp? The , to solidify in our hearts too I and ie Ad for at decision to let the world gre ly le better. And it was actual all He's done. get to know my story a litt er proud of my Lord and sup I'm .. es. liv r ou in st ne do has rd Lo What sparked your intere and miracles the eaking Louder Ministry. Sp n try tha nis re mi mo new do ur ply yo d to sim Jeremy, let’s talk about manger Matt and I wante My in? is e t rol tha jor Speaking of Challenges, try ma nis e mi hav al is this something you munity to pour into a loc in starting this ministry and in this is to rally the com ion vis r Ou t. what this album is about cer con a on put , which is great.... that's day w sho the on just coming to a town and ed olv ? me and my band very inv gonna' believe my words in need. This also gets not really doing it, who's I'm if . e... lov in g vin ure by ser do to ensure a brighter fut for me Speaking louder methods or things we can p, and y shi nit on mu ati rel com al r ou son of per them to be in on on the state ini for op is ur uth yo r yo r hea ou to e for lik ure c and I would a brighter fut pe and peace in a chaoti simple the only answer to t only Jesus offers real ho bu ', che for our youth. Plain and cli s nd sou t's th Jesus. I know tha stuff. Only Jesus. a vibrant relationship wi torn apart by all kinds of ng bei are s ilie fam ere ca who wants broken community.... wh formers all across Ameri per n tia ris Ch g un yo ny re are ma ous, it's a lonel tool of influence and the the heart of just being fam rfu At we ry? po y ust ver ind a the is of sic ty” Mu ointed. And “reali would you give about the up broken and very disapp ice end ly adv on at ll wh wi s, ou us, Jes fam of be e to on all things. in the nam We must check our hearts who desire to be famous . NG ple HI peo g YT un AN Yo do ce. we pla y ly eful wh be asked are , es. Some questions to We all have to be very car tiv d. mo cke g mo on be wr t y no ver ll wi for d ne Go be do self?" If we OD things they can still ers?" or "Am I serving my GO oth g ing vin do ser in n and eve ing se lov cau I Be and "Am g God in this, for real?" the Right Track. "Am I loving and servin and Others, then we're on D GO g vin ser to S YE r we ans everyone, I think... dig deep and we can r? Well it's different for yea s thi do ED NE ple g peo loving and serving st important things youn I just answered.... Am I ion est qu the as ple What are the five (5) mo sim as ld my heart back but myself.... For me, it's n I need to repent and yie the f, sel my g vin ser f I can't speak for anybody sel d my then I'm on track. If I fin God? and others? if Yes, ffs, chocolate. to the LORD. t burger!!!! and CoCo Pu Ou N In d? foo e” hav at is your favorite “most When you’re on tour, wh and you can't do wrong. Love Jesus in all you do re? - Jeremy Camp the t ou ple peo g un Any last words for the yo




POWER By Esther Green


“Adam chose the created over the Creator, and in so doing, he chose his judgment over God's, A Mistake.” ere are mistakes and then there are Mistakes. We have all made our fair share of both. Yet none of us makes them on purpose. Mistakes often happen because we are unable to accurately predict future outcomes. These failures at times paralyze and prevent us from making new decisions. We become haunted by past mistakes and fearful of making new ones. Which of us has never experienced bouts of indecisiveness? When faced with a decision we rationally or irrationally question: What do I do? Which road do I take? What if I'm wrong? What will happen next? What will become of me?


I'm sure Adam had questions like these before he made the fateful decision to follow after Eve. Adam's heart must have skipped several beats when he realized what Eve had done. She was in trouble and Adam couldn't see past her fearful consequence. What should he do? Didn't God say they would surely die? What would happen to her? What would happen to him? What would life be like without her? Adam didn't know- he couldn't predict, and it was frightening. Fearing the unknown, Adam chose the created over the Creator, and in so doing, he chose his judgment over God's- a Mistake. The Christian life is a life of choice. Calvary has gifted us this freedom, and every temptation or divine test begs a decision. As excruciating as it may sometimes feel, God calls us to choose. However, we are not to let fear of the unknown guide those choices. We must be like Abraham. Abraham's call to sacrifice Isaac was a terrifying one. But unlike Adam, Abraham dwelt on the known instead of the unknown. Abraham knew the voice of God; he knew how God had led him in the past; he knew the promise of God; he knew both he and his son were secure in the

