February Newsletter

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February 2014 | Volume IV | |ssue Xi

Key Club | CVHS The Official Newsletter Key Club International | CNH DISTRICT | Region 7 | Division 3N

Message From Your Editor . . .1 Core Board Elections. . . 3

DCON Information. . . 7 Member of the Month. . .9

Officer of the Month. . .10

Stuff You Should Know . . .11

Calendar/Contact Info . . . 12 1

In This Issue...

D3N Ice Skating Social. . . 5

A Message from Your editor! Hello Key Clubbers! Hello everyone I hope the first month of the new semester is doing you well! This month although there weren’t too many events set up for you but I still hope you made an effort to lend a hand to our home school and community. The month of February is usually connected to love and passion so I hope with every time you go to an event or do community service, you do it with much love and passion. Key Club isn’t just about service but it’s about being a family and being a good friend and caring for one another so the don’t forget to appreciate what someone has done for you whether it was little or small. Moving on, this month we had not only our very chilly yet exciting Division 3 North ice skating social at Pickwick Ice Skating Rink. Despite the lack of attendees, the members were able to bond and become closer with one another. We also had the yearly officer elections, but this year it was done differently. We are having two separate elections, one for core board and one for non-core board. To find out the results please to page 3. I would like to thank all the runners in the election on behalf of the officer board. Whether you got the position you wanted or not, you are still awesome and many other great things will happen in the future! I hope to see you all at upcoming events so until then I hope you have a GOLDEN month!

Marianne Lagasca Bulletin Editor 2013-14


Past Events . . .


Core Board Elections

@ Crescenta Valley High School On Friday January 30, officers and with the help of some of our members, our Lieutenant Governor elect (Dean Wyryzkowski), and our Lieutenant Governor (Jacqueline Tsang), we came together to vote for the 2014-2015 core board. The voters listened diligently and focused their attention solely on the runners in order to vote for the who they thought would be the best candidate the position. Every runner put their all by first giving short a well-written speech then having a 6-minute caucus after where voters asked questions in order to better understand who they were and what visions they had if they were to have the position. By Saturday, the votes were tallied up and our president Corliss Kanazawa announced the lucky runners to represent Crescenta Valley Key Club in the upcoming year. Congratulations to Natalia Emmanuel (president), Sean Gedorio( vice president), John Shin (vice president), Evelyn Boodagians (secretary), Jemma Kwak (treasurer), and Johann Park (bulletin Editor)! We wish you luck and hope you bring our club much success and happiness! We have completely faith and trust in you and in the next few months, the current core board will teach you everything that you need to know! Oh and don’t mess up!


Past Events . . . On the Saturday of February at 2:00 P.M., Key Club members had the opportunity to take part in a Key Club social at the Pickwick Ice Skating Rink that not only included the Crescenta Valley Key Club but the entirety of Division 3 North. The event started off with members going to try to find themselves a pair of ice skates perfect for the job. Once Key Clubbers were successful in securing the skates to their feet, it was time for the main event, attempting to survive on the ice without falling. Some members were able to glide and do tricks with the poise and grace of a swan while others experienced great difficulty staying up from the ice cold floor, these members were forced to find their sanctuary by holding onto the walls of the rink. Despite the constant falls of members everywhere, it was obvious that everyone was having a great time. Members were able to socialize and befriend fellow members who, despite being strangers, had all the same morals and values that come along with being able to be a devoted member of the friendship catalyst that is Key Club. There was no need for anyone to be shy, at the event; no one was there to judge or criticize. Also, even though everyone treated this event as just a hang out session with good friends, in the process, money was raised for Key Club that is needed to create more experiences just like this one. Any activity would have been great for the members to connect, but ice skating allowed further connection through the fact that Starfish who already knew how skate, were able to pass on their knowledge and expertise to their new Starfish friends who needed a bit of help. These experiences and events are an essential part to the life that comes with being in Key Club and factually, everyone always looks forward to them.


