PENALTIES for a., b., and c.— (1) A violator shall be given reasonable time to correct the situation. If it is not done, theBA violator S Eshall BAbeLejected L from the game. (2) If a play is made with illegal equipment, the offensive team has the choice of taking the play or having the play voided with the pitch being made again (see 8-6-b).
d� The pitcher’s glove may not be white or gray, exclusive of piping nor, in the judgment of the umpire, be distracting in any way�
2019 AND 2020 RULES
Extracted from NCAA Rule Book
PENALTY forGame, d.— APlayinG violator shall beand given reasonable time to correct the situation. Rule 1 / The Field equiPmenT 17 If it is not done, the violator shall be ejected from the game. Uniforms should become loose and the bat must be removed from the game, the same practice is toofbeallfollowed. Neither of these cause for SECTION 14� The uniforms participating players andinfractions coaches ofis the team batter shall be of thecalling same the color andout. style�
1) An institution’s uniform or an item of apparel (e�g�, team jersey, socks) that is worn by a student-athlete while representing the institution in intercollegiate baseball may contain only a single or VERSION 4 |manufacturer’s MARCH 2021 distributor’s logo or trademark on the outside of the apparel (regardless of the visibility of the logo or trademark)� The logo or trademark must be contained within a four-sided geometrical figure (e�g�, rectangle, square, parallelogram) that does not exceed 2¼ square inches� The item of apparel may contain more than one manufacturer’s or distributor’s logo or trademark on the inside of the apparel, provided the logo or trademark is not visible� 2) A single manufacturer’s or distributor’s logo or trademark, not to exceed 2¼ square inches, may appear on both the jersey and pants of a studentathlete’s uniform� 3) If an institution’s uniform or any item of apparel worn by a student-athlete in competition contains washing instructions on the outside of the apparel or on a patch that also includes the manufacturer’s or distributor’s logo or trademark, the entire patch must be contained within a four-sided, geometrical figure (e�g�, rectangle, square, parallelogram) that does not exceed 2¼ square inches� 4) The restriction on the size of a manufacturer’s or distributor’s logo or trademark is applicable to all apparel worn by student-athletes during the conduct of the institution’s competition, which includes any pregame or postgame activities (e�g�, postgame celebrations on the field, pregame or postgame press conferences) involving student-athletes�
g� ItBeginning 2020 NCAA segment for Division I and is requiredwith thatthe each team have Championship two sets of uniform jerseys of contrasting the 2021 NCAA Championship segmentteam for to Divisions II and III, uniform baseball colors� It is the responsibility of the visiting wear a contrasting battobarrel compression will team� be conducted prior to eachthat regular color the jersey worn bytesting the home It is recommended both season teams series or pregame single date of competition� All bats used in competition must wear the full or regular-game uniforms when entering the playing field� the barrelmust ringinclude test and barrel compression testing� Barrel compression a� pass All uniforms numbers on the back of the shirt� These numbers minimum standards for in bats produced with specific materials are developed shall be at least 6 inches height� the certification laboratory andor will published withshall the attach list of approved b� by Except for the standard shoe plate toebeplate, no player anything baseball bats� to the sole or heel of the shoe� Shoes with pointed metal spikes similar to golf or track shoes shall not be worn� Gloves or Mitts SECTION 13� a� The catcher may wear a glove or mitt of any dimension� b� The first baseman’s glove or mitt must not be more than 13 inches long or 8 inches wide� The webbing shall not be constructed so as to form a net type Rule 1 / The Game, PlayinG Field and equiPmenT 19 18 of trap� The length measurement Rule 1 / The PlayinGshall Field equiPmenT of Game, any glove/mitt beand from the bottom edge or heel straight up across the palm� The width measurement for the c� Polished metal or glass buttons shall be used onbase a uniform� a pitcher Protective Equipment first baseman’s mitt shall be from thenot center of the section If between the wears a helmet, must havetoa the nonglossy thumb and theitfirst finger outsidefinish� edge of the little finger� The crotch SECTION 15� a� Batter’s Helmet� It is required that every player wear a double areapart for the baseman’s exposed mitt shalltonot exceed inches in length, 4½ inches d� Any of first an undershirt view shall5 be of the same solid color earflap protective helmet while batting, on deck and running bases� No player in width the top andlengths 3½ inches the for base� other thanatwhite� Sleeve mayatvary each individual, but each player will be allowed to bat or run the bases without wearing such a helmet� All batting sleeves of the approximately length (torn or ragged sleeves helmets must bear the manufacturer’s certification indicating satisfaction of c� must Everywear player except catcher and the firstsame baseman is restricted to the use of a are prohibited)� sleeves, if worn a 8pitcher, be NOCSAE test standards� Helmets that are cracked, split or broken shall not be fielder’s glove notCompression-type more than 13 inches long nor moreby than inches must wide� For covered by anglove, undershirt� A uniform shall be notfrom contain pattern imitates worn� Tape of any kind on the helmet is not allowed and must be removed from the fielder’s the measurement the abase of thethat inside seam orofsuggests shape of aoutside baseball�edge of the little finger� These measurements the game� For speeding up play, it is recommended that the base runner continue the firstthe finger to the to wear the same helmet worn while batting� It is required that all designated notorexceed width under at the top and 3½ inches at isthethebase� e� Ashall player coach5¾ mayinches wear in a jacket the uniform top if it same nonroster (other than a coach and player) bat/ball person(s) wear a double earflap color as theforteam’s Only a pitcher may wear a jacket as an outer PENALTIES a., b.,undershirts� and c.