immutability of God's oath and promise. Because of this knowledge, he was able to say confidently through faith, "…I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you" (Gen. 22:5). Having confidence in the known, Abraham chose the Creator over the created, and in so doing, trusted God's judgment. Is there any wonder why we are urged to know God and the power of His resurrection? We are to live and choose God's way of escape based on what the past shows us. Like David, we are to …remember the years of the right hand of the Most High (Ps. 77:10). God wants us to rest in His power and predictability. Whoever said faith is 'blind'? Faith is evidence (Heb. 11:1). It is insight that allows us to see beyond the natural into the supernatural. Faith allows believers to see what the world does not- and comprehend what it cannot. Therefore, just as Abraham grasped hold of God's promises KNOWLEDGE IS POWER by faith, so are wewhen things are confusing. Just as Jacob grasped hold of God's hand by faith after the night of wrestling, so are we- when over whelmed with guilt and in need of divine assurance. Just as Christ grasped hold of God's hand by faith when He couldn't see past the mind-numbing prospects of the tomb, so are we- when we feel separated from Him. Truly, God's perfect love casts out all fear. The shackles of paralysis vanish with the decision to trust God. Knowledge truly is power. I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember thy wonders of old. I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings. Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as [my] God? Thou art the God that doest wonders…Thou has with thine arm redeemed [me]…Ps. 77:13-15.



Work Your Skirt By Cheyenne Walker It is very easy to recognize the unique qualities which led Donald Trump to hand pick Marshawn Evans to compete in the 4th season of NBC’s The Apprentice. “I think that having a strong sense of vision gives you direction, and understanding your purpose helps you to filter through things you should be involved in,” asserts Evans. An accomplished entertainment attorney who graduated from Georgetown University Law Center completely debt free. Now, at age 29, Marshawn is one of the nation’s leading experts on the art of maximizing human potential. She is the founder of Marshawn Evans Unlimited, a corporate life-enrichment consulting firm, and President of EDGE 3M Sports & Entertainment, a full service brand management agency. Marshawn was also named one of Atlanta’s Power 30 under 30. On the verge of releasing her first book, SKIRTS in the Boardroom: A Woman’s Survival Guide to Success in Business & Life, Marshawn and I sat down to discuss her accomplishments, the new book, and the perceptions of today’s woman. Getting an early start on entrepreneurial ambitions, Marshawn learned as a young child the importance of thinking outside of the box. On a hot summer’s day, who wouldn’t want to buy lemonade? Well, according to Evans, who was nine years old at the time, her business idea hit a road block when no one visited her lemonade stand. “Because it was hot, everyone wanted to stay indoors; so I had to go door to door [if I planned to sell any lemonade]. At an early age, I learned a sense of drive and getting things done. If there’s a desired outcome, you have to have a certain drive to make it happen. It has made me want to have ownership and creative influence over the things I’m involved in,” says Evans.

“It is extremely important that every woman, every person for that matter, understand that they were created on purpose, for a purpose, with purpose.

Crediting her parents and mostly male mentors with giving her the keys to unlock her potential, Marshawn’s next goal is to create these same mentorship opportunities for women with a college diversity tour, named SKIRTS in the Boardroom: A Pathway to Progress. “The tour,” explains Evans, “is designed to help college women begin to think about how entrepreneurship, financial literacy, leadership, wellness and graduate education will prepare them for careers which are traditionally underrepresented by women.” With exposure to different environments and access to successful people who did not mind allowing her to stand on their shoulders, Marshawn realizes that “nothing happens, just happens. Anyone who is successful has had a lot of people showing them how to get there.”

