Course Registration → Log in CUSIS
Click “Manage Class”
Class Search / Add to Cart → Choose the term →
Course information can be viewed by clicking the
Search by the course code/course name or Click
course. Mark down the class number of your de-
“Additional ways to search” then find among “Avail-
sired courses.
able Subjects”
When the access of shopping cart is opened, click
You are suggested to choose “waitlist if class is
your desired courses in “Class Search / Add to
full” so that you may have a second chance during
Cart” to add them into the shopping cart.
add/drop period. You will be enrolled in the class if someone drops the class.
Click “Shopping Cart / Enroll classes”. Use the “Validate” function to check if there is any time conflicts among your preferred courses and pre-
During add/drop period, add courses by above
requisites that have not been met.
procedures or use “Drop Classes” button to drop courses. “Swap Classes” function is for changing
Tick the courses you would like to take in the shop-
PE classes. To change to another tutorial class of
ping cart. Click “Enroll”.
the same course, click “Update class”.
To check whether you register the courses suc-
cessfully, click “Enrollment status”.
Prepare other options of courses, so you can register for those courses if classes of your first priority are full.