October Newsletter

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October 2013 | Volume IV | |ssue VII

Key Club | CVHS The Official Newsletter Key Club International | CNH DISTRICT | Region 7 | Division 3N

Message From Your Editor . . .1 Pops Concert . . . 3

Region 7 Training Conference. . . 7

Member of the Month. . .9

Officer of the Month. . .10

Stuff You Should Know . . .11


Calendar/Contact Info . . . 12

In This Issue...

Club Expo. . . 5

A Message from Your editor! Hello Key Clubbers! This month has been hectic as ever since this is the time for member recruitment, paying dues, and getting everything to a smooth start. I know the upcoming months will be really busy especially for you seniors out there (college applications! Good luck!) but don’t forget to take a break once in a while! Don’t overwork or stress yourself out! It’s not good for you! For this month we have a lot of events planned for you guys so I hope to see all your lovely faces so my historians and I can capture it with our cameras! Some of the events are the Duck Splash, AIDS walk, and the Rock ‘n Roll mini marathon. Get ready for this event filled month! When you go to these events don’t forget to bring a sweater and maybe a scarf because the wonderful season of wind, warm colors, pumpkin spice, and everything nice is starting soon! See you all next month! Yours truly,

Marianne Lagasca Bulletin Editor 2013-14


Past Events . . .


Pops Conert

@ Arboretum in Pasadena As the last POPS concert of the summer. Crescenta Valley’s Key clubbers gathered together once last time to volunteer at one of our regular events. As a team we first worked hard to cover the tables with coverings and place them properly over it. We then set up an assembly line in order to fill in the pamphlets with papers full of information for our guests. Also, we filled in the trash cans with bags. We then took a small break to cool down and drink plenty of water to stay dehydrated form the burning heat. After that we stayed in our favorite spot, the VIP section, to welcome our guests for the night. When the guests started to arrive we quickly got on our feet and asked them kindly if they needed help carrying their items to their respective tables. It’s always a pleasure to see the smile on a person’s face when we carefully carry their items. Sometimes the people are so honored that they provide us with a very generous tip. As the concert came to a close, we gathered all the trash, tables clothes, and other necessities and safely packed them away. The POPS concert will always be one of our favorite events to volunteer at so the members can’t wait until summers arrive again. We’ll just have to settle for the winter concert for now!


Past Events . . . 1st General Meeting

@ Crescenta Valley North Gym The first general meeting of the 2013-2014 school year was a great success, there were both new and old faces alike but all were excited to be there. As people began to enter the gym, officers would greet them with smiling faces and a cookie to try and get them in a good attitude and as people began to take their seats they also began to socialize which was a sign that they were happy and comfortable being there. Once all the late comers had taken their seats as well, the officers began making the rounds of introducing themselves to their fellow members which received a welcome response. As an officer, while introducing myself, what made me excited for the coming year and what I thought was important was that every member sitting in the stands what genuinely there because they wanted to be. They arrived out of their own free will with only the light persuasion of cookies which I thought was amazing. Anyways, at this point, Corliss began explaining what Key Club was exactly and what it did for the surrounding community which she did with great charisma and experience. While many of the members had decided to stand in front of the members, some interactive officers decided to sit among the audience of members which received a laugh during introductions but also expressed a sense of unity among all participants of Key Club. By the end of Corliss’s speech, the meeting began to draw to a close. As members began to leave, they signed in with their respective representatives and left ready to return for the general meeting two weeks later. Overall the meeting went fantastically and prepared everyone for the year to come.



ticle By

Cole Lauterback 6



Region 7 training conference was full of learning, cheering, and inspiration wrapped up all in one day. It’s a day where everyone, whether they are members or officers, gather together to learn more about being a better leader, person, and friend. Many arrived promptly at 9:00AM in order to sign in with their division. The day started off with a general meeting in the school’s cafeteria. We listened to an inspiring speech about how to be a better public speaker. We then started on attending our respective workshops that will be held by the LTGs of each division. The workshops varied from information about Circle K, time managing, member retention, and about different officer positions. After the workshops, we gathered outside again to socialize while eating delicious pizza. During that time we were able to meet up with old friends and meet new ones as well. After having a small meal, the spirit battles started to begin. Each division brought out the best cheers they had and battled it out. After calmly putting an end to the cheers, each division went into a certain classroom to have their monthly division council meeting. We discussed our past events and future events to come. The last thing we did was we held a raffle for the members to win a variety of unique items. Some of the items given away were a R7 sweat shirt, t-shirts from different definitions, lanyards, and a signed prom picture from our district treasurer! Training conferences are always a blast and I know we all can’t wait to attend again next year!