The opportunity for the ultimate crash course in business came with a chance to compete on the 4th Season of Donald Trump’s The Apprentice. “One thing I learned from him [Donald Trump],” states Marshawn, “was the power of positive thinking and speaking. He never says anything negative about his businesses or companies, or anything that he touches or is involved in. People see him as a success in part because he sees himself as a success, and broadcasts that.” The competition pitted men against women, and it was during this experience that Marshawn realized how minor issues affected women’s ability to work together, causing them to lose every challenge, except the one spearheaded by Evans as project manager. “We have been taught to work against each other. Sisterhood, especially in business, strengthens us,” adds Marshawn. Citing her experiences on The Apprentice and the realization that women can go a lot farther as advocates of each others goals, as opposed to being divided, resulted in the vision and execution of her first book. Through ten whimsical, yet practical, chapters Evans uses SKIRTS in the Boardroom to share information on career development and entrepreneurial insight for women with a wise and genuine perspective. SKIRTS in the Boardroom focuses on the new generation of women who are more educated, have more drive and money, and are business savvy. With the boardroom representing a place of power, this book, according to Evans, “pushes women to tap into their potential and focus their vision, taking tangible skills from networking and communication, and branding themselves in an effort to take their careers to the next level at an early age.” Tackling issues like confidence, purpose, networking, and personal branding, SKIRTS in the Boardroom is designed to give direction and guidance on navigating the corporate jungle. “It is extremely important that every woman, every person for that matter, understand that they were created on purpose, for a purpose, with purpose. When you get that, then you know there is nothing that you cannot learn, and there’s a certain level of confidence in expanding your horizons,” says Evans. SKIRTS in the Boardroom: A Woman’s Survival Guide to Success in Business & Life hits bookstores November 24 and is available now for pre-sale. For more information about Marshawn Evans and SKIRTS in the Boardroom please visit


The Peoples choice


obama By Nisarg Shukla


“I stand here today humbled, by the task before us. Grateful, of the trust you’ve bestowed. Mindful, of the sacrifices born of our ancestors.” Barack Obama


arack Obama. What more can you say about the man, which hasn’t already been said? What more can you write about the man, that hasn’t already been written? How can you write a fair piece about a man that has become instantly recognizable? How do you write a piece that is timeless, stern, and sincere?

Thoughtlessness and a severe case of writer’s block pervade my very being – that is, until, I hear the above quote recited. Its depth channels great words of Roosevelt and Kennedy; its simplicity alludes to Lincoln and Dr. King. The past year has been a tremendous surge forward for all of us – Christian, Muslim, and Jew; straight and gay; black and white. We’ve all experienced a blanket of benevolent emotions – entire crowds, millions upon millions, cheering on our leader. All of us watched him grow from a somber speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, to his battles with Hillary Clinton, the media, and, finally, John McCain. We’ve all gained - by observing his poise, by emulating his ethic. There’s a certain part of Barack Obama that can in no way be described. Inheriting a country, and a world, in anguish, it’s Obama’s impenetrable aura of modernity, excellence, and, as cliché as it sounds, hope that draws us to the world’s first President. The next logical train of thought is, ‘Well, sure he’s a great speaker, but will he be effective as a leader?’ The answer, while still up in the air, is pointing in a positive direction. The first 100 days… January 2009, just days after his election, Obama effectively ordered the closing of Guantanamo Bay. With one swift stroke of the pen, eight years of perceived mockery of international P.O.W. laws by the United States was abolished. The slate isn’t completely clear, yet, but it certainly is a step in the right direction. On February 17, 2009, Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, more commonly referred to as Obama’s economic stimulus plan, after months of debate. On February 27, 2009, President Obama announced the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq, with a deadline of August 31st, 2010 (with a few minor exceptions, of course). This, ladies, and gentleman, is a man of action. A new birth of freedom It’s evident that Obama’s quick action on three of America’s biggest issues was done in part to silence fierce criticisms and quell any beliefs on his ability to make tough decisions. But the most important part of the whirlwind that is Obama isn’t his efficiency in silencing his critics – even your neighborhood drunk can do that – it’s Obama’s consistent ability to stick by his virtues. His outstanding moral standing – more than just facts, more than numbers, more than just swift action. It’s virtue – and you can feel it. Ask not what you can do for your country… Socrates. Benjamin Franklin. Abraham Lincoln. Gandhi. Not without individual faults, these mortal men have achieved iconic status due in no small part to their dedication to their virtue. Sometimes, it’s more than what you say; it’s more than how well you speak. It’s inherent, and it’s inherent in Barack Obama. The lure of Barack Obama isn’t whether or not he can win an election, or silence his critics, of prove effective in his first 100 days. No, Obama’s lure lies in our ability to put faith in this man, and his unabashed dedication to truth, justice and the American way. Obama’s portrait is that of almost mythical proportions – George Washington crossing the Potomac, Abraham Lincoln delivery the Gettysburg Address, and Dr. King leading a march on Capitol Hill. Obama is pure; our leader is pure. And faith, sometimes, is more important than anything else.


