Chinese University Student Press - 2020 Orientation Booklet - English Version

Page 26

The Highs and Lows

Navigating University Life with Bipolar disorder By Tanya Sinha Every freshman comes to the university with a set of expec-

help, but seeking help is so much harder when you feel like

tations: friends, freedom and whether they like to admit it

there is something inherently wrong with you. You seek ac-

or not, romance. I was no different. When I first visited the

ceptance for who you are but you feel so flawed you reject

campus from India, I was enthralled. The magnificent gar-


dens, the clean architecture, the modern yet traditional landscaping made me fall in love with the campus almost instan-

One thing University life affords you in spades is freedom.

taneously. Navigating life in CU, however, was not as easy as

In the absence of a rigid structure, you're free to live your

falling in love with its beauty. Like any relationship, it was

life as you please. You feel the urge to let go, to live life unin-

fraught with ups and downs. As your professor in UGFN will

hibited. I know I did. When the mania set on, I felt godlike. I

teach you, life is composed of Yin and Yang. The good and the

partied hard and frequently, stayed up for nights on end and

bad. The difference made even more stark with a condition

aced my essays. I had peaked. I lived and I lived recklessly. I

like Bipolar Disorder.

made friends with strangers at LKF, dated a series of men I never wanted to commit to and worked out at the state-of-art

I started college as a young girl full of life and energy. I at-

Uni gym like I was training for the Olympics. I smoked like a

tended school regularly and had a diverse group of friends.

chimney, drank like a fish and studied like a scholar. My life

However, what no one tells you about that the first year in

had no balance. I knew there was something wrong with me.

University is how lonely it can get. You're surrounded by peo-

But I felt so powerful, what could possibly be wrong? My con-

ple you've never met, you feel the pressure to get out of your

fidence soared during those manic episodes. I truly felt like

comfort zone and socialize, you put on a happy go lucky mask

acing my economics midterm edged me closer to becoming

so as that you are liked and accepted. You desperately look for

the next Warren Buffet.

a connection beyond acquaintances. And eventually, you find one. Life in University will feel lonely, but here, you will also

I finally sought help in my third year of college. The medica-

meet your best friends. You will yearn for home and familiar-

tion helped my condition significantly. It eliminated the er-

ity; however, you have to have the courage to move forward

ratic pattern of my mood swings, helping me set into a regular

and start anew.

routine. Therapy helped me regain my confidence. I learned how to trust myself. I realized I was worthy of love despite my

Living with mental illness made the adjustment much harder

condition. Soon after, I settled into a stable relationship with

for me. Being a part of a different culture, miles away from

a supportive, loving man. I met my best friend, my soulmate.

my homeland, I felt alienated and alone. The loneliness can get overbearing. I struggled to put on the happy mask that ev-

Bipolar disorder affects every 1 in 10 adults. Given those sta-

eryone now associated me with. I withdrew from my friends

tistics, someone reading this has felt the way I have felt. They

for days on end, watching Netflix in a dark room, thinking

have felt devastated and broken. They have felt agitated and

about the issues I had left unresolved back in India. Life was

out of control. This article is love to them. To help them un-

a struggle. I weathered on beaten and broken, wondering why

derstand that they do not have to suffer alone, that no matter

I was cursed to feel the way I did. It's incredibly hard to talk

how hard life gets, there is someone out there who under-

about a mental illness, despite the monumental effort made

stands their struggle.

by our University to generate awareness. You're yearning for


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