NFERENCE September 28 @ John Burroughs HS


Article By


Jaeho Lee

Member of the Month

She is very important to our Key Club, while she and her posses provide the community with the best service! This month, we would like to recognize Alicia Kang! Alicia has been a dedicated Key Clubber ever since freshman year and she still continues to serve with a big heart. She is very cooperative in that she enjoys working with her friends around her! Also, Alicia is always present at our club meetings, notably at our very first meeting on the 19th, who again came along with her buddies! Alicia has also been attending all possible events provided including volunteer work at a POPS Concert and especially the Regional Training Conference, where she helped to represent our division with her passionate, serving background! We are proud to have Alicia as an outstanding member at our club, and we always sure look forward to having Alicia in our upcoming events as she chills with her homies while doing community service!

Officer of the Month

Capable, dedicated, and enthusiastic are all the words that describe Evelyn in our Key Club family. She never ceases to smile and say hello to everyone she meets and passes on the same bright spirit in every meeting and volunteer events. This month she has excelled in her position as project chair, planning two events for September and already setting up three more for the month of October. Going above and beyond her expectations. Evelyn has showed herself to be the most outstanding officer this month of September. Being an active leader in the Kiwanis family since Builder’s Club as its president and now taking up her role as an outstanding project chair in Key Club. Evelyn with her dedication to service and her spirit for helping others exemplifies a true member of the Kiwanis family.

Article By

David Kim 10

Dates to Remember

Stuff To Know . . .

10/12 Duck Splash (10AM-2PM) and DCM (2PM)— Sign up with Angela Kwon for the duck splash. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to attend this DCM if you plan on attending Fall Rally.


UNICEF boxes—get on at our general meeting or ask an officer for one 10/17 Writing letters to soldiers for Operation Gratitude— After school @ Grill on the Hill Supplies will be provided. One letters = 0.5 hours 10/27 Rock ‘n Roll Mini Marathon (5:30AM12:30PM)—Sign up with John Shin with your address, phone number, emergency contact, emergency contact number, and T-Shirt size 10/13 AIDS Walk (7AM-4PM)—This is a regional event so please sign up online please sign with our REGION

October Calendar Sun






































On-Going Projects Contact Info Comments? Questions? Concerns? President | Corliss Kanazawa Email: Corliss@cvkeyclub.com Number: 818-632-9379 Officer VP | David Kim Email: david@cvkeyclub.com Number: 818-455-2939 Member VP | Jaeho Lee Email: joshlee@cvkeyclub.com Number: 818-935-4428 Secretary | Rosa Kwak Email: rosa@cvkeyclub.com Number: 541-579-1055 Treasurer | Kaitline Cho Email: kaitline@cvkeyclub.com Number: 818-640-5476 Bulletin Editor | Marianne Lagasca Email: Marianne@cvkeyclub.com Number: 818-726-3339

Calendar/Contacts . . .

Can Tabs Collect can tabs for charity.Place your tabs in an envelop or plastic bag, and clearly label it with your name and grade.Every 50 can tabs will equate to 1 hr of service. Recycling When you have collected cans and bottles, recycle them at your local Albertson's.Every $3 earned will equate to 1 hr of service. Articles Write an article about an event you have attended and email it to our bulletin editor at marianne@cvkeyclub.com. Every 2 articles will equate to 1 hour of key club credit. Pictures Email the pictures to either cole@cvkeyclub.com or alyssa@cvkeyclub.com, respectively. A variety of 15 pictures will equate to one hour of key club credit. Videos The length needs to around 1-3 minutes and follow graphic standards. Email it to videos@cvkeyclub.com


| keyclub.org | cnhkeyclub.org

2900 Community Avenue La Crescenta, CA 91214 USA (818) 249-5871 | cvkeyclub.com

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