Bwletin i Ddysgwyr - Chwefror 2021

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Shwd dych chi?

Shwd dych chi?

Gobeithio eich bod chi'n cadw'n dda ac yn bwysica oll yn cadw'n ddiogel.

I hope you’re keeping well and most importantly of all keeping safe.

Wel, mae lot fawr wedi digwydd ers y Bwletin diwetha ychydig cyn y Nadolig. Roedd rhaid i lawer iawn ohonon ni newid ein cynlluniau teithio i weld annwyliaid ac wrth gwrs dyn ni’n dal yn y cyfnod clo. Dyn ni wedi gweld llawer o bethau trist ar y cyfryngau. Mae’n gyfnod anodd i bawb.

Well, a lot has happened since the last Bulletin just before Christmas. Many of us had to change our travel plans to see loved ones and of course we are still in lockdown. We've seen a lot of sad things on the media. It's a difficult time for everyone.

Wrth i ni agosáu at hanner tymor mawr obeithio bod chi’n dal i fwynhau dysgu Cymraeg gyda Dysgu Cymraeg Gwent. Wi’n gwybod yn iawn bod chi wedi bod yn gweithio’n galed iawn arlein ar Zoom/TEAMS/Skype yn eich dosbarthiadau ac wrth gwrs yn ein gweithgareddau Cefnogi Dysgwyr. Da iawn chi! Plîs cymerwch ychydig o amser (tua 5 munud) i lenwi’r holiadur – manylion yn y Bwletin – mae’n bwysig bod chi, dysgwyr Dysgu Cymraeg Gwent yn cael y cyfle i fynegi’ch barn am ddysgu Cymraeg yn ardal Gwent. Mae cyfle hefyd i chi ennill tocyn llyfr gwerth £50 i’r 500 cyntaf i wneud yr holiadur. Felly ewch amdani! Diolch yn fawr iawn am eich amser.

Hoffwn i ddiolch yn fawr iawn i chi am eich cefnogaeth i ni yn Dysgu Cymraeg Gwent a’ch dyfalbarhad yn dysgu Cymraeg. Fel dwedais i yn y Bwletin diwetha, mae’n bwysig ceisio cofio pa mor bell dych chi wedi dod gyda’ch dysgu ers i chi ddechrau. Mae dysgu Cymraeg fel y môr – ar ben y tonnau dych chi’n teimlo’n hapus iawn ac weithiau dych chi’n llai hapus – lan a lawr fel y môr. Mae hyn i gyd yn rhan o’r broses ddysgu. Gobeithio y gwelwch chi rywbeth yn y Bwletin hwn a fydd o werth a help i chi. Mae llawer o wybodaeth, cyngor a syniadau i’ch helpu chi gyda’r dysgu. Cofiwch gadw mewn cysylltiad â ni os dyn ni’n gallu bod o help i chi. Dyn ni yma i’ch helpu.

Mwynhewch eich hanner tymor! Cadwch yn ddiogel. Geraint

As we approach half term we hope you’re continuing to enjoy learning Welsh with Learn Welsh Gwent. I know very well that you have been working very hard online on Zoom/TEAMS/ Skype in your classes and of course in our Learner Support activities. Da iawn chi! Please take a little time (about 5 minutes) to complete the questionnaire - details in the Bulletin - it is important that you, Learn Welsh Gwent learners have the opportunity to express your views on learning Welsh in the Gwent area. You also have the chance to win a £50 book token for the first 500 to complete the questionnaire. So go for it! Thank you very much for your time. I would like to thank you very much for your support of us at Learning Welsh Gwent and your perseverance in learning Welsh. As I said in the last Bulletin, it's important to try to remember how far you've come with your learning since you started. Learning Welsh is like the sea - on the top of the waves you feel very happy and sometimes you are not so happy - up and down like the sea. It's all part of the learning process. We hope you’ll find something worthwhile and help to you in this Bulletin. There is lots of information, advice and ideas to help you with your learning.

Please keep in touch if we can help you. We're here to help you. Enjoy your half term! Keep safe. Geraint



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