“It’s my job to worship Him as he reveals to me what He’s already figured out.” Anthony Evans


ANTHONY EVANS // the bridge Hey, Anthony, your new project is on the way out, Tell us what to expect from this one? The only thing that I expect is for this record to help support what I consider to be the core of my career and that is connecting with my audience. Ok, The song “The Way you love me” is an excellent song “ It is the hurt that breaks me, it is the pain that pulls me to my knees and the tears they’ve changed me” Those words form a powerful statements. Where were you when you wrote this song and at what point in your life did these words become real? I had just ended and engagement and also was dealing with heartbreak brought on by one of my “best friends” completely deceiving me. I was literally at the end of myself. My heart was literally aching. I had to write that song as a reminder that if I would look close, in some way would see God loving me Let’s talk about the album for a minute; you dedicated the record to Greg, Blake and Jonathan P., Why? Greg, Blake and Jonathan have worked tirelessly to make sure that my career stays in tact and that I remain grounded. I appreciate them for that. Actually, since the time that I dedicated the record to them I lost my grandfather... I had the label change the dedication to him because it’s because of his life that I even do what I do now. Greg, Blake and Jonathan know about it and I know that they understand. When you decided to sit down to put this record together. What key people did you decided needed to be involved in this project? I decided that I was going to get involved with people that I knew I was going to have a good time with. I didn’t want to stress myself out or feel like I wasn’t in creative control. So... I just called up some friends. Nathan Nockels and Shawn Martin were my first calls. I really do consider them friends and although we did the record pretty fast we had a great time laughing and telling stories along the way. You were raised in a very structured and educated background, raised in church. Was there ever a point in your career that you felt like walking away from the music industry? The last couple years have been hard. There was a time when I sat down with my father and said “I’m done with it all”. I really meant it. I wanted to leave Christian music because of the amount of hurt I was experiencing. I had no answers to a lot of questions and blamed a lot of my hurt on God. I, since then have come to an understanding that it’s not my job to figure God out. It’s my job to worship Him as he reveals to me what He’s already figured out. That helped me get rid of my bitterness and trust Him to do what He said He would (Phil 1:6) What recording artist did you listen to growing up? I listened to a little bit of everything! Mostly Christian music (Sandi Patty, Larnell Harris, Commissioned, Andre Crouch...) They were big hits in my house and my parents played their records all the time!! Speaking of artists, Anthony, let’s talk about your sound, the younger generation wants the sound to be more hip with a fresh beat. Do you feel Christian music has become too secular? I do think that sonically some Christian music leans toward what is current in the secular industry,