— protective helmet while performing their duties� garment while a base shall runner� When worn, ittime is totobe buttoned or zipped� (1) Aasviolator be given reasonable correct the situation. If it A pitcher mayiswear a jacket theshall uniform top from whilethe batting� PENALTY—If an umpire observes a player wearing an illegal helmet before coming not done, theunder violator be ejected game. No other player is permitted to wear a jacket as the outer garment while a to bat, while at bat or while on base, the umpire shall instruct the player (2) If a play is made with illegal equipment, the offensiveserving team hasasthe base runner, a choice batter of or taking a defensive player� to change to a legal helmet without penalty. If the player refuses to the play or having the play voided with the pitch change helmets, the player shall be ejected from the contest. f� When coaching the made bases,again the uniform game jersey must be worn� If a team being (see 8-6-b). jacket or windshirt is worn, it must include the team’s official logo and be b� Catcher’s Throat Guard� It is required that all catchers have a built-in or d� consistent The pitcher’s may not be white orand gray,apparel� exclusive of piping nor,opt in the withglove the team’s uniform color If both coaches to attachable throat guard on their masks� judgment of the umpire, be distracting in any way� wear a jacket, the jackets must be uniform� At all other times, coaches are c� Catcher’s Helmet and Face Mask� It is required that all catchers shall wear a PENALTY forwear d.— aAteam-issued violator shalljacket be given reasonable time to correct the situation. allowed to or windshirt� protective helmet and face mask when fielding their position, warming up a If it is not done, the violator shall be ejected from the game. g� It is required that base coaches wear a helmet� Play will not continue until pitcher (i�e�, between innings) or catching in the bullpen� It is recommended compliance with this rule is met� It is recommended that the helmet meet that all catcher’s helmets bear the manufacturer’s certification indicating Uniforms NOCSAE14� standards� satisfaction of NOCSAE test standards� SECTION The uniforms of all participating players and coaches of the team h�shall A player or coach a team hat on the field� be of the same must color wear and style� PENALTY for b. and c.—The player shall not be allowed to catch but shall not be i� It In isaccordance witheach NCAA Bylaw ejected from the contest. required that team have12�5�4-(b): two sets of uniform jerseys of contrasting 1) AnIt institution’s uniformoforthe anvisiting item ofteam apparel (e�g�,a contrasting team jersey,uniform socks) colors� is the responsibility to wear d� Elbow Pads� (1) A player is permitted to wear one (1) elbow protection pad is jersey worn worn by a by student-athlete while thethat institution in color that to the the home team� It isrepresenting recommended both teams that does not exceed 10 inches in length, as measured when the pad is lying may contain onlywhen a single manufacturer’s or wear intercollegiate the full pregamebaseball or regular-game uniforms entering the playing field� flat� distributor’s logo or trademark on the outside of the apparel (regardless a� All uniforms must include numbers on the back of the shirt� These numbers 2) A nylon pad shall surround the shell of any elbow protection equipment� of the visibility of the logo or trademark)� The logo or trademark must shall be at least 6 inches in height� 3) No player may wear a nonstandard elbow protection pad, or any pad be contained withinshoe a four-sided figure b� Except for the standard plate or toegeometrical plate, no player shall(e�g�, attachrectangle, anything designed to protect the upper or lower arm, unless the player has an square, parallelogram) that does not exceed 2¼ square inches� The item of to the sole or heel of the shoe� Shoes with pointed metal spikes similar to golf existing elbow or other arm injury and the team carries with it the apparel may contain more than one manufacturer’s or distributor’s logo or or track shoes shall not be worn� following documentation: trademark on the inside of the apparel, provided the logo or trademark is a) A letter identifying the player and describing the nature of the injury not visible� and describing the proposed elbow protection pad; 2) A single manufacturer’s or distributor’s logo or trademark, not to exceed b) A physician’s report diagnosing the injury; and 2¼ square inches, may appear on both the jersey and pants of a studentc) A physician’s determination length of timeRULES the protective pad will be72 NCAA UNIFORM RULES | NCAAofUNIFORM BASEBALL athlete’s uniform� necessary� 3) If an institution’s uniform or any item of apparel worn by a student-athlete