D3N Ice Skating Social

@ Pickwick Ice Skating Rink


Come join the annual hosting of the CNH (CalNew-Ha) District Convention! Meet up with thousands of Key Clubbers around three states over a fun filled 3-day period! Don’t miss out! This year we will have one of the cheapest prices for attendance, thanks to the relatively nearby convention center chosen this year! Date: April 11-13th Location: Sacramento Convention Center

$178 registration )includes foo accommodations for LTGs, te 

$90 for hotel 1 


$55 for Transportation fee (tr 

Checks for regi go you M BERS D Attende form

1st Payment

od for 3 days, t-shirt, program, pins, ribbons, entertainment, ech, stage, facility, administration, etc. Literally everything that’s there) 170 (highest hotel rate)/ 4 people x 2 nights  Total—$268 Due January 21st – February 5th

2nd Payment

ransportation + accommodations for bus driver + gratuity) Due TBA (beginning of April)

***VERY IMPORTANT*** s ONLY. Two separate checks. One istration and one for hotel. Also to MUST HAVE PAID YOUR CLUB MEMDUES (need your membership ID#). ees must turn in a code of conduct for registration (link on FB page)

Article By


Jaeho Lee

Member of the Month

Starting things off great for the new year of 2014, Ivan Bautista, senior, has been a spectacular and exemplary Key Clubber. Ivan is very gentle and kind in heart, and he’s a guy one can approach and smile with...not to mention that he loves to dance as well! Like much of our members, Ivan attends all the meetings and has the will to do the events provided by our club. But I must say that Ivan stands out because of his high persistence to work diligently for the club and the community. Ivan holds this aspect that we all value and he demonstrates it whenever he asks questions to the officers and when he desires to know beyond what’s just the schedule for the event. He was even at the Division 3 North Ice Skating Social, and showed that he doesn’t give up in skating either (though it was his first time trying)! The strength to carry on despite any circumstances and the immunity to giving up inspires may of us, and we, too, hope to achieve the persistence that Ivan has as an outstanding member!

Officer of the Month

Capable, dedicated, and enthusiastic are all the words that describe Evelyn in our Key Club family. She never ceases to smile and say hello to everyone she meets and passes on the same bright spirit in every meeting and volunteer events. This month she has once more accomplished an outstanding job in her position as project chair, planning, and supervising three events for January, and has already begun to plan two more for the month of February. Going above and beyond her expectations, Evelyn has showed herself to be the most outstanding officer in this month of January. Evelyn has recently been elected as our new secretary for the year 2014-2015. Evident from her excellent responsibility, she will once more excel in her position and continue to shine as a model officer and member of our Kiwanis Family.

Article By

David Kim 10

Dates to Remember

Stuff To Know . . .

Ice skating social (past event)


Non-core board election—February 7th after school in Mr. Gregorian’s room 7304 March events: Western Round Up—March 1st 9:30AM—3PM at the La Canada Community Center. Contact Evelyn Boodagians to sign up (evelyn@cvkeyclub.com) LA Marathon—March 9th 6:30AM—12:30PM. To sign up go to http://www.doitsports.com/volunteer/ join-protected-group.tcl?event_id=221 password is cvrocks. Choose CVHS Key Club as organization

February Calendar Sun






Sat 1




























On-Going Projects Contact Info Comments? Questions? Concerns? President | Corliss Kanazawa Email: Corliss@cvkeyclub.com Number: 818-632-9379 Officer VP | David Kim Email: david@cvkeyclub.com Number: 818-455-2939 Member VP | Jaeho Lee Email: joshlee@cvkeyclub.com Number: 818-935-4428 Secretary | Rosa Kwak Email: rosa@cvkeyclub.com Number: 541-579-1055 Treasurer | Kaitline Cho Email: kaitline@cvkeyclub.com Number: 818-640-5476 Bulletin Editor | Marianne Lagasca Email: Marianne@cvkeyclub.com Number: 818-726-3339

Calendar/Contacts . . .

Can Tabs Collect can tabs for charity.Place your tabs in an envelop or plastic bag, and clearly label it with your name and grade.Every 50 can tabs will equate to 1 hr of service. Recycling When you have collected cans and bottles, recycle them at your local Albertson's.Every $3 earned will equate to 1 hr of service. Articles Write an article about an event you have attended and email it to our bulletin editor at marianne@cvkeyclub.com. Every 2 articles will equate to 1 hour of key club credit. Pictures Email the pictures to either cole@cvkeyclub.com or alyssa@cvkeyclub.com, respectively. A variety of 15 pictures will equate to one hour of key club credit. Videos The length needs to around 1-3 minutes and follow graphic standards. Email it to videos@cvkeyclub.com


| keyclub.org | cnhkeyclub.org

2900 Community Avenue La Crescenta, CA 91214 USA (818) 249-5871 | cvkeyclub.com

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