but I don’t feel as if that is wrong as long as the lyric is clear. Being current helps artists to maintain a level of excellence and in my book there’s nothing wrong with that. Even when it comes to lyrics, I can’t judge anyone’s heart so as long as they know they aren’t compromising for the sake of being popular and what they are saying isn’t against scripture then... what they say and how they say it is their personal decision. What kind of things do you get involved with on your off time from music? I have a couple horses on a farm out here in Nashville. I know it sounds crazy but training/riding horses is my favorite past time. I also love being with my friends. What defines Anthony Evans style/swagger? Being authentic to my core. I want that to come out in every dimension of how I carry myself. I don’t want anyone to have to guess when it comes to what they’re getting with me. You grew up in Dallas, which has great food, Texas is known for it’s BBQ, and now you’re in Tennessee. How’s the BBQ there and what’s your favorite restaurant? The BBQ is alright!! But my favorite restaurants have come to be these little “hole in the wall” type places. “Barbaras Home Cooking” is at the top of the list. You walk into a house and Barbara says “Welcome ya’ll find a seat”. Now if that doesn’t define home cooking then I don’t know what does!! Anthony, simple question-What do you have on your ipod? Michael Buble, Gavin Degraw, Kirk Franlkin, India Arie, John Mayer... See I told you I listen to everything. Your music is awesome, God has blessed you and I know this CD will be a blessing to others, where can people get in touch with you and what’s next for you? You can always keep up with me at Next... I’m just hitting the road. I want everyone to check out the site and come see me!



AMBASSADORS This section introduces you to New Artist, Music, Authors, Ministries, Producers etc..

Ye are the salt of the earth Matthew 5:13


COLMANblue answer to a prayer photo and bio courtesy of colmanblue

OLMANblue is Kingdom-minded with a desire to share their musical talents to show others the face and love of God. A real answer to a prayer for all three of its members, Chrissy Katina, Kristin Schweain and Kelli Trontell "I am anticipating greatness and for the Lord to open doors and opportunities that we could not push through on our own," Kelli says., As they surrendered and laid down their careers, God picked it up and began to use them and their love of music for His purposes and plan. Chrissy and Kristin both former members of Christian girl group ZOEgirl. After selling over a million records, being honored with the Dove Award for Best New Artist, and touring with great artists and bands like TobyMac, Newsboys, Avalon, Natalie Grant and Jump5 for over 6 years, the group decided to explore other new musical opportunities on their own. During this time, Kristin wrote and recorded her solo CD, Days of Eden and Chrissy began laying the foundation for COLMANblue. After 2 years apart, they are so are so excited to be working together again. ZOEgirl undoubtedly left a mark on Christian music and today is no different for Chrissy and Kristin as they embark on this new journey with COLMANblue. Songwriter, Kelli co-wrote, “Right Here With Me,” which was selected out of 25,000 submissions as a Top 20 finalist for the first-ever American Idol Songwriter: a songwriting contest by American Idol Executive Producer Simon Fuller and 19 Entertainment during the hit show’s sixth season. Later that year, Kelli experienced another life-changing event serving on staff for the Luis Palau Nashville CityFest, which culminated with a celebration attended by nearly 100,000 in downtown Music City. During this season, God asked her to lay her musical ambitions down to “make Jesus famous.” Six months after the festival closed, Kelli answered a call from Chrissy to start a new group, which is now COLMANblue. Being very intentional with every step along the way, COLMANblue wants nothing more than to be completely dependent on the Lord as He directs each decision and their ultimate path. WWW.COLMANBLUE.COM



FOUR KORNERZ spreading the message of love photo and bio courtesy of four kornerz

very so often an iconic figure emerges one that needs no deliberate branding or over-stated introductions. This notion is totally expressed in the unforgettable Four Kornerz experience. Since 2004, Four Kornerz has established itself as one of the UK’s leading and brightest prospects for live music and entertainment, sharing the stage with broad spectrum of artists like Joss Stone, Lemar, Corinne Bailey Rae, London Community Gospel Choir, Karen Clark Sheard, Trin-i-tee 5:7, The Tribe, Blush UK, Sabrina (Misteeq) and Raymond & Co, Alexander Grove. The band is made up of four sibling brothers: Deji (27), TJ (25), Vidal (23) and Daniel (21) who combined stunning vocals with a fresh approach to music production embracing a variety of musical sounds from Funk, R&B, Soul and Jazz to more traditional Nigerian rhythms from their homeland. But it’s in the powerful backdrop of Gospel music that the band has honed its craft thanks to a strong Church upbringing and a genuine appreciation for the music form. With the ability to adapt and appeal to such contrasting music tastes these brothers are poised to take their exciting inspirational sounds to the four corners of the world. WWW.MYSPACE.COM/FOURKORNERZ



SPENSHA BAKER reflection of purity photo and bio courtesy of geffen records

pensha Baker is a young artist whose music conveys a deep, passionate message that is energizing, shying away from the typical every day songs. Her message in Spensha Baker’s debut, CD, OUTLOUD!, puts a new spin on contemporary music. “I named my album Outloud!, because that is the way I live my life: Openly. I want to succeed and fail out loud. I want to laugh out loud, breathe out loud, love out loud, and live out loud. Not only is this my personal anthem, but I’m positive it can be an anthem for everyone. It’s also the title track on my album.” Spensha digs deep within her soul on another stellar track, “Love Somebody.” A personal testimony, “Love Somebody” addresses the issue that one shouldn’t go through life without influencing people. “Life is about how you can impact someone’s life,” she believes. Another tune, “Purpose,” which has been playing on XM Satellite radio for a whole year, is a song that Spensha co-wrote with her mother when she was just 12 years old. “I found that I was starting to lose sight of what was important and thought I was greater than I am, so in that song, I apologized to God.” Having heard her sing, . One can tell from the first few moments of Spensha’s debut CD Out loud! That she could still hold her own even if the power went off in the studio and all the Instruments went silent. Her song “purpose”, makes me look on the inside of my own life, and reflect what God wants of me, I really love it. It’s refreshing to hear the purity of her voice and the lyrics combine. I also love “teach me”, This song has a smooth rhythm to it and strong words. You can feel the music It tells the story of a person’s growing day-by-day experience. I know Spensha’s album, has Gods blessings on it. There’s nothing soft about SPENSHA BAKER. Listen, and you will see. WWW.GEFFEN.COM/SPENSHABAKER



FAITH CHILD only a mustard seed photo and bio courtesy of faith child

ith over 10 years of experience in the industry and accolades involving the MOBO Awards, Channel U smash hits, and touring with American artists, any normal artist would gracefully accept the title of ‘veteran’...However we aren’t talking about any artist here, we are talking about ‘Faith Child’. Raised in the church, his faith as a child stood out and propelled him above his peers. At only 19 years of age he has shown that faith as small as a mustard seed can see you achieve what God has birthed within you. One could easily mistake Faith Child for just another rapper but in fact this is quite the contrary. A devout member of RCCG De-Vine Sanctuary in Croydon, Faith is more than a rapper...he is a born performer. A skilful drummer, a versatile MC as well as having a humorous disposition ensure his music is creative and innovative. Not to mention his skills in other areas of performing arts which include drama, dance and mime. His performing arts group ‘Trans4maz’ are a testament to this. Further reiterating that his selfless aim is too spread love and peace along with the word of God, he collaborates and shares his talents with many people. His dedicated mission has resulted in massive tours with the likes of Cross Movements singer, songwriter and producer J.R. He has also been on the road, and shared stages with Helen Baylor, The Ambassador, Lecrae, Eternal Excellence, Guvna B, Jahaziel, Simply Andy, Four Kornerz and more. Historic venues such as the Excel Exhibition Centre, Fairfield Halls, Hackney Empire and Catford Broadway theatre have experienced such tours. The single which features a bonus track produced by Victizzle can be purchased digitally from all major outlets including iTunes and Amazon. Humbly accepting the fruits of his labour are clearly exceptional, Faith Child points to Romans 10:17. ‘Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God’. Faith Child, who’s talented artistry can only be described as God given uses the word of God to positively inspire and empower all who listen. His ministry is more pointed towards the youth of today, saved and unsaved, bringing hope and an alternative to life which is Christ. WWW.MYSPACE.COM/FAITHCHILD



GROUP 1 CREW visionaries for Christ photo and bio courtesy of group 1 crew

self-professed entertainer, a pop diva, and a bona fide producer: that’s the makeup of breakout urban sensation Group 1 Crew, three everyday Latinos who rose above their circumstances and the middle-of the-road to become one of the most exciting aggregates in faith-based music. Ordinary Dreamers, the trio’s anticipated second album for Fervent Records, shatters any and all preconceptions created by their out-of-the-box, Dove-winning debut, Group 1 Crew, to position itself as one of the most unordinary offerings of the moment—an amalgam of rhythm and rhyme that takes the best of urban pop and hip-hop and turns them upside down. Produced by Christopher Stevens and Andy Anderson, Ordinary Dreamers is a snapshot of three visionaries encouraging others to never be complacent with the status quo, but to continually press forward and propel themselves towards the next plateau in their lives. Indeed, that’s a posture that Group 1 Crew—members Manwell, Blanca, and Pablo—have upheld since they first came together for Bible studies several years ago, a path to spiritual growth that eventually evolved into a promising career in music and ministry. Today, on the verge of yet another breakthrough with Ordinary Dreamers, Group 1 Crew wants their combined testimonies and victories to be a catalyst for all the dreamers who happen upon the group’s music. Pablo adds, “Now that we’re all living in that dream that we’ve all wanted to achieve, now it’s just become an even bigger dream, a bigger passion to use music as a stepping stone to advance the Kingdom and empower the generation that’s coming up behind us.”



BRANDON HEATH through His eyes photo and bio courtesy of brandon heath

inger songwriter Brandon Heath continues to inspire the music world with fresh new meaning to inspiration. It’s a simple but powerful. What if we look at others through the eyes of Jesus? Makes one think of his or her life’s future, and a life that comes only through dying to yourself and serving others. His new CD What if has inspired by the idea of making life a team effort through community “Every part of that phrase, ‘what if we,’ is important,” Heath says. “I don’t even look at it as incomplete – dot, dot, dot – because the ‘what if’ part is about possibilities, obviously. But the ‘we’ part is saying, ‘let’s do this together, let’s not do this alone.’” The opportunity to observe, process and act upon what he witnesses in the world surrounding him are the forte’ of great songwriting, something Brandon reassures on his second Reunion Records release, What If We. I like his creative lyrics in his song “give me your eyes”. He expresses walking in the shoes of GOD, so he can see, and understand what his purpose in life is. If we actually could see what GOD sees, I know life would be much different and more meaningful. I also love his other song “Wait and see”. In this song Brandon expresses his life’s flaws, and how he has a chance to be a better person, while God shapes and molds him to the perfect vessel. I recommend this album, for its powerful encouragement to a person with life’s struggles. WWW.BRANDONHEATH.COM



THE RUBYZ worthy role models photo and bio courtesy of The Rubyz

ere to fill a void in Christian music and cast some much-needed light in the current pop culture wasteland, this talented teen trio, which ranges in age from 13 to 17, was hand-picked from hundreds of hopefuls. As a flagship group for Advocate Entertainment’s iShine label, helmed by President and CEO Robert Beeson and Vice President Troy Collins, The Rubyz have support behind them that many aspiring artists can only dream of. In addition to their label, Dove Award-nominated artist Joy Williams has also been involved from the beginning, lending support, advice and her songwriting talent. For Beeson, a father of three girls, working with The Rubyz was a simple choice. “This younger market is hungry for music and they want something that applies to their lives, something that they can connect with,” he explains. “And as far as the Christian community is concerned, there is a real lack of music being made for this age group.” That won’t be the case for long. The Rubyz’ self-titled disc is scheduled to debut April 1, and the girls --Alexis, Marissa and Cammie - couldn’t be more excited to begin sharing their positive message with their peers. Their fresh, relatable pop-rock will resonate with kids, tweens and teens of all ages. In fact, you might even catch Mom singing along. Most importantly, The Rubyz pair a meaningful, moral message with an energetic, high-quality sound that holds its own next to chart-topping teen discs like High School Musical or Hannah Montana. Or as Alexis puts it: “Our sound is meaningful and fun all in one.” WWW.THERUBYZ.COM


“A worthy woman who can find? For her price is far above rubies.” Proverbs 